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Changes 80 01453
META.yml 22
Makefile.PL 33
docs/gsm0338.txt 2390
lib/Device/Gsm/ 498449
lib/Device/Gsm/ 378380
lib/Device/Gsm/ 14662
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/ 2112
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 1515
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 730
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 1515
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 2627
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 5351
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 1515
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 9291
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 2721
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 1310
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 4733
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 1480
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/ 3431
lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/ 8271
lib/Device/Gsm/ 326195
lib/Device/ 19740
perltidyrc 320
t/05messages.t 790
t/08storage.t 940
29 files changed (This is a version diff) 45692927
@@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
 Revision history for Perl extension Device::Gsm.
-1.60  Fri Mar 16 12:14:07 CET 2012
-    - Removed the syslog test. Was artificial and pointless,
-      and it failed on Windows and Solaris. Thanks to CPAN testers reports.
-1.59  Thu Mar  8 10:13:30 CET 2012
-    - Fixed RT #75619, POD fixes to make the POD clean for Debian packaging.
-    - Applied .perltidyrc to all source files. Watch out if you had patches :)
 1.58  Mon Mar  7 22:31:22 EST 2011
     - Fixed RT #48229, an uninitialized value when registering to the network
       but getting no answer from the phone.
@@ -0,0 +1,1453 @@
+# Device::Gsm - a Perl class to interface GSM devices as AT modems
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Cosimo Streppone,
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it only under the terms of Perl itself.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Perl licensing terms for more details.
+package Device::Gsm;
+$Device::Gsm::VERSION = '1.58';
+use strict;
+use Device::Modem 1.47;
+use Device::Gsm::Sms;
+use Device::Gsm::Pdu;
+use Device::Gsm::Charset;
+@Device::Gsm::ISA = ('Device::Modem');
+# Connection defaults to 19200 baud. This seems to be the optimal
+# rate for serial links to new gsm phones.
+$Device::Gsm::BAUDRATE = 19200;
+# Time to wait after network register command (secs)
+$Device::Gsm::REGISTER_DELAY = 2;
+# Connect on serial port to gsm device
+# see parameters on Device::Modem::connect()
+sub connect {
+    my $me = shift;
+    my %aOpt;
+    %aOpt = @_ if (@_);
+    #
+    # If you have problems with bad characters being trasmitted across serial link,
+    # try different baud rates, as below...
+    #
+    # .---------------------------------.
+    # | Model (phone/modem) |  Baudrate |
+    # |---------------------+-----------|
+    # | Falcom Swing (A2D)  |      9600 |
+    # | Siemens C35/C45     |     19200 |
+    # | Nokia phones        |     19200 |
+    # | Nokia Communicator  |      9600 |
+    # | Digicom             |      9600 |
+    # `---------------------------------'
+    #
+    # GSM class defaults to 19200 baud
+    #
+    $aOpt{'baudrate'} ||= $Device::Gsm::BAUDRATE;
+    $me->SUPER::connect(%aOpt);
+# Get/set phone date and time
+sub datetime {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $ok       = undef;    # ok/err flag
+    my $datetime = undef;    # datetime string
+    my @time     = ();       # array in "localtime" format
+    # Test support for clock function
+    if ($self->test_command('+CCLK')) {
+        if (@_) {
+            # If called with "$self->datetime(time())" format
+            if (@_ == 1) {
+                # $_[0] must be result of `time()' func
+                @time = localtime($_[0]);
+            }
+            else {
+                # If called with "$self->datetime(localtime())" format
+                # @_ here is the result of `localtime()' func
+                @time = @_;
+            }
+            $datetime = sprintf(
+                '%02d/%02d/%02d,%02d:%02d:%02d',
+                $time[5] - 100,    # year
+                1 + $time[4],      # month
+                $time[3],          # day
+                @time[ 2, 1, 0 ],  # hr,min,secs
+            );
+            # Set time of phone
+            $self->atsend(qq{AT+CCLK="$datetime"} . Device::Modem::CR);
+            $ok = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+            $self->log->write('info',
+                    "write datetime ($datetime) to phone => ("
+                  . ($ok ? 'OK' : 'FAILED')
+                  . ")");
+        }
+        else {
+            $self->atsend('AT+CCLK?' . Device::Modem::CR);
+            ($ok, $datetime)
+              = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+            #warn('datetime='.$datetime);
+            if (   $ok
+                && $datetime
+                =~ m|\+CCLK:\s*"?(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)\,(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)"?|
+              )
+            {
+                $datetime = "$1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6";
+                $self->log->write('info',
+                    "read datetime from phone ($datetime)");
+            }
+            else {
+                $self->log->write('warn',
+                    "datetime format ($datetime) not recognized");
+                $datetime = undef;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $datetime;
+# Delete a message from sim card
+sub delete_sms {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $msg_index = shift;
+    my $storage   = shift;
+    my $ok;
+    if (!defined $msg_index || $msg_index eq '') {
+        $self->log->write('warn',
+            'undefined message number. cannot delete sms message');
+        return 0;
+    }
+    # Set default SMS storage if supported
+    $self->storage($storage);
+    $self->atsend(qq{AT+CMGD=$msg_index} . Device::Modem::CR);
+    my $ans = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+    if (index($ans, 'OK') > -1 || $ans =~ /\+CMGD/) {
+        $ok = 1;
+    }
+    $self->log->write('info',
+            "deleting sms n.$msg_index from storage "
+          . ($storage || "default")
+          . " (result: `$ans') => "
+          . ($ok ? 'ok' : '*FAILED*'));
+    return $ok;
+# Call forwarding
+sub forward {
+    my ($self, $reason, $mode, $number) = @_;
+    $reason = lc $reason || 'unconditional';
+    $mode   = lc $mode   || 'register';
+    $number ||= '';
+    my %reasons = (
+        'unconditional' => 0,
+        'busy'          => 1,
+        'no reply'      => 2,
+        'unreachable'   => 3
+    );
+    my %modes = (
+        'disable'  => 0,
+        'enable'   => 1,
+        'query'    => 2,
+        'register' => 3,
+        'erase'    => 4
+    );
+    my $reasoncode = $reasons{$reason};
+    my $modecode   = $modes{$mode};
+    $self->log->write('info',
+        qq{setting $reason call forwarding to [$number]});
+    $self->atsend(
+        qq{AT+CCFC=$reasoncode,$modecode,"$number"} . Device::Modem::CR);
+    return $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 15000);
+# Hangup and terminate active call(s)
+# this overrides the `Device::Modem::hangup()' method
+sub hangup {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->log->write('info', 'hanging up...');
+    $self->attention();
+    $self->atsend('AT+CHUP' . Device::Modem::CR);
+    $self->flag('OFFHOOK', 0);
+    $self->answer(undef, 5000);
+# Who is the manufacturer of this device?
+sub manufacturer {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($ok, $man);
+    # We can't test for command support, because some phones, mainly Motorola
+    # will spit out an error, instead of telling if CGMI is supported.
+    $self->atsend('AT+CGMI' . Device::Modem::CR);
+    ($ok, $man) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+    if ($ok ne 'OK') {
+        $self->log->write('warn',
+            'manufacturer command ended with error [' . $ok . $man . ']');
+        return undef;
+    }
+    # Again, seems that Motorola phones will re-echo
+    # the CGMI command header, instead of giving us the
+    # manufacturer info we want. Thanks to Niolay Shaplov
+    # for reporting (RT #31540)
+    if ($man =~ /\+CGMI:\ \"(.*)\"/s) {
+        $man = $1;
+    }
+    $self->log->write('info',
+        'manufacturer of this device appears to be [' . $man . ']');
+    return $man || $ok;
+# Set text or pdu mode for gsm devices. If no parameter passed, returns current mode
+sub mode {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if (@_) {
+        my $mode = lc $_[0];
+        if ($mode eq 'text') {
+            $mode = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            $mode = 0;
+        }
+        $self->{'_mode'} = $mode ? 'text' : 'pdu';
+        $self->log->write('info',
+            'setting mode to [' . $self->{'_mode'} . ']');
+        $self->atsend(qq{AT+CMGF=$mode} . Device::Modem::CR);
+        return $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+    }
+    return ($self->{'_mode'} || '');
+# What is the model of this device?
+sub model {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($code, $model);
+    # Test if manufacturer code command is supported
+    if ($self->test_command('+CGMM')) {
+        $self->atsend('AT+CGMM' . Device::Modem::CR);
+        ($code, $model) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+        $self->log->write('info',
+            'model of this device is [' . ($model || '') . ']');
+    }
+    return $model || $code;
+# Get handphone serial number (IMEI number)
+sub imei {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($code, $imei);
+    # Test if manufacturer code command is supported
+    if ($self->test_command('+CGSN')) {
+        $self->atsend('AT+CGSN' . Device::Modem::CR);
+        ($code, $imei) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+        $self->log->write('info', 'IMEI code is [' . $imei . ']');
+    }
+    return $imei || $code;
+# Alias for `imei()' is `serial_number()'
+*serial_number = *imei;
+# Get mobile phone signal quality (expressed in dBm)
+sub signal_quality {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # Error code, dBm (signal power), bit error rate
+    my ($code, @dBm, $dBm, $ber);
+    # Test if signal quality command is implemented
+    if ($self->test_command('+CSQ')) {
+        $self->atsend('AT+CSQ' . Device::Modem::CR);
+        ($code, @dBm)
+          = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 15000);
+        # Vodafone data cards send out response to commands with
+        # many empty lines in between, so +CSQ response is not the very
+        # first line of answer.
+        for (@dBm) {
+            if (/\+CSQ:/) {
+                $dBm = $_;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+        # Some gsm software send CSQ command result as "+CSQ: xx,yy"
+        if ($dBm =~ /\+CSQ:\s*(\d+),(\d+)/) {
+            ($dBm, $ber) = ($1, $2);
+            # Further process dBm number to obtain real dB power
+            if ($dBm > 30) {
+                $dBm = -51;
+            }
+            else {
+                $dBm = -113 + ($dBm << 1);
+            }
+            $self->log->write('info',
+                    'signal dBm power is [' 
+                  . $dBm
+                  . '], bit error rate ['
+                  . $ber
+                  . ']');
+            # Other versions put out "+CSQ: xx" only...
+        }
+        elsif ($dBm =~ /\+CSQ:\s*(\d+)/) {
+            $dBm = $1;
+            $self->log->write('info', 'signal is [' . $dBm . '] "bars"');
+        }
+        else {
+            $self->log->write('warn', 'cannot obtain signal dBm power');
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->log->write('warn', 'signal quality command not supported!');
+    }
+    return $dBm;
+# Get the GSM software version on this device
+sub software_version {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($code, $ver);
+    # Test if manufacturer code command is supported
+    if ($self->test_command('+CGMR')) {
+        $self->atsend('AT+CGMR' . Device::Modem::CR);
+        ($code, $ver) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+        $self->log->write('info', 'GSM version is [' . $ver . ']');
+    }
+    return $ver || $code;
+# Test support for a specific command
+sub test_command {
+    my ($self, $command) = @_;
+    # Support old code adding a `+' if not specified
+    # TODO to be removed in 1.30 ?
+    if ($command =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/) {
+        $command = '+' . $command;
+    }
+    # Standard test procedure for every command
+    $self->log->write('info',
+        'testing support for command [' . $command . ']');
+    $self->atsend("AT$command=?" . Device::Modem::CR);
+    # If answer is ok, command is supported
+    my $ok = ($self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE) || '') =~ /OK/o;
+    $self->log->write('info',
+        'command [' . $command . '] is ' . ($ok ? '' : 'not ') . 'supported');
+    $ok;
+# Read all messages on SIM card (XXX must be registered on network)
+sub messages {
+    my ($self, $storage) = @_;
+    my @messages;
+    # By default (old behaviour) messages are read from sim card
+    $storage ||= 'SM';
+    $self->log->write('info', 'Reading messages on '
+          . ($storage eq 'SM' ? 'Sim card' : 'phone memory'));
+    # Register on network (give your PIN number for this!)
+    #return undef unless $self->register();
+    $self->register();
+    #
+    # Read messages (TODO need to check if device supports CMGL with `stat'=4)
+    #
+    if ($self->mode() eq 'text') {
+        warn 'Read messages in text mode is not implemented yet.';
+        #@messages = $self->_read_messages_text();
+    }
+    else {
+        # Set default storage if supported
+        $self->storage($storage);
+        push @messages, $self->_read_messages_pdu();
+    }
+    return @messages;
+sub storage {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $ok   = 0;
+    # Set default SMS storage if supported by phone
+    if (@_ && (my $storage = uc $_[0])) {
+        return unless $self->test_command('+CPMS');
+        $self->atsend(qq{AT+CPMS="$storage"} . Device::Modem::CR);
+        # Read and discard the answer
+        $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 5000);
+        $self->{_storage} = $storage;
+    }
+    return $self->{_storage};
+# Register to GSM service provider network
+sub register {
+    my $me  = shift;
+    my $lOk = 0;
+    # Check for connection
+    if (!$me->{'CONNECTED'}) {
+        $me->log->write('info', 'Not yet connected. Doing it now...');
+        if (!$me->connect()) {
+            $me->log->write('warning', 'No connection!');
+            return $lOk;
+        }
+    }
+    # On some phones, registration doesn't work, so you can skip it entirely
+    # by passing 'assume_registered => 1' to the new() constructor
+    if (exists $me->{'assume_registered'} && $me->{'assume_registered'}) {
+        return $me->{'REGISTERED'} = 1;
+    }
+    # Send PIN status query
+    $me->log->write('info', 'PIN status query');
+    $me->atsend('AT+CPIN?' . Device::Modem::CR);
+    # Get answer
+    my $cReply = $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 10000);
+    if (! defined $cReply || $cReply eq "") {
+        $me->log->write('warn', 'Could not get a reply for the AT+CPIN command');
+        return;
+    }
+    if ($cReply =~ /(READY|SIM PIN2)/) {
+        # Iridium satellite phones rest saying "SIM PIN2" when they are registered...
+        $me->log->write('info',
+            'Already registered on network. Ready to send.');
+        $lOk = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($cReply =~ /SIM PIN/) {
+        # Pin request, sending PIN code
+        $me->log->write('info', 'PIN requested: sending...');
+        $me->atsend(qq[AT+CPIN="$$me{'pin'}"] . Device::Modem::CR);
+        # Get reply
+        $cReply = $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 10000);
+        # Test reply
+        if ($cReply !~ /ERROR/) {
+            $me->log->write('info', 'PIN accepted. Ready to send.');
+            $lOk = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            $me->log->write('warning', 'PIN rejected');
+            $lOk = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    # Store status in object and return
+    $me->{'REGISTERED'} = $lOk;
+    return $lOk;
+# send_sms( %options )
+#   recipient => '+39338101010'
+#   class     => 'flash' | 'normal'
+#   validity  => [ default = 4 days ]
+#   content   => 'text-only for now'
+#   mode      => 'text' | 'pdu'        (default = 'pdu')
+sub send_sms {
+    my ($me, %opt) = @_;
+    my $lOk = 0;
+    return unless $opt{'recipient'} and $opt{'content'};
+    # Check if registered to network
+    if (!$me->{'REGISTERED'}) {
+        $me->log->write('info', 'Not yet registered, doing now...');
+        $me->register();
+        # Wait some time to allow SIM registering to network
+        $me->wait($Device::Gsm::REGISTER_DELAY << 10);
+    }
+    # Again check if now registered
+    if (!$me->{'REGISTERED'}) {
+        $me->log->write('warning', 'ERROR in registering to network');
+        return $lOk;
+    }
+    # Ok, registered. Select mode to send SMS
+    $opt{'mode'} ||= 'PDU';
+    if (uc $opt{'mode'} ne 'TEXT') {
+        $lOk = $me->_send_sms_pdu(%opt);
+    }
+    else {
+        $lOk = $me->_send_sms_text(%opt);
+    }
+    # Return result of sending
+    return $lOk;
+# read messages in pdu mode
+sub _read_messages_pdu {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->mode('pdu');
+    $self->atsend(q{AT+CMGL=4} . Device::Modem::CR);
+    my ($messages) = $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 5000);
+    # Catch the case that the msgs are returned with gaps between them
+    while (my $more = $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 200)) {
+        #-- $self->answer will chomp trailing newline, add it back
+        $messages .= "\n";
+        $messages .= $more;
+    }
+    # Ok, messages read, now convert from PDU and store in object
+    $self->log->write('debug', 'Messages=' . $messages);
+    my @data = split /[\r\n]+/m, $messages;
+    # Check for errors on SMS reading
+    my $code;
+    if (($code = pop @data) =~ /ERROR/) {
+        $self->log->write('error',
+            'cannot read SMS messages on SIM: [' . $code . ']');
+        return ();
+    }
+    my @message = ();
+    my $current;
+    # Current sms storage memory (ME or SM)
+    my $storage = $self->storage();
+    #
+    # Parse received data (result of +CMGL command)
+    #
+    while (@data) {
+        $self->log->write('debug', 'data[] = ', $data[0]);
+        my $header = shift @data;
+        my $pdu    = shift @data;
+        # Instance new message object
+        my $msg = new Device::Gsm::Sms(
+            header => $header,
+            pdu    => $pdu,
+            # XXX mode   => $self->mode(),
+            storage => $storage,
+            parent  => $self       # Ref to parent Device::Gsm class
+        );
+        # Check if message has been instanced correctly
+        if (ref $msg) {
+            push @message, $msg;
+        }
+        else {
+            $self->log->write('info',
+                "could not instance message $header $pdu!");
+        }
+    }
+    $self->log->write('info',
+        'found ' . (scalar @message) . ' messages on SIM. Reading.');
+    return @message;
+# _send_sms_text( %options ) : sends message in text mode
+sub _send_sms_text {
+    my ($me, %opt) = @_;
+    my $num  = $opt{'recipient'};
+    my $text = $opt{'content'};
+    return 0 unless $num and $text;
+    my $lOk = 0;
+    my $cReply;
+    # Select text format for messages
+    $me->mode('text');
+    $me->log->write('info', 'Selected text format for message sending');
+    # Send sms in text mode
+    $me->atsend(qq[AT+CMGS="$num"] . Device::Modem::CR);
+    # Wait a bit before sending the text. Some GSM software needs it.
+    $me->wait($Device::Modem::WAITCMD);
+    # Complete message sending
+    $text = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($text);
+    $me->atsend($text . Device::Modem::CTRL_Z);
+    # Get reply and check for errors
+    $cReply = $me->answer('+CMGS', 2000);
+    if ($cReply =~ /OK$/i) {
+        $me->log->write('info', "Sent SMS (text mode) to $num!");
+        $lOk = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        $me->log->write('warning', "ERROR in sending SMS");
+    }
+    return $lOk;
+# _send_sms_pdu( %options )  : sends message in PDU mode
+sub _send_sms_pdu {
+    my ($me, %opt) = @_;
+    # Get options
+    my $num  = $opt{'recipient'};
+    my $text = $opt{'content'};
+    return 0 unless $num and $text;
+    $me->atsend(q[ATE1] . Device::Modem::CR);
+    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+    # Select class of sms (normal or *flash sms*)
+    my $class = $opt{'class'} || 'normal';
+    $class = $class eq 'normal' ? '00' : 'F0';
+    # TODO Validity period (now fixed to 4 days)
+    my $vp = 'AA';
+    # Status report requested?
+    my $status_report = 0;
+    if (exists $opt{'status_report'} && $opt{'status_report'}) {
+        $status_report = 1;
+    }
+    my $lOk = 0;
+    my $cReply;
+    # Send sms in PDU mode
+    #
+    # Example of sms send in PDU mode
+    #
+    #AT+CMGS=22
+    #> 0011000A8123988277190000AA0AE8329BFD4697D9EC37
+    #+CMGS: 111
+    #
+    #OK
+    # Encode DA
+    my $enc_da = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_address($num);
+    $me->log->write('info', 'encoded dest. address is [' . $enc_da . ']');
+    # Encode text
+    $text = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($text);
+    my $enc_msg = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7($text);
+    $me->log->write('info',
+        'encoded 7bit text (w/length) is [' . $enc_msg . ']');
+    # Build PDU data
+    my $pdu = uc join(
+        '',
+        '00',
+        ($status_report ? '31' : '11'),
+        '00',
+        $enc_da,
+        '00',
+        $class,
+        $vp,
+        $enc_msg
+    );
+    $me->log->write('info', 'due to send PDU [' . $pdu . ']');
+    # Sending main SMS command ( with length )
+    my $len = ((length $pdu) >> 1) - 1;
+    #$me->log->write('info', 'AT+CMGS='.$len.' string sent');
+    # Select PDU format for messages
+    $me->atsend(q[AT+CMGF=0] . Device::Modem::CR);
+    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+    $me->log->write('info', 'Selected PDU format for msg sending');
+    # Send SMS length
+    $me->atsend(qq[AT+CMGS=$len] . Device::Modem::CR);
+    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+    # Sending SMS content encoded as PDU
+    $me->log->write('info', 'PDU sent [' . $pdu . ' + CTRLZ]');
+    $me->atsend($pdu . Device::Modem::CTRL_Z);
+    # Get reply and check for errors
+    $cReply = $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 30000);
+    $me->log->write('debug', "SMS reply: $cReply\r\n");
+    if ($cReply =~ /OK$/i) {
+        $me->log->write('info', "Sent SMS (pdu mode) to $num!");
+        $lOk = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        $cReply =~ /(\+CMGS:.*)/;
+        $me->log->write('warning', "ERROR in sending SMS: $1");
+    }
+    return $lOk;
+# Set or request service center number
+sub service_center {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $nCenter;
+    my $lOk = 1;
+    my $code;
+    # If additional parameter is supplied, store new message center number
+    if (@_) {
+        $nCenter = shift();
+        # Remove all non numbers or `+' sign
+        $nCenter =~ s/[^0-9+]//g;
+        # Send AT command
+        $self->atsend(qq[AT+CSCA="$nCenter"] . Device::Modem::CR);
+        # Check for modem answer
+        $lOk = ($self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE) =~ /OK/);
+        if ($lOk) {
+            $self->log->write('info',
+                'service center number [' . $nCenter . '] stored');
+        }
+        else {
+            $self->log->write('warning',
+                'unexpected response for "service_center" command');
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->log->write('info', 'requesting service center number');
+        $self->atsend('AT+CSCA?' . Device::Modem::CR);
+        # Get answer and check for errors
+        ($code, $nCenter) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
+        if ($code =~ /ERROR/) {
+            $self->log->write('warning',
+                'error status for "service_center" command');
+            $lOk = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            # $nCenter =~ tr/\r\nA-Z//s;
+            $self->log->write('info',
+                'service center number is [' . $nCenter . ']');
+            # Return service center number
+            $lOk = $nCenter;
+        }
+    }
+    # Status flag or service center number
+    return $lOk;
+sub network {
+    my $self = $_[0];
+    my $network;
+    #if( ! $self->test_command('COPS') )
+    #{
+    #    print 'NO COMMAND';
+    #    return undef;
+    #}
+    $self->atsend('AT+COPS?' . Device::Modem::CR);
+    # Parse COPS answer, the 3rd string is the network name
+    my $ans = $self->answer();
+    if ($ans =~ /"([^"]*)"/) {
+        $network = $1;
+        $self->log->write('info', 'Received network name [' . $network . ']');
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->log->write('info', 'Received no network name');
+    }
+    # Try to decode the network name
+    require Device::Gsm::Networks;
+    my $netname = Device::Gsm::Networks::name($network);
+    if (!defined $netname || $netname eq 'unknown') {
+        $netname = undef;
+    }
+    return wantarray
+      ? ($netname, $network)
+      : $netname;
+=head1 NAME
+Device::Gsm - Perl extension to interface GSM phones / modems
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Device::Gsm;
+  my $gsm = new Device::Gsm( port => '/dev/ttyS1', pin => 'xxxx' );
+  if( $gsm->connect() ) {
+      print "connected!\n";
+  } else {
+      print "sorry, no connection with gsm phone on serial port!\n";
+  }
+  # Register to GSM network (you must supply PIN number in above new() call)
+  # See 'assume_registered' in the new() method documentation
+  $gsm->register();
+  # Send quickly a short text message
+  $gsm->send_sms(
+      recipient => '+3934910203040',
+      content   => 'Hello world! from Device::Gsm'
+  );
+  # Get list of Device::Gsm::Sms message objects
+  # see `examples/' for all the details
+  my @messages = $gsm->messages();
+C<Device::Gsm> class implements basic GSM functions, network registration and SMS sending.
+This class supports also C<PDU> mode to send C<SMS> messages, and should be
+fairly usable. In the past, I have developed and tested it under Linux RedHat 7.1
+with a 16550 serial port and Siemens C35i/C45 GSM phones attached with
+a Siemens-compatible serial cable. Currently, I'm developing and testing this stuff
+with Linux Slackware 10.2 and a B<Cambridge Silicon Radio> (CSR) USB
+bluetooth dongle, connecting to a Nokia 6600 phone.
+Please be kind to the universe and contact me if you have troubles or you are
+interested in this.
+Please be monstruosly kind to the universe and (if you don't mind spending an SMS)
+use the C<examples/> script to make me know that Device::Gsm works
+with your device (thanks!).
+Recent versions of C<Device::Gsm> have also an utility called C<autoscan> in
+the C<bin/> folder, that creates a little profile of the devices it runs
+against, that contains information about supported commands and exact output
+of commands to help recognize similar devices.
+Be sure to send me your profile by email (if you want to),
+so I can add better support for your device in the future!
+=head1 METHODS
+The following documents all supported methods with simple examples of usage.
+=head2 new()
+Inherited from L<Device::Modem>. See L<Device::Modem> documentation
+for more details.
+The only mandatory argument is the C<port> you want to use to connect
+to the GSM device:
+    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new(
+        port => '/dev/ttyS0',
+    );
+On some phones, you may experience problems in the GSM network registration
+step. For this reasons, you can pass a special C<assume_registered> option
+to have L<Device::Gsm> ignore the registration step and assume the device
+is already registered on the GSM network. Example:
+    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new(
+        port => '/dev/ttyS0',
+        assume_registered => 1,
+    );
+If you want to send debugging information to your own log file instead of
+the default setting, you can:
+    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new(
+        port => '/dev/ttyS1',
+        log => 'file,/tmp/myfile.log',
+        loglevel => 'debug',  # default is 'warning'
+    );
+=head2 connect()
+This is the main call that connects to the appropriate device. After the
+connection has been established, you can start issuing commands.
+The list of accepted parameters (to be specified as hash keys and values) is
+the same of C<Device::SerialPort> (or C<Win32::SerialPort> on Windows platform),
+as all parameters are passed to those classes' connect() method.
+The default value for C<baudrate> parameter is C<19200>.
+    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new( port=>'/dev/ttyS0', log=>'syslog' );
+    # ...
+    if( $gsm->connect(baudrate => 19200) ) {
+        print "Connected!";
+    } else {
+        print "Could not connect, sorry!";
+    }
+    # ...
+=head2 datetime()
+Used to get or set your phone/gsm modem date and time.
+If called without parameters, it gets the current phone/gsm date and time in "gsm"
+format "YY/MM/DD,HH:MN:SS". For example C<03/12/15,22:48:59> means December the 15th,
+at 10:48:59 PM. Example:
+    $datestr = $gsm->datetime();
+If called with parameters, sets the current phone/gsm date and time to that
+of supplied value. Example:
+    $newdate = $gsm->datetime( time() );
+where C<time()> is the perl's builtin C<time()> function (see C<perldoc -f time> for details).
+Another variant allows to pass a C<localtime> array to set the correspondent datetime. Example:
+    $newdate = $gsm->datetime( localtime() );
+(Note the list context). Again you can read the details for C<localtime> function
+with C<perldoc -f localtime>.
+If your device does not support this command, an B<undefined> value will be returned
+in either case.
+=head2 delete_sms()
+This method deletes a message from your SIM card, given the message index number.
+    $gsm->delete_sms(3);
+An optional second parameter specifies the "storage". It allows to delete messages
+from gsm phone memory or sim card memory. Example:
+    # Deletes first message from gsm phone memory
+    $gsm->delete_sms(1, 'ME');
+    # Deletes 3rd message from sim card
+    $gsm->delete_sms(3, 'SM');
+By default, it uses the currently set storage, via the C<storage()> method.
+=head2 forward()
+Sets call forwarding. Accepts three arguments: reason, mode and number.
+Reason can be the string C<unconditional>, C<busy>, C<no reply> and C<unreachable>.
+Mode can be the string C<disable>, C<enable>, C<query>, C<register>, C<erase>.
+    # Set unconditional call forwarding to +47 123456789
+    $gsm->forward('unconditional','register','+47123456789');
+    # Erase unconditional call forwarding
+    $gsm->forward('unconditional','erase');
+=head2 hangup()
+Hangs up the phone, terminating the active calls, if any.
+This method has been never tested on real "live" conditions, but it needs to be
+specialized for GSM phones, because it relies on C<+HUP> GSM command.
+    $gsm->hangup();
+=head2 imei()
+Returns the device own IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identifier ???).
+This identifier is numeric and should be unique among all GSM mobile devices and phones.
+This is not really true, but ... . Example:
+    my $imei = $gsm->imei();
+=head2 manufacturer()
+Returns the device manufacturer, usually only the first word (example: C<Nokia>,
+C<Siemens>, C<Falcom>, ...). Example:
+    my $man_name = $gsm->manufacturer();
+    if( $man_name eq 'Nokia' ) {
+        print "We have a nokia phone...";
+    } else {
+        print "We have a $man_name phone...";
+    }
+=head2 messages()
+This method is a somewhat unstable and subject to change, but for now it seems to work.
+It is meant to extract all text SMS messages stored on your SIM card or gsm phone.
+In list context, it returns a list of messages (or undefined value if no message or errors),
+every message being a C<Device::Gsm::Sms> object.
+The only parameter specifies the C<storage> where you want to read the messages,
+and can assume some of the following values (but check your phone/modem manual for
+special manufacturer values):
+=over 4
+=item C<ME>
+Means gsm phone B<ME>mory
+=item C<MT>
+Means gsm phone B<ME>mory on Nokia phones?
+=item C<SM>
+Means B<S>im card B<M>emory (default value)
+    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new();
+    $gsm->connect(port=>'/dev/ttyS0') or die "Can't connect!";
+    for( $gsm->messages('SM') )
+    {
+        print $_->sender(), ': ', $_->content(), "\n";
+    }
+=head2 mode()
+Sets the device GSM command mode. Accepts one parameter to set the new mode that can
+be the string C<text> or C<pdu>. Example:
+    # Set text mode
+    $gsm->mode('text');
+    # Set pdu mode
+    $gsm->mode('pdu');
+=head2 model()
+Returns phone/device model name or number. Example:
+    my $model = $gsm->model();
+For example, for Siemens C45, C<$model> holds C<C45>; for Nokia 6600, C<$model>
+holds C<6600>.
+=head2 network()
+Returns the current registered or preferred GSM network operator. Example:
+    my $net_name = $gsm->network();
+    # Returns 'Wind Telecom Spa'
+    my($net_name, $net_code) = $gsm->network();
+    # Returns ('Wind Telecom Spa', '222 88')
+This obviously varies depending on country and network operator. For me now,
+it holds "Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA". It is not guaranteed that the mobile
+phone returns the decoded network name. It can also return a gsm network code,
+like C<222 88>. In this case, an attempt to decode the network name is made.
+Be sure to call the C<network()> method when already registered to gsm
+network. See C<register()> method.
+=head2 signal_quality()
+Returns the measure of signal quality expressed in dBm units, where near to zero is better.
+An example value is -91 dBm, and reported value is C<-91>. Values should range from
+-113 to -51 dBm, where -113 is the minimum signal quality and -51 is the theorical maximum quality.
+    my $level = $gsm->signal_quality();
+If signal quality can't be read or your device does not support this command,
+an B<undefined> value will be returned.
+=head2 software_version()
+Returns the device firmare version, as stored by the manufacturer. Example:
+    my $rev = $gsm->software_revision();
+For example, for my Siemens C45, C<$rev> holds C<06>.
+=head2 storage()
+Allows to get/set the current sms storage, that is where the sms messages are saved,
+either the sim card or gsm phone memory. Phones/modems that do not support this feature
+(implemented by C<+CPMS> AT command won't be affected by this method.
+    my @msg;
+    my $storage = $gsm->storage();
+    print "Current storage is $storage\n";
+    # Read all messages on sim card
+    $gsm->storage('SM');
+    @msg = $gsm->messages();
+    # Read messages from gsm phone memory
+    $gsm->storage('ME');
+    push @msg, $gsm->messages();
+=head2 test_command()
+This method allows to query the device to know if a specific AT GSM command is supported.
+This is used only with GSM commands (those with C<AT+> prefix).
+For example, I want to know if my device supports the C<AT+GXXX> command.
+All we have to do is:
+    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new( port => '/dev/myport' );
+    ...
+    if( $gsm->test_command('GXXX') ) {
+        # Ok, command is supported
+    } else {
+        # Nope, no GXXX command
+    }
+Note that if you omit the starting C<+> character, it is automatically added.
+You can also test commands like C<^SNBR> or the like, without C<+> char being added.
+=for html
+<I>Must be explained better, uh?</I>
+=for comment
+// must be explainer better, uh? //
+=head2 register()
+"Registering" on the GSM network is what happens when you turn on your mobile phone or GSM equipment
+and the device tries to reach the GSM operator network. If your device requires a B<PIN> number,
+it is used here (but remember to supply the C<pin> parameter in new() object constructor for this
+to work.
+Registration can take some seconds, don't worry for the wait.
+After that, you are ready to send your SMS messages or do some voice calls, ... .
+Normally you don't need to call register() explicitly because it is done automatically for you
+when/if needed.
+If return value is true, registration was successful, otherwise there is something wrong;
+probably you supplied the wrong PIN code or network unreachable.
+=head2 send_sms()
+Obviously, this sends out SMS text messages. I should warn you that B<you cannot send>
+(for now) MMS, ringtone, smart, ota messages of any kind with this method.
+Send out an SMS message quickly:
+    my $sent = $gsm->send_sms(
+        content   => 'Hello, world!',   # SMS text
+        recipient => '+99000123456',    # recipient phone number
+    );
+    if( $sent ) {
+        print "OK!";
+    } else {
+        print "Troubles...";
+    }
+The allowed parameters to send_sms() are:
+=over -
+=item C<class>
+Class parameter can assume two values: C<normal> and C<flash>. Flash (or class zero) messages are
+particular because they are immediately displayed (without user confirm) and never stored
+on phone memory, while C<normal> is the default.
+=item C<content>
+This is the text you want to send, consisting of max 160 chars if you use B<PDU> mode
+and 140 (?) if in B<text> mode (more on this later).
+=item C<mode>
+Can assume two values (case insensitive): C<pdu> and C<text>.
+C<PDU> means B<Protocol Data Unit> and it is a sort of B<binary> encoding of commands,
+to save time/space, while C<text> is the normal GSM commands text mode.
+Recent mobile phones and GSM equipments surely have support for C<PDU> mode.
+Older OEM modules (like Falcom Swing, for example) don't have PDU mode, but only text mode.
+It is just a matter of trying.
+=item C<recipient>
+Phone number of message recipient
+=item C<status_report>
+If present with a true value, it enables sending of SMS messages (only for PDU mode,
+text mode SMS won't be influenced by this parameter) with the status report,
+also known as delivery report, that is a short message that reports the status
+of your sent message.
+Usually this is only available if your mobile company supports this feature,
+and probably you will be charged a small amount for this service.
+More information on this would be welcome.
+=head2 service_center()
+If called without parameters, returns the actual SMS Service Center phone number. This is
+the number your phone automatically calls when receiving and sending SMS text messages, and
+your network operator should tell you what this number is.
+    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new( port => 'COM1' );
+    $gsm->connect() or die "Can't connect";
+    $srv_cnt = $gsm->service_center();
+    print "My service center number is: $srv_cnt\n";
+If you want to set or change this number (if used improperly this can disable
+sending of SMS messages, so be warned!), you can try something like:
+    my $ok = $gsm->service_center('+99001234567');
+    print "Service center changed!\n" if $ok;
+=head1 REQUIRES
+=over 4
+=item *
+Device::Modem, which in turn requires
+=item *
+Device::SerialPort (or Win32::SerialPort on Windows machines)
+=head1 EXPORT
+If you experience problems, please double check:
+=over 4
+=item Device permissions
+Maybe you don't have necessary permissions to access your serial,
+irda or bluetooth port device. Try executing your script as root, or
+try, if you don't mind, C<chmod a+rw /dev/ttyS1> (or whatever device
+you use instead of C</dev/ttyS1>).
+=item Connection speed
+Try switching C<baudrate> parameter from 19200 (the default value)
+to 9600 or viceversa. This one is the responsible of 80% of the problems,
+because there is no baudrate auto-detection.
+=item Device autoscan
+If all else fails, please use the B<autoscan> utility in the C<bin/> folder
+of the C<Device::Gsm> distribution. Try running this autoscan utility and
+examine the log file produced in the current directory.
+If you lose any hope, send me this log file so I can eventually
+have any clue about the problem / failure.
+Also this is a profiling tool, to know which commands are supported
+by your device, so please send me profiles of your devices, so
+I can add better support for all devices in the future!
+=head1 TO-DO
+=over 4
+=item Spooler
+Build a simple spooler program that sends all SMS stored in a special
+queue (that could be a simple filesystem folder).
+=item Validity Period
+Support C<validity> period option on SMS sending. Tells how much time the SMS
+Service Center must hold the SMS for delivery when not received.
+=item Profiles
+Build a profile of the GSM device used, so that we don't have to C<always>
+test each command to know whether it is supported or not, because this takes
+too time to be done every time.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Cosimo Streppone,
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Device::Modem>, L<Device::SerialPort>, L<Win32::SerialPort>, perl(1)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
@@ -9,8 +8,8 @@ examples/
@@ -19,29 +18,23 @@ lib/Device/Gsm/Sms/
 META.yml			Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 --- #YAML:1.0
 name:               Device-Gsm
-version:            1.60
+version:            1.58
 abstract:           Perl extension to interface GSM phones / modems
-    - Cosimo Streppone <>,Grzegorz Woźniak <>
+    - Cosimo Streppone <>
 license:            unknown
 distribution_type:  module
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 use 5.008;
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-    'ABSTRACT_FROM' => 'lib/Device/',
-    'AUTHOR'        => 'Cosimo Streppone <>,Grzegorz Woźniak <>',
+    'ABSTRACT_FROM' => '',
+    'AUTHOR'        => 'Cosimo Streppone <>',
     'NAME'          => 'Device::Gsm',
-    'VERSION_FROM'  => 'lib/Device/', # finds $VERSION
+    'VERSION_FROM'  => '', # finds $VERSION
     'PREREQ_PM'     => {
         'Test::More'    => 0,
         'Device::Modem' => 1.47,
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-#	Name:             GSM 03.38 to Unicode
-#	Unicode version:  3.0
-#	Table version:    1.1
-#	Table format:     Format A
-#	Date:             2000 May 30
-#	Authors:          Ken Whistler <>,
-#                         Kent Karlsson <>,
-#                         Markus Kuhn <>
-#	Copyright (c) 2000 Unicode, Inc.  All Rights reserved.
-#	This file is provided as-is by Unicode, Inc. (The Unicode Consortium).
-#	No claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose.  No
-#	warranties of any kind are expressed or implied.  The recipient
-#	agrees to determine applicability of information provided.  If this
-#	file has been provided on optical media by Unicode, Inc., the sole
-#	remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media within 90
-#	days of receipt.
-#	Unicode, Inc. hereby grants the right to freely use the information
-#	supplied in this file in the creation of products supporting the
-#	Unicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any form for
-#	internal or external distribution as long as this notice remains
-#	attached.
-#	General notes:
-#	This table contains the data the Unicode Consortium has on how
-#       ETSI GSM 03.38 7-bit default alphabet characters map into Unicode.
-#	This mapping is based on ETSI TS 100 900 V7.2.0 (1999-07), with
-#	a correction of 0x09 to *small* c-cedilla, instead of *capital*
-#	C-cedilla.
-#	Format:  Three tab-separated columns
-#		 Column #1 is the ETSI GSM 03.38 7-bit default alphabet 
-#                             code (in hex as 0xXX, or 0xXXXX for double-byte
-#                             sequences)
-#		 Column #2 is the Unicode scalar value (in hex as 0xXXXX)
-#		 Column #3 the Unicode name (follows a comment sign, '#')
-#	The entries are in ETSI GSM 03.38 7-bit default alphabet code order.
-#       Note that ETSI GSM 03.38 also allows for the use of UCS-2 (UTF-16
-#       restricted to the BMP) in GSM/SMS messages.
-#	Note also that there are commented Greek mappings for some 
-#	capital Latin characters. This follows from the clear intent
-#	of the ETSI GSM 03.38 to have glyph coverage for the uppercase
-#	Greek alphabet by reusing Latin letters that have the same 
-#	form as an uppercase Greek letter. Conversion implementations 
-#	should be aware of this fact.
-#       The ETSI GSM 03.38 specification shows an uppercase C-cedilla
-#       glyph at 0x09. This may be the result of limited display
-#       capabilities for handling characters with descenders. However, the
-#       language coverage intent is clearly for the lowercase c-cedilla, as shown
-#       in the mapping below. The mapping for uppercase C-cedilla is shown
-#       in a commented line in the mapping table.
-#	The ESC character 0x1B is
-#	mapped to the no-break space character, unless it is part of a
-#	valid ESC sequence, to facilitate round-trip compatibility in
-#	the presence of unknown ESC sequences.
-#	0x00 is NULL (when followed only by 0x00 up to the
-#	end of (fixed byte length) message, possibly also up to
-#	FORM FEED.  But 0x00 is also the code for COMMERCIAL AT
-#	when some other character (CARRIAGE RETURN if nothing else)
-#	comes after the 0x00.
-#	Version history
-#	1.0 version: first creation
-#	1.1 version: fixed problem with the wrong line being a comment,
-#			added text regarding 0x00's interpretation,
-#                       added second mapping for C-cedilla,
-#                       added mapping of 0x1B escape to NBSP for display.
-#	Updated versions of this file may be found in:
-#		<>
-#	Any comments or problems, contact <>
-#	Please note that <> is an archival address;
-#	notices will be checked, but do not expect an immediate response.
-0x00	0x0040	#	COMMERCIAL AT
-#0x00	0x0000	#	NULL (see note above)
-0x01	0x00A3	#	POUND SIGN
-0x02	0x0024	#	DOLLAR SIGN
-0x03	0x00A5	#	YEN SIGN
-#0x09	0x00C7	#	LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA (see note above)
-0x0A	0x000A	#	LINE FEED
-0x11	0x005F	#	LOW LINE
-0x1B	0x00A0	#	ESCAPE TO EXTENSION TABLE (or displayed as NBSP, see note above)
-0x1B0A	0x000C	#	FORM FEED
-0x1B3D	0x007E	#	TILDE
-0x1B40	0x007C	#	VERTICAL LINE
-0x1B65	0x20AC	#	EURO SIGN
-0x20	0x0020	#	SPACE
-0x21	0x0021	#	EXCLAMATION MARK
-0x22	0x0022	#	QUOTATION MARK
-0x23	0x0023	#	NUMBER SIGN
-0x24	0x00A4	#	CURRENCY SIGN
-0x25	0x0025	#	PERCENT SIGN
-0x26	0x0026	#	AMPERSAND
-0x27	0x0027	#	APOSTROPHE
-0x28	0x0028	#	LEFT PARENTHESIS
-0x29	0x0029	#	RIGHT PARENTHESIS
-0x2A	0x002A	#	ASTERISK
-0x2B	0x002B	#	PLUS SIGN
-0x2C	0x002C	#	COMMA
-0x2D	0x002D	#	HYPHEN-MINUS
-0x2E	0x002E	#	FULL STOP
-0x2F	0x002F	#	SOLIDUS
-0x30	0x0030	#	DIGIT ZERO
-0x31	0x0031	#	DIGIT ONE
-0x32	0x0032	#	DIGIT TWO
-0x33	0x0033	#	DIGIT THREE
-0x34	0x0034	#	DIGIT FOUR
-0x35	0x0035	#	DIGIT FIVE
-0x36	0x0036	#	DIGIT SIX
-0x37	0x0037	#	DIGIT SEVEN
-0x38	0x0038	#	DIGIT EIGHT
-0x39	0x0039	#	DIGIT NINE
-0x3A	0x003A	#	COLON
-0x3B	0x003B	#	SEMICOLON
-0x3C	0x003C	#	LESS-THAN SIGN
-0x3D	0x003D	#	EQUALS SIGN
-0x3F	0x003F	#	QUESTION MARK
-0x5F	0x00A7	#	SECTION SIGN
-0x61	0x0061	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER A
-0x62	0x0062	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER B
-0x63	0x0063	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER C
-0x64	0x0064	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER D
-0x65	0x0065	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER E
-0x66	0x0066	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER F
-0x67	0x0067	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER G
-0x68	0x0068	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER H
-0x69	0x0069	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER I
-0x70	0x0070	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER P
-0x71	0x0071	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
-0x72	0x0072	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER R
-0x73	0x0073	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER S
-0x74	0x0074	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER T
-0x75	0x0075	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER U
-0x76	0x0076	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER V
-0x77	0x0077	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER W
-0x78	0x0078	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER X
-0x79	0x0079	#	LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
@@ -42,548 +42,499 @@ use constant ESCAPE => 0x1B;
 @Device::Gsm::Charset::GSM0338_TO_ISO8859 = (
-    64,      #  0      @  COMMERCIAL AT                           */
-    163,     #  1      £  POUND SIGN                              */
-    36,      #  2      $  DOLLAR SIGN                             */
-    165,     #  3      ¥  YEN SIGN                                */
-    232,     #  4      è  LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE         */
-    233,     #  5      é  LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE         */
-    249,     #  6      ù  LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE         */
-    236,     #  7      ì  LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE         */
-    242,     #  8      ò  LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE         */
-    199,     #  9      Ç  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA     */
-    10,      #  10        LINE FEED                               */
-    216,     #  11     Ø  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE      */
-    248,     #  12     ø  LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE        */
-    13,      #  13        CARRIAGE RETURN                         */
-    197,     #  14     Å  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE  */
-    229,     #  15     å  LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE    */
-    NPC8,    #  16        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA              */
-    95,      #  17     _  LOW LINE                                */
-    NPC8,    #  18        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI                */
-    NPC8,    #  19        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA              */
-    NPC8,    #  20        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA             */
-    NPC8,    #  21        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA              */
-    NPC8,    #  22        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI                 */
-    NPC8,    #  23        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI                */
-    NPC8,    #  24        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA              */
-    NPC8,    #  25        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA              */
-    NPC8,    #  26        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI                 */
-    27,      #  27        ESCAPE TO EXTENSION TABLE               */
-    198,     #  28     Æ  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE                 */
-    230,     #  29     æ  LATIN SMALL LETTER AE                   */
-    223,     #  30     ß  LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German)     */
-    201,     #  31     É  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE       */
-    32,      #  32        SPACE                                   */
-    33,      #  33     !  EXCLAMATION MARK                        */
-    34,      #  34     "  QUOTATION MARK                          */
-    35,      #  35     #  NUMBER SIGN                             */
-    164,     #  36     ¤  CURRENCY SIGN                           */
-    37,      #  37     %  PERCENT SIGN                            */
-    38,      #  38     &  AMPERSAND                               */
-    39,      #  39     '  APOSTROPHE                              */
-    40,      #  40     (  LEFT PARENTHESIS                        */
-    41,      #  41     )  RIGHT PARENTHESIS                       */
-    42,      #  42     *  ASTERISK                                */
-    43,      #  43     +  PLUS SIGN                               */
-    44,      #  44     ,  COMMA                                   */
-    45,      #  45     -  HYPHEN-MINUS                            */
-    46,      #  46     .  FULL STOP                               */
-    47,      #  47     /  SOLIDUS (SLASH)                         */
-    48,      #  48     0  DIGIT ZERO                              */
-    49,      #  49     1  DIGIT ONE                               */
-    50,      #  50     2  DIGIT TWO                               */
-    51,      #  51     3  DIGIT THREE                             */
-    52,      #  52     4  DIGIT FOUR                              */
-    53,      #  53     5  DIGIT FIVE                              */
-    54,      #  54     6  DIGIT SIX                               */
-    55,      #  55     7  DIGIT SEVEN                             */
-    56,      #  56     8  DIGIT EIGHT                             */
-    57,      #  57     9  DIGIT NINE                              */
-    58,      #  58     :  COLON                                   */
-    59,      #  59     ;  SEMICOLON                               */
-    60,      #  60     <  LESS-THAN SIGN                          */
-    61,      #  61     =  EQUALS SIGN                             */
-    62,      #  62     >  GREATER-THAN SIGN                       */
-    63,      #  63     ?  QUESTION MARK                           */
-    161,     #  64     ¡  INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK               */
-    65,      #  65     A  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A                  */
-    66,      #  66     B  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B                  */
-    67,      #  67     C  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C                  */
-    68,      #  68     D  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D                  */
-    69,      #  69     E  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E                  */
-    70,      #  70     F  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F                  */
-    71,      #  71     G  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G                  */
-    72,      #  72     H  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H                  */
-    73,      #  73     I  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I                  */
-    74,      #  74     J  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J                  */
-    75,      #  75     K  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K                  */
-    76,      #  76     L  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L                  */
-    77,      #  77     M  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M                  */
-    78,      #  78     N  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N                  */
-    79,      #  79     O  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O                  */
-    80,      #  80     P  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P                  */
-    81,      #  81     Q  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q                  */
-    82,      #  82     R  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R                  */
-    83,      #  83     S  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S                  */
-    84,      #  84     T  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T                  */
-    85,      #  85     U  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U                  */
-    86,      #  86     V  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V                  */
-    87,      #  87     W  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W                  */
-    88,      #  88     X  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X                  */
-    89,      #  89     Y  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y                  */
-    90,      #  90     Z  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z                  */
-    196,     #  91     Ä  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS   */
-    214,     #  92     Ö  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS   */
-    209,     #  93     Ñ  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE       */
-    220,     #  94     Ü  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS   */
-    167,     #  95     §  SECTION SIGN                            */
-    191,     #  96     ¿  INVERTED QUESTION MARK                  */
-    97,      #  97     a  LATIN SMALL LETTER A                    */
-    98,      #  98     b  LATIN SMALL LETTER B                    */
-    99,      #  99     c  LATIN SMALL LETTER C                    */
-    100,     #  100    d  LATIN SMALL LETTER D                    */
-    101,     #  101    e  LATIN SMALL LETTER E                    */
-    102,     #  102    f  LATIN SMALL LETTER F                    */
-    103,     #  103    g  LATIN SMALL LETTER G                    */
-    104,     #  104    h  LATIN SMALL LETTER H                    */
-    105,     #  105    i  LATIN SMALL LETTER I                    */
-    106,     #  106    j  LATIN SMALL LETTER J                    */
-    107,     #  107    k  LATIN SMALL LETTER K                    */
-    108,     #  108    l  LATIN SMALL LETTER L                    */
-    109,     #  109    m  LATIN SMALL LETTER M                    */
-    110,     #  110    n  LATIN SMALL LETTER N                    */
-    111,     #  111    o  LATIN SMALL LETTER O                    */
-    112,     #  112    p  LATIN SMALL LETTER P                    */
-    113,     #  113    q  LATIN SMALL LETTER Q                    */
-    114,     #  114    r  LATIN SMALL LETTER R                    */
-    115,     #  115    s  LATIN SMALL LETTER S                    */
-    116,     #  116    t  LATIN SMALL LETTER T                    */
-    117,     #  117    u  LATIN SMALL LETTER U                    */
-    118,     #  118    v  LATIN SMALL LETTER V                    */
-    119,     #  119    w  LATIN SMALL LETTER W                    */
-    120,     #  120    x  LATIN SMALL LETTER X                    */
-    121,     #  121    y  LATIN SMALL LETTER Y                    */
-    122,     #  122    z  LATIN SMALL LETTER Z                    */
-    228,     #  123    ä  LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS     */
-    246,     #  124    ö  LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS     */
-    241,     #  125    ñ  LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE         */
-    252,     #  126    ü  LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS     */
-    224,     #  127    à  LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE         */
-    #   12             27 10      FORM FEED
-    #   94             27 20   ^  CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
-    #   123            27 40   {  LEFT CURLY BRACKET
-    #   125            27 41   }  RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-    #   92             27 47   \  REVERSE SOLIDUS (BACKSLASH)
-    #   91             27 60   [  LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
-    #   126            27 61   ~  TILDE
-    #   93             27 62   ]  RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
-    #   124            27 64   |  VERTICAL BAR                             */
+    64,         #  0      @  COMMERCIAL AT                           */      
+    163,        #  1      £  POUND SIGN                              */      
+    36,         #  2      $  DOLLAR SIGN                             */      
+    165,        #  3      ¥  YEN SIGN                                */      
+    232,        #  4      è  LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE         */      
+    233,        #  5      é  LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE         */      
+    249,        #  6      ù  LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE         */      
+    236,        #  7      ì  LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE         */      
+    242,        #  8      ò  LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE         */      
+    199,        #  9      Ç  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA     */      
+    10,         #  10        LINE FEED                               */      
+    216,        #  11     Ø  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE      */      
+    248,        #  12     ø  LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE        */      
+    13,         #  13        CARRIAGE RETURN                         */      
+    197,        #  14     Å  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE  */      
+    229,        #  15     å  LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE    */      
+    NPC8,       #  16        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA              */
+    95,         #  17     _  LOW LINE                                */      
+    NPC8,       #  18        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI                */
+    NPC8,       #  19        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA              */
+    NPC8,       #  20        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA             */
+    NPC8,       #  21        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA              */
+    NPC8,       #  22        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI                 */
+    NPC8,       #  23        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI                */
+    NPC8,       #  24        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA              */
+    NPC8,       #  25        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA              */
+    NPC8,       #  26        GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI                 */
+    27,         #  27        ESCAPE TO EXTENSION TABLE               */
+    198,        #  28     Æ  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE                 */                 
+    230,        #  29     æ  LATIN SMALL LETTER AE                   */      
+    223,        #  30     ß  LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German)     */      
+    201,        #  31     É  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE       */      
+    32,         #  32        SPACE                                   */       
+    33,         #  33     !  EXCLAMATION MARK                        */       
+    34,         #  34     "  QUOTATION MARK                          */       
+    35,         #  35     #  NUMBER SIGN                             */       
+    164,        #  36     ¤  CURRENCY SIGN                           */       
+    37,         #  37     %  PERCENT SIGN                            */       
+    38,         #  38     &  AMPERSAND                               */       
+    39,         #  39     '  APOSTROPHE                              */       
+    40,         #  40     (  LEFT PARENTHESIS                        */       
+    41,         #  41     )  RIGHT PARENTHESIS                       */       
+    42,         #  42     *  ASTERISK                                */       
+    43,         #  43     +  PLUS SIGN                               */       
+    44,         #  44     ,  COMMA                                   */       
+    45,         #  45     -  HYPHEN-MINUS                            */       
+    46,         #  46     .  FULL STOP                               */       
+    47,         #  47     /  SOLIDUS (SLASH)                         */       
+    48,         #  48     0  DIGIT ZERO                              */       
+    49,         #  49     1  DIGIT ONE                               */       
+    50,         #  50     2  DIGIT TWO                               */       
+    51,         #  51     3  DIGIT THREE                             */       
+    52,         #  52     4  DIGIT FOUR                              */       
+    53,         #  53     5  DIGIT FIVE                              */       
+    54,         #  54     6  DIGIT SIX                               */       
+    55,         #  55     7  DIGIT SEVEN                             */       
+    56,         #  56     8  DIGIT EIGHT                             */       
+    57,         #  57     9  DIGIT NINE                              */       
+    58,         #  58     :  COLON                                   */       
+    59,         #  59     ;  SEMICOLON                               */       
+    60,         #  60     <  LESS-THAN SIGN                          */       
+    61,         #  61     =  EQUALS SIGN                             */       
+    62,         #  62     >  GREATER-THAN SIGN                       */                                       
+    63,         #  63     ?  QUESTION MARK                           */       
+    161,        #  64     ¡  INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK               */       
+    65,         #  65     A  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A                  */       
+    66,         #  66     B  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B                  */       
+    67,         #  67     C  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C                  */       
+    68,         #  68     D  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D                  */       
+    69,         #  69     E  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E                  */       
+    70,         #  70     F  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F                  */       
+    71,         #  71     G  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G                  */       
+    72,         #  72     H  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H                  */       
+    73,         #  73     I  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I                  */       
+    74,         #  74     J  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J                  */       
+    75,         #  75     K  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K                  */       
+    76,         #  76     L  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L                  */       
+    77,         #  77     M  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M                  */       
+    78,         #  78     N  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N                  */       
+    79,         #  79     O  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O                  */       
+    80,         #  80     P  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P                  */       
+    81,         #  81     Q  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q                  */       
+    82,         #  82     R  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R                  */       
+    83,         #  83     S  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S                  */       
+    84,         #  84     T  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T                  */       
+    85,         #  85     U  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U                  */       
+    86,         #  86     V  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V                  */       
+    87,         #  87     W  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W                  */       
+    88,         #  88     X  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X                  */       
+    89,         #  89     Y  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y                  */       
+    90,         #  90     Z  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z                  */       
+    196,        #  91     Ä  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS   */       
+    214,        #  92     Ö  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS   */       
+    209,        #  93     Ñ  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE       */       
+    220,        #  94     Ü  LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS   */       
+    167,        #  95     §  SECTION SIGN                            */       
+    191,        #  96     ¿  INVERTED QUESTION MARK                  */       
+    97,         #  97     a  LATIN SMALL LETTER A                    */       
+    98,         #  98     b  LATIN SMALL LETTER B                    */       
+    99,         #  99     c  LATIN SMALL LETTER C                    */       
+    100,        #  100    d  LATIN SMALL LETTER D                    */       
+    101,        #  101    e  LATIN SMALL LETTER E                    */       
+    102,        #  102    f  LATIN SMALL LETTER F                    */                                       
+    103,        #  103    g  LATIN SMALL LETTER G                    */       
+    104,        #  104    h  LATIN SMALL LETTER H                    */       
+    105,        #  105    i  LATIN SMALL LETTER I                    */       
+    106,        #  106    j  LATIN SMALL LETTER J                    */       
+    107,        #  107    k  LATIN SMALL LETTER K                    */       
+    108,        #  108    l  LATIN SMALL LETTER L                    */       
+    109,        #  109    m  LATIN SMALL LETTER M                    */       
+    110,        #  110    n  LATIN SMALL LETTER N                    */       
+    111,        #  111    o  LATIN SMALL LETTER O                    */       
+    112,        #  112    p  LATIN SMALL LETTER P                    */       
+    113,        #  113    q  LATIN SMALL LETTER Q                    */       
+    114,        #  114    r  LATIN SMALL LETTER R                    */       
+    115,        #  115    s  LATIN SMALL LETTER S                    */       
+    116,        #  116    t  LATIN SMALL LETTER T                    */       
+    117,        #  117    u  LATIN SMALL LETTER U                    */       
+    118,        #  118    v  LATIN SMALL LETTER V                    */       
+    119,        #  119    w  LATIN SMALL LETTER W                    */       
+    120,        #  120    x  LATIN SMALL LETTER X                    */       
+    121,        #  121    y  LATIN SMALL LETTER Y                    */       
+    122,        #  122    z  LATIN SMALL LETTER Z                    */       
+    228,        #  123    ä  LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS     */       
+    246,        #  124    ö  LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS     */       
+    241,        #  125    ñ  LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE         */       
+    252,        #  126    ü  LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS     */       
+    224,        #  127    à  LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE         */         
+#   12             27 10      FORM FEED                                       
+#   94             27 20   ^  CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT                               
+#   123            27 40   {  LEFT CURLY BRACKET                              
+#   125            27 41   }  RIGHT CURLY BRACKET                             
+#   92             27 47   \  REVERSE SOLIDUS (BACKSLASH)                     
+#   91             27 60   [  LEFT SQUARE BRACKET                             
+#   126            27 61   ~  TILDE                                           
+#   93             27 62   ]  RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET                            
+#   124            27 64   |  VERTICAL BAR                             */
 #my $gsm_charset = join '' => map chr => @GSM0338_TO_ISO8859;
 @Device::Gsm::Charset::ISO8859_TO_GSM0338 = (
-    NPC7,        #     0      null [NUL]                              */
-    NPC7,        #     1      start of heading [SOH]                  */
-    NPC7,        #     2      start of text [STX]                     */
-    NPC7,        #     3      end of text [ETX]                       */
-    NPC7,        #     4      end of transmission [EOT]               */
-    NPC7,        #     5      enquiry [ENQ]                           */
-    NPC7,        #     6      acknowledge [ACK]                       */
-    NPC7,        #     7      bell [BEL]                              */
-    NPC7,        #     8      backspace [BS]                          */
-    NPC7,        #     9      horizontal tab [HT]                     */
-    10,          #    10      line feed [LF]                          */
-    NPC7,        #    11      vertical tab [VT]                       */
-    10 + 256,    #    12      form feed [FF]                          */
-    13,          #    13      carriage return [CR]                    */
-    NPC7,        #    14      shift out [SO]                          */
-    NPC7,        #    15      shift in [SI]                           */
-    NPC7,        #    16      data link escape [DLE]                  */
-    NPC7,        #    17      device control 1 [DC1]                  */
-    NPC7,        #    18      device control 2 [DC2]                  */
-    NPC7,        #    19      device control 3 [DC3]                  */
-    NPC7,        #    20      device control 4 [DC4]                  */
-    NPC7,        #    21      negative acknowledge [NAK]              */
-    NPC7,        #    22      synchronous idle [SYN]                  */
-    NPC7,        #    23      end of trans. block [ETB]               */
-    NPC7,        #    24      cancel [CAN]                            */
-    NPC7,        #    25      end of medium [EM]                      */
-    NPC7,        #    26      substitute [SUB]                        */
-    NPC7,        #    27      escape [ESC]                            */
-    NPC7,        #    28      file separator [FS]                     */
-    NPC7,        #    29      group separator [GS]                    */
-    NPC7,        #    30      record separator [RS]                   */
-    NPC7,        #    31      unit separator [US]                     */
-    32,          #    32      space                                   */
-    33,          #    33    ! exclamation mark                        */
-    34,          #    34    " double quotation mark                   */
-    35,          #    35    # number sign                             */
-    2,           #    36    $ dollar sign                             */
-    37,          #    37    % percent sign                            */
-    38,          #    38    & ampersand                               */
-    39,          #    39    ' apostrophe                              */
-    40,          #    40    ( left parenthesis                        */
-    41,          #    41    ) right parenthesis                       */
-    42,          #    42    * asterisk                                */
-    43,          #    43    + plus sign                               */
-    44,          #    44    , comma                                   */
-    45,          #    45    - hyphen                                  */
-    46,          #    46    . period                                  */
-    47,          #    47    / slash,                                  */
-    48,          #    48    0 digit 0                                 */
-    49,          #    49    1 digit 1                                 */
-    50,          #    50    2 digit 2                                 */
-    51,          #    51    3 digit 3                                 */
-    52,          #    52    4 digit 4                                 */
-    53,          #    53    5 digit 5                                 */
-    54,          #    54    6 digit 6                                 */
-    55,          #    55    7 digit 7                                 */
-    56,          #    56    8 digit 8                                 */
-    57,          #    57    9 digit 9                                 */
-    58,          #    58    : colon                                   */
-    59,          #    59    ; semicolon                               */
-    60,          #    60    < less-than sign                          */
-    61,          #    61    = equal sign                              */
-    62,          #    62    > greater-than sign                       */
-    63,          #    63    ? question mark                           */
-    0,           #    64    @ commercial at sign                      */
-    65,          #    65    A uppercase A                             */
-    66,          #    66    B uppercase B                             */
-    67,          #    67    C uppercase C                             */
-    68,          #    68    D uppercase D                             */
-    69,          #    69    E uppercase E                             */
-    70,          #    70    F uppercase F                             */
-    71,          #    71    G uppercase G                             */
-    72,          #    72    H uppercase H                             */
-    73,          #    73    I uppercase I                             */
-    74,          #    74    J uppercase J                             */
-    75,          #    75    K uppercase K                             */
-    76,          #    76    L uppercase L                             */
-    77,          #    77    M uppercase M                             */
-    78,          #    78    N uppercase N                             */
-    79,          #    79    O uppercase O                             */
-    80,          #    80    P uppercase P                             */
-    81,          #    81    Q uppercase Q                             */
-    82,          #    82    R uppercase R                             */
-    83,          #    83    S uppercase S                             */
-    84,          #    84    T uppercase T                             */
-    85,          #    85    U uppercase U                             */
-    86,          #    86    V uppercase V                             */
-    87,          #    87    W uppercase W                             */
-    88,          #    88    X uppercase X                             */
-    89,          #    89    Y uppercase Y                             */
-    90,          #    90    Z uppercase Z                             */
-    60 + 256,    #    91    [ left square bracket                     */
-    47 + 256,    #    92    \ backslash                               */
-    62 + 256,    #    93    ] right square bracket                    */
-    20 + 256,    #    94    ^ circumflex accent                       */
-    17,          #    95    _ underscore                              */
-    -39,         #    96    ` back apostrophe                         */
-    97,          #    97    a lowercase a                             */
-    98,          #    98    b lowercase b                             */
-    99,          #    99    c lowercase c                             */
-    100,         #   100    d lowercase d                             */
-    101,         #   101    e lowercase e                             */
-    102,         #   102    f lowercase f                             */
-    103,         #   103    g lowercase g                             */
-    104,         #   104    h lowercase h                             */
-    105,         #   105    i lowercase i                             */
-    106,         #   106    j lowercase j                             */
-    107,         #   107    k lowercase k                             */
-    108,         #   108    l lowercase l                             */
-    109,         #   109    m lowercase m                             */
-    110,         #   110    n lowercase n                             */
-    111,         #   111    o lowercase o                             */
-    112,         #   112    p lowercase p                             */
-    113,         #   113    q lowercase q                             */
-    114,         #   114    r lowercase r                             */
-    115,         #   115    s lowercase s                             */
-    116,         #   116    t lowercase t                             */
-    117,         #   117    u lowercase u                             */
-    118,         #   118    v lowercase v                             */
-    119,         #   119    w lowercase w                             */
-    120,         #   120    x lowercase x                             */
-    121,         #   121    y lowercase y                             */
-    122,         #   122    z lowercase z                             */
-    40 + 256,    #   123    { left brace                              */
-    64 + 256,    #   124    | vertical bar                            */
-    41 + 256,    #   125    } right brace                             */
-    61 + 256,    #   126    ~ tilde accent                            */
-    NPC7,        #   127      delete [DEL]                            */
-    NPC7,        #   128                                              */
-    NPC7,        #   129                                              */
-    -39,         #   130      low left rising single quote            */
-    -102,        #   131      lowercase italic f                      */
-    -34,         #   132      low left rising double quote            */
-    NPC7,        #   133      low horizontal ellipsis                 */
-    NPC7,        #   134      dagger mark                             */
-    NPC7,        #   135      double dagger mark                      */
-    NPC7,        #   136      letter modifying circumflex             */
-    NPC7,        #   137      per thousand (mille) sign               */
-    -83,         #   138      uppercase S caron or hacek              */
-    -39,         #   139      left single angle quote mark            */
-    -214,        #   140      uppercase OE ligature                   */
-    NPC7,        #   141                                              */
-    NPC7,        #   142                                              */
-    NPC7,        #   143                                              */
-    NPC7,        #   144                                              */
-    -39,         #   145      left single quotation mark              */
-    -39,         #   146      right single quote mark                 */
-    -34,         #   147      left double quotation mark              */
-    -34,         #   148      right double quote mark                 */
-    -42,         #   149      round filled bullet                     */
-    -45,         #   150      en dash                                 */
-    -45,         #   151      em dash                                 */
-    -39,         #   152      small spacing tilde accent              */
-    NPC7,        #   153      trademark sign                          */
-    -115,        #   154      lowercase s caron or hacek              */
-    -39,         #   155      right single angle quote mark           */
-    -111,        #   156      lowercase oe ligature                   */
-    NPC7,        #   157                                              */
-    NPC7,        #   158                                              */
-    -89,         #   159      uppercase Y dieresis or umlaut          */
-    -32,         #   160      non-breaking space                      */
-    64,          #   161    ¡ inverted exclamation mark               */
-    -99,         #   162    ¢ cent sign                               */
-    1,           #   163    £ pound sterling sign                     */
-    36,          #   164    ¤ general currency sign                   */
-    3,           #   165    ¥ yen sign                                */
-    -33,         #   166    ¦ broken vertical bar                     */
-    95,          #   167    § section sign                            */
-    -34,         #   168    ¨ spacing dieresis or umlaut              */
-    NPC7,        #   169    © copyright sign                          */
-    NPC7,        #   170    ª feminine ordinal indicator              */
-    -60,         #   171    « left (double) angle quote               */
-    NPC7,        #   172    ¬ logical not sign                        */
-    -45,         #   173    ­ soft hyphen                             */
-    NPC7,        #   174    ® registered trademark sign               */
-    NPC7,        #   175    ¯ spacing macron (long) accent            */
-    NPC7,        #   176    ° degree sign                             */
-    NPC7,        #   177    ± plus-or-minus sign                      */
-    -50,         #   178    ² superscript 2                           */
-    -51,         #   179    ³ superscript 3                           */
-    -39,         #   180    ´ spacing acute accent                    */
-    -117,        #   181    µ micro sign                              */
-    NPC7,        #   182    ¶ paragraph sign, pilcrow sign            */
-    NPC7,        #   183    · middle dot, centered dot                */
-    NPC7,        #   184    ¸ spacing cedilla                         */
-    -49,         #   185    ¹ superscript 1                           */
-    NPC7,        #   186    º masculine ordinal indicator             */
-    -62,         #   187    » right (double) angle quote (guillemet)  */
-    NPC7,        #   188    ¼ fraction 1/4                            */
-    NPC7,        #   189    ½ fraction 1/2                            */
-    NPC7,        #   190    ¾ fraction 3/4                            */
-    96,          #   191    ¿ inverted question mark                  */
-    -65,         #   192    À uppercase A grave                       */
-    -65,         #   193    Á uppercase A acute                       */
-    -65,         #   194    Â uppercase A circumflex                  */
-    -65,         #   195    Ã uppercase A tilde                       */
-    91,          #   196    Ä uppercase A dieresis or umlaut          */
-    14,          #   197    Å uppercase A ring                        */
-    28,          #   198    Æ uppercase AE ligature                   */
-    9,           #   199    Ç uppercase C cedilla                     */
-    -31,         #   200    È uppercase E grave                       */
-    31,          #   201    É uppercase E acute                       */
-    -31,         #   202    Ê uppercase E circumflex                  */
-    -31,         #   203    Ë uppercase E dieresis or umlaut          */
-    -73,         #   204    Ì uppercase I grave                       */
-    -73,         #   205    Í uppercase I acute                       */
-    -73,         #   206    Î uppercase I circumflex                  */
-    -73,         #   207    Ï uppercase I dieresis or umlaut          */
-    -68,         #   208    Ð uppercase ETH                           */
-    93,          #   209    Ñ uppercase N tilde                       */
-    -79,         #   210    Ò uppercase O grave                       */
-    -79,         #   211    Ó uppercase O acute                       */
-    -79,         #   212    Ô uppercase O circumflex                  */
-    -79,         #   213    Õ uppercase O tilde                       */
-    92,          #   214    Ö uppercase O dieresis or umlaut          */
-    -42,         #   215    × multiplication sign                     */
-    11,          #   216    Ø uppercase O slash                       */
-    -85,         #   217    Ù uppercase U grave                       */
-    -85,         #   218    Ú uppercase U acute                       */
-    -85,         #   219    Û uppercase U circumflex                  */
-    94,          #   220    Ü uppercase U dieresis or umlaut          */
-    -89,         #   221    Ý uppercase Y acute                       */
-    NPC7,        #   222    Þ uppercase THORN                         */
-    30,          #   223    ß lowercase sharp s, sz ligature          */
-    127,         #   224    à lowercase a grave                       */
-    -97,         #   225    á lowercase a acute                       */
-    -97,         #   226    â lowercase a circumflex                  */
-    -97,         #   227    ã lowercase a tilde                       */
-    123,         #   228    ä lowercase a dieresis or umlaut          */
-    15,          #   229    å lowercase a ring                        */
-    29,          #   230    æ lowercase ae ligature                   */
-    -9,          #   231    ç lowercase c cedilla                     */
-    4,           #   232    è lowercase e grave                       */
-    5,           #   233    é lowercase e acute                       */
-    -101,        #   234    ê lowercase e circumflex                  */
-    -101,        #   235    ë lowercase e dieresis or umlaut          */
-    7,           #   236    ì lowercase i grave                       */
-    -7,          #   237    í lowercase i acute                       */
-    -105,        #   238    î lowercase i circumflex                  */
-    -105,        #   239    ï lowercase i dieresis or umlaut          */
-    NPC7,        #   240    ð lowercase eth                           */
-    125,         #   241    ñ lowercase n tilde                       */
-    8,           #   242    ò lowercase o grave                       */
-    -111,        #   243    ó lowercase o acute                       */
-    -111,        #   244    ô lowercase o circumflex                  */
-    -111,        #   245    õ lowercase o tilde                       */
-    124,         #   246    ö lowercase o dieresis or umlaut          */
-    -47,         #   247    ÷ division sign                           */
-    12,          #   248    ø lowercase o slash                       */
-    6,           #   249    ù lowercase u grave                       */
-    -117,        #   250    ú lowercase u acute                       */
-    -117,        #   251    û lowercase u circumflex                  */
-    126,         #   252    ü lowercase u dieresis or umlaut          */
-    -121,        #   253    ý lowercase y acute                       */
-    NPC7,        #   254    þ lowercase thorn                         */
-    -121         #   255    ÿ lowercase y dieresis or umlaut          */
+    NPC7,       #     0      null [NUL]                              */
+    NPC7,       #     1      start of heading [SOH]                  */
+    NPC7,       #     2      start of text [STX]                     */
+    NPC7,       #     3      end of text [ETX]                       */
+    NPC7,       #     4      end of transmission [EOT]               */
+    NPC7,       #     5      enquiry [ENQ]                           */
+    NPC7,       #     6      acknowledge [ACK]                       */
+    NPC7,       #     7      bell [BEL]                              */
+    NPC7,       #     8      backspace [BS]                          */
+    NPC7,       #     9      horizontal tab [HT]                     */
+    10,         #    10      line feed [LF]                          */
+    NPC7,       #    11      vertical tab [VT]                       */
+    10+256,     #    12      form feed [FF]                          */
+    13,         #    13      carriage return [CR]                    */
+    NPC7,       #    14      shift out [SO]                          */
+    NPC7,       #    15      shift in [SI]                           */
+    NPC7,       #    16      data link escape [DLE]                  */
+    NPC7,       #    17      device control 1 [DC1]                  */
+    NPC7,       #    18      device control 2 [DC2]                  */
+    NPC7,       #    19      device control 3 [DC3]                  */
+    NPC7,       #    20      device control 4 [DC4]                  */
+    NPC7,       #    21      negative acknowledge [NAK]              */
+    NPC7,       #    22      synchronous idle [SYN]                  */
+    NPC7,       #    23      end of trans. block [ETB]               */
+    NPC7,       #    24      cancel [CAN]                            */
+    NPC7,       #    25      end of medium [EM]                      */
+    NPC7,       #    26      substitute [SUB]                        */
+    NPC7,       #    27      escape [ESC]                            */
+    NPC7,       #    28      file separator [FS]                     */
+    NPC7,       #    29      group separator [GS]                    */
+    NPC7,       #    30      record separator [RS]                   */
+    NPC7,       #    31      unit separator [US]                     */
+    32,         #    32      space                                   */
+    33,         #    33    ! exclamation mark                        */
+    34,         #    34    " double quotation mark                   */
+    35,         #    35    # number sign                             */
+    2,          #    36    $ dollar sign                             */
+    37,         #    37    % percent sign                            */
+    38,         #    38    & ampersand                               */
+    39,         #    39    ' apostrophe                              */
+    40,         #    40    ( left parenthesis                        */
+    41,         #    41    ) right parenthesis                       */
+    42,         #    42    * asterisk                                */
+    43,         #    43    + plus sign                               */
+    44,         #    44    , comma                                   */
+    45,         #    45    - hyphen                                  */
+    46,         #    46    . period                                  */
+    47,         #    47    / slash,                                  */
+    48,         #    48    0 digit 0                                 */
+    49,         #    49    1 digit 1                                 */
+    50,         #    50    2 digit 2                                 */
+    51,         #    51    3 digit 3                                 */
+    52,         #    52    4 digit 4                                 */
+    53,         #    53    5 digit 5                                 */
+    54,         #    54    6 digit 6                                 */
+    55,         #    55    7 digit 7                                 */
+    56,         #    56    8 digit 8                                 */
+    57,         #    57    9 digit 9                                 */
+    58,         #    58    : colon                                   */
+    59,         #    59    ; semicolon                               */
+    60,         #    60    < less-than sign                          */
+    61,         #    61    = equal sign                              */
+    62,         #    62    > greater-than sign                       */
+    63,         #    63    ? question mark                           */
+    0,          #    64    @ commercial at sign                      */
+    65,         #    65    A uppercase A                             */
+    66,         #    66    B uppercase B                             */
+    67,         #    67    C uppercase C                             */
+    68,         #    68    D uppercase D                             */
+    69,         #    69    E uppercase E                             */
+    70,         #    70    F uppercase F                             */
+    71,         #    71    G uppercase G                             */
+    72,         #    72    H uppercase H                             */
+    73,         #    73    I uppercase I                             */
+    74,         #    74    J uppercase J                             */
+    75,         #    75    K uppercase K                             */
+    76,         #    76    L uppercase L                             */
+    77,         #    77    M uppercase M                             */
+    78,         #    78    N uppercase N                             */
+    79,         #    79    O uppercase O                             */
+    80,         #    80    P uppercase P                             */
+    81,         #    81    Q uppercase Q                             */
+    82,         #    82    R uppercase R                             */
+    83,         #    83    S uppercase S                             */
+    84,         #    84    T uppercase T                             */
+    85,         #    85    U uppercase U                             */
+    86,         #    86    V uppercase V                             */
+    87,         #    87    W uppercase W                             */
+    88,         #    88    X uppercase X                             */
+    89,         #    89    Y uppercase Y                             */
+    90,         #    90    Z uppercase Z                             */
+    60+256,     #    91    [ left square bracket                     */
+    47+256,     #    92    \ backslash                               */
+    62+256,     #    93    ] right square bracket                    */
+    20+256,     #    94    ^ circumflex accent                       */
+    17,         #    95    _ underscore                              */
+    -39,        #    96    ` back apostrophe                         */
+    97,         #    97    a lowercase a                             */
+    98,         #    98    b lowercase b                             */
+    99,         #    99    c lowercase c                             */
+    100,        #   100    d lowercase d                             */
+    101,        #   101    e lowercase e                             */
+    102,        #   102    f lowercase f                             */
+    103,        #   103    g lowercase g                             */
+    104,        #   104    h lowercase h                             */
+    105,        #   105    i lowercase i                             */
+    106,        #   106    j lowercase j                             */
+    107,        #   107    k lowercase k                             */
+    108,        #   108    l lowercase l                             */
+    109,        #   109    m lowercase m                             */
+    110,        #   110    n lowercase n                             */
+    111,        #   111    o lowercase o                             */
+    112,        #   112    p lowercase p                             */
+    113,        #   113    q lowercase q                             */
+    114,        #   114    r lowercase r                             */
+    115,        #   115    s lowercase s                             */
+    116,        #   116    t lowercase t                             */
+    117,        #   117    u lowercase u                             */
+    118,        #   118    v lowercase v                             */
+    119,        #   119    w lowercase w                             */
+    120,        #   120    x lowercase x                             */
+    121,        #   121    y lowercase y                             */
+    122,        #   122    z lowercase z                             */
+    40+256,     #   123    { left brace                              */
+    64+256,     #   124    | vertical bar                            */
+    41+256,     #   125    } right brace                             */
+    61+256,     #   126    ~ tilde accent                            */
+    NPC7,       #   127      delete [DEL]                            */
+    NPC7,       #   128                                              */
+    NPC7,       #   129                                              */
+    -39,        #   130      low left rising single quote            */
+    -102,       #   131      lowercase italic f                      */
+    -34,        #   132      low left rising double quote            */
+    NPC7,       #   133      low horizontal ellipsis                 */
+    NPC7,       #   134      dagger mark                             */
+    NPC7,       #   135      double dagger mark                      */
+    NPC7,       #   136      letter modifying circumflex             */
+    NPC7,       #   137      per thousand (mille) sign               */
+    -83,        #   138      uppercase S caron or hacek              */
+    -39,        #   139      left single angle quote mark            */
+    -214,       #   140      uppercase OE ligature                   */
+    NPC7,       #   141                                              */
+    NPC7,       #   142                                              */
+    NPC7,       #   143                                              */
+    NPC7,       #   144                                              */
+    -39,        #   145      left single quotation mark              */
+    -39,        #   146      right single quote mark                 */
+    -34,        #   147      left double quotation mark              */
+    -34,        #   148      right double quote mark                 */
+    -42,        #   149      round filled bullet                     */
+    -45,        #   150      en dash                                 */
+    -45,        #   151      em dash                                 */
+    -39,        #   152      small spacing tilde accent              */
+    NPC7,       #   153      trademark sign                          */
+    -115,       #   154      lowercase s caron or hacek              */
+    -39,        #   155      right single angle quote mark           */
+    -111,       #   156      lowercase oe ligature                   */
+    NPC7,       #   157                                              */
+    NPC7,       #   158                                              */
+    -89,        #   159      uppercase Y dieresis or umlaut          */
+    -32,        #   160      non-breaking space                      */
+    64,         #   161    ¡ inverted exclamation mark               */
+    -99,        #   162    ¢ cent sign                               */
+    1,          #   163    £ pound sterling sign                     */
+    36,         #   164    ¤ general currency sign                   */
+    3,          #   165    ¥ yen sign                                */
+    -33,        #   166    ¦ broken vertical bar                     */
+    95,         #   167    § section sign                            */
+    -34,        #   168    ¨ spacing dieresis or umlaut              */
+    NPC7,       #   169    © copyright sign                          */
+    NPC7,       #   170    ª feminine ordinal indicator              */
+    -60,        #   171    « left (double) angle quote               */
+    NPC7,       #   172    ¬ logical not sign                        */
+    -45,        #   173    ­ soft hyphen                             */
+    NPC7,       #   174    ® registered trademark sign               */
+    NPC7,       #   175    ¯ spacing macron (long) accent            */
+    NPC7,       #   176    ° degree sign                             */
+    NPC7,       #   177    ± plus-or-minus sign                      */
+    -50,        #   178    ² superscript 2                           */
+    -51,        #   179    ³ superscript 3                           */
+    -39,        #   180    ´ spacing acute accent                    */
+    -117,       #   181    µ micro sign                              */
+    NPC7,       #   182    ¶ paragraph sign, pilcrow sign            */
+    NPC7,       #   183    · middle dot, centered dot                */
+    NPC7,       #   184    ¸ spacing cedilla                         */
+    -49,        #   185    ¹ superscript 1                           */
+    NPC7,       #   186    º masculine ordinal indicator             */
+    -62,        #   187    » right (double) angle quote (guillemet)  */
+    NPC7,       #   188    ¼ fraction 1/4                            */
+    NPC7,       #   189    ½ fraction 1/2                            */
+    NPC7,       #   190    ¾ fraction 3/4                            */
+    96,         #   191    ¿ inverted question mark                  */
+    -65,        #   192    À uppercase A grave                       */
+    -65,        #   193    Á uppercase A acute                       */
+    -65,        #   194    Â uppercase A circumflex                  */
+    -65,        #   195    Ã uppercase A tilde                       */
+    91,         #   196    Ä uppercase A dieresis or umlaut          */
+    14,         #   197    Å uppercase A ring                        */
+    28,         #   198    Æ uppercase AE ligature                   */
+    9,          #   199    Ç uppercase C cedilla                     */
+    -31,        #   200    È uppercase E grave                       */
+    31,         #   201    É uppercase E acute                       */
+    -31,        #   202    Ê uppercase E circumflex                  */
+    -31,        #   203    Ë uppercase E dieresis or umlaut          */
+    -73,        #   204    Ì uppercase I grave                       */
+    -73,        #   205    Í uppercase I acute                       */
+    -73,        #   206    Î uppercase I circumflex                  */
+    -73,        #   207    Ï uppercase I dieresis or umlaut          */
+    -68,        #   208    Ð uppercase ETH                           */
+    93,         #   209    Ñ uppercase N tilde                       */
+    -79,        #   210    Ò uppercase O grave                       */
+    -79,        #   211    Ó uppercase O acute                       */
+    -79,        #   212    Ô uppercase O circumflex                  */
+    -79,        #   213    Õ uppercase O tilde                       */
+    92,         #   214    Ö uppercase O dieresis or umlaut          */
+    -42,        #   215    × multiplication sign                     */
+    11,         #   216    Ø uppercase O slash                       */
+    -85,        #   217    Ù uppercase U grave                       */
+    -85,        #   218    Ú uppercase U acute                       */
+    -85,        #   219    Û uppercase U circumflex                  */
+    94,         #   220    Ü uppercase U dieresis or umlaut          */
+    -89,        #   221    Ý uppercase Y acute                       */
+    NPC7,       #   222    Þ uppercase THORN                         */
+    30,         #   223    ß lowercase sharp s, sz ligature          */
+    127,        #   224    à lowercase a grave                       */
+    -97,        #   225    á lowercase a acute                       */
+    -97,        #   226    â lowercase a circumflex                  */
+    -97,        #   227    ã lowercase a tilde                       */
+    123,        #   228    ä lowercase a dieresis or umlaut          */
+    15,         #   229    å lowercase a ring                        */
+    29,         #   230    æ lowercase ae ligature                   */
+    -9,         #   231    ç lowercase c cedilla                     */
+    4,          #   232    è lowercase e grave                       */
+    5,          #   233    é lowercase e acute                       */
+    -101,       #   234    ê lowercase e circumflex                  */
+    -101,       #   235    ë lowercase e dieresis or umlaut          */
+    7,          #   236    ì lowercase i grave                       */
+    -7,         #   237    í lowercase i acute                       */
+    -105,       #   238    î lowercase i circumflex                  */
+    -105,       #   239    ï lowercase i dieresis or umlaut          */
+    NPC7,       #   240    ð lowercase eth                           */
+    125,        #   241    ñ lowercase n tilde                       */
+    8,          #   242    ò lowercase o grave                       */
+    -111,       #   243    ó lowercase o acute                       */
+    -111,       #   244    ô lowercase o circumflex                  */
+    -111,       #   245    õ lowercase o tilde                       */
+    124,        #   246    ö lowercase o dieresis or umlaut          */
+    -47,        #   247    ÷ division sign                           */
+    12,         #   248    ø lowercase o slash                       */
+    6,          #   249    ù lowercase u grave                       */
+    -117,       #   250    ú lowercase u acute                       */
+    -117,       #   251    û lowercase u circumflex                  */
+    126,        #   252    ü lowercase u dieresis or umlaut          */
+    -121,       #   253    ý lowercase y acute                       */
+    NPC7,       #   254    þ lowercase thorn                         */
+    -121        #   255    ÿ lowercase y dieresis or umlaut          */
 sub iso8859_to_gsm0338 {
-    my $ascii = shift;
-    return '' if !defined $ascii || $ascii eq '';
+	my $ascii = shift;
+	return '' if ! defined $ascii || $ascii eq '';
-    my $gsm = '';
-    my $n   = 0;
-    for (; $n < length($ascii); $n++) {
+	my $gsm = '';
+	my $n = 0;
+	for( ; $n < length($ascii) ; $n++ ) {
         my $ch_ascii = ord(substr($ascii, $n, 1));
-        my $ch_gsm = $Device::Gsm::Charset::ISO8859_TO_GSM0338[$ch_ascii];
+        my $ch_gsm   = $Device::Gsm::Charset::ISO8859_TO_GSM0338[$ch_ascii];
         # Is this a "replaced" char?
-        if ($ch_gsm <= 0xFF) {
+        if( $ch_gsm <= 0xFF ) {
             $ch_gsm = abs($ch_gsm);
-        else {
+        else
+        {
             # Prepend an escape char for extended char
             $gsm .= chr(ESCAPE);
             # Encode extended char
             $ch_gsm -= 256;
         #warn('char ['.$ch_ascii.'] => ['.$ch_gsm.']');
-        $gsm .= chr($ch_gsm);
-    }
-    return $gsm;
+		$gsm .= chr($ch_gsm);
+	}
+	return $gsm;
 sub gsm0338_to_iso8859 {
-    my $gsm = shift;
-    return '' if !defined $gsm || $gsm eq '';
+	my $gsm = shift;
+	return '' if ! defined $gsm || $gsm eq '';
-    my $ascii = '';
-    my $n     = 0;
+	my $ascii = '';
+	my $n = 0;
-    for (; $n < length($gsm); $n++) {
+	for( ; $n < length($gsm) ; $n++ ) {
-        my $c = ord(substr($gsm, $n, 1));
+		my $c = ord(substr($gsm, $n, 1));
-        # Extended charset ?
-        if ($c == ESCAPE) {    # "escape extended mode"
-            $n++;
-            $c = ord(substr($gsm, $n, 1));
-            if ($c == 0x0A) {
+		# Extended charset ?
+		if( $c == ESCAPE ) {                      # "escape extended mode"
+			$n++;
+			$c = ord(substr($gsm, $n, 1));
+            if( $c == 0x0A ) {
                 $ascii .= chr(12);
-            elsif ($c == 0x14) {
-                $ascii .= '^';
-            }
-            elsif ($c == 0x28) {
+            elsif( $c == 0x14 ) {
+				$ascii .= '^';
+			}
+            elsif( $c == 0x28 ) {
                 $ascii .= '{';
-            elsif ($c == 0x29) {
+            elsif( $c == 0x29 ) {
                 $ascii .= '}';
-            elsif ($c == 0x2F) {
-                $ascii .= '\\';
-            }
-            elsif ($c == 0x3C) {
-                $ascii .= '[';
-            }
-            elsif ($c == 0x3D) {
+            elsif( $c == 0x2F ) {
+				$ascii .= '\\';
+			}
+            elsif( $c == 0x3C ) {
+				$ascii .= '[';
+			}
+            elsif( $c == 0x3D ) {
                 $ascii .= '~';
-            elsif ($c == 0x3E) {
-                $ascii .= ']';
-            }
-            elsif ($c == 0x40) {
+            elsif( $c == 0x3E ) {
+				$ascii .= ']';
+			}
+            elsif( $c == 0x40 ) {
                 $ascii .= '|';
-            elsif ($c == 0x65) {    # 'e'
-                $ascii .= chr(164)
-                    ;    # iso_8859_15 EURO SIGN or iso_8859_1 CURRENCY_SIGN
-            }
+			elsif( $c == 0x65 ) {                  # 'e'
+				$ascii .= chr(164);             # iso_8859_15 EURO SIGN or iso_8859_1 CURRENCY_SIGN
+			}
             else {
-                $ascii .= chr(NPC8);    # Non printable
-            }
-        }
-        else {
+				$ascii .= chr(NPC8);            # Non printable
+			}
-            # Standard GSM 3.38 encoding
-            $ascii .= chr($Device::Gsm::Charset::GSM0338_TO_ISO8859[$c]);
-        }
+		} else {
+			# Standard GSM 3.38 encoding
+			my $latin1 = $Device::Gsm::Charset::GSM0338_TO_ISO8859[$c];
+			if (defined $latin1) {
+				$ascii .= chr($latin1);
+			}
+			else {
+				$ascii .= chr($c);
+			}
+		}
         #warn('gsm char ['.$c.'] converted to ascii ['.ord(substr($ascii,-1)).']');
-    }
-    return $ascii;
+	}
-sub gsm0338_length {
-    my $ascii          = shift;
-    my $gsm0338_length = 0;
-    my $n              = 0;
-    for (; $n < length($ascii); $n++) {
-        my $ch_ascii = ord(substr($ascii, $n, 1));
-        my $ch_gsm = $Device::Gsm::Charset::ISO8859_TO_GSM0338[$ch_ascii];
-        # Is this a "replaced" char?
-        if ($ch_gsm <= 0xFF) {
-            $gsm0338_length++;
-        }
-        else {
-            $gsm0338_length += 2;
-        }
-    }
-    return $gsm0338_length;
+	return $ascii;
-sub gsm0338_split {
-    my $ascii = shift;
-    return '' if !defined $ascii || $ascii eq '';
-    my @parts;
-    my $part;
-    my $chars_count  = 0;
-    my $ascii_length = length($ascii);
-    while ($ascii_length) {
-        my $ch_ascii = substr($ascii, 0, 1);
-        my $ch_gsm
-            = $Device::Gsm::Charset::ISO8859_TO_GSM0338[ ord($ch_ascii) ];
-        if ($chars_count < 153 and $ch_gsm <= 0xFF) {
-            $part .= $ch_ascii;
-            $chars_count++;
-            $ascii = substr($ascii, 1, $ascii_length--);
-        }
-        elsif ($chars_count < 152 and $ch_gsm > 0xFF) {
-            $part .= $ch_ascii;
-            $chars_count += 2;
-            $ascii = substr($ascii, 1, $ascii_length--);
-        }
-        else {
-            push(@parts, $part);
-            $part        = '';
-            $chars_count = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    push(@parts, $part);
-    return (@parts);
@@ -4,388 +4,389 @@ package Device::Gsm::Networks;
 # Gsm networks data stolen from Gnokii
 our %COUNTRIES = (
-    '202' => 'Greece',
-    '204' => 'Netherlands',
-    '206' => 'Belgium',
-    '208' => 'France',
-    '213' => 'Andorra',
-    '214' => 'Spain',
-    '216' => 'Hungary',
-    '218' => 'Bosnia Herzegovina',
-    '219' => 'Croatia',
-    '220' => 'Yugoslavia',
-    '222' => 'Italy',
-    '226' => 'Romania',
-    '228' => 'Switzerland',
-    '230' => 'Czech Republic',
-    '231' => 'Slovak Republic',
-    '232' => 'Austria',
-    '234' => 'United Kingdom',
-    '238' => 'Denmark',
-    '240' => 'Sweden',
-    '242' => 'Norway',
-    '244' => 'Finland',
-    '246' => 'Lithuania',
-    '247' => 'Latvia',
-    '248' => 'Estonia',
-    '250' => 'Russia',
-    '255' => 'Ukraine',
-    '259' => 'Moldova',
-    '260' => 'Poland',
-    '262' => 'Germany',
-    '266' => 'Gibraltar',
-    '268' => 'Portugal',
-    '270' => 'Luxembourg',
-    '272' => 'Ireland',
-    '274' => 'Iceland',
-    '276' => 'Albania',
-    '278' => 'Malta',
-    '280' => 'Cyprus',
-    '282' => 'Georgia',
-    '283' => 'Armenia',
-    '284' => 'Bulgaria',
-    '286' => 'Turkey',
-    '290' => 'Greenland',
-    '293' => 'Slovenia',
-    '294' => 'Macedonia',
-    '302' => 'Canada',
-    '310' => 'U.S.A.',
-    '340' => 'French West Indies',
-    '400' => 'Azerbaijan',
-    '404' => 'India',
-    '410' => 'Pakistan',
-    '413' => 'Sri Lanka',
-    '415' => 'Lebanon',
-    '416' => 'Jordan',
-    '417' => 'Syria',
-    '418' => 'Iraq',
-    '419' => 'Kuwait',
-    '420' => 'Saudi Arabia',
-    '422' => 'Oman',
-    '424' => 'United Arab Emirates',
-    '425' => 'Israel',
-    '426' => 'Bahrain',
-    '427' => 'Qatar',
-    '432' => 'Iran',
-    '434' => 'Uzbekistan',
-    '437' => 'Kyrgyz Republic',
-    '452' => 'Vietnam',
-    '454' => 'Hong Kong',
-    '455' => 'Macau',
-    '456' => 'Cambodia',
-    '457' => 'Lao',
-    '460' => 'China',
-    '466' => 'Taiwan',
-    '470' => 'Bangladesh',
-    '502' => 'Malaysia',
-    '505' => 'Australia',
-    '510' => 'Indonesia',
-    '515' => 'Philippines',
-    '520' => 'Thailand',
-    '525' => 'Singapore',
-    '528' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
-    '530' => 'New Zealand',
-    '542' => 'Fiji',
-    '546' => 'New Caledonia',
-    '547' => 'French Polynesia',
-    '602' => 'Egypt',
-    '603' => 'Algeria',
-    '604' => 'Morocco',
-    '605' => 'Tunisia',
-    '608' => 'Senegal',
-    '611' => 'Guinea',
-    '612' => 'Cote d\'Ivoire',
-    '615' => 'Togo',
-    '617' => 'Mauritius',
-    '618' => 'Liberia',
-    '620' => 'Ghana',
-    '624' => 'Cameroon',
-    '625' => 'Cape Verde',
-    '633' => 'Seychelles',
-    '634' => 'Mozambique',
-    '634' => 'Sudan',
-    '635' => 'Rwanda',
-    '636' => 'Ethiopia',
-    '640' => 'Tanzania',
-    '641' => 'Uganda',
-    '645' => 'Zambia',
-    '646' => 'Madagascar',
-    '647' => 'Reunion',
-    '648' => 'Zimbabwe',
-    '649' => 'Namibia',
-    '650' => 'Malawi',
-    '651' => 'Lesotho',
-    '652' => 'Botswana',
-    '655' => 'South Africa',
-    '730' => 'Chile',
-    '734' => 'Venezuela',
-    undef => 'unknown',
+	'202'=> 'Greece',
+	'204'=> 'Netherlands',
+	'206'=> 'Belgium',
+	'208'=> 'France',
+	'213'=> 'Andorra',
+	'214'=> 'Spain',
+	'216'=> 'Hungary',
+	'218'=> 'Bosnia Herzegovina',
+	'219'=> 'Croatia',
+	'220'=> 'Yugoslavia',
+	'222'=> 'Italy',
+	'226'=> 'Romania',
+	'228'=> 'Switzerland',
+	'230'=> 'Czech Republic',
+	'231'=> 'Slovak Republic',
+	'232'=> 'Austria',
+	'234'=> 'United Kingdom',
+	'238'=> 'Denmark',
+	'240'=> 'Sweden',
+	'242'=> 'Norway',
+	'244'=> 'Finland',
+	'246'=> 'Lithuania',
+	'247'=> 'Latvia',
+	'248'=> 'Estonia',
+	'250'=> 'Russia',
+	'255'=> 'Ukraine',
+	'259'=> 'Moldova',
+	'260'=> 'Poland',
+	'262'=> 'Germany',
+	'266'=> 'Gibraltar',
+	'268'=> 'Portugal',
+	'270'=> 'Luxembourg',
+	'272'=> 'Ireland',
+	'274'=> 'Iceland',
+	'276'=> 'Albania',
+	'278'=> 'Malta',
+	'280'=> 'Cyprus',
+	'282'=> 'Georgia',
+	'283'=> 'Armenia',
+	'284'=> 'Bulgaria',
+	'286'=> 'Turkey',
+	'290'=> 'Greenland',
+	'293'=> 'Slovenia',
+	'294'=> 'Macedonia',
+	'302'=> 'Canada',
+	'310'=> 'U.S.A.',
+	'340'=> 'French West Indies',
+	'400'=> 'Azerbaijan',
+	'404'=> 'India',
+	'410'=> 'Pakistan',
+	'413'=> 'Sri Lanka',
+	'415'=> 'Lebanon',
+	'416'=> 'Jordan',
+	'417'=> 'Syria',
+	'418'=> 'Iraq',
+	'419'=> 'Kuwait',
+	'420'=> 'Saudi Arabia',
+	'422'=> 'Oman',
+	'424'=> 'United Arab Emirates',
+	'425'=> 'Israel',
+	'426'=> 'Bahrain',
+	'427'=> 'Qatar',
+	'432'=> 'Iran',
+	'434'=> 'Uzbekistan',
+	'437'=> 'Kyrgyz Republic',
+	'452'=> 'Vietnam',
+	'454'=> 'Hong Kong',
+	'455'=> 'Macau',
+	'456'=> 'Cambodia',
+	'457'=> 'Lao',
+	'460'=> 'China',
+	'466'=> 'Taiwan',
+	'470'=> 'Bangladesh',
+	'502'=> 'Malaysia',
+	'505'=> 'Australia',
+	'510'=> 'Indonesia',
+	'515'=> 'Philippines',
+	'520'=> 'Thailand',
+	'525'=> 'Singapore',
+	'528'=> 'Brunei Darussalam',
+	'530'=> 'New Zealand',
+	'542'=> 'Fiji',
+	'546'=> 'New Caledonia',
+	'547'=> 'French Polynesia',
+	'602'=> 'Egypt',
+	'603'=> 'Algeria',
+	'604'=> 'Morocco',
+	'605'=> 'Tunisia',
+	'608'=> 'Senegal',
+	'611'=> 'Guinea',
+	'612'=> 'Cote d\'Ivoire',
+	'615'=> 'Togo',
+	'617'=> 'Mauritius',
+	'618'=> 'Liberia',
+	'620'=> 'Ghana',
+	'624'=> 'Cameroon',
+	'625'=> 'Cape Verde',
+	'633'=> 'Seychelles',
+	'634'=> 'Mozambique',
+	'634'=> 'Sudan',
+	'635'=> 'Rwanda',
+	'636'=> 'Ethiopia',
+	'640'=> 'Tanzania',
+	'641'=> 'Uganda',
+	'645'=> 'Zambia',
+	'646'=> 'Madagascar',
+	'647'=> 'Reunion',
+	'648'=> 'Zimbabwe',
+	'649'=> 'Namibia',
+	'650'=> 'Malawi',
+	'651'=> 'Lesotho',
+	'652'=> 'Botswana',
+	'655'=> 'South Africa',
+	'730'=> 'Chile',
+	'734'=> 'Venezuela',
+	undef=> 'unknown',
 our %NETWORKS = (
-    "20201" => "Cosmote",
-    "20205" => "PANAFON",
-    "20210" => "TELESTET",
-    "20404" => "LIBERTEL",
-    "20408" => "KPN Telecom",
-    "20412" => "O2",
-    "20416" => "BEN",
-    "20420" => "Dutchtone NV",
-    "20601" => "PROXIMUS",
-    "20610" => "Mobistar",
-    "20620" => "Base",
-    "20801" => "ITINERIS",
-    "20810" => "SFR",
-    "20820" => "Bouygues Telecom",
-    "21303" => "MOBILAND",
-    "21401" => "Airtel GSM 900-Spain",
-    "21403" => "Retevision Movil",
-    "21407" => "MOVISTAR",
-    "21601" => "Pannon GSM",
-    "21670" => "Vodafone",
-    "21630" => "Westel 900",
-    "21890" => "GSMBIH",
-    "21901" => "CRONET",
-    "21910" => "VIP",
-    "22001" => "MOBTEL",
-    "22002" => "ProMonte GSM",
-    "22003" => "Telekom Srbije",
-    "22201" => "Telecom Italia Mobile",
-    "22210" => "OMNITEL",
-    "22288" => "Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA",
-    "22601" => "CONNEX GSM",
-    "22610" => "DIALOG",
-    "22801" => "NATEL International",
-    "22802" => "diAx Mobile AG",
-    "23001" => "T-Mobile CZ",
-    "23002" => "EuroTel",
-    "23003" => "Oskar",
-    "23101" => "Orange",
-    "23102" => "EuroTel GSM",
-    "23201" => "A1",
-    "23203" => "T-Mobile AT",
-    "23205" => "ONE",
-    "23207" => "tele.ring",
-    "23410" => "Cellnet",
-    "23415" => "Vodafone",
-    "23430" => "T-Mobile UK",
-    "23433" => "ORANGE",
-    "23450" => "Jersey Telecoms GSM",
-    "23455" => "Guernsey Telecoms GSM",
-    "23458" => "PRONTO GSM",
-    "23801" => "TDK-MOBIL",
-    "23802" => "SONOFON",
-    "23820" => "TELIA DK",
-    "23830" => "Mobilix",
-    "24001" => "Telia AB",
-    "24007" => "COMVIQ",
-    "24008" => "EUROPOLITAN",
-    "24201" => "Telenor Mobil",
-    "24202" => "NetCom GSM",
-    "24403" => "Telia City (Finland)",
-    "24405" => "Radiolinja",
-    "24409" => "Finnet",
-    "24491" => "Sonera",
-    "24601" => "OMNITEL",
-    "24602" => "Bite GSM",
-    "24701" => "LMT LV",
-    "24702" => "BALTCOM GSM",
-    "24801" => "EMT GSM",
-    "24802" => "Radiolinja Eesti AS",
-    "24803" => "Q GSM",
-    "25001" => "Mobile Telesystems",
-    "25002" => "North-West GSM",
-    "25005" => "Siberian Cellular Systems 900",
-    "25007" => "BM Telecom",
-    "25010" => "Don Telecom",
-    "25012" => "FECS-900",
-    "25013" => "Kuban GSM",
-    "25039" => "Uraltel",
-    "25044" => "North Caucasian GSM",
-    "25099" => "BeeLine",
-    "25501" => "UMC",
-    "25502" => "WellCOM",
-    "25503" => "Kyivstar",
-    "25505" => "Golden Telecom",
-    "25901" => "VOXTEL",
-    "26001" => "PLUS GSM",
-    "26002" => "ERA GSM",
-    "26003" => "IDEA Centertel",
-    "26201" => "T-Mobile D",
-    "26202" => "D2 PRIVAT",
-    "26203" => "E-Plus",
-    "26207" => "Interkom",
-    "26601" => "Gibtel GSM",
-    "26801" => "TELECEL",
-    "26803" => "OPTIMUS",
-    "26806" => "TMN",
-    "27001" => "LUXGSM",
-    "27077" => "TANGO",
-    "27201" => "EIRCELL-GSM",
-    "27202" => "Digifone",
-    "27401" => "Landssiminn GSM 900",
-    "27402" => "TAL hf",
-    "27601" => "AMC",
-    "27801" => "Vodafone Malta Limited",
-    "28001" => "CYTAGSM",
-    "28201" => "Geocell Limited",
-    "28202" => "Magti GSM",
-    "28301" => "ArmGSM",
-    "28401" => "M-TEL GSM BG",
-    "28601" => "Turkcell",
-    "28602" => "TELSIM GSM",
-    "28801" => "Faroese Telecom",
-    "29001" => "Tele Greenland",
-    "29340" => "SI.MOBIL d. d.",
-    "29341" => "MOBITEL",
-    "29370" => "SI VEGA 070",
-    "29401" => "MobiMak",
-    "30237" => "Microcell Connexions Inc",
-    "30272" => "Rogers AT&T",
-    "31001" => "Cellnet",
-    "31002" => "Sprint Spectrum",
-    "31011" => "Wireless 2000 Telephone Co.",
-    "31015" => "BellSouth Mobility DCS",
-    "31016" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31017" => "Pac Bell",
-    "31020" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31021" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31022" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31023" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31024" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31025" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31026" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31027" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31031" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31038" => "AT&T Wireless",
-    "31058" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31066" => "T-Mobile",
-    "31077" => "Iowa Wireless Services LP",
-    "31080" => "T-Mobile",
-    "34001" => "AMERIS",
-    "40001" => "AZERCELL GSM",
-    "40002" => "Bakcell GSM 2000",
-    "40407" => "TATA Cellular",
-    "40410" => "AirTel",
-    "40411" => "Essar Cellphone",
-    "40412" => "Escotel",
-    "40414" => "Modicom",
-    "40415" => "Essar Cellphone",
-    "40420" => "Max Touch",
-    "40421" => "BPL - Mobile",
-    "40427" => "BPL USWEST Cellular",
-    "40430" => "Command",
-    "40440" => "SkyCell",
-    "40441" => "RPG Cellular",
-    "40442" => "AIRCEL",
-    "41001" => "Mobilink",
-    "41302" => "DIALOG GSM",
-    "41501" => "CELLIS",
-    "41503" => "LIBANCELL",
-    "41601" => "Fastlink",
-    "41709" => "MOBILE SYRIA",
-    "41902" => "MTCNet",
-    "42001" => "Al Jawwal",
-    "42007" => "E.A.E",
-    "42202" => "GTO",
-    "42402" => "UAE-ETISALAT",
-    "42501" => "Partner Communications Company Ltd",
-    "42601" => "BHR MOBILE PLUS",
-    "42701" => "QATARNET",
-    "43211" => "TCI",
-    "43404" => "Daewoo Unitel",
-    "43405" => "Coscom",
-    "43701" => "Bitel",
-    "45400" => "TCSL GSM",
-    "45404" => "HKGHT",
-    "45406" => "SMARTONE GSM",
-    "45410" => "New World PCS",
-    "45412" => "PEOPLES",
-    "45416" => "SUNDAY",
-    "45501" => "TELEMOVEL+ GSM900-Macau",
-    "45601" => "MobiTel",
-    "45602" => "SAMART-GSM",
-    "45701" => "Lao Shinawatra Telecom",
-    "46000" => "China Telecom GSM",
-    "46001" => "CU-GSM",
-    "46601" => "Far EasTone Telecoms 900",
-    "46606" => "TUNTEX GSM 1800",
-    "46688" => "KG Telecom",
-    "46692" => "Chunghwa GSM",
-    "46693" => "MobiTai",
-    "46697" => "TWNGSM",
-    "46699" => "TransAsia",
-    "47001" => "GrameenPhone Ltd",
-    "47019" => "Mobile 2000",
-    "50212" => "Maxis Mobile",
-    "50213" => "TM Touch",
-    "50216" => "DiGi 1800",
-    "50217" => "ADAM",
-    "50219" => "CELCOM",
-    "50501" => "MobileNet",
-    "50502" => "OPTUS",
-    "50503" => "VODAFONE",
-    "50508" => "One.Tel",
-    "51001" => "SATELINDO",
-    "51008" => "LIPPO TELECOM",
-    "51010" => "TELKOMSEL",
-    "51011" => "Excelcom",
-    "51021" => "INDOSAT",
-    "51501" => "ISLACOM",
-    "51502" => "Globe Telecom",
-    "52001" => "AIS GSM",
-    "52010" => "WCS",
-    "52018" => "Worldphone 1800",
-    "52023" => "HELLO",
-    "52501" => "SingTel Mobile",
-    "52502" => "ST-PCN",
-    "52503" => "MOBILEONE",
-    "52811" => "DSTCom",
-    "53001" => "Vodafone New Zealand Limited",
-    "54201" => "Vodafone",
-    "54601" => "Mobilis",
-    "54720" => "VINI",
-    "60201" => "MobiNil",
-    "60202" => "Tunicell",
-    "60301" => "ALGERIAN MOBILE NETWORK",
-    "60401" => "I A M",
-    "60801" => "ALIZE",
-    "61102" => "Lagui",
-    "61203" => "IVOIRIS",
-    "61205" => "Telecel",
-    "61501" => "TOGO CELL",
-    "61701" => "Cellplus Mobile Comms",
-    "61801" => "Omega",
-    "62001" => "SPACEFON",
-    "62501" => "CVMOVEL",
-    "63301" => "Seychelles Cellular Services",
-    "63310" => "AIRTEL",
-    "63401" => "MobiTel",
-    "63510" => "Rwandacell",
-    "63601" => "ETMTN",
-    "64001" => "TRITEL",
-    "64110" => "MTN-Uganda",
-    "64202" => "ANTARIS",
-    "64301" => "T.D.M GSM 900",
-    "64501" => "ZAMCELL",
-    "64601" => "Madacom",
-    "64603" => "Sacel Madagascar S.A.",
-    "64710" => "SRR",
-    "64801" => "NET*ONE",
-    "64803" => "Telecel",
-    "64901" => "MTC",
-    "65001" => "Callpoint 900",
-    "65101" => "Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd",
-    "65501" => "Vodacom",
-    "65510" => "MTN",
-    "68038" => "NPI Wireless",
-    "73001" => "Entel Telefonia Movi",
-    "73010" => "Entel PCS",
-    "73401" => "Infonet",
-    undef   => 'unknown',
+	"20201"=> "Cosmote",
+	"20205"=> "PANAFON",
+	"20210"=> "TELESTET",
+	"20404"=> "LIBERTEL",
+	"20408"=> "KPN Telecom",
+	"20412"=> "O2",
+	"20416"=> "BEN",
+	"20420"=> "Dutchtone NV",
+	"20601"=> "PROXIMUS",
+	"20610"=> "Mobistar",
+	"20620"=> "Base",
+	"20801"=> "ITINERIS",
+	"20810"=> "SFR",
+	"20820"=> "Bouygues Telecom",
+	"21303"=> "MOBILAND",
+	"21401"=> "Airtel GSM 900-Spain",
+	"21403"=> "Retevision Movil",
+	"21407"=> "MOVISTAR",
+	"21601"=> "Pannon GSM",
+	"21670"=> "Vodafone",
+	"21630"=> "Westel 900",
+	"21890"=> "GSMBIH",
+	"21901"=> "CRONET",
+	"21910"=> "VIP",
+	"22001"=> "MOBTEL",
+	"22002"=> "ProMonte GSM",
+	"22003"=> "Telekom Srbije",
+	"22201"=> "Telecom Italia Mobile",
+	"22210"=> "OMNITEL",
+	"22288"=> "Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA",
+	"22601"=> "CONNEX GSM",
+	"22610"=> "DIALOG",
+	"22801"=> "NATEL International",
+	"22802"=> "diAx Mobile AG",
+	"23001"=> "T-Mobile CZ",
+	"23002"=> "EuroTel",
+	"23003"=> "Oskar",
+	"23101"=> "Orange",
+	"23102"=> "EuroTel GSM",
+	"23201"=> "A1",
+	"23203"=> "T-Mobile AT",
+	"23205"=> "ONE",
+	"23207"=> "tele.ring",
+	"23410"=> "Cellnet",
+	"23415"=> "Vodafone",
+	"23430"=> "T-Mobile UK",
+	"23433"=> "ORANGE",
+	"23450"=> "Jersey Telecoms GSM",
+	"23455"=> "Guernsey Telecoms GSM",
+	"23458"=> "PRONTO GSM",
+	"23801"=> "TDK-MOBIL",
+	"23802"=> "SONOFON",
+	"23820"=> "TELIA DK",
+	"23830"=> "Mobilix",
+	"24001"=> "Telia AB",
+	"24007"=> "COMVIQ",
+	"24008"=> "EUROPOLITAN",
+	"24201"=> "Telenor Mobil",
+	"24202"=> "NetCom GSM",
+	"24403"=> "Telia City (Finland)",
+	"24405"=> "Radiolinja",
+	"24409"=> "Finnet",
+	"24491"=> "Sonera",
+	"24601"=> "OMNITEL",
+	"24602"=> "Bite GSM",
+	"24701"=> "LMT LV",
+	"24702"=> "BALTCOM GSM",
+	"24801"=> "EMT GSM",
+	"24802"=> "Radiolinja Eesti AS",
+	"24803"=> "Q GSM",
+	"25001"=> "Mobile Telesystems",
+	"25002"=> "North-West GSM",
+	"25005"=> "Siberian Cellular Systems 900",
+	"25007"=> "BM Telecom",
+	"25010"=> "Don Telecom",
+	"25012"=> "FECS-900",
+	"25013"=> "Kuban GSM",
+	"25039"=> "Uraltel",
+	"25044"=> "North Caucasian GSM",
+	"25099"=> "BeeLine",
+	"25501"=> "UMC",
+	"25502"=> "WellCOM",
+	"25503"=> "Kyivstar",
+	"25505"=> "Golden Telecom",
+	"25901"=> "VOXTEL",
+	"26001"=> "PLUS GSM",
+	"26002"=> "ERA GSM",
+	"26003"=> "IDEA Centertel",
+	"26201"=> "T-Mobile D",
+	"26202"=> "D2 PRIVAT",
+	"26203"=> "E-Plus",
+	"26207"=> "Interkom",
+	"26601"=> "Gibtel GSM",
+	"26801"=> "TELECEL",
+	"26803"=> "OPTIMUS",
+	"26806"=> "TMN",
+	"27001"=> "LUXGSM",
+	"27077"=> "TANGO",
+	"27201"=> "EIRCELL-GSM",
+	"27202"=> "Digifone",
+	"27401"=> "Landssiminn GSM 900",
+	"27402"=> "TAL hf",
+	"27601"=> "AMC",
+	"27801"=> "Vodafone Malta Limited",
+	"28001"=> "CYTAGSM",
+	"28201"=> "Geocell Limited",
+	"28202"=> "Magti GSM",
+	"28301"=> "ArmGSM",
+	"28401"=> "M-TEL GSM BG",
+	"28601"=> "Turkcell",
+	"28602"=> "TELSIM GSM",
+	"28801"=> "Faroese Telecom",
+	"29001"=> "Tele Greenland",
+	"29340"=> "SI.MOBIL d. d.",
+	"29341"=> "MOBITEL",
+	"29370"=> "SI VEGA 070",
+	"29401"=> "MobiMak",
+	"30237"=> "Microcell Connexions Inc",
+	"30272"=> "Rogers AT&T",
+	"31001"=> "Cellnet",
+	"31002"=> "Sprint Spectrum",
+	"31011"=> "Wireless 2000 Telephone Co.",
+	"31015"=> "BellSouth Mobility DCS",
+	"31016"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31017"=> "Pac Bell",
+	"31020"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31021"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31022"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31023"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31024"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31025"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31026"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31027"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31031"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31038"=> "AT&T Wireless",
+	"31058"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31066"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"31077"=> "Iowa Wireless Services LP",
+	"31080"=> "T-Mobile",
+	"34001"=> "AMERIS",
+	"40001"=> "AZERCELL GSM",
+	"40002"=> "Bakcell GSM 2000",
+	"40407"=> "TATA Cellular",
+	"40410"=> "AirTel",
+	"40411"=> "Essar Cellphone",
+	"40412"=> "Escotel",
+	"40414"=> "Modicom",
+	"40415"=> "Essar Cellphone",
+	"40420"=> "Max Touch",
+	"40421"=> "BPL - Mobile",
+	"40427"=> "BPL USWEST Cellular",
+	"40430"=> "Command",
+	"40440"=> "SkyCell",
+	"40441"=> "RPG Cellular",
+	"40442"=> "AIRCEL",
+	"41001"=> "Mobilink",
+	"41302"=> "DIALOG GSM",
+	"41501"=> "CELLIS",
+	"41503"=> "LIBANCELL",
+	"41601"=> "Fastlink",
+	"41709"=> "MOBILE SYRIA",
+	"41902"=> "MTCNet",
+	"42001"=> "Al Jawwal",
+	"42007"=> "E.A.E",
+	"42202"=> "GTO",
+	"42402"=> "UAE-ETISALAT",
+	"42501"=> "Partner Communications Company Ltd",
+	"42601"=> "BHR MOBILE PLUS",
+	"42701"=> "QATARNET",
+	"43211"=> "TCI",
+	"43404"=> "Daewoo Unitel",
+	"43405"=> "Coscom",
+	"43701"=> "Bitel",
+	"45400"=> "TCSL GSM",
+	"45404"=> "HKGHT",
+	"45406"=> "SMARTONE GSM",
+	"45410"=> "New World PCS",
+	"45412"=> "PEOPLES",
+	"45416"=> "SUNDAY",
+	"45501"=> "TELEMOVEL+ GSM900-Macau",
+	"45601"=> "MobiTel",
+	"45602"=> "SAMART-GSM",
+	"45701"=> "Lao Shinawatra Telecom",
+	"46000"=> "China Telecom GSM",
+	"46001"=> "CU-GSM",
+	"46601"=> "Far EasTone Telecoms 900",
+	"46606"=> "TUNTEX GSM 1800",
+	"46688"=> "KG Telecom",
+	"46692"=> "Chunghwa GSM",
+	"46693"=> "MobiTai",
+	"46697"=> "TWNGSM",
+	"46699"=> "TransAsia",
+	"47001"=> "GrameenPhone Ltd",
+	"47019"=> "Mobile 2000",
+	"50212"=> "Maxis Mobile",
+	"50213"=> "TM Touch",
+	"50216"=> "DiGi 1800",
+	"50217"=> "ADAM",
+	"50219"=> "CELCOM",
+	"50501"=> "MobileNet",
+	"50502"=> "OPTUS",
+	"50503"=> "VODAFONE",
+	"50508"=> "One.Tel",
+	"51001"=> "SATELINDO",
+	"51008"=> "LIPPO TELECOM",
+	"51010"=> "TELKOMSEL",
+	"51011"=> "Excelcom",
+	"51021"=> "INDOSAT",
+	"51501"=> "ISLACOM",
+	"51502"=> "Globe Telecom",
+	"52001"=> "AIS GSM",
+	"52010"=> "WCS",
+	"52018"=> "Worldphone 1800",
+	"52023"=> "HELLO",
+	"52501"=> "SingTel Mobile",
+	"52502"=> "ST-PCN",
+	"52503"=> "MOBILEONE",
+	"52811"=> "DSTCom",
+	"53001"=> "Vodafone New Zealand Limited",
+	"54201"=> "Vodafone",
+	"54601"=> "Mobilis",
+	"54720"=> "VINI",
+	"60201"=> "MobiNil",
+	"60202"=> "Tunicell",
+	"60401"=> "I A M",
+	"60801"=> "ALIZE",
+	"61102"=> "Lagui",
+	"61203"=> "IVOIRIS",
+	"61205"=> "Telecel",
+	"61501"=> "TOGO CELL",
+	"61701"=> "Cellplus Mobile Comms",
+	"61801"=> "Omega",
+	"62001"=> "SPACEFON",
+	"62501"=> "CVMOVEL",
+	"63301"=> "Seychelles Cellular Services",
+	"63310"=> "AIRTEL",
+	"63401"=> "MobiTel",
+	"63510"=> "Rwandacell",
+	"63601"=> "ETMTN",
+	"64001"=> "TRITEL",
+	"64110"=> "MTN-Uganda",
+	"64202"=> "ANTARIS",
+	"64301"=> "T.D.M GSM 900",
+	"64501"=> "ZAMCELL",
+	"64601"=> "Madacom",
+	"64603"=> "Sacel Madagascar S.A.",
+	"64710"=> "SRR",
+	"64801"=> "NET*ONE",
+	"64803"=> "Telecel",
+	"64901"=> "MTC",
+	"65001"=> "Callpoint 900",
+	"65101"=> "Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd",
+	"65501"=> "Vodacom",
+	"65510"=> "MTN",
+	"68038"=> "NPI Wireless",
+	"73001"=> "Entel Telefonia Movi",
+	"73010"=> "Entel PCS",
+	"73401"=> "Infonet",
+	undef   => 'unknown',
-sub name {
+sub name
     my $number = $_[0];
     $number =~ s/\D//;
     return exists $NETWORKS{$number}
@@ -393,7 +394,8 @@ sub name {
         : 'unknown';
-sub country {
+sub country
     my $number = $_[0];
     $number =~ s/\D//;
     return exists $COUNTRIES{$number}
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-# Device::Gsm::Pdu - PDU encoding/decoding functions for Device::Gsm class
+# Device::Gsm::Pdu - PDU encoding/decoding functions for Device::Gsm class 
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it only under the terms of Perl itself.
@@ -21,14 +20,13 @@ package Device::Gsm::Pdu;
 use strict;
 use Device::Gsm::Charset;
-use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token::UDH;
-# decode a pdu encoded phone number into human readable format
+# decode a pdu encoded phone number into human readable format 
 sub decode_address {
     my $address = shift or return;
     my $number;
-    my ($length, $type, $bcd_digits) = unpack('A2 A2 A*', $address);
+    my($length, $type, $bcd_digits) = unpack('A2 A2 A*', $address);
     # XXX DEBUG
     #print STDERR "len=$length type=$type bcd=$bcd_digits\n";
@@ -37,14 +35,15 @@ sub decode_address {
     # Alphabetical addresses begin with 'D0'.
     # Check also
-    if ($type eq 'D0') {
+    if( $type eq 'D0' )
+    {
         $number = decode_text7($length . $bcd_digits);
         return $number;
     # Reverse each pair of bcd digits
-    while ($bcd_digits) {
-        $number .= reverse substr($bcd_digits, 0, 2);
+    while( $bcd_digits ) {
+        $number .= reverse substr( $bcd_digits, 0, 2 );
         $bcd_digits = substr $bcd_digits, 2;
@@ -59,7 +58,8 @@ sub decode_address {
     $number =~ s/B/#/;
     # If number is international, put a '+' sign before
-    if ($type == 91 && $number !~ /^\s*\+/) {
+    if( $type == 91 && $number !~ /^\s*\+/ )
+    {
         $number = '+' . $number;
@@ -68,39 +68,10 @@ sub decode_address {
 sub decode_text7 {
     pack '(b*)*',
-        unpack 'C/(a7)',
-        pack 'C a*',
-        unpack 'C b*',
-        pack 'H*', $_[0];
-#remains for comatibility reasons with my production scripts :)
-sub decode_text7_udh1 {
-    my $unpacked = join '',
-        unpack 'C/(a7)',
-        pack 'C a*',
-        unpack 'C b*',
-        pack 'H*', $_[0];
-    #remove bit of padding from message
-    $unpacked = substr($unpacked, 1, length($unpacked));
-    pack '(b*)*', ($unpacked =~ m/([01]{1,7})/gs);
-#decode text with padding
-sub decode_text7_udh {
-    my ($encoded, $padding) = @_;
-    $padding = 0 unless ($padding);
-    my $unpacked = join '',
-        unpack 'C/(a7)',
-        pack 'C a*',
-        unpack 'C b*',
-        pack 'H*', $encoded;
-    #remove bits of padding from message
-    $unpacked = substr($unpacked, $padding, length($unpacked));
-    pack '(b*)*', ($unpacked =~ m/([01]{7})/gs);
+    unpack 'C/(a7)',
+    pack 'C a*',
+    unpack 'C b*',
+    pack 'H*', $_[0]
 # decode 8-bit encoded text
@@ -110,12 +81,11 @@ sub decode_text8($) {
     return unless $text8;
     my $str;
-    while ($text8) {
-        $str .= chr(hex(substr $text8, 0, 2));
-        if (length($text8) > 2) {
+    while( $text8 ) {
+        $str .= chr( hex(substr $text8, 0, 2) );
+        if( length($text8) > 2 ) {
             $text8 = substr($text8, 2);
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             $text8 = '';
@@ -123,9 +93,9 @@ sub decode_text8($) {
 sub encode_address {
-    my $num     = shift;
-    my $type    = '';
-    my $len     = 0;
+    my $num  = shift;
+    my $type = '';
+    my $len  = 0;
     my $encoded = '';
     $num =~ s/\s+//g;
@@ -133,26 +103,27 @@ sub encode_address {
     # Check for alphabetical addresses (TS 03.38)
-    if ($num =~ /[A-Z][a-z]/) {
+    if( $num =~ /[A-Z][a-z]/ )
+    {
         # Encode clear text in gsm0338 7-bit
-        $type    = 'D0';
+        $type = 'D0';
         $encoded = encode_text7($num);
-        $len     = unpack 'H2' => chr(length $encoded);
+        $len  = unpack 'H2' => chr( length $encoded );
-    else {
-        $type = index($num, '+') == 0 ? 91 : 81;
+    else
+    {
+        $type = index($num,'+') == 0 ? 91 : 81;
         # Remove all non-numbers. Beware to GPRS dialing chars.
         $num =~ s/[^\d\*#]//g;
-        $num =~ s/\*/A/g;        # "*" maps to A
-        $num =~ s/#/B/g;         # "#" maps to B
+        $num =~ s/\*/A/g;         # "*" maps to A
+        $num =~ s/#/B/g;          # "#" maps to B
-        $len = unpack 'H2' => chr(length $num);
+        $len  = unpack 'H2' => chr( length $num );
         $num .= 'F';
         my @digit = split // => $num;
-        while (@digit > 1) {
+        while( @digit > 1 ) {
             $encoded .= join '', reverse splice @digit, 0, 2;
@@ -163,108 +134,53 @@ sub encode_address {
 sub decode_text_UCS2 {
-    my $encoded = shift;
+    my $encoded= shift;
     return undef unless $encoded;
-    my $len = hex substr($encoded, 0, 2);
+    my $len = hex substr( $encoded, 0, 2 );
     $encoded = substr $encoded, 2;
     my $decoded = "";
     while ($encoded) {
-        $decoded .= pack("C0U", hex(substr($encoded, 0, 4)));
-        $encoded = substr($encoded, 4);
+        $decoded .= pack("C0U",hex(substr($encoded,0,4)));
+        $encoded = substr($encoded, 4);     
     return $decoded;
 sub encode_text7 {
-        unpack 'H*',
-        pack 'C b*',
-        length $_[0],
-        join '',
-        unpack '(b7)*', $_[0];
-#return complete ud with udh
-#remains for comatibility reasons with my production scripts :)
-sub encode_text7_udh1 {
-    my $decoded        = shift;
-    my $udh1           = shift;
-    my $decoded_length = length($decoded);
-    $decoded = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($decoded);
-    my $pdu_msg = uc
-        unpack 'H*',
-        pack 'b*',
-        #add one bit of padding to align septet boundary
-        '0' . join '', unpack '(b7)*', $decoded;
-    #below add 7 septets length for udh1
-    return
-          sprintf("%02X", $decoded_length + Sms::Token::UDH::UDH1_LENGTH)
-        . $udh1
-        . $pdu_msg;
-#encode text with padding
-sub encode_text7_udh {
-    my $decoded = shift;
-    my $padding = shift;
-    $padding = 0 unless ($padding);
-    my $decoded_length = length($decoded);
-    $decoded = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($decoded);
-    my $pdu_msg = uc
-        unpack 'H*',
-        pack 'b*',
-        #add bits of padding to align septet boundary
-        '0' x $padding . join '', unpack '(b7)*', $decoded;
-    #below add septets length of text
-    my $len_hex = sprintf("%02X", $decoded_length);
-    return
-        wantarray
-        ? ($len_hex, $pdu_msg, $len_hex . $pdu_msg)
-        : $len_hex . $pdu_msg;
+    unpack 'H*',
+    pack 'C b*',
+    length $_[0],
+    join '',
+    unpack '(b7)*', $_[0];
 sub pdu_to_latin1 {
-    # Reattach a length octet.
-    my $s   = shift;
-    my $len = length $s;
-    #arn "len=$len, len/2=", $len/2, "\n";
-    my $l = uc unpack("H*", pack("C", int(length($s) / 2 * 8 / 7)));
-    if (length($l) % 2 == 1) { $l = '0' . $l }
-    my $pdu = $l . $s;
-    #arn "l=$l, pdu=$pdu\n";
-    my $decoded = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7($pdu);
-    #arn "decoded_text7=$decoded\n";
-    my $latin1 = Device::Gsm::Charset::gsm0338_to_iso8859($decoded);
-    #arn "latin1=$latin1\n";
-    return $latin1;
+	# Reattach a length octet.
+	my $s = shift;
+	my $len = length $s;
+	#arn "len=$len, len/2=", $len/2, "\n";
+	my $l = uc unpack("H*", pack("C", int(length($s)/2*8/7)));
+	if (length($l) % 2 == 1) { $l = '0'.$l }
+	my $pdu = $l . $s;
+	#arn "l=$l, pdu=$pdu\n";
+	my $decoded = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7($pdu);
+	#arn "decoded_text7=$decoded\n";
+	my $latin1 = Device::Gsm::Charset::gsm0338_to_iso8859($decoded);
+	#arn "latin1=$latin1\n";
+	return $latin1;
 sub latin1_to_pdu {
-    my $latin1_text = $_[0];
-    #arn "latin1=$latin1_text\n";
-    my $gsm0338 = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($latin1_text);
-    #arn "gsm0338=$gsm0338\n";
-    my $fullpdu = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7($gsm0338);
-    #arn "pdu=$fullpdu\n";
-    return substr($fullpdu, 2);    # strip off the length octet
+	my $latin1_text = $_[0];
+	#arn "latin1=$latin1_text\n";
+	my $gsm0338 = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($latin1_text);
+	#arn "gsm0338=$gsm0338\n";
+	my $fullpdu = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7($gsm0338);
+	#arn "pdu=$fullpdu\n";
+	return substr($fullpdu, 2); # strip off the length octet
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # Device::Gsm::Sms::Structure - SMS messages structure class
 # Copyright (C) 2002 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it only under the terms of Perl itself.
@@ -22,32 +21,24 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token::SCA;
 use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token::PDUTYPE;
-use Data::Dumper;
 # Inspect structure of SMS
 # This varies with sms type (deliver or submit)
 sub structure {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my @struct;
-    if ($self->type() == SMS_DELIVER) {
-        if ($self->{'tokens'}->{'PDUTYPE'}->{'_UDHI'}) {
-            @struct = qw/SCA PDUTYPE OA PID DCS SCTS UDH UD/;
-        }
-        else {
-            # UD takes UDL + UD automatically
-            @struct = qw/SCA PDUTYPE OA PID DCS SCTS UD/;
-        }
-    }
-    elsif ($self->type() == SMS_SUBMIT) {
-        @struct = qw/SCA PDUTYPE MR DA PID DCS VP UD/;
-    }
-    elsif ($self->type() == SMS_STATUS) {
-        @struct = qw/SCA PDUTYPE MR DA SCTS DT ST/;
-    }
-    return @struct;
+	my $self = shift;
+	my @struct;
+	if( $self->type() == SMS_DELIVER ) {
+		# UD takes UDL + UD automatically
+		@struct = qw/SCA PDUTYPE OA PID DCS SCTS UD/;
+	} elsif( $self->type() == SMS_SUBMIT ) {
+		@struct = qw/SCA PDUTYPE MR DA PID DCS VP UD/;
+	}
+	return @struct;
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes token from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
-    $self->data(hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2));
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
+	$self->data( hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2) );
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
-    # Remove DCS from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
+	# Remove DCS from message
+	$$rMessage = substr( $$rMessage, 2 );
-    return 1;
+	return 1;
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ sub decode {
 # or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
+	my $self = shift;
-    # Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
-    my $data = shift;
-    if (!defined $data || $data eq '') {
-        $data = $self->data();
-        $data ||= '00';
-    }
+	# Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
+	my $data = shift;
+	if( ! defined $data || $data eq '' ) {
+		$data = $self->data();
+		$data ||= '00';
+	}
-    return $data;
+	return $data;
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Sms::Token::DT - SMS TP-DT token (Discharge-Time of <TP-ST>,
-# given in semioctet representation, and represents
-# the local time as described in GSM03.40)
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it only under the terms of Perl itself.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Perl licensing terms for details.
-# $Id$
-package Sms::Token::DT;
-use integer;
-use strict;
-use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
-@Sms::Token::DT::ISA = ('Sms::Token');
-# takes (scalar message (string) reference)
-# returns success/failure of decoding
-# if all ok, removes DT from message
-sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
-    my @ts = split //, substr($$rMessage, 0, 14);
-    $self->set(year     => $ts[1] . $ts[0]);
-    $self->set(month    => $ts[3] . $ts[2]);
-    $self->set(day      => $ts[5] . $ts[4]);
-    $self->set(hour     => $ts[7] . $ts[6]);
-    $self->set(minute   => $ts[9] . $ts[8]);
-    $self->set(second   => $ts[11] . $ts[10]);
-    $self->set(timezone => $ts[13] . $ts[12]);
-    # Store also timestamp as convenient format
-    $self->set('date' => $self->get('day') . '/'
-            . $self->get('month') . '/'
-            . $self->get('year'));
-    $self->set('time' => $self->get('hour') . ':'
-            . $self->get('minute') . ':'
-            . $self->get('second'));
-    # TODO: add timezone decoding ...
-    $self->data($self->get('date') . ' '
-            . $self->get('time') . ' '
-            . $self->get('timezone'));
-    # Signal token as correctly decoded (?)
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
-    # Remove DT info from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 14);
-    return 1;
-# [token]->encode( [$data] )
-# takes internal token data and encodes it, returning the result
-# or undef value in case of errors
-sub encode {
-    return '99211332959500';
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes token from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
-    $self->data(hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2));
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
+	$self->data( hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2) );
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
-    # Remove MR from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
+	# Remove MR from message
+	$$rMessage = substr( $$rMessage, 2 );
-    return 1;
+	return 1;
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ sub decode {
 # or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
+	my $self = shift;
-    # Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
-    my $data = shift;
-    if (!defined $data || $data eq '') {
-        $data = $self->data();
-        $data ||= '00';
-    }
+	# Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
+	my $data = shift;
+	if( ! defined $data || $data eq '' ) {
+		$data = $self->data();
+		$data ||= '00';
+	}
-    return $data;
+	return $data;
@@ -22,32 +22,33 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes OA from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
-    # Detect originating address length
-    my $oa_len = hex(substr $$rMessage, 0, 2);
+	# Detect originating address length
+	my $oa_len    = hex( substr $$rMessage, 0, 2 );
-    # Get number type (0x91=international, 0x81=local)
-    my $oa_type = substr($$rMessage, 2, 2);
+	# Get number type (0x91=international, 0x81=local)
+	my $oa_type   = substr( $$rMessage, 2, 2 );
     # Number of octets to remove from message
-    my $oa_octets = (($oa_len + 1) >> 1) << 1;
+	my $oa_octets = (($oa_len + 1) >> 1) << 1;
-    # Get address
+	# Get address
     my $addr = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_address(
-        substr($$rMessage, 0, 4 + $oa_octets));
+        substr($$rMessage, 0, 4 + $oa_octets)
+    );
-    $self->set('length'  => $oa_len);
-    $self->set('type'    => $oa_type);
-    $self->set('address' => $addr);
-    $self->data($oa_len, $oa_type, $addr);
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
+	$self->set('length'  => $oa_len);
+	$self->set('type'    => $oa_type);
+	$self->set('address' => $addr);
+	$self->data( $oa_len, $oa_type, $addr );
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
-    # Remove OA from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 4 + $oa_octets);
+	# Remove OA from message
+	$$rMessage = substr( $$rMessage, 4 + $oa_octets );
-    return 1;
+	return 1;
@@ -56,23 +57,23 @@ sub decode {
 # encodes originating address (OA)
 sub encode {
-    my $self   = shift;
-    my $oa_len = $self->get('length');
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $oa_len = $self->get('length');
-    return $oa_len;
+	return $oa_len;
 sub toString {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str  = $self->get('address');
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $str  = $self->get('address');
     # Prepend + to number if international
-    if ($str !~ /^\s*\+/ && $self->get('type') eq '91') {
+    if( $str !~ /^\s*\+/ && $self->get('type') eq '91' )
+    {   
         $str = '+' . $str;
-    return $str;
+	return $str;
@@ -22,26 +22,26 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes PDUTYPE from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
-    $self->data(substr($$rMessage, 0, 2));
-    # Update PDU type flags into token object
-    $self->set('pdutype', hex(substr($$rMessage, 0, 2)));
-    $self->set('MTI',     $self->MTI());
-    $self->set('MMS',     $self->MMS());
-    $self->set('RD',      $self->RD());
-    $self->set('VPF',     $self->VPF());
-    $self->set('SRR',     $self->SRR());
-    $self->set('SRI',     $self->SRI());
-    $self->set('UDHI',    $self->UDHI());
-    $self->set('RP',      $self->RP());
-    # Remove PDU TYPE from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
-    return 1;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
+	$self->data( substr($$rMessage, 0, 2) );
+	# Update PDU type flags into token object
+	$self->set( 'pdutype', hex(substr($$rMessage,0,2)) );
+	$self->set( 'MTI', $self->MTI() );
+	$self->set( 'MMS', $self->MMS() );
+	$self->set( 'RD',  $self->RD()  );
+	$self->set( 'VPF', $self->VPF() );
+	$self->set( 'SRR', $self->SRR() );
+	$self->set( 'SRI', $self->SRI() );
+	$self->set( 'UDHI',$self->UDHI());
+	$self->set( 'RP',  $self->RP()  );
+	# Remove PDU TYPE from message
+	$$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
+	return 1;
@@ -51,60 +51,58 @@ sub decode {
 # or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
+	my $self = shift;
-    # Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
-    my $data = shift;
-    if (!defined $data || $data eq '') {
-        $data = $self->data();
-    }
+	# Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
+	my $data = shift;
+	if( ! defined $data || $data eq '' ) {
+		$data = $self->data();
+	}
-    return $data;
+	return $data;
 # Bit component flags
-    my $self = shift;
-    ($self->get('pdutype') & 0x80) >> 7;
+	my $self = shift;
+	( $self->get('pdutype') & 0x80 ) >> 7;
-    my $self = shift;
-    ($self->get('pdutype') & 0x40) >> 6;
+	my $self = shift;
+	( $self->get('pdutype') & 0x40 ) >> 6;
-    my $self = shift;
-    ($self->get('pdutype') & 0x20) >> 5;
+	my $self = shift;
+	( $self->get('pdutype') & 0x20 ) >> 5;
-    my $self = shift;
-    ($self->get('pdutype') & 0x20) >> 5;
+	my $self = shift;
+	( $self->get('pdutype') & 0x20 ) >> 5;
-sub VPF
-{    # VALIDITY PERIOD FLAG 0=not present, 1=reserved, 2=integer, 3=semioctet
-    my $self = shift;
-    ($self->get('pdutype') & 0x18) >> 3;
+sub VPF { # VALIDITY PERIOD FLAG 0=not present, 1=reserved, 2=integer, 3=semioctet
+	my $self = shift;
+	( $self->get('pdutype') & 0x18 ) >> 3;
-    my $self = shift;
-    ($self->get('pdutype') & 0x04) >> 2;
+	my $self = shift;
+	( $self->get('pdutype') & 0x04 ) >> 2;
-sub RD {     # ... allow repeated sending (REJECT DUPLICATES)
-    my $self = shift;
-    ($self->get('pdutype') & 0x04) >> 2;
+sub RD { # ... allow repeated sending (REJECT DUPLICATES)
+	my $self = shift;
+	( $self->get('pdutype') & 0x04 ) >> 2;
-sub MTI
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->get('pdutype') & 0x03;
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->get('pdutype') & 0x03;
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes PDUTYPE from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
-    $self->data(substr $$rMessage, 0, 2);
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
+	$self->data( substr $$rMessage, 0, 2 );
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
-    # Remove PID from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
+	# Remove PID from message
+	$$rMessage = substr( $$rMessage, 2 );
-    return 1;
+	return 1;
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ sub decode {
 # or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
+	my $self = shift;
-    # Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
-    my $data = shift;
-    if (!defined $data || $data eq '') {
-        $data = $self->data();
-        $data ||= '00';
-    }
+	# Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
+	my $data = shift;
+	if( ! defined $data || $data eq '' ) {
+		$data = $self->data();
+		$data ||= '00';
+	}
-    return $data;
+	return $data;
@@ -22,74 +22,73 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes SCA from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
-    my ($length, $type, $address);
-    my $msg      = $$rMessage;
-    my $msg_copy = $msg;
-    # .------------.----------.---------------------------------.
-    # | LENGTH (1) | TYPE (1) | ADDRESS BCD DIGITS (0-8 octets) |
-    # `------------'----------'---------------------------------'
-    $length = substr $msg, 0, 2;
-    # If length is `00', SCA = default end decoding ends
-    if ($length eq '00') {
-        $self->data('');
-        $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
-        # Remove length-octet read from message
-        $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    # Begin decoding (length is number of octets for the SCA + 1 (length) )
-    $length = hex $length;
-    # Length > 9 is impossible; max is 8 + 1 (length)
-    if ($length > 9) {
-        $self->data(undef);
-        $self->state(Sms::Token::ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    $self->set('length' => $length);
-    # Get type of message (81 = national, 91 = international)
-    $type = substr $msg, 2, 2;
-    if ($type ne '81' and $type ne '91') {
-        $self->data(undef);
-        $self->state(Sms::Token::ERROR);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    $self->set(type => $type);
-    # Get rest of address
-    $address = substr $msg, 4, (($length - 1) << 1);
-    # Reverse each pair of bcd digits
-    my $sca;
-    while ($address) {
-        $sca .= reverse substr($address, 0, 2);
-        $address = substr $address, 2;
-    }
-    # Truncate last `F' if found (XXX)
-    chop $sca if substr($sca, -1) eq 'F';
-    # If sca is international, put a '+' sign before
-    $sca = '+' . $sca if $type eq '91';
-    $self->data($sca);
-    $self->set(type     => $type);
-    $self->set('length' => $length);
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
-    # Remove SCA info from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($msg, ($length + 1) << 1);
-    return 1;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
+	my($length, $type, $address);
+	my $msg = $$rMessage;
+	my $msg_copy = $msg;
+	# .------------.----------.---------------------------------.
+	# | LENGTH (1) | TYPE (1) | ADDRESS BCD DIGITS (0-8 octets) |
+	# `------------'----------'---------------------------------'
+	$length = substr $msg, 0, 2;
+	# If length is `00', SCA = default end decoding ends
+	if( $length eq '00' ) {
+		$self->data( '' );
+		$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
+		# Remove length-octet read from message
+		$$rMessage = substr( $$rMessage, 2 );
+		return 1;
+	}
+	# Begin decoding (length is number of octets for the SCA + 1 (length) )
+	$length = hex $length;
+	# Length > 9 is impossible; max is 8 + 1 (length)
+	if( $length > 9 ) {
+		$self->data( undef );
+		$self->state( Sms::Token::ERROR );
+		return 0;
+	}
+	$self->set( 'length' => $length );
+	# Get type of message (81 = national, 91 = international)
+	$type = substr $msg, 2, 2;
+	if( $type ne '81' and $type ne '91' ) {
+		$self->data( undef );
+		$self->state( Sms::Token::ERROR );
+		return 0;
+	}
+	$self->set( type => $type );
+	# Get rest of address
+	$address = substr $msg, 4, ( ($length - 1) << 1 );
+	# Reverse each pair of bcd digits
+	my $sca;
+	while( $address ) {
+		$sca .= reverse substr( $address, 0, 2 );
+		$address = substr $address, 2;
+	}
+	# Truncate last `F' if found (XXX)
+	chop $sca if substr($sca, -1) eq 'F';
+	# If sca is international, put a '+' sign before
+	$sca = '+'.$sca if $type eq '91';
+	$self->data( $sca );
+	$self->set( type => $type );
+	$self->set( 'length' => $length );
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
+	# Remove SCA info from message
+	$$rMessage = substr( $msg, ($length + 1) << 1 );
+	return 1;
@@ -99,40 +98,40 @@ sub decode {
 # or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
+	my $self = shift;
-    # Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
-    my $data = shift;
-    if (!defined $data || $data eq '') {
-        $data = $self->data();
-    }
+	# Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
+	my $data = shift;
+	if( ! defined $data || $data eq '' ) {
+		$data = $self->data();
+	}
-    # Begin encoding as SCA
-    $data =~ s/\s+//g;
+	# Begin encoding as SCA
+	$data =~ s/\s+//g;
-    my $type = index($data, '+') == 0 ? 91 : 81;
+	my $type = index($data,'+') == 0 ? 91 : 81;
-    # Remove all non-numbers
-    $data =~ s/\D//g;
+	# Remove all non-numbers
+	$data =~ s/\D//g;
-    my $len = unpack 'H2' => chr(length $data);
+	my $len  = unpack 'H2' => chr( length $data );
-    $data .= 'F';
-    my @digit = split // => $data;
-    my $encoded;
+	$data .= 'F';
+	my @digit = split // => $data;
+	my $encoded;
-    while (@digit > 1) {
-        $encoded .= join '', reverse splice @digit, 0, 2;
-    }
+	while( @digit > 1 ) {
+		$encoded .= join '', reverse splice @digit, 0, 2;
+	}
-    $data = uc $len . $type . $encoded;
+	$data = uc $len . $type . $encoded;
-    $self->data($data);
-    $self->set('length' => $len);
-    $self->set('type'   => $type);
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::ENCODED);
+	$self->data( $data );
+	$self->set( 'length' => $len );
+	$self->set( 'type'   => $type );
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::ENCODED );
-    return $data;
+	return $data;
@@ -22,39 +22,33 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes SCTS from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
-    my @ts = split //, substr($$rMessage, 0, 14);
+	my @ts = split //, substr( $$rMessage, 0, 14 );
-    $self->set(year     => $ts[1] . $ts[0]);
-    $self->set(month    => $ts[3] . $ts[2]);
-    $self->set(day      => $ts[5] . $ts[4]);
-    $self->set(hour     => $ts[7] . $ts[6]);
-    $self->set(minute   => $ts[9] . $ts[8]);
-    $self->set(second   => $ts[11] . $ts[10]);
-    $self->set(timezone => $ts[13] . $ts[12]);
+	$self->set( year     => $ts [1] . $ts [0] );
+	$self->set( month    => $ts [3] . $ts [2] );
+	$self->set( day      => $ts [5] . $ts [4] );
+	$self->set( hour     => $ts [7] . $ts [6] );
+	$self->set( minute   => $ts [9] . $ts [8] );
+	$self->set( second   => $ts[11] . $ts[10] );
+	$self->set( timezone => $ts[13] . $ts[12] );
-    # Store also timestamp as convenient format
-    $self->set('date' => $self->get('day') . '/'
-            . $self->get('month') . '/'
-            . $self->get('year'));
-    $self->set('time' => $self->get('hour') . ':'
-            . $self->get('minute') . ':'
-            . $self->get('second'));
+	# Store also timestamp as convenient format
+	$self->set( 'date' => $self->get('day').'/'.$self->get('month').'/'.$self->get('year') );
+	$self->set( 'time' => $self->get('hour').':'.$self->get('minute').':'.$self->get('second') );
-    # TODO: add timezone decoding ...
-    $self->data($self->get('date') . ' '
-            . $self->get('time') . ' '
-            . $self->get('timezone'));
+	# TODO: add timezone decoding ...
+	$self->data( $self->get('date').' '.$self->get('time').' '.$self->get('timezone') );
-    # Signal token as correctly decoded (?)
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
+	# Signal token as correctly decoded (?)
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
-    # Remove SCTS info from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 14);
+	# Remove SCTS info from message
+	$$rMessage = substr( $$rMessage, 14 );
-    return 1;
+	return 1;
@@ -64,7 +58,7 @@ sub decode {
 # or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    return '99211332959500';
+	return '99211332959500';
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Sms::Token::ST - SMS TP-ST token (Status of the MO message)
-#/* TP-Status from 3GPP TS 23.040 section */
-#/* sms received sucessfully */
-#TP_STATUS_RECEIVED_OK                   = 0x00,
-#TP_STATUS_REPLACED                      = 0x02,
-#/* Reserved: 0x03 - 0x0f */
-#/* Values specific to each SC: 0x10 - 0x1f */
-#/* Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM: */
-#TP_STATUS_TRY_CONGESTION             = 0x20,
-#TP_STATUS_TRY_SME_BUSY               = 0x21,
-#TP_STATUS_TRY_SME_ERROR              = 0x25,
-#/* Reserved: 0x26 - 0x2f */
-#/* Values specific to each SC: 0x30 - 0x3f */
-#/* Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts:  */
-#TP_STATUS_PERM_SM_NO_EXIST              = 0x49,
-#/* Reserved: 0x4a - 0x4f */
-#/* Values specific to each SC: 0x50 - 0x5f */
-#/* Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: */
-#TP_STATUS_TMP_CONGESTION               = 0x60,
-#TP_STATUS_TMP_SME_BUSY                 = 0x61,
-#TP_STATUS_TMP_SME_ERROR                = 0x65,
-#/* Reserved: 0x66 - 0x6f */
-#/* Values specific to each SC: 0x70 - 0x7f */
-#/* Reserved: 0x80 - 0xff */
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it only under the terms of Perl itself.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Perl licensing terms for details.
-# $Id$
-package Sms::Token::ST;
-use integer;
-use strict;
-use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
-@Sms::Token::ST::ISA          = ('Sms::Token');
-%Sms::Token::ST::STATUS_CODES = (
-    0x00 => 'TP_STATUS_RECEIVED_OK',
-    0x02 => 'TP_STATUS_REPLACED',
-    0x21 => 'TP_STATUS_TRY_SME_BUSY',
-    0x25 => 'TP_STATUS_TRY_SME_ERROR',
-    0x49 => 'TP_STATUS_PERM_SM_NO_EXIST',
-    0x61 => 'TP_STATUS_TMP_SME_BUSY',
-    0x65 => 'TP_STATUS_TMP_SME_ERROR',
-    0xFF => 'TP_STATUS_NONE'
-# takes (scalar message (string) reference)
-# returns success/failure of decoding
-# if all ok, removes token from message
-sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
-    $self->data(substr($$rMessage, 0, 2));
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
-    # Remove ST from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
-    return 1;
-# [token]->encode( [$data] )
-# takes internal token data and encodes it, returning the result
-# or undef value in case of errors
-sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
-    # Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
-    my $data = shift;
-    if (!defined $data || $data eq '') {
-        $data = $self->data();
-        $data ||= '00';
-    }
-    return $data;
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # Sms::Token::UD - SMS UD (user data length + user data) token
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it only under the terms of Perl itself.
@@ -15,57 +14,45 @@
 package Sms::Token::UD;
 use integer;
 use strict;
 use Device::Gsm::Charset;
 use Device::Gsm::Pdu;
 use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
-#my $udh1_length=UDH1_LENGTH;
-#my $udh2_length=UDH2_LENGTH;
 @Sms::Token::UD::ISA = ('Sms::Token');
 # takes (scalar message (string) reference)
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes user data from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok      = 0;
-    my $padding = 0;
-    # Get length of message
-    my $ud_len = hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2);
-    # Finally get text of message
-    my $dcs     = $self->get('_messageTokens')->{'DCS'}->get('_data')->[0];
-    my $is_csms = $self->get('_messageTokens')->{'UDH'}->{'_IS_CSMS'};
-    $is_csms
-        and my $udhl = $self->get('_messageTokens')->{'UDH'}->{'_length'};
-    my $text;
-    if ($dcs == 8) {
-        $text = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text_UCS2($$rMessage);
-    }
-    else {
-        if ($is_csms) {
-            $padding = Sms::Token::UDH::calculate_padding($udhl);
-            $text = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7_udh($$rMessage, $padding);
-        }
-        else {
-            $text = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7($$rMessage);
-        }
-        $text = Device::Gsm::Charset::gsm0338_to_iso8859($text);
-    }
-    $self->set('padding' => $padding);
-    $self->set('length'  => $ud_len);
-    $self->set('text'    => $text);
-    $self->data($text);
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
-    # Empty message
-    $$rMessage = '';
-    return 1;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
+	# Get length of message
+	my $ud_len = hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2);
+	# Finally get text of message
+	my $dcs= $self->get('_messageTokens')->{'DCS'}->get('_data')->[0];
+	my $text;
+	if ($dcs == 8) {
+		$text = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text_UCS2($$rMessage);
+	} else {
+		# XXX Here assume that DCS == 0x00 (7 bit coding)
+		$text   = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7($$rMessage);
+  		# Convert text from GSM 03.38 to Latin 1
+		$text      = Device::Gsm::Charset::gsm0338_to_iso8859($text);
+	} 
+	$self->set( 'length' => $ud_len );
+	$self->set( 'text'   => $text   );
+	$self->data( $text );
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
+	# Empty message
+	$$rMessage = '';
+	return 1;
@@ -74,13 +61,12 @@ sub decode {
 # takes internal token data and encodes it, returning the result or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    my $self    = shift;
-    my $padding = shift;
+	my $self = shift;
-    #my $ud_len = $self->get('length');
-    my $text = $self->get('text');
+	#my $ud_len = $self->get('length');
+	my $text   = $self->get('text');
-    return Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7($text);
+	return Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7($text);
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Sms::Token::UDH - SMS UDH token (User Data Header  stores non text data inluding CSMS ref,parts,part number)
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it only under the terms of Perl itself.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Perl licensing terms for details.
-# $Id$
-package Sms::Token::UDH;
-use strict;
-use Device::Gsm::Pdu;
-use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
-#IEI types corresponding CSMS
-use constant IEI_T_8    => 0x00;
-use constant IEI_T_16   => 0x08;
-use constant IEI_T_8_L  => 5;
-use constant IEI_T_16_L => 6;
-#constants for compatibility with older versions
-##user data headers in CSMS more here :
-use constant UDH1 => '050003';
-use constant UDH2 => '060804';
-#lenght in septets
-use constant UDH1_LENGTH => 7;
-use constant UDH2_LENGTH => 8;
-@Sms::Token::UDH::ISA = ('Sms::Token');
-# takes (scalar message (string) reference)
-# returns success/failure of decoding
-# if all ok, removes user data header from message
-sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    # Get length of message
-    my $ud_len = hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2);
-    #get UDH length
-    my $udhl = hex substr($$rMessage, 2, 2);
-    #get UDH raw data
-    my $udh = substr($$rMessage, 4, 2 * $udhl);
-    #cut udh from message
-    $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 4 + 2 * $udhl);
-    my $udhCp = $udh;
-    my %udh_data_hash;
-    while (length($udh)) {
-        #Information-Element-Identifier  type octet
-        my $IEI_t = hex(substr($udh, 0, 2));
-        #Information-Element-Identifier data length
-        my $IEI_l = hex(substr($udh, 2, 2));
-        #Information-Element-Identifier data
-        my $IEI_d = substr($udh, 4, 2 * $IEI_l);
-        #cut element form data
-        $udh = substr($udh, 4 + 2 * $IEI_l);
-        #store data in hash
-        $udh_data_hash{$IEI_t} = $IEI_d;
-    }
-    my $csms_ref_hex;
-    my $csms_ref_num;
-    my $csms_parts;
-    my $csms_part_num;
-    if (defined($udh_data_hash{ +IEI_T_8 })) {
-        ($csms_ref_hex, $csms_parts, $csms_part_num)
-            = ($udh_data_hash{ +IEI_T_8 }
-                =~ /^([A-F0-9]{2})([A-F0-9]{2})([A-F0-9]{2})/);
-        $csms_parts    = hex($csms_parts);
-        $csms_part_num = hex($csms_part_num);
-        $csms_ref_num  = hex($csms_ref_hex);
-    }
-    elsif (defined($udh_data_hash{ +IEI_T_16 })) {
-        ($csms_ref_hex, $csms_parts, $csms_part_num)
-            = ($udh_data_hash{ +IEI_T_16 }
-                =~ /^([A-F0-9]{4})([A-F0-9]{2})([A-F0-9]{2})/);
-        $csms_parts    = hex($csms_parts);
-        $csms_part_num = hex($csms_part_num);
-        $csms_ref_num  = hex($csms_ref_hex);
-    }
-    if (defined($csms_ref_hex)) {
-        $self->set('IS_CSMS'  => 1);
-        $self->set('REF_NUM'  => $csms_ref_num);
-        $self->set('REF_HEX'  => $csms_ref_hex);
-        $self->set('PARTS'    => $csms_parts);
-        $self->set('PART_NUM' => $csms_part_num);
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->set('IS_CSMS' => 0);
-    }
-    $self->set('UDHI'     => 1);
-    $self->set('length'   => $udhl);
-    $self->set('raw_data' => $udhCp);
-    $self->data(\%udh_data_hash);
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
-    #restore ud_len
-    $$rMessage = sprintf("%02X", $ud_len - ($udhl + 1)) . $$rMessage;
-    return 1;
-# [token]->encode($IEI_t1=>$IEI_d1,$IEI_t2=>$IEI_d2,... )
-# takes %opts like above, returns complete UDH string
-# eg. my $udh=new Sms::Token("UDH");print $udh->encode(0x00=>"050401") gives 050003050401
-sub encode {
-    my $self          = shift;
-    my %udh_data_hash = @_;
-    my $udh;
-    foreach (keys %udh_data_hash) {
-        my $IEI_t = sprintf("%02X", $_);
-        my $IEI_l = sprintf("%02X", length($udh_data_hash{$_}) / 2);
-        $udh .= $IEI_t . $IEI_l . $udh_data_hash{$_};
-    }
-    $udh = sprintf("%02X", length($udh) / 2) . $udh;
-    return $udh;
-#return padding for given user data header lenght
-sub calculate_padding {
-    #my $self=shift;
-    my $udhl = shift;
-    return 0 unless ($udhl);
-    return 7 - ((($udhl + 1) * 8) % 7);
@@ -22,40 +22,37 @@ use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
 # returns success/failure of decoding
 # if all ok, removes token from message
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $rMessage) = @_;
-    my $ok = 0;
+	my($self, $rMessage) = @_;
+	my $ok = 0;
-    my $vpf = $self->messageTokens('PDUTYPE')->VPF();
+	my $vpf = $self->messageTokens('PDUTYPE')->VPF();
-    # Check if VP flag is present
-    if ($vpf & 0x02) {
+	# Check if VP flag is present
+	if( $vpf & 0x02 ) {
-        my $vp = hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2);
+		my $vp = hex substr($$rMessage, 0, 2);
-        # Decode value of VP field
-        if ($vp <= 0x8F) {
-            $vp = (($vp + 1) * 5) . ' minutes';
-        }
-        elsif ($vp <= 0xA7) {
-            $vp = ((24 + ($vp - 143)) * 30) . ' minutes';
-        }
-        elsif ($vp <= 0xC4) {
-            $vp = ($vp - 166) . ' days';
-        }
-        else {
-            $vp = ($vp - 192) . ' weeks';
-        }
+		# Decode value of VP field
+		if( $vp <= 0x8F ) {
+			$vp = (($vp + 1) * 5).' minutes';
+		} elsif( $vp <= 0xA7 ) {
+			$vp = (( 24 + ($vp - 143) ) * 30 ) . ' minutes';
+		} elsif( $vp <= 0xC4 ) {
+			$vp = ($vp - 166) . ' days';
+		} else {
+			$vp = ($vp - 192) . ' weeks';
+		}
-        $self->set('validity_period' => $vp);
-        $self->data($vp);
+		$self->set( 'validity_period' => $vp );
+		$self->data( $vp );
-        # Remove VP from message
-        $$rMessage = substr($$rMessage, 2);
-    }
+		# Remove VP from message
+		$$rMessage = substr( $$rMessage, 2 );
+	}
-    $self->state(Sms::Token::DECODED);
+	$self->state( Sms::Token::DECODED );
-    return 1;
+	return 1;
@@ -65,16 +62,16 @@ sub decode {
 # or undef value in case of errors
 sub encode {
-    my $self = shift;
+	my $self = shift;
-    # Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
-    my $data = shift;
-    if (!defined $data || $data eq '') {
-        $data = $self->data();
-        $data ||= '00';
-    }
+	# Take supplied data (optional) or object internal data
+	my $data = shift;
+	if( ! defined $data || $data eq '' ) {
+		$data = $self->data();
+		$data ||= '00';
+	}
-    return $data;
+	return $data;
@@ -29,79 +29,70 @@ use constant DECODED => 2;
 # new token ( @data )
 sub new {
-    my ($proto, $name, $options) = @_;
-    #	my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
-    $options->{'data'} ||= [];
-    # Cannot load a token without its name
-    if (!defined $name || $name eq '') {
-        return undef;
-    }
-    # Create basic structure for a token
-    my %token = (
-        # Name of token, see ->name()
-        __name => $name,
-        # Data that token contains
-        __data => $options->{'data'},
-        # Decoded? or error?
-        __state => '',
-        # This is used to access other tokens in the "message"
-        __messageTokens => $options->{'messageTokens'}
-    );
-    # Dynamically load required token module
-    eval { require "Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/$" };
-    if ($@) {
-        warn(     'cannot load Device::Gsm::Sms::Token::' 
-                . $name
-                . ' plug-in for decoding. Error: '
-                . $@);
-        return undef;
-    }
-    # Try "static blessing" =:-o and see if it works
-    bless \%token, 'Sms::Token::' . $name;
+	my($proto, $name, $options ) = @_;
+#	my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+	$options->{'data'} ||= [];
+	# Cannot load a token without its name
+	if( ! defined $name || $name eq '' ) {
+		return undef;
+	}
+	# Create basic structure for a token
+	my %token = (
+		# Name of token, see ->name()
+		__name => $name,
+		# Data that token contains
+		__data => $options->{'data'},
+		# Decoded? or error?
+		__state => '',
+		# This is used to access other tokens in the "message"
+		__messageTokens => $options->{'messageTokens'}
+	);
+	# Dynamically load required token module
+	eval { require "Device/Gsm/Sms/Token/$" };
+	if( $@ ) {
+		warn('cannot load Device::Gsm::Sms::Token::'.$name.' plug-in for decoding. Error: '.$@);
+		return undef;
+	}
+	# Try "static blessing" =:-o and see if it works
+	bless \%token, 'Sms::Token::'.$name;
 # Get/set internal token data
 sub data {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (@_) {
-        if (!defined $_[0]) {
-            $self->{'__data'} = [];
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->{'__data'} = [@_];
-        }
-    }
-    $self->{'__data'};
+	my $self = shift;
+	if( @_ ) {
+		if( ! defined $_[0] ) {
+			$self->{'__data'} = [];
+		} else {
+			$self->{'__data'} = [ @_ ];
+		}
+	}
+	$self->{'__data'};
 # Must be implemented in real token
 sub decode {
-    croak('decode() not implemented in token base class');
-    return 0;
+	croak( 'decode() not implemented in token base class');
+	return 0;
 # Must be implemented in real token
 sub encode {
-    croak('encode() not implemented in token base class');
-    return 0;
+	croak( 'encode() not implemented in token base class');
+	return 0;
 sub get {
-    my ($self, $info) = @_;
-    return undef unless $info;
+	my($self, $info) = @_;
+	return undef unless $info;
-    return $self->{"_$info"};
+	return $self->{"_$info"};
 # XXX This must be filled by the higher level object that
@@ -110,45 +101,43 @@ sub get {
 # [token]->messageTokens( [name] )
 sub messageTokens {
-    # Usually this is a hash of token objects, accessible by key (token name)
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $name;
-    if (@_) {
-        $name = shift;
-    }
-    if (defined $name) {
-        return $self->{'__messageTokens'}->{$name};
-    }
-    else {
-        return $self->{'__messageTokens'};
-    }
+	# Usually this is a hash of token objects, accessible by key (token name) 
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name;
+	if( @_ ) {
+		$name = shift;
+	}
+	if( defined $name ) {
+		return $self->{'__messageTokens'}->{$name};
+	} else {
+		return $self->{'__messageTokens'};
+	}
 sub name {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->{'__name'};
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->{'__name'};
 sub set {
-    my ($self, $info, $newval) = @_;
-    return undef unless $info;
-    $newval = undef unless defined $newval;
-    $self->{"_$info"} = $newval;
+	my($self, $info, $newval) = @_;
+	return undef unless $info;
+	$newval = undef unless defined $newval;
+	$self->{"_$info"} = $newval;
 sub state {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->{'__state'};
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->{'__state'};
 sub toString {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $string;
-    if (ref $self->{'__data'} eq 'ARRAY') {
-        $string = join '', @{ $self->{'__data'} };
-    }
-    return $string;
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $string;
+	if( ref $self->{'__data'} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+		$string = join '', @{$self->{'__data'}};
+	}
+	return $string;
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # Device::Gsm::Sms - SMS message simple class that represents a text SMS message
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it only under the terms of Perl itself.
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ use Device::Gsm::Pdu;
 use Device::Gsm::Sms::Structure;
 use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
-sub _log { print @_, "\n"; }
+sub _log    { print @_, "\n"; }
 sub _parent { $_[0]->{_parent} }
@@ -40,116 +39,84 @@ sub _parent { $_[0]->{_parent} }
 # creates message object
 sub new {
-    my ($proto, %opt) = @_;
-    my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+	my($proto, %opt) = @_;
+	my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
-    # Create new message object
-    my $self = {};
+	# Create new message object
+	my $self = {};
     # Store gsm parent object reference
-    if (exists $opt{'parent'}) {
+    if( exists $opt{'parent'} ) {
         $self->{'_parent'} = $opt{'parent'};
         # Assume default storage for sms message
         $opt{'storage'} ||= $self->{'_parent'}->storage();
     # Store options into main object
-    $self->{'options'} = \%opt;
-    # Hash to contain token objects after decoding (must be accessible by name)
-    $self->{'tokens'} = {};
+	$self->{'options'} = \%opt;
-    return undef unless (exists $opt{'header'} && exists $opt{'pdu'});
+	# Hash to contain token objects after decoding (must be accessible by name)
+	$self->{'tokens'}  = {};
-    #_log("NEW SMS OBJECT");
-    #_log("Header [$opt{header}]");
-    #_log("PDU    [$opt{pdu}]");
+	return undef unless( exists $opt{'header'} && exists $opt{'pdu'} );
-    # Check for valid msg header (thanks to Pierre Hilson for his patch
-    # to make this regex work also for Alcatel gsm software)
-    if ($opt{'header'} =~ /\+CMGL:\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\w*),\s*(\d+)/o) {
+#_log("NEW SMS OBJECT");
+#_log("Header [$opt{header}]");
+#_log("PDU    [$opt{pdu}]");
-        $self->{'index'} = $1;    # Position of message in SIM card
-        $self->{'status'}
-            = $2;    # Status of message (REC READ/UNREAD, STO, ...);
-        $self->{'alpha'}  = $3;    # Alphanumeric representation of sender
-        $self->{'length'} = $4;    # Final length of message
-        $self->{'pdu'}     = $opt{'pdu'};        # PDU content
-        $self->{'storage'} = $opt{'storage'};    # Storage (SM or ME)
+	# Check for valid msg header (thanks to Pierre Hilson for his patch
+	# to make this regex work also for Alcatel gsm software)
+	if( $opt{'header'} =~ /\+CMGL:\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\w*),\s*(\d+)/o )
+	{
-        bless $self, $class;
+		$self->{'index'}  = $1;                        # Position of message in SIM card
+		$self->{'status'} = $2;                        # Status of message (REC READ/UNREAD, STO, ...);
+		$self->{'alpha'}  = $3;                        # Alphanumeric representation of sender
+		$self->{'length'} = $4;                        # Final length of message
+		$self->{'pdu'}    = $opt{'pdu'};               # PDU content
+		$self->{'storage'}= $opt{'storage'};           # Storage (SM or ME)
-        if ($self->decode(Device::Gsm::Sms::SMS_DELIVER)) {
+		bless $self, $class;
-            #			_log('OK, message decoded correctly!');
-        }
-        elsif ($self->decode(Device::Gsm::Sms::SMS_STATUS)) {
+		if( $self->decode( Device::Gsm::Sms::SMS_DELIVER ) ) {
+#			_log('OK, message decoded correctly!');
+		} else {
+#			_log('CASINO!');
+			undef $self;
+		}
-        }
-        else {
+	} else {
-            #			_log('CASINO!');
-            undef $self;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
+		# Warning: could not parse message header
+		undef $self;
-        # Warning: could not parse message header
-        undef $self;
-    }
+	}
-    return $self;
+	return $self;
 # time(): returns message time in ascii format
 sub time {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (my $t = $self->token('SCTS')) {
-        return $t->toString();
-    }
-    return '';
-# time_dt (): returns status message discharge time in ascii format
-sub time_dt {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (my $t = $self->token('DT')) {
-        return $t->toString();
-    }
-    return '';
-# message_ref(): returns message reference of status message
-sub message_ref {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (my $t = $self->token('MR')) {
-        return $t->toString();
-    }
-    return '';
+	my $self = shift;
+	if( my $t = $self->token('SCTS') ) {
+		return $t->toString();
+	}
+	return '';
 # type(): returns message type in ascii readable format
+	# List of allowed status strings
+	my @status = ( 'UNKNOWN', 'REC UNREAD', 'REC READ', 'SENT UNREAD', 'SENT READ' );
-    # List of allowed status strings
-    my @status
-    sub status () {
-        my $self = shift;
-        return $status[ defined $self->{'status'} ? $self->{'status'} : 0 ];
-    }
+	sub status () {
+		my $self = shift;
+		return $status[ defined $self->{'status'} ? $self->{'status'} : 0 ];
+	}
@@ -163,136 +130,127 @@ sub message_ref {
 sub _old_decode {
-    my ($header, $pdu) = @_;
-    my %msg    = ();
-    my $errors = 0;
-    # Copy original header/pdu strings
-    $msg{'_HEADER'} = $header;
-    $msg{'_PDU'}    = $pdu;
-    #
-    # Decode header string
-    #
-    if ($header =~ /\+CMGL:\s*(\d+),(\d+),(\d*),(\d+)/) {
-        $msg{'index'}  = $1;
-        $msg{'type'}   = $2;
-        $msg{'xxx'}    = $3;    # XXX
-        $msg{'length'} = $4;
-    }
-    #
-    # Decode all parts of PDU message
-    #
-    # ----------------------------------- SCA (service center address)
-    my $sca_length = hex(substr $pdu, 0, 2);
-    if ($sca_length == 0) {
-        # No SCA provided, take default
-        $msg{'SCA'} = undef;
-    }
-    else {
-        # Parse SCA address
-        #print STDERR "SCA length = ", $sca_length, "; ";
-        #print STDERR "Parsing address ", substr( $pdu, 0, ($sca_length+1) << 1 );
-        $msg{'SCA'} = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_address(
-            substr($pdu, 0, ($sca_length + 1) << 1));
+	my($header, $pdu) = @_;
+	my %msg = ();
+	my $errors = 0;
+	# Copy original header/pdu strings
+	$msg{'_HEADER'} = $header;
+	$msg{'_PDU'} = $pdu;
+	#
+	# Decode header string
+	#
+	if( $header =~ /\+CMGL:\s*(\d+),(\d+),(\d*),(\d+)/ ) {
+		$msg{'index'}  = $1;
+		$msg{'type'}   = $2;
+		$msg{'xxx'}    = $3;   # XXX
+		$msg{'length'} = $4;
+	}
-        #print STDERR ' = `', $msg{'SCA'}, "'\n";
-    }
+	#
+	# Decode all parts of PDU message
+	#
+	# ----------------------------------- SCA (service center address)
+	my $sca_length = hex( substr $pdu, 0, 2 );
+	if( $sca_length == 0 ) {
+		# No SCA provided, take default
+		$msg{'SCA'} = undef;
+	} else {
+		# Parse SCA address
+		#print STDERR "SCA length = ", $sca_length, "; ";
+		#print STDERR "Parsing address ", substr( $pdu, 0, ($sca_length+1) << 1 );
+		$msg{'SCA'} = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_address( substr($pdu, 0, ($sca_length+1) << 1 ) );
+		#print STDERR ' = `', $msg{'SCA'}, "'\n";
+	}
-    # ----------------------------------- PDU type
-    $pdu = substr $pdu => (($sca_length + 1) << 1);
-    $msg{'PDU_TYPE'} = substr $pdu, 0, 2;
-    undef $sca_length;
-    # ----------------------------------- OA (originating address)
-    $pdu = substr $pdu => 2;
-    my $oa_length = hex(substr $pdu, 0, 2);
-    $msg{'OA'} = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_address(
-        substr($pdu, 0, ($oa_length + 1) << 1));
-    undef $oa_length;
-    # PID      (protocol identifier)
-    # DCS      (data coding scheme)
-    # SCTS     (service center time stamp)
-    # UDL + UD (user data)
-    @msg{qw/PID DCS SCTS UDL UD/} = unpack 'A2 A2 A14 A2 A*', $pdu;
-    #map { $msg{$_} = hex $msg{$_} } qw/PID DCS UDL/;
-    #
-    # Decode USER DATA in 7/8 bit encoding
-    #
-    if ($msg{'DCS'} eq '00') {    # DCS_7BIT
-        Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7($msg{'UD'});
-    }
-    elsif ($msg{'DCS'} eq 'F6') {    # DCS_8BIT
-        Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text8($msg{'UD'});
-    }
+	# ----------------------------------- PDU type
+	$pdu = substr $pdu => (($sca_length+1) << 1);
+	$msg{'PDU_TYPE'} = substr $pdu, 0, 2;
+	undef $sca_length;
+	# ----------------------------------- OA (originating address)
+	$pdu = substr $pdu => 2;
+	my $oa_length = hex( substr $pdu, 0, 2 );
+	$msg{'OA'} = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_address( substr($pdu, 0, ($oa_length+1) << 1 ) );
+	undef $oa_length;
+	# PID      (protocol identifier)
+	# DCS      (data coding scheme)
+	# SCTS     (service center time stamp)
+	# UDL + UD (user data)
+	@msg{ qw/PID DCS SCTS UDL UD/ } = unpack 'A2 A2 A14 A2 A*', $pdu;
+	#map { $msg{$_} = hex $msg{$_} } qw/PID DCS UDL/;
+	#
+	# Decode USER DATA in 7/8 bit encoding
+	#
+	if( $msg{'DCS'} eq '00' ) { # DCS_7BIT
+		Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7( $msg{'UD'} );
+	} elsif( $msg{'DCS'} eq 'F6' ) { # DCS_8BIT
+		Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text8( $msg{'UD'} );
+	}
-    # XXX DEBUG
-    #foreach( sort keys %msg ) {
-    #	print STDERR 'MSG[', $_, '] = `'.$msg{$_}.'\'', "\n";
-    #}
+	#foreach( sort keys %msg ) {
+	#	print STDERR 'MSG[', $_, '] = `'.$msg{$_}.'\'', "\n";
+	#}
-    bless \%msg, 'Device::Gsm::Sms';
+	bless \%msg, 'Device::Gsm::Sms';
 sub decode {
-    my ($self, $type) = @_;
-    $self->{'type'} = $type;
+	my( $self, $type ) = @_;
+	$self->{'type'} = $type;
-    # Get list of tokens for this message (from ::Sms::Structure)
-    my $cPdu = $self->{'pdu'};
+	# Get list of tokens for this message (from ::Sms::Structure)
+	my $cPdu        = $self->{'pdu'};
-    # Check that PDU is not empty
-    return 0 unless $cPdu;
+	# Check that PDU is not empty
+	return 0 unless $cPdu;
-    # Backup copy for "backtracking"
-    my $cPduCopy = $cPdu;
+	# Backup copy for "backtracking"
+	my $cPduCopy    = $cPdu;
-    my @token_names = $self->structure();
-    my $decoded     = 1;
+	my @token_names = $self->structure();
+	my $decoded     = 1;
-    #is udh in pdu?
-    my $udh_parsed = 0;
-    while (@token_names) {
+	while( @token_names ) {
-        # Create new token object
-        my $token = new Sms::Token(shift @token_names,
-            { messageTokens => $self->{'tokens'} });
-        if (!defined $token) {
-            $decoded = 0;
-            last;
-        }
+		# Create new token object
+		my $token = new Sms::Token( shift @token_names, {messageTokens => $self->{'tokens'}} );
+		if( ! defined $token ) {
+			$decoded = 0;
+			last;
+		}
-        # If decoding is completed successfully, add token object to message
-        #_log('PDU BEFORE ['.$cPdu.']', length($cPdu) );
+		# If decoding is completed successfully, add token object to message
+#_log('PDU BEFORE ['.$cPdu.']', length($cPdu) );
-        if ($token->decode(\$cPdu)) {
+		if( $token->decode(\$cPdu) ) {
-            # Store token object into SMS message
-            $self->{'tokens'}->{ $token->name() } = $token;
+			# Store token object into SMS message
+			$self->{'tokens'}->{ $token->name() } = $token;
-            # Catch message type indicator (MTI) and re-load structure
+			# Catch message type indicator (MTI) and re-load structure
             # We must also skip message types 0x02 and 0x03 because we don't handle them currently
-            if ($token->name() eq 'PDUTYPE') {
-                my $mti  = $token->MTI();
-                my $udhi = $token->UDHI();
-                #               # If MTI has bit 1 on, this could be a SMS-STATUS message (0x02), or (0x03???)
-                #               if( $mti >= SMS_STATUS ) {
-                #                   _log('skipping unhandled message type ['.$mti.']');
-                #                   return undef;
-                #               }
+			if( $token->name() eq 'PDUTYPE' ) {
+                my $mti = $token->MTI();
-                if ($mti != $type) {
+                # If MTI has bit 1 on, this could be a SMS-STATUS message (0x02), or (0x03???)
+                if( $mti >= SMS_STATUS ) {
+                    _log('skipping unhandled message type ['.$mti.']');
+                    return undef;
+                }
-                    #_log('token PDUTYPE, data='.$token->data().' MTI='.$token->get('MTI').' ->MTI()='.$token->MTI());
+                if( $mti != $type ) {
+#_log('token PDUTYPE, data='.$token->data().' MTI='.$token->get('MTI').' ->MTI()='.$token->MTI());
                     # This is a SMS-SUBMIT message, so:
@@ -301,35 +259,28 @@ sub decode {
                     # 3) reload token structure
                     # 4) restart decoding
-                    $self->type($type = $mti);
+                    $self->type( $type = $mti );
-                    $cPdu        = $cPduCopy;
+                    $cPdu = $cPduCopy;
                     @token_names = $self->structure();
-                    #_log('RESTARTING DECODING AFTER MTI DETECTION'); #<STDIN>;
-                    redo;
-                }
-                if ($udh_parsed == 0 and $udhi == 1) {
-                    $cPdu        = $cPduCopy;
-                    @token_names = $self->structure();
-                    $udh_parsed  = 1;
-                    redo;
-                }
+    				redo;
+	    		}
-                #_log('       ', $token->name(), ' DATA = ', $token->toString() );
+#_log('       ', $token->name(), ' DATA = ', $token->toString() );
-        }
+		}
-        #_log('PDU AFTER  ['.$cPdu.']', length($cPdu) );
+#_log('PDU AFTER  ['.$cPdu.']', length($cPdu) );
-    }
+	}
-    #_log("\n", 'PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE'); <STDIN>;
-    return $decoded;
+	return $decoded;
@@ -343,25 +294,14 @@ sub delete {
     # Try to delete message
     my $msg_index = $self->index();
-    my $storage   = $self->storage();
+    my $storage = $self->storage();
     # Issue delete command
-    if (ref $gsm && $storage && $msg_index >= 0) {
+    if( ref $gsm && $storage && $msg_index >= 0 ) {
         $ok = $gsm->delete_sms($msg_index, $storage);
-        $gsm->log->write('info',
-                  'Delete sms n.'
-                . $msg_index
-                . ' in storage '
-                . $storage . ' => '
-                . ($ok ? 'OK' : '*ERROR'));
-    }
-    else {
-        $gsm->log->write('warn',
-                  'Could not delete sms n.'
-                . $msg_index
-                . ' in storage '
-                . $storage
-                . '. Internal error.');
+        $gsm->log->write('info', 'Delete sms n.'.$msg_index.' in storage '.$storage.' => '.($ok?'OK':'*ERROR'));
+    } else {
+        $gsm->log->write('warn', 'Could not delete sms n.'.$msg_index.' in storage '.$storage.'. Internal error.');
         $ok = undef;
@@ -369,7 +309,7 @@ sub delete {
-# Returns message own index number (position)
+# Returns message own index number (position) 
 sub index {
     my $self = $_[0];
@@ -385,134 +325,63 @@ sub storage {
-# Only valid for SMS_SUBMIT and SMS_STATUS messages
+# Only valid for SMS_SUBMIT messages (?)
 sub recipient {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->type() == SMS_SUBMIT or $self->type() == SMS_STATUS) {
-        my $t = $self->token('DA');
-        return $t->toString() if $t;
-    }
-#Only valid for SMS_STATUS messages returns status code(in hex) extracted from status message
-#Codes are explained in
-sub delivery_status {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->type() == SMS_STATUS) {
-        my $t = $self->token('ST');
-        return $t->toString() if $t;
-    }
+	my $self = shift;
+	if( $self->type() == SMS_SUBMIT ) {
+		my $t = $self->token('DA');
+		return $t->toString() if $t;
+	}
 # Only valid for SMS_DELIVER messages (?)
 sub sender {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->type() == SMS_DELIVER) {
-        my $t = $self->token('OA');
-        return $t->toString() if $t;
-    }
+	my $self = shift;
+	if( $self->type() == SMS_DELIVER ) {
+		my $t = $self->token('OA');
+		return $t->toString() if $t;
+	}
 # Alias for text()
 sub content {
-    return $_[0]->text();
+	return $_[0]->text();
 sub text {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $t    = $self->token('UD');
-    return $t->toString() if $t;
-#only valid for SMS_DELIVER messages, retuns presence of UDH
-sub is_udh {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->type() == SMS_DELIVER) {
-        return $self->{'tokens'}->{'PDUTYPE'}->{'_UDHI'};
-    }
-#only valid for SMS_DELIVER messages with UDH, returns if sms is csms
-sub is_csms {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->is_udh()) {
-        return $self->{'tokens'}->{'UDH'}->{'_IS_CSMS'};
-    }
-#only valid for SMS_DELIVER messages with UDH, retuns CSM reference number
-sub csms_ref_num {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->is_csms()) {
-        return $self->{'tokens'}->{'UDH'}->{'_REF_NUM'};
-    }
-#only valid for SMS_DELIVER messages with UDH, retuns CSM reference number
-sub csms_ref_hex {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->is_csms()) {
-        return $self->{'tokens'}->{'UDH'}->{'_REF_HEX'};
-    }
-#only valid for SMS_DELIVER messages with UDH, retuns CSM parts count
-sub csms_parts {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->is_csms()) {
-        return $self->{'tokens'}->{'UDH'}->{'_PARTS'};
-    }
-#only valid for SMS_DELIVER messages with UDH, retuns CSM current part number
-sub csms_part_num {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->is_csms()) {
-        return $self->{'tokens'}->{'UDH'}->{'_PART_NUM'};
-    }
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $t = $self->token('UD');
+	return $t->toString() if $t;
 sub token ($) {
-    my ($self, $token_name) = @_;
-    return undef unless $token_name;
-    if (exists $self->{'tokens'}->{$token_name}) {
-        return $self->{'tokens'}->{$token_name};
-    }
-    else {
-        warn('undefined token ' . $token_name . ' for this sms');
-        return undef;
-    }
+	my($self, $token_name) = @_;
+	return undef unless $token_name;
+	if( exists $self->{'tokens'}->{$token_name} ) {
+		return $self->{'tokens'}->{$token_name};
+	} else {
+		warn('undefined token '.$token_name.' for this sms');
+		return undef;
+	}
 # Returns type of sms (SMS_DELIVER || SMS_SUBMIT)
 sub type {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (@_) {
-        $self->{'type'} = shift;
-    }
-    $self->{'type'};
+	my $self = shift;
+	if( @_ ) {
+		$self->{'type'} = shift;
+	}
+	$self->{'type'};
 =head1 NAME
@@ -1,1974 +0,0 @@
-# Device::Gsm - a Perl class to interface GSM devices as AT modems
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Cosimo Streppone,
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Grzegorz Wozniak,
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it only under the terms of Perl itself.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Perl licensing terms for more details.
-package Device::Gsm;
-$Device::Gsm::VERSION = '1.60';
-use strict;
-use Device::Modem 1.47;
-use Device::Gsm::Sms;
-use Device::Gsm::Pdu;
-use Device::Gsm::Charset;
-use Device::Gsm::Sms::Token;
-use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
-use constant USSD_DCS => 15;
-@Device::Gsm::ISA = ('Device::Modem');
-%Device::Gsm::USSD_RESPONSE_CODES = (
-    0 =>
-        'No further user action required (network initiated USSD-Notify, or no further information needed after mobile Initiated operation)',
-    1 =>
-        'Further user action required (network initiated USSD-Request, or  further information needed after mobile initiated operation)',
-    2 =>
-        'USSD terminated by network. the reason for the termination is indicated  by the index stored in %Device::Gsm::USSD_TERMINATION_CODES',
-    3 => 'Other local client has responded',
-    4 => 'Operation not supported',
-    5 => 'Network time out'
-    0  => 'NO_CAUSE',
-    1  => 'CC_BUSY',
-    2  => 'PARAMETER_ERROR',
-    3  => 'INVALID_NUMBER',
-    5  => 'TOO_MANY_CALLS_ON_HOLD',
-    6  => 'NORMAL',
-    10 => 'DROPPED',
-    12 => 'NETWORK',
-    13 => 'INVALID_CALL_ID',
-    14 => 'NORMAL_CLEARING',
-    18 => 'NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST',
-    20 => 'CALL_BARRED',
-    21 => 'USER_BUSY',
-    22 => 'NO_ANSWER',
-    23 => 'CALL_REJECTED',
-    24 => 'NUMBER_CHANGED',
-    25 => 'DEST_OUT_OF_ORDER',
-    26 => 'SIGNALING_ERROR',
-    27 => 'NETWORK_ERROR',
-    28 => 'NETWORK_BUSY',
-    29 => 'NOT_SUBSCRIBED',
-    43 => 'ACCESS_DENIED',
-    46 => 'WRONG_CALL_STATE',
-    49 => 'SYSTEM_FAILURE',
-    50 => 'DATA_MISSING',
-    54 => 'SS_NOT_AVAILABLE',
-    63 => 'USSD_BUSY',
-    69 => 'USSD_CANCELED',
-    70 => 'PRE_EMPTION',
-    73 => 'NBR_SN_EXCEEDED',
-    74 => 'NBR_USER_EXCEEDED',
-    75 => 'NOT_ALLOWED_BY_CC',
-    76 => 'MODIFIED_TO_SS_BY_CC',
-    77 => 'MODIFIED_TO_CALL_BY_CC',
-    78 => 'CALL_MODIFIED_BY_CC',
-    90 => 'FDN_FAILURE'
-# Connection defaults to 19200 baud. This seems to be the optimal
-# rate for serial links to new gsm phones.
-$Device::Gsm::BAUDRATE = 19200;
-# Time to wait after network register command (secs)
-$Device::Gsm::REGISTER_DELAY = 2;
-# Connect on serial port to gsm device
-# see parameters on Device::Modem::connect()
-sub connect {
-    my $me = shift;
-    my %aOpt;
-    %aOpt = @_ if (@_);
-    #
-    # If you have problems with bad characters being trasmitted across serial link,
-    # try different baud rates, as below...
-    #
-    # .---------------------------------.
-    # | Model (phone/modem) |  Baudrate |
-    # |---------------------+-----------|
-    # | Falcom Swing (A2D)  |      9600 |
-    # | Siemens C35/C45     |     19200 |
-    # | Nokia phones        |     19200 |
-    # | Nokia Communicator  |      9600 |
-    # | Digicom             |      9600 |
-    # `---------------------------------'
-    #
-    # GSM class defaults to 19200 baud
-    #
-    $aOpt{'baudrate'} ||= $Device::Gsm::BAUDRATE;
-    $me->SUPER::connect(%aOpt);
-sub disconnect {
-    my $me = shift;
-    $me->SUPER::disconnect();
-    sleep 0.05;
-# Get/set phone date and time
-sub datetime {
-    my $self     = shift;
-    my $ok       = undef;    # ok/err flag
-    my $datetime = undef;    # datetime string
-    my @time     = ();       # array in "localtime" format
-    # Test support for clock function
-    if ($self->test_command('+CCLK')) {
-        if (@_) {
-            # If called with "$self->datetime(time())" format
-            if (@_ == 1) {
-                # $_[0] must be result of `time()' func
-                @time = localtime($_[0]);
-            }
-            else {
-                # If called with "$self->datetime(localtime())" format
-                # @_ here is the result of `localtime()' func
-                @time = @_;
-            }
-            $datetime = sprintf(
-                '%02d/%02d/%02d,%02d:%02d:%02d',
-                $time[5] - 100,    # year
-                1 + $time[4],      # month
-                $time[3],          # day
-                @time[ 2, 1, 0 ],  # hr,min,secs
-            );
-            # Set time of phone
-            $self->atsend(qq{AT+CCLK="$datetime"} . Device::Modem::CR);
-            $ok = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-            $self->log->write(
-                'info',
-                "write datetime ($datetime) to phone => ("
-                    . ($ok ? 'OK' : 'FAILED') . ")"
-            );
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->atsend('AT+CCLK?' . Device::Modem::CR);
-            ($ok, $datetime)
-                = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-            #warn('datetime='.$datetime);
-            if (   $ok
-                && $datetime
-                =~ m|\+CCLK:\s*"?(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)\,(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)"?|
-                )
-            {
-                $datetime = "$1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6";
-                $self->log->write(
-                    'info',
-                    "read datetime from phone ($datetime)"
-                );
-            }
-            else {
-                $self->log->write(
-                    'warn',
-                    "datetime format ($datetime) not recognized"
-                );
-                $datetime = undef;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return $datetime;
-# Delete a message from sim card
-sub delete_sms {
-    my $self      = shift;
-    my $msg_index = shift;
-    my $storage   = shift;
-    my $ok;
-    if (!defined $msg_index || $msg_index eq '') {
-        $self->log->write(
-            'warn',
-            'undefined message number. cannot delete sms message'
-        );
-        return 0;
-    }
-    # Set default SMS storage if supported
-    $self->storage($storage);
-    $self->atsend(qq{AT+CMGD=$msg_index} . Device::Modem::CR);
-    my $ans = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    if (index($ans, 'OK') > -1 || $ans =~ /\+CMGD/) {
-        $ok = 1;
-    }
-    $self->log->write(
-        'info',
-        "deleting sms n.$msg_index from storage "
-            . ($storage || "default")
-            . " (result: `$ans') => "
-            . ($ok ? 'ok' : '*FAILED*')
-    );
-    return $ok;
-# Call forwarding
-sub forward {
-    my ($self, $reason, $mode, $number) = @_;
-    $reason = lc $reason || 'unconditional';
-    $mode   = lc $mode   || 'register';
-    $number ||= '';
-    my %reasons = (
-        'unconditional' => 0,
-        'busy'          => 1,
-        'no reply'      => 2,
-        'unreachable'   => 3
-    );
-    my %modes = (
-        'disable'  => 0,
-        'enable'   => 1,
-        'query'    => 2,
-        'register' => 3,
-        'erase'    => 4
-    );
-    my $reasoncode = $reasons{$reason};
-    my $modecode   = $modes{$mode};
-    $self->log->write(
-        'info',
-        qq{setting $reason call forwarding to [$number]}
-    );
-    $self->atsend(
-        qq{AT+CCFC=$reasoncode,$modecode,"$number"} . Device::Modem::CR);
-    return $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 15000);
-# Hangup and terminate active call(s)
-# this overrides the `Device::Modem::hangup()' method
-sub hangup {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->log->write('info', 'hanging up...');
-    $self->attention();
-    $self->atsend('AT+CHUP' . Device::Modem::CR);
-    $self->flag('OFFHOOK', 0);
-    $self->answer(undef, 5000);
-# Who is the manufacturer of this device?
-sub manufacturer {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($ok, $man);
-    # We can't test for command support, because some phones, mainly Motorola
-    # will spit out an error, instead of telling if CGMI is supported.
-    $self->atsend('AT+CGMI' . Device::Modem::CR);
-    ($ok, $man) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    if ($ok ne 'OK') {
-        $self->log->write(
-            'warn',
-            'manufacturer command ended with error [' . $ok . $man . ']'
-        );
-        return undef;
-    }
-    # Again, seems that Motorola phones will re-echo
-    # the CGMI command header, instead of giving us the
-    # manufacturer info we want. Thanks to Niolay Shaplov
-    # for reporting (RT #31540)
-    if ($man =~ /\+CGMI:\ \"(.*)\"/s) {
-        $man = $1;
-    }
-    $self->log->write(
-        'info',
-        'manufacturer of this device appears to be [' . $man . ']'
-    );
-    return $man || $ok;
-# Set text or pdu mode for gsm devices. If no parameter passed, returns current mode
-sub mode {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (@_) {
-        my $mode = lc $_[0];
-        if ($mode eq 'text') {
-            $mode = 1;
-        }
-        else {
-            $mode = 0;
-        }
-        $self->{'_mode'} = $mode ? 'text' : 'pdu';
-        $self->log->write(
-            'info',
-            'setting mode to [' . $self->{'_mode'} . ']'
-        );
-        $self->atsend(qq{AT+CMGF=$mode} . Device::Modem::CR);
-        return $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    }
-    return ($self->{'_mode'} || '');
-# What is the model of this device?
-sub model {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($code, $model);
-    # Test if manufacturer code command is supported
-    if ($self->test_command('+CGMM')) {
-        $self->atsend('AT+CGMM' . Device::Modem::CR);
-        ($code, $model) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-        $self->log->write(
-            'info',
-            'model of this device is [' . ($model || '') . ']'
-        );
-    }
-    return $model || $code;
-# Get handphone serial number (IMEI number)
-sub imei {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($code, $imei);
-    # Test if manufacturer code command is supported
-    if ($self->test_command('+CGSN')) {
-        $self->atsend('AT+CGSN' . Device::Modem::CR);
-        ($code, $imei) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-        $self->log->write('info', 'IMEI code is [' . $imei . ']');
-    }
-    return $imei || $code;
-# Alias for `imei()' is `serial_number()'
-*serial_number = *imei;
-# Get mobile phone signal quality (expressed in dBm)
-sub signal_quality {
-    my $self = shift;
-    # Error code, dBm (signal power), bit error rate
-    my ($code, @dBm, $dBm, $ber);
-    # Test if signal quality command is implemented
-    if ($self->test_command('+CSQ')) {
-        $self->atsend('AT+CSQ' . Device::Modem::CR);
-        ($code, @dBm)
-            = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 15000);
-        # Vodafone data cards send out response to commands with
-        # many empty lines in between, so +CSQ response is not the very
-        # first line of answer.
-        for (@dBm) {
-            if (/\+CSQ:/) {
-                $dBm = $_;
-                last;
-            }
-        }
-        # Some gsm software send CSQ command result as "+CSQ: xx,yy"
-        if ($dBm =~ /\+CSQ:\s*(\d+),(\d+)/) {
-            ($dBm, $ber) = ($1, $2);
-            # Further process dBm number to obtain real dB power
-            if ($dBm > 30) {
-                $dBm = -51;
-            }
-            else {
-                $dBm = -113 + ($dBm << 1);
-            }
-            $self->log->write(
-                'info',
-                'signal dBm power is [' 
-                    . $dBm
-                    . '], bit error rate ['
-                    . $ber . ']'
-            );
-            # Other versions put out "+CSQ: xx" only...
-        }
-        elsif ($dBm =~ /\+CSQ:\s*(\d+)/) {
-            $dBm = $1;
-            $self->log->write('info', 'signal is [' . $dBm . '] "bars"');
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->log->write('warn', 'cannot obtain signal dBm power');
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->log->write('warn', 'signal quality command not supported!');
-    }
-    return $dBm;
-# Get the GSM software version on this device
-sub software_version {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($code, $ver);
-    # Test if manufacturer code command is supported
-    if ($self->test_command('+CGMR')) {
-        $self->atsend('AT+CGMR' . Device::Modem::CR);
-        ($code, $ver) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-        $self->log->write('info', 'GSM version is [' . $ver . ']');
-    }
-    return $ver || $code;
-# Test support for a specific command
-sub test_command {
-    my ($self, $command) = @_;
-    # Support old code adding a `+' if not specified
-    # TODO to be removed in 1.30 ?
-    if ($command =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/) {
-        $command = '+' . $command;
-    }
-    # Standard test procedure for every command
-    $self->log->write(
-        'info',
-        'testing support for command [' . $command . ']'
-    );
-    $self->atsend("AT$command=?" . Device::Modem::CR);
-    # If answer is ok, command is supported
-    my $ok = ($self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE) || '') =~ /OK/o;
-    $self->log->write(
-        'info',
-        'command [' . $command . '] is ' . ($ok ? '' : 'not ') . 'supported'
-    );
-    $ok;
-# Read all messages on SIM card (XXX must be registered on network)
-sub messages {
-    my ($self, $storage) = @_;
-    my @messages;
-    # By default (old behaviour) messages are read from sim card
-    $storage ||= 'SM';
-    $self->log->write('info', 'Reading messages on '
-            . ($storage eq 'SM' ? 'Sim card' : 'phone memory'));
-    # Register on network (give your PIN number for this!)
-    #return undef unless $self->register();
-    $self->register();
-    #
-    # Read messages (TODO need to check if device supports CMGL with `stat'=4)
-    #
-    if ($self->mode() eq 'text') {
-        warn 'Read messages in text mode is not implemented yet.';
-        #@messages = $self->_read_messages_text();
-    }
-    else {
-        # Set default storage if supported
-        $self->storage($storage);
-        push @messages, $self->_read_messages_pdu();
-    }
-    return @messages;
-sub storage {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $ok   = 0;
-    # Set default SMS storage if supported by phone
-    if (@_ && (my $storage = uc $_[0])) {
-        return unless $self->test_command('+CPMS');
-        $self->atsend(qq{AT+CPMS="$storage"} . Device::Modem::CR);
-        # Read and discard the answer
-        $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 5000);
-        $self->{_storage} = $storage;
-    }
-    return $self->{_storage};
-# Register to GSM service provider network
-sub register {
-    my $me  = shift;
-    my $lOk = 0;
-    # Check for connection
-    if (!$me->{'CONNECTED'}) {
-        $me->log->write('info', 'Not yet connected. Doing it now...');
-        if (!$me->connect()) {
-            $me->log->write('warning', 'No connection!');
-            return $lOk;
-        }
-    }
-    # On some phones, registration doesn't work, so you can skip it entirely
-    # by passing 'assume_registered => 1' to the new() constructor
-    if (exists $me->{'assume_registered'} && $me->{'assume_registered'}) {
-        return $me->{'REGISTERED'} = 1;
-    }
-    # Send PIN status query
-    $me->log->write('info', 'PIN status query');
-    $me->atsend('AT+CPIN?' . Device::Modem::CR);
-    # Get answer
-    my $cReply = $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 10000);
-    if (!defined $cReply || $cReply eq "") {
-        $me->log->write('warn',
-            'Could not get a reply for the AT+CPIN command');
-        return;
-    }
-    if ($cReply =~ /(READY|SIM PIN2)/) {
-        # Iridium satellite phones rest saying "SIM PIN2" when they are registered...
-        $me->log->write(
-            'info',
-            'Already registered on network. Ready to send.'
-        );
-        $lOk = 1;
-    }
-    elsif ($cReply =~ /SIM PIN/) {
-        # Pin request, sending PIN code
-        $me->log->write('info', 'PIN requested: sending...');
-        $me->atsend(qq[AT+CPIN="$$me{'pin'}"] . Device::Modem::CR);
-        # Get reply
-        $cReply = $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 10000);
-        # Test reply
-        if ($cReply !~ /ERROR/) {
-            $me->log->write('info', 'PIN accepted. Ready to send.');
-            $lOk = 1;
-        }
-        else {
-            $me->log->write('warning', 'PIN rejected');
-            $lOk = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    # Store status in object and return
-    $me->{'REGISTERED'} = $lOk;
-    return $lOk;
-# send_sms( %options )
-#   recipient => '+39338101010'
-#   class     => 'flash' | 'normal'
-#   validity  => [ default = 24 hours ]
-#   content   => 'text-only for now'
-#   mode      => 'text' | 'pdu'        (default = 'pdu')
-sub send_sms {
-    my ($me, %opt) = @_;
-    my $lOk = 0;
-    my $mr;
-    return unless $opt{'recipient'} and $opt{'content'};
-    # Check if registered to network
-    if (!$me->{'REGISTERED'}) {
-        $me->log->write('info', 'Not yet registered, doing now...');
-        $me->register();
-        # Wait some time to allow SIM registering to network
-        $me->wait($Device::Gsm::REGISTER_DELAY << 10);
-    }
-    # Again check if now registered
-    if (!$me->{'REGISTERED'}) {
-        $me->log->write('warning', 'ERROR in registering to network');
-        return $lOk;
-    }
-    # Ok, registered. Select mode to send SMS
-    $opt{'mode'} ||= 'PDU';
-    if (uc $opt{'mode'} ne 'TEXT') {
-        ($lOk, $mr) = $me->_send_sms_pdu(%opt);
-    }
-    else {
-        ($lOk, $mr) = $me->_send_sms_text(%opt);
-    }
-    # Return result of sending
-    return wantarray ? ($lOk, $mr) : $lOk;
-# send_csms( %options )
-#   recipient => '+39338101010'
-#   class     => 'flash' | 'normal'
-#   validity  => [ default = 24 hours ]
-#   content   => 'text-only above 160 chars'
-sub send_csms {
-    my ($me, %opt) = @_;
-    my $lOk = 0;
-    my @mrs;
-    return unless $opt{'recipient'} and $opt{'content'};
-    # Check if registered to network
-    if (!$me->{'REGISTERED'}) {
-        $me->log->write('info', 'Not yet registered, doing now...');
-        $me->register();
-        # Wait some time to allow SIM registering to network
-        $me->wait($Device::Gsm::REGISTER_DELAY << 10);
-    }
-    # Again check if now registered
-    if (!$me->{'REGISTERED'}) {
-        $me->log->write('warning', 'ERROR in registering to network');
-        return 0;
-    }
-    # Ok, registered. Select mode to send SMS
-    $opt{'mode'} ||= 'PDU';
-    if (uc $opt{'mode'} eq 'TEXT') {
-        $me->log->write('warning', 'CSMS only in PDU mode, switching');
-        until (uc($me->{'_mode'}) ne 'PDU') {
-            $me->mode('pdu') or sleep 0.05;
-        }
-    }
-    my @text_parts;
-    #ensure we have to send CSMS
-    if (Device::Gsm::Charset::gsm0338_length($opt{'content'}) <= 160) {
-        my @send_return = $me->_send_sms_pdu(%opt);
-        if ($send_return[0]) {
-            $lOk++;
-            push(@mrs, $send_return[1]);
-        }
-        else {
-            $lOk  = 0;
-            $#mrs = -1;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        my $udh        = new Sms::Token("UDH");
-        my $ref_num    = sprintf("%02X", (int(rand(255))));
-        my @text_parts = Device::Gsm::Charset::gsm0338_split($opt{'content'});
-        my $parts      = scalar(@text_parts);
-        $parts = sprintf("%02X", $parts);
-        my $padding
-            = Sms::Token::UDH::calculate_padding(Sms::Token::UDH::IEI_T_8_L);
-        my $part_count = 1;
-        foreach my $text_part (@text_parts) {
-            my $part = sprintf("%02X", $part_count);
-            my ($len_hex, $encoded_text)
-                = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7_udh($text_part, $padding);
-            $part_count++;
-            $opt{'content'} = $text_part;
-            $opt{'pdu_msg'}
-                = sprintf("%02X",
-                hex($len_hex) + Sms::Token::UDH::IEI_T_8_L + 2)
-                . $udh->encode(
-                Sms::Token::UDH::IEI_T_8 => $ref_num . $parts . $part)
-                . $encoded_text;
-            my @send_return = $me->send_sms_pdu_long(%opt);
-            if ($send_return[0]) {
-                $lOk++;
-                push(@mrs, $send_return[1]);
-            }
-            else {
-                $lOk  = 0;
-                $#mrs = -1;
-                last;
-            }
-            sleep 0.05;
-        }
-    }
-    # Return result of sending
-    return wantarray ? ($lOk, @mrs) : $lOk;
-# read messages in pdu mode
-sub _read_messages_pdu {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->mode('pdu');
-    $self->atsend(q{AT+CMGL=4} . Device::Modem::CR);
-    my ($messages) = $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 5000);
-    # Catch the case that the msgs are returned with gaps between them
-    while (my $more = $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 200)) {
-        #-- $self->answer will chomp trailing newline, add it back
-        $messages .= "\n";
-        $messages .= $more;
-    }
-    # Ok, messages read, now convert from PDU and store in object
-    $self->log->write('debug', 'Messages=' . $messages);
-    my @data = split /[\r\n]+/m, $messages;
-    # Check for errors on SMS reading
-    my $code;
-    if (($code = pop @data) =~ /ERROR/) {
-        $self->log->write(
-            'error',
-            'cannot read SMS messages on SIM: [' . $code . ']'
-        );
-        return ();
-    }
-    my @message = ();
-    my $current;
-    # Current sms storage memory (ME or SM)
-    my $storage = $self->storage();
-    #
-    # Parse received data (result of +CMGL command)
-    #
-    while (@data) {
-        $self->log->write('debug', 'data[] = ', $data[0]);
-        my $header = shift @data;
-        my $pdu    = shift @data;
-        # Instance new message object
-        my $msg = new Device::Gsm::Sms(
-            header => $header,
-            pdu    => $pdu,
-            # XXX mode   => $self->mode(),
-            storage => $storage,
-            parent  => $self       # Ref to parent Device::Gsm class
-        );
-        # Check if message has been instanced correctly
-        if (ref $msg) {
-            push @message, $msg;
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->log->write(
-                'info',
-                "could not instance message $header $pdu!"
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    $self->log->write(
-        'info',
-        'found ' . (scalar @message) . ' messages on SIM. Reading.'
-    );
-    return @message;
-# _send_sms_text( %options ) : sends message in text mode
-sub _send_sms_text {
-    my ($me, %opt) = @_;
-    my $num  = $opt{'recipient'};
-    my $text = $opt{'content'};
-    return 0 unless $num and $text;
-    my $lOk = 0;
-    my $mr;
-    my $cReply;
-    # Select text format for messages
-    $me->mode('text');
-    $me->log->write('info', 'Selected text format for message sending');
-    # Send sms in text mode
-    $me->atsend(qq[AT+CMGS="$num"] . Device::Modem::CR);
-    # Wait a bit before sending the text. Some GSM software needs it.
-    $me->wait($Device::Modem::WAITCMD);
-    # Complete message sending
-    $text = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($text);
-    $me->atsend($text . Device::Modem::CTRL_Z);
-    # Get reply and check for errors
-    $cReply = $me->answer('+CMGS', 2000);
-    if ($cReply =~ /OK$/i) {
-        $cReply =~ /\+CMGS:\s*(\d+)/i;
-        $me->log->write('info', "Sent SMS (text mode) to $num!");
-        $lOk = 1;
-        $mr  = $1;
-    }
-    else {
-        $me->log->write('warning', "ERROR in sending SMS");
-    }
-    return wantarray ? ($lOk, $mr) : $lOk;
-# _send_sms_pdu( %options )  : sends message in PDU mode
-sub _send_sms_pdu {
-    my ($me, %opt, $is_gsm0338) = @_;
-    # Get options
-    my $num  = $opt{'recipient'};
-    my $text = $opt{'content'};
-    return 0 unless $num and $text;
-    $me->atsend(q[ATE1] . Device::Modem::CR);
-    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    # Select class of sms (normal or *flash sms*)
-    my $class = $opt{'class'} || 'normal';
-    $class = $class eq 'normal' ? '00' : 'F0';
-    #Validity period value
-    #0 to 143	(TP-VP + 1) * 5 minutes (i.e. 5 minutes intervals up to 12 hours)
-    #144 to 167	12 hours + ((TP-VP - 143) * 30 minutes)
-    #168 to 196	(TP-VP - 166) * 1 day
-    #197 to 255	(TP-VP - 192) * 1 week
-    #default 24h
-    my $vp = 'A7';
-    if (defined $opt{'validity_period'}) {
-        $vp = sprintf("%02X", $opt{'validity_period'});
-    }
-    # Status report requested?
-    my $status_report = 0;
-    if (exists $opt{'status_report'} && $opt{'status_report'}) {
-        $status_report = 1;
-    }
-    my $lOk = 0;
-    my $mr  = undef;
-    my $cReply;
-    # Send sms in PDU mode
-    #
-    # Example of sms send in PDU mode
-    #
-    #AT+CMGS=22
-    #> 0011000A8123988277190000AA0AE8329BFD4697D9EC37
-    #+CMGS: 111
-    #
-    #OK
-    # Encode DA
-    my $enc_da = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_address($num);
-    $me->log->write('info', 'encoded dest. address is [' . $enc_da . ']');
-    # Encode text
-    $is_gsm0338 or $text = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($text);
-    my $enc_msg = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7($text);
-    $me->log->write(
-        'info',
-        'encoded 7bit text (w/length) is [' . $enc_msg . ']'
-    );
-    # Build PDU data
-    my $pdu = uc join(
-        '',
-        '00',
-        ($status_report ? '31' : '11'),
-        '00',
-        $enc_da,
-        '00',
-        $class,
-        $vp,
-        $enc_msg
-    );
-    $me->log->write('info', 'due to send PDU [' . $pdu . ']');
-    # Sending main SMS command ( with length )
-    my $len = ((length $pdu) >> 1) - 1;
-    #$me->log->write('info', 'AT+CMGS='.$len.' string sent');
-    # Select PDU format for messages
-    $me->atsend(q[AT+CMGF=0] . Device::Modem::CR);
-    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    $me->log->write('info', 'Selected PDU format for msg sending');
-    # Send SMS length
-    $me->atsend(qq[AT+CMGS=$len] . Device::Modem::CR);
-    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    # Sending SMS content encoded as PDU
-    $me->log->write('info', 'PDU sent [' . $pdu . ' + CTRLZ]');
-    $me->atsend($pdu . Device::Modem::CTRL_Z);
-    # Get reply and check for errors
-    $cReply = $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 30000);
-    $me->log->write('debug', "SMS reply: $cReply\r\n");
-    if ($cReply =~ /OK$/i) {
-        $cReply =~ /\+CMGS:\s*(\d+)/i;
-        $me->log->write('info', "Sent SMS (pdu mode) to $num!");
-        $lOk = 1;
-        $mr  = $1;
-    }
-    else {
-        $cReply =~ /(\+CMGS:.*)/;
-        $me->log->write('warning', "ERROR in sending SMS: $1");
-    }
-    return wantarray ? ($lOk, $mr) : $lOk;
-sub send_sms_pdu_long {
-    my ($me, %opt) = @_;
-    # Get options
-    my $num     = $opt{'recipient'};
-    my $text    = $opt{'content'};
-    my $pdu_msg = $opt{'pdu_msg'};
-    return 0 unless $num and $text and $pdu_msg;
-    $me->atsend(q[ATE1] . Device::Modem::CR);
-    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    # Select class of sms (normal or *flash sms*)
-    my $class = $opt{'class'} || 'normal';
-    $class = $class eq 'normal' ? '00' : 'F0';
-    #Validity period value
-    #0 to 143	(TP-VP + 1) * 5 minutes (i.e. 5 minutes intervals up to 12 hours)
-    #144 to 167	12 hours + ((TP-VP - 143) * 30 minutes)
-    #168 to 196	(TP-VP - 166) * 1 day
-    #197 to 255	(TP-VP - 192) * 1 week
-    #default 24h
-    my $vp = 'A7';
-    if (defined $opt{'validity_period'}) {
-        $vp = sprintf("%02X", $opt{'validity_period'});
-    }
-    # Status report requested?
-    my $status_report = 0;
-    if (exists $opt{'status_report'} && $opt{'status_report'}) {
-        $status_report = 1;
-    }
-    my $lOk = 0;
-    my $mr  = undef;
-    my $cReply;
-    # Send sms in PDU mode
-    #
-    # Example of sms send in PDU mode
-    #
-    #AT+CMGS=22
-    #> 0011000A8123988277190000AA0AE8329BFD4697D9EC37
-    #+CMGS: 111
-    #
-    #OK
-    # Encode DA
-    my $enc_da = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_address($num);
-    $me->log->write('info', 'encoded dest. address is [' . $enc_da . ']');
-    # Encode text
-    #$text = Device::Gsm::Charset::iso8859_to_gsm0338($text);
-    #my $enc_msg = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7($text);
-    $me->log->write(
-        'info',
-        'encoded 7bit text (w/length) is [' . $pdu_msg . ']'
-    );
-    # Build PDU data
-    my $pdu = uc join(
-        '',
-        #we use default SMSC address(don supply one)
-        '00',
-        #as you can see when UDH is present we set 6 bit of of first octet, you can recognize CSM that way, I prefer regex :) (se
-        ($status_report ? '71' : '51'),
-        #message reference, my G24 returns own MR after successful sending, setting this value did nothing in that case, but other modems may behave differently
-        '00',
-        $enc_da,
-        #protocol identifier (0x00 use default)
-        '00',
-        #data coding scheme (flash sms or normal, coding etc. more about:
-        $class,
-        $vp,
-        $pdu_msg
-    );
-    $me->log->write('info', 'due to send PDU [' . $pdu . ']');
-    # Sending main SMS command ( with length )
-    my $len = ((length $pdu) >> 1) - 1;
-    #$me->log->write('info', 'AT+CMGS='.$len.' string sent');
-    # Select PDU format for messages
-    $me->atsend(q[AT+CMGF=0] . Device::Modem::CR);
-    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    $me->log->write('info', 'Selected PDU format for msg sending');
-    # Send SMS length
-    $me->atsend(qq[AT+CMGS=$len] . Device::Modem::CR);
-    $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-    # Sending SMS content encoded as PDU
-    $me->log->write('info', 'PDU sent [' . $pdu . ' + CTRLZ]');
-    $me->atsend($pdu . Device::Modem::CTRL_Z);
-    # Get reply and check for errors
-    $cReply = $me->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE, 30000);
-    $me->log->write('debug', "SMS reply: $cReply\r\n");
-    if ($cReply =~ /OK$/i) {
-        $cReply =~ /\+CMGS:\s*(\d+)/i;
-        $me->log->write('info', "Sent SMS (pdu mode) to $num!");
-        $lOk = 1;
-        $mr  = $1;
-    }
-    else {
-        $cReply =~ /(\+CMGS:.*)/;
-        $me->log->write('warning', "ERROR in sending SMS: $1");
-    }
-    return wantarray ? ($lOk, $mr) : $lOk;
-# Set or request service center number
-sub service_center {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $nCenter;
-    my $lOk = 1;
-    my $code;
-    # If additional parameter is supplied, store new message center number
-    if (@_) {
-        $nCenter = shift();
-        # Remove all non numbers or `+' sign
-        $nCenter =~ s/[^0-9+]//g;
-        # Send AT command
-        $self->atsend(qq[AT+CSCA="$nCenter"] . Device::Modem::CR);
-        # Check for modem answer
-        $lOk = ($self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE) =~ /OK/);
-        if ($lOk) {
-            $self->log->write(
-                'info',
-                'service center number [' . $nCenter . '] stored'
-            );
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->log->write(
-                'warning',
-                'unexpected response for "service_center" command'
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->log->write('info', 'requesting service center number');
-        $self->atsend('AT+CSCA?' . Device::Modem::CR);
-        # Get answer and check for errors
-        ($code, $nCenter) = $self->parse_answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-        if ($code =~ /ERROR/) {
-            $self->log->write(
-                'warning',
-                'error status for "service_center" command'
-            );
-            $lOk = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-            # $nCenter =~ tr/\r\nA-Z//s;
-            $self->log->write(
-                'info',
-                'service center number is [' . $nCenter . ']'
-            );
-            # Return service center number
-            $lOk = $nCenter;
-        }
-    }
-    # Status flag or service center number
-    return $lOk;
-sub network {
-    my $self = $_[0];
-    my $network;
-    #if( ! $self->test_command('COPS') )
-    #{
-    #    print 'NO COMMAND';
-    #    return undef;
-    #}
-    $self->atsend('AT+COPS?' . Device::Modem::CR);
-    # Parse COPS answer, the 3rd string is the network name
-    my $ans = $self->answer();
-    if ($ans =~ /"([^"]*)"/) {
-        $network = $1;
-        $self->log->write('info', 'Received network name [' . $network . ']');
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->log->write('info', 'Received no network name');
-    }
-    # Try to decode the network name
-    require Device::Gsm::Networks;
-    my $netname = Device::Gsm::Networks::name($network);
-    if (!defined $netname || $netname eq 'unknown') {
-        $netname = undef;
-    }
-    return wantarray
-        ? ($netname, $network)
-        : $netname;
-#returns simcard MSISDN
-sub selfnum {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my @selfnum;
-    my $selfnum;
-    if ($self->test_command('CNUM')) {
-        $self->atsend('AT+CNUM' . Device::Modem::CR);
-        my $ans = $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE);
-        my @answer = split /[\r\n]+/m, $ans;
-        foreach (@answer) {
-            if ($_ =~ /^\+CNUM: /) {
-                my @temp = split /,/, $';
-                $temp[1] =~ s/"//g;
-                if ($temp[1] =~ /\d{9,}/) {
-                    !$selfnum and $selfnum = $temp[1];
-                    push(@selfnum, $temp[1]);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ($selfnum) {
-            $self->log->write('info', 'Received number [' . "@selfnum" . ']');
-            return wantarray
-                ? @selfnum
-                : $selfnum;
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->log->write('info', 'Received no numbers');
-            return "";
-        }
-    }
-    #
-    #On my motorola G24 for messages with alphanumeric sender sender() returns malformed characters
-    #on globetrotter option 505 everything is all right. I wrote this at beggining of playng with you module,
-    #and almost forgot about it. I'll investigate this bug in future.
-    #
-sub get_literal_header {
-    my ($self, $index) = @_;
-    my $header = '';
-    #set text mode
-    $self->atsend('AT+CMGF=1' . Device::Modem::CR);
-    sleep 0.05;
-    if ($self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE) =~ /OK/) {
-        $self->log->write('warning', 'Text mode set');
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->log->write('warning', 'Text mode not set');
-        $self->log->write('warning', 'Trying restore PDU mode');
-        $self->atsend('AT+CMGF=0' . Device::Modem::CR);
-        sleep 0.05;
-        $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE) =~ /OK/
-            and $self->log->write('warning', 'PDU mode restored');
-        return;
-    }
-    $self->atsend('AT+MMGR=' . $index . Device::Modem::CR);
-    my $ans = $self->answer();
-    if ($ans =~ /\+MMGR:/) {
-        my @temp = split(/,/, $');
-        $header = $temp[1];
-        $header =~ s/\"|\'//g;
-    }
-    $self->atsend('AT+CMGF=0' . Device::Modem::CR);
-    sleep 0.05;
-    $self->answer($Device::Modem::STD_RESPONSE) =~ /OK/
-        and $self->log->write('warning', 'PDU mode Set')
-        or return;
-    return $header;
-sub send_ussd {
-    my ($self, $message) = @_;
-    my $answer  = '';
-    my $encoded = Device::Gsm::Pdu::encode_text7_ussd($message);
-    if ($self->test_command("CUSD")) {
-        my $at_command
-            = 'AT+CUSD=1,"' . $encoded . '",' . USSD_DCS . Device::Modem::CR;
-        $self->atsend($at_command);
-        my $expect     = qr/ERROR|OK|\+CUSD:/;
-        my $cReadChars = $Device::Modem::READCHARS;
-        $Device::Modem::READCHARS = 300;
-        my $response = '';
-        $response = $self->answer($expect, 1000);
-        # Catch the case that the msgs are returned with gaps between them
-        $response =~ m/OK/
-            and $response .= "\n" . $self->answer($expect, 15000);
-        $Device::Modem::READCHARS = $cReadChars;
-        if ($response =~ m/OK/) {
-            $self->log->write('warning',
-                      'send_ussd command: "' 
-                    . $message
-                    . '" OK, AT: '
-                    . $at_command . " "
-                    . 'response: '
-                    . $response);
-            if ($response =~ m/\+CUSD:\s*(\d+)\s*,/) {
-                my $response_code = $1;
-                $self->log->write('warning',
-                    "Have a ussd_response code: $response_code=>"
-                        . $Device::Gsm::USSD_RESPONSE_CODES{$1});
-                $response = $';
-                if ($response_code < 2) {
-                    if ($response =~ m/\s*\"?([0-9A-F]+)\"?\s*,\s*(\d*)\s*/) {
-                        my $ussd_response = $1;
-                        my $ussd_dcs = length($2) ? $2 : USSD_DCS;
-                        $self->log->write('warning',
-                            "Have a ussd_response message: $ussd_response, dcs: $ussd_dcs"
-                        );
-                        ($ussd_dcs == 15 or $ussd_dcs == 0)
-                            and $answer
-                            = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text7_ussd(
-                            $ussd_response)
-                            and $ussd_dcs = -1;
-                        $ussd_dcs == 72
-                            and $answer
-                            = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text_UCS2(
-                            $ussd_response)
-                            and $ussd_dcs = -1;
-                        $ussd_dcs == 68
-                            and $answer
-                            = Device::Gsm::Pdu::decode_text8($ussd_response)
-                            and $ussd_dcs = -1;
-                        $ussd_dcs != -1
-                            and $self->log->write('warning',
-                            "Cant decode ussd_response message with dcs: $ussd_dcs"
-                            );
-                    }
-                }
-                elsif ($response_code == 2) {
-                    $response =~ m/\s*(\d+)\s*/
-                        and $self->log->write('warning',
-                        "Have a ussd_termintion code: $1=>"
-                            . $Device::Gsm::USSD_TERMINATION_CODES{$1});
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->log->write('warning',
-                      'Error send_ussd command: '
-                    . $at_command
-                    . ", returned: "
-                    . $response);
-            return '';
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        $self->log->write('warning',
-            'Error send_ussd AT+CUSD command not supported');
-        return '';
-    }
-    return $answer;
-=head1 NAME
-Device::Gsm - Perl extension to interface GSM phones / modems
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use Device::Gsm;
-  my $gsm = new Device::Gsm( port => '/dev/ttyS1', pin => 'xxxx' );
-  if( $gsm->connect() ) {
-      print "connected!\n";
-  } else {
-      print "sorry, no connection with gsm phone on serial port!\n";
-  }
-  # Register to GSM network (you must supply PIN number in above new() call)
-  # See 'assume_registered' in the new() method documentation
-  $gsm->register();
-  # Send quickly a short text message
-  $gsm->send_sms(
-      recipient => '+3934910203040',
-      content   => 'Hello world! from Device::Gsm'
-  );
-  # Get list of Device::Gsm::Sms message objects
-  # see `examples/' for all the details
-  my @messages = $gsm->messages();
-C<Device::Gsm> class implements basic GSM functions, network registration and SMS sending.
-This class supports also C<PDU> mode to send C<SMS> messages, and should be
-fairly usable. In the past, I have developed and tested it under Linux RedHat 7.1
-with a 16550 serial port and Siemens C35i/C45 GSM phones attached with
-a Siemens-compatible serial cable. Currently, I'm developing and testing this stuff
-with Linux Slackware 10.2 and a B<Cambridge Silicon Radio> (CSR) USB
-bluetooth dongle, connecting to a Nokia 6600 phone.
-Please be kind to the universe and contact me if you have troubles or you are
-interested in this.
-Please be monstruosly kind to the universe and (if you don't mind spending an SMS)
-use the C<examples/> script to make me know that Device::Gsm works
-with your device (thanks!).
-Recent versions of C<Device::Gsm> have also an utility called C<autoscan> in
-the C<bin/> folder, that creates a little profile of the devices it runs
-against, that contains information about supported commands and exact output
-of commands to help recognize similar devices.
-Be sure to send me your profile by email (if you want to),
-so I can add better support for your device in the future!
-=head1 METHODS
-The following documents all supported methods with simple examples of usage.
-=head2 new()
-Inherited from L<Device::Modem>. See L<Device::Modem> documentation
-for more details.
-The only mandatory argument is the C<port> you want to use to connect
-to the GSM device:
-    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new(
-        port => '/dev/ttyS0',
-    );
-On some phones, you may experience problems in the GSM network registration
-step. For this reasons, you can pass a special C<assume_registered> option
-to have L<Device::Gsm> ignore the registration step and assume the device
-is already registered on the GSM network. Example:
-    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new(
-        port => '/dev/ttyS0',
-        assume_registered => 1,
-    );
-If you want to send debugging information to your own log file instead of
-the default setting, you can:
-    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new(
-        port => '/dev/ttyS1',
-        log => 'file,/tmp/myfile.log',
-        loglevel => 'debug',  # default is 'warning'
-    );
-=head2 connect()
-This is the main call that connects to the appropriate device. After the
-connection has been established, you can start issuing commands.
-The list of accepted parameters (to be specified as hash keys and values) is
-the same of C<Device::SerialPort> (or C<Win32::SerialPort> on Windows platform),
-as all parameters are passed to those classes' connect() method.
-The default value for C<baudrate> parameter is C<19200>.
-    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new( port=>'/dev/ttyS0', log=>'syslog' );
-    # ...
-    if( $gsm->connect(baudrate => 19200) ) {
-        print "Connected!";
-    } else {
-        print "Could not connect, sorry!";
-    }
-    # ...
-=head2 datetime()
-Used to get or set your phone/gsm modem date and time.
-If called without parameters, it gets the current phone/gsm date and time in "gsm"
-format "YY/MM/DD,HH:MN:SS". For example C<03/12/15,22:48:59> means December the 15th,
-at 10:48:59 PM. Example:
-    $datestr = $gsm->datetime();
-If called with parameters, sets the current phone/gsm date and time to that
-of supplied value. Example:
-    $newdate = $gsm->datetime( time() );
-where C<time()> is the perl's builtin C<time()> function (see C<perldoc -f time> for details).
-Another variant allows to pass a C<localtime> array to set the correspondent datetime. Example:
-    $newdate = $gsm->datetime( localtime() );
-(Note the list context). Again you can read the details for C<localtime> function
-with C<perldoc -f localtime>.
-If your device does not support this command, an B<undefined> value will be returned
-in either case.
-=head2 delete_sms()
-This method deletes a message from your SIM card, given the message index number.
-    $gsm->delete_sms(3);
-An optional second parameter specifies the "storage". It allows to delete messages
-from gsm phone memory or sim card memory. Example:
-    # Deletes first message from gsm phone memory
-    $gsm->delete_sms(1, 'ME');
-    # Deletes 3rd message from sim card
-    $gsm->delete_sms(3, 'SM');
-By default, it uses the currently set storage, via the C<storage()> method.
-=head2 forward()
-Sets call forwarding. Accepts three arguments: reason, mode and number.
-Reason can be the string C<unconditional>, C<busy>, C<no reply> and C<unreachable>.
-Mode can be the string C<disable>, C<enable>, C<query>, C<register>, C<erase>.
-    # Set unconditional call forwarding to +47 123456789
-    $gsm->forward('unconditional','register','+47123456789');
-    # Erase unconditional call forwarding
-    $gsm->forward('unconditional','erase');
-=head2 hangup()
-Hangs up the phone, terminating the active calls, if any.
-This method has been never tested on real "live" conditions, but it needs to be
-specialized for GSM phones, because it relies on C<+HUP> GSM command.
-    $gsm->hangup();
-=head2 imei()
-Returns the device own IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identifier ???).
-This identifier is numeric and should be unique among all GSM mobile devices and phones.
-This is not really true, but ... . Example:
-    my $imei = $gsm->imei();
-=head2 manufacturer()
-Returns the device manufacturer, usually only the first word (example: C<Nokia>,
-C<Siemens>, C<Falcom>, ...). Example:
-    my $man_name = $gsm->manufacturer();
-    if( $man_name eq 'Nokia' ) {
-        print "We have a nokia phone...";
-    } else {
-        print "We have a $man_name phone...";
-    }
-=head2 messages()
-This method is a somewhat unstable and subject to change, but for now it seems to work.
-It is meant to extract all text SMS messages stored on your SIM card or gsm phone.
-In list context, it returns a list of messages (or undefined value if no message or errors),
-every message being a C<Device::Gsm::Sms> object.
-The only parameter specifies the C<storage> where you want to read the messages,
-and can assume some of the following values (but check your phone/modem manual for
-special manufacturer values):
-=over 4
-=item C<ME>
-Means gsm phone B<ME>mory
-=item C<MT>
-Means gsm phone B<ME>mory on Nokia phones?
-=item C<SM>
-Means B<S>im card B<M>emory (default value)
-    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new();
-    $gsm->connect(port=>'/dev/ttyS0') or die "Can't connect!";
-    for( $gsm->messages('SM') )
-    {
-        print $_->sender(), ': ', $_->content(), "\n";
-    }
-=head2 mode()
-Sets the device GSM command mode. Accepts one parameter to set the new mode that can
-be the string C<text> or C<pdu>. Example:
-    # Set text mode
-    $gsm->mode('text');
-    # Set pdu mode
-    $gsm->mode('pdu');
-=head2 model()
-Returns phone/device model name or number. Example:
-    my $model = $gsm->model();
-For example, for Siemens C45, C<$model> holds C<C45>; for Nokia 6600, C<$model>
-holds C<6600>.
-=head2 network()
-Returns the current registered or preferred GSM network operator. Example:
-    my $net_name = $gsm->network();
-    # Returns 'Wind Telecom Spa'
-    my($net_name, $net_code) = $gsm->network();
-    # Returns ('Wind Telecom Spa', '222 88')
-This obviously varies depending on country and network operator. For me now,
-it holds "Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA". It is not guaranteed that the mobile
-phone returns the decoded network name. It can also return a gsm network code,
-like C<222 88>. In this case, an attempt to decode the network name is made.
-Be sure to call the C<network()> method when already registered to gsm
-network. See C<register()> method.
-=head2 signal_quality()
-Returns the measure of signal quality expressed in dBm units, where near to zero is better.
-An example value is -91 dBm, and reported value is C<-91>. Values should range from
--113 to -51 dBm, where -113 is the minimum signal quality and -51 is the theorical maximum quality.
-    my $level = $gsm->signal_quality();
-If signal quality can't be read or your device does not support this command,
-an B<undefined> value will be returned.
-=head2 software_version()
-Returns the device firmare version, as stored by the manufacturer. Example:
-    my $rev = $gsm->software_revision();
-For example, for my Siemens C45, C<$rev> holds C<06>.
-=head2 storage()
-Allows to get/set the current sms storage, that is where the sms messages are saved,
-either the sim card or gsm phone memory. Phones/modems that do not support this feature
-(implemented by C<+CPMS> AT command won't be affected by this method.
-    my @msg;
-    my $storage = $gsm->storage();
-    print "Current storage is $storage\n";
-    # Read all messages on sim card
-    $gsm->storage('SM');
-    @msg = $gsm->messages();
-    # Read messages from gsm phone memory
-    $gsm->storage('ME');
-    push @msg, $gsm->messages();
-=head2 test_command()
-This method allows to query the device to know if a specific AT GSM command is supported.
-This is used only with GSM commands (those with C<AT+> prefix).
-For example, I want to know if my device supports the C<AT+GXXX> command.
-All we have to do is:
-    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new( port => '/dev/myport' );
-    ...
-    if( $gsm->test_command('GXXX') ) {
-        # Ok, command is supported
-    } else {
-        # Nope, no GXXX command
-    }
-Note that if you omit the starting C<+> character, it is automatically added.
-You can also test commands like C<^SNBR> or the like, without C<+> char being added.
-=for html
-<I>Must be explained better, uh?</I>
-=for comment
-// must be explainer better, uh? //
-=head2 register()
-"Registering" on the GSM network is what happens when you turn on your mobile phone or GSM equipment
-and the device tries to reach the GSM operator network. If your device requires a B<PIN> number,
-it is used here (but remember to supply the C<pin> parameter in new() object constructor for this
-to work.
-Registration can take some seconds, don't worry for the wait.
-After that, you are ready to send your SMS messages or do some voice calls, ... .
-Normally you don't need to call register() explicitly because it is done automatically for you
-when/if needed.
-If return value is true, registration was successful, otherwise there is something wrong;
-probably you supplied the wrong PIN code or network unreachable.
-=head2 send_sms()
-Obviously, this sends out SMS text messages. I should warn you that B<you cannot send>
-(for now) MMS, ringtone, smart, ota messages of any kind with this method.
-Send out an SMS message quickly:
-    my $sent = $gsm->send_sms(
-        content   => 'Hello, world!',   # SMS text
-        recipient => '+99000123456',    # recipient phone number
-    );
-    if( $sent ) {
-        print "OK!";
-    } else {
-        print "Troubles...";
-    }
-The allowed parameters to send_sms() are:
-=item C<class>
-Class parameter can assume two values: C<normal> and C<flash>. Flash (or class zero) messages are
-particular because they are immediately displayed (without user confirm) and never stored
-on phone memory, while C<normal> is the default.
-=item C<content>
-This is the text you want to send, consisting of max 160 chars if you use B<PDU> mode
-and 140 (?) if in B<text> mode (more on this later).
-=item C<mode>
-Can assume two values (case insensitive): C<pdu> and C<text>.
-C<PDU> means B<Protocol Data Unit> and it is a sort of B<binary> encoding of commands,
-to save time/space, while C<text> is the normal GSM commands text mode.
-Recent mobile phones and GSM equipments surely have support for C<PDU> mode.
-Older OEM modules (like Falcom Swing, for example) don't have PDU mode, but only text mode.
-It is just a matter of trying.
-=item C<recipient>
-Phone number of message recipient
-=item C<status_report>
-If present with a true value, it enables sending of SMS messages (only for PDU mode,
-text mode SMS won't be influenced by this parameter) with the status report,
-also known as delivery report, that is a short message that reports the status
-of your sent message.
-Usually this is only available if your mobile company supports this feature,
-and probably you will be charged a small amount for this service.
-More information on this would be welcome.
-=head2 service_center()
-If called without parameters, returns the actual SMS Service Center phone number. This is
-the number your phone automatically calls when receiving and sending SMS text messages, and
-your network operator should tell you what this number is.
-    my $gsm = Device::Gsm->new( port => 'COM1' );
-    $gsm->connect() or die "Can't connect";
-    $srv_cnt = $gsm->service_center();
-    print "My service center number is: $srv_cnt\n";
-If you want to set or change this number (if used improperly this can disable
-sending of SMS messages, so be warned!), you can try something like:
-    my $ok = $gsm->service_center('+99001234567');
-    print "Service center changed!\n" if $ok;
-=head1 REQUIRES
-=over 4
-=item *
-Device::Modem, which in turn requires
-=item *
-Device::SerialPort (or Win32::SerialPort on Windows machines)
-=head1 EXPORT
-If you experience problems, please double check:
-=over 4
-=item Device permissions
-Maybe you don't have necessary permissions to access your serial,
-irda or bluetooth port device. Try executing your script as root, or
-try, if you don't mind, C<chmod a+rw /dev/ttyS1> (or whatever device
-you use instead of C</dev/ttyS1>).
-=item Connection speed
-Try switching C<baudrate> parameter from 19200 (the default value)
-to 9600 or viceversa. This one is the responsible of 80% of the problems,
-because there is no baudrate auto-detection.
-=item Device autoscan
-If all else fails, please use the B<autoscan> utility in the C<bin/> folder
-of the C<Device::Gsm> distribution. Try running this autoscan utility and
-examine the log file produced in the current directory.
-If you lose any hope, send me this log file so I can eventually
-have any clue about the problem / failure.
-Also this is a profiling tool, to know which commands are supported
-by your device, so please send me profiles of your devices, so
-I can add better support for all devices in the future!
-=head1 TO-DO
-=over 4
-=item Spooler
-Build a simple spooler program that sends all SMS stored in a special
-queue (that could be a simple filesystem folder).
-=item Validity Period
-Support C<validity> period option on SMS sending. Tells how much time the SMS
-Service Center must hold the SMS for delivery when not received.
-=item Profiles
-Build a profile of the GSM device used, so that we don't have to C<always>
-test each command to know whether it is supported or not, because this takes
-too time to be done every time.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Cosimo Streppone,
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Device::Modem>, L<Device::SerialPort>, L<Win32::SerialPort>, perl(1)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Perl Best Practices (plus errata) .perltidyrc file
--l=98   # Max line width is 98 cols
--i=4    # Indent level is 4 cols
--ci=4   # Continuation indent is 4 cols
--st     # Output to STDOUT
--se     # Errors to STDERR
--vt=2   # Maximal vertical tightness
--cti=0  # No extra indentation for closing brackets
--pt=1   # Medium parenthesis tightness
--bt=1   # Medium brace tightness
--sbt=1  # Medium square bracket tightness
--bbt=1  # Medium block brace tightness
--nsfs   # No space before semicolons
--nolq   # Don't outdent long quoted strings
--wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ < > | & **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
-        # Break before all operators
-# extras/overrides/deviations from PBP
-#--maximum-line-length=100               # be slightly more generous
---warning-output                        # Show warnings
---maximum-consecutive-blank-lines=2     # default is 1
---nohanging-side-comments               # troublesome for commented out code
--isbc   # block comments may only be indented if they have some space characters before the #
-# for the up-tight folk :)
--pt=2   # High parenthesis tightness
--bt=2   # High brace tightness
--sbt=2  # High square bracket tightness
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: 05messages.t,v 1.2 2004-05-25 21:01:32 cosimix Exp $
-# test sim card message reading functions
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
-use Device::Gsm; 
-# Configure some useful parameters via environment 
-my $port = $ENV{'DEV_GSM_PORT'} || '';
-my $baud = $ENV{'DEV_GSM_BAUD'} || 9600;
-my $pin  = $ENV{'DEV_GSM_PIN'}  || '';
-SKIP: {
-if( $port eq '' ) {
-	print STDERR <<NOTICE;
-    No serial port set up, so *NO* tests will be executed...
-    To enable full testing, you can set these environment vars:
-        DEV_GSM_PORT=[your serial port]    (Ex.: 'COM1', '/dev/ttyS1', ...)
-        DEV_GSM_BAUD=[serial link speed]   (default is `9600')
-        DEV_GSM_PIN=[nnnn]                 (your SIM PIN code, *only* if needs it)
-    On most unix environments, this can be done running:
-        export DEV_GSM_PORT=/dev/modem
-	export DEV_GSM_BAUD=9600
-	export DEV_GSM_PIN=1234
-	make test
-    On Win32 systems, you can do:
-        set DEV_GSM_PORT=COM1
-        set DEV_GSM_BAUD=9600
-	set DEV_GSM_PIN=1234
-        nmake test (or make test)
-        skip( 'Serial port not set up!', 2 );
-#        print "skip $_\n" for (2..3);
-	exit;
-my $gsm = new Device::Gsm( port => $port );
-# Object instance is ok?
-ok( $gsm );
-exit unless $gsm;
-# Serial port connection ok?
-my %options = ( baudrate => $baud );
-$options{'pin'} = $pin if defined($pin) && $pin ne '';
-ok( $gsm->connect(%options) );
-my @msg = $gsm->messages();
-foreach my $msg ( @msg ) {
-	print 'MSG ', $msg->{'index'}, "\n";
-	print '  ty', $msg->type(), "\n";
-	print 'PDU(', $msg->{'pdu'}, ")\n";
-	print 'DEC(', ($msg->{'decoded'}||''), ")\n";
-	print "-" x 72, "\n";
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: 08storage.t,v 1.1 2006-07-23 15:47:58 cosimo Exp $
-# test new token engine for decoding/encoding sms messages 
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };
-use lib '../lib';
-# Configure some useful parameters via environment 
-my $port = $ENV{'DEV_GSM_PORT'} || '';
-my $baud = $ENV{'DEV_GSM_BAUD'} || 9600;
-my $pin  = $ENV{'DEV_GSM_PIN'}  || '';
-SKIP: {
-if( $port eq '' ) {
-	print STDERR <<NOTICE;
-    No serial port set up, so *NO* tests will be executed...
-    To enable full testing, you can set these environment vars:
-        DEV_GSM_PORT=[your serial port]    (Ex.: 'COM1', '/dev/ttyS1', ...)
-        DEV_GSM_BAUD=[serial link speed]   (default is `9600')
-        DEV_GSM_PIN=[nnnn]                 (your SIM PIN code, *only* if needs it)
-    On most unix environments, this can be done running:
-        export DEV_GSM_PORT=/dev/modem
-    	export DEV_GSM_BAUD=9600
-    	export DEV_GSM_PIN=1234
-    	make test
-    On Win32 systems, you can do:
-        set DEV_GSM_PORT=COM1
-        set DEV_GSM_BAUD=9600
-    	set DEV_GSM_PIN=1234
-        nmake test (or make test)
-	skip( 'Serial port not set up!', 6 );
-# Uh...
-exit if $port eq '';
-my $gsm = new Device::Gsm(port=>$port, log=>'file,storage.log', loglevel=>'debug');
-# Object instance is ok?
-ok( $gsm );
-exit unless $gsm;
-# Serial port connection ok?
-my %options = ( baudrate => $baud );
-$options{'pin'} = $pin if defined($pin) && $pin ne '';
-ok( $gsm->connect(%options) );
-my $storage = $gsm->storage();
-is(undef, $storage, 'storage when starting is undefined');
-my $has_cpms = $gsm->test_command('+CPMS');
-    is($storage, 'SM', 'storage changed to SM');
-    is($storage, undef, 'storage not changed because phone does not support it');
-    is($storage, 'ME', 'storage changed to ME');
-    is($storage, undef, 'storage not changed because phone does not support it');