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Changes 5586
META.json 045
META.yml 2025
Makefile.PL 868
README 20466 7840
TODO 021
lib/Astro/ 01089
t/00load.t 838
t/01basic.t 199196
t/02constants.t 1343
t/03dst.t 076
t/04basic.t 0434
t/05polar.t 0345
t/06datetime.t 085
t/07trig.t 066
t/08timezone.t 063
t/09springforward.t 052
t/10fallback.t 052
t/11fatal.t 098
22 files changed (This is a version diff) 13003360
@@ -1,55 +1,86 @@
-Revision history for Perl extension sunrise.
-0.01  Fri Dec 10 08:13:24 1999
-	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
-0.02  Tues Jun 20 08:30:00 2000
-        - Added code to convert to local time. R.Hill
-0.03  Thurs Feb 15 08:30:00 2001
-        - Added copyright information
-        - fixed bug for converting to local time
-        - updated documentation R.Hill
-0.04  Sun Mar 11 13:51:22 2001
-    - I've moved the POD around and added a function documentation block for
-      the sunrise() function. And I moved all the variables out of the use
-      vars block at the top, making them my variables, wherever possible.
-      I added a small test suite that leaves a lot of room for future expansion.
-      Finally, I moved all of those tiny subs out of the sunrise() function
-      into their own space. They are not really private subs, and they are
-      referencing values as global variables anyway. Oh, yeah, and I generated
-      the README with pod2text so that the README on CPAN will be a little
-      more informative. R.Bowen
-0.05  Wed Oct 17 7:00:00 2001
-       - Fixed bug for converting to local time for points east of GMT
-         Thanks to Adrian Blockley [] 
-0.6  Wed Feb 5 2003
-      Performed a complete rewrite of the module to conform with
-      Paul's C code. Fixed a nasty bug the computing the number of days elapsed
-      since 2000 Jan 0.0.
-      Added warnings for no sunrise/sunset
-      Added Rob's enhancements using the time object modules
-      Added new subs sun_rise,sun_set per Rob's recomendation
-      Added Rob's enhancements for selecting different Alt's
-0.7   Fri Feb 14 2003
-      Fixed a bug in dependency, Added Iteration function, Added
-      documentation for subs
-0.8   Changed the dependency from Time::Object to Time::Piece
-      (shame on me)
-0.85  Wed Aug 14 2003
-      Fixed bug in local time conversion (the same bug for 0.05)
-      Changed dependency from Time::Piece to DateTime (Per Joshua Hoblitt)
-      Updated Documentation to reflect DateTime dependency
-0.90  Updated the convert_hour sub, This was badly broken Patch from
-      Chris Phillps applied. Added Constants for Altitude provided by
-      Brian dfoy.
-0.91  Major update to the test script 001basic.t I have added many tests
-      for cities around the world. Changed the convert_hour sub to format
-      the hour (add a zero).
-0.92  Monday 8 July 2013
-      New co-maint JFORGET
-      Fix tickets 47049 and 83394: wrong calculations on 19/20/21 March
-      Fix ticket 9377: documentation improvement
-      Minor formatting changes and spelling fixes
+-*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+Revision history for Perl extension sunrise.
+0.95  Tuesday 21 April 2015
+      - Some improvements in the POD documentation.
+      - New time_zone parameter to sun_rise and sun_set.
+      - New tests for fork-less systems
+      - New tests to check for parameter checking
+0.94  Tuesday 10 March 2015
+      - Fix typos in the POD documentation
+      - Fix problem in the t/03dst.t test file.
+0.93  Tuesday 3 March 2015
+      - Stylistic and kwalitee issues: license, distro structure, etc.
+      - Fix ticket 62593 (patch from Slaven Rezic)
+      - Parameters to sunrise can be passed by name (using a hashref)
+      - The upper_limb is not longer hard-coded, it is now a parameter
+      - The behaviour for polar day and polar night can change: no warning,
+        but a special return value.
+      - Make degree-trigonometric functions available for import.
+0.92  Monday 8 July 2013
+      New co-maint JFORGET
+      Fix tickets 47049 and 83394: wrong calculations on 19/20/21 March
+      Fix ticket 9377: documentation improvement
+      Minor formatting changes and spelling fixes
+0.91  Major update to the test script 001basic.t I have added many tests
+      for cities around the world. Changed the convert_hour sub to format
+      the hour (add a zero).
+0.90  Updated the convert_hour sub, This was badly broken Patch from
+      Chris Phillps applied. Added Constants for Altitude provided by
+      Brian dfoy.
+0.85  Wed Aug 14 2003
+      Fixed bug in local time conversion (the same bug for 0.05)
+      Changed dependency from Time::Piece to DateTime (Per Joshua Hoblitt)
+      Updated Documentation to reflect DateTime dependency
+0.8   Changed the dependency from Time::Object to Time::Piece
+      (shame on me)
+0.7   Fri Feb 14 2003
+      Fixed a bug in dependency, Added Iteration function, Added
+      documentation for subs
+0.6  Wed Feb 5 2003
+      Performed a complete rewrite of the module to conform with
+      Paul's C code. Fixed a nasty bug the computing the number of days elapsed
+      since 2000 Jan 0.0.
+      Added warnings for no sunrise/sunset
+      Added Rob's enhancements using the time object modules
+      Added new subs sun_rise,sun_set per Rob's recomendation
+      Added Rob's enhancements for selecting different Alt's
+0.05  Wed Oct 17 7:00:00 2001
+       - Fixed bug for converting to local time for points east of GMT
+         Thanks to Adrian Blockley [] 
+0.04  Sun Mar 11 13:51:22 2001
+    - I've moved the POD around and added a function documentation block for
+      the sunrise() function. And I moved all the variables out of the use
+      vars block at the top, making them my variables, wherever possible.
+      I added a small test suite that leaves a lot of room for future expansion.
+      Finally, I moved all of those tiny subs out of the sunrise() function
+      into their own space. They are not really private subs, and they are
+      referencing values as global variables anyway. Oh, yeah, and I generated
+      the README with pod2text so that the README on CPAN will be a little
+      more informative. R.Bowen
+0.03  Thurs Feb 15 08:30:00 2001
+        - Added copyright information
+        - fixed bug for converting to local time
+        - updated documentation R.Hill
+0.02  Tues Jun 20 08:30:00 2000
+        - Added code to convert to local time. R.Hill
+0.01  Fri Dec 10 08:13:24 1999
+        - original version; created by h2xs 1.18
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+-*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+Terms of Perl itself
+a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+   Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
+   later version, or
+b) the "Artistic License"
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                     Version 1, February 1989
+  Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+  Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+  of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+   The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+ at the mercy of those companies.  By contrast, our General Public
+ License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+ software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  The
+ General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+ software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+ You can use it for your programs, too.
+   When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+ price.  Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+ sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+ software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+ that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+ programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+   To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+ anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+ These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+ distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+   For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+ gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+ you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+ source code.  And you must tell them their rights.
+   We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+ (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+ distribute and/or modify the software.
+   Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+ that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+ software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+ want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+ that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+ authors' reputations.
+   The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+ modification follow.
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+   0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+ contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+ distributed under the terms of this General Public License.  The
+ "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
+ on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
+ Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications.  Each
+ licensee is addressed as "you".
+   1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+ code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+ appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+ disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+ General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+ other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+ along with the Program.  You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+ transferring a copy.
+   2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+ it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+ 1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+     a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+     you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+     b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+     in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+     with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+     third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+     that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+     third parties, at your option).
+     c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+     run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+     in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+     announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+     that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+     warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+     conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+     Public License.
+     d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+     copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+     exchange for a fee.
+ Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+ derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+ the other work under the scope of these terms.
+   3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+ it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+     a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+     source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+     Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+     b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+     years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+     for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+     corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+     Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+     c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+     corresponding source code may be obtained.  (This alternative is
+     allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+     received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+ Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+ modifications to it.  For an executable file, complete source code means
+ all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+ exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+ libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+ file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+ accompany that operating system.
+   4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+ Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+ Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+ the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+ the Program under this License.  However, parties who have received
+ copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+ License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+ remain in full compliance.
+   5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+ on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+ and all its terms and conditions.
+   6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+ Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+ licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+ terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+ recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+   7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+ of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+ be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+ address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+ specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
+ later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+ either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+ Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+ the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ Foundation.
+   8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+ programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+ to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+ Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+ make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+ of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+ of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                            NO WARRANTY
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+        Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+   If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+ possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+ free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
+ terms.
+   To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest to
+ attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
+ the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+ "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+     <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+     Copyright (C) 19yy  <name of author>
+     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+     any later version.
+     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+     GNU General Public License for more details.
+     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+     Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+ when it starts in an interactive mode:
+     Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
+     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+ The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+ appropriate parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the
+ commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+ c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
+ program.
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+ school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+ necessary.  Here a sample; alter the names:
+   Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+   program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+   at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
+   <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+   Ty Coon, President of Vice
+ That's all there is to it!
+			 The "Artistic License"
+				Preamble
+The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a
+Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some
+semblance of artistic control over the development of the package,
+while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute
+the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make
+reasonable modifications.
+	"Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the
+	Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files
+	created through textual modification.
+	"Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been
+	modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes
+	of the Copyright Holder as specified below.
+	"Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or
+	copyrights for the package.
+	"You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing
+	this Package.
+	"Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the
+	basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved,
+	and so on.  (You will not be required to justify it to the
+	Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large
+	as a market that must bear the fee.)
+	"Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item
+	itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item.
+	It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it
+	under the same conditions they received it.
+1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
+Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
+duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
+2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications
+derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder.  A Package
+modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
+3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided
+that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and
+when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the
+    a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
+    Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or
+    an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive
+    site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include
+    your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
+    b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
+    c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict
+    with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide
+    a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly
+    documents how it differs from the Standard Version.
+    d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or
+executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+    a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
+    together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where
+    to get the Standard Version.
+    b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
+    the Package with your modifications.
+    c) give non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly
+    document the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together
+    with instructions on where to get the Standard Version.
+    d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
+Package.  You may charge any fee you choose for support of this
+Package.  You may not charge a fee for this Package itself.  However,
+you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly
+commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software
+distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a
+product of your own.  You may embed this Package's interpreter within
+an executable of yours (by linking); this shall be construed as a mere
+form of aggregation, provided that the complete Standard Version of the
+interpreter is so embedded.
+6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as
+output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall
+under the copyright of this Package, but belong to whoever generated
+them, and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this
+Package.  If such scripts or library files are aggregated with this
+Package via the so-called "undump" or "unexec" methods of producing a
+binary executable image, then distribution of such an image shall
+neither be construed as a distribution of this Package nor shall it
+fall under the restrictions of Paragraphs 3 and 4, provided that you do
+not represent such an executable image as a Standard Version of this
+7. C subroutines (or comparably compiled subroutines in other
+languages) supplied by you and linked into this Package in order to
+emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this
+Package shall not be considered part of this Package, but are the
+equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6, provided these subroutines do
+not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the
+regression tests for the language.
+8. Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always
+permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded; that is,
+when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's interfaces visible
+to the end user of the commercial distribution.  Such use shall not be
+construed as a distribution of this Package.
+9. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
+products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+				The End
@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
-META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
+META.yml                                 Module YAML meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
+META.json                                Module JSON meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+   "abstract" : "Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day",
+   "author" : [
+      "Ron Hill <>",
+      "Jean Forget <>"
+   ],
+   "dynamic_config" : 1,
+   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.6302, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120630",
+   "license" : [
+      "perl_5"
+   ],
+   "meta-spec" : {
+      "url" : "",
+      "version" : "2"
+   },
+   "name" : "Astro-Sunrise",
+   "no_index" : {
+      "directory" : [
+         "t",
+         "inc"
+      ]
+   },
+   "prereqs" : {
+      "runtime" : {
+         "recommends" : {
+            "DateTime" : "0.16"
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   "provides" : {
+      "Astro::Sunrise" : {
+         "file" : "lib/Astro/",
+         "version" : "0.95"
+      }
+   },
+   "release_status" : "stable",
+   "resources" : {
+      "repository" : {
+         "type" : "git",
+         "url" : "",
+         "web" : ""
+      }
+   },
+   "version" : "0.95"
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
---- #YAML:1.0
-name:               Astro-Sunrise
-version:            0.92
-abstract:           ~
-author:  []
-license:            unknown
-distribution_type:  module
-    ExtUtils::MakeMaker:  0
-    ExtUtils::MakeMaker:  0
-    DateTime:  0.16
-    directory:
-        - t
-        - inc
-generated_by:       ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.57_05
+abstract: 'Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day'
+  - 'Ron Hill <>'
+  - 'Jean Forget <>'
+build_requires: {}
+dynamic_config: 1
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.6302, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120630'
+license: perl
-    url:
-    version:  1.4
+  url:
+  version: 1.4
+name: Astro-Sunrise
+  directory:
+    - t
+    - inc
+  Astro::Sunrise:
+    file: lib/Astro/
+    version: 0.95
+  DateTime: 0.16
+  repository:
+version: 0.95
@@ -1,8 +1,68 @@
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
-# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
-    'NAME'	=> 'Astro::Sunrise',
-    'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
-    'PREREQ_PM' =>{ 'DateTime' => 0.16, },
+#     Configuration script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2013, 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+    NAME           => 'Astro::Sunrise',
+    VERSION_FROM   => 'lib/Astro/', # finds $VERSION
+    ABSTRACT       => 'Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day',
+    PREREQ_PM      => { # DateTime => '0.16',
+                        POSIX => 0,
+                        'Math::Trig' => 0, },
+    AUTHOR         => [ 'Ron Hill <>', 'Jean Forget <>' ],
+    LICENSE        => 'perl',
+    # The oldest Perl to check Astro::Sunrise 0.92 is 5.6.2. Therefore, I guess Astro::Sunrise 0.93 and next will work in 5.6.2 too.
+    MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.6.2',
+    BUILD_REQUIRES => { 'Test::More'         => '0',        # should be 'TEST_REQUIRES', except that ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.5705 does not accept it
+                        'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.57_02', # the first version to accept several authors in an arrayref
+                           },
+    META_MERGE       => {
+       prereqs => {
+         runtime => {
+           recommends => {
+               DateTime => '0.16',
+           },
+         },
+       },
+       provides       => {
+           'Astro::Sunrise' => {
+                file => 'lib/Astro/',
+                version => '0.95',
+           },
+       },
+       'meta-spec' => { version => 2 },
+       resources => {
+           repository => {
+               type => 'git',
+               url  => '',
+               web  => '',
+           },
+       },
+    },
@@ -1,204 +1,66 @@
-    Astro::Sunrise - Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a
-    given day
-     use Astro::Sunrise;
-     ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST);
-     ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT);
-     ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT,inter);
-     $sunrise = sun_rise(longitude,latitude);
-     $sunset = sun_set(longitude,latitude);
-     $sunrise = sun_rise(longitude,latitude,ALT);
-     $sunset = sun_set(longitude,latitude,ALT);
-     $sunrise = sun_rise(longitude,latitude,ALT,day_offset);
-     $sunset = sun_set(longitude,latitude,ALT,day_offset);
-    This module will return the sunrise/sunset for a given day.
-     Eastern longitude is entered as a positive number
-     Western longitude is entered as a negative number
-     Northern latitude is entered as a positive number
-     Southern latitude is entered as a negative number
-    inter is set to either 0 or 1. If set to 0 no Iteration will occur. If
-    set to 1 Iteration will occur. Default is 0.
-    There are a number of sun altitudes to chose from. The default is -0.833
-    because this is what most countries use. Feel free to specify it if you
-    need to. Here is the list of values to specify altitude (ALT) with:
-    0 degrees
-        Center of Sun's disk touches a mathematical horizon
-    -0.25 degrees
-        Sun's upper limb touches a mathematical horizon
-    -0.583 degrees
-        Center of Sun's disk touches the horizon; atmospheric refraction
-        accounted for
-    -0.833 degrees
-        Sun's supper limb touches the horizon; atmospheric refraction
-        accounted for
-    -6 degrees
-        Civil twilight (one can no longer read outside without artificial
-        illumination)
-    -12 degrees
-        Nautical twilight (navigation using a sea horizon no longer
-        possible)
-    -15 degrees
-        Amateur astronomical twilight (the sky is dark enough for most
-        astronomical observations)
-    -18 degrees
-        Astronomical twilight (the sky is completely dark)
-    sunrise
-        "($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time
-        Zone,DST);"
-        "($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time
-        Zone,DST,ALT);"
-            Returns the sunrise and sunset times, in HH:MM format. (Note:
-            Time Zone is the offset from GMT and DST is daylight savings
-            time, 1 means DST is in effect and 0 is not). In the first form,
-            a default altitude of -.0833 is used. In the second form, the
-            altitude is specified as the last argument. Note that adding 1
-            to the Time Zone during DST and specifying DST as 0 is the same
-            as indicating the Time Zone correctly and specifying DST as 1.
-        Notes on Iteration
-            ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time
-            Zone,DST,ALT,inter);
-                The original method only gives an approximate value of the
-                Sun's rise/set times. The error rarely exceeds one or two
-                minutes, but at high latitudes, when the Midnight Sun soon
-                will start or just has ended, the errors may be much larger.
-                If you want higher accuracy, you must then use the iteration
-                feature. This feature is new as of version 0.7. Here is what
-                I have tried to accomplish with this.
-                a) Compute sunrise or sunset as always, with one exception:
-                to convert LHA from degrees to hours, divide by 15.04107
-                instead of 15.0 (this accounts for the difference between
-                the solar day and the sidereal day.
-                b) Re-do the computation but compute the Sun's RA and Decl,
-                and also GMST0, for the moment of sunrise or sunset last
-                computed.
-                c) Iterate b) until the computed sunrise or sunset no longer
-                changes significantly. Usually 2 iterations are enough, in
-                rare cases 3 or 4 iterations may be needed.
-            *For Example*
-                 ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2001, 3, 10, 17.384, 98.625, -5, 0 );
-                 ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2002, 10, 14, -105.181, 41.324, -7, 1, -18);
-                 ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2002, 10, 14, -105.181, 41.324, -7, 1, -18, 1);
-                =back
-            sun_rise
-                "$sun_rise = sun_rise( longitude, latitude );"
-                "$sun_rise = sun_rise( longitude, latitude, ALT );"
-                "$sun_rise = sun_rise( longitude, latitude, ALT, day_offset
-                );"
-                    Returns the sun rise time for the given location. The
-                    first form uses today's date (from Time::Object) and the
-                    default altitude. The second form adds specifying a
-                    custom altitude. The third form allows for specifying an
-                    integer day offset from today, either positive or
-                    negative.
-                *For Example*
-                     $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324 );
-                     $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, -15 );
-                     $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, -12, +3 );
-                     $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, undef, -12);
-            sun_set
-                "$sun_set = sun_set( longitude, latitude );"
-                "$sun_set = sun_set( longitude, latitude, ALT );"
-                "$sun_set = sun_set( longitude, latitude, ALT, day_offset
-                );"
-                    Returns the sun set time for the given location. The
-                    first form uses today's date (from Time::Object) and the
-                    default altitude. The second form adds specifying a
-                    custom altitude. The third form allows for specifying an
-                    integer day offset from today, either positive or
-                    negative.
-                *For Example*
-                     $sunrise = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324 );
-                     $sunrise = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324, -15 );
-                     $sunrise = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324, -12, +3 );
-                     $sunrise = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324, undef, -12);
-            Ron Hill
-            Robert Creager [] For providing
-            help with converting Paul's C code to perl For providing code
-            for sun_rise, sun_set sub's Also adding options for different
-            altitudes.
-	    Joshua Hoblitt []
-            For providing the patch to convert to DateTime
-        Paul Schlyter, Stockholm, Sweden
-            for his excellent web page on the subject.
-        Rich Bowen (
-            for suggestions
-        Adrian Blockley []
-            for finding a bug in the conversion to local time
-        Lightly verified against
-        Here is the copyright information provided by Paul Schlyter:
-        Written as DAYLEN.C, 1989-08-16
-        Modified to SUNRISET.C, 1992-12-01
-        (c) Paul Schlyter, 1989, 1992
-        Released to the public domain by Paul Schlyter, December 1992
-        Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-        obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
-        (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
-        including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
-        publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
-        and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
-        subject to the following conditions:
-        The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-        included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-        perl(1).
+-*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+Astro::Sunrise version 0.95
+This module commpute the sunrise and sunset for a given day.
+The simplest way to install the module is by using your favorite
+utility: CPAN shell, cpanplus, cpanminus, dist-zilla, etc.
+To install this module from a cloned git repository or from a tarball
+type the following:
+   perl Makefile.PL
+   make
+   make test
+   make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+  Math::Trig
+The following module is recommended:
+Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2013, 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3. For more details, see the full
+text of the licenses in the LICENSE file.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it
+is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties. For
+details, see the full text of the licenses in the file LICENSE.
+Based on a public domain C program sunriset.c (c) Paul Schlyter, 1989, 1992
+    Astro::Sunrise - Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
+  # When will the sun rise on YAPC::Europe 2015?
+  use Astro::Sunrise;
+  my ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( { year => 2015, month => 9, day => 2, # YAPC::EU starts on 2nd September 2015
+                                      lon  => -3.6, lat   => 37.17,       # Granada is 37°10'N, 3°36'W
+                                      tz   => 1,    dst   => 1 } );       # This is still summer, therefore DST
+  # When does the sun rise today in Salt Lake City (home to YAPC::NA 2015)?
+  use Astro::Sunrise;
+  use DateTime;
+  $sunrise_today = sun_rise( { lon => -111.88, lat => 40.75 } ); # 40°45'N, 111°53'W
+  # And when does it set tomorrow at Salt Lake City?
+  use Astro::Sunrise;
+  use DateTime;
+  $sunset_tomorrow = sun_set( { lat => 40.75,    # 40°45'N,
+                                lon => -111.88,  # 111°53'W
+                                alt => -0.833,   # standard value for the sun altitude at sunset
+                                offset => 1 } ); # day offset up to tomorrow
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-package Astro::Sunrise;
-=head1 NAME
-Astro::Sunrise - Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Astro::Sunrise;
-#use Astro::Sunrise qw(:constants);
- ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST);
- ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT);
- ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT,inter);
- $sunrise = sun_rise(longitude,latitude);
- $sunset = sun_set(longitude,latitude);
- $sunrise = sun_rise(longitude,latitude,ALT);
- $sunset = sun_set(longitude,latitude,ALT);
- $sunrise = sun_rise(longitude,latitude,ALT,day_offset);
- $sunset = sun_set(longitude,latitude,ALT,day_offset);
-This module will return the sunrise/sunset for a given day.
-Months are numbered 1 to 12, in the usual way, not 0 to 11 as in
-C and in Perl's localtime.
- Eastern longitude is entered as a positive number
- Western longitude is entered as a negative number
- Northern latitude is entered as a positive number
- Southern latitude is entered as a negative number
-Please note that the longitude is specified before the latitude.
-The time zone is given as the numeric value of the offset from UTC.
-inter is set to either 0 or 1.
-If set to 0 no Iteration will occur.
-If set to 1 Iteration will occur.
-Default is 0.
-There are a number of sun altitudes to chose from.  The default is
--0.833 because this is what most countries use. Feel free to
-specify it if you need to. Here is the list of values to specify
-altitude (ALT) with, including symbolic constants for each.
-=item B<0> degrees
-Center of Sun's disk touches a mathematical horizon
-=item B<-0.25> degrees
-Sun's upper limb touches a mathematical horizon
-=item B<-0.583> degrees
-Center of Sun's disk touches the horizon; atmospheric refraction accounted for
-=item B<-0.833> degrees, DEFAULT
-Sun's upper limb touches the horizon; atmospheric refraction accounted for
-=item B<-6> degrees, CIVIL
-Civil twilight (one can no longer read outside without artificial illumination)
-=item B<-12> degrees, NAUTICAL
-Nautical twilight (navigation using a sea horizon no longer possible)
-=item B<-15> degrees, AMATEUR
-Amateur astronomical twilight (the sky is dark enough for most astronomical observations)
-=item B<-18> degrees, ASTRONOMICAL
-Astronomical twilight (the sky is completely dark)
-use strict;
-#use warnings;
-use POSIX qw(floor);
-use Math::Trig;
-use Carp;
-use DateTime;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA       = qw( Exporter );
-@EXPORT    = qw( sunrise sun_rise sun_set );
-	constants => [ @EXPORT_OK ],
-	);
-$VERSION =  '0.92';
-$RADEG   = ( 180 / pi );
-$DEGRAD  = ( pi / 180 );
-my $INV360     = ( 1.0 / 360.0 );
-my $upper_limb = '1';
-=head1 USAGE
-=item B<sunrise>
-=item C<($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST);>
-=item C<($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT);>
-Returns the sunrise and sunset times, in HH:MM format.
-(Note: Time Zone is the offset from GMT and DST is daylight
-savings time, 1 means DST is in effect and 0 is not).  In the first form,
-a default altitude of -.0833 is used.  In the second form, the altitude
-is specified as the last argument.  Note that adding 1 to the
-Time Zone during DST and specifying DST as 0 is the same as indicating the
-Time Zone correctly and specifying DST as 1.
-=item F<Notes on Iteration>
-=item F<($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT,inter);>
-The original method only gives an approximate value of the Sun's rise/set times. 
-The error rarely exceeds one or two minutes, but at high latitudes, when the Midnight Sun 
-soon will start or just has ended, the errors may be much larger. If you want higher accuracy, 
-you must then use the iteration feature. This feature is new as of version 0.7. Here is
-what I have tried to accomplish with this.
-a) Compute sunrise or sunset as always, with one exception: to convert LHA from degrees to hours,
-   divide by 15.04107 instead of 15.0 (this accounts for the difference between the solar day 
-   and the sidereal day.
-b) Re-do the computation but compute the Sun's RA and Decl, and also GMST0, for the moment 
-   of sunrise or sunset last computed.
-c) Iterate b) until the computed sunrise or sunset no longer changes significantly. 
-   Usually 2 iterations are enough, in rare cases 3 or 4 iterations may be needed.
-=item I<For Example>
- ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2001, 3, 10, 17.384, 98.625, -5, 0 );
- ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2002, 10, 14, -105.181, 41.324, -7, 1, -18);
- ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2002, 10, 14, -105.181, 41.324, -7, 1, -18, 1);
-sub sunrise  {
-  my ( $year, $month, $day, $lon, $lat, $TZ, $isdst, $alt, $iter ) = @_;
-  my $altit     = $alt || -0.833;
-  my $iteration = defined($iter) ? $iter:0 ;
-  if ($iteration)   {
-    # This is the initial start
-    my $d = days_since_2000_Jan_0( $year, $month, $day ) + 0.5 - $lon / 360.0;
-    my ($tmp_rise_1,$tmp_set_1) = sun_rise_set($d, $lon, $lat,$altit,15.04107);
-    # Now we have the initial rise/set times next recompute d using the exact moment
-    # recompute sunrise
-    my $tmp_rise_2 = 9;
-    my $tmp_rise_3 = 0;
-    until (equal($tmp_rise_2, $tmp_rise_3, 8) )   {
-         my $d_sunrise_1 = $d + $tmp_rise_1/24.0;
-         ($tmp_rise_2,undef) = sun_rise_set($d_sunrise_1, $lon, $lat,$altit,15.04107);
-         $tmp_rise_1 = $tmp_rise_3;
-         my $d_sunrise_2 = $d + $tmp_rise_2/24.0;
-         ($tmp_rise_3,undef) = sun_rise_set($d_sunrise_2, $lon, $lat,$altit,15.04107);
-         #print "tmp_rise2 is: $tmp_rise_2 tmp_rise_3 is:$tmp_rise_3\n";
-    }
-    my $tmp_set_2 = 9;
-    my $tmp_set_3 = 0;
-    until (equal($tmp_set_2, $tmp_set_3, 8) )   {
-         my $d_sunset_1 = $d + $tmp_set_1/24.0;
-         (undef,$tmp_set_2) = sun_rise_set($d_sunset_1, $lon, $lat,$altit,15.04107);
-         $tmp_set_1 = $tmp_set_3;
-         my $d_sunset_2 = $d + $tmp_set_2/24.0;
-         (undef,$tmp_set_3) = sun_rise_set($d_sunset_2, $lon, $lat,$altit,15.04107);
-         #print "tmp_set_1 is: $tmp_set_1 tmp_set_3 is:$tmp_set_3\n";
-    }
-    return convert_hour($tmp_rise_3, $tmp_set_3, $TZ, $isdst);
-  }
-  else {
-    my $d = days_since_2000_Jan_0( $year, $month, $day ) + 0.5 - $lon / 360.0;
-    my ($h1,$h2) = sun_rise_set($d, $lon, $lat, $altit, 15.0);
-    return convert_hour($h1, $h2, $TZ, $isdst);
-  }
-# end sunrise
-sub sun_rise_set {
-    my ($d, $lon, $lat,$altit) =@_;
-    #my ( $year, $month, $day, $lon, $lat, $TZ, $isdst, $alt ) = @_;
-    #my $altit      = $alt || -0.833;
-    #my $d = days_since_2000_Jan_0( $year, $month, $day ) + 0.5 - $lon / 360.0;
-    # Compute local sidereal time of this moment
-    my $sidtime = revolution( GMST0($d) + 180.0 + $lon );
-    # Compute Sun's RA + Decl + distance at this moment
-    my ( $sRA, $sdec, $sr ) = sun_RA_dec($d);
-    # Compute time when Sun is at south - in hours UT
-    my $tsouth  = 12.0 - rev180( $sidtime - $sRA ) / 15.0;
-    # Compute the Sun's apparent radius, degrees
-    my $sradius = 0.2666 / $sr;
-    if ($upper_limb) {
-        $altit -= $sradius;
-    }
-    # Compute the diurnal arc that the Sun traverses to reach 
-    # the specified altitude altit: 
-    my $cost =
-      ( sind($altit) - sind($lat) * sind($sdec) ) /
-      ( cosd($lat) * cosd($sdec) );
-    my $t;
-    if ( $cost >= 1.0 ) {
-        carp "Sun never rises!!\n";
-        $t = 0.0;    # Sun always below altit
-    }
-    elsif ( $cost <= -1.0 ) {
-        carp "Sun never sets!!\n";
-        $t = 12.0;    # Sun always above altit
-    }
-    else {
-        $t = acosd($cost) / 15.0;    # The diurnal arc, hours
-    }
-    # Store rise and set times - in hours UT 
-    my $hour_rise_ut = $tsouth - $t;
-    my $hour_set_ut  = $tsouth + $t;
-    return($hour_rise_ut, $hour_set_ut);
-    #return convert_hour($hour_rise_ut,$hour_set_ut,$TZ, $isdst);
-# Day number
-# _THEN
-# computes GMST0, the Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time  
-# at 0h UT (i.e. the sidereal time at the Greenwhich meridian at  
-# 0h UT).  GMST is then the sidereal time at Greenwich at any     
-# time of the day..
-# Sidtime
-sub GMST0 {
-    my ($d) = @_;
-    my $sidtim0 =
-      revolution( ( 180.0 + 356.0470 + 282.9404 ) +
-      ( 0.9856002585 + 4.70935E-5 ) * $d );
-    return $sidtim0;
-#  day number
-# _THEN
-# Computes the Sun's ecliptic longitude and distance */
-# at an instant given in d, number of days since     */
-# 2000 Jan 0.0. 
-# ecliptic longitude and distance
-# ie. $True_solar_longitude, $Solar_distance
-sub sunpos {
-    my ($d) = @_;
-    #                       Mean anomaly of the Sun 
-    #                       Mean longitude of perihelion 
-    #                         Note: Sun's mean longitude = M + w 
-    #                       Eccentricity of Earth's orbit 
-    #                       Eccentric anomaly 
-    #                       x, y coordinates in orbit 
-    #                       True anomaly 
-    # Compute mean elements 
-    my $Mean_anomaly_of_sun = revolution( 356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * $d );
-    my $Mean_longitude_of_perihelion = 282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * $d;
-    my $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit  = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * $d;
-    # Compute true longitude and radius vector 
-    my $Eccentric_anomaly =
-      $Mean_anomaly_of_sun + $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * $RADEG *
-      sind($Mean_anomaly_of_sun) *
-      ( 1.0 + $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * cosd($Mean_anomaly_of_sun) );
-    my $x = cosd($Eccentric_anomaly) - $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit;
-    my $y =
-      sqrt( 1.0 - $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit )
-      * sind($Eccentric_anomaly);
-    my $Solar_distance = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );    # Solar distance
-    my $True_anomaly = atan2d( $y, $x );               # True anomaly
-    my $True_solar_longitude =
-      $True_anomaly + $Mean_longitude_of_perihelion;    # True solar longitude
-    if ( $True_solar_longitude >= 360.0 ) {
-        $True_solar_longitude -= 360.0;    # Make it 0..360 degrees
-    }
-    return ( $Solar_distance, $True_solar_longitude );
-# day number, $r and $lon (from sunpos) 
-# _THEN
-# compute RA and dec
-# Sun's Right Ascension (RA), Declination (dec) and distance (r)
-sub sun_RA_dec {
-    my ($d) = @_;
-    # Compute Sun's ecliptical coordinates 
-    my ( $r, $lon ) = sunpos($d);
-    # Compute ecliptic rectangular coordinates (z=0) 
-    my $x = $r * cosd($lon);
-    my $y = $r * sind($lon);
-    # Compute obliquity of ecliptic (inclination of Earth's axis) 
-    my $obl_ecl = 23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * $d;
-    # Convert to equatorial rectangular coordinates - x is unchanged 
-    my $z = $y * sind($obl_ecl);
-    $y = $y * cosd($obl_ecl);
-    # Convert to spherical coordinates 
-    my $RA  = atan2d( $y, $x );
-    my $dec = atan2d( $z, sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y ) );
-    return ( $RA, $dec, $r );
-}    # sun_RA_dec
-# FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE for days_since_2000_Jan_0 
-# year, month, day
-# _THEN
-# process the year month and day (counted in days)
-# Day 0.0 is at Jan 1 2000 0.0 UT
-# Note that ALL divisions here should be INTEGER divisions
-# day number
-sub days_since_2000_Jan_0 {
-    use integer;
-    my ( $year, $month, $day ) = @_;
-    my $d =
-      ( 367 * ($year) -
-      int( ( 7 * ( ($year) + ( ( ($month) + 9 ) / 12 ) ) ) / 4 ) +
-      int( ( 275 * ($month) ) / 9 ) + ($day) - 730530 );
-    return $d;
-sub sind {
-    sin( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD );
-sub cosd {
-    cos( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD );
-sub tand {
-    tan( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD );
-sub atand {
-    ( $RADEG * atan( $_[0] ) );
-sub asind {
-    ( $RADEG * asin( $_[0] ) );
-sub acosd {
-    ( $RADEG * acos( $_[0] ) );
-sub atan2d {
-    ( $RADEG * atan2( $_[0], $_[1] ) );
-# FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE for revolution
-# any angle
-# _THEN
-# reduces any angle to within the first revolution 
-# by subtracting or adding even multiples of 360.0
-# the value of the input is >= 0.0 and < 360.0
-sub revolution {
-    my $x = $_[0];
-    return ( $x - 360.0 * floor( $x * $INV360 ) );
-# any angle
-# _THEN
-# Reduce input to within +180..+180 degrees
-# angle that was reduced
-sub rev180 {
-    my ($x) = @_;
-    return ( $x - 360.0 * floor( $x * $INV360 + 0.5 ) );
-sub equal {
-    my ($A, $B, $dp) = @_;
-    return sprintf("%.${dp}g", $A) eq sprintf("%.${dp}g", $B);
-  }
-# FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE for convert_hour 
-# Hour_rise, Hour_set, Time zone offset, DST setting
-# hours are in UT
-# _THEN
-# convert to local time
-# hour:min rise and set 
-sub convert_hour   {
-  my ($hour_rise_ut, $hour_set_ut, $TZ, $isdst) = @_;
-  my $rise_local = $hour_rise_ut + $TZ;
-  my $set_local = $hour_set_ut + $TZ;
-  if ($isdst) {
-    $rise_local +=1;
-    $set_local +=1;
-  }
-  # Rise and set should be between 0 and 24;
-  if ($rise_local<0) {
-    $rise_local+=24;
-  }
-  elsif ($rise_local>24) {
-    $rise_local -=24;
-  }
-  if ($set_local<0) {
-    $set_local+=24;
-  }
-  elsif ($set_local>24) {
-    $set_local -=24;
-  }
-  my $hour_rise =  int ($rise_local);
-  my $hour_set  =  int($set_local);
-  my $min_rise  = floor(($rise_local-$hour_rise)*60+0.5);
-  my $min_set   = floor(($set_local-$hour_set)*60+0.5);
-  if ($min_rise>=60) {
-    $min_rise -=60;
-    $hour_rise+=1;
-    $hour_rise-=24 if ($hour_rise>=24);
-  }
-  if ($min_set>=60) {
-    $min_set -=60;
-    $hour_set+=1;
-    $hour_set-=24 if ($hour_set>=24);
-  }
-  if ( $min_rise < 10 ) {
-    $min_rise = sprintf( "%02d", $min_rise );
-  }
-  if ( $min_set < 10 ) {
-    $min_set = sprintf( "%02d", $min_set );
-  }
-  $hour_rise = sprintf( "%02d", $hour_rise );
-  $hour_set  = sprintf( "%02d", $hour_set );
-  return ( "$hour_rise:$min_rise", "$hour_set:$min_set" );
-=item B<sun_rise>
-=item C<$sun_rise = sun_rise( longitude, latitude );>
-=item C<$sun_rise = sun_rise( longitude, latitude, ALT );>
-=item C<$sun_rise = sun_rise( longitude, latitude, ALT, day_offset );>
-Returns the sun rise time for the given location.  The first form
-uses today's date (from DateTime) and the default altitude.  The second
-form adds specifying a custom altitude.  The third form allows for specifying
-an integer day offset from today, either positive or negative.
-=item I<For Example>
- $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324 );
- $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, -15 );
- $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, -12, +3 );
- $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, undef, -12);
-sub sun_rise
-   {
-   my $longitude = shift;
-   my $latitude = shift;
-   my $alt = shift || -0.833;
-   my $offset = int( shift || 0 );
-   my $today = DateTime->today->set_time_zone( 'local' );
-   $today->add( days => $offset );
-   my( $sun_rise, undef ) = sunrise( $today->year, $today->mon, $today->mday,
-                                     $longitude, $latitude,
-                                     ( $today->offset / 3600 ),
-                                     #
-                                     # DST is always 0 because DateTime
-                                     # currently (v 0.16) adds one to the
-                                     # offset during DST hours
-                                     0,
-                                     $alt );
-   return $sun_rise;
-   }
-=item B<sun_set>
-=item C<$sun_set = sun_set( longitude, latitude );>
-=item C<$sun_set = sun_set( longitude, latitude, ALT );>
-=item C<$sun_set = sun_set( longitude, latitude, ALT, day_offset );>
-Returns the sun set time for the given location.  The first form
-uses today's date (from DateTime) and the default altitude.  The second
-form adds specifying a custom altitude.  The third form allows for specifying
-an integer day offset from today, either positive or negative.
-=item I<For Example>
- $sunset = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324 );
- $sunset = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324, -15 );
- $sunset = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324, -12, +3 );
- $sunset = sun_set( -105.181, 41.324, undef, -12);
-sub sun_set
-   {
-   my $longitude = shift;
-   my $latitude = shift;
-   my $alt = shift || -0.833;
-   my $offset = int( shift || 0 );
-   my $today = DateTime->today->set_time_zone( 'local' );
-   $today->add( days => $offset );
-   my( undef, $sun_set ) = sunrise( $today->year, $today->mon, $today->mday,
-                                    $longitude, $latitude,
-                                    ( $today->offset / 3600 ),
-                                    #
-                                    # DST is always 0 because DateTime
-                                    # currently (v 0.16) adds one to the
-                                    # offset during DST hours
-                                    0,
-                                    $alt );
-   return $sun_set;
-   }
-sub DEFAULT      () { -0.833 }
-sub CIVIL        () { - 6 }
-sub NAUTICAL     () { -12 }
-sub AMATEUR      () { -15 }
-sub ASTRONOMICAL () { -18 }
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Ron Hill
-Robert Creager []
-For providing help with converting Paul's C code to perl
-For providing code for sun_rise, sun_set sub's
-Also adding options for different altitudes.
-Joshua Hoblitt []
-For providing the patch to convert to DateTime
-Chris Phillips for providing patch for conversion to 
-local time.
-Brian D Foy for providing patch for constants :)
-=head1 CREDITS
-=over 4
-=item  Paul Schlyter, Stockholm, Sweden 
-for his excellent web page on the subject.
-=item Rich Bowen (
-for suggestions
-=item Adrian Blockley []
-for finding a bug in the conversion to local time
-Lightly verified against
-Here is the copyright information provided by Paul Schlyer:
-Written as DAYLEN.C, 1989-08-16
-Modified to SUNRISET.C, 1992-12-01
-(c) Paul Schlyter, 1989, 1992
-Released to the public domain by Paul Schlyter, December 1992
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
-and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-=head1 BUGS
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-# Hint: by BW, with GS, WH and EVS
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+Most remaining issues have been dealt with in version 0.93. Yet,
+two issues will need to be addressed in some next version.
+1) Check the "precise" algorithm.
+2) Improve code coverage in module checks.
+In other words, play the Devel::Cover game.
+3) Play the CPANTS game.
+But remember that this is not an end in itself. It is just a mean
+(kwalitee checking) towards an end (quality). For example, the module
+did not get the points for the LICENSE POD paragraph. Yet, there is a
+LICENSE POD paragraph. Just the automated CPANTS check did not
+recognize its contents. But any human reader will admit the paragraph
+is correct. So this is a kwalitee issue I will not fix. And I will
+not complain to the authors of the programs that power the CPANTS
+site. I have better things to do and they have better things to do.
@@ -0,0 +1,1089 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
+#     Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2013, 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     See the license in the embedded documentation below.
+package Astro::Sunrise;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX qw(floor);
+use Math::Trig;
+use Carp;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA       = qw( Exporter );
+@EXPORT    = qw( sunrise sun_rise sun_set );
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( DEFAULT CIVIL NAUTICAL AMATEUR ASTRONOMICAL sind cosd tand asind acosd atand atan2d equal );
+        trig      => [ qw/sind cosd tand asind acosd atand atan2d equal/ ],
+        );
+$VERSION =  '0.95';
+$RADEG   = ( 180 / pi );
+$DEGRAD  = ( pi / 180 );
+my $INV360     = ( 1.0 / 360.0 );
+sub sunrise  {
+  my %arg;
+  if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
+    %arg = %{$_[0]};
+  }
+  else {
+    @arg{ qw/year month day lon lat tz isdst alt precise/ } = @_;
+  }
+  my (        $year, $month, $day, $lon, $lat, $TZ, $isdst)
+    = @arg{ qw/year   month   day   lon   lat   tz   isdst/ };
+  my $altit     = defined($arg{alt}    ) ? $arg{alt}     : -0.833;
+  $arg{precise}    ||= 0;
+  $arg{upper_limb} ||= 0;
+  $arg{polar}      ||= 'warn';
+  croak "Year parameter is mandatory"
+    unless defined $year;
+  croak "Month parameter is mandatory"
+    unless defined $month;
+  croak "Day parameter is mandatory"
+    unless defined $day;
+  croak "Longitude parameter (keyword: 'lon') is mandatory"
+    unless defined $lon;
+  croak "Latitude parameter (keyword: 'lat') is mandatory"
+    unless defined $lat;
+  croak "Wrong value of the 'polar' argument: should be either 'warn' or 'retval'"
+      if $arg{polar} ne 'warn' and $arg{polar} ne 'retval';
+  if ($arg{precise})   {
+    # This is the initial start
+    my $d = days_since_2000_Jan_0( $year, $month, $day ) + 0.5 - $lon / 360.0;
+    my ($tmp_rise_1, $tmp_set_1) = sun_rise_set($d, $lon, $lat, $altit, 15.04107, $arg{upper_limb}, $arg{polar});
+    # Now we have the initial rise/set times next recompute d using the exact moment
+    # recompute sunrise
+    my $tmp_rise_2 = 9;
+    my $tmp_rise_3 = 0;
+    until (equal($tmp_rise_2, $tmp_rise_3, 8) )   {
+       my $d_sunrise_1 = $d + $tmp_rise_1/24.0;
+       ($tmp_rise_2, undef) = sun_rise_set($d_sunrise_1, $lon, $lat, $altit, 15.04107, $arg{upper_limb}, $arg{polar});
+       $tmp_rise_1 = $tmp_rise_3;
+       my $d_sunrise_2 = $d + $tmp_rise_2/24.0;
+       ($tmp_rise_3, undef) = sun_rise_set($d_sunrise_2, $lon, $lat, $altit, 15.04107, $arg{upper_limb}, $arg{polar});
+       #print "tmp_rise2 is: $tmp_rise_2 tmp_rise_3 is:$tmp_rise_3\n";
+    }
+    my $tmp_set_2 = 9;
+    my $tmp_set_3 = 0;
+    until (equal($tmp_set_2, $tmp_set_3, 8) )   {
+       my $d_sunset_1 = $d + $tmp_set_1/24.0;
+       (undef, $tmp_set_2) = sun_rise_set($d_sunset_1, $lon, $lat, $altit, 15.04107, $arg{upper_limb}, $arg{polar});
+       $tmp_set_1 = $tmp_set_3;
+       my $d_sunset_2 = $d + $tmp_set_2/24.0;
+       (undef, $tmp_set_3) = sun_rise_set($d_sunset_2, $lon, $lat, $altit, 15.04107, $arg{upper_limb}, $arg{polar});
+       #print "tmp_set_1 is: $tmp_set_1 tmp_set_3 is:$tmp_set_3\n";
+    }
+    return convert_hour($tmp_rise_3, $tmp_set_3, $TZ, $isdst);
+  }
+  else {
+    my $d = days_since_2000_Jan_0( $year, $month, $day ) + 0.5 - $lon / 360.0;
+    my ($h1, $h2) = sun_rise_set($d, $lon, $lat, $altit, 15.0, $arg{upper_limb}, $arg{polar});
+    if ($h1 eq 'day' or $h1 eq 'night' or $h2 eq 'day' or $h2 eq 'night') {
+      return ($h1, $h2);
+    }
+    return convert_hour($h1, $h2, $TZ, $isdst);
+  }
+# end sunrise
+sub sun_rise_set {
+    my ($d, $lon, $lat,$altit, $h, $upper_limb, $polar) = @_;
+    # Compute local sidereal time of this moment
+    my $sidtime = revolution( GMST0($d) + 180.0 + $lon );
+    # Compute Sun's RA + Decl + distance at this moment
+    my ( $sRA, $sdec, $sr ) = sun_RA_dec($d);
+    # Compute time when Sun is at south - in hours UT
+    my $tsouth  = 12.0 - rev180( $sidtime - $sRA ) / $h;
+    if ($upper_limb) {
+        # Compute the Sun's apparent radius, degrees
+        my $sradius = 0.2666 / $sr;
+        $altit -= $sradius;
+    }
+    # Compute the diurnal arc that the Sun traverses to reach
+    # the specified altitude altit:
+    my $cost =   ( sind($altit) - sind($lat) * sind($sdec) )
+               / ( cosd($lat) * cosd($sdec) );
+    my $t;
+    if ( $cost >= 1.0 ) {
+      if ($polar eq 'retval') {
+        return ('night', 'night');
+      }
+      carp "Sun never rises!!\n";
+      $t = 0.0;    # Sun always below altit
+    }
+    elsif ( $cost <= -1.0 ) {
+      if ($polar eq 'retval') {
+        return ('day', 'day');
+      }
+      carp "Sun never sets!!\n";
+      $t = 12.0;    # Sun always above altit
+    }
+    else {
+      $t = acosd($cost) / 15.0;    # The diurnal arc, hours
+    }
+    # Store rise and set times - in hours UT
+    my $hour_rise_ut = $tsouth - $t;
+    my $hour_set_ut  = $tsouth + $t;
+    return($hour_rise_ut, $hour_set_ut);
+# Day number
+# _THEN
+# computes GMST0, the Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
+# at 0h UT (i.e. the sidereal time at the Greenwich meridian at
+# 0h UT).  GMST is then the sidereal time at Greenwich at any
+# time of the day..
+# Sidtime
+sub GMST0 {
+    my ($d) = @_;
+    my $sidtim0 =
+      revolution( ( 180.0 + 356.0470 + 282.9404 ) +
+      ( 0.9856002585 + 4.70935E-5 ) * $d );
+    return $sidtim0;
+#  day number
+# _THEN
+# Computes the Sun's ecliptic longitude and distance
+# at an instant given in d, number of days since
+# 2000 Jan 0.0.
+# ecliptic longitude and distance
+# ie. $True_solar_longitude, $Solar_distance
+sub sunpos {
+    my ($d) = @_;
+    #                       Mean anomaly of the Sun
+    #                       Mean longitude of perihelion
+    #                         Note: Sun's mean longitude = M + w
+    #                       Eccentricity of Earth's orbit
+    #                       Eccentric anomaly
+    #                       x, y coordinates in orbit
+    #                       True anomaly
+    # Compute mean elements
+    my $Mean_anomaly_of_sun = revolution( 356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * $d );
+    my $Mean_longitude_of_perihelion = 282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * $d;
+    my $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit  = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * $d;
+    # Compute true longitude and radius vector
+    my $Eccentric_anomaly =
+      $Mean_anomaly_of_sun + $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * $RADEG *
+      sind($Mean_anomaly_of_sun) *
+      ( 1.0 + $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * cosd($Mean_anomaly_of_sun) );
+    my $x = cosd($Eccentric_anomaly) - $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit;
+    my $y =
+      sqrt( 1.0 - $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit * $Eccentricity_of_Earth_orbit )
+      * sind($Eccentric_anomaly);
+    my $Solar_distance = sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y );    # Solar distance
+    my $True_anomaly = atan2d( $y, $x );               # True anomaly
+    my $True_solar_longitude =
+      $True_anomaly + $Mean_longitude_of_perihelion;    # True solar longitude
+    if ( $True_solar_longitude >= 360.0 ) {
+        $True_solar_longitude -= 360.0;    # Make it 0..360 degrees
+    }
+    return ( $Solar_distance, $True_solar_longitude );
+# day number, $r and $lon (from sunpos)
+# _THEN
+# compute RA and dec
+# Sun's Right Ascension (RA), Declination (dec) and distance (r)
+sub sun_RA_dec {
+    my ($d) = @_;
+    # Compute Sun's ecliptical coordinates 
+    my ( $r, $lon ) = sunpos($d);
+    # Compute ecliptic rectangular coordinates (z=0) 
+    my $x = $r * cosd($lon);
+    my $y = $r * sind($lon);
+    # Compute obliquity of ecliptic (inclination of Earth's axis) 
+    my $obl_ecl = 23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * $d;
+    # Convert to equatorial rectangular coordinates - x is unchanged 
+    my $z = $y * sind($obl_ecl);
+    $y = $y * cosd($obl_ecl);
+    # Convert to spherical coordinates 
+    my $RA  = atan2d( $y, $x );
+    my $dec = atan2d( $z, sqrt( $x * $x + $y * $y ) );
+    return ( $RA, $dec, $r );
+}    # sun_RA_dec
+# FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE for days_since_2000_Jan_0 
+# year, month, day
+# _THEN
+# process the year month and day (counted in days)
+# Day 0.0 is at Jan 1 2000 0.0 UT
+# Note that ALL divisions here should be INTEGER divisions
+# day number
+sub days_since_2000_Jan_0 {
+    use integer;
+    my ( $year, $month, $day ) = @_;
+    my $d =
+      ( 367 * ($year) -
+      int( ( 7 * ( ($year) + ( ( ($month) + 9 ) / 12 ) ) ) / 4 ) +
+      int( ( 275 * ($month) ) / 9 ) + ($day) - 730530 );
+    return $d;
+sub sind {
+    sin( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD );
+sub cosd {
+    cos( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD );
+sub tand {
+    tan( ( $_[0] ) * $DEGRAD );
+sub atand {
+    ( $RADEG * atan( $_[0] ) );
+sub asind {
+    ( $RADEG * asin( $_[0] ) );
+sub acosd {
+    ( $RADEG * acos( $_[0] ) );
+sub atan2d {
+    ( $RADEG * atan2( $_[0], $_[1] ) );
+# FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE for revolution
+# any angle
+# _THEN
+# reduces any angle to within the first revolution 
+# by subtracting or adding even multiples of 360.0
+# the value of the input is >= 0.0 and < 360.0
+sub revolution {
+    my $x = $_[0];
+    return ( $x - 360.0 * floor( $x * $INV360 ) );
+# any angle
+# _THEN
+# Reduce input to within +180..+180 degrees
+# angle that was reduced
+sub rev180 {
+    my ($x) = @_;
+    return ( $x - 360.0 * floor( $x * $INV360 + 0.5 ) );
+sub equal {
+    my ($A, $B, $dp) = @_;
+    return sprintf("%.${dp}g", $A) eq sprintf("%.${dp}g", $B);
+# FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE for convert_hour 
+# Hour_rise, Hour_set, Time zone offset, DST setting
+# hours are in UT
+# _THEN
+# convert to local time
+# hour:min rise and set 
+sub convert_hour {
+  my ($hour_rise_ut, $hour_set_ut, $TZ, $isdst) = @_;
+  return (convert_1_hour($hour_rise_ut, $TZ, $isdst),
+          convert_1_hour($hour_set_ut,  $TZ, $isdst));
+# FUNCTIONAL SEQUENCE for convert_1_hour
+# Hour, Time zone offset, DST setting
+# hours are in UT
+# _THEN
+# convert to local time
+# hour:min
+sub convert_1_hour {
+  my ($hour_ut, $TZ, $isdst) = @_;
+  my $hour_local = $hour_ut + $TZ;
+  if ($isdst) {
+    $hour_local ++;
+  }
+  # The hour should be between 0 and 24;
+  if ($hour_local < 0) {
+    $hour_local += 24;
+  }
+  elsif ($hour_local > 24) {
+    $hour_local -= 24;
+  }
+  my $hour =  int ($hour_local);
+  my $min  = floor(($hour_local - $hour) * 60 + 0.5);
+  if ($min >= 60) {
+    $min -= 60;
+    $hour++;
+    $hour -= 24 if $hour >= 24;
+  }
+  return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hour, $min);
+sub sun_rise {
+  my ($sun_rise, undef) = sun_rise_sun_set(@_);
+  return $sun_rise;
+sub sun_set {
+  my (undef, $sun_set) = sun_rise_sun_set(@_);
+  return $sun_set;
+sub sun_rise_sun_set {
+  my %arg;
+  if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
+    %arg = %{$_[0]};
+  }
+  else {
+    @arg{ qw/lon lat alt offset/ } = @_;
+  }
+  # This trick aims to fulfill two antagonistic purposes:
+  # -- do not load DateTime if the only function called is "sunrise"
+  # -- load DateTime implicitly if the user calls "sun_rise" or "sun_set". This is to be backward
+  # compatible with 0.92 or earlier, when Astro::Sunrise would load DateTime and thus, allow
+  # the user to remove this line from his script.
+  unless ($INC{DateTime}) {
+    eval "use DateTime";
+    croak $@
+      if $@;
+  }
+  my ($longitude, $latitude) = @arg{ qw/lon lat/ };
+  my $alt       = defined($arg{alt}      ) ?     $arg{alt}       : -0.833;
+  my $offset    = defined($arg{offset}   ) ? int($arg{offset})   : 0 ;
+  my $tz        = defined($arg{time_zone}) ?     $arg{time_zone} : 'local';
+  $arg{precise}    ||= 0;
+  $arg{upper_limb} ||= 0;
+  $arg{polar}      ||= 'warn';
+  croak "Longitude parameter (keyword: 'lon') is mandatory"
+    unless defined $longitude;
+  croak "Latitude parameter (keyword: 'lat') is mandatory"
+    unless defined $latitude;
+  croak "Wrong value of the 'polar' argument: should be either 'warn' or 'retval'"
+    if $arg{polar} ne 'warn' and $arg{polar} ne 'retval';
+  my $today = DateTime->today(time_zone => $tz);
+  $today->set( hour => 12 );
+  $today->add( days => $offset );
+  my( $sun_rise, $sun_set ) = sunrise( { year  => $today->year,
+                                         month => $today->mon,
+                                         day   => $today->mday,
+                                         lon   => $longitude,
+                                         lat   => $latitude,
+                                         tz    => ( $today->offset / 3600 ),
+                                         #
+                                         # DST is always 0 because DateTime
+                                         # currently (v 0.16) adds one to the
+                                         # offset during DST hours
+                                         isdst      => 0,
+                                         alt        => $alt,
+                                         precise    => $arg{precise},
+                                         upper_limb => $arg{upper_limb},
+                                         polar      => $arg{polar},
+                                      } );
+  return ($sun_rise, $sun_set);
+sub DEFAULT      () { -0.833 }
+sub CIVIL        () { - 6 }
+sub NAUTICAL     () { -12 }
+sub AMATEUR      () { -15 }
+sub ASTRONOMICAL () { -18 }
+# Ending a module with whatever, which risks to be zero, is wrong.
+# Ending a module with 1 is boring. So, let us end it with:
+# Hint: directed by BW, with GS, WH and EVS
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Astro::Sunrise - Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to C<Astro::Sunrise> version 0.95.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  # When will the sun rise on YAPC::Europe 2015?
+  use Astro::Sunrise;
+  my ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( { year => 2015, month => 9, day => 2, # YAPC::EU starts on 2nd September 2015
+                                      lon  => -3.6, lat   => 37.17,       # Granada is 37°10'N, 3°36'W
+                                      tz   => 1,    dst   => 1 } );       # This is still summer, therefore DST
+  # When does the sun rise today in Salt Lake City (home to YAPC::NA 2015)?
+  use Astro::Sunrise;
+  use DateTime;
+  $sunrise_today = sun_rise( { lon => -111.88, lat => 40.75 } ); # 40°45'N, 111°53'W
+  # And when does it set tomorrow at Salt Lake City?
+  use Astro::Sunrise;
+  use DateTime;
+  $sunset_tomorrow = sun_set( { lat => 40.75,    # 40°45'N,
+                                lon => -111.88,  # 111°53'W
+                                alt => -0.833,   # standard value for the sun altitude at sunset
+                                offset => 1 } ); # day offset up to tomorrow
+This module will return the sunrise and sunset for a given day.
+Months are numbered 1 to 12, in the usual way, not 0 to 11 as in
+C and in Perl's localtime.
+ Eastern longitude is entered as a positive number
+ Western longitude is entered as a negative number
+ Northern latitude is entered as a positive number
+ Southern latitude is entered as a negative number
+Please note that, when given as positional parameters, the longitude is specified before the
+The time zone is given as the numeric value of the offset from UTC.
+The C<precise> parameter is set to either 0 or 1.
+If set to 0 no Iteration will occur.
+If set to 1 Iteration will occur, which will give a more precise result.
+Default is 0.
+There are a number of sun altitudes to chose from.  The default is
+-0.833 because this is what most countries use. Feel free to
+specify it if you need to. Here is the list of values to specify
+altitude (ALT) with, including symbolic constants for each.
+=item B<0> degrees
+Center of Sun's disk touches a mathematical horizon
+=item B<-0.25> degrees
+Sun's upper limb touches a mathematical horizon
+=item B<-0.583> degrees
+Center of Sun's disk touches the horizon; atmospheric refraction accounted for
+=item B<-0.833> degrees, DEFAULT
+Sun's upper limb touches the horizon; atmospheric refraction accounted for
+=item B<-6> degrees, CIVIL
+Civil twilight (one can no longer read outside without artificial illumination)
+=item B<-12> degrees, NAUTICAL
+Nautical twilight (navigation using a sea horizon no longer possible)
+=item B<-15> degrees, AMATEUR
+Amateur astronomical twilight (the sky is dark enough for most astronomical observations)
+=item B<-18> degrees, ASTRONOMICAL
+Astronomical twilight (the sky is completely dark)
+=head1 USAGE
+=head2 B<sunrise>
+  ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( { year    => $year,      month      => $month,     day => $day,
+                                   lon     => $longitude, lat        => $latitude,
+                                   tz      => $tz_offset, isdst      => $is_dst,
+                                   alt     => $altitude,  upper_limb => $upper_limb,
+                                   precise => $precise,   polar      => $action } );
+  ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST);
+  ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT);
+  ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise(YYYY,MM,DD,longitude,latitude,Time Zone,DST,ALT,precise);
+Returns the sunrise and sunset times, in HH:MM format.
+The first form uses a hash reference to pass arguments by name.
+The other forms are kept for backward compatibility. The arguments are:
+=over 4
+=item year, month, day
+The three elements of the date for which you want to compute the sunrise and sunset.
+Months are numbered 1 to 12, in the usual way, not 0 to 11 as in C and in Perl's localtime.
+Mandatory, can be positional (#1, #2 and #3).
+=item lon, lat
+The longitude and latitude of the place for which you want to compute the sunrise and sunset.
+They are given in decimal degrees. For example:
+    lon => -3.6,  #  3° 36' W
+    lat => 37.17, # 37° 10' N
+ Eastern longitude is entered as a positive number
+ Western longitude is entered as a negative number
+ Northern latitude is entered as a positive number
+ Southern latitude is entered as a negative number
+Mandatory, can be positional (#4 and #5).
+=item tz
+Time Zone is the offset from GMT
+Mandatory, can be positional (#6).
+=item isdst
+1 if daylight saving time is in effect, 0 if not.
+Mandatory, can be positional (#7).
+=item alt
+Altitude of the sun, in decimal degrees. Usually a negative number,
+because the sun should be I<under> the mathematical horizon.
+But if there is a high mountain range sunward (that is, southward if you
+live in the Northern hemisphere), you may need to enter a positive altitude.
+This parameter is optional. Its default value is -0.833. It can be positional (#8).
+=item upper_limb
+If this parameter set to a true value (usually 1), the algorithm computes
+the sun apparent radius and takes it into account when computing the sun
+altitude. This parameter is useful only when the C<alt> parameter is set
+to C<0> or C<-0.583> degrees. When using C<-0.25> or C<-0.833> degrees,
+the sun radius is already taken into account. When computing twilights
+(C<-6> to C<-18>), the sun radius is irrelevant.
+Since the default value for the C<alt> parameter is -0.833, the
+default value for C<upper_limb> is 0.
+This parameter is optional and it can be specified only by keyword.
+=item polar
+When dealing with a polar location, there may be dates where there is
+a polar night (sun never rises) or a polar day. The default behaviour of
+the module is to emit a warning in these cases ("Sun never rises!!"
+or "Sun never sets!!"). But some programmers may find this inconvenient.
+An alternate behaviour is to return special values reflecting the
+So, if the C<polar> parameter is set to C<'warn'>, the module emits
+a warning. If the C<polar> parameter is set to C<'retval'>, the
+module emits no warning, but it returns either C<'day'> or C<'night'>.
+  # Loosely based on Alex Gough's activities: scientist and Perl programmer, who spent a year
+  # in Halley Base in 2006. Let us suppose he arrived there on 15th January 2006.
+  my ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( { year => 2006, month => 1, day => 15,
+                                      lon => -26.65, lat => -75.58, # Halley Base: 75°35'S 26°39'W
+                                      tz  => 3, polar => 'retval' } );
+  if ($sunrise eq 'day') {
+    say "Alex Gough saw the midnight sun the first day he arrived at Halley Base";
+  }
+  elsif ($sunrise eq 'night') {
+    say "It would be days, maybe weeks, before the sun would rise.";
+  }
+  else {
+    say "Alex saw his first antarctic sunset at $sunset";
+  }
+This parameter is optional and it can be specified only by keyword.
+=item precise
+Choice between a precise algorithm and a simpler algorithm.
+The default value is 0, that is, the simpler algorithm.
+Any true value switches to the precise algorithm.
+The original method only gives an approximate value of the Sun's rise/set times.
+The error rarely exceeds one or two minutes, but at high latitudes, when the Midnight Sun
+soon will start or just has ended, the errors may be much larger. If you want higher accuracy,
+you must then use the precise algorithm. This feature is new as of version 0.7. Here is
+what I have tried to accomplish with this.
+a) Compute sunrise or sunset as always, with one exception: to convert LHA from degrees to hours,
+   divide by 15.04107 instead of 15.0 (this accounts for the difference between the solar day
+   and the sidereal day).
+b) Re-do the computation but compute the Sun's RA and Decl, and also GMST0, for the moment
+   of sunrise or sunset last computed.
+c) Iterate b) until the computed sunrise or sunset no longer changes significantly.
+   Usually 2 iterations are enough, in rare cases 3 or 4 iterations may be needed.
+This parameter is optional. It can be positional (#9).
+=head3 I<For Example>
+ ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2001, 3, 10, 17.384, 98.625, -5, 0 );
+ ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2002, 10, 14, -105.181, 41.324, -7, 1, -18);
+ ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise( 2002, 10, 14, -105.181, 41.324, -7, 1, -18, 1);
+=head2 B<sun_rise>, B<sun_set>
+  $sun_rise = sun_rise( { lon => $longitude, lat => $latitude,
+                          alt => $altitude, upper_limb => $bool,
+                          offset  => $day_offset,
+                          precise => $bool_precise, polar => $action } );
+  $sun_set  = sun_set ( { lon => $longitude, lat => $latitude,
+                          alt => $altitude, upper_limb => $bool,
+                          offset  => $day_offset,
+                          precise => $bool_precise, polar => $action } );
+  $sun_rise = sun_rise( $longitude, $latitude );
+  $sun_rise = sun_rise( $longitude, $latitude, $alt );
+  $sun_rise = sun_rise( $longitude, $latitude, $alt, $day_offset );
+Returns the sun rise time (resp. the sun set time) for the given location
+and for today's date (as given by DateTime), plus or minus some offset in days.
+The first form use all parameters and transmit them by name. The second form
+uses today's date (from DateTime) and the default altitude.  The third
+form adds specifying a custom altitude.  The fourth form allows for specifying
+an integer day offset from today, either positive or negative.
+The parameters are the same as the parameters for C<sunrise>. There is an additional
+parameter, C<offset>, which allows using a date other than today: C<+1> for
+to-morrow, C<-7> for one week ago, etc.
+The arguments are:
+=over 4
+=item lon, lat
+The longitude and latitude of the place for which you want to compute the sunrise and sunset.
+They are given in decimal degrees. For example:
+    lon => -3.6,  #  3° 36' W
+    lat => 37.17, # 37° 10' N
+ Eastern longitude is entered as a positive number
+ Western longitude is entered as a negative number
+ Northern latitude is entered as a positive number
+ Southern latitude is entered as a negative number
+Mandatory, can be positional (#1 and #2).
+=item alt
+Altitude of the sun, in decimal degrees. Usually a negative number,
+because the sun should be I<under> the mathematical horizon.
+But if there is a high mountain range sunward (that is, southward if you
+live in the Northern hemisphere), you may need to enter a positive altitude.
+This parameter is optional. Its default value is -0.833. It can be positional (#3).
+=item offset
+By default, C<sun_rise> and C<sun_set> use the current day. If you need another
+day, you give an offset relative to the current day. For example, C<+7> means
+next week, while C<-365> means last year.
+This parameter has nothing to do with timezones.
+Optional, 0 by default, can be positional (#4).
+=item time_zone
+Time Zone is the Olson name for a timezone. By default, the functions
+C<sun_rise> and C<sun_set> will try to use the C<local> timezone.
+This parameter is optional and it can be specified only by keyword.
+=item upper_limb
+If this parameter set to a true value (usually 1), the algorithm computes
+the sun apparent radius and takes it into account when computing the sun
+altitude. This parameter is useful only when the C<alt> parameter is set
+to C<0> or C<-0.583> degrees. When using C<-0.25> or C<-0.833> degrees,
+the sun radius is already taken into account. When computing twilights
+(C<-6> to C<-18>), the sun radius is irrelevant.
+Since the default value for the C<alt> parameter is -0.833, the
+default value for C<upper_limb> is 0.
+This parameter is optional and it can be specified only by keyword.
+=item polar
+When dealing with a polar location, there may be dates where there is
+a polar night (sun never rises) or a polar day. The default behaviour of
+the module is to emit a warning in these cases ("Sun never rises!!"
+or "Sun never sets!!"). But some programmers may find this inconvenient.
+An alternate behaviour is to return special values reflecting the
+So, if the C<polar> parameter is set to C<'warn'>, the module emits
+a warning. If the C<polar> parameter is set to C<'retval'>, the
+module emits no warning, but it returns either C<'day'> or C<'night'>.
+This parameter is optional and it can be specified only by keyword.
+=item precise
+Choice between a precise algorithm and a simpler algorithm.
+The default value is 0, that is, the simpler algorithm.
+Any true value switches to the precise algorithm.
+For more documentation, see the corresponding parameter
+for the C<sunrise> function.
+This parameter is optional and it can be specified only by keyword.
+=head3 For Example
+ $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324 );
+ $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, -15 );
+ $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, -12, +3 );
+ $sunrise = sun_rise( -105.181, 41.324, undef, -12);
+=head2 Trigonometric functions using degrees
+Since the module use trigonometry with degrees, the corresponding functions
+are available to the module user, free of charge. Just mention the
+tag C<:trig> in the C<use> statement. These functions are:
+=over 4
+=item sind, cosd, tand
+The direct functions, that is, sine, cosine and tangent functions, respectively.
+Each one receives one parameter, in degrees, and returns the trigonometric value.
+=item asind, acosd, atand
+The reverse functions, that is, arc-sine, arc-cosine, and arc-tangent.
+Each one receives one parameter, the trigonometric value, and returns the corresponding
+angle in degrees.
+=item atan2d
+Arc-tangent. This function receives two parameters: the numerator and the denominator
+of a fraction equal to the tangent. Use this function instead of C<atand> when you
+are not sure the denominator is not zero. E.g.:
+  use Astro::Sunrise qw(:trig);
+  say atan2d(1, 2) # prints 26,5
+  say atan2d(1, 0) # prints 90, without triggering a "division by zero" error
+=item equal
+Not really a trigonometrical function, but still useful at some times. This function
+receives two floating values and an integer value. It compares the floating numbers,
+and returns "1" if their most significant digits are equal. The integer value
+specifies how many digits are kept. E.g.
+  say equal(22/7, 355/113, 3) # prints 1, because :  22/7   = 3.14285715286 rounded to 3.14
+                              #                     355/113 = 3.14159292035 rounded to 3.14
+  say equal(22/7, 355/113, 4) # prints 0, because :  22/7   = 3.14285715286 rounded to 3.143
+                              #                     355/113 = 3.14159292035 rounded to 3.142
+=head1 EXPORTS
+By default, the functions C<sunrise>, C<sun_rise> and C<sun_set> are exported.
+exported on request with the tag C<:constants>.
+The functions C<sind>, C<cosd>, C<tand>, C<asind>, C<acosd>, C<atand>, C<atan2d> and C<equal>
+exported on request with the tag C<:trig>.
+This module requires only core modules: L<POSIX>, L<Math::Trig> and L<Carp>.
+If you use the C<sun_rise> and C<sun_set> functions, you will need also L<DateTime>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ron Hill
+Co-maintainer: Jean Forget (JFORGET at cpan dot org)
+Robert Creager []
+for providing help with converting Paul's C code to Perl,
+for providing code for sun_rise, sun_set subs.
+Also adding options for different altitudes.
+Joshua Hoblitt []
+for providing the patch to convert to DateTime.
+Chris Phillips for providing patch for conversion to
+local time.
+Brian D Foy for providing patch for constants :)
+Gabor Szabo for pointing POD mistakes.
+=head1 CREDITS
+=over 4
+=item  Paul Schlyter, Stockholm, Sweden
+for his excellent web page on the subject.
+=item Rich Bowen (
+for suggestions.
+=item Adrian Blockley []
+for finding a bug in the conversion to local time.
+=item Slaven Rezić
+for finding and fixing a bug with DST.
+Lightly verified against L<>
+In addition, checked to be compatible with a C implementation of Paul Schlyter's algorithm.
+=head2 Perl Module
+This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+and L<>.
+Here is the summary of GPL:
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., L<>.
+=head2 Original C program
+Here is the copyright information provided by Paul Schlyter:
+Written as DAYLEN.C, 1989-08-16
+Modified to SUNRISET.C, 1992-12-01
+(c) Paul Schlyter, 1989, 1992
+Released to the public domain by Paul Schlyter, December 1992
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -1,8 +1,38 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-BEGIN {$| = 1; plan tests => 1 }
-use Astro::Sunrise;
-my $loaded = 1;
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2013 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+BEGIN {$| = 1; plan tests => 1 }
+use Astro::Sunrise;
+my $loaded = 1;
@@ -1,199 +1,196 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
-use Astro::Sunrise;
-use DateTime;
-use Test::More;
-my @data = load_data();
-plan(tests => 5 + 2 * @data); # I prefer having Perl counting my tests than myself
-use vars qw($long $lat $offset);
-my $test_year  = '2003';
-my $test_month = '6';
-my $test_day   = '21';
-for (@data) {
-    if ( $5 eq 'N' ) {
-        $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", ( $3 + ( $4 / 60 ) ) );
-    }
-    elsif ( $5 eq 'S' ) {
-        $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $3 + ( $4 / 60 ) ) );
-    }
-    if ( $8 eq 'E' ) {
-        $long = sprintf( "%.3f", $6 + ( $7 / 60 ) );
-    }
-    elsif ( $8 eq 'W' ) {
-        $long = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $6 + ( $7 / 60 ) ) );
-    }
-    if ($long < 0 )   {
-      $offset = ceil( $long / 15 );
-    }elsif ($long > 0 )   {
-      $offset = floor( $long /15 );
-    }
-    my ( $sunrise, $sunset ) =
-      sunrise( $test_year, $test_month, $test_day, $long, $lat, $offset, 0 );
-    is ($sunrise, $9, "Sunrise for $1, $2");
-    is ($sunset , $10, "Sunset for $1, $2");
-my $sunrise_1 = sun_rise( -118, 33  );
-my $sunrise_2 = sun_rise( -118, 33, -.833 );
-my $sunrise_3 = sun_rise( -118, 33, -.833, 0 );
-my $sunrise_4 = sun_rise( -118, 33, undef, 0 );
-ok( $sunrise_1 eq $sunrise_2 , "Test W/O Alt");
-ok( $sunrise_2 eq $sunrise_3 , "Test W/O offset");
-ok( $sunrise_3 eq $sunrise_4 , "Test setting Alt to undef");
-my $then = DateTime->new (
-                    year => 2000,
-		    month => 6,
-		    day => 20,
-		    time_zone =>'America/Los_Angeles',
-		    );
-my $offset = ( ($then->offset) /60 /60);
-my ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise($then->year, $then->mon, $then->mday,
-                              -118, 33, $offset, 0);
-is ($sunrise, '05:42', "Test DateTime sunrise interface");
-is ($sunset,  '20:05', "Test DateTime sunset interface");
-sub load_data {
-    return split "\n", <<'EOD';
-Aberdeen, Scotland 57 9 N 2 9 W sunrise: 03:09 sunset: 21:11
-Adelaide, Australia 34 55 S 138 36 E sunrise: 06:52 sunset: 16:43
-Algiers, Algeria 36 50 N 3 0 E sunrise: 04:28 sunset: 19:12
-Amsterdam, Netherlands 52 22 N 4 53 E sunrise: 03:16 sunset: 20:09
-Ankara, Turkey 39 55 N 32 55 E sunrise: 04:18 sunset: 19:22
-Asuncion, Paraguay 25 15 S 57 40 W sunrise: 07:34 sunset: 18:11
-Athens, Greece 37 58 N 23 43 E sunrise: 04:01 sunset: 18:52
-Auckland, New_Zealand 36 52 S 174 45 E sunrise: 06:32 sunset: 16:13
-Bangkok, Thailand 13 45 N 100 30 E sunrise: 04:50 sunset: 17:49
-Barcelona, Spain 41 23 N 2 9 E sunrise: 04:16 sunset: 19:30
-Beijing, China 39 55 N 116 25 E sunrise: 03:44 sunset: 18:48
-Belem, Brazil 1 28 S 48 29 W sunrise: 06:13 sunset: 18:18
-Belfast, Northern_Ireland 54 37 N 5 56 W sunrise: 03:44 sunset: 21:07
-Belgrade, Yugoslavia 44 52 N 20 32 E sunrise: 03:50 sunset: 19:29
-Berlin, Germany 52 30 N 13 25 E sunrise: 02:41 sunset: 19:35
-Birmingham, England 52 25 N 1 55 W sunrise: 03:43 sunset: 20:36
-Bogota, Colombia 4 32 N 74 15 W sunrise: 06:46 sunset: 19:11
-Bombay, India 19 0 N 72 48 E sunrise: 04:31 sunset: 17:50
-Bordeaux, France 44 50 N 0 31 W sunrise: 04:14 sunset: 19:53
-Bremen, Germany 53 5 N 8 49 E sunrise: 02:56 sunset: 19:57
-Brisbane, Australia 27 29 S 153 8 E sunrise: 06:36 sunset: 17:02
-Bristol, England 51 28 N 2 35 W sunrise: 03:51 sunset: 20:33
-Brussels, Belgium 50 52 N 4 22 E sunrise: 03:26 sunset: 20:02
-Bucharest, Romania 44 25 N 26 7 E sunrise: 03:29 sunset: 19:05
-Budapest, Hungary 47 30 N 19 5 E sunrise: 03:44 sunset: 19:46
-Buenos_Aires, Argentina 34 35 S 58 22 W sunrise: 07:59 sunset: 17:52
-Cairo, Egypt 30 2 N 31 21 E sunrise: 04:52 sunset: 19:00
-Calcutta, India 22 34 N 88 24 E sunrise: 04:21 sunset: 17:55
-Canton, China 23 7 N 113 15 E sunrise: 04:41 sunset: 18:17
-Cape_Town, South_Africa 33 55 S 18 22 E sunrise: 06:50 sunset: 16:46
-Caracas, Venezuela 10 28 N 67 2 W sunrise: 06:07 sunset: 18:53
-Cayenne, French_Guiana 4 49 N 52 18 W sunrise: 06:18 sunset: 18:44
-Chihuahua, Mexico 28 37 N 106 5 W sunrise: 05:06 sunset: 19:06
-Chongqing, China 29 46 N 106 34 E sunrise: 04:52 sunset: 18:58
-Copenhagen, Denmark 55 40 N 12 34 E sunrise: 02:23 sunset: 20:00
-Cordoba, Argentina 31 28 S 64 10 W sunrise: 07:14 sunset: 17:23
-Dakar, Senegal 14 40 N 17 28 W sunrise: 05:41 sunset: 18:43
-Darwin, Australia 12 28 S 130 51 E sunrise: 05:35 sunset: 17:01
-Djibouti, Djibouti 11 30 N 43 3 E sunrise: 04:44 sunset: 17:35
-Dublin, Ireland 53 20 N 6 15 W sunrise: 03:54 sunset: 20:59
-Durban, South_Africa 29 53 S 30 53 E sunrise: 06:50 sunset: 17:06
-Edinburgh, Scotland 55 55 N 3 10 W sunrise: 03:24 sunset: 21:05
-Frankfurt, Germany 50 7 N 8 41 E sunrise: 03:13 sunset: 19:41
-Georgetown, Guyana 6 45 N 58 15 W sunrise: 06:38 sunset: 19:11
-Glasgow, Scotland 55 50 N 4 15 W sunrise: 03:29 sunset: 21:09
-Guatemala_City, Guatemala 14 37 N 90 31 W sunrise: 05:33 sunset: 18:35
-Guayaquil, Ecuador 2 10 S 79 56 W sunrise: 06:20 sunset: 18:22
-Hamburg, Germany 53 33 N 10 2 E sunrise: 02:48 sunset: 19:55
-Havana, Cuba 23 8 N 82 23 W sunrise: 05:43 sunset: 19:19
-Helsinki, Finland 60 10 N 25 0 E sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 20:53
-Hobart, Tasmania 42 52 S 147 19 E sunrise: 06:40 sunset: 15:44
-Iquique, Chile 20 10 S 70 7 W sunrise: 07:14 sunset: 18:11
-Irkutsk, Russia 52 30 N 104 20 E sunrise: 02:37 sunset: 19:32
-Jakarta, Indonesia 6 16 S 106 48 E sunrise: 06:01 sunset: 17:48
-Johannesburg, South_Africa 26 12 S 28 4 E sunrise: 05:53 sunset: 16:26
-Kingston, Jamaica 17 59 N 76 49 W sunrise: 05:32 sunset: 18:46
-Kinshasa, Congo 4 18 S 15 17 E sunrise: 06:03 sunset: 17:58
-La_Paz, Bolivia 16 27 S 68 22 W sunrise: 07:00 sunset: 18:11
-Leeds, England 53 45 N 1 30 W sunrise: 03:33 sunset: 20:43
-Lima, Peru 12 0 S 77 2 W sunrise: 06:26 sunset: 17:54
-Lisbon, Portugal 38 44 N 9 9 W sunrise: 05:10 sunset: 20:06
-Liverpool, England 53 25 N 3 0 W sunrise: 03:41 sunset: 20:47
-London, England 51 32 N 0 5 W sunrise: 03:40 sunset: 20:24
-Lyons, France 45 45 N 4 50 E sunrise: 03:49 sunset: 19:36
-Madrid, Spain 40 26 N 3 42 W sunrise: 04:43 sunset: 19:50
-Manchester, England 53 30 N 2 15 W sunrise: 03:37 sunset: 20:44
-Manila, Philippines 14 35 N 120 57 E sunrise: 05:27 sunset: 18:29
-Marseilles, France 43 20 N 5 20 E sunrise: 03:57 sunset: 19:24
-Mazatlan, Mexico 23 12 N 106 25 W sunrise: 05:19 sunset: 18:56
-Mecca, Saudi_Arabia 21 29 N 39 45 E sunrise: 04:38 sunset: 18:07
-Melbourne, Australia 37 47 S 144 58 E sunrise: 06:34 sunset: 16:10
-Mexico_City, Mexico 19 26 N 99 7 W sunrise: 05:58 sunset: 19:19
-Milan, Italy 45 27 N 9 10 E sunrise: 03:33 sunset: 19:17
-Montevideo, Uruguay 34 53 S 56 10 W sunrise: 07:51 sunset: 17:42
-Moscow, Russia 55 45 N 37 36 E sunrise: 02:42 sunset: 20:21
-Munich, Germany 48 8 N 11 35 E sunrise: 03:11 sunset: 19:19
-Nagasaki, Japan 32 48 N 129 57 E sunrise: 04:11 sunset: 18:33
-Nagoya, Japan 35 7 N 136 56 E sunrise: 04:37 sunset: 19:11
-Nairobi, Kenya 1 25 S 36 55 E sunrise: 05:32 sunset: 17:36
-Nanjing_Nanking, China 32 3 N 118 53 E sunrise: 03:57 sunset: 18:15
-Naples, Italy 40 50 N 14 15 E sunrise: 03:30 sunset: 18:40
-Newcastle-on-Tyne, England 54 58 N 1 37 W sunrise: 03:25 sunset: 20:52
-Odessa, Ukraine 46 27 N 30 48 E sunrise: 04:02 sunset: 19:55
-Osaka, Japan 34 32 N 135 30 E sunrise: 04:44 sunset: 19:15
-Oslo, Norway 59 57 N 10 42 E sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 20:48
-Panama_City, Panama 8 58 N 79 32 W sunrise: 05:59 sunset: 18:40
-Paramaribo, Suriname 5 45 N 55 15 W sunrise: 06:28 sunset: 18:58
-Paris, France 48 48 N 2 20 E sunrise: 03:45 sunset: 20:00
-Perth, Australia 31 57 S 115 52 E sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 16:21
-Plymouth, England 50 25 N 4 5 W sunrise: 04:03 sunset: 20:33
-Port_Moresby, Papua_New_Guinea 9 25 S 147 8 E sunrise: 05:25 sunset: 17:01
-Prague, Czech_Republic 50 5 N 14 26 E sunrise: 02:50 sunset: 19:18
-Rangoon, Myanmar 16 50 N 96 0 E sunrise: 05:02 sunset: 18:13
-Reykjavik, Iceland 64 4 N 21 58 W sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 23:09
-Rio_de_Janeiro, Brazil 22 57 S 43 12 W sunrise: 07:32 sunset: 18:17
-Rome, Italy 41 54 N 12 27 E sunrise: 03:33 sunset: 18:50
-Salvador, Brazil 12 56 S 38 27 W sunrise: 06:53 sunset: 18:18
-Santiago, Chile 33 28 S 70 45 W sunrise: 07:45 sunset: 17:44
-St_Petersburg, Russia 59 56 N 30 18 E sunrise: 02:32 sunset: 21:29
-Sao_Paulo, Brazil 23 31 S 46 31 W sunrise: 06:46 sunset: 17:30
-Shanghai, China 31 10 N 121 28 E sunrise: 04:49 sunset: 19:02
-Singapore, Singapore 1 14 N 103 55 E sunrise: 04:59 sunset: 17:13
-Sofia, Bulgaria 42 40 N 23 20 E sunrise: 03:47 sunset: 19:10
-Stockholm, Sweden 59 17 N 18 3 E sunrise: 02:28 sunset: 21:11
-Sydney, Australia 34 0 S 151 0 E sunrise: 07:00 sunset: 16:56
-Tananarive, Madagascar 18 50 S 47 33 E sunrise: 06:20 sunset: 17:23
-Teheran, Iran 35 45 N 51 45 E sunrise: 04:16 sunset: 18:54
-Tokyo, Japan 35 40 N 139 45 E sunrise: 04:24 sunset: 19:01
-Tripoli, Libya 32 57 N 13 12 E sunrise: 03:58 sunset: 18:20
-Venice, Italy 45 26 N 12 20 E sunrise: 03:20 sunset: 19:04
-Veracruz, Mexico 19 10 N 96 10 W sunrise: 05:47 sunset: 19:06
-Vienna, Austria 48 14 N 16 20 E sunrise: 03:52 sunset: 20:01
-Vladivostok, Russia 43 10 N 132 0 E sunrise: 03:30 sunset: 18:57
-Warsaw, Poland 52 14 N 21 0 E sunrise: 03:12 sunset: 20:03
-Wellington, New_Zealand 41 17 S 174 47 E sunrise: 06:45 sunset: 16:00
-Zurich, Switzerland 47 21 N 8 31 E sunrise: 03:27 sunset: 19:28
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2013, 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
+use Astro::Sunrise;
+use Test::More;
+my @data = load_data();
+plan(tests => 2 * @data); # I prefer having Perl counting my tests than myself
+use vars qw($long $lat $offset);
+my $test_year  = '2003';
+my $test_month = '6';
+my $test_day   = '21';
+for (@data) {
+    if ( $5 eq 'N' ) {
+        $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", ( $3 + ( $4 / 60 ) ) );
+    }
+    elsif ( $5 eq 'S' ) {
+        $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $3 + ( $4 / 60 ) ) );
+    }
+    if ( $8 eq 'E' ) {
+        $long = sprintf( "%.3f", $6 + ( $7 / 60 ) );
+    }
+    elsif ( $8 eq 'W' ) {
+        $long = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $6 + ( $7 / 60 ) ) );
+    }
+    if ($long < 0) {
+      $offset = ceil( $long / 15 );
+    }
+    elsif ($long > 0) {
+      $offset = floor( $long /15 );
+    }
+    my ( $sunrise, $sunset ) =
+      sunrise( $test_year, $test_month, $test_day, $long, $lat, $offset, 0 );
+    is ($sunrise, $9, "Sunrise for $1, $2");
+    is ($sunset , $10, "Sunset for $1, $2");
+sub load_data {
+    return split "\n", <<'EOD';
+Aberdeen,            Scotland             57  9 N   2  9 W sunrise: 03:12 sunset: 21:08
+Adelaide,            Australia            34 55 S 138 36 E sunrise: 06:53 sunset: 16:41
+Algiers,             Algeria              36 50 N   3  0 E sunrise: 04:29 sunset: 19:10
+Amsterdam,           Netherlands          52 22 N   4 53 E sunrise: 03:18 sunset: 20:06
+Ankara,              Turkey               39 55 N  32 55 E sunrise: 04:20 sunset: 19:20
+Asuncion,            Paraguay             25 15 S  57 40 W sunrise: 07:35 sunset: 18:09
+Athens,              Greece               37 58 N  23 43 E sunrise: 04:03 sunset: 18:51
+Auckland,            New_Zealand          36 52 S 174 45 E sunrise: 06:34 sunset: 16:11
+Bangkok,             Thailand             13 45 N 100 30 E sunrise: 04:51 sunset: 17:48
+Barcelona,           Spain                41 23 N   2  9 E sunrise: 04:18 sunset: 19:28
+Beijing,             China                39 55 N 116 25 E sunrise: 03:46 sunset: 18:46
+Belem,               Brazil                1 28 S  48 29 W sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 18:17
+Belfast,             Northern_Ireland     54 37 N   5 56 W sunrise: 03:47 sunset: 21:04
+Belgrade,            Yugoslavia           44 52 N  20 32 E sunrise: 03:52 sunset: 19:28
+Berlin,              Germany              52 30 N  13 25 E sunrise: 02:43 sunset: 19:33
+Birmingham,          England              52 25 N   1 55 W sunrise: 03:45 sunset: 20:34
+Bogota,              Colombia              4 32 N  74 15 W sunrise: 06:47 sunset: 19:10
+Bombay,              India                19  0 N  72 48 E sunrise: 04:32 sunset: 17:49
+Bordeaux,            France               44 50 N   0 31 W sunrise: 04:16 sunset: 19:52
+Bremen,              Germany              53  5 N   8 49 E sunrise: 02:58 sunset: 19:55
+Brisbane,            Australia            27 29 S 153  8 E sunrise: 06:37 sunset: 17:01
+Bristol,             England              51 28 N   2 35 W sunrise: 03:53 sunset: 20:31
+Brussels,            Belgium              50 52 N   4 22 E sunrise: 03:29 sunset: 20:00
+Bucharest,           Romania              44 25 N  26  7 E sunrise: 03:31 sunset: 19:03
+Budapest,            Hungary              47 30 N  19  5 E sunrise: 03:46 sunset: 19:44
+Buenos_Aires,        Argentina            34 35 S  58 22 W sunrise: 08:00 sunset: 17:50
+Cairo,               Egypt                30  2 N  31 21 E sunrise: 04:54 sunset: 18:59
+Calcutta,            India                22 34 N  88 24 E sunrise: 04:23 sunset: 17:54
+Canton,              China                23  7 N 113 15 E sunrise: 04:42 sunset: 18:15
+Cape_Town,           South_Africa         33 55 S  18 22 E sunrise: 06:51 sunset: 16:45
+Caracas,             Venezuela            10 28 N  67  2 W sunrise: 06:08 sunset: 18:52
+Cayenne,             French_Guiana         4 49 N  52 18 W sunrise: 06:19 sunset: 18:43
+Chihuahua,           Mexico               28 37 N 106  5 W sunrise: 05:07 sunset: 19:05
+Chongqing,           China                29 46 N 106 34 E sunrise: 04:54 sunset: 18:57
+Copenhagen,          Denmark              55 40 N  12 34 E sunrise: 02:25 sunset: 19:57
+Cordoba,             Argentina            31 28 S  64 10 W sunrise: 07:16 sunset: 17:21
+Dakar,               Senegal              14 40 N  17 28 W sunrise: 05:42 sunset: 18:41
+Darwin,              Australia            12 28 S 130 51 E sunrise: 05:36 sunset: 17:00
+Djibouti,            Djibouti             11 30 N  43  3 E sunrise: 04:45 sunset: 17:33
+Dublin,              Ireland              53 20 N   6 15 W sunrise: 03:57 sunset: 20:57
+Durban,              South_Africa         29 53 S  30 53 E sunrise: 06:52 sunset: 17:05
+Edinburgh,           Scotland             55 55 N   3 10 W sunrise: 03:26 sunset: 21:02
+Frankfurt,           Germany              50  7 N   8 41 E sunrise: 03:15 sunset: 19:39
+Georgetown,          Guyana                6 45 N  58 15 W sunrise: 06:39 sunset: 19:10
+Glasgow,             Scotland             55 50 N   4 15 W sunrise: 03:31 sunset: 21:06
+Guatemala_City,      Guatemala            14 37 N  90 31 W sunrise: 05:34 sunset: 18:34
+Guayaquil,           Ecuador               2 10 S  79 56 W sunrise: 06:22 sunset: 18:21
+Hamburg,             Germany              53 33 N  10  2 E sunrise: 02:50 sunset: 19:53
+Havana,              Cuba                 23  8 N  82 23 W sunrise: 05:45 sunset: 19:18
+Helsinki,            Finland              60 10 N  25  0 E sunrise: 01:54 sunset: 20:50
+Hobart,              Tasmania             42 52 S 147 19 E sunrise: 06:42 sunset: 15:43
+Iquique,             Chile                20 10 S  70  7 W sunrise: 07:15 sunset: 18:09
+Irkutsk,             Russia               52 30 N 104 20 E sunrise: 02:39 sunset: 19:29
+Jakarta,             Indonesia             6 16 S 106 48 E sunrise: 06:02 sunset: 17:47
+Johannesburg,        South_Africa         26 12 S  28  4 E sunrise: 05:55 sunset: 16:24
+Kingston,            Jamaica              17 59 N  76 49 W sunrise: 05:33 sunset: 18:45
+Kinshasa,            Congo                 4 18 S  15 17 E sunrise: 06:04 sunset: 17:57
+La_Paz,              Bolivia              16 27 S  68 22 W sunrise: 07:01 sunset: 18:10
+Leeds,               England              53 45 N   1 30 W sunrise: 03:35 sunset: 20:40
+Lima,                Peru                 12  0 S  77  2 W sunrise: 06:27 sunset: 17:52
+Lisbon,              Portugal             38 44 N   9  9 W sunrise: 05:12 sunset: 20:05
+Liverpool,           England              53 25 N   3  0 W sunrise: 03:43 sunset: 20:44
+London,              England              51 32 N   0  5 W sunrise: 03:43 sunset: 20:21
+Lyons,               France               45 45 N   4 50 E sunrise: 03:51 sunset: 19:34
+Madrid,              Spain                40 26 N   3 42 W sunrise: 04:45 sunset: 19:48
+Manchester,          England              53 30 N   2 15 W sunrise: 03:40 sunset: 20:42
+Manila,              Philippines          14 35 N 120 57 E sunrise: 05:28 sunset: 18:27
+Marseilles,          France               43 20 N   5 20 E sunrise: 03:58 sunset: 19:22
+Mazatlan,            Mexico               23 12 N 106 25 W sunrise: 05:21 sunset: 18:54
+Mecca,               Saudi_Arabia         21 29 N  39 45 E sunrise: 04:39 sunset: 18:06
+Melbourne,           Australia            37 47 S 144 58 E sunrise: 06:35 sunset: 16:08
+Mexico_City,         Mexico               19 26 N  99  7 W sunrise: 05:59 sunset: 19:17
+Milan,               Italy                45 27 N   9 10 E sunrise: 03:35 sunset: 19:15
+Montevideo,          Uruguay              34 53 S  56 10 W sunrise: 07:52 sunset: 17:41
+Moscow,              Russia               55 45 N  37 36 E sunrise: 02:45 sunset: 20:18
+Munich,              Germany              48  8 N  11 35 E sunrise: 03:13 sunset: 19:17
+Nagasaki,            Japan                32 48 N 129 57 E sunrise: 04:12 sunset: 18:31
+Nagoya,              Japan                35  7 N 136 56 E sunrise: 04:38 sunset: 19:10
+Nairobi,             Kenya                 1 25 S  36 55 E sunrise: 05:33 sunset: 17:35
+Nanjing_Nanking,     China                32  3 N 118 53 E sunrise: 03:59 sunset: 18:14
+Naples,              Italy                40 50 N  14 15 E sunrise: 03:31 sunset: 18:38
+Newcastle-on-Tyne,   England              54 58 N   1 37 W sunrise: 03:27 sunset: 20:49
+Odessa,              Ukraine              46 27 N  30 48 E sunrise: 04:04 sunset: 19:53
+Osaka,               Japan                34 32 N 135 30 E sunrise: 04:46 sunset: 19:14
+Oslo,                Norway               59 57 N  10 42 E sunrise: 01:53 sunset: 20:44
+Panama_City,         Panama                8 58 N  79 32 W sunrise: 06:00 sunset: 18:39
+Paramaribo,          Suriname              5 45 N  55 15 W sunrise: 06:29 sunset: 18:56
+Paris,               France               48 48 N   2 20 E sunrise: 03:47 sunset: 19:57
+Perth,               Australia            31 57 S 115 52 E sunrise: 06:16 sunset: 16:20
+Plymouth,            England              50 25 N   4  5 W sunrise: 04:05 sunset: 20:31
+Port_Moresby,        Papua_New_Guinea      9 25 S 147  8 E sunrise: 05:26 sunset: 17:00
+Prague,              Czech_Republic       50  5 N  14 26 E sunrise: 02:52 sunset: 19:15
+Rangoon,             Myanmar              16 50 N  96  0 E sunrise: 05:04 sunset: 18:12
+Reykjavik,           Iceland              64  4 N  21 58 W sunrise: 01:57 sunset: 23:02
+Rio_de_Janeiro,      Brazil               22 57 S  43 12 W sunrise: 07:33 sunset: 18:16
+Rome,                Italy                41 54 N  12 27 E sunrise: 03:35 sunset: 18:49
+Salvador,            Brazil               12 56 S  38 27 W sunrise: 06:55 sunset: 18:16
+Santiago,            Chile                33 28 S  70 45 W sunrise: 07:47 sunset: 17:43
+St_Petersburg,       Russia               59 56 N  30 18 E sunrise: 02:35 sunset: 21:26
+Sao_Paulo,           Brazil               23 31 S  46 31 W sunrise: 06:47 sunset: 17:28
+Shanghai,            China                31 10 N 121 28 E sunrise: 04:51 sunset: 19:01
+Singapore,           Singapore             1 14 N 103 55 E sunrise: 05:00 sunset: 17:12
+Sofia,               Bulgaria             42 40 N  23 20 E sunrise: 03:49 sunset: 19:08
+Stockholm,           Sweden               59 17 N  18  3 E sunrise: 02:31 sunset: 21:08
+Sydney,              Australia            34  0 S 151  0 E sunrise: 07:01 sunset: 16:54
+Tananarive,          Madagascar           18 50 S  47 33 E sunrise: 06:22 sunset: 17:21
+Teheran,             Iran                 35 45 N  51 45 E sunrise: 04:17 sunset: 18:52
+Tokyo,               Japan                35 40 N 139 45 E sunrise: 04:25 sunset: 19:00
+Tripoli,             Libya                32 57 N  13 12 E sunrise: 03:59 sunset: 18:19
+Venice,              Italy                45 26 N  12 20 E sunrise: 03:22 sunset: 19:03
+Veracruz,            Mexico               19 10 N  96 10 W sunrise: 05:48 sunset: 19:05
+Vienna,              Austria              48 14 N  16 20 E sunrise: 03:54 sunset: 19:59
+Vladivostok,         Russia               43 10 N 132  0 E sunrise: 03:32 sunset: 18:55
+Warsaw,              Poland               52 14 N  21  0 E sunrise: 03:14 sunset: 20:01
+Wellington,          New_Zealand          41 17 S 174 47 E sunrise: 06:47 sunset: 15:58
+Zurich,              Switzerland          47 21 N   8 31 E sunrise: 03:29 sunset: 19:26
@@ -1,13 +1,43 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use Astro::Sunrise qw(:constants);
-BEGIN { plan tests => 6 }
-ok( CIVIL,        -6 );
-ok( CIVIL,        Astro::Sunrise::CIVIL        );
-ok( AMATEUR,      Astro::Sunrise::AMATEUR      );
-ok( DEFAULT,      Astro::Sunrise::DEFAULT      );
-ok( NAUTICAL,     Astro::Sunrise::NAUTICAL     );
\ No newline at end of file
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2003, 2013 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Astro::Sunrise qw(:constants);
+BEGIN { plan tests => 6 }
+is( CIVIL,        -6 );
+is( CIVIL,        Astro::Sunrise::CIVIL        );
+is( AMATEUR,      Astro::Sunrise::AMATEUR      );
+is( DEFAULT,      Astro::Sunrise::DEFAULT      );
+is( NAUTICAL,     Astro::Sunrise::NAUTICAL     );
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -*- perl -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Author: Slaven Rezic
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Slaven Rezic, Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+  eval "use DateTime;";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "DateTime needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+  eval "use Time::Fake;";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "Time::Fake needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+  if ($^O =~ /MSWin/i) {
+    plan skip_all => "Unix-like forking needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+my @tests = (
+	     [1288545834, 'sun_rise', '07:00'],
+	     [1288545834, 'sun_set',  '16:39'],
+	     [1269738800, 'sun_rise', '06:50'],
+	     [1269738800, 'sun_set',  '19:32'],
+	    );
+plan tests => scalar @tests;
+for my $test (@tests) {
+  my($epoch, $func, $expected) = @$test;
+  my @cmd = ($^X, "-Mblib",
+		  "-MTime::Fake=$epoch",
+		  "-MAstro::Sunrise",
+		  "-e", "print $func({ lon => 13.5, lat => 52.5, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' })");
+  open my $fh, "-|", @cmd or die $!;
+  local $/;
+  my $res = <$fh>;
+  close $fh or die "Failure while running @cmd: $!";
+  is $res, $expected, "Check for $func at $epoch";
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
+use Astro::Sunrise;
+use Test::More;
+my @data = load_data();
+plan(tests => 2 * @data); # I prefer having Perl counting my tests than myself
+my ($long, $lat, $offset);
+my $fudge = 0; # in minutes
+for (@data) {
+    my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd, $loc, $lat_d, $lat_m, $lat_x, $lon_d, $lon_m, $lon_x, $alt, $upper_limb, $expect_r, $expect_s)
+       = $_ =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)     # date in YYYY MM DD format $1 $2 $3
+               \s+(\w+)                   # location $4
+               \s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w)    # latitude $5 $6 $7
+               \s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w)    # longitude $8 $9 $10
+               \s+(\S+)                   # altitude $11
+               \s+(\d)                    # upper limb $12
+               \s+sunrise:\s+(\d+:\d+)    # sunrise $13
+               \s+sunset:\s+(\d+:\d+)/x;  # sunset $14
+    if ( $lat_x eq 'N' ) {
+      $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", ( $lat_d + ( $lat_m / 60 ) ) );
+    }
+    elsif ( $lat_x eq 'S' ) {
+      $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $lat_d + ( $lat_m / 60 ) ) );
+    }
+    if ( $lon_x eq 'E' ) {
+      $long = sprintf( "%.3f", $lon_d + ( $lon_m / 60 ) );
+    }
+    elsif ( $lon_x eq 'W' ) {
+      $long = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $lon_d + ( $lon_m / 60 ) ) );
+    }
+    if ($long < 0) {
+      $offset = ceil( $long / 15 );
+    }
+    elsif ($long > 0) {
+      $offset = floor( $long /15 );
+    }
+    else {
+      $offset = 0;
+    }
+    my ( $sunrise, $sunset ) = sunrise( { year => $yyyy, month => $mm,  day => $dd,
+                                          lon  => $long, lat   => $lat, tz  => $offset,
+                                          alt  => $alt,  upper_limb => $upper_limb } );
+    my $exp_h = fudge_h($expect_r, $fudge);
+    my $exp_l = fudge_l($expect_r, $fudge);
+    ok ($sunrise ge $exp_l && $sunrise le $exp_h
+         , "Sunrise for $loc $yyyy-$mm-$dd  $alt $upper_limb $exp_l $sunrise $exp_h");
+    $exp_h = fudge_h($expect_s, $fudge);
+    $exp_l = fudge_l($expect_s, $fudge);
+    ok ($sunset ge $exp_l && $sunset le $exp_h
+         , "Sunset  for $loc $yyyy-$mm-$dd  $alt $upper_limb $exp_l $sunset $exp_h");
+sub fudge_h {
+  my ($exp, $fudge) = @_;
+  my ($hh, $mn) = $exp =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)$/;
+  $mn += $fudge;
+  if ($mn > 59) {
+    $hh ++;
+    $mn -= 60;
+  }
+  if ($hh > 23) {
+    $hh -= 24;
+  }
+  elsif ($hh < 0) {
+    $hh += 24;
+  }
+  return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hh, $mn);
+sub fudge_l {
+  my ($exp, $fudge) = @_;
+  my ($hh, $mn) = $exp =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)$/;
+  $mn -= $fudge;
+  if ($mn < 0) {
+    $hh --;
+    $mn += 60;
+  }
+  if ($hh > 23) {
+    $hh -= 24;
+  }
+  elsif ($hh < 0) {
+    $hh += 24;
+  }
+  return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hh, $mn);
+# The data below have been prepared by a C program which includes
+# Paul Schlyter's code. Therefore, what is tested is the compatibility
+# of the Perl code with the C code.
+# See how this C program is generated in
+# Why those locations?
+# Greenwich because it is located on the eponymous prime meridian
+# Reykjavik, because it is close to the Northern Arctic Circle, so it can be used to check polar night and midnight sun
+# Quito because it is near the prime parallel, better known as "equator"
+# El Hierro, because it is located on a former prime meridian
+# Warning: as you can see, the computation of sunrise and sunset is called with an altitude -0.833
+# and with upper_limb = 1. This is silly, because that means that the radius is accounted
+# twice instead of just once. But the purpose of this programme is just to check
+# that the Perl implementation of the algorithm is compatible with the C implementation.
+sub load_data {
+    return split "\n", <<'EOD';
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         0 sunrise: 09:50 sunset: 14:17
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         1 sunrise: 09:47 sunset: 14:21
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          0 sunrise: 08:12 sunset: 15:55
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          1 sunrise: 08:10 sunset: 15:57
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 sunrise: 08:07 sunset: 16:00
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 sunrise: 08:05 sunset: 16:02
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 sunrise: 08:05 sunset: 16:02
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 sunrise: 08:03 sunset: 16:04
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        0 sunrise: 06:43 sunset: 17:25
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        1 sunrise: 06:41 sunset: 17:26
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        0 sunrise: 06:02 sunset: 18:05
+2013  1  1 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        1 sunrise: 06:00 sunset: 18:07
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         0 sunrise: 12:32 sunset: 12:32 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         1 sunrise: 12:32 sunset: 12:32 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          0 sunrise: 10:34 sunset: 14:29
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          1 sunrise: 10:29 sunset: 14:35
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 10:23 sunset: 14:41
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 10:18 sunset: 14:46
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 10:18 sunset: 14:45
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 10:13 sunset: 14:50
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        0 sunrise: 07:55 sunset: 17:08
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        1 sunrise: 07:52 sunset: 17:11
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        0 sunrise: 06:55 sunset: 18:08
+2013  1  1 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        1 sunrise: 06:53 sunset: 18:10
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:01 sunset: 17:35
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         1 sunrise: 07:00 sunset: 17:36
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:18 sunset: 18:19
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:17 sunset: 18:20
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 18:21
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:14 sunset: 18:22
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:14 sunset: 18:22
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:13 sunset: 18:23
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:25 sunset: 19:11
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:24 sunset: 19:12
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        0 sunrise: 04:59 sunset: 19:37
+2013  1  1 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        1 sunrise: 04:58 sunset: 19:38
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:59 sunset: 16:33
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         1 sunrise: 07:58 sunset: 16:34
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          0 sunrise: 07:07 sunset: 17:24
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          1 sunrise: 07:06 sunset: 17:26
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 07:04 sunset: 17:27
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 07:03 sunset: 17:29
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 07:03 sunset: 17:29
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 07:02 sunset: 17:30
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        0 sunrise: 06:08 sunset: 18:23
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        1 sunrise: 06:07 sunset: 18:25
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        0 sunrise: 05:40 sunset: 18:52
+2013  1  1 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        1 sunrise: 05:39 sunset: 18:53
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         0 sunrise: 07:10 sunset: 17:05
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         1 sunrise: 07:08 sunset: 17:06
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          0 sunrise: 06:05 sunset: 18:09
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          1 sunrise: 06:03 sunset: 18:11
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:01 sunset: 18:13
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:00 sunset: 18:15
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:00 sunset: 18:15
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 sunrise: 05:58 sunset: 18:16
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        0 sunrise: 04:47 sunset: 19:27
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        1 sunrise: 04:45 sunset: 19:29
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        0 sunrise: 04:06 sunset: 20:08
+2013  3 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        1 sunrise: 04:04 sunset: 20:10
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         0 sunrise: 08:05 sunset: 17:05
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         1 sunrise: 08:02 sunset: 17:08
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:31 sunset: 18:39
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:29 sunset: 18:41
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:26 sunset: 18:44
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:24 sunset: 18:46
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:24 sunset: 18:46
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:21 sunset: 18:49
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        0 sunrise: 04:37 sunset: 20:33
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        1 sunrise: 04:35 sunset: 20:35
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        0 sunrise: 03:30 sunset: 21:40
+2013  3 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        1 sunrise: 03:27 sunset: 21:43
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:01 sunset: 17:41
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         1 sunrise: 07:00 sunset: 17:42
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:21 sunset: 18:21
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:20 sunset: 18:22
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:19 sunset: 18:24
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:18 sunset: 18:25
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:18 sunset: 18:25
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:17 sunset: 18:26
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:33 sunset: 19:09
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:32 sunset: 19:10
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        0 sunrise: 05:09 sunset: 19:33
+2013  3 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        1 sunrise: 05:08 sunset: 19:34
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:04 sunset: 17:35
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         1 sunrise: 07:02 sunset: 17:36
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:18 sunset: 18:20
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:17 sunset: 18:21
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:16 sunset: 18:23
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 18:24
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 18:24
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:13 sunset: 18:25
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:24 sunset: 19:15
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:23 sunset: 19:16
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        0 sunrise: 04:57 sunset: 19:42
+2013  3 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        1 sunrise: 04:55 sunset: 19:43
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         0 sunrise: 05:06 sunset: 18:58
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         1 sunrise: 05:04 sunset: 18:59
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          0 sunrise: 03:50 sunset: 20:14
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          1 sunrise: 03:48 sunset: 20:16
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 sunrise: 03:45 sunset: 20:19
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 sunrise: 03:43 sunset: 20:21
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 sunrise: 03:43 sunset: 20:21
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 sunrise: 03:41 sunset: 20:23
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        0 sunrise: 01:41 sunset: 22:23
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        1 sunrise: 01:36 sunset: 22:27
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        0 sunrise: 00:02 sunset: 24:02 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  6 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        1 sunrise: 00:02 sunset: 24:02 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         0 sunrise: 04:41 sunset: 20:19
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         1 sunrise: 04:38 sunset: 20:22
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          0 sunrise: 02:17 sunset: 22:42
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          1 sunrise: 02:12 sunset: 22:48
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 02:04 sunset: 22:56
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 01:57 sunset: 23:02
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 01:57 sunset: 23:02
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 23:09
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        0 sunrise: 00:30 sunset: 24:30 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        1 sunrise: 00:30 sunset: 24:30 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        0 sunrise: 00:30 sunset: 24:30 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  6 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        1 sunrise: 00:30 sunset: 24:30 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:00 sunset: 17:32
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:59 sunset: 17:33
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:17 sunset: 18:16
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 18:17
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:14 sunset: 18:18
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:13 sunset: 18:19
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:13 sunset: 18:19
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:12 sunset: 18:21
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:24 sunset: 19:08
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:23 sunset: 19:09
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        0 sunrise: 04:58 sunset: 19:34
+2013  6 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        1 sunrise: 04:57 sunset: 19:36
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         0 sunrise: 06:11 sunset: 18:17
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:10 sunset: 18:19
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          0 sunrise: 05:21 sunset: 19:07
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          1 sunrise: 05:20 sunset: 19:08
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 05:18 sunset: 19:10
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 05:17 sunset: 19:11
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 05:17 sunset: 19:11
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 05:16 sunset: 19:12
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        0 sunrise: 04:18 sunset: 20:10
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        1 sunrise: 04:17 sunset: 20:11
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        0 sunrise: 03:44 sunset: 20:44
+2013  6 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        1 sunrise: 03:43 sunset: 20:45
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         0 sunrise: 06:22 sunset: 17:39
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         1 sunrise: 06:20 sunset: 17:40
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          0 sunrise: 05:17 sunset: 18:43
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          1 sunrise: 05:15 sunset: 18:45
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 sunrise: 05:13 sunset: 18:47
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 sunrise: 05:12 sunset: 18:49
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 sunrise: 05:12 sunset: 18:49
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 sunrise: 05:10 sunset: 18:51
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        0 sunrise: 03:54 sunset: 20:07
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        1 sunrise: 03:52 sunset: 20:09
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        0 sunrise: 03:06 sunset: 20:54
+2013  8 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        1 sunrise: 03:04 sunset: 20:57
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         0 sunrise: 06:50 sunset: 18:06
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:48 sunset: 18:09
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          0 sunrise: 05:17 sunset: 19:39
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          1 sunrise: 05:14 sunset: 19:42
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 05:11 sunset: 19:45
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 05:09 sunset: 19:48
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 05:09 sunset: 19:47
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 05:06 sunset: 19:50
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        0 sunrise: 03:01 sunset: 21:55
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        1 sunrise: 02:57 sunset: 21:59
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        0 sunrise: 00:28 sunset: 24:28 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  8 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        1 sunrise: 00:28 sunset: 24:28 polar night or midnight sun
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         0 sunrise: 06:55 sunset: 17:34
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:54 sunset: 17:35
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 18:14
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:14 sunset: 18:15
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:12 sunset: 18:17
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:11 sunset: 18:18
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:11 sunset: 18:18
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:10 sunset: 18:19
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:26 sunset: 19:03
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:25 sunset: 19:04
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        0 sunrise: 05:02 sunset: 19:27
+2013  8 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        1 sunrise: 05:01 sunset: 19:28
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         0 sunrise: 06:40 sunset: 17:45
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:39 sunset: 17:46
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          0 sunrise: 05:55 sunset: 18:30
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          1 sunrise: 05:53 sunset: 18:32
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 05:52 sunset: 18:33
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 05:51 sunset: 18:34
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 05:51 sunset: 18:34
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 05:49 sunset: 18:35
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        0 sunrise: 04:59 sunset: 19:26
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        1 sunrise: 04:58 sunset: 19:27
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        0 sunrise: 04:30 sunset: 19:55
+2013  8 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        1 sunrise: 04:29 sunset: 19:56
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         0 sunrise: 06:55 sunset: 16:51
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         1 sunrise: 06:53 sunset: 16:53
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          0 sunrise: 05:50 sunset: 17:56
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          1 sunrise: 05:49 sunset: 17:57
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 sunrise: 05:47 sunset: 17:59
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 sunrise: 05:45 sunset: 18:01
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 sunrise: 05:45 sunset: 18:01
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 sunrise: 05:43 sunset: 18:03
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        0 sunrise: 04:32 sunset: 19:14
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        1 sunrise: 04:30 sunset: 19:16
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        0 sunrise: 03:51 sunset: 19:55
+2013  9 21 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        1 sunrise: 03:49 sunset: 19:57
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:50 sunset: 16:52
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         1 sunrise: 07:47 sunset: 16:54
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:17 sunset: 18:25
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:14 sunset: 18:27
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:11 sunset: 18:30
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:09 sunset: 18:33
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:09 sunset: 18:33
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:07 sunset: 18:35
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        0 sunrise: 04:23 sunset: 20:19
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        1 sunrise: 04:20 sunset: 20:22
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        0 sunrise: 03:15 sunset: 21:27
+2013  9 21 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        1 sunrise: 03:12 sunset: 21:30
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         0 sunrise: 06:47 sunset: 17:27
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:46 sunset: 17:28
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:07 sunset: 18:07
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:06 sunset: 18:08
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:05 sunset: 18:10
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:04 sunset: 18:11
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:04 sunset: 18:11
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:03 sunset: 18:12
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:19 sunset: 18:55
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:18 sunset: 18:56
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        0 sunrise: 04:55 sunset: 19:19
+2013  9 21 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        1 sunrise: 04:54 sunset: 19:20
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         0 sunrise: 06:49 sunset: 17:21
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:48 sunset: 17:22
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:04 sunset: 18:06
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:03 sunset: 18:07
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:01 sunset: 18:09
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:00 sunset: 18:10
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:00 sunset: 18:10
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 05:59 sunset: 18:11
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:10 sunset: 19:01
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:09 sunset: 19:02
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        0 sunrise: 04:42 sunset: 19:28
+2013  9 21 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        1 sunrise: 04:41 sunset: 19:29
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         0 sunrise: 09:51 sunset: 14:16
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 10         1 sunrise: 09:47 sunset: 14:19
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          0 sunrise: 08:12 sunset: 15:54
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E 0          1 sunrise: 08:10 sunset: 15:56
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 sunrise: 08:08 sunset: 15:59
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 sunrise: 08:05 sunset: 16:01
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 sunrise: 08:06 sunset: 16:01
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 sunrise: 08:03 sunset: 16:03
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        0 sunrise: 06:43 sunset: 17:23
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -12        1 sunrise: 06:41 sunset: 17:25
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        0 sunrise: 06:02 sunset: 18:04
+2013 12 31 Greenwich            51 28 N   0  0 E -18        1 sunrise: 06:00 sunset: 18:06
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         0 sunrise: 12:31 sunset: 12:31 polar night or midnight sun
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 10         1 sunrise: 12:31 sunset: 12:31 polar night or midnight sun
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          0 sunrise: 10:35 sunset: 14:27
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W 0          1 sunrise: 10:30 sunset: 14:32
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 10:24 sunset: 14:38
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 10:19 sunset: 14:43
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 10:19 sunset: 14:43
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 10:14 sunset: 14:48
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        0 sunrise: 07:55 sunset: 17:07
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -12        1 sunrise: 07:52 sunset: 17:10
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        0 sunrise: 06:56 sunset: 18:06
+2013 12 31 Reykjavik            64  4 N  21 58 W -18        1 sunrise: 06:53 sunset: 18:09
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:01 sunset: 17:34
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 10         1 sunrise: 06:59 sunset: 17:36
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          0 sunrise: 06:17 sunset: 18:18
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W 0          1 sunrise: 06:16 sunset: 18:19
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 06:15 sunset: 18:20
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 06:13 sunset: 18:22
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 06:13 sunset: 18:22
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 06:12 sunset: 18:23
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        0 sunrise: 05:25 sunset: 19:10
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -12        1 sunrise: 05:24 sunset: 19:11
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        0 sunrise: 04:59 sunset: 19:36
+2013 12 31 Quito                 0 15 S  78 35 W -18        1 sunrise: 04:57 sunset: 19:38
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         0 sunrise: 07:59 sunset: 16:32
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 10         1 sunrise: 07:58 sunset: 16:33
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          0 sunrise: 07:07 sunset: 17:24
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W 0          1 sunrise: 07:06 sunset: 17:25
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     0 sunrise: 07:04 sunset: 17:27
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.583     1 sunrise: 07:03 sunset: 17:28
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     0 sunrise: 07:03 sunset: 17:28
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -0.833     1 sunrise: 07:01 sunset: 17:29
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        0 sunrise: 06:08 sunset: 18:23
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -12        1 sunrise: 06:07 sunset: 18:24
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        0 sunrise: 05:39 sunset: 18:51
+2013 12 31 El_Hierro            27 44 N  18  3 W -18        1 sunrise: 05:38 sunset: 18:52
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -*- perl -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
+use Test::More;
+use Astro::Sunrise;
+my $check_warn;
+  $check_warn = 1;
+  eval "use Test::Warn";
+  $check_warn = 0
+    if $@;
+my @tests = load_data();
+my ($long, $lat, $offset);
+my $fudge = 1; # in minutes
+plan tests => (2 + $check_warn) * scalar @tests;
+for (@tests) {
+  my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd, $loc, $lat_d, $lat_m, $lat_x, $lon_d, $lon_m, $lon_x, $alt, $upper_limb, $polar_night, $day_and_night, $polar_day, $expect_r, $expect_s)
+     = $_ =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)     # date in YYYY MM DD format $1 $2 $3
+	     \s+(\w+)                   # location $4
+	     \s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w)    # latitude $5 $6 $7
+	     \s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\w)    # longitude $8 $9 $10
+	     \s+(\S+)                   # altitude $11
+	     \s+(\d)                    # upper limb $12
+	     \s+(\d)\s+(\d)\s+(\d)      # polar night $13, day and night $14, polar day $15
+	     \s+sunrise:\s+([-\d]+:\d+) # sunrise $16
+	     \s+sunset:\s+(\d+:\d+)/x;  # sunset $17
+  if ( $lat_x eq 'N' ) {
+    $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", ( $lat_d + ( $lat_m / 60 ) ) );
+  }
+  elsif ( $lat_x eq 'S' ) {
+    $lat = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $lat_d + ( $lat_m / 60 ) ) );
+  }
+  if ( $lon_x eq 'E' ) {
+    $long = sprintf( "%.3f", $lon_d + ( $lon_m / 60 ) );
+  }
+  elsif ( $lon_x eq 'W' ) {
+    $long = sprintf( "%.3f", -( $lon_d + ( $lon_m / 60 ) ) );
+  }
+  if ($long < 0) {
+    $offset = ceil( $long / 15 );
+  }
+  elsif ($long > 0) {
+    $offset = floor( $long /15 );
+  }
+  else {
+    $offset = 0;
+  }
+  if ($check_warn) {
+    if ($polar_night) {
+      warning_like { sunrise ( { year => $yyyy, month => $mm, day => $dd, tz => 0,
+				 lon => $long, lat => $lat, alt => $alt, upper_limb => $upper_limb, } ); }
+		   qr/sun never rises!!/i,
+		   "Polar night at $loc on $yyyy-$mm-$dd";
+    }
+    if ($day_and_night) {
+      warning_is { sunrise ( { year => $yyyy, month => $mm, day => $dd, tz => 0,
+			       lon => $long, lat => $lat, alt => $alt, upper_limb => $upper_limb, } ); }
+		 undef, # which means "no warning"
+		 "Day and night at $loc on $yyyy-$mm-$dd";
+    }
+    if ($polar_day) {
+      warning_like { sunrise ( { year => $yyyy, month => $mm, day => $dd, tz => 0,
+				 lon => $long, lat => $lat, alt => $alt, upper_limb => $upper_limb, } ); }
+		   qr/sun never sets!!/i,
+		   "Polar day at $loc on $yyyy-$mm-$dd";
+    }
+  }
+  my ($sunrise, $sunset)  = sunrise ( { year => $yyyy, month => $mm, day => $dd, tz => 0,
+				 lon => $long, lat => $lat, alt => $alt, upper_limb => $upper_limb, polar => 'retval', } );
+  if ($polar_night) {
+    is ($sunrise, 'night', "Polar night at $loc on $yyyy-$mm-$dd");
+    is ($sunset , 'night', "Polar night at $loc on $yyyy-$mm-$dd");
+  }
+  if ($day_and_night) {
+    my $exp_h = fudge_h($expect_r, $fudge);
+    my $exp_l = fudge_l($expect_r, $fudge);
+    ok ($sunrise ge $exp_l && $sunrise le $exp_h
+         , "Sunrise for $loc $yyyy-$mm-$dd  $alt $upper_limb $exp_l $sunrise $exp_h");
+    $exp_h = fudge_h($expect_s, $fudge);
+    $exp_l = fudge_l($expect_s, $fudge);
+    ok ($sunset ge $exp_l && $sunset le $exp_h
+         , "Sunset  for $loc $yyyy-$mm-$dd  $alt $upper_limb $exp_l $sunset $exp_h");
+  }
+  if ($polar_day) {
+    is ($sunrise, 'day', "Polar day at $loc on $yyyy-$mm-$dd");
+    is ($sunset , 'day', "Polar day at $loc on $yyyy-$mm-$dd");
+  }
+sub fudge_h {
+  my ($exp, $fudge) = @_;
+  my ($hh, $mn) = $exp =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)$/;
+  $mn += $fudge;
+  if ($mn > 59) {
+    $hh ++;
+    $mn -= 60;
+  }
+  if ($hh > 23) {
+    $hh -= 24;
+  }
+  elsif ($hh < 0) {
+    $hh += 24;
+  }
+  return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hh, $mn);
+sub fudge_l {
+  my ($exp, $fudge) = @_;
+  my ($hh, $mn) = $exp =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)$/;
+  $mn -= $fudge;
+  if ($mn < 0) {
+    $hh --;
+    $mn += 60;
+  }
+  if ($hh > 23) {
+    $hh -= 24;
+  }
+  elsif ($hh < 0) {
+    $hh += 24;
+  }
+  return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hh, $mn);
+sub load_data {
+    return split "\n", <<'EOD';
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  6 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:01 sunset: 24:01
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E 0          1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.583     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -0.833     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -12        1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013 12 31 North_Pole           89 59 N   0  0 E -18        1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:03 sunset: 12:03
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  1  1 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:50 sunset: 25:50
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          0 0 1 0 sunrise: 08:00 sunset: 19:46
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          1 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:56 sunset: 19:51
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     0 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:51 sunset: 19:56
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     1 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:46 sunset: 20:00
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     0 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:47 sunset: 20:00
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     1 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:42 sunset: 20:04
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        0 0 1 0 sunrise: 04:19 sunset: 23:28
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        1 0 1 0 sunrise: 04:11 sunset: 23:35
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:53 sunset: 25:53
+2013  3 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:53 sunset: 25:53
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          0 1 0 0 sunrise: 13:48 sunset: 13:48
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          1 1 0 0 sunrise: 13:48 sunset: 13:48
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 13:48 sunset: 13:48
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 13:48 sunset: 13:48
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 13:48 sunset: 13:48
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 13:48 sunset: 13:48
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        0 0 1 0 sunrise: 11:12 sunset: 16:24
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        1 0 1 0 sunrise: 11:05 sunset: 16:31
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        0 0 1 0 sunrise: 09:06 sunset: 18:30
+2013  6 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        1 0 1 0 sunrise: 09:01 sunset: 18:35
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          0 0 1 0 sunrise: 10:08 sunset: 17:25
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          1 0 1 0 sunrise: 10:02 sunset: 17:30
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     0 0 1 0 sunrise: 09:56 sunset: 17:37
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     1 0 1 0 sunrise: 09:51 sunset: 17:42
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     0 0 1 0 sunrise: 09:51 sunset: 17:41
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     1 0 1 0 sunrise: 09:46 sunset: 17:46
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        0 0 1 0 sunrise: 06:45 sunset: 20:48
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        1 0 1 0 sunrise: 06:40 sunset: 20:53
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        0 0 1 0 sunrise: 04:56 sunset: 22:37
+2013  8 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        1 0 1 0 sunrise: 04:50 sunset: 22:42
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          0 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:47 sunset: 19:31
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          1 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:43 sunset: 19:36
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     0 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:37 sunset: 19:41
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     1 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:33 sunset: 19:45
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     0 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:33 sunset: 19:45
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     1 0 1 0 sunrise: 07:29 sunset: 19:49
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        0 0 1 0 sunrise: 04:06 sunset: 23:12
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        1 0 1 0 sunrise: 03:59 sunset: 23:19
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:39 sunset: 25:39
+2013  9 21 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:39 sunset: 25:39
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013 12 31 Halley_Base          75 35 S  26 39 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 01:49 sunset: 25:49
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  1  1 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:07 sunset: 12:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:07 sunset: 12:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  3 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:07 sunset: 24:07
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  6 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:01 sunset: 12:01
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:00 sunset: 12:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:00 sunset: 12:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:00 sunset: 12:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:00 sunset: 12:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     0 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:00 sunset: 12:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     1 1 0 0 sunrise: 12:00 sunset: 12:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  8 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:00 sunset: 24:00
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          0 1 0 0 sunrise: 11:53 sunset: 11:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          1 1 0 0 sunrise: 11:53 sunset: 11:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013  9 21 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: -1:53 sunset: 23:53
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W 0          1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.583     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -0.833     1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -12        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        0 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
+2013 12 31 South_Pole           89 59 S   0  0 W -18        1 0 0 1 sunrise: 00:03 sunset: 24:03
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2013, 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Astro::Sunrise(qw(:DEFAULT :constants));
+use Test::More;
+  eval "use DateTime;";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "DateTime needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+plan(tests => 12);
+use vars qw($long $lat $offset);
+my $sunrise_1 = sun_rise( -118, 33  );
+my $sunrise_2 = sun_rise( -118, 33, -.833 );
+my $sunrise_3 = sun_rise( -118, 33, -.833, 0 );
+my $sunrise_4 = sun_rise( -118, 33, undef, 0 );
+my $sunrise_5 = sun_rise({ lon => -118, lat => 33 });
+my $sunrise_6 = sun_rise({ lon => -118, lat => 33, alt => DEFAULT, offset => 0, upper_limb => 0, precise => 0 });
+ok( $sunrise_1 eq $sunrise_2 , "Test W/O Alt");
+ok( $sunrise_2 eq $sunrise_3 , "Test W/O offset");
+ok( $sunrise_3 eq $sunrise_4 , "Test setting Alt to undef");
+ok( $sunrise_4 eq $sunrise_5 , "Test using named basic parameters");
+ok( $sunrise_5 eq $sunrise_6 , "Test using all named parameters");
+my $sunset_1 = sun_set( -118, 33  );
+my $sunset_2 = sun_set( -118, 33, -.833 );
+my $sunset_3 = sun_set( -118, 33, -.833, 0 );
+my $sunset_4 = sun_set( -118, 33, undef, 0 );
+my $sunset_5 = sun_set({ lon => -118, lat => 33 });
+my $sunset_6 = sun_set({ lon => -118, lat => 33, alt => DEFAULT, offset => 0, upper_limb => 0, precise => 0 });
+ok( $sunset_1 eq $sunset_2 , "Test W/O Alt");
+ok( $sunset_2 eq $sunset_3 , "Test W/O offset");
+ok( $sunset_3 eq $sunset_4 , "Test setting Alt to undef");
+ok( $sunset_4 eq $sunset_5 , "Test using named basic parameters");
+ok( $sunset_5 eq $sunset_6 , "Test using all named parameters");
+my $then = DateTime->new (
+                    year => 2000,
+		    month => 6,
+		    day => 20,
+		    time_zone =>'America/Los_Angeles',
+		    );
+my $offset = ( ($then->offset) /60 /60);
+my ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise($then->year, $then->mon, $then->mday,
+                              -118, 33, $offset, 0);
+is ($sunrise, '05:44', "Test DateTime sunrise interface");
+is ($sunset,  '20:04', "Test DateTime sunset interface");
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise: checking degree trigonometry
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Astro::Sunrise qw(:trig);
+# Hand copied from "Tables numériques de fonctions élémentaires", J. LABORDE, publ Dunod, ISBN 2-04-010181-0
+my @table1 = ( [   0, 0       , 1       , 0       , 6],
+               [  10, 0.173648, 0.984808, 0.176327, 6],
+               [  30, 0.5     , 0.866025, 0.577350, 6],
+               [  45, 0.707107, 0.707107, 1       , 6],
+               [  60, 0.866025, 0.5     , 1.73205 , 6],
+               [  77, 0.974370, 0.224951, 4.3315  , 5],
+              );
+my @table2 = ( [ 0, 1,  0   ],
+               [ 1, 3, 18.4 ],
+               [ 1, 2, 26.6 ],
+               [ 2, 3, 33.7 ],
+               [ 3, 3, 45   ],
+               [ 7, 4, 60.3 ],
+               [ 1, 0, 90   ],
+             );
+plan(tests => 6 * @table1 + @table2);
+for (@table1) {
+  my ($angle, $sind, $cosd, $tand, $pres) = @$_;
+  ok(equal(sind($angle), $sind,  6), "sin($angle) = $sind");
+  ok(equal(cosd($angle), $cosd,  6), "cos($angle) = $cosd");
+  ok(equal(tand($angle), $tand,  3), "tan($angle) = $tand");
+  ok(equal(asind($sind), $angle, 3), "asin($sind) = $angle");
+  ok(equal(acosd($cosd), $angle, 3), "acos($cosd) = $angle");
+  ok(equal(atand($tand), $angle, 3), "atan($tand) = $angle");
+for (@table2) {
+  my ($num, $den, $angle) = @$_;
+  ok(equal(atan2d($num, $den), $angle, 3), "atan($num/$den) = $angle");
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Astro::Sunrise(qw(:DEFAULT :constants));
+use Test::More;
+  eval "use DateTime;";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "DateTime needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+plan(tests => 4);
+my $sunrise_5 = sun_rise({ lon => -118, lat => 33, time_zone =>'America/Los_Angeles', });
+my $sunrise_6 = sun_rise({ lon => -118, lat => 33, time_zone =>'America/Los_Angeles',
+                           alt => DEFAULT, offset => 0, upper_limb => 0, precise => 0 });
+is( $sunrise_5, $sunrise_6 , "Comparing basic parameters with all parameters");
+my $sunset_5 = sun_set({ lon => -118, lat => 33, time_zone =>'America/Los_Angeles', });
+my $sunset_6 = sun_set({ lon => -118, lat => 33, time_zone =>'America/Los_Angeles',
+                         alt => DEFAULT, offset => 0, upper_limb => 0, precise => 0 });
+is($sunset_5, $sunset_6, "Comparing basic parameters with all parameters");
+my $then = DateTime->today ( time_zone =>'America/Los_Angeles', );
+my $offset = ($then->offset) /60 /60;
+my ($sunrise, $sunset) = sunrise($then->year, $then->mon, $then->mday,
+                              -118, 33, $offset, 0);
+is ($sunrise, $sunrise_6, "Test DateTime sunrise interface");
+is ($sunset,  $sunset_6,  "Test DateTime sunset interface");
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -*- perl -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Author: Jean Forget, based on another test script by Slaven Rezic
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Slaven Rezic, Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+  eval "use Time::Fake (1269738800);";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "Time::Fake needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+  eval "use DateTime;";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "DateTime needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+use Astro::Sunrise;
+plan tests => 2;
+is(sun_rise({ lon => 13.5, lat => 52.5, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' }), '06:50', "Sunrise in Berlin on 2015-03-28");
+is(sun_set ({ lon => 13.5, lat => 52.5, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' }), '19:32', "Sunset  in Berlin on 2015-03-28");
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -*- perl -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Author: Jean Forget, based on another test script by Slaven Rezic
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Slaven Rezic, Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+  eval "use Time::Fake (1288545834);";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "Time::Fake needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+  eval "use DateTime;";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "DateTime needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+use Astro::Sunrise;
+plan tests => 2;
+is(sun_rise({ lon => 13.5, lat => 52.5, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' }), '07:00', "Sunrise in Berlin on 2010-10-31");
+is(sun_set ({ lon => 13.5, lat => 52.5, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' }), '16:39', "Sunset  in Berlin on 2010-10-31");
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#     Test script for Astro::Sunrise
+#     Copyright (C) 2015 Ron Hill and Jean Forget
+#     This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3:
+#     GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License
+#     You can find the text of the licenses in the F<LICENSE> file or at
+#     L<>
+#     and L<>.
+#     Here is the summary of GPL:
+#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#     the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#     any later version.
+#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#     Inc., <>.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+my $datetime_ok;
+  eval "use Test::Fatal;";
+  if ($@) {
+    plan skip_all => "Test::Fatal needed";
+    exit;
+  }
+  eval "use DateTime;";
+  if ($@) {
+    $datetime_ok = 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    $datetime_ok = 1;
+  }
+my @basic = ( [ { year => 2003, month => 6, day => 21, tz => 0, lon => 0, lat => 0, polar => 'whatever' },
+                qr/Wrong value of the 'polar' argument/,
+                "Wrong value of the 'polar' argument" ],
+              [ { month => 6, day => 21, tz => 0, lon => 0, lat => 0 },
+                qr/Year parameter is mandatory/,
+                "Year parameter is mandatory" ],
+              [ { year => 2003, day => 21, tz => 0, lon => 0, lat => 0 },
+                qr/Month parameter is mandatory/,
+                "Month parameter is mandatory" ],
+              [ { year => 2003, month => 6, tz => 0, lon => 0, lat => 0 },
+                qr/Day parameter is mandatory/,
+                "Day parameter is mandatory" ],
+              [ { year => 2003, month => 6, day => 21, tz => 0, lat => 0 },
+                qr/Longitude .* mandatory/,
+                "Longitude parameter is mandatory" ],
+              [ { year => 2003, month => 6, day => 21, tz => 0, lon => 0 },
+                qr/Latitude .* mandatory/,
+                "Latitude parameter is mandatory" ],
+            );
+my @dt = ( [ { lon => 0, lat => 0, polar => 'whatever' },
+                qr/Wrong value of the 'polar' argument/,
+                "Wrong value of the 'polar' argument" ],
+              [ { lat => 0 },
+                qr/Longitude .* mandatory/,
+                "Longitude parameter is mandatory" ],
+              [ { lon => 0 },
+                qr/Latitude .* mandatory/,
+                "Latitude parameter is mandatory" ],
+            );
+use Astro::Sunrise(qw(:DEFAULT :constants));
+plan(tests => @basic + $datetime_ok * @dt);
+for my $test (@basic) {
+  my ($arg_href, $regexp, $label) = @$test;
+  like ( exception { sunrise($arg_href) }, $regexp, $label);
+if ($datetime_ok) {
+  for my $test (@dt) {
+    my ($arg_href, $regexp, $label) = @$test;
+    like ( exception { sun_rise($arg_href) }, $regexp, $label);
+  }
+  #like ( exception { sun_rise ( { year => 2003, month => 6, day => 21, tz => 0, lon => 0, lat => 0,
+  #                                        polar => 'whatever' } ) },
+  #                       qr/Wrong value of the 'polar' argument/,
+  #                       "Wrong value of the 'polar' argument");