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LICENSE 0201 11820
META.yml 025
Makefile.PL 1246
TODO 023
lib/CGI/ 01245
t/basic.t 092
t/cookie.t 0185
t/forms.t 0126
t/good_upload.txt --
t/mime_upload.txt 050
t/post_text.txt 01
t/uploads.t 0223
16 files changed (This is a version diff) 12062362
@@ -1,3 +1,96 @@
+* v2.05 - 23rd October 2014
+Documentation improvements, Makefile.PL tweaks.
+* v2.04_05 - 11th October 2014
+binmode forced on all file writes to avoid corruption when converting
+EOLs on MSWin32.
+* v2.04_04 - 8th October 2014
+Conversion section of _store() replaced to remove dependence on \K
+escape which was only introduced in perl 5.10.
+* v2.04_03 - Not released
+Upload tests fixed again to solve problems for MSWin32 users:
+binmode had been erroneously left off the inputs.
+Fixed generation of MYMETA/META files as spec 2.0 not yet supported
+in the local build environment.
+* v2.04_02 - 7th October 2014
+Upload tests fixed to solve two problems for MSWin32 users:
+permissions-based tests skipped and coversion algorithms for text MIME
+types improved.
+* v2.04_01 - 6th October 2014
+Full test coverage of non-deprecated features.
+BUG FIX: Multi-file uploads could break if the buffer end occured in the
+    headers of one of the files. (issue 99294)
+BUG FIX: $cgi->set_platform ('macintosh') erroneously set platform to
+    'PC' because the regex was not anchored to the start. 'macintosh'
+    now results in platform 'Mac' as it should.
+Version control moved to git.
+Makefile.PL extended to include resources (where available).
+* v2.04 - 4th July 2014
+Minor documentation fixes and explanation of the proposed split into
+legacy/trunk branches. No code changes from 2.03_02.
+* v2.03_02 - 17th June 2014
+The uploads have had a minor change which may solve the windows size
+difference failures. More diagnostics were added to the failures if it
+does not.
+* v2.03_01 - 13th June 2014
+The test multi-part upload data in the test suite has been fixed to have
+the correct (CRLF) line terminators. These tests should now pass for
+Microsoft users.
+The documentation has been amended to reflect the change of maintainer.
+* v2.03 - May 25, 2014
+Maintainer change: Pete Houston has taken over maintenance from Smylers.
+A test suite has been created.
+BUG FIX: Cleared up some uninitialised value warnings emitted when query
+	strings are missing an entire key-value pair eg: "&foo=bar" (issue
+	38448).
+BUG FIX: If the user calls parse_form_data as a class method without a
+	query string, the method now gives up early and silently
+	(issue 6180).
+BUG FIX: In form-data uploads, the boundary string was not properly
+	escaped and therefore would not match when it contained
+	metacharacters (issue 29053).
+BUG FIX: The content type for url-encoded forms now matches on the MIME
+	type only, so additional charset fields are allowed (issues 16236,
+	34827 and 41666).
+BUG FIX: Leading/trailling whitespace is now stripped from cookie names
+	and values.
+BUG FIX: Cookies now no longer need to be separated by whitespace.
+	Commas can now be used as separators too. (issue 32329).
+BUG FIX: The semicolon is now a permitted delimiter in the query string
+	along with the ampersand (issue 8212).
 * v2.02 - May 18, 2003
 I've taken over CGI::Lite.  Thanks to Andreas for making the security release,
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+The Artistic License 2.0
+           Copyright (c) 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation.
+     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
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+The intent is that the Copyright Holder maintains some artistic
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+    "Copyright Holder" means the individual(s) or organization(s)
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+    "Standard Version" refers to the Package if it has not been
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+    "Modified Version" means the Package, if it has been changed, and
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+    "Original License" means this Artistic License as Distributed with
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+    "Source" form means the source code, documentation source, and
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+Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution
+(1)  You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use
+Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that
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+Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version
+(2)  You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the
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+(3)  You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other
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+(4)  You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis
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+(14)  Disclaimer of Warranty:
@@ -1,1182 +0,0 @@
-##     CGI Lite v2.02
-##     Last modified: 18 Aug 2003 (Smylers - see CHANGES)
-##     Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Shishir Gundavaram
-##     All Rights Reserved
-##     Permission  to  use,  copy, and distribute is hereby granted,
-##     providing that the above copyright notice and this permission
-##     appear in all copies and in supporting documentation.
-=head1 NAME
-CGI::Lite - Process and decode WWW forms and cookies
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    use CGI::Lite;
-    $cgi = new CGI::Lite;
-    $cgi->set_platform ($platform);
-        where $platform can be one of (case insensitive):
-        Unix, Windows, Windows95, DOS, NT, PC, Mac or Macintosh
-    $cgi->set_file_type ('handle' or 'file');
-    $cgi->add_timestamp (0, 1 or 2);	
-        where 0 = no timestamp
-              1 = timestamp all files (default)
-              2 = timestamp only if file exists
-    $cgi->filter_filename (\&subroutine);
-    $size = $cgi->set_buffer_size ($some_buffer_size);
-    $status = $cgi->set_directory ('/some/dir');
-    $cgi->set_directory ('/some/dir') || die "Directory doesn't exist.\n";
-    $cgi->close_all_files;
-    $cgi->add_mime_type ('application/mac-binhex40');
-    $status = $cgi->remove_mime_type ('application/mac-binhex40');
-    @list = $cgi->get_mime_types;
-    $form = $cgi->parse_form_data;
-    %form = $cgi->parse_form_data;
-    or
-    $form = $cgi->parse_form_data ('GET', 'HEAD' or 'POST');
-    $cookies = $cgi->parse_cookies;
-    %cookies = $cgi->parse_cookies;
-    $status  = $cgi->is_error;
-    $message = $cgi->get_error_message;
-    $cgi->return_error ('error 1', 'error 2', ...);
-    $keys = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
-    @keys = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
-    $cgi->print_data;
-    $cgi->print_form_data;   (deprecated as of v1.8)
-    $cgi->print_cookie_data; (deprecated as of v1.8)
-    $new_string = $cgi->wrap_textarea ($string, $length);
-    @all_values = $cgi->get_multiple_values ($reference);
-    $cgi->create_variables (\%form);
-    $cgi->create_variables ($form);
-    $escaped_string = browser_escape ($string);
-    $encoded_string = url_encode ($string);
-    $decoded_string = url_decode ($string);
-    $status = is_dangerous ($string);
-    $safe_string = escape_dangerous_chars ($string); # ***use is discouraged***
-You can use this module to decode form and query information,
-including file uploads, as well as cookies in a very simple 
-manner; you need not concern yourself with the actual details 
-behind the decoding process. 
-=head1 METHODS
-Here are the methods you can use to process your forms and cookies:
-=over 4
-=item B<parse_form_data>
-This will handle the following types of requests: GET, HEAD and POST.
-By default, CGI::Lite uses the environment variable REQUEST_METHOD to 
-determine the manner in which the query/form information should be 
-decoded. However, as of v1.8, you are allowed to pass a valid request 
-method to this function to force CGI::Lite to decode the information in 
-a specific manner. 
-For multipart/form-data, uploaded files are stored in the user selected 
-directory (see B<set_directory>). If timestamp mode is on (see 
-B<add_timestamp>), the files are named in the following format:
-    timestamp__filename
-where the filename is specified in the "Content-disposition" header.
-I<NOTE:>, the browser URL encodes the name of the file. This module
-makes I<no> effort to decode the information for security reasons.
-However, you can do so by creating a subroutine and then using
-the B<filter_filename> method.
-I<Return Value>
-Returns either a hash or a reference to the hash, which contains
-all of the key/value pairs. For fields that contain file information,
-the value contains either the path to the file, or the filehandle 
-(see the B<set_file_type> method).
-=item B<parse_new_form_data>
-As for parse_form_data, but clears the CGI object state before processing 
-the request. This is useful in persistant application (e.g. FCGI), where
-the CGI object is reused for multiple requests. e.g.
-	$CGI = new CGI::Lite;
-	while (FCGI::accept > 0)
-	{
-		$Query = $CGI->parse_new_form_data();
-		<process query>
-	}
-=item B<parse_cookies>
-Decodes and parses cookies passed by the browser. This method works in 
-much the same manner as B<parse_form_data>. 
-=item B<is_error>
-As of v1.8, errors in parsing are handled differently. You can use this
-method to check for any potential errors after you've called either
-B<parse_form_data> or B<parse_cookies>.
-I<Return Value>
-    0 Success
-    1 Failure
-=item B<get_error_message>
-If an error occurs when parsing form/query information or cookies, you
-can use this method to retrieve the error message. Remember, you can
-check for errors by calling the B<is_error> method.
-I<Return Value>
-The error message.
-=item B<return_error>
-You can use this method to return errors to the browser and exit. 
-=item B<set_platform>
-You can use this method to set the platform on which your Web server
-is running. CGI::Lite uses this information to translate end-of-line 
-(EOL) characters for uploaded files (see the B<add_mime_type> and
-B<remove_mime_type> methods) so that they display properly on that
-You can specify either (case insensitive):
-    Unix                                  EOL: \012      = \n
-    Windows, Windows95, DOS, NT, PC       EOL: \015\012  = \r\n
-    Mac or Macintosh                      EOL: \015      = \r
-"Unix" is the default.
-=item B<set_directory>
-Used to set the directory where the uploaded files will be stored 
-(only applies to the I<multipart/form-data> encoding scheme).
-This function should be called I<before> you call B<parse_form_data>, 
-or else the directory defaults to "/tmp". If the application cannot 
-write to the directory for whatever reason, an error status is returned.
-I<Return Value>
-    0  Failure
-    1  Success
-=item B<close_all_files>
-All uploaded files that are opened as a result of calling B<set_file_type>
-with the "handle" argument can be closed in one shot by calling this
-=item B<add_mime_type>
-By default, EOL characters are translated for all uploaded files
-with specific MIME types (i.e text/plain, text/html, etc.). You
-can use this method to add to the list of MIME types. For example,
-if you want CGI::Lite to translate EOL characters for uploaded
-files of I<application/mac-binhex40>, then you would do this:
-    $cgi->add_mime_type ('application/mac-binhex40');
-=item B<remove_mime_type>
-This method is the converse of B<add_mime_type>. It allows you to 
-remove a particular MIME type. For example, if you do not want 
-CGI::Lite to translate EOL characters for uploaded files of I<text/html>, 
-then you would do this:
-    $cgi->remove_mime_type ('text/html');
-I<Return Value>
-    0  Failure
-    1  Success
-=item B<get_mime_types>
-Returns the list, either as a reference or an actual list, of the 
-MIME types for which EOL translation is performed.
-=item B<set_file_type>
-The I<names> of uploaded files are returned by default, when you call
-the B<parse_form_data> method. But,  if pass the string "handle" to this 
-method, the I<handles> to the files are returned. However, the name
-of the handle corresponds to the filename.
-This function should be called I<before> you call B<parse_form_data>, or 
-else it will not work.
-=item B<add_timestamp>
-By default, a timestamp is added to the front of uploaded files. 
-However, you have the option of completely turning off timestamp mode
-(value 0), or adding a timestamp only for existing files (value 2).
-=item B<filter_filename>
-You can use this method to change the manner in which uploaded
-files are named. For example, if you want uploaded filenames
-to be all upper case, you can use the following code:
-    $cgi->filter_filename (\&make_uppercase);
-    $cgi->parse_form_data;
-    .
-    .
-    .
-    sub make_uppercase
-    {
-        my $file = shift;
-        $file =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
-        return $file;
-    }
-=item B<set_buffer_size>
-This method allows you to set the buffer size when dealing with multipart 
-form data. However, the I<actual> buffer size that the algorithm uses 
-I<can> be up to 3x the value you specify. This ensures that boundary 
-strings are not "split" between multiple reads. So, take this into 
-consideration when setting the buffer size.
-You cannot set a buffer size below 256 bytes and above the total amount 
-of multipart form data. The default value is 1024 bytes. 
-I<Return Value>
-The buffer size.
-=item B<get_ordered_keys>
-Returns either a reference to an array or an array itself consisting
-of the form fields/cookies in the order they were parsed.
-I<Return Value>
-Ordered keys.
-=item B<print_data>
-Displays all the key/value pairs (either form data or cookie information)
-in a ordered fashion. The methods B<print_form_data> and B<print_cookie_data>
-are deprecated as of version v1.8, and will be removed in future versions.
-=item B<print_form_data>
-Deprecated as of v1.8, see B<print_data>.
-=item B<print_cookie_data> (deprecated as of v1.8)
-Deprecated as of v1.8, see B<print_data>.
-=item B<wrap_textarea>
-You can use this function to "wrap" a long string into one that is 
-separated by a combination of carriage return and newline (see 
-B<set_platform>) at fixed lengths.  The two arguments that you need to 
-pass to this method are the string and the length at which you want the 
-line separator added.
-I<Return Value>
-The modified string.
-=item B<get_multiple_values>
-One of the major changes to this module as of v1.7 is that multiple
-values for a single key are returned as an reference to an array, and 
-I<not> as a string delimited by the null character ("\0"). You can use 
-this function to return the actual array. And if you pass a scalar 
-value to this method, it will simply return that value.
-There was no way I could make this backward compatible with versions
-older than 1.7. I apologize!
-I<Return Value>
-Array consisting of the multiple values.
-=item B<create_variables>
-Sometimes, it is convenient to have scalar variables that represent
-the various keys in a hash. You can use this method to do just that.
-Say you have a hash like the following:
-    %form = ('name'   => 'shishir gundavaram',
-	     'sport'  => 'track and field',
-	     'events' => '100m');
-If you call this method in the following manner:
-    $cgi->create_variables (\%hash);
-it will create three scalar variables: $name, $sport and $events. 
-Convenient, huh? 
-=item B<browser_escape>
-Certain characters have special significance to the browser. These
-characters include: "<" and ">". If you want to display these "special"
-characters, you need to escape them using the following notation:
-    &#ascii;
-This method does just that.
-I<Return Value>
-Escaped string.
-=item B<url_encode>
-This method will URL encode a string that you pass it. You can use this
-to encode any data that you wish to pass as a query string to a CGI
-I<Return Value>
-URL encoded string.
-=item B<url_decode>
-You can use this method to URL decode a string. 
-I<Return Value>
-URL decoded string.
-=item B<is_dangerous>
-This method checks for the existence of dangerous meta-characters.
-I<Return Value>
-    0 Safe
-    1 Dangerous
-=item B<escape_dangerous_chars>
-You can use this method to "escape" any dangerous meta-characters. The
-use of this function is strongly discouraged. See
- and
- for an
-advisory by Ronald F. Guilmette. Ronald's patch to make this function
-more safe is applied, but as has been pointed out on the bugtraq
-mailing list, it is still much better to run no external shell at all
-when executing commands. Please read the advisory and the WWW security
-I<Return Value>
-Escaped string.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-If you're looking for more comprehensive CGI modules, you can either 
-use the CGI::* modules or Both are maintained by Dr. Lincoln
-Stein I<(> and can be found at your local
-CPAN mirror and at his Web site:
-Maintenance of this module has now been taken over by Smylers
-The author thanks the following for finding bugs and offering suggestions:
-=over 4
-=item Eric D. Friedman (   
-=item Thomas Winzig (
-=item Len Charest (
-=item Achim Bohnet (
-=item John E. Townsend (
-=item Andrew McRae (
-=item Dennis Grant (
-=item Scott Neufeld (
-=item Raul Almquist (
-=item and many others!
-     Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Shishir Gundavaram
-                     All Rights Reserved
- Permission to use, copy, and  distribute  is  hereby granted,
- providing that the above copyright notice and this permission
- appear in all copies and in supporting documentation.
-package CGI::Lite;
-require 5.002;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA    =    (Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw (browser_escape
-              url_encode
-              url_decode
-              is_dangerous
-              escape_dangerous_chars);
-## Global Variables
-$CGI::Lite::VERSION = '2.02';
-##  Start
-sub new
-    my $self;
-    $self = {
-	        multipart_dir    =>    undef,
-	        default_dir      =>    '/tmp',
-	        file_type        =>    'name',
-	        platform         =>    'Unix',
-	        buffer_size      =>    1024,
-	        timestamp        =>    1,
-		filter           =>    undef,
-	        web_data         =>    {},
-		ordered_keys     =>    [],
-		all_handles      =>    [],
-	        error_status     =>    0,
-	        error_message    =>    undef,
-		file_size_limit	 =>    2097152,
-	    };
-    $self->{convert} = { 
-	                   'text/html'    => 1,
-	                   'text/plain'   => 1
-	               };
-    $self->{file} = { Unix => '/',    Mac => ':',    PC => '\\'       };
-    $self->{eol}  = { Unix => "\012", Mac => "\015", PC => "\015\012" };
-    bless $self;
-    return $self;
-sub Version 
-    return $VERSION;
-sub set_directory
-    my ($self, $directory) = @_;
-    stat ($directory);
-    if ( (-d _) && (-e _) && (-r _) && (-w _) ) {
-	$self->{multipart_dir} = $directory;
-	return (1);
-    } else {
-	return (0);
-    }
-sub add_mime_type
-    my ($self, $mime_type) = @_;
-    $self->{convert}->{$mime_type} = 1 if ($mime_type);
-sub remove_mime_type
-    my ($self, $mime_type) = @_;
-    if ($self->{convert}->{$mime_type}) {
-	delete $self->{convert}->{$mime_type};
-	return (1);
-    } else {
-	return (0);
-    }
-sub get_mime_types
-    my $self = shift;
-    return (sort keys %{ $self->{convert} });
-sub set_platform
-    my ($self, $platform) = @_;
-    if ($platform =~ /(?:PC|NT|Windows(?:95)?|DOS)/i) {
-        $self->{platform} = 'PC';
-    } elsif ($platform =~ /Mac(?:intosh)?/i) {
-	## Should I check for NeXT here :-)
-        $self->{platform} = 'Mac';
-    } else {
-	$self->{platform} = 'Unix';
-    }
-sub set_file_type
-    my ($self, $type) = @_;
-    if ($type =~ /^handle$/i) {
-	$self->{file_type} = 'handle';
-    } else {
-	$self->{file_type} = 'name';
-    }
-sub add_timestamp
-    my ($self, $value) = @_;
-    if ( ($value < 0) || ($value > 2) ) {
-	$self->{timestamp} = 1;
-    } else {
-	$self->{timestamp} = $value;
-    }
-sub filter_filename
-    my ($self, $subroutine) = @_;
-    $self->{filter} = $subroutine;
-sub set_buffer_size
-    my ($self, $buffer_size) = @_;
-    my $content_length;
-    $content_length = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} || return (0);
-    if ($buffer_size < 256) {
-	$self->{buffer_size} = 256;
-    } elsif ($buffer_size > $content_length) {
-	$self->{buffer_size} = $content_length;
-    } else {
-	$self->{buffer_size} = $buffer_size;
-    }
-    return ($self->{buffer_size});
-sub parse_new_form_data
-# Reset state before parsing (for persistant CGI objects, e.g. under FastCGI) 
-# BDL
-	my ($self, @param) = @_;
-	# close files (should happen anyway when 'all_handles' is cleared...)
-	$self->close_all_files();
-	$self->{web_data}	= {};
-	$self->{ordered_keys} 	= [];
-	$self->{all_handles} 	= [];
-	$self->{error_status} 	= 0;
-	$self->{error_message} 	= undef;
-	$self->parse_form_data(@param);
-sub parse_form_data
-    my ($self, $user_request) = @_;
-    my ($request_method, $content_length, $content_type, $query_string,
-	$boundary, $post_data, @query_input);
-    $request_method = $user_request || $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} || '';
-    $content_length = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH};
-    $content_type   = $ENV{CONTENT_TYPE};
-    if ($request_method =~ /^(get|head)$/i) {
-	$query_string = $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
-	$self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$query_string, 'form');
-	return wantarray ?
-	    %{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
-    } elsif ($request_method =~ /^post$/i) {
-	if (!$content_type || 
-	    ($content_type eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')) {
-	    local $^W = 0;
-	    read (STDIN, $post_data, $content_length);
-	    $self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$post_data, 'form');
-	    return wantarray ? 
-		%{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
-	} elsif ($content_type =~ /multipart\/form-data/) {
-	    ($boundary) = $content_type =~ /boundary=(\S+)$/;
-	    $self->_parse_multipart_data ($content_length, $boundary);
-	    return wantarray ? 
-		%{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
-	} else {
-	    $self->_error ('Invalid content type!');
-	}
-    } else {
-	##++
-	##  Got the idea of interactive debugging from, though it's
-        ##  handled a bit differently here. Thanks Lincoln!
-	##--
-	print "[ Reading query from standard input. Press ^D to stop! ]\n";
-	@query_input = <>;
-	chomp (@query_input);
-	$query_string = join ('&', @query_input);
-	$query_string =~ s/\\(.)/sprintf ('%%%02X', ord ($1))/eg;
-	$self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$query_string, 'form');
-	return wantarray ?
-	    %{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
-    }
-sub parse_cookies
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $cookies;
-    $cookies = $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} || return;
-    $self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$cookies, 'cookies');
-    return wantarray ? 
-        %{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
-sub get_ordered_keys
-    my $self = shift;
-    return wantarray ?
-	@{ $self->{ordered_keys} } : $self->{ordered_keys};
-sub print_data
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($key, $value, $eol);
-    $eol = $self->{eol}->{$self->{platform}};
-    foreach $key (@{ $self->{ordered_keys} }) {
-	$value = $self->{web_data}->{$key};
-	if (ref $value) {
-	    print "$key = @$value$eol";
-	} else {
-	    print "$key = $value$eol";
-	}
-    }
-sub print_mime_type
-    my ($self, $field) = @_;
-    return($self->{'mime_types'}->{$field});
-*print_form_data = *print_cookie_data = \&print_data;
-sub wrap_textarea
-    my ($self, $string, $length) = @_;
-    my ($new_string, $platform, $eol);
-    $length     = 70 unless ($length);
-    $platform   = $self->{platform};
-    $eol        = $self->{eol}->{$platform};
-    $new_string = $string || return;
-    $new_string =~ s/[\0\r]\n?/ /sg;
-    $new_string =~ s/(.{0,$length})\s/$1$eol/sg;
-    return $new_string;
-sub get_multiple_values
-    my ($self, $array) = @_;
-    return (ref $array) ? (@$array) : $array;
-sub create_variables
-    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
-    my ($package, $key, $value);
-    $package = $self->_determine_package;
-    while (($key, $value) = each %$hash) {
-	${"$package\:\:$key"} = $value;
-    }
-sub is_error
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->{error_status}) {
-	return (1);
-    } else {
-	return (0);
-    }
-sub get_error_message
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->{error_message} if ($self->{error_message});
-sub return_error
-    my ($self, @messages) = @_;
-    print "@messages\n";
-    exit (1);
-##  Exported Subroutines
-sub browser_escape
-    my $string = shift;
-    $string =~ s/([<&"#%>])/sprintf ('&#%d;', ord ($1))/ge;
-    return $string;
-sub url_encode
-    my $string = shift;
-    $string =~ s/([^-.\w ])/sprintf('%%%02X', ord $1)/ge;
-    $string =~ tr/ /+/;
-    return $string;
-sub url_decode
-    my $string = shift;
-    $string =~ tr/+/ /;
-    $string =~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/chr (hex ($1))/eg;
-    return $string;
-sub is_dangerous
-    my $string = shift;
-    if ($string =~ /[;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"]/) {
-        return (1);
-    } else {
-        return (0);
-    }
-sub escape_dangerous_chars
-    my $string = shift;
-    warn "escape_dangerous_chars() possibly dangerous. Its use is discouraged";
-    $string =~ s/([;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"\\\?\~\^\r\n])/\\$1/g;
-    return $string;
-##  Internal Methods
-sub _error
-    my ($self, $message) = @_;
-    $self->{error_status}  = 1;
-    $self->{error_message} = $message;
-sub _determine_package
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($frame, $this_package, $find_package);
-    $frame = -1;
-    ($this_package) = split (/=/, $self);
-    do {
-	$find_package = caller (++$frame);
-    } until ($find_package !~ /^$this_package/);
-    return ($find_package);
-##  Decode URL encoded data
-sub _decode_url_encoded_data
-    my ($self, $reference_data, $type) = @_;
-    my $code;
-    $code = <<'End_of_URL_Decode';
-    my (@key_value_pairs, $delimiter, $key_value, $key, $value);
-    @key_value_pairs = ();
-    return unless ($$reference_data);
-    if ($type eq 'cookies') {
-	$delimiter = ';\s+';
-    } else {
-	$delimiter = '&';
-    }
-    @key_value_pairs = split (/$delimiter/, $$reference_data);
-    foreach $key_value (@key_value_pairs) {
-	($key, $value) = split (/=/, $key_value, 2);
-	$value = '' unless defined $value;	# avoid 'undef' warnings for "key=" BDL Jan/99
-	$key   = url_decode($key);
-	$value = url_decode($value);
-	if ( defined ($self->{web_data}->{$key}) ) {
-	    $self->{web_data}->{$key} = [$self->{web_data}->{$key}] 
-	        unless ( ref $self->{web_data}->{$key} );
-	    push (@{ $self->{web_data}->{$key} }, $value);
-	} else {
-	    $self->{web_data}->{$key} = $value;
-	    push (@{ $self->{ordered_keys} }, $key);
-	}
-    }
-    eval ($code);
-    $self->_error ($@) if $@;
-##  Methods dealing with multipart data
-sub _parse_multipart_data
-    my ($self, $total_bytes, $boundary) = @_;
-    my ($code, $files);
-    local $^W = 0;
-    $files    = {};
-    $code = <<'End_of_Multipart';
-    my ($seen, $buffer_size, $byte_count, $platform, $eol, $handle, 
-	$directory, $bytes_left, $buffer_size, $new_data, $old_data, 
-	$current_buffer, $changed, $store, $disposition, $headers, 
-        $mime_type, $convert, $field, $file, $new_name, $full_path);
-    $seen        = {};
-    $buffer_size = $self->{buffer_size};
-    $byte_count  = 0;
-    $platform    = $self->{platform};
-    $eol         = $self->{eol}->{$platform};
-    $handle      = 'CL00';
-    $directory   = $self->{multipart_dir} || $self->{default_dir};
-    while (1) {
-	if ( ($byte_count < $total_bytes) &&
-	     (length ($current_buffer) < ($buffer_size * 2)) ) {
-	    $bytes_left  = $total_bytes - $byte_count;
-	    $buffer_size = $bytes_left if ($bytes_left < $buffer_size);
-	    read (STDIN, $new_data, $buffer_size);
-            $self->_error ("Oh, Oh! I'm upset! Can't read what I want.")
-		if (length ($new_data) != $buffer_size);
-	    $byte_count += $buffer_size;
-	    if ($old_data) {
-		$current_buffer = join ('', $old_data, $new_data);
-	    } else {
-		$current_buffer = $new_data;
-	    }
-	} elsif ($old_data) {
-	    $current_buffer = $old_data;
-	    $old_data = undef;
-	} else {
-	    last;
-	}
-	$changed = 0;
-	##++
-	##  When Netscape Navigator creates a random boundary string, you
-	##  would expect it to pass that _same_ value in the environment
-	##  variable CONTENT_TYPE, but it does not! Instead, it passes a
-	##  value that has the first two characters ("--") missing.
-	##--
-	if ($current_buffer =~ 
-            /(.*?)(?:\015?\012)?-*$boundary-*[\015\012]*(?=(.*))/os) {
-	    ($store, $old_data) = ($1, $2);
-            if ($current_buffer =~ 
-             /[Cc]ontent-[Dd]isposition: ([^\015\012]+)\015?\012  # Disposition
-              (?:([A-Za-z].*?)(?:\015?\012){2})?                  # Headers
-              (?:\015?\012)?                                      # End
-              (?=(.*))                                            # Other Data
-             /xs) {
-		($disposition, $headers, $current_buffer) = ($1, $2, $3);
-		$old_data = $current_buffer;
-		($mime_type) = $headers =~ /[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype: (\S+)/;
-		$self->_store ($platform, $file, $convert, $handle, $eol, 
-			       $field, \$store, $seen);
-		close ($handle) if (fileno ($handle));
-		if ($mime_type && $self->{convert}->{$mime_type}) {
-		    $convert = 1;
-		} else {
-		    $convert = 0;
-		}
-		$changed = 1;
-		($field) = $disposition =~ /name="([^"]+)"/;
-		++$seen->{$field};
-		$self->{'mime_types'}->{$field} = $mime_type;
-                if ($seen->{$field} > 1) {
-                    $self->{web_data}->{$field} = [$self->{web_data}->{$field}]
-                        unless (ref $self->{web_data}->{$field});
-                } else {
-                    push (@{ $self->{ordered_keys} }, $field);
-                }
-                if (($file) = $disposition =~ /filename="(.*)"/) {
-                    $file =~ s|.*[:/\\](.*)|$1|;
-                    $new_name = $self->_get_file_name ($platform,
-                                                       $directory, $file);
-                    $self->{web_data}->{$field} = $new_name;
-                    $full_path = join ($self->{file}->{$platform}, 
-                                       $directory, $new_name);
-                    open (++$handle, ">$full_path") 
-	                || $self->_error ("Can't create file: $full_path!");
-                    $files->{$new_name} = $full_path;
-                } 
-            }
-	} elsif ($old_data) {
-            $store    = $old_data;
-            $old_data = $new_data;
-	} else {
-	    $store          = $current_buffer;
-            $current_buffer = $new_data;
-        }
-        unless ($changed) {
-           $self->_store ($platform, $file, $convert, $handle, $eol, 
-                          $field, \$store, $seen);
-        }
-    }
-    close ($handle) if (fileno ($handle));
-    eval ($code);
-    $self->_error ($@) if $@;
-    $self->_create_handles ($files) if ($self->{file_type} eq 'handle');
-sub _store
-    my ($self, $platform, $file, $convert, $handle, $eol, $field, 
-	$info, $seen) = @_;
-    if ($file) {
-	if ($convert) {
-	    $$info =~ s/\015\012/$eol/og  if ($platform ne 'PC');
-	    $$info =~ s/\015/$eol/og      if ($platform ne 'Mac');
-	    $$info =~ s/\012/$eol/og      if ($platform ne 'Unix');
-	}
-    	print $handle $$info;
-    } elsif ($field) {
-	if ($seen->{$field} > 1) {
-	    $self->{web_data}->{$field}->[$seen->{$field}-1] .= $$info;
-	} else {
-	    $self->{web_data}->{$field} .= $$info;
-        }
-    }
-sub _get_file_name
-    my ($self, $platform, $directory, $file) = @_;
-    my ($filtered_name, $filename, $timestamp, $path);
-    $filtered_name = &{ $self->{filter} }($file)
-        if (ref ($self->{filter}) eq 'CODE');
-    $filename  = $filtered_name || $file;
-    $timestamp = time . '__' . $filename;
-    if (!$self->{timestamp}) {
-	return $filename;
-    } elsif ($self->{timestamp} == 1) {
-	return $timestamp;
-    } elsif ($self->{timestamp} == 2) {
-	$path = join ($self->{file}->{$platform}, $directory, $filename);
-	return (-e $path) ? $timestamp : $filename;
-    }
-sub _create_handles
-    my ($self, $files) = @_;
-    my ($package, $handle, $name, $path);
-    $package = $self->_determine_package;
-    while (($name, $path) = each %$files) {
-	$handle = "$package\:\:$name";
-	open ($handle, "<$path")
-            || $self->_error ("Can't read file: $path!");
-	push (@{ $self->{all_handles} }, $handle);
-    }
-sub close_all_files
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $handle;
-    foreach $handle (@{ $self->{all_handles} }) {
-	close $handle;
-    }
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
-MANIFEST                        This File
-CHANGES                         Revision History
-README                          Readme File                         CGI::Lite Module
-Makefile.PL                     Makefile Generator
-TODO                            Future work?
+CHANGES				Revision History
 examples/cookies		Example 1
 examples/file			Example 2
 examples/get_post		Example 3
@@ -11,3 +6,17 @@ examples/post			Example 4
 examples/print			Example 5
 examples/reference		Example 6
 examples/upload			Example 7
+lib/CGI/			CGI::Lite Module
+LICENSE				Licence details
+Makefile.PL			Makefile Generator
+MANIFEST			This File
+README				Readme File
+TODO				Future work?
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+--- #YAML:1.0
+name:               CGI-Lite
+version:            2.05
+abstract:           Process and decode WWW forms and cookies
+    - Pete Houston (
+license:            perl
+distribution_type:  module
+    ExtUtils::MakeMaker:  0
+    Test::More:  0
+    perl:  5.002000
+    bugtracker:
+    repository:
+    directory:
+        - t
+        - inc
+generated_by:       ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.57_05
+    url:
+    version:  1.4
@@ -1,24 +1,58 @@
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+use strict;
 require 5.002;
-$VERSION = "2.02";
-print "\nWelcome to the installation of CGI::Lite $VERSION...\n\n";
+my %MF = (
+	NAME      =>   "CGI::Lite",
+	ABSTRACT  =>   "Process and decode WWW forms and cookies",
+	AUTHOR    =>   'Pete Houston (',
+		'Test::More'    => '0',
+	},
+	LICENSE         => 'perl',
+# META_MERGE cannot be made to work with spec version 2.0 and 
+# my old ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
+# Restrict it to 1.4 for now
+		'meta-spec' => {
+			version => 1.4,
+#			version => 2,
+#			url => ''
+		},
+		resources   => {
+			bugtracker => '',
+			repository => '',
+#			bugtracker => {
+#				web  => ''
+#			},
+#			repository => {
+#				type => 'git',
+#				url  => 'git://',
+#				web  => '',
+#			}
+		}
+	},
+	MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.2.0',
+	VERSION_FROM    => 'lib/CGI/',
+   	'dist'    =>   {
+		COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', 
+		SUFFIX   => 'gz'
+   	}
-WriteMakefile (
-                 NAME      =>   "CGI::Lite",
-                 VERSION   =>   "$VERSION",
-                 'dist'    =>   {
-				    COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', 
-				    SUFFIX   => 'gz'
-           			}
-              );
+if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION lt 6.55) { delete $MF{BUILD_REQUIRES}; }
+if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION lt 6.48) { delete $MF{MIN_PERL_VERSION}; }
+if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION lt 6.46) { delete $MF{META_MERGE};     }
+if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION lt 6.31) { delete $MF{LICENSE};        }
+WriteMakefile (%MF);
 print <<End_of_Text;
-Now do the following to install CGI::Lite $VERSION:
+Now do the following to install CGI::Lite:
-    % make 
+    % make
+    % make test
     % make install
@@ -1,17 +1,48 @@
-CGI::Lite v2.02
+CGI::Lite v2.05
+Released: 23rd Oct 2014
 You can use this module to decode form and query information, including file
 uploads, as well as cookies in a very simple manner; you need not concern
 yourself with the actual details behind the decoding process.
-Here are the changes for this version:
-Bugs in url_encode and url_decode have been fixed: they now correctly encode
-and decode data that was previously treated incorrectly.
+Documentation improvements, Makefile.PL tweaks.
+Changes since last stable release:
+binmode forced on all file writes to avoid corruption when converting
+EOLs on MSWin32.
+Upload tests fixed again to solve problems for MSWin32 users:
+binmode had been erroneously left off the inputs.
+Fixed generation of MYMETA/META files as spec 2.0 not yet supported
+in the local build environment.
+Upload tests fixed to solve two problems for MSWin32 users:
+permissions-based tests skipped and coversion algorithms for text MIME
+types improved.
+Full test coverage of non-deprecated features.
+BUG FIX: Multi-file uploads could break if the buffer end occured in the
+    headers of one of the files. (issue 99294)
+BUG FIX: $cgi->set_platform ('macintosh') erroneously set platform to
+    'PC' because the regex was not anchored to the start. 'macintosh'
+    now results in platform 'Mac' as it should.
-Here are the changes for the previous version, 2.001:
+Version control moved to git.
-This is just an emergency release that fixes the most urgent security need.
+Makefile.PL extended to include resources (where available).
 See the CHANGES file for full history.
@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+Tasks to perform:
+Create a legacy branch which will be 2.x and maintain backwards
+Start a 3.x branch (trunk, really) which will be a code clean-up and
+removal of deprecated features. It will require at least 5.6.0 (for
+lexical filehandles)
+Consider adding a routine to set cookies.
+Decide whether to tighten validation of cookie names.
+Decide on the appropriate action to take when presented with multiple
+cookies with the same name and document it.
+Write tests for:
+	EOL processing for the different mime types
+	Fix the upload bug (RT 99294)
+	create_variables (no, just deprecate this one)
+Below is Smyler's todo list from 2003.
 The list at the bottom is what I found in this TODO file when I took over this
 module in 2003 August, presumably dating from 2000 or earlier.  I haven't yet
 decided whether I will actually do any of these things.
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+##     CGI Lite v2.05
+##     Last modified: 23 Oct 2014 (see CHANGES)
+##     Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Shishir Gundavaram
+##     All Rights Reserved
+##     Permission  to  use,  copy, and distribute is hereby granted,
+##     providing that the above copyright notice and this permission
+##     appear in all copies and in supporting documentation.
+##     Changes in versions 2.03 and newer copyright (c) 2014 Pete Houston 
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Lite - Process and decode WWW forms and cookies
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use CGI::Lite;
+    $cgi = CGI::Lite->new ();
+    $cgi->set_platform ($platform);
+        # where $platform can be one of (case insensitive):
+        # Unix, Windows, Windows95, DOS, NT, PC, Mac or Macintosh
+    $cgi->set_file_type ($fh);
+        # where $fh is one of 'handle' or 'file'
+    $cgi->add_timestamp ($tsflag);	
+        # where $tsflag takes one of these values
+        #       0 = no timestamp
+        #       1 = timestamp all files (default)
+        #       2 = timestamp only if file exists
+    $cgi->filter_filename (\&subroutine);
+    $size = $cgi->set_buffer_size ($some_buffer_size);
+    $status = $cgi->set_directory ('/some/dir');
+    $cgi->set_directory ('/some/dir') or die "Directory doesn't exist.\n";
+    $cgi->close_all_files;
+    $cgi->add_mime_type ('application/mac-binhex40');
+    $status = $cgi->remove_mime_type ('application/mac-binhex40');
+    @list = $cgi->get_mime_types;
+    $form = $cgi->parse_form_data;
+    %form = $cgi->parse_form_data;
+    # or
+    $form = $cgi->parse_form_data ('GET', 'HEAD' or 'POST');
+    $cookies = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+    %cookies = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+    $status  = $cgi->is_error;
+    $message = $cgi->get_error_message;
+    $cgi->return_error ('error 1', 'error 2', ...);
+    $keys = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
+    @keys = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
+    $cgi->print_data;
+    $cgi->print_form_data;   # (deprecated as of v1.8)
+    $cgi->print_cookie_data; # (deprecated as of v1.8)
+    $new_string = $cgi->wrap_textarea ($string, $length);
+    @all_values = $cgi->get_multiple_values ($reference);
+    $cgi->create_variables (\%form);
+    $cgi->create_variables ($form);
+    $escaped_string = browser_escape ($string);
+    $encoded_string = url_encode ($string);
+    $decoded_string = url_decode ($string);
+    $status = is_dangerous ($string);
+    $safe_string = escape_dangerous_chars ($string); # ***use is discouraged***
+You can use this module to decode form and query information,
+including file uploads, as well as cookies in a very simple 
+manner; you need not concern yourself with the actual details 
+behind the decoding process. 
+=head1 METHODS
+Here are the methods you can use to process your forms and cookies:
+=over 4
+=item B<parse_form_data>
+This will handle the following types of requests: GET, HEAD and POST.
+By default, CGI::Lite uses the environment variable REQUEST_METHOD to 
+determine the manner in which the query/form information should be 
+decoded. However, as of v1.8, you are allowed to pass a valid request 
+method to this function to force CGI::Lite to decode the information in 
+a specific manner. 
+For multipart/form-data, uploaded files are stored in the user selected 
+directory (see B<set_directory>). If timestamp mode is on (see 
+B<add_timestamp>), the files are named in the following format:
+    timestamp__filename
+where the filename is specified in the "Content-disposition" header.
+I<NOTE:>, the browser URL encodes the name of the file. This module
+makes I<no> effort to decode the information for security reasons.
+However, you can do so by creating a subroutine and then using
+the B<filter_filename> method.
+I<Return Value>
+Returns either a hash or a reference to the hash, which contains
+all of the key/value pairs. For fields that contain file information,
+the value contains either the path to the file, or the filehandle 
+(see the B<set_file_type> method).
+=item B<parse_new_form_data>
+As for parse_form_data, but clears the CGI object state before processing 
+the request. This is useful in persistant application (e.g. FCGI), where
+the CGI object is reused for multiple requests. e.g.
+	$CGI = new CGI::Lite;
+	while (FCGI::accept > 0)
+	{
+		$Query = $CGI->parse_new_form_data();
+		# process query
+	}
+=item B<parse_cookies>
+Decodes and parses cookies passed by the browser. This method works in 
+much the same manner as B<parse_form_data>. 
+=item B<is_error>
+As of v1.8, errors in parsing are handled differently. You can use this
+method to check for any potential errors after you've called either
+B<parse_form_data> or B<parse_cookies>.
+I<Return Value>
+    0 Success
+    1 Failure
+=item B<get_error_message>
+If an error occurs when parsing form/query information or cookies, you
+can use this method to retrieve the error message. Remember, you can
+check for errors by calling the B<is_error> method.
+I<Return Value>
+The error message.
+=item B<return_error>
+You can use this method to return errors to the browser and exit. 
+=item B<set_platform>
+You can use this method to set the platform on which your Web server
+is running. CGI::Lite uses this information to translate end-of-line 
+(EOL) characters for uploaded files (see the B<add_mime_type> and
+B<remove_mime_type> methods) so that they display properly on that
+You can specify either (case insensitive):
+    Unix                                  EOL: \012      = \n
+    Windows, Windows95, DOS, NT, PC       EOL: \015\012  = \r\n
+    Mac or Macintosh                      EOL: \015      = \r
+"Unix" is the default.
+=item B<set_directory>
+Used to set the directory where the uploaded files will be stored 
+(only applies to the I<multipart/form-data> encoding scheme).
+This function should be called I<before> you call B<parse_form_data>, 
+or else the directory defaults to "/tmp". If the application cannot 
+write to the directory for whatever reason, an error status is returned.
+I<Return Value>
+    0  Failure
+    1  Success
+=item B<close_all_files>
+All uploaded files that are opened as a result of calling B<set_file_type>
+with the "handle" argument can be closed in one shot by calling this
+=item B<add_mime_type>
+By default, EOL characters are translated for all uploaded files
+with specific MIME types (i.e text/plain, text/html, etc.). You
+can use this method to add to the list of MIME types. For example,
+if you want CGI::Lite to translate EOL characters for uploaded
+files of I<application/mac-binhex40>, then you would do this:
+    $cgi->add_mime_type ('application/mac-binhex40');
+=item B<remove_mime_type>
+This method is the converse of B<add_mime_type>. It allows you to 
+remove a particular MIME type. For example, if you do not want 
+CGI::Lite to translate EOL characters for uploaded files of I<text/html>, 
+then you would do this:
+    $cgi->remove_mime_type ('text/html');
+I<Return Value>
+    0  Failure
+    1  Success
+=item B<get_mime_types>
+Returns the list, either as a reference or an actual list, of the 
+MIME types for which EOL translation is performed.
+=item B<set_file_type>
+The I<names> of uploaded files are returned by default, when you call
+the B<parse_form_data> method. But,  if pass the string "handle" to this 
+method, the I<handles> to the files are returned. However, the name
+of the handle corresponds to the filename.
+This function should be called I<before> you call B<parse_form_data>, or 
+else it will not work.
+=item B<add_timestamp>
+By default, a timestamp is added to the front of uploaded files. 
+However, you have the option of completely turning off timestamp mode
+(value 0), or adding a timestamp only for existing files (value 2).
+=item B<filter_filename>
+You can use this method to change the manner in which uploaded
+files are named. For example, if you want uploaded filenames
+to be all upper case, you can use the following code:
+    $cgi->filter_filename (\&make_uppercase);
+    $cgi->parse_form_data;
+    .
+    .
+    .
+    sub make_uppercase
+    {
+        my $file = shift;
+        $file =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        return $file;
+    }
+=item B<set_buffer_size>
+This method allows you to set the buffer size when dealing with multipart 
+form data. However, the I<actual> buffer size that the algorithm uses 
+I<can> be up to 3x the value you specify. This ensures that boundary 
+strings are not "split" between multiple reads. So, take this into 
+consideration when setting the buffer size.
+You cannot set a buffer size below 256 bytes and above the total amount 
+of multipart form data. The default value is 1024 bytes. 
+I<Return Value>
+The buffer size.
+=item B<get_ordered_keys>
+Returns either a reference to an array or an array itself consisting
+of the form fields/cookies in the order they were parsed.
+I<Return Value>
+Ordered keys.
+=item B<print_data>
+Displays all the key/value pairs (either form data or cookie information)
+in a ordered fashion. The methods B<print_form_data> and B<print_cookie_data>
+are deprecated as of version v1.8, and will be removed in future versions.
+=item B<print_form_data>
+Deprecated as of v1.8, see B<print_data>.
+=item B<print_cookie_data> (deprecated as of v1.8)
+Deprecated as of v1.8, see B<print_data>.
+=item B<wrap_textarea>
+You can use this function to "wrap" a long string into one that is 
+separated by a combination of carriage return and newline (see 
+B<set_platform>) at fixed lengths.  The two arguments that you need to 
+pass to this method are the string and the length at which you want the 
+line separator added.
+I<Return Value>
+The modified string.
+=item B<get_multiple_values>
+One of the major changes to this module as of v1.7 is that multiple
+values for a single key are returned as an reference to an array, and 
+I<not> as a string delimited by the null character ("\0"). You can use 
+this function to return the actual array. And if you pass a scalar 
+value to this method, it will simply return that value.
+There was no way I could make this backward compatible with versions
+older than 1.7. I apologize!
+I<Return Value>
+Array consisting of the multiple values.
+=item B<create_variables>
+Sometimes, it is convenient to have scalar variables that represent
+the various keys in a hash. You can use this method to do just that.
+Say you have a hash like the following:
+    %form = ('name'   => 'alan wells',
+	     'sport'  => 'track and field',
+	     'events' => '100m');
+If you call this method in the following manner:
+    $cgi->create_variables (\%hash);
+it will create three scalar variables: $name, $sport and $events. 
+Convenient, huh? 
+=item B<browser_escape>
+Certain characters have special significance to the browser. These
+characters include: "<" and ">". If you want to display these "special"
+characters, you need to escape them using the following notation:
+    &#ascii;
+This method does just that.
+I<Return Value>
+Escaped string.
+=item B<url_encode>
+This method will URL encode a string that you pass it. You can use this
+to encode any data that you wish to pass as a query string to a CGI
+I<Return Value>
+URL encoded string.
+=item B<url_decode>
+You can use this method to URL decode a string. 
+I<Return Value>
+URL decoded string.
+=item B<is_dangerous>
+This method checks for the existence of dangerous meta-characters.
+I<Return Value>
+    0 Safe
+    1 Dangerous
+=item B<escape_dangerous_chars>
+You can use this method to "escape" any dangerous meta-characters. B<The
+use of this function is strongly discouraged.> See
+and L<> for an
+advisory by Ronald F. Guilmette. Ronald's patch to make this function
+more safe is applied, but as has been pointed out on the bugtraq
+mailing list, it is still much better to run no external shell at all
+when executing commands. Please read the advisory and the WWW security
+I<Return Value>
+Escaped string.
+=head1 VERSIONS
+This module has maintained backwards compatibility with versions of
+Perl back to 5.002 for a very long time. Such stability is a welcome
+attribute but it restricts the code by disallowing access to features
+introduced into the language since 1996.
+With this in mind, there will be two maintained branches of this module
+going forwards. The 2.x branch will retain the backwards compatibility
+but will not have any new features introduced. Changes to this branch
+will be bug fixes only. The new 3.x branch (unreleased as of October 2014)
+will be the main release and will require a more modern perl (version
+still to be determined but 5.6.0 would be the bare minumum). That 3.x
+branch will have new features and will remove some of the legacy code
+such as the B<print_form_data> method which has been deprecated for more
+than a decade.
+Requests for new features in the proposed 3.x branch should be made via
+the request tracker at L<>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+If you're looking for more comprehensive CGI modules, you can either use
+the CGI::* modules or L<|CGI>. Both are maintained by
+L<Dr. Lincoln Stein|>
+and can be found at your local CPAN mirror.
+L<CGI::Lite::Request> uses similar method names to thus allowing
+easy transition between them. It uses this module as a
+Maintenance of this module as of May 2014 has been taken over by Pete Houston
+The author thanks the following for finding bugs and offering suggestions:
+=over 4
+=item Eric D. Friedman (   
+=item Thomas Winzig (
+=item Len Charest (
+=item Achim Bohnet (
+=item John E. Townsend (
+=item Andrew McRae (
+=item Dennis Grant (
+=item Scott Neufeld (
+=item Raul Almquist (
+=item and many others!
+The present maintainer wishes to thank the previous maintainers:
+Smylers, Andreas, Ben and Shishir.
+     Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Shishir Gundavaram
+                     All Rights Reserved
+ Permission to use, copy, and  distribute  is  hereby granted,
+ providing that the above copyright notice and this permission
+ appear in all copies and in supporting documentation.
+     Changes in versions 2.03 - present copyright 2014 by Pete Houston
+=head1 LICENCE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package CGI::Lite;
+require 5.002;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA    =    (Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw (browser_escape
+              url_encode
+              url_decode
+              is_dangerous
+              escape_dangerous_chars);
+## Global Variables
+$CGI::Lite::VERSION = '2.05';
+##  Start
+sub new
+    my $self;
+    $self = {
+	        multipart_dir    =>    undef,
+	        default_dir      =>    '/tmp',
+	        file_type        =>    'name',
+	        platform         =>    'Unix',
+	        buffer_size      =>    1024,
+	        timestamp        =>    1,
+		filter           =>    undef,
+	        web_data         =>    {},
+		ordered_keys     =>    [],
+		all_handles      =>    [],
+	        error_status     =>    0,
+	        error_message    =>    undef,
+		file_size_limit	 =>    2097152,
+	    };
+    $self->{convert} = { 
+	                   'text/html'    => 1,
+	                   'text/plain'   => 1
+	               };
+    $self->{file} = { Unix => '/',    Mac => ':',    PC => '\\'       };
+    $self->{eol}  = { Unix => "\012", Mac => "\015", PC => "\015\012" };
+    bless $self;
+    return $self;
+sub Version 
+    return $VERSION;
+sub set_directory
+    my ($self, $directory) = @_;
+    stat ($directory);
+    if ( (-d _) && (-e _) && (-r _) && (-w _) ) {
+	$self->{multipart_dir} = $directory;
+	return (1);
+    } else {
+	return (0);
+    }
+sub add_mime_type
+    my ($self, $mime_type) = @_;
+    $self->{convert}->{$mime_type} = 1 if ($mime_type);
+sub remove_mime_type
+    my ($self, $mime_type) = @_;
+    if ($self->{convert}->{$mime_type}) {
+	delete $self->{convert}->{$mime_type};
+	return (1);
+    } else {
+	return (0);
+    }
+sub get_mime_types
+    my $self = shift;
+    return (sort keys %{ $self->{convert} });
+sub set_platform
+    my ($self, $platform) = @_;
+    if ($platform =~ /^(?:PC|NT|Windows(?:95)?|DOS)/i) {
+        $self->{platform} = 'PC';
+    } elsif ($platform =~ /^Mac(?:intosh)?/i) {
+	## Should I check for NeXT here :-)
+        $self->{platform} = 'Mac';
+    } else {
+	$self->{platform} = 'Unix';
+    }
+sub set_file_type
+    my ($self, $type) = @_;
+    if ($type =~ /^handle$/i) {
+	$self->{file_type} = 'handle';
+    } else {
+	$self->{file_type} = 'name';
+    }
+sub add_timestamp
+    my ($self, $value) = @_;
+    if ( ($value < 0) || ($value > 2) ) {
+	$self->{timestamp} = 1;
+    } else {
+	$self->{timestamp} = $value;
+    }
+sub filter_filename
+    my ($self, $subroutine) = @_;
+    $self->{filter} = $subroutine;
+sub set_buffer_size
+    my ($self, $buffer_size) = @_;
+    my $content_length;
+    $content_length = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} || return (0);
+    if ($buffer_size < 256) {
+	$self->{buffer_size} = 256;
+    } elsif ($buffer_size > $content_length) {
+	$self->{buffer_size} = $content_length;
+    } else {
+	$self->{buffer_size} = $buffer_size;
+    }
+    return ($self->{buffer_size});
+sub parse_new_form_data
+# Reset state before parsing (for persistant CGI objects, e.g. under FastCGI) 
+# BDL
+	my ($self, @param) = @_;
+	# close files (should happen anyway when 'all_handles' is cleared...)
+	$self->close_all_files();
+	$self->{web_data}	= {};
+	$self->{ordered_keys} 	= [];
+	$self->{all_handles} 	= [];
+	$self->{error_status} 	= 0;
+	$self->{error_message} 	= undef;
+	$self->parse_form_data(@param);
+sub parse_form_data
+    my ($self, $user_request) = @_;
+    my ($request_method, $content_length, $content_type, $query_string,
+	$boundary, $post_data, @query_input);
+    $request_method = $user_request || $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} || '';
+    $content_length = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH};
+    $content_type   = $ENV{CONTENT_TYPE};
+    if ($request_method =~ /^(get|head)$/i) {
+		$query_string = $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
+		# If for some reason this has been called as a class method instead
+		# of an object method and there's no query string, then give up now.
+		return unless ($query_string or ref $self);
+		$self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$query_string, 'form');
+		return wantarray ?
+	    	%{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
+    } elsif ($request_method =~ /^post$/i) {
+		if (!$content_type || 
+	    	($content_type =~ /^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/)) {
+	    	local $^W = 0;
+	    	read (STDIN, $post_data, $content_length);
+	    	$self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$post_data, 'form');
+	    	return wantarray ? 
+				%{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
+		} elsif ($content_type =~ /multipart\/form-data/) {
+	    	($boundary) = $content_type =~ /boundary=(\S+)$/;
+	    	$self->_parse_multipart_data ($content_length, $boundary);
+	    	return wantarray ? 
+				%{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
+		} else {
+	    	$self->_error ('Invalid content type!');
+		}
+    } else {
+		##++
+		##  Got the idea of interactive debugging from, though it's
+        	##  handled a bit differently here. Thanks Lincoln!
+		##--
+		print "[ Reading query from standard input. Press ^D to stop! ]\n";
+		@query_input = <>;
+		chomp (@query_input);
+		$query_string = join ('&', @query_input);
+		$query_string =~ s/\\(.)/sprintf ('%%%02X', ord ($1))/eg;
+		$self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$query_string, 'form');
+		return wantarray ?
+	    	%{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
+    }
+sub parse_cookies
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cookies;
+    $cookies = $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} || return;
+    $self->_decode_url_encoded_data (\$cookies, 'cookies');
+    return wantarray ? 
+        %{ $self->{web_data} } : $self->{web_data};
+sub get_ordered_keys
+    my $self = shift;
+    return wantarray ?
+	@{ $self->{ordered_keys} } : $self->{ordered_keys};
+sub print_data
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($key, $value, $eol);
+    $eol = $self->{eol}->{$self->{platform}};
+    foreach $key (@{ $self->{ordered_keys} }) {
+	$value = $self->{web_data}->{$key};
+	if (ref $value) {
+	    print "$key = @$value$eol";
+	} else {
+	    print "$key = $value$eol";
+	}
+    }
+sub print_mime_type
+    my ($self, $field) = @_;
+    return($self->{'mime_types'}->{$field});
+*print_form_data = *print_cookie_data = \&print_data;
+sub wrap_textarea
+    my ($self, $string, $length) = @_;
+    my ($new_string, $platform, $eol);
+    $length     = 70 unless ($length);
+    $platform   = $self->{platform};
+    $eol        = $self->{eol}->{$platform};
+    $new_string = $string || return;
+    $new_string =~ s/[\0\r]\n?/ /sg;
+    $new_string =~ s/(.{0,$length})\s/$1$eol/sg;
+    return $new_string;
+sub get_multiple_values
+    my ($self, $array) = @_;
+    return (ref $array) ? (@$array) : $array;
+sub create_variables
+    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
+    my ($package, $key, $value);
+    $package = $self->_determine_package;
+    while (($key, $value) = each %$hash) {
+	${"$package\:\:$key"} = $value;
+    }
+sub is_error
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ($self->{error_status}) {
+	return (1);
+    } else {
+	return (0);
+    }
+sub get_error_message
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{error_message} if ($self->{error_message});
+sub return_error
+    my ($self, @messages) = @_;
+    print "@messages\n";
+    exit (1);
+##  Exported Subroutines
+sub browser_escape
+    my $string = shift;
+    $string =~ s/([<&"#%>])/sprintf ('&#%d;', ord ($1))/ge;
+    return $string;
+sub url_encode
+    my $string = shift;
+    $string =~ s/([^-.\w ])/sprintf('%%%02X', ord $1)/ge;
+    $string =~ tr/ /+/;
+    return $string;
+sub url_decode
+    my $string = shift;
+    $string =~ tr/+/ /;
+    $string =~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/chr (hex ($1))/eg;
+    return $string;
+sub is_dangerous
+    my $string = shift;
+    if ($string =~ /[;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"]/) {
+        return (1);
+    } else {
+        return (0);
+    }
+sub escape_dangerous_chars
+    my $string = shift;
+    warn "escape_dangerous_chars() possibly dangerous. Its use is discouraged";
+    $string =~ s/([;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"\\\?\~\^\r\n])/\\$1/g;
+    return $string;
+##  Internal Methods
+sub _error
+    my ($self, $message) = @_;
+	# Skip if we've been called as a class method
+	# because $self is not a hashref in such cases
+	return unless ref $self;
+    $self->{error_status}  = 1;
+    $self->{error_message} = $message;
+sub _determine_package
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($frame, $this_package, $find_package);
+    $frame = -1;
+    ($this_package) = split (/=/, $self);
+    do {
+	$find_package = caller (++$frame);
+    } until ($find_package !~ /^$this_package/);
+    return ($find_package);
+##  Decode URL encoded data
+sub _decode_url_encoded_data
+    my ($self, $reference_data, $type) = @_;
+    my $code;
+    $code = <<'End_of_URL_Decode';
+    my (@key_value_pairs, $delimiter, $key_value, $key, $value);
+    @key_value_pairs = ();
+    return unless ($$reference_data);
+    if ($type eq 'cookies') {
+	$delimiter = '[;,]\s*';
+    } else {
+	$delimiter = '[;&]';
+    }
+    @key_value_pairs = split (/$delimiter/, $$reference_data);
+    foreach $key_value (@key_value_pairs) {
+	($key, $value) = split (/=/, $key_value, 2);
+	$value = '' unless defined $value;	# avoid 'undef' warnings for "key=" BDL Jan/99
+	next unless defined $key;  # avoid 'undef' warnings for bogus URLs like 'foobar.cgi?&foo=bar'  
+	if ($type eq 'cookies') {
+		# Strip leading/trailling whitespace as per RFC 2965
+		$key   =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+		$value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+	}
+	$key   = url_decode($key);
+	$value = url_decode($value);
+	if ( defined ($self->{web_data}->{$key}) ) {
+	    $self->{web_data}->{$key} = [$self->{web_data}->{$key}] 
+	        unless ( ref $self->{web_data}->{$key} );
+	    push (@{ $self->{web_data}->{$key} }, $value);
+	} else {
+	    $self->{web_data}->{$key} = $value;
+	    push (@{ $self->{ordered_keys} }, $key);
+	}
+    }
+    eval ($code);
+    $self->_error ($@) if $@;
+##  Methods dealing with multipart data
+sub _parse_multipart_data
+    my ($self, $total_bytes, $boundary) = @_;
+    my ($code, $files);
+    local $^W = 0;
+    $files    = {};
+	$boundary = quotemeta ($boundary); 
+    $code = <<'End_of_Multipart';
+    my ($seen, $buffer_size, $byte_count, $platform, $eol, $handle, 
+	$directory, $bytes_left, $new_data, $old_data, $this_boundary,
+	$current_buffer, $changed, $store, $disposition, $headers, 
+        $mime_type, $convert, $field, $file, $new_name, $full_path);
+    $seen        = {};
+    $buffer_size = $self->{buffer_size};
+    $byte_count  = 0;
+    $platform    = $self->{platform};
+    $eol         = $self->{eol}->{$platform};
+    $handle      = 'CL00';
+    $directory   = $self->{multipart_dir} || $self->{default_dir};
+    while (1) {
+	if ( ($byte_count < $total_bytes) &&
+	     (length ($current_buffer) < ($buffer_size * 2)) ) {
+	    $bytes_left  = $total_bytes - $byte_count;
+	    $buffer_size = $bytes_left if ($bytes_left < $buffer_size);
+	    read (STDIN, $new_data, $buffer_size);
+            $self->_error ("Oh, Oh! I'm upset! Can't read what I want.")
+		if (length ($new_data) != $buffer_size);
+	    $byte_count += $buffer_size;
+	    if ($old_data) {
+		$current_buffer = join ('', $old_data, $new_data);
+	    } else {
+		$current_buffer = $new_data;
+	    }
+	} elsif ($old_data) {
+	    $current_buffer = $old_data;
+	    $old_data = undef;
+	} else {
+	    last;
+	}
+	$changed = 0;
+	##++
+	##  When Netscape Navigator creates a random boundary string, you
+	##  would expect it to pass that _same_ value in the environment
+	##  variable CONTENT_TYPE, but it does not! Instead, it passes a
+	##  value that has the first two characters ("--") missing.
+	##--
+	if ($current_buffer =~ 
+            /(.*?)((?:\015?\012)?-*$boundary-*[\015\012]*)(?=(.*))/os) {
+	    ($store, $this_boundary, $old_data) = ($1, $2, $3);
+            if ($current_buffer =~ 
+             /[Cc]ontent-[Dd]isposition: ([^\015\012]+)\015?\012  # Disposition
+              (?:([A-Za-z].*?)(?:\015?\012))?                     # Headers
+              (?:\015?\012)                                       # End
+              (?=(.*))                                            # Other Data
+             /xs) {
+		($disposition, $headers, $current_buffer) = ($1, $2, $3);
+		$old_data = $current_buffer;
+		($mime_type) = $headers =~ /[Cc]ontent-[Tt]ype: (\S+)/;
+		$self->_store ($platform, $file, $convert, $handle, $eol, 
+			       $field, \$store, $seen);
+		close ($handle) if (fileno ($handle));
+		if ($mime_type && $self->{convert}->{$mime_type}) {
+		    $convert = 1;
+		} else {
+		    $convert = 0;
+		}
+		$changed = 1;
+		($field) = $disposition =~ /name="([^"]+)"/;
+		++$seen->{$field};
+		$self->{'mime_types'}->{$field} = $mime_type;
+                if ($seen->{$field} > 1) {
+                    $self->{web_data}->{$field} = [$self->{web_data}->{$field}]
+                        unless (ref $self->{web_data}->{$field});
+                } else {
+                    push (@{ $self->{ordered_keys} }, $field);
+                }
+                if (($file) = $disposition =~ /filename="(.*)"/) {
+                    $file =~ s|.*[:/\\](.*)|$1|;
+                    $new_name = $self->_get_file_name ($platform,
+                                                       $directory, $file);
+                    $self->{web_data}->{$field} = $new_name;
+                    $full_path = join ($self->{file}->{$platform}, 
+                                       $directory, $new_name);
+                    open (++$handle, ">$full_path") 
+	                || $self->_error ("Can't create file: $full_path!");
+                    $files->{$new_name} = $full_path;
+                } 
+            } elsif ($byte_count < $total_bytes) {
+				$old_data = $this_boundary . $old_data;
+			}
+	} elsif ($old_data) {
+            $store    = $old_data;
+            $old_data = $new_data;
+	} else {
+	    $store          = $current_buffer;
+            $current_buffer = $new_data;
+        }
+        unless ($changed) {
+           $self->_store ($platform, $file, $convert, $handle, $eol, 
+                          $field, \$store, $seen);
+        }
+    }
+    close ($handle) if (fileno ($handle));
+    eval ($code);
+    $self->_error ($@) if $@;
+    $self->_create_handles ($files) if ($self->{file_type} eq 'handle');
+sub _store
+    my ($self, $platform, $file, $convert, $handle, $eol, $field, 
+	$info, $seen) = @_;
+    if ($file) {
+		if ($convert) {
+			if ($platform eq 'PC') {
+				$$info =~ s/\015(?=[^\012])|(?<=[^\015])\012/$eol/og;
+			} else {
+	    		$$info =~ s/\015\012/$eol/og;
+				$$info =~ s/\015/$eol/og      if ($platform ne 'Mac');
+				$$info =~ s/\012/$eol/og      if ($platform ne 'Unix');
+			}
+		}
+		binmode $handle;
+		print $handle $$info;
+	} elsif ($field) {
+		if ($seen->{$field} > 1) {
+			$self->{web_data}->{$field}->[$seen->{$field}-1] .= $$info;
+		} else {
+			$self->{web_data}->{$field} .= $$info;
+		}
+	}
+sub _get_file_name
+    my ($self, $platform, $directory, $file) = @_;
+    my ($filtered_name, $filename, $timestamp, $path);
+    $filtered_name = &{ $self->{filter} }($file)
+        if (ref ($self->{filter}) eq 'CODE');
+    $filename  = $filtered_name || $file;
+    $timestamp = time . '__' . $filename;
+    if (!$self->{timestamp}) {
+	return $filename;
+    } elsif ($self->{timestamp} == 1) {
+	return $timestamp;
+    } elsif ($self->{timestamp} == 2) {
+	$path = join ($self->{file}->{$platform}, $directory, $filename);
+	return (-e $path) ? $timestamp : $filename;
+    }
+sub _create_handles
+    my ($self, $files) = @_;
+    my ($package, $handle, $name, $path);
+    $package = $self->_determine_package;
+    while (($name, $path) = each %$files) {
+	$handle = "$package\:\:$name";
+	open ($handle, "<$path")
+            || $self->_error ("Can't read file: $path!");
+	push (@{ $self->{all_handles} }, $handle);
+    }
+sub close_all_files
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $handle;
+    foreach $handle (@{ $self->{all_handles} }) {
+	close $handle;
+    }
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#         FILE:  basic.t
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Test of the most basic functionality
+#        FILES:  ---
+#         BUGS:  ---
+#        NOTES:  ---
+#       AUTHOR:  Pete Houston (
+#      COMPANY:  Openstrike
+#      CREATED:  13/05/14 21:36:53
+#  Updates:
+#    21/08/2014 Now tests set_platform, wrap_textarea and get_error_message.
+#    25/08/2014 Now tests get_multiple values.
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 306;                      # last test to print
+use lib './lib';
+BEGIN { use_ok ('CGI::Lite') }
+is ($CGI::Lite::VERSION, '2.05', 'Version test');
+is (CGI::Lite::Version (), $CGI::Lite::VERSION, 'Version subroutine test');
+my $cgi = CGI::Lite->new ();
+is (ref $cgi, 'CGI::Lite', 'New');
+is (browser_escape ('<&>'), '&#60;&#38;&#62;', 'browser_escape');
+	my @from = qw/! " # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - =/;
+	my @to   = qw/%21 %22 %23 %24 %25 %5E %26 %2A %28 %29 _ %2B - %3D/;
+	for my $i (0..$#from) {
+		is (url_encode($from[$i]), $to[$i], "url_encode $from[$i]");
+		is (url_decode($to[$i]), $from[$i], "url_decode $to[$i]");
+	}
+my $dangerous = ';<>*|`&$!#()[]{}:\'"';
+for my $i(0..255) {
+	my $chr = chr($i);
+	if (index ($dangerous, $chr) eq -1) {
+		# Not
+		is (is_dangerous ($chr), 0, "Dangerous $i (not)");
+	} else {
+		is (is_dangerous ($chr), 1, "Dangerous $i");
+	}
+for my $platform (qw/WINdows WINdows95 dos nt pc/) {
+	$cgi->set_platform ($platform);
+	is ($cgi->{platform}, 'PC', "Set platform ($platform)");
+for my $platform (qw/mac MacIntosh/) {
+	$cgi->set_platform ($platform);
+	is ($cgi->{platform}, 'Mac', "Set platform ($platform)");
+# Unix is default
+$cgi->set_platform ('foo');
+is ($cgi->{platform}, 'Unix', "Set default platform");
+my $longstr = '123 456 789 0123456 7 89 0';
+is ($cgi->wrap_textarea ($longstr, 5), "123\n456\n789\n0123456\n7 89\n0",
+	"wrap_textarea Unix");
+$cgi->set_platform ("DOS");
+is ($cgi->wrap_textarea ($longstr, 5), "123\r\n456\r\n789\r\n0123456\r\n7 89\r\n0",
+	"wrap_textarea DOS");
+$cgi->set_platform ("Mac");
+is ($cgi->wrap_textarea ($longstr, 5), "123\r456\r789\r0123456\r7 89\r0",
+	"wrap_textarea Mac");
+is ($cgi->is_error(), 0, 'No errors');
+is ($cgi->get_error_message, undef, 'No error message');
+is ($cgi->get_multiple_values (), undef,
+	'get_multiple_values (no argument)');
+is ($cgi->get_multiple_values ('foo'), 'foo',
+	'get_multiple_values (scalar argument)');
+is ($cgi->get_multiple_values ('foo', 'bar'), 'foo',
+	'get_multiple_values (array argument)');
+my $foobar = ['foo', 'bar'];
+my @res = $cgi->get_multiple_values ($foobar);
+is_deeply (\@res, $foobar, 'get_multiple_values (array ref argument)');
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#         FILE:  cookie.t
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Test of cookie parsing
+#        FILES:  ---
+#         BUGS:  ---
+#        NOTES:  ---
+#       AUTHOR:  Pete Houston (
+#      COMPANY:  Openstrike
+#      CREATED:  20/05/14 16:12:33
+#  Updates:
+#    25/08/2014 Now tests get_ordered_keys and print_data.
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 235;                      # last test to print
+use lib './lib';
+BEGIN { use_ok ('CGI::Lite') }
+# Set up a CGI environment
+$ENV{PATH_INFO}       = '/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}     ='/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
+$ENV{SERVER_PORT}     = 8080;
+$ENV{SERVER_NAME}     = '';
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING}    = '';
+$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = 'foo=bar; baz=quux';
+my $cgi               = CGI::Lite->new ();
+my $cookies           = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+my $testname          = 'simple';
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+is (scalar keys %$cookies, 2, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{foo}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{foo}, 'bar', "First cookie value ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{baz}, "Second cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{baz}, 'quux', "Second cookie value ($testname)");
+$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = ' foo=bar ; baz = quux ';
+$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+$testname             = 'extra space';
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+is (scalar keys %$cookies, 2, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{foo}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{foo}, 'bar', "First cookie value ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{baz}, "Second cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{baz}, 'quux', "Second cookie value ($testname)");
+$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = 'foo=bar;baz=quux';
+$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+$testname             = 'zero space';
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+is (scalar keys %$cookies, 2, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{foo}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{foo}, 'bar', "First cookie value ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{baz}, "Second cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{baz}, 'quux', "Second cookie value ($testname)");
+$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = '%20foo%20=%20bar%20;b%20a%20z=qu%20ux';
+$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+$testname             = 'interstitial space';
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+is (scalar keys %$cookies, 2, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{' foo '}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{' foo '}, ' bar ', "First cookie value ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{'b a z'}, "Second cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{'b a z'}, 'qu ux', "Second cookie value ($testname)");
+my $ref = [];
+$ref = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
+is_deeply ($ref, [' foo ', 'b a z'], 
+	'get_ordered_keys arrayref for cookie data');
+my @ref = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
+is_deeply (\@ref, [' foo ', 'b a z'], 
+	'get_ordered_keys array for cookie data');
+SKIP: {
+	skip ("No file created for stdout", 2) unless open (my $tmp, '>tmpout');
+	select $tmp;
+	$cgi->print_data;
+	close $tmp;
+	open $tmp, '<tmpout';
+	chomp (my $printed = <$tmp>);
+	is ($printed, q# foo  =  bar #, 'print_data first cookie');
+	chomp ($printed = <$tmp>);
+	is ($printed, q#b a z = qu ux#, 'print_data second cookie');
+	close $tmp and unlink 'tmpout';
+# Other url-escaped chars here
+for my $special (33 .. 47, 58 .. 64, 91 .. 96, 123 .. 126) {
+	$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = sprintf 'a=%%%X;%%%X=1', $special, $special;
+	$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+	$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+	$testname             = "Special value ($ENV{HTTP_COOKIE})";
+	is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+	is (scalar keys %$cookies, 2, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+	ok (exists $cookies->{'a'}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+	is ($cookies->{'a'}, chr($special), "First cookie value ($testname)");
+	ok (exists $cookies->{chr($special)}, "Second cookie name ($testname)");
+	is ($cookies->{chr($special)}, 1, "Second cookie value ($testname)");
+$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = '=bar';
+$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+$testname             = 'Missing key';
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+is (scalar keys %$cookies, 1, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{''}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{''}, 'bar', "First cookie value ($testname)");
+# Bad cookies!
+$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = 'f;o;o=b;a;r';
+$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+$testname             = 'Extra semicolons';
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+is (scalar keys %$cookies, 4, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{'o'}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+is (ref $cookies->{'o'}, 'ARRAY', "First cookie ref ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{'o'}->[0], '', "First cookie first elem ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{'o'}->[1], 'b', "First cookie second elem ($testname)");
+$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = 'foo==bar';
+$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+$testname             = 'Extra equals';
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+is (scalar keys %$cookies, 1, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+ok (exists $cookies->{'foo'}, "First cookie name ($testname)");
+is ($cookies->{'foo'}, '=bar', "First cookie value ($testname)");
+# Need to decide how strict the cookie validation should be. If strict,
+# then these tests could be used. Leaving it lax for now.
+# See eg.
+#for my $char (split (//, '()<>@:\"/[]?={} ')) {
+#	$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = "f${char}o=bar";
+#	$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+#	$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+#	$testname             = qq#Bad key char: "$char"#;
+#	is ($cgi->is_error, 1, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+#	is (scalar keys %$cookies, 0, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+#	$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}     = "foo=b${char}r";
+#	$cgi                  = CGI::Lite->new ();
+#	$cookies              = $cgi->parse_cookies;
+#	$testname             = qq#Bad value char: "$char"#;
+#	is ($cgi->is_error, 1, "Cookie parse ($testname)");
+#	is (scalar keys %$cookies, 0, "Cookie count ($testname)");
+# What about multiple cookies with the same name?
+# cookie o is actually an arrayref, which is neat, but does it match the
+# RFC?
+#ok (exists $cookies->{'b a z'}, "Second cookie name ($testname)");
+#is ($cookies->{'b a z'}, 'qu ux', "Second cookie value ($testname)");
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#         FILE:  forms.t
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Test form-handling
+#        FILES:  post_text.txt
+#         BUGS:  ---
+#        NOTES:  ---
+#       AUTHOR:  Pete Houston (
+#      COMPANY:  Openstrike
+#      CREATED:  14/05/14 12:27:26
+#  Updates:
+#    25/08/2014 Now tests get_ordered_keys and print_data.
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 27;                      # last test to print
+use lib './lib';
+BEGIN { use_ok ('CGI::Lite') }
+# Set up a CGI environment
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING}    = 'game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
+$ENV{PATH_INFO}       = '/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}     = '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
+$ENV{SERVER_PORT}     = 8080;
+$ENV{SERVER_NAME}     = '';
+my $cgi   = CGI::Lite->new;
+my $form  = $cgi->parse_form_data;
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing data with GET');
+is ($form->{weather}, 'dull', 'Parsing scalar param with GET');
+is (ref $form->{game}, 'ARRAY', 'Parsing array param with GET');
+is ($form->{game}->[1], 'checkers', 'Extracting array param value with GET');
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING}    =~ s/\&/;/g;
+$form = $cgi->parse_new_form_data;
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing semicolon data with GET');
+is ($form->{weather}, 'dull', 'Parsing semicolon scalar param with GET');
+is (ref $form->{game}, 'ARRAY', 'Parsing semicolon array param with GET');
+is ($form->{game}->[1], 'checkers', 'Extracting semicolon array param value with GET');
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING}    = '&=&&foo=bar';
+$form = $cgi->parse_new_form_data;
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'GET with missing kv pair');
+is ($form->{foo}, 'bar', 'Value after GET with missing kv pair');
+# Now with POSTed application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING}    = '';
+my $datafile = 't/post_text.txt';
+$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}  = (stat ($datafile))[7];
+# Now what? Print to STDIN?
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing data with POST');
+is ($form->{bar}, 'quux', 'Parsing scalar param with POST');
+is (ref $form->{foo}, 'ARRAY', 'Parsing array param with POST');
+is ($form->{foo}->[1], 'baz', 'Extracting array param value with POST');
+$ENV{CONTENT_TYPE} = 'baz';
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 1, 'Invalid content type with POST');
+is ($cgi->get_error_message, 'Invalid content type!', 'Invalid content type message with POST');
+$ENV{CONTENT_TYPE} = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Content type x-www-form-urlencoded with POST');
+$ENV{CONTENT_TYPE} = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Content type x-www-form-urlencoded and charset with POST');
+is ($form->{bar}, 'quux', 'Scalar param with POST as x-www-form-urlencoded');
+is (ref $form->{foo}, 'ARRAY', 'Parsing array param with POST as x-www-form-urlencoded');
+is ($form->{foo}->[1], 'baz', 'Extracting array param value with POST as x-www-form-urlencoded');
+my $ref = [];
+$ref = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
+is_deeply ($ref, ['foo', 'bar', 'notused'], 
+	'get_ordered_keys arrayref for form data');
+my @ref = $cgi->get_ordered_keys;
+is_deeply (\@ref, ['foo', 'bar', 'notused'], 
+	'get_ordered_keys array for form data');
+SKIP: {
+	skip ("No file created for stdout", 3) unless open (my $tmp, '>tmpout');
+	select $tmp;
+	$cgi->print_data;
+	close $tmp;
+	open $tmp, '<tmpout';
+	chomp (my $printed = <$tmp>);
+	is ($printed, q#foo = bar baz#, 'print_data double value');
+	chomp ($printed = <$tmp>);
+	is ($printed, q#bar = quux#, 'print_data single value');
+	chomp ($printed = <$tmp>);
+	is ($printed, q#notused = #, 'print_data no value');
+	close $tmp and unlink 'tmpout';
+sub post_data {
+	my $datafile = shift;
+    local *STDIN;
+	open STDIN, "<$datafile"
+		or die "Cannot open test file $datafile: $!";
+	binmode STDIN;
+	my $cgi = CGI::Lite->new;
+	my $form = $cgi->parse_form_data;
+	close STDIN;
+	return ($cgi, $form);
diff --git a/var/tmp/source/HOUSTON/CGI-Lite-2.05/CGI-Lite-2.05/t/good_upload.txt b/var/tmp/source/HOUSTON/CGI-Lite-2.05/CGI-Lite-2.05/t/good_upload.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23e81d95
Binary files /dev/null and b/var/tmp/source/HOUSTON/CGI-Lite-2.05/CGI-Lite-2.05/t/good_upload.txt differ
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Content-Disposition: form-data; name="plain_txt"; filename="test0.txt"
+Content-Length: 186
+Content-Type: text/plain
+This is a test of a plain text document.
+It has several lines of text,
+and can be used to test how the EOL characters
+are handled by CGI::Lite.
+It is not intended for any other purpose.
+Content-Disposition: form-data; name="html_txt"; filename="test0.html"
+Content-Length: 212
+Content-Type: text/html
+<h1>This is a test of an HTML document</h1>
+It has several lines of text,
+and can be used to test how the EOL characters
+are handled by CGI::Lite.
+<p><b>It is not intended for any other purpose.</b></p>
+Content-Disposition: form-data; name="plain_win_txt"; filename="test1.txt"
+Content-Length: 191
+Content-Type: text/plain
+This is a test of a plain text document.
+It has several lines of text,
+and can be used to test how the EOL characters
+are handled by CGI::Lite.
+It is not intended for any other purpose.
+Content-Disposition: form-data; name="html_win_txt"; filename="test1.html"
+Content-Length: 219
+Content-Type: text/html
+<h1>This is a test of an HTML document</h1>
+It has several lines of text,
+and can be used to test how the EOL characters
+are handled by CGI::Lite.
+<p><b>It is not intended for any other purpose.</b></p>
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#         FILE:  uploads.t
+#  DESCRIPTION:  Test of multipart/form-data uploads
+#        FILES:  good_upload.txt
+#         BUGS:  ---
+#        NOTES:  This borrows very heavily from upload.t in
+#       AUTHOR:  Pete Houston (
+#      COMPANY:  Openstrike
+#      CREATED:  20/05/14 14:01:34
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 11254;                      # last test to print
+use lib './lib';
+BEGIN { use_ok ('CGI::Lite') }
+# Set up a CGI environment
+$ENV{PATH_INFO}       = '/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}     ='/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
+$ENV{SERVER_PORT}     = 8080;
+$ENV{SERVER_NAME}     = '';
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING}    = '';
+my $datafile          = 't/good_upload.txt';
+$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}  = (stat ($datafile))[7];
+$ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}    = q#multipart/form-data; boundary=`!"$%^&*()-+[]{}'@.?~\#|aaa#;
+my $uploaddir = 'tmpcgilite';
+mkdir ($uploaddir, 0700) unless -d $uploaddir;
+my ($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile, $uploaddir);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing data with POST');
+like ($form->{'does_not_exist_gif'}, '/[0-9]+__does_not_exist\.gif/', 'Second file');
+like ($form->{'100;100_gif'}, '/[0-9]+__100;100\.gif/', 'Third file');
+like ($form->{'300x300_gif'}, '/[0-9]+__300x300\.gif/', 'Fourth file');
+# XXX Duplicate field names for files do NOT work currently. Fix this
+# and then implement some tests.
+my @files = qw/does_not_exist_gif 100;100_gif 300x300_gif/;
+my @sizes = qw/0 896 1656/;
+for my $i (0..2) {
+	my $file = "$uploaddir/$form->{$files[$i]}";
+	ok (-e "$file", "Uploaded file exists ($i)") or warn "Name = '$file'\n" . $cgi->get_error_message;
+	is ((stat($file))[7], $sizes[$i], "File size check ($i)") or
+		warn_tail ($file);
+is ($cgi->set_directory ('/srhslgvsgnlsenhglsgslvngh'), 0,
+	'Set directory (non-existant)');
+my $testdir = 'testperms';
+mkdir $testdir, 0400;
+SKIP: {
+	skip "subdir '$testdir' could not be created", 3
+		unless (-d $testdir and not -w $testdir);
+	is ($cgi->set_directory ($testdir), 0, 'Set directory (unwriteable)');
+	chmod 0200, $testdir;
+	is ($cgi->set_directory ($testdir), 0, 'Set directory (unreadable)');
+	rmdir $testdir and open my $td, ">$testdir";
+	print $td "Test\n";
+	close $td;
+	is ($cgi->set_directory ($testdir), 0, 'Set directory (non-directory)');
+	unlink $testdir;
+# Mime type tests
+# Documentation says get_mime_types can return an arrayref, but 
+# that seems not to be the case.
+my @mimetypes = $cgi->get_mime_types ();
+ok ($#mimetypes > 0, 'get_mime_types returns array');
+is_deeply (\@mimetypes, [ 'text/html', 'text/plain' ],
+	'default mime types');
+$cgi->add_mime_type ('application/json');
+@mimetypes = $cgi->get_mime_types ();
+is ($#mimetypes, 2, 'added a mime type');
+is ($mimetypes[0], 'application/json', 'added mime type is correct');
+is ($cgi->remove_mime_type ('foo/bar'), 0,
+	'removed non-existant mime type');
+is ($cgi->remove_mime_type ('text/html'), 1,
+	'removed existant mime type');
+@mimetypes = $cgi->get_mime_types ();
+is ($#mimetypes, 1, 'Count of mime types after removal');
+is_deeply (\@mimetypes, [ 'application/json', 'text/plain' ],
+	'Correct mime types after removal');
+# Filename tests
+$cgi->add_timestamp (0);
+is ($cgi->{timestamp}, 0, 'timestamp is zero');
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile, $uploaddir, $cgi);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing data with POST');
+like ($form->{'does_not_exist_gif'}, '/^does_not_exist\.gif/', 'Second file');
+like ($form->{'100;100_gif'}, '/^100;100\.gif/', 'Third file');
+like ($form->{'300x300_gif'}, '/^300x300\.gif/', 'Fourth file');
+unlink ("$uploaddir/300x300.gif");
+$cgi->add_timestamp (2);
+is ($cgi->{timestamp}, 2, 'timestamp is 2');
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile, $uploaddir, $cgi);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing data with POST');
+like ($form->{'does_not_exist_gif'}, '/[0-9]+__does_not_exist\.gif/', 'Second file');
+like ($form->{'100;100_gif'}, '/[0-9]+__100;100\.gif/', 'Third file');
+like ($form->{'300x300_gif'}, '/^300x300\.gif/', 'Fourth file');
+sub cleanfile {
+	my $name = shift;
+	$name =~ s/[^a-z0-9\._-]+/_/ig;
+	return $name
+unlink "$uploaddir/100_100.gif" if -e "$uploaddir/100_100.gif";
+$cgi->filter_filename (\&cleanfile);
+ok (defined $cgi->{filter}, 'Filename filter set');
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile, $uploaddir, $cgi);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing data with POST');
+like ($form->{'does_not_exist_gif'}, '/^[0-9]+__does_not_exist\.gif/', 'Second file');
+like ($form->{'100;100_gif'}, '/^100_100\.gif/', 'Third file');
+like ($form->{'300x300_gif'}, '/^[0-9]+__300x300\.gif/', 'Fourth file');
+# Buffer size setting tests
+is ($cgi->set_buffer_size(1), 256, 'Buffer size too low');
+is ($cgi->set_buffer_size(1000000), $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}, 'Buffer size too high');
+# File type tests
+unlink "$uploaddir/100_100.gif" if -e "$uploaddir/100_100.gif";
+$cgi->set_file_type ('jibber');
+is ($cgi->{file_type}, 'name', 'File type defaults to name');
+$cgi->set_file_type ('handle');
+is ($cgi->{file_type}, 'handle', 'File type set to handle');
+($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile, $uploaddir, $cgi);
+is ($cgi->is_error, 0, 'Parsing data with POST');
+like ($form->{'does_not_exist_gif'}, '/^[0-9]+__does_not_exist\.gif/', 'Second file');
+like ($form->{'100;100_gif'}, '/^100_100\.gif/', 'Third file');
+like ($form->{'300x300_gif'}, '/^[0-9]+__300x300\.gif/', 'Fourth file');
+# Check the handles
+my $imgdata = '';
+my $handle = $form->{'100;100_gif'};
+while (<$handle>) {
+	$imgdata .= $_;
+is (length ($imgdata), 896, 'File handle upload');
+is (eof ($form->{'300x300_gif'}), '', 'File open');
+is (eof ($form->{'300x300_gif'}), 1, 'File closed');
+#	Tests required for these:
+#	check mime types are honoured on upload
+#	The text/plain should be altered, but the text/html should not.
+#	Run this with a wide window of buffer sizes to ensure there are no
+#	edge cases.
+$datafile             = 't/mime_upload.txt';
+$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}  = (stat ($datafile))[7];
+$cgi->add_timestamp (0);
+$cgi->set_file_type ('name');
+@files = qw/plain_txt html_txt plain_win_txt html_win_txt/;
+@sizes = qw/186 212 186 219/;
+@sizes = qw/191 212 191 219/ if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+for my $buf_size (256 .. 1500) {
+	$cgi->set_buffer_size($buf_size);
+	($cgi, $form) = post_data ($datafile, $uploaddir, $cgi);
+	is ($cgi->is_error, 0, "Parsing data with POST (buffer size $buf_size)");
+	for my $i (0..3) {
+		my $file = "$uploaddir/$form->{$files[$i]}";
+		ok (-e "$file", "Uploaded file exists ($i - buffer size $buf_size") or
+			warn "Name = '$file'\n" . $cgi->get_error_message;
+		is ((stat($file))[7], $sizes[$i],
+			"File size check ($i - buffer size $buf_size)") or
+			warn_tail ($file);
+		unlink ($file);
+	}
+sub post_data {
+	my ($datafile, $dir, $cgi) = @_;
+	local *STDIN;
+	open STDIN, "<$datafile"
+		or die "Cannot open test file $datafile: $!";
+	binmode STDIN;
+	$cgi ||= CGI::Lite->new;
+	$cgi->set_platform ('DOS') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+	$cgi->set_directory ($dir);
+	my $form = $cgi->parse_new_form_data;
+	close STDIN;
+	return ($cgi, $form);
+sub warn_tail {
+	# If there's a size mismatch on the uploaded files, dump the end of
+	# the file here. Ideally this should never be called.
+	my $file = shift;
+	my $n    = 32;
+	open (my $in, "<$file") or return warn "Cannot open $file for reading.  $!";
+	binmode $in;
+	local $/ = undef;
+	my $contents = <$in>;
+	close $file;
+	my $lastn = substr ($contents, 0 - $n);
+	foreach (split (//, $lastn, $n)) {
+		print $n-- . " chars from the end: " . ord ($_) . "\n";
+	}