AnyData/Format/ 370
AnyData/Format/ 1260
AnyData/Format/ 260
AnyData/Format/ 940
AnyData/Format/ 1880
AnyData/Format/ 800
AnyData/Format/ 1360
AnyData/Format/ 930
AnyData/Format/ 770
AnyData/Format/ 710
AnyData/Format/ 700
AnyData/Format/ 730
AnyData/Format/ 1030
AnyData/Format/ 10810
AnyData/Storage/ 3000
AnyData/Storage/File.pod 780
AnyData/Storage/ 1080
AnyData/Storage/ 490
AnyData/Storage/ 3770
AnyData/Storage/ 1720
Changes 1421
META.json 1241
META.yml 1117
Makefile.PL 41113
lib/AnyData/Format/ 037
lib/AnyData/Format/ 0126
lib/AnyData/Format/ 026
lib/AnyData/Format/ 094
lib/AnyData/Format/ 0188
lib/AnyData/Format/ 080
lib/AnyData/Format/ 0136
lib/AnyData/Format/ 093
lib/AnyData/Format/ 077
lib/AnyData/Format/ 071
lib/AnyData/Format/ 070
lib/AnyData/Format/ 073
lib/AnyData/Format/ 0103
lib/AnyData/Format/ 01081
lib/AnyData/Storage/ 0300
lib/AnyData/Storage/File.pod 078
lib/AnyData/Storage/ 0108
lib/AnyData/Storage/ 049
lib/AnyData/Storage/ 0377
lib/AnyData/Storage/ 0172
lib/ 14511451
t/htmltable.out 10
t/xml.out 00
xt/distribution.t 170
xt/kwalitee.t 60
xt/manifest.t 90
xt/pod-coverage.t 220
xt/pod-snippets.t 120
xt/pod.t 120
xt/spelling.t 480
56 files changed (This is a version diff) 50265009
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Base;
-# AnyData driver for plain text files
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG );
-$DEBUG = 0;
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self = shift || {};
-    $self->{record_sep} ||= "\n";
-###    $self->{slurp_mode} = 1 unless defined $self->{slurp_mode};
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub DESTROY {
-    # print "PARSER DESTROYED"
-sub get_data     { undef }
-sub storage_type { undef }
-sub init_parser  { undef }
-sub write_fields {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my @ary = @_;
-    return \@ary;
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $aryref = shift;
-    return @$aryref;
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::CSV;
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-=head1 NAME
- AnyData::Format::CSV - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to CSV data
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adTable( 'CSV', $filename,'r',$flags );
- while (my $row = each %$table) {
-    print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('table1','CSV', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. It will read column names from the first row of the file, or accept names passed by the user.  In addition to column names, the user may set other options as follows:
-  col_names   : a comma separated list of column names
-  eol         : the end of record mark, \n by default
-  quote_char  : the character used to quote fields " by default
-  escape_char : the character used to escape the quote char, " by default
-If you are using this with DBD::AnyData, put ad_ in front of the flags, e.g.
-Please refer to the documentation for and
-for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::CSV::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self  = shift ||  {};
-    my $s = ${self}->{field_rsep} || ${self}->{field_sep} || q(,);
-    my $s1 = $s;
-    #$s1 =~ s/\\/\\\\/ if $s1 =~ /\+$/;
-    #$s1 =~ s/\+$//;
-    #die $s1;
-    ${self}->{field_sep}          ||= q(,);
-    my $q = ${self}->{quote}      ||= q(");
-    my $e = ${self}->{escape}     ||= q(");
-    ${self}->{record_sep}         ||= qq(\n);
-    $self->{regex} = [
-        qr/$q((?:(?:$e$q)|[^$q])*)$q$s?|([^$s1]+)$s?|$s/,
-        "$e$q",
-        $q
-    ];
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str  = shift || return undef;
-    my @fields = ();
-    my $captured;
-    my $field_wsep = $self->{field_wsep} || $self->{field_sep};
-    if ($self->{trim}) {
-        $str =~ s/\s*($field_wsep)\s*/$1/g;
-    }
-    while ($str =~ m#$self->{regex}->[0]#g) {
-         $captured = $+;
-         $captured =~ s/$self->{regex}[1]/$self->{regex}[2]/g if $captured;
-         last if $captured && $captured eq "\n";
-         push(@fields,$captured);
-     };
-     push(@fields, undef) if substr($str,-1,1) eq $field_wsep;
-     return @fields;
-sub write_fields {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my @fields = @_;
-    my $str    = '';
-    my $field_rsep = $self->{field_rsep} || $self->{field_sep};
-    $field_rsep = quotemeta($field_rsep);
-    my $field_wsep = $self->{field_sep};
-    $field_wsep =~ s/\\//g;
-#    if ($self->{ChopBlanks}) {
-#        $field_wsep =~ " $field_wsep ";
-#    }
-    for (@fields) {
-        $_ = '' if !defined $_;
-        if ($self->{field_sep} eq ',') {
-            s/"/""/g;
-            s/^(.*)$/"$1"/s if /,/ or /\n/s or /"/;
-	}
-        $str .= $_ . $field_wsep;
-    }
-    $str =~ s/$self->{field_sep}$/$self->{record_sep}/;
-    return $str;
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::FileSys;
-# AnyData driver for plain text files
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG );
-@AnyData::Format::FileSys::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$DEBUG = 0;
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self = shift || {};
-    $self->{rec_sep}   ||= "\n";
-    $self->{keep_first_line} = 1;
-    $self->{storage} = 'FileSys';
-    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Fixed;
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-=head1 NAME
- AnyData::Format::Fixed - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Fixed length data
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adHash( 'Fixed', $filename,'r',{pattern=>'A20 A2'} );
- while (my $row = each %$table) {
-     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('table1','Fixed', $filename, {pattern=>'A20 A2'},'ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This is a parser for fixed length record files.  You must specify an unpack pattern listing the widths of the fields e.g. {pattern=>'A3 A7 A20'}.  You can either supply the column names or let the module get them for you from the first line of the file.  In either case, they should be a comma separated string.
-Refer to L<> for the formatting of the pattern.
-Please refer to the documentation for and
-for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::Fixed::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str  = shift;
-    if (!$self->{pattern}) {
-      print "NO UNPACK PATTERN SPECIFIED!"; exit;
-    } 
-    my @fields = unpack $self->{pattern}, $str;
-    if ($self->{trim}) {
-        @fields = map {s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_} @fields;
-    }
-    return @fields;
-sub write_fields {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my @fields = @_;
-    my $fieldNum =0;
-    my $patternStr = $self->{pattern} || '';
-    $patternStr =~ s/[a-zA-Z]//gi;
-    my @fieldLengths = split /\s+/, $patternStr;
-    my $fieldStr = '';
-    for(@fields) {
-        next unless defined $_;
-        my $oldLen = length $_ || 0;
-        my $newLen =  $fieldLengths[$fieldNum] || 0;
-        if ($oldLen < $newLen) { $_ = sprintf "%-${newLen}s",$_; }
-        if ($oldLen > $newLen) { $_ = substr $_, 0, $newLen; }
-        $fieldNum++;
-        $fieldStr .= $_;
-    }
-    $fieldStr .= $self->{record_sep};
-#print "<$fieldStr>";
-    return $fieldStr;
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::HTMLtable;
-# by Jeff Zucker <>
-# copyright 2000 all rights reserved
-=head1 NAME
-HTMLtable - tied hash and DBI/SQL access to HTML tables
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adHash( 'HTMLtable', $filename );
- while (my $row = each %$table) {
-    print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('table1','HTMLtable', $filename,'ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This module allows one to treat the data contained in an HTML table as
-a tied hash (using or as a DBI/SQL accessible database
-(using  Both the tiedhash and DBI interfaces allow
-one to read, modify, and create HTML tables from perl data or from local or
-remote files.
-The module requires that CGI, HTML::Parser and HTML::TableExtract are installed.
-When reading the HTML table, this module is essentially just a pass
-through to Matt Sisk's excellent HTML::TableExtract module.
-If no flags are specified in the adTie() or ad_catalog() calls, then TableExtract is called with depth=0 and count=0, in other words it finds the first row of the first table and treats that as the column names for the entire table.  If a flag for 'cols' (column names) is specified in the adTie() or ad_catalog() calls, that list of column names is passed to TableExtract as a headers parameter.  If the user specifies flags for headers, depth, or count, those are passed directly to TableExtract.
-When exporting to an HTMLtable, you may pass flags to specify properties
- of the whole table (table_flags), the top row containing the column names
- (top_row_flags), and the data rows (data_row_flags).  These flags follow
- the syntax of table constructors, e.g.:
- print adExport( $table, 'HTMLtable', {
-     table_flags    => {Border=>3,bgColor=>'blue'};
-     top_row_flags  => {bgColor=>'red'};
-     data_row_flags => {valign='top'};
- });
- The table_flags will default to {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'} if none
- are specified.
- The top_row_flags will default to {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'} if none are 
- specified;
- The data_row_flags will be empty if none are specified.
- In other words, if no flags are specified the table will print out with
- a border of 1, the column headings in gray, and the data rows in white.
- CAUTION: This module will *not* preserve anything in the html file except
- the selected table so if your file contains more than the selected table,
- you will want to use adTie() or $dbh->func(...,'ad_import') to read the 
-table and then adExport() or $dbh->func(...,'ad_export') to write
- the table to a different file.  When using the HTMLtable format, this is the
- only way to preserve changes to the data, the adTie() command will *not*
- write to a file.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use AnyData::Storage::File;
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::HTMLtable::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self  = shift ||  {};
-    $self->{export_on_close} = 1;
-    $self->{slurp_mode} = 1;
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub storage_type { 'RAM'; }
-sub import {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $data = shift;
-    my $storage = shift;
-    return $self->get_data($data,$self->{col_names});
-sub get_data {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str       = shift or return undef;
-    my $col_names = shift;
-    require HTML::TableExtract;
-    my $count   = $self->{count} || 0;
-    my $depth   = $self->{depth} || 0;
-    my $headers = $self->{headers} || $self->{col_names} || undef;
-    my %flags;
-    if (defined $count or defined $depth or defined $headers) {
-        $flags{count} = $count if defined $count;
-        $flags{depth} = $depth if defined $depth;
-        $flags{headers} = $headers if defined $headers;
-    }
-    else {
-        %flags = $col_names
-            ? ( headers => $col_names )
-            : (count=>$count,depth=>$depth);
-    }
-    my $te = new HTML::TableExtract(
-         %flags
-    );
-    $te->parse($str);
-    my $table;
-    @$table = $te->rows;
-    $self->{col_names} = shift @$table if !$col_names;
-    return $table, $self->{col_names};
-sub export {
-    #print "EXPORTING!";
-    my $self      = shift;
-    my $storage   = shift;
-    my $col_names = $storage->{col_names};
-    my $table     = $storage->{records};
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $table; print "###"; exit;
-    my $fh        = $storage->{fh};
-    use CGI;
-    my $table_flags = shift || {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'};
-    my $top_row_flags = shift || {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'};
-    my $data_row_flags = shift || {};
-    @$table = map {
-        my $row = $_;
-        @$row = map { $_ || '&nbsp;' } @$row;
-        $row;
-    } @$table;
-    my $str = 
-        CGI::table(
-            $table_flags,
-            CGI::Tr( $top_row_flags, CGI::th($col_names) ),
-            map CGI::Tr( $data_row_flags, CGI::td($_) ), @$table
-        );
-    $fh->write($str,length $str) if $fh;
-    return $str;
-sub exportOLD {
-    my $self      = shift;
-    my $table     = shift;
-    my $col_names = shift;
-    use CGI;
-    my $table_flags = shift || {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'};
-    my $top_row_flags = shift || {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'};
-    my $data_row_flags = shift || {};
-    return
-        CGI::table(
-            $table_flags,
-            CGI::Tr( $top_row_flags, CGI::th($col_names) ),
-            map CGI::Tr( $data_row_flags, CGI::td($_) ), @$table
-        );
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Ini;
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-# all rights reserved
-=head1 NAME
- AnyData::Format::Ini - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to ini files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adHash( 'Ini', $filename,'r',$flags );
- while (my $row = each %$table) {
-     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('table1','Init', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This is a parser for simple name=value style Ini files.  Soon it will also handle files with sections.
-Please refer to the documentation for and
-for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use AnyData::Format::CSV;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw/@ISA $VERSION/;
-@ISA = qw(AnyData::Format::CSV);
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $flags = shift || {};
-    $flags->{field_sep} ||= '=';
-    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new( $flags );
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub write_fields  {
-    my($self,$key,$value) = @_;
-    return undef unless $key;
-    $value ||= '';
-    return "$key = $value" . $self->{record_sep};
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str  = shift || return undef;
-    $str =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $str =~ s/\s+$//;
-    return undef unless $str;
-    my @fields = $str =~ /^([^=]*?)\s*=\s*(.*)/;
-    die "Couldn't parse line '$str'\n" unless defined $fields[0];
-    return( @fields );
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Mp3;
-# copyright 2000 by Jeff Zucker <>
-# all rights reserved
-=head1 NAME
-AnyData::Format::Mp3 - tied hash and DBI access to Mp3 files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $playlist = adTie( 'Passwd', ['c:/My Music/'] );
- while (my $song = each %$playlist){
-    print $song->{artist} if $song->{genre} eq 'Reggae'
- }
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('playlist','Mp3,['c:/My Music'],'ad_catalog');
- my $playlist = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT artist, title FROM playlist WHERE genre = 'Reggae'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This module provides a tied hash interface and a DBI/SQL interface to MP files.  It creates an in-memory database or hash from the Mp3 files themselves without actually creating a separate database file.  This means that the database is automatically updated just by moving files in or out of the directories.
-Many mp3 (mpeg three) music files contain a header describing the song
-name, artist, and other information about the music.
-Simply choose 'Mp3' as the format and give a reference to an array of directories containing mp3 files.  Each file in those directories will become a record containing the fields:
- song
- artist
- album
- year
- genre
- filename
- filesize
-This module is a submodule of the and modules.  Refer to their documentation for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use AnyData::Storage::FileSys;
-use AnyData::Storage::File;
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::Mp3::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self  = shift ||  {};
-    #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $self;
-    my $dirs = $self->{dirs} || $self->{file_name} || $self->{recs};
-    $self->{col_names} = 'song,artist,album,year,genre,filename,filesize';
-    $self->{recs}   = 
-    $self->{records}   = get_data( $dirs );
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub storage_type { 'RAM'; }
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $thing = shift;
-    return @$thing if ref $thing eq 'ARRAY';
-    return split ',', $thing;
-sub write_fields { die "WRITING NOT IMPLEMENTED FOR FORMAT Mp3"; }
-sub get_data {
-    my $dirs = shift;
-    my $table = [];
-    my @files = AnyData::Storage::FileSys::get_filename_parts(
-	{},
-        part => 'ext',
-        re   => 'mp3',
-        dirs => $dirs
-    );
-    for my $file_info(@files) {
-        my $file = $file_info->[0];
-        my $cols = get_mp3_tag($file) || next;
-        my $filesize = -s $file;
-        $filesize = sprintf "%1.fmb", $filesize/1000000;
-        my @row  = (@$cols,$file,$filesize);
-        push @$table, \@row;
-        # 'file_name,path,ext,fullpath,size,'
-        # 'name,artist,album,year,comment,genre';
-    }
-    return $table;
-sub get_mp3_tag {
-    my($file)   = shift;
-    my $adf = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
-    my(undef,$fh,undef) = $adf->open_local_file($file,'r');
-    local $/ = '';
-    $fh->seek(-128,2);
-    my $str = <$fh> || '';
-    $fh->close;
-    return undef if !($str =~ /^TAG/);
-    #$file = sprintf("%-255s",$file);
-    #$str =~ s/^TAG(.*)/$file$1/;
-    $str =~ s/^TAG(.*)/$1/;
-    my $genre = $str;
-    $genre =~ s/^.*(.)$/$1/g;
-    $str =~ s/(.)$//g;
-    $genre = unpack( 'C', $genre );
-my @genres =("Blues", "Classic Rock", "Country", "Dance", "Disco", "Funk", "Grunge", "Hip-Hop", "Jazz", "Metal", "New Age", "Oldies", "Other", "Pop", "R&B", "Rap", "Reggae", "Rock", "Techno", "Industrial", "Alternative", "Ska", "Death Metal", "Pranks", "Soundtrack", "Eurotechno", "Ambient", "Trip-Hop", "Vocal", "Jazz+Funk", "Fusion", "Trance", "Classical", "Instrumental", "Acid", "House", "Game", "Sound Clip", "Gospel", "Noise", "Alternative Rock", "Bass", "Soul", "Punk", "Space", "Meditative", "Instrumental Pop", "Instrumental Rock", "Ethnic", "Gothic", "Darkwave", "Techno-Industrial", "Electronic", "Pop-Folk", "Eurodance", "Dream", "Southern Rock", "Comedy", "Cult", "Gangsta", "Top 40", "Christian Rap", "Pop/Funk", "Jungle", "Native American", "Cabaret", "New Wave", "Psychadelic", "Rave", "Show Tunes", "Trailer", "Lo-Fi", "Tribal", "Acid Punk", "Acid Jazz", "Polka", "Retro", "Musical", "Rock & Roll", "Hard Rock", "Folk", "Folk/Rock", "National Folk", "Swing", "Fast-Fusion", "Bebop", "Latin", "Revival", "Celtic", "Bluegrass", "Avantgarde", "Gothic Rock", "Progressive Rock", "Psychedelic Rock", "Symphonic Rock", "Slow Rock", "Big Band", "Chorus", "Easy Listening", "Acoustic", "Humour", "Speech", "Chanson", "Opera", "Chamber Music", "Sonata", "Symphony", "Booty Bass", "Primus", "Porn Groove", "Satire", "Slow Jam", "Club", "Tango", "Samba", "Folklore", "Ballad", "Power Ballad", "Rhytmic Soul", "Freestyle", "Duet", "Punk Rock", "Drum Solo", "Acapella", "Euro-House", "Dance Hall", "Goa", "Drum & Bass", "Club-House", "Hardcore", "Terror", "Indie", "BritPop", "Negerpunk", "Polsk Punk", "Beat", "Christian Gangsta Rap", "Heavy Metal", "Black Metal", "Crossover", "Contemporary Christian", "Christian Rock", "Unknown");
-    $genre = $genres[$genre] || '';
-    my @cols = unpack 'A30 A30 A30 A4 A30', $str;
-    my $comment = pop @cols;
-    #print $comment;
-    @cols = map{$_ || ''} @cols;
-    push @cols, $genre;
-    return \@cols;
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Paragraph;
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-=head1 NAME
-AnyData::Format::Paragraph - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to vertical files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adHash( 'Paragraph', $filename,'r',$flags );
- while (my $row = each %$table) {
-    print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('table1','Paragraph', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules.
-It handles "vertical" files in which the record name occurs on a line by itself followed by records on lines by themselves, e.g.
- Photoslop
- /My Photos/
- .jpg, .gif, .psd
- Nutscrape
- /htdocs/
- .html, .htm
-Please refer to the documentation for and
-for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData;
-use AnyData::Format::CSV;
-use vars qw/@ISA $VERSION/;
-@ISA = qw(AnyData::Format::CSV);
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $flags = shift || {};
-    my $f = $flags->{record_sep} || '';
-    #print "<$f>";
-    $flags->{field_sep}  = "\n";
-    $flags->{record_sep} = "\n\n";
-    #print "[",$flags->{record_sep},"]";
-    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new( $flags );
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub write_fields  {
-    my($self,@fields) = @_;
-    @fields = map {$_ || ''} @fields;
-    return join("\n",@fields) . $self->{record_sep};
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str  = shift || return undef;
-    return undef unless $str;
-    my @fields = split /\n/, $str;
-    @fields = map{s/\s+$//; $_}@fields;
-    die "Couldn't parse line '$str'\n" unless defined $fields[0];
-    return( @fields );
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Passwd;
-# copyright 2000 by Jeff Zucker <>
-# all rights reserved
-=head1 NAME
-Passwd - tied hash and DBI access to passwd files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $users = adTie( 'Passwd', '/etc/passwd' );
- print $users->{jdoe}->{homedir};
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('users','Passwd','/etc/passwd','ad_catalog');
- my $g7 = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT username, homedir FROM users WHERE GID = '7'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This module provides a tied hash interface and a DBI/SQL interface to passwd files.  Simply specify the format as 'Passwd' and give the name of the file and the modules will build a hash table with the column names
- username
- passwd
- fullname
- homedir
- shell
-The username field is treated as a key column.
-This module is a submodule of the and modules.  Refer to their documentation for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::CSV;
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::Passwd::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::CSV );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $flags = shift || {};
-    $flags->{field_sep} = q(:);
-    $flags->{col_names} = 'username,passwd,UID,GID,fullname,homedir,shell';
-    $flags->{key}       = 'username';
-    $flags->{keep_first_line} = 1;
-    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new(
-        $flags
-    );
-    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Pipe;
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-# all rights reserved
-=head1 NAME
-AnyData::Format::Pipe - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Pipe delimited files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adHash( 'Pipe', $filename,'r',$flags );
- while (my $row = each %$table) {
-     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
-  use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('table1','Pipe', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. It will read column names from the first row of the file, or accept names passed by the user.  In addition to column names, the user may set other options as follows:
-  col_names   : a pipe separated list of column names
-If you are using this with DBD::AnyData, put ad_ in front of the flags, e.g.
-Please refer to the documentation for and
-for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::CSV;
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::Pipe::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::CSV );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $flags = shift || {};
-    $flags->{field_sep} ||= q(\|);
-#    $flags->{field_sep} ||= q(\s*\|\s*);
-#    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new({
-    my $self  = new AnyData::Format::CSV({
-        %$flags
-    });
-    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Tab;
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-# all rights reserved
-=head1 NAME
-AnyData::Format::Tab - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Tab delimited files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adHash( 'Tab', $filename,'r',$flags );
- while (my $row = each %$table) {
-     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('table1','Tab', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL operations
-This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. It will read column names from the first row of the file, or accept names passed by the user.  In addition to column names, the user may set other options as follows:
-  col_names   : a tab separated list of column names
-  eol         : the end of record mark, \n by default
-  quote_char  : the character used to quote fields " by default
-  escape_char : the character used to escape the quote char, " by default
-If you are using this with DBD::AnyData, put ad_ in front of the flags, e.g.
-Please refer to the documentation for and
-for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::CSV;
-use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION );
-@AnyData::Format::Tab::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::CSV );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $flags = shift || {};
-    $flags->{field_sep} ||= qq(\t);
-    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new(
-        $flags
-    );
-    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Text;
-# AnyData driver for plain text files
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use AnyData::Storage::FileSys;
-use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG );
-@AnyData::Format::Text::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$DEBUG = 0;
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self = shift || {};
-    #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $self;
-    $self->{rec_sep}   ||= "\n";
-    if ($self->{dirs}) {
-        $self->{storage} = 'FileSys';
-        $self->{col_names} = 'fullpath,path,name,ext,size,content';
-        $self->{records}   = get_data( {},$self->{dirs} );
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->{col_names} = 'text';
-        $self->{key}       = 'text';
-    }
-    $self->{keep_first_line} = 1;
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub write_fields {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    return $self->{dirs}
-        ? pop @_
-        : join '', @_;
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str = shift || return undef;
-    if (!$self->{dirs}) {
-        my @row = ($str);
-        return @row
-    }
-sub get_data {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $dirs = shift;
-#    my @col_names = @{ $self->{col_names} };
-    my $table = [];
-    my @files = AnyData::Storage::FileSys::get_filename_parts(
-        dirs => $dirs
-    );
-    for my $file_info(@files) {
-        my $file = $file_info->[0];
-        # my $cols = get_mp3_tag($file) || next;
-        #my $filesize = -s $file;
-        #my @row  = (@$file_info,$filesize);
-        my @row = ( $file_info->[0],
-                    $file_info->[2],
-                    $file_info->[1],
-                    $file_info->[3],
-                  );
-        push @$table, \@row;
-        # 'fullpath,path,name,ext,size,content';
-        # 'fullpath,file_name,path,ext,size,'
-        # 'name,artist,album,year,comment,genre';
-    }
-    return $table;
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::Weblog;
-# AnyData driver for "Common Log Format" web log files
-# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-=head1 NAME
-AnyData::Format::Weblog - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to HTTPD Logs
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $weblog = adTie( 'Weblog', $filename );
- while (my $hit = each %$weblog) {
-    print $hit->{remotehost},"\n" if $hit->{request} =~ /mypage.html/;
- }
- # ... other tied hash operations
- OR
- use DBI
- my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
- $dbh->func('hits','Weblog','access_log','ad_catalog');
- my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
-     SELECT remotehost FROM hits WHERE request LIKE '%mypage.html%'
- });
- # ... other DBI/SQL read operations
-This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. You can gain read access to Common Log Format files web server log files (e.g. NCSA or Apache) either through tied hashes or arrays or through SQL database queries.
-Fieldnames are taken from the W3 definitions found at
- remotehost
- usernname
- authuser
- date
- request
- status
- bytes
-In addition, two extra fields that may be present in extended format logfiles are:
- referer
- client
-This module does not currently support writing to weblog files.
-Please refer to the documentation for and
-for further details.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::Weblog::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$DEBUG                        = 0;
-$VERSION = '0.06';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self = shift || {};
-    $self->{col_names} =
-      'remotehost,username,authuser,date,request,status,bytes,referer,client';
-    $self->{record_sep}      = "\n";
-    $self->{key}             = 'datestamp';
-    $self->{keep_first_line} = 1;
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub read_fields {
-    print "PARSE RECORD\n" if $DEBUG;
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str = shift || return undef;
-    $str =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $str =~ s/\s+$//;
-    return undef unless $str;
-    my (@row) =
-      $str =~ /^(\S*) (\S*) (\S*) \[([^\]]*)\] "(.*?)" (\S*) (\S*)\s*(.*)$/;
-    return undef unless defined $row[0];
-    my ( $referer, $client ) = $row[7] =~ /^(.*?)\s(.*)$/;
-    $client  ||= '';
-    $referer ||= '';
-    ( $row[7], $row[8] ) = ( $referer, $client );
-    # $row[3] =~ s/\s*-\s*(\S*)$//; # hide GMT offset on datestamp
-    return @row;
@@ -1,1081 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Format::XML;
-# an AnyData format parser for XML
-# by Jeff Zucker <>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use AnyData::Format::Base;
-use AnyData::Storage::RAM;
-use XML::Twig;
-use vars qw( @ISA  $DEBUG $VERSION);
-@AnyData::Format::XML::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-sub seek    { 1 }
-sub get_pos { 1 }
-sub go_pos  { 1 }
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self  = shift ||  {};
-    $self->{export_on_close} = 1;
-    $self->{slurp_mode}      = 1;
-    if ($self->{col_names}) {
-        ## something goes here :-)
-    }
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub storage_type { 'PassThru'; }
-sub truncate {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $data = shift; # from SQL::Statement, ignored
-    for my $e( $self->{twig}->root->descendants  ) {
-        next unless $e->gi eq 'delete__';
-        $e->delete;
-    }
-    undef $self->{last_before_delete};
-sub push_row {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my @fields  = @_;
-    my @ch = caller 3;          # tied-hash
-    my @cd = caller 4;          # DBD
-    my $hash_caller = $ch[3] || '';
-    my $dbd_caller  = $cd[3] || '';
-    my @f  = caller 4;
-    if ($dbd_caller =~ /SQL/ ) {
-        if ( !$self->{last_before_delete} && $dbd_caller !~ /INSERT/ ) {
-            $self->{last_before_delete} =  1;
-            my @children = $self->{twig}->root->descendants;
-            for my $e(@children) {
-                 next unless $e->path eq $self->{record_tag}->path;
-                 next if $e->cmp($self->{record_tag}) == 0;
-                 $e->set_gi("delete__")
-     	    }
-     	}
-        #$self->{twig}->print; exit;
-        return $self->insert_record(\@fields);
-    }
-    $self->insert_record(\@fields);
-sub insert_record {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $row  = shift;
-#print "@$row\n";
-    my $rect          = $self->{record_tag};
-    my $col_structure = $self->{col_structure};
-    my @tags  = @{$col_structure->{col_names}};
-    my @cols  = @{$col_structure->{pretty_cols}};
-    my $is_atr  = $col_structure->{amap};
-    my $p = $rect->path;
-    my $has_parent_atr;
-    for my $atr(keys %$is_atr) {
-        $has_parent_atr++ unless $atr =~ /^$p/;
-    }
-    my $col2tag   = $col_structure->{col2tag} || {};
-    my $elt= new XML::Twig::Elt($rect->gi);           # CREATE ELEMENT
-    my $par;
-    my $par_name = $rect->parent->gi;
-    if ($has_parent_atr) {
-       $par = new XML::Twig::Elt($rect->parent->gi);  # CREATE PARENT
-     }
-    my $rowhash;
-    @{$rowhash}{@cols} = @$row;
-    for my $i(0..$#cols) {
-       my $tag   = $tags[$i];
-       my $col   = $cols[$i];
-       my $value = $rowhash->{$col};
-       $tag ||=  $col2tag->{$col};
-       my($path,$name) = $tag =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)$!;
-       if ($is_atr->{$tag} && defined $value) {
-         if ($tag =~ /^$p/) {
-          $elt->set_att($name,$value);             # ADD ELT ATTRIBUTE
-	 } 
-         else {
-          $par->set_att($name,$value);         # ADD PARENT ATTRIBUTE
-	 }
-       }
-       elsif (defined $name && defined $value) {
-           my $kid= new XML::Twig::Elt($name);     # CREATE CHILD
-           $kid->set_text($value);                 # ADD TEXT TO CHILD
-           $kid->paste('last_child',$elt);         # PASTE CHILD INTO ELEMENT
-       }
-    }
-    if ($has_parent_atr) {
-          $elt->paste('last_child',$par);          # PASTE ELT INTO PARENT
-          my $last = $rect->parent->parent->last_child($par_name);
-          $par->paste('after',$last);              # PASTE PARENT INTO TREE
-    }
-    else {
-        my $last = $rect->parent->last_child($rect->gi);
-        $elt->paste('after',$last);                 # PASTE ELEMENT INTO TREE
-    }
-    #$self->{twig}->print;
-sub delete_record {
-    #my @calls = caller 3;
-    #my $call  = $calls[3] || '';
-    #return if $call =~ /UPDATE/i;
-    #print "$call\n";
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $elt  = $self->{prev_element};
-    my $rec  = $self->{record_tag};
-    my $p  = $rec->path;
-     my $new = $elt->prev_elt($rec->gi);
-    $elt = $new if $elt->path !~ /^$p/;
-    $self->{skip} = 1 if !$elt;
-    return undef unless $elt;
-    $elt->delete;
-sub DESTROY {
-    return;
-    print "XML DESTROYED";
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ( $self->{storage}->{fh}
-      && $self->{storage}->{open_mode} ne 'r'
-     ){
-        $self->export( $self->{storage} );
-    }
-    #undef $self->{twig};
-    #undef $self->{storage}->{fh};
-sub read_fields {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $c = $self->{current_element};
-    return undef unless defined $c;
-    $c = $self->{current_element} = $c->next_elt($c->gi)
-         if $c->att('record_tag__');
-    $self->{prev_element} = $self->{current_element};
-    $self->{current_element} = $c->next_elt($c->gi) if $c;
-    return $self->process_element( $self->{prev_element} );
-sub process_element {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $element   = shift;
-    my @col_names  = @{ $self->{col_structure}->{col_names} };
-    my @row;
-    my $parent = $element->parent;
-    my $values = { $element->path => $element->text };
-    my $par_ats = {};
-       $par_ats = $parent->atts if $parent;
-    my $elt_ats = $element->atts || {};
-    while( my($att_key,$att_val) = each %$par_ats) {
-        $values->{$parent->path.'/'.$att_key} = $att_val;
-    }
-    while( my($att_key,$att_val) = each %$elt_ats) {
-        $values->{$element->path.'/'.$att_key} = $att_val;
-    }
-    for my $kid($element->children) {
-        if ( defined $values->{$kid->path} ) {
- 	    if (!ref $values->{$kid->path}) {
-               $values->{$kid->path} = [ $values->{$kid->path} ] ;
-	    }
-            push ( @{ $values->{$kid->path} }, $kid->text );
-        } 
-        else {
-	  $values->{$kid->path} = $kid->text;
-	}
-    }
-    for my $col(@col_names) {
-        if (ref $values->{$col}) {
-           @row = (@row,@{$values->{$col}});
-        }
-        else {
-           push @row, $values->{$col};
-	}
-    }
-    # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $values, Dumper \@row; exit;
-    return  @row;
-sub seek_first_record {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return unless $self->{twig} and $self->{twig}->root;
-    $self->{current_element} = $self->{record_tag};
-sub push_names {
-    my $self      = shift;
-    my $col_names = shift || $self->{col_names};
-    #my @c= caller 1; die $c[3]."!!!";
-    my $str = "<table>\n  <row record_tag__='1'>\n";
-    #print "CREATING";
-    for (@$col_names) {
-        $str .= "    <$_>dummy__</$_>\n";
-    }
-    $str .= "  </row>\n</table>\n";
-    $str = $self->{template} if $self->{template};
-    if ( $self->{dtd} ) {
-       $str = $self->{dtd} if $self->{dtd};
-       my $root = $str;
-       $root =~ s/.*<!DOCTYPE\s+(\S+)\s+.*/$1/ms;
-       $str .= "\n\n<$root></$root>";
-       #die $str;
-    }
-    $self->get_data( $str );
-    return $self->{col_names};
-sub import { 
-    my $self = shift; 
-    my $data = shift; 
-    my $storage = shift; 
-    $self->init_parser($storage,$data); 
-    return $self->get_data($data,$storage->{col_names});
-sub init_parser {
-    my $self    = shift;
-    my $storage = shift;
-    my $fh_or_str = shift;
-    return if 'co' =~ /$storage->{open_mode}/;
-#print "   INIT ...";
-#print "HAS RECS\n" if $storage->{recs};
-#print "HAS DATA\n" if ref $storage->{file} eq 'HASH';
-    $fh_or_str ||= $storage->{fh} if $storage->{fh};
-    $fh_or_str  ||= $storage->{file}->{data} if ref $storage->{file} eq 'HASH';
-    $fh_or_str  ||= $storage->{recs};
-#    $fh_or_str ||= join('',@$fh_or_str) if ref $fh_or_str eq 'ARRAY';
-#print $fh_or_str; exit;
-###z    $self->create_new_twig( $self->{col_names} );
-    my $rv = $self->get_data( $fh_or_str,$self->{col_names} );
-    return undef unless $rv;
-    $self->{current_element} = $self->{twig}->root;
-    $storage->{col_names} = $self->{col_names};
-    return 1;
-sub create_new_twig {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $flags = $self;
-    my $root_tag            = $flags->{root_tag};
-    my $depth_limit         = $flags->{depth_limit};
-#    $flags->{twig_flags}->{TwigRoots} = {$root_tag=>'1'} if $root_tag;
-#    $flags->{twig_flags}->{KeepEncoding}     ||= 1;
-#    $flags->{twig_flags}->{ProtocolEncoding} ||= 'ISO-8859-1';
-    $flags = $self->check_twig_options($flags);
-    $self->{twig}= new XML::Twig(%{$flags});
-    #$self->{twig}= new XML::Twig(%{$flags->{twig_flags}});
-sub read_dtd {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $twig = shift;
-#print Dumper $self->{dtd}; exit;
-    my $record_tag = $self->{record_tag};
-    my $col_names =  $self->{col_names};
-        $col_names = $self->{dtd}->{elt_list};
-        my $newc;
-        my $colh;
-        #print Dumper $self->{dtd}; exit;
-        my $col_text;
-        for my $col(@$col_names) {
-            while (my($k,$v) = each %{ $self->{dtd}->{model} } ) {
-                if ($v =~ /(#P*CDATA)/ ) {
-                   $col_text->{"$k$1"}++;
-    	        }
-                if ($v =~ /[(\s,]+$col[)\s,]+/ ) {
-                   my @path  = ($k,$col);
-                   push @$newc, \@path;
-                   $colh->{$col} = $k;
-    	        }
-	     }
-	}
-        $col_names = [];
-        my $done;
-        my $nh;
-        while (!$done) {
-            $done = 1;
-            my $i;
-            for $i(0..scalar @$newc -1) {
-  	        my $cur = $newc->[$i]->[0];
-#                $cur =~ s"^.*/([^/]+)$"$1";
-#print "$cur : ";
-  	        my $path = $colh->{ $cur };
-                my $p;
-  	        if ($path) {
-                    $p = $newc->[$i]->[0] = $path . '/' . $newc->[$i]->[0];
-            #        delete $colh->{$cur};
-                    $nh->{$cur} = $p;
-                    $done=0;
-	        }
-                while (my($k,$v)=each %$nh) {
-                   if ( $cur =~ m"^$k/(.*)") {
-                      $newc->[$i]->[0] = $v . '/' . $1;
-                      $done = 0;
-                   }
-                }
-	    }
-	}
-        #@array = grep(!$is_member{$_}++, @array);
-        my %is_member;
-        for my $row (@$newc) {
-            my $c = '/' . $row->[0] . '/' . $row->[1];
-            push @$col_names, $c if !$is_member{$c};
-            $is_member{$c}++;
-        }
-        # put in order by depth
-        @$col_names = sort {
-            my $x=$a; 
-            my $y=$b; 
-            $x =~ s"[^/]""g;; $x=length $x;
-            $y =~ s"[^/]""g;; $y=length $y;
-           $x <=> $y; 
-        } @$col_names;
-        $record_tag ||= $col_names->[0];
-        $record_tag =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
- #       $record_tag = $twig->first_elt($record_tag) 
- #                   || die "Can't find column '$record_tag'!". $@;
-        #print $record_tag, Dumper $col_names; exit;
-        my %done;
-	for my $c(@$col_names) {
-           my @tags = split '/', $c;
-           shift @tags; # remove root
-           for my $i(0..$#tags) {
-               my $t = $tags[$i];
-               next if $done{$c.$t};
-               next unless  $c =~ m"/$t$";
-#               print "$c:$t\n";
-#               next if $done{$t};
-               $done{$c.$t}++ ; 
-               my $nxt = $twig->root->next_elt($t);
-               next if $nxt and $nxt->path =~ /^$c/;
-               next if $t eq $twig->root->gi;
-               my $p= $tags[$i-1];
-               my $pos = $twig->root->next_elt($p);
-               $pos ||= $twig->root;
-               my $e= new XML::Twig::Elt($t);
-               #if ($col_text->{$e->gi.'#PCDATA'}) {
-               #     $e->append_pcdata("xxx");
-	       #}
-               $e->paste('last_child',$pos);
-             #  if ($col_text->{$e->gi.'#PCDATA'} ) {
-              #      print $e->gi.'#PCDATA'."\n";
-                #    $twig->root->next_elt($e->gi)->append_pcdata('x');
-	      # }
-	   }
-	}
-        my $atts;
-        while (my($k,$v)=each%{$self->{dtd}->{att}}) {
-           my $cur = $twig->root->next_elt($k);
-           next unless $cur;
-               while (my($k2,$v2)=each%{$v}) {
-###                   $cur->set_att($k2,"");
-                   $atts->{$cur->path.'/'.$k2}=$k2;
-#print "[".$cur->path.'/'.$k2."]";
-               }
-        }
-        $record_tag ||= $twig->root->first_child->gi;
-        $record_tag = $twig->root->next_elt($record_tag)
-                   || die "Couldn't find column '$record_tag'!";
-        $newc = [];
-        my $found;
-        for my $org(@$col_names) {
-           my $x = $org;
-           $x =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
-           my $p =$record_tag->parent->path;
-           next unless $org =~ /^$p/;
-           #next unless $p =~ /^$_/;
-           while (my($k,$v)=each%$atts) {
-             next if $found->{$k};
-	     if ( $k =~ m"$p/([^/]+)$" 
-               or  $k =~ m"$p/([^/]+/[^/]+)$"
-                ) {
-#print "$k\n";
-               push @$newc, $k;
-               $found->{$k}++;
-	     }
-	   }
-           push @$newc, $org if $col_text->{$x.'#PCDATA'}
-                           or $col_text->{$x.'#CDATA'};
-        }
-        #unshift @$newc, $record_tag->gi unless $found;
-#die Dumper $newc;
-#$twig->print; exit;
-        my $elt = $twig->root;
-    if (!$self->{recs}) {
-        while ( $elt = $elt->next_elt ) {
-            $elt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
-	}
-        $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','1');
-    }
-        #########
-        #
-        $self->{destroy}++;
-#print Dumper $record_tag->gi,$newc, $atts;
-return( $record_tag,$newc, $atts);
-#$twig->print; exit;
-sub get_structure {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $twig = shift;
-    my $record_tag = $self->{record_tag};
-#    $record_tag ||= $self->{table_name};
-    my $col_names =  $self->{col_names};
-    if ($self->{dtd}) {
-        return $self->read_dtd($twig)
-    }
-    $record_tag = $twig->first_elt($record_tag) if $record_tag;
-    $record_tag ||= $twig->root->first_child;
-#print $record_tag->gi;
-#    if (!$record_tag) {
-#       $record_tag = $twig->root->first_child;
-#       if ( $record_tag
-#        and $record_tag->first_child
-#        and !$record_tag->contains_text
-#        and !$record_tag->first_child->contains_text
-#       ) {
-#          $record_tag = $record_tag->first_child;
-#       }
-#    }
-    $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag;
-    if ($self->{create}) {
-        my $elt = $twig->root;
-        while ( $elt = $elt->next_elt ) {
-            $elt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
-	}
-###z# print "1";
-       $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','1');
-    }
-    if ($col_names) {
-        @$col_names = map {
-            my $o = $_;
-            if ($o !~ m"/") {
-              $o = $twig->first_elt($o)->path;
-	    }
-            $o;
-        } @$col_names;
-    }
-    else {
-        @$col_names = map {$_->path} $record_tag->descendants;
-#die join "\n",@$col_names;
-        my $newcolz = [];
-        my %hashz;
-        for (@$col_names) {
-            next unless m"/#PCDATA|/#CDATA";
-            next if $hashz{$_};
-            push @$newcolz, $_;
-            $hashz{$_}++;
-	}
-        $col_names = $newcolz;
-    }
-#    my $oldcols = $col_names;
-#    $col_names = [];
-#print join "\n", @$col_names; exit;
-    my $atts;
-    my @atts_to_check = ($record_tag,$record_tag->descendants);
-#print $record_tag->gi,"\n";
-    if ($record_tag->parent and $record_tag->parent->parent) {
-        unshift @atts_to_check, $record_tag->parent;
-    }
-    my $has_record_tag = 1 if  $record_tag->att('record_tag__');
-#print $has_record_tag ? 'HAS' : 'NONE';
-#print $record_tag->path,"!\n";
-#    for (keys %{$record_tag->atts}) { print "$_#"; }
-    my @att_col;
-    for my $t(@atts_to_check) {
-       my $ats = $t->atts;
-       next unless $ats;
-       delete $ats->{record_tag__};
-#       push @$col_names, $t->path if $t->is_text;
-#       print $t->path . '/' . $_ for keys %$ats;
-#       unshift @$col_names, $t->path . '/' . $_ for keys %$ats;
-       push @att_col, $t->path . '/' . $_ for keys %$ats;
-       #unshift @$atts, $ats->{$_} for keys %$ats;
-       $atts->{$t->path . '/'. $_} = $_ for keys %$ats;
-    }
-    @$col_names = (@att_col,@$col_names);
-    @$col_names = map {s"/#P*CDATA""; $_}  @$col_names;
-    #print join "\n",@$col_names;
-###z# print 2;
-#    $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','true');
-     $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','true') if $record_tag->text =~/dummy__/;
-#     $record_tag->set_att('xstruct__','true') if $record_tag->text =~/dummy__/;
-    #if ($has_record_tag) { $twig->print; exit; } 
-    return($record_tag,$col_names,$atts) if $has_record_tag;
-    my $cols;
-    @$cols = map {$_} @$col_names;
-    my $elt= new XML::Twig::Elt($record_tag->gi);
-    for my $a(keys %$atts ) {
-        $a =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
-        next if $a eq 'record_tag__';
-        next unless $record_tag->att($a);
-        $elt->set_att($a,'');
-    }
-    for my $c(@$cols ) {
-        next if $atts->{$c};
-        next if $c =~ m"/#PCDATA";
-        $c =~ s"/#PCDATA"";
-        $c =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
-        my $e= new XML::Twig::Elt($c);
-        $e->paste('last_child',$elt);
-    }
-    my $par;
-    if ($record_tag->parent and $record_tag->parent->parent) {
-        $par= new XML::Twig::Elt($record_tag->parent->gi);
-        for my $a(keys %$atts ) {
-            $a =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
-            next unless $record_tag->parent->att($a);
-            $par->set_att($a,'');
-        }
-###z# print 3;
-        $elt->set_att('record_tag__','true');
-        $elt->paste('first_child',$par);
-        $par->paste('before',$record_tag->parent);
-#        $record_tag = $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->parent->prev_sibling->first_child;
-        $record_tag ||= $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->parent->prev_sibling->first_child;
-    }
-    else {
-        for my $a(keys %$atts ) {
-            $a =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
-            next unless $record_tag->att($a);
-            $elt->set_att($a,'');
-        }
-###z# print 4;
-        $record_tag ||= $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->prev_sibling;
-#        $record_tag = $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->prev_sibling;
-    }
-    $record_tag ||= $twig->root->first_child;
-    my $old = $record_tag->next_elt($record_tag->gi);
-#    $old->delete if $self->{create};
-#    $old->set_att('frump','foo') if $old;
-    $old->del_att('record_tag__') if $old;
-    #print "\n"; 
-    #$old->print if $old;
-    ##print "\n"; 
-#    my $par = $self->create_record;
-#    $self->{blank_element} = $par;
-    #printf "\n%s\n   %s\n", $elt->path, "@$col_names";
-    @$col_names = map {s"/#PCDATA""; $_}  @$col_names;
-#$twig->print;  print "\n\n";
-#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $record_tag->gi,$col_names,$atts;
-    return $record_tag,$col_names,$atts;
-sub check_twig_options {
-    my $flags = shift;
-    my $new_flags;
-    my %twig_opt = %XML::Twig::valid_option;
-    return $flags unless scalar (keys %twig_opt);
-    while (my($k,$v) = each %$flags) {
-        $new_flags->{$k} = $v if $twig_opt{$k};
-    }
-    return $new_flags;
-sub get_structure_from_map {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $twig = shift;
-    my $col_map = shift;
-    my($amap,$map,$multi,$col_names,$pretty_cols,$col2tag);
-    for my $col(@$col_map) {
-        my($tag_name,$col_name) = ($col,$col);
-        ($tag_name,$col_name) = each %$col if ref $col eq 'HASH';
-        my($tname,$tparent) = ($tag_name,$tag_name);
-        if ($tname =~ m!(.*)/([^/]*)$! ) {
-            $tparent = $1;
-            $tname   = $2;
-            $tparent =~ s!.*/([^/]*)$!$1!;
-	}
-        my $tag  = $twig->first_elt($tname);
-        $tag_name=$tag->path if $tag;
-        if (!$tag) {
-            my $new_tag  = $twig->first_elt($tparent);
-            # die "No such element '$tname'!" unless $tag;
-            if (!$new_tag) {
-                $tag_name = $tname;
-	    }
-            else {
-                $tag_name=$new_tag->path . '/' . $tname;
-            }
-            $amap->{$tag_name}++;
-	}
-        if (ref $col_name eq 'ARRAY') {
-	  for my $col2(@$col_name) {
-              $col2tag->{$col2} = $tag_name;
-              $multi->{$tag_name}++;
-              push @$pretty_cols, $col2;
-	  }
-	}
-        push @$col_names, $tag_name;
-        push @$pretty_cols, $col_name unless ref $col_name eq 'ARRAY';
-        $map->{$tag_name} = $col_name;
-    }
-    my $record_tag;
-    my $record_tag_path = '';
-    for my $col(@$col_names) {
-        my($rt) = $col =~ m!(.*)/[^/]*$!;
-        next unless $rt;
-        $record_tag_path = $rt if length $rt > length $record_tag_path;
-    }
-    my @children = $twig->root->descendants;
-    for my $e(@children) {
-        next unless $e->path eq $record_tag_path;
-        $record_tag = $e;
-        last;
-    }
-    if (!$record_tag) {
-       $record_tag = $twig->root->first_child;
-       my $p = $record_tag->path;
-       @$col_names = map {$p.'/'.$_}@$col_names;
-#       use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $amap;
-       my $newmap;
-       $newmap->{ $p.'/'.$_ }++ for keys %{$amap};
-       $amap = $newmap;
-       $newmap = {};
-       $newmap->{ $p.'/'.$_ } = $map->{$_} for keys %{$map};
-       $map = $newmap;
-    }
-#paste into parent record_tag__
-#    my $rt_atts = $record_tag->atts;
-#    if (!$rt_atts->{record_tag__}) {
-#       my $new_rt = $record_tag->copy;
-#       $new_rt->set_att('record_tag__','1');
-#       $new_rt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
-#       $new_rt->paste('first_child',$record_tag->parent);
-#       $record_tag = $new_rt;
-#    }
-    my $col_structure = {
-        amap => $amap,
-        map  => $map,
-        multi => $multi,
-        col_names => $col_names,
-        pretty_cols => $pretty_cols,
-        col2tag     => $col2tag,
-    };
-# print $record_tag->path, "\n";
-# use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $col_structure; 
-# exit;
-    return $record_tag, $col_structure;
-sub get_data {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $fh_or_str  = shift;
-    my $url = $self->{url};
-    if ( $url ) {
-      $fh_or_str = AnyData::Storage::RAM::get_remote_data({},$url);
-    }
-    return if( ! defined( $fh_or_str ) );
-    my $col_names = shift || [];
-    $col_names = []; #### IGNORE USER COLUMN NAMES FOR NOW
-    my $flags;
-    while (my($k,$v)=each %$self) {
-        $flags->{$k}=$v;
-    }
-    my $root_tag            = $flags->{root_tag};
-    my $depth_limit         = $flags->{depth_limit};
-    my $supplied_col_names  = $flags->{col_names};
-    my $have_col_names      = 1 if $supplied_col_names;
-    my $pretty_col_names    = $supplied_col_names;
-    my $col_structure = $self->{col_structure};
-    undef $col_structure unless $col_structure->{col_names}
-                            and scalar @{$col_structure->{col_names}};
-    my %multi;
-    my %map;
-    my %amap;
-    $flags->{LoadDTD} = 1;
-    $flags->{TwigRoots} = {$root_tag=>'1'} if $root_tag;
-# DEFAULTS : KeepEncoding OFF to mirror XML::Twig
-#            ProtocolEncoding 'ISO-8859-1'
-#    $flags->{KeepEncoding}     ||= 1;
-    $flags->{ProtocolEncoding} ||= 'ISO-8859-1';
-#use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $flags;
-    $flags = check_twig_options($flags);
-    my $twig= new XML::Twig(%{$flags});
-    my $success = $twig->safe_parse($fh_or_str);
-    $self->{errstr} = $@ unless $success;
-    die $self->{errstr} if $self->{errstr};
-    return undef unless $success;
-    $self->{dtd} = $twig->dtd;
-    my $root = $twig->first_elt($root_tag) || $twig->root;
-    my $name = $root->path;
-    my $element= $twig->root;
-    my($record_tag,$colZ,$atts);
-    my $col_map = $self->{col_map};
-    if ($col_map) {
-      ($record_tag,$col_structure) =
-          $self->get_structure_from_map($twig,$col_map);
-    } 
-    else {
-      ($record_tag,$colZ,$atts) = $self->get_structure($twig);
-      if (!$col_structure) {
-          $have_col_names++;
-          $col_structure = build_column_names($colZ,$root,$root_tag,$colZ);
-          $col_structure->{amap} = $atts;
-        }
-    }
-    #
-    my $rt_atts = $record_tag->atts;
-    if (!$rt_atts->{record_tag__}) {
-       my $new_rt = $record_tag->copy;
-       $new_rt->set_att('record_tag__','1');
-       $new_rt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
-       $new_rt->paste('first_child',$record_tag->parent);
-       $record_tag = $new_rt;
-    }
-    # $twig->print;
-    # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $col_structure;
-  #  print $self->{record_tag}->path;
-    $self->{record_tag}    = $record_tag;
-    $self->{twig}          = $twig;
-    $self->{col_names}     = $col_structure->{pretty_cols};
-    $self->{col_structure} = $col_structure;
-    return 1;
-sub rowhash_to_array {
-    my $row           = shift;
-    my $col_structure = shift;
-#die Dumper $col_structure;
-    my $col_names        = $col_structure->{col_names};
-    my %map              = %{ $col_structure->{map} } if $col_structure->{map};
-    my %multi            = %{ $col_structure->{multi} } if $col_structure->{multi};
-    my $pretty_col_names = $col_structure->{pretty_cols} if $col_structure->{pretty_cols};
-    my @newvals;
-    my %visited;
-    for my $coln(@$col_names) {
- 	my $tag = $map{$coln};
-        #next unless $tag;
-        if (!$multi{$tag}) {
-            $row->{$tag} ? push @newvals, $row->{$tag} : push @newvals, undef;
-	}
-        else {
-            if (!$visited{$tag}) {
-                $visited{$tag}++;
-                my @multi_col = ref $row->{$tag} eq 'ARRAY'
- 	                  ? @{$row->{$tag}}
-                          : ($row->{$tag});
-                push @multi_col,undef unless scalar @multi_col;
-	        my $dif = ($multi{$tag}) - (scalar @multi_col);
-                push @multi_col,undef for 0 .. $dif;
-                push @newvals,$_ for @multi_col;
-	    }
-        }
-    }
-    return( \@newvals );
-sub build_column_names {
-    my $tags = shift;
-    my $root = shift;
-    my $root_tag = shift;
-    my $col_names = shift || [];
-    my %multi;
-    my %map;
-    for my $col(@$col_names) {
-        $multi{$col}++;
-    }
-    my %num;
-    my $newcolz;
-    for my $col(@$col_names) {
-      if ($multi{$col} <2) {
-          push @$newcolz, $col;
-          $map{$col}=$col;
-          next;
-      } 
-      $num{$col}++;
-      push @$newcolz, $col.$num{$col};
-      $map{$col.$num{$col}}=$col;
-    }
-    $col_names = $newcolz;
-    #
-    my $prefix = $root->gi;
-    $prefix .= "/$root_tag" if $root_tag;
-    my $pretty_col_names;
-    die "No Column Names!" unless$col_names;
-    @$pretty_col_names = @$col_names;
-    @$pretty_col_names = map {$_ =~ s"^/$prefix/"";$_} @$pretty_col_names;
-    my %is_member;
-    my @newcols;
-    for my $col(@$pretty_col_names) {
-        my $newc = $col;
-        $newc =~ s".*/([^/]*)$"$1";
-        if ($is_member{$newc}) {
-            $newc = $col;
-            $newc =~ s"[^/]*/(.*)"$1";
-   	}
-        push @newcols, $is_member{$newc} ? $col : $newc;
-        $is_member{$newc}=1;
-    }
-    @$pretty_col_names = @newcols;
-    @$pretty_col_names = map {s"/"_"g;$_} @$pretty_col_names;
-    for (keys %multi) {
-        $multi{$_} = $multi{$_} -1;
-        delete $multi{$_} unless $multi{$_};
-    }
-    my $col_structure = {
-        col_names   => $col_names,
-        map         => \%map,
-        multi       => \%multi,
-        pretty_cols => $pretty_col_names,
-    };
-    #print Dumper $col_structure;
-    return( $col_structure );
-sub export {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $storage = shift;
-#z  my $format = shift;
-    my $file = shift;
-    my $flags = shift || {};
-    if ( 
-      ( $storage and $file and !$storage->{fh} )
-       ) {
-       $storage->{file_name} = $file;
-       $storage->{fh} = $storage->open_local_file($file,'o');
-    }
-    return unless $self->{twig};
-    $self->{twig}->set_pretty_print($flags->{pretty_print}) if $flags->{pretty_print};
-    #$self->{twig}->print; print "\n\n";
-    #$self->{twig}->finish_print;
-    my $fh  = $storage->{fh} if $storage;
-    my $r = $self->{twig}->root->gi;
-    my $str = $self->{outside_of_tree} || '';
-    my $rectag = $self->{record_tag};
-#    $self->{twig}->first_elt($self->{record_tag}->gi)->delete;
-    my $elt= $self->{twig}->root;
-# $self->{destroy}= 1;
-#print "FOO";
-    if ( $self->{destroy}) {
-        for my $e($elt->descendants) {
-            if ( $e->att('xstruct__') ) {
-                $e->del_att('xstruct__');
-#                next unless defined $e->next_elt($e->gi);
-               $e->delete;
-                #next;
-            }
-	}
-    }
-    $elt= $self->{twig}->root;
-    while( $elt= $elt->next_elt ){
-        #for (keys %{$elt->atts}) { print "$_#"; }
-        my $del_parent;
-#        $elt->delete if $elt->text =~ /x/ and $elt->is_text;
-        if ($elt->children == 0 ) {
- #          $elt->delete;
-           next;
-        } 
-        next if !$elt->att('record_tag__'); 
-        for ($elt->children) {
-           $_->delete;
-	}
-        if ($elt->parent and $elt->parent->children < 2) {
-           $del_parent++;
-        } 
-        $elt->parent->delete if $del_parent;
-        $elt->delete;
-    }
-#  $str = defined $fh ? $self->{twig}->print($fh)
-#                       : $self->{twig}->sprint();
-  if($file and defined $fh ){ $str = $self->{twig}->print($fh) }
-  else {$str = $self->{twig}->sprint();}
-    undef $storage->{fh};
-    return $str;
-=head1 NAME
- AnyData::Format::XML - tiedhash and DBI access to XML
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- # access XML data via a multidimensional tied hash
- # see AnyData.pod for full details
- #
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adTie( 'XML', $file, $mode, $flags );
- OR
- # convert data to and from XML
- # see AnyData.pod for full details
- #
- use AnyData;
- adConvert( 'XML', $file1, $any_other_format, $file2, $flags );
- adConvert( $any_other_format, $file1, 'XML', $file2, $flags );
- OR
- # access the data via DBI and SQL
- # see DBD::AnyData.pod for full details
- #
- use DBI;
- my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:AnyData' );
- $dbh->func('mytable','XML',$file,$flags,'ad_catalog');
-See below for a description of the optional flags that apply
-to all of these examples.
-This module allows you to create, search, modify and/or convert XML data
-and files by treating them as databases without having to actually
-create separate database files.  The data can 
-be accessed via a multidimensional tiedhash using or via DBI 
-and SQL commands using  See those modules for 
-complete details of usage.
-The module is built on top of Michel Rodriguez's excellent XML::Twig which
-means that the AnyData interfaces can now include information from DTDs,
-be smarter about inferring data structure, reduce memory consumption on
-huge files, and provide access to many powerful features of XML::Twig and
-XML::Parser on which it is based.
-Importing options allow you to import/access/modify XML of almost any length or complexity.  This includes the ability to access different subtrees as separate or joined databases.
-Exporting and converting options allow you to take data from almost any source (a perl array, any DBI database, etc.) and output it as an XML file.  You can control the formatting of the resulting XML either by supplying a DTD listing things like nesting of tags and which columns should be output as attributes and/or you can use XML::Twig pretty_print settings to generate half a dozen different levels of compactness or whitespace in how the XML looks.
-The documentation below outlines the special flags that can be used
-in either of the interfaces to fine-tune how the XML is treated.
-The flags listed below define the relationship between tags and 
-attributes in the XML document and columns in the resulting database.
-In many cases, you can simply accept the defaults and the database
-will be built automatically.  However, you can also fine tune the
-generation of the database by specifying which tags and attributes
-you are interested in and their relationship with database columns.
-=head1 USAGE
-=head2 Prerequisites
-To use the tied hash interface, you will need 
- AnyData
- XML::Twig
- XML::Parser
-To use the DBI/SQL interface, you will need those, and also
- DBD::AnyData
-=head2 Required flags ( none )
-If no flags are specified, then the module determines the database
-structure from examining the file or data itself, making use of the DTD if there is one, otherwise scanning the first child of the XML tree for structural information.
-=head2 Optional flags
- If the default behavior is not sufficient, you may either specify a
- "record_tag" which will be used to define column names, or you can define an
- entire tag-to-column mapping.
-For simple XML, no flags are necessary:
- <table>
-    <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
-    <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
- </table>
-The record_tag will default to the first child, namely "row".  The column
-names will be generated from the attributes of the record tag and all of
-the tags included under the record tag, so the column names in this
-example will be "row_id","name","location".
-If the record_tag is not the first child, you will need to specify it.  For example:
- <db>
-   <table table_id="1">
-     <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
-     <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
-   </table>
-   <table table_id="2">
-     <row row_id="1"><name>Bob</name><location>Boise</location></row>
-     <row row_id="2"><name>Bev</name><location>Billings</location></row>
-   </table>
- </db>
-In this case you will need to specify "row" as the record_tag since it is not the first child of the tree.  The column names will be generated from the attributes of row's parent (if the parent is not the root), from row's attributes
-and sub tags, i.e. "table_id","row_id","name","location".
-In some cases you will need to specify an entire tag-to-column mapping.  For example, if you want to use a different name for the database column than is used in the XML (especially if the XML tag is not a valid SQL column name).  You'd also need to specify a mapping if there are two tags with the same name in different places in the XML tree.
-The column mapping is a reference to an array of column definitions.  A column definition is either a simple name of a tag, or a hash reference with the key containing the full path of the XML tag and the value containing the desired column name alias.
-For example:
-  col_map => [ 'part_id', 'part_name', 'availability' ];
-That will find the first three tags with those names and create the database using the same names for the tags.
-  col_map => [
-               { '/parts/shop/id'        => 'shop_id'},
-               { '/parts/shop/part/id'   => 'part_id'},
-               { '/parts/shop/part/name' => 'part_name'},
-             ];
-That would find the three tags referenced on the left and create a database with the three column names referenced on the right.
-When exporting XML, you can specify a DTD to control the output.  For example, if you import a table from CSV or from an Array, you can output as XML and specify which of the columns become tags and which become attributes and also specify the nesting of the tags in your DTD.
-The XML format parser is built on top of Michel Rodriguez's excellent XML::Twig which is itself based on XML::Parser.  Parameters to either of those modules may be passed in the flags for adTie() and the other commands including the "prettyPrint" flag to specify how the output XML is displayed and things like ProtocolEncoding.  ProtocolEncoding defaults to 'ISO-8859-1', all other flags keep the defaults of XML::Twig and XML::Parser.  See the documentation of those modules for details;
- CAUTION: Unlike other formats, the XML format does not save changes to
- the file as they are entered, but only saves the changes when you explicitly
- request them to be saved with the adExport() command.
-copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
-all rights reserved
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Storage::File;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use IO::File;
-use Fcntl qw(:flock);
-use File::Basename;
-use constant HAS_FLOCK => eval { flock STDOUT, 0; 1 };
-use constant HAS_FILE_SPEC => eval { require File::Spec };
-use vars qw($DEBUG);
-$DEBUG = 0;
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self  = shift || {};
-    #$self->{f_dir} ||= './';
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub seek_first_record {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $fh   = $self->{fh};
-    my $start = $self->{first_row_pos};
-    $start
-        ? $fh->seek($start,0) || die $!
-        : $fh->seek(0,0) || die $!;
-sub get_pos { return shift->{fh}->tell }
-sub go_pos  { my($s,$pos)=@_; $s->{fh}->seek($pos,0); }
-my $open_table_re =
-    sprintf('(?:%s|%s|%s)',
-	    quotemeta(File::Spec->curdir()),
-	    quotemeta(File::Spec->updir()),
-	    quotemeta(File::Spec->rootdir()))
-    : '(?:\.?\.)?\/';
-sub open_local_file {
-    my( $self,$file, $open_mode ) = @_;
-    my $dir = $self->{f_dir} || './';
-    my($fname,$path) = fileparse($file);
-    my($foo2,$os_cur_dir) = fileparse('');
-    my $haspath = 1 if $path and $path ne $os_cur_dir;
-    if (!$haspath && $file !~ /^$open_table_re/o) {
-	$file = HAS_FILE_SPEC
-                ? File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file)
-		: $dir . "/$file";
-    }
-    my $fh;
-    $open_mode ||= 'r';
-    my %valid_mode = (
-    r  => q/read       read an existing file, fail if already exists/,
-    u  => q/update     read & modify an existing file, fail if already exists/,
-    c  => q/create     create a new file, fail if it already exists/,
-    o  => q/overwrite  create a new file, overwrite if it already exists/,
-    );
-    my %mode = (
-       r   => O_RDONLY,
-       u   => O_RDWR,
-       c   => O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL,
-       o   => O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC
-    );
-    my $help = qq(
-       r  if file exists, get shared lock
-       u  if file exists, get exclusive lock
-       c  if file doesn't exist, get exclusive lock
-       o  truncate if file exists, else create; get exclusive lock
-    );
-    if ( !$valid_mode{$open_mode} ) {
-        print "\nBad open_mode '$open_mode'\nValid modes are :\n";
-        for ('r','u','c','o'){
-        print "   $_ = $valid_mode{$_}\n";
-      }
-        exit;
-    }
-    if ($open_mode eq 'c') {
-	if (-f $file) {
-	    die "Cannot create '$file': Already exists";
-	}
-    }
-    if ($open_mode =~ /[co]/ ) {
-	if (!($fh = IO::File->new( $file, $mode{$open_mode} ))) {
-	    die "Cannot open '$file': $!";
-	}
-	if (!$fh->seek(0, 0)) {
-	    die " Error while seeking back: $!";
-	}
-    }
-    if ($open_mode =~ /[ru]/) {
-	die "Cannot read file '$file': doesn't exist!" unless -f $file;
-	if (!($fh = IO::File->new($file, $mode{$open_mode}))) {
-	    die " Cannot open '$file': $!";
-	}
-    }
-    binmode($fh);
-    $fh->autoflush(1);
-    if ( HAS_FLOCK ) {
-	if ( $open_mode eq 'r') {
-	    if (!flock($fh, LOCK_SH)) {
-		die "Cannot obtain shared lock on '$file': $!";
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    if (!flock($fh, LOCK_EX)) {
-		die " Cannot obtain exclusive lock on '$file': $!";
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    print "OPENING $file, mode = '$open_mode'\n" if $DEBUG;
-    return( $file, $fh, $open_mode) if wantarray;
-    return( $fh );
-sub print_col_names {
-    my($self,$parser,$col_names) = @_;
-    my $fields = $col_names || $self->{col_names} || $parser->{col_names};
-    return undef unless scalar @$fields;
-    $self->{col_names} = $fields;
-    return $fields if $parser->{keep_first_line};
-    my $first_line = $self->get_record();
-    my $fh         = $self->{fh};
-    $self->seek_first_record;
-    my $end = $parser->{record_sep} || "\n";
-    my $colStr =  $parser->write_fields(@$fields);
-    $colStr = join( ',',@$fields) . $end if ref($parser) =~ /Fixed/;
-    $fh->write($colStr,length $colStr);
-    $self->{first_row_pos} = $fh->tell();
-sub get_col_names {
-    my($self,$parser) = @_;
-    my @fields = ();
-    if ($parser->{keep_first_line}) {
-        my $cols = $parser->{col_names};
-        return undef unless $cols;
-        return $cols if ref $cols eq 'ARRAY';
-        @fields = split ',',$cols;
-#die "@fields";
-        return scalar @fields
-           ? \@fields
-           : undef;
-    } 
-    my $fh         = $self->{fh};
-    $fh->seek(0,0) if $fh;
-    my $first_line = $self->get_record($parser);
-#print $first_line;
-    if ( $first_line ) {
-        @fields = ref($parser) =~ /Fixed/
-            ? split /,/,$first_line
-            : $parser->read_fields($first_line);
-    }
-#    my @fields = $first_line
-#         ? $parser->read_fields($first_line)
-#        : ();
-#print "<$_>" for @fields; print "\n";
-         . $self->{file}
-         . "' : '@fields'" if "@fields" =~ /[^ a-zA-Z0-9_]/;
-    $parser->{col_names}   = \@fields;
-    $self->{col_names}     = \@fields;
-    $self->{col_nums}      = $self->set_col_nums;
-    $self->{first_row_pos} = $fh->tell();
-    return( \@fields);
-sub open_table {
-    my( $self, $parser, $file, $open_mode ) = @_;
-   my($newfile, $fh);
-    $file ||= '';
-    if ( $file =~ m'http://|ftp://' ) {
-#       die "wrong storage!";
-     $newfile = $file;
-    }
-    else {
-     ($newfile,$fh) = 
-       $self->open_local_file($file,$open_mode) if $file && !(ref $file);
-    }
-    $newfile ||= $file;
-    #die AnyData::dump($parser);
-    my $col_names = $parser->{col_names}  || '';
-#    my @array = split(/,/,$col_names);
-        my @array;
-        @array = ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY'
-          ? @$col_names
-          : split ',',$col_names;
-    my $pos = $fh->tell() if $fh;
-    my %table = (
-	file => $newfile,
-	open_mode => $open_mode,
-	fh => $fh,
-	col_nums => {},
-	col_names => \@array,
-	first_row_pos => $pos
-    );
-    for my $key(keys %table) {
-        $self->{$key}=$table{$key};
-    }
-    my $skip = $parser->init_parser($self);
-    if (!$skip && defined $newfile) {
-        $open_mode =~ /[co]/
-            ? $self->print_col_names($parser)
-            : $self->get_col_names($parser);
-    }
-    $self->{col_nums} = $self->set_col_nums();
-    # use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $self;
-sub get_file_handle    { return shift->{fh} }
-sub get_file_name      { return shift->{file} }
-sub get_file_open_mode { return shift->{open_mode} }
-sub file2str { return shift->get_record(@_) }
-sub get_record {
-    my($self,$parser)=@_;
-    local $/ =  $parser->{record_sep} || "\n";
-    my $fh =  $self->{fh} ;
-    my $record = $fh->getline || return undef;
-    $record =~ s/\015$//g;
-    $record =~ s/\012$//g;
-    return $record;
-sub set_col_nums {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $col_names = $self->{col_names};
-    return {} unless $col_names;
-    my $col_nums={}; my $i=0;
-    for (@$col_names) { 
-        next unless $_;
-        $col_nums->{$col_names->[$i]} = $i;
-        $i++;
-    }
-    return $col_nums;
-sub truncate {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (!$self->{fh}->truncate($self->{fh}->tell())) {
-        die "Error while truncating " . $self->{file} . ": $!";
-     }
-sub drop ($) {
-    my($self) = @_;
-    # We have to close the file before unlinking it: Some OS'es will
-    # refuse the unlink otherwise.
-    $self->{'fh'}->close() || die $!;
-    unlink($self->{'file'}) || die $!;
-    return 1;
-sub close{ shift->{'fh'}->close() || die $!; }
-sub push_row {
-    my $self  = shift;
-    my $rec   = shift;
-    my $fh = $self->{fh};
-    #####!!!! DON'T USE THIS ####    $fh->seek(0,2) or die $!;
-    $fh->write($rec,length $rec)
-         || die "Couldn't write to file: $!\n";
-sub delete_record {
-    my $self  = shift;
-    my $parser  = shift || {};
-    my $fh = $self->{fh};
-    my $travel =  length($parser->{record_sep}) || 0;
-    my $pos = $fh->tell - $travel;
-    $self->{deleted}->{$pos}++;
-sub is_deleted {
-    my $self  = shift;
-    my $parser  = shift || {};
-    my $fh = $self->{fh};
-    my $travel =  length($parser->{record_sep}) || 0;
-    my $pos = $fh->tell - $travel;
-    return $self->{deleted}->{$pos};
-sub seek {
-    my($self, $pos, $whence) = @_;
-    if ($whence == 0  &&  $pos == 0) {
-        $pos = $self->{first_row_pos};
-    } elsif ($whence != 2  ||  $pos != 0) {
-        die "Illegal seek position: pos = $pos, whence = $whence";
-    }
-    if (!$self->{fh}->seek($pos, $whence)) {
-        die "Error while seeking in " . $self->{'file'} . ": $!";
-    }
-    #print "<$pos-$whence>";
-sub DESTROY {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $fh = $self->{fh};
-  print "CLOSING ", $self->get_file_name, "\n" if $fh && $DEBUG;
-  $fh->close if $fh;
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
- AnyData::Storage::File -- manipulate files with rich warnings
- Opens, reads from, writes to, creates and destroys files with numerous
- options for error handling, flocking, binmode, etc.
- The simplest form is the equivalent of
-       my $f    = AnyData::Storage::File->new(dirs=>\@dirs,flock=>1);
-       my $str1 = $f->adSlurp($file);
-       for( @dirs ) {
-           open(IN,$file) or die $!;
-       }
-       sub slurp {
-           local *IN;
-           local $/ = undef;
-       }
- But, depending on how you set the default behaviour
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $f = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
- $f->set('binmode',1|0);
- $f->set('PrintError',1|0);
- $f->set('RaiseError',1|0);
- $f->set('Trace',1|0);
- $f->set('f_dir',$dir|$dir_array)
-<  input, fail if doesn't exist
->  output, truncate if exists, create if doesn't
->> append, create if doesn't exist
-+< read/write, fail if doesn't exist
-r  = <
-r+ = 
-=head1 new()
- my $f = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
- or
- my $f = AnyData::Storage::File->new( %flags );
- %flags is a hash which can contain any or all of:
-     f_dir      => $directory,   # defaults to './' (
-     binmode    => $binmode,     # defaults to 0 (doesn't binmode files)
-     printError => $warnings,    # defaults to 1 (print warning on errors)
-=head1 open_local_file( $fname, $mode );
- Mode is one of
- a = append     open for reading & writing, create if doesn't exist
- r = read       open for reading, fail if doesn't exist
- u = open       open for reading & writing, fail if doesn't exist
- c = create     open for reading & writing, fail if it already exists
- o = overwrite  open for reading & writing, overwrite if it already exists
- Additionally, all modes fail if the file can't be opened.  On systems
- that support flock, 'r' fails if a shared lock can not be obtained; the
- other modes fail if an exclusive lock can't be obtained.
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Storage::FileSys;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Basename;
-use vars qw( @ISA @files $wanted_part $wanted_re );
-use AnyData::Storage::File;
-@ISA = qw( AnyData::Storage::File );
-use Data::Dumper;
-sub open_table {}
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self  = shift || {};
-    $self->{col_names} = ['fullpath','path','name','ext','size','content' ];
-    bless $self, $class;
-    my $exts = $self->{exts};
-    if ($exts) {
-        $self->{wanted_part} = 'ext';
-        $self->{wanted_re}   = qr/\.$exts$/;
-    }
-    $self->{records}   = $self->get_data;
-    $self->{index} = 0;
-    return $self;
-sub is_deleted {}
-sub get_data {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $dirs = shift || $self->{dirs};
-    my @col_names = @{ $self->{col_names} };
-    my $table = [];
-    my @files = $self->get_filename_parts;
-    for my $file_info(@files) {
-        my $file = $file_info->[0];
-        # my $cols = get_mp3_tag($file) || next;
-        #my $filesize = -s $file;
-        #my @row  = (@$file_info,$filesize);
-        my @row = ( $file_info->[0],
-                    $file_info->[2],
-                    $file_info->[1],
-                    $file_info->[3],
-                  );
-        push @$table, \@row;
-        # 'fullpath,path,name,ext,size,content';
-        # 'fullpath,file_name,path,ext,size,'
-        # 'name,artist,album,year,comment,genre';
-    }
-    #use Data::Dumper; print "!",Dumper $table; exit;
-    return $table;
-sub seek_first_record {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->{index} = 0;
-sub file2str {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $curindex = $self->{index};
-    return undef if $curindex >= scalar @{$self->{records}};
-    $self->{index}++;
-    my $rec = $self->{records}->[$curindex];
-    my $file = $rec->[0];
-    push @$rec, -s $file;
-    local $/;
-    undef $/;
-    my $fh = $self->open_local_file( $file, $self->{open_mode});
-    my $str = <$fh>;
-    undef $fh;
-    push @$rec, $str;
-    return $rec;
-sub col_names { shift->{col_names} }
-sub get_filename_parts {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %flags;
-    %flags = @_ if scalar @_;
-    #use Data::Dumper; print "!",Dumper \%flags; exit;
-    $wanted_part = $flags{part} || $self->{wanted_part} || '';
-    $wanted_re   = $flags{re}   || $self->{wanted_re} || '';
-    my $dirs     = $flags{dirs} || $self->{dirs} || [];
-    my $wanted_sub  = $flags{sub} || \&wanted;
-    @files       = ();
-    find { no_chdir => 1,
-           wanted   => $wanted_sub,
-         },
-         @$dirs;
-    ;
-    my @results = @files;
-    @files      = ();
-    return @results;
-sub wanted {
-    my @info = fileparse($_,'\.[^\.]*$');
-    my($name,$path,$ext) = map{$_ || ''} @info;
-    if (!$name && $ext) { $name = $ext; $ext  = ''; }
-    unshift @info,$File::Find::name;
-    my $cols;
-    @{$cols}{('fullpath','filename','path','ext')} = @info;
-    if ($wanted_part && $wanted_re) {
-        return unless $cols->{$wanted_part} =~ $wanted_re;
-    }
-    push @files, \@info;
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Storage::PassThru;
-#  This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker
-#  All rights reserved.
-#  Nothing of interest here, it just passes the storage duties to the
-#  parser for formats like XML that do both format and storage
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
-$VERSION = '0.07';
-use AnyData::Storage::File;
-@ISA = qw( AnyData::Storage::File);
-sub file2str          { 1 }
-sub push_row          { my($s,$f)=@_;$s->{parser}->push_row(@$f) }
-sub seek_first_record { shift->{parser}->seek_first_record }
-sub get_col_names     { shift->{col_names} }
-sub delete_record     { shift->{parser}->delete_record }
-sub truncate          { shift->{parser}->truncate(@_) }
-sub drop              { shift->{parser}->drop(@_)}
-sub close_table       { shift->{parser}->close_table(@_)}
-sub get_pos           { shift->{parser}->get_pos(@_)}
-sub go_pos            { shift->{parser}->go_pos(@_)}
-sub seek              { shift->{parser}->seek(@_)}
-sub export            { shift->{parser}->export(@_)}
-sub DESTROY {
-# push_names()
-sub print_col_names {
-    my($self, $parser, $names) = @_;
-    $names = $parser->push_names($names);
-    $self->{col_names} = $names;
-    my($col_nums) = {};
-    for (my $i = 0;  $i < @$names;  $i++) {
-        $col_nums->{$names->[$i]} = $i;
-    }
-    $self->{col_nums} = $col_nums;
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Storage::RAM;
-#   This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker
-#   All rights reserved.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw($VERSION $DEBUG);
-$VERSION = '0.08';
-$DEBUG   = 1;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use AnyData::Storage::File;
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my $self  = shift || {};
-    return bless $self, $class;
-# MOVE set_col_nums and open_table to Storage/
-# ALSO make DBD::AnyData::Statement and DBD::Table simple @ISA for AnyData 
-sub set_col_nums {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $col_names = $self->{col_names};
-    return {} unless $col_names ;
-    return {} unless ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY';
-    return {} unless scalar @$col_names;
-    my $col_nums={}; my $i=0;
-    for (@$col_names) { next unless $_; $col_nums->{$_} = $i; $i++; }
-    #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $col_names;
-    $self->{col_nums}=$col_nums;
-    return $col_nums;
-sub open_table {
-    my( $self, $parser, $file, $read_mode, $data ) = @_;
-    $data = $self->{recs} if $self->{recs};
-    #$data ||= $parser->{recs};
-    #$data = $file if ref $file eq 'ARRAY' and !$data;
- #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $data;
-#print ref $parser;
-    my $rec_sep = $parser->{record_sep};# || "\n";
-    my $table_ary = [];
-    my $col_names = $parser->{col_names} || $self->{col_names};
-    my $cols_supplied = $col_names;
-    my $url = $file if $file =~ m"^http://|^ftp://";
-    $self->{open_mode} = $read_mode || 'r';
-    my $data_type;
-    $data_type='ARY-ARY' if ref $data eq 'ARRAY' and ref $data->[0] eq 'ARRAY';
-    $data_type='ARY-HSH' if ref $data eq 'ARRAY' and ref $data->[0] eq 'HASH';
-    $data_type='ARY-STR' if ref $data eq 'ARRAY' and !$data_type;
-    $data_type ||= 'STR';
-    # print "[$data_type]" . ref $data if $data;
-    # MP3 and ARRAY
-    if ( $self->{records} && !$data )  {
-         $table_ary = $self->{records};
-         $col_names ||= shift @$table_ary;
-    }
-    # REMOTE
-    elsif ( $data ) {
-      if ($parser->{slurp_mode}) {
-        ($table_ary,$col_names) = $parser->import($data,$self);
-        shift @$table_ary if (ref $parser) =~ /HTMLtable/ && $url && $cols_supplied;
-      }
-      else {
-        if ($data_type eq 'ARY-STR') {
-              $data = join '', @$data;
-	  }
-        if ($data_type eq 'ARY-ARY') {
-            $table_ary = $data;
-        }
-        elsif ($data_type eq 'ARY-HSH') {
-            print "IMPORT OF HASHES NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!\n"; exit;
-	}
-        else {
-            $data =~ s/\015$//gsm;  # ^M = CR from DOS
-    	    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $data;
-            my @tmp = split  /$rec_sep/, $data;
-	    #use Data::Dumper; print ref $parser, Dumper \@tmp;
-            if ((ref $parser) =~ /Fixed/ && (!$col_names or !scalar @$col_names)) {
-                my $colstr = shift @tmp;
-                # $colstr =~ s/\015$//g;  # ^M = CR from DOS
-                @$col_names = split ',',$colstr;
-	    }
-            if ((ref $parser) =~ /Paragraph/) {
-                my $colstr = shift @tmp;
-                @$col_names = $parser->read_fields($colstr);
-                #print "@$col_names";
-	    }
-            for my $line( @tmp ) {
-                #        for (split  /$rec_sep/, $data) {
-                #            s/\015$//g;  # ^M = CR from DOS
-                next if $parser->{skip_pattern} and $line =~ $parser->{skip_pattern};
-                my @row = $parser->read_fields($line);
-                #print $_;
-                #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@row;
-###z MOD
- #               next unless scalar @row;
- #               push @$table_ary, \@row;
-                 push @$table_ary, \@row
-#                    unless $parser->{skip_mark}
-#                       and $row[0] eq $parser->{skip_mark};
-            }
-        }
-        if ((ref $parser) !~ /Fixed|Paragraph/ 
-          && !$parser->{keep_first_line}
-          && !$parser->{col_names}
-           ) {
-           $col_names = shift @$table_ary;
-	 }
-        #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $table_ary;
-      }
-    }
-#    if ($file and !(ref $file eq 'ARRAY') and $file !~ m'^http://|ftp://' and !(scalar @$table_ary) ) {
-    if ((ref $parser) !~ /XML/ ) {
-        my $size = scalar @$table_ary if defined $table_ary;
-        if ($file and !(ref $file eq 'ARRAY') and !$size ) {
-            if ($file =~ m'^http://|ftp://') {
-                # ($table_ary,$col_names) =
-                # $self->get_remote_data($file,$parser);
-            }
-            else {
-                ($table_ary,$col_names) =
-                    $self->get_local_data($file,$parser,$read_mode);
-	    }
-        }
-    }
-    my @array = @$col_names if ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY';
-    #print "@array" if @array;
-    if ($col_names && scalar @array == 0 ) {
-         @array = (ref $parser =~ /Fixed/)
-             ? split ',', $col_names
-             : $parser->read_fields($col_names);
-    }
-    my $col_nums;
-    $col_nums = $self->set_col_nums() if $col_names;
-    my %table = (
-        index => 0,
-	file => $file,
-	records => $table_ary,
-	col_nums => $col_nums,
-	col_names => \@array,
-    );
-    for my $key(keys %table) {
-        $self->{$key}=$table{$key};
-    }
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self; exit;
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $table_ary;
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self->{records} if (ref $parser) =~ /Weblog/;
-sub close { my $s = shift; undef $s }
-sub get_remote_data {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $file   = shift;
-    my $parser = shift;
-    $ENV = {} unless defined $ENV;
-    $^W = 0;
-    undef $@;
-    my $user = $self->{user} || $self->{username};
-    my $pass = $self->{pass} || $self->{password};
-    eval{ require 'LWP/'; };
-#    eval{ require 'File/'; };
-    die "LWP module not found! $@" if $@;
-    my $ua   = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-    my $req  = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $file);
-    $req->authorization_basic($user, $pass) if $user and $pass;
-    my $res  = $ua->request($req);
-    die "[$file] : " . $res->message if !$res->is_success;
-    $^W = 1;
-    return $res->content;
-#    return $parser->get_data($res->content,$self->{col_names});
-sub export {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $parser = shift;
-    print "##";
-    return unless $parser->{export_on_close} && $self->{open_mode} ne 'r';
-#    return $parser->export( $self->{records}, $self->{col_names}, $self->{deleted} );
-    #$self->{file_manager}->str2file($str);
-sub DESTROY {
-   #shift->export;
-   #print "DESTROY";
-sub get_local_data {
-    my $self      = shift;
-    my $file      = shift;
-    my $parser    = shift;
-    my $open_mode = shift || 'r';
-    my $adf  = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
-#    $adf->open_table($parser,$file,'r');
- my $fh   = $adf->open_local_file($file,$open_mode);
-#print Dumper $file,$adf; exit;
-    $self->{file_manager} = $adf;
-    $self->{fh} = $fh;
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self;
-#    my $fh = $adf->{fh};
-    return([],$self->{col_names}) if 'co' =~ /$open_mode/;
-#    if ((ref $parser) =~ /HTML/) {
-#      print "[[$file]]";
-#      for (<$fh>) { print;  }
-#    }
-    local $/ = undef;
-    my $str = <$fh>;
-#    $fh->close;
-#print $str if (ref $parser) =~ /HTML/;
-    return $self->{col_names} unless $str;
-    return $parser->get_data($str,$self->{col_names});
-sub dump {
-    my $self = shift;
-    print
-       "\nTotal Rows  = ", scalar @{ $self->{records} },
-       "\nCurrent Row = ", $self->{index},
-       "\nData        = ", Dumper $self->{records},
-    ;
-sub col_names { shift->{col_names} }
-sub get_col_names {
-    my $self=shift;
-    my $parser=shift;
-    my $c = $self->{col_names} || $parser->{col_names};
-#print "###@$c";
-#return $c;
-#    if (!scalar @$c and $self->{data}) {
-#        $c = shift @{$self->{data}};
-#    }
-#    return $c;
-sub get_file_handle {''}
-sub get_file_name {''}
-sub seek_first_record { shift->{index}=0 }
-sub get_pos { my $s=shift; $s->{CUR}= $s->{index}}
-sub go_pos {my $s=shift;$s->{index}=$s->{CUR}}
-sub is_deleted { my $s=shift; return $s->{deleted}->{$s->{index}-1} };
-sub delete_record {
-    my $self = shift;
-#    $self->{records}->[ $self->{index}-1 ]->[-1] = $self->{del_marker};
-    $self->{deleted}->{ $self->{index}-1 }++;
-# fetch_row()
-sub get_record {
-    my($self,$parser) = @_;
-    my $currentRow = $self->{index};
-    return undef unless $self->{records} ;
-    return undef if $currentRow >= @{ $self->{records} };
-    $self->{index} = $currentRow+1;
-    $self->get_pos($self->{index});
-    #print  @{ $self->{records}->[ $currentRow ] };
-    return $self->{records}->[ $currentRow ];
-*file2str = \&get_record;
-*write_fields = \&push_row;
-# push_row()
-sub push_row {
-    my($self, $fields, $parser) = @_;
-    if (! ref $fields) {
-        $fields =~ s/\012$//;
-        #chomp $fields;
-        my @rec = $parser->read_fields($fields);
-        $fields = \@rec;
-    }
-#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $fields;
-    my $currentRow = $self->{index};
-    $self->{index} = $currentRow+1;
-    $self->{records}->[$currentRow] = $fields;
-    return 1;
-# truncate()
-sub truncate {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return splice @{$self->{records}}, $self->{index},1;
-# push_names()
-sub print_col_names {
-    my($self, $parser, $names) = @_;
-    $self->{col_names} = $names;
-    $self->{parser}->{col_names} = $names;
-    my($col_nums) = {};
-    for (my $i = 0;  $i < @$names;  $i++) {
-        $col_nums->{$names->[$i]} = $i;
-    }
-    $self->{col_nums} = $col_nums;
-sub drop  {1;}
-sub close_table {1;}
-sub seek {
-    my($self, $pos, $whence) = @_;
-    return unless defined $self->{records};
-    my($currentRow) = $self->{index};
-    if ($whence == 0) {
-        $currentRow = $pos;
-    } elsif ($whence == 1) {
-        $currentRow += $pos;
-    } elsif ($whence == 2) {
-        $currentRow = @{$self->{records}} + $pos;
-    } else {
-        die $self . "->seek: Illegal whence argument ($whence)";
-    }
-    if ($currentRow < 0) {
-        die "Illegal row number: $currentRow";
-    }
-    $self->{index} = $currentRow;
-sub str2file {
-    my($self,$rec)=@_;
-    my @c = caller 3; 
-    if ($c[3] =~ /DELETE/ or $c[3] =~ /UPDATE/) {
-        $self->delete_record($rec);
-        return undef if $c[3] =~ /DELETE/;
-    } 
-   push @{ $self->{table} }, $rec;
-#    $self->{index}++;
-    return $rec;
-sub delete_record{my $self=shift;use Data::Dumper; print Dumper @_}
-sub close {1;}
-sub seek {
-    my($self,$pos,$whence) = @_;
-    if ($pos == 0 && $whence == 0) {
-        $self->{index}=0;
-        return $self->{index};
-    }
-    if ($pos == 0 && $whence == 2) {
-        return $self->{index};
-    }
-sub truncate {}#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@_;}
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-package AnyData::Storage::TiedHash;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-sub FETCH {
-    my($self,$key) = @_;
-    my(@rows,$row,$found);
-    return $self->{ad}->col_names if($key eq '__colnames');
-    return $self->{ad}->key_col if $key eq '__key';
-    my $ismultiple = ref $key;
-    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record;
-    while ($row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        if ( $self->{ad}->match($row,$key) ) {
-            $found++;
-            last unless $ismultiple;
-            push @rows, $row;
-        }
-    }
-    return \@rows if $ismultiple;
-    return $found ? $row : undef;
-sub TIEHASH {
-    my $class   = shift;
-    my $ad      = shift;
-    my $perms   = shift || 'r';
-    my $records = shift || {};
-    my $self = {
-        INDEX         => 0,
-        RECORDS       => $records,
-        ad            => $ad,
-        del_marker    => "\0",
-        needs_packing => 0,
-        PERMS         => $perms,
-    };
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub verify_columns {
-    my $col_names = shift;
-    my $val       = shift;
-    my %is_col = map {$_ => 1} @$col_names;
-    my $errstr =  "ERROR: XXX is not a column in the table!\n";
-    $errstr .= scalar @$col_names
-            ? "       columns are: " . join "~",@$col_names,"\n"
-            : "       couldn't find any column names\n";
-    if (ref $val eq 'HASH') {
-        for (keys %$val) {
-             $errstr =~ s/XXX/$_/;
-             die $errstr if !$is_col{$_};
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        $errstr =~ s/XXX/$val/;
-        $is_col{$val}
-            ? return 1
-            : die $errstr;
-    }
-sub STORE {
-    my($self,$key,$value) = @_;
-    #my @c = caller 1;
-    $self->{errstr} = "Can't store: file is opened in 'r' read-only mode!"
-        if $self->{PERMS} eq 'r';
-    return undef if $self->{errstr};
-    my @colnames = @{ $self->{ad}->col_names };
-    verify_columns(\@colnames,$value);
-    return $self->{ad}->update_multiple_rows($key,$value)
-        if ref $key eq 'HASH';
-    $self->{ad}->seek(0,2);
-    my @newrow;
-    for my $i(0..$#colnames) {
-        $newrow[$i] = $value->{$colnames[$i]};
-        next if defined $newrow[$i];
-        $newrow[$i] = $key if $colnames[$i] eq $self->{ad}->key_col;
-        $newrow[$i] = undef unless $newrow[$i];
-    }
-    return $self->{ad}->push_row(@newrow);
-sub DELETE {
-    my($self,$key)=@_;
-    die "Can't delete: file is opened in 'r' read-only mode!"
-        if $self->{PERMS} eq 'r';
-    my $row;
-    my $count;
-    return $self->{ad}->delete_multiple_rows($key) if ref $key;
-    if ($row = $self->FETCH($key) ) {
-        $self->{ad}->delete_single_row;
-        $self->{needs_packing}++;
-        $count++;
-    }
-    #return $row;
-    return $count;
-sub EXISTS {
-    my($self,$key)=@_;
-    return $self->FETCH($key);
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record();
-    my $found =0;
-    my $row;
-    while (!$found) {
-        $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref() or last;
-        $found++;
-        last;
-    }
-    return $found ? $row : undef;
-sub NEXTKEY {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $row;
-    my $lastcol=0;
-    my $found=0;
-    while (!$found) {
-        $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref() or last;
-        $found++;
-        last;
-    }
-    return $found ? $row : undef;
-sub adRows {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $key  = shift;
-    my $count=0;
-    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record;
-    if (!$key) {
-        while (my $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
-            $count++;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        while (my $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
-            $count++ if $self->{ad}->match($row,$key);
-        }
-    }
-    return $count;
-sub adColumn {
-    my($self,$column,$flags)=@_;
-    $flags ||= '';
-    my @results=();
-    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record;
-    while (my $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        push @results, $row->{$column}
-    }
-    my %is_member;
-    @results = grep(!$is_member{$_}++, @results) if $flags; $flags =~ /u/i;
-#    @results = sort @results if $flags =~ /a/i;
-#    @results = reverse sort @results if $flags =~ /d/i;
-    return @results;
-sub DESTROY {
-    #my $self=shift;
-    #undef $self->{ad};
-    #print "HASH DESTROYED";
-# END OF AnyData::Tiedhash
@@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ AnyData - easy access to data in many formats
 Revision history for Perl extension AnyData.
-version 0.11, released  Aug 2012
+0.12	2015-01-28
+ * fix various packaging issues (RT#101768, RT#95908, RT#99763, RT#82862)
+ * add missing prereq on CGI (RT#99916)
+ * officially marked as deprecated
+ * tidy up distribution
+ * reformat Changes according to rough spec
+ * fix some meta-data #toolchain pointed out
+0.11	2012-12-14
  * new maintainer Sven Dowideit
  * use Test::More
@@ -14,28 +23,29 @@ version 0.11, released  Aug 2012
  * weblog request and referer regexs were too greedy, and the referer and client regex's where in the wrong order (RT#34063) and (RT#72334) Wes Brown <wes [...]> and pawal [...]
  * adDump writes out fields containing 0 as empty strings (RT#28006) xcaron [...]
  * A bug in AnyData::Format::Weblog, SQL excuting result is not correct (RT#56962)
+ * 
-version 0.10, released 19 April 2004
+0.10	2004-04-19
  * really fixed adConvert, thanks for bug reports - Dan Wright, Scott Godin
-version 0.09, released 18 April 2004
+0.09	2004-04-18
  * fixed adConvert - many thanks to Dan Wright for a patch
-version 0.08, released 25 October 2003
+0.08	2003-10-25
  * Storage/ : added version number
-version 0.07, released 25 October 2003
+0.07	2003-10-25
  * Storage/ : added version number (thanks Randal Schwartz)
-version 0.06, released 25 October 2003
+0.06	2003-10-25
  * : omitted XML & HTMLtable tests
-version 0.05, released 17 July, 2001
+0.05	2001-07-17
  There are major changes in the way the tied hash interface
  does deletions and exporting and in the XML and Weblog format
@@ -86,21 +96,18 @@ version 0.05, released 17 July, 2001
  * added version numbers to all of the submodules and standardized
    the docs
-Version 0.04, 26th June, 2001
+0.04	2001-06-26
  * Beta release
-Version 0.03, 17th April, 2001
+0.03	2001-03-17
  * second Alpha release
-Version 0.02, 4th February, 2001
+0.02	2001-02-04
  * first Alpha release
-Version 0.01, 17th January, 2001
+0.01	2001-01-17
  * pre Alpha release
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
+MANIFEST			This list of files
@@ -31,19 +30,10 @@ t/56962.t
 META.yml                                 Module YAML meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
 META.json                                Module JSON meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@@ -27,3 +28,8 @@ _Inline/.*
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-   "abstract" : "easy access to data in many formats
+   "abstract" : "(DEPRECATED) easy access to data in many formats",
    "author" : [
       "Jeff Zucker (",
       "Sven Dowideit ("
-   "dynamic_config" : 1,
-   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921",
+   "dynamic_config" : 0,
+   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.04, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.143240",
    "license" : [
@@ -22,26 +22,55 @@
    "prereqs" : {
       "build" : {
+         "requires" : {}
+      },
+      "configure" : {
          "requires" : {
-            "Test::More" : "0.9",
-            "Test::Output" : "0.01"
+            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
-      "configure" : {
+      "develop" : {
          "requires" : {
-            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.30"
+            "Module::CPANTS::Analyse" : "0.96",
+            "Test::CPAN::Changes" : "0",
+            "Test::CheckManifest" : "0",
+            "Test::Kwalitee" : "0",
+            "Test::Pod" : "0",
+            "Test::Pod::Coverage" : "0",
+            "Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes" : "0",
+            "Test::Spelling" : "0"
       "runtime" : {
-         "requires" : {}
+         "requires" : {
+            "CGI" : "0"
+         }
+      },
+      "test" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "Test::More" : "0",
+            "Test::Output" : "0"
+         }
    "release_status" : "stable",
    "resources" : {
-      "homepage" : "",
+      "bugtracker" : {
+         "mailto" : "",
+         "web" : ""
+      },
+      "homepage" : "",
+      "license" : [
+         ""
+      ],
       "repository" : {
-         "url" : "git://"
-      }
+         "type" : "git",
+         "url" : "",
+         "web" : ""
+      },
+      "x_IRC" : "irc://",
+      "x_MailingList" : "'",
+      "x_deprecated" : 1
-   "version" : "0.11"
+   "version" : "0.12"
@@ -1,26 +1,32 @@
-abstract: "easy access to data in many formats
+abstract: '(DEPRECATED) easy access to data in many formats'
   - 'Jeff Zucker ('
   - 'Sven Dowideit ('
-  Test::More: 0.9
-  Test::Output: 0.01
+  Test::More: '0'
+  Test::Output: '0'
-  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.30
-dynamic_config: 1
-generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921'
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
+dynamic_config: 0
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.04, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.143240'
 license: perl
-  version: 1.4
+  version: '1.4'
 name: AnyData
     - t
     - inc
-requires: {}
+  CGI: '0'
-  homepage:
-  repository: git://
-version: 0.11
+  Deprecated: 1
+  IRC: irc://
+  MailingList: "'"
+  bugtracker:
+  homepage:
+  license:
+  repository:
+version: '0.12'
@@ -1,47 +1,119 @@
 # -*- perl -*-
-require 5.006;
 use strict;
-require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-    (
-        'NAME'          => 'AnyData',
-        'VERSION_FROM'  => 'lib/',
-        'ABSTRACT_FROM' => 'lib/',
-        'LICENSE'       => "perl",
-        'dist'          => {
-            'SUFFIX'       => ".gz",
-            'DIST_DEFAULT' => 'all tardist',
-            'COMPRESS'     => "gzip -9vf"
-        },
-        'CONFIGURE_REQUIRES' => { "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" => "6.30" },
-        'BUILD_REQUIRES'     => {
-            'Test::Output'                        => '0.01',
-            'Test::More'                          => '0.9',
+use 5.008001;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+my %RUN_DEPS = ( 'CGI' => '0' );
+    'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
+my %BUILD_DEPS = ();
+my %TEST_DEPS = (
+    'Test::Output' => '0',
+    'Test::More'   => '0',
+my @AUTHORS = ( 'Jeff Zucker (', 'Sven Dowideit (', );
+    MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008001',
+    META_ADD         => {
+        'meta-spec'    => { version => 2 },
+        dynamic_config => 0,
+        resources      => {
+            homepage   => '',
+            repository => {
+                url  => '',
+                web  => '',
+                type => 'git',
+            },
+            bugtracker => {
+                web    => '',
+                mailto => '',
+            },
+            license       => '',
+            x_deprecated  => 1,
+            x_IRC         => "irc://",
+            x_MailingList => "mailto:dbi-dev\'",
-        'PREREQ_PM' => {},
-        "test"      => { "TESTS" => "t/*.t" },
-        "META_ADD"  => {
-            resources => {
-                homepage   => '',
-                repository => 'git://',
-                #            x_twitter => '',
-            }
+        prereqs => {
+            develop => {
+                requires => {
+                    'Test::CPAN::Changes'                 => 0,
+                    'Test::CheckManifest'                 => 0,
+                    'Module::CPANTS::Analyse'             => '0.96',
+                    'Test::Kwalitee'                      => 0,
+                    'Test::Pod'                           => 0,
+                    'Test::Pod::Coverage'                 => 0,
+                    'Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes' => 0,
+                    'Test::Spelling'                      => 0,
+                },
+            },
+            configure => {
+                requires => {%CONFIGURE_DEPS},
+            },
+            build   => { requires => {%BUILD_DEPS} },
+            test    => { requires => {%TEST_DEPS} },
+            runtime => {
+                requires => { %RUN_DEPS, },
+            },
-        ( $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.3002 ?
-              ( 'LICENSE' => 'perl', )
-            : () ),
-        (
-            $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 5.43
-            ? (
-                'AUTHOR' => [
-                    'Jeff Zucker (',
-                    'Sven Dowideit (',
-                ]
-              )
-            : ()
-        ),
-    )
+    },
+    NAME               => 'AnyData',
+    VERSION_FROM       => 'lib/',
+    ABSTRACT_FROM      => 'lib/',
+    LICENSE            => "perl",
+    AUTHOR             => \@AUTHORS,
+    PREREQ_PM          => \%RUN_DEPS,
+    test               => { TESTS => 't/*.t xt/*.t' },
+sub WriteMakefile1
+{    # originally written by Alexandr Ciornii, version 0.21. Added by eumm-upgrade.
+    my %params       = @_;
+    my $eumm_version = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;
+    $eumm_version = eval $eumm_version;
+    die "EXTRA_META is deprecated" if ( exists( $params{EXTRA_META} ) );
+    die "License not specified"    if ( !exists( $params{LICENSE} ) );
+    $params{TEST_REQUIRES}
+      and $eumm_version < 6.6303
+      and $params{BUILD_REQUIRES} = { %{ $params{BUILD_REQUIRES} || {} }, %{ delete $params{TEST_REQUIRES} } };
+    #EUMM 6.5502 has problems with BUILD_REQUIRES
+    $params{BUILD_REQUIRES}
+      and $eumm_version < 6.5503
+      and $params{PREREQ_PM} = { %{ $params{PREREQ_PM} || {} }, %{ delete $params{BUILD_REQUIRES} } };
+    ref $params{AUTHOR}
+      and "ARRAY" eq ref $params{AUTHOR}
+      and $eumm_version < 6.5702
+      and $params{AUTHOR} = join( ", ", @{ $params{AUTHOR} } );
+    delete $params{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES}    if ( $eumm_version < 6.52 );
+    delete $params{MIN_PERL_VERSION}      if ( $eumm_version < 6.48 );
+    delete $params{META_MERGE}            if ( $eumm_version < 6.46 );
+    delete $params{META_ADD}{prereqs}     if ( $eumm_version < 6.58 );
+    delete $params{META_ADD}{'meta-spec'} if ( $eumm_version < 6.58 );
+    delete $params{META_ADD}              if ( $eumm_version < 6.46 );
+    delete $params{LICENSE}               if ( $eumm_version < 6.31 );
+    delete $params{AUTHOR}                if ( $] < 5.005 );
+    delete $params{ABSTRACT_FROM}         if ( $] < 5.005 );
+    delete $params{BINARY_LOCATION}       if ( $] < 5.005 );
+    # more or less taken from Moose' Makefile.PL
+    if ( $params{CONFLICTS} )
+    {
+        my $ok = CheckConflicts(%params);
+        exit(0) if ( $params{PREREQ_FATAL} and not $ok );
+        my $cpan_smoker = grep { $_ =~ m/(?:CR_SMOKER|CPAN_REPORTER|AUTOMATED_TESTING)/ } keys %ENV;
+        unless ( $cpan_smoker || $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} )
+        {
+            sleep 4 unless ($ok);
+        }
+        delete $params{CONFLICTS};
+    }
+    WriteMakefile(%params);
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Base;
+# AnyData driver for plain text files
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG );
+$DEBUG = 0;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = shift || {};
+    $self->{record_sep} ||= "\n";
+###    $self->{slurp_mode} = 1 unless defined $self->{slurp_mode};
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub DESTROY {
+    # print "PARSER DESTROYED"
+sub get_data     { undef }
+sub storage_type { undef }
+sub init_parser  { undef }
+sub write_fields {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my @ary = @_;
+    return \@ary;
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $aryref = shift;
+    return @$aryref;
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+package AnyData::Format::CSV;
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+=head1 NAME
+ AnyData::Format::CSV - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to CSV data
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adTable( 'CSV', $filename,'r',$flags );
+ while (my $row = each %$table) {
+    print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('table1','CSV', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. It will read column names from the first row of the file, or accept names passed by the user.  In addition to column names, the user may set other options as follows:
+  col_names   : a comma separated list of column names
+  eol         : the end of record mark, \n by default
+  quote_char  : the character used to quote fields " by default
+  escape_char : the character used to escape the quote char, " by default
+If you are using this with DBD::AnyData, put ad_ in front of the flags, e.g.
+Please refer to the documentation for and
+for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::CSV::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = shift ||  {};
+    my $s = ${self}->{field_rsep} || ${self}->{field_sep} || q(,);
+    my $s1 = $s;
+    #$s1 =~ s/\\/\\\\/ if $s1 =~ /\+$/;
+    #$s1 =~ s/\+$//;
+    #die $s1;
+    ${self}->{field_sep}          ||= q(,);
+    my $q = ${self}->{quote}      ||= q(");
+    my $e = ${self}->{escape}     ||= q(");
+    ${self}->{record_sep}         ||= qq(\n);
+    $self->{regex} = [
+        qr/$q((?:(?:$e$q)|[^$q])*)$q$s?|([^$s1]+)$s?|$s/,
+        "$e$q",
+        $q
+    ];
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift || return undef;
+    my @fields = ();
+    my $captured;
+    my $field_wsep = $self->{field_wsep} || $self->{field_sep};
+    if ($self->{trim}) {
+        $str =~ s/\s*($field_wsep)\s*/$1/g;
+    }
+    while ($str =~ m#$self->{regex}->[0]#g) {
+         $captured = $+;
+         $captured =~ s/$self->{regex}[1]/$self->{regex}[2]/g if $captured;
+         last if $captured && $captured eq "\n";
+         push(@fields,$captured);
+     };
+     push(@fields, undef) if substr($str,-1,1) eq $field_wsep;
+     return @fields;
+sub write_fields {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my @fields = @_;
+    my $str    = '';
+    my $field_rsep = $self->{field_rsep} || $self->{field_sep};
+    $field_rsep = quotemeta($field_rsep);
+    my $field_wsep = $self->{field_sep};
+    $field_wsep =~ s/\\//g;
+#    if ($self->{ChopBlanks}) {
+#        $field_wsep =~ " $field_wsep ";
+#    }
+    for (@fields) {
+        $_ = '' if !defined $_;
+        if ($self->{field_sep} eq ',') {
+            s/"/""/g;
+            s/^(.*)$/"$1"/s if /,/ or /\n/s or /"/;
+	}
+        $str .= $_ . $field_wsep;
+    }
+    $str =~ s/$self->{field_sep}$/$self->{record_sep}/;
+    return $str;
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package AnyData::Format::FileSys;
+# AnyData driver for plain text files
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG );
+@AnyData::Format::FileSys::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$DEBUG = 0;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = shift || {};
+    $self->{rec_sep}   ||= "\n";
+    $self->{keep_first_line} = 1;
+    $self->{storage} = 'FileSys';
+    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Fixed;
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+=head1 NAME
+ AnyData::Format::Fixed - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Fixed length data
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adHash( 'Fixed', $filename,'r',{pattern=>'A20 A2'} );
+ while (my $row = each %$table) {
+     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('table1','Fixed', $filename, {pattern=>'A20 A2'},'ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This is a parser for fixed length record files.  You must specify an unpack pattern listing the widths of the fields e.g. {pattern=>'A3 A7 A20'}.  You can either supply the column names or let the module get them for you from the first line of the file.  In either case, they should be a comma separated string.
+Refer to L<> for the formatting of the pattern.
+Please refer to the documentation for and
+for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::Fixed::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift;
+    if (!$self->{pattern}) {
+      print "NO UNPACK PATTERN SPECIFIED!"; exit;
+    } 
+    my @fields = unpack $self->{pattern}, $str;
+    if ($self->{trim}) {
+        @fields = map {s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_} @fields;
+    }
+    return @fields;
+sub write_fields {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my @fields = @_;
+    my $fieldNum =0;
+    my $patternStr = $self->{pattern} || '';
+    $patternStr =~ s/[a-zA-Z]//gi;
+    my @fieldLengths = split /\s+/, $patternStr;
+    my $fieldStr = '';
+    for(@fields) {
+        next unless defined $_;
+        my $oldLen = length $_ || 0;
+        my $newLen =  $fieldLengths[$fieldNum] || 0;
+        if ($oldLen < $newLen) { $_ = sprintf "%-${newLen}s",$_; }
+        if ($oldLen > $newLen) { $_ = substr $_, 0, $newLen; }
+        $fieldNum++;
+        $fieldStr .= $_;
+    }
+    $fieldStr .= $self->{record_sep};
+#print "<$fieldStr>";
+    return $fieldStr;
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+package AnyData::Format::HTMLtable;
+# by Jeff Zucker <>
+# copyright 2000 all rights reserved
+=head1 NAME
+HTMLtable - tied hash and DBI/SQL access to HTML tables
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adHash( 'HTMLtable', $filename );
+ while (my $row = each %$table) {
+    print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('table1','HTMLtable', $filename,'ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This module allows one to treat the data contained in an HTML table as
+a tied hash (using or as a DBI/SQL accessible database
+(using  Both the tiedhash and DBI interfaces allow
+one to read, modify, and create HTML tables from perl data or from local or
+remote files.
+The module requires that CGI, HTML::Parser and HTML::TableExtract are installed.
+When reading the HTML table, this module is essentially just a pass
+through to Matt Sisk's excellent HTML::TableExtract module.
+If no flags are specified in the adTie() or ad_catalog() calls, then TableExtract is called with depth=0 and count=0, in other words it finds the first row of the first table and treats that as the column names for the entire table.  If a flag for 'cols' (column names) is specified in the adTie() or ad_catalog() calls, that list of column names is passed to TableExtract as a headers parameter.  If the user specifies flags for headers, depth, or count, those are passed directly to TableExtract.
+When exporting to an HTMLtable, you may pass flags to specify properties
+ of the whole table (table_flags), the top row containing the column names
+ (top_row_flags), and the data rows (data_row_flags).  These flags follow
+ the syntax of table constructors, e.g.:
+ print adExport( $table, 'HTMLtable', {
+     table_flags    => {Border=>3,bgColor=>'blue'};
+     top_row_flags  => {bgColor=>'red'};
+     data_row_flags => {valign='top'};
+ });
+ The table_flags will default to {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'} if none
+ are specified.
+ The top_row_flags will default to {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'} if none are 
+ specified;
+ The data_row_flags will be empty if none are specified.
+ In other words, if no flags are specified the table will print out with
+ a border of 1, the column headings in gray, and the data rows in white.
+ CAUTION: This module will *not* preserve anything in the html file except
+ the selected table so if your file contains more than the selected table,
+ you will want to use adTie() or $dbh->func(...,'ad_import') to read the 
+table and then adExport() or $dbh->func(...,'ad_export') to write
+ the table to a different file.  When using the HTMLtable format, this is the
+ only way to preserve changes to the data, the adTie() command will *not*
+ write to a file.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use AnyData::Storage::File;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::HTMLtable::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = shift ||  {};
+    $self->{export_on_close} = 1;
+    $self->{slurp_mode} = 1;
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub storage_type { 'RAM'; }
+sub import {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $data = shift;
+    my $storage = shift;
+    return $self->get_data($data,$self->{col_names});
+sub get_data {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str       = shift or return undef;
+    my $col_names = shift;
+    require HTML::TableExtract;
+    my $count   = $self->{count} || 0;
+    my $depth   = $self->{depth} || 0;
+    my $headers = $self->{headers} || $self->{col_names} || undef;
+    my %flags;
+    if (defined $count or defined $depth or defined $headers) {
+        $flags{count} = $count if defined $count;
+        $flags{depth} = $depth if defined $depth;
+        $flags{headers} = $headers if defined $headers;
+    }
+    else {
+        %flags = $col_names
+            ? ( headers => $col_names )
+            : (count=>$count,depth=>$depth);
+    }
+    my $te = new HTML::TableExtract(
+         %flags
+    );
+    $te->parse($str);
+    my $table;
+    @$table = $te->rows;
+    $self->{col_names} = shift @$table if !$col_names;
+    return $table, $self->{col_names};
+sub export {
+    #print "EXPORTING!";
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $storage   = shift;
+    my $col_names = $storage->{col_names};
+    my $table     = $storage->{records};
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $table; print "###"; exit;
+    my $fh        = $storage->{fh};
+    use CGI;
+    my $table_flags = shift || {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'};
+    my $top_row_flags = shift || {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'};
+    my $data_row_flags = shift || {};
+    @$table = map {
+        my $row = $_;
+        @$row = map { $_ || '&nbsp;' } @$row;
+        $row;
+    } @$table;
+    my $str = 
+        CGI::table(
+            $table_flags,
+            CGI::Tr( $top_row_flags, CGI::th($col_names) ),
+            map CGI::Tr( $data_row_flags, CGI::td($_) ), @$table
+        );
+    $fh->write($str,length $str) if $fh;
+    return $str;
+sub exportOLD {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $table     = shift;
+    my $col_names = shift;
+    use CGI;
+    my $table_flags = shift || {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'};
+    my $top_row_flags = shift || {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'};
+    my $data_row_flags = shift || {};
+    return
+        CGI::table(
+            $table_flags,
+            CGI::Tr( $top_row_flags, CGI::th($col_names) ),
+            map CGI::Tr( $data_row_flags, CGI::td($_) ), @$table
+        );
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Ini;
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+# all rights reserved
+=head1 NAME
+ AnyData::Format::Ini - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to ini files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adHash( 'Ini', $filename,'r',$flags );
+ while (my $row = each %$table) {
+     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('table1','Init', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This is a parser for simple name=value style Ini files.  Soon it will also handle files with sections.
+Please refer to the documentation for and
+for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use AnyData::Format::CSV;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw/@ISA $VERSION/;
+@ISA = qw(AnyData::Format::CSV);
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $flags = shift || {};
+    $flags->{field_sep} ||= '=';
+    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new( $flags );
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub write_fields  {
+    my($self,$key,$value) = @_;
+    return undef unless $key;
+    $value ||= '';
+    return "$key = $value" . $self->{record_sep};
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift || return undef;
+    $str =~ s/^\s+//;
+    $str =~ s/\s+$//;
+    return undef unless $str;
+    my @fields = $str =~ /^([^=]*?)\s*=\s*(.*)/;
+    die "Couldn't parse line '$str'\n" unless defined $fields[0];
+    return( @fields );
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Mp3;
+# copyright 2000 by Jeff Zucker <>
+# all rights reserved
+=head1 NAME
+AnyData::Format::Mp3 - tied hash and DBI access to Mp3 files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $playlist = adTie( 'Passwd', ['c:/My Music/'] );
+ while (my $song = each %$playlist){
+    print $song->{artist} if $song->{genre} eq 'Reggae'
+ }
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('playlist','Mp3,['c:/My Music'],'ad_catalog');
+ my $playlist = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT artist, title FROM playlist WHERE genre = 'Reggae'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This module provides a tied hash interface and a DBI/SQL interface to MP files.  It creates an in-memory database or hash from the Mp3 files themselves without actually creating a separate database file.  This means that the database is automatically updated just by moving files in or out of the directories.
+Many mp3 (mpeg three) music files contain a header describing the song
+name, artist, and other information about the music.
+Simply choose 'Mp3' as the format and give a reference to an array of directories containing mp3 files.  Each file in those directories will become a record containing the fields:
+ song
+ artist
+ album
+ year
+ genre
+ filename
+ filesize
+This module is a submodule of the and modules.  Refer to their documentation for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use AnyData::Storage::FileSys;
+use AnyData::Storage::File;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::Mp3::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = shift ||  {};
+    #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $self;
+    my $dirs = $self->{dirs} || $self->{file_name} || $self->{recs};
+    $self->{col_names} = 'song,artist,album,year,genre,filename,filesize';
+    $self->{recs}   = 
+    $self->{records}   = get_data( $dirs );
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub storage_type { 'RAM'; }
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $thing = shift;
+    return @$thing if ref $thing eq 'ARRAY';
+    return split ',', $thing;
+sub write_fields { die "WRITING NOT IMPLEMENTED FOR FORMAT Mp3"; }
+sub get_data {
+    my $dirs = shift;
+    my $table = [];
+    my @files = AnyData::Storage::FileSys::get_filename_parts(
+	{},
+        part => 'ext',
+        re   => 'mp3',
+        dirs => $dirs
+    );
+    for my $file_info(@files) {
+        my $file = $file_info->[0];
+        my $cols = get_mp3_tag($file) || next;
+        my $filesize = -s $file;
+        $filesize = sprintf "%1.fmb", $filesize/1000000;
+        my @row  = (@$cols,$file,$filesize);
+        push @$table, \@row;
+        # 'file_name,path,ext,fullpath,size,'
+        # 'name,artist,album,year,comment,genre';
+    }
+    return $table;
+sub get_mp3_tag {
+    my($file)   = shift;
+    my $adf = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
+    my(undef,$fh,undef) = $adf->open_local_file($file,'r');
+    local $/ = '';
+    $fh->seek(-128,2);
+    my $str = <$fh> || '';
+    $fh->close;
+    return undef if !($str =~ /^TAG/);
+    #$file = sprintf("%-255s",$file);
+    #$str =~ s/^TAG(.*)/$file$1/;
+    $str =~ s/^TAG(.*)/$1/;
+    my $genre = $str;
+    $genre =~ s/^.*(.)$/$1/g;
+    $str =~ s/(.)$//g;
+    $genre = unpack( 'C', $genre );
+my @genres =("Blues", "Classic Rock", "Country", "Dance", "Disco", "Funk", "Grunge", "Hip-Hop", "Jazz", "Metal", "New Age", "Oldies", "Other", "Pop", "R&B", "Rap", "Reggae", "Rock", "Techno", "Industrial", "Alternative", "Ska", "Death Metal", "Pranks", "Soundtrack", "Eurotechno", "Ambient", "Trip-Hop", "Vocal", "Jazz+Funk", "Fusion", "Trance", "Classical", "Instrumental", "Acid", "House", "Game", "Sound Clip", "Gospel", "Noise", "Alternative Rock", "Bass", "Soul", "Punk", "Space", "Meditative", "Instrumental Pop", "Instrumental Rock", "Ethnic", "Gothic", "Darkwave", "Techno-Industrial", "Electronic", "Pop-Folk", "Eurodance", "Dream", "Southern Rock", "Comedy", "Cult", "Gangsta", "Top 40", "Christian Rap", "Pop/Funk", "Jungle", "Native American", "Cabaret", "New Wave", "Psychadelic", "Rave", "Show Tunes", "Trailer", "Lo-Fi", "Tribal", "Acid Punk", "Acid Jazz", "Polka", "Retro", "Musical", "Rock & Roll", "Hard Rock", "Folk", "Folk/Rock", "National Folk", "Swing", "Fast-Fusion", "Bebop", "Latin", "Revival", "Celtic", "Bluegrass", "Avantgarde", "Gothic Rock", "Progressive Rock", "Psychedelic Rock", "Symphonic Rock", "Slow Rock", "Big Band", "Chorus", "Easy Listening", "Acoustic", "Humour", "Speech", "Chanson", "Opera", "Chamber Music", "Sonata", "Symphony", "Booty Bass", "Primus", "Porn Groove", "Satire", "Slow Jam", "Club", "Tango", "Samba", "Folklore", "Ballad", "Power Ballad", "Rhytmic Soul", "Freestyle", "Duet", "Punk Rock", "Drum Solo", "Acapella", "Euro-House", "Dance Hall", "Goa", "Drum & Bass", "Club-House", "Hardcore", "Terror", "Indie", "BritPop", "Negerpunk", "Polsk Punk", "Beat", "Christian Gangsta Rap", "Heavy Metal", "Black Metal", "Crossover", "Contemporary Christian", "Christian Rock", "Unknown");
+    $genre = $genres[$genre] || '';
+    my @cols = unpack 'A30 A30 A30 A4 A30', $str;
+    my $comment = pop @cols;
+    #print $comment;
+    @cols = map{$_ || ''} @cols;
+    push @cols, $genre;
+    return \@cols;
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Paragraph;
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+=head1 NAME
+AnyData::Format::Paragraph - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to vertical files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adHash( 'Paragraph', $filename,'r',$flags );
+ while (my $row = each %$table) {
+    print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('table1','Paragraph', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules.
+It handles "vertical" files in which the record name occurs on a line by itself followed by records on lines by themselves, e.g.
+ Photoslop
+ /My Photos/
+ .jpg, .gif, .psd
+ Nutscrape
+ /htdocs/
+ .html, .htm
+Please refer to the documentation for and
+for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData;
+use AnyData::Format::CSV;
+use vars qw/@ISA $VERSION/;
+@ISA = qw(AnyData::Format::CSV);
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $flags = shift || {};
+    my $f = $flags->{record_sep} || '';
+    #print "<$f>";
+    $flags->{field_sep}  = "\n";
+    $flags->{record_sep} = "\n\n";
+    #print "[",$flags->{record_sep},"]";
+    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new( $flags );
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub write_fields  {
+    my($self,@fields) = @_;
+    @fields = map {$_ || ''} @fields;
+    return join("\n",@fields) . $self->{record_sep};
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str  = shift || return undef;
+    return undef unless $str;
+    my @fields = split /\n/, $str;
+    @fields = map{s/\s+$//; $_}@fields;
+    die "Couldn't parse line '$str'\n" unless defined $fields[0];
+    return( @fields );
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Passwd;
+# copyright 2000 by Jeff Zucker <>
+# all rights reserved
+=head1 NAME
+Passwd - tied hash and DBI access to passwd files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $users = adTie( 'Passwd', '/etc/passwd' );
+ print $users->{jdoe}->{homedir};
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('users','Passwd','/etc/passwd','ad_catalog');
+ my $g7 = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT username, homedir FROM users WHERE GID = '7'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This module provides a tied hash interface and a DBI/SQL interface to passwd files.  Simply specify the format as 'Passwd' and give the name of the file and the modules will build a hash table with the column names
+ username
+ passwd
+ fullname
+ homedir
+ shell
+The username field is treated as a key column.
+This module is a submodule of the and modules.  Refer to their documentation for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::CSV;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::Passwd::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::CSV );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $flags = shift || {};
+    $flags->{field_sep} = q(:);
+    $flags->{col_names} = 'username,passwd,UID,GID,fullname,homedir,shell';
+    $flags->{key}       = 'username';
+    $flags->{keep_first_line} = 1;
+    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new(
+        $flags
+    );
+    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Pipe;
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+# all rights reserved
+=head1 NAME
+AnyData::Format::Pipe - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Pipe delimited files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adHash( 'Pipe', $filename,'r',$flags );
+ while (my $row = each %$table) {
+     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+  use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('table1','Pipe', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. It will read column names from the first row of the file, or accept names passed by the user.  In addition to column names, the user may set other options as follows:
+  col_names   : a pipe separated list of column names
+If you are using this with DBD::AnyData, put ad_ in front of the flags, e.g.
+Please refer to the documentation for and
+for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::CSV;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::Pipe::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::CSV );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $flags = shift || {};
+    $flags->{field_sep} ||= q(\|);
+#    $flags->{field_sep} ||= q(\s*\|\s*);
+#    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new({
+    my $self  = new AnyData::Format::CSV({
+        %$flags
+    });
+    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Tab;
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+# all rights reserved
+=head1 NAME
+AnyData::Format::Tab - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Tab delimited files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adHash( 'Tab', $filename,'r',$flags );
+ while (my $row = each %$table) {
+     print $row->{name},"\n" if $row->{country} =~ /us|mx|ca/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('table1','Tab', $filename,$flags,'ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE country = 'us'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL operations
+This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. It will read column names from the first row of the file, or accept names passed by the user.  In addition to column names, the user may set other options as follows:
+  col_names   : a tab separated list of column names
+  eol         : the end of record mark, \n by default
+  quote_char  : the character used to quote fields " by default
+  escape_char : the character used to escape the quote char, " by default
+If you are using this with DBD::AnyData, put ad_ in front of the flags, e.g.
+Please refer to the documentation for and
+for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::CSV;
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION );
+@AnyData::Format::Tab::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::CSV );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $flags = shift || {};
+    $flags->{field_sep} ||= qq(\t);
+    my $self  = AnyData::Format::CSV::->new(
+        $flags
+    );
+    return bless $self, $class;
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Text;
+# AnyData driver for plain text files
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use AnyData::Storage::FileSys;
+use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG );
+@AnyData::Format::Text::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$DEBUG = 0;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = shift || {};
+    #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $self;
+    $self->{rec_sep}   ||= "\n";
+    if ($self->{dirs}) {
+        $self->{storage} = 'FileSys';
+        $self->{col_names} = 'fullpath,path,name,ext,size,content';
+        $self->{records}   = get_data( {},$self->{dirs} );
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->{col_names} = 'text';
+        $self->{key}       = 'text';
+    }
+    $self->{keep_first_line} = 1;
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub write_fields {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    return $self->{dirs}
+        ? pop @_
+        : join '', @_;
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str = shift || return undef;
+    if (!$self->{dirs}) {
+        my @row = ($str);
+        return @row
+    }
+sub get_data {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $dirs = shift;
+#    my @col_names = @{ $self->{col_names} };
+    my $table = [];
+    my @files = AnyData::Storage::FileSys::get_filename_parts(
+        dirs => $dirs
+    );
+    for my $file_info(@files) {
+        my $file = $file_info->[0];
+        # my $cols = get_mp3_tag($file) || next;
+        #my $filesize = -s $file;
+        #my @row  = (@$file_info,$filesize);
+        my @row = ( $file_info->[0],
+                    $file_info->[2],
+                    $file_info->[1],
+                    $file_info->[3],
+                  );
+        push @$table, \@row;
+        # 'fullpath,path,name,ext,size,content';
+        # 'fullpath,file_name,path,ext,size,'
+        # 'name,artist,album,year,comment,genre';
+    }
+    return $table;
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package AnyData::Format::Weblog;
+# AnyData driver for "Common Log Format" web log files
+# copyright (c) 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+=head1 NAME
+AnyData::Format::Weblog - tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to HTTPD Logs
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $weblog = adTie( 'Weblog', $filename );
+ while (my $hit = each %$weblog) {
+    print $hit->{remotehost},"\n" if $hit->{request} =~ /mypage.html/;
+ }
+ # ... other tied hash operations
+ OR
+ use DBI
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:AnyData:');
+ $dbh->func('hits','Weblog','access_log','ad_catalog');
+ my $hits = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
+     SELECT remotehost FROM hits WHERE request LIKE '%mypage.html%'
+ });
+ # ... other DBI/SQL read operations
+This is a plug-in format parser for the AnyData and DBD::AnyData modules. You can gain read access to Common Log Format files web server log files (e.g. NCSA or Apache) either through tied hashes or arrays or through SQL database queries.
+Fieldnames are taken from the W3 definitions found at
+ remotehost
+ usernname
+ authuser
+ date
+ request
+ status
+ bytes
+In addition, two extra fields that may be present in extended format logfiles are:
+ referer
+ client
+This module does not currently support writing to weblog files.
+Please refer to the documentation for and
+for further details.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::Weblog::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$DEBUG                        = 0;
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = shift || {};
+    $self->{col_names} =
+      'remotehost,username,authuser,date,request,status,bytes,referer,client';
+    $self->{record_sep}      = "\n";
+    $self->{key}             = 'datestamp';
+    $self->{keep_first_line} = 1;
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub read_fields {
+    print "PARSE RECORD\n" if $DEBUG;
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $str = shift || return undef;
+    $str =~ s/^\s+//;
+    $str =~ s/\s+$//;
+    return undef unless $str;
+    my (@row) =
+      $str =~ /^(\S*) (\S*) (\S*) \[([^\]]*)\] "(.*?)" (\S*) (\S*)\s*(.*)$/;
+    return undef unless defined $row[0];
+    my ( $referer, $client ) = $row[7] =~ /^(.*?)\s(.*)$/;
+    $client  ||= '';
+    $referer ||= '';
+    ( $row[7], $row[8] ) = ( $referer, $client );
+    # $row[3] =~ s/\s*-\s*(\S*)$//; # hide GMT offset on datestamp
+    return @row;
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+package AnyData::Format::XML;
+# an AnyData format parser for XML
+# by Jeff Zucker <>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyData::Format::Base;
+use AnyData::Storage::RAM;
+use XML::Twig;
+use vars qw( @ISA  $DEBUG $VERSION);
+@AnyData::Format::XML::ISA = qw( AnyData::Format::Base );
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub seek    { 1 }
+sub get_pos { 1 }
+sub go_pos  { 1 }
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = shift ||  {};
+    $self->{export_on_close} = 1;
+    $self->{slurp_mode}      = 1;
+    if ($self->{col_names}) {
+        ## something goes here :-)
+    }
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub storage_type { 'PassThru'; }
+sub truncate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $data = shift; # from SQL::Statement, ignored
+    for my $e( $self->{twig}->root->descendants  ) {
+        next unless $e->gi eq 'delete__';
+        $e->delete;
+    }
+    undef $self->{last_before_delete};
+sub push_row {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @fields  = @_;
+    my @ch = caller 3;          # tied-hash
+    my @cd = caller 4;          # DBD
+    my $hash_caller = $ch[3] || '';
+    my $dbd_caller  = $cd[3] || '';
+    my @f  = caller 4;
+    if ($dbd_caller =~ /SQL/ ) {
+        if ( !$self->{last_before_delete} && $dbd_caller !~ /INSERT/ ) {
+            $self->{last_before_delete} =  1;
+            my @children = $self->{twig}->root->descendants;
+            for my $e(@children) {
+                 next unless $e->path eq $self->{record_tag}->path;
+                 next if $e->cmp($self->{record_tag}) == 0;
+                 $e->set_gi("delete__")
+     	    }
+     	}
+        #$self->{twig}->print; exit;
+        return $self->insert_record(\@fields);
+    }
+    $self->insert_record(\@fields);
+sub insert_record {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $row  = shift;
+#print "@$row\n";
+    my $rect          = $self->{record_tag};
+    my $col_structure = $self->{col_structure};
+    my @tags  = @{$col_structure->{col_names}};
+    my @cols  = @{$col_structure->{pretty_cols}};
+    my $is_atr  = $col_structure->{amap};
+    my $p = $rect->path;
+    my $has_parent_atr;
+    for my $atr(keys %$is_atr) {
+        $has_parent_atr++ unless $atr =~ /^$p/;
+    }
+    my $col2tag   = $col_structure->{col2tag} || {};
+    my $elt= new XML::Twig::Elt($rect->gi);           # CREATE ELEMENT
+    my $par;
+    my $par_name = $rect->parent->gi;
+    if ($has_parent_atr) {
+       $par = new XML::Twig::Elt($rect->parent->gi);  # CREATE PARENT
+     }
+    my $rowhash;
+    @{$rowhash}{@cols} = @$row;
+    for my $i(0..$#cols) {
+       my $tag   = $tags[$i];
+       my $col   = $cols[$i];
+       my $value = $rowhash->{$col};
+       $tag ||=  $col2tag->{$col};
+       my($path,$name) = $tag =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)$!;
+       if ($is_atr->{$tag} && defined $value) {
+         if ($tag =~ /^$p/) {
+          $elt->set_att($name,$value);             # ADD ELT ATTRIBUTE
+	 } 
+         else {
+          $par->set_att($name,$value);         # ADD PARENT ATTRIBUTE
+	 }
+       }
+       elsif (defined $name && defined $value) {
+           my $kid= new XML::Twig::Elt($name);     # CREATE CHILD
+           $kid->set_text($value);                 # ADD TEXT TO CHILD
+           $kid->paste('last_child',$elt);         # PASTE CHILD INTO ELEMENT
+       }
+    }
+    if ($has_parent_atr) {
+          $elt->paste('last_child',$par);          # PASTE ELT INTO PARENT
+          my $last = $rect->parent->parent->last_child($par_name);
+          $par->paste('after',$last);              # PASTE PARENT INTO TREE
+    }
+    else {
+        my $last = $rect->parent->last_child($rect->gi);
+        $elt->paste('after',$last);                 # PASTE ELEMENT INTO TREE
+    }
+    #$self->{twig}->print;
+sub delete_record {
+    #my @calls = caller 3;
+    #my $call  = $calls[3] || '';
+    #return if $call =~ /UPDATE/i;
+    #print "$call\n";
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $elt  = $self->{prev_element};
+    my $rec  = $self->{record_tag};
+    my $p  = $rec->path;
+     my $new = $elt->prev_elt($rec->gi);
+    $elt = $new if $elt->path !~ /^$p/;
+    $self->{skip} = 1 if !$elt;
+    return undef unless $elt;
+    $elt->delete;
+sub DESTROY {
+    return;
+    print "XML DESTROYED";
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ( $self->{storage}->{fh}
+      && $self->{storage}->{open_mode} ne 'r'
+     ){
+        $self->export( $self->{storage} );
+    }
+    #undef $self->{twig};
+    #undef $self->{storage}->{fh};
+sub read_fields {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $c = $self->{current_element};
+    return undef unless defined $c;
+    $c = $self->{current_element} = $c->next_elt($c->gi)
+         if $c->att('record_tag__');
+    $self->{prev_element} = $self->{current_element};
+    $self->{current_element} = $c->next_elt($c->gi) if $c;
+    return $self->process_element( $self->{prev_element} );
+sub process_element {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $element   = shift;
+    my @col_names  = @{ $self->{col_structure}->{col_names} };
+    my @row;
+    my $parent = $element->parent;
+    my $values = { $element->path => $element->text };
+    my $par_ats = {};
+       $par_ats = $parent->atts if $parent;
+    my $elt_ats = $element->atts || {};
+    while( my($att_key,$att_val) = each %$par_ats) {
+        $values->{$parent->path.'/'.$att_key} = $att_val;
+    }
+    while( my($att_key,$att_val) = each %$elt_ats) {
+        $values->{$element->path.'/'.$att_key} = $att_val;
+    }
+    for my $kid($element->children) {
+        if ( defined $values->{$kid->path} ) {
+ 	    if (!ref $values->{$kid->path}) {
+               $values->{$kid->path} = [ $values->{$kid->path} ] ;
+	    }
+            push ( @{ $values->{$kid->path} }, $kid->text );
+        } 
+        else {
+	  $values->{$kid->path} = $kid->text;
+	}
+    }
+    for my $col(@col_names) {
+        if (ref $values->{$col}) {
+           @row = (@row,@{$values->{$col}});
+        }
+        else {
+           push @row, $values->{$col};
+	}
+    }
+    # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $values, Dumper \@row; exit;
+    return  @row;
+sub seek_first_record {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return unless $self->{twig} and $self->{twig}->root;
+    $self->{current_element} = $self->{record_tag};
+sub push_names {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $col_names = shift || $self->{col_names};
+    #my @c= caller 1; die $c[3]."!!!";
+    my $str = "<table>\n  <row record_tag__='1'>\n";
+    #print "CREATING";
+    for (@$col_names) {
+        $str .= "    <$_>dummy__</$_>\n";
+    }
+    $str .= "  </row>\n</table>\n";
+    $str = $self->{template} if $self->{template};
+    if ( $self->{dtd} ) {
+       $str = $self->{dtd} if $self->{dtd};
+       my $root = $str;
+       $root =~ s/.*<!DOCTYPE\s+(\S+)\s+.*/$1/ms;
+       $str .= "\n\n<$root></$root>";
+       #die $str;
+    }
+    $self->get_data( $str );
+    return $self->{col_names};
+sub import { 
+    my $self = shift; 
+    my $data = shift; 
+    my $storage = shift; 
+    $self->init_parser($storage,$data); 
+    return $self->get_data($data,$storage->{col_names});
+sub init_parser {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my $storage = shift;
+    my $fh_or_str = shift;
+    return if 'co' =~ /$storage->{open_mode}/;
+#print "   INIT ...";
+#print "HAS RECS\n" if $storage->{recs};
+#print "HAS DATA\n" if ref $storage->{file} eq 'HASH';
+    $fh_or_str ||= $storage->{fh} if $storage->{fh};
+    $fh_or_str  ||= $storage->{file}->{data} if ref $storage->{file} eq 'HASH';
+    $fh_or_str  ||= $storage->{recs};
+#    $fh_or_str ||= join('',@$fh_or_str) if ref $fh_or_str eq 'ARRAY';
+#print $fh_or_str; exit;
+###z    $self->create_new_twig( $self->{col_names} );
+    my $rv = $self->get_data( $fh_or_str,$self->{col_names} );
+    return undef unless $rv;
+    $self->{current_element} = $self->{twig}->root;
+    $storage->{col_names} = $self->{col_names};
+    return 1;
+sub create_new_twig {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $flags = $self;
+    my $root_tag            = $flags->{root_tag};
+    my $depth_limit         = $flags->{depth_limit};
+#    $flags->{twig_flags}->{TwigRoots} = {$root_tag=>'1'} if $root_tag;
+#    $flags->{twig_flags}->{KeepEncoding}     ||= 1;
+#    $flags->{twig_flags}->{ProtocolEncoding} ||= 'ISO-8859-1';
+    $flags = $self->check_twig_options($flags);
+    $self->{twig}= new XML::Twig(%{$flags});
+    #$self->{twig}= new XML::Twig(%{$flags->{twig_flags}});
+sub read_dtd {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $twig = shift;
+#print Dumper $self->{dtd}; exit;
+    my $record_tag = $self->{record_tag};
+    my $col_names =  $self->{col_names};
+        $col_names = $self->{dtd}->{elt_list};
+        my $newc;
+        my $colh;
+        #print Dumper $self->{dtd}; exit;
+        my $col_text;
+        for my $col(@$col_names) {
+            while (my($k,$v) = each %{ $self->{dtd}->{model} } ) {
+                if ($v =~ /(#P*CDATA)/ ) {
+                   $col_text->{"$k$1"}++;
+    	        }
+                if ($v =~ /[(\s,]+$col[)\s,]+/ ) {
+                   my @path  = ($k,$col);
+                   push @$newc, \@path;
+                   $colh->{$col} = $k;
+    	        }
+	     }
+	}
+        $col_names = [];
+        my $done;
+        my $nh;
+        while (!$done) {
+            $done = 1;
+            my $i;
+            for $i(0..scalar @$newc -1) {
+  	        my $cur = $newc->[$i]->[0];
+#                $cur =~ s"^.*/([^/]+)$"$1";
+#print "$cur : ";
+  	        my $path = $colh->{ $cur };
+                my $p;
+  	        if ($path) {
+                    $p = $newc->[$i]->[0] = $path . '/' . $newc->[$i]->[0];
+            #        delete $colh->{$cur};
+                    $nh->{$cur} = $p;
+                    $done=0;
+	        }
+                while (my($k,$v)=each %$nh) {
+                   if ( $cur =~ m"^$k/(.*)") {
+                      $newc->[$i]->[0] = $v . '/' . $1;
+                      $done = 0;
+                   }
+                }
+	    }
+	}
+        #@array = grep(!$is_member{$_}++, @array);
+        my %is_member;
+        for my $row (@$newc) {
+            my $c = '/' . $row->[0] . '/' . $row->[1];
+            push @$col_names, $c if !$is_member{$c};
+            $is_member{$c}++;
+        }
+        # put in order by depth
+        @$col_names = sort {
+            my $x=$a; 
+            my $y=$b; 
+            $x =~ s"[^/]""g;; $x=length $x;
+            $y =~ s"[^/]""g;; $y=length $y;
+           $x <=> $y; 
+        } @$col_names;
+        $record_tag ||= $col_names->[0];
+        $record_tag =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
+ #       $record_tag = $twig->first_elt($record_tag) 
+ #                   || die "Can't find column '$record_tag'!". $@;
+        #print $record_tag, Dumper $col_names; exit;
+        my %done;
+	for my $c(@$col_names) {
+           my @tags = split '/', $c;
+           shift @tags; # remove root
+           for my $i(0..$#tags) {
+               my $t = $tags[$i];
+               next if $done{$c.$t};
+               next unless  $c =~ m"/$t$";
+#               print "$c:$t\n";
+#               next if $done{$t};
+               $done{$c.$t}++ ; 
+               my $nxt = $twig->root->next_elt($t);
+               next if $nxt and $nxt->path =~ /^$c/;
+               next if $t eq $twig->root->gi;
+               my $p= $tags[$i-1];
+               my $pos = $twig->root->next_elt($p);
+               $pos ||= $twig->root;
+               my $e= new XML::Twig::Elt($t);
+               #if ($col_text->{$e->gi.'#PCDATA'}) {
+               #     $e->append_pcdata("xxx");
+	       #}
+               $e->paste('last_child',$pos);
+             #  if ($col_text->{$e->gi.'#PCDATA'} ) {
+              #      print $e->gi.'#PCDATA'."\n";
+                #    $twig->root->next_elt($e->gi)->append_pcdata('x');
+	      # }
+	   }
+	}
+        my $atts;
+        while (my($k,$v)=each%{$self->{dtd}->{att}}) {
+           my $cur = $twig->root->next_elt($k);
+           next unless $cur;
+               while (my($k2,$v2)=each%{$v}) {
+###                   $cur->set_att($k2,"");
+                   $atts->{$cur->path.'/'.$k2}=$k2;
+#print "[".$cur->path.'/'.$k2."]";
+               }
+        }
+        $record_tag ||= $twig->root->first_child->gi;
+        $record_tag = $twig->root->next_elt($record_tag)
+                   || die "Couldn't find column '$record_tag'!";
+        $newc = [];
+        my $found;
+        for my $org(@$col_names) {
+           my $x = $org;
+           $x =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
+           my $p =$record_tag->parent->path;
+           next unless $org =~ /^$p/;
+           #next unless $p =~ /^$_/;
+           while (my($k,$v)=each%$atts) {
+             next if $found->{$k};
+	     if ( $k =~ m"$p/([^/]+)$" 
+               or  $k =~ m"$p/([^/]+/[^/]+)$"
+                ) {
+#print "$k\n";
+               push @$newc, $k;
+               $found->{$k}++;
+	     }
+	   }
+           push @$newc, $org if $col_text->{$x.'#PCDATA'}
+                           or $col_text->{$x.'#CDATA'};
+        }
+        #unshift @$newc, $record_tag->gi unless $found;
+#die Dumper $newc;
+#$twig->print; exit;
+        my $elt = $twig->root;
+    if (!$self->{recs}) {
+        while ( $elt = $elt->next_elt ) {
+            $elt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
+	}
+        $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','1');
+    }
+        #########
+        #
+        $self->{destroy}++;
+#print Dumper $record_tag->gi,$newc, $atts;
+return( $record_tag,$newc, $atts);
+#$twig->print; exit;
+sub get_structure {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $twig = shift;
+    my $record_tag = $self->{record_tag};
+#    $record_tag ||= $self->{table_name};
+    my $col_names =  $self->{col_names};
+    if ($self->{dtd}) {
+        return $self->read_dtd($twig)
+    }
+    $record_tag = $twig->first_elt($record_tag) if $record_tag;
+    $record_tag ||= $twig->root->first_child;
+#print $record_tag->gi;
+#    if (!$record_tag) {
+#       $record_tag = $twig->root->first_child;
+#       if ( $record_tag
+#        and $record_tag->first_child
+#        and !$record_tag->contains_text
+#        and !$record_tag->first_child->contains_text
+#       ) {
+#          $record_tag = $record_tag->first_child;
+#       }
+#    }
+    $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag;
+    if ($self->{create}) {
+        my $elt = $twig->root;
+        while ( $elt = $elt->next_elt ) {
+            $elt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
+	}
+###z# print "1";
+       $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','1');
+    }
+    if ($col_names) {
+        @$col_names = map {
+            my $o = $_;
+            if ($o !~ m"/") {
+              $o = $twig->first_elt($o)->path;
+	    }
+            $o;
+        } @$col_names;
+    }
+    else {
+        @$col_names = map {$_->path} $record_tag->descendants;
+#die join "\n",@$col_names;
+        my $newcolz = [];
+        my %hashz;
+        for (@$col_names) {
+            next unless m"/#PCDATA|/#CDATA";
+            next if $hashz{$_};
+            push @$newcolz, $_;
+            $hashz{$_}++;
+	}
+        $col_names = $newcolz;
+    }
+#    my $oldcols = $col_names;
+#    $col_names = [];
+#print join "\n", @$col_names; exit;
+    my $atts;
+    my @atts_to_check = ($record_tag,$record_tag->descendants);
+#print $record_tag->gi,"\n";
+    if ($record_tag->parent and $record_tag->parent->parent) {
+        unshift @atts_to_check, $record_tag->parent;
+    }
+    my $has_record_tag = 1 if  $record_tag->att('record_tag__');
+#print $has_record_tag ? 'HAS' : 'NONE';
+#print $record_tag->path,"!\n";
+#    for (keys %{$record_tag->atts}) { print "$_#"; }
+    my @att_col;
+    for my $t(@atts_to_check) {
+       my $ats = $t->atts;
+       next unless $ats;
+       delete $ats->{record_tag__};
+#       push @$col_names, $t->path if $t->is_text;
+#       print $t->path . '/' . $_ for keys %$ats;
+#       unshift @$col_names, $t->path . '/' . $_ for keys %$ats;
+       push @att_col, $t->path . '/' . $_ for keys %$ats;
+       #unshift @$atts, $ats->{$_} for keys %$ats;
+       $atts->{$t->path . '/'. $_} = $_ for keys %$ats;
+    }
+    @$col_names = (@att_col,@$col_names);
+    @$col_names = map {s"/#P*CDATA""; $_}  @$col_names;
+    #print join "\n",@$col_names;
+###z# print 2;
+#    $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','true');
+     $record_tag->set_att('record_tag__','true') if $record_tag->text =~/dummy__/;
+#     $record_tag->set_att('xstruct__','true') if $record_tag->text =~/dummy__/;
+    #if ($has_record_tag) { $twig->print; exit; } 
+    return($record_tag,$col_names,$atts) if $has_record_tag;
+    my $cols;
+    @$cols = map {$_} @$col_names;
+    my $elt= new XML::Twig::Elt($record_tag->gi);
+    for my $a(keys %$atts ) {
+        $a =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
+        next if $a eq 'record_tag__';
+        next unless $record_tag->att($a);
+        $elt->set_att($a,'');
+    }
+    for my $c(@$cols ) {
+        next if $atts->{$c};
+        next if $c =~ m"/#PCDATA";
+        $c =~ s"/#PCDATA"";
+        $c =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
+        my $e= new XML::Twig::Elt($c);
+        $e->paste('last_child',$elt);
+    }
+    my $par;
+    if ($record_tag->parent and $record_tag->parent->parent) {
+        $par= new XML::Twig::Elt($record_tag->parent->gi);
+        for my $a(keys %$atts ) {
+            $a =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
+            next unless $record_tag->parent->att($a);
+            $par->set_att($a,'');
+        }
+###z# print 3;
+        $elt->set_att('record_tag__','true');
+        $elt->paste('first_child',$par);
+        $par->paste('before',$record_tag->parent);
+#        $record_tag = $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->parent->prev_sibling->first_child;
+        $record_tag ||= $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->parent->prev_sibling->first_child;
+    }
+    else {
+        for my $a(keys %$atts ) {
+            $a =~ s".*/([^/]+)$"$1";
+            next unless $record_tag->att($a);
+            $elt->set_att($a,'');
+        }
+###z# print 4;
+        $record_tag ||= $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->prev_sibling;
+#        $record_tag = $self->{record_tag} = $record_tag->prev_sibling;
+    }
+    $record_tag ||= $twig->root->first_child;
+    my $old = $record_tag->next_elt($record_tag->gi);
+#    $old->delete if $self->{create};
+#    $old->set_att('frump','foo') if $old;
+    $old->del_att('record_tag__') if $old;
+    #print "\n"; 
+    #$old->print if $old;
+    ##print "\n"; 
+#    my $par = $self->create_record;
+#    $self->{blank_element} = $par;
+    #printf "\n%s\n   %s\n", $elt->path, "@$col_names";
+    @$col_names = map {s"/#PCDATA""; $_}  @$col_names;
+#$twig->print;  print "\n\n";
+#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $record_tag->gi,$col_names,$atts;
+    return $record_tag,$col_names,$atts;
+sub check_twig_options {
+    my $flags = shift;
+    my $new_flags;
+    my %twig_opt = %XML::Twig::valid_option;
+    return $flags unless scalar (keys %twig_opt);
+    while (my($k,$v) = each %$flags) {
+        $new_flags->{$k} = $v if $twig_opt{$k};
+    }
+    return $new_flags;
+sub get_structure_from_map {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $twig = shift;
+    my $col_map = shift;
+    my($amap,$map,$multi,$col_names,$pretty_cols,$col2tag);
+    for my $col(@$col_map) {
+        my($tag_name,$col_name) = ($col,$col);
+        ($tag_name,$col_name) = each %$col if ref $col eq 'HASH';
+        my($tname,$tparent) = ($tag_name,$tag_name);
+        if ($tname =~ m!(.*)/([^/]*)$! ) {
+            $tparent = $1;
+            $tname   = $2;
+            $tparent =~ s!.*/([^/]*)$!$1!;
+	}
+        my $tag  = $twig->first_elt($tname);
+        $tag_name=$tag->path if $tag;
+        if (!$tag) {
+            my $new_tag  = $twig->first_elt($tparent);
+            # die "No such element '$tname'!" unless $tag;
+            if (!$new_tag) {
+                $tag_name = $tname;
+	    }
+            else {
+                $tag_name=$new_tag->path . '/' . $tname;
+            }
+            $amap->{$tag_name}++;
+	}
+        if (ref $col_name eq 'ARRAY') {
+	  for my $col2(@$col_name) {
+              $col2tag->{$col2} = $tag_name;
+              $multi->{$tag_name}++;
+              push @$pretty_cols, $col2;
+	  }
+	}
+        push @$col_names, $tag_name;
+        push @$pretty_cols, $col_name unless ref $col_name eq 'ARRAY';
+        $map->{$tag_name} = $col_name;
+    }
+    my $record_tag;
+    my $record_tag_path = '';
+    for my $col(@$col_names) {
+        my($rt) = $col =~ m!(.*)/[^/]*$!;
+        next unless $rt;
+        $record_tag_path = $rt if length $rt > length $record_tag_path;
+    }
+    my @children = $twig->root->descendants;
+    for my $e(@children) {
+        next unless $e->path eq $record_tag_path;
+        $record_tag = $e;
+        last;
+    }
+    if (!$record_tag) {
+       $record_tag = $twig->root->first_child;
+       my $p = $record_tag->path;
+       @$col_names = map {$p.'/'.$_}@$col_names;
+#       use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $amap;
+       my $newmap;
+       $newmap->{ $p.'/'.$_ }++ for keys %{$amap};
+       $amap = $newmap;
+       $newmap = {};
+       $newmap->{ $p.'/'.$_ } = $map->{$_} for keys %{$map};
+       $map = $newmap;
+    }
+#paste into parent record_tag__
+#    my $rt_atts = $record_tag->atts;
+#    if (!$rt_atts->{record_tag__}) {
+#       my $new_rt = $record_tag->copy;
+#       $new_rt->set_att('record_tag__','1');
+#       $new_rt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
+#       $new_rt->paste('first_child',$record_tag->parent);
+#       $record_tag = $new_rt;
+#    }
+    my $col_structure = {
+        amap => $amap,
+        map  => $map,
+        multi => $multi,
+        col_names => $col_names,
+        pretty_cols => $pretty_cols,
+        col2tag     => $col2tag,
+    };
+# print $record_tag->path, "\n";
+# use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $col_structure; 
+# exit;
+    return $record_tag, $col_structure;
+sub get_data {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh_or_str  = shift;
+    my $url = $self->{url};
+    if ( $url ) {
+      $fh_or_str = AnyData::Storage::RAM::get_remote_data({},$url);
+    }
+    return if( ! defined( $fh_or_str ) );
+    my $col_names = shift || [];
+    $col_names = []; #### IGNORE USER COLUMN NAMES FOR NOW
+    my $flags;
+    while (my($k,$v)=each %$self) {
+        $flags->{$k}=$v;
+    }
+    my $root_tag            = $flags->{root_tag};
+    my $depth_limit         = $flags->{depth_limit};
+    my $supplied_col_names  = $flags->{col_names};
+    my $have_col_names      = 1 if $supplied_col_names;
+    my $pretty_col_names    = $supplied_col_names;
+    my $col_structure = $self->{col_structure};
+    undef $col_structure unless $col_structure->{col_names}
+                            and scalar @{$col_structure->{col_names}};
+    my %multi;
+    my %map;
+    my %amap;
+    $flags->{LoadDTD} = 1;
+    $flags->{TwigRoots} = {$root_tag=>'1'} if $root_tag;
+# DEFAULTS : KeepEncoding OFF to mirror XML::Twig
+#            ProtocolEncoding 'ISO-8859-1'
+#    $flags->{KeepEncoding}     ||= 1;
+    $flags->{ProtocolEncoding} ||= 'ISO-8859-1';
+#use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $flags;
+    $flags = check_twig_options($flags);
+    my $twig= new XML::Twig(%{$flags});
+    my $success = $twig->safe_parse($fh_or_str);
+    $self->{errstr} = $@ unless $success;
+    die $self->{errstr} if $self->{errstr};
+    return undef unless $success;
+    $self->{dtd} = $twig->dtd;
+    my $root = $twig->first_elt($root_tag) || $twig->root;
+    my $name = $root->path;
+    my $element= $twig->root;
+    my($record_tag,$colZ,$atts);
+    my $col_map = $self->{col_map};
+    if ($col_map) {
+      ($record_tag,$col_structure) =
+          $self->get_structure_from_map($twig,$col_map);
+    } 
+    else {
+      ($record_tag,$colZ,$atts) = $self->get_structure($twig);
+      if (!$col_structure) {
+          $have_col_names++;
+          $col_structure = build_column_names($colZ,$root,$root_tag,$colZ);
+          $col_structure->{amap} = $atts;
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    my $rt_atts = $record_tag->atts;
+    if (!$rt_atts->{record_tag__}) {
+       my $new_rt = $record_tag->copy;
+       $new_rt->set_att('record_tag__','1');
+       $new_rt->set_att('xstruct__','1');
+       $new_rt->paste('first_child',$record_tag->parent);
+       $record_tag = $new_rt;
+    }
+    # $twig->print;
+    # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $col_structure;
+  #  print $self->{record_tag}->path;
+    $self->{record_tag}    = $record_tag;
+    $self->{twig}          = $twig;
+    $self->{col_names}     = $col_structure->{pretty_cols};
+    $self->{col_structure} = $col_structure;
+    return 1;
+sub rowhash_to_array {
+    my $row           = shift;
+    my $col_structure = shift;
+#die Dumper $col_structure;
+    my $col_names        = $col_structure->{col_names};
+    my %map              = %{ $col_structure->{map} } if $col_structure->{map};
+    my %multi            = %{ $col_structure->{multi} } if $col_structure->{multi};
+    my $pretty_col_names = $col_structure->{pretty_cols} if $col_structure->{pretty_cols};
+    my @newvals;
+    my %visited;
+    for my $coln(@$col_names) {
+ 	my $tag = $map{$coln};
+        #next unless $tag;
+        if (!$multi{$tag}) {
+            $row->{$tag} ? push @newvals, $row->{$tag} : push @newvals, undef;
+	}
+        else {
+            if (!$visited{$tag}) {
+                $visited{$tag}++;
+                my @multi_col = ref $row->{$tag} eq 'ARRAY'
+ 	                  ? @{$row->{$tag}}
+                          : ($row->{$tag});
+                push @multi_col,undef unless scalar @multi_col;
+	        my $dif = ($multi{$tag}) - (scalar @multi_col);
+                push @multi_col,undef for 0 .. $dif;
+                push @newvals,$_ for @multi_col;
+	    }
+        }
+    }
+    return( \@newvals );
+sub build_column_names {
+    my $tags = shift;
+    my $root = shift;
+    my $root_tag = shift;
+    my $col_names = shift || [];
+    my %multi;
+    my %map;
+    for my $col(@$col_names) {
+        $multi{$col}++;
+    }
+    my %num;
+    my $newcolz;
+    for my $col(@$col_names) {
+      if ($multi{$col} <2) {
+          push @$newcolz, $col;
+          $map{$col}=$col;
+          next;
+      } 
+      $num{$col}++;
+      push @$newcolz, $col.$num{$col};
+      $map{$col.$num{$col}}=$col;
+    }
+    $col_names = $newcolz;
+    #
+    my $prefix = $root->gi;
+    $prefix .= "/$root_tag" if $root_tag;
+    my $pretty_col_names;
+    die "No Column Names!" unless$col_names;
+    @$pretty_col_names = @$col_names;
+    @$pretty_col_names = map {$_ =~ s"^/$prefix/"";$_} @$pretty_col_names;
+    my %is_member;
+    my @newcols;
+    for my $col(@$pretty_col_names) {
+        my $newc = $col;
+        $newc =~ s".*/([^/]*)$"$1";
+        if ($is_member{$newc}) {
+            $newc = $col;
+            $newc =~ s"[^/]*/(.*)"$1";
+   	}
+        push @newcols, $is_member{$newc} ? $col : $newc;
+        $is_member{$newc}=1;
+    }
+    @$pretty_col_names = @newcols;
+    @$pretty_col_names = map {s"/"_"g;$_} @$pretty_col_names;
+    for (keys %multi) {
+        $multi{$_} = $multi{$_} -1;
+        delete $multi{$_} unless $multi{$_};
+    }
+    my $col_structure = {
+        col_names   => $col_names,
+        map         => \%map,
+        multi       => \%multi,
+        pretty_cols => $pretty_col_names,
+    };
+    #print Dumper $col_structure;
+    return( $col_structure );
+sub export {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $storage = shift;
+#z  my $format = shift;
+    my $file = shift;
+    my $flags = shift || {};
+    if ( 
+      ( $storage and $file and !$storage->{fh} )
+       ) {
+       $storage->{file_name} = $file;
+       $storage->{fh} = $storage->open_local_file($file,'o');
+    }
+    return unless $self->{twig};
+    $self->{twig}->set_pretty_print($flags->{pretty_print}) if $flags->{pretty_print};
+    #$self->{twig}->print; print "\n\n";
+    #$self->{twig}->finish_print;
+    my $fh  = $storage->{fh} if $storage;
+    my $r = $self->{twig}->root->gi;
+    my $str = $self->{outside_of_tree} || '';
+    my $rectag = $self->{record_tag};
+#    $self->{twig}->first_elt($self->{record_tag}->gi)->delete;
+    my $elt= $self->{twig}->root;
+# $self->{destroy}= 1;
+#print "FOO";
+    if ( $self->{destroy}) {
+        for my $e($elt->descendants) {
+            if ( $e->att('xstruct__') ) {
+                $e->del_att('xstruct__');
+#                next unless defined $e->next_elt($e->gi);
+               $e->delete;
+                #next;
+            }
+	}
+    }
+    $elt= $self->{twig}->root;
+    while( $elt= $elt->next_elt ){
+        #for (keys %{$elt->atts}) { print "$_#"; }
+        my $del_parent;
+#        $elt->delete if $elt->text =~ /x/ and $elt->is_text;
+        if ($elt->children == 0 ) {
+ #          $elt->delete;
+           next;
+        } 
+        next if !$elt->att('record_tag__'); 
+        for ($elt->children) {
+           $_->delete;
+	}
+        if ($elt->parent and $elt->parent->children < 2) {
+           $del_parent++;
+        } 
+        $elt->parent->delete if $del_parent;
+        $elt->delete;
+    }
+#  $str = defined $fh ? $self->{twig}->print($fh)
+#                       : $self->{twig}->sprint();
+  if($file and defined $fh ){ $str = $self->{twig}->print($fh) }
+  else {$str = $self->{twig}->sprint();}
+    undef $storage->{fh};
+    return $str;
+=head1 NAME
+ AnyData::Format::XML - tiedhash and DBI access to XML
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # access XML data via a multidimensional tied hash
+ # see AnyData.pod for full details
+ #
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adTie( 'XML', $file, $mode, $flags );
+ OR
+ # convert data to and from XML
+ # see AnyData.pod for full details
+ #
+ use AnyData;
+ adConvert( 'XML', $file1, $any_other_format, $file2, $flags );
+ adConvert( $any_other_format, $file1, 'XML', $file2, $flags );
+ OR
+ # access the data via DBI and SQL
+ # see DBD::AnyData.pod for full details
+ #
+ use DBI;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:AnyData' );
+ $dbh->func('mytable','XML',$file,$flags,'ad_catalog');
+See below for a description of the optional flags that apply
+to all of these examples.
+This module allows you to create, search, modify and/or convert XML data
+and files by treating them as databases without having to actually
+create separate database files.  The data can 
+be accessed via a multidimensional tiedhash using or via DBI 
+and SQL commands using  See those modules for 
+complete details of usage.
+The module is built on top of Michel Rodriguez's excellent XML::Twig which
+means that the AnyData interfaces can now include information from DTDs,
+be smarter about inferring data structure, reduce memory consumption on
+huge files, and provide access to many powerful features of XML::Twig and
+XML::Parser on which it is based.
+Importing options allow you to import/access/modify XML of almost any length or complexity.  This includes the ability to access different subtrees as separate or joined databases.
+Exporting and converting options allow you to take data from almost any source (a perl array, any DBI database, etc.) and output it as an XML file.  You can control the formatting of the resulting XML either by supplying a DTD listing things like nesting of tags and which columns should be output as attributes and/or you can use XML::Twig pretty_print settings to generate half a dozen different levels of compactness or whitespace in how the XML looks.
+The documentation below outlines the special flags that can be used
+in either of the interfaces to fine-tune how the XML is treated.
+The flags listed below define the relationship between tags and 
+attributes in the XML document and columns in the resulting database.
+In many cases, you can simply accept the defaults and the database
+will be built automatically.  However, you can also fine tune the
+generation of the database by specifying which tags and attributes
+you are interested in and their relationship with database columns.
+=head1 USAGE
+=head2 Prerequisites
+To use the tied hash interface, you will need 
+ AnyData
+ XML::Twig
+ XML::Parser
+To use the DBI/SQL interface, you will need those, and also
+ DBD::AnyData
+=head2 Required flags ( none )
+If no flags are specified, then the module determines the database
+structure from examining the file or data itself, making use of the DTD if there is one, otherwise scanning the first child of the XML tree for structural information.
+=head2 Optional flags
+ If the default behavior is not sufficient, you may either specify a
+ "record_tag" which will be used to define column names, or you can define an
+ entire tag-to-column mapping.
+For simple XML, no flags are necessary:
+ <table>
+    <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
+    <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
+ </table>
+The record_tag will default to the first child, namely "row".  The column
+names will be generated from the attributes of the record tag and all of
+the tags included under the record tag, so the column names in this
+example will be "row_id","name","location".
+If the record_tag is not the first child, you will need to specify it.  For example:
+ <db>
+   <table table_id="1">
+     <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
+     <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
+   </table>
+   <table table_id="2">
+     <row row_id="1"><name>Bob</name><location>Boise</location></row>
+     <row row_id="2"><name>Bev</name><location>Billings</location></row>
+   </table>
+ </db>
+In this case you will need to specify "row" as the record_tag since it is not the first child of the tree.  The column names will be generated from the attributes of row's parent (if the parent is not the root), from row's attributes
+and sub tags, i.e. "table_id","row_id","name","location".
+In some cases you will need to specify an entire tag-to-column mapping.  For example, if you want to use a different name for the database column than is used in the XML (especially if the XML tag is not a valid SQL column name).  You'd also need to specify a mapping if there are two tags with the same name in different places in the XML tree.
+The column mapping is a reference to an array of column definitions.  A column definition is either a simple name of a tag, or a hash reference with the key containing the full path of the XML tag and the value containing the desired column name alias.
+For example:
+  col_map => [ 'part_id', 'part_name', 'availability' ];
+That will find the first three tags with those names and create the database using the same names for the tags.
+  col_map => [
+               { '/parts/shop/id'        => 'shop_id'},
+               { '/parts/shop/part/id'   => 'part_id'},
+               { '/parts/shop/part/name' => 'part_name'},
+             ];
+That would find the three tags referenced on the left and create a database with the three column names referenced on the right.
+When exporting XML, you can specify a DTD to control the output.  For example, if you import a table from CSV or from an Array, you can output as XML and specify which of the columns become tags and which become attributes and also specify the nesting of the tags in your DTD.
+The XML format parser is built on top of Michel Rodriguez's excellent XML::Twig which is itself based on XML::Parser.  Parameters to either of those modules may be passed in the flags for adTie() and the other commands including the "prettyPrint" flag to specify how the output XML is displayed and things like ProtocolEncoding.  ProtocolEncoding defaults to 'ISO-8859-1', all other flags keep the defaults of XML::Twig and XML::Parser.  See the documentation of those modules for details;
+ CAUTION: Unlike other formats, the XML format does not save changes to
+ the file as they are entered, but only saves the changes when you explicitly
+ request them to be saved with the adExport() command.
+copyright 2000, Jeff Zucker <>
+all rights reserved
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+package AnyData::Storage::File;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::File;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+use File::Basename;
+use constant HAS_FLOCK => eval { flock STDOUT, 0; 1 };
+use constant HAS_FILE_SPEC => eval { require File::Spec };
+use vars qw($DEBUG);
+$DEBUG = 0;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = shift || {};
+    #$self->{f_dir} ||= './';
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub seek_first_record {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $fh   = $self->{fh};
+    my $start = $self->{first_row_pos};
+    $start
+        ? $fh->seek($start,0) || die $!
+        : $fh->seek(0,0) || die $!;
+sub get_pos { return shift->{fh}->tell }
+sub go_pos  { my($s,$pos)=@_; $s->{fh}->seek($pos,0); }
+my $open_table_re =
+    sprintf('(?:%s|%s|%s)',
+	    quotemeta(File::Spec->curdir()),
+	    quotemeta(File::Spec->updir()),
+	    quotemeta(File::Spec->rootdir()))
+    : '(?:\.?\.)?\/';
+sub open_local_file {
+    my( $self,$file, $open_mode ) = @_;
+    my $dir = $self->{f_dir} || './';
+    my($fname,$path) = fileparse($file);
+    my($foo2,$os_cur_dir) = fileparse('');
+    my $haspath = 1 if $path and $path ne $os_cur_dir;
+    if (!$haspath && $file !~ /^$open_table_re/o) {
+	$file = HAS_FILE_SPEC
+                ? File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file)
+		: $dir . "/$file";
+    }
+    my $fh;
+    $open_mode ||= 'r';
+    my %valid_mode = (
+    r  => q/read       read an existing file, fail if already exists/,
+    u  => q/update     read & modify an existing file, fail if already exists/,
+    c  => q/create     create a new file, fail if it already exists/,
+    o  => q/overwrite  create a new file, overwrite if it already exists/,
+    );
+    my %mode = (
+       r   => O_RDONLY,
+       u   => O_RDWR,
+       c   => O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL,
+       o   => O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC
+    );
+    my $help = qq(
+       r  if file exists, get shared lock
+       u  if file exists, get exclusive lock
+       c  if file doesn't exist, get exclusive lock
+       o  truncate if file exists, else create; get exclusive lock
+    );
+    if ( !$valid_mode{$open_mode} ) {
+        print "\nBad open_mode '$open_mode'\nValid modes are :\n";
+        for ('r','u','c','o'){
+        print "   $_ = $valid_mode{$_}\n";
+      }
+        exit;
+    }
+    if ($open_mode eq 'c') {
+	if (-f $file) {
+	    die "Cannot create '$file': Already exists";
+	}
+    }
+    if ($open_mode =~ /[co]/ ) {
+	if (!($fh = IO::File->new( $file, $mode{$open_mode} ))) {
+	    die "Cannot open '$file': $!";
+	}
+	if (!$fh->seek(0, 0)) {
+	    die " Error while seeking back: $!";
+	}
+    }
+    if ($open_mode =~ /[ru]/) {
+	die "Cannot read file '$file': doesn't exist!" unless -f $file;
+	if (!($fh = IO::File->new($file, $mode{$open_mode}))) {
+	    die " Cannot open '$file': $!";
+	}
+    }
+    binmode($fh);
+    $fh->autoflush(1);
+    if ( HAS_FLOCK ) {
+	if ( $open_mode eq 'r') {
+	    if (!flock($fh, LOCK_SH)) {
+		die "Cannot obtain shared lock on '$file': $!";
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if (!flock($fh, LOCK_EX)) {
+		die " Cannot obtain exclusive lock on '$file': $!";
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    print "OPENING $file, mode = '$open_mode'\n" if $DEBUG;
+    return( $file, $fh, $open_mode) if wantarray;
+    return( $fh );
+sub print_col_names {
+    my($self,$parser,$col_names) = @_;
+    my $fields = $col_names || $self->{col_names} || $parser->{col_names};
+    return undef unless scalar @$fields;
+    $self->{col_names} = $fields;
+    return $fields if $parser->{keep_first_line};
+    my $first_line = $self->get_record();
+    my $fh         = $self->{fh};
+    $self->seek_first_record;
+    my $end = $parser->{record_sep} || "\n";
+    my $colStr =  $parser->write_fields(@$fields);
+    $colStr = join( ',',@$fields) . $end if ref($parser) =~ /Fixed/;
+    $fh->write($colStr,length $colStr);
+    $self->{first_row_pos} = $fh->tell();
+sub get_col_names {
+    my($self,$parser) = @_;
+    my @fields = ();
+    if ($parser->{keep_first_line}) {
+        my $cols = $parser->{col_names};
+        return undef unless $cols;
+        return $cols if ref $cols eq 'ARRAY';
+        @fields = split ',',$cols;
+#die "@fields";
+        return scalar @fields
+           ? \@fields
+           : undef;
+    } 
+    my $fh         = $self->{fh};
+    $fh->seek(0,0) if $fh;
+    my $first_line = $self->get_record($parser);
+#print $first_line;
+    if ( $first_line ) {
+        @fields = ref($parser) =~ /Fixed/
+            ? split /,/,$first_line
+            : $parser->read_fields($first_line);
+    }
+#    my @fields = $first_line
+#         ? $parser->read_fields($first_line)
+#        : ();
+#print "<$_>" for @fields; print "\n";
+         . $self->{file}
+         . "' : '@fields'" if "@fields" =~ /[^ a-zA-Z0-9_]/;
+    $parser->{col_names}   = \@fields;
+    $self->{col_names}     = \@fields;
+    $self->{col_nums}      = $self->set_col_nums;
+    $self->{first_row_pos} = $fh->tell();
+    return( \@fields);
+sub open_table {
+    my( $self, $parser, $file, $open_mode ) = @_;
+   my($newfile, $fh);
+    $file ||= '';
+    if ( $file =~ m'http://|ftp://' ) {
+#       die "wrong storage!";
+     $newfile = $file;
+    }
+    else {
+     ($newfile,$fh) = 
+       $self->open_local_file($file,$open_mode) if $file && !(ref $file);
+    }
+    $newfile ||= $file;
+    #die AnyData::dump($parser);
+    my $col_names = $parser->{col_names}  || '';
+#    my @array = split(/,/,$col_names);
+        my @array;
+        @array = ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY'
+          ? @$col_names
+          : split ',',$col_names;
+    my $pos = $fh->tell() if $fh;
+    my %table = (
+	file => $newfile,
+	open_mode => $open_mode,
+	fh => $fh,
+	col_nums => {},
+	col_names => \@array,
+	first_row_pos => $pos
+    );
+    for my $key(keys %table) {
+        $self->{$key}=$table{$key};
+    }
+    my $skip = $parser->init_parser($self);
+    if (!$skip && defined $newfile) {
+        $open_mode =~ /[co]/
+            ? $self->print_col_names($parser)
+            : $self->get_col_names($parser);
+    }
+    $self->{col_nums} = $self->set_col_nums();
+    # use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $self;
+sub get_file_handle    { return shift->{fh} }
+sub get_file_name      { return shift->{file} }
+sub get_file_open_mode { return shift->{open_mode} }
+sub file2str { return shift->get_record(@_) }
+sub get_record {
+    my($self,$parser)=@_;
+    local $/ =  $parser->{record_sep} || "\n";
+    my $fh =  $self->{fh} ;
+    my $record = $fh->getline || return undef;
+    $record =~ s/\015$//g;
+    $record =~ s/\012$//g;
+    return $record;
+sub set_col_nums {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $col_names = $self->{col_names};
+    return {} unless $col_names;
+    my $col_nums={}; my $i=0;
+    for (@$col_names) { 
+        next unless $_;
+        $col_nums->{$col_names->[$i]} = $i;
+        $i++;
+    }
+    return $col_nums;
+sub truncate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if (!$self->{fh}->truncate($self->{fh}->tell())) {
+        die "Error while truncating " . $self->{file} . ": $!";
+     }
+sub drop ($) {
+    my($self) = @_;
+    # We have to close the file before unlinking it: Some OS'es will
+    # refuse the unlink otherwise.
+    $self->{'fh'}->close() || die $!;
+    unlink($self->{'file'}) || die $!;
+    return 1;
+sub close{ shift->{'fh'}->close() || die $!; }
+sub push_row {
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my $rec   = shift;
+    my $fh = $self->{fh};
+    #####!!!! DON'T USE THIS ####    $fh->seek(0,2) or die $!;
+    $fh->write($rec,length $rec)
+         || die "Couldn't write to file: $!\n";
+sub delete_record {
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my $parser  = shift || {};
+    my $fh = $self->{fh};
+    my $travel =  length($parser->{record_sep}) || 0;
+    my $pos = $fh->tell - $travel;
+    $self->{deleted}->{$pos}++;
+sub is_deleted {
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my $parser  = shift || {};
+    my $fh = $self->{fh};
+    my $travel =  length($parser->{record_sep}) || 0;
+    my $pos = $fh->tell - $travel;
+    return $self->{deleted}->{$pos};
+sub seek {
+    my($self, $pos, $whence) = @_;
+    if ($whence == 0  &&  $pos == 0) {
+        $pos = $self->{first_row_pos};
+    } elsif ($whence != 2  ||  $pos != 0) {
+        die "Illegal seek position: pos = $pos, whence = $whence";
+    }
+    if (!$self->{fh}->seek($pos, $whence)) {
+        die "Error while seeking in " . $self->{'file'} . ": $!";
+    }
+    #print "<$pos-$whence>";
+sub DESTROY {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $fh = $self->{fh};
+  print "CLOSING ", $self->get_file_name, "\n" if $fh && $DEBUG;
+  $fh->close if $fh;
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+=head1 NAME
+ AnyData::Storage::File -- manipulate files with rich warnings
+ Opens, reads from, writes to, creates and destroys files with numerous
+ options for error handling, flocking, binmode, etc.
+ The simplest form is the equivalent of
+       my $f    = AnyData::Storage::File->new(dirs=>\@dirs,flock=>1);
+       my $str1 = $f->adSlurp($file);
+       for( @dirs ) {
+           open(IN,$file) or die $!;
+       }
+       sub slurp {
+           local *IN;
+           local $/ = undef;
+       }
+ But, depending on how you set the default behaviour
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $f = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
+ $f->set('binmode',1|0);
+ $f->set('PrintError',1|0);
+ $f->set('RaiseError',1|0);
+ $f->set('Trace',1|0);
+ $f->set('f_dir',$dir|$dir_array)
+<  input, fail if doesn't exist
+>  output, truncate if exists, create if doesn't
+>> append, create if doesn't exist
++< read/write, fail if doesn't exist
+r  = <
+r+ = 
+=head1 new()
+ my $f = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
+ or
+ my $f = AnyData::Storage::File->new( %flags );
+ %flags is a hash which can contain any or all of:
+     f_dir      => $directory,   # defaults to './' (
+     binmode    => $binmode,     # defaults to 0 (doesn't binmode files)
+     printError => $warnings,    # defaults to 1 (print warning on errors)
+=head1 open_local_file( $fname, $mode );
+ Mode is one of
+ a = append     open for reading & writing, create if doesn't exist
+ r = read       open for reading, fail if doesn't exist
+ u = open       open for reading & writing, fail if doesn't exist
+ c = create     open for reading & writing, fail if it already exists
+ o = overwrite  open for reading & writing, overwrite if it already exists
+ Additionally, all modes fail if the file can't be opened.  On systems
+ that support flock, 'r' fails if a shared lock can not be obtained; the
+ other modes fail if an exclusive lock can't be obtained.
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package AnyData::Storage::FileSys;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Basename;
+use vars qw( @ISA @files $wanted_part $wanted_re );
+use AnyData::Storage::File;
+@ISA = qw( AnyData::Storage::File );
+use Data::Dumper;
+sub open_table {}
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = shift || {};
+    $self->{col_names} = ['fullpath','path','name','ext','size','content' ];
+    bless $self, $class;
+    my $exts = $self->{exts};
+    if ($exts) {
+        $self->{wanted_part} = 'ext';
+        $self->{wanted_re}   = qr/\.$exts$/;
+    }
+    $self->{records}   = $self->get_data;
+    $self->{index} = 0;
+    return $self;
+sub is_deleted {}
+sub get_data {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $dirs = shift || $self->{dirs};
+    my @col_names = @{ $self->{col_names} };
+    my $table = [];
+    my @files = $self->get_filename_parts;
+    for my $file_info(@files) {
+        my $file = $file_info->[0];
+        # my $cols = get_mp3_tag($file) || next;
+        #my $filesize = -s $file;
+        #my @row  = (@$file_info,$filesize);
+        my @row = ( $file_info->[0],
+                    $file_info->[2],
+                    $file_info->[1],
+                    $file_info->[3],
+                  );
+        push @$table, \@row;
+        # 'fullpath,path,name,ext,size,content';
+        # 'fullpath,file_name,path,ext,size,'
+        # 'name,artist,album,year,comment,genre';
+    }
+    #use Data::Dumper; print "!",Dumper $table; exit;
+    return $table;
+sub seek_first_record {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->{index} = 0;
+sub file2str {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $curindex = $self->{index};
+    return undef if $curindex >= scalar @{$self->{records}};
+    $self->{index}++;
+    my $rec = $self->{records}->[$curindex];
+    my $file = $rec->[0];
+    push @$rec, -s $file;
+    local $/;
+    undef $/;
+    my $fh = $self->open_local_file( $file, $self->{open_mode});
+    my $str = <$fh>;
+    undef $fh;
+    push @$rec, $str;
+    return $rec;
+sub col_names { shift->{col_names} }
+sub get_filename_parts {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %flags;
+    %flags = @_ if scalar @_;
+    #use Data::Dumper; print "!",Dumper \%flags; exit;
+    $wanted_part = $flags{part} || $self->{wanted_part} || '';
+    $wanted_re   = $flags{re}   || $self->{wanted_re} || '';
+    my $dirs     = $flags{dirs} || $self->{dirs} || [];
+    my $wanted_sub  = $flags{sub} || \&wanted;
+    @files       = ();
+    find { no_chdir => 1,
+           wanted   => $wanted_sub,
+         },
+         @$dirs;
+    ;
+    my @results = @files;
+    @files      = ();
+    return @results;
+sub wanted {
+    my @info = fileparse($_,'\.[^\.]*$');
+    my($name,$path,$ext) = map{$_ || ''} @info;
+    if (!$name && $ext) { $name = $ext; $ext  = ''; }
+    unshift @info,$File::Find::name;
+    my $cols;
+    @{$cols}{('fullpath','filename','path','ext')} = @info;
+    if ($wanted_part && $wanted_re) {
+        return unless $cols->{$wanted_part} =~ $wanted_re;
+    }
+    push @files, \@info;
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package AnyData::Storage::PassThru;
+#  This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker
+#  All rights reserved.
+#  Nothing of interest here, it just passes the storage duties to the
+#  parser for formats like XML that do both format and storage
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+use AnyData::Storage::File;
+@ISA = qw( AnyData::Storage::File);
+sub file2str          { 1 }
+sub push_row          { my($s,$f)=@_;$s->{parser}->push_row(@$f) }
+sub seek_first_record { shift->{parser}->seek_first_record }
+sub get_col_names     { shift->{col_names} }
+sub delete_record     { shift->{parser}->delete_record }
+sub truncate          { shift->{parser}->truncate(@_) }
+sub drop              { shift->{parser}->drop(@_)}
+sub close_table       { shift->{parser}->close_table(@_)}
+sub get_pos           { shift->{parser}->get_pos(@_)}
+sub go_pos            { shift->{parser}->go_pos(@_)}
+sub seek              { shift->{parser}->seek(@_)}
+sub export            { shift->{parser}->export(@_)}
+sub DESTROY {
+# push_names()
+sub print_col_names {
+    my($self, $parser, $names) = @_;
+    $names = $parser->push_names($names);
+    $self->{col_names} = $names;
+    my($col_nums) = {};
+    for (my $i = 0;  $i < @$names;  $i++) {
+        $col_nums->{$names->[$i]} = $i;
+    }
+    $self->{col_nums} = $col_nums;
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+package AnyData::Storage::RAM;
+#   This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker
+#   All rights reserved.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw($VERSION $DEBUG);
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+$DEBUG   = 1;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use AnyData::Storage::File;
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self  = shift || {};
+    return bless $self, $class;
+# MOVE set_col_nums and open_table to Storage/
+# ALSO make DBD::AnyData::Statement and DBD::Table simple @ISA for AnyData 
+sub set_col_nums {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $col_names = $self->{col_names};
+    return {} unless $col_names ;
+    return {} unless ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY';
+    return {} unless scalar @$col_names;
+    my $col_nums={}; my $i=0;
+    for (@$col_names) { next unless $_; $col_nums->{$_} = $i; $i++; }
+    #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $col_names;
+    $self->{col_nums}=$col_nums;
+    return $col_nums;
+sub open_table {
+    my( $self, $parser, $file, $read_mode, $data ) = @_;
+    $data = $self->{recs} if $self->{recs};
+    #$data ||= $parser->{recs};
+    #$data = $file if ref $file eq 'ARRAY' and !$data;
+ #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $data;
+#print ref $parser;
+    my $rec_sep = $parser->{record_sep};# || "\n";
+    my $table_ary = [];
+    my $col_names = $parser->{col_names} || $self->{col_names};
+    my $cols_supplied = $col_names;
+    my $url = $file if $file =~ m"^http://|^ftp://";
+    $self->{open_mode} = $read_mode || 'r';
+    my $data_type;
+    $data_type='ARY-ARY' if ref $data eq 'ARRAY' and ref $data->[0] eq 'ARRAY';
+    $data_type='ARY-HSH' if ref $data eq 'ARRAY' and ref $data->[0] eq 'HASH';
+    $data_type='ARY-STR' if ref $data eq 'ARRAY' and !$data_type;
+    $data_type ||= 'STR';
+    # print "[$data_type]" . ref $data if $data;
+    # MP3 and ARRAY
+    if ( $self->{records} && !$data )  {
+         $table_ary = $self->{records};
+         $col_names ||= shift @$table_ary;
+    }
+    # REMOTE
+    elsif ( $data ) {
+      if ($parser->{slurp_mode}) {
+        ($table_ary,$col_names) = $parser->import($data,$self);
+        shift @$table_ary if (ref $parser) =~ /HTMLtable/ && $url && $cols_supplied;
+      }
+      else {
+        if ($data_type eq 'ARY-STR') {
+              $data = join '', @$data;
+	  }
+        if ($data_type eq 'ARY-ARY') {
+            $table_ary = $data;
+        }
+        elsif ($data_type eq 'ARY-HSH') {
+            print "IMPORT OF HASHES NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!\n"; exit;
+	}
+        else {
+            $data =~ s/\015$//gsm;  # ^M = CR from DOS
+    	    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $data;
+            my @tmp = split  /$rec_sep/, $data;
+	    #use Data::Dumper; print ref $parser, Dumper \@tmp;
+            if ((ref $parser) =~ /Fixed/ && (!$col_names or !scalar @$col_names)) {
+                my $colstr = shift @tmp;
+                # $colstr =~ s/\015$//g;  # ^M = CR from DOS
+                @$col_names = split ',',$colstr;
+	    }
+            if ((ref $parser) =~ /Paragraph/) {
+                my $colstr = shift @tmp;
+                @$col_names = $parser->read_fields($colstr);
+                #print "@$col_names";
+	    }
+            for my $line( @tmp ) {
+                #        for (split  /$rec_sep/, $data) {
+                #            s/\015$//g;  # ^M = CR from DOS
+                next if $parser->{skip_pattern} and $line =~ $parser->{skip_pattern};
+                my @row = $parser->read_fields($line);
+                #print $_;
+                #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@row;
+###z MOD
+ #               next unless scalar @row;
+ #               push @$table_ary, \@row;
+                 push @$table_ary, \@row
+#                    unless $parser->{skip_mark}
+#                       and $row[0] eq $parser->{skip_mark};
+            }
+        }
+        if ((ref $parser) !~ /Fixed|Paragraph/ 
+          && !$parser->{keep_first_line}
+          && !$parser->{col_names}
+           ) {
+           $col_names = shift @$table_ary;
+	 }
+        #use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $table_ary;
+      }
+    }
+#    if ($file and !(ref $file eq 'ARRAY') and $file !~ m'^http://|ftp://' and !(scalar @$table_ary) ) {
+    if ((ref $parser) !~ /XML/ ) {
+        my $size = scalar @$table_ary if defined $table_ary;
+        if ($file and !(ref $file eq 'ARRAY') and !$size ) {
+            if ($file =~ m'^http://|ftp://') {
+                # ($table_ary,$col_names) =
+                # $self->get_remote_data($file,$parser);
+            }
+            else {
+                ($table_ary,$col_names) =
+                    $self->get_local_data($file,$parser,$read_mode);
+	    }
+        }
+    }
+    my @array = @$col_names if ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY';
+    #print "@array" if @array;
+    if ($col_names && scalar @array == 0 ) {
+         @array = (ref $parser =~ /Fixed/)
+             ? split ',', $col_names
+             : $parser->read_fields($col_names);
+    }
+    my $col_nums;
+    $col_nums = $self->set_col_nums() if $col_names;
+    my %table = (
+        index => 0,
+	file => $file,
+	records => $table_ary,
+	col_nums => $col_nums,
+	col_names => \@array,
+    );
+    for my $key(keys %table) {
+        $self->{$key}=$table{$key};
+    }
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self; exit;
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $table_ary;
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self->{records} if (ref $parser) =~ /Weblog/;
+sub close { my $s = shift; undef $s }
+sub get_remote_data {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $file   = shift;
+    my $parser = shift;
+    $ENV = {} unless defined $ENV;
+    $^W = 0;
+    undef $@;
+    my $user = $self->{user} || $self->{username};
+    my $pass = $self->{pass} || $self->{password};
+    eval{ require 'LWP/'; };
+#    eval{ require 'File/'; };
+    die "LWP module not found! $@" if $@;
+    my $ua   = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+    my $req  = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $file);
+    $req->authorization_basic($user, $pass) if $user and $pass;
+    my $res  = $ua->request($req);
+    die "[$file] : " . $res->message if !$res->is_success;
+    $^W = 1;
+    return $res->content;
+#    return $parser->get_data($res->content,$self->{col_names});
+sub export {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $parser = shift;
+    print "##";
+    return unless $parser->{export_on_close} && $self->{open_mode} ne 'r';
+#    return $parser->export( $self->{records}, $self->{col_names}, $self->{deleted} );
+    #$self->{file_manager}->str2file($str);
+sub DESTROY {
+   #shift->export;
+   #print "DESTROY";
+sub get_local_data {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $file      = shift;
+    my $parser    = shift;
+    my $open_mode = shift || 'r';
+    my $adf  = AnyData::Storage::File->new;
+#    $adf->open_table($parser,$file,'r');
+ my $fh   = $adf->open_local_file($file,$open_mode);
+#print Dumper $file,$adf; exit;
+    $self->{file_manager} = $adf;
+    $self->{fh} = $fh;
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self;
+#    my $fh = $adf->{fh};
+    return([],$self->{col_names}) if 'co' =~ /$open_mode/;
+#    if ((ref $parser) =~ /HTML/) {
+#      print "[[$file]]";
+#      for (<$fh>) { print;  }
+#    }
+    local $/ = undef;
+    my $str = <$fh>;
+#    $fh->close;
+#print $str if (ref $parser) =~ /HTML/;
+    return $self->{col_names} unless $str;
+    return $parser->get_data($str,$self->{col_names});
+sub dump {
+    my $self = shift;
+    print
+       "\nTotal Rows  = ", scalar @{ $self->{records} },
+       "\nCurrent Row = ", $self->{index},
+       "\nData        = ", Dumper $self->{records},
+    ;
+sub col_names { shift->{col_names} }
+sub get_col_names {
+    my $self=shift;
+    my $parser=shift;
+    my $c = $self->{col_names} || $parser->{col_names};
+#print "###@$c";
+#return $c;
+#    if (!scalar @$c and $self->{data}) {
+#        $c = shift @{$self->{data}};
+#    }
+#    return $c;
+sub get_file_handle {''}
+sub get_file_name {''}
+sub seek_first_record { shift->{index}=0 }
+sub get_pos { my $s=shift; $s->{CUR}= $s->{index}}
+sub go_pos {my $s=shift;$s->{index}=$s->{CUR}}
+sub is_deleted { my $s=shift; return $s->{deleted}->{$s->{index}-1} };
+sub delete_record {
+    my $self = shift;
+#    $self->{records}->[ $self->{index}-1 ]->[-1] = $self->{del_marker};
+    $self->{deleted}->{ $self->{index}-1 }++;
+# fetch_row()
+sub get_record {
+    my($self,$parser) = @_;
+    my $currentRow = $self->{index};
+    return undef unless $self->{records} ;
+    return undef if $currentRow >= @{ $self->{records} };
+    $self->{index} = $currentRow+1;
+    $self->get_pos($self->{index});
+    #print  @{ $self->{records}->[ $currentRow ] };
+    return $self->{records}->[ $currentRow ];
+*file2str = \&get_record;
+*write_fields = \&push_row;
+# push_row()
+sub push_row {
+    my($self, $fields, $parser) = @_;
+    if (! ref $fields) {
+        $fields =~ s/\012$//;
+        #chomp $fields;
+        my @rec = $parser->read_fields($fields);
+        $fields = \@rec;
+    }
+#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $fields;
+    my $currentRow = $self->{index};
+    $self->{index} = $currentRow+1;
+    $self->{records}->[$currentRow] = $fields;
+    return 1;
+# truncate()
+sub truncate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return splice @{$self->{records}}, $self->{index},1;
+# push_names()
+sub print_col_names {
+    my($self, $parser, $names) = @_;
+    $self->{col_names} = $names;
+    $self->{parser}->{col_names} = $names;
+    my($col_nums) = {};
+    for (my $i = 0;  $i < @$names;  $i++) {
+        $col_nums->{$names->[$i]} = $i;
+    }
+    $self->{col_nums} = $col_nums;
+sub drop  {1;}
+sub close_table {1;}
+sub seek {
+    my($self, $pos, $whence) = @_;
+    return unless defined $self->{records};
+    my($currentRow) = $self->{index};
+    if ($whence == 0) {
+        $currentRow = $pos;
+    } elsif ($whence == 1) {
+        $currentRow += $pos;
+    } elsif ($whence == 2) {
+        $currentRow = @{$self->{records}} + $pos;
+    } else {
+        die $self . "->seek: Illegal whence argument ($whence)";
+    }
+    if ($currentRow < 0) {
+        die "Illegal row number: $currentRow";
+    }
+    $self->{index} = $currentRow;
+sub str2file {
+    my($self,$rec)=@_;
+    my @c = caller 3; 
+    if ($c[3] =~ /DELETE/ or $c[3] =~ /UPDATE/) {
+        $self->delete_record($rec);
+        return undef if $c[3] =~ /DELETE/;
+    } 
+   push @{ $self->{table} }, $rec;
+#    $self->{index}++;
+    return $rec;
+sub delete_record{my $self=shift;use Data::Dumper; print Dumper @_}
+sub close {1;}
+sub seek {
+    my($self,$pos,$whence) = @_;
+    if ($pos == 0 && $whence == 0) {
+        $self->{index}=0;
+        return $self->{index};
+    }
+    if ($pos == 0 && $whence == 2) {
+        return $self->{index};
+    }
+sub truncate {}#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@_;}
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+package AnyData::Storage::TiedHash;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub FETCH {
+    my($self,$key) = @_;
+    my(@rows,$row,$found);
+    return $self->{ad}->col_names if($key eq '__colnames');
+    return $self->{ad}->key_col if $key eq '__key';
+    my $ismultiple = ref $key;
+    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record;
+    while ($row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
+        if ( $self->{ad}->match($row,$key) ) {
+            $found++;
+            last unless $ismultiple;
+            push @rows, $row;
+        }
+    }
+    return \@rows if $ismultiple;
+    return $found ? $row : undef;
+sub TIEHASH {
+    my $class   = shift;
+    my $ad      = shift;
+    my $perms   = shift || 'r';
+    my $records = shift || {};
+    my $self = {
+        INDEX         => 0,
+        RECORDS       => $records,
+        ad            => $ad,
+        del_marker    => "\0",
+        needs_packing => 0,
+        PERMS         => $perms,
+    };
+    return bless $self, $class;
+sub verify_columns {
+    my $col_names = shift;
+    my $val       = shift;
+    my %is_col = map {$_ => 1} @$col_names;
+    my $errstr =  "ERROR: XXX is not a column in the table!\n";
+    $errstr .= scalar @$col_names
+            ? "       columns are: " . join "~",@$col_names,"\n"
+            : "       couldn't find any column names\n";
+    if (ref $val eq 'HASH') {
+        for (keys %$val) {
+             $errstr =~ s/XXX/$_/;
+             die $errstr if !$is_col{$_};
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $errstr =~ s/XXX/$val/;
+        $is_col{$val}
+            ? return 1
+            : die $errstr;
+    }
+sub STORE {
+    my($self,$key,$value) = @_;
+    #my @c = caller 1;
+    $self->{errstr} = "Can't store: file is opened in 'r' read-only mode!"
+        if $self->{PERMS} eq 'r';
+    return undef if $self->{errstr};
+    my @colnames = @{ $self->{ad}->col_names };
+    verify_columns(\@colnames,$value);
+    return $self->{ad}->update_multiple_rows($key,$value)
+        if ref $key eq 'HASH';
+    $self->{ad}->seek(0,2);
+    my @newrow;
+    for my $i(0..$#colnames) {
+        $newrow[$i] = $value->{$colnames[$i]};
+        next if defined $newrow[$i];
+        $newrow[$i] = $key if $colnames[$i] eq $self->{ad}->key_col;
+        $newrow[$i] = undef unless $newrow[$i];
+    }
+    return $self->{ad}->push_row(@newrow);
+sub DELETE {
+    my($self,$key)=@_;
+    die "Can't delete: file is opened in 'r' read-only mode!"
+        if $self->{PERMS} eq 'r';
+    my $row;
+    my $count;
+    return $self->{ad}->delete_multiple_rows($key) if ref $key;
+    if ($row = $self->FETCH($key) ) {
+        $self->{ad}->delete_single_row;
+        $self->{needs_packing}++;
+        $count++;
+    }
+    #return $row;
+    return $count;
+sub EXISTS {
+    my($self,$key)=@_;
+    return $self->FETCH($key);
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record();
+    my $found =0;
+    my $row;
+    while (!$found) {
+        $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref() or last;
+        $found++;
+        last;
+    }
+    return $found ? $row : undef;
+sub NEXTKEY {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $row;
+    my $lastcol=0;
+    my $found=0;
+    while (!$found) {
+        $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref() or last;
+        $found++;
+        last;
+    }
+    return $found ? $row : undef;
+sub adRows {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $key  = shift;
+    my $count=0;
+    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record;
+    if (!$key) {
+        while (my $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
+            $count++;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        while (my $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
+            $count++ if $self->{ad}->match($row,$key);
+        }
+    }
+    return $count;
+sub adColumn {
+    my($self,$column,$flags)=@_;
+    $flags ||= '';
+    my @results=();
+    $self->{ad}->seek_first_record;
+    while (my $row = $self->{ad}->fetchrow_hashref) {
+        push @results, $row->{$column}
+    }
+    my %is_member;
+    @results = grep(!$is_member{$_}++, @results) if $flags; $flags =~ /u/i;
+#    @results = sort @results if $flags =~ /a/i;
+#    @results = reverse sort @results if $flags =~ /d/i;
+    return @results;
+sub DESTROY {
+    #my $self=shift;
+    #undef $self->{ad};
+    #print "HASH DESTROYED";
+# END OF AnyData::Tiedhash
@@ -1,1451 +1,1451 @@
-package AnyData;
-#   This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker
-#   All rights reserved.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-require Exporter;
-use AnyData::Storage::TiedHash;
-use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT $VERSION );
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(  adConvert adTie adRows adColumn adExport adDump adNames adFormats);
-#@EXPORT = qw(  ad_fields adTable adErr adArray);
-$VERSION = '0.11';
-sub new {
-   my $class   = shift;
-   my $format  = shift;
-   my $flags   = shift || {};
-   my $del_marker = "\0";
-   $format = 'CSV' if $format eq 'ARRAY';
-   my $parser_name = 'AnyData/Format/' . $format . '.pm';
-   eval { require $parser_name; };
-   die "Error Opening File-Parser: $@" if $@;
-   $parser_name =~ s#/#::#g;
-   $parser_name =~ s#\.pm$##g;
-    my $col_names = $flags->{col_names} || undef;
-    if ($col_names) {
-        my @cols;
-        @cols = ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY'
-          ? @$col_names
-          : split ',',$col_names;
-        $flags->{col_names} = \@cols;
-   }
-   $flags->{del_marker} = $del_marker;
-   $flags->{records}   ||= $flags->{data};
-   $flags->{field_sep} ||= $flags->{sep_char}   ||= $flags->{ad_sep_char};
-   $flags->{quote}     ||= $flags->{quote_char} ||= $flags->{ad_quote_char};
-   $flags->{escape}    ||= $flags->{escape_char}||= $flags->{ad_escape_char};
-   $flags->{record_sep}||= $flags->{eol}        ||= $flags->{ad_eol};
-   # $flags->{skip_first_row}
-   my $parser    = $parser_name->new ($flags);
-   if ($parser->{col_names} && !$col_names) {
-        my @cols;
-        @cols = ref $parser->{col_names} eq 'ARRAY'
-          ? @{$parser->{col_names}}
-          : split ',',$parser->{col_names};
-        $flags->{col_names} = \@cols;
-        $parser->{col_names} = \@cols;
-   }
-   my $storage_name = $flags->{storage}
-                   || $parser->storage_type()
-                   || 'File';
-   $storage_name = "AnyData/Storage/$";
-   eval { require $storage_name; };
-   die "Error Opening Storage Module: $@" if $@;
-   $storage_name =~ s#/#::#g;
-   $storage_name =~ s#\.pm$##g;
-   my $storage   = new $storage_name({del_marker=>$del_marker,%$flags});
-   if ($storage_name =~ 'PassThru') {
-       $storage->{parser} = $parser;
-       $parser->{del_marker} = "\0";
-       $parser->{url} = $flags->{file} 
-                      if $flags->{file} and $flags->{file} =~ /http:|ftp:/;
-   }
-   my $self = {
-       storage => $storage,
-       parser  => $parser,
-   };
-   return( bless($self,$class) );
-sub adFormats {
-    my @formats;
-    for my $dir(@INC) {
-        my $format_dir = "$dir/AnyData/Format";
-        if ( -d $format_dir ) {
-            local *D;
-            opendir(D,$format_dir);
-            @formats = grep {/\.pm$/} readdir(D);
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    unshift @formats,'ARRAY';
-    @formats = map {s/^(.*)\.pm$/$1/;$_} @formats;
-    return @formats;
-sub export {
-    my $self=shift;
-    my $fh   = $self->{storage}->{fh};
-    my $mode = $self->{storage}->{open_mode} || 'r';
-#    if ( $self->{parser}->{export_on_close}
-#      && $self->{storage}->{fh}
-#      && $mode ne 'r'
-#     ){
-      return $self->{parser}->export( $self->{storage}, @_ );
-#    }
-sub DESTROY {
-    my $self=shift;
-#    $self->export;
-    $self->zpack;
-    #print "AD DESTROYED ";
-# required only for DBD-AnyData
-sub prep_dbd_table {
-    my $self       = shift;
-    my $tname      = shift;
-    my $createMode = shift;
-    my $col_names;
-    my $col_nums;
-    my $first_row_pos;
-    if (!$createMode) {
-        $col_names     = $self->{storage}->get_col_names($self->{parser});
-        $col_nums      = $self->{storage}->set_col_nums();
-        $first_row_pos = $self->{storage}->{first_row_pos};
-    }
-    die "ERROR: No Column Names!:", $self->{storage}->{open_mode}
-     if (!$col_names || !scalar @$col_names) 
-     && 'ru' =~ $self->{storage}->{open_mode}
-     && !$createMode eq 'o';
-    my $table = {
-        NAME          => $tname,
-        DATA          => [],
-        CURRENT_ROW   => 0,
-        col_names     => $col_names,
-        col_nums      => $col_nums,
-        first_row_pos => $first_row_pos,
-        fh            => $self->{storage}->get_file_handle,
-        file          => $self->{storage}->get_file_name,
-        ad            => $self,
-    };
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $table;
-    return $table;
-sub fetch_row   {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $requested_cols = shift || [];
-    my $rec;
-    if ( $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern} ) {
-        my $found;
-        while (!$found) {
-            $rec = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser},$requested_cols);
-            last if !defined $rec;
-            next if $rec =~ $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern};
-            last;
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-        $rec = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser},$requested_cols);
-    }
-    return $rec if ref $rec eq 'ARRAY';
-    return unless $rec;
-    my @fields = $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
-    return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
-    return \@fields;
-sub fetch_rowNEW   {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $requested_cols = shift || [];
-    my $rec    = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser},$requested_cols);
-    my @fields;
-    if (ref $rec eq 'ARRAY') {
-        @fields = @$rec;
-    } 
-    else {
-        return unless defined $rec;
-        my @fields = $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
-        return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
-    }
-    if ( my $subs = $self->{parser}->{read_sub} ) {
-        for (@$subs) {
-            my($col,$sub) =  @$_;
-            next unless defined $col;
-            my $col_num = $self->{storage}->{col_nums}->{$col};
-            next unless defined $col_num;
-            $fields[$col_num] = &$sub($fields[$col_num]);
-	}
-      }
-    return \@fields;
-sub push_names {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $col_names = shift || undef;
-    #print "Can't find column names!" unless scalar @$col_names;
-    $self->{storage}->print_col_names( $self->{parser}, $col_names )
-         unless $self->{parser}->{col_names} && $self->parser_type ne 'XML';
-    #    $self->set_col_nums;
-    $self->{parser}->{key} ||= $col_names->[0];
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self; exit;
-sub drop           { shift->{storage}->drop(@_); }
-sub truncate       { shift->{storage}->truncate(@_) }
-sub push_row {
-    my $self = shift;
-    die "ERROR: No Column Names!" unless scalar @{$self->col_names};
-    my $requested_cols = [];
-    my @row = @_;
-    if (ref($row[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
-        $requested_cols = shift @row;
-    }
-    my $rec = $self->{parser}->write_fields(@row) or return undef;
-    return $self->{storage}->push_row( $rec, $self->{parser}, $requested_cols);
-sub push_rowNEW {
-    my $self = shift;
-    #print "PUSHING... ";
-    die "ERROR: No Column Names!" unless scalar @{$self->col_names};
-    my $requested_cols = [];
-    my @row = @_;
-    use Data::Dumper;
-    #print "PUSHING ", Dumper \@row;
-    if (ref($row[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
-        $requested_cols = shift @row;
-    }
-    my $rec = $self->{parser}->write_fields(@row) or return undef;
-    return $self->{storage}->push_row( $rec, $self->{parser}, $requested_cols);
-sub seek              { shift->{storage}->seek(@_); }
-sub seek_first_record { 
-    my $self=shift;
-    $self->{storage}->seek_first_record($self->{parser});
-sub col_names    {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $c = $self->{storage}->{col_names};
-    $c = $self->{parser}->{col_names} unless (ref $c eq 'ARRAY') and scalar @$c;
-    $c ||= [];
-sub is_url {
-    my $file = shift;
-    return $file if $file and $file =~ m"^http://|ftp://";
-sub adTable {
-    ###########################################################
-    # Patch from Wes Hardaker
-    ###########################################################
-    # my($formatref,$file,$read_mode,$lockMode,$othflags)=@_;
-    my($formatref,$file,$read_mode,$lockMode,$othflags,$tname)=@_;
-    ###########################################################
-    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@_;
-    my($format,$flags);
-    $file ||= '';
-    my $url = is_url($file);
-    $flags = {};
-    $othflags ||= {};
-    if ( ref $formatref eq 'HASH' or $othflags->{data}) {
-        $format = 'Base';
-	$flags = $othflags;
-        if (ref $formatref eq 'HASH') {
-            %$flags  = (%$formatref,%$othflags);
-	} 
-   } 
-   else {
-      ($format,$flags) = split_params($formatref);
-      $othflags ||= {};
-      %$flags = (%$flags,%$othflags);
-    }
-    if ( $flags->{cols} ) {
-        $flags->{col_names} = $flags->{cols};
-        delete $flags->{cols};
-    }
-    if (ref($file) eq 'ARRAY') {
-      if ($format eq 'Mp3' or $format eq 'FileSys') {
-	 $flags->{dirs} = $file;
-      } 
-      else {
-         $flags->{recs} = join '',@$file;
-         $flags->{recs} = $file if $format =~ /ARRAY/i;
-         $flags->{storage} = 'RAM' unless $format eq 'XML';
-         $read_mode = 'u';
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-        $flags->{file} = $file;
-    }
-    if ($format ne 'XML' and ($format eq 'Base' or $url) ) {
-        my $x;
-        $flags->{storage} = 'RAM';
-        delete $flags->{recs};
-        my $ad = AnyData->new( $format, $flags);
-        $format eq 'Base'
-            ? $ad->open_table( $file )
-            : $ad->open_table( $file,  'r',
-                               $ad->{storage}->get_remote_data($file)
-                             );
-        return $ad;
-    }
-    my $ad = AnyData->new( $format, $flags);
-    my $createMode = 0;
-    $createMode = $read_mode if defined $lockMode;
-    $read_mode   = 'c' if $createMode  and $lockMode;
-    $read_mode   = 'u' if !$createMode and $lockMode;
-    $read_mode ||= 'r';
-    $ad->{parser}->{keep_first_line} = 1 
-         if $flags->{col_names} and 'ru' =~ /$read_mode/;
-    #####################################################
-    # Patch from Wes Hardaker
-    #####################################################
-    # $ad->open_table( $file, $read_mode );
-##    $ad->open_table( $file, $read_mode, $tname );
-    $ad->open_table( $file, $read_mode, $tname );
-#    use Data::Dumper; my $x = $ad; delete $x->{parser}->{twig}; delete $x->{parser}->{record_tag}; delete $x->{parser}->{current_element}; print Dumper $x;
-    #####################################################
-    return $ad;
-sub open_table     {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->{storage}->open_table( $self->{parser}, @_ );
-    my $col_names = $self->col_names();
-    $self->{parser}->{key} ||= '';
-    $self->{parser}->{key} ||= $col_names->[0] if $col_names->[0];
-sub key_col          { shift->{parser}->{key} }
-sub fetchrow_hashref {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $rec = $self->get_undeleted_record or return undef;
-    my  @fields = ref $rec eq 'ARRAY'
-            ? @$rec
-            : $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
-    my $col_names = $self->col_names();
-    return undef unless scalar @fields;
-    return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
-    my $rowhash;
-    @{$rowhash}{@$col_names} = @fields;
-    return ( $rowhash );
-sub get_undeleted_record {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $rec;
-    my $found=0;
-    return $self->fetch_row if $self->parser_type eq 'XML';
-    while (!$found) {
-        my $test = $rec    = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser});
-        return  if !defined $rec;
-        next if $self->{storage}->is_deleted($self->{parser});
-        next if $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern} 
-            and $rec =~ $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern};
-        last;
-    }
-    return $rec;
-#    return $rec if ref $rec eq 'ARRAY';
-#    return unless $rec;
-#    my @fields = $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
-#    return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
-#    return \@fields;
-sub update_single_row {
-    my $self     = shift;
-    my $oldrow   = shift;
-    my $newvals  = shift;
-    my @colnames = @{ $self->col_names };
-    my @newrow;
-    my $requested_cols = [];
-    for my $i(0..$#colnames) {
-        push @$requested_cols, $colnames[$i] if defined $newvals->{$colnames[$i]};
-        $newrow[$i] = $newvals->{$colnames[$i]};
-        $newrow[$i] = $oldrow->{$colnames[$i]} unless defined $newrow[$i];
-    }
-    unshift @newrow, $requested_cols;
-    $self->{storage}->seek(0,2);
-    $self->push_row( @newrow );
-    return \@newrow;
-sub update_multiple_rows {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $key    = shift;
-    my $values = shift;
-    $self->seek_first_record;
-    my @rows_to_update;
-    while (my $row = $self->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        next unless $self->match($row,$key);
-        $self->{parser}->{has_update_function}
-            ? $self->update_single_row($row,$values)
-            : $self->delete_single_row();
-        $self->{parser}->{has_update_function}
-            ? push @rows_to_update,1
-            : push @rows_to_update,$row;
-    }
-    if (!$self->{parser}->{has_update_function}) {
-        for (@rows_to_update) {
-           $self->update_single_row($_,$values);
-	 }
-    }
-    return scalar @rows_to_update;
-sub match {
-    my($self,$row,$key) = @_;
-    if ( ref $key ne 'HASH') {
-        return 0 if !$row->{$self->key_col}
-                 or  $row->{$self->key_col} ne $key;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    my $found = 0;
-    while (my($col,$re)=each %$key) {
-        next unless defined $row->{$col} and is_matched($row->{$col},$re);
-        $found++;
-    }
-    return 1 if $found == scalar keys %$key;
-sub is_matched {
-    my($str,$re)=@_;
-    if (ref $re eq 'Regexp') {
-        return $str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0;
-    }
-    my($op,$val);
-    if ( $re and $re =~/^(\S*)\s+(.*)/ ) {
-        $op  = $1;
-        $val = $2;
-    }
-    elsif ($re) {
-        return $str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0;
-    }
-    else {
-        return $str eq '' ? 1 : 0;
-    }
-    my $numop = '< > == != <= >=';
-    my $chrop = 'lt gt eq ne le ge';
-    if (!($numop =~ /$op/) and !($chrop =~ /$op/)) {
-        return $str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0;
-    }
-    if ($op eq '<' ) { return $str <  $val; }
-    if ($op eq '>' ) { return $str >  $val; }
-    if ($op eq '==') { return $str == $val; }
-    if ($op eq '!=') { return $str != $val; }
-    if ($op eq '<=') { return $str <= $val; }
-    if ($op eq '>=') { return $str >= $val; }
-    if ($op eq 'lt') { return $str lt $val; }
-    if ($op eq 'gt') { return $str gt $val; }
-    if ($op eq 'eq') { return $str eq $val; }
-    if ($op eq 'ne') { return $str ne $val; }
-    if ($op eq 'le') { return $str le $val; }
-    if ($op eq 'ge') { return $str ge $val; }
-sub delete_single_row {
-    my $self = shift;
-#    my $curpos = $self->{storage}->get_pos;
-    $self->{storage}->delete_record($self->{parser});
-#    $self->{storage}->go_pos($curpos);
-    $self->{needs_packing}++;
-sub delete_multiple_rows {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $key    = shift;
-    $self->seek_first_record;
-    my $rows_deleted =0;
-    while (my $row = $self->fetchrow_hashref) {
-        next unless $self->match($row,$key);
-        $self->delete_single_row;
-        $rows_deleted++;
-    }
-    return $rows_deleted;
-sub adNames { @{ shift->{__colnames}} }
-sub adDump {
-    my $table = shift;
-    my $pat   = shift;
-    die "No table defined" unless $table;
-    my $ad = tied(%$table)->{ad};
-    my @cols = @{ $ad->col_names };
-    print "<",join(":", @cols), ">\n";
-    while (my $row = each %$table) {
-        my @row  = map {defined $row->{$_} ? $row->{$_} : ''} @cols;
-        for (@row) { print "[$_]"; }
-        print  "\n";
-    }
-sub adRows {
-    my $thash = shift;
-    my %keys  = @_;
-    my $obj   = tied(%$thash);
-    return $obj->adRows(\%keys);
-sub adColumn {
-    my $thash  = shift;
-    my $column = shift;
-    my $flags = shift;
-    my $obj    = tied(%$thash);
-    return $obj->adColumn($column, $flags);
-sub adArray {
-    my($format,$data)=@_;
-    my $t = adTie( $format, $data );
-    my $t1 = tied(%$t);
-    my $ad = $t1->{ad};
-    my $arrayref = $ad->{storage}->{records};
-    unshift @$arrayref, $ad->{storage}->{col_names};
-    return $arrayref;
-sub parser_type {
-    my $type = ref shift->{parser};
-    $type =~ s/AnyData::Format::(.*)/$1/;
-    return $type;
-sub zpack {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return if $self->{storage}->{no_pack};
-    return if (ref $self->{storage} ) !~ /File$/;
-#    return unless $self->{needs_packing};
-#    $self->{needs_packing} = 0;
-    return unless scalar(keys %{ $self->{storage}->{deleted} } );
-    $self->{needs_packing} = 0;
-    #    my @callA = caller 2;
-    #    my @callB = caller 3;
-    #    return if $callA[3] =~ /DBD/;
-    #    return if $callB[3] and $callB[3] =~ /SQL::Statement/;
-    #    return if $self->{parser}->{export_on_close};
-    #print "PACKING";
-    my $bak_file = $self->{storage}->get_file_name . '.bak';
-    my $bak = adTable( 'Text', $bak_file, 'o' );
-    my $bak_fh = $bak->{storage}->get_file_handle;
-    my $fh     = $self->{storage}->get_file_handle;
-    die "Can't pack to backup $!" unless $fh and $bak_fh;
-    # $self->seek_first_record;
-    $fh->seek(0,0) || die $!;
-    #$bak_fh->seek(0,0) || die $!;
-#    while (my $line = $self->get_record) {
-#        next if $self->is_deleted($line);
-    while (my $line = $self->get_undeleted_record) {
-        my $tmpstr = $bak->{parser}->write_fields($line)
-                   . $self->{parser}->{record_sep};
-        $bak_fh->write($tmpstr,length $tmpstr);
-    }
-    $fh->seek(0,0);
-    $fh->truncate(0) || die $!;
-    $bak->seek_first_record;
-    while (<$bak_fh>) {
-        $fh->write($_,length $_);
-    }
-    $fh->close;
-    $bak_fh->close;
-    $self->{doing_pack} = 0;
-    undef $self->{storage}->{deleted};
-sub adTie {
-    my($format,$file,$read_mode,$flags)=@_;
-    my $data;
-    if (ref $file eq 'ARRAY' && !$read_mode ) { $read_mode = 'u'; }
-    # ARRAY only {data=>[]};
-    if (scalar @_ == 1){
-        $read_mode = 'o';
-        tie %$data,
-            'AnyData::Storage::TiedHash',
-            adTable($format),
-            $read_mode;
-        return $data;
-    }
-    tie %$data,
-        'AnyData::Storage::TiedHash',
-        adTable($format,$file,$read_mode,undef,$flags),
-        $read_mode;
-    return $data;
-sub adErr {
-    my $hash = shift;
-    my $t = tied(%$hash);
-    my $errstr = $t->{ad}->{parser}->{errstr}
-        || $t->{ad}->{storage}->{errstr};
-    print $errstr if $errstr;
-    return $errstr;
-sub adExport {
-    my $tiedhash  = shift;
-    my($tformat,$tfile,$tflags)=@_;
-    my $ad = tied(%$tiedhash)->{ad};
-    my $sformat = ref $ad->{parser};
-    $sformat =~ s/AnyData::Format:://;
-    $tformat ||= $sformat;
-    if ($tformat eq $sformat and $tformat eq 'XML') {
-      return $ad->{parser}->export($ad->{storage},$tfile,$tflags);
-    }
-    return adConvert('adHash',$ad,$tformat,$tfile,undef,$tflags);
-sub adConvert {
-    my( $source_format, $source_data,
-        $target_format,$target_file_name,
-        $source_flags,$target_flags    )=@_;
-    my $target_type = 'STRING';
-       $target_type = 'FILE'  if defined $target_file_name;
-       $target_type = 'ARRAY' if $target_format eq 'ARRAY';
-    my $data_type = 'AD-OBJECT';
-       $data_type = 'ARRAY'  if  ref $source_data eq 'ARRAY'
-                            and  ref $source_data->[0] eq 'ARRAY';
-    my $source_ad;
-    if ($source_format eq 'adHash') {
-        $source_ad = $source_data;
-        undef $source_data;
-    } 
-    else {
-        $source_format = 'CSV' if $source_format =~ /ARRAY/i;
-        $source_ad = adTable(
-             $source_format,$source_data,'r',undef,$source_flags
-        );
-    }
-    my @cols;
-    if ( $data_type eq 'ARRAY') {
-        @cols = @{ shift @{ $source_data  } };
-    }
-    else {
-        @cols = @{ $source_ad->col_names };
-    }
-    # insert storable here
-    if ('XML HTMLtable' =~ /$target_format/) {
-        $target_flags->{col_names} = join ',',@cols;
-        my $target_ad = adTable(
-            $target_format,$target_file_name,'o',undef,$target_flags
-        );
-        if ($data_type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-             for my $row(@$source_data) {
-                 my @fields=$source_ad->str2ary($row);
-                 $target_ad->push_row( $source_ad->str2ary(\@fields) );
-             }
-             unshift @$source_data, \@cols;
-             return $target_ad->export($target_file_name);
-        }
-        $source_ad->seek_first_record;
-        while (my $row = $source_ad->get_undeleted_record) {
-            $target_ad->push_row( $source_ad->str2ary($row) );
-        }
-        return $target_ad->export($target_file_name);
-    }
-    my($target_ad,$fh);
-    if ($target_type eq 'FILE') {
-        $target_ad = adTable(
-            $target_format,$target_file_name,'c',undef,$target_flags
-        );
-        $fh = $target_ad->{storage}->get_file_handle;
-    }
-    elsif ($target_type eq 'STRING') {
-        $target_ad = AnyData->new( $target_format,$target_flags);
-    }
-    my($str,$aryref);
-    if ( !$target_ad->{parser}->{no_col_print} ) {
-        if ($target_type eq 'ARRAY') {
-            push @$aryref, \@cols;
-        }
-        else {
-        $str = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@cols);
-        $str =~ s/ /,/g if $target_format eq 'Fixed';
-        if ($target_type eq 'FILE') {
-            $fh->write($str,length $str);
-	}
-        if ($target_type eq 'STRING') {
-            $str = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@cols);
-	}
-	}
-    }
-    # GET DATA
-    if ($data_type eq 'ARRAY') {
-      for my $row(@$source_data) {
-        my @fields = $source_ad->str2ary($row);
-        my $tmpstr = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@fields);
-        # print $tmpstr if $check;
-        $fh->write($tmpstr,length $tmpstr) if $target_type eq 'FILE';
-        $str .=  $tmpstr if $target_type eq 'STRING';
-      }
-      unshift @$source_data, \@cols;
-      return $str if $target_format ne 'ARRAY';
-      return $aryref;
-    }
-    $source_ad->seek_first_record; # unless $source_format eq 'XML';
-    while (my $row = $source_ad->get_undeleted_record) {
-        if ($target_format eq 'ARRAY') {
-            push @$aryref,$row if $target_format eq 'ARRAY';
-            next;
-        }
-        my @fields = $source_ad->str2ary($row);
-        my $tmpstr = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@fields);
-        $str .= $target_type eq 'FILE'
-           ? $fh->write($tmpstr,length $tmpstr)
-           : $tmpstr;
-    }
-    return $str if $target_format ne 'ARRAY';
-    return $aryref;
-#    if ('Storable' =~ /$target_format/) {
-#        $target_flags->{col_names} = join ',',@cols;
-#        $target_ad = adTable(
-#            $target_format,$target_file_name,'c',undef,$target_flags
-#        );
-#        if (ref $source_data && !$data) {
-#            for my $row(@$source_data) {
-#                push @$data,$row;
-#            }
-#        }
-#        elsif (!$data) {
-#            $source_ad->seek_first_record;
-#            while (my $row = $source_ad->fetch_row) {
-#                push @$data, $row;
-#           }
-#	}
-#        unshift @$data, \@cols;
-#        return $target_ad->{parser}->export($data,$target_file_name);
-#  }
-sub str2ary {
-    my($ad,$row) = @_;
-    return @$row if ref $row eq 'ARRAY';
-    return $ad->{parser}->read_fields($row);
-sub ad_string {
-    my($formatref,@fields) = @_;
-    my($format,$flags) = split_params($formatref);
-# &dump($formatref); print "<$format>"; &dump($flags) if $flags;
-    #$formatref =~ s/(.*)/$1/;
-    my $ad = AnyData->new( $format, $flags );
-    return $ad->{parser}->write_fields(@fields);
-#    return $ad->write_fields(@fields);
-sub ad_fields {
-    my($formatref,$str,$flags) = @_;
-#    my($format,$flags) = split_params($formatref);
-#    my $ad = AnyData::new( $format, $flags );
-    my $ad = AnyData->new( $formatref, $flags );
-    return $ad->{parser}->read_fields($str);
-sub ad_convert_str {
-    my($source_formatref,$target_formatref,$str) = @_;
-    my($source_format,$source_flags) = split_params($source_formatref);
-    my($target_format,$target_flags) = split_params($target_formatref);
-    my $source_ad = AnyData->new( $source_format,$source_flags);
-    my $target_ad = AnyData->new( $target_format,$target_flags);
-    my @fields = $source_ad->read_fields($str);
-    return $target_ad->write_fields( @fields );
-# For all methods that have $format as a parameter,
-# $format can be either a string name of a format e.g. 'CSV'
-# or a hashref of the format and flags for that format e.g.
-# { format => 'FixedWidth', pattern=>'A1 A3 A2' }
-# given this parameter, this method returns $format and $flags
-# setting $flags to {} if none are given
-sub split_params {
-    my $source_formatref = shift;
-    my $source_flags = {};
-    my $source_format  = $source_formatref;
-    if (ref $source_formatref eq 'HASH') {
-      while (my($k,$v)=each %$source_formatref) {
-           ($source_format,$source_flags) = ($k,$v);
-      }
-    }
-    #use Data::Dumper;
-    return( $source_format, $source_flags);
-sub dump {
-    my $var = shift;
-    my $name = ref($var);
-    #use Data::Dumper;
-    $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
-    $Data::Dumper::Useqq  = 0;
-    print Data::Dumper->new([$var],[$name])->Dump();
-=head1 NAME
-AnyData - easy access to data in many formats
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adTie( 'CSV','my_db.csv','o',            # create a table
-                 {col_names=>'name,country,sex'}
-               );
- $table->{Sue} = {country=>'de',sex=>'f'};         # insert a row
- delete $table->{Tom};                             # delete a single row
- $str  = $table->{Sue}->{country};                 # select a single value
- while ( my $row = each %$table ) {                # loop through table
-   print $row->{name} if $row->{sex} eq 'f';
- }
- $rows = $table->{{age=>'> 25'}};                  # select multiple rows
- delete $table->{{country=>qr/us|mx|ca/}};         # delete multiple rows
- $table->{{country=>'Nz'}}={country=>'nz'};        # update multiple rows
- my $num = adRows( $table, age=>'< 25' );          # count matching rows
- my @names = adNames( $table );                    # get column names
- my @cars = adColumn( $table, 'cars' );            # group a column
- my @formats = adFormats();                        # list available parsers
- adExport( $table, $format, $file, $flags );       # save in specified format
- print adExport( $table, $format, $flags );        # print to screen in format
- print adDump($table);                             # dump table to screen
- undef $table;                                     # close the table
- #adConvert( $format1, $file1, $format2, $file2 );  # convert btwn formats
- #print adConvert( $format1, $file1, $format2 );    # convert to screen
-The rather wacky idea behind this module and its sister module
-DBD::AnyData is that any data, regardless of source or format should
-be accessible and modifiable with the same simple set of methods.
-This module provides a multidimensional tied hash interface to data
-in a dozen different formats. The DBD::AnyData module adds a DBI/SQL
-interface for those same formats.
-Both modules provide built-in protections including appropriate
-flocking() for all I/O and (in most cases) record-at-a-time access to
-files rather than slurping of entire files.
-Currently supported formats include general format flat files (CSV,
-Fixed Length, etc.), specific formats (passwd files, httpd logs,
-etc.), and a variety of other kinds of formats (XML, Mp3, HTML
-tables).  The number of supported formats will continue to grow
-rapidly since there is an open API making it easy for any author to
-create additional format parsers which can be plugged in to AnyData
-itself and thereby be accessible by either the tiedhash or DBI/SQL
-The module itself is pure Perl and does not depend on
-anything other than modules that come standard with Perl.  Some
-formats and some advanced features require additional modules: to use
-the remote ftp/http features, you must have the LWP bundle installed;
-to use the XML format, you must have XML::Parser and XML::Twig installed;
-to use the HTMLtable format for reading, you must have HTML::Parser and
-HTML::TableExtract installed but you can use the HTMLtable for writing
-with just the standard CGI module.  To use DBI/SQL commands, you must have
-DBI, DBD::AnyData, SQL::Statement and DBD::File installed.
-=head1 USAGE
-The AnyData module imports eight methods (functions):
-=for test ignore
-  adTie()     -- create a new table or open an existing table
-  adExport()  -- save an existing table in a specified format
-  adConvert() -- convert data in one format into another format
-  adFormats() -- list available formats
-  adNames()   -- get the column names of a table
-  adRows()    -- get the number of rows in a table or query
-  adDump()    -- display the data formatted as an array of rows
-  adColumn()  -- group values in a single column
-The adTie() command returns a special tied hash.  The tied hash can
-then be used to access and/or modify data.  See below for details
-With the exception of the XML, HTMLtable, and ARRAY formats, the
-adTie() command saves all modifications of the data directly to file
-as they are made.  With XML and HTMLtable, you must make your
-modifications in memory and then explicitly save them to file with
-=head2 adTie()
- my $table = adTie( $format, $data, $open_mode, $flags );
-The adTie() command creates a reference to a multidimensional tied hash. In its simplest form, it simply reads a file in a specified format into the tied hash:
- my $table = adTie( $format, $file );
-$format is the name of any supported format 'CSV','Fixed','Passwd', etc.
-$file is the name of a relative or absolute path to a local file
-     my $table = adTie( 'CSV', '/usr/me/myfile.csv' );
-this creates a tied hash called $table by reading data in the
-CSV (comma separated values) format from the file 'myfile.csv'.
-The hash reference resulting from adTie() can be accessed and modified as follows:
- use AnyData;
- my $table = adTie( $format, $file );
- $table->{$key}->{$column};                       # select a value
- $table->{$key} = {$col1=>$val1,$col2=>$val2...}; # update a row
- delete $table->{$key};                           # delete a row
- while(my $row = each %$table) {                  # loop through rows
-   print $row->{$col1} if $row->{$col2} ne 'baz';
- }
-The thing returned by adTie ($table in the example) is not an object,
-it is a reference to a tied hash. This means that hash operations
-such as exists, values, keys, may be used, keeping in mind that this
-is a *reference* to a tied hash so the syntax would be
-    for( keys %$table ) {...}
-    for( values %$table ) {...}
-Also keep in mind that if the table is really large, you probably do
-not want to use keys and values because they create arrays in memory
-containing data from every row in the table.  Instead use 'each' as
-shown above since that cycles through the file one record at a time
-and never puts the entire table into memory.
-It is also possible to use more advanced searching on the hash, see "Multiple Row Operations" below.
-In addition to the simple adTie($format,$file), there are other ways to specify additional information in the adTie() command.  The full syntax is:
- my $table = adTie( $format, $data, $open_mode, $flags );
- The $data parameter allows you to read data from remote files accessible by
- http or ftp, see "Using Remote Files" below.  It also allows you to treat
- strings and arrays as data sources without needing a file at all, see
- "Working with Strings and Arrays" below.
-The optional $mode parameter defaults to 'r' if none is supplied or must be
-one of
- 'r' read      # read only access
- 'u' update    # read/write access
- 'c' create    # create a new file unless it already exists
- 'o' overwrite # create a new file, overwriting any that already exist
-The $flags parameter allows you to specify additional information such as column names.  See the sections in "Further Details" below.
-With the exception of the XML, HTMLtable, and ARRAY formats, the
-adTie() command saves all modifications of the data directly to file
-as they are made.  With XML and HTMLtable, you must make your
-modifications in memory and then explicitly save them to file with
-=head2 adConvert()
- adConvert( $format1, $data1, $format2, $file2, $flags1, $flags2 );
- or
- print adConvert( $format1, $data1, $format2, undef, $flags1, $flags2 );
- or
- my $aryref = adConvert( $format1, $data1, 'ARRAY', undef, $flags1 );
- This method converts data in any supported format into any other supported
- format.  The resulting data may either be saved to a file (if $file2 is
- supplied as a parameter) or sent back as  a string to e.g. print the data
- to the screen in the new format (if no $file2 is supplied), or sent back
- as an array reference if $format2 is 'ARRAY'.
- Some examples:
-   # convert a CSV file into an XML file
-   #
-   adConvert('CSV','foo.csv','XML','foo.xml');
-   # convert a CSV file into an HTML table and print it to the screen
-   #
-   print adConvert('CSV','foo.csv','HTMLtable');
-   # convert an XML string into a CSV file
-   #
-   adConvert('XML', ["<x><motto id='perl'>TIMTOWTDI</motto></x>"],
-             'CSV','foo.csv'
-            );
-   # convert an array reference into an XML file
-   #
-   adConvert('ARRAY', [['id','motto'],['perl','TIMTOWTDI']],
-             'XML','foo.xml'
-            );
-   # convert an XML file into an array reference
-   #
-   my $aryref = adConvert('XML','foo.xml','ARRAY');
- See section below "Using strings and arrays" for details.
-=head2 adExport()
- adExport( $table, $format, $file, $flags );
- or
- print adExport( $table, $format );
- or
- my $aryref = adExport( $table, 'ARRAY' );
- This method converts an existing tied hash into another format and/or
- saves the tied hash as a file in the specified format.
- Some examples:
-   all assume a previous call to my $table= adTie(...);
-   # export table to an XML file
-   #
-   adExport($table','XML','foo.xml');
-   # export table to an HTML string and print it to the screen
-   #
-   print adExport($table,'HTMLtable');
-   # export the table to an array reference
-   #
-   my $aryref = adExport($table,'ARRAY');
- See section below "Using strings and arrays" for details.
-=head2 adNames()
- my $table = adTie(...);
- my @column_names = adNames($table);
-This method returns an array of the column names for the specified table.
-=head2 adRows()
- my $table = adTie(...);
- adRows( $table, %search_hash );
-This method takes an AnyData tied hash created with adTie() and
-counts the rows in the table that match the search hash.
-For example, this snippet returns a count of the rows in the
-file that contain the specified page in the request column
-  my $hits = adTie( 'Weblog', 'access.log');
-  print adRows( $hits , request => 'mypage.html' );
-The search hash may contain multiple search criteria, see the
-section on multiple row operations below.
-If the search_hash is omitted, it returns a count of all rows.
-=head2 adColumn()
- my @col_vals = adColumn( $table, $column_name, $distinct_flag );
-This method returns an array of values taken from the specified column.
-If there is a distinct_flag parameter, duplicates will be eliminated
-from the list.
-For example, this snippet returns a unique list of the values in
-the 'player' column of the table.
-  my $game = adTie( 'Pipe','games.db' );
-  my @players  = adColumn( $game, 'player', 1 );
-=head2 adDump()
-  my $table = adTie(...);
-  print adDump($table);
-This method prints the raw data in the table.  Column names are printed inside angle brackets and separated by colons on the first line, then each row is printed as a list of values inside square brackets.
-=head2 adFormats()
-  print "$_\n for adFormats();
-This method shows the available format parsers, e.g. 'CSV', 'XML', etc.  It looks in your @INC for the .../AnyData/Format directory and prints the names of format parsing files there.  If the parser requires further modules (e.g. XML requires XML::Parser) and you do not have the additional modules installed, the format will not work even if listed by this command.  Otherwise, all formats should work as described in this documentation.
-=head2 Column Names
-Column names may be assigned in three ways:
- * pre  -- The format parser preassigns column
-           names (e.g. Passwd files automatically have
-           columns named 'username', 'homedir', 'GID', etc.).
- * user -- The user specifies the column names as a comma
-           separated string associated with the key 'cols':
-           my $table = adTie( $format,
-                              $file,
-                              $mode,
-                              {cols=>'name,age,gender'}
-                            );
- * auto -- If there is no preassigned list of column names
-           and none defined by the user, the first line of
-           the file is treated as a list of column names;
-           the line is parsed according to the specific
-           format (e.g. CSV column names are a comma-separated
-           list, Tab column names are a tab separated list);
-When creating a new file in a format that does not preassign
-column names, the user *must* manually assign them as shown above.
-Some formats have special rules for assigning column names (XML,Fixed,HTMLtable), see the sections below on those formats.
-=head2 Key Columns
-The AnyData modules support tables that have a single key column that
-uniquely identifies each row as well as tables that do not have such
-keys.  For tables where there is a unique key, that key may be assigned
-in three ways:
- * pre --  The format parser automatically preassigns the
-           key column name e.g. Passwd files automatically
-           have 'username' as the key column.
- * user -- The user specifies the key column name:
-           my $table = adTie( $format,
-                              $file,
-                              $mode,
-                              {key=>'country'}
-                            );
- * auto    If there is no preassigned key column and the user
-           does not define one, the first column becomes the
-           default key column
-=head2 Format Specific Details
- For full details, see the documentation for AnyData::Format::Foo
- where Foo is any of the formats listed in the adFormats() command
- e.g. 'CSV', 'XML', etc.
- Included below are only some of the more important details of the
- specific parsers.
-=item Fixed Format
-When using the Fixed format for fixed length records you
-must always specify a pattern indicating the lengths of the fields.
-This should be a string as would be passed to the unpack() function
-to unpack the records in your Fixed length definition:
- my $t = adTie( 'Fixed', $file, 'r', {pattern=>'A3 A7 A9'} );
-If you want the column names to appear on the first line of a Fixed
-file, they should be in comma-separated format, not in Fixed format.
-This is different from other formats which use their own format to
-display the column names on the first line.  This is necessary because
-the name of the column might be longer than the length of the column.
-=item XML Format
- The XML format does not allow you to specify column names as a flag,
- rather you specify a "record_tag" and the column names are determined
- from the contents of the tag.  If no record_tag is specified, the
- record tag will be assumed to be the first child of the root of the
- XML tree.  That child and its structure will be determined from the
- DTD if there is one, or from the first occurring record if there is
- no DTD.
-For simple XML, no flags are necessary:
- <table>
-    <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
-    <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
- </table>
-The record_tag will default to the first child, namely "row".  The column
-names will be generated from the attributes of the record tag and all of
-the tags included under the record tag, so the column names in this
-example will be "row_id","name","location".
-If the record_tag is not the first child, you will need to specify it.  For example:
- <db>
-   <table table_id="1">
-     <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
-     <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
-   </table>
-   <table table_id="2">
-     <row row_id="1"><name>Bob</name><location>Boise</location></row>
-     <row row_id="2"><name>Bev</name><location>Billings</location></row>
-   </table>
- </db>
-In this case you will need to specify "row" as the record_tag since it is not the first child of the tree.  The column names will be generated from the attributes of row's parent (if the parent is not the root), from row's attributes
-and sub tags, i.e. "table_id","row_id","name","location".
-When exporting XML, you can specify a DTD to control the output.  For example, if you import a table from CSV or from an Array, you can output as XML and specify which of the columns become tags and which become attributes and also specify the nesting of the tags in your DTD.
-The XML format parser is built on top of Michel Rodriguez's excellent XML::Twig which is itself based on XML::Parser.  Parameters to either of those modules may be passed in the flags for adTie() and the other commands including the "prettyPrint" flag to specify how the output XML is displayed and things like ProtocolEncoding.  ProtocolEncoding defaults to 'ISO-8859-1', all other flags keep the defaults of XML::Twig and XML::Parser.  See the documentation of those modules for details;
- CAUTION: Unlike other formats, the XML format does not save changes to
- the file as they are entered, but only saves the changes when you explicitly
- request them to be saved with the adExport() command.
-=item HTMLtable Format
- This format is based on Matt Sisk's excelletn HTML::TableExtract.
- It can be used to read an existing table from an html page, or to
- create a new HTML table from any data source.
- You may control which table in an HTML page is used with the column_names,
- depth and count flags.
- If a column_names flag is passed, the first table that contains those names
- as the cells in a row will be selected.
- If depth and or count parameters are passed, it will look for tables as
- specified in the HTML::TableExtract documentation.
- If none of column_names, depth, or count flags are passed, the first table
- encountered in the file will be the table selected and its first row will
- be used to determine the column names for the table.
- When exporting to an HTMLtable, you may pass flags to specify properties
- of the whole table (table_flags), the top row containing the column names
- (top_row_flags), and the data rows (data_row_flags).  These flags follow
- the syntax of table constructors, e.g.:
- print adExport( $table, 'HTMLtable', {
-     table_flags    => {Border=>3,bgColor=>'blue'};
-     top_row_flags  => {bgColor=>'red'};
-     data_row_flags => {valign='top'};
- });
- The table_flags will default to {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'} if none
- are specified.
- The top_row_flags will default to {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'} if none are
- specified;
- The data_row_flags will be empty if none are specified.
- In other words, if no flags are specified the table will print out with
- a border of 1, the column headings in gray, and the data rows in white.
- CAUTION: This module will *not* preserve anything in the html file except
- the selected table so if your file contains more than the selected table,
- you will want to use adTie() to read the table and then adExport() to write
- the table to a different file.  When using the HTMLtable format, this is the
- only way to preserve changes to the data, the adTie() command will *not*
- write to a file.
-=head2 Multiple Row Operations
-The AnyData hash returned by adTie() may use either single values as keys, or a reference to a hash of comparisons as a key.  If the key to the hash is a single value, the hash operates on a single row but if the key to the hash is itself a hash reference, the hash operates on a group of rows.
- my $num_deleted = delete $table->{Sue};
-This example deletes a single row where the key column has the value 'Sue'.  If multiple rows have the value 'Sue' in that column, only the first is deleted.  It uses a simple string as a key, therefore it operates on only a single row.
- my $num_deleted = delete $table->{ {name=>'Sue'} };
-This example deletes all rows where the column 'name' is equal to 'Sue'.  It uses a hashref as a key and therefore operates on multiple rows.
-The hashref used in this example is a single column comparison but the hashref could also include multiple column comparisons.  This deletes all rows where the the values listed for the country, gender, and age columns are equal to those specified:
-  my $num_deleted = delete $table->{{ country => 'us',
-                                       gender => 'm',
-                                          age => '25'
-                                   }}
-In addition to simple strings, the values may be specified as regular expressions or as numeric or alphabetic comparisons.  This will delete all North American males under the age of 25:
-  my $num_deleted = delete $table->{{ country => qr/mx|us|ca/,
-                                      gender  => 'm',
-                                      age     => '< 25'
-                                   }}
-If numeric or alphabetic comparisons are used, they should be a string with the comparison operator separated from the value by a space, e.g. '> 4' or 'lt b'.
-This kind of search hashref can be used not only to delete multiple rows, but also to update rows.  In fact you *must* use a hashref key in order to update your table.  Updating is the only operation that can not be done with a single string key.
-The search hashref can be used with a select statement, in which case it returns a reference to an array of rows matching the criteria:
- my $male_players = $table->{{gender=>'m'}};
- for my $player( @$male_players ) { print $player->{name},"\n" }
-This should be used with caution with a large table since it gathers all of the selected rows into an array in memory.  Again, 'each' is a much better way for large tables.  This accomplishes the same thing as the example above, but without ever pulling more than a row into memory at a time:
- while( my $row= each %$table ) {
-   print $row->{name}, "\n" if $row->{gender}=>'m';
- }
-Search criteria for multiple rows can also be used with the adRows() function:
-  my $num_of_women = adRows( $table, gender => 'w' );
-That does *not* pull the entire table into memory, it counts the rows a record at a time.
-=head2 Using Remote Files
-If the first file parameter of adTie() or adConvert() begins with "http://" or "ftp://", the file is treated as a remote URL and the LWP module is called behind the scenes to fetch the file.  If the files are in an area that requires authentication, that may be supplied in the $flags parameter.
-For example:
-  # read a remote file and access it via a tied hash
-  #
-  my $table = adTie( 'XML', '' );
-  # same with username/password
-  #
-  my $table = ( 'XML', '', 'r'
-                { user => 'me', pass => 'x7dy4'
-              );
-  # read a remote file, convert it to an HTML table, and print it
-  #
-  print adConvert( 'XML', '', 'HTMLtable' );
-=head2 Using Strings and Arrays
-Strings and arrays may be used as either the source of data input or as the target of data output.  Strings should be passed as the only element of an array reference (in other words, inside square brackets).  Arrays should be a reference to an array whose first element is a reference to an array of column names and whose succeeding elements are references to arrays of row values.
-For example:
-  my $table = adTie( 'XML', ["<x><motto id='perl'>TIMTOWTDI</motto></x>"] );
-  This uses the XML format to parse the supplied string and returns a tied
-  hash to the resulting table.
-  my $table = adTie( 'ARRAY', [['id','motto'],['perl','TIMTOWTDI']] );
-  This uses the column names "id" and "motto" and the supplied row values
-  and returns a tied hash to the resulting table.
-It is also possible to use an empty array to create a new empty tied hash in any format, for example:
-  my $table = adTie('XML',[],'c');
-  creates a new empty tied hash;
-See adConvert() and adExport() for further examples of using strings and arrays.
-=head2 Ties, Flocks, I/O, and Atomicity
-AnyData provides flocking which works under the limitations of flock -- that it only works if other processes accessing the files are also using flock and only on platforms that support flock.  See the flock() man page for details.
-Here is what the user supplied open modes actually do:
- r = read only  (LOCK_SH)  O_RDONLY
- u = update     (LOCK_EX)  O_RDWR
- c = create     (LOCK_EX)  O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL
- o = overwrite  (LOCK_EX)  O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC
-When you use something like "my $table = adTie(...)", it opens
-the file with a lock and leaves the file and lock open until
-1) the hash variable ($table) goes out of scope or 2) the
-hash is undefined (e.g. "undef $table") or 3) the hash is
-re-assigned to another tie.  In all cases the file is closed
-and the lock released.
-If adTie is called without creating a tied hash variable, the file
-is closed and the lock released immediately after the call to adTie.
- For example:  print adTie('XML','foo.xml')->{main_office}->{phone}.
- That obtains a shared lock, opens the file, retrieves the one value
- requested, closes the file and releases the lock.
-These two examples accomplish the same thing but the first example
-opens the file once, does all of the deletions, keeping the exclusive
-lock in place until they are all done, then closes the
-file.  The second example opens and closes the file three times,
-once for each deletion and releases the exclusive lock between each
- 1. my $t = adTie('Pipe','games.db','u');
-    delete $t->{"user$_"} for (0..3);
-    undef $t; # closes file and releases lock
- 2. delete adTie('Pipe','games.db','u')->{"user$_"} for (0..3);
-    # no undef needed since no hash variable created
-=head2 Deletions and Packing
-In order to save time and to prevent having to do writes anywhere except at the end of the file, deletions and updates are *not* done at the time of issuing a delete command.  Rather when the user does a delete, the position of the deleted record is stored in a hash and when the file is saved to disk, the deletions are only then physically removed by packing the entire database.  Updates are done by inserting the new record at the end of the file and marking the old record for deletion.  In the normal course of events, all of this should be transparent and you'll never need to worry about it.  However, if your server goes down after you've made updates or deletions but before you've saved the file, then the deleted rows will remain in the database and for updates there will be duplicate rows -- the old non updated row and the new updated row.  If you are worried about this kind of event, then use atomic deletes and updates as shown in the section above.  There's still a very small possibility of a crash in between the deletion and the save, but in this case it should impact at most a single row.  (BIG thanks to Matthew Wickline for suggestions on handling deletes)
-=head1 MORE HELP
-See the README file and the included with the module
-for further examples.
-See the AnyData/Format/*.pm PODs for further details of specific
-For further support, please use comp.lang.perl.modules
-Special thanks to Andy Duncan, Tom Lowery, Randal Schwartz, Michel Rodriguez, Jochen Wiedmann, Tim Bunce, Alligator Descartes, Mathew Persico, Chris Nandor, Malcom Cook and to many others on the DBI mailing lists and the clp* newsgroups.
- Jeff Zucker <>
- This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker.
- Some changes (c) 2012 Sven Dowideit L<>
- It may be freely distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# END OF AnyData
+package AnyData;
+#   This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker
+#   All rights reserved.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require Exporter;
+use AnyData::Storage::TiedHash;
+use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT $VERSION );
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(  adConvert adTie adRows adColumn adExport adDump adNames adFormats);
+#@EXPORT = qw(  ad_fields adTable adErr adArray);
+$VERSION = '0.12';
+sub new {
+   my $class   = shift;
+   my $format  = shift;
+   my $flags   = shift || {};
+   my $del_marker = "\0";
+   $format = 'CSV' if $format eq 'ARRAY';
+   my $parser_name = 'AnyData/Format/' . $format . '.pm';
+   eval { require $parser_name; };
+   die "Error Opening File-Parser: $@" if $@;
+   $parser_name =~ s#/#::#g;
+   $parser_name =~ s#\.pm$##g;
+    my $col_names = $flags->{col_names} || undef;
+    if ($col_names) {
+        my @cols;
+        @cols = ref $col_names eq 'ARRAY'
+          ? @$col_names
+          : split ',',$col_names;
+        $flags->{col_names} = \@cols;
+   }
+   $flags->{del_marker} = $del_marker;
+   $flags->{records}   ||= $flags->{data};
+   $flags->{field_sep} ||= $flags->{sep_char}   ||= $flags->{ad_sep_char};
+   $flags->{quote}     ||= $flags->{quote_char} ||= $flags->{ad_quote_char};
+   $flags->{escape}    ||= $flags->{escape_char}||= $flags->{ad_escape_char};
+   $flags->{record_sep}||= $flags->{eol}        ||= $flags->{ad_eol};
+   # $flags->{skip_first_row}
+   my $parser    = $parser_name->new ($flags);
+   if ($parser->{col_names} && !$col_names) {
+        my @cols;
+        @cols = ref $parser->{col_names} eq 'ARRAY'
+          ? @{$parser->{col_names}}
+          : split ',',$parser->{col_names};
+        $flags->{col_names} = \@cols;
+        $parser->{col_names} = \@cols;
+   }
+   my $storage_name = $flags->{storage}
+                   || $parser->storage_type()
+                   || 'File';
+   $storage_name = "AnyData/Storage/$";
+   eval { require $storage_name; };
+   die "Error Opening Storage Module: $@" if $@;
+   $storage_name =~ s#/#::#g;
+   $storage_name =~ s#\.pm$##g;
+   my $storage   = new $storage_name({del_marker=>$del_marker,%$flags});
+   if ($storage_name =~ 'PassThru') {
+       $storage->{parser} = $parser;
+       $parser->{del_marker} = "\0";
+       $parser->{url} = $flags->{file} 
+                      if $flags->{file} and $flags->{file} =~ /http:|ftp:/;
+   }
+   my $self = {
+       storage => $storage,
+       parser  => $parser,
+   };
+   return( bless($self,$class) );
+sub adFormats {
+    my @formats;
+    for my $dir(@INC) {
+        my $format_dir = "$dir/AnyData/Format";
+        if ( -d $format_dir ) {
+            local *D;
+            opendir(D,$format_dir);
+            @formats = grep {/\.pm$/} readdir(D);
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    unshift @formats,'ARRAY';
+    @formats = map {s/^(.*)\.pm$/$1/;$_} @formats;
+    return @formats;
+sub export {
+    my $self=shift;
+    my $fh   = $self->{storage}->{fh};
+    my $mode = $self->{storage}->{open_mode} || 'r';
+#    if ( $self->{parser}->{export_on_close}
+#      && $self->{storage}->{fh}
+#      && $mode ne 'r'
+#     ){
+      return $self->{parser}->export( $self->{storage}, @_ );
+#    }
+sub DESTROY {
+    my $self=shift;
+#    $self->export;
+    $self->zpack;
+    #print "AD DESTROYED ";
+# required only for DBD-AnyData
+sub prep_dbd_table {
+    my $self       = shift;
+    my $tname      = shift;
+    my $createMode = shift;
+    my $col_names;
+    my $col_nums;
+    my $first_row_pos;
+    if (!$createMode) {
+        $col_names     = $self->{storage}->get_col_names($self->{parser});
+        $col_nums      = $self->{storage}->set_col_nums();
+        $first_row_pos = $self->{storage}->{first_row_pos};
+    }
+    die "ERROR: No Column Names!:", $self->{storage}->{open_mode}
+     if (!$col_names || !scalar @$col_names) 
+     && 'ru' =~ $self->{storage}->{open_mode}
+     && !$createMode eq 'o';
+    my $table = {
+        NAME          => $tname,
+        DATA          => [],
+        CURRENT_ROW   => 0,
+        col_names     => $col_names,
+        col_nums      => $col_nums,
+        first_row_pos => $first_row_pos,
+        fh            => $self->{storage}->get_file_handle,
+        file          => $self->{storage}->get_file_name,
+        ad            => $self,
+    };
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $table;
+    return $table;
+sub fetch_row   {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $requested_cols = shift || [];
+    my $rec;
+    if ( $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern} ) {
+        my $found;
+        while (!$found) {
+            $rec = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser},$requested_cols);
+            last if !defined $rec;
+            next if $rec =~ $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern};
+            last;
+	}
+    }
+    else {
+        $rec = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser},$requested_cols);
+    }
+    return $rec if ref $rec eq 'ARRAY';
+    return unless $rec;
+    my @fields = $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
+    return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
+    return \@fields;
+sub fetch_rowNEW   {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $requested_cols = shift || [];
+    my $rec    = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser},$requested_cols);
+    my @fields;
+    if (ref $rec eq 'ARRAY') {
+        @fields = @$rec;
+    } 
+    else {
+        return unless defined $rec;
+        my @fields = $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
+        return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
+    }
+    if ( my $subs = $self->{parser}->{read_sub} ) {
+        for (@$subs) {
+            my($col,$sub) =  @$_;
+            next unless defined $col;
+            my $col_num = $self->{storage}->{col_nums}->{$col};
+            next unless defined $col_num;
+            $fields[$col_num] = &$sub($fields[$col_num]);
+	}
+      }
+    return \@fields;
+sub push_names {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $col_names = shift || undef;
+    #print "Can't find column names!" unless scalar @$col_names;
+    $self->{storage}->print_col_names( $self->{parser}, $col_names )
+         unless $self->{parser}->{col_names} && $self->parser_type ne 'XML';
+    #    $self->set_col_nums;
+    $self->{parser}->{key} ||= $col_names->[0];
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $self; exit;
+sub drop           { shift->{storage}->drop(@_); }
+sub truncate       { shift->{storage}->truncate(@_) }
+sub push_row {
+    my $self = shift;
+    die "ERROR: No Column Names!" unless scalar @{$self->col_names};
+    my $requested_cols = [];
+    my @row = @_;
+    if (ref($row[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $requested_cols = shift @row;
+    }
+    my $rec = $self->{parser}->write_fields(@row) or return undef;
+    return $self->{storage}->push_row( $rec, $self->{parser}, $requested_cols);
+sub push_rowNEW {
+    my $self = shift;
+    #print "PUSHING... ";
+    die "ERROR: No Column Names!" unless scalar @{$self->col_names};
+    my $requested_cols = [];
+    my @row = @_;
+    use Data::Dumper;
+    #print "PUSHING ", Dumper \@row;
+    if (ref($row[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $requested_cols = shift @row;
+    }
+    my $rec = $self->{parser}->write_fields(@row) or return undef;
+    return $self->{storage}->push_row( $rec, $self->{parser}, $requested_cols);
+sub seek              { shift->{storage}->seek(@_); }
+sub seek_first_record { 
+    my $self=shift;
+    $self->{storage}->seek_first_record($self->{parser});
+sub col_names    {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $c = $self->{storage}->{col_names};
+    $c = $self->{parser}->{col_names} unless (ref $c eq 'ARRAY') and scalar @$c;
+    $c ||= [];
+sub is_url {
+    my $file = shift;
+    return $file if $file and $file =~ m"^http://|ftp://";
+sub adTable {
+    ###########################################################
+    # Patch from Wes Hardaker
+    ###########################################################
+    # my($formatref,$file,$read_mode,$lockMode,$othflags)=@_;
+    my($formatref,$file,$read_mode,$lockMode,$othflags,$tname)=@_;
+    ###########################################################
+    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@_;
+    my($format,$flags);
+    $file ||= '';
+    my $url = is_url($file);
+    $flags = {};
+    $othflags ||= {};
+    if ( ref $formatref eq 'HASH' or $othflags->{data}) {
+        $format = 'Base';
+	$flags = $othflags;
+        if (ref $formatref eq 'HASH') {
+            %$flags  = (%$formatref,%$othflags);
+	} 
+   } 
+   else {
+      ($format,$flags) = split_params($formatref);
+      $othflags ||= {};
+      %$flags = (%$flags,%$othflags);
+    }
+    if ( $flags->{cols} ) {
+        $flags->{col_names} = $flags->{cols};
+        delete $flags->{cols};
+    }
+    if (ref($file) eq 'ARRAY') {
+      if ($format eq 'Mp3' or $format eq 'FileSys') {
+	 $flags->{dirs} = $file;
+      } 
+      else {
+         $flags->{recs} = join '',@$file;
+         $flags->{recs} = $file if $format =~ /ARRAY/i;
+         $flags->{storage} = 'RAM' unless $format eq 'XML';
+         $read_mode = 'u';
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+        $flags->{file} = $file;
+    }
+    if ($format ne 'XML' and ($format eq 'Base' or $url) ) {
+        my $x;
+        $flags->{storage} = 'RAM';
+        delete $flags->{recs};
+        my $ad = AnyData->new( $format, $flags);
+        $format eq 'Base'
+            ? $ad->open_table( $file )
+            : $ad->open_table( $file,  'r',
+                               $ad->{storage}->get_remote_data($file)
+                             );
+        return $ad;
+    }
+    my $ad = AnyData->new( $format, $flags);
+    my $createMode = 0;
+    $createMode = $read_mode if defined $lockMode;
+    $read_mode   = 'c' if $createMode  and $lockMode;
+    $read_mode   = 'u' if !$createMode and $lockMode;
+    $read_mode ||= 'r';
+    $ad->{parser}->{keep_first_line} = 1 
+         if $flags->{col_names} and 'ru' =~ /$read_mode/;
+    #####################################################
+    # Patch from Wes Hardaker
+    #####################################################
+    # $ad->open_table( $file, $read_mode );
+##    $ad->open_table( $file, $read_mode, $tname );
+    $ad->open_table( $file, $read_mode, $tname );
+#    use Data::Dumper; my $x = $ad; delete $x->{parser}->{twig}; delete $x->{parser}->{record_tag}; delete $x->{parser}->{current_element}; print Dumper $x;
+    #####################################################
+    return $ad;
+sub open_table     {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->{storage}->open_table( $self->{parser}, @_ );
+    my $col_names = $self->col_names();
+    $self->{parser}->{key} ||= '';
+    $self->{parser}->{key} ||= $col_names->[0] if $col_names->[0];
+sub key_col          { shift->{parser}->{key} }
+sub fetchrow_hashref {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $rec = $self->get_undeleted_record or return undef;
+    my  @fields = ref $rec eq 'ARRAY'
+            ? @$rec
+            : $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
+    my $col_names = $self->col_names();
+    return undef unless scalar @fields;
+    return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
+    my $rowhash;
+    @{$rowhash}{@$col_names} = @fields;
+    return ( $rowhash );
+sub get_undeleted_record {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $rec;
+    my $found=0;
+    return $self->fetch_row if $self->parser_type eq 'XML';
+    while (!$found) {
+        my $test = $rec    = $self->{storage}->file2str($self->{parser});
+        return  if !defined $rec;
+        next if $self->{storage}->is_deleted($self->{parser});
+        next if $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern} 
+            and $rec =~ $self->{parser}->{skip_pattern};
+        last;
+    }
+    return $rec;
+#    return $rec if ref $rec eq 'ARRAY';
+#    return unless $rec;
+#    my @fields = $self->{parser}->read_fields($rec);
+#    return undef if scalar @fields == 1 and !defined $fields[0];
+#    return \@fields;
+sub update_single_row {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $oldrow   = shift;
+    my $newvals  = shift;
+    my @colnames = @{ $self->col_names };
+    my @newrow;
+    my $requested_cols = [];
+    for my $i(0..$#colnames) {
+        push @$requested_cols, $colnames[$i] if defined $newvals->{$colnames[$i]};
+        $newrow[$i] = $newvals->{$colnames[$i]};
+        $newrow[$i] = $oldrow->{$colnames[$i]} unless defined $newrow[$i];
+    }
+    unshift @newrow, $requested_cols;
+    $self->{storage}->seek(0,2);
+    $self->push_row( @newrow );
+    return \@newrow;
+sub update_multiple_rows {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $key    = shift;
+    my $values = shift;
+    $self->seek_first_record;
+    my @rows_to_update;
+    while (my $row = $self->fetchrow_hashref) {
+        next unless $self->match($row,$key);
+        $self->{parser}->{has_update_function}
+            ? $self->update_single_row($row,$values)
+            : $self->delete_single_row();
+        $self->{parser}->{has_update_function}
+            ? push @rows_to_update,1
+            : push @rows_to_update,$row;
+    }
+    if (!$self->{parser}->{has_update_function}) {
+        for (@rows_to_update) {
+           $self->update_single_row($_,$values);
+	 }
+    }
+    return scalar @rows_to_update;
+sub match {
+    my($self,$row,$key) = @_;
+    if ( ref $key ne 'HASH') {
+        return 0 if !$row->{$self->key_col}
+                 or  $row->{$self->key_col} ne $key;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    my $found = 0;
+    while (my($col,$re)=each %$key) {
+        next unless defined $row->{$col} and is_matched($row->{$col},$re);
+        $found++;
+    }
+    return 1 if $found == scalar keys %$key;
+sub is_matched {
+    my($str,$re)=@_;
+    if (ref $re eq 'Regexp') {
+        return $str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    my($op,$val);
+    if ( $re and $re =~/^(\S*)\s+(.*)/ ) {
+        $op  = $1;
+        $val = $2;
+    }
+    elsif ($re) {
+        return $str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        return $str eq '' ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    my $numop = '< > == != <= >=';
+    my $chrop = 'lt gt eq ne le ge';
+    if (!($numop =~ /$op/) and !($chrop =~ /$op/)) {
+        return $str =~ /$re/ ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    if ($op eq '<' ) { return $str <  $val; }
+    if ($op eq '>' ) { return $str >  $val; }
+    if ($op eq '==') { return $str == $val; }
+    if ($op eq '!=') { return $str != $val; }
+    if ($op eq '<=') { return $str <= $val; }
+    if ($op eq '>=') { return $str >= $val; }
+    if ($op eq 'lt') { return $str lt $val; }
+    if ($op eq 'gt') { return $str gt $val; }
+    if ($op eq 'eq') { return $str eq $val; }
+    if ($op eq 'ne') { return $str ne $val; }
+    if ($op eq 'le') { return $str le $val; }
+    if ($op eq 'ge') { return $str ge $val; }
+sub delete_single_row {
+    my $self = shift;
+#    my $curpos = $self->{storage}->get_pos;
+    $self->{storage}->delete_record($self->{parser});
+#    $self->{storage}->go_pos($curpos);
+    $self->{needs_packing}++;
+sub delete_multiple_rows {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $key    = shift;
+    $self->seek_first_record;
+    my $rows_deleted =0;
+    while (my $row = $self->fetchrow_hashref) {
+        next unless $self->match($row,$key);
+        $self->delete_single_row;
+        $rows_deleted++;
+    }
+    return $rows_deleted;
+sub adNames { @{ shift->{__colnames}} }
+sub adDump {
+    my $table = shift;
+    my $pat   = shift;
+    die "No table defined" unless $table;
+    my $ad = tied(%$table)->{ad};
+    my @cols = @{ $ad->col_names };
+    print "<",join(":", @cols), ">\n";
+    while (my $row = each %$table) {
+        my @row  = map {defined $row->{$_} ? $row->{$_} : ''} @cols;
+        for (@row) { print "[$_]"; }
+        print  "\n";
+    }
+sub adRows {
+    my $thash = shift;
+    my %keys  = @_;
+    my $obj   = tied(%$thash);
+    return $obj->adRows(\%keys);
+sub adColumn {
+    my $thash  = shift;
+    my $column = shift;
+    my $flags = shift;
+    my $obj    = tied(%$thash);
+    return $obj->adColumn($column, $flags);
+sub adArray {
+    my($format,$data)=@_;
+    my $t = adTie( $format, $data );
+    my $t1 = tied(%$t);
+    my $ad = $t1->{ad};
+    my $arrayref = $ad->{storage}->{records};
+    unshift @$arrayref, $ad->{storage}->{col_names};
+    return $arrayref;
+sub parser_type {
+    my $type = ref shift->{parser};
+    $type =~ s/AnyData::Format::(.*)/$1/;
+    return $type;
+sub zpack {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return if $self->{storage}->{no_pack};
+    return if (ref $self->{storage} ) !~ /File$/;
+#    return unless $self->{needs_packing};
+#    $self->{needs_packing} = 0;
+    return unless scalar(keys %{ $self->{storage}->{deleted} } );
+    $self->{needs_packing} = 0;
+    #    my @callA = caller 2;
+    #    my @callB = caller 3;
+    #    return if $callA[3] =~ /DBD/;
+    #    return if $callB[3] and $callB[3] =~ /SQL::Statement/;
+    #    return if $self->{parser}->{export_on_close};
+    #print "PACKING";
+    my $bak_file = $self->{storage}->get_file_name . '.bak';
+    my $bak = adTable( 'Text', $bak_file, 'o' );
+    my $bak_fh = $bak->{storage}->get_file_handle;
+    my $fh     = $self->{storage}->get_file_handle;
+    die "Can't pack to backup $!" unless $fh and $bak_fh;
+    # $self->seek_first_record;
+    $fh->seek(0,0) || die $!;
+    #$bak_fh->seek(0,0) || die $!;
+#    while (my $line = $self->get_record) {
+#        next if $self->is_deleted($line);
+    while (my $line = $self->get_undeleted_record) {
+        my $tmpstr = $bak->{parser}->write_fields($line)
+                   . $self->{parser}->{record_sep};
+        $bak_fh->write($tmpstr,length $tmpstr);
+    }
+    $fh->seek(0,0);
+    $fh->truncate(0) || die $!;
+    $bak->seek_first_record;
+    while (<$bak_fh>) {
+        $fh->write($_,length $_);
+    }
+    $fh->close;
+    $bak_fh->close;
+    $self->{doing_pack} = 0;
+    undef $self->{storage}->{deleted};
+sub adTie {
+    my($format,$file,$read_mode,$flags)=@_;
+    my $data;
+    if (ref $file eq 'ARRAY' && !$read_mode ) { $read_mode = 'u'; }
+    # ARRAY only {data=>[]};
+    if (scalar @_ == 1){
+        $read_mode = 'o';
+        tie %$data,
+            'AnyData::Storage::TiedHash',
+            adTable($format),
+            $read_mode;
+        return $data;
+    }
+    tie %$data,
+        'AnyData::Storage::TiedHash',
+        adTable($format,$file,$read_mode,undef,$flags),
+        $read_mode;
+    return $data;
+sub adErr {
+    my $hash = shift;
+    my $t = tied(%$hash);
+    my $errstr = $t->{ad}->{parser}->{errstr}
+        || $t->{ad}->{storage}->{errstr};
+    print $errstr if $errstr;
+    return $errstr;
+sub adExport {
+    my $tiedhash  = shift;
+    my($tformat,$tfile,$tflags)=@_;
+    my $ad = tied(%$tiedhash)->{ad};
+    my $sformat = ref $ad->{parser};
+    $sformat =~ s/AnyData::Format:://;
+    $tformat ||= $sformat;
+    if ($tformat eq $sformat and $tformat eq 'XML') {
+      return $ad->{parser}->export($ad->{storage},$tfile,$tflags);
+    }
+    return adConvert('adHash',$ad,$tformat,$tfile,undef,$tflags);
+sub adConvert {
+    my( $source_format, $source_data,
+        $target_format,$target_file_name,
+        $source_flags,$target_flags    )=@_;
+    my $target_type = 'STRING';
+       $target_type = 'FILE'  if defined $target_file_name;
+       $target_type = 'ARRAY' if $target_format eq 'ARRAY';
+    my $data_type = 'AD-OBJECT';
+       $data_type = 'ARRAY'  if  ref $source_data eq 'ARRAY'
+                            and  ref $source_data->[0] eq 'ARRAY';
+    my $source_ad;
+    if ($source_format eq 'adHash') {
+        $source_ad = $source_data;
+        undef $source_data;
+    } 
+    else {
+        $source_format = 'CSV' if $source_format =~ /ARRAY/i;
+        $source_ad = adTable(
+             $source_format,$source_data,'r',undef,$source_flags
+        );
+    }
+    my @cols;
+    if ( $data_type eq 'ARRAY') {
+        @cols = @{ shift @{ $source_data  } };
+    }
+    else {
+        @cols = @{ $source_ad->col_names };
+    }
+    # insert storable here
+    if ('XML HTMLtable' =~ /$target_format/) {
+        $target_flags->{col_names} = join ',',@cols;
+        my $target_ad = adTable(
+            $target_format,$target_file_name,'o',undef,$target_flags
+        );
+        if ($data_type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+             for my $row(@$source_data) {
+                 my @fields=$source_ad->str2ary($row);
+                 $target_ad->push_row( $source_ad->str2ary(\@fields) );
+             }
+             unshift @$source_data, \@cols;
+             return $target_ad->export($target_file_name);
+        }
+        $source_ad->seek_first_record;
+        while (my $row = $source_ad->get_undeleted_record) {
+            $target_ad->push_row( $source_ad->str2ary($row) );
+        }
+        return $target_ad->export($target_file_name);
+    }
+    my($target_ad,$fh);
+    if ($target_type eq 'FILE') {
+        $target_ad = adTable(
+            $target_format,$target_file_name,'c',undef,$target_flags
+        );
+        $fh = $target_ad->{storage}->get_file_handle;
+    }
+    elsif ($target_type eq 'STRING') {
+        $target_ad = AnyData->new( $target_format,$target_flags);
+    }
+    my($str,$aryref);
+    if ( !$target_ad->{parser}->{no_col_print} ) {
+        if ($target_type eq 'ARRAY') {
+            push @$aryref, \@cols;
+        }
+        else {
+        $str = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@cols);
+        $str =~ s/ /,/g if $target_format eq 'Fixed';
+        if ($target_type eq 'FILE') {
+            $fh->write($str,length $str);
+	}
+        if ($target_type eq 'STRING') {
+            $str = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@cols);
+	}
+	}
+    }
+    # GET DATA
+    if ($data_type eq 'ARRAY') {
+      for my $row(@$source_data) {
+        my @fields = $source_ad->str2ary($row);
+        my $tmpstr = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@fields);
+        # print $tmpstr if $check;
+        $fh->write($tmpstr,length $tmpstr) if $target_type eq 'FILE';
+        $str .=  $tmpstr if $target_type eq 'STRING';
+      }
+      unshift @$source_data, \@cols;
+      return $str if $target_format ne 'ARRAY';
+      return $aryref;
+    }
+    $source_ad->seek_first_record; # unless $source_format eq 'XML';
+    while (my $row = $source_ad->get_undeleted_record) {
+        if ($target_format eq 'ARRAY') {
+            push @$aryref,$row if $target_format eq 'ARRAY';
+            next;
+        }
+        my @fields = $source_ad->str2ary($row);
+        my $tmpstr = $target_ad->{parser}->write_fields(@fields);
+        $str .= $target_type eq 'FILE'
+           ? $fh->write($tmpstr,length $tmpstr)
+           : $tmpstr;
+    }
+    return $str if $target_format ne 'ARRAY';
+    return $aryref;
+#    if ('Storable' =~ /$target_format/) {
+#        $target_flags->{col_names} = join ',',@cols;
+#        $target_ad = adTable(
+#            $target_format,$target_file_name,'c',undef,$target_flags
+#        );
+#        if (ref $source_data && !$data) {
+#            for my $row(@$source_data) {
+#                push @$data,$row;
+#            }
+#        }
+#        elsif (!$data) {
+#            $source_ad->seek_first_record;
+#            while (my $row = $source_ad->fetch_row) {
+#                push @$data, $row;
+#           }
+#	}
+#        unshift @$data, \@cols;
+#        return $target_ad->{parser}->export($data,$target_file_name);
+#  }
+sub str2ary {
+    my($ad,$row) = @_;
+    return @$row if ref $row eq 'ARRAY';
+    return $ad->{parser}->read_fields($row);
+sub ad_string {
+    my($formatref,@fields) = @_;
+    my($format,$flags) = split_params($formatref);
+# &dump($formatref); print "<$format>"; &dump($flags) if $flags;
+    #$formatref =~ s/(.*)/$1/;
+    my $ad = AnyData->new( $format, $flags );
+    return $ad->{parser}->write_fields(@fields);
+#    return $ad->write_fields(@fields);
+sub ad_fields {
+    my($formatref,$str,$flags) = @_;
+#    my($format,$flags) = split_params($formatref);
+#    my $ad = AnyData::new( $format, $flags );
+    my $ad = AnyData->new( $formatref, $flags );
+    return $ad->{parser}->read_fields($str);
+sub ad_convert_str {
+    my($source_formatref,$target_formatref,$str) = @_;
+    my($source_format,$source_flags) = split_params($source_formatref);
+    my($target_format,$target_flags) = split_params($target_formatref);
+    my $source_ad = AnyData->new( $source_format,$source_flags);
+    my $target_ad = AnyData->new( $target_format,$target_flags);
+    my @fields = $source_ad->read_fields($str);
+    return $target_ad->write_fields( @fields );
+# For all methods that have $format as a parameter,
+# $format can be either a string name of a format e.g. 'CSV'
+# or a hashref of the format and flags for that format e.g.
+# { format => 'FixedWidth', pattern=>'A1 A3 A2' }
+# given this parameter, this method returns $format and $flags
+# setting $flags to {} if none are given
+sub split_params {
+    my $source_formatref = shift;
+    my $source_flags = {};
+    my $source_format  = $source_formatref;
+    if (ref $source_formatref eq 'HASH') {
+      while (my($k,$v)=each %$source_formatref) {
+           ($source_format,$source_flags) = ($k,$v);
+      }
+    }
+    #use Data::Dumper;
+    return( $source_format, $source_flags);
+sub dump {
+    my $var = shift;
+    my $name = ref($var);
+    #use Data::Dumper;
+    $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+    $Data::Dumper::Useqq  = 0;
+    print Data::Dumper->new([$var],[$name])->Dump();
+=head1 NAME
+AnyData - (DEPRECATED) easy access to data in many formats
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adTie( 'CSV','my_db.csv','o',            # create a table
+                 {col_names=>'name,country,sex'}
+               );
+ $table->{Sue} = {country=>'de',sex=>'f'};         # insert a row
+ delete $table->{Tom};                             # delete a single row
+ $str  = $table->{Sue}->{country};                 # select a single value
+ while ( my $row = each %$table ) {                # loop through table
+   print $row->{name} if $row->{sex} eq 'f';
+ }
+ $rows = $table->{{age=>'> 25'}};                  # select multiple rows
+ delete $table->{{country=>qr/us|mx|ca/}};         # delete multiple rows
+ $table->{{country=>'Nz'}}={country=>'nz'};        # update multiple rows
+ my $num = adRows( $table, age=>'< 25' );          # count matching rows
+ my @names = adNames( $table );                    # get column names
+ my @cars = adColumn( $table, 'cars' );            # group a column
+ my @formats = adFormats();                        # list available parsers
+ adExport( $table, $format, $file, $flags );       # save in specified format
+ print adExport( $table, $format, $flags );        # print to screen in format
+ print adDump($table);                             # dump table to screen
+ undef $table;                                     # close the table
+ #adConvert( $format1, $file1, $format2, $file2 );  # convert btwn formats
+ #print adConvert( $format1, $file1, $format2 );    # convert to screen
+The rather wacky idea behind this module and its sister module
+DBD::AnyData is that any data, regardless of source or format should
+be accessible and modifiable with the same simple set of methods.
+This module provides a multidimensional tied hash interface to data
+in a dozen different formats. The DBD::AnyData module adds a DBI/SQL
+interface for those same formats.
+Both modules provide built-in protections including appropriate
+flocking() for all I/O and (in most cases) record-at-a-time access to
+files rather than slurping of entire files.
+Currently supported formats include general format flat files (CSV,
+Fixed Length, etc.), specific formats (passwd files, httpd logs,
+etc.), and a variety of other kinds of formats (XML, Mp3, HTML
+tables).  The number of supported formats will continue to grow
+rapidly since there is an open API making it easy for any author to
+create additional format parsers which can be plugged in to AnyData
+itself and thereby be accessible by either the tiedhash or DBI/SQL
+The module itself is pure Perl and does not depend on
+anything other than modules that come standard with Perl.  Some
+formats and some advanced features require additional modules: to use
+the remote ftp/http features, you must have the LWP bundle installed;
+to use the XML format, you must have XML::Parser and XML::Twig installed;
+to use the HTMLtable format for reading, you must have HTML::Parser and
+HTML::TableExtract installed but you can use the HTMLtable for writing
+with just the standard CGI module.  To use DBI/SQL commands, you must have
+DBI, DBD::AnyData, SQL::Statement and DBD::File installed.
+=head1 USAGE
+The AnyData module imports eight methods (functions):
+=for test ignore
+  adTie()     -- create a new table or open an existing table
+  adExport()  -- save an existing table in a specified format
+  adConvert() -- convert data in one format into another format
+  adFormats() -- list available formats
+  adNames()   -- get the column names of a table
+  adRows()    -- get the number of rows in a table or query
+  adDump()    -- display the data formatted as an array of rows
+  adColumn()  -- group values in a single column
+The adTie() command returns a special tied hash.  The tied hash can
+then be used to access and/or modify data.  See below for details
+With the exception of the XML, HTMLtable, and ARRAY formats, the
+adTie() command saves all modifications of the data directly to file
+as they are made.  With XML and HTMLtable, you must make your
+modifications in memory and then explicitly save them to file with
+=head2 adTie()
+ my $table = adTie( $format, $data, $open_mode, $flags );
+The adTie() command creates a reference to a multidimensional tied hash. In its simplest form, it simply reads a file in a specified format into the tied hash:
+ my $table = adTie( $format, $file );
+$format is the name of any supported format 'CSV','Fixed','Passwd', etc.
+$file is the name of a relative or absolute path to a local file
+     my $table = adTie( 'CSV', '/usr/me/myfile.csv' );
+this creates a tied hash called $table by reading data in the
+CSV (comma separated values) format from the file 'myfile.csv'.
+The hash reference resulting from adTie() can be accessed and modified as follows:
+ use AnyData;
+ my $table = adTie( $format, $file );
+ $table->{$key}->{$column};                       # select a value
+ $table->{$key} = {$col1=>$val1,$col2=>$val2...}; # update a row
+ delete $table->{$key};                           # delete a row
+ while(my $row = each %$table) {                  # loop through rows
+   print $row->{$col1} if $row->{$col2} ne 'baz';
+ }
+The thing returned by adTie ($table in the example) is not an object,
+it is a reference to a tied hash. This means that hash operations
+such as exists, values, keys, may be used, keeping in mind that this
+is a *reference* to a tied hash so the syntax would be
+    for( keys %$table ) {...}
+    for( values %$table ) {...}
+Also keep in mind that if the table is really large, you probably do
+not want to use keys and values because they create arrays in memory
+containing data from every row in the table.  Instead use 'each' as
+shown above since that cycles through the file one record at a time
+and never puts the entire table into memory.
+It is also possible to use more advanced searching on the hash, see "Multiple Row Operations" below.
+In addition to the simple adTie($format,$file), there are other ways to specify additional information in the adTie() command.  The full syntax is:
+ my $table = adTie( $format, $data, $open_mode, $flags );
+ The $data parameter allows you to read data from remote files accessible by
+ http or ftp, see "Using Remote Files" below.  It also allows you to treat
+ strings and arrays as data sources without needing a file at all, see
+ "Working with Strings and Arrays" below.
+The optional $mode parameter defaults to 'r' if none is supplied or must be
+one of
+ 'r' read      # read only access
+ 'u' update    # read/write access
+ 'c' create    # create a new file unless it already exists
+ 'o' overwrite # create a new file, overwriting any that already exist
+The $flags parameter allows you to specify additional information such as column names.  See the sections in "Further Details" below.
+With the exception of the XML, HTMLtable, and ARRAY formats, the
+adTie() command saves all modifications of the data directly to file
+as they are made.  With XML and HTMLtable, you must make your
+modifications in memory and then explicitly save them to file with
+=head2 adConvert()
+ adConvert( $format1, $data1, $format2, $file2, $flags1, $flags2 );
+ or
+ print adConvert( $format1, $data1, $format2, undef, $flags1, $flags2 );
+ or
+ my $aryref = adConvert( $format1, $data1, 'ARRAY', undef, $flags1 );
+ This method converts data in any supported format into any other supported
+ format.  The resulting data may either be saved to a file (if $file2 is
+ supplied as a parameter) or sent back as  a string to e.g. print the data
+ to the screen in the new format (if no $file2 is supplied), or sent back
+ as an array reference if $format2 is 'ARRAY'.
+ Some examples:
+   # convert a CSV file into an XML file
+   #
+   adConvert('CSV','foo.csv','XML','foo.xml');
+   # convert a CSV file into an HTML table and print it to the screen
+   #
+   print adConvert('CSV','foo.csv','HTMLtable');
+   # convert an XML string into a CSV file
+   #
+   adConvert('XML', ["<x><motto id='perl'>TIMTOWTDI</motto></x>"],
+             'CSV','foo.csv'
+            );
+   # convert an array reference into an XML file
+   #
+   adConvert('ARRAY', [['id','motto'],['perl','TIMTOWTDI']],
+             'XML','foo.xml'
+            );
+   # convert an XML file into an array reference
+   #
+   my $aryref = adConvert('XML','foo.xml','ARRAY');
+ See section below "Using strings and arrays" for details.
+=head2 adExport()
+ adExport( $table, $format, $file, $flags );
+ or
+ print adExport( $table, $format );
+ or
+ my $aryref = adExport( $table, 'ARRAY' );
+ This method converts an existing tied hash into another format and/or
+ saves the tied hash as a file in the specified format.
+ Some examples:
+   all assume a previous call to my $table= adTie(...);
+   # export table to an XML file
+   #
+   adExport($table','XML','foo.xml');
+   # export table to an HTML string and print it to the screen
+   #
+   print adExport($table,'HTMLtable');
+   # export the table to an array reference
+   #
+   my $aryref = adExport($table,'ARRAY');
+ See section below "Using strings and arrays" for details.
+=head2 adNames()
+ my $table = adTie(...);
+ my @column_names = adNames($table);
+This method returns an array of the column names for the specified table.
+=head2 adRows()
+ my $table = adTie(...);
+ adRows( $table, %search_hash );
+This method takes an AnyData tied hash created with adTie() and
+counts the rows in the table that match the search hash.
+For example, this snippet returns a count of the rows in the
+file that contain the specified page in the request column
+  my $hits = adTie( 'Weblog', 'access.log');
+  print adRows( $hits , request => 'mypage.html' );
+The search hash may contain multiple search criteria, see the
+section on multiple row operations below.
+If the search_hash is omitted, it returns a count of all rows.
+=head2 adColumn()
+ my @col_vals = adColumn( $table, $column_name, $distinct_flag );
+This method returns an array of values taken from the specified column.
+If there is a distinct_flag parameter, duplicates will be eliminated
+from the list.
+For example, this snippet returns a unique list of the values in
+the 'player' column of the table.
+  my $game = adTie( 'Pipe','games.db' );
+  my @players  = adColumn( $game, 'player', 1 );
+=head2 adDump()
+  my $table = adTie(...);
+  print adDump($table);
+This method prints the raw data in the table.  Column names are printed inside angle brackets and separated by colons on the first line, then each row is printed as a list of values inside square brackets.
+=head2 adFormats()
+  print "$_\n for adFormats();
+This method shows the available format parsers, e.g. 'CSV', 'XML', etc.  It looks in your @INC for the .../AnyData/Format directory and prints the names of format parsing files there.  If the parser requires further modules (e.g. XML requires XML::Parser) and you do not have the additional modules installed, the format will not work even if listed by this command.  Otherwise, all formats should work as described in this documentation.
+=head2 Column Names
+Column names may be assigned in three ways:
+ * pre  -- The format parser preassigns column
+           names (e.g. Passwd files automatically have
+           columns named 'username', 'homedir', 'GID', etc.).
+ * user -- The user specifies the column names as a comma
+           separated string associated with the key 'cols':
+           my $table = adTie( $format,
+                              $file,
+                              $mode,
+                              {cols=>'name,age,gender'}
+                            );
+ * auto -- If there is no preassigned list of column names
+           and none defined by the user, the first line of
+           the file is treated as a list of column names;
+           the line is parsed according to the specific
+           format (e.g. CSV column names are a comma-separated
+           list, Tab column names are a tab separated list);
+When creating a new file in a format that does not preassign
+column names, the user *must* manually assign them as shown above.
+Some formats have special rules for assigning column names (XML,Fixed,HTMLtable), see the sections below on those formats.
+=head2 Key Columns
+The AnyData modules support tables that have a single key column that
+uniquely identifies each row as well as tables that do not have such
+keys.  For tables where there is a unique key, that key may be assigned
+in three ways:
+ * pre --  The format parser automatically preassigns the
+           key column name e.g. Passwd files automatically
+           have 'username' as the key column.
+ * user -- The user specifies the key column name:
+           my $table = adTie( $format,
+                              $file,
+                              $mode,
+                              {key=>'country'}
+                            );
+ * auto    If there is no preassigned key column and the user
+           does not define one, the first column becomes the
+           default key column
+=head2 Format Specific Details
+ For full details, see the documentation for AnyData::Format::Foo
+ where Foo is any of the formats listed in the adFormats() command
+ e.g. 'CSV', 'XML', etc.
+ Included below are only some of the more important details of the
+ specific parsers.
+=item Fixed Format
+When using the Fixed format for fixed length records you
+must always specify a pattern indicating the lengths of the fields.
+This should be a string as would be passed to the unpack() function
+to unpack the records in your Fixed length definition:
+ my $t = adTie( 'Fixed', $file, 'r', {pattern=>'A3 A7 A9'} );
+If you want the column names to appear on the first line of a Fixed
+file, they should be in comma-separated format, not in Fixed format.
+This is different from other formats which use their own format to
+display the column names on the first line.  This is necessary because
+the name of the column might be longer than the length of the column.
+=item XML Format
+ The XML format does not allow you to specify column names as a flag,
+ rather you specify a "record_tag" and the column names are determined
+ from the contents of the tag.  If no record_tag is specified, the
+ record tag will be assumed to be the first child of the root of the
+ XML tree.  That child and its structure will be determined from the
+ DTD if there is one, or from the first occurring record if there is
+ no DTD.
+For simple XML, no flags are necessary:
+ <table>
+    <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
+    <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
+ </table>
+The record_tag will default to the first child, namely "row".  The column
+names will be generated from the attributes of the record tag and all of
+the tags included under the record tag, so the column names in this
+example will be "row_id","name","location".
+If the record_tag is not the first child, you will need to specify it.  For example:
+ <db>
+   <table table_id="1">
+     <row row_id="1"><name>Joe</name><location>Seattle</location></row>
+     <row row_id="2"><name>Sue</name><location>Portland</location></row>
+   </table>
+   <table table_id="2">
+     <row row_id="1"><name>Bob</name><location>Boise</location></row>
+     <row row_id="2"><name>Bev</name><location>Billings</location></row>
+   </table>
+ </db>
+In this case you will need to specify "row" as the record_tag since it is not the first child of the tree.  The column names will be generated from the attributes of row's parent (if the parent is not the root), from row's attributes
+and sub tags, i.e. "table_id","row_id","name","location".
+When exporting XML, you can specify a DTD to control the output.  For example, if you import a table from CSV or from an Array, you can output as XML and specify which of the columns become tags and which become attributes and also specify the nesting of the tags in your DTD.
+The XML format parser is built on top of Michel Rodriguez's excellent XML::Twig which is itself based on XML::Parser.  Parameters to either of those modules may be passed in the flags for adTie() and the other commands including the "prettyPrint" flag to specify how the output XML is displayed and things like ProtocolEncoding.  ProtocolEncoding defaults to 'ISO-8859-1', all other flags keep the defaults of XML::Twig and XML::Parser.  See the documentation of those modules for details;
+ CAUTION: Unlike other formats, the XML format does not save changes to
+ the file as they are entered, but only saves the changes when you explicitly
+ request them to be saved with the adExport() command.
+=item HTMLtable Format
+ This format is based on Matt Sisk's excelletn HTML::TableExtract.
+ It can be used to read an existing table from an html page, or to
+ create a new HTML table from any data source.
+ You may control which table in an HTML page is used with the column_names,
+ depth and count flags.
+ If a column_names flag is passed, the first table that contains those names
+ as the cells in a row will be selected.
+ If depth and or count parameters are passed, it will look for tables as
+ specified in the HTML::TableExtract documentation.
+ If none of column_names, depth, or count flags are passed, the first table
+ encountered in the file will be the table selected and its first row will
+ be used to determine the column names for the table.
+ When exporting to an HTMLtable, you may pass flags to specify properties
+ of the whole table (table_flags), the top row containing the column names
+ (top_row_flags), and the data rows (data_row_flags).  These flags follow
+ the syntax of table constructors, e.g.:
+ print adExport( $table, 'HTMLtable', {
+     table_flags    => {Border=>3,bgColor=>'blue'};
+     top_row_flags  => {bgColor=>'red'};
+     data_row_flags => {valign='top'};
+ });
+ The table_flags will default to {Border=>1,bgColor=>'white'} if none
+ are specified.
+ The top_row_flags will default to {bgColor=>'#c0c0c0'} if none are
+ specified;
+ The data_row_flags will be empty if none are specified.
+ In other words, if no flags are specified the table will print out with
+ a border of 1, the column headings in gray, and the data rows in white.
+ CAUTION: This module will *not* preserve anything in the html file except
+ the selected table so if your file contains more than the selected table,
+ you will want to use adTie() to read the table and then adExport() to write
+ the table to a different file.  When using the HTMLtable format, this is the
+ only way to preserve changes to the data, the adTie() command will *not*
+ write to a file.
+=head2 Multiple Row Operations
+The AnyData hash returned by adTie() may use either single values as keys, or a reference to a hash of comparisons as a key.  If the key to the hash is a single value, the hash operates on a single row but if the key to the hash is itself a hash reference, the hash operates on a group of rows.
+ my $num_deleted = delete $table->{Sue};
+This example deletes a single row where the key column has the value 'Sue'.  If multiple rows have the value 'Sue' in that column, only the first is deleted.  It uses a simple string as a key, therefore it operates on only a single row.
+ my $num_deleted = delete $table->{ {name=>'Sue'} };
+This example deletes all rows where the column 'name' is equal to 'Sue'.  It uses a hashref as a key and therefore operates on multiple rows.
+The hashref used in this example is a single column comparison but the hashref could also include multiple column comparisons.  This deletes all rows where the the values listed for the country, gender, and age columns are equal to those specified:
+  my $num_deleted = delete $table->{{ country => 'us',
+                                       gender => 'm',
+                                          age => '25'
+                                   }}
+In addition to simple strings, the values may be specified as regular expressions or as numeric or alphabetic comparisons.  This will delete all North American males under the age of 25:
+  my $num_deleted = delete $table->{{ country => qr/mx|us|ca/,
+                                      gender  => 'm',
+                                      age     => '< 25'
+                                   }}
+If numeric or alphabetic comparisons are used, they should be a string with the comparison operator separated from the value by a space, e.g. '> 4' or 'lt b'.
+This kind of search hashref can be used not only to delete multiple rows, but also to update rows.  In fact you *must* use a hashref key in order to update your table.  Updating is the only operation that can not be done with a single string key.
+The search hashref can be used with a select statement, in which case it returns a reference to an array of rows matching the criteria:
+ my $male_players = $table->{{gender=>'m'}};
+ for my $player( @$male_players ) { print $player->{name},"\n" }
+This should be used with caution with a large table since it gathers all of the selected rows into an array in memory.  Again, 'each' is a much better way for large tables.  This accomplishes the same thing as the example above, but without ever pulling more than a row into memory at a time:
+ while( my $row= each %$table ) {
+   print $row->{name}, "\n" if $row->{gender}=>'m';
+ }
+Search criteria for multiple rows can also be used with the adRows() function:
+  my $num_of_women = adRows( $table, gender => 'w' );
+That does *not* pull the entire table into memory, it counts the rows a record at a time.
+=head2 Using Remote Files
+If the first file parameter of adTie() or adConvert() begins with "http://" or "ftp://", the file is treated as a remote URL and the LWP module is called behind the scenes to fetch the file.  If the files are in an area that requires authentication, that may be supplied in the $flags parameter.
+For example:
+  # read a remote file and access it via a tied hash
+  #
+  my $table = adTie( 'XML', '' );
+  # same with username/password
+  #
+  my $table = ( 'XML', '', 'r'
+                { user => 'me', pass => 'x7dy4'
+              );
+  # read a remote file, convert it to an HTML table, and print it
+  #
+  print adConvert( 'XML', '', 'HTMLtable' );
+=head2 Using Strings and Arrays
+Strings and arrays may be used as either the source of data input or as the target of data output.  Strings should be passed as the only element of an array reference (in other words, inside square brackets).  Arrays should be a reference to an array whose first element is a reference to an array of column names and whose succeeding elements are references to arrays of row values.
+For example:
+  my $table = adTie( 'XML', ["<x><motto id='perl'>TIMTOWTDI</motto></x>"] );
+  This uses the XML format to parse the supplied string and returns a tied
+  hash to the resulting table.
+  my $table = adTie( 'ARRAY', [['id','motto'],['perl','TIMTOWTDI']] );
+  This uses the column names "id" and "motto" and the supplied row values
+  and returns a tied hash to the resulting table.
+It is also possible to use an empty array to create a new empty tied hash in any format, for example:
+  my $table = adTie('XML',[],'c');
+  creates a new empty tied hash;
+See adConvert() and adExport() for further examples of using strings and arrays.
+=head2 Ties, Flocks, I/O, and Atomicity
+AnyData provides flocking which works under the limitations of flock -- that it only works if other processes accessing the files are also using flock and only on platforms that support flock.  See the flock() man page for details.
+Here is what the user supplied open modes actually do:
+ r = read only  (LOCK_SH)  O_RDONLY
+ u = update     (LOCK_EX)  O_RDWR
+ c = create     (LOCK_EX)  O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL
+ o = overwrite  (LOCK_EX)  O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC
+When you use something like "my $table = adTie(...)", it opens
+the file with a lock and leaves the file and lock open until
+1) the hash variable ($table) goes out of scope or 2) the
+hash is undefined (e.g. "undef $table") or 3) the hash is
+re-assigned to another tie.  In all cases the file is closed
+and the lock released.
+If adTie is called without creating a tied hash variable, the file
+is closed and the lock released immediately after the call to adTie.
+ For example:  print adTie('XML','foo.xml')->{main_office}->{phone}.
+ That obtains a shared lock, opens the file, retrieves the one value
+ requested, closes the file and releases the lock.
+These two examples accomplish the same thing but the first example
+opens the file once, does all of the deletions, keeping the exclusive
+lock in place until they are all done, then closes the
+file.  The second example opens and closes the file three times,
+once for each deletion and releases the exclusive lock between each
+ 1. my $t = adTie('Pipe','games.db','u');
+    delete $t->{"user$_"} for (0..3);
+    undef $t; # closes file and releases lock
+ 2. delete adTie('Pipe','games.db','u')->{"user$_"} for (0..3);
+    # no undef needed since no hash variable created
+=head2 Deletions and Packing
+In order to save time and to prevent having to do writes anywhere except at the end of the file, deletions and updates are *not* done at the time of issuing a delete command.  Rather when the user does a delete, the position of the deleted record is stored in a hash and when the file is saved to disk, the deletions are only then physically removed by packing the entire database.  Updates are done by inserting the new record at the end of the file and marking the old record for deletion.  In the normal course of events, all of this should be transparent and you'll never need to worry about it.  However, if your server goes down after you've made updates or deletions but before you've saved the file, then the deleted rows will remain in the database and for updates there will be duplicate rows -- the old non updated row and the new updated row.  If you are worried about this kind of event, then use atomic deletes and updates as shown in the section above.  There's still a very small possibility of a crash in between the deletion and the save, but in this case it should impact at most a single row.  (BIG thanks to Matthew Wickline for suggestions on handling deletes)
+=head1 MORE HELP
+See the README file and the included with the module
+for further examples.
+See the AnyData/Format/*.pm PODs for further details of specific
+For further support, please use comp.lang.perl.modules
+Special thanks to Andy Duncan, Tom Lowery, Randal Schwartz, Michel Rodriguez, Jochen Wiedmann, Tim Bunce, Alligator Descartes, Mathew Persico, Chris Nandor, Malcom Cook and to many others on the DBI mailing lists and the clp* newsgroups.
+ Jeff Zucker <>
+ This module is copyright (c), 2000 by Jeff Zucker.
+ Some changes (c) 2012 Sven Dowideit L<>
+ It may be freely distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# END OF AnyData
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<table>t/htmltable.out <tr bgcolor="#c0c0c0"><th>word</th> <th>number</th></tr> <tr><td>one</td> <td>1</td></tr> <tr><td>two</td> <td>2</td></tr> <tr><td>three</td> <td>3</td></tr> <tr><td>unknown</td></tr> <tr><td>unknowncomma</td> <td>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td>zero</td> <td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/var/tmp/source/SDOWIDEIT/AnyData-0.11/AnyData-0.11/t/xml.out b/var/tmp/source/SDOWIDEIT/AnyData-0.11/AnyData-0.11/t/xml.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-    eval { require Test::Distribution; };
-    if ($@) {
-        plan skip_all => 'Test::Distribution not installed';
-    }
-    else {
-        #TODO: work to fix these
-        import Test::Distribution
-          only => [qw/description/],
-          not  => [qw/use sig versions use prereq pod podcoverage/];
-    }
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-## in a separate test file
-use Test::More;
-eval { require Test::Kwalitee; Test::Kwalitee->import() };
-plan( skip_all => 'Test::Kwalitee not installed; skipping' ) if $@;
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -T
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-eval "use Test::CheckManifest 0.9";
-plan skip_all => "Test::CheckManifest 0.9 required" if $@;
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-plan skip_all =>
-  'AnyData is not yet updated for testing pod coverage to make sense';
-# Ensure a recent version of Test::Pod::Coverage
-my $min_tpc = 1.08;
-eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage $min_tpc";
-plan skip_all =>
-  "Test::Pod::Coverage $min_tpc required for testing POD coverage"
-  if $@;
-# Test::Pod::Coverage doesn't require a minimum Pod::Coverage version,
-# but older versions don't recognize some common documentation styles
-my $min_pc = 0.18;
-eval "use Pod::Coverage $min_pc";
-plan skip_all => "Pod::Coverage $min_pc required for testing POD coverage"
-  if $@;
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-use Test::More;
-plan skip_all => 'Need to do more work fixing pod code snippets';
-eval "use Test::Pod::Snippets";
-plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Snippets required" if $@;
-my @modules = qw/ AnyData /;
-plan tests => 3;
-my $tps = Test::Pod::Snippets->new;
-$tps->runtest( module => $_, testgroup => 1 ) for @modules;
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -T
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-# Ensure a recent version of Test::Pod
-my $min_tp = 1.22;
-eval "use Test::Pod $min_tp";
-plan skip_all => "Test::Pod $min_tp required for testing POD" if $@;
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-## in a separate test file
-use Test::More;
-eval 'use Test::Spelling;';
-plan( skip_all => 'Test::Spelling not installed; skipping' ) if $@;