C/C-Cookbook.pod 15740
C/C.pm 10430
C/C.pod 5710
C/Changes 3310
C/Makefile.PL 1260
C/lib/Inline/C/ParseRecDescent.pm 1810
C/lib/Inline/C/ParseRegExp.pm 1890
C/rt/grammars.t 2920
C/t/00init.t 70
C/t/01syntax.t 720
C/t/02config.t 500
C/t/03typemap.t 310
C/t/04perlapi.t 340
C/t/05xsmode.t 450
C/t/06parseregexp.t 470
C/t/07typemap_multi.t 730
C/t/08taint.t 540
C/t/08taint_1.p 170
C/t/08taint_2.p 160
C/t/08taint_3.p 320
C/t/09parser.t 2240
C/t/10callback.t 3300
C/t/11default_readonly.t 430
C/t/12taint_old.t 880
C/t/14void_arg.t 1260
C/t/15ccflags.t 380
C/t/16ccflagsex.t 380
C/t/17prehead.t 390
C/t/18quote_space.t 1540
C/t/19INC.t 460
C/t/20eval.t 960
C/t/21read_DATA.t 510
C/t/22read_DATA_2.t 570
C/t/23validate.t 600
C/t/24prefix.t 360
C/t/25proto.t 520
C/t/bar/find_me_in_bar.h 40
C/t/foo/find_me_in_foo.h 40
C/t/prehead.in 50
C/t/proto1.p 220
C/t/proto2.p 220
C/t/proto3.p 220
C/t/proto4.p 220
C/t/proto5.p 220
C/t/proto6.p 220
C/t/soldier_typemap 140
C/t/typemap 110
Changes 667463
Inline-API.pod 4180
Inline-FAQ.pod 2130
Inline-Support.pod 1340
Inline.pm 20460
Inline.pod 11520
META.json 3163
META.yml 1931
Makefile.PL 7046
README 1901090
ToDo 750
example/modules/Boo-2.01/MANIFEST 06
example/modules/Boo-2.01/Makefile.PL 08
example/modules/Boo-2.01/lib/Boo/Far/Faz.pm 016
example/modules/Boo-2.01/lib/Boo/Far.pm 016
example/modules/Boo-2.01/lib/Boo.pm 010
example/modules/Boo-2.01/t/boo.t 048
example/modules/Math-Simple-1.23/Changes 04
example/modules/Math-Simple-1.23/MANIFEST 05
example/modules/Math-Simple-1.23/Makefile.PL 05
example/modules/Math-Simple-1.23/Simple.pm 023
example/modules/Math-Simple-1.23/test.pl 015
lib/Inline/API.pod 0411
lib/Inline/FAQ.pod 0207
lib/Inline/Foo.pm 2727
lib/Inline/MakeMaker/Changes 829
lib/Inline/MakeMaker.pm 2163
lib/Inline/Support.pod 0183
lib/Inline/denter.pm 10197
lib/Inline.pm 02051
lib/Inline.pod 01154
modules/Math/Simple/Changes 40
modules/Math/Simple/MANIFEST 50
modules/Math/Simple/Makefile.PL 50
modules/Math/Simple/Simple.pm 230
modules/Math/Simple/test.pl 150
symbols.perl 20730
t/000-require-modules.t 017
t/00init.t 70
t/01usages.t 5432
t/02config.t 2311
t/03errors.t 3912
t/04create.t 158
t/05files.t 1514
t/06rewrite_config.p 22
t/06rewrite_config.t 38
t/07rewrite2_config.p 22
t/07rewrite2_config.t 36
t/TestInlineSetup.pm 031
t/release-pod-syntax.t 014
xt/ilsm-test.bash 064
102 files changed (This is a version diff) 140056761
@@ -1,1574 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Inline::C-Cookbook - A Cornucopia of Inline C Recipes
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-It's a lot easier for most of us to cook a meal from a recipe, rather
-than just throwing things into a pot until something edible forms. So it
-is with programming as well. C<Inline.pm> makes C programming for Perl
-as easy as possible. Having a set of easy to understand samples, makes
-it simpler yet.
-This Cookbook is intended to be an evergrowing repository of small yet
-complete coding examples; each showing how to accomplish a particular
-task with Inline. Each example is followed by a short discussion,
-explaining in detail the particular features that are being
-Many of these recipes are adapted from email discussions I have had
-with Inline users around the world. It has been my experience so far,
-that Inline provides an elegant solution to almost all problems
-involving Perl and C.
-Bon Appetit!
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 Appetizers
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Hello, world
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-It seems that the first thing any programmer wants to do when he learns
-a new programming technique is to use it to greet the Earth. How can I
-do this using Inline?
-=item Solution
-    use Inline C => <<'END_C';
-    void greet() {
-        printf("Hello, world\n");
-    }
-    END_C
-    greet;
-=item Discussion
-Nothing too fancy here. We define a single C function C<greet()> which
-prints a message to STDOUT. One thing to note is that since the Inline
-code comes before the function call to C<greet>, we can call it as a
-bareword (no parentheses).
-=item See Also
-See L<Inline> and L<Inline::C> for basic info about C<Inline.pm>.
-=item Credits
-Brian Kernigan
-Dennis Ritchie
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 One Liner
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-A concept is valid in Perl only if it can be shown to work in one line.
-Can Inline reduce the complexities of Perl/C interaction to a one-liner?
-=item Solution
-    perl -e 'use Inline C=>q{void greet(){printf("Hello, world\n");}};greet'
-=item Discussion
-Try doing that in XS :-)
-=item See Also
-My email signature of late is:
-    perl -le 'use Inline C=>q{SV*JAxH(char*x){return newSVpvf("Just Another %s Hacker",x);}};print JAxH+Perl'
-A bit fancier but a few bytes too long to qualify as a true one liner :-(
-=item Credits
-"Eli the Bearded" <elijah@workspot.net> gave me the idea that I should
-have an Inline one-liner as a signature.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 Meat & Potatoes
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Data Types
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I pass different types of data to and from Inline C functions;
-like strings, numbers and integers?
-=item Solution
-    # vowels.pl
-    use Inline C;
-    $filename = $ARGV[0];
-    die "Usage: perl vowels.pl filename\n" unless -f $filename;
-    $text = join '', <>;           # slurp input file
-    $vp = vowel_scan($text);       # call our function
-    $vp = sprintf("%03.1f", $vp * 100);  # format for printing
-    print "The letters in $filename are $vp% vowels.\n";
-    __END__
-    __C__
-    /* Find percentage of vowels to letters */
-    double vowel_scan(char* str) {
-        int letters = 0;
-        int vowels = 0;
-        int i = 0;
-        char c;
-        char normalize = 'a' ^ 'A';
-        /* normalize forces lower case in ASCII; upper in EBCDIC */
-        char A = normalize | 'a';
-        char E = normalize | 'e';
-        char I = normalize | 'i';
-        char O = normalize | 'o';
-        char U = normalize | 'u';
-        char Z = normalize | 'z';
-        while(c = str[i++]) {
-            c |= normalize;
-            if (c >= A && c <= Z) {
-                 letters++;
-                 if (c == A || c == E || c == I || c == O || c == U)
-                     vowels++;
-            }
-        }
-        return letters ? ((double) vowels / letters) : 0.0;
-    }
-=item Discussion
-This script takes a file name from the command line and prints the ratio
-of vowels to letters in that file. C<vowels.pl> uses an Inline C
-function called C<vowel_scan>, that takes a string argument, and returns
-the percentage of vowels as a floating point number between 0 and 1. It
-handles upper and lower case letters, and works with ASCII and EBCDIC.
-It is also quite fast.
-Running this script produces:
-    > perl vowels.pl /usr/dict/words
-    The letters in /usr/dict/words are 37.5% vowels.
-=item See Also
-The Perl Journal vol #19 has an article about Inline which uses this example.
-=item Credits
-This example was reprinted by permission of The Perl Journal. It was
-edited to work with Inline v0.30 and higher.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Variable Argument Lists
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I pass a variable-sized list of arguments to an Inline C function?
-=item Solution
-    greet(qw(Sarathy Jan Sparky Murray Mike));
-    use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-    void greet(SV* name1, ...) {
-        Inline_Stack_Vars;
-        int i;
-        for (i = 0; i < Inline_Stack_Items; i++)
-            printf("Hello %s!\n", SvPV(Inline_Stack_Item(i), PL_na));
-        Inline_Stack_Void;
-    }
-=item Discussion
-This little program greets a group of people, such as my
-coworkers. We use the C<C> ellipsis syntax: "C<...>", since the
-list can be of any size.
-Since there are no types or names associated with each argument, we
-can't expect XS to handle the conversions for us. We'll need to pop them
-off the B<Stack> ourselves. Luckily there are two functions (macros)
-that make this a very easy task.
-First, we need to begin our function with a "C<Inline_Stack_Vars>"
-statement. This defines a few internal variables that we need to access
-the B<Stack>. Now we can use "C<Inline_Stack_Items>", which returns an
-integer containing the number of arguments passed to us from Perl.
-B<NOTE:> It is important to I<only> use "C<Inline_Stack_>" macros when
-there is an ellipsis (C<...>) in the argument list, I<or> the function
-has a return type of void.
-Second, we use the C<Inline_Stack_Item(x)> function to access each
-argument where "0 <= x < items".
-B<NOTE:> When using a variable length argument list, you have to
-specify at least one argument before the ellipsis. (On my compiler,
-anyway.) When XS does it's argument checking, it will complain if you
-pass in less than the number of I<defined> arguments. Therefore, there
-is currently no way to pass an empty list when a variable length list
-is expected.
-=item See Also
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Multiple Return Values
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I return a list of values from a C function?
-=item Solution
-    print map {"$_\n"} get_localtime(time);
-    use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-    #include <time.h>
-    void get_localtime(SV * utc) {
-      const time_t utc_ = (time_t)SvIV(utc);
-      struct tm *ltime = localtime(&utc_);
-      Inline_Stack_Vars;
-      Inline_Stack_Reset;
-      Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(ltime->tm_year)));
-      Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(ltime->tm_mon)));
-      Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(ltime->tm_mday)));
-      Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(ltime->tm_hour)));
-      Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(ltime->tm_min)));
-      Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(ltime->tm_sec)));
-      Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(ltime->tm_isdst)));
-      Inline_Stack_Done;
-    }
-=item Discussion
-Perl is a language where it is common to return a list of values
-from a subroutine call instead of just a single value. C is not such
-a language. In order to accomplish this in C we need to manipulate
-the Perl call stack by hand. Luckily, Inline provides macros to make
-this easy.
-This example calls the system C<localtime>, and returns each of the
-parts of the time struct; much like the perl builtin C<localtime()>. On
-each stack push, we are creating a new Perl integer (SVIV) and
-mortalizing it. The sv_2mortal() call makes sure that the reference
-count is set properly. Without it, the program would leak memory.
-The C<#include> statement is not really needed, because Inline
-automatically includes the Perl headers which include almost all
-standard system calls.
-=item See Also
-For more information on the Inline stack macros, see L<Inline::C>.
-=item Credits
-Richard Anderson <starfire@zipcon.net> contributed the original idea for
-this snippet.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Multiple Return Values (Another Way)
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How can I pass back more than one value without using the Perl Stack?
-=item Solution
-    use Inline::Files;
-    use Inline C;
-    my ($foo, $bar);
-    change($foo, $bar);
-    print "\$foo = $foo\n";
-    print "\$bar = $bar\n";
-    __C__
-    int change(SV* var1, SV* var2) {
-        sv_setpvn(var1, "Perl Rocks!", 11);
-        sv_setpvn(var2, "Inline Rules!", 13);
-        return 1;
-    }
-=item Discussion
-Most perl function interfaces return values as a list of one or more
-scalars. Very few like C<chomp>, will modify an input scalar in place.
-On the other hand, in C you do this quite often. Values are passed in by
-reference and modified in place by the called function.
-It turns out that we can do that with Inline as well. The secret is to
-use a type of 'C<SV*>' for each argument that is to be modified. This
-ensures passing by reference, because no typemapping is needed.
-The function can then use the Perl5 API to operate on that argument.
-When control returns to Perl, the argument will retain the value set by
-the C function. In this example we passed in 2 empty scalars and
-assigned values directly to them.
-=item See Also
-=item Credits
-Ned Konz <ned@bike-nomad.com> brought this behavior to my attention. He
-also pointed out that he is not the world famous computer cyclist Steve
-Roberts (http://www.microship.com), but he is close
-(http://bike-nomad.com). Thanks Ned.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Using Memory
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How should I allocate buffers in my Inline C code?
-=item Solution
-    print greeting('Ingy');
-    use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-    SV* greeting(SV* sv_name) {
-        return (newSVpvf("Hello %s!\n", SvPV(sv_name, PL_na)));
-    }
-=item Discussion
-In this example we will return the greeting to the caller, rather than
-printing it. This would seem mighty easy, except for the fact that we
-need to allocate a small buffer to create the greeting.
-I would urge you to stay away from C<malloc>ing your own buffer. Just
-use Perl's built in memory management. In other words, just create a new
-Perl string scalar. The function C<newSVpv> does just that. And
-C<newSVpvf> includes C<sprintf> functionality.
-The other problem is getting rid of this new scalar. How will the ref
-count get decremented after we pass the scalar back? Perl also provides
-a function called C<sv_2mortal>. Mortal variables die when the context
-goes out of scope. In other words, Perl will wait until the new scalar
-gets passed back and then decrement the ref count for you, thereby
-making it eligible for garbage collection. See C<perldoc perlguts>.
-In this example the C<sv_2mortal> call gets done under the hood by XS,
-because we declared the return type to be C<SV*>.
-To view the generated XS code, run the command "C<perl
--MInline=INFO,FORCE,NOCLEAN example004.pl>". This will leave the build
-directory intact and tell you where to find it.
-=item See Also
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 Fast Food
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Inline CGI
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I use Inline securely in a CGI environment?
-=item Solution
-    #!/usr/bin/perl
-    use CGI qw(:standard);
-    use Inline (Config =>
-                DIRECTORY => '/usr/local/apache/Inline',
-               );
-    print (header,
-           start_html('Inline CGI Example'),
-           h1(JAxH('Inline')),
-           end_html
-          );
-    use Inline C => <<END;
-    SV* JAxH(char* x) {
-        return newSVpvf("Just Another %s Hacker", x);
-    }
-    END
-=item Discussion
-The problem with running Inline code from a CGI script is that Inline
-B<writes> to a build area on your disk whenever it compiles code. Most
-CGI scripts don't (and shouldn't) be able to create a directory and
-write into it.
-The solution is to explicitly tell Inline which directory to use with
-the 'use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => ...' line. Then you need to give
-write access to that directory from the web server (CGI script).
-If you see this as a security hole, then there is another option.
-Give write access to yourself, but read-only access to the CGI
-script. Then run the script once by hand (from the command line).
-This will cause Inline to precompile the C code. That way the CGI
-will only need read access to the build directory (to load in the
-shared library from there).
-Just remember that whenever you change the C code, you need to
-precompile it again.
-=item See Also
-See L<CGI> for more information on using the C<CGI.pm> module.
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 mod_perl
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I use Inline with mod_perl?
-=item Solution
-    package Factorial;
-    use strict;
-    use Inline Config =>
-               DIRECTORY => '/usr/local/apache/Inline',
-               ENABLE => 'UNTAINT';
-    use Inline 'C';
-    Inline->init;
-    sub handler {
-        my $r = shift;
-        $r->send_http_header('text/plain');
-        printf "%3d! = %10d\n", $_, factorial($_) for 1..100;
-        return Apache::Constants::OK;
-    }
-    1;
-    __DATA__
-    __C__
-    double factorial(double x) {
-        if (x < 2)  return 1;
-        return x * factorial(x - 1)
-    }
-=item Discussion
-This is a fully functional mod_perl handler that prints out the
-factorial values for the numbers 1 to 100. Since we are using Inline
-under mod_perl, there are a few considerations to , um, consider.
-First, mod_perl handlers are usually run with C<-T> taint detection.
-Therefore, we need to enable the UNTAINT option. The next thing to deal
-with is the fact that this handler will most likely be loaded after
-Perl's compile time. Since we are using the DATA section, we need to
-use the special C<init()> call. And of course we need to specify a
-DIRECTORY that mod_perl can compile into. I<See the above CGI example
-for more info.>
-Other than that, this is a pretty straightforward mod_perl handler,
-tuned for even more speed!
-=item See Also
-See Stas Bekman's upcoming O'Reilly book on mod_perl to which this
-example was contributed.
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Object Oriented Inline
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I implement Object Oriented programming in Perl using C objects?
-=item Solution
-    my $obj1 = Soldier->new('Benjamin', 'Private', 11111);
-    my $obj2 = Soldier->new('Sanders', 'Colonel', 22222);
-    my $obj3 = Soldier->new('Matt', 'Sergeant', 33333);
-    for my $obj ($obj1, $obj2, $obj3) {
-        print  $obj->get_serial, ") ",
-               $obj->get_name, " is a ",
-               $obj->get_rank, "\n";
-    }
-    #---------------------------------------------------------
-    package Soldier;
-    use Inline C => <<'END';
-    /*
-    Allocate memory with Newx if it's
-    available - if it's an older perl
-    that doesn't have Newx then we
-    resort to using New.
-    */
-    #ifndef Newx
-    #  define Newx(v,n,t) New(0,v,n,t)
-    #endif
-    typedef struct {
-     char* name;
-     char* rank;
-     long  serial;
-     } Soldier;
-     SV* new(const char * classname, const char * name, const char * rank, long serial) {
-      Soldier * soldier;
-      SV      * obj;
-      SV      * obj_ref;
-      Newx(soldier, 1, Soldier);
-      soldier->name = savepv(name);
-      soldier->rank = savepv(rank);
-      soldier->serial = serial;
-      obj = newSViv((IV)soldier);
-      obj_ref = newRV_noinc(obj);
-      sv_bless(obj_ref, gv_stashpv(classname, GV_ADD));
-      SvREADONLY_on(obj);
-      return obj_ref;
-     }
-     char* get_name(SV* obj) {
-       return ((Soldier*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)))->name;
-     }
-     char* get_rank(SV* obj) {
-       return ((Soldier*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)))->rank;
-     }
-     long get_serial(SV* obj) {
-      return ((Soldier*)SvIV(SvRV(obj)))->serial;
-     }
-     void DESTROY(SV* obj) {
-      Soldier* soldier = (Soldier*)SvIV(SvRV(obj));
-      Safefree(soldier->name);
-      Safefree(soldier->rank);
-      Safefree(soldier);
-    }
-    END
-=item Discussion
-Damian Conway has given us myriad ways of implementing OOP in Perl. This
-is one he might not have thought of.
-The interesting thing about this example is that it uses Perl for all
-the OO bindings while using C for the attributes and methods.
-If you examine the Perl code everything looks exactly like a regular OO
-example. There is a C<new> method and several accessor methods. The
-familiar 'arrow syntax' is used to invoke them.
-In the class definition (second part) the Perl C<package> statement is
-used to name the object class or namespace. But that's where the
-similarities end Inline takes over.
-The idea is that we call a C subroutine called C<new()> which returns a
-blessed scalar. The scalar contains a readonly integer which is a C
-pointer to a Soldier struct. This is our object.
-The C<new()> function needs to malloc the memory for the struct and then
-copy the initial values into it using C<savepv()>. This also allocates
-more memory (which we have to keep track of).
-The accessor methods are pretty straightforward. They return the current
-value of their attribute.
-The last method C<DESTROY()> is called automatically by Perl whenever an
-object goes out of scope. This is where we can free all the memory used
-by the object.
-That's it. It's a very simplistic example. It doesn't show off any
-advanced OO features, but it is pretty cool to see how easy the
-implementation can be. The important Perl call is C<newSVrv()> which
-creates a blessed scalar.
-=item See Also
-Read "Object Oriented Perl" by Damian Conway, for more useful ways of
-doing OOP in Perl.
-You can learn more Perl calls in L<perlapi>. If you don't have Perl
-5.6.0 or higher, visit http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6/pod/perlapi.html
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 The Main Course
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Exposing Shared Libraries
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-You have this great C library and you want to be able to access parts of
-it with Perl.
-=item Solution
-    print get('http://www.axkit.org');
-    use Inline C => Config =>
-               LIBS => '-lghttp';
-    use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-    #include <ghttp.h>
-    char *get(SV* uri) {
-       SV* buffer;
-       ghttp_request* request;
-       buffer = NEWSV(0,0);
-       request = ghttp_request_new();
-       ghttp_set_uri(request, SvPV(uri, PL_na));
-       ghttp_set_header(request, http_hdr_Connection, "close");
-       ghttp_prepare(request);
-       ghttp_process(request);
-       sv_catpv(buffer, ghttp_get_body(request));
-       ghttp_request_destroy(request);
-       return SvPV(buffer, PL_na);
-    }
-=item Discussion
-This example fetches and prints the HTML from http://www.axkit.org
-It requires the GNOME http libraries. http://www.gnome.org
-One of the most common questions I get is "How can I use Inline to make
-use of some shared library?". Although it has always been possible to do
-so, the configuration was ugly, and there were no specific examples.
-With version 0.30 and higher, you can specify the use of shared
-libraries easily with something like this:
-    use Inline C => Config => LIBS => '-lghttp';
-    use Inline C => "code ...";
-    use Inline C => "code ...", LIBS => '-lghttp';
-To specify a specific library path, use:
-    use Inline C => "code ...", LIBS => '-L/your/lib/path -lyourlib';
-To specify an include path use:
-    use Inline C => "code ...",
-               LIBS => '-lghttp',
-               INC => '-I/your/inc/path';
-=item See Also
-The C<LIBS> and C<INC> configuration options are formatted and passed
-into MakeMaker. For more info see L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>. For more
-options see L<Inline::C>.
-=item Credits
-This code was written by Matt Sergeant <matt@sergeant.org>, author of
-many CPAN modules. The configuration syntax has been modified for use
-with Inline v0.30.
-=head2 Automatic Function Wrappers
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-You have some functions in a C library that you want to access from Perl
-exactly as you would from C.
-=item Solution
-The error function C<erf()> is probably defined in your standard math
-library. Annoyingly, Perl does not let you access it. To print out a
-small table of its values, just say:
-    perl -le 'use Inline C => q{ double erf(double); }, ENABLE => "AUTOWRAP"; print "$_ @{[erf($_)]}" for (0..10)'
-The excellent C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu> implements Term::ReadLine using the
-GNU ReadLine library. Here is an easy way to access just C<readline()>
-from that library:
-    package MyTerm;
-    use Inline C => Config =>
-               ENABLE => AUTOWRAP =>
-               LIBS => "-lreadline -lncurses -lterminfo -ltermcap ";
-    use Inline C => q{ char * readline(char *); };
-    package main;
-    my $x = MyTerm::readline("xyz: ");
-Note however that it fails to C<free()> the memory returned by readline,
-and that C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu> offers a much richer interface.
-=item Discussion
-We access existing functions by merely showing Inline their
-declarations, rather than a full definition. Of course the function
-declared must exist, either in a library already linked to Perl or in a
-library specified using the C<LIBS> option.
-The first example wraps a function from the standard math library, so
-Inline requires no additional C<LIBS> directive. The second uses the
-Config option to specify the libraries that contain the actual
-compiled C code.
-This behavior is always disabled by default. You must enable the
-C<AUTOWRAP> option to make it work.
-=item See Also
-C<readline>, C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu>
-=item Credits
-GNU ReadLine was written by Brian Fox <bfox@ai.mit.edu> and Chet Ramey
-<chet@ins.cwru.edu>. Term::ReadLine::Gnu was written by Hiroo Hayashi
-<hiroo.hayashi@computer.org>. Both are far richer than the slim
-interface given here!
-The idea of producing wrapper code given only a function declaration is
-taken from Swig by David M. Beazley <beazley@cs.uchicago.edu>.
-Ingy's inline editorial insight:
-This entire entry was contributed by Ariel Scolnicov
-<ariels@compugen.co.il>. Ariel also first suggested the idea for Inline
-to support function declaration processing.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Complex Data
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I deal with complex data types like hashes in Inline C?
-=item Solution
-    use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-    void dump_hash(SV* hash_ref) {
-        HV* hash;
-        HE* hash_entry;
-        int num_keys, i;
-        SV* sv_key;
-        SV* sv_val;
-        if (! SvROK(hash_ref))
-            croak("hash_ref is not a reference");
-        hash = (HV*)SvRV(hash_ref);
-        num_keys = hv_iterinit(hash);
-        for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
-            hash_entry = hv_iternext(hash);
-            sv_key = hv_iterkeysv(hash_entry);
-            sv_val = hv_iterval(hash, hash_entry);
-            printf("%s => %s\n", SvPV(sv_key, PL_na), SvPV(sv_val, PL_na));
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    my %hash = (
-                Author => "Brian Ingerson",
-                Nickname => "INGY",
-                Module => "Inline.pm",
-                Version => "0.30",
-                Language => "C",
-               );
-    dump_hash(\%hash);
-=item Discussion
-The world is not made of scalars alone, although they are definitely
-the easiest creatures to deal with, when doing Inline stuff.
-Sometimes we need to deal with arrays, hashes, and code references,
-among other things.
-Since Perl subroutine calls only pass scalars as arguments, we'll
-need to use the argument type C<SV*> and pass references to more
-complex types.
-The above program dumps the key/value pairs of a hash. To figure it out,
-just curl up with L<perlapi> for a couple hours. Actually, its fairly
-straight forward once you are familiar with the calls.
-Note the C<croak> function call. This is the proper way to die from your
-C extensions.
-=item See Also
-See L<perlapi> for information about the Perl5 internal API.
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Hash of Lists
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I create a Hash of Lists from C?
-=item Solution
-    use Inline C;
-    use Data::Dumper;
-    $hash_ref = load_data("./cartoon.txt");
-    print Dumper $hash_ref;
-    __END__
-    __C__
-    static int next_word(char**, char*);
-    SV* load_data(char* file_name) {
-        char buffer[100], word[100], * pos;
-        AV* array;
-        HV* hash = newHV();
-        FILE* fh = fopen(file_name, "r");
-        while (fgets(pos = buffer, sizeof(buffer), fh)) {
-            if (next_word(&pos, word)) {
-                hv_store(hash, word, strlen(word),
-                        newRV_noinc((SV*)array = newAV()), 0);
-                while (next_word(&pos, word))
-                    av_push(array, newSVpvf("%s", word));
-            }
-        }
-        fclose(fh);
-        return newRV_noinc((SV*) hash);
-    }
-    static int next_word(char** text_ptr, char* word) {
-        char* text = *text_ptr;
-        while(*text != '\0' &&
-              *text <= ' ')
-            text++;
-        if (*text <= ' ')
-            return 0;
-        while(*text != '\0' &&
-              *text > ' ') {
-            *word++ = *text++;
-        }
-        *word = '\0';
-        *text_ptr = text;
-        return 1;
-    }
-=item Discussion
-This is one of the larger recipes. But when you consider the number of
-calories it has, it's not so bad. The function C<load_data> takes the
-name of a file as it's input. The file C<cartoon.text> might look like:
-    flintstones fred barney
-    jetsons     george jane elroy
-    simpsons    homer marge bart
-The function will read the file, parsing each line into words. Then it
-will create a new hash, whereby the first word in a line becomes a hash
-key and the remaining words are put into an array whose reference
-becomes the hash value. The output looks like this:
-    $VAR1 = {
-              'flintstones' => [
-                                 'fred',
-                                 'barney'
-                               ],
-              'simpsons' => [
-                              'homer',
-                              'marge',
-                              'bart'
-                            ],
-              'jetsons' => [
-                             'george',
-                             'jane',
-                             'elroy'
-                           ]
-            };
-=item See Also
-See L<perlapi> for information about the Perl5 internal API.
-=item Credits
-Al Danial <alnd@pacbell.net> requested a solution to this on
-comp.lang.perl.misc. He borrowed the idea from the "Hash of Lists"
-example in the Camel book.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 Just Desserts
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Win32
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I access Win32 DLL-s using Inline?
-=item Solution
-    use Inline C => DATA =>
-               LIBS => '-luser32';
-    $text = "@ARGV" || 'Inline.pm works with MSWin32. Scary...';
-    WinBox('Inline Text Box', $text);
-    __END__
-    __C__
-    #include <windows.h>
-    int WinBox(char* Caption, char* Text) {
-      return MessageBoxA(0, Text, Caption, 0);
-    }
-=item Discussion
-This example runs on MS Windows. It makes a text box appear on the
-screen which contains a message of your choice.
-The important thing is that its proof that you can use Inline to
-interact with Windows DLL-s. Very scary indeed. 8-o
-To use Inline on Windows with ActivePerl ( http://www.ActiveState.com )
-you'll need MS Visual Studio. You can also use the Cygwin environment,
-available at http://www.cygwin.com .
-=item See Also
-See L<Inline-Support> for more info on MSWin32 programming with Inline.
-=item Credits
-This example was adapted from some sample code written by Garrett Goebel
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Embedding Perl in C
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-How do I use Perl from a regular C program?
-=item Solution
-    #!/usr/bin/cpr
-    int main(void) {
-        printf("Using Perl version %s from a C program!\n\n",
-               CPR_eval("use Config; $Config{version};"));
-        CPR_eval("use Data::Dumper;");
-        CPR_eval("print Dumper \\%INC;");
-        return 0;
-    }
-=item Discussion
-By using CPR. (C Perl Run)
-This example uses another Inline module, C<Inline::CPR>, available
-separately on CPAN. When you install this module it also installs a
-binary interpreter called C</usr/bin/cpr>. (The path may be different on
-your system)
-When you feed a C program to the CPR interpreter, it automatically
-compiles and runs your code using Inline. This gives you full access to
-the Perl internals. CPR also provides a set of easy to use C macros for
-calling Perl internals.
-This means that you can effectively "run" C source code by putting a CPR
-hashbang as the first line of your C program.
-=item See Also
-See L<Inline::CPR> for more information on using CPR.
-C<Inline::CPR> can be obtained from
-=item Credits
-Randal Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com>, Randolph Bentson
-<bentson@grieg.holmsjoen.com>, Richard Anderson <starfire@zipcon.net>,
-and Tim Maher <tim@consultix-inc.com> helped me figure out how to write
-a program that would work as a hashbang.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 Entertaining Guests
-As of version 0.30, Inline has the ability to work in cooperation with
-other modules that want to expose a C API of their own. The general
-syntax for doing this is:
-    use Inline with => 'Module';
-    use Inline C => ... ;
-This tells C<Module> to pass configuration options to Inline. Options
-like typemaps, include paths, and external libraries, are all resolved
-automatically so you can just concentrate on writing the functions.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Event handling with Event.pm
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-You need to write a C callback for the C<Event.pm> module. Can this be
-done more easily with Inline?
-=item Solution
-    use Inline with => 'Event';
-    Event->timer(desc     => 'Timer #1',
-                 interval => 2,
-                 cb       => \&my_callback,
-                );
-    Event->timer(desc     => 'Timer #2',
-                 interval => 3,
-                 cb       => \&my_callback,
-                );
-    print "Starting...\n";
-    Event::loop;
-    use Inline C => <<'END';
-    void my_callback(pe_event* event) {
-        pe_timer * watcher = event->up;
-        printf("%s\n\tEvent priority = %d\n\tWatcher priority = %d\n\n",
-               SvPVX(watcher->base.desc),
-               event->prio,
-               watcher->base.prio
-              );
-    }
-    END
-=item Discussion
-The first line tells Inline to load the C<Event.pm> module. Inline then
-queries C<Event> for configuration information. It gets the name and
-location of Event's header files, typemaps and shared objects. The
-parameters that C<Event> returns look like:
-    INC => "-I $path/Event",
-    TYPEMAPS => "$path/Event/typemap",
-    MYEXTLIB => "$path/auto/Event/Event.$so",
-    AUTO_INCLUDE => '#include "EventAPI.h"',
-    BOOT => 'I_EVENT_API("Inline");',
-Doing all of this automatically allows you, the programmer, to simply
-write a function that receives a pointer of type C<'pe_event*'>. This
-gives you access to the C<Event> structure that was passed to you.
-In this example, I simply print values out of the structure. The Perl
-code defines 2 timer events which each invoke the same callback. The
-first one, every two seconds, and the second one, every three seconds.
-As of this writing, C<Event.pm> is the only CPAN module that works in
-cooperation with Inline.
-=item See Also
-Read the C<Event.pm> documentation for more information. It contains a
-tutorial showing several examples of using Inline with C<Event>.
-=item Credits
-Jochen Stenzel <perl@jochen-stenzel.de> originally came up with the idea
-of mixing Inline and C<Event>. He also authored the C<Event> tutorial.
-Joshua Pritikin <joshua.pritikin@db.com> is the author of C<Event.pm>.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 Food for Thought
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Calling C from both Perl and C
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-I'd like to be able to call the same C function from both Perl and C.
-Also I like to define a C function that B<doesn't> get bound to Perl.
-How do I do that?
-=item Solution
-    print "9 + 5 = ", add(9, 5), "\n";
-    print "SQRT(9^2 + 5^2) = ", pyth(9, 5), "\n";
-    print "9 * 5 = ", mult(9, 5), "\n";
-    use Inline C => <<'END_C';
-    int add(int x, int y) {
-        return x + y;
-    }
-    static int mult(int x, int y) {
-        return x * y;
-    }
-    double pyth(int x, int y) {
-        return sqrt(add(mult(x, x), mult(y, y)));
-    }
-    END_C
-=item Discussion
-The program produces:
-    9 + 5 = 14
-    SQRT(9^2 + 5^2) = 10.295630140987
-    Can't locate auto/main/mult.al in @INC ...
-Every Inline function that is bound to Perl is also callable by C. You
-don't have to do anything special. Inline arranges it so that all the
-typemap code gets done by XS and is out of sight. By the time the C
-function receives control, everything has been converted from Perl to C.
-Of course if your function manipulates the Perl Stack, you
-probably don't want to call it from C (unless you I<really> know
-what you're doing).
-If you declare a function as C<static>, Inline won't bind it to Perl.
-That's why we were able to call C<mult()> from C but the call failed
-from Perl.
-=item See Also
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Calling Perl from C
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-So now that I can call C from Perl, how do I call a Perl subroutine from
-an Inline C function.
-=item Solution
-    use Inline C;
-    for(1..5) {
-       c_func_1('This is the first line');
-       c_func_2('This is the second line');
-       print "\n";
-    }
-    sub perl_sub_1 {
-        print map "$_\n", @_;
-    }
-    __DATA__
-    __C__
-    void c_func_2(SV* text) {
-         dSP;
-         ENTER;
-         SAVETMPS;
-         XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpvf("Plus an extra line")));
-         PUTBACK;
-         call_pv("perl_sub_1", G_DISCARD);
-         FREETMPS;
-         LEAVE;
-    }
-    void c_func_1(SV* text) {
-         c_func_2(text);
-    }
-=item Discussion
-This demo previously made use of Inline Stack macros only - but that's
-not the correct way to do it. Instead, base the callbacks on the
-perlcall documentation (as we're now doing).
-Actually, this program demonstrates calling a C function which calls
-another C function which in turn calls a Perl subroutine.
-The nice thing about Inline C functions is that you can call them from
-both Perl-space B<and> C-space. That's because Inline creates a wrapper
-function around each C function. When you use Perl to call C you're
-actually calling that function's wrapper. The wrapper handles
-typemapping and Stack management, and then calls your C function.
-The first time we call C<c_func_1> which calls C<c_func_2>. The second
-time we call C<c_func_2> directly. C<c_func_2> calls the Perl subroutine
-(C<perl_sub_1>) using the internal C<perl_call_pv> function. It has to
-put arguments on the stack by hand. Since there is already one argument
-on the stack when we enter the function, the C<XPUSHs> ( which is equivalent
-to an C<Inline_Stack_Push> ) adds a second argument.
-We iterate through a 'for' loop 5 times just to demonstrate that things
-still work correctly when we do that. (This was where the previous
-rendition, making use solely of Inline Stack macros, fell down.)
-=item See Also
-See L<Inline::C> for more information about Stack macros.
-See L<perlapi> for more information about the Perl5 internal API.
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Evaling C
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-I've totally lost my marbles and I want to generate C code at run time,
-and C<eval> it into Perl. How do I do this?
-=item Solution
-    use Inline;
-    use Code::Generator;
-    my $c_code = generate('foo_function');
-    Inline->bind(C => $c_code);
-    foo_function(1, 2, 3);
-=item Discussion
-I can't think of a real life application where you would want to
-generate C code on the fly, but at least I know how I would do it.
-The C<bind()> function of Inline let's you bind (compile/load/execute) C
-functions at run time. It takes all of the same arguments as 'use Inline
-C => ...'.
-The nice thing is that once a particular snippet is compiled, it remains
-cached so that it doesn't need to be compiled again. I can imagine that
-someday a mad scientist will dream up a self generating modeling system
-that would run faster and faster over time.
-If you know such a person, have them drop me a line.
-=item See Also
-=item Credits
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Providing a pure perl alternative
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-I want to write a script that will use a C subroutine if Inline::C is installed,
-but will otherwise use an equivalent pure perl subroutine if Inline::C is not
-already installed.
-How do I do this?
-=item Solution
-  use strict;
-   use warnings;
-  eval {
-   require Inline;
-   Inline->import (C => Config =>
-                   BUILD_NOISY => 1);
-   Inline->import (C =><<'EOC');
-   int foo() {
-     warn("Using Inline\n");
-     return 42;
-   }
-  EOC
-  };
-  if($@) {
-    *foo =\&bar;
-  }
-  sub bar {
-    warn("Using Pure Perl Implementation\n");
-    return 42;
-  }
-  my $x = foo();
-  print "$x\n";
-=item Discussion
-If Inline::C is installed and functioning properly, the C sub foo is called
-by the perl code. Otherwise, $@ gets set, and the equivalent pure perl
-function bar is instead called.
-Note, too, that the pure perl sub bar can still be explicitly called even
-if Inline::C is available.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head2 Accessing Fortran subs using Inline::C
-=over 4
-=item Problem
-I've been given a neat little sub written in fortran that takes, as its
-args, two integers and returns their product. And I would like to use
-that sub as is from Inline::C. By way of example, let's say that the
-fortran source file is named 'prod.f', and that it looks like this:
-      integer function sqarea(r,s)
-      integer r, s
-      sqarea = r*s
-      return
-      end
-=item Solution
-We can't access that code directly, but we can compile it into a
-library which we *can* then access from Inline::C.
-Using gcc we could run:
-  gfortran -c prod.f -o prod.o
-  ar cru libprod.a prod.o
-The function is then accessible as follows:
-  use warnings;
-  use Inline C => Config =>
-    LIBS =>
-     '-L/full/path/to/libprod_location -lprod -lgfortran';
-  use Inline C => <<'  EOC';
-  int wrap_sqarea(int a, int b) {
-      return sqarea_(&a, &b);
-  }
-  EOC
-  $x = 15;
-  $y = $x + 3;
-  $ret = wrap_sqarea($x, $y);
-  print "Product of $x and $y is $ret\n";
-=item Discussion
-Note firstly that, although the function is specified as 'sqarea'
-in the source file, gfortran appends an underscore to the name when
-the source is compiled. (I don't know if *all* fortran compilers do
-this.) Therefore Inline::C needs to call the function as 'sqarea_'.
-Secondly, because fortran subs pass args by reference, we need to
-pass the *addresses* of the two integer args to sqarea() when we call
-it from our Inline::C sub.
-If using g77 instead of gfortran, the only necessary change is that
-we specify '-lg2c' instead of '-lgfortran' in our 'LIBS' setting.
-=cut --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-For generic information about Inline, see L<Inline>.
-For information about using Inline with C see L<Inline::C>.
-For information on supported languages and platforms see
-For information on writing your own Inline language support module, see
-Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
-To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Brian Ingerson <INGY@cpan.org>
-Copyright (c) 2001, 2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010-2014. Sisyphus.
-All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be
-used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl
-Artistic License.
-See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
@@ -1,1043 +0,0 @@
-package Inline::C;
-$Inline::C::VERSION = '0.55';
-$Inline::C::VERSION = eval $Inline::C::VERSION;
-use strict;
-require Inline;
-use Config;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Carp;
-use Cwd qw(cwd abs_path);
-use File::Spec;
-@Inline::C::ISA = qw(Inline);
-# Register this module as an Inline language support module
-sub register {
-    return {
-	    language => 'C',
-            # XXX Breaking this on purpose; let's see who screams
-            # aliases => ['c'],
-	    type => 'compiled',
-	    suffix => $Config{dlext},
-	   };
-# Validate the C config options
-sub usage_validate {
-    my $key = shift;
-    return <<END;
-The value of config option '$key' must be a string or an array ref
-sub validate {
-    my $o = shift;
-    print STDERR "validate Stage\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_NOISY};
-    $o->{ILSM} ||= {};
-    $o->{ILSM}{XS} ||= {};
-    $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE} ||= {};
-    if (not $o->UNTAINT) {
-	require FindBin;
-	$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} = "-I\"$FindBin::Bin\"" if not defined $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC};
-    }
-    $o->{ILSM}{AUTOWRAP} = 0 if not defined $o->{ILSM}{AUTOWRAP};
-    $o->{ILSM}{XSMODE} = 0 if not defined $o->{ILSM}{XSMODE};
-    $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE} ||= <<END;
-#include "EXTERN.h"
-#include "perl.h"
-#include "XSUB.h"
-#include "INLINE.h"
-    $o->{ILSM}{FILTERS} ||= [];
-    $o->{STRUCT} ||= {
-		      '.macros' => '',
-		      '.xs' => '',
-		      '.any' => 0,
-		      '.all' => 0,
-		     };
-    while (@_) {
-	my ($key, $value) = (shift, shift);
-      if ($key eq 'PRE_HEAD') {
-         unless( -f $value) {
-           $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE} = $value . "\n" . $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE};
-         }
-         else {
-           my $insert;
-           open RD, '<', $value or die "Couldn't open $value for reading: $!";
-           while(<RD>) {$insert .= $_}
-           close RD or die "Couldn't close $value after reading: $!";
-           $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE} = $insert . "\n" . $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE};
-         }
-         next;
-      }
-	if ($key eq 'MAKE' or
-	    $key eq 'AUTOWRAP' or
-            $key eq 'XSMODE'
-	   ) {
-	    $o->{ILSM}{$key} = $value;
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'CC' or
-	    $key eq 'LD') {
-	    $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{$key} = $value;
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'LIBS') {
-	    $o->add_list($o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}, $key, $value, []);
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'INC') {
-	    $o->add_string($o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}, $key, quote_space($value), '');
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'MYEXTLIB' or
-	    $key eq 'OPTIMIZE' or
-	    $key eq 'CCFLAGS' or
-	    $key eq 'LDDLFLAGS') {
-	    $o->add_string($o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}, $key, $value, '');
-	    next;
-	}
-      if ($key eq 'CCFLAGSEX') {
-	    $o->add_string($o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}, 'CCFLAGS', $Config{ccflags} . ' ' . $value, '');
-          next;
-      }
-	if ($key eq 'TYPEMAPS') {
-          unless(ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
-	      croak "TYPEMAPS file '$value' not found"
-	        unless -f $value;
-	      $value = File::Spec->rel2abs($value);
-          }
-          else {
-            for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$value); $i++) {
-	      croak "TYPEMAPS file '${$value}[$i]' not found"
-	        unless -f ${$value}[$i];
-              ${$value}[$i] = File::Spec->rel2abs(${$value}[$i]);
-            }
-          }
-	  $o->add_list($o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}, $key, $value, []);
-	  next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'AUTO_INCLUDE') {
-	    $o->add_text($o->{ILSM}, $key, $value, '');
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'BOOT') {
-	    $o->add_text($o->{ILSM}{XS}, $key, $value, '');
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'PREFIX') {
-	    croak "Invalid value for 'PREFIX' option"
-	      unless ($value =~ /^\w*$/ and
-		      $value !~ /\n/);
-	    $o->{ILSM}{XS}{PREFIX} = $value;
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'FILTERS') {
-	    next if $value eq '1' or $value eq '0'; # ignore ENABLE, DISABLE
-	    $value = [$value] unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
-	    my %filters;
-	    for my $val (@$value) {
-		if (ref($val) eq 'CODE') {
-		    $o->add_list($o->{ILSM}, $key, $val, []);
-	        }
-		else {
-		    eval { require Inline::Filters };
-		    croak "'FILTERS' option requires Inline::Filters to be installed."
-		      if $@;
-		    %filters = Inline::Filters::get_filters($o->{API}{language})
-		      unless keys %filters;
-		    if (defined $filters{$val}) {
-			my $filter = Inline::Filters->new($val,
-							  $filters{$val});
-			$o->add_list($o->{ILSM}, $key, $filter, []);
-		    }
-		    else {
-			croak "Invalid filter $val specified.";
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'STRUCTS') {
-	    # A list of struct names
-	    if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
-		for my $val (@$value) {
-		    croak "Invalid value for 'STRUCTS' option"
-		      unless ($val =~ /^[_a-z][_0-9a-z]*$/i);
-		    $o->{STRUCT}{$val}++;
-		}
-	    }
-	    # Enable or disable
-	    elsif ($value =~ /^\d+$/) {
-		$o->{STRUCT}{'.any'} = $value;
-	    }
-	    # A single struct name
-	    else {
-		croak "Invalid value for 'STRUCTS' option"
-		  unless ($value =~ /^[_a-z][_0-9a-z]*$/i);
-		$o->{STRUCT}{$value}++;
-	    }
-	    eval { require Inline::Struct };
-	    croak "'STRUCTS' option requires Inline::Struct to be installed."
-	      if $@;
-	    $o->{STRUCT}{'.any'} = 1;
-	    next;
-	}
-        if($key eq 'PROTOTYPES') {
-          $o->{CONFIG}{PROTOTYPES} = $value;
-          next if $value eq 'ENABLE';
-          next if $value eq 'DISABLE';
-          die "PROTOTYPES can be only either 'ENABLE' or 'DISABLE' - not $value";
-        }
-        if($key eq 'PROTOTYPE') {
-          die "PROTOTYPE configure arg must specify a hash reference"
-            unless ref($value) eq 'HASH';
-          $o->{CONFIG}{PROTOTYPE} = $value;
-          next;
-        }
-	my $class = ref $o; # handles subclasses correctly.
-	croak "'$key' is not a valid config option for $class\n";
-    }
-sub add_list {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my ($ref, $key, $value, $default) = @_;
-    $value = [$value] unless ref $value eq 'ARRAY';
-    for (@$value) {
-	if (defined $_) {
-	    push @{$ref->{$key}}, $_;
-	}
-	else {
-	    $ref->{$key} = $default;
-	}
-    }
-sub add_string {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my ($ref, $key, $value, $default) = @_;
-    $value = [$value] unless ref $value;
-    croak usage_validate($key) unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
-    for (@$value) {
-	if (defined $_) {
-	    $ref->{$key} .= ' ' . $_;
-	}
-	else {
-	    $ref->{$key} = $default;
-	}
-    }
-sub add_text {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my ($ref, $key, $value, $default) = @_;
-    $value = [$value] unless ref $value;
-    croak usage_validate($key) unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
-    for (@$value) {
-	if (defined $_) {
-	    chomp;
-	    $ref->{$key} .= $_ . "\n";
-	}
-	else {
-	    $ref->{$key} = $default;
-	}
-    }
-# Return a small report about the C code..
-sub info {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return <<END if $o->{ILSM}{XSMODE};
-No information is currently generated when using XSMODE.
-    my $text = '';
-    $o->preprocess;
-    $o->parse;
-    if (defined $o->{ILSM}{parser}{data}{functions}) {
-	$text .= "The following Inline $o->{API}{language} function(s) have been successfully bound to Perl:\n";
-	my $parser = $o->{ILSM}{parser};
-	my $data = $parser->{data};
-	for my $function (sort @{$data->{functions}}) {
-	    my $return_type = $data->{function}{$function}{return_type};
-	    my @arg_names = @{$data->{function}{$function}{arg_names}};
-	    my @arg_types = @{$data->{function}{$function}{arg_types}};
-	    my @args = map {$_ . ' ' . shift @arg_names} @arg_types;
-	    $text .= "\t$return_type $function(" . join(', ', @args) . ")\n";
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-	$text .= "No $o->{API}{language} functions have been successfully bound to Perl.\n\n";
-    }
-    $text .= Inline::Struct::info($o) if $o->{STRUCT}{'.any'};
-    return $text;
-sub config {
-    my $o = shift;
-# Parse and compile C code
-my $total_build_time;
-sub build {
-    my $o = shift;
-    if ($o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_TIMERS}) {
-        eval {require Time::HiRes};
-        croak "You need Time::HiRes for BUILD_TIMERS option:\n$@" if $@;
-        $total_build_time = Time::HiRes::time();
-    }
-    $o->call('preprocess', 'Build Preprocess');
-    $o->call('parse', 'Build Parse');
-    $o->call('write_XS', 'Build Glue 1');
-    $o->call('write_Inline_headers', 'Build Glue 2');
-    $o->call('write_Makefile_PL', 'Build Glue 3');
-    $o->call('compile', 'Build Compile');
-    if ($o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_TIMERS}) {
-        $total_build_time = Time::HiRes::time() - $total_build_time;
-        printf STDERR "Total Build Time: %5.4f secs\n", $total_build_time;
-    }
-sub call {
-    my ($o, $method, $header, $indent) = (@_, 0);
-    my $time;
-    my $i = ' ' x $indent;
-    print STDERR "${i}Starting $header Stage\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_NOISY};
-    $time = Time::HiRes::time()
-      if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_TIMERS};
-    $o->$method();
-    $time = Time::HiRes::time() - $time
-      if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_TIMERS};
-    print STDERR "${i}Finished $header Stage\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_NOISY};
-    printf STDERR "${i}Time for $header Stage: %5.4f secs\n", $time
-      if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_TIMERS};
-    print STDERR "\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_NOISY};
-# Apply any
-sub preprocess {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return if $o->{ILSM}{parser};
-    $o->get_maps;
-    $o->get_types;
-    $o->{ILSM}{code} = $o->filter(@{$o->{ILSM}{FILTERS}});
-# Parse the function definition information out of the C code
-sub parse {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return if $o->{ILSM}{parser};
-    return if $o->{ILSM}{XSMODE};
-    my $parser = $o->{ILSM}{parser} = $o->get_parser;
-    $parser->{data}{typeconv} = $o->{ILSM}{typeconv};
-    $parser->{data}{AUTOWRAP} = $o->{ILSM}{AUTOWRAP};
-    Inline::Struct::parse($o) if $o->{STRUCT}{'.any'};
-    $parser->code($o->{ILSM}{code})
-      or croak <<END;
-Bad $o->{API}{language} code passed to Inline at @{[caller(2)]}
-# Create and initialize a parser
-sub get_parser {
-    my $o = shift;
-    Inline::C::_parser_test("Inline::C::get_parser called\n") if $o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING};
-    require Inline::C::ParseRecDescent;
-    Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser($o);
-# Gather the path names of all applicable typemap files.
-sub get_maps {
-    my $o = shift;
-    print STDERR "get_maps Stage\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_NOISY};
-    my $typemap = '';
-    my $file;
-    $file = File::Spec->catfile($Config::Config{installprivlib},"ExtUtils","typemap");
-    $typemap = $file if -f $file;
-    $file = File::Spec->catfile($Config::Config{privlibexp}    ,"ExtUtils","typemap");
-    $typemap = $file
-      if (not $typemap and -f $file);
-    warn "Can't find the default system typemap file"
-      if (not $typemap and $^W);
-    unshift(@{$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{TYPEMAPS}}, $typemap) if $typemap;
-    if (not $o->UNTAINT) {
-	require FindBin;
-	$file = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin,"typemap");
-        if ( -f $file ) {
-	   push(@{$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{TYPEMAPS}}, $file);
-        }
-    }
-# This routine parses XS typemap files to get a list of valid types to create
-# bindings to. This code is mostly hacked out of Larry Wall's xsubpp program.
-sub get_types {
-    my (%type_kind, %proto_letter, %input_expr, %output_expr);
-    my $o = shift;
-    local $_;
-    croak "No typemaps specified for Inline C code"
-      unless @{$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{TYPEMAPS}};
-    my $proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;') . "]";
-    foreach my $typemap (@{$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{TYPEMAPS}}) {
-	next unless -e $typemap;
-	# skip directories, binary files etc.
-	warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap'\n"), next
-	  unless -T $typemap;
-	open(TYPEMAP, $typemap)
-	  or warn ("Warning: could not open typemap file '$typemap': $!\n"), next;
-	my $mode = 'Typemap';
-	my $junk = "";
-	my $current = \$junk;
-	while (<TYPEMAP>) {
-	    next if /^\s*\#/;
-	    my $line_no = $. + 1;
-	    if (/^INPUT\s*$/)   {$mode = 'Input';   $current = \$junk;  next}
-	    if (/^OUTPUT\s*$/)  {$mode = 'Output';  $current = \$junk;  next}
-	    if (/^TYPEMAP\s*$/) {$mode = 'Typemap'; $current = \$junk;  next}
-	    if ($mode eq 'Typemap') {
-		chomp;
-		my $line = $_;
-		TrimWhitespace($_);
-		# skip blank lines and comment lines
-		next if /^$/ or /^\#/;
-		my ($type,$kind, $proto) =
-		  /^\s*(.*?\S)\s+(\S+)\s*($proto_re*)\s*$/ or
-		    warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' TYPEMAP entry needs 2 or 3 columns\n"), next;
-		$type = TidyType($type);
-		$type_kind{$type} = $kind;
-		# prototype defaults to '$'
-		$proto = "\$" unless $proto;
-		warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' Invalid prototype '$proto'\n")
-		  unless ValidProtoString($proto);
-		$proto_letter{$type} = C_string($proto);
-	    }
-	    elsif (/^\s/) {
-		$$current .= $_;
-	    }
-	    elsif ($mode eq 'Input') {
-		s/\s+$//;
-		$input_expr{$_} = '';
-		$current = \$input_expr{$_};
-	    }
-	    else {
-		s/\s+$//;
-		$output_expr{$_} = '';
-		$current = \$output_expr{$_};
-	    }
-	}
-	close(TYPEMAP);
-    }
-    my %valid_types =
-      map {($_, 1)}
-    grep {defined $input_expr{$type_kind{$_}}}
-    keys %type_kind;
-    my %valid_rtypes =
-      map {($_, 1)}
-    (grep {defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$_}}}
-    keys %type_kind), 'void';
-    $o->{ILSM}{typeconv}{type_kind} = \%type_kind;
-    $o->{ILSM}{typeconv}{input_expr} = \%input_expr;
-    $o->{ILSM}{typeconv}{output_expr} = \%output_expr;
-    $o->{ILSM}{typeconv}{valid_types} = \%valid_types;
-    $o->{ILSM}{typeconv}{valid_rtypes} = \%valid_rtypes;
-sub ValidProtoString ($) {
-    my $string = shift;
-    my $proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;') . "]";
-    return ($string =~ /^$proto_re+$/) ? $string : 0;
-sub TrimWhitespace {
-    $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//go;
-sub TidyType {
-    local $_ = shift;
-    s|\s*(\*+)\s*|$1|g;
-    s|(\*+)| $1 |g;
-    s|\s+| |g;
-    TrimWhitespace($_);
-    $_;
-sub C_string ($) {
-    (my $string = shift) =~ s|\\|\\\\|g;
-    $string;
-# Write the XS code
-sub write_XS {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my $modfname = $o->{API}{modfname};
-    my $module = $o->{API}{module};
-    $o->mkpath($o->{API}{build_dir});
-    open XS, "> ".File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{build_dir},"$modfname.xs")
-      or croak $!;
-    if ($o->{ILSM}{XSMODE}) {
-	warn <<END if $^W and  $o->{ILSM}{code} !~ /MODULE\s*=\s*$module\b/;
-While using Inline XSMODE, your XS code does not have a line with
-  MODULE = $module
-You should use the Inline NAME config option, and it should match the
-XS MODULE name.
-	print XS $o->xs_code;
-    }
-    else {
-	print XS $o->xs_generate;
-    }
-    close XS;
-# Generate the XS glue code (piece together lots of snippets)
-sub xs_generate {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return join '', ($o->xs_includes,
-		     $o->xs_struct_macros,
-		     $o->xs_code,
-		     $o->xs_struct_code,
-		     $o->xs_bindings,
-		     $o->xs_boot,
-		    );
-sub xs_includes {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE};
-sub xs_struct_macros {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return $o->{STRUCT}{'.macros'};
-sub xs_code {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return $o->{ILSM}{code};
-sub xs_struct_code {
-    my $o = shift;
-    return $o->{STRUCT}{'.xs'};
-sub xs_boot {
-    my $o = shift;
-    if (defined $o->{ILSM}{XS}{BOOT} and
-	$o->{ILSM}{XS}{BOOT}) {
-	return <<END;
-    }
-    return '';
-sub xs_bindings {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my $dir = '_Inline_test';
-    if($o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING}) {
-      if(! -d $dir) {
-        my $ok = mkdir $dir;
-        warn $! if !$ok;
-      }
-      if(! -f "$dir/void_test") {
-        warn $! if !open(TEST_FH, '>', "$dir/void_test");
-        warn $! if !close(TEST_FH);
-      }
-    }
-    my ($pkg, $module) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(pkg module)};
-    my $prefix = (($o->{ILSM}{XS}{PREFIX}) ?
-		  "PREFIX = $o->{ILSM}{XS}{PREFIX}" :
-		  '');
-    my $prototypes = defined($o->{CONFIG}{PROTOTYPES}) ? $o->{CONFIG}{PROTOTYPES}
-                                                       : 'DISABLE';
-    my $XS = <<END;
-MODULE = $module	PACKAGE = $pkg	$prefix
-PROTOTYPES: $prototypes
-    my $parser = $o->{ILSM}{parser};
-    my $data = $parser->{data};
-    warn("Warning. No Inline C functions bound to Perl in ", $o->{API}{script}, "\n" .
-	 "Check your C function definition(s) for Inline compatibility\n\n")
-      if ((not defined$data->{functions}) and ($^W));
-    for my $function (@{$data->{functions}}) {
-	my $return_type = $data->{function}->{$function}->{return_type};
-	my @arg_names = @{$data->{function}->{$function}->{arg_names}};
-	my @arg_types = @{$data->{function}->{$function}->{arg_types}};
-	$XS .= join '', ("\n$return_type\n$function (",
-		  join(', ', @arg_names), ")\n");
-	for my $arg_name (@arg_names) {
-	  my $arg_type = shift @arg_types;
-	  last if $arg_type eq '...';
-	  $XS .= "\t$arg_type\t$arg_name\n";
-	}
-        my %h;
-        if (defined($o->{CONFIG}{PROTOTYPE})) {
-           %h = %{$o->{CONFIG}{PROTOTYPE}};
-        }
-        if(defined($h{$function})) {
-          $XS .= "  PROTOTYPE: $h{$function}\n";
-        }
-	my $listargs = '';
-	$listargs = pop @arg_names if (@arg_names and
-				       $arg_names[-1] eq '...');
-	my $arg_name_list = join(', ', @arg_names);
-	if ($return_type eq 'void') {
-	if($o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING}) {
-      $XS .= <<END;
-	PerlIO* stream;
-	I32* temp;
-	temp = PL_markstack_ptr++;
-	$function($arg_name_list);
-      stream = PerlIO_open(\"$dir/void_test\", \"a\");
-      if(stream == NULL) warn(\"%s\\n\", \"Unable to open $dir/void_test for appending\");
-	if (PL_markstack_ptr != temp) {
-	  PerlIO_printf(stream, \"%s\\n\", \"TRULY_VOID\");
-	  PerlIO_close(stream);
-	  PL_markstack_ptr = temp;
-	  XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* return empty stack */
-        }
-	PerlIO_printf(stream, \"%s\\n\", \"LIST_CONTEXT\");
-	PerlIO_close(stream);
-	return; /* assume stack size is correct */
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    $XS .= <<END;
-	I32* temp;
-	temp = PL_markstack_ptr++;
-	$function($arg_name_list);
-	if (PL_markstack_ptr != temp) {
-          /* truly void, because dXSARGS not invoked */
-	  PL_markstack_ptr = temp;
-	  XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* return empty stack */
-        }
-        /* must have used dXSARGS; list context implied */
-	return; /* assume stack size is correct */
-	  }
-	}
-	elsif ($listargs) {
-	    $XS .= <<END;
-	I32* temp;
-	temp = PL_markstack_ptr++;
-	RETVAL = $function($arg_name_list);
-	PL_markstack_ptr = temp;
-        RETVAL
-	}
-    }
-    $XS .= "\n";
-    return $XS;
-# Generate the INLINE.h file.
-sub write_Inline_headers {
-    my $o = shift;
-    open HEADER, "> ".File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{build_dir},"INLINE.h")
-      or croak;
-    print HEADER <<'END';
-#define Inline_Stack_Vars	dXSARGS
-#define Inline_Stack_Items      items
-#define Inline_Stack_Item(x)	ST(x)
-#define Inline_Stack_Reset      sp = mark
-#define Inline_Stack_Push(x)	XPUSHs(x)
-#define Inline_Stack_Done	PUTBACK
-#define Inline_Stack_Return(x)	XSRETURN(x)
-#define Inline_Stack_Void       XSRETURN(0)
-#define INLINE_STACK_VARS	Inline_Stack_Vars
-#define INLINE_STACK_ITEMS	Inline_Stack_Items
-#define INLINE_STACK_ITEM(x)	Inline_Stack_Item(x)
-#define INLINE_STACK_RESET	Inline_Stack_Reset
-#define INLINE_STACK_PUSH(x)    Inline_Stack_Push(x)
-#define INLINE_STACK_DONE	Inline_Stack_Done
-#define INLINE_STACK_RETURN(x)	Inline_Stack_Return(x)
-#define INLINE_STACK_VOID	Inline_Stack_Void
-#define inline_stack_vars	Inline_Stack_Vars
-#define inline_stack_items	Inline_Stack_Items
-#define inline_stack_item(x)	Inline_Stack_Item(x)
-#define inline_stack_reset	Inline_Stack_Reset
-#define inline_stack_push(x)    Inline_Stack_Push(x)
-#define inline_stack_done	Inline_Stack_Done
-#define inline_stack_return(x)	Inline_Stack_Return(x)
-#define inline_stack_void	Inline_Stack_Void
-    close HEADER;
-# Generate the Makefile.PL
-sub write_Makefile_PL {
-    my $o = shift;
-    $o->{ILSM}{xsubppargs} = '';
-    my $i = 0;
-    for (@{$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{TYPEMAPS}}) {
-	$o->{ILSM}{xsubppargs} .= "-typemap \"$_\" ";
-        $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{TYPEMAPS}->[$i++] = fix_space($_);
-    }
-    my %options = (
-		   VERSION => $o->{API}{version} || '0.00',
-		   %{$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}},
-		   NAME => $o->{API}{module},
-		  );
-    open MF, "> ".File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{build_dir},"Makefile.PL")
-      or croak;
-    print MF <<END;
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-my %options = %\{
-    local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
-    local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
-    print MF Data::Dumper::Dumper(\ %options);
-    print MF <<END;
-# Remove the Makefile dependency. Causes problems on a few systems.
-sub MY::makefile { '' }
-    close MF;
-# Run the build process.
-sub compile {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my $build_dir = $o->{API}{build_dir};
-    my $cwd = &cwd;
-    ($cwd) = $cwd =~ /(.*)/ if $o->UNTAINT;
-    chdir $build_dir;
-    # Run these in an eval block, so that we get to chdir back to
-    # $cwd if there's a failure. (Ticket #81375.)
-    eval {
-      $o->call('makefile_pl', '"perl Makefile.PL"', 2);
-      $o->call('make', '"make"', 2);
-      $o->call('make_install', '"make install"', 2);
-    };
-    chdir $cwd;
-    die if $@; #Die now that we've done the chdir back to $cwd. (#81375)
-    $o->call('cleanup', 'Cleaning Up', 2);
-sub makefile_pl {
-    my ($o) = @_;
-    my $perl;
-    -f ($perl = $Config::Config{perlpath})
-      or ($perl = $^X)
-      or croak "Can't locate your perl binary";
-    $perl = qq{"$perl"} if $perl =~ m/\s/;
-    $o->system_call("$perl Makefile.PL", 'out.Makefile_PL');
-    $o->fix_make;
-sub make {
-    my ($o) = @_;
-    my $make = $o->{ILSM}{MAKE} || $Config::Config{make}
-      or croak "Can't locate your make binary";
-    local $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} = $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ s/(--jobserver-fds=[\d,]+)//
-      if $ENV{MAKEFLAGS};
-    $o->system_call("$make", 'out.make');
-sub make_install {
-    my ($o) = @_;
-    my $make = $o->{ILSM}{MAKE} || $Config::Config{make}
-      or croak "Can't locate your make binary";
-    if($ENV{MAKEFLAGS}) { # Avoid uninitialized warnings
-      local $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} = $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ s/(--jobserver-fds=[\d,]+)//;
-    }
-    $o->system_call("$make pure_install", 'out.make_install');
-sub cleanup {
-    my ($o) = @_;
-    my ($modpname, $modfname, $install_lib) =
-      @{$o->{API}}{qw(modpname modfname install_lib)};
-    if ($o->{API}{cleanup}) {
-        $o->rmpath(File::Spec->catdir($o->{API}{directory},'build'),
-                   $modpname);
-        my $autodir = File::Spec->catdir($install_lib,'auto',$modpname);
-        unlink (File::Spec->catfile($autodir,'.packlist'),
-                File::Spec->catfile($autodir,'$modfname.bs'),
-                File::Spec->catfile($autodir,'$modfname.exp'), #MSWin32
-                File::Spec->catfile($autodir,'$modfname.lib'), #MSWin32
-               );
-    }
-sub system_call {
-    my ($o, $cmd, $output_file) = @_;
-    my $build_noisy =
-      : $o->{CONFIG}{BUILD_NOISY};
-    $build_noisy = undef if $build_noisy and $^O eq 'MSWin32' and $Config::Config{sh} =~ /^cmd/;
-    if (not $build_noisy) {
-        $cmd = "$cmd > $output_file 2>&1";
-    }
-    ($cmd) = $cmd =~ /(.*)/ if $o->UNTAINT;
-    system($cmd) == 0
-      or croak($o->build_error_message($cmd, $output_file, $build_noisy));
-sub build_error_message {
-    my ($o, $cmd, $output_file, $build_noisy) = @_;
-    my $build_dir = $o->{API}{build_dir};
-    my $output = '';
-    if (not $build_noisy and
-        open(OUTPUT, $output_file)
-       ) {
-        local $/;
-        $output = <OUTPUT>;
-        close OUTPUT;
-    }
-    my $errcode = $? >> 8;
-    $output .= <<END;
-A problem was encountered while attempting to compile and install your Inline
-$o->{API}{language} code. The command that failed was:
-  \"$cmd\" with error code $errcode
-The build directory was:
-To debug the problem, cd to the build directory, and inspect the output files.
-   if ($cmd =~ /^make >/) {
-     for (sort keys %ENV) {
-       $output .= "$_ = $ENV{$_}\n" if /^MAKE/;
-     }
-   }
-   return $output;
-# This routine fixes problems with the MakeMaker Makefile.
-my %fixes = (
-	     INSTALLSITEARCH => 'install_lib',
-	     INSTALLDIRS => 'installdirs',
-	     XSUBPPARGS => 'xsubppargs',
-	     INSTALLSITELIB => 'install_lib',
-	    );
-sub fix_make {
-    use strict;
-    my (@lines, $fix);
-    my $o = shift;
-    $o->{ILSM}{install_lib} = $o->{API}{install_lib};
-    $o->{ILSM}{installdirs} = 'site';
-    open(MAKEFILE, '< Makefile')
-      or croak "Can't open Makefile for input: $!\n";
-    @lines = <MAKEFILE>;
-    close MAKEFILE;
-    open(MAKEFILE, '> Makefile')
-      or croak "Can't open Makefile for output: $!\n";
-    for (@lines) {
-	if (/^(\w+)\s*=\s*\S+.*$/ and
-	    $fix = $fixes{$1}
-	   ) {
-	    my $fixed = $o->{ILSM}{$fix};
-	    $fixed = fix_space($fixed) if $fix eq 'install_lib';
-	    print MAKEFILE "$1 = $fixed\n";
-	}
-	else {
-	    print MAKEFILE;
-	}
-    }
-    close MAKEFILE;
-sub quote_space {
-  # Do nothing if $ENV{NO_INSANE_DIRNAMES} is set
-  return $_[0] if $ENV{NO_INSANE_DIRNAMES};
-  # If $_[0] contains one or more doublequote characters, assume
-  # that whitespace has already been quoted as required. Hence,
-  # do nothing other than immediately return $_[0] as is.
-  # We currently don't properly handle tabs either, so we'll
-  # do the same if $_[0] =~ /\t/.
-  return $_[0] if ($_[0] =~ /"/ || $_[0] =~ /\t/);
-  # We want to split on /\s\-I/ not /\-I/
-  my @in = split /\s\-I/, $_[0];
-  my $s = @in - 1;
-  my %s;
-  my %q;
-  # First up, let's reinstate the ' ' characters that split
-  # removed
-  for(my $i = 0; $i < $s; $i++) {
-    $in[$i] .= ' ';
-  }
-  # This for{} block dies if it finds that any of the ' -I'
-  # occurrences in $_[0] are part of a directory name.
-  for(my $i = 1; $i < $s; $i++) {
-    my $t = $in[$i + 1];
-    while($t =~ /\s$/) {chop $t}
-    die "Found a '", $in[$i], "-I", $t, "' directory.",
-        " INC Config argument is ambiguous.",
-        " Please use doublequotes to signify your intentions"
-      if -d ($in[$i] . "-I" . $t);
-  }
-  $s++; # Now the same as scalar(@in)
-  # Remove (but also Keep track of the amount of) whitespace
-  # at the end of each element of @in.
-  for(my $i = 0; $i < $s; $i++) {
-    my $count = 0;
-    while($in[$i] =~ /\s$/) {
-      chop $in[$i];
-      $count++;
-    }
-    $s{$i} = $count;
-  }
-  # Note which elements of @in still contain whitespace. These
-  # (and only these) elements will be quoted
-  for(my $i = 0; $i < $s; $i++) {
-    $q{$i} = 1 if $in[$i] =~ /\s/;
-  }
-  # Reinstate the occurrences of '-I' that were removed by split(),
-  # insert any quotes that are needed, reinstate the whitespace
-  # that was removed earlier, then join() the array back together
-  # again.
-  for(my $i = 0; $i < $s; $i++) {
-    $in[$i] = '-I' . $in[$i] if $i;
-    $in[$i] = '"' . $in[$i] . '"' if $q{$i};
-    $in[$i] .= ' ' x $s{$i};
-  }
-  # Note: If there was no whitespace that needed quoting, the
-  # original argument should not have changed in any way.
-  my $out = join '', @in;
-  $out =~ s/"\-I\s+\//"\-I\//g;
-  $_[0] = $out;
-sub fix_space {
-    $_[0] =~ s/ /\\ /g if $_[0] =~ / /;
-    $_[0];
-# This routine used by C/t/09parser to test that the expected parser is in use
-sub _parser_test {
-    my $dir = '_Inline_test';
-    if(! -d $dir) {
-      my $ok = mkdir $dir;
-      warn $! if !$ok;
-    }
-    warn $! if !open(TEST_FH, '>>', "$dir/parser_id");
-    print TEST_FH $_[0];
-    warn $! if !close(TEST_FH);
-# This routine used to cleanup files created by _TESTING (config option)
-sub _testing_cleanup {
-    my $dir = '_Inline_test';
-    if(-f "$dir/parser_id") {
-      warn "Failed to unlink C/$dir/parser_id\n" if !unlink("$dir/parser_id");
-    }
-    if(-f "$dir/void_test") {
-      warn "Failed to unlink C/$dir/void_test\n" if !unlink("$dir/void_test");
-    }
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Inline::C - Write Perl Subroutines in C
-C<Inline::C> is a module that allows you to write Perl subroutines in C.
-Since version 0.30 the Inline module supports multiple programming
-languages and each language has its own support module. This document
-describes how to use Inline with the C programming language. It also
-goes a bit into Perl C internals.
-If you want to start working with programming examples right away, check
-out L<Inline::C-Cookbook>. For more information on Inline in general,
-see L<Inline>.
-=head1 Usage
-You never actually use C<Inline::C> directly. It is just a support
-module for using C<Inline.pm> with C. So the usage is always:
-    use Inline C => ...;
-    bind Inline C => ...;
-=head1 Function Definitions
-The Inline grammar for C recognizes certain function definitions (or
-signatures) in your C code. If a signature is recognized by Inline, then
-it will be available in Perl-space. That is, Inline will generate the
-"glue" necessary to call that function as if it were a Perl subroutine.
-If the signature is not recognized, Inline will simply ignore it, with
-no complaints. It will not be available from Perl-space, although it
-I<will> be available from C-space.
-Inline looks for ANSI/prototype style function definitions. They must be
-of the form:
-    return-type function-name ( type-name-pairs ) { ... }
-The most common types are: C<int>, C<long>, C<double>, C<char*>, and
-C<SV*>. But you can use any type for which Inline can find a typemap.
-Inline uses the C<typemap> file distributed with Perl as the default.
-You can specify more typemaps with the TYPEMAPS configuration option.
-A return type of C<void> may also be used. The following are examples of
-valid function definitions.
-    int Foo(double num, char* str) {
-    void Foo(double num, char* str) {
-    void Foo(SV*, ...) {
-    long Foo(int i, int j, ...) {
-    SV* Foo(void) { # 'void' arg invalid with the ParseRecDescent parser.
-                    # Works only with the ParseRegExp parser.
-                    # See the section on USING (below).
-    SV* Foo() {  # Alternative to specifying 'void' arg. Is valid with
-                 # both the ParseRecDescent and ParseRegExp parsers.
-The following definitions would not be recognized:
-    Foo(int i) {               # no return type
-    int Foo(float f) {         # no (default) typemap for float
-    int Foo(num, str) double num; char* str; {
-Notice that Inline only looks for function I<definitions>, not function
-I<prototypes>. Definitions are the syntax directly preceding a function
-body. Also Inline does not scan external files, like headers. Only the
-code passed to Inline is used to create bindings; although other
-libraries can linked in, and called from C-space.
-=head1 C Configuration Options
-For information on how to specify Inline configuration options, see
-L<Inline>. This section describes each of the configuration options
-available for C. Most of the options correspond either to MakeMaker or
-XS options of the same name. See L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> and L<perlxs>.
-Specifies extra statements to automatically included. They will be added
-onto the defaults. A newline char will be automatically added.
-    use Inline C => Config => AUTO_INCLUDE => '#include "yourheader.h"';
-=head2 AUTOWRAP
-If you 'ENABLE => AUTOWRAP', Inline::C will parse function declarations
-(prototype statements) in your C code. For each declaration it can bind
-to, it will create a dummy wrapper that will call the real function
-which may be in an external library. This is a nice convenience for
-functions that would otherwise just require an empty wrapper function.
-This is similar to the base functionality you get from C<h2xs>. It can
-be very useful for binding to external libraries.
-=head2 BOOT
-Specifies C code to be executed in the XS BOOT section. Corresponds to
-the XS parameter.
-=head2 CC
-Specify which compiler to use.
-=head2 CCFLAGS
-Specify compiler flags - same as ExtUtils::MakeMaker's CCFLAGS option.
-Whatever gets specified here replaces the default $Config{ccflags}.
-Often, you'll want to add an extra flag or two without
-clobbering the default flags in which case you could
-instead use CCFLAGSEX (see below) or, iff Config.pm has already
-been loaded:
-  use Inline C => Config => CCFLAGS => $Config{ccflags} . " -DXTRA -DTOO";
-Extend compiler flags.
-Sets CCFLAGS to $Config{ccflags} followed by a space, followed by
-the specified value:
-  use Inline C => Config => CCFLAGSEX => "-DXTRA -DTOO";
-=head2 FILTERS
-Allows you to specify a list of source code filters. If more than one is
-requested, be sure to group them with an array ref. The filters can
-either be subroutine references or names of filters provided by the
-supplementary Inline::Filters module.
-Your source code will be filtered just before it is parsed by Inline.
-The MD5 fingerprint is generated before filtering. Source code
-filters can be used to do things like stripping out POD
-documentation, pre-expanding #include statements or whatever else you
-please. For example:
-    use Inline C => DATA =>
-               FILTERS => [Strip_POD => \&MyFilter => Preprocess ];
-Filters are invoked in the order specified. See L<Inline::Filters> for
-more information.
-=head2 INC
-Specifies an include path to use. Corresponds to the MakeMaker parameter.
-Expects a fully qualified path.
-    use Inline C => Config => INC => '-I/inc/path';
-=head2 LD
-Specify which linker to use.
-Specify which linker flags to use.
-These flags will completely override the existing flags, instead of
-just adding to them. So if you need to use those too, you must
-respecify them here.
-=head2 LIBS
-Specifies external libraries that should be linked into your code.
-Corresponds to the MakeMaker parameter.
-Provide a fully qualified path with the -L switch if the library is
-in a location where it won't be found automatically.
-    use Inline C => Config => LIBS => '-lyourlib';
-    use Inline C => Config => LIBS => '-L/your/path -lyourlib';
-=head2 MAKE
-Specify the name of the 'make' utility to use.
-=head2 MYEXTLIB
-Specifies a user compiled object that should be linked in. Corresponds
-to the MakeMaker parameter.
-Expects a fully qualified path.
-    use Inline C => Config => MYEXTLIB => '/your/path/yourmodule.so';
-=head2 OPTIMIZE
-This controls the MakeMaker OPTIMIZE setting. By setting this value to
-C<'-g'>, you can turn on debugging support for your Inline extensions.
-This will allow you to be able to set breakpoints in your C code using a
-debugger like gdb.
-=head2 PREFIX
-Specifies a prefix that will be automatically stripped from C functions
-when they are bound to Perl. Useful for creating wrappers for shared
-library API-s, and binding to the original names in Perl. Also useful
-when names conflict with Perl internals. Corresponds to the XS
-    use Inline C => Config => PREFIX => 'ZLIB_';
-=head2 PRE_HEAD
-Specifies code that will precede the inclusion of all files specified
-in AUTO_INCLUDE (ie EXTERN.h, perl.h, XSUB.h, INLINE.h and anything else
-that might have been added to AUTO_INCLUDE by the user). If the specified
-value identifies a file, the contents of that file will be inserted,
-otherwise the specified value is inserted.
-  use Inline C => Config => PRE_HEAD => $code_or_filename;
-Corresponds to the XS keyword 'PROTOTYPE'. See the perlxs documentation
-for both 'PROTOTYPES' and 'PROTOTYPE'. As an example, the following
-will set the PROTOTYPE of the 'foo' function to '$', and disable
-prototyping for the 'bar' function.
-  use Inline C => Config => PROTOTYPE => {foo => '$', bar => 'DISABLE'}
-Corresponds to the XS keyword 'PROTOTYPES'. Can take only values of
-'ENABLE' or 'DISABLE'. (Contrary to XS, default value is 'DISABLE').
-See the perlxs documentation for both 'PROTOTYPES' and 'PROTOTYPE'.
-  use Inline C => Config => PROTOTYPES => 'ENABLE';
-=head2 TYPEMAPS
-Specifies extra typemap files to use. These types will modify the
-behaviour of the C parsing. Corresponds to the MakeMaker parameter.
-Specify either a fully qualified path or a path relative to the cwd
-(ie relative to what the cwd is at the time the script is loaded).
-    use Inline C => Config => TYPEMAPS => '/your/path/typemap';
-=head2 USING
-Specifies which parser to use. Default is 'ParseRecDescent', which
-uses the Parse::RecDescent module. The only other option is
-'ParseRegExp', which uses the Inline::C::ParseRegExp module that ships
-with Inline.
-    use Inline C => Config => USING => 'ParseRegExp';
-=head1 C-Perl Bindings
-This section describes how the C<Perl> variables get mapped to C<C>
-variables and back again.
-First, you need to know how C<Perl> passes arguments back and forth to
-subroutines. Basically it uses a stack (also known as the B<Stack>).
-When a sub is called, all of the parenthesized arguments get expanded
-into a list of scalars and pushed onto the B<Stack>. The subroutine then
-pops all of its parameters off of the B<Stack>. When the sub is done, it
-pushes all of its return values back onto the B<Stack>.
-The B<Stack> is an array of scalars known internally as C<SV>'s. The
-B<Stack> is actually an array of B<pointers to SV> or C<SV*>; therefore
-every element of the B<Stack> is natively a C<SV*>. For I<FMTYEWTK>
-about this, read C<perldoc perlguts>.
-So back to variable mapping. XS uses a thing known as "typemaps" to turn
-each C<SV*> into a C<C> type and back again. This is done through
-various XS macro calls, casts and the Perl API. See C<perldoc perlapi>.
-XS allows you to define your own typemaps as well for fancier
-non-standard types such as C<typedef>-ed structs.
-Inline uses the default Perl typemap file for its default types. This
-file is called C</usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ExtUtils/typemap>, or
-something similar, depending on your Perl installation. It has
-definitions for over 40 types, which are automatically used by Inline.
-(You should probably browse this file at least once, just to get an idea
-of the possibilities.)
-Inline parses your code for these types and generates the XS code to map
-them. The most commonly used types are:
- - int
- - long
- - double
- - char*
- - void
- - SV*
-If you need to deal with a type that is not in the defaults, just
-use the generic C<SV*> type in the function definition. Then inside
-your code, do the mapping yourself. Alternatively, you can create
-your own typemap files and specify them using the C<TYPEMAPS>
-configuration option.
-A return type of C<void> has a special meaning to Inline. It means that
-you plan to push the values back onto the B<Stack> yourself. This is
-what you need to do to return a list of values. If you really don't want
-to return anything (the traditional meaning of C<void>) then simply
-don't push anything back.
-If ellipsis or C<...> is used at the end of an argument list, it means
-that any number of C<SV*>s may follow. Again you will need to pop the
-values off of the C<Stack> yourself.
-See L<"Examples"> below.
-=head1 The Inline Stack Macros
-When you write Inline C, the following lines are automatically prepended
-to your code (by default):
-    #include "EXTERN.h"
-    #include "perl.h"
-    #include "XSUB.h"
-    #include "INLINE.h"
-The file C<INLINE.h> defines a set of macros that are useful for
-handling the Perl Stack from your C functions.
-=over 4
-=item Inline_Stack_Vars
-You'll need to use this one, if you want to use the others. It sets up a
-few local variables: C<sp>, C<items>, C<ax> and C<mark>, for use by the
-other macros. It's not important to know what they do, but I mention
-them to avoid possible name conflicts.
-Since this macro declares variables, you'll need to put it with your
-other variable declarations at the top of your function. It must
-come before any executable statements and before any other
-C<Inline_Stack> macros.
-=item Inline_Stack_Items
-Returns the number of arguments passed in on the Stack.
-=item Inline_Stack_Item(i)
-Refers to a particular C<SV*> in the Stack, where C<i> is an index
-number starting from zero. Can be used to get or set the value.
-=item Inline_Stack_Reset
-Use this before pushing anything back onto the Stack. It resets the
-internal Stack pointer to the beginning of the Stack.
-=item Inline_Stack_Push(sv)
-Push a return value back onto the Stack. The value must be of type C<SV*>.
-=item Inline_Stack_Done
-After you have pushed all of your return values, you must call this macro.
-=item Inline_Stack_Return(n)
-Return C<n> items on the Stack.
-=item Inline_Stack_Void
-A special macro to indicate that you really don't want to return
-anything. Same as:
-    Inline_Stack_Return(0);
-Please note that this macro actually B<returns> from your function.
-Each of these macros is available in 3 different styles to suit your
-coding tastes. The following macros are equivalent.
-    Inline_Stack_Vars
-    inline_stack_vars
-All of this functionality is available through XS macro calls as well.
-So why duplicate the functionality? There are a few reasons why I
-decided to offer this set of macros. First, as a convenient way to
-access the Stack. Second, for consistent, self documenting, non-cryptic
-coding. Third, for future compatibility. It occurred to me that if a lot
-of people started using XS macros for their C code, the interface might
-break under Perl6. By using this set, hopefully I will be able to insure
-future compatibility of argument handling.
-Of course, if you use the rest of the Perl API, your code will most
-likely break under Perl6. So this is not a 100% guarantee. But since
-argument handling is the most common interface you're likely to use, it
-seemed like a wise thing to do.
-=head1 Writing C Subroutines
-The definitions of your C functions will fall into one of the following
-four categories. For each category there are special considerations.
-=over 4
-=item 1
-    int Foo(int arg1, char* arg2, SV* arg3) {
-This is the simplest case. You have a non C<void> return type and a
-fixed length argument list. You don't need to worry about much. All the
-conversions will happen automatically.
-=item 2
-    void Foo(int arg1, char* arg2, SV* arg3) {
-In this category you have a C<void> return type. This means that either
-you want to return nothing, or that you want to return a list. In the
-latter case you'll need to push values onto the B<Stack> yourself. There
-are a few Inline macros that make this easy. Code something like this:
-    int i, max; SV* my_sv[10];
-    Inline_Stack_Vars;
-    Inline_Stack_Reset;
-    for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
-      Inline_Stack_Push(my_sv[i]);
-    Inline_Stack_Done;
-After resetting the Stack pointer, this code pushes a series of return
-values. At the end it uses C<Inline_Stack_Done> to mark the end of the
-return stack.
-If you really want to return nothing, then don't use the
-C<Inline_Stack_> macros. If you must use them, then set use
-C<Inline_Stack_Void> at the end of your function.
-=item 3
-    char* Foo(SV* arg1, ...) {
-In this category you have an unfixed number of arguments. This
-means that you'll have to pop values off the B<Stack> yourself. Do
-it like this:
-    int i;
-    Inline_Stack_Vars;
-    for (i = 0; i < Inline_Stack_Items; i++)
-      handle_sv(Inline_Stack_Item(i));
-The return type of C<Inline_Stack_Item(i)> is C<SV*>.
-=item 4
-    void* Foo(SV* arg1, ...) {
-In this category you have both a C<void> return type and an
-unfixed number of arguments. Just combine the techniques from
-Categories 3 and 4.
-=head1 Examples
-Here are a few examples. Each one is a complete program that you can try
-running yourself. For many more examples see L<Inline::C-Cookbook>.
-=head2 Example #1 - Greetings
-This example will take one string argument (a name) and print a
-greeting. The function is called with a string and with a number. In the
-second case the number is forced to a string.
-Notice that you do not need to C<#include <stdio.h>>. The C<perl.h>
-header file which gets included by default, automatically loads the
-standard C header files for you.
-    use Inline C;
-    greet('Ingy');
-    greet(42);
-    __END__
-    __C__
-    void greet(char* name) {
-      printf("Hello %s!\n", name);
-    }
-=head2 Example #2 - and Salutations
-This is similar to the last example except that the name is passed in as
-a C<SV*> (pointer to Scalar Value) rather than a string (C<char*>). That
-means we need to convert the C<SV> to a string ourselves. This is
-accomplished using the C<SvPVX> function which is part of the C<Perl>
-internal API. See C<perldoc perlapi> for more info.
-One problem is that C<SvPVX> doesn't automatically convert strings
-to numbers, so we get a little surprise when we try to greet C<42>.
-The program segfaults, a common occurrence when delving into the
-guts of Perl.
-    use Inline C;
-    greet('Ingy');
-    greet(42);
-    __END__
-    __C__
-    void greet(SV* sv_name) {
-      printf("Hello %s!\n", SvPVX(sv_name));
-    }
-=head2 Example #3 - Fixing the problem
-We can fix the problem in Example #2 by using the C<SvPV> function
-instead. This function will stringify the C<SV> if it does not contain a
-string. C<SvPV> returns the length of the string as it's second
-parameter. Since we don't care about the length, we can just put
-C<PL_na> there, which is a special variable designed for that purpose.
-    use Inline C;
-    greet('Ingy');
-    greet(42);
-    __END__
-    __C__
-    void greet(SV* sv_name) {
-      printf("Hello %s!\n", SvPV(sv_name, PL_na));
-    }
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-For general information about Inline see L<Inline>.
-For sample programs using Inline with C see L<Inline::C-Cookbook>.
-For information on supported languages and platforms see
-For information on writing your own Inline Language Support Module, see
-Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
-To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
-=over 4
-=item 1
-If you use C function names that happen to be used internally by Perl,
-you will get a load error at run time. There is currently no
-functionality to prevent this or to warn you. For now, a list of Perl's
-internal symbols is packaged in the Inline module distribution under the
-filename C<'symbols.perl'>. Avoid using these in your code.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Brian Ingerson <INGY@cpan.org>
-Sisyphus <sisyphus@cpan.org> fixed some bugs and is current co-maintainer.
-Copyright (c) 2000-2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010-2012. Sisyphus.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-Revision history for Perl extension Inline::C.
-0.55 Mon 28 Apr 2014
-     Version 0.55 released to CPAN
-0.54_05 Tues 15 Apr 2014
-     Version 0.54_05 released to CPAN
-0.54_05 Sun 13 Apr 2014
-     Update version number to 0.54_05
-     C.pm - Fix localisation of $ENV{MAKEFLAGS}. (Thanks Shawn Laffan.)
-0.54_04 Wed 10 Apr 2014
-     Add META.yml & META.json to distro
-     Released to CPAN.
-0.54_03 Wed 9 Apr 2014
-     Released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.54_01.)
-0.54_01 Sat 5 Apr 2014
-     C/Makefile.PL - Apply Cygwin-specific fix (PLICEASE@cpan.org). (Ticket #92144)
-     C/Makefile.PL - Add ::Filters to list of know Inline extensions.
-     C.pm - fix make -jn test, parallel tests (Ticket #85336) (rurban)
-     C.pm - disable BUILD_NOISY redirects on MSWin32 with cmd.exe (rurban)
-     C.pm - print exitcode with failed commands and MAKE* ENV values (rurban)
-0.54_01 Mon 31 Mar 2014
-     Update version number to 0.54_01
-     C-Cookbook.pod - Correct typo (thanks David Steinbrunner).
-     C.pod - Correct typos (thanks David Steinbrunner).
-     ParseRegExp.pm - Correct typo (thanks David Steinbrunner).
-0.54 Sat 29 Mar 2014
-     Update version number to 0.54
-     Release version 0.54 to CPAN
-0.53_02 Sun 16 Mar 2014
-      Version 0.53_02 released to CPAN
-0.53_02 Fri 7 Mar 2014
-      Update version to 0.53_02
-      Replace 09parser.t with one supplied by H.Merijn Brand
-0.53_01 Thurs 6 Mar 2014
-      Version 0.53_01 released to CPAN
-      t/08taint.t - Skip tests on Android as per Brian Fraser's suggestion (Ticket #65703)
-0.53_01 Thurs 20 Feb 2014
-      C-Cookbook.pod - Rewrite Soldier example as per suggestion provided at:
-                       http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=924969. Thanks ikegami.
-                       Nothing wrong with the code it replaces - but this
-                       revised rendition is probably more easily understood.
-0.53_01 Thurs 26 Sep 2013
-      Have t/21read_DATA.t and t/22read_DATA_2.t use different build directories
-      and modify C/Makefile.PL so that those directories are cleaned up by 'make
-      clean'.
-      Small alterations to the t/25proto.t tests to avoid 'main::foo redefined'
-      warnings.
-0.53_01 Thurs 12 Sep 2013
-      C.pm - Add support for PROTOTYPES and PROTOTYPE keywords.
-             Update version to 0.53_01
-0.53_01 Tues 27 Aug 2013
-      C/C-Cookbook.pod - Fix "Multiple Return Values" recipe. (Was emitting compiler
-                         warnings; also segfaulted on some platforms.)
-0.53_01 Thurs 15 Aug 2013
-      Add C/t/24prefix.t
-0.53 Wed 1 May 2013
-      Version 0.53 released to CPAN
-      Add C/t/23validate.t test script.
-0.52_02 Wed 24 Apr 2013
-      Version 0.52_02 released to CPAN
-      C.pm - Small tweak to setting of $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} in validate() sub.
-             Thanks, Ian Goodacre. (Ticket #11748.)
-0.52_01 Thurs 11 Apr 2013
-      Version 0.52_01 released to CPAN
-0.52 Thurs 07 Mar 2013
-      Version 0.52 released to CPAN.
-      C-Cookbook.pod - Change the "Object Oriented Inline" example so that it doesn't
-                       emit a "print (...) interpreted as function" warning if it's
-                       run with warnings enabled.
-0.51_03 Wed 28 Nov 2012
-      Version-0.51_03 released to CPAN.
-      C-Cookbook.pod - Add additional example ("Providing a pure perl alternative").
-      C.pm - Change sub compile so that it chdirs back to the original cwd before
-             it dies (if the build fails). (Ticket #81375.)
-0.51_02 Tues 20 Nov 2012
-      Version-0.51_02 released to CPAN.
-      Makefile.PL - correct typo.
-0.51_01 20 Nov 2012
-      Version-0.51_01 released to CPAN.
-      C.pm - setting $ENV{NO_INSANE_DIRNAMES} turns quote_space() into a no-op.
-             (This is just an undocumented fallback option in case the quote_space()
-             handling  of spaces breaks something for someone who has no need
-             of "space handling" anyway.)
-           - additional tweaks to quote_space sub [Ticket #81172]
-      Makefile.PL - Set EU::MM PREREQ_PM to 6.62, but only if the current
-                    version of EU::MM is 6.57_x, and even then only if
-                    building with INSTALL_BASE. (Ticket #81094).
-0.51 Sat 13 Oct 2012
-      Version 0.51 released to CPAN.
-0.50_03 Mon 8 Oct 2012
-      Fix Reini's patch (#67053). The original version of quote_space()
-      caused a breakage whenever the INC Config argument contained more
-      than one -I switch. (See #80026.)
-      Also, provide tests for this in the test suite.
-0.50_02 Thur 24 May 2012
-      Version 0.50_02 released to CPAN.
-0.50_02 Tues 20 Mar 2012
-      C.pm - Add CCFLAGSEX and PRE_HEAD config options.
-      C.pod - Document CCGLAGSEX and PRE_HEAD.
-      Add new test files t/15ccflags.t, t/16ccflagsex.t, t/17prehead.t
-       and t/prehead.in.
-      ../MANIFEST - Add new files.
-0.50_02 Sun 18 Mar 2012
-      C.pod - Rewrite CCFLAGS documentation to make it clear that setting
-              it clobbers the existing CCFLAGS (which is $Config{ccflags}).
-              Thanks, BrowserUk.
-      ../Inline-FAQ.pod - Document the C/t/09parser.t test failure that
-                          can occur when Cygwin is in need of 'rebaseall'
-                          - and what to do about it. Thanks, davido.
-0.50_02 Tues 14 Feb 2012
-      C.pm - Bump version number to 0.50_02
-0.50_01 Sun 12 Feb 2012
-      0.50_01 released to CPAN
-      lib/Inline/C/ParseRegExp.pm - Accommodate 'void' argument.
-      t/14void_arg.t - Test that 'void' arg gets processed as desired.
-      C.pod - Document new standing of 'void' argument.
-0.50_01 Wed 8 Feb 2012
-      C.pm - Bump version number to 0.50_01
-0.50 Tues 7 Feb 2012
-      Version 0.50 released to CPAN
-      C.pm - Bump version number to 0.50
-0.49_02 Fri 3 Feb 2012
-      Version 0.49_02 released to CPAN
-      C.pm - Bring version numbering into line with recommendations made in
-             http://perldoc.perl.org/perlmodstyle.html#Version-numbering
-0.49_01 Thurs 02 Feb 2012
-     Version 0.49_01 released to CPAN.
-0.49_01 Sun 25 Dec 2011
-     C.pm - Bump version to 0.49_01
-     C.pod - Fix typo. (Ticket 73108)
-0.49 Thurs 8 Dec 2011
-     Version 0.49 released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.48_02).
-0.48_02 Mon 5 Dec 2011
-     Version 0.48_02 released to CPAN.
-0.48_02 Fri 9 Sep 2011
-     - Bump Inline::C version to 0.48_02
-     - Make a correction and provide some elaboration in the 'Discussion'
-       relating to 'Object Oriented Inline' in C-Cookbook.pod.
-0.48_02 Thurs 25 Aug 2011
-     Add example for accessing fortran code to C-Cookbook.
-0.48_01 Mon 11 Apr 2011
-      Version 0.48_01 released to CPAN.
-      - C/C.pm: [cpan #67053] Space in pwd. Patch from Reini Urban to work with
-        spaces in the current dir.
-0.48 Mon 21 Feb 2011
-     Version 0.48 released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.47_02.)
-0.47_02 Tues 1 Feb 2011
-     Version 0.47_02 released to CPAN.
-      - Change the Test::Warn dependency from 0.22 to 0.21 and
-        specify it in top-level Makefile.PL instead of in C/Makefile.PL.
-0.47_01 Sun 30 January 2011
-     Version 0.47_01 released to CPAN.
-      - Use Test::Warn (on perl-5.8 and later) to check and suppress the
-        warnings produced by C/t/08taint.t during 'make test'. (Ticket #54825.)
-0.47 Fri 21 January 2011
-     Version 0.47 released to CPAN. No changes from 0.46_02
-0.46_02 Sat 18 Dec 2010
-      - Makefile.PL: insert 'return 1 if -e $_[0];' at beginning of
-        find_executable() subroutine. (RT ticket 61218)
-0.46_02 Sat 17 Apr 2010
-      - C-Cookbook.pod: Fix callback example. (RT ticket 56652)
-0.46_01 Wed 31 Mar 2010 (and released to CPAN as 0.46_01)
-      - C.pm: local()ise $_ in get_types(). (RT ticket 55607)
-      - C.pm: introduce capability to check that xs_bindings() is
-         working as expected. (Prompted by RT ticket 55543)
-      - C.pm: add _testing_cleanup() to facilitate cleaning up of
-         files created by setting the _TESTING config option
-      - t/08taint.t: Warn the user to expect "Blindly untainting ..."
-         warnings
-      - t/09parser.t: Make use of Inline::C::_testing_cleanup()
-      - add t/10callback.t (mainly in response to RT ticket 55543) and
-         t/11default_readonly.t (in response to RT ticket 55607).
-0.46_01 Mon 8 Mar 2010
-      - Add sub _parser_test() to C.pm (enables us to check which parser is in
-        use).
-      - Add tests (C/t/09parser.t) to check that the expected parser is being
-        used - makes use of '_TESTING' config option. (Involves minor changes
-        to lib/Inline/C/ParseRecDescent.pm and lib/Inline/C/ParseRegExp.pm).
-0.46_01 Sun 14 Feb 2010
-      - Second attempt at accommodating 'ccache cc' compiler (RT ticket 40140)
-0.46 Fri 12 Feb 2010
-      - Same as 0.45_02.
-0.45_02 Fri 5 Feb 2010
-      - Add C/t/08taint.t as part of RT ticket 13084 fix. See top level
-        "Changes" file.
-0.45_01 Thurs 28 Jan 2010
-      - Fix Rt tickets 40140, 45417 and 49419. See top level "Changes" file.
-0.45  Sat Nov 22 2008
-      - No changes from 0.44_01
-0.44_01 Tues Oct 11 2008
-      - In C/C.pm, allow for the calling of multiple typemaps (RT ticket 5639),
-        and have the "No Inline C functions bound to Perl" warning specify the
-        file for which no bindings were found (RT ticket 17774).
-0.43  Sun Jul 22 08:15:26 PDT 2001
-	- Auto add script directory to INC path (-I)..
-0.43  Sat Jul 21 12:38:37 PDT 2001
-	- Added support for XSMODE.
-0.43  Fri Jul 20 03:29:08 PDT 2001
-	- Added OPTIMIZE config parameter for gdb debugging
-0.43  Thu Jul 19 17:29:17 PDT 2001
-	- Use $Config{dlext} instead of $Config{so}
-0.43  Sat Jul  7 13:18:36 PDT 2001
-	- Move the creation of a parser from parse() to get_parser(). This
-	  allows Inline::CPP to override only get_parser(). (NEILW)
-0.43  Sat Jul  7 12:53:33 PDT 2001
-	- Break up the generation of XS code into smaller stages which can
-	  be overridden in Inline::CPP. Makes the code somewhat longer, but
-	  more clear. (NEILW)
-0.42  Sun Jun 10 23:50:27 PDT 2001
-	- Patch that fixes STRUCTS config option being used for explicit
-	  structs.
-0.42  Sun Jun 10 18:34:36 PDT 2001
-	- Patch that prevents Inline from creating a nonexistent sitelib
-	  Thanks Joey Hess.
-0.41  Tue Jun  5 01:49:32 PDT 2001
-	- Added AUTOWRAP config option
-0.40  Sat May 26 13:47:16 PDT 2001
-	- Added hack to make work with Inline::Files and +w
-0.40  Wed May 23 20:21:32 PDT 2001
-	- 0.40 integration
-	  Changed object references
-	  Account for no trailing '/' in paths
-0.34  Sun May  6 16:56:53 PDT 2001
-	- Changed the generated Makefile.PL to not create any dependencies
-	  between Makefile and Makefile.PL. This was creating a problem on
-	  an HP-UX system using AFS. Inline users should never need this
-	  dependency anyways.
-0.34  Tue May  1 00:05:58 PDT 2001
-	- Fixed compiler detection bugs in Makefile.PL
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-	- Made Inline::C a base class for Inline::CPP
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-	- Added support for Inline::Filters. FILTERS config option.
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-	- Made installation of Inline::C optional. For those people without
-	  a C compiler who may wish to use Java.
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-	- Rearranged test harness. Moved all C tests from Inline to Inline::C
-0.32  Mon Feb 26 15:36:56 PST 2001
-	- Added MAKE config option
-	- Changed LDFLAGS to proper name LDDLFLAGS. (MakeMaker)
-0.32  Fri Feb 23 03:17:42 PST 2001
-	- Fixed Debian bug with $Config{installprivlib}. Also added warning if no default typemap, and croak if no typemaps at all.
-0.32  Fri Feb 23 03:16:27 PST 2001
-	- Special case for AIX ($Config{so})
-0.31  Thu Jan 18 22:02:17 PST 2001
-	- Added the following configuration options: 'CC', 'LD', 'CCFLAGS, 'LDFLAGS'. These are proxies for the MakeMaker options of the same names.
-0.31  Sat Jan 13 14:44:28 PST 2001
-	- Allow relative paths in TYPEMAPS files.
-	- Added a test 't/typemap.t' for this
-0.31  Sat Jan 13 12:41:38 PST 2001
-	- Changed over to new Inline DIRECTORY structure.
-0.30  Fri Dec  8 01:55:43 PST 2000
-	- Created Inline::C. Separated C code from Inline 0.26
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-use Config;
-use File::Spec;
-my ($cc, $exe) = @Config{'cc', '_exe'};
-$cc =~ s/\s+-.+$//; #remove possible trailing options
-$exe = '' if $^O eq 'cygwin';
-my $found = 0;
-my $delim = $Config::Config{path_sep};
-if ($cc =~ m|/:\[|) {
-    my $comp = (split /\./, $cc)[0];
-    $found = -f "$comp$exe";
-# $Config{cc} might be something like 'ccache cc'
-elsif ($cc =~ m|ccache|) {
-    my @cc = split /\s+/, $cc;
-    $found = 1;
-    for (@cc) {
-        if (!find_executable($_)) {
-            $found = 0;
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-else {
-    $found = find_executable($cc);
-print <<END;
-Inline::C is packaged with Inline.pm because it is the most commonly used
-Inline Language Support Module (ILSM).
-See also: Inline::ASM, ::Awk, ::BC, ::Basic, ::Befunge, ::CPP (C++), ::CPR,
-          ::Filters, ::Foo, ::Guile, ::Java, ::Octave, ::PERL, ::Python,
-          ::Ruby, ::TT, ::Tcl and ::WebChat.
-Config.pm indicates that your version of Perl was built with this C compiler:
-    $cc
-if ($found) {
-    print <<END;
-I have located this compiler on your system.
-else {
-    print <<END;
-I cannot locate this compiler on your system.
-You can install Inline.pm without installing Inline::C. But you'll
-need to install another Inline language module (like Inline::Java for
-instance) to actually make use of it.
-If the aforementioned C compiler really is on your system, please make sure
-it can be found in the PATH and then try running this program again. Or if
-you think I made an error searching for this compiler, simply answer 'Y' to
-the next question.
-# '
-my $answer = '';
-my $default = $found ? "y" : "n";
-while (1) {
-    $answer = prompt ('Do you want to install Inline::C?', $default);
-    last if $answer =~ /^(y|yes|n|no)$/i;
-my $prereq_pm = install_base_problem() ? {'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.62}
-                                       : {};
-if ($answer =~ /^(y|yes)$/i) {
-    my %h = (NAME => 'Inline::C', clean => {FILES => '_Inline_test _Inline_test21 _Inline_test22'},
-             PREREQ_PM => $prereq_pm);
-    WriteMakefile(%h);
-else {
-    open MF, "> Makefile" or die "Can't open Makefile for output";
-    print MF <<'END';
-    close MF;
-sub find_executable {
-    return 1 if -e $_[0];
-    my($cc) = @_;
-    my $comp = (split /\./, $cc)[0];
-    # $Config{cc} might be something like '/some/place/cc'
-    if ($cc =~ m|/|) {
-        return -f "$comp$exe" || -l $cc;
-    }
-    for my $lib (split $delim, $ENV{PATH}) {
-	return 1 if -f File::Spec->catfile($lib,"$comp$exe");
-    }
-# Inline::C is known to not build successfully with EU-MM-6.57_05.
-# when INSTALL_BASE is set. (Ticket #81094.)
-sub install_base_problem {
-    return 0 unless $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION =~ /6\.57/;
-    for my $arg(@ARGV) {
-      if($arg =~ /INSTALL_BASE/) {
-        warn
-          "\n  There are problems with some versions of EU-MM-6.57_x and INSTALL_BASE\n",
-          "  Setting PREREQ_PM to version 6.62 (which is known to be fine.)\n\n";
-        return 1;
-      }
-    }
-    return 0;
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Inline::C - Write Perl subroutines in C.
-Inline::C is the Inline Language Support Module (ILSM) for C
-    use Inline C => <<'END';
-    SV* JAxH(char* x) {
-        return newSVpvf ("Just Another %s Hacker",x);
-    }
-    END
-    print JAxH('Inline'), "\n";
-When run, this complete program prints:
-    Just Another Inline Hacker
-This module requires the Inline module with which it is distributed. It also
-requires the appropriate C compiler. (Where appropriate means the one referred
-to in your Config.pm)
-Inline::C is packaged with Inline.pm. It is not necessary to install Inline::C to use Inline with some other language, like Java.
-= For more infor on Inline, see 'perldoc Inline' and 'perldoc Inline-Support'
-= For information about Inline::, see 'perldoc Inline::C' and
-  'perldoc Inline::C-Cookbook'
-= For information on writing your own Inline extension see 'perldoc Inline-API'
-= For information about the Perl5 internal C API, see 'perldoc perlapi' or
-  try http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6/pod/perlapi.html
-The Inline.pm mailing list is inline@perl.org.
-Send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org to subscribe.
-Please send questions and comments to "Brian Ingerson" <INGY@cpan.org>
-Copyright (c) 2001, 2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, 2011. Sisyphus.
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-package Inline::C::ParseRecDescent;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-sub register {
-    {
-     extends => [qw(C)],
-     overrides => [qw(get_parser)],
-    }
-sub get_parser {
-    my $o = shift;
-    Inline::C::_parser_test("Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called\n") if $o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING};
-    eval { require Parse::RecDescent };
-    croak <<END if $@;
-This innvocation of Inline requires the Parse::RecDescent module.
-    $main::RD_HINT++;
-    Parse::RecDescent->new(grammar())
-sub grammar {
-    <<'END';
-code:   part(s)
-        {
-         return 1;
-        }
-part:   comment
-      | function_definition
-        {
-         my $function = $item[1][0];
-         $return = 1, last if $thisparser->{data}{done}{$function}++;
-         push @{$thisparser->{data}{functions}}, $function;
-         $thisparser->{data}{function}{$function}{return_type} =
-             $item[1][1];
-         $thisparser->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_types} =
-             [map {ref $_ ? $_->[0] : '...'} @{$item[1][2]}];
-         $thisparser->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_names} =
-             [map {ref $_ ? $_->[1] : '...'} @{$item[1][2]}];
-        }
-      | function_declaration
-        {
-         $return = 1, last unless $thisparser->{data}{AUTOWRAP};
-         my $function = $item[1][0];
-         $return = 1, last if $thisparser->{data}{done}{$function}++;
-         my $dummy = 'arg1';
-         push @{$thisparser->{data}{functions}}, $function;
-         $thisparser->{data}{function}{$function}{return_type} =
-             $item[1][1];
-         $thisparser->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_types} =
-             [map {ref $_ ? $_->[0] : '...'} @{$item[1][2]}];
-         $thisparser->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_names} =
-             [map {ref $_ ? ($_->[1] || $dummy++) : '...'} @{$item[1][2]}];
-        }
-      | anything_else
-        m{\s* // [^\n]* \n }x
-      | m{\s* /\* (?:[^*]+|\*(?!/))* \*/  ([ \t]*)? }x
-        rtype IDENTIFIER '(' <leftop: arg ',' arg>(s?) ')' '{'
-        {
-         [@item[2,1], $item[4]]
-        }
-        rtype IDENTIFIER '(' <leftop: arg_decl ',' arg_decl>(s?) ')' ';'
-        {
-         [@item[2,1], $item[4]]
-        }
-rtype:  rtype1 | rtype2
-rtype1: modifier(s?) TYPE star(s?)
-        {
-         $return = $item[2];
-         $return = join ' ',@{$item[1]},$return
-           if @{$item[1]} and $item[1][0] ne 'extern';
-         $return .= join '',' ',@{$item[3]} if @{$item[3]};
-         return undef unless (defined $thisparser->{data}{typeconv}
-                                                   {valid_rtypes}{$return});
-        }
-rtype2: modifier(s) star(s?)
-        {
-         $return = join ' ',@{$item[1]};
-         $return .= join '',' ',@{$item[2]} if @{$item[2]};
-         return undef unless (defined $thisparser->{data}{typeconv}
-                                                   {valid_rtypes}{$return});
-        }
-arg:    type IDENTIFIER {[@item[1,2]]}
-      | '...'
-        type IDENTIFIER(s?) {[$item[1], $item[2][0] || '']}
-      | '...'
-type:   type1 | type2
-type1:  modifier(s?) TYPE star(s?)
-        {
-         $return = $item[2];
-         $return = join ' ',@{$item[1]},$return if @{$item[1]};
-         $return .= join '',' ',@{$item[3]} if @{$item[3]};
-         return undef unless (defined $thisparser->{data}{typeconv}
-                                                   {valid_types}{$return});
-        }
-type2:  modifier(s) star(s?)
-        {
-         $return = join ' ',@{$item[1]};
-         $return .= join '',' ',@{$item[2]} if @{$item[2]};
-         return undef unless (defined $thisparser->{data}{typeconv}
-                                                   {valid_types}{$return});
-        }
-        'unsigned' | 'long' | 'extern' | 'const'
-star:   '*'
-        /\w+/
-TYPE:   /\w+/
-        /.*/
-my $hack = sub { # Appease -w using Inline::Files
-    print Parse::RecDescent::IN '';
-    print Parse::RecDescent::IN '';
-    print Parse::RecDescent::TRACE_FILE '';
-    print Parse::RecDescent::TRACE_FILE '';
-=head1 NAME
-Inline::C::ParseRecDescent - The Classic Inline::C Parser
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    use Inline C => DATA =>
-               USING => ParseRecDescent
-This module is Inline::C's original Parse::RecDescent based parser. It
-was previously packaged as Inline::C::grammar.
-Try Inline::C::ParseRegExp for an alternative.
-=head2 AUTHOR
-Brian Ingerson <ingy@ttul.org>
-Copyright (c) 2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, 2011. Sisyphus.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-package Inline::C::ParseRegExp;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-sub register {
-    {
-     extends => [qw(C)],
-     overrides => [qw(get_parser)],
-    }
-sub get_parser {
-    Inline::C::_parser_test("Inline::C::ParseRegExp::get_parser called\n") if $_[0]->{CONFIG}{_TESTING};
-    bless {}, 'Inline::C::ParseRegExp'
-sub code {
-    my($self,$code) = @_;
-    # These regular expressions were derived from Regexp::Common v0.01.
-    my $RE_comment_C   = q{(?:(?:\/\*)(?:(?:(?!\*\/)[\s\S])*)(?:\*\/))};
-    my $RE_comment_Cpp = q{(?:\/\*(?:(?!\*\/)[\s\S])*\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*\n)};
-    my $RE_quoted      = (q{(?:(?:\")(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\\"]*)*)(?:\")}
-                         .q{|(?:\')(?:[^\\\']*(?:\\.[^\\\']*)*)(?:\'))});
-    our $RE_balanced_brackets; $RE_balanced_brackets =
-        qr'(?:[{]((?:(?>[^{}]+)|(??{$RE_balanced_brackets}))*)[}])';
-    our $RE_balanced_parens; $RE_balanced_parens   =
-        qr'(?:[(]((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$RE_balanced_parens}))*)[)])';
-    # First, we crush out anything potentially confusing.
-    # The order of these _does_ matter.
-    $code =~ s/$RE_comment_C/ /go;
-    $code =~ s/$RE_comment_Cpp/ /go;
-    $code =~ s/^\#.*(\\\n.*)*//mgo;
-    #$code =~ s/$RE_quoted/\"\"/go; # Buggy, if included.
-    $code =~ s/$RE_balanced_brackets/{ }/go;
-    $self->{_the_code_most_recently_parsed} = $code; # Simplifies debugging.
-    my $normalize_type = sub {
-	# Normalize a type for lookup in a typemap.
-        my($type) = @_;
-        # Remove "extern".
-        # But keep "static", "inline", "typedef", etc,
-        #  to cause desirable typemap misses.
-        $type =~ s/\bextern\b//g;
-        # Whitespace: only single spaces, none leading or trailing.
-        $type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-        $type =~ s/^\s//; $type =~ s/\s$//;
-        # Adjacent "derivative characters" are not separated by whitespace,
-        # but _are_ separated from the adjoining text.
-        # [ Is really only * (and not ()[]) needed??? ]
-        $type =~ s/\*\s\*/\*\*/g;
-        $type =~ s/(?<=[^ \*])\*/ \*/g;
-        return $type;
-    };
-    # The decision of what is an acceptable declaration was originally
-    # derived from Inline::C::grammar.pm version 0.30 (Inline 0.43).
-    my $re_plausible_place_to_begin_a_declaration = qr {
-	# The beginning of a line, possibly indented.
-	# (Accepting indentation allows for C code to be aligned with
-	#  its surrounding perl, and for backwards compatibility with
-	#  Inline 0.43).
-	(?m: ^ ) \s*
-    }xo;
-    # Instead of using \s , we don't tolerate blank lines.
-    # This matches user expectation better than allowing arbitrary
-    # vertical whitespace.
-    my $sp = qr{[ \t]|\n(?![ \t]*\n)};
-    my $re_type = qr {(
-			(?: \w+ $sp* )+? # words
-			(?: \*  $sp* )*  # stars
-			)}xo;
-    my $re_identifier = qr{ (\w+) $sp* }xo;
-    while($code =~ m{
-	$re_plausible_place_to_begin_a_declaration
-        ( $re_type $re_identifier $RE_balanced_parens $sp* (\;|\{) )
-       }xgo)
-    {
-        my($type, $identifier, $args, $what) = ($2,$3,$4,$5);
-        $args = "" if $args =~ /^\s+$/;
-        my $is_decl     = $what eq ';';
-        my $function    = $identifier;
-        my $return_type = &$normalize_type($type);
-	my @arguments   = split ',', $args;
-        goto RESYNC if $is_decl && !$self->{data}{AUTOWRAP};
-        goto RESYNC if $self->{data}{done}{$function};
-        goto RESYNC if !defined
-            $self->{data}{typeconv}{valid_rtypes}{$return_type};
-        my(@arg_names,@arg_types);
-	my $dummy_name = 'arg1';
-	foreach my $arg (@arguments) {
-          my $arg_no_space = $arg;
-          $arg_no_space =~ s/\s//g;
-          # If $arg_no_space is 'void', there will be no identifier.
-	    if(my($type, $identifier) =
-	       $arg =~ /^\s*$re_type(?:$re_identifier)?\s*$/o)
-	    {
-		my $arg_name = $identifier;
-		my $arg_type = &$normalize_type($type);
-		if((!defined $arg_name) && ($arg_no_space ne 'void')) {
-		    goto RESYNC if !$is_decl;
-		    $arg_name = $dummy_name++;
-		}
-		goto RESYNC if ((!defined
-		    $self->{data}{typeconv}{valid_types}{$arg_type}) && ($arg_no_space ne 'void'));
-            # Push $arg_name onto @arg_names iff it's defined. Otherwise ($arg_no_space
-            # was 'void'), push the empty string onto @arg_names (to avoid uninitialized
-            # warnings emanating from C.pm).
-		defined($arg_name) ? push(@arg_names,$arg_name)
-                               : push(@arg_names, '');
-            if($arg_name) {push(@arg_types,$arg_type)}
-            else {push(@arg_types,'')} # $arg_no_space was 'void' - this push() avoids 'uninitialized' warnings from C.pm
-	    }
-	    elsif($arg =~ /^\s*\.\.\.\s*$/) {
-		push(@arg_names,'...');
-		push(@arg_types,'...');
-	    }
-	    else {
-		goto RESYNC;
-	    }
-	}
-        # Commit.
-        push @{$self->{data}{functions}}, $function;
-        $self->{data}{function}{$function}{return_type}= $return_type;
-        $self->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_names} = [@arg_names];
-        $self->{data}{function}{$function}{arg_types} = [@arg_types];
-        $self->{data}{done}{$function} = 1;
-        next;
-      RESYNC:  # Skip the rest of the current line, and continue.
-        $code =~ /\G[^\n]*\n/gc;
-    }
-   return 1;  # We never fail.
-=head1 NAME
-Inline::C::ParseRegExp - The New and Improved Inline::C Parser
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    use Inline C => DATA =>
-               USING => ParseRegExp;
-This module is a much faster version of Inline::C's Parse::RecDescent
-parser. It is based on regular expressions instead.
-=head2 AUTHOR
-Mitchell N Charity <mcharity@vendian.org>
-Copyright (c) 2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010-2012. Sisyphus.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# Test both parser implementations to ensure they work the same
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use YAML;
-use File::Spec;
-use blib;
-require Inline::C::ParseRecDescent;
-require Inline::C::ParseRegExp;
-# Do all the typemap foo that Inline::C does
-require Inline::C;
-use Config;
-my $typemap = File::Spec->catfile($Config::Config{installprivlib},
-                                  'ExtUtils', 'typemap');
-my $o = bless {}, 'Inline::C';
-push @{$o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{TYPEMAPS}}, $typemap
-  if -f $typemap;
-# Create new instances of each parser
-my $recdescent = Inline::C::ParseRecDescent->get_parser();
-my $regexp = Inline::C::ParseRegExp->get_parser();
-$recdescent->{data}{typeconv} = $o->{ILSM}{typeconv};
-$regexp->{data}{typeconv} = $o->{ILSM}{typeconv};
-my @test_objects = @{YAML::Load($Inline::cases)};
-plan(tests => 2 * @test_objects);
-for my $case (@test_objects) {
-    my $input = $case->{input};
-    my $expect = $case->{expect};
-    my @outputs;
-    for ($recdescent, $regexp) {
-        # Without a fresh copy of these objects, the same stuff is parsed over
-        # and over.  However, because Parse::RecDescent is sllloooww, we can't
-        # just construct a new object over and over. Hence, new() 'em up top,
-        # and then clone them here.
-        my $parser = deep_clone($_);
-        $parser->code($input);
-        delete $parser->{data}{typeconv};
-        my $output = YAML::Dump($parser->{data});
-        $output =~ s/^---.*\n//;
-        push @outputs, $output;
-    }
-    ok($outputs[0], $expect, "ParseRecDescent failed for:$input\n");
-    ok($outputs[1], $expect, "ParseRegExp failed for:$input\n");
-use Data::Dumper;
-sub deep_clone {
-    my $VAR1;
-    eval Dumper($_[0]);
-    $VAR1
-($Inline::cases, undef) = (<<END, <<END);
-- input: long get_serial(SV* obj) {
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      get_serial: 1
-    function:
-      get_serial:
-        arg_names:
-          - obj
-        arg_types:
-          - SV *
-        return_type: long
-    functions:
-      - get_serial
-- input: SV* new(char* class, char* name, char* rank, long serial) {
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      new: 1
-    function:
-      new:
-        arg_names:
-          - class
-          - name
-          - rank
-          - serial
-        arg_types:
-          - char *
-          - char *
-          - char *
-          - long
-        return_type: SV *
-    functions:
-      - new
-- input: |
-    unsigned foo (unsigned int a, 
-                  unsigned short b,
-                  unsigned char c, 
-                  unsigned char * d) {
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      foo: 1
-    function:
-      foo:
-        arg_names:
-          - a
-          - b
-          - c
-          - d
-        arg_types:
-          - unsigned int
-          - unsigned short
-          - unsigned char
-          - unsigned char *
-        return_type: unsigned
-    functions:
-      - foo
-- input: long Foo5(int i, int j, ...) { return 3; }
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      Foo5: 1
-    function:
-      Foo5:
-        arg_names:
-          - i
-          - j
-          - '...'
-        arg_types:
-          - int
-          - int
-          - '...'
-        return_type: long
-    functions:
-      - Foo5
-- input: char *func(char *x, char* y, char  *  z) {
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      func: 1
-    function:
-      func:
-        arg_names:
-          - x
-          - y
-          - z
-        arg_types:
-          - char *
-          - char *
-          - char *
-        return_type: char *
-    functions:
-      - func
-- input: unsigned func(unsigned arg) {
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      func: 1
-    function:
-      func:
-        arg_names:
-          - arg
-        arg_types:
-          - unsigned
-        return_type: unsigned
-    functions:
-      - func
-- input: void simplest() { }
-  expect: &simplest |
-    done:
-      simplest: 1
-    function:
-      simplest:
-        arg_names: []
-        arg_types: []
-        return_type: void
-    functions:
-      - simplest
-- input: void simplest() {
-  expect: *simplest
-- input: |
-    void
-    simplest
-    (
-    )
-    {
-  expect: *simplest
-- input: |
-    void simplest() {
-        with_a_body__too();
-    }
-  expect: *simplest
-- input: |
-    /* C comment */
-    void simplest() {
-  expect: *simplest
-- input: |
-    void simplest() { }
-    /* void bogus() { } */
-  expect: *simplest
-- input: |
-    // C++/C99 comment...
-    void simplest() {
-  expect: *simplest
-- input: |
-    void simplest() { }
-    // void bogus() { }
-  expect: *simplest
-- input: int with_return_value() {
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      with_return_value: 1
-    function:
-      with_return_value:
-        arg_names: []
-        arg_types: []
-        return_type: int
-    functions:
-      - with_return_value
-- input: void takes_a_char_star(char* name) {
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      takes_a_char_star: 1
-    function:
-      takes_a_char_star:
-        arg_names:
-          - name
-        arg_types:
-          - char *
-        return_type: void
-    functions:
-      - takes_a_char_star
-- input: |
-    int addem(int x, int y) {
-        return x + y;
-    }
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      addem: 1
-    function:
-      addem:
-        arg_names:
-          - x
-          - y
-        arg_types:
-          - int
-          - int
-        return_type: int
-    functions:
-      - addem
-- input: |
-    void a() { }
-    void b() { }
-    void c() { }
-  expect: |
-    done:
-      a: 1
-      b: 1
-      c: 1
-    function:
-      a:
-        arg_names: []
-        arg_types: []
-        return_type: void
-      b:
-        arg_names: []
-        arg_types: []
-        return_type: void
-      c:
-        arg_names: []
-        arg_types: []
-        return_type: void
-    functions:
-      - a
-      - b
-      - c
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-mkdir('_Inline_test', 0777) unless -e '_Inline_test';
-plan(tests => 1);
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-    plan(tests => 5,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
-use Inline Config =>
-           DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-# test 1 - Check string syntax
-ok(add(3, 7) == 10);
-# test 2 - Check string syntax again
-ok(subtract(3, 7) == -4);
-# test 3 - Check DATA syntax
-ok(multiply(3, 7) == 21);
-# test 4 - Check DATA syntax again
-ok(divide(7, -3) == -2);
-use Inline 'C';
-use Inline C => 'DATA';
-use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-int add(int x, int y) {
-    return x + y;
-int subtract(int x, int y) {
-    return x - y;
-Inline->bind(C => <<'END');
-int incr(int x) {
-    return x + 1;
-# test 5 - Test Inline->bind() syntax
-ok(incr(incr(7)) == 9);
-# unused code or maybe AutoLoader stuff
-sub crap {
-    return 'crap';
-int multiply(int x, int y) {
-    return x * y;
-int divide(int x, int y) {
-    return x / y;
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-    plan(tests => 3,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
-# test 1 - Make sure config options are type checked
-    eval <<'END';
-    use Inline(C => "void foo(){}",
-	       LIBS => {X => 'Y'},
-	      );
-    ok(1);
-#    ok($@ =~ /must be a string or an array ref/);
-# test 2 - Make sure bogus config options croak
-    eval <<'END';
-    use Inline(C => "void foo(){}",
-	       FOO => 'Bar',
-	      );
-    ok($@ =~ /not a valid config option/);
-# test 3 - Test the PREFIX config option
-    use Inline(C => 'char* XYZ_Howdy(){return "Hello There";}',
-	       PREFIX => 'XYZ_',
-	      );
-    ok(Howdy eq "Hello There");
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-plan(tests => 1,
-     todo => [],
-     onfail => sub {},
-    );
-use Inline C => DATA =>
-           TYPEMAPS => File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(),'t','typemap');
-# test 1
-ok(int((add_em_up(1.2, 3.4) + 0.001) * 10) == 46);
-float add_em_up(float x, float y) {
-    return x + y;
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-    plan(tests => 1,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
-use Inline 'C';
-$main::myvar = $main::myvar = "myvalue";
-# test 1
-ok(lookup('main::myvar') eq "myvalue");
-SV* lookup(char* var) {
-    return perl_get_sv(var, 0);
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-    plan(tests => 1,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
-use Inline C => DATA =>
-           ENABLE => XSMODE =>
-           NAME => 'xsmode';
-# test 1
-ok(add(5, 10) == 15);
-#include "EXTERN.h"
-#include "perl.h"
-#include "XSUB.h"
-MODULE = xsmode      PACKAGE = main
-add (x, y)
-        int     x
-        int     y
-    CODE:
-        RETVAL = x + y;
-    OUTPUT:
-        RETVAL
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-plan(tests => 1,
-     todo => [],
-     onfail => sub {},
-    );
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    USING => 'ParseRegExp';
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-void foo() {
-     printf( "Hello World\n" );
-void foo2() {
-     Inline_Stack_Vars;
-     int i;
-     Inline_Stack_Reset;
-     if(0) printf( "Hello World again\n" ); /* tests balanced quotes bugfix */
-     for(i = 24; i < 30; ++ i) Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv(i)));
-     Inline_Stack_Done;
-     Inline_Stack_Return(6);
-my @z = foo2();
-ok(scalar(@z) == 6);
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-plan(tests => 3,
-     todo => [],
-     onfail => sub {},
-    );
-my $obj = Soldier->new('Benjamin', 'Private', 11111);
-ok($obj->get_serial == 11111);
-ok($obj->get_name eq 'Benjamin');
-ok($obj->get_rank eq 'Private');
-package Soldier;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    USING => 'ParseRegExp',
-    TYPEMAPS => ['t/typemap', 't/soldier_typemap'];
-use Inline C => <<'END';
-typedef struct {
-  char* name;
-  char* rank;
-  long  serial;
-  } Soldier;
-Soldier * new(char* class, char* name, char* rank, long serial) {
-    Soldier* soldier;
-    New(42, soldier, 1, Soldier);
-    soldier->name = savepv(name);
-    soldier->rank = savepv(rank);
-    soldier->serial = serial;
-    return soldier;
-char* get_name(Soldier * obj) {
-      return obj->name;
-char* get_rank(Soldier * obj) {
-      return obj->rank;
-long get_serial(Soldier * obj) {
-     return obj->serial;
-void DESTROY(Soldier* obj) {
-     Safefree(obj->name);
-     Safefree(obj->rank);
-     Safefree(obj);
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -T
-  if($] < 5.007) {
-    print "1..1\n";
-    warn "Skipped for perl 5.6.x\n";
-    print "ok 1\n";
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  if(lc($^O) eq 'android') {
-    print "1..1\n";
-    warn "Skipping for Android (tests fail)\n";
-    print "ok 1\n";
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 10;
-use Test::Warn;
-# Suppress "Set up gcc environment ..." warning.
-# (Affects ActivePerl only.)
-my $w1 = 'Blindly untainting tainted fields in %ENV';
-my $w2 = 'Blindly untainting Inline configuration file information';
-my $w3 = 'Blindly untainting tainted fields in Inline object';
-warnings_like {require_taint_1()} [qr/$w1/, qr/$w2/, qr/$w1/, qr/$w3/], 'warn_test 1';
-warnings_like {require_taint_2()} [qr/$w1/, qr/$w2/, qr/$w1/, qr/$w3/], 'warn_test 2';
-warnings_like {require_taint_3()} [qr/$w1/, qr/$w2/, qr/$w1/, qr/$w3/, qr/$w1/, qr/$w2/, qr/$w1/, qr/$w3/], 'warn_test 3';
-sub require_taint_1 {
-    require './t/08taint_1.p';
-sub require_taint_2 {
-    require './t/08taint_2.p';
-sub require_taint_3 {
-    require './t/08taint_3.p';
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN {is(${^TAINT}, 1, '1: taint_is_on');};
-use Inline Config =>
-    UNTAINT => 1,
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-int add(int x, int y) {
-    return x + y;
-is(add(7,3), 10, 'add_test');
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN {is(${^TAINT}, 1, '2: taint_is_on');};
-use Inline Config =>
-    UNTAINT => 1,
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-Inline->bind(C => <<'END');
-int incr(int x) {
-    return x + 1;
-is(incr(incr(7)), 9, 'incr_test');
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN {is(${^TAINT}, 1, '3: taint_is_on');};
-use Inline C;
-use Inline C => 'DATA';
-Inline->init() ;
-use Inline Config =>
-    UNTAINT => 1,
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-is(multiply(3, 7), 21, 'multiply_test');
-is(divide(7, -3), -2, 'divide_test');
-int multiply(int x, int y) {
-    return x * y;
-int divide(int x, int y) {
-    return x / y;
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-our %conf;
-    warn "This test could take a couple of minutes to run\n";
-    if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-	warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-	}
-    %conf = (
-	main	=> {
-	    foo_	=> -1,
-	    _foo_	=> -3,
-	    _foo	=>  2,
-	    foo		=>  1,
-	    bar		=>  2,
-	    baz		=>  3,
-	    foobar	=>  4,
-	    foobarbaz	=>  5,
-	    },
-	FOO => {
-	    foo		=>  6,
-	    },
-	BAR => {
-	    bar		=>  7,
-	    },
-	BAZ => {
-	    baz		=>  8,
-	    baz_	=> -2,
-	    }
-	)
-    };
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir (File::Spec->updir  (), "blib", "lib"),
-	 File::Spec->catdir (File::Spec->curdir (), "blib", "lib"));
-sub code
-    my ($p, $sym) = @_;
-    my $code = <<"EOIC";
-package $p;
-use Inline C => <<"EOC";
-int $sym () { return $conf{$p}{$sym}; }
-    # warn "Code: $code";
-    eval $code;
-    } # code
-#use Inline Config =>
-#    DIRECTORY => "_Inline_test",
-#    _TESTING  => 1;
-########## main:foo_ ########
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-    FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-    _TESTING    => 1,
-    USING       => "ParseRegExp";
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "foo_");
-# Use same Config options as for main::foo()
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "_foo_");
-########## main:_foo ########
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1,
-   USING       => "ParseRecDescent";
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "_foo");
-########## main:foo ########
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1,
-   USING       => "ParseRegExp";
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "foo");
-# No USING value specified here - will use default (ParseRecDescent).
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1;
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "bar");
-########## main:baz ########
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1,
-   USING       => "ParseRecDescent";
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "baz");
-########## main:foobar ########
-# No USING value specified here - will use default (ParseRecDescent).
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1;
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "foobar");
-########## main:foobarbaz ########
-# Use same config options as for main::foobar().
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "foobarbaz");
-########## FOO::foo ########
-package FOO;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1,
-   USING       => "ParseRecDescent";
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "foo");
-########## BAR::bar ########
-package BAR;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1;
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "bar");
-########## BAZ::baz ########
-package BAZ;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-   DIRECTORY   => "_Inline_test",
-   FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-   _TESTING    => 1,
-   USING       => "ParseRegExp";
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "baz");
-########## BAZ::baz_ ########
-# Use same Config options as for BAZ::bar()
-main::code (__PACKAGE__, "baz_");
-package main;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-is (      foo_ (),       $conf{main}{foo_},      "      foo_     ");
-is (      _foo_ (),      $conf{main}{_foo_},     "      _foo_    ");
-is (      _foo (),       $conf{main}{_foo},      "      _foo     ");
-is (      foo (),        $conf{main}{foo},       "      foo      ");
-is (      bar (),        $conf{main}{bar},       "      bar      ");
-is (      baz (),        $conf{main}{baz},       "      baz      ");
-is (      foobar (),     $conf{main}{foobar},    "      foobar   ");
-is (      foobarbaz (),  $conf{main}{foobarbaz}, "      foobarbaz");
-is (main::foo_ (),       $conf{main}{foo_},      "main::foo_     ");
-is (main::_foo_ (),      $conf{main}{_foo_},     "main::_foo_    ");
-is (main::_foo (),       $conf{main}{_foo},      "main::_foo     ");
-is (main::foo (),        $conf{main}{foo},       "main::foo      ");
-is (main::bar (),        $conf{main}{bar},       "main::bar      ");
-is (main::baz (),        $conf{main}{baz},       "main::baz      ");
-is (main::foobar (),     $conf{main}{foobar},    "main::foobar   ");
-is (main::foobarbaz (),  $conf{main}{foobarbaz}, "main::foobarbaz");
-is ( FOO::foo (),        $conf{FOO}{foo},        " FOO::foo      ");
-is ( BAR::bar (),        $conf{BAR}{bar},        " BAR::bar      ");
-is ( BAZ::baz (),        $conf{BAZ}{baz},        " BAZ::baz      ");
-is ( BAZ::baz_ (),       $conf{BAZ}{baz_},       " BAZ::baz_     ");
-my $prod = -483840;
-my $res = main::foo_ () * main::_foo () * main::_foo_ () * main::foo () *
-	  main::bar () * main::baz () * main::foobar () * main::foobarbaz () *
-	  FOO::foo () * BAR::bar () * BAZ::baz () * BAZ::baz_ ();
-is ($res, $prod, "Returned product");
-chomp (my @p = do { local @ARGV = "_Inline_test/parser_id"; <> });
-is (scalar @p, 21, "Match number of lines in log");
-# diag "@p";
-is_deeply (\@p, [
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRecDescent::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRegExp::get_parser called",
-    "Inline::C::ParseRegExp::get_parser called",
-    ], "parser log");
-done_testing ();
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-# Check that basic callbacks are working, and that Inline::C keeps track correctly of whether functions
-# are truly void or not. (In response to bug #55543.)
-# This test script plagiarises the perlcall documentation.
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use diagnostics;
-print "1..4\n";
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-    _TESTING => 1,
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-    USING => 'ParseRegExp';
-use Inline C => <<'END';
-void list_context(int x) {
-     Inline_Stack_Vars;
-     int i = 0;
-     Inline_Stack_Reset;
-     for(i = 1; i < 11; i++) Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSVuv(i * x)));
-     Inline_Stack_Done;
-     Inline_Stack_Return(10);
-void call_AddSubtract2(int a, int b) {
-     dSP;
-     I32 ax;
-     int count;
-     ENTER;
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(a)));
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(b)));
-     PUTBACK;
-     count = call_pv("AddSubtract", G_ARRAY);
-     SPAGAIN;
-     SP -= count;
-     ax = (SP - PL_stack_base) + 1;
-     if (count != 2)
-        croak("Big trouble\n");
-     printf ("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, SvIV(ST(0)));
-     printf ("%d - %d = %d\n", a, b, SvIV(ST(1)));
-     PUTBACK;
-     LEAVE;
-void call_PrintList() {
-     dSP;
-     char * words[] = {"alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", NULL};
-     call_argv("PrintList", G_DISCARD, words);
-void call_Inc(int a, int b) {
-     dSP;
-     int count;
-     SV * sva;
-     SV * svb;
-     ENTER;
-     sva = sv_2mortal(newSViv(a));
-     svb = sv_2mortal(newSViv(b));
-     XPUSHs(sva);
-     XPUSHs(svb);
-     PUTBACK;
-     count = call_pv("Inc", G_DISCARD);
-     if (count != 0)
-        croak ("call_Inc: expected 0 values from 'Inc', got %d\n",
-              count);
-     printf ("%d + 1 = %d\n", a, SvIV(sva));
-     printf ("%d + 1 = %d\n", b, SvIV(svb));
-     LEAVE;
-void call_AddSubtract(int a, int b) {
-     dSP;
-     int count;
-     ENTER;
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(a)));
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(b)));
-     PUTBACK;
-     count = call_pv("AddSubtract", G_ARRAY);
-     SPAGAIN;
-     if (count != 2)
-        croak("Big trouble\n");
-     printf ("%d - %d = %d\n", a, b, POPi);
-     printf ("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, POPi);
-     PUTBACK;
-     LEAVE;
-void call_Adder(int a, int b) {
-     dSP;
-     int count;
-     ENTER;
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(a)));
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(b)));
-     PUTBACK;
-     count = call_pv("Adder", G_SCALAR);
-     SPAGAIN;
-     if (count != 1)
-        croak("Big trouble\n");
-     printf ("The sum of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, POPi);
-     PUTBACK;
-     LEAVE;
-void call_PrintUID() {
-     dSP;
-     call_pv("PrintUID", G_DISCARD|G_NOARGS);
-void call_LeftString(char *a, int b) {
-     dSP;
-     ENTER;
-     POPMARK;
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(a, 0)));
-     XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(b)));
-     PUTBACK;
-     call_pv("LeftString", G_DISCARD);
-     LEAVE;
-void foo(int x) {
-     call_AddSubtract(123, 456);
-     call_LeftString("Hello World !!", x);
-     call_AddSubtract(789,101112);
-     call_AddSubtract2(23,50);
-     call_Inc(22,223);
-     call_PrintList();
-     call_PrintUID();
-     call_Adder(7123, 8369);
-     call_LeftString("Hello World !!", x + 1);
-     call_Inc(34,35);
-     call_PrintList();
-     call_Adder(71231, 83692);
-     call_PrintUID();
-     call_LeftString("Hello World !!", x + 2);
-     call_AddSubtract2(23,50);
-void bar(int x) {
-     dXSARGS;
-     int i = 0;
-     call_LeftString("Hello World !!", x);
-     sp = mark;
-     call_LeftString("Hello World !!", x + 1);
-     for(i = 1; i < 11; i++) XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVuv(i * x)));
-     /* call_LeftString("Hello World !!", x + 2); * /* CRASHES ON RETURN */
-     PUTBACK;
-     call_LeftString("Hello World !!", x + 3);
-     XSRETURN(10);
-my @list = list_context(17);
-if(scalar(@list) == 10 && $list[0] == 17) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\nscalar \@list: ", scalar(@list), "\n\$list[0]: $list[0]\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
-call_LeftString("Just testing", 8);
-@list = bar(6);
-if(scalar(@list) == 10 && $list[0] == 6) {print "ok 2\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\nscalar \@list: ", scalar(@list), "\n\$list[0]: $list[0]\n";
-  print "not ok 2\n";
-call_Adder(18, 12345);
-call_AddSubtract(131415, 161718);
-open RD, '<', '_Inline_test/void_test' or warn "Unable to open _Inline_test/void_test: $!";
-my @checks = <RD>;
-close RD or warn "Unable to close _Inline_test/void_test: $!";
-my $expected = 10;
-if(scalar(@checks == $expected)) {print "ok 3\n"}
-else {
-  warn "scalar \@checks is ", scalar(@checks), ". Expected $expected\n";
-  print "not ok 3\n";
-my $ok;
-if($checks[0] eq "LIST_CONTEXT\n") {$ok .= 'a'}
-else {warn "4a: Got '$checks[0]', expected 'LIST_CONTEXT'\n"}
-if($checks[1] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'b'}
-else {warn "4b: Got '$checks[0]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($checks[2] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'c'}
-else {warn "4c: Got '$checks[0]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($checks[3] eq "LIST_CONTEXT\n") {$ok .= 'd'}
-else {warn "4d: Got '$checks[0]', expected 'LIST_CONTEXT'\n"}
-if($checks[4] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'e'}
-else {warn "4e: Got '$checks[4]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($checks[5] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'f'}
-else {warn "4f: Got '$checks[5]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($checks[6] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'g'}
-else {warn "4g: Got '$checks[6]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($checks[7] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'h'}
-else {warn "4h: Got '$checks[7]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($checks[8] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'i'}
-else {warn "4i: Got '$checks[8]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($checks[9] eq "TRULY_VOID\n") {$ok .= 'j'}
-else {warn "4j: Got '$checks[9]', expected 'TRULY_VOID'\n"}
-if($ok eq 'abcdefghij') {print "ok 4\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\$ok: $ok\n";
-  print "not ok 4\n";
-sub PrintUID {
-    print "UID is $<\n";
-sub LeftString {
-    my($s, $n) = @_;
-    print substr($s, 0, $n), "\n";
-sub Adder {
-    my($a, $b) = @_;
-    $a + $b;
-sub AddSubtract {
-    my($a, $b) = @_;
-    ($a+$b, $a-$b);
-sub Inc {
-    ++ $_[0];
-    ++ $_[1];
-sub PrintList {
-    my(@list) = @_;
-    foreach (@list) { print "$_\n" }
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Checks that Inline's bind function still works when $_ is readonly. (Bug #55607)
-# Thanks Marty O'Brien.
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use diagnostics;
-print "1..1\n";
-# The following construct not allowed under
-# strictures (refs). Hence strictures for
-# refs have been turned off.
-no strict ('refs');
-  for ('function') {
-    $_->();
-  }
-if(foo(15) == 30) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {
-  warn "Expected 30, got ", foo(15), "\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
-sub function {
-  use Inline C => Config =>
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-    USING => 'ParseRegExp';
-    Inline->bind(C => <<'__CODE__');
-    int foo(SV * x) {
-      return (int)SvIV(x) * 2;
-    }
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -T
-  if($] >= 5.007) {
-    print "1..1\n";
-    warn "Skipped - applies only to perl 5.6.x\n";
-    print "ok 1\n";
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config =>
-    UNTAINT => 1,
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-    plan(tests => 5,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
-    warn "Expect a number of \"Blindly untainting ...\" warnings - these are intended.\n";
-use Inline Config =>
-           UNTAINT => 1,
-           DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-# test 1 - Check string syntax
-ok(add(3, 7) == 10);
-# test 2 - Check string syntax again
-ok(subtract(3, 7) == -4);
-# test 3 - Check DATA syntax
-ok(multiply(3, 7) == 21);
-# test 4 - Check DATA syntax again
-ok(divide(7, -3) == -2);
-use Inline 'C';
-use Inline C => 'DATA';
-use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-int add(int x, int y) {
-    return x + y;
-int subtract(int x, int y) {
-    return x - y;
-Inline->bind(C => <<'END');
-int incr(int x) {
-    return x + 1;
-# test 5 - Test Inline->bind() syntax
-ok(incr(incr(7)) == 9);
-# unused code or maybe AutoLoader stuff
-sub crap {
-    return 'crap';
-int multiply(int x, int y) {
-    return x * y;
-int divide(int x, int y) {
-    return x / y;
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-  mkdir('_Inline_test', 0777) unless -e '_Inline_test';
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use diagnostics;
-print "1..12\n";
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-    USING => 'ParseRegExp';
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-void foo1(void) {
-     printf("Hello from foo1\n");
-int foo2(void) {
-    return 42;
-SV * foo3(void) {
-     return newSVnv(42.0);
-void foo4() {
-     printf("Hello from foo4\n");
-int foo5() {
-    return 42;
-SV * foo6() {
-     return newSVnv(42.0);
-void foo7( void ) {
-     printf("Hello from foo7\n");
-int foo8(  void  ) {
-    return 43;
-SV * foo9(   void ) {
-     return newSVnv(43.0);
-void foo10
-    ( void ) {
-     printf("Hello from foo10\n");
-int foo11  (  void  )
-  {
-    return 44;
-  }
-SV * foo12
- (   void )
-  {
-     return newSVnv(44.0);
-eval {foo1();};
-if($@) {
-  warn "\$\@: $@";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
-else { print "ok 1\n"}
-if(42 == foo2()) {print "ok 2\n"}
-else {print "not ok 2\n"}
-if(42 == foo3()) {print "ok 3\n"}
-else {print "not ok 3\n"}
-eval {foo4();};
-if($@) {
-  warn "\$\@: $@";
-  print "not ok 4\n";
-else { print "ok 4\n"}
-if(42 == foo5()) {print "ok 5\n"}
-else {print "not ok 5\n"}
-if(42 == foo6()) {print "ok 6\n"}
-else {print "not ok 6\n"}
-eval {foo7();};
-if($@) {
-  warn "\$\@: $@";
-  print "not ok 7\n";
-else { print "ok 7\n"}
-if(43 == foo8()) {print "ok 8\n"}
-else {print "not ok 8\n"}
-if(43 == foo9()) {print "ok 9\n"}
-else {print "not ok 9\n"}
-eval {foo10();};
-if($@) {
-  warn "\$\@: $@";
-  print "not ok 10\n";
-else { print "ok 10\n"}
-if(44 == foo11()) {print "ok 11\n"}
-else {print "not ok 11\n"}
-if(44 == foo12()) {print "ok 12\n"}
-else {print "not ok 12\n"}
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use diagnostics;
-use Config;
-print "1..1\n";
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-    FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-    CCFLAGS => $Config{ccflags} . " -DEXTRA_DEFINE=1234",
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo() {
-    return EXTRA_DEFINE;
-my $def = foo();
-if($def == 1234) {
-  print "ok 1\n";
-else {
-  warn "\n Expected: 1234\n Got: $def\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use diagnostics;
-use Config;
-print "1..1\n";
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-    FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo() {
-    return EXTRA_DEFINE;
-my $def = foo();
-if($def == 1234) {
-  print "ok 1\n";
-else {
-  warn "\n Expected: 1234\n Got: $def\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use diagnostics;
-use Config;
-print "1..1\n";
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-    FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-    PRE_HEAD => 't/prehead.in',
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo() {
-    return EXTRA_DEFINE;
-my $def = foo();
-if($def == 1234) {
-  print "ok 1\n";
-else {
-  warn "\n Expected: 1234\n Got: $def\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Cwd;
-require Inline::C;
-my $t = 10;
-print "1..$t\n";
-my $ok = 1;
-my $expected;
-my @t1 =
- (
-  '-I/foo -I/bar',
-  '  -I/foo  -I/bar      -I/baz  ',
-  ' -I/foo -I" - I/? ',
-  '   -I/for-Ian -I/for-Ingy    -I/for-some-Idiocy  ',
-  'some_crap -I-I-I -I/for-Ian -I/for-Ingy    -I/for-some-Idiocy  -I/foo -I/bar ',
-  '	-I/foo	-I/bar	-I/fubar',
- );
-for my $e1(@t1) {
-  $expected = $e1;
-  my $got = Inline::C::quote_space($e1);
-  unless($got eq $expected) {
-    $ok = 0;
-    warn "\nGot:      **$got**\n",
-           "Expected: **$expected**\n";
-  }
-if($ok) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {print "not ok 1\n"}
-my @t2 =
- (
-  '-I/foo and fu -I/bar',
-  '  -I/foo  -I/bar   and  baa     -I/baz  ',
-  ' -I/foo and fu -I" - I/? ',
-  '   -I/for-Ian -I/for-Ingy and me    -I/for-some-Idiocy  ',
-  'some crap -I-I-I -I/for-Ian -I/for-Ingy    -I/for-some Idiocy  -I/foo -I/bar ',
-  '-I/foo  -I/for-Ian and me -I/for -I/an -I/fu bar',
-  ' -I /foo -I /bar',
- );
-for my $e2 (@t2) {Inline::C::quote_space($e2)}
-if($t2[0] eq '"-I/foo and fu" -I/bar') {print "ok 2\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n2\nGot:      **$t2[0]**\n",
-           "Expected: **\"-I/foo and fu\" -I/bar**\n";
-  print "not ok 2\n";
-if($t2[1] eq '  -I/foo  "-I/bar   and  baa"     -I/baz  ') {print "ok 3\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n3\nGot:      **$t2[1]**\n",
-           "Expected: **  -I/foo  \"-I/bar   and  baa\"     -I/baz  **\n";
-  print "not ok 3\n";
-if($t2[2] eq ' -I/foo and fu -I" - I/? ') {print "ok 4\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n4\nGot:      **$t2[2]**\n",
-           "Expected: ** -I/foo and fu -I\" - I/? **\n";
-  print "not ok 4\n";
-if($t2[3] eq '   -I/for-Ian "-I/for-Ingy and me"    -I/for-some-Idiocy  ') {print "ok 5\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n5\nGot:      **$t2[3]**\n",
-           "Expected: **   -I/for-Ian \"-I/for-Ingy and me\"    -I/for-some-Idiocy  **\n";
-  print "not ok 5\n";
-if($t2[4] eq '"some crap" -I-I-I -I/for-Ian -I/for-Ingy    "-I/for-some Idiocy"  -I/foo -I/bar ') {print "ok 6\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n6\nGot:      **$t2[4]**\n",
-           "Expected: **\"some crap\" -I-I-I -I/for-Ian -I/for-Ingy    \"-I/for-some Idiocy\"  -I/foo -I/bar **\n";
-  print "not ok 6\n";
-if($t2[5] eq '-I/foo  "-I/for-Ian and me" -I/for -I/an "-I/fu bar"') {print "ok 7\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n7\nGot:      **$t2[5]**\n",
-           "Expected: **-I/foo  \"-I/for-Ian and me\" -I/for -I/an \"-I/fu bar\"**\n";
-  print "not ok 7\n";
-if($t2[6] eq ' "-I/foo" "-I/bar"') {print "ok 8\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n8\nGot:      **$t2[6]**\n",
-           "Expected: ** \"-I/foo\" \"-I/bar\"**\n";
-  print "not ok 8\n";
-my $got = Inline::C::quote_space('-I/foo and fu -I/bar');
-if($got eq '-I/foo and fu -I/bar') {print "ok 9\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n9\nGot:      **$got**\n",
-           "Expected: **-I/foo and fu -I/bar**\n";
-  print "not ok 9\n";
-my $have_file_path;
-my $newdir = Cwd::getcwd();
-$newdir .= '/foo -I/';
-eval{require File::Path;};
-if($@) {
-  warn "\nSkipping remaining tests - couldn't load File::Path\n";
-  for(10 .. $t) {print "ok $_\n"}
-  exit 0;
-else {$have_file_path = 1}
-unless(File::Path::mkpath($newdir)) {
-  unless(-d $newdir) {
-    warn "\n Skipping remaining tests - couldn't create $newdir directory.\n",
-         "Assuming this platform doesn't support spaces in directory names\n";
-    for(10 .. $t) {print "ok $_\n"}
-    exit 0;
-  }
-my $stest = " -I/here and there -I$newdir -I/foo -I/bar ";
-if($@ =~ /\/foo \-I\/' directory\./) {print "ok 10\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n\$\@: $@\n";
-  print "not ok 10\n";
-END {
-  File::Path::rmtree($newdir) if $have_file_path;
-  warn "Failed to remove $newdir" if -d $newdir;
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Cwd;
-  my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
-  my $incdir1 = $cwd . '/t/foo/';
-  my $incdir2 = $cwd . '/t/bar/';
-  $main::includes = "-I$incdir1  -I$incdir2";
-use Inline C => Config =>
- INC => $main::includes,
- DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-#include <find_me_in_foo.h>
-#include <find_me_in_bar.h>
-SV * foo() {
-  return newSViv(-42);
-print "1..1\n";
-my $f = foo();
-if($f == -42) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n\$f: $f\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-print "1..5\n";
-eval {
- require Inline;
- Inline->import(Config =>
-                DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test');
- Inline->import (C =><<'EOC');
- int foo() {
-   return 42;
- }
-if($@) {
-  *foo =\&bar;
-my $x = foo();
-if($x == 42) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n\$x: $x\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
-$x = bar();
-if($x == 43) {print "ok 2\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n\$x: $x\n";
-  print "not ok 2\n";
-eval {
- require Inline;
- Inline->import(C => Config =>
-                DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-                #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-                CC => 'missing_compiler');
- Inline->import (C =><<'EOC');
- int fu() {
-   return 44;
- }
-if($@) {
-  *fu =\&fubar;
-$x = fu();
-if($x == 45) {print "ok 3\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n\$x: $x\n";
-  print "not ok 3\n";
-$x = fubar();
-if($x == 45) {print "ok 4\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n\$x: $x\n";
-  print "not ok 4\n";
-if($@ =~ /missing_compiler/) {print "ok 5\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n\$\@ not as expected\n";
-  print "not ok 5\n";
-sub bar {
-  return 43;
-sub fubar {
-  return 45;
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# This file checks that a bug in Inline::read_DATA() has been fixed.
-# The bug existed up to and including Inline-0.52.
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-mkdir('_Inline_test21', 0777) unless -e '_Inline_test21';
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Inline Config =>
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test21';
-use Inline C => 'DATA';
-print "1..1\n";
-my $foo = foo1() + foo2();
-if($foo == 15) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\$foo: $foo\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
-  __DATA__
-	__C__
-#define __SYMBOL1__
-#define __SYMBOL2__ 8
-int foo1() {
-  int ret = __SYMBOL2__
-            - 1;
-   return ret;
-int foo2() {
-  return __SYMBOL2__;
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# This file checks that a bug in Inline::read_DATA() has been fixed.
-# The bug existed up to and including Inline-0.52.
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-  mkdir('_Inline_test22', 0777) unless -e '_Inline_test22';
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Inline Config =>
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test22';
-use Inline C => 'DATA';
-print "1..1\n";
-my $foo = foo1() + foo2();
-if($foo == 15) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\$foo: $foo\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
-#ifndef __Python__
-#define __Python__ 8
-int foo1() {
-  int ret;
-  if(__Python__ == 8) {
-    ret = __Python__
-          - 1;
-  }
-  else ret = 7;
-  return ret;
-int foo2() {
-  if(__Python__ == 8)
-    return __Python__;
-  else return 8;
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Check that a small bugfix in Inline::C::validate() (ticket #11748)
-# is behaving as expected.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-print "1..5\n";
-require Inline::C;
-# Next 2 lines are for the benefit of 5.8.8.
-my (%o1, %o2, %o3);
-my($o1, $o2, $o3) = (\%o1, \%o2,\ %o3);
-$o1->{FOOBAR}{STUFF} = 1;
-$o2->{FOOBAR}{STUFF} = 1;
-$o2->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} = '-I/foo -I/bar';
-$o3->{FOOBAR}{STUFF} = 1;
-bless($o1, 'Inline::C');
-bless($o2, 'Inline::C');
-bless($o3, 'Inline::C');
-if($o1->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC}) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {print "not ok 1\n"}
-if($o2->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} eq '-I/foo -I/bar') {print "ok 2\n"}
-else {
-  warn "INC: ", $o2->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC}, "\n";
-  print "not ok 2\n";
-Inline::C::validate($o2, 'INC', '-I/baz');
-if($o2->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} =~ / \-I\/baz/) {print "ok 3\n"}
-else {
-  warn "INC: ", $o2->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC}, "\n";
-  print "not ok 3\n";
-if($o2->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} eq '-I/foo -I/bar -I/baz') {print "ok 4\n"}
-else {
-  warn "INC: ", $o2->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC}, "\n";
-  print "not ok 4\n";
-Inline::C::validate($o3, 'INC', '-I/baz');
-if($o3->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} =~ / \-I\/baz/ &&
-   $o3->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC} ne ' -I/baz' ) {print "ok 5\n"}
-else {
-  warn "INC: ", $o3->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{INC}, "\n";
-  print "not ok 5\n";
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-  if (exists $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT}) {
-    warn "\nIgnoring \$ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} in $0\n";
-    delete $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT};
-  }
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'));
-use strict;
-use diagnostics;
-use Config;
-print "1..1\n";
-use Inline C => Config =>
-    #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-    USING => 'ParseRegExp',
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-    PREFIX => 'MY_PRE_';
-use Inline C => << 'EOC';
-int bar() {
-    return 42;
-int MY_PRE_foo(void) {
-    int x = bar();
-    return x;
-if(42 == foo()) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {print "not ok 1\n"}
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-print "1..6\n";
-$ret = do 't/proto1.p';
-if(!defined($ret) && $@ =~ /^Too many arguments/) {print "ok 1\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n$ret: $ret\n\$\@: $@\n";
-  print "not ok 1\n";
-$ret = do 't/proto2.p';
-if(!defined($ret) && $@ =~ /^Too many arguments/) {print "ok 2\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n$ret: $ret\n\$\@: $@\n";
-  print "not ok 2\n";
-$ret = do 't/proto3.p';
-if(!defined($ret) && $@ =~ /^Usage: PROTO3::foo/) {print "ok 3\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n$ret: $ret\n\$\@: $@\n";
-  print "not ok 3\n";
-$ret = do 't/proto4.p';
-if(!defined($ret) && $@ =~ /^Usage: PROTO4::foo/) {print "ok 4\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n$ret: $ret\n\$\@: $@\n";
-  print "not ok 4\n";
-$ret = do 't/proto5.p';
-if(!defined($ret) && $@ =~ /^PROTOTYPES can be only either 'ENABLE' or 'DISABLE'/) {print "ok 5\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n$ret: $ret\n\$\@: $@\n";
-  print "not ok 5\n";
-$ret = do 't/proto6.p';
-if(!defined($ret) && $@ =~ /^PROTOTYPE configure arg must specify a hash reference/) {print "ok 6\n"}
-else {
-  warn "\n$ret: $ret\n\$\@: $@\n";
-  print "not ok 6\n";
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/* This file used by t/19INC.t */
-#include <stdio.h>
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-/* This file used by t/19INC.t */
-#include <math.h>
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#define EXTRA_DEFINE 1234
-#define SOMETHING_ELSE 1234
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-package PROTO1;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-     DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-     #PROTOTYPE => {foo => '$'},
-     #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-     #CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0,
-     ;
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo(SV * x) {
-     return 23;
-my $x = foo(1, 2);
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-package PROTO2;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-     DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-     PROTOTYPE => {foo => '$'},
-     #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-     #CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0,
-     ;
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo(SV * x) {
-     return 23;
-my $x = foo(1, 2);
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-package PROTO3;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-     DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-     #PROTOTYPE => {foo => '$'},
-     #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-     #CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0,
-     ;
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo(SV * x) {
-     return 23;
-my $x = foo(1, 2);
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-package PROTO4;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-     DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-     PROTOTYPE => {foo => 'DISABLE'},
-     #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-     #CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0,
-     ;
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo(SV * x) {
-     return 23;
-my $x = foo(1, 2);
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-package PROTO5;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-     DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-     PROTOTYPE => {foo => 'DISABLE'},
-     #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-     #CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0,
-     ;
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo(SV * x) {
-     return 23;
-my $x = foo(1, 2);
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-package PROTO6;
-use Inline C => Config =>
-     DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-     PROTOTYPE => [foo => 'DISABLE'],
-     #BUILD_NOISY => 1,
-     #CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0,
-     ;
-use Inline C => <<'EOC';
-int foo(SV * x) {
-     return 23;
-my $x = foo(1, 2);
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Soldier *	SOLDIER
-        $var = INT2PTR($type, SvIV(SvRV($arg)))
-        $arg     = newSViv(0);
-        sv_setiv(newSVrv($arg, \"Soldier\"), (IV)$var);
-        SvREADONLY_on(SvRV($arg));
-        $arg;
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-float			T_FLOAT
-	$var = (float)SvNV($arg)
-	sv_setnv($arg, (double)$var);
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+The "Inline" Project needs your help!
+Please consider being a contributor. This file contains instructions that will
+help you be an effective contributor to the Project.
+The code for this Project is hosted at GitHub. The repository is:
+  https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm
+You can get the code with this command:
+  git clone https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm
+If you've found a bug or a missing feature that you would like the author to
+know about, report it here:
+  https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm/issues
+or fix it and submit a pull request here:
+  https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm/pulls
+See these links for help on interacting with GitHub:
+* https://help.github.com/
+* https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request
+This Project uses Zilla::Dist to prepare it for publishing to CPAN. Read:
+  https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Zilla-Dist/lib/Zilla/Dist/Contributing.pod
+for up-to-date instructions on what contributors like yourself need to know to
+use it.
+Inline has an IRC channel where you can find real people to help you:
+  irc.perl.org#inline
+Join the channel. Join the team!
+Electronic Mailing List
+Inline has an email discussion list:
+  inline@perl.org
+    Thanks in advance, Ingy döt Net
@@ -1,679 +1,475 @@
-# Revision history for Perl extension Inline.
----version 0.55
-date Mon 28 Apr 2014
-     Version 0.55 released to CPAN
----version 0.54_05
-date Tues 15 Apr 2014
-     Version 0.54_05 released to CPAN
----version 0.54_05
-date Sun 13 Apr 2014
-     Update version number to 0.54_05.
-     Inline.pod - Add documentation regarding "with" and
-                  modules. (Thanks to Ed J.)
----version 0.54_04
-date Wed 10 Apr 2014
-     Add META.yml & META.json to distro
-     Released to CPAN.
----version 0.54_03
-date Wed 9 Apr 2014
-     Released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.54_01.)
---- version 0.54_01
-date Sat 5 Apr 2014
-     Inline.pm - import Fcntl constants for flock (rurban).
-     Inline.pm - flock only on supported platforms, would die on VMS,riscos,VOS (rurban).
-     Makefile.PL - simplify 5.6 PREREQ_PM handling (rurban).
---- version 0.54_01
-date Mon 31 Mar 2014
-     Update version nmuyber to 0.54_01
-     Makefile.PL - add META_MERGE info (thanks David Steinbrunner).
-     Inline.pod - Correct typos (thanks David Steinbrunner).
---- version 0.54
-date Sat 29 Mar 2014
-     Update version number to 0.54
-     Release version 0.54 to CPAN
---- version 0.53_02
-date Sun 16 Mar 2014
-     Version 0.53_02 released to CPAN
---- version 0.53_02
-date Fri 7 Mar 2014
-     Update version to 0.53_02
---- version 0.53_01
-date Thurs 6 Mar 2014
-     Version 0.53_01 released to CPAN
-     Update copyright notices (where approporiate) to include 2014
-     Modify env_untaint as per Alexander Haeckel's suggestion (Ticket #65703)
---- version 0.53_01
-date Thurs 6 Feb 2014
-     Inline.pm - in sub glue() cater for the possibility that ILSM_suffix might be
-                 'sl' (in addition to the 'so', 'dll', and 'bundle' possibilities).
---- version 0.53_01
-date Wed 13 Nov 2013
-     modules/Math/Simple/Simple.pm - spread the declaration of the package name over
-     two lines to prevent the module being picked up by the PAUSE indexer.
-     (Thanks Linda Walsh.)
---- version 0.53_01
-date Sat 28 Sep 2013
-      t/01usages.t - Fix typo.
---- version 0.53_01
-date Thurs 12 Sep 2013
-      Inline.pm - Update version number to 0.53_01
---- version 0.53
-date Wed 1 May 2013
-      Version 0.53 released to CPAN
---- version 0.52_02
-date Wed 24 Apr 2013
-      Version 0.52_02 released to CPAN
---- version 0.52_01
-date Thurs 11 Apr 2013
-      Version 0.52_01 released to CPAN
-      Inline.pm - in sub read_DATA() replace:
-                  @{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)(__\S+?__\n)/, $data
-                  with:
-                  @{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)^[ \t]{0,}(__\S+?__\n)/, $data;
-                  Otherwise some non-markers can be treated as markers.
-                  Thanks to Chris Nighswonger and Stefan Seifert.
-                  Added C/t/21read_DATA.t and C/t/22read_DATA_2.t as the test cases.
-                  NOTE: This is not a complete fix - it's still possible to
-                        write code (albeit in an unorthodox fashion) such
-                        that a non-marker can be treated as a marker.
---- version 0.52
-date Thurs 07 Mar 2013
-      Version 0.52 released to CPAN
---- version 0.51_03
-date Wed 28 Nov 2012
-      Version 0.51_03 released to CPAN
---- version 0.51_02
-date Tues 20 Nov 2012
-      Version 0.51_02 released to CPAN
---- version 0.51_01
-date Tues 20 Nov 2012
-      Version 0.51_01 released to CPAN
---- version 0.51
-date Sat 13 Oct 2012
-      Version 0.51 released to CPAN.
---- version 0.50_03
-date Mon 8 Oct 2012
-      Version 0.50_03 released to CPAN.
---- version 0.50_02
-date Thurs 24 May 2012
-      Version 0.50_02 released to CPAN.
-      Makefile.PL - Provide special handling of the Digest::MD5 dependency
-                    For pre-5.8.1 versions of perl.
-      Inline.pm - Replace "$lexwarn" with its actual value of "no warnings;".
-      Inline.pod - Document use of "Inline->init();" for Inline modules.
-      Inline-FAQ.pod - Document use of "Inline->init();" for Inline modules.
---- version 0.50_02
-date Mon 14 May 2012
-      Inline-FAQ.pod - Mention that the behaviour being documented in the
-                       first FAQ can be overridden by either the DIRECTORY
-                       config option or the PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY
-                       environemnt variable.
---- version 0.50_02
-date Tues 14 Feb 2012
-      Inline.pm - Bump version number to 0.50_02
---- version 0.50_01
-date Sun 12 Feb 2012
-      Version 0.50_01 released to CPAN
---- version 0.50_01
-date Wed 8 Feb 2012
-      Inline.pm - Add a warning prior to croaking with M62_invalid_config_file().
-                  That way, we'll at least see what $config contains. This is in
-                  response to FAIL report:
-                  http://www.cpantesters.org/cpan/report/3287249c-5151-11e1-9dba-4238887bd19e
-                - Bump version number to 0.50_01
---- version 0.50
-date Tues 7 Feb 2012
-      Version 0.50 released to CPAN
-      Inline.pm - Bump version number to 0.50
---- version 0.49_02
-date Fri 3 Feb 2012
-      Version 0.49_02 released to CPAN
-      Inline.pm - Bring version numbering into line with recommendations made in
-                  http://perldoc.perl.org/perlmodstyle.html#Version-numbering
---- version 0.49_01
-date Thurs 2 Feb 2012
-      Version 0.49_01 released to CPAN.
-	Inline.pm - Rename create_config_file()'s private @INC to @_inc.
-                  (This is just to avoid any confusion that we might be
-                  messing with @INC.)
-                - In creating @_inc, we now additionally grep for the location
-                  of Parse::RecDescent - in case it's in a different PERL5LIB
-                  location to Inline (as generally happens with cpan smokers -
-                  but could happen anywhere).
-                - Update copyright dates throughout.
---- version 0.49_01
-date Mon 23 Jan 2012
-      C/t - Make alterations to all of the '.t' files in C/t (except
-            for 00init.t). This is in reponse to ticket 73448, which
-            raised the possibility that Inline may get built with the
-            PERL_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable set.
-      Inline.pod - mention the need to make provision for the
-                   PERL_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable iff it has
-                   been set.
---- version 0.49_01
-date Sun 25 Dec 2011
-      As the result of input from David Oswald:
-      Inline.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" and fix
-                   typo reported in ticket 73108.
-      Inline-FAQ.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES"
-      Inline.pm - Bump version to 0.49_01
-      lib/Inline/MakeMaker.pm - Bump version to 0.49_01
-version 0.49
-date: Thurs 8 Dec 2011
-      Version 0.49 released to CPAN
-      Inline.pm - small alteration to M19_usage_language error message
-version 0.48_02
-date: Mon 5 Dec 2011
-      Version 0.48_02 released to CPAN
-      Inline.pm - Have the config file re-created *before* we croak with
-                  M19_usage_language(). (Re-creating the config file should
-                  alleviate the need to croak, thus allowing the script to
-                  complete successfully.) Thanks to Patrick LeBoutillier for
-                  the patch, and to David Oswald for pursuing this.
-version 0.48_02
-date: Fri 9 Sept 2011
-      Bump Inline version to 0.48_02
-version 0.48_01
-date: Mon 11 Apr 2011
-      Version 0.48_01 released to CPAN
-      t/05files.t - Have t/05files.t provide a reason for skipping the tests.
-      Inline.pm - Create REWRITE_CONFIG_FILE config option.
-      Makefile.PL - Test::Warn 0.23 or later needed for perl-5.13 and later.
-                   (Older perls need 0.21 or later).
-version: 0.48
-date: Mon 21 Feb 2011
-      Version 0.48 released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.47_02.)
-version: 0.47_02
-date: Tues 1 Feb 2011
-      Version 0.47_02 released to CPAN.
-Makefile.PL - Change the Test::Warn dependency from 0.22 to 0.21 and
-              specify it in top-level Makefile.PL instead of in C/Makefile.PL.
-version: 0.47_01
-date: Sun 30 January 2011
-      Version 0.47_01 released to CPAN.
-      Changes only to Inline::C test suite - see C/Changes.
-version: 0.47
-date: Fri 21 January 2011
-      Version 0.47 released to CPAN. No changes from 0.46_02
-version: 0.46_02
-date: Wed 29 December 2010
-lib/Inline/MakeMaker.pm - apply patch from Raymond Mroz to accommodate the modern
-                          h2xs directory structure. Bump Inline::MakeMaker version
-                          to 0.45.
-version: 0.46_01
-date: Wed 31 March 2010 (and released to CPAN as 0.46_01)
-Inline.pm - warn about untainting of Inline configuration info (where applicable)
-          - quieten non-numeric warnings in relation to devel releases
-          - quieten uninitialized warning regarding $ENV{WIN64} that can occur
-            in certain circumstances on MS Windows
-Inline.pod - Documentation change relating to introduction of further _TESTING
-             capabilities in Inline::C
-version: 0.46_01
-date: Mon 8 March 2010
-Inline.pm - add '_TESTING' config option
-          - hide the 'redefined' warning introduced by the fix to ticket 49669,
-            by placing the offending code in a 'no warnings "redefine";' block.
-          - bump require from 5.005 to 5.006
-version: 0.46_01
-date: Sun 14 feb 2010
-Inline.pm - add archname and perlversion number to config filename.
-C/C.pm - Second attempt at accommodating 'ccache cc' compiler (RT ticket 40140).
-version: 0.46
-date:    Fri Feb 12 2010
- Same as 0.45_02 (plus some minor doc alterations in Inline.pod).
-version: 0.45_02
-date:    Fri Feb 5 2010
- Changes to Inline.pm, denter.pm, and Inline.pod relating to "fixing" untainting
- (to the extent that untainting of -T inline scripts works as documented).
- Many thanks to Patrick LeBoutillier.
- Also added C/t/08taint.t (which contains -T on the shebang line) as a basic test
- of untainting. (RT ticket 13084)
-version: 0.45_01
-date:    Thurs Jan 28 2010
-C/C.pod - document that *fully qualified* paths for LIBS, INC, TYPEMAPS and MYEXTLIB
-          are needed. (RT ticket 5207)
-Inline.pm - remove "defined" from "defined %main::Inline::Config::" as that usage
-            causes a deprecation warning with perl-5.11 and later. (RT ticket 53227)
-Inline.pm - fix sub push_overrides (RT ticket 49669)
-            This change responsible for "Subroutine Inline::C::get_parser redefined"
-            warnings that can occur during build stage under certain circumstances.
-denter.pm - local()ise $_ (in four places) (RT ticket 16801)
-Inline.pod - doc correction (thanks Alejandro Ochoa).
-C/Makefile.PL - accommodate 'ccache cc' (RT ticket 40140)
-              - accommodate ActivePerl-5.10.1 and later (RT ticket 49419)
-C/Cookbook.pod - typo fixes (thanks Brad Barber)
-               - Change "NAME" from "C Cookbook ..." to "Inline::C-Cookbook ...".
-                (RT ticket 45417)
-version: 0.45
-date:    Sat Nov 22 2008
-No changes from 0.44_01
-version: 0.44_01
-date:    Tues Oct 11 2008
-  - Apply patch to Inline.pm that addresses a problem with whitespace occurring
-    in the name of the build directory. (RT ticket 4150)
-  - Fix ParseRegExp.pm. (RT ticket 6327)
-  - Fix (in Inline.pm) problem regarding the calling of the same script from
-    different builds of perl. (RT ticket 29326)
-  - Allow Inline::install() subroutine to apply to languages other than C and
-    CPP. (RT ticket 35517)
-  - Fix C/Makefile.PL so that the C compiler can still be found when $Config{cc}
-    reports something like /some/place/cc. (RT ticket 8251)
-  - In C/C.pm, allow for the calling of multiple typemaps (RT ticket 5639), and
-    have the "No Inline C functions bound to Perl" warning specify the file for
-    which no bindings were found (RT ticket 17774).
-  - Minor doc fixes.
-version: 0.44
-date:    Mon Oct 28 10:31:51 PST 2002
-  - Doc fixes. Thanks Mitchell.
-  - Put all current ILSMs in doc and Makefile.PL
-version: 0.44
-date:    Sun Oct 27 23:34:50 PST 2002
-  - Applied some patches from Patrick LeBoutillier, including one to make
-    things work out of the box on Win95 and friends. Rob helped too.
-  - Added a warning to help debug why certain ILSMs might be failing.
-version: 0.44
-date:    Fri Oct 25 10:12:16 PDT 2002
-  - Changes to Inline-FAQ
-version: 0.44
-date:    Thu Oct 24 16:17:27 PDT 2002
-  - Fixed ParseRecDescent to handle 'unsigned foo()' and 'long foo()'
-  - Updated README
-  - Fixed %INC problem
-version: 0.44
-date:    Wed Oct 23 10:27:41 PDT 2002
-  - Used File::Spec::Unix for %INC keys (which are always in Unix form)
-version: 0.44
-date:    Mon Oct 21 16:49:54 PDT 2002
-  - Applied Mitchell's patch for Inline::C::ParseRegExp
-version: 0.44
-date:    Mon Oct 21 00:17:22 PDT 2002
-  - Updated pod docs
-version: 0.44
-date:    Thu Oct 17 20:00:46 PDT 2002
-  - Shortened BUILD_TIMER precision, per Leon Brocard's suggestion.
-  - Applied Mitchell Charity's patch to fix Piers Harding's CPP problem.
-  - Fixed bug with USING keyword
-version: 0.44
-date:    Fri Oct 11 18:09:03 PDT 2002
-  - Added the USING keyword. This allows you to specify a list of modules
-    which can override certain parts of the Inline process.
-  - Added Inline::C::ParseRecDescent and Inline::C::ParseRegExp to
-    provide two (hopefully) functionally identical C parsers. You use
-    one of these by saying 'use Inline C => DATA => USING => "ParseRegExp"'.
-    Big thanks to Mitchell Charity for ParseRegExp. It's over two orders
-    of magnitude faster than ParseRecDescent.
-  - Added the more diagnostics to BUILD_NOISY.
-  - Added BUILD_TIMERS for benchmarking the Inline build process.
-version: 0.44
-date:    Wed Oct  9 19:03:34 PDT 2002
-  - Applied a (BIG) patch to the Inline distribution to use File::Spec
-    to manipulate all file paths. Thanks Mitchell Charity!
-version: 0.44
-date:    Tue Oct  8 11:47:39 PDT 2002
-  - Fixed a bug in OS X. Inline::C was being required even if the object was
-    cached. That's because Inline.pm wasn't checking for .bundle.
-version: 0.44
-date:    Tue Oct  8 10:33:13 PDT 2002
-  - Added an option to Inline::C called BUILD_NOISY. Setting this to
-    true will cause the build process to dump output to the screen
-    instead of to a file. You can set it with 'BUILD_NOISY => 1,' or
-  - Honor the PERL_INLINE_BUILD_NOISY environment variable, to do the
-    same as above. Environment variable has higher precedence.
-  - Print the contents of 'out.make' to the screen on failure. This will
-    happen when BUILD_NOISY is off. When its on, you'll see the messages
-    in real time, but they won't go to 'out.make'.
-  - Provide the NOISY shortcut so you can say
-    'perl -MInline=force,noisy foo.pl'.
-  - Inline::MakeMaker uses the NOISY shortcut for its build command.
-    This way module builds are noisy like they should be.
-version: 0.44
-date:    Thu Oct  3 17:40:27 PDT 2002
-  - Integrated the new improved Inline::MakeMaker
-  - WriteInlineMakefile is deprecated for WriteMakefile
-version: 0.44
-date:    Thu Oct  3 17:09:20 PDT 2002
-  - Added a patch by Rafael Garcia-Suarez to use $^X when
-    $Config::Config{perlpath} is wrong. (It happens)
-version: 0.44
-date:    Thu Oct  3 16:51:39 PDT 2002
-  - Refactored the Parse::RecDescent grammar
-  - Moved grammar module to Inline::C::recdescent
-  - Support 'const' in types. Requested by Nicholas Clark
-  - Other modifiers seemed to be busted. Like 'unsigned'. Got them working.
-  - Started integrating Mitchell Charity's parser. Don't know how to
-    turn it on yet. It's currently in Inline::C::charity
-version: 0.44
-date:    Thu Oct  3 16:20:56 PDT 2002
-  - Allow C++ based modules to be installed as well as C ones. Requested
-    by Piers Harding.
-version: 0.44
-date:    Wed Oct  2 21:04:13 PDT 2002
-  - Call validate() for interpreted ILSMs even on load(). This patch is
-    dedicated to the very patient Mark Fowler who waited almost a year
-    for it. I hope that never happens again.
-0.43  Sat Jul 21 14:58:46 PDT 2001
-        - Removed *old* deprecated functionality.
-0.43  Sat Jul 21 14:53:33 PDT 2001
-        - Inline now works with *all* Perl release versions 5.005 and above.
-0.43  Thu Jul 19 17:29:17 PDT 2001
-        - I was comparing a version number to a md5 hash. Oops. Thanks Marcel.
-0.43  Thu Jul 19 17:29:17 PDT 2001
-        - Changed M51 error message which was causing confusion. It would
-          often come up in places I didn't anticipate.
-0.43  Thu Jul 19 17:29:17 PDT 2001
-        - Use $Config{dlext} instead of $Config{so}. Thanks Marcel.
-0.42  Sun Jun 10 18:21:06 PDT 2001
-        - Re-fixed config generator path bug prevents ILSMs like I::Python
-          and I::Tcl from installing. (NEILW)
-0.41  Tue Jun  5 00:23:46 PDT 2001
-        - Don't install .inline or .inl files with Inline::MakeMaker.
-          Require object name to be same as package name for installation.
-          Put hack in INIT block to fix Sarathy's patch ;)
-0.41  Sat Jun  2 19:53:58 PDT 2001
-        - Fixed config generator path bug that would prevent other ILSMs
-          from installing. Thanks Patrick.
-0.41  Sat Jun  2 19:53:58 PDT 2001
-        - Applied patch to (hopefully) handle CRLF variations properly.
-          Thanks Binkley
-0.40  Sun May 27 18:59:59 PDT 2001
-        - Bugfix. NAME not set right without AUTONAME.
-0.40  Sat May 26 13:41:18 PDT 2001
-        - TRIAL8 of Inline-0.40
-          Added option to distribute binary PPM modules with or without source.
-          Got UNTAINT to work again.
-0.40  Wed May 23 18:19:16 PDT 2001
-        - TRIAL7 of Inline-0.40
-          Fixed path bus for MacOS. Thanks Marcel.
-          'with' works again (with Event)
-          Inline::MakeMaker adds WriteMakefile dependency for Inline 0.40
-0.40  Wed May 23 01:14:23 PDT 2001
-        - TRIAL6 of Inline-0.40
-          Made Denter YAML compliant
-          Croak on usage of SITE_INSTALL
-          Update Inline.pod for 0.40 features
-          Detect and croak on old config files
-0.40  Mon May 21 18:06:30 PDT 2001
-        - TRIAL5 of Inline-0.40
-          Added alpha support for Inline::Files
-          Made all internal path names canonical
-0.40  Sun May 13 23:38:26 PDT 2001
-        - Finished TRIAL1 version of Inline-0.40
-          Short object names
-          Safer config generation
-          AUTONAME support
-          Reinstituted AutoLoading
-          Put all messages into subroutines inside Inline.pm
-0.40  Wed May  9 11:14:47 PDT 2001
-        - Completely reorganized the Inline internal object into major groups:
-          API - Contract space for the ILSMs. Guaranteed backwards compatible
-                after Inline 1.00.
-          ILSM - Private space for ILSMs
-          INLINE - Private Inline space. Subject to constant change.
-          CONFIG - Config options. Not for use by ILSMs
-          MATCH - Matching criteria for the object.
-          STRUCT - Reserved for Inline::Struct
-0.40  Wed May  9 11:14:47 PDT 2001
-        - Added command proxy logic for Inline::MakeMaker utilities:
-0.40  Wed May  9 11:14:47 PDT 2001
-        - Got _INSTALL_ option working with Inline::MakeMaker
-0.40  Sun Apr 29 13:58:40 PDT 2001
-        - Replaced Inline's use of Data::Dumper with Inline::Denter.
-          This is a stripped down version of Data::Denter. This change
-          makes Inline more secure because it doesn't need to eval()
-          untrusted code. Also removes the dependency on Safe.pm which has
-          known security flaws. Yay!
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-        - 'require FindBin' instead of 'use FindBin' for mod_perl.
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-        - Fixed Win32 bug. Drive letter 'c:' can be lower case.
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-        - Changed 'make install' to 'make pure_install'
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-        - Fixed bug of assuminh ':' for PATH separator. (Windows bug)
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-        - Rearranged test harness. Removed dependency on C for tests.
-          Invented Inline::Foo for testing.
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-        - Added ENABLE and DISABLE config modifiers.
-0.33  Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
-        - Changed the way ILSMs are detected.
-0.32  Mon Feb 26 07:44:34 PST 2001
-        - Add DIRECTORY path to applicable warnings and error msgs
-0.32  Mon Feb 26 07:42:32 PST 2001
-        - Warn if UNTAINT && SAFEMODE && ! DIRECTORY (croak if root)
-0.32  Mon Feb 26 01:07:15 PST 2001
-        - Added GLOBAL_LOAD option with GLOBAL shortcut.
-0.32  Mon Feb 26 01:00:00 PST 2001
-        - Added SAFEMODE option.
-        - Safe->reval(DIRECTORY/config) if SAFE.
-        - Blindly untaint all %ENV variables for UNTAINT.
-0.32  Fri Feb 23 03:20:19 PST 2001
-        - Fixed MSWin32 bug of getting full path parts in dll name.
-0.32  Thu Feb 22 02:35:04 PST 2001
-        - Fixed the "cut & paste" bug. (DOS line endings in Unix.)
-0.32  Thu Feb 22 02:10:07 PST 2001
-        - Fixed detection of using Inline::Config.
-0.32  Wed Feb 21 23:40:33 PST 2001
-        - Added UNTAINT option, which lets you use Inline with Perl's -T flag.
-0.31  Fri Jan 19 00:13:31 PST 2001
-        - Changed doc instances of 'C<Inline>' to 'Inline'.
-0.31  Sat Jan 13 11:49:14 PST 2001
-        - Reorganized the internal structure of the Inline DIRECTORY
-        - Shortened install path to .Inline/lib/auto/...
-        - Lengthened the build path to .Inline/build/...
-0.31  Sat Jan 13 11:18:22 PST 2001
-        - Changed BLIB option to DIRECTORY
-        - Changed default DIRECTORY from blib_I to _Inline or .Inline
-0.30  Fri Dec  8 02:00:17 PST 2000
-        - Major reworking of Inline.pm
-        Sweeping changes to:
-        - Configuaration
-        - Syntax
-        - Language integration
-        Too much to list here. See ToDo
+0.77 Fri Sep 19 23:13:20 UTC 2014
+ - Allow new USING usages.
+ - Updated the docs.
-0.26  Thu Sep 14 20:51:11 PDT 2000
-        - localize $/ and $\ to shield them from things like 'perl -l'.
-        Thanks Michael Schwern.
+0.76 Tue Aug 19 16:43:41 PDT 2014
+ - Missed a TAB in previous release :\
-0.25  Fri Sep  1 10:07:33 PDT 2000
-        - Use MD5 on unmodified code only. User must force recompile if
-        auto_headers change. This would have caused existing installs to break.
+0.75 Tue Aug 19 16:18:15 PDT 2014
+ - Replace tabs with spaces.
-0.25  Fri Sep  1 10:04:14 PDT 2000
-        - Don't determine build path unless really needed, since a blib_I might
-        be created. This might be annoying for someone who is only *using* an
-        Inline extension module.
+0.74 Sat Aug 16 16:53:28 PDT 2014
+ - Change ' / ' to '/' in doc
-0.25  Fri Sep  1 08:35:53 PDT 2000
-        - Mangle $VERSION into object name for modules
+0.73 Sat Aug 16 11:15:52 PDT 2014
+ - Meta 0.0.2
-0.25  Thu Aug 31 22:46:25 PDT 2000
-        - Support Inline->import(C=><DATA>); syntax
+0.72 Sat Aug 16 01:37:38 PDT 2014
+ - Remove File::Basename from tests
-0.25  Sun Aug 20 20:52:24 PDT 2000
-        - Return an empty list when the C function is of type void and doesn't
-        use any stack manipulating macros. (ie dXSARGS) It used to return
-        whatever was passed in on the stack. :-(
+0.71 Fri Aug 15 22:54:05 PDT 2014
+ - Add t/000-require-modules.t
-0.25  Fri Aug 18 18:45:24 PDT 2000
-        - Force rebuild when SITE_INSTALL option is set.
+0.70 Fri Aug 15 18:27:20 PDT 2014
+ - Add t/000-compile-modules.t
-0.25  Fri Aug 18 18:15:34 PDT 2000
-        - Figured out what was actually causing the 0.23 AutoLoader bug.
-        Can't autoload from "./blib" (relative path) when chdir() has been
-        used. Fixed properly now. Can AutoLoad fix_make() again. :-)
+0.69 Fri Aug 15 20:54:27 BST 2014
+ - Restore deprecated "WriteInlineMakefile" for now.
-0.24  Fri Aug 18 03:03:06 PDT 2000
-        - Fixed Autoload bug found during "make test" of Inline installation.
+0.68 Mon Aug 11 01:19:12 BST 2014
+ - Update "with" docs for EU::D 0.400.
-0.23  Wed Aug 16 18:10:07 PDT 2000
-        - Added support for MSWin32 operating systems which use the Microsoft
-        Visual C++ compiler.
+0.67 Fri Aug  8 00:37:17 BST 2014
+ - Remove WriteInlineMakefile.
+ - Make "use Inline" keywords case-insensitive.
+ - Add a devel ILSM test for running before release
-0.22  Wed Aug  9 18:55:54 PDT 2000
-        - First alpha release to CPAN
+0.66 Fri Aug  1 00:43:36 BST 2014
+ - Change Inline::Config check to avoid false positives
+0.65 Wed Jul 30 04:18:50 BST 2014
+ - Update docs and M14_usage_Config error message
+0.64 Sat Jul 19 22:19:18 BST 2014
+ - Instrument "Inline::Config" error
+ - Lock reading as well as writing of config file
+ - Prevent adding non .pm modules to the Makefile
+0.63 Thu Jul 17 07:51:46 PDT 2014
+ - Add mailing list info to Meta and Contributing
+0.62 Sun Jul 13 21:49:16 PDT 2014
+ - Actually make the 5.8.1 change I said I did in 0.61
+0.61 Sun Jul 13 21:47:14 PDT 2014
+ - Make Inline dep on perl 5.8.1 per The Lancaster Consensus
+ - https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/toolchain-site/blob/master/lancas
+   ter-consensus.md#minimum-supported-perl
+ - Fix Metadata errors
+0.60 Sun Jul 13 21:19:48 PDT 2014
+ - Use the new ZD Contributing file
+0.59 Sat Jul 12 12:11:10 PDT 2014
+ - Finish migrating and updating docs
+0.58 Fri Jul 11 07:02:12 BST 2014
+ - Fix tabs, add $VERSIONs, fix prereqs
+0.57 Fri Jul 11 02:05:00 BST 2014
+ - Inline::C separated from Inline
+0.56_03 Thu Jul 10 13:36:04 BST 2014
+ - The "with" interface changed slightly - to get right $language use
+   $_[-1].
+ - Add Contrib file
+0.56_02 Thu Jul 10 03:36:04 BST 2014
+ - Remove AutoLoader stuff.
+0.56_01 Wed Jul  9 17:10:04 PDT 2014
+ - Move to Zilla-Dist
+ - Remove Inline::C from Inline dist
+0.56 9 Jul 2014
+ - Clean up formatting and whitespace
+ - Removed a "sleep" from Inline::Foo::build
+0.55_05 8 Jul 2014
+ - Make "with" hook return undef croak, test that.
+0.55_04 8 Jul 2014
+ - Suppress warnings in older perls from C/t/14void_arg_PRD.t.
+ - setruid throws exception not just on Win32 - trap in t/08taint.t.
+ - C/t/14void_arg_PRD.t - Fix typo.
+0.55_03 1 Jul 2014
+ - Update ToDo to post 0.44(!)
+ - repository cpan metadata added, typo fixes (thanks dsteinbrunner)
+ - Update "with" hook to be class method, not function (and test).
+ - Make "make dist" update C/C.pm and Inline::MakeMaker's $VERSION.
+ - Undo change disabling BUILD_NOISY for Win32 when shell eq 'cmd'
+0.55_02 date Sun 22 Jun 2014
+ - Version updated to 0.55_02 and released to CPAN
+ - Inline.pm - additional changes to -T handling. (Thanks Ed J).
+0.55_01 date Mon 5 May 2014
+ - Update version number to 0.55_01
+0.55 date Mon 28 Apr 2014
+ - Version 0.55 released to CPAN
+0.54_05 date Sun 13 Apr 2014
+ - Update version number to 0.54_05.
+ - Inline.pod - Add documentation regarding "with" and modules. (Thanks to
+   Ed J.)
+0.54_04 date Wed 10 Apr 2014
+ - Add META.yml & META.json to distro
+ - Released to CPAN.
+0.54_03 date Wed 9 Apr 2014
+ - Released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.54_01.)
+0.54_01 Mon 31 Mar 2014
+ - Update version nmuyber to 0.54_01
+ - Makefile.PL - add META_MERGE info (thanks David Steinbrunner).
+ - Inline.pod - Correct typos (thanks David Steinbrunner).
+0.54 Sat 29 Mar 2014
+ - Update version number to 0.54
+ - Release version 0.54 to CPAN
+0.53_02 Fri 7 Mar 2014
+ - Update version to 0.53_02
+0.53_01 Thurs 12 Sep 2013
+ - Inline.pm - Update version number to 0.53_01
+0.53 Wed 1 May 2013
+ - Version 0.53 released to CPAN
+0.52_02 Wed 24 Apr 2013
+ - Version 0.52_02 released to CPAN
+0.52_01 Thurs 11 Apr 2013
+ - Version 0.52_01 released to CPAN
+ - Inline.pm - in sub read_DATA() replace:
+     @{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)(__\S+?__\n)/, $data
+     with:
+     @{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)^[ \t]{0,}(__\S+?__\n)/, $data;
+     Otherwise some non-markers can be treated as markers.
+     Thanks to Chris Nighswonger and Stefan Seifert.
+     Added C/t/21read_DATA.t and C/t/22read_DATA_2.t as the test cases.
+     NOTE: This is not a complete fix - it's still possible to
+	   write code (albeit in an unorthodox fashion) such
+	   that a non-marker can be treated as a marker.
+0.52 Thurs 07 Mar 2013
+ - Version 0.52 released to CPAN
+0.51_03 Wed 28 Nov 2012
+ - Version 0.51_03 released to CPAN
+0.51_02 Tues 20 Nov 2012
+ - Version 0.51_02 released to CPAN
+0.51_01 Tues 20 Nov 2012
+ - Version 0.51_01 released to CPAN
+0.51 Sat 13 Oct 2012
+ - Version 0.51 released to CPAN.
+0.50_03 Mon 8 Oct 2012
+ - Version 0.50_03 released to CPAN.
+0.50_02 Tues 14 Feb 2012
+ - Inline.pm - Bump version number to 0.50_02
+0.50_01 Wed 8 Feb 2012
+ - Inline.pm - Add a warning prior to croaking with
+   M62_invalid_config_file(). That way, we'll at least see what $config
+   contains. This is in response to FAIL report
+   http://www.cpantesters.org/cpan/report/3287249c-5151-11e1-9dba-4238887bd
+   19e
+ - Bump version number to 0.50_01
+0.50 Tues 7 Feb 2012
+ - Version 0.50 released to CPAN
+ - Inline.pm - Bump version number to 0.50
+0.49_02 Fri 3 Feb 2012
+ - Version 0.49_02 released to CPAN
+ - Inline.pm - Bring version numbering into line with recommendations made
+   in http://perldoc.perl.org/perlmodstyle.html#Version-numbering
+0.49_01 Sun 25 Dec 2011
+ - As the result of input from David Oswald
+ - Inline.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" and fix typo
+   reported in ticket 73108.
+ - Inline-FAQ.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES"
+ - Inline.pm - Bump version to 0.49_01
+ - lib/Inline/MakeMaker.pm - Bump version to 0.49_01
+0.49 Thurs 8 Dec 2011
+ - Version 0.49 released to CPAN
+ - Inline.pm - small alteration to M19_usage_language error message
+0.48_02 Fri 9 Sept 2011
+ - Bump Inline version to 0.48_02
+0.48_01 Mon 11 Apr 2011
+ - Version 0.48_01 released to CPAN
+ - t/05files.t - Have t/05files.t provide a reason for skipping the tests.
+ - Inline.pm - Create REWRITE_CONFIG_FILE config option.
+ - Makefile.PL - Test::Warn 0.23 or later needed for perl-5.13 and later.
+   (Older perls need 0.21 or later).
+0.48 Mon 21 Feb 2011
+ - Version 0.48 released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.47_02.)
+0.47_02 Tues 1 Feb 2011
+ - Version 0.47_02 released to CPAN.
+ - Makefile.PL - Change the Test::Warn dependency from 0.22 to 0.21 and
+   specify it in top-level Makefile.PL instead of in C/Makefile.PL.
+0.47_01 Sun 30 January 2011
+ - Version 0.47_01 released to CPAN. Changes only to Inline::C test suite -
+   see C/Changes.
+0.47 Fri 21 January 2011
+ - Version 0.47 released to CPAN. No changes from 0.46_02
+0.46_02 Wed 29 December 2010
+ - lib/Inline/MakeMaker.pm - apply patch from Raymond Mroz to accommodate
+   the modern h2xs directory structure. Bump Inline::MakeMaker version to
+   0.45.
+0.46_01 Sun 14 feb 2010
+ - Inline.pm - add archname and perlversion number to config filename.
+ - C/C.pm - Second attempt at accommodating 'ccache cc' compiler (RT ticket
+   40140).
+0.46 Fri Feb 12 2010
+ - Same as 0.45_02 (plus some minor doc alterations in Inline.pod).
+0.45_02 Fri Feb 5 2010
+ - Changes to Inline.pm, denter.pm, and Inline.pod relating to "fixing"
+   untainting (to the extent that untainting of -T inline scripts works as
+   documented). Many thanks to Patrick LeBoutillier.
+ - Also added C/t/08taint.t (which contains -T on the shebang line) as a
+   basic test of untainting. (RT ticket 13084)
+0.45_01 Thurs Jan 28 2010
+ - C/C.pod - document that *fully qualified* paths for LIBS, INC, TYPEMAPS
+   and MYEXTLIB are needed. (RT ticket 5207)
+ - Inline.pm - remove "defined" from "defined %main::Inline::Config::" as
+   that usage causes a deprecation warning with perl-5.11 and later. (RT
+   ticket 53227)
+ - Inline.pm - fix sub push_overrides (RT ticket 49669) This change
+   responsible for "Subroutine Inline::C::get_parser redefined" warnings
+   that can occur during build stage under certain circumstances.
+ - denter.pm - local()ise $_ (in four places) (RT ticket 16801)
+ - Inline.pod - doc correction (thanks Alejandro Ochoa).
+ - C/Makefile.PL - accommodate 'ccache cc' (RT ticket 40140)
+ - accommodate ActivePerl-5.10.1 and later (RT ticket 49419)
+ - C/Cookbook.pod - typo fixes (thanks Brad Barber)
+ - Change "NAME" from "C Cookbook ..." to "Inline::C-Cookbook ...". (RT
+   ticket 45417)
+0.45 Sat Nov 22 2008
+ - No changes from 0.44_01
+0.44_01 Tues Oct 11 2008
+ - Apply patch to Inline.pm that addresses a problem with whitespace
+   occurring in the name of the build directory. (RT ticket 4150)
+ - Fix ParseRegExp.pm. (RT ticket 6327)
+ - Fix (in Inline.pm) problem regarding the calling of the same script from
+   different builds of perl. (RT ticket 29326)
+ - Allow Inline::install() subroutine to apply to languages other than C
+   and CPP. (RT ticket 35517)
+ - Fix C/Makefile.PL so that the C compiler can still be found when
+   $Config{cc} reports something like /some/place/cc. (RT ticket 8251)
+ - In C/C.pm, allow for the calling of multiple typemaps (RT ticket 5639),
+   and have the "No Inline C functions bound to Perl" warning specify the
+   file for which no bindings were found (RT ticket 17774).
+ - Minor doc fixes.
+0.44 Mon Oct 28 10:31:51 PST 2002
+ - Doc fixes. Thanks Mitchell.
+ - Put all current ILSMs in doc and Makefile.PL
+ - Applied some patches from Patrick LeBoutillier, including one to make
+   things work out of the box on Win95 and friends. Rob helped too.
+ - Added a warning to help debug why certain ILSMs might be failing.
+ - Changes to Inline-FAQ
+ - Fixed ParseRecDescent to handle 'unsigned foo()' and 'long foo()'
+ - Updated README
+ - Fixed %INC problem
+ - Used File::Spec::Unix for %INC keys (which are always in Unix form)
+ - Applied Mitchell's patch for Inline::C::ParseRegExp
+ - Updated pod docs
+ - Shortened BUILD_TIMER precision, per Leon Brocard's suggestion.
+ - Applied Mitchell Charity's patch to fix Piers Harding's CPP problem.
+ - Fixed bug with USING keyword
+ - Added the USING keyword. This allows you to specify a list of modules
+   which can override certain parts of the Inline process.
+ - Added Inline::C::ParseRecDescent and Inline::C::ParseRegExp to provide
+   two (hopefully) functionally identical C parsers. You use one of these
+   by saying 'use Inline C => DATA => USING => "ParseRegExp"'. Big thanks
+   to Mitchell Charity for ParseRegExp. It's over two orders of magnitude
+   faster than ParseRecDescent.
+ - Added the more diagnostics to BUILD_NOISY.
+ - Added BUILD_TIMERS for benchmarking the Inline build process.
+ - Applied a (BIG) patch to the Inline distribution to use File::Spec to
+   manipulate all file paths. Thanks Mitchell Charity!
+ - Fixed a bug in OS X. Inline::C was being required even if the object was
+   cached. That's because Inline.pm wasn't checking for .bundle.
+ - Added an option to Inline::C called BUILD_NOISY. Setting this to true
+   will cause the build process to dump output to the screen instead of to
+   a file. You can set it with 'BUILD_NOISY => 1,' or 'ENABLE =>
+ - Honor the PERL_INLINE_BUILD_NOISY environment variable, to do the same
+   as above. Environment variable has higher precedence.
+ - Print the contents of 'out.make' to the screen on failure. This will
+   happen when BUILD_NOISY is off. When its on, you'll see the messages in
+   real time, but they won't go to 'out.make'.
+ - Provide the NOISY shortcut so you can say 'perl -MInline=force,noisy
+   foo.pl'.
+ - Inline::MakeMaker uses the NOISY shortcut for its build command. This
+   way module builds are noisy like they should be.
+ - Integrated the new improved Inline::MakeMaker
+ - WriteInlineMakefile is deprecated for WriteMakefile
+ - Added a patch by Rafael Garcia-Suarez to use $^X when
+   $Config::Config{perlpath} is wrong. (It happens)
+ - Refactored the Parse::RecDescent grammar
+ - Moved grammar module to Inline::C::recdescent
+ - Support 'const' in types. Requested by Nicholas Clark
+ - Other modifiers seemed to be busted. Like 'unsigned'. Got them working.
+ - Started integrating Mitchell Charity's parser. Don't know how to turn it
+   on yet. It's currently in Inline::C::charity
+ - Allow C++ based modules to be installed as well as C ones. Requested by
+   Piers Harding.
+ - Call validate() for interpreted ILSMs even on load(). This patch is
+   dedicated to the very patient Mark Fowler who waited almost a year for
+   it. I hope that never happens again.
+0.43 Sat Jul 21 14:58:46 PDT 2001
+ - Removed *old* deprecated functionality.
+ - Inline now works with *all* Perl release versions 5.005 and above.
+ - I was comparing a version number to a md5 hash. Oops. Thanks Marcel.
+ - Changed M51 error message which was causing confusion. It would often
+   come up in places I didn't anticipate.
+ - Use $Config{dlext} instead of $Config{so}. Thanks Marcel.
+0.42 Sun Jun 10 18:21:06 PDT 2001
+ - Re-fixed config generator path bug prevents ILSMs like I::Python and
+   I::Tcl from installing. (NEILW)
+0.41 Tue Jun  5 00:23:46 PDT 2001
+ - Don't install .inline or .inl files with Inline::MakeMaker. Require
+   object name to be same as package name for installation. Put hack in
+   INIT block to fix Sarathy's patch ;)
+ - Fixed config generator path bug that would prevent other ILSMs from
+   installing. Thanks Patrick.
+ - Applied patch to (hopefully) handle CRLF variations properly. Thanks
+   Binkley
+0.40 Sun May 27 18:59:59 PDT 2001
+ - Bugfix. NAME not set right without AUTONAME.
+ - TRIAL8 of Inline-0.40 Added option to distribute binary PPM modules with
+   or without source. Got UNTAINT to work again.
+ - TRIAL7 of Inline-0.40 Fixed path bus for MacOS. Thanks Marcel. 'with'
+   works again (with Event) Inline::MakeMaker adds WriteMakefile dependency
+   for Inline 0.40
+ - TRIAL6 of Inline-0.40
+ - Made Denter YAML compliant
+ - Croak on usage of SITE_INSTALL
+ - Update Inline.pod for 0.40 features
+ - Detect and croak on old config files
+ - TRIAL5 of Inline-0.40
+ - Added alpha support for Inline::Files
+ - Made all internal path names canonical
+ - Finished TRIAL1 version of Inline-0.40
+ - Short object names
+ - Safer config generation
+ - AUTONAME support
+ - Reinstituted AutoLoading
+ - Put all messages into subroutines inside Inline.pm
+ - Completely reorganized the Inline internal object into major groups
+ - API - Contract space for the ILSMs. Guaranteed backwards compatible
+   after Inline 1.00.
+ - ILSM - Private space for ILSMs
+ - INLINE - Private Inline space. Subject to constant change.
+ - CONFIG - Config options. Not for use by ILSMs
+ - MATCH - Matching criteria for the object.
+ - STRUCT - Reserved for Inline::Struct
+ - Added command proxy logic for Inline::MakeMaker utilities INSTALL,
+ - Got _INSTALL_ option working with Inline::MakeMaker
+ - Replaced Inline's use of Data::Dumper with Inline::Denter. This is a
+   stripped down version of Data::Denter. This change makes Inline more
+   secure because it doesn't need to eval() untrusted code. Also removes
+   the dependency on Safe.pm which has known security flaws. Yay!
+0.33 Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
+ - Use 'require FindBin' instead of 'use FindBin' for mod_perl.
+ - Fixed Win32 bug. Drive letter 'c:' can be lower case.
+ - Changed 'make install' to 'make pure_install'
+ - Fixed bug of assuminh ':' for PATH separator. (Windows bug)
+ - Rearranged test harness. Removed dependency on C for tests. Invented
+   Inline::Foo for testing.
+ - Added ENABLE and DISABLE config modifiers.
+ - Changed the way ILSMs are detected.
+0.32 Mon Feb 26 07:44:34 PST 2001
+ - Add DIRECTORY path to applicable warnings and error msgs
+ - Warn if UNTAINT && SAFEMODE && ! DIRECTORY (croak if root)
+ - Added GLOBAL_LOAD option with GLOBAL shortcut.
+ - Added SAFEMODE option.
+ - Safe->reval(DIRECTORY/config) if SAFE.
+ - Blindly untaint all %ENV variables for UNTAINT.
+ - Fixed MSWin32 bug of getting full path parts in dll name.
+ - Fixed the "cut & paste" bug. (DOS line endings in Unix.)
+ - Fixed detection of using Inline::Config.
+ - Added UNTAINT option, which lets you use Inline with Perl's -T flag.
+0.31 Fri Jan 19 00:13:31 PST 2001
+ - Changed doc instances of 'C<Inline>' to 'Inline'.
+ - Reorganized the internal structure of the Inline DIRECTORY
+ - Shortened install path to .Inline/lib/auto/...
+ - Lengthened the build path to .Inline/build/...
+ - Changed BLIB option to DIRECTORY
+ - Changed default DIRECTORY from blib_I to _Inline or .Inline
+0.30 Fri Dec  8 02:00:17 PST 2000
+ - Major reworking of Inline.pm
+ - Sweeping changes to
+ - Configuaration
+ - Syntax
+ - Language integration Too much to list here. See ToDo
+0.26 Thu Sep 14 20:51:11 PDT 2000
+ - localize $/ and $\ to shield them from things like 'perl -l'. Thanks
+   Michael Schwern.
+0.25 Fri Sep  1 10:07:33 PDT 2000
+ - Use MD5 on unmodified code only. User must force recompile if
+   auto_headers change. This would have caused existing installs to break.
+ - Don't determine build path unless really needed, since a blib_I might be
+   created. This might be annoying for someone who is only *using* an
+   Inline extension module.
+ - Mangle $VERSION into object name for modules
+ - Support Inline->import(C=><DATA>); syntax
+ - Return an empty list when the C function is of type void and doesn't use
+   any stack manipulating macros. (ie dXSARGS) It used to return whatever
+   was passed in on the stack. :-(
+ - Force rebuild when SITE_INSTALL option is set.
+ - Figured out what was actually causing the 0.23 AutoLoader bug.
+ - Can't autoload from "./blib" (relative path) when chdir() has been used.
+   Fixed properly now. Can AutoLoad fix_make() again. :-)
+0.24 Fri Aug 18 03:03:06 PDT 2000
+ - Fixed Autoload bug found during "make test" of Inline installation.
+0.23 Wed Aug 16 18:10:07 PDT 2000
+ - Added support for MSWin32 operating systems which use the Microsoft
+   Visual C++ compiler.
+0.22 Wed Aug  9 18:55:54 PDT 2000
+ - First alpha release to CPAN
+0.01 Mon Jul 24 11:23:25 2000
+ - original version; created by h2xs 1.19
-0.01  Mon Jul 24 11:23:25 2000
-        - original version; created by h2xs 1.19
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Inline-API - How to bind a programming language to Perl using Inline.pm
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    #!/usr/bin/perl
-    use Inline Foo;
-    say_it('foo');  # Use Foo to print "Hello, Foo"
-    __Foo__
-    foo-sub say_it {
-        foo-my $foo = foo-shift;
-        foo-print "Hello, $foo\n";
-    }
-So you think Inline C is pretty cool, but what you really need is for
-Perl to work with the brand new programming language "Foo". Well you're
-in luck. C<Inline.pm> has support for adding your own Inline Language
-Support Module (B<ILSM>), like C<Inline::Foo>.
-Inline has always been intended to work with lots of different
-programming languages. Many of the details can be shared between
-implementations, so that C<Inline::Java> has a similar interface to
-C<Inline::ASM>. All of the common code is in C<Inline.pm>.
-Language specific modules like C<Inline::Python> are subclasses of
-C<Inline.pm>. They can inherit as much of the common behaviour as they
-want, and provide specific behaviour of their own. This usually comes in
-the form of Configuration Options and language specific compilation.
-The Inline C support is probably the best boilerplate to copy from.
-Since version 0.30 all C support was isolated into the module
-C<Inline::C> and the parsing grammar is further broken out into
-C<Inline::C::grammar>. All of these components come with the Inline
-This POD gives you all the details you need for implementing an ILSM.
-For further assistance, contact inline@perl.org See L<"SEE ALSO"> below.
-We'll examine the joke language Inline::Foo which is distributed with
-Inline. It actually is a full functioning ILSM. I use it in Inline's
-test harness to test base Inline functionality. It is very short, and
-can help you get your head wrapped around the Inline API.
-=head1 A Skeleton
-For the remainder of this tutorial, let's assume we're writing an ILSM
-for the ficticious language C<Foo>. We'll call it C<Inline::Foo>. Here
-is the entire (working) implementation.
-    package Inline::Foo;
-    use strict;
-    $Inline::Foo::VERSION = '0.01';
-    @Inline::Foo::ISA = qw(Inline);
-    require Inline;
-    use Carp;
-    #===========================================================
-    # Register Foo as an Inline Language Support Module (ILSM)
-    #===========================================================
-    sub register {
-        return {
-            language => 'Foo',
-            aliases => ['foo'],
-            type => 'interpreted',
-            suffix => 'foo',
-           };
-    }
-    #===========================================================
-    # Error messages
-    #===========================================================
-    sub usage_config {
-        my ($key) = @_;
-        "'$key' is not a valid config option for Inline::Foo\n";
-    }
-    sub usage_config_bar {
-        "Invalid value for Inline::Foo config option BAR";
-    }
-    #===========================================================
-    # Validate the Foo Config Options
-    #===========================================================
-    sub validate {
-        my $o = shift;
-        $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN} ||= 'foo-';
-        $o->{ILSM}{BAR} ||= 0;
-        while (@_) {
-        my ($key, $value) = splice @_, 0, 2;
-        if ($key eq 'PATTERN') {
-            $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN} = $value;
-            next;
-        }
-        if ($key eq 'BAR') {
-            croak usage_config_bar
-              unless $value =~ /^[01]$/;
-            $o->{ILSM}{BAR} = $value;
-            next;
-        }
-        croak usage_config($key);
-        }
-    }
-    #===========================================================
-    # Parse and compile Foo code
-    #===========================================================
-    sub build {
-        my $o = shift;
-        my $code = $o->{API}{code};
-        my $pattern = $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN};
-        $code =~ s/$pattern//g;
-        $code =~ s/bar-//g if $o->{ILSM}{BAR};
-        sleep 1;             # imitate compile delay
-        {
-            package Foo::Tester;
-            eval $code;
-        }
-        croak "Foo build failed:\n$@" if $@;
-        my $path = "$o->{API}{install_lib}/auto/$o->{API}{modpname}";
-        my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
-        $o->mkpath($path) unless -d $path;
-        open FOO_OBJ, "> $obj"
-          or croak "Can't open $obj for output\n$!";
-        print FOO_OBJ $code;
-        close \*FOO_OBJ;
-    }
-    #===========================================================
-    # Only needed for interpreted languages
-    #===========================================================
-    sub load {
-        my $o = shift;
-        my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
-        open FOO_OBJ, "< $obj"
-          or croak "Can't open $obj for output\n$!";
-        my $code = join '', <FOO_OBJ>;
-        close \*FOO_OBJ;
-        eval "package $o->{API}{pkg};\n$code";
-        croak "Unable to load Foo module $obj:\n$@" if $@;
-    }
-    #===========================================================
-    # Return a small report about the Foo code.
-    #===========================================================
-    sub info {
-        my $o = shift;
-        my $text = <<'END';
-    This is a small report about the Foo code. Perhaps it contains
-    information about the functions the parser found which will be
-    bound to Perl. It will get included in the text produced by the
-    Inline 'INFO' command.
-    END
-        return $text;
-    }
-    1;
-Except for C<load()>, the subroutines in this code are mandatory for an
-ILSM. What they do is described below. A few things to note:
-=over 4
-=item 1
-C<Inline::Foo> must be a subclass of Inline. This is accomplished with:
-    @Inline::Foo::ISA = qw(Inline);
-=item 2
-The line 'C<require Inline;>' is not necessary. But it is there to
-remind you not to say 'C<use Inline;>'. This will not work.
-=item 3
-Remember, it is not valid for a user to say:
-    use Inline::Foo;
-C<Inline.pm> will detect such usage for you in its C<import> method,
-which is automatically inherited since C<Inline::Foo> is a subclass.
-=item 4
-In the build function, you normally need to parse your source code.
-Inline::C uses Parse::RecDescent to do this. Inline::Foo simply uses
-eval. (After we strip out all occurances of 'foo-').
-An alternative parsing method that works well for many ILSMs (like Java
-and Python) is to use the language's compiler itself to parse for you.
-This works as long as the compiler can be made to give back parse
-=head1 The Inline API
-This section is a more formal specification of what functionality you'll
-need to provide to implement an ILSM.
-When Inline determines that some C<Foo> code needs to be compiled it
-will automatically load your ILSM module. It will then call various
-subroutines which you need to supply. We'll call these subroutines
-You will need to provide the following 5 callback subroutines.
-=head2 The register() Callback
-This subroutine receives no arguments. It returns a reference to a hash
-of ILSM meta-data. Inline calls this routine only when it is trying to
-detect new ILSM-s that have been installed on a given system. Here is an
-example of the has ref you would return for Foo:
-    {
-     language => 'Foo',
-     aliases => ['foo'],
-     type => 'interpreted',
-     suffix => 'foo',
-    };
-The meta-data items have the following meanings:
-=over 4
-=item language
-This is the proper name of the language. It is usually implemented as
-C<Inline::X> for a given language 'X'.
-=item aliases
-This is a reference to an array of language name aliases. The proper
-name of a language can only contain word characters. [A-Za-z0-9_] An
-alias can contain any characters except whitespace and quotes. This is
-useful for names like 'C++' and 'C#'.
-=item type
-Must be set to 'compiled' or 'interpreted'. Indicates the category of
-the language.
-=item suffix
-This is the file extension for the cached object that will be created.
-For 'compiled' languages, it will probably be 'so' or 'dll'. The
-appropriate value is in C<Config.pm>.
-For interpreted languages, this value can be whatever you want. Python
-uses C<pydat>. Foo uses C<foo>.
-=head2 The validate() Callback
-This routine gets passed all configuration options that were not already
-handled by the base Inline module. The options are passed as key/value
-pairs. It is up to you to validate each option and store its value in
-the Inline object (which is also passed in). If a particular option is
-invalid, you should croak with an appropriate error message.
-=head2 The build() Callback
-This subroutine is responsible for doing the parsing and compilation of
-the Foo source code. The Inline object is passed as the only argument.
-All pertinent information will be stored in this object. C<build()> is
-required to create a cache object of a specific name, or to croak with
-an appropriate error message.
-This is the meat of your ILSM. Since it will most likely be quite
-complicated, it is probably best that you study an existing ILSM like
-=head2 The load() Callback
-This method only needs to be provided for interpreted languages. It's
-responsibility is to start the interpreter.
-For compiled languages, the load routine from C<Inline.pm> is called
-which uses C<DynaLoader> to load the shared object or DLL.
-=head2 The info() Callback
-This method is called when the user makes use of the C<INFO>
-shortcut. You should return a string containing a small report about
-the Inlined code.
-=head1 The Inline Object
-C<Inline.pm> creates a hash based Perl object for each section of
-Inlined source code it receives. This object contains lots of
-information about the code, the environment, and the configuration
-options used.
-This object is a hash that is broken into several subhashes. The only
-two subhashes that an ILSM should use at all are $o->{API} and
-$o->{ILSM}. The first one contains all of the information that Inline
-has gather for you in order for you to create/load a cached object of
-your design. The second one is a repository where your ILSM can freely
-store data that it might need later on.
-This section will describe all of the Inline object "API" attributes.
-=head2 The code Attribute
-This the actual source code passed in by the user. It is stored as one
-long string.
-=head2 The language Attribute
-The proper name of the language being used.
-=head2 The language_id Attribute
-The language name specified by the user. Could be 'C++' instead of 'CPP'.
-=head2 The module Attribute
-This is the shared object's file name.
-=head2 The modfname Attribute
-This is the shared object's file name.
-=head2 The modpname Attribute
-This is the shared object's installation path extension.
-=head2 The version Attribute
-The version of C<Inline.pm> being used.
-=head2 The pkg Attribute
-The Perl package from which this invocation pf Inline was called.
-=head2 The install_lib Attribute
-This is the directory to write the shared object into.
-=head2 The build_dir Attribute
-This is the directory under which you should write all of your build
-related files.
-=head2 The script Attribute
-This is the name of the script that invoked Inline.
-=head2 The location Attribute
-This is the full path name of the executable object in question.
-=head2 The suffix Attribute
-This is the shared library extension name. (Usually 'so' or 'dll').
-=over 4
-=head1 The Inline Namespace
-C<Inline.pm> has been set up so that anyone can write their own language
-support modules. It further allows anyone to write a different
-implementation of an existing Inline language, like C for instance. You
-can distribute that module on the CPAN.
-If you have plans to implement and distribute an Inline module, I would
-ask that you please work with the Inline community. We can be reached at
-the Inline mailing list: inline@perl.org (Send mail to
-inline-subscribe@perl.org to subscribe). Here you should find the advice
-and assistance needed to make your module a success.
-The Inline community will decide if your implementation of COBOL will be
-distributed as the official C<Inline::COBOL> or should use an alternate
-namespace. In matters of dispute, I (Brian Ingerson) retain final
-authority. (and I hope not to need use of it :-) Actually
-modules@perl.org retains the B<final> authority.
-But even if you want to work alone, you are free and welcome to write
-and distribute Inline language support modules on CPAN. You'll just need
-to distribute them under a different package name.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-For generic information about Inline, see L<Inline>.
-For information about using Inline with C see L<Inline::C>.
-For information on supported languages and platforms see
-Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
-To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Brian Ingerson <INGY@cpan.org>
-Copyright (c) 2000-2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, 2011. Sisyphus.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Inline-FAQ - The Inline FAQ
-Welcome to the official Inline FAQ. In this case, B<FAQ> means:
-    Formerly Answered Questions
-This is a collection of old, long-winded emails that myself and others
-have sent to the Inline mailing list. (inline@perl.org) They have been
-reviewed and edited for general Inline edification. Some of them may be
-related to a specific language. They are presented here in a traditional
-FAQ layout.
-=head1 General Inline
-Since there is only a handful of content so far, all FAQs are currently
-under this heading.
-=head2 How disposable is a .Inline or _Inline directory?
-I probably need to be more emphatic about the roll of _Inline/ cache
-directories. Since they are created automatically, they are completely
-disposable. I delete them all the time. And it is fine to have a
-different one for each project. In fact as long as you don't have
-~/.Inline/ defined, Inline will create a new ./_Inline directory (unless,
-you've done something to override this automatic process - such as
-using the DIRECTORY config option, or using the PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY
-environment variable). You can move that to ./.Inline and it will continue
-to work if you want togive it more longevity and hide it from view. There
-is a long complicated list of rules about how [_.]Inline/ directories are
-used/created. But it was designed to give you the most
-flexibility/ease-of-use. Never be afraid to nuke 'em. They'll just pop
-right back next time they're needed. :)
-=head2 Whatever happened to the SITE_INSTALL option?
-SITE_INSTALL is gone. I was going to leave it in and change the
-semantics, but thought it better to remove it, so people wouldn't try to
-use it the old way. There is now _INSTALL_ (but you're not supposed to
-know that :). It works magically through the use of Inline::MakeMaker. I
-explained this earlier but it's worth going through again because it's
-the biggest change for 0.40. Here's how to 'permanently' install an
-Inline extension (Inline based module) with 0.40:
-    1) Create a module with Inline.
-    2) Test it using the normal/local _Inline/ cache.
-    3) Create a Makefile.PL (like the one produced by h2xs)
-    4) Change 'use ExtUtils::MakeMaker' to 'use Inline::MakeMaker'
-    5) In the Makefile.PL's WriteMakefile() insert:
-        CONFIGURE_REQUIRES  =>  {
-            'Inline::MakeMaker'     => 0.45,
-            'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => 6.52,
-        },
-       (See the "Writing Modules with Inline" section of Inline.pod for
-        an explanation/elaboration.)
-    6) Change your 'use Inline C => DATA' to 'use Inline C => DATA => NAME
-       => Foo => VERSION => 1.23'
-    7) Make sure NAME matches your package name ('Foo'), or begins with
-       'Foo::'.
-    8) If you want to quiet a harmless warning that will appear when the
-       module is loaded via "require", do "Inline->init();".
-       See "Writing Modules with Inline" in the Inline pod for details.
-    9) Make sure VERSION matches $Foo::VERSION. This must be a string (not a
-       number) matching /^\d\.\d\d$/
-    10) Do the perl/make/test/install dance (thanks binkley :)
-With Inline 0.41 (or thereabouts) you can skip steps 3 & 4, and just
-say 'perl -MInline=INSTALL ./Foo.pm'. This will work for non-Inline
-modules too. It will become the defacto standard (since there is no easy
-standard) way of installing a Perl module. It will allow Makefile.PL
-parameters 'perl -MInline=INSTALL ./Foo.pm - PREFIX=/home/ingy/perl' and
-things like that. It will also make use of a MANIFEST if you provide
-=head2 How do I create a binary distribution using Inline?
-I've figured out how to create and install a PPM binary distribution;
-with or without distributing the C code! And I've decided to share it
-with all of you :)
-NOTE: Future versions of Inline will make this process a one line
-command. But for now just use this simple recipe.
-The Inline 0.40 distribution comes with a sample extension module called
-Math::Simple. Theoretically you could distribute this module on CPAN. It
-has all the necessary support for installation. You can find it in
-Inline-0.40/modules/Math/Simple/. Here are the steps for converting this
-into a binary distribution *without* C source code.
-NOTE: The recipient of this binary distribution will need to have the
-PPM.pm module installed. This module requires a lot of other CPAN
-modules. ActivePerl (available for Win32, Linux, and Solaris) has all of
-these bundled. While ActivePerl isn't required, it makes things (a
-lot) easier.
-1) cd Inline-0.40/Math/Simple/
-2) Divide Simple.pm into two files:
-    ---8<--- (Simple.pm)
-    package Math::Simple;
-    use strict;
-    require Exporter;
-    @Math::Simple::ISA = qw(Exporter);
-    @Math::Simple::EXPORT = qw(add subtract);
-    $Math::Simple::VERSION = '1.23';
-    use Inline (C => 'src/Simple.c' =>
-                NAME => 'Math::Simple',
-                VERSION => '1.23',
-               );
-    1;
-    ---8<---
-    ---8<--- (src/Simple.c)
-    int add (int x, int y) {
-        return x + y;
-    }
-    int subtract (int x, int y) {
-        return x - y;
-    }
-    ---8<---
-So now you have the Perl in one file and the C in the other. The C code
-must be in a subdirectory.
-Note that I also changed the term 'DATA' to the name of the C file. This
-will work just as if the C were still inline.
-4) Run 'perl Makefile.PL'
-5) Run 'make test'
-6) Get the MD5 key from 'blib/arch/auto/Math/Simple/Simple.inl'
-Edit 'blib/lib/Math/Simple.pm'. Change 'src/Simple.c' to
-'02c61710cab5b659efc343a9a830aa73' (the MD5 key)
-8) Run 'make ppd'
-Edit 'Math-Simple.ppd'. Fill in AUTHOR and ABSTRACT if you wish. Then
-    <CODEBASE HREF="" />
-    <CODEBASE HREF="Math-Simple.tar.gz" />
-10) Run:
-    tar cvf Math-Simple.tar blib
-    gzip --best Math-Simple.tar
-    tar cvf Math-Simple-1.23.tar Math-Simple.ppd Math-Simple.tar.gz
-    gzip --best Math-Simple-1.23.tar
-12) Distribute Math-Simple-1.23.tar.gz with the following instructions:
-A) Run:
-    gzip -d Math-Simple-1.23.tar.gz
-    tar xvzf Math-Simple-1.23.tar
-B) Run 'ppm install Math-Simple.ppd'
-C) Delete Math-Simple.tar and Math-Simple.ppd.
-D) Test with:
-    perl -MMath::Simple -le 'print add(37, 42)'
-That's it. The process should also work with zip instead of tar, but I
-haven't tried it.
-The recipient of the binary must have Perl built with a matching
-architecture. Luckily, ppm will catch this.
-For a binary dist *with* C source code, simply omit steps 2, 3, 6, and
-If this seems too hard, then in a future version you should be able to
-just type:
-    make ppm
-=head2 Why does C/t/09parser.t fail on Cygwin ?
-It doesn't always fail on Cygwin, but if you find that it produces
-"unable to remap .... to same address as parent" errors during the
-build phase, then it's time for you to run rebaseall.
-See http://cygwin.com/faq/faq-nochunks.html#faq.using.fixing-fork-failures
-and, if needed, seek further help from the Cygwin mailing list.
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Inline-Support - Support Information for Inline.pm and related modules.
-This document contains all of the latest support information for
-C<Inline.pm> and the recognized Inline Language Support Modules (ILSMs)
-available on CPAN.
-The most important language that Inline supports is C<C>. That is
-because Perl itself is written in C<C>. By giving a your Perl scripts
-access to C<C>, you in effect give them access to the entire glorious
-internals of Perl. (Caveat scriptor :-)
-As of this writing, Inline also supports:
- - C++
- - Java
- - Python
- - Tcl
- - Assembly
- - CPR
- - And even Inline::Foo! :)
-Projects that I would most like to see happen in the year 2001 are:
- - Fortran
- - Ruby
- - Lisp
- - Guile
- - Bash
- - Perl4
-C<Inline::C> should work anywhere that CPAN extension modules (those
-that use XS) can be installed, using the typical install format of:
-    perl Makefile.PL
-    make
-    make test
-    make install
-It has been tested on many Unix and Windows variants.
-B<NOTE>: C<Inline::C> requires Perl 5.005 or higher because
-C<Parse::RecDescent> requires it. (Something to do with the C<qr>
-Inline has been successfully tested at one time or another on the
-following platforms:
-    Linux
-    Solaris
-    SunOS
-    HPUX
-    AIX
-    FreeBSD
-    OpenBSD
-    BeOS
-    OS X
-    WinNT
-    Win2K
-    WinME
-    Win98
-    Cygwin
-The Microsoft tests deserve a little more explanation. I used the following:
- Windows NT 4.0 (service pack 6)
- Perl 5.005_03 (ActiveState build 522)
- MS Visual C++ 6.0
- The "nmake" make utility (distributed w/ Visual C++)
-C<Inline::C> pulls all of its base configuration (including which
-C<make> utility to use) from C<Config.pm>. Since your MSWin32 version of
-Perl probably came from ActiveState (as a binary distribution) the
-C<Config.pm> will indicate that C<nmake> is the system's C<make>
-utility. That is because ActiveState uses Visual C++ to compile Perl.
-To install C<Inline.pm> (or any other CPAN module) on MSWin32 w/ Visual
-C++, use these:
-    perl Makefile.PL
-    nmake
-    nmake test
-    nmake install
-Inline has also been made to work with Mingw32/gcc on all Windows
-platforms. This is a free compiler for Windows. You must also use a perl
-built with that compiler.
-The "Cygwin" test was done on a Windows 98 machine using the Cygwin
-Unix/Win32 porting layer software from Cygnus. The C<perl> binary on
-this machine was also compiled using the Cygwin tool set (C<gcc>). This
-software is freely available from http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/
-If you get Inline to work on a new platform, please send me email email.
-If it doesn't work, let me know as well and I'll see what can be done.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-For general information about Inline see L<Inline>.
-For information about using Inline with C see L<Inline::C>.
-For sample programs using Inline with C see L<Inline::C-Cookbook>.
-For information on writing your own Inline Language Support Module, see
-Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
-To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Brian Ingerson <INGY@cpan.org>
-Copyright (c) 2000-2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, 2011. Sisyphus.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
@@ -1,2046 +0,0 @@
-package Inline;
-use strict;
-require 5.006;
-$Inline::VERSION = '0.55';
-$Inline::VERSION = eval $Inline::VERSION;
-use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';
-use Inline::denter;
-use Config;
-use Carp;
-use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Spec::Unix;
-use Fcntl qw(LOCK_EX LOCK_UN);
-my %CONFIG = ();
-my @DATA_OBJS = ();
-my $INIT = 0;
-my $version_requested = 0;
-my $version_printed = 0;
-my $untaint = 0;
-my $safemode = 0;
-$Inline::languages = undef; #needs to be global for AutoLoaded error messages
-our $did = '_Inline'; # Default Inline Directory
-# This is the config file written by create_config_file().
-our $configuration_file = 'config-' . $Config::Config{'archname'} . '-' . $];
-my %shortcuts =
-  (
-   NOCLEAN =>      [CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0],
-   CLEAN =>        [CLEAN_BUILD_AREA => 1],
-   FORCE =>        [FORCE_BUILD => 1],
-   INFO =>         [PRINT_INFO => 1],
-   VERSION =>      [PRINT_VERSION => 1],
-   REPORTBUG =>    [REPORTBUG => 1],
-   UNTAINT =>      [UNTAINT => 1],
-   SAFE =>         [SAFEMODE => 1],
-   UNSAFE =>       [SAFEMODE => 0],
-   GLOBAL =>       [GLOBAL_LOAD => 1],
-   NOISY =>        [BUILD_NOISY => 1],
-   TIMERS =>       [BUILD_TIMERS => 1],
-   NOWARN =>       [WARNINGS => 0],
-   _INSTALL_ =>    [_INSTALL_ => 1],
-   SITE_INSTALL => undef,  # No longer supported.
-  );
-my $default_config =
-  {
-   NAME => '',
-   AUTONAME => -1,
-   VERSION => '',
-   DIRECTORY => '',
-   WITH => [],
-   USING => [],
-   FORCE_BUILD => 0,
-   PRINT_INFO => 0,
-   REPORTBUG => 0,
-   UNTAINT => 0,
-   SAFEMODE => -1,
-   GLOBAL_LOAD => 0,
-   BUILD_NOISY => 0,
-   BUILD_TIMERS => 0,
-   WARNINGS => 1,
-   _INSTALL_ => 0,
-   _TESTING => 0,
-  };
-sub UNTAINT {$untaint}
-sub SAFEMODE {$safemode}
-# This is where everything starts.
-sub import {
-    local ($/, $") = ("\n", ' '); local ($\, $,);
-    my $o;
-    my ($pkg, $script) = caller;
-    # Not sure what this is for. Let's see what breaks.
-    # $pkg =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//;
-    my $class = shift;
-    if ($class ne 'Inline') {
-	croak M01_usage_use($class) if $class =~ /^Inline::/;
-	croak M02_usage();
-    }
-    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template} ||= $default_config;
-    return unless @_;
-    &create_config_file(), return 1 if $_[0] eq '_CONFIG_';
-    goto &maker_utils if $_[0] =~ /^(install|makedist|makeppd)$/i;
-    my $control = shift;
-    if ($control eq 'with') {
-	return handle_with($pkg, @_);
-    }
-    elsif ($control eq 'Config') {
-	return handle_global_config($pkg, @_);
-    }
-    elsif (exists $shortcuts{uc($control)}) {
-	handle_shortcuts($pkg, $control, @_);
-	$version_requested = $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{PRINT_VERSION};
-	return;
-    }
-    elsif ($control =~ /^\S+$/ and $control !~ /\n/) {
-	my $language_id = $control;
-	my $option = shift || '';
-	my @config = @_;
-	my $next = 0;
-	for (@config) {
-	    next if $next++ % 2;
-	    croak M02_usage() if /[\s\n]/;
-	}
-	$o = bless {}, $class;
-	$o->{INLINE}{version} = $Inline::VERSION;
-	$o->{API}{pkg} = $pkg;
-	$o->{API}{script} = $script;
-	$o->{API}{language_id} = $language_id;
-	if ($option =~ /^(FILE|BELOW)$/ or
-	    not $option and
-            defined $INC{File::Spec::Unix->catfile('Inline','Files.pm')} and
-	    Inline::Files::get_filename($pkg)
-	   ) {
-	    $o->read_inline_file;
-	    $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
-	}
-	elsif ($option eq 'DATA' or not $option) {
-	    $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
-	    push @DATA_OBJS, $o;
-	    return;
-	}
-	elsif ($option eq 'Config') {
-	    $CONFIG{$pkg}{$language_id} = handle_language_config(@config);
-	    return;
-	}
-	else {
-	    $o->receive_code($option);
-	    $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-	croak M02_usage();
-    }
-    $o->glue;
-# Run time version of import (public method)
-sub bind {
-    local ($/, $") = ("\n", ' '); local ($\, $,);
-    my ($code, @config);
-    my $o;
-    my ($pkg, $script) = caller;
-    my $class = shift;
-    croak M03_usage_bind() unless $class eq 'Inline';
-    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template} ||= $default_config;
-    my $language_id = shift or croak M03_usage_bind();
-    croak M03_usage_bind()
-      unless ($language_id =~ /^\S+$/ and $language_id !~ /\n/);
-    $code = shift or croak M03_usage_bind();
-    @config = @_;
-    my $next = 0;
-    for (@config) {
-	next if $next++ % 2;
-	croak M03_usage_bind() if /[\s\n]/;
-    }
-    $o = bless {}, $class;
-    $o->{INLINE}{version} = $Inline::VERSION;
-    $o->{API}{pkg} = $pkg;
-    $o->{API}{script} = $script;
-    $o->{API}{language_id} = $language_id;
-    $o->receive_code($code);
-    $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
-    $o->glue;
-# Process delayed objects that don't have source code yet.
-# This code is an ugly hack because of the fact that you can't use an
-# INIT block at "run-time proper". So we kill the warning and tell users
-# to use an Inline->init() call if they run into problems. (rare)
-eval <<END;
-no warnings;
-\$INIT = \$INIT; # Needed by Sarathy's patch.
-sub INIT {
-    \$INIT++;
-    &init;
-sub init {
-    local ($/, $") = ("\n", ' '); local ($\, $,);
-    while (my $o = shift(@DATA_OBJS)) {
-	$o->read_DATA;
-	$o->glue;
-    }
-sub END {
-    warn M51_unused_DATA() if @DATA_OBJS;
-    print_version() if $version_requested && not $version_printed;
-# Print a small report about the version of Inline
-sub print_version {
-    return if $version_printed++;
-    print STDERR <<END;
-    You are using Inline.pm version $Inline::VERSION
-# Compile the source if needed and then dynaload the object
-sub glue {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my ($pkg, $language_id) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(pkg language_id)};
-    my @config = (%{$CONFIG{$pkg}{template}},
-		  %{$CONFIG{$pkg}{$language_id} || {}},
-		  %{$o->{CONFIG} || {}},
-		 );
-    @config = $o->check_config(@config);
-    $o->fold_options;
-    $o->check_installed;
-    $o->env_untaint if UNTAINT;
-    if (not $o->{INLINE}{object_ready}) {
-	$o->check_config_file;                # Final DIRECTORY set here.
-	push @config, $o->with_configs;
-	my $language = $o->{API}{language};
-	croak M04_error_nocode($language_id) unless $o->{API}{code};
-	$o->check_module;
-    }
-    $o->env_untaint if UNTAINT;
-    $o->obj_untaint if UNTAINT;
-    print_version() if $version_requested;
-    $o->reportbug() if $o->{CONFIG}{REPORTBUG};
-    if (not $o->{INLINE}{object_ready}
-       ) {
-	eval "require $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module}";
-	croak M05_error_eval('glue', $@) if $@;
-        $o->push_overrides;
-	bless $o, $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module};
-	$o->validate(@config);
-    }
-    else {
-	$o->{CONFIG} = {(%{$o->{CONFIG}}, @config)};
-    }
-    $o->print_info if $o->{CONFIG}{PRINT_INFO};
-    unless ($o->{INLINE}{object_ready} or
-	    not length $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix}) {
-	$o->build();
-	$o->write_inl_file() unless $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_};
-    }
-    if ($o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'so' and
-	$o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'dll' and
-	$o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'bundle' and
-	$o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'sl' and
-	ref($o) eq 'Inline'
-       ) {
-	eval "require $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module}";
-	croak M05_error_eval('glue', $@) if $@;
-        $o->push_overrides;
-	bless $o, $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module};
-	$o->validate(@config);
-    }
-    $o->load;
-    $o->pop_overrides;
-# Set up the USING overrides
-sub push_overrides {
-    my ($o) = @_;
-    my ($language_id) = $o->{API}{language_id};
-    my ($ilsm) = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module};
-    for (@{$o->{CONFIG}{USING}}) {
-        my $using_module = /^::/
-                           ? "Inline::$language_id$_"
-                           : /::/
-                             ? $_
-                             : "Inline::${language_id}::$_";
-        eval "require $using_module";
-        croak "Invalid module '$using_module' in USING list:\n$@" if $@;
-        my $register;
-        eval "\$register = $using_module->register";
-        croak "Invalid module '$using_module' in USING list:\n$@" if $@;
-        for my $override (@{$register->{overrides}}) {
-            no strict 'refs';
-            next if defined $o->{OVERRIDDEN}{$ilsm . "::$override"};
-            $o->{OVERRIDDEN}{$ilsm . "::$override"} =
-              \&{$ilsm . "::$override"};
-            {
-            no warnings 'redefine';
-            *{$ilsm . "::$override"} =
-              \&{$using_module . "::$override"};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-# Restore the modules original methods
-sub pop_overrides {
-    my $nowarn = $] >= 5.006 ? "no warnings 'redefine';" : '';
-    eval ($nowarn .
-    'my ($o) = @_;
-    for my $override (keys %{$o->{OVERRIDDEN}}) {
-        no strict "refs";
-        *{$override} = $o->{OVERRIDDEN}{$override};
-    }
-    delete $o->{OVERRIDDEN};')
-# Get source from the DATA filehandle
-my (%DATA, %DATA_read);
-sub read_DATA {
-    require Socket;
-    my ($marker, $marker_tag);
-    my $o = shift;
-    my ($pkg, $language_id) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(pkg language_id)};
-    unless ($DATA_read{$pkg}++) {
-	no strict 'refs';
-	*Inline::DATA = *{$pkg . '::DATA'};
-	local ($/);
-	my ($CR, $LF) = (&Socket::CR, &Socket::LF);
-	(my $data = <Inline::DATA>) =~ s/$CR?$LF/\n/g;
-	@{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)^[ \t]{0,}(__\S+?__\n)/, $data;
-	shift @{$DATA{$pkg}} unless ($ {$DATA{$pkg}}[0] || '') =~ /__\S+?__\n/;
-    }
-    ($marker, $o->{API}{code}) = splice @{$DATA{$pkg}}, 0, 2;
-    croak M08_no_DATA_source_code($language_id)
-      unless defined $marker;
-    ($marker_tag = $marker) =~ s/__(\S+?)__\n/$1/;
-    croak M09_marker_mismatch($marker, $language_id)
-      unless $marker_tag eq $language_id;
-# Validate and store the non language-specific config options
-sub check_config {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my @others;
-    while (@_) {
-	my ($key, $value) = (shift, shift);
-	if (defined $default_config->{$key}) {
-	    if ($key =~ /^(WITH|USING)$/) {
-		croak M10_usage_WITH_USING()
-                  if (ref $value and ref $value ne 'ARRAY');
-		$value = [$value] unless ref $value;
-		$o->{CONFIG}{$key} = $value;
-		next;
-	    }
-	    $o->{CONFIG}{$key} = $value, next if not $value;
-	    if ($key eq 'DIRECTORY') {
-		croak M11_usage_DIRECTORY($value) unless (-d $value);
-		$value = abs_path($value);
-	    }
-	    elsif ($key eq 'NAME') {
-		croak M12_usage_NAME($value)
-		  unless $value =~ /^[a-zA-Z_](\w|::)*$/;
-	    }
-	    elsif ($key eq 'VERSION') {
-		croak M13_usage_VERSION($value) unless $value =~ /^\d\.\d\d*$/;
-	    }
-	    $o->{CONFIG}{$key} = $value;
-	}
-	else {
-	    push @others, $key, $value;
-	}
-    }
-    return (@others);
-# Set option defaults based on current option settings.
-sub fold_options {
-    my $o = shift;
-# The following small section of code seems, to me, to be unnecessary - which is the
-# reason that I've commented it out. I've left it here (including its associated comments)
-# in case it later becomes evident that there *is* good reason to include it. --sisyphus
-## This bit tries to enable UNTAINT automatically if required when running the test suite.
-#    my $env_ha = $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE} || 0 ;
-#    my ($harness_active) = $env_ha =~ /(.*)/ ;
-#    if (($harness_active)&&(! $o->{CONFIG}{UNTAINT})){
-#            eval {
-#                    require Scalar::Util;
-#                    $o->{CONFIG}{UNTAINT} =
-#                      (Scalar::Util::tainted(Cwd::cwd()) ? 1 : 0) ;
-## Disable SAFEMODE in the test suite, we know what we are doing...
-#                    $o->{CONFIG}{SAFEMODE} = 0 ;
-#                    warn "\n-[tT] enabled for test suite.
-#Automatically setting UNTAINT=1 and SAFEMODE=0.\n"
-#                     unless $Inline::_TAINT_WARNING_ ;
-#                    $Inline::_TAINT_WARNING_ = 1 ;
-#            } ;
-#   }
-    $untaint = $o->{CONFIG}{UNTAINT} || 0;
-    $safemode = (($o->{CONFIG}{SAFEMODE} == -1) ?
-		 ($untaint ? 1 : 0) :
-		);
-    if (UNTAINT and
-	not $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY}) {
-	croak M49_usage_unsafe(1) if ($< == 0 or $> == 0);
-	warn M49_usage_unsafe(0) if $^W;
-    }
-    if ($o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME} == -1) {
-	$o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME} = length($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}) ? 0 : 1;
-    }
-    $o->{API}{cleanup} =
-      ($o->{CONFIG}{CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD} and not $o->{CONFIG}{REPORTBUG});
-# Check if Inline extension is preinstalled
-sub check_installed {
-    my $o = shift;
-    $o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 0;
-    unless ($o->{API}{code} =~ /^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/) {
-	require Digest::MD5;
-	$o->{INLINE}{md5} = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($o->{API}{code});
-    }
-    else {
-	$o->{INLINE}{md5} = $o->{API}{code};
-    }
-    return if $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_};
-    return unless $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
-    croak M26_error_version_without_name()
-      unless $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
-    my @pkgparts = split(/::/, $o->{API}{pkg});
-    my $realname = File::Spec->catfile(@pkgparts) . '.pm';
-    my $realname_unix = File::Spec::Unix->catfile(@pkgparts) . '.pm';
-    my $realpath = $INC{$realname_unix}
-      or croak M27_module_not_indexed($realname_unix);
-    my ($volume,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($realpath);
-    my @dirparts = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
-    pop @dirparts unless $dirparts[-1];
-    push @dirparts, $file;
-    my @endparts = splice(@dirparts, 0 - @pkgparts);
-    $dirparts[-1] = 'arch'
-      if $dirparts[-2] eq 'blib' && $dirparts[-1] eq 'lib';
-    File::Spec->catfile(@endparts) eq $realname
-      or croak M28_error_grokking_path($realpath);
-    $realpath =
-      File::Spec->catpath($volume,File::Spec->catdir(@dirparts),"");
-    $o->{API}{version} = $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
-    $o->{API}{module} = $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
-    my @modparts = split(/::/,$o->{API}{module});
-    $o->{API}{modfname} = $modparts[-1];
-    $o->{API}{modpname} = File::Spec->catdir(@modparts);
-    my $suffix = $Config{dlext};
-    my $obj = File::Spec->catfile($realpath,'auto',$o->{API}{modpname},
-                                  "$o->{API}{modfname}.$suffix");
-    croak M30_error_no_obj($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}, $o->{API}{pkg},
-			   $realpath) unless -f $obj;
-    @{$o->{CONFIG}}{qw( PRINT_INFO
-		      )} = (0, 0, 0, 0);
-    $o->{install_lib} = $realpath;
-    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_type} = 'compiled';
-    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module} = 'Inline::C';
-    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} = $suffix;
-    $o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 1;
-# Dynamically load the object module
-sub load {
-    my $o = shift;
-    if ($o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_}) {
-	my $inline = "$o->{API}{modfname}.inl";
-	open INLINE, "> $inline"
-	  or croak M24_open_for_output_failed($inline);
-	print INLINE "*** AUTOGENERATED by Inline.pm ***\n\n";
-	print INLINE "This file satisfies the make dependency for ";
-	print INLINE "$o->{API}{modfname}.pm\n";
-	close INLINE;
-	return;
-    }
-    my ($pkg, $module) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(pkg module)};
-    croak M42_usage_loader() unless $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_type} eq 'compiled';
-    require DynaLoader;
-    @Inline::ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
-    my $global = $o->{CONFIG}{GLOBAL_LOAD} ? '0x01' : '0x00';
-    my $version = $o->{API}{version} || '0.00';
-    eval <<END;
-	package $pkg;
-	push \@$ {pkg}::ISA, qw($module)
-          unless \$module eq "$pkg";
-        local \$$ {module}::VERSION = '$version';
-	package $module;
-	push \@$ {module}::ISA, qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
-        sub dl_load_flags { $global }
-	${module}::->bootstrap;
-    croak M43_error_bootstrap($module, $@) if $@;
-# Process the config options that apply to all Inline sections
-sub handle_global_config {
-    my $pkg = shift;
-    while (@_) {
-	my ($key, $value) = (shift, shift);
-	croak M02_usage() if $key =~ /[\s\n]/;
-	$key = $value if $key =~ /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)$/;
-	croak M47_invalid_config_option($key)
-	  unless defined $default_config->{$key};
-	if ($key eq 'ENABLE') {
-	    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{$value} = 1;
-	}
-	elsif ($key eq 'DISABLE') {
-	    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{$value} = 0;
-	}
-	else {
-	    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{$key} = $value;
-	}
-    }
-# Process the config options that apply to a particular language
-sub handle_language_config {
-    my @values;
-    while (@_) {
-	my ($key, $value) = (shift, shift);
-	croak M02_usage() if $key =~ /[\s\n]/;
-	if ($key eq 'ENABLE') {
-	    push @values, $value, 1;
-	}
-	elsif ($key eq 'DISABLE') {
-	    push @values, $value, 0;
-	}
-	else {
-	    push @values, $key, $value;
-	}
-    }
-    return {@values};
-# Validate and store shortcut config options
-sub handle_shortcuts {
-    my $pkg = shift;
-    for my $option (@_) {
-	my $OPTION = uc($option);
-	if ($OPTION eq 'SITE_INSTALL') {
-	    croak M58_site_install();
-	}
-	elsif ($shortcuts{$OPTION}) {
-	    my ($method, $arg) = @{$shortcuts{$OPTION}};
-	    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{$method} = $arg;
-	}
-	else {
-	    croak M48_usage_shortcuts($option);
-	}
-    }
-# Process the with command
-sub handle_with {
-    my $pkg = shift;
-    croak M45_usage_with() unless @_;
-    for (@_) {
-	croak M02_usage() unless /^[\w:]+$/;
-	eval "require $_;";
-	croak M46_usage_with_bad($_) . $@ if $@;
-	push @{$CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{WITH}}, $_;
-    }
-# Perform cleanup duties
-sub DESTROY {
-    my $o = shift;
-    $o->clean_build if $o->{CONFIG}{CLEAN_BUILD_AREA};
-# Comment out the next 2 lines to stop autoloading of subroutines (testing)
-# Get the source code
-sub receive_code {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my $code = shift;
-    croak M02_usage() unless (defined $code and $code);
-    if (ref $code eq 'CODE') {
-	$o->{API}{code} = &$code;
-    }
-    elsif (ref $code eq 'ARRAY') {
-        $o->{API}{code} = join '', @$code;
-    }
-    elsif ($code =~ m|[/\\:]| and
-           $code =~ m|^[/\\:\w.\-\ \$\[\]<>]+$|) {
-	if (-f $code) {
-	    local ($/, *CODE);
-	    open CODE, "< $code" or croak M06_code_file_failed_open($code);
-	    $o->{API}{code} = <CODE>;
-	}
-	else {
-	    croak M07_code_file_does_not_exist($code);
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-	$o->{API}{code} = $code;
-    }
-# Get the source code from an Inline::Files filehandle
-sub read_inline_file {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my ($lang, $pkg) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(language_id pkg)};
-    my $langfile = uc($lang);
-    croak M59_bad_inline_file($lang) unless $langfile =~ /^[A-Z]\w*$/;
-    croak M60_no_inline_files()
-      unless (defined $INC{File::Spec::Unix->catfile("Inline","Files.pm")} and
-	      $Inline::Files::VERSION =~ /^\d\.\d\d$/ and
-	      $Inline::Files::VERSION ge '0.51');
-    croak M61_not_parsed() unless $lang = Inline::Files::get_filename($pkg);
-    {
-	no strict 'refs';
-	local $/;
-	$Inline::FILE = \*{"${pkg}::$langfile"};
-#	open $Inline::FILE;
-	$o->{API}{code} = <$Inline::FILE>;
-#	close $Inline::FILE;
-    }
-# Read the cached config file from the Inline directory. This will indicate
-# whether the Language code is valid or not.
-sub check_config_file {
-    my ($DIRECTORY, %config);
-    my $o = shift;
-    croak M14_usage_Config() if %main::Inline::Config::;
-    croak M63_no_source($o->{API}{pkg})
-      if $o->{INLINE}{md5} eq $o->{API}{code};
-    # First make sure we have the DIRECTORY
-    if ($o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_}) {
-	croak M15_usage_install_directory()
-	  if $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY};
-	my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
-        $DIRECTORY =
-          $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY} = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did);
-	if (not -d $DIRECTORY) {
-	    _mkdir($DIRECTORY, 0777)
-	      or croak M16_DIRECTORY_mkdir_failed($DIRECTORY);
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-	  $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY} || $o->find_temp_dir;
-    }
-      if(-e File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file)) {
-        my $unlink = unlink(File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file));
-        if(!$unlink) {warn "REWRITE_CONFIG_FILE is set, but removal of config file failed"}
-        else {warn "config file removal successful\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING}}
-      }
-    }
-       my $load_cfg = sub {
-           $o->create_config_file($DIRECTORY)
-             if not -e File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file);
-           open CONFIG, "< ".File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY,$configuration_file)
-             or croak M17_config_open_failed($DIRECTORY);
-           my $config = join '', <CONFIG>;
-           close CONFIG;
-           unless($config =~ /^version :/) {
-             warn "\$load_cfg sub: \$config: *${config}*\n";
-             croak M62_invalid_config_file(File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY,$configuration_file));
-           }
-           if(UNTAINT) {
-             warn "In Inline::check_config_file(): Blindly untainting Inline configuration file information.\n"
-               unless $o->{CONFIG}{NO_UNTAINT_WARN};
-             ($config) = $config =~ /(.*)/s;
-           }
-           %config = Inline::denter->new()->undent($config);
-       } ;
-       $load_cfg->() ;
-       if (! defined $config{languages}->{$o->{API}{language_id}}){
-        my $unlink = unlink(File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file));
-        if(!$unlink) {warn "Failed to remove config file"}
-        else {warn "config file removed\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING}}
-               $load_cfg->() ;
-       }
-    $Inline::languages = $config{languages};
-    {
-    no warnings ('numeric'); # These warnings were a pain with devel releases.
-                             # If there's a problem with the version number, the
-                             # error message will output $config{version} anyway.
-    croak M18_error_old_version($config{version}, $DIRECTORY)
-	unless (defined $config{version} and
-                $config{version} =~ /TRIAL/ or
-		$config{version} >= 0.40);
-    } # numeric warnings re-enabled.
-    croak M19_usage_language($o->{API}{language_id}, $DIRECTORY)
-      unless defined $config{languages}->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
-    $o->{API}{language} = $config{languages}->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
-    if ($o->{API}{language} ne $o->{API}{language_id}) {
-	if (defined $o->{$o->{API}{language_id}}) {
-	    $o->{$o->{API}{language}} = $o->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
-	    delete $o->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
-	}
-    }
-    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_type} = $config{types}->{$o->{API}{language}};
-    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module} = $config{modules}->{$o->{API}{language}};
-    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} = $config{suffixes}->{$o->{API}{language}};
-# Auto-detect installed Inline language support modules
-sub create_config_file {
-    my ($o, $dir) = @_;
-    # This subroutine actually fires off another instance of perl.
-    # with arguments that make this routine get called again.
-    # That way the queried modules don't stay loaded.
-    if (defined $o) {
-	($dir) = $dir =~ /(.*)/s if UNTAINT;
-	my $perl = $Config{perlpath};
-        $perl = $^X unless -f $perl;
-	($perl) = $perl =~ /(.*)/s if UNTAINT;
-	local $ENV{PERL5LIB} if defined $ENV{PERL5LIB};
-	local $ENV{PERL5OPT} if defined $ENV{PERL5OPT};
-	my $inline = $INC{'Inline.pm'};
-        $inline ||= File::Spec->curdir();
-        my($v,$d,$f) = File::Spec->splitpath($inline);
-        $f = "" if $f eq 'Inline.pm';
-        $inline = File::Spec->catpath($v,$d,$f);
-        # P::RD may be in a different PERL5LIB dir to Inline (as happens with cpan smokers).
-        # Therefore we need to grep for it - otherwise, if P::RD *is* in a different PERL5LIB
-        # directory the ensuing rebuilt @INC will not include that directory and attempts to use
-        # Inline::CPP (and perhaps other Inline modules) will fail because P::RD isn't found.
-        my @_inc = map { "-I$_" }
-       ($inline,
-        grep {(-d File::Spec->catdir($_,"Inline") or -d File::Spec->catdir($_,"auto","Inline") or -e File::Spec->catdir($_,"Parse/RecDescent.pm"))} @INC);
-       system $perl, @_inc, "-MInline=_CONFIG_", "-e1", "$dir"
-	  and croak M20_config_creation_failed($dir);
-	return;
-    }
-    my ($lib, $mod, $register, %checked,
-	%languages, %types, %modules, %suffixes);
-  LIB:
-    for my $lib (@INC) {
-        next unless -d File::Spec->catdir($lib,"Inline");
-        opendir LIB, File::Spec->catdir($lib,"Inline")
-          or warn(M21_opendir_failed(File::Spec->catdir($lib,"Inline"))), next;
-	while ($mod = readdir(LIB)) {
-	    next unless $mod =~ /\.pm$/;
-	    $mod =~ s/\.pm$//;
-	    next LIB if ($checked{$mod}++);
-	    if ($mod eq 'Config') {     # Skip Inline::Config
-		warn M14_usage_Config();
-		next;
-	    }
-	    next if $mod =~ /^(MakeMaker|denter|messages)$/;
-	    eval "require Inline::$mod;";
-            warn($@), next if $@;
-	    eval "\$register=&Inline::${mod}::register";
-	    next if $@;
-	    my $language = ($register->{language})
-	      or warn(M22_usage_register($mod)), next;
-	    for (@{$register->{aliases}}) {
-		warn(M23_usage_alias_used($mod, $_, $languages{$_})), next
-		  if defined $languages{$_};
-		$languages{$_} = $language;
-	    }
-	    $languages{$language} = $language;
-	    $types{$language} = $register->{type};
-	    $modules{$language} = "Inline::$mod";
-	    $suffixes{$language} = $register->{suffix};
-	}
-	closedir LIB;
-    }
-    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($ARGV[0], $configuration_file);
-    open CONFIG, "> $file" or croak M24_open_for_output_failed($file);
-    flock(CONFIG, LOCK_EX) if $^O !~ /^VMS|riscos|VOS$/;
-    print CONFIG Inline::denter->new()
-      ->indent(*version => $Inline::VERSION,
-	       *languages => \%languages,
-	       *types => \%types,
-	       *modules => \%modules,
-	       *suffixes => \%suffixes,
-	      );
-    flock(CONFIG, LOCK_UN) if $^O !~ /^VMS|riscos|VOS$/;
-    close CONFIG;
-    exit 0;
-# Check to see if code has already been compiled
-sub check_module {
-    my ($module, $module2);
-    my $o = shift;
-    return $o->install if $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_};
-    if ($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}) {
-	$module = $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
-    }
-    elsif ($o->{API}{pkg} eq 'main') {
-	$module = $o->{API}{script};
-        my($v,$d,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($module);
-        $module = $file;
-	$module =~ s|\W|_|g;
-	$module =~ s|^_+||;
-	$module =~ s|_+$||;
-	$module = 'FOO' if $module =~ /^_*$/;
-	$module = "_$module" if $module =~ /^\d/;
-    }
-    else {
-	$module = $o->{API}{pkg};
-    }
-    $o->{API}{suffix} = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix};
-    $o->{API}{directory} = $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY};
-    my $auto_level = 2;
-    while ($auto_level <= 5) {
-	if ($o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME}) {
-	    $module2 =
-	      $module . '_' . substr($o->{INLINE}{md5}, 0, 2 + $auto_level);
-	    $auto_level++;
-	} else {
-	    $module2 = $module;
-	    $auto_level = 6; # Don't loop on non-autoname objects
-	}
-	$o->{API}{module} = $module2;
-	my @modparts = split /::/, $module2;
-	$o->{API}{modfname} = $modparts[-1];
-        $o->{API}{modpname} = File::Spec->catdir(@modparts);
-	$o->{API}{build_dir} =
-          File::Spec->catdir($o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY},
-                             'build',$o->{API}{modpname});
-        $o->{API}{install_lib} =
-          File::Spec->catdir($o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY}, 'lib');
-        my $inl = File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",
-                          $o->{API}{modpname},"$o->{API}{modfname}.inl");
-        $o->{API}{location} =
-          File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",$o->{API}{modpname},
-                              "$o->{API}{modfname}.$o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix}");
-	last unless -f $inl;
-	my %inl;
-	{   local ($/, *INL);
-	    open INL, $inl or croak M31_inline_open_failed($inl);
-	    %inl = Inline::denter->new()->undent(<INL>);
-	}
-	next unless ($o->{INLINE}{md5} eq $inl{md5});
-	next unless ($inl{inline_version} ge '0.40');
-      next unless ($inl{Config}{version} eq $Config::Config{version});
-      next unless ($inl{Config}{archname} eq $Config::Config{archname});
-	unless (-f $o->{API}{location}) {
-	    warn <<END if $^W;
-Missing object file: $o->{API}{location}
-For Inline file: $inl
-	    next;
-	}
-	$o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 1 unless $o->{CONFIG}{FORCE_BUILD};
-	last;
-    }
-    unshift @::INC, $o->{API}{install_lib};
-# Set things up so that the extension gets installed into the blib/arch.
-# Then 'make install' will do the right thing.
-sub install {
-    my ($module, $DIRECTORY);
-    my $o = shift;
-    croak M64_install_not_c($o->{API}{language_id})
-      unless uc($o->{API}{language_id}) =~ /^(C|CPP|Java|Python|Ruby|Lisp|Pdlpp)$/ ;
-    croak M36_usage_install_main()
-      if ($o->{API}{pkg} eq 'main');
-    croak M37_usage_install_auto()
-      if $o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME};
-    croak M38_usage_install_name()
-      unless $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
-    croak M39_usage_install_version()
-      unless $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
-    croak M40_usage_install_badname($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}, $o->{API}{pkg})
-      unless $o->{CONFIG}{NAME} eq $o->{API}{pkg};
-#	      $o->{CONFIG}{NAME} =~ /^$o->{API}{pkg}::\w(\w|::)+$/
-#	     );
-    my ($mod_name, $mod_ver, $ext_name, $ext_ver) =
-      ($o->{API}{pkg}, $ARGV[0], @{$o->{CONFIG}}{qw(NAME VERSION)});
-    croak M41_usage_install_version_mismatch($mod_name, $mod_ver,
-					     $ext_name, $ext_ver)
-      unless ($mod_ver eq $ext_ver);
-    $o->{INLINE}{INST_ARCHLIB} = $ARGV[1];
-    $o->{API}{version} = $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
-    $o->{API}{module} = $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
-    my @modparts = split(/::/,$o->{API}{module});
-    $o->{API}{modfname} = $modparts[-1];
-    $o->{API}{modpname} = File::Spec->catdir(@modparts);
-    $o->{API}{suffix} = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix};
-    $o->{API}{build_dir} = File::Spec->catdir($o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY},'build',
-                                              $o->{API}{modpname});
-    $o->{API}{directory} = $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY};
-    my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
-    $o->{API}{install_lib} =
-      File::Spec->catdir($cwd,$o->{INLINE}{INST_ARCHLIB});
-    $o->{API}{location} =
-      File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",$o->{API}{modpname},
-                          "$o->{API}{modfname}.$o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix}");
-    unshift @::INC, $o->{API}{install_lib};
-    $o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 0;
-# Create the .inl file for an object
-sub write_inl_file {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my $inl =
-      File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",$o->{API}{modpname},
-                          "$o->{API}{modfname}.inl");
-    open INL, "> $inl"
-      or croak "Can't create Inline validation file $inl: $!";
-    my $apiversion = $Config{apiversion} || $Config{xs_apiversion};
-    print INL Inline::denter->new()
-      ->indent(*md5, $o->{INLINE}{md5},
-	       *name, $o->{API}{module},
-	       *version, $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION},
-	       *language, $o->{API}{language},
-	       *language_id, $o->{API}{language_id},
-	       *installed, $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_},
-	       *date_compiled, scalar localtime,
-	       *inline_version, $Inline::VERSION,
-	       *ILSM, { map {($_, $o->{INLINE}{"ILSM_$_"})}
-			(qw( module suffix type ))
-		      },
-	       *Config, { (map {($_,$Config{$_})}
-			   (qw( archname osname osvers
-				cc ccflags ld so version
-			      ))),
-			  (apiversion => $apiversion),
-			},
-	      );
-    close INL;
-# Get config hints
-sub with_configs {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my @configs;
-    for my $mod (@{$o->{CONFIG}{WITH}}) {
-	my $ref = eval {
-	    no strict 'refs';
-	    &{$mod . "::Inline"}($o->{API}{language});
-	};
-	croak M25_no_WITH_support($mod, $@) if $@;
-	push @configs, %$ref;
-    }
-    return @configs;
-# Blindly untaint tainted fields in %ENV.
-sub env_untaint {
-    my $o = shift;
-        warn "In Inline::env_untaint() : Blindly untainting tainted fields in %ENV.\n" unless $o->{CONFIG}{NO_UNTAINT_WARN};
-    {
-    no warnings ('uninitialized'); # In case $ENV{$_} is set to undef.
-      for (keys %ENV) {
-	  ($ENV{$_}) = $ENV{$_} =~ /(.*)/;
-      }
-    }
-    $ENV{PATH} = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ?
-                 join ';', grep {not /^\./ and -d $_
-				  } split /;/, $ENV{PATH}
-                 :
-                 join ':', grep {not /^\./ and -d $_ and not -w $_ || -W $_
-                                  } split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
-# Was:
-#                join ':', grep {not /^\./ and -d $_ and
-#		                 not ((stat($_))[2] & 0022)
-#				  } split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
-    map {($_) = /(.*)/} @INC;
-# Blindly untaint tainted fields in Inline object.
-sub obj_untaint {
-    my $o = shift;
-    warn "In Inline::obj_untaint() : Blindly untainting tainted fields in Inline object.\n" unless $o->{CONFIG}{NO_UNTAINT_WARN};
-    ($o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module}) = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{API}{build_dir}) = $o->{API}{build_dir} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY}) = $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{API}{install_lib}) = $o->{API}{install_lib} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{API}{modpname}) = $o->{API}{modpname} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{API}{modfname}) = $o->{API}{modfname} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{API}{language}) = $o->{API}{language} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{API}{pkg}) = $o->{API}{pkg} =~ /(.*)/;
-    ($o->{API}{module}) = $o->{API}{module} =~ /(.*)/;
-# Clean the build directory from previous builds
-sub clean_build {
-    use strict;
-    my ($prefix, $dir);
-    my $o = shift;
-    $prefix = $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY};
-    opendir(BUILD, $prefix)
-      or croak "Can't open build directory: $prefix for cleanup $!\n";
-    while ($dir = readdir(BUILD)) {
-        my $maybedir = File::Spec->catdir($prefix,$dir);
-        if (($maybedir and -d $maybedir) and ($dir =~ /\w{36,}/)) {
-            $o->rmpath($prefix,$dir);
-	}
-    }
-    close BUILD;
-# Apply a list of filters to the source code
-sub filter {
-    my $o = shift;
-    my $new_code = $o->{API}{code};
-    for (@_) {
-	croak M52_invalid_filter($_) unless ref;
-	if (ref eq 'CODE') {
-	    $new_code = $_->($new_code);
-	}
-	else {
-	    $new_code = $_->filter($o, $new_code);
-	}
-    }
-    return $new_code;
-# User wants to report a bug
-sub reportbug {
-    use strict;
-    my $o = shift;
-    return if $o->{INLINE}{reportbug_handled}++;
-    print STDERR <<END;
-<-----------------------REPORTBUG Section------------------------------------->
-REPORTBUG mode in effect.
-Your Inline $o->{API}{language_id} code will be processed in the build directory:
-  $o->{API}{build_dir}
-A perl-readable bug report including your perl configuration and run-time
-diagnostics will also be generated in the build directory.
-When the program finishes please bundle up the above build directory with:
-  tar czf Inline.REPORTBUG.tar.gz $o->{API}{build_dir}
-and send "Inline.REPORTBUG.tar.gz" as an email attachment to the author
-of the offending Inline::* module with the subject line:
-  REPORTBUG: Inline.pm
-Include in the email, a description of the problem and anything else that
-you think might be helpful. Patches are welcome! :-\)
-<-----------------------End of REPORTBUG Section------------------------------>
-    my %versions;
-    {
-	no strict 'refs';
-	%versions = map {eval "use $_();"; ($_, $ {$_ . '::VERSION'})}
-	qw (Digest::MD5 Parse::RecDescent
-	    ExtUtils::MakeMaker File::Path FindBin
-	    Inline
-	   );
-    }
-    $o->mkpath($o->{API}{build_dir});
-    open REPORTBUG, "> ".File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{build_dir},"REPORTBUG")
-      or croak M24_open_for_output_failed
-               (File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{build_dir},"REPORTBUG"));
-    %Inline::REPORTBUG_Inline_Object = ();
-    %Inline::REPORTBUG_Perl_Config = ();
-    %Inline::REPORTBUG_Module_Versions = ();
-    print REPORTBUG Inline::denter->new()
-      ->indent(*REPORTBUG_Inline_Object, $o,
-	       *REPORTBUG_Perl_Config, \%Config::Config,
-	       *REPORTBUG_Module_Versions, \%versions,
-	      );
-    close REPORTBUG;
-# Print a small report if PRINT_INFO option is set.
-sub print_info {
-    use strict;
-    my $o = shift;
-    print STDERR <<END;
-<-----------------------Information Section----------------------------------->
-Information about the processing of your Inline $o->{API}{language_id} code:
-    print STDERR <<END if ($o->{INLINE}{object_ready});
-Your module is already compiled. It is located at:
-    print STDERR <<END if ($o->{INLINE}{object_ready} and $o->{CONFIG}{FORCE_BUILD});
-But the FORCE_BUILD option is set, so your code will be recompiled.
-I\'ll use this build directory:
-and I\'ll install the executable as:
-    print STDERR <<END if (not $o->{INLINE}{object_ready});
-Your source code needs to be compiled. I\'ll use this build directory:
-and I\'ll install the executable as:
-    eval {
-	print STDERR $o->info;
-    };
-    print $@ if $@;
-    print STDERR <<END;
-<-----------------------End of Information Section---------------------------->
-# Hand off this invokation to Inline::MakeMaker
-sub maker_utils {
-    require Inline::MakeMaker;
-    goto &Inline::MakeMaker::utils;
-# Utility subroutines
-# Make a path
-sub mkpath {
-    use strict;
-    my ($o, $mkpath) = @_;
-    my($volume,$dirs,$nofile) = File::Spec->splitpath($mkpath,1);
-    my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
-    my @done;
-    foreach (@parts){
-        push(@done,$_);
-        my $path = File::Spec->catpath($volume,File::Spec->catdir(@done),"");
-        -d $path || _mkdir($path, 0777);
-    }
-    croak M53_mkdir_failed($mkpath)
-      unless -d $mkpath;
-# Nuke a path (nicely)
-sub rmpath {
-    use strict;
-    my ($o, $prefix, $rmpath) = @_;
-# Nuke the target directory
-    _rmtree(File::Spec->catdir($prefix ? ($prefix,$rmpath) : ($rmpath)));
-# Remove any empty directories underneath the requested one
-    my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($rmpath);
-    while (@parts){
-        $rmpath = File::Spec->catdir($prefix ? ($prefix,@parts) : @parts);
-        ($rmpath) = $rmpath =~ /(.*)/ if UNTAINT;
-        rmdir $rmpath
-	  or last; # rmdir failed because dir was not empty
-	pop @parts;
-    }
-sub _rmtree {
-    my($roots) = @_;
-    $roots = [$roots] unless ref $roots;
-    my($root);
-    foreach $root (@{$roots}) {
-        if ( -d $root ) {
-            my(@names,@paths);
-            if (opendir MYDIR, $root) {
-                @names = readdir MYDIR;
-                closedir MYDIR;
-            }
-            else {
-                croak M21_opendir_failed($root);
-            }
-            my $dot    = File::Spec->curdir();
-            my $dotdot = File::Spec->updir();
-            foreach my $name (@names) {
-                next if $name eq $dot or $name eq $dotdot;
-                my $maybefile = File::Spec->catfile($root,$name);
-                push(@paths,$maybefile),next if $maybefile and -f $maybefile;
-                push(@paths,File::Spec->catdir($root,$name));
-            }
-            _rmtree(\@paths);
-	    ($root) = $root =~ /(.*)/ if UNTAINT;
-            rmdir($root) or croak M54_rmdir_failed($root);
-        }
-        else {
-	    ($root) = $root =~ /(.*)/ if UNTAINT;
-	    unlink($root) or croak M55_unlink_failed($root);
-        }
-    }
-# Find the 'Inline' directory to use.
-my $TEMP_DIR;
-sub find_temp_dir {
-    return $TEMP_DIR if $TEMP_DIR;
-    my ($temp_dir, $home, $bin, $cwd, $env);
-    $temp_dir = '';
-    $env = $ENV{PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY} || '';
-    $home = $ENV{HOME} ? abs_path($ENV{HOME}) : '';
-    if ($env and
-	-d $env and
-	-w $env) {
-	$temp_dir = $env;
-    }
-    elsif ($cwd = abs_path('.') and
-	   $cwd ne $home and
-           -d File::Spec->catdir($cwd,".Inline") and
-           -w File::Spec->catdir($cwd,".Inline")) {
-        $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($cwd,".Inline");
-    }
-       else {
-               require FindBin ;
-        if ($bin = $FindBin::Bin and
-               -d File::Spec->catdir($bin,".Inline") and
-               -w File::Spec->catdir($bin,".Inline")) {
-            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($bin,".Inline");
-        }
-        elsif ($home and
-               -d File::Spec->catdir($home,".Inline") and
-               -w File::Spec->catdir($home,".Inline")) {
-            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($home,".Inline");
-        }
-        elsif (defined $cwd and $cwd and
-               -d File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did) and
-               -w File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did)) {
-            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did);
-        }
-        elsif (defined $bin and $bin and
-               -d File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did) and
-               -w File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did)) {
-            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did);
-        }
-        elsif (defined $cwd and $cwd and
-          -d $cwd and
-          -w $cwd and
-               _mkdir(File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did), 0777)) {
-            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did);
-        }
-        elsif (defined $bin and $bin and
-          -d $bin and
-          -w $bin and
-               _mkdir(File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did), 0777)) {
-            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did);
-        }
-       }
-    croak M56_no_DIRECTORY_found()
-      unless $temp_dir;
-    return $TEMP_DIR = abs_path($temp_dir);
-sub _mkdir {
-    my $dir = shift;
-    my $mode = shift || 0777;
-    ($dir) = ($dir =~ /(.*)/) if UNTAINT;
-    $dir =~ s|[/\\:]$||;
-    return mkdir($dir, $mode);
-# Comment out the next 2 lines to stop autoloading of messages (for testing)
-# Error messages are autoloaded
-sub M01_usage_use {
-    my ($module) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-It is invalid to use '$module' directly. Please consult the Inline
-documentation for more information.
-sub M02_usage {
-    my $usage = <<END;
-Invalid usage of Inline module. Valid usages are:
-    use Inline;
-    use Inline language => "source-string", config-pair-list;
-    use Inline language => "source-file", config-pair-list;
-    use Inline language => [source-line-list], config-pair-list;
-    use Inline language => 'DATA', config-pair-list;
-    use Inline language => 'Config', config-pair-list;
-    use Inline Config => config-pair-list;
-    use Inline with => module-list;
-    use Inline shortcut-list;
-# This is broken ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
-    $usage .= <<END if defined $Inline::languages;
-Supported languages:
-    ${\ join(', ', sort keys %$Inline::languages)}
-    return $usage;
-sub M03_usage_bind {
-    my $usage = <<END;
-Invalid usage of the Inline->bind() function. Valid usages are:
-    Inline->bind(language => "source-string", config-pair-list);
-    Inline->bind(language => "source-file", config-pair-list);
-    Inline->bind(language => [source-line-list], config-pair-list);
-    $usage .= <<END if defined $Inline::languages;
-Supported languages:
-    ${\ join(', ', sort keys %$Inline::languages)}
-    return $usage;
-sub M04_error_nocode {
-    my ($language) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-No $language source code found for Inline.
-sub M05_error_eval {
-    my ($subroutine, $msg) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-An eval() failed in Inline::$subroutine:
-sub M06_code_file_failed_open {
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Couldn't open Inline code file '$file':
-sub M07_code_file_does_not_exist {
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Inline assumes '$file' is a filename,
-and that file does not exist.
-sub M08_no_DATA_source_code {
-    my ($lang) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-No source code in DATA section for Inline '$lang' section.
-sub M09_marker_mismatch {
-    my ($marker, $lang) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Marker '$marker' does not match Inline '$lang' section.
-sub M10_usage_WITH_USING {
-    return <<END;
-Config option WITH or USING must be a module name or an array ref
-of module names.
-sub M11_usage_DIRECTORY {
-    my ($value) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Invalid value '$value' for config option DIRECTORY
-sub M12_usage_NAME {
-    my ($name) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Invalid value for NAME config option: '$name'
-sub M13_usage_VERSION {
-    my ($version) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Invalid value for VERSION config option: '$version'
-Must be of the form '#.##'.
-(Should also be specified as a string rather than a floating point number)
-sub M14_usage_Config {
-    return <<END;
-As of Inline v0.30, use of the Inline::Config module is no longer supported
-or allowed. If Inline::Config exists on your system, it can be removed. See
-the Inline documentation for information on how to configure Inline.
-(You should find it much more straightforward than Inline::Config :-)
-sub M15_usage_install_directory {
-    return <<END;
-Can't use the DIRECTORY option when installing an Inline extension module.
-sub M16_DIRECTORY_mkdir_failed {
-    my ($dir) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't mkdir $dir to build Inline code.
-sub M17_config_open_failed {
-    my ($dir) = @_;
-    my $file = File::Spec->catfile(${dir}, $configuration_file);
-    return <<END;
-Can't open ${file} for input.
-sub M18_error_old_version {
-    my ($old_version, $directory) = @_;
-    $old_version ||= '???';
-    return <<END;
-You are using Inline version $Inline::VERSION with a directory that was
-configured by Inline version $old_version. This version is no longer supported.
-Please delete the following directory and try again:
-    $directory
-sub M19_usage_language {
-    my ($language, $directory) = @_;
-    require Config;
-    return <<END;
-Error. You have specified '$language' as an Inline programming language.
-I currently only know about the following languages:
-    ${ defined $Inline::languages ?
-       \ join(', ', sort keys %$Inline::languages) : \ ''
-     }
-If you have installed a support module for this language, try deleting the
-config-${Config::Config{'archname'}}-$] file from the following Inline DIRECTORY, and run again:
-    $directory
-(And if that works, please file a bug report.)
-sub M20_config_creation_failed {
-    my ($dir) = @_;
-    my $file = File::Spec->catfile(${dir}, $configuration_file);
-    return <<END;
-Failed to autogenerate ${file}.
-sub M21_opendir_failed {
-    my ($dir) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't open directory '$dir'.
-sub M22_usage_register {
-    my ($language, $error) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-The module Inline::$language does not support the Inline API, because it does
-properly support the register() method. This module will not work with Inline
-and should be uninstalled from your system. Please advise your sysadmin.
-The following error was generating from this module:
-sub M23_usage_alias_used {
-    my ($new_mod, $alias, $old_mod) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-The module Inline::$new_mod is attempting to define $alias as an alias.
-But $alias is also an alias for Inline::$old_mod.
-One of these modules needs to be corrected or removed.
-Please notify the system administrator.
-sub M24_open_for_output_failed {
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't open $file for output.
-sub M25_no_WITH_support {
-    my ($mod, $err) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-You have requested "use Inline with => '$mod'"
-but '$mod' does not work with Inline.
-sub M26_error_version_without_name {
-    return <<END;
-Specifying VERSION option without NAME option is not permitted.
-sub M27_module_not_indexed {
-    my ($mod) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-You are attempting to load an extension for '$mod',
-but there is no entry for that module in %INC.
-sub M28_error_grokking_path {
-    my ($path) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't calculate a path from '$path' in %INC
-sub M29_error_relative_path {
-    my ($name, $path) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't load installed extension '$name'
-from relative path '$path'.
-sub M30_error_no_obj {
-    my ($name, $pkg, $path) = @_;
-    <<END;
-The extension '$name' is not properly installed in path:
-  '$path'
-If this is a CPAN/distributed module, you may need to reinstall it on your
-To allow Inline to compile the module in a temporary cache, simply remove the
-Inline config option 'VERSION=' from the $pkg module.
-sub M31_inline_open_failed {
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't open Inline validate file:
-    $file
-sub M32_error_md5_validation {
-    my ($md5, $inl) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-The source code fingerprint:
-    $md5
-does not match the one in:
-    $inl
-This module needs to be reinstalled.
-sub M33_error_old_inline_version {
-    my ($inl) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-The following extension is not compatible with this version of Inline.pm.
-    $inl
-You need to reinstall this extension.
-sub M34_error_incorrect_version {
-    my ($inl) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-The version of your extension does not match the one indicated by your
-Inline source code, according to:
-    $inl
-This module should be reinstalled.
-sub M35_error_no_object_file {
-    my ($obj, $inl) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-There is no object file:
-    $obj
-For Inline validation file:
-    $inl
-This module should be reinstalled.
-sub M36_usage_install_main {
-    return <<END;
-Can't install an Inline extension module from package 'main'.
-sub M37_usage_install_auto {
-    return <<END;
-Can't install an Inline extension module with AUTONAME enabled.
-sub M38_usage_install_name {
-    return <<END;
-An Inline extension module requires an explicit NAME.
-sub M39_usage_install_version {
-    return <<END;
-An Inline extension module requires an explicit VERSION.
-sub M40_usage_install_badname {
-    my ($name, $pkg) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-The NAME '$name' is illegal for this Inline extension.
-The NAME must match the current package name:
-    $pkg
-sub M41_usage_install_version_mismatch {
-    my ($mod_name, $mod_ver, $ext_name, $ext_ver) = @_;
-    <<END;
-The version '$mod_ver' for module '$mod_name' doe not match
-the version '$ext_ver' for Inline section '$ext_name'.
-sub M42_usage_loader {
-    return <<END;
-ERROR. The loader that was invoked is for compiled languages only.
-sub M43_error_bootstrap {
-    my ($mod, $err) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Had problems bootstrapping Inline module '$mod'
-sub M45_usage_with {
-    return <<END;
-Syntax error detected using 'use Inline with ...'.
-Should be specified as:
-    use Inline with => 'module1', 'module2', ..., 'moduleN';
-sub M46_usage_with_bad {
-    my $mod = shift;
-    return <<END;
-Syntax error detected using 'use Inline with => "$mod";'.
-'$mod' could not be found.
-sub M47_invalid_config_option {
-    my ($option) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Invalid Config option '$option'
-sub M48_usage_shortcuts {
-    my ($shortcut) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Invalid shortcut '$shortcut' specified.
-Valid shortcuts are:
-sub M49_usage_unsafe {
-    my ($terminate) = @_;
-    return <<END .
-You are using the Inline.pm module with the UNTAINT and SAFEMODE options,
-but without specifying the DIRECTORY option. This is potentially unsafe.
-Either use the DIRECTORY option or turn off SAFEMODE.
-      ($terminate ? <<END : "");
-Since you are running as a privileged user, Inline.pm is terminating.
-sub M51_unused_DATA {
-    return <<END;
-One or more DATA sections were not processed by Inline.
-sub M52_invalid_filter {
-    my ($filter) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Invalid filter '$filter' is not a reference.
-sub M53_mkdir_failed {
-    my ($dir) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Couldn't make directory path '$dir'.
-sub M54_rmdir_failed {
-    my ($dir) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't remove directory '$dir':
-sub M55_unlink_failed {
-    my ($file) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Can't unlink file '$file':
-sub M56_no_DIRECTORY_found {
-    return <<END;
-Couldn't find an appropriate DIRECTORY for Inline to use.
-sub M57_wrong_architecture {
-    my ($ext, $arch, $thisarch) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-The extension '$ext'
-is built for perl on the '$arch' platform.
-This is the '$thisarch' platform.
-sub M58_site_install {
-    return <<END;
-You have specified the SITE_INSTALL command. Support for this option has
-been removed from Inline since version 0.40. It has been replaced by the
-use of Inline::MakeMaker in your Makefile.PL. Please see the Inline
-documentation for more help on creating and installing Inline based modules.
-sub M59_bad_inline_file {
-    my ($lang) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Could not find any Inline source code for the '$lang' language using
-the Inline::Files module.
-sub M60_no_inline_files {
-    return <<END;
-It appears that you have requested to use Inline with Inline::Files.
-You need to explicitly 'use Inline::Files;' before your 'use Inline'.
-sub M61_not_parsed {
-    return <<END;
-It does not appear that your program has been properly parsed by Inline::Files.
-sub M62_invalid_config_file {
-    my ($config) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-You are using a config file that was created by an older version of Inline:
-    $config
-This file and all the other components in its directory are no longer valid
-for this version of Inline. The best thing to do is simply delete all the
-contents of the directory and let Inline rebuild everything for you. Inline
-will do this automatically when you run your programs.
-sub M63_no_source {
-    my ($pkg) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-This module $pkg can not be loaded and has no source code.
-You may need to reinstall this module.
-sub M64_install_not_c {
-    my ($lang) = @_;
-    return <<END;
-Invalid attempt to install an Inline module using the '$lang' language.
-Only C and CPP (C++) based modules are currently supported.
@@ -1,1152 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-Inline - Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    use Inline C;
-    print "9 + 16 = ", add(9, 16), "\n";
-    print "9 - 16 = ", subtract(9, 16), "\n";
-    __END__
-    __C__
-    int add(int x, int y) {
-      return x + y;
-    }
-    int subtract(int x, int y) {
-      return x - y;
-    }
-The Inline module allows you to put source code from other programming
-languages directly "inline" in a Perl script or module. The code is
-automatically compiled as needed, and then loaded for immediate access
-from Perl.
-Inline saves you from the hassle of having to write and compile your own
-glue code using facilities like XS or SWIG. Simply type the code where
-you want it and run your Perl as normal. All the hairy details are
-handled for you. The compilation and installation of your code chunks
-all happen transparently; all you will notice is the delay of
-compilation on the first run.
-The Inline code only gets compiled the first time you run it (or
-whenever it is modified) so you only take the performance hit once. Code
-that is Inlined into distributed modules (like on the CPAN) will get
-compiled when the module is installed, so the end user will never notice
-the compilation time.
-Best of all, it works the same on both Unix and Microsoft Windows. See
-L<Inline-Support> for support information.
-=head2 Why Inline?
-Do you want to know "Why would I use other languages in Perl?" or "Why
-should I use Inline to do it?"? I'll try to answer both.
-=over 4
-=item Why would I use other languages in Perl?
-The most obvious reason is performance. For an interpreted language,
-Perl is very fast. Many people will say "Anything Perl can do, C can do
-faster". (They never mention the development time :-) Anyway, you may be
-able to remove a bottleneck in your Perl code by using another language,
-without having to write the entire program in that language. This keeps
-your overall development time down, because you're using Perl for all of
-the non-critical code.
-Another reason is to access functionality from existing API-s that use
-the language. Some of this code may only be available in binary form.
-But by creating small subroutines in the native language, you can
-"glue" existing libraries to your Perl. As a user of the CPAN, you know
-that code reuse is a good thing. So why throw away those Fortran
-libraries just yet?
-If you are using Inline with the C language, then you can access the
-full internals of Perl itself. This opens up the floodgates to both
-extreme power and peril.
-Maybe the best reason is "Because you want to!". Diversity keeps the
-world interesting. TMTOWTDI!
-=item Why should I use Inline to do it?
-There are already two major facilities for extending Perl with C. They
-are XS and SWIG. Both are similar in their capabilities, at least as far
-as Perl is concerned. And both of them are quite difficult to learn
-compared to Inline.
-There is a big fat learning curve involved with setting up and using the
-XS environment. You need to get quite intimate with the following docs:
- * perlxs
- * perlxstut
- * perlapi
- * perlguts
- * perlmod
- * h2xs
- * xsubpp
- * ExtUtils::MakeMaker
-With Inline you can be up and running in minutes. There is a C Cookbook
-with lots of short but complete programs that you can extend to your
-real-life problems. No need to learn about the complicated build
-process going on in the background. You don't even need to compile the
-code yourself. Inline takes care of every last detail except writing
-the C code.
-Perl programmers cannot be bothered with silly things like compiling.
-"Tweak, Run, Tweak, Run" is our way of life. Inline does all the dirty
-work for you.
-Another advantage of Inline is that you can use it directly in a script.
-You can even use it in a Perl one-liner. With XS and SWIG, you always
-set up an entirely separate module. Even if you only have one or two
-functions. Inline makes easy things easy, and hard things possible. Just
-like Perl.
-Finally, Inline supports several programming languages (not just C and
-C++). As of this writing, Inline has support for C, C++, Java, Python,
-Ruby, Tcl, Assembler, Basic, Guile, Befunge, Octave, Awk, BC, TT
-(Template Toolkit), WebChat and even PERL. New Inline Language Support
-Modules (ILSMs) are regularly being added. See L<Inline-API> for details
-on how to create your own ILSM.
-=head1 Using the Inline.pm Module
-Inline is a little bit different than most of the Perl modules that you
-are used to. It doesn't import any functions into your namespace and it
-doesn't have any object oriented methods. Its entire interface (with two
-minor exceptions) is specified through the C<'use Inline ...'> command.
-This section will explain all of the different ways to C<use Inline>. If
-you want to begin using C with Inline immediately, see
-=head2 The Basics
-The most basic form for using Inline is:
-    use Inline X => "X source code";
-where 'X' is one of the supported Inline programming languages. The
-second parameter identifies the source code that you want to bind
-to Perl. The source code can be specified using any of the
-following syntaxes:
-=over 4
-=item The DATA Keyword.
-    use Inline Java => 'DATA';
-    # Perl code goes here ...
-    __DATA__
-    __Java__
-    /* Java code goes here ... */
-The easiest and most visually clean way to specify your source code in
-an Inline Perl program is to use the special C<DATA> keyword. This tells
-Inline to look for a special marker in your C<DATA> filehandle's input
-stream. In this example the special marker is C<__Java__>, which is the
-programming language surrounded by double underscores.
-In case you've forgotten, the C<DATA> pseudo file is comprised of all
-the text after the C<__END__> or C<__DATA__> section of your program. If
-you're working outside the C<main> package, you'd best use the
-C<__DATA__> marker or else Inline will not find your code.
-Using this scheme keeps your Perl code at the top, and all the ugly Java
-stuff down below where it belongs. This is visually clean and makes for
-more maintainable code. An excellent side benefit is that you don't have
-to escape any characters like you might in a Perl string. The source
-code is verbatim. For these reasons, I prefer this method the most.
-The only problem with this style is that since Perl can't read the
-C<DATA> filehandle until runtime, it obviously can't bind your functions
-until runtime. The net effect of this is that you can't use your Inline
-functions as barewords (without predeclaring them) because Perl has no
-idea they exist during compile time.
-=item The FILE and BELOW keywords.
-    use Inline::Files;
-    use Inline Java => 'FILE';
-    # Perl code goes here ...
-    __JAVA__
-    /* Java code goes here ... */
-This is the newest method of specifying your source code. It makes use
-of the Perl module C<Inline::Files> written by Damian Conway. The basic
-style and meaning are the same as for the C<DATA> keyword, but there are
-a few syntactic and semantic twists.
-First, you must say 'use Inline::Files' before you 'use Inline' code
-that needs those files. The special 'C<DATA>' keyword is replaced by
-either 'C<FILE>' or 'C<BELOW>'. This allows for the bad pun idiom of:
-    use Inline C => 'BELOW';
-You can omit the C<__DATA__> tag now. Inline::Files is a source filter
-that will remove these sections from your program before Perl compiles
-it. They are then available for Inline to make use of. And since this
-can all be done at compile time, you don't have to worry about the
-caveats of the 'DATA' keyword.
-This module has a couple small gotchas. Since Inline::Files only
-recognizes file markers with capital letters, you must specify the
-capital form of your language name. Also, there is a startup time
-penalty for using a source code filter.
-At this point Inline::Files is alpha software and use of it is
-experimental. Inline's integration of this module is also fledgling at
-the time being. One of things I plan to do with Inline::Files is to get
-line number info so when an extension doesn't compile, the error
-messages will point to the correct source file and line number.
-My best advice is to use Inline::Files for testing (especially as
-support for it improves), but use DATA for production and
-distributed/CPAN code.
-=item Strings
-    use Inline Java => <<'END';
-    /* Java code goes here ... */
-    END
-    # Perl code goes here ...
-You also just specify the source code as a single string. A handy way to
-write the string is to use Perl's "here document" style of quoting. This
-is ok for small functions but can get unwieldy in the large. On the
-other hand, the string variant probably has the least startup penalty
-and all functions are bound at compile time.
-If you wish to put the string into a scalar variable, please be aware
-that the C<use> statement is a compile time directive. As such, all the
-variables it uses must also be set at compile time, C<before> the 'use
-Inline' statement. Here is one way to do it:
-    my $code;
-    BEGIN {
-        $code = <<END;
-    /* Java code goes here ... */
-    END
-    }
-    use Inline Java => $code;
-    # Perl code goes here ...
-=item The bind() Function
-An alternative to using the BEGIN block method is to specify the source
-code at run time using the 'Inline->bind()' method. (This is one of the
-interface exceptions mentioned above) The C<bind()> method takes the
-same arguments as C<'use Inline ...'>.
-    my $code = <<END;
-    /* Java code goes here ... */
-    END
-    Inline->bind(Java => $code);
-You can think of C<bind()> as a way to C<eval()> code in other
-programming languages.
-Although bind() is a powerful feature, it is not recommended for use in
-Inline based modules. In fact, it won't work at all for installable
-modules. See instructions below for creating modules with Inline.
-=item Other Methods
-The source code for Inline can also be specified as an external
-filename, a reference to a subroutine that returns source code, or a
-reference to an array that contains lines of source code. (Note that
-if the external source file is in the current directory it must be
-specified with a leading './' - ie './file.ext' instead of simply
-'file.ext'.) These methods are less frequently used but may be useful
-in some situations.
-=item Shorthand
-If you are using the 'DATA' or 'FILE' methods described above B<and>
-there are no extra parameters, you can omit the keyword altogether.
-For example:
-    use Inline 'Java';
-    # Perl code goes here ...
-    __DATA__
-    __Java__
-    /* Java code goes here ... */
-    use Inline::Files;
-    use Inline 'Java';
-    # Perl code goes here ...
-    __JAVA__
-    /* Java code goes here ... */
-=head2 More about the DATA Section
-If you are writing a module, you can also use the DATA section for POD
-and AutoLoader subroutines. Just be sure to put them before the first
-Inline marker. If you install the helper module C<Inline::Filters>, you
-can even use POD inside your Inline code. You just have to specify a
-filter to strip it out.
-You can also specify multiple Inline sections, possibly in different
-programming languages. Here is another example:
-    # The module Foo.pm
-    package Foo;
-    use AutoLoader;
-    use Inline C;
-    use Inline C => DATA => FILTERS => 'Strip_POD';
-    use Inline Python;
-    1;
-    __DATA__
-    sub marine {
-        # This is an autoloaded subroutine
-    }
-    =head1 External subroutines
-    =cut
-    __C__
-    /* First C section */
-    __C__
-    /* Second C section */
-    =head1 My C Function
-    Some POD doc.
-    =cut
-    __Python__
-    """A Python Section"""
-An important thing to remember is that you need to have one "use
-Inline Foo => 'DATA'" for each "__Foo__" marker, and they must be in
-the same order. This allows you to apply different configuration
-options to each section.
-=head2 Configuration Options
-Inline tries to do the right thing as often as possible. But
-sometimes you may need to override the default actions. This is easy
-to do. Simply list the Inline configuration options after the
-regular Inline parameters. All congiguration options are specified
-as (key, value) pairs.
-    use Inline (C => 'DATA',
-                DIRECTORY => './inline_dir',
-                LIBS => '-lfoo',
-                INC => '-I/foo/include',
-                PREFIX => 'XXX_',
-                WARNINGS => 0,
-               );
-You can also specify the configuration options on a separate Inline call
-like this:
-    use Inline (C => Config =>
-                DIRECTORY => './inline_dir',
-                LIBS => '-lfoo',
-                INC => '-I/foo/include',
-                PREFIX => 'XXX_',
-                WARNINGS => 0,
-               );
-    use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
-The special keyword C<'Config'> tells Inline that this is a
-configuration-only call. No source code will be compiled or bound to
-If you want to specify global configuration options that don't apply
-to a particular language, just leave the language out of the call.
-Like this:
-    use Inline Config => WARNINGS => 0;
-The Config options are inherited and additive. You can use as many
-Config calls as you want. And you can apply different options to
-different code sections. When a source code section is passed in,
-Inline will apply whichever options have been specified up to that
-point. Here is a complex configuration example:
-    use Inline (Config =>
-                DIRECTORY => './inline_dir',
-               );
-    use Inline (C => Config =>
-                LIBS => '-lglobal',
-               );
-    use Inline (C => 'DATA',         # First C Section
-                LIBS => ['-llocal1', '-llocal2'],
-               );
-    use Inline (Config =>
-                WARNINGS => 0,
-               );
-    use Inline (Python => 'DATA',    # First Python Section
-                LIBS => '-lmypython1',
-               );
-    use Inline (C => 'DATA',         # Second C Section
-                LIBS => [undef, '-llocal3'],
-               );
-The first C<Config> applies to all subsequent calls. The second
-C<Config> applies to all subsequent C<C> sections (but not C<Python>
-sections). In the first C<C> section, the external libraries C<global>,
-C<local1> and C<local2> are used. (Most options allow either string or
-array ref forms, and do the right thing.) The C<Python> section does not
-use the C<global> library, but does use the same C<DIRECTORY>, and has
-warnings turned off. The second C<C> section only uses the C<local3>
-library. That's because a value of C<undef> resets the additive
-The C<DIRECTORY> and C<WARNINGS> options are generic Inline options. All
-other options are language specific. To find out what the C<C> options
-do, see C<Inline::C>.
-=head2 On and Off
-If a particular config option has value options of 1 and 0, you can use
-the ENABLE and DISABLE modifiers. In other words, this:
-    use Inline Config =>
-               FORCE_BUILD => 1,
-               CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0;
-could be reworded as:
-    use Inline Config =>
-               ENABLE => FORCE_BUILD,
-               DISABLE => CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD;
-=head2 Playing 'with' Others
-Inline has a special configuration syntax that tells it to get more
-configuration options from other Perl modules. Here is an example:
-    use Inline with => 'Event';
-This tells Inline to load the module C<Event.pm> and ask it for
-configuration information. Since C<Event> has a C API of its own, it can
-pass Inline all of the information it needs to be able to use C<Event> C
-callbacks seamlessly.
-That means that you don't need to specify the typemaps, shared
-libraries, include files and other information required to get
-this to work.
-You can specify a single module or a list of them. Like:
-    use Inline with => qw(Event Foo Bar);
-Currently, C<Event> is the only module that works I<with> Inline.
-In order to make B<your> module work I<with> Inline in this way, your
-module needs to provide a function called C<Inline> that takes an Inline
-language as a parameter (e.g. "C"), and returns a reference to a hash with
-configuration information that is acceptable to the relevant ILSM. For C,
-see L<Inline::C/"C Configuration Options">. E.g.:
-    my $confighashref = Event::Inline('C'); # only supports C in 1.21
-    # hashref contains keys INC, TYPEMAPS, MYEXTLIB, AUTO_INCLUDE, BOOT
-If your module supports L<ExtUtils::Depends>, your function might be as
-simple as this:
-    package Module;
-    sub Inline {
-	return unless $_[0] eq 'C'; # Inline's error message is good
-	require Module::Install::Files;
-	{
-	    map { (uc($_) =>  ${$Module::Install::Files::{$_}}) } qw(inc libs),
-	    TYPEMAPS => \@Module::Install::Files::typemaps,
-	};
-    }
-=head2 Inline Shortcuts
-Inline lets you set many configuration options from the command line.
-These options are called 'shortcuts'. They can be very handy, especially
-when you only want to set the options temporarily, for say, debugging.
-For instance, to get some general information about your Inline code in
-the script C<Foo.pl>, use the command:
-    perl -MInline=INFO Foo.pl
-If you want to force your code to compile, even if its already done, use:
-    perl -MInline=FORCE Foo.pl
-If you want to do both, use:
-    perl -MInline=INFO -MInline=FORCE Foo.pl
-or better yet:
-    perl -MInline=INFO,FORCE Foo.pl
-=head2 The Inline DIRECTORY
-Inline needs a place to build your code and to install the results of
-the build. It uses a single directory named C<'.Inline/'> under normal
-circumstances. If you create this directory in your home directory, the
-current directory or in the directory where your program resides, Inline
-will find and use it. You can also specify it in the environment
-variable C<PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY> or directly in your program, by using
-the C<DIRECTORY> keyword option. If Inline cannot find the directory in
-any of these places it will create a C<'_Inline/'> directory in either
-your current directory or the directory where your script resides.
-One of the key factors to using Inline successfully, is understanding
-this directory. When developing code it is usually best to create this
-directory (or let Inline do it) in your current directory. Remember that
-there is nothing sacred about this directory except that it holds your
-compiled code. Feel free to delete it at any time. Inline will simply
-start from scratch and recompile your code on the next run. If you have
-several programs that you want to force to recompile, just delete your
-C<'.Inline/'> directory.
-It is probably best to have a separate C<'.Inline/'> directory for each
-project that you are working on. You may want to keep stable code in the
-<.Inline/> in your home directory. On multi-user systems, each user
-should have their own C<'.Inline/'> directories. It could be a security
-risk to put the directory in a shared place like C</tmp/>.
-=head2 Debugging Inline Errors
-All programmers make mistakes. When you make a mistake with Inline, like
-writing bad C code, you'll get a big error report on your screen. This
-report tells you where to look to do the debugging. Some languages may also
-dump out the error messages generated from the build.
-When Inline needs to build something it creates a subdirectory under
-your C<DIRECTORY/build/> directory. This is where it writes all the
-components it needs to build your extension. Things like XS files,
-Makefiles and output log files.
-If everything goes OK, Inline will delete this subdirectory. If there is
-an error, Inline will leave the directory intact and print its location.
-The idea is that you are supposed to go into that directory and figure
-out what happened.
-Read the doc for your particular Inline Language Support Module for more
-=head2 The 'config' Registry File
-Inline keeps a cached file of all of the Inline Language Support
-Module's meta data in a file called C<config>. This file can be found in
-your C<DIRECTORY> directory. If the file does not exist, Inline creates
-a new one. It will search your system for any module beginning with
-C<Inline::>. It will then call that module's C<register()> method to get
-useful information for future invocations.
-Whenever you add a new ILSM, you should delete this file so that Inline
-will auto-discover your newly installed language module. (This should
-no longer be necessary as of Inline-0.49.)
-=head1 Configuration Options
-This section lists all of the generic Inline configuration options. For
-language specific configuration, see the doc for that language.
-The C<DIRECTORY> config option is the directory that Inline uses to both
-build and install an extension.
-Normally Inline will search in a bunch of known places for a directory
-called C<'.Inline/'>. Failing that, it will create a directory called
-If you want to specify your own directory, use this configuration
-Note that you must create the C<DIRECTORY> directory yourself. Inline
-will not do it for you.
-=head2 NAME
-You can use this option to set the name of your Inline extension object
-module. For example:
-    use Inline C => 'DATA',
-               NAME => 'Foo::Bar';
-would cause your C code to be compiled in to the object:
-    lib/auto/Foo/Bar/Bar.so
-    lib/auto/Foo/Bar/Bar.inl
-(The .inl component contains dependency information to make sure the
-source code is in sync with the executable)
-If you don't use NAME, Inline will pick a name for you based on your
-program name or package name. In this case, Inline will also enable the
-AUTONAME option which mangles in a small piece of the MD5 fingerprint
-into your object name, to make it unique.
-=head2 AUTONAME
-This option is enabled whenever the NAME parameter is not specified. To
-disable it say:
-    use Inline C => 'DATA',
-               DISABLE => 'AUTONAME';
-AUTONAME mangles in enough of the MD5 fingerprint to make your module
-name unique. Objects created with AUTONAME will never get replaced. That
-also means they will never get cleaned up automatically.
-AUTONAME is very useful for small throw away scripts. For more serious
-things, always use the NAME option.
-=head2 VERSION
-Specifies the version number of the Inline extension object. It is used
-B<only> for modules, and it must match the global variable $VERSION.
-Additionally, this option should used if (and only if) a module is being
-set up to be installed permanently into the Perl sitelib tree. Inline
-will croak if you use it otherwise.
-The presence of the VERSION parameter is the official way to let Inline
-know that your code is an installable/installed module. Inline will
-never generate an object in the temporary cache (_Inline/ directory) if
-VERSION is set. It will also never try to recompile a module that was
-installed into someone's Perl site tree.
-So the basic rule is develop without VERSION, and deliver with VERSION.
-=head2 WITH
-C<WITH> can also be used as a configuration option instead of using the
-special 'with' syntax. Do this if you want to use different sections of
-Inline code I<with> different modules. (Probably a very rare usage)
-    use Event;
-    use Inline C => DATA => WITH => 'Event';
-Modules specified using the config form of C<WITH> will B<not> be
-automatically required. You must C<use> them yourself.
-This option is for compiled languages only. It tells Inline to tell
-DynaLoader to load an object file in such a way that its symbols can be
-dynamically resolved by other object files. May not work on all
-platforms. See the C<GLOBAL> shortcut below.
-=head2 UNTAINT
-You can use this option whenever you use Perl's C<-T> switch, for taint
-checking. This option tells Inline to blindly untaint all tainted
-variables. (This is generally considered to be an appallingly insecure
-thing to do, and not to be recommended - but the option is there for
-you to use if you want. Please consider using something other than
-Inline for scripts that need taint checking.)
-It also turns on SAFEMODE by default. See the C<UNTAINT>
-shortcut below.
-You will see warnings about blindly untainting fields in both %ENV
-and Inline objects. If you want to silence these warnings, set the
-Config option NO_UNTAINT_WARN => 1.
-There can be some problems untainting Inline scripts where older
-versions of Cwd, such as those that shipped with early versions of
-perl-5.8 (and earlier), are installed. Updating Cwd will probably
-solve these problems.
-=head2 SAFEMODE
-Perform extra safety checking, in an attempt to thwart malicious code.
-This option cannot guarantee security, but it does turn on all the
-currently implemented checks. (Currently, the only "currently
-implemented check" is to ensure that the C<DIRECTORY> option has also
-been used.)
-There is a slight startup penalty by using SAFEMODE. Also, using UNTAINT
-automatically turns this option on. If you need your code to start
-faster under C<-T> (taint) checking, you'll need to turn this option off
-manually. Only do this if you are not worried about security risks. See
-the C<UNSAFE> shortcut below.
-Makes Inline build (compile) the source code every time the program is
-run. The default is 0. See the C<FORCE> shortcut below.
-Tells ILSMs that they should dump build messages to the terminal rather
-than be silent about all the build details.
-Tells ILSMs to print timing information about how long each build phase
-took. Usually requires C<Time::HiRes>.
-Tells Inline to clean up the current build area if the build was
-successful. Sometimes you want to DISABLE this for debugging. Default is
-1. See the C<NOCLEAN> shortcut below.
-Tells Inline to clean up the old build areas within the entire Inline
-DIRECTORY. Default is 0. See the C<CLEAN> shortcut below.
-=head2 PRINT_INFO
-Tells Inline to print various information about the source code. Default
-is 0. See the C<INFO> shortcut below.
-Tells Inline to print Version info about itself. Default is 0. See the
-C<VERSION> shortcut below.
-Puts Inline into 'REPORTBUG' mode, which is what you want if you desire
-to report a bug.
-Default is 0, but setting 'REWRITE_CONFIG_FILE => 1' will mean that the
-existing configuration file in the Inline DIRECTORY will be overwritten.
-(This is useful if the existing config file is not up to date as regards
-supported languages.)
-=head2 WARNINGS
-This option tells Inline whether to print certain warnings. Default is 1.
-=head1 Inline Configuration Shortcuts
-This is a list of all the shortcut configuration options currently
-available for Inline. Specify them from the command line when running
-Inline scripts.
-    perl -MInline=NOCLEAN inline_script.pl
-    perl -MInline=Info,force,NoClean inline_script.pl
-You can specify multiple shortcuts separated by commas. They are not
-case sensitive. You can also specify shortcuts inside the Inline program
-like this:
-    use Inline 'Info', 'Force', 'Noclean';
-If a C<'use Inline'> statement is used to set shortcuts, it can not be
-used for additional purposes.
-=over 4
-=item CLEAN
-Tells Inline to remove any build directories that may be lying around in
-your build area. Normally these directories get removed immediately
-after a successful build. Exceptions are when the build fails, or when
-you use the NOCLEAN or REPORTBUG options.
-=item FORCE
-Forces the code to be recompiled, even if everything is up to date.
-=item GLOBAL
-Turns on the GLOBAL_LOAD option.
-=item INFO
-This is a very useful option when you want to know what's going on under
-the hood. It tells Inline to print helpful information to C<STDERR>.
-Among the things that get printed is a list of which Inline functions
-were successfully bound to Perl.
-=item NOCLEAN
-Tells Inline to leave the build files after compiling.
-=item NOISY
-Use the BUILD_NOISY option to print messages during a build.
-Puts Inline into 'REPORTBUG' mode, which does special processing when
-you want to report a bug. REPORTBUG also automatically forces a build,
-and doesn't clean up afterwards. This is so that you can tar and mail
-the build directory to me. REPORTBUG will print exact instructions on
-what to do. Please read and follow them carefully.
-NOTE: REPORTBUG informs you to use the tar command. If your system does not have tar, please use the equivalent C<zip> command.
-=item SAFE
-Turns SAFEMODE on. UNTAINT will turn this on automatically. While this
-mode performs extra security checking, it does not guarantee safety.
-This parameter used to be used for creating installable Inline modules.
-It has been removed from Inline altogether and replaced with a much
-simpler and more powerful mechanism, C<Inline::MakeMaker>. See the
-section below on how to create modules with Inline.
-=item _TESTING
-Used internally by C/t/09parser.t and C/t/10callback.t(in the Inline::C test
-suite). Setting this option with Inline::C will mean that files named 'parser_id'
-and 'void_test' are created in the ./Inline_test directory, creating that
-directory if it doesn't already exist. The files (but not the ./Inline_test
-directory) are cleaned up by calling Inline::C::_testing_cleanup().
-Also used by t/06rewrite_config.t to trigger a warning.
-=item TIMERS
-Turn on BUILD_TIMERS to get extra diagnostic info about builds.
-=item UNSAFE
-Turns SAFEMODE off. Use this in combination with UNTAINT for slightly
-faster startup time under C<-T>. Only use this if you are sure the
-environment is safe.
-=item UNTAINT
-Turn the UNTAINT option on. Used with C<-T> switch.
-In terms of secure practices, this is definitely *not* a recommended
-way of dealing with taint checking, but it's the *only* option
-currently available with Inline. Use it at your own risk.
-=item VERSION
-Tells Inline to report its release version.
-=head1 Writing Modules with Inline
-Writing CPAN modules that use C code is easy with Inline. Let's say that
-you wanted to write a module called C<Math::Simple>. Start by using the
-following command:
-    h2xs -PAXn Math::Simple
-This will generate a bunch of files that form a skeleton of what you
-need for a distributable module. (Read the h2xs manpage to find out what
-the options do) Next, modify the C<Simple.pm> file to look like this:
-    package Math::Simple;
-    $VERSION = '1.23';
-    use base 'Exporter';
-    @EXPORT_OK = qw(add subtract);
-    use strict;
-    use Inline C => 'DATA',
-               VERSION => '1.23',
-               NAME => 'Math::Simple';
-    # The following Inline->init() call is optional - see below for more info.
-    #Inline->init();
-    1;
-    __DATA__
-    =pod
-    =cut
-    __C__
-    int add(int x, int y) {
-      return x + y;
-    }
-    int subtract(int x, int y) {
-      return x - y;
-    }
-The important things to note here are that you B<must> specify a C<NAME>
-and C<VERSION> parameter. The C<NAME> must match your module's package
-name. The C<VERSION> parameter must match your module's C<$VERSION>
-variable and they must be of the form C</^\d\.\d\d$/>.
-These are Inline's sanity checks to make sure you know what you're doing
-before uploading your code to CPAN. They insure that once the module has
-been installed on someone's system, the module would not get
-automatically recompiled for any reason. This makes Inline based modules
-work in exactly the same manner as XS based ones.
-Finally, you need to modify the Makefile.PL. Simply change:
-    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-    use Inline::MakeMaker;
-And, in order that the module build work correctly in the cpan shell,
-add the following directive to the Makefile.PL's WriteMakefile():
-        CONFIGURE_REQUIRES  =>  {
-            'Inline::MakeMaker'     => 0.45,
-            'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => 6.52,
-        },
-This "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" directive ensures that the cpan shell will
-install Inline on the user's machine (if it's not already present)
-before building your Inline-based module.
-Specifying of "ExtUtils::MakeMaker => 6.52," is optional, and can be
-omitted if you like. It ensures only that some harmless warnings relating
-to the "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" directive won't be emitted during the
-building of the module. It also means, of course, that
-ExtUtils::Makemaker will first be updated on the user's machine unless
-the user already has version 6.52 or later.
-If the "Inline->init();" is not done then, having installed Math::Simple,
-a warning that "One or more DATA sections were not processed by Inline"
-will appear when (and only when) Math::Simple is loaded by a "require
-call. It's a harmless warning - and if you're prepared to live with it,
-then there's no need to make the "Inline->init();" call.
-When the person installing C<Math::Simple> does a "C<make>", the
-generated Makefile will invoke Inline in such a way that the C code will
-be compiled and the executable code will be placed into the C<./blib>
-directory. Then when a "C<make install>" is done, the module will be
-copied into the appropriate Perl sitelib directory (which is where an
-installed module should go).
-Now all you need to do is:
-    perl Makefile.PL
-    make dist
-That will generate the file C<Math-Simple-0.20.tar.gz> which is a
-distributable package. (It will also generate some harmless warnings in
-relation to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" unless the version of your
-ExtUtils::MakeMaker is 6.52 or later.) That's all there is to it.
-Although the above steps will produce a workable module, you still have
-a few more responsibilities as a budding new CPAN author. You need to
-write lots of documentation and write lots of tests. Take a look at some
-of the better CPAN modules for ideas on creating a killer test harness.
-Actually, don't listen to me, go read these:
-    perldoc perlnewmod
-    http://www.cpan.org/modules/04pause.html
-    http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html
-=head1 How Inline Works
-In reality, Inline just automates everything you would need to do if you
-were going to do it by hand (using XS, etc).
-Inline performs the following steps:
-=over 4
-=item 1) Receive the Source Code
-Inline gets the source code from your script or module with a statements
-like the following:
-    use Inline C => "Source-Code";
-    use Inline;
-    bind Inline C => "Source-Code";
-where C<C> is the programming language of the source code, and
-C<Source-Code> is a string, a file name, an array reference, or the
-special C<'DATA'> keyword.
-Since Inline is coded in a "C<use>" statement, everything is done during
-Perl's compile time. If anything needs to be done that will affect the
-C<Source-Code>, it needs to be done in a C<BEGIN> block that is
-I<before> the "C<use Inline ...>" statement. If you really need to
-specify code to Inline at runtime, you can use the C<bind()> method.
-Source code that is stowed in the C<'DATA'> section of your code, is
-read in by an C<INIT> subroutine in Inline. That's because the C<DATA>
-filehandle is not available at compile time.
-=item 2) Check if the Source Code has been Built
-Inline only needs to build the source code if it has not yet been built.
-It accomplishes this seemingly magical task in an extremely simple and
-straightforward manner. It runs the source text through the
-C<Digest::MD5> module to produce a 128-bit "fingerprint" which is
-virtually unique. The fingerprint along with a bunch of other
-contingency information is stored in a C<.inl> file that sits next to
-your executable object. For instance, the C<C> code from a script called
-C<example.pl> might create these files:
-    example_pl_3a9a.so
-    example_pl_3a9a.inl
-If all the contingency information matches the values stored in the
-C<.inl> file, then proceed to step 8. (No compilation is necessary)
-=item 3) Find a Place to Build and Install
-At this point Inline knows it needs to build the source code. The first
-thing to figure out is where to create the great big mess associated
-with compilation, and where to put the object when it's done.
-By default Inline will try to build and install under the first place
-that meets one of the following conditions:
-    A) The DIRECTORY= config option; if specified
-    B) The PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY environment variable; if set
-    C) .Inline/ (in current directory); if exists and $PWD != $HOME
-    D) bin/.Inline/ (in directory of your script); if exists
-    E) ~/.Inline/; if exists
-    F) ./_Inline/; if exists
-    G) bin/_Inline; if exists
-    H) Create ./_Inline/; if possible
-    I) Create bin/_Inline/; if possible
-Failing that, Inline will croak. This is rare and easily remedied by
-just making a directory that Inline will use.
-If the PERL_INSTALL_ROOT Environment Variable has been set, you will need
-to make special provision for that if the 'make install' phase of your
-Inline scripts are to succeed.
-If the module option is being compiled for permanent installation, then
-Inline will only use C<./_Inline/> to build in, and the
-C<$Config{installsitearch}> directory to install the executable in. This
-action is caused by Inline::MakeMaker, and is intended to be used in
-modules that are to be distributed on the CPAN, so that they get
-installed in the proper place.
-=item 4) Parse the Source for Semantic Cues
-Inline::C uses the module C<Parse::RecDescent> to parse through your
-chunks of C source code and look for things that it can create run-time
-bindings to. In C<C> it looks for all of the function definitions and
-breaks them down into names and data types. These elements are used to
-correctly bind the C<C> function to a C<Perl> subroutine. Other Inline
-languages like Python and Java actually use the C<python> and C<javac>
-modules to parse the Inline code.
-=item 5) Create the Build Environment
-Now Inline can take all of the gathered information and create an
-environment to build your source code into an executable. Without going
-into all the details, it just creates the appropriate directories,
-creates the appropriate source files including an XS file (for C) and a
-=item 6) Build the Code and Install the Executable
-The planets are in alignment. Now for the easy part. Inline just does
-what you would do to install a module. "C<perl Makefile.PL && make &&
-make test && make install>". If something goes awry, Inline will croak
-with a message indicating where to look for more info.
-=item 7) Tidy Up
-By default, Inline will remove all of the mess created by the build
-process, assuming that everything worked. If the build fails, Inline
-will leave everything intact, so that you can debug your errors. Setting
-the C<NOCLEAN> shortcut option will also stop Inline from cleaning up.
-=item 8) DynaLoad the Executable
-For C (and C++), Inline uses the C<DynaLoader::bootstrap> method to pull
-your external module into C<Perl> space. Now you can call all of your
-external functions like Perl subroutines.
-Other languages like Python and Java, provide their own loaders.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-For information about using Inline with C see L<Inline::C>.
-For sample programs using Inline with C see L<Inline::C-Cookbook>.
-For "Formerly Answered Questions" about Inline, see L<Inline-FAQ>.
-For information on supported languages and platforms see
-For information on writing your own Inline Language Support Module, see
-Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
-To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
-When reporting a bug, please do the following:
- - Put "use Inline REPORTBUG;" at the top of your code, or
-   use the command line option "perl -MInline=REPORTBUG ...".
- - Run your code.
- - Follow the printed directions.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Brian Ingerson <INGY@cpan.org>
-Neil Watkiss <NEILW@cpan.org> is the author of C<Inline::CPP>,
-C<Inline::Python>, C<Inline::Ruby>, C<Inline::ASM>, C<Inline::Struct>
-and C<Inline::Filters>. He is known in the innermost Inline circles as
-the "Boy Wonder".
-Sisyphus <sisyphus@cpan.org> fixed some bugs and is current co-maintainer.
-Copyright (c) 2000-2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010-2014. Sisyphus.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Ingy döt Net.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
+Terms of the Perl programming language system itself
+a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+   Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
+   later version, or
+b) the "Artistic License"
+--- The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989 ---
+This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Ingy döt Net.
+This is free software, licensed under:
+  The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                     Version 1, February 1989
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+at the mercy of those companies.  By contrast, our General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  The
+General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+You can use it for your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must tell them their rights.
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License.  The
+"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
+on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
+Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications.  Each
+licensee is addressed as "you".
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+along with the Program.  You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+transferring a copy.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+    a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+    you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+    b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+    in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+    with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+    third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+    that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+    third parties, at your option).
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+    run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+    in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+    that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+    warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+    conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+    Public License.
+    d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+    copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+    exchange for a fee.
+Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+the other work under the scope of these terms.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+    Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+    b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+    for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+    corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+    Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+    c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+    corresponding source code may be obtained.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it.  For an executable file, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+accompany that operating system.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+the Program under this License.  However, parties who have received
+copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+  5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+and all its terms and conditions.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+  7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                            NO WARRANTY
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+        Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest to
+attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
+the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) 19yy  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+    any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA  02110-1301 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+appropriate parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the
+commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+  program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+  at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
+--- The Artistic License 1.0 ---
+This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Ingy döt Net.
+This is free software, licensed under:
+  The Artistic License 1.0
+The Artistic License
+The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a Package
+may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of
+artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of
+the package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less
+customary fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications.
+  - "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright
+    Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through
+    textual modification. 
+  - "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified,
+    or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright
+    Holder. 
+  - "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for
+    the package. 
+  - "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package.
+  - "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the basis of media
+    cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You will
+    not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the
+    computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.) 
+  - "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though
+    there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that
+    recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they
+    received it. 
+1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
+Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
+duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
+2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived
+from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such
+a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
+3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided that
+you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when you
+changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+  a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
+     Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or an
+     equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive site
+     such as ftp.uu.net, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include your
+     modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
+  b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
+  c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict with
+     standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate
+     manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly documents how it
+     differs from the Standard Version.
+  d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable
+form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+  a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
+     together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where to
+     get the Standard Version.
+  b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of the Package
+     with your modifications.
+  c) accompany any non-standard executables with their corresponding Standard
+     Version executables, giving the non-standard executables non-standard
+     names, and clearly documenting the differences in manual pages (or
+     equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the Standard
+     Version.
+  d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
+Package.  You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. You
+may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However, you may distribute this
+Package in aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a
+larger (possibly commercial) software distribution provided that you do not
+advertise this Package as a product of your own.
+6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as output
+from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall under the copyright
+of this Package, but belong to whomever generated them, and may be sold
+commercially, and may be aggregated with this Package.
+7. C or perl subroutines supplied by you and linked into this Package shall not
+be considered part of this Package.
+8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
+products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+The End
@@ -1,81 +1,43 @@
+# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest v5.020.
-META.yml                                 Module YAML meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
-META.json                                Module JSON meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
@@ -1,31 +1,63 @@
-   "abstract" : "unknown",
-   "author" : [
-      "unknown"
-   ],
-   "dynamic_config" : 1,
-   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.6302, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120630",
-   "license" : [
-      "unknown"
-   ],
-   "meta-spec" : {
-      "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec",
-      "version" : "2"
-   },
-   "name" : "Inline",
-   "no_index" : {
-      "directory" : [
-         "t",
-         "inc"
-      ]
-   },
-   "release_status" : "stable",
-   "resources" : {
-      "repository" : {
-         "type" : "git",
-         "url" : "https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm.git",
-         "web" : "https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm"
-      }
-   },
-   "version" : "0.55"
+   "abstract" : "Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages",
+   "author" : [
+      "Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>"
+   ],
+   "dynamic_config" : 0,
+   "generated_by" : "Dist::Zilla version 5.020, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.140640",
+   "license" : [
+      "perl_5"
+   ],
+   "meta-spec" : {
+      "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec",
+      "version" : "2"
+   },
+   "name" : "Inline",
+   "no_index" : {
+      "directory" : [
+         "inc",
+         "t",
+         "xt",
+         "example"
+      ]
+   },
+   "prereqs" : {
+      "configure" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
+         }
+      },
+      "develop" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "Test::Pod" : "1.41"
+         }
+      },
+      "runtime" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "Digest::MD5" : "0",
+            "File::Spec" : "0.8",
+            "perl" : "v5.8.1"
+         }
+      },
+      "test" : {
+         "requires" : {
+            "Test::More" : "0.88",
+            "Test::Warn" : "0.23"
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   "release_status" : "stable",
+   "resources" : {
+      "bugtracker" : {
+         "web" : "https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm/issues"
+      },
+      "homepage" : "https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm",
+      "repository" : {
+         "type" : "git",
+         "url" : "https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm.git",
+         "web" : "https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm"
+      }
+   },
+   "version" : "0.77"
@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
-abstract: unknown
-  - unknown
-build_requires: {}
-dynamic_config: 1
-generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.6302, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120630'
-license: unknown
-  url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
-  version: 1.4
-name: Inline
-  directory:
-    - t
-    - inc
-  repository: https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm.git
-version: 0.55
+abstract: 'Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages'
+  - 'Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>'
+  Test::More: '0.88'
+  Test::Warn: '0.23'
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
+dynamic_config: 0
+generated_by: 'Dist::Zilla version 5.020, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.140640'
+license: perl
+  url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
+  version: '1.4'
+name: Inline
+  directory:
+    - inc
+    - t
+    - xt
+    - example
+  Digest::MD5: '0'
+  File::Spec: '0.8'
+  perl: v5.8.1
+  bugtracker: https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm/issues
+  homepage: https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm
+  repository: https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm.git
+version: '0.77'
@@ -1,81 +1,57 @@
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-my $md5_check = 1; # Assume that if $] < 5.008001, then Digest::MD5 is already installed.
-if($] < 5.008001) {
-  eval{require Digest::MD5;};
-  if($@) {
-    warn "\$\@: $@\n";
-    warn "  This is perl version $]\n";
-    $md5_check = 0; # Above assumption was wrong.
+# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker v5.020.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.008001;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ;
+my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
+  "ABSTRACT" => "Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages",
+  "AUTHOR" => "Ingy d\x{f6}t Net <ingy\@cpan.org>",
+    "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" => 0
+  },
+  "DISTNAME" => "Inline",
+  "EXE_FILES" => [],
+  "LICENSE" => "perl",
+  "NAME" => "Inline",
+  "PREREQ_PM" => {
+    "Digest::MD5" => 0,
+    "File::Spec" => "0.8"
+  },
+    "Test::More" => "0.88",
+    "Test::Warn" => "0.23"
+  },
+  "VERSION" => "0.77",
+  "test" => {
+    "TESTS" => "t/*.t"
-unless($md5_check) {
-  warn <<'  MD5';
-  A functional version of the pre-requisite Digest::MD5
-  seems to be missing.
-  Digest-MD5-2.41 and later will not build on this old
-  build of perl.
-  CPAN.pm will currently attempt (and fail) to build and
-  install the *latest* version of Digest::MD5.
-  Therefore you must either:
-   a) install Digest-MD5-2.40 (or earlier, back to 2.09) or;
-   b) apply either the patch at
-      https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Attachment/1038207/542063/d0
-      or the patch at
-      https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Attachment/983638/512188/Digest-MD5-2.51-v5.6.patch
-      to the latest Digest::MD5 source and then build
-      and install that patched version.
-  It is hoped that, eventually, Digest::MD5 will be once
-  again rendered compatible with this version of perl. If
-  and when that happens, please let the current maintainer
-  of Inline know, so that this warning can be removed.
+my %FallbackPrereqs = (
+  "Digest::MD5" => 0,
+  "File::Spec" => "0.8",
+  "Test::More" => "0.88",
+  "Test::Warn" => "0.23"
-  MD5
-  exit 0;
+unless ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.63_03) } ) {
+  delete $WriteMakefileArgs{TEST_REQUIRES};
+  delete $WriteMakefileArgs{BUILD_REQUIRES};
+  $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM} = \%FallbackPrereqs;
-my $twv = $] > 5.013 ? 0.23 : 0.21;
+delete $WriteMakefileArgs{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES}
+  unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.52) };
-my $prereq_pm = {
-    Data::Dumper => 2.09,
-    Digest::MD5 => 2.09,
-    Parse::RecDescent => 1.80,
-    File::Spec => 0.8,
-    Test::Warn => $twv,
-delete $prereq_pm->{'Test::Warn'} if $] <= 5.007;
-    NAME => 'Inline',
-    VERSION_FROM => 'Inline.pm',
-    PREREQ_PM => $prereq_pm,
-    clean => {FILES => '_Inline_test _Inline .Inline'},
-    META_MERGE => {
-        'meta-spec' => { version => 2 },
-        resources => {
-            repository => {
-                type => 'git',
-                url => 'https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm.git',
-                web => 'https://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm',
-            },
-        },
-    },
-if ($^O =~ /Win32/i) {
-    print "Fixing Makefile for MSWin32\n";
-    open MAKEFILE, "< Makefile"
-      or die "Can't open Makefile for reading";
-    my @lines = <MAKEFILE>;
-    close MAKEFILE;
-    open MAKEFILE, "> Makefile"
-      or die "Can't open Makefile for writing";
-    for (@lines) {
-        print MAKEFILE unless /^\s*((\@\[)|(\]))\s*$/;
-    }
-    close MAKEFILE;
@@ -1,194 +1,1094 @@
+    Inline - Write Perl Subroutines in Other Programming Languages
-Inline.pm - Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages.
+        use Inline C;
-Inline lets you write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
-like C, C++, Java, Python, Tcl and even Assembly. You don't need to
-compile anything. All the details are handled transparently so you
-can just run your Perl script like normal.
+        print "9 + 16 = ", add(9, 16), "\n";
+        print "9 - 16 = ", subtract(9, 16), "\n";
-    use Inline::Files;
-    use Inline C;
-    print JAxH('Inline'), "\n";
+        __END__
+        __C__
+        int add(int x, int y) {
+          return x + y;
+        }
+        int subtract(int x, int y) {
+          return x - y;
+        }
+    The Inline module allows you to put source code from other programming
+    languages directly "inline" in a Perl script or module. The code is
+    automatically compiled as needed, and then loaded for immediate access
+    from Perl.
+    Inline saves you from the hassle of having to write and compile your own
+    glue code using facilities like XS or SWIG. Simply type the code where
+    you want it and run your Perl as normal. All the hairy details are
+    handled for you. The compilation and installation of your code chunks
+    all happen transparently; all you will notice is the delay of
+    compilation on the first run.
+    The Inline code only gets compiled the first time you run it (or
+    whenever it is modified) so you only take the performance hit once. Code
+    that is Inlined into distributed modules (like on the CPAN) will get
+    compiled when the module is installed, so the end user will never notice
+    the compilation time.
+    Best of all, it works the same on both Unix and Microsoft Windows. See
+    Inline- Support for support information.
+  Why Inline?
+    Do you want to know "Why would I use other languages in Perl?" or "Why
+    should I use Inline to do it?"? I'll try to answer both.
+    Why would I use other languages in Perl?
+        The most obvious reason is performance. For an interpreted language,
+        Perl is very fast. Many people will say "Anything Perl can do, C can
+        do faster". (They never mention the development time :-) Anyway, you
+        may be able to remove a bottleneck in your Perl code by using
+        another language, without having to write the entire program in that
+        language. This keeps your overall development time down, because
+        you're using Perl for all of the non-critical code.
+        Another reason is to access functionality from existing API-s that
+        use the language. Some of this code may only be available in binary
+        form. But by creating small subroutines in the native language, you
+        can "glue" existing libraries to your Perl. As a user of the CPAN,
+        you know that code reuse is a good thing. So why throw away those
+        Fortran libraries just yet?
+        If you are using Inline with the C language, then you can access the
+        full internals of Perl itself. This opens up the floodgates to both
+        extreme power and peril.
+        Maybe the best reason is "Because you want to!". Diversity keeps the
+        world interesting. TMTOWTDI!
+    Why should I use Inline to do it?
+        There are already two major facilities for extending Perl with C.
+        They are XS and SWIG. Both are similar in their capabilities, at
+        least as far as Perl is concerned. And both of them are quite
+        difficult to learn compared to Inline.
+        There is a big fat learning curve involved with setting up and using
+        the XS environment. You need to get quite intimate with the
+        following docs:
+        *   perlxs
+        *   perlxstut
+        *   perlapi
+        *   perlguts
+        *   perlmod
+        *   h2xs
+        *   xsubpp
+        *   ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+        With Inline you can be up and running in minutes. There is a C
+        Cookbook with lots of short but complete programs that you can
+        extend to your real-life problems. No need to learn about the
+        complicated build process going on in the background. You don't even
+        need to compile the code yourself. Inline takes care of every last
+        detail except writing the C code.
+        Perl programmers cannot be bothered with silly things like
+        compiling. "Tweak, Run, Tweak, Run" is our way of life. Inline does
+        all the dirty work for you.
+        Another advantage of Inline is that you can use it directly in a
+        script. You can even use it in a Perl one-liner. With XS and SWIG,
+        you always set up an entirely separate module. Even if you only have
+        one or two functions. Inline makes easy things easy, and hard things
+        possible. Just like Perl.
+        Finally, Inline supports several programming languages (not just C
+        and C++). As of this writing, Inline has support for C, C++, Java,
+        Python, Ruby, Tcl, Assembler, Basic, Guile, Befunge, Octave, Awk,
+        BC, TT (Template Toolkit), WebChat and even PERL. New Inline
+        Language Support Modules (ILSMs) are regularly being added. See
+        Inline-API for details on how to create your own ILSM.
+    Inline is a little bit different than most of the Perl modules that you
+    are used to. It doesn't import any functions into your namespace and it
+    doesn't have any object oriented methods. Its entire interface (with two
+    minor exceptions) is specified through the 'use Inline ...' command.
+    This section will explain all of the different ways to "use Inline". If
+    you want to begin using C with Inline immediately, see
+    Inline::C-Cookbook.
+  The Basics
+    The most basic form for using Inline is:
+        use Inline X => "X source code";
+    where 'X' is one of the supported Inline programming languages. The
+    second parameter identifies the source code that you want to bind to
+    Perl. The source code can be specified using any of the following
+    syntaxes:
+    The DATA Keyword.
+            use Inline Java => 'DATA';
+            # Perl code goes here ...
+            __DATA__
+            __Java__
+            /* Java code goes here ... */
+        The easiest and most visually clean way to specify your source code
+        in an Inline Perl program is to use the special "DATA" keyword. This
+        tells Inline to look for a special marker in your "DATA"
+        filehandle's input stream. In this example the special marker is
+        "__Java__", which is the programming language surrounded by double
+        underscores.
+        In case you've forgotten, the "DATA" pseudo file is comprised of all
+        the text after the "__END__" or "__DATA__" section of your program.
+        If you're working outside the "main" package, you'd best use the
+        "__DATA__" marker or else Inline will not find your code.
+        Using this scheme keeps your Perl code at the top, and all the ugly
+        Java stuff down below where it belongs. This is visually clean and
+        makes for more maintainable code. An excellent side benefit is that
+        you don't have to escape any characters like you might in a Perl
+        string. The source code is verbatim. For these reasons, I prefer
+        this method the most.
+        The only problem with this style is that since Perl can't read the
+        "DATA" filehandle until runtime, it obviously can't bind your
+        functions until runtime. The net effect of this is that you can't
+        use your Inline functions as barewords (without predeclaring them)
+        because Perl has no idea they exist during compile time.
+    The FILE and BELOW keywords.
+            use Inline::Files;
+            use Inline Java => 'file';
+            # Perl code goes here ...
+            __JAVA__
+            /* Java code goes here ... */
+        This is the newest method of specifying your source code. It makes
+        use of the Perl module "Inline::Files" written by Damian Conway. The
+        basic style and meaning are the same as for the "DATA" keyword, but
+        there are a few syntactic and semantic twists.
+        First, you must say 'use Inline::Files' before you 'use Inline' code
+        that needs those files. The special '"DATA"' keyword is replaced by
+        either '"file"' or '"below"'. This allows for the bad pun idiom of:
+            use Inline C => 'below';
+        You can omit the "__DATA__" tag now. Inline::Files is a source
+        filter that will remove these sections from your program before Perl
+        compiles it. They are then available for Inline to make use of. And
+        since this can all be done at compile time, you don't have to worry
+        about the caveats of the 'DATA' keyword.
+        This module has a couple small gotchas. Since Inline::Files only
+        recognizes file markers with capital letters, you must specify the
+        capital form of your language name. Also, there is a startup time
+        penalty for using a source code filter.
+        At this point Inline::Files is alpha software and use of it is
+        experimental. Inline's integration of this module is also fledgling
+        at the time being. One of things I plan to do with Inline::Files is
+        to get line number info so when an extension doesn't compile, the
+        error messages will point to the correct source file and line
+        number.
+        My best advice is to use Inline::Files for testing (especially as
+        support for it improves), but use DATA for production and
+        distributed/CPAN code.
+    Strings
+            use Inline Java => <<'END';
+            /* Java code goes here ... */
+            END
+            # Perl code goes here ...
+        You also just specify the source code as a single string. A handy
+        way to write the string is to use Perl's "here document" style of
+        quoting. This is ok for small functions but can get unwieldy in the
+        large. On the other hand, the string variant probably has the least
+        startup penalty and all functions are bound at compile time.
+        If you wish to put the string into a scalar variable, please be
+        aware that the "use" statement is a compile time directive. As such,
+        all the variables it uses must also be set at compile time, "before"
+        the 'use Inline' statement. Here is one way to do it:
+            my $code;
+            BEGIN {
+                $code = <<END;
+            /* Java code goes here ... */
+            END
+            }
+            use Inline Java => $code;
+            # Perl code goes here ...
+    The bind() Function
+        An alternative to using the BEGIN block method is to specify the
+        source code at run time using the 'Inline->bind()' method. (This is
+        one of the interface exceptions mentioned above) The "bind()" method
+        takes the same arguments as 'use Inline ...'.
+            my $code = <<END;
+            /* Java code goes here ... */
+            END
+            Inline->bind(Java => $code);
+        You can think of "bind()" as a way to "eval()" code in other
+        programming languages.
+        Although bind() is a powerful feature, it is not recommended for use
+        in Inline based modules. In fact, it won't work at all for
+        installable modules. See instructions below for creating modules
+        with Inline.
+    Other Methods
+        The source code for Inline can also be specified as an external
+        filename, a reference to a subroutine that returns source code, or a
+        reference to an array that contains lines of source code. (Note that
+        if the external source file is in the current directory it must be
+        specified with a leading '.*' - ie '.*file.ext' instead of simply
+        'file.ext'.) These methods are less frequently used but may be
+        useful in some situations.
+    Shorthand
+        If you are using the 'DATA' or 'file' methods described above and
+        there are no extra parameters, you can omit the keyword altogether.
+        For example:
+            use Inline 'Java';
+            # Perl code goes here ...
+            __DATA__
+            __Java__
+            /* Java code goes here ... */
+        or
+            use Inline::Files;
+            use Inline 'Java';
+            # Perl code goes here ...
+            __JAVA__
+            /* Java code goes here ... */
+  More about the DATA Section
+    If you are writing a module, you can also use the DATA section for POD
+    and AutoLoader subroutines. Just be sure to put them before the first
+    Inline marker. If you install the helper module "Inline::Filters", you
+    can even use POD inside your Inline code. You just have to specify a
+    filter to strip it out.
+    You can also specify multiple Inline sections, possibly in different
+    programming languages. Here is another example:
+        # The module Foo.pm
+        package Foo;
+        use AutoLoader;
+        use Inline C;
+        use Inline C => DATA => filters => 'Strip_POD';
+        use Inline Python;
+        1;
+        __DATA__
+        sub marine {
+            # This is an autoloaded subroutine
+        }
+        =head1 External subroutines
+        =cut
+        __C__
+        /* First C section */
+        __C__
+        /* Second C section */
+        =head1 My C Function
+        Some POD doc.
+        =cut
+        __Python__
+        """A Python Section"""
+    An important thing to remember is that you need to have one "use Inline
+    Foo => 'DATA'" for each "__Foo__" marker, and they must be in the same
+    order. This allows you to apply different configuration options to each
+    section.
+  Configuration Options
+    Inline tries to do the right thing as often as possible. But sometimes
+    you may need to override the default actions. This is easy to do. Simply
+    list the Inline configuration options after the regular Inline
+    parameters. All configuration options are specified as (key, value)
+    pairs.
+        use Inline (C => 'DATA',
+                    directory => './inline_dir',
+                    libs => '-lfoo',
+                    inc => '-I/foo/include',
+                    prefix => 'XXX_',
+                    warnings => 0,
+                   );
+    You can also specify the configuration options on a separate Inline call
+    like this:
+        use Inline (C => Config =>
+                    directory => './inline_dir',
+                    libs => '-lfoo',
+                    inc => '-I/foo/include',
+                    prefix => 'XXX_',
+                    warnings => 0,
+                   );
+        use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
+    The special keyword 'Config' tells Inline that this is a
+    configuration-only call. No source code will be compiled or bound to
+    Perl.
+    If you want to specify global configuration options that don't apply to
+    a particular language, just leave the language out of the call. Like
+    this:
+        use Inline Config => warnings => 0;
+    The Config options are inherited and additive. You can use as many
+    Config calls as you want. And you can apply different options to
+    different code sections. When a source code section is passed in, Inline
+    will apply whichever options have been specified up to that point. Here
+    is a complex configuration example:
+        use Inline (Config =>
+                    directory => './inline_dir',
+                   );
+        use Inline (C => Config =>
+                    libs => '-lglobal',
+                   );
+        use Inline (C => 'DATA',         # First C Section
+                    libs => ['-llocal1', '-llocal2'],
+                   );
+        use Inline (Config =>
+                    warnings => 0,
+                   );
+        use Inline (Python => 'DATA',    # First Python Section
+                    libs => '-lmypython1',
+                   );
+        use Inline (C => 'DATA',         # Second C Section
+                    libs => [undef, '-llocal3'],
+                   );
+    The first "Config" applies to all subsequent calls. The second "Config"
+    applies to all subsequent "C" sections (but not "Python" sections). In
+    the first "C" section, the external libraries "global", "local1" and
+    "local2" are used. (Most options allow either string or array ref forms,
+    and do the right thing.) The "Python" section does not use the "global"
+    library, but does use the same "DIRECTORY", and has warnings turned off.
+    The second "C" section only uses the "local3" library. That's because a
+    value of "undef" resets the additive behavior.
+    The "directory" and "warnings" options are generic Inline options. All
+    other options are language specific. To find out what the "C" options
+    do, see "Inline::C".
+  On and Off
+    If a particular config option has value options of 1 and 0, you can use
+    the 'enable' and 'disable' modifiers. In other words, this:
+        use Inline Config =>
+                   force_build => 1,
+                   clean_after_build => 0;
+    could be reworded as:
+        use Inline Config =>
+                   enable => force_build =>
+                   disable => clean_after_build;
+  Playing 'with' Others
+    Inline has a special configuration syntax that tells it to get more
+    configuration options from other Perl modules. Here is an example:
+        use Inline with => 'Event';
+    This tells Inline to load the module "Event.pm" and ask it for
+    configuration information. Since "Event" has a C API of its own, it can
+    pass Inline all of the information it needs to be able to use "Event" C
+    callbacks seamlessly.
+    That means that you don't need to specify the typemaps, shared
+    libraries, include files and other information required to get this to
+    work.
+    You can specify a single module or a list of them. Like:
+        use Inline with => qw(Event Foo Bar);
+    Currently, "Event" is the only module that works *with* Inline.
+    In order to make your module work *with* Inline in this way, your module
+    needs to provide a class method called "Inline" that takes an Inline
+    language as a parameter (e.g. "C"), and returns a reference to a hash
+    with configuration information that is acceptable to the relevant ILSM.
+    For C, see C Configuration Options. E.g.:
+        my $confighashref = Event->Inline('C'); # only supports C in 1.21
+        # hashref contains keys INC, TYPEMAPS, MYEXTLIB, AUTO_INCLUDE, BOOT
+    If your module uses ExtUtils::Depends version 0.400 or higher, your
+    module only needs this:
+        package Module;
+        use autouse Module::Install::Files => qw(Inline);
+  Inline Shortcuts
+    Inline lets you set many configuration options from the command line.
+    These options are called 'shortcuts'. They can be very handy, especially
+    when you only want to set the options temporarily, for say, debugging.
+    For instance, to get some general information about your Inline code in
+    the script "Foo.pl", use the command:
+        perl -MInline=info Foo.pl
+    If you want to force your code to compile, even if its already done,
+    use:
+        perl -MInline=force Foo.pl
+    If you want to do both, use:
+        perl -MInline=info -MInline=force Foo.pl
+    or better yet:
+        perl -MInline=info,force Foo.pl
+  The Inline 'directory'
+    Inline needs a place to build your code and to install the results of
+    the build. It uses a single directory named '.Inline/' under normal
+    circumstances. If you create this directory in your home directory, the
+    current directory or in the directory where your program resides, Inline
+    will find and use it. You can also specify it in the environment
+    variable "PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY" or directly in your program, by using
+    the "directory" keyword option. If Inline cannot find the directory in
+    any of these places it will create a '_Inline/' directory in either your
+    current directory or the directory where your script resides.
+    One of the key factors to using Inline successfully, is understanding
+    this directory. When developing code it is usually best to create this
+    directory (or let Inline do it) in your current directory. Remember that
+    there is nothing sacred about this directory except that it holds your
+    compiled code. Feel free to delete it at any time. Inline will simply
+    start from scratch and recompile your code on the next run. If you have
+    several programs that you want to force to recompile, just delete your
+    '.Inline/' directory.
+    It is probably best to have a separate '.Inline/' directory for each
+    project that you are working on. You may want to keep stable code in the
+    <.Inline/> in your home directory. On multi-user systems, each user
+    should have their own '.Inline/' directories. It could be a security
+    risk to put the directory in a shared place like "/tmp/".
+  Debugging Inline Errors
+    All programmers make mistakes. When you make a mistake with Inline, like
+    writing bad C code, you'll get a big error report on your screen. This
+    report tells you where to look to do the debugging. Some languages may
+    also dump out the error messages generated from the build.
+    When Inline needs to build something it creates a subdirectory under
+    your "DIRECTORY/build/" directory. This is where it writes all the
+    components it needs to build your extension. Things like XS files,
+    Makefiles and output log files.
+    If everything goes OK, Inline will delete this subdirectory. If there is
+    an error, Inline will leave the directory intact and print its location.
+    The idea is that you are supposed to go into that directory and figure
+    out what happened.
+    Read the doc for your particular Inline Language Support Module for more
+    information.
+  The 'config' Registry File
+    Inline keeps a cached file of all of the Inline Language Support
+    Module's meta data in a file called "config". This file can be found in
+    your "directory" directory. If the file does not exist, Inline creates a
+    new one. It will search your system for any module beginning with
+    "Inline::". It will then call that module's "register()" method to get
+    useful information for future invocations.
+    Whenever you add a new ILSM, you should delete this file so that Inline
+    will auto-discover your newly installed language module. (This should no
+    longer be necessary as of Inline-0.49.)
+    This section lists all of the generic Inline configuration options. For
+    language specific configuration, see the doc for that language.
+    directory
+        The "directory" config option is the directory that Inline uses to
+        both build and install an extension.
+        Normally Inline will search in a bunch of known places for a
+        directory called '.Inline/'. Failing that, it will create a
+        directory called '_Inline/'
+        If you want to specify your own directory, use this configuration
+        option.
+        Note that you must create the "directory" directory yourself. Inline
+        will not do it for you.
+    name
+        You can use this option to set the name of your Inline extension
+        object module. For example:
+            use Inline C => 'DATA',
+                       name => 'Foo::Bar';
+        would cause your C code to be compiled in to the object:
+            lib/auto/Foo/Bar/Bar.so
+            lib/auto/Foo/Bar/Bar.inl
+        (The .inl component contains dependency information to make sure the
+        source code is in sync with the executable)
+        If you don't use "name", Inline will pick a name for you based on
+        your program name or package name. In this case, Inline will also
+        enable the "autoname" option which mangles in a small piece of the
+        MD5 fingerprint into your object name, to make it unique.
+    autoname
+        This option is enabled whenever the "name" parameter is not
+        specified. To disable it say:
+            use Inline C => 'DATA',
+                       disable => 'autoname';
+        "autoname" mangles in enough of the MD5 fingerprint to make your
+        module name unique. Objects created with "autoname" will never get
+        replaced. That also means they will never get cleaned up
+        automatically.
+        "autoname" is very useful for small throw away scripts. For more
+        serious things, always use the "name" option.
+    version
+        Specifies the version number of the Inline extension object. It is
+        used only for modules, and it must match the global variable
+        $VERSION. Additionally, this option should used if (and only if) a
+        module is being set up to be installed permanently into the Perl
+        sitelib tree. Inline will croak if you use it otherwise.
+        The presence of the "version" parameter is the official way to let
+        Inline know that your code is an installable*installed module.
+        Inline will never generate an object in the temporary cache
+        (_Inline* directory) if "version" is set. It will also never try to
+        recompile a module that was installed into someone's Perl site tree.
+        So the basic rule is develop without "version", and deliver with
+        "version".
+    with
+        "with" can also be used as a configuration option instead of using
+        the special 'with' syntax. Do this if you want to use different
+        sections of Inline code *with* different modules. (Probably a very
+        rare usage)
+            use Event;
+            use Inline C => DATA => with => 'Event';
+        Modules specified using the config form of "with" will not be
+        automatically required. You must "use" them yourself.
+    using
+        You can override modules that get used by ILSMs with the "using"
+        option. This is typically used to override the default parser for
+        Inline::C, but might be used by any ILSM for any purpose.
+            use Inline config => using => '::Parser::RecDescent';
+            use Inline C => '...';
+        This would tell Inline::C to use Inline::C::Parser::RecDescent.
+    global_load
+        This option is for compiled languages only. It tells Inline to tell
+        DynaLoader to load an object file in such a way that its symbols can
+        be dynamically resolved by other object files. May not work on all
+        platforms. See the "global" shortcut below.
+    untaint
+        You can use this option whenever you use Perl's "-T" switch, for
+        taint checking. This option tells Inline to blindly untaint all
+        tainted variables. (This is generally considered to be an
+        appallingly insecure thing to do, and not to be recommended - but
+        the option is there for you to use if you want. Please consider
+        using something other than Inline for scripts that need taint
+        checking.) It also turns on "safemode" by default. See the "untaint"
+        shortcut below. You will see warnings about blindly untainting
+        fields in both %ENV and Inline objects. If you want to silence these
+        warnings, set the Config option "no_untaint_warn" => 1. There can be
+        some problems untainting Inline scripts where older versions of Cwd,
+        such as those that shipped with early versions of perl-5.8 (and
+        earlier), are installed. Updating Cwd will probably solve these
+        problems.
+    safemode
+        Perform extra safety checking, in an attempt to thwart malicious
+        code. This option cannot guarantee security, but it does turn on all
+        the currently implemented checks. (Currently, the only "currently
+        implemented check" is to ensure that the "directory" option has also
+        been used.)
+        There is a slight startup penalty by using "safemode". Also, using
+        "untaint" automatically turns this option on. If you need your code
+        to start faster under "-T" (taint) checking, you'll need to turn
+        this option off manually. Only do this if you are not worried about
+        security risks. See the "unsafe" shortcut below.
+    force_build
+        Makes Inline build (compile) the source code every time the program
+        is run. The default is 0. See the "force" shortcut below.
+    build_noisy
+        Tells ILSMs that they should dump build messages to the terminal
+        rather than be silent about all the build details.
+    build_timers
+        Tells ILSMs to print timing information about how long each build
+        phase took. Usually requires "Time::HiRes".
+    clean_after_build
+        Tells Inline to clean up the current build area if the build was
+        successful. Sometimes you want to "disable" this for debugging.
+        Default is 1. See the "noclean" shortcut below.
+    clean_build_area
+        Tells Inline to clean up the old build areas within the entire
+        Inline "directory". Default is 0. See the "clean" shortcut below.
+    print_info
+        Tells Inline to print various information about the source code.
+        Default is 0. See the "info" shortcut below.
+    print_version
+        Tells Inline to print version info about itself. Default is 0. See
+        the "version" shortcut below.
+    reportbug
+        Puts Inline into 'reportbug' mode, which is what you want if you
+        desire to report a bug.
+    rewrite_config_file
+        Default is 0, but setting 'rewrite_config_file => 1' will mean that
+        the existing configuration file in the Inline "directory" will be
+        overwritten. (This is useful if the existing config file is not up
+        to date as regards supported languages.)
+    warnings
+        This option tells Inline whether to print certain warnings. Default
+        is 1.
+    This is a list of all the shortcut configuration options currently
+    available for Inline. Specify them from the command line when running
+    Inline scripts.
+          perl -MInline=noclean inline_script.pl
+    or
+          perl -MInline=info,force,noclean inline_script.pl
+    You can specify multiple shortcuts separated by commas. They are not
+    case sensitive. You can also specify shortcuts inside the Inline program
+    like this:
+          use Inline 'info', 'force', 'noclean';
+    NOTE: If a 'use Inline' statement is used to set shortcuts, it can not
+    be used for additional purposes.
+    clean
+        Tells Inline to remove any build directories that may be lying
+        around in your build area. Normally these directories get removed
+        immediately after a successful build. Exceptions are when the build
+        fails, or when you use the "noclean" or "reportbug" options.
+    force
+        Forces the code to be recompiled, even if everything is up to date.
+    global
+        Turns on the "global_load" option.
+    info
+        This is a very useful option when you want to know what's going on
+        under the hood. It tells Inline to print helpful information to
+        "STDERR". Among the things that get printed is a list of which
+        Inline functions were successfully bound to Perl.
+    noclean
+        Tells Inline to leave the build files after compiling.
+    noisy
+        Use the "build_noisy" option to print messages during a build.
+    reportbug
+        Puts Inline into "reportbug" mode, which does special processing
+        when you want to report a bug. "reportbug" also automatically forces
+        a build, and doesn't clean up afterwards. This is so that you can
+        tar and mail the build directory to me. "reportbug" will print exact
+        instructions on what to do. Please read and follow them carefully.
+        NOTE: "reportbug" informs you to use the tar command. If your system
+        does not have tar, please use the equivalent "zip" command.
+    safe
+        Turns "safemode" on. "untaint" will turn this on automatically.
+        While this mode performs extra security checking, it does not
+        guarantee safety.
+    site_install
+        This parameter used to be used for creating installable Inline
+        modules. It has been removed from Inline altogether and replaced
+        with a much simpler and more powerful mechanism,
+        "Inline::MakeMaker". See the section below on how to create modules
+        with Inline.
+    _testing
+        Used internally by C/t*09parser.t and C*t*10callback.t(in the
+        Inline::C test suite). Setting this option with Inline::C will mean
+        that files named 'parser_id' and 'void_test' are created in the
+        .*Inline_test directory, creating that directory if it doesn't
+        already exist. The files (but not the .*Inline_test directory) are
+        cleaned up by calling Inline::C::_testing_cleanup(). Also used by
+        t*06rewrite_config.t to trigger a warning.
+    timers
+        Turn on "build_timers" to get extra diagnostic info about builds.
+    unsafe
+        Turns "safemode" off. Use this in combination with "untaint" for
+        slightly faster startup time under "-T". Only use this if you are
+        sure the environment is safe.
+    untaint
+        Turn the "untaint" option on. Used with "-T" switch. In terms of
+        secure practices, this is definitely not a recommended way of
+        dealing with taint checking, but it's the only option currently
+        available with Inline. Use it at your own risk.
+    version
+        Tells Inline to report its release version.
+    Writing CPAN modules that use C code is easy with Inline. Let's say that
+    you wanted to write a module called "Math::Simple". Start by using the
+    following command:
+        h2xs -PAXn Math::Simple
+    This will generate a bunch of files that form a skeleton of what you
+    need for a distributable module. (Read the h2xs manpage to find out what
+    the options do) Next, modify the "Simple.pm" file to look like this:
+        package Math::Simple;
+        $VERSION = '1.23';
+        use base 'Exporter';
+        @EXPORT_OK = qw(add subtract);
+        use strict;
+        use Inline C => 'DATA',
+                   version => '1.23',
+                   name => 'Math::Simple';
+        # The following Inline->init() call is optional - see below for more info.
+        #Inline->init();
+        1;
+        __DATA__
+        =pod
+        =cut
+        __C__
+        int add(int x, int y) {
+          return x + y;
+        }
+        int subtract(int x, int y) {
+          return x - y;
+        }
+    The important things to note here are that you must specify a "name" and
+    "version" parameter. The "name" must match your module's package name.
+    The "version" parameter must match your module's $VERSION variable and
+    they must be of the form "/^\d\.\d\d$/".
+    NOTE: These are Inline's sanity checks to make sure you know what you're
+    doing before uploading your code to CPAN. They insure that once the
+    module has been installed on someone's system, the module would not get
+    automatically recompiled for any reason. This makes Inline based modules
+    work in exactly the same manner as XS based ones.
+    Finally, you need to modify the Makefile.PL. Simply change:
+        use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+    to
+        use Inline::MakeMaker;
+    And, in order that the module build work correctly in the cpan shell,
+    add the following directive to the Makefile.PL's WriteMakefile():
+        CONFIGURE_REQUIRES  =>  {
+            'Inline::MakeMaker'     => 0.45,
+            'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => 6.52,
+        },
+    This "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" directive ensures that the cpan shell will
+    install Inline on the user's machine (if it's not already present)
+    before building your Inline-based module. Specifying of
+    "ExtUtils::MakeMaker => 6.52," is optional, and can be omitted if you
+    like. It ensures only that some harmless warnings relating to the
+    "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" directive won't be emitted during the building of
+    the module. It also means, of course, that ExtUtils::Makemaker will
+    first be updated on the user's machine unless the user already has
+    version 6.52 or later.
+    If the "Inline->init();" is not done then, having installed
+    Math::Simple, a warning that "One or more DATA sections were not
+    processed by Inline" will appear when (and only when) Math::Simple is
+    loaded by a "require call. It's a harmless warning - and if you're
+    prepared to live with it, then there's no need to make the
+    "Inline->init();" call.
+    When the person installing "Math::Simple" does a ""make"", the generated
+    Makefile will invoke Inline in such a way that the C code will be
+    compiled and the executable code will be placed into the "./blib"
+    directory. Then when a ""make install"" is done, the module will be
+    copied into the appropriate Perl sitelib directory (which is where an
+    installed module should go).
+    Now all you need to do is:
+        perl Makefile.PL
+        make dist
+    That will generate the file "Math-Simple-0.20.tar.gz" which is a
+    distributable package. (It will also generate some harmless warnings in
+    relation to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" unless the version of your
+    ExtUtils::MakeMaker is 6.52 or later.) That's all there is to it.
+    IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the above steps will produce a workable module,
+    you still have a few more responsibilities as a budding new CPAN author.
+    You need to write lots of documentation and write lots of tests. Take a
+    look at some of the better CPAN modules for ideas on creating a killer
+    test harness. Actually, don't listen to me, go read these:
+    *   perldoc perlnewmod
+    *   <http://www.cpan.org/modules/04pause.html>
+    *   <http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html>
+    In reality, Inline just automates everything you would need to do if you
+    were going to do it by hand (using XS, etc).
+    Inline performs the following steps:
+    *   Receive the Source Code
+        Inline gets the source code from your script or module with a
+        statements like the following:
+            use Inline C => "Source-Code";
+        or
+            use Inline;
+            bind Inline C => "Source-Code";
+        where "C" is the programming language of the source code, and
+        "Source- Code" is a string, a file name, an array reference, or the
+        special 'DATA' keyword.
+        Since Inline is coded in a ""use"" statement, everything is done
+        during Perl's compile time. If anything needs to be done that will
+        affect the "Source- Code", it needs to be done in a "BEGIN" block
+        that is *before* the ""use Inline ..."" statement. If you really
+        need to specify code to Inline at runtime, you can use the "bind()"
+        method.
+        Source code that is stowed in the 'DATA' section of your code, is
+        read in by an "INIT" subroutine in Inline. That's because the "DATA"
+        filehandle is not available at compile time.
+    *   Check if the Source Code has been Built
+        Inline only needs to build the source code if it has not yet been
+        built. It accomplishes this seemingly magical task in an extremely
+        simple and straightforward manner. It runs the source text through
+        the "Digest::MD5" module to produce a 128-bit "fingerprint" which is
+        virtually unique. The fingerprint along with a bunch of other
+        contingency information is stored in a ".inl" file that sits next to
+        your executable object. For instance, the "C" code from a script
+        called "example.pl" might create these files:
+            example_pl_3a9a.so
+            example_pl_3a9a.inl
+        If all the contingency information matches the values stored in the
+        ".inl" file, then proceed to step 8. (No compilation is necessary)
+    *   Find a Place to Build and Install
+        At this point Inline knows it needs to build the source code. The
+        first thing to figure out is where to create the great big mess
+        associated with compilation, and where to put the object when it's
+        done.
+        By default Inline will try to build and install under the first
+        place that meets one of the following conditions:
+            A) The DIRECTORY= config option; if specified
+            B) The PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY environment variable; if set
+            C) .Inline/ (in current directory); if exists and $PWD != $HOME
+            D) bin/.Inline/ (in directory of your script); if exists
+            E) ~/.Inline/; if exists
+            F) ./_Inline/; if exists
+            G) bin/_Inline; if exists
+            H) Create ./_Inline/; if possible
+            I) Create bin/_Inline/; if possible
+        Failing that, Inline will croak. This is rare and easily remedied by
+        just making a directory that Inline will use.
+        If the PERL_INSTALL_ROOT Environment Variable has been set, you will
+        need to make special provision for that if the 'make install' phase
+        of your Inline scripts are to succeed.
+        If the module option is being compiled for permanent installation,
+        then Inline will only use "./_Inline/" to build in, and the
+        $Config{installsitearch} directory to install the executable in.
+        This action is caused by Inline::MakeMaker, and is intended to be
+        used in modules that are to be distributed on the CPAN, so that they
+        get installed in the proper place.
+    *   Parse the Source for Semantic Cues
+        Inline::C uses the module "Parse::RecDescent" to parse through your
+        chunks of C source code and look for things that it can create
+        run-time bindings to. In "C" it looks for all of the function
+        definitions and breaks them down into names and data types. These
+        elements are used to correctly bind the "C" function to a "Perl"
+        subroutine. Other Inline languages like Python and Java actually use
+        the "python" and "javac" modules to parse the Inline code.
+    *   Create the Build Environment
+        Now Inline can take all of the gathered information and create an
+        environment to build your source code into an executable. Without
+        going into all the details, it just creates the appropriate
+        directories, creates the appropriate source files including an XS
+        file (for C) and a "Makefile.PL".
+    *   Build the Code and Install the Executable
+        The planets are in alignment. Now for the easy part. Inline just
+        does what you would do to install a module. "`perl Makefile.PL &&
+        make && make test && make install>". If something goes awry, Inline
+        will croak with a message indicating where to look for more info.
+    *   Tidy Up
+        By default, Inline will remove all of the mess created by the build
+        process, assuming that everything worked. If the build fails, Inline
+        will leave everything intact, so that you can debug your errors.
+        Setting the "noclean" shortcut option will also stop Inline from
+        cleaning up.
+    *   DynaLoad the Executable
+        For C (and C++), Inline uses the "DynaLoader::bootstrap" method to
+        pull your external module into "Perl" space. Now you can call all of
+        your external functions like Perl subroutines.
+        Other languages like Python and Java, provide their own loaders.
+    For information about using Inline with C see Inline::C.
+    For sample programs using Inline with C see Inline::C-Cookbook.
+    For "Formerly Answered Questions" about Inline, see Inline-FAQ.
+    For information on supported languages and platforms see Inline-Support.
+    For information on writing your own Inline Language Support Module, see
+    Inline-API.
+    Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
+    To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
+    When reporting a bug, please do the following:
+    *   Put "use Inline 'reportbug';" at the top of your code, or use the
+        command line option "perl -MInline=reportbug ...".
+    *   Run your code.
+    *   Follow the printed directions.
+    Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>
+    Sisyphus <sisyphus@cpan.org> fixed some bugs and is current
+    co-maintainer.
+    *   Copyright 2000-2014. Ingy döt Net.
+    *   Copyright 2008, 2010-2014. Sisyphus.
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the same terms as Perl itself.
+    See <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
-    __C__
-    SV* JAxH(char* x) {
-        return newSVpvf ("Just Another %s Hacker",x);
-    }
-When run, this complete program prints:
-    Just Another Inline Hacker
-The one line version is:
-    perl -le 'use Inline C=>q{SV*JAxH(char*x){return newSVpvf("Just Another %s Hacker",x);}};print JAxH+Inline'
-Inline version 0.44 is a semi-major release:
-+ This version is intended to be backwards compatible with 0.43.
-+ Fixed many bugs reported since 0.43
-+ Sped up parsing of C with 'USING => ParseRegExp'
-+ Added BUILD_NOISY and BUILD_TIMERS options
-+ Use File::Spec for all path operations. First step in porting to all
-  platforms.
-+ Always call ILSM->validate()
-+ Allow C++ modules to be written with Inline
-+ New improved Inline::MakeMaker
-Inline version 0.43 is a minor release:
-+ Added XSMODE for using Inline directly with XS
-+ Now works with *all* Perl release versions over 5.005 (5.005_02, etc)
-+ Removed old deprecated funstionality
-+ Works on Mac OS X
-+ Added support for ILSMs who don't want to invoke a build
-+ Added script's working directory to the #include path for C
-+ Tighter integration between Inline::C and Inline::CPP
-+ Bug fixes reported on the mailing list.
-Inline version 0.42 is a minor release:
-+ Applied a couple patches. Python and Tcl now install properly.
-Inline version 0.41 is a minor release:
-+ Added the AUTOWRAP feature for C
-  - Inline can now create wrappers from C function *declarations* alone.
-+ Made Inline::MakeMaker work correctly in nested Makefile.PL trees.
-+ Fixed bug preventing other Inline::* modules from installing in some cases.
-+ Fixed platform dependent CRLF issues.
-Inline version 0.40 is a major upgrade. It includes:
-+ Inline::MakeMaker
-  + Rock solid support for writing CPAN extension modules
-+ Short file names.
-  + No more _Inline/lib/auto/Foo_C_3cee729d1d942c6792ca5a741dc21879/Foo_C_3cee729d1d942c6792ca5a741dc21879.so
-  + Now it's _Inline/lib/auto/Foo/Foo.so
-+ Support for creating binary distributions.
-  + Can even do it without shipping C source code.
-+ Support for Damian Conway's Inline::Files
-  + No more __END__ markers.
-+ Safe new config and caching format.
-  + Similar to Data::Denter format
-+ New Inline-FAQ.pod.
-Inline version 0.34 fixes 2 minor bugs:
-+ Makefile.PL got confused on $Config::Config{cc} with full pathnames or flags
-+ Makefile.PL/Makefile dependency caused a problem in one rare case.
-Inline version 0.33 is a minor upgrade with the following changes:
-+ Support for Inline::Struct and Inline::Filters
-+ Added ENABLE and DISABLE configuration modifiers.
-+ C installation is optional
-+ Test harness reworked. Faster testing.
-+ Fixed all reported (and some unreported) bugs.
-+ Documentation enhancements.
-Inline version 0.32 is a minor upgrade with the following changes:
-  configuration options.
-+ Fixed all reported (and some unreported) bugs.
-+ Documentation enhancements.
-Inline version 0.31 is a minor upgrade with the following changes:
-+ "use Inline C;" is now a synonym for "use Inline C => DATA;"
-+ Default build/install directory changed from "blib_I/" to ".Inline/"
-+ Build/Install directory structure simplified.
-  + Short install paths.
-  + Build areas in ".Inline/build/" subdirectory.
-+ Added 'CC', 'CCFLAGS', 'LD', and 'LDFLAGS' config options to C.
-+ More recipes in Cookbook.
-Inline version 0.30 is a major upgrade from previous verions. It includes:
-+ Integrated support for typemap files in C.
-  + All the recognized types now come *only* from typemaps.
-  + The default types come from the default typemap installed with core Perl.
-  + Typemaps are used to modify the Parse::RecDescent grammar for parsing C.
-  + This means you can easily use your existing typemaps.
-+ Language support completely separated from base Inline code.
-  + Beta supoort for C (Inline::C, included)
-  + Alpha support for C++ (Inline::CPP, available separately)
-  + Alpha support for Python (Inline::Python, available separately)
-  + Support for 'embedding' Perl in C with my new programming language, CPR.
-    (Inline::CPR, available separately) This one may warp your mind :^)
-  + Simple API for adding your own language support.
-    + Write your own Inline::Foo
-    + Write your own implementation of Inline::C, or just modify
-      Inline::C::grammar.
-  + Support for interpreted languages in addition to compiled ones.
-+ Autodetection of new Inline language modules.
-+ Much easier and more powerful configuration syntax.
-  + More XS and MakeMaker features exposed for configuration (for C and C++).
-+ Flexible new syntax for specifying source code.
-  + Use DATA section for AutoLoader, Inline, and POD simultaneously.
-+ Support for using Inline 'with' other modules.
-  + "use Inline with 'Event';" lets Event.pm pass config info to Inline.pm.
-  + Event.pm 0.80 has built in support for Inline.pm 0.30 and higher.
-    + Write Event callbacks in C with extreme ease.
-+ More documentation
-  + perldoc Inline
-  + perldoc Inline-FAQ
-  + perldoc Inline-API
-  + perldoc Inline::C
-  + perldoc Inline::C-Cookbook
-+ Better error messages and easier debugging.
-+ Mailing list: inline@perl.org
-Other features of Inline.pm include:
-= Automatically compiles your source code and caches the shared object.
-= Automatically DynaLoads the shared object and binds it to Perl.
-= Recompiles only when the C code changes.
-= Changing the Perl code will not cause a recompile of the C code.
-= Support for writing extension modules, suitable for distributing to the CPAN.
-= Support for generating and binding Inline subs at run time. <bind()>
-= Works on all Unix and MS Windows configurations.
-This module requires the Digest::MD5 and Parse::RecDescent modules. It also
-requires the appropriate C compiler. (Where appropriate means the one referred
-to in your Config.pm)
-To install Inline do this:
-perl Makefile.PL
-make test
-make install
-On ActivePerl for MSWin32, use nmake instead of make. Or just use:
-    ppm install Inline
-For convenience, Inline::C is packaged with Inline, and will be automatically
-installed as well.
-= For more information on Inline, see 'perldoc Inline' and 'perldoc Inline-FAQ'
-= For information about Inline::, see 'perldoc Inline::C' and
-  'perldoc Inline::C-Cookbook'
-= For information on writing your own Inline extension see 'perldoc Inline-API'
-= For information about the Perl5 internal C API, see 'perldoc perlapi' or
-  try http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6/pod/perlapi.html
-= The Fall 2000 edition of The Perl Journal has an article about Inline
-The Inline.pm mailing list is inline@perl.org. Send email to
-inline-subscribe@perl.org to subscribe.
-Please send questions and comments to "Brian Ingerson" <INGY@cpan.org>
-Copyright (c) 2000-2002. Brian Ingerson.
-Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, 2011. Sisyphus.
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# 0.44 To Do List
-  - Mark Fowler fix: >
-      This fix involves calling validate() even when build() is not
-      called. It affects only the interpreted ILSMs
-  - Fix grammars to handle 'const' etc.
-  - Allow other module languages besides C. (Esp C++)
-  - Inline::MakeMaker replacement: >
-      This rewrite is completed for the core Inline. Should be easy to
-      bring over.
-  - Add a patch from Rafael Garcia-Suarez that uses $^X when
-    $Config{perlpath} is wrong. (0.44/patch4)
-  - Test the recursive build suite
-  - Change the way that error output is displayed.
-  - use File::Spec: >
-      It is top priority to turn all file path operations under the
-      control of File::Spec, so that Inline can be ported to other
-      platforms.
-  - Apply Mitchell's File::Spec patch
-  - Copy Regex::Common regexps to charity.pm
-  - Mitchell Charity patch: >
-      Mitchell wrote a drop in replacement for the Parse::RecDescent
-      one. This needs to be moved to Inline::C::ParserRegexp
-  - Add USING parameter to specify a list of classes for Inline to inherit
-    replacement functionality to.
-  - Add a WARNINGS option (default to 1)
-  - Add more build warnings for NOISY
-  - Email Mark Fowler with typemap idea
-  - Change the precision of Time::HiRes messages.
-  - INFO option causes parse to fail
-  - Documentation review
-High priority:
-  * Fix installation problem with lesser ILSMs reported by Mitchell.
-  - Patch perlcall example in Cookbook to be safer. This requires calls
-    outside the Inline Stack Macros.
-  - Allow *.h typemap *.c from cwd() to work without full pathnames
-    - Support COPY_TO_BUILD => [ '*.c', 'typemap', 'foo.h' ]
-  - Warn when non-static functions don't bind.
-  - Warn if no functions were bound at all
-  - int foo(...) hack
-  - add 'int foo(void) {'
-  - Support the types that Nicholas reported
-  - Allow spaces in path names
-Medium Priority:
-  - Add an Inline typemap to replace the Ext::Utils one
-  - Redo the test suite to be faster. Eliminate duplicate tests.
-  - Apply user patches
-  - Regression tests: >
-      These can be run outside of make test. They can use YAML, etc.
-  - Investigate not needing the .inl files for dummy targets in
-    Inline::MakeMaker
-  - Try to support lib/ in Inline::MakeMaker
-  - Eliminate Inline::denter with a simple regexp parser and heredoc emitter
-Lower Priority:
-  - Relative paths need to be resolved in relation to the cwd rather
-    than the Inline build directory.
-  - Inline/Inline::Devel/Inline::Build split:
-      This needs to happen soon. Maybe in 0.45.
-  - Remove the 'config' complexity
-  - Make #line numbers resolve to Perl code.
-Next Release:
-  - Rewrite the Inline API macros:
-    - Possible cross-compatibility with Python/Ruby
-  - Support Attribute::Handlers
-  - Inline::TT/WebChat have install probs:
-      The following fixes it:
-        #local $ENV{PERL5LIB} if defined $ENV{PERL5LIB};
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MANIFEST                        This list of files
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+use Inline::MakeMaker;
+    NAME             => 'Boo',
+    VERSION_FROM     => 'lib/Boo.pm',
+    clean => { FILES => '_Inline *.inl' },
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+$Boo::Far::Faz::VERSION = '2.01';
+use Inline Config => NAME => 'Boo::Far::Faz' => VERSION => '2.01';
+use Inline C => <<'EOC';
+SV * boofarfaz() {
+  return(newSVpv("Hello from Boo::Far::Faz", 0));
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+$Boo::Far::VERSION = '2.01';
+use Inline Config => NAME => 'Boo::Far' => VERSION => '2.01';
+use Inline C => <<'EOC';
+SV * boofar() {
+  return(newSVpv("Hello from Boo::Far", 0));
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+$Boo::VERSION = '2.01';
+sub boo {
+  return "Hello from Boo";
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+use warnings;
+use Boo;
+use Boo::Far;
+use Boo::Far::Faz;
+print "1..6\n";
+my $str = Boo::boo();
+if($str eq "Hello from Boo") {print "ok 1\n"}
+else {
+  warn "\n\$str: $str\n";
+  print "not ok 1\n";
+$str = Boo::Far::boofar();
+if($str eq "Hello from Boo::Far") {print "ok 2\n"}
+else {
+  warn "\n\$str: $str\n";
+  print "not ok 2\n";
+$str = Boo::Far::Faz::boofarfaz();
+if($str eq "Hello from Boo::Far::Faz") {print "ok 3\n"}
+else {
+  warn "\n\$str: $str\n";
+  print "not ok 3\n";
+if($Boo::VERSION eq '2.01') {print "ok 4\n"}
+else {
+  warn "\$Boo::VERSION: $Boo::VERSION\n";
+  print "not ok 4\n";
+if($Boo::Far::VERSION eq '2.01') {print "ok 5\n"}
+else {
+  warn "\$Boo::Far::VERSION: $Boo::Far::VERSION\n";
+  print "not ok 5\n";
+if($Boo::Far::Faz::VERSION eq '2.01') {print "ok 6\n"}
+else {
+  warn "\$Boo::Far::Faz::VERSION: $Boo::Far::Faz::VERSION\n";
+  print "not ok 6\n";
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Math::Simple.
+1.23  Sun May  6 22:07:57 2001
+        - Sample CPAN module using Inline
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use Inline::MakeMaker;
+WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Math::Simple',
+               VERSION_FROM => 'Simple.pm',
+             );
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+$VERSION = '1.23';
+use base 'Exporter';
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(add subtract);
+use strict;
+use Inline C => 'DATA',
+           VERSION => '1.23',
+           NAME => 'Math::Simple';
+int add (int x, int y) {
+    return x + y;
+int subtract (int x, int y) {
+    return x - y;
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use strict;
+use Test;
+    plan(tests => 2,
+         todo => [],
+         onfail => sub {},
+        );
+use Math::Simple qw(add subtract);
+ok(add(5, 7) == 12);
+ok(subtract(5, 7) == -2);
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+=for comment
+DO NOT EDIT. This Pod was generated by Swim v0.1.28.
+See http://github.com/ingydotnet/swim-pm#readme
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Inline-API - How to bind a programming language to Perl using Inline.pm
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    #!/usr/bin/perl
+    use Inline Foo;
+    say_it('foo');  # Use Foo to print "Hello, Foo"
+    __Foo__
+    foo-sub say_it {
+        foo-my $foo = foo-shift;
+        foo-print "Hello, $foo\n";
+    }
+So you think Inline C is pretty cool, but what you really need is for Perl to
+work with the brand new programming language "Foo". Well you're in luck.
+C<Inline.pm> has support for adding your own Inline Language Support Module
+(B<ILSM>), like C<Inline::Foo>.
+Inline has always been intended to work with lots of different programming
+languages. Many of the details can be shared between implementations, so that
+C<Inline::Java> has a similar interface to C<Inline::ASM>. All of the common
+code is in C<Inline.pm>.
+Language specific modules like C<Inline::Python> are subclasses of
+C<Inline.pm>. They can inherit as much of the common behaviour as they want,
+and provide specific behaviour of their own. This usually comes in the form of
+Configuration Options and language specific compilation.
+The Inline C support is probably the best boilerplate to copy from. Since
+version 0.30 all C support was isolated into the module C<Inline::C> and the
+parsing grammar is further broken out into C<Inline::C::grammar>. All of these
+components come with the Inline distribution.
+This POD gives you all the details you need for implementing an ILSM. For
+further assistance, contact inline@perl.org See ["SEE ALSO"] below.
+We'll examine the joke language Inline::Foo which is distributed with Inline.
+It actually is a full functioning ILSM. I use it in Inline's test harness to
+test base Inline functionality. It is very short, and can help you get your
+head wrapped around the Inline API.
+=head1 A SKELETON
+For the remainder of this tutorial, let's assume we're writing an ILSM for the
+ficticious language C<Foo>. We'll call it C<Inline::Foo>. Here is the entire
+(working) implementation.
+    package Inline::Foo;
+    use strict;
+    $Inline::Foo::VERSION = '0.01';
+    @Inline::Foo::ISA = qw(Inline);
+    require Inline;
+    use Carp;
+    #===========================================================
+    # Register Foo as an Inline Language Support Module (ILSM)
+    #===========================================================
+    sub register {
+        return {
+            language => 'Foo',
+            aliases => ['foo'],
+            type => 'interpreted',
+            suffix => 'foo',
+           };
+    }
+    #===========================================================
+    # Error messages
+    #===========================================================
+    sub usage_config {
+        my ($key) = @_;
+        "'$key' is not a valid config option for Inline::Foo\n";
+    }
+    sub usage_config_bar {
+        "Invalid value for Inline::Foo config option BAR";
+    }
+    #===========================================================
+    # Validate the Foo Config Options
+    #===========================================================
+    sub validate {
+        my $o = shift;
+        $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN} ||= 'foo-';
+        $o->{ILSM}{BAR} ||= 0;
+        while (@_) {
+        my ($key, $value) = splice @_, 0, 2;
+        if ($key eq 'PATTERN') {
+            $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN} = $value;
+            next;
+        }
+        if ($key eq 'BAR') {
+            croak usage_config_bar
+              unless $value =~ /^[01]$/;
+            $o->{ILSM}{BAR} = $value;
+            next;
+        }
+        croak usage_config($key);
+        }
+    }
+    #===========================================================
+    # Parse and compile Foo code
+    #===========================================================
+    sub build {
+        my $o = shift;
+        my $code = $o->{API}{code};
+        my $pattern = $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN};
+        $code =~ s/$pattern//g;
+        $code =~ s/bar-//g if $o->{ILSM}{BAR};
+        sleep 1;             # imitate compile delay
+        {
+            package Foo::Tester;
+            eval $code;
+        }
+        croak "Foo build failed:\n$@" if $@;
+        my $path = "$o->{API}{install_lib}/auto/$o->{API}{modpname}";
+        my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
+        $o->mkpath($path) unless -d $path;
+        open FOO_OBJ, "> $obj"
+          or croak "Can't open $obj for output\n$!";
+        print FOO_OBJ $code;
+        close \*FOO_OBJ;
+    }
+    #===========================================================
+    # Only needed for interpreted languages
+    #===========================================================
+    sub load {
+        my $o = shift;
+        my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
+        open FOO_OBJ, "< $obj"
+          or croak "Can't open $obj for output\n$!";
+        my $code = join '', <FOO_OBJ>;
+        close \*FOO_OBJ;
+        eval "package $o->{API}{pkg};\n$code";
+        croak "Unable to load Foo module $obj:\n$@" if $@;
+    }
+    #===========================================================
+    # Return a small report about the Foo code.
+    #===========================================================
+    sub info {
+        my $o = shift;
+        my $text = <<'END';
+    This is a small report about the Foo code. Perhaps it contains
+    information about the functions the parser found which will be
+    bound to Perl. It will get included in the text produced by the
+    Inline 'INFO' command.
+    END
+        return $text;
+    }
+    1;
+Except for C<load()>, the subroutines in this code are mandatory for an ILSM.
+What they do is described below. A few things to note:
+=item * C<Inline::Foo> must be a subclass of Inline. This is accomplished with:
+    @Inline::Foo::ISA = qw(Inline);
+=item * The line 'C<require Inline;>' is not necessary. But it is there to remind you not to say 'C<use Inline;>'. This will not work.
+=item * Remember, it is not valid for a user to say:
+    use Inline::Foo;
+C<Inline.pm> will detect such usage for you in its C<import> method, which is
+automatically inherited since C<Inline::Foo> is a subclass.
+=item * In the build function, you normally need to parse your source code. Inline::C uses Parse::RecDescent to do this. Inline::Foo simply uses eval. (After we strip out all occurrences of 'foo-').
+An alternative parsing method that works well for many ILSMs (like Java and
+Python) is to use the language's compiler itself to parse for you. This works
+as long as the compiler can be made to give back parse information.
+This section is a more formal specification of what functionality you'll need
+to provide to implement an ILSM.
+When Inline determines that some C<Foo> code needs to be compiled it will
+automatically load your ILSM module. It will then call various subroutines
+which you need to supply. We'll call these subroutines "callbacks".
+You will need to provide the following 5 callback subroutines.
+=head2 The register() Callback
+This subroutine receives no arguments. It returns a reference to a hash of
+ILSM meta-data. Inline calls this routine only when it is trying to detect new
+ILSM-s that have been installed on a given system. Here is an example of the
+has ref you would return for Foo:
+    {
+        language => 'Foo',
+        aliases => ['foo'],
+        type => 'interpreted',
+        suffix => 'foo',
+    };
+The meta-data items have the following meanings:
+=item language
+This is the proper name of the language. It is usually implemented as
+C<Inline::X> for a given language 'X'.
+=item aliases
+This is a reference to an array of language name aliases. The proper name of a
+language can only contain word characters. L<A-Za-z0-9_> An alias can contain
+any characters except whitespace and quotes. This is useful for names like
+'C++' and 'C#'.
+=item type
+Must be set to 'compiled' or 'interpreted'. Indicates the category of
+the language.
+=item suffix
+This is the file extension for the cached object that will be created. For
+'compiled' languages, it will probably be 'so' or 'dll'. The appropriate value
+is in C<Config.pm>.
+For interpreted languages, this value can be whatever you want. Python uses
+C<pydat>. Foo uses C<foo>.
+=head2 The validate() Callback
+This routine gets passed all configuration options that were not already
+handled by the base Inline module. The options are passed as key/value pairs.
+It is up to you to validate each option and store its value in the Inline
+object (which is also passed in). If a particular option is invalid, you
+should croak with an appropriate error message.
+Note that all the keywords this routine receives will be converted to upper-
+case by C<Inline>, whatever case the program gave.
+=head2 The build() Callback
+This subroutine is responsible for doing the parsing and compilation of the
+Foo source code. The Inline object is passed as the only argument. All
+pertinent information will be stored in this object. C<build()> is required to
+create a cache object of a specific name, or to croak with an appropriate
+error message.
+This is the meat of your ILSM. Since it will most likely be quite complicated,
+it is probably best that you study an existing ILSM like C<Inline::C>.
+=head2 The load() Callback
+This method only needs to be provided for interpreted languages. It's
+responsibility is to start the interpreter.
+For compiled languages, the load routine from C<Inline.pm> is called which
+uses C<DynaLoader> to load the shared object or DLL.
+=head2 The info() Callback
+This method is called when the user makes use of the C<INFO> shortcut. You
+should return a string containing a small report about the Inlined code.
+C<Inline.pm> creates a hash based Perl object for each section of Inlined
+source code it receives. This object contains lots of information about the
+code, the environment, and the configuration options used.
+This object is a hash that is broken into several subhashes. The only two
+subhashes that an ILSM should use at all are $o->{API} and $o->{ILSM}. The
+first one contains all of the information that Inline has gather for you
+in order for you to create/load a cached object of your design. The second
+one is a repository where your ILSM can freely store data that it might
+need later on.
+This section will describe all of the Inline object "API" attributes.
+=item The code Attribute
+This the actual source code passed in by the user. It is stored as one
+long string.
+=item The language Attribute
+The proper name of the language being used.
+=item The language_id Attribute
+The language name specified by the user. Could be 'C++' instead of 'CPP'.
+=item The module Attribute
+This is the shared object's file name.
+=item The modfname Attribute
+This is the shared object's file name.
+=item The modpname Attribute
+This is the shared object's installation path extension.
+=item The version Attribute
+The version of C<Inline.pm> being used.
+=item The pkg Attribute
+The Perl package from which this invocation pf Inline was called.
+=item The install_lib Attribute
+This is the directory to write the shared object into.
+=item The build_dir Attribute
+This is the directory under which you should write all of your build
+related files.
+=item The script Attribute
+This is the name of the script that invoked Inline.
+=item The location Attribute
+This is the full path name of the executable object in question.
+=item The suffix Attribute
+This is the shared library extension name. (Usually 'so' or 'dll').
+C<Inline.pm> has been set up so that anyone can write their own language
+support modules. It further allows anyone to write a different implementation
+of an existing Inline language, like C for instance. You can distribute that
+module on the CPAN.
+If you have plans to implement and distribute an Inline module, I would ask
+that you please work with the Inline community. We can be reached at the
+Inline mailing list: inline@perl.org (Send mail to inline-subscribe@perl.org
+to subscribe). Here you should find the advice and assistance needed to make
+your module a success.
+The Inline community will decide if your implementation of COBOL will be
+distributed as the official C<Inline::COBOL> or should use an alternate
+namespace. In matters of dispute, I (Ingy döt Net) retain final authority.
+(and I hope not to need use of it :-) Actually modules@perl.org retains the
+B<final> authority.
+But even if you want to work alone, you are free and welcome to write and
+distribute Inline language support modules on CPAN. You'll just need to
+distribute them under a different package name.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+For generic information about Inline, see L<Inline>.
+For information about using Inline with C see L<Inline::C>.
+For information on supported languages and platforms see L<Inline-Support>.
+Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
+To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>
+Copyright 2000-2014. Ingy döt Net.
+Copyright 2008, 2010, 2011. Sisyphus.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+=for comment
+DO NOT EDIT. This Pod was generated by Swim v0.1.28.
+See http://github.com/ingydotnet/swim-pm#readme
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Inline-FAQ - The Inline FAQ
+Welcome to the official Inline FAQ. In this case, B<FAQ> means: B<Formerly
+Answered Questions>
+This is a collection of old, long-winded emails that myself and others have
+sent to the Inline mailing list. (inline@perl.org) They have been reviewed and
+edited for general Inline edification. Some of them may be related to a
+specific language. They are presented here in a traditional FAQ layout.
+Since there is only a handful of content so far, all FAQs are currently under
+this heading.
+=head2 How disposable is a .Inline or _Inline directory?
+I probably need to be more emphatic about the role of C<_Inline/> cache
+directories. Since they are created automatically, they are completely
+disposable. I delete them all the time. And it is fine to have a different one
+for each project. In fact as long as you don't have C<~/.Inline/> defined,
+Inline will create a new C<./_Inline> directory (unless, you've done something
+to override this automatic process - such as using the DIRECTORY config
+option, or using the PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY environment variable). You can move
+that to C<./.Inline> and it will continue to work if you want togive it more
+longevity and hide it from view. There is a long complicated list of rules
+about how C<[_.]Inline/> directories are used/created. But it was designed to
+give you the most flexibility/ease-of-use. Never be afraid to nuke 'em.
+They'll just pop right back next time they're needed. :)
+=head2 Whatever happened to the SITE_INSTALL option?
+SITE_INSTALL is gone. I was going to leave it in and change the semantics, but
+thought it better to remove it, so people wouldn't try to use it the old way.
+There is now _INSTALL_ (but you're not supposed to know that :). It works
+magically through the use of Inline::MakeMaker. I explained this earlier but
+it's worth going through again because it's the biggest change for 0.40.
+Here's how to 'permanently' install an Inline extension (Inline based module)
+with 0.40:
+    1) Create a module with Inline.
+    2) Test it using the normal / local `_Inline/` cache.
+    3) Create a Makefile.PL (like the one produced by h2xs)
+    4) Change 'use ExtUtils::MakeMaker' to 'use Inline::MakeMaker'
+    5) In the Makefile.PL's WriteMakefile() insert:
+        CONFIGURE_REQUIRES  =>  {
+            'Inline::MakeMaker'     => 0.45,
+            'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => 6.52,
+        },
+       (See the "Writing Modules with Inline" section of Inline.pod for
+        an explanation / elaboration.)
+    6) Change your 'use Inline C => DATA' to 'use Inline C => DATA => NAME
+       => Foo => VERSION => 1.23'
+    7) Make sure NAME matches your package name ('Foo'), or begins with
+       'Foo::'.
+    8) If you want to quiet a harmless warning that will appear when the
+       module is loaded via "require", do "Inline->init();".
+       See "Writing Modules with Inline" in the Inline pod for details.
+    9) Make sure VERSION matches $Foo::VERSION. This must be a string (not a
+       number) matching `/^\d\.\d\d$/`
+    10) Do the perl / make / test / install dance (thanks binkley :)
+With Inline 0.41 (or thereabouts) you can skip steps 3 & 4, and just say
+C<perl -MInline=INSTALL ./Foo.pm>. This will work for non-Inline modules too.
+It will become the defacto standard (since there is no easy standard) way of
+installing a Perl module. It will allow Makefile.PL parameters C<perl -
+MInline=INSTALL ./Foo.pm - PREFIX=/home/ingy/perl> and things like that. It
+will also make use of a MANIFEST if you provide one.
+=head2 How do I create a binary distribution using Inline?
+I've figured out how to create and install a PPM binary distribution;
+with or without distributing the C code! And I've decided to share it
+with all of you :)
+NOTE: Future versions of Inline will make this process a one line command. But
+      for now just use this simple recipe.
+The Inline 0.40 distribution comes with a sample extension module called
+Math::Simple. Theoretically you could distribute this module on CPAN. It has
+all the necessary support for installation. You can find it in C<Inline-
+0.40/modules/Math/Simple/>. Here are the steps for converting this into a
+binary distribution B<without> C source code.
+NOTE: The recipient of this binary distribution will need to have the
+      PPM.pm module installed. This module requires a lot of other CPAN
+      modules. ActivePerl (available for Win32, Linux, and Solaris) has all
+      of these bundled. While ActivePerl isn't required, it makes things (a
+      lot) easier.
+1) cd C<Inline-0.40/Math/Simple/>
+2) Divide Simple.pm into two files:
+    ---8<--- (Simple.pm)
+    package Math::Simple;
+    use strict;
+    require Exporter;
+    @Math::Simple::ISA = qw(Exporter);
+    @Math::Simple::EXPORT = qw(add subtract);
+    $Math::Simple::VERSION = '1.23';
+    use Inline (C => 'src/Simple.c' =>
+                NAME => 'Math::Simple',
+                VERSION => '1.23',
+               );
+    1;
+    ---8<---
+    ---8<--- (src/Simple.c)
+    int add (int x, int y) {
+        return x + y;
+    }
+    int subtract (int x, int y) {
+        return x - y;
+    }
+    ---8<---
+So now you have the Perl in one file and the C in the other. The C code must
+be in a subdirectory.
+3) Note that I also changed the term 'DATA' to the name of the C file. This
+   will work just as if the C were still inline.
+4) Run 'perl Makefile.PL'
+5) Run 'make test'
+6) Get the MD5 key from C<blib/arch/auto/Math/Simple/Simple.inl>
+7) Edit C<blib/lib/Math/Simple.pm>. Change C<src/Simple.c> to
+   C<02c61710cab5b659efc343a9a830aa73> (the MD5 key)
+8) Run 'make ppd'
+9) Edit 'Math-Simple.ppd'. Fill in AUTHOR and ABSTRACT if you wish.
+   Then change:
+    <CODEBASE HREF="" />
+    <CODEBASE HREF="Math-Simple.tar.gz" />
+10) Run:
+    tar cvf Math-Simple.tar blib
+    gzip --best Math-Simple.tar
+11) Run:
+    tar cvf Math-Simple-1.23.tar Math-Simple.ppd Math-Simple.tar.gz
+    gzip --best Math-Simple-1.23.tar
+12) Distribute Math-Simple-1.23.tar.gz with the following instructions:
+A) Run:
+    gzip -d Math-Simple-1.23.tar.gz
+    tar xvzf Math-Simple-1.23.tar
+B) Run 'ppm install Math-Simple.ppd'
+C) Delete Math-Simple.tar and Math-Simple.ppd.
+D) Test with:
+    perl -MMath::Simple -le 'print add(37, 42)'
+That's it. The process should also work with zip instead of tar, but I
+haven't tried it.
+The recipient of the binary must have Perl built with a matching architecture.
+Luckily, ppm will catch this.
+For a binary dist B<with> C source code, simply omit steps 2, 3, 6, and 7.
+If this seems too hard, then in a future version you should be able to
+just type:
+    make ppm
+=head2 Why does C<C/t/09parser.t> fail on Cygwin ?
+It doesn't always fail on Cygwin, but if you find that it produces "unable to
+remap .... to same address as parent" errors during the build phase, then it's
+time for you to run rebaseall.
+See L<http://cygwin.com/faq/faq-nochunks.html#faq.using.fixing-fork-failures>
+and, if needed, seek further help from the Cygwin mailing list.
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
+use strict;
 package Inline::Foo;
-$VERSION = '0.01';
 require Inline;
-@ISA = qw(Inline);
-use strict;
+our @ISA = qw(Inline);
+our $VERSION = '0.77';
 use Carp;
 use File::Spec;
 sub register {
     return {
-	    language => 'Foo',
-	    aliases => ['foo'],
-	    type => 'interpreted',
-	    suffix => 'foo',
-	   };
+        language => 'Foo',
+        aliases => ['foo'],
+        type => 'interpreted',
+        suffix => 'foo',
+    };
-sub usage_config { 
+sub usage_config {
     my $key = shift;
     "'$key' is not a valid config option for Inline::Foo\n";
-sub usage_config_bar { 
+sub usage_config_bar {
     "Invalid value for Inline::Foo config option BAR";
@@ -29,18 +31,18 @@ sub validate {
     $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN} ||= 'foo-';
     $o->{ILSM}{BAR} ||= 0;
     while (@_) {
-	my ($key, $value) = splice @_, 0, 2;
-	if ($key eq 'PATTERN') {
-	    $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN} = $value;
-	    next;
-	}
-	if ($key eq 'BAR') {
-	    croak usage_config_bar
-	      unless $value =~ /^[01]$/;
-	    $o->{ILSM}{BAR} = $value;
-	    next;
-	}
-	croak usage_config($key);
+        my ($key, $value) = splice @_, 0, 2;
+        if ($key eq 'PATTERN') {
+            $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN} = $value;
+            next;
+        }
+        if ($key eq 'BAR') {
+            croak usage_config_bar
+              unless $value =~ /^[01]$/;
+            $o->{ILSM}{BAR} = $value;
+            next;
+        }
+        croak usage_config($key);
@@ -50,10 +52,10 @@ sub build {
     my $pattern = $o->{ILSM}{PATTERN};
     $code =~ s/$pattern//g;
     $code =~ s/bar-//g if $o->{ILSM}{BAR};
-    sleep 1; # imitate compile delay
-	package Foo::Tester;
-	eval $code;
+        package Foo::Tester;
+        our $VERSION = '0.02';
+        eval $code;
     croak "Foo build failed:\n$@" if $@;
     my $path = File::Spec->catdir($o->{API}{install_lib},'auto',$o->{API}{modpname});
@@ -81,5 +83,3 @@ sub info {
@@ -1,5 +1,26 @@
 Revision history for Perl extension Inline::MakeMaker.
+---version 0.55_03
+date Mon 23 Jun 2014
+          Version updated to 0.55_03
+---version 0.55_02
+date Sun 22 Jun 2014
+          Version updated to 0.55_02 and released to CPAN
+---version 0.55_01
+date Thurs 19 Jun 2014
+          Version 0.55_01 released to CPAN
+---version 0.55_01
+date Tues 17 Jun 2014
+          Enable building of Inline module bundles
+          (Ticket #95809 - thanks Jason McCarver.)
+---version 0.55_01
+date Mon 5 May 2014
+          Update version number to 0.55_01
 ---version 0.55
 date Mon 28 Apr 2014
           Version 0.55 released to CPAN
@@ -133,24 +154,24 @@ changes:
   - Rewrote the whole module. Much simpler and flexible now.
 0.41  Tue Jun  5 02:59:53 PDT 2001
-	- Made dependencies more make like. Works very nice in trees.
+        - Made dependencies more make like. Works very nice in trees.
 0.41  Sun Jun  3 20:34:49 PDT 2001
-	- Fixed bug. Needed to stack versions as well as names.
+        - Fixed bug. Needed to stack versions as well as names.
 0.41  Sun Jun  3 20:34:49 PDT 2001
-	- Allow MY::postamble in non Inline Makefile.PLs
-	  Thanks David Coppit
+        - Allow MY::postamble in non Inline Makefile.PLs
+          Thanks David Coppit
 0.41  Sat Jun  2 19:53:58 PDT 2001
-	- Fixed to work properly in Makefile.PL hierarchies.
+        - Fixed to work properly in Makefile.PL hierarchies.
           Thanks Brett.
 0.40  Sun May 13 23:30:02 PDT 2001
-	- First version of Inline::MakeMaker.
+        - First version of Inline::MakeMaker.
           Supports installing Inline extensions like regular XS ones.
 0.01  Mon May  7 22:30:09 2001
-	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-		-PAXn Inline::MakeMaker
+        - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
+                -PAXn Inline::MakeMaker
@@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
 package Inline::MakeMaker;
-$Inline::MakeMaker::VERSION = '0.55';
-$Inline::MakeMaker::VERSION = eval $Inline::MakeMaker::VERSION;
-@EXPORT = qw(WriteMakefile WriteInlineMakefile);
 use strict;
 use base 'Exporter';
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker();
 use Carp;
+our @EXPORT = qw(WriteMakefile WriteInlineMakefile);
+our $VERSION = '0.77';
 sub WriteInlineMakefile {
-#    warn <<END;
-#Inline::MakeMaker::WriteInlineMakefile() is deprecated as of Inline-0.44.
-#Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile() should be used instead.
-    goto &WriteMakefile;
+    carp <<EOF;
+======================== DEPRECATION ALERT ======================
+WriteInlineMakefile was deprecated in 2002. This warning is from 2014.
+WriteInlineMakefile will soon be removed. Please change this Makefile.PL
+to use WriteMakefile instead.
+========================== MESSAGE ENDS =========================
+     goto &WriteMakefile;
 sub WriteMakefile {
     my %args = @_;
     my $name = $args{NAME}
       or croak "Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile requires the NAME parameter\n";
-    my $object = (split(/::/, $name))[-1];
     my $version = '';
     croak <<END unless (defined $args{VERSION} or defined $args{VERSION_FROM});
@@ -43,30 +46,69 @@ Must be of the form '#.##'. (For instance '1.23')
     # Provide a convenience rule to clean up Inline's messes
-    $args{clean} = { FILES => "_Inline $object.inl" }
+    $args{clean} = { FILES => "_Inline *.inl " }
     unless defined $args{clean};
     # Add Inline to the dependencies
     $args{PREREQ_PM}{Inline} = '0.44' unless defined $args{PREREQ_PM}{Inline};
-    &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%args);
+    my $mm = &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%args);
+    my (@objects, @obj_rules);
+    if (@{$mm->{PMLIBDIRS}} && $mm->{PM}) {
+        # Sort them longest first so we'll match subdirectories before their parents
+        my @libdirs = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @{$mm->{PMLIBDIRS}};
-    open MAKEFILE, '>> Makefile'
-      or croak "Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile can't append to Makefile:\n$!";
+        for my $path (keys %{$mm->{PM}}) {
+            for my $lib (@libdirs) {
+                if (index($path,$lib) == 0) {
+                    my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath(substr($path, length($lib)+1));
+                    my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
+                    pop @dirs unless length($dirs[$#dirs]);
+                    next unless ($file =~ /.pm$/);
+                    $file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+                    push @objects, join('::', @dirs, $file);
+                    push @obj_rules, join('-', @dirs, "$file.inl");
+                    last;
+                }
+                croak "Failed to find module path for '$path'";
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        # no modules found in PMLIBDIRS so assume we've just got $name to do
+        @objects = $name;
+        $name =~ s/::/-/g;
+        @obj_rules = ("$name.inl");
+    }
+    if (@objects) {
+        open MAKEFILE, '>> Makefile'
+          or croak "Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile can't append to Makefile:\n$!";
+        print MAKEFILE <<MAKEFILE;
 # Well, not quite. Inline::MakeMaker is adding this:
 # --- MakeMaker inline section:
-$object.inl : \$(TO_INST_PM)
-	\$(PERL) -Mblib -MInline=NOISY,_INSTALL_ -M$name -e1 $version \$(INST_ARCHLIB)
+    for (0..$#objects) {
+        print MAKEFILE <<MAKEFILE;
+$obj_rules[$_]: \$(TO_INST_PM)
+\t\$(PERL) -Mblib -MInline=NOISY,_INSTALL_ -M$objects[$_] -e"Inline::satisfy_makefile_dep({API => {modinlname => '$obj_rules[$_]', module => '$objects[$_]'}});" $version \$(INST_ARCHLIB)
+    }
+print MAKEFILE "\npure_all :: ",join(' ',@obj_rules),"\n";
-pure_all :: $object.inl
 # The End is here.
-    close MAKEFILE;
+        close MAKEFILE;
+    }
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+=for comment
+DO NOT EDIT. This Pod was generated by Swim v0.1.28.
+See http://github.com/ingydotnet/swim-pm#readme
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Inline-Support - Support Information for Inline.pm and related modules.
+This document contains all of the latest support information for C<Inline.pm>
+and the recognized Inline Language Support Modules (ILSMs) available on CPAN.
+The most important language that Inline supports is C<C>. That is because Perl
+itself is written in C<C>. By giving a your Perl scripts access to C<C>, you
+in effect give them access to the entire glorious internals of Perl. (Caveat
+scriptor :-)
+As of this writing, Inline also supports:
+=item * C++
+=item * Java
+=item * Python
+=item * Tcl
+=item * Assembly
+=item * CPR
+=item * And even Inline::Foo! :)
+Projects that I would most like to see happen in the year 2001 are:
+=item * Fortran
+=item * Ruby
+=item * Lisp
+=item * Guile
+=item * Bash
+=item * Perl4
+C<Inline::C> should work anywhere that CPAN extension modules (those that use
+XS) can be installed, using the typical install format of:
+    perl Makefile.PL
+    make
+    make test
+    make install
+It has been tested on many Unix and Windows variants.
+B<NOTE>: C<Inline::C> requires Perl 5.005 or higher because
+C<Parse::RecDescent> requires it. (Something to do with the C<qr> operator)
+Inline has been successfully tested at one time or another on the following
+=item * Linux
+=item * Solaris
+=item * SunOS
+=item * HPUX
+=item * AIX
+=item * FreeBSD
+=item * OpenBSD
+=item * BeOS
+=item * OS X
+=item * WinNT
+=item * Win2K
+=item * WinME
+=item * Win98
+=item * Cygwin
+The Microsoft tests deserve a little more explanation. I used the following:
+=item * Windows NT 4.0 (service pack 6)
+=item * Perl 5.005_03 (ActiveState build 522)
+=item * MS Visual C++ 6.0
+=item * The "nmake" make utility (distributed w/ Visual C++)
+C<Inline::C> pulls all of its base configuration (including which C<make>
+utility to use) from C<Config.pm>. Since your MSWin32 version of Perl probably
+came from ActiveState (as a binary distribution) the C<Config.pm> will
+indicate that C<nmake> is the system's C<make> utility. That is because
+ActiveState uses Visual C++ to compile Perl.
+To install C<Inline.pm> (or any other CPAN module) on MSWin32 w/ Visual C++,
+use these:
+    perl Makefile.PL
+    nmake
+    nmake test
+    nmake install
+Inline has also been made to work with Mingw32/gcc on all Windows platforms.
+This is a free compiler for Windows. You must also use a perl built with
+that compiler.
+The "Cygwin" test was done on a Windows 98 machine using the Cygwin Unix/Win32
+porting layer software from Cygnus. The C<perl> binary on this machine was
+also compiled using the Cygwin tool set (C<gcc>). This software is freely
+available from L<http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/>
+If you get Inline to work on a new platform, please send me email email. If it
+doesn't work, let me know as well and I'll see what can be done.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+For general information about Inline see L<Inline>.
+For information about using Inline with C see L<Inline::C>.
+For sample programs using Inline with C see L<Inline::C-Cookbook>.
+For information on writing your own Inline Language Support Module, see
+Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
+To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>
+Copyright 2000-2014. Ingy döt Net.
+Copyright 2008, 2010, 2011. Sisyphus.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
@@ -2,15 +2,14 @@ package Inline::denter;
 use strict;
 use Carp;
-use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
     bless {width => 4,
-	   comma => " : ",
-	   level => 0,
-	   tabwidth => 8,
-	  }, $class;
+           comma => " : ",
+           level => 0,
+           tabwidth => 8,
+          }, $class;
 # Prevent a taint exception being thrown by AutoLoader.pm.
@@ -34,13 +33,13 @@ sub undent {
     $o->{line} ||= 1;
     while (not $o->{done}) {
-	if ($o->{level} == 0 and
-	    $o->{content} =~ /^(\w+)\s*$comma\s*(.*)$/) {
-	    $o->{content} = $2;
-	    no strict 'refs';
-	    push @{$o->{objects}}, "$1";
-	}
-	push @{$o->{objects}}, $o->_undent_data;
+        if ($o->{level} == 0 and
+            $o->{content} =~ /^(\w+)\s*$comma\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $o->{content} = $2;
+            no strict 'refs';
+            push @{$o->{objects}}, "$1";
+        }
+        push @{$o->{objects}}, $o->_undent_data;
     return @{$o->{objects}};
@@ -51,38 +50,38 @@ sub _undent_data {
     my @refs;
     my %refs;
     while ($o->{content} =~ s/^\\(?:\((\w+)\))?((\%|\@|\$|\\).*)/$2/) {
-	push @refs, $1;
-	$refs{$1} = scalar @refs;
+        push @refs, $1;
+        $refs{$1} = scalar @refs;
     if ($o->{content} =~ /^([\%\@\$])
-	                  (\w(?:\w|::)*)?
+                          (\w(?:\w|::)*)?
        ) {
-	my $foo;
-	$obj = ($1 eq '%') ? {} : ($1 eq '@') ? [] : \$foo;
-	$class = $2 || '';
-	if ($1 eq '%') {
-	    %$obj = $o->_undent_hash;
-	}
-	elsif ($1 eq '@') {
-	    @$obj = $o->_undent_array;
-	}
-	else {
-	    $$obj = $o->_undent_scalar;
-	}
-	bless $obj, $class if length $class;
+        my $foo;
+        $obj = ($1 eq '%') ? {} : ($1 eq '@') ? [] : \$foo;
+        $class = $2 || '';
+        if ($1 eq '%') {
+            %$obj = $o->_undent_hash;
+        }
+        elsif ($1 eq '@') {
+            @$obj = $o->_undent_array;
+        }
+        else {
+            $$obj = $o->_undent_scalar;
+        }
+        bless $obj, $class if length $class;
     elsif ($o->{content} =~ /^\?\s*$/) {
-	$obj = $o->_undent_undef;
+        $obj = $o->_undent_undef;
     else {
-	$obj = $o->_undent_value;
+        $obj = $o->_undent_value;
     while (@refs) {
-	my $ref = pop @refs;
-	my $copy = $obj;
-	$obj = \ $copy;
-	$o->{xref}{$ref} = $obj if $ref;
+        my $ref = pop @refs;
+        my $copy = $obj;
+        $obj = \ $copy;
+        $o->{xref}{$ref} = $obj if $ref;
     return $obj;
@@ -91,23 +90,23 @@ sub _undent_value {
     my $o = shift;
     my $value = '';
     if ($o->{content} =~ /^\<\<(\w+)(\-?)\s*$/) {
-	my ($marker, $chomp) = ($1, $2);
-	my $line = $o->{line};
-	$o->_next_line;
-	while (not $o->{done} and
-	       $o->{lines}[0] ne $marker) {
-	    $value .= $o->{lines}[0] . "\n";
-	    $o->_next_line;
-	}
-	croak M03_no_value_end_marker($marker, $line) if $o->{done};
-	chomp $value if $chomp;
+        my ($marker, $chomp) = ($1, $2);
+        my $line = $o->{line};
+        $o->_next_line;
+        while (not $o->{done} and
+               $o->{lines}[0] ne $marker) {
+            $value .= $o->{lines}[0] . "\n";
+            $o->_next_line;
+        }
+        croak M03_no_value_end_marker($marker, $line) if $o->{done};
+        chomp $value if $chomp;
     elsif ($o->{content} =~ /^\"/) {
-	croak $o->M04_mismatched_quotes unless $o->{content} =~ /^\".*\"\s*$/;
-	($value = $o->{content}) =~ s/^\"|\"\s*$//g;
+        croak $o->M04_mismatched_quotes unless $o->{content} =~ /^\".*\"\s*$/;
+        ($value = $o->{content}) =~ s/^\"|\"\s*$//g;
     else {
-	$value = $o->{content};
+        $value = $o->{content};
@@ -121,10 +120,10 @@ sub _undent_hash {
     while ($o->{level} == $level) {
-	my ($key, $value) = split $o->{comma}, $o->{content};
-	croak $o->M05_invalid_key_value unless (defined $key and defined $value);
-	$o->{content} = $value;
-	push @values, $o->_get_key($key), $o->_undent_data;;
+        my ($key, $value) = split $o->{comma}, $o->{content};
+        croak $o->M05_invalid_key_value unless (defined $key and defined $value);
+        $o->{content} = $value;
+        push @values, $o->_get_key($key), $o->_undent_data;;
     croak $o->M06_invalid_indent_level if $o->{level} > $level;
     return @values;
@@ -138,9 +137,9 @@ sub _get_key {
     my $line = $o->{line};
     while (not $o->{done} and
-	   $o->{lines}[0] ne $marker) {
-	$key .= $o->{lines}[0] . "\n";
-	$o->_next_line;
+           $o->{lines}[0] ne $marker) {
+        $key .= $o->{lines}[0] . "\n";
+        $o->_next_line;
     croak M02_no_key_end_marker($marker, $line) if $o->{done};
     chomp $key if $chomp;
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ sub _undent_array {
     while ($o->{level} == $level) {
-	push @values, $o->_undent_data;
+        push @values, $o->_undent_data;
     croak $o->M06_invalid_indent_level if $o->{level} > $level;
     return @values;
@@ -193,22 +192,19 @@ sub _setup_line {
     $o->{done}++, $o->{level} = -1, return unless @{$o->{lines}};
     my ($width, $tabwidth) = @{$o}{qw(width tabwidth)};
     while (1) {
-	local $_ = $o->{lines}[0];
-	# expand tabs in leading whitespace;
-	$o->next_line, next if /^(\s*$|\#)/; # skip comments and blank lines
-	while (s{^( *)(\t+)}
-	       {' ' x (length($1) + length($2) * $tabwidth -
-		       length($1) % $tabwidth)}e){}
-	croak $o->M01_invalid_indent_width unless /^(( {$width})*)(\S.*)$/;
-	$o->{level} = length($1) / $width;
-	$o->{content} = $3;
-	last;
+        local $_ = $o->{lines}[0];
+        # expand tabs in leading whitespace;
+        $o->next_line, next if /^(\s*$|\#)/; # skip comments and blank lines
+        while (s{^( *)(\t+)}
+               {' ' x (length($1) + length($2) * $tabwidth -
+                       length($1) % $tabwidth)}e){}
+        croak $o->M01_invalid_indent_width unless /^(( {$width})*)(\S.*)$/;
+        $o->{level} = length($1) / $width;
+        $o->{content} = $3;
+        last;
 sub indent {
     my $o = shift;
     my $package = caller;
@@ -216,10 +212,10 @@ sub indent {
     my $stream = '';
     $o->{key} = '';
     while (@_) {
-	local $_ = shift;
-	$stream .= $o->indent_name($_, shift), next
-	  if (/^\*$package\::\w+$/);
-	$stream .= $o->indent_data($_);
+        local $_ = shift;
+        $stream .= $o->indent_name($_, shift), next
+          if (/^\*$package\::\w+$/);
+        $stream .= $o->indent_data($_);
     return $stream;
@@ -246,23 +242,23 @@ sub indent_value {
     my ($o, $data) = @_;
     my $stream;
     if ($data =~ /\n/) {
-	my $marker = 'EOV';
-	$marker++ while $data =~ /^$marker$/m;
-	my $chomp = ($data =~ s/\n\Z//) ? '' : '-';
-	$stream = "<<$marker$chomp\n";
-	$stream .= $o->{key}, $o->{key} = '' if $o->{key};
-	$stream .= "$data\n$marker\n";
+        my $marker = 'EOV';
+        $marker++ while $data =~ /^$marker$/m;
+        my $chomp = ($data =~ s/\n\Z//) ? '' : '-';
+        $stream = "<<$marker$chomp\n";
+        $stream .= $o->{key}, $o->{key} = '' if $o->{key};
+        $stream .= "$data\n$marker\n";
     elsif ($data =~ /^[\s\%\@\$\\?\"]|\s$/ or
-	   $data =~ /\Q$o->{comma}\E/ or
-	   $data =~ /[\x00-\x1f]/ or
-	   $data eq '') {
-	$stream = qq{"$data"\n};
-	$stream .= $o->{key}, $o->{key} = '' if $o->{key};
+           $data =~ /\Q$o->{comma}\E/ or
+           $data =~ /[\x00-\x1f]/ or
+           $data eq '') {
+        $stream = qq{"$data"\n};
+        $stream .= $o->{key}, $o->{key} = '' if $o->{key};
     else {
-	$stream = "$data\n";
-	$stream .= $o->{key}, $o->{key} = '' if $o->{key};
+        $stream = "$data\n";
+        $stream .= $o->{key}, $o->{key} = '' if $o->{key};
     return $stream;
@@ -273,20 +269,20 @@ sub indent_hash {
     return $$stream if ref $stream;
     my $indent = ++$o->{level} * $o->{width};
     for my $key (sort keys %$data) {
-	my $key_out = $key;
-	if ($key =~ /\n/ or
-	    $key =~ /\Q$o->{comma}\E/) {
-	    my $marker = 'EOK';
-	    $marker++ while $key =~ /^$marker$/m;
-	    my $chomp = (($o->{key} = $key) =~ s/\n\Z//m) ? '' : '-';
-	    $o->{key} .= "\n$marker\n";
-	    $key_out = "<<$marker$chomp";
-	}
-	elsif ($data =~ /^[\s\%\@\$\\?\"]|\s$/) {
-	    $key_out = qq{"$key"};
-	}
-	$stream .= ' ' x $indent . $key_out . $o->{comma};
-	$stream .= $o->indent_data($data->{$key});
+        my $key_out = $key;
+        if ($key =~ /\n/ or
+            $key =~ /\Q$o->{comma}\E/) {
+            my $marker = 'EOK';
+            $marker++ while $key =~ /^$marker$/m;
+            my $chomp = (($o->{key} = $key) =~ s/\n\Z//m) ? '' : '-';
+            $o->{key} .= "\n$marker\n";
+            $key_out = "<<$marker$chomp";
+        }
+        elsif ($data =~ /^[\s\%\@\$\\?\"]|\s$/) {
+            $key_out = qq{"$key"};
+        }
+        $stream .= ' ' x $indent . $key_out . $o->{comma};
+        $stream .= $o->indent_data($data->{$key});
     return $stream;
@@ -298,8 +294,8 @@ sub indent_array {
     return $$stream if ref $stream;
     my $indent = ++$o->{level} * $o->{width};
     for my $datum (@$data) {
-	$stream .= ' ' x $indent;
-	$stream .= $o->indent_data($datum);
+        $stream .= ' ' x $indent;
+        $stream .= $o->indent_data($datum);
     return $stream;
@@ -0,0 +1,2051 @@
+use strict; use warnings;
+package Inline;
+our $VERSION = '0.77';
+use Inline::denter;
+use Config;
+use Carp;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Spec::Unix;
+use Fcntl qw(LOCK_EX LOCK_UN);
+my %CONFIG = ();
+my @DATA_OBJS = ();
+my $INIT = 0;
+my $version_requested = 0;
+my $version_printed = 0;
+my $untaint = 0;
+my $safemode = 0;
+our $languages = undef;
+our $did = '_Inline'; # Default Inline Directory
+# This is the config file written by create_config_file().
+our $configuration_file = 'config-' . $Config::Config{'archname'} . '-' . $];
+my %shortcuts =
+  (
+   NOCLEAN =>      [CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0],
+   CLEAN =>        [CLEAN_BUILD_AREA => 1],
+   FORCE =>        [FORCE_BUILD => 1],
+   INFO =>         [PRINT_INFO => 1],
+   VERSION =>      [PRINT_VERSION => 1],
+   REPORTBUG =>    [REPORTBUG => 1],
+   UNTAINT =>      [UNTAINT => 1],
+   SAFE =>         [SAFEMODE => 1],
+   UNSAFE =>       [SAFEMODE => 0],
+   GLOBAL =>       [GLOBAL_LOAD => 1],
+   NOISY =>        [BUILD_NOISY => 1],
+   TIMERS =>       [BUILD_TIMERS => 1],
+   NOWARN =>       [WARNINGS => 0],
+   _INSTALL_ =>    [_INSTALL_ => 1],
+   SITE_INSTALL => undef,  # No longer supported.
+  );
+my $default_config =
+  {
+   NAME => '',
+   AUTONAME => -1,
+   VERSION => '',
+   DIRECTORY => '',
+   WITH => [],
+   USING => [],
+   FORCE_BUILD => 0,
+   PRINT_INFO => 0,
+   REPORTBUG => 0,
+   UNTAINT => 0,
+   SAFEMODE => -1,
+   GLOBAL_LOAD => 0,
+   BUILD_NOISY => 0,
+   BUILD_TIMERS => 0,
+   WARNINGS => 1,
+   _INSTALL_ => 0,
+   _TESTING => 0,
+  };
+sub UNTAINT {$untaint}
+sub SAFEMODE {$safemode}
+# This is where everything starts.
+sub import {
+    local ($/, $") = ("\n", ' '); local ($\, $,);
+    my $o;
+    my ($pkg, $script) = caller;
+    # Not sure what this is for. Let's see what breaks.
+    # $pkg =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//;
+    my $class = shift;
+    if ($class ne 'Inline') {
+        croak M01_usage_use($class) if $class =~ /^Inline::/;
+        croak M02_usage();
+    }
+    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template} ||= $default_config;
+    return unless @_;
+    &create_config_file(), return 1 if $_[0] eq '_CONFIG_';
+    goto &maker_utils if $_[0] =~ /^(install|makedist|makeppd)$/i;
+    my $control = shift;
+    if (uc $control eq uc 'with') {
+        return handle_with($pkg, @_);
+    }
+    elsif (uc $control eq uc 'Config') {
+        return handle_global_config($pkg, @_);
+    }
+    elsif (exists $shortcuts{uc($control)}) {
+        handle_shortcuts($pkg, $control, @_);
+        $version_requested = $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{PRINT_VERSION};
+        return;
+    }
+    elsif ($control =~ /^\S+$/ and $control !~ /\n/) {
+        my $language_id = $control;
+        my $option = shift || '';
+        my @config = @_;
+        my $next = 0;
+        for (@config) {
+            next if $next++ % 2;
+            croak M02_usage() if /[\s\n]/;
+        }
+        $o = bless {}, $class;
+        $o->{INLINE}{version} = $VERSION;
+        $o->{API}{pkg} = $pkg;
+        $o->{API}{script} = $script;
+        $o->{API}{language_id} = $language_id;
+        if ($option =~ /^(FILE|BELOW)$/i or
+            not $option and
+            defined $INC{File::Spec::Unix->catfile('Inline','Files.pm')} and
+            Inline::Files::get_filename($pkg)
+           ) {
+            $o->read_inline_file;
+            $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
+        }
+        elsif ($option eq 'DATA' or not $option) {
+            $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
+            push @DATA_OBJS, $o;
+            return;
+        }
+        elsif (uc $option eq uc 'Config') {
+            $CONFIG{$pkg}{$language_id} = handle_language_config(@config);
+            return;
+        }
+        else {
+            $o->receive_code($option);
+            $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        croak M02_usage();
+    }
+    $o->glue;
+# Run time version of import (public method)
+sub bind {
+    local ($/, $") = ("\n", ' '); local ($\, $,);
+    my ($code, @config);
+    my $o;
+    my ($pkg, $script) = caller;
+    my $class = shift;
+    croak M03_usage_bind() unless $class eq 'Inline';
+    $CONFIG{$pkg}{template} ||= $default_config;
+    my $language_id = shift or croak M03_usage_bind();
+    croak M03_usage_bind()
+      unless ($language_id =~ /^\S+$/ and $language_id !~ /\n/);
+    $code = shift or croak M03_usage_bind();
+    @config = @_;
+    my $next = 0;
+    for (@config) {
+        next if $next++ % 2;
+        croak M03_usage_bind() if /[\s\n]/;
+    }
+    $o = bless {}, $class;
+    $o->{INLINE}{version} = $VERSION;
+    $o->{API}{pkg} = $pkg;
+    $o->{API}{script} = $script;
+    $o->{API}{language_id} = $language_id;
+    $o->receive_code($code);
+    $o->{CONFIG} = handle_language_config(@config);
+    $o->glue;
+# Process delayed objects that don't have source code yet.
+# This code is an ugly hack because of the fact that you can't use an
+# INIT block at "run-time proper". So we kill the warning and tell users
+# to use an Inline->init() call if they run into problems. (rare)
+eval <<END;
+no warnings;
+\$INIT = \$INIT; # Needed by Sarathy's patch.
+sub INIT {
+    \$INIT++;
+    &init;
+sub init {
+    local ($/, $") = ("\n", ' '); local ($\, $,);
+    while (my $o = shift(@DATA_OBJS)) {
+        $o->read_DATA;
+        $o->glue;
+    }
+sub END {
+    warn M51_unused_DATA() if @DATA_OBJS;
+    print_version() if $version_requested && not $version_printed;
+# Print a small report about the version of Inline
+sub print_version {
+    return if $version_printed++;
+    print STDERR <<END;
+    You are using Inline.pm version $VERSION
+# Compile the source if needed and then dynaload the object
+sub glue {
+    my $o = shift;
+    my ($pkg, $language_id) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(pkg language_id)};
+    my @config = (%{$CONFIG{$pkg}{template}},
+                  %{$CONFIG{$pkg}{$language_id} || {}},
+                  %{$o->{CONFIG} || {}},
+                 );
+    @config = $o->check_config(@config);
+    $o->fold_options;
+    $o->check_installed;
+    $o->env_untaint if UNTAINT;
+    if (not $o->{INLINE}{object_ready}) {
+        $o->check_config_file;                # Final DIRECTORY set here.
+        push @config, $o->with_configs;
+        my $language = $o->{API}{language};
+        croak M04_error_nocode($language_id) unless $o->{API}{code};
+        $o->check_module;
+    }
+    $o->env_untaint if UNTAINT;
+    $o->obj_untaint if UNTAINT;
+    print_version() if $version_requested;
+    $o->reportbug() if $o->{CONFIG}{REPORTBUG};
+    if (not $o->{INLINE}{object_ready}
+        or $o->{CONFIG}{PRINT_INFO}
+       ) {
+        eval "require $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module}";
+        croak M05_error_eval('glue', $@) if $@;
+        $o->push_overrides;
+        bless $o, $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module};
+        $o->validate(@config);
+    }
+    else {
+        $o->{CONFIG} = {(%{$o->{CONFIG}}, @config)};
+    }
+    $o->print_info if $o->{CONFIG}{PRINT_INFO};
+    unless ($o->{INLINE}{object_ready} or
+            not length $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix}) {
+        $o->build();
+        $o->write_inl_file() unless $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_};
+    }
+    if ($o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'so' and
+        $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'dll' and
+        $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'bundle' and
+        $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} ne 'sl' and
+        ref($o) eq 'Inline'
+       ) {
+        eval "require $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module}";
+        croak M05_error_eval('glue', $@) if $@;
+        $o->push_overrides;
+        bless $o, $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module};
+        $o->validate(@config);
+    }
+    $o->load;
+    $o->pop_overrides;
+# Set up the USING overrides
+sub push_overrides {
+    my ($o) = @_;
+    my ($language_id) = $o->{API}{language_id};
+    my ($ilsm) = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module};
+    for (@{$o->{CONFIG}{USING}}) {
+        my $fixed_name = /^Parser?(Pegex|RegExp|RecDescent)$/ ? "Parser::$1" : $_;
+        $fixed_name =~ s/^:://;
+        my $using_module = /^::/
+                           ? "Inline::${language_id}::$fixed_name"
+                           : /::/
+                             ? $_
+                             : "Inline::${language_id}::$fixed_name";
+        eval "require $using_module";
+        croak "Invalid module '$using_module' in USING list:\n$@" if $@;
+        my $register;
+        eval "\$register = $using_module->register";
+        croak "Invalid module '$using_module' in USING list:\n$@" if $@;
+        for my $override (@{$register->{overrides}}) {
+            no strict 'refs';
+            next if defined $o->{OVERRIDDEN}{$ilsm . "::$override"};
+            $o->{OVERRIDDEN}{$ilsm . "::$override"} =
+              \&{$ilsm . "::$override"};
+            {
+            no warnings 'redefine';
+            *{$ilsm . "::$override"} =
+              \&{$using_module . "::$override"};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+# Restore the modules original methods
+sub pop_overrides {
+    my $nowarn = $] >= 5.006 ? "no warnings 'redefine';" : '';
+    eval ($nowarn .
+    'my ($o) = @_;
+    for my $override (keys %{$o->{OVERRIDDEN}}) {
+        no strict "refs";
+        *{$override} = $o->{OVERRIDDEN}{$override};
+    }
+    delete $o->{OVERRIDDEN};')
+# Get source from the DATA filehandle
+my (%DATA, %DATA_read);
+sub read_DATA {
+    require Socket;
+    my ($marker, $marker_tag);
+    my $o = shift;
+    my ($pkg, $language_id) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(pkg language_id)};
+    unless ($DATA_read{$pkg}++) {
+        no strict 'refs';
+        *Inline::DATA = *{$pkg . '::DATA'};
+        local ($/);
+        my ($CR, $LF) = (&Socket::CR, &Socket::LF);
+        (my $data = <Inline::DATA>) =~ s/$CR?$LF/\n/g;
+        @{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)^[ \t]{0,}(__\S+?__\n)/, $data;
+        shift @{$DATA{$pkg}} unless ($ {$DATA{$pkg}}[0] || '') =~ /__\S+?__\n/;
+    }
+    ($marker, $o->{API}{code}) = splice @{$DATA{$pkg}}, 0, 2;
+    croak M08_no_DATA_source_code($language_id)
+      unless defined $marker;
+    ($marker_tag = $marker) =~ s/__(\S+?)__\n/$1/;
+    croak M09_marker_mismatch($marker, $language_id)
+      unless $marker_tag eq $language_id;
+# Validate and store the non language-specific config options
+sub check_config {
+    my $o = shift;
+    my @others;
+    while (@_) {
+        my ($key, $value) = (shift, shift);
+        if (defined $default_config->{$key}) {
+            if ($key =~ /^(WITH|USING)$/) {
+                croak M10_usage_WITH_USING()
+                  if (ref $value and ref $value ne 'ARRAY');
+                $value = [$value] unless ref $value;
+                $o->{CONFIG}{$key} = $value;
+                next;
+            }
+            $o->{CONFIG}{$key} = $value, next if not $value;
+            if ($key eq 'DIRECTORY') {
+                croak M11_usage_DIRECTORY($value) unless (-d $value);
+                $value = abs_path($value);
+            }
+            elsif ($key eq 'NAME') {
+                croak M12_usage_NAME($value)
+                  unless $value =~ /^[a-zA-Z_](\w|::)*$/;
+            }
+            elsif ($key eq 'VERSION') {
+                croak M13_usage_VERSION($value) unless $value =~ /^\d\.\d\d*$/;
+            }
+            $o->{CONFIG}{$key} = $value;
+        }
+        else {
+            push @others, $key, $value;
+        }
+    }
+    return (@others);
+# Set option defaults based on current option settings.
+sub fold_options {
+    my $o = shift;
+# The following small section of code seems, to me, to be unnecessary - which is the
+# reason that I've commented it out. I've left it here (including its associated comments)
+# in case it later becomes evident that there *is* good reason to include it. --sisyphus
+## This bit tries to enable UNTAINT automatically if required when running the test suite.
+#    my $env_ha = $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE} || 0 ;
+#    my ($harness_active) = $env_ha =~ /(.*)/ ;
+#    if (($harness_active)&&(! $o->{CONFIG}{UNTAINT})){
+#            eval {
+#                    require Scalar::Util;
+#                    $o->{CONFIG}{UNTAINT} =
+#                      (Scalar::Util::tainted(Cwd::cwd()) ? 1 : 0) ;
+## Disable SAFEMODE in the test suite, we know what we are doing...
+#                    $o->{CONFIG}{SAFEMODE} = 0 ;
+#                    warn "\n-[tT] enabled for test suite.
+#Automatically setting UNTAINT=1 and SAFEMODE=0.\n"
+#                     unless $Inline::_TAINT_WARNING_ ;
+#                    $Inline::_TAINT_WARNING_ = 1 ;
+#            } ;
+#   }
+    $untaint = $o->{CONFIG}{UNTAINT} || 0;
+    $safemode = (($o->{CONFIG}{SAFEMODE} == -1) ?
+                 ($untaint ? 1 : 0) :
+                 $o->{CONFIG}{SAFEMODE}
+                );
+    if (UNTAINT and
+        SAFEMODE and
+        not $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY}) {
+        croak M49_usage_unsafe(1) if ($< == 0 or $> == 0);
+        warn M49_usage_unsafe(0) if $^W;
+    }
+    if ($o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME} == -1) {
+        $o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME} = length($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}) ? 0 : 1;
+    }
+    $o->{API}{cleanup} =
+      ($o->{CONFIG}{CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD} and not $o->{CONFIG}{REPORTBUG});
+# Check if Inline extension is preinstalled
+sub check_installed {
+    my $o = shift;
+    $o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 0;
+    unless ($o->{API}{code} =~ /^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/) {
+        require Digest::MD5;
+        $o->{INLINE}{md5} = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($o->{API}{code});
+    }
+    else {
+        $o->{INLINE}{md5} = $o->{API}{code};
+    }
+    return if $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_};
+    return unless $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
+    croak M26_error_version_without_name()
+      unless $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
+    my @pkgparts = split(/::/, $o->{API}{pkg});
+    my $realname = File::Spec->catfile(@pkgparts) . '.pm';
+    my $realname_unix = File::Spec::Unix->catfile(@pkgparts) . '.pm';
+    my $realpath = $INC{$realname_unix}
+      or croak M27_module_not_indexed($realname_unix);
+    my ($volume,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($realpath);
+    my @dirparts = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);
+    pop @dirparts unless $dirparts[-1];
+    push @dirparts, $file;
+    my @endparts = splice(@dirparts, 0 - @pkgparts);
+    $dirparts[-1] = 'arch'
+      if $dirparts[-2] eq 'blib' && $dirparts[-1] eq 'lib';
+    File::Spec->catfile(@endparts) eq $realname
+      or croak M28_error_grokking_path($realpath);
+    $realpath =
+      File::Spec->catpath($volume,File::Spec->catdir(@dirparts),"");
+    $o->{API}{version} = $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
+    $o->{API}{module} = $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
+    my @modparts = split(/::/,$o->{API}{module});
+    $o->{API}{modfname} = $modparts[-1];
+    $o->{API}{modpname} = File::Spec->catdir(@modparts);
+    my $suffix = $Config{dlext};
+    my $obj = File::Spec->catfile($realpath,'auto',$o->{API}{modpname},
+                                  "$o->{API}{modfname}.$suffix");
+    croak M30_error_no_obj($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}, $o->{API}{pkg},
+                           $realpath) unless -f $obj;
+    @{$o->{CONFIG}}{qw( PRINT_INFO
+                        REPORTBUG
+                        FORCE_BUILD
+                        _INSTALL_
+                      )} = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+    $o->{install_lib} = $realpath;
+    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_type} = 'compiled';
+    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module} = 'Inline::C';
+    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} = $suffix;
+    $o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 1;
+# Dynamically load the object module
+sub load {
+    my $o = shift;
+    return if $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_};
+    my ($pkg, $module) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(pkg module)};
+    croak M42_usage_loader() unless $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_type} eq 'compiled';
+    require DynaLoader;
+    @Inline::ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
+    my $global = $o->{CONFIG}{GLOBAL_LOAD} ? '0x01' : '0x00';
+    my $version = $o->{API}{version} || '0.00';
+    eval <<END;
+        package $pkg;
+        push \@$ {pkg}::ISA, qw($module)
+          unless \$module eq "$pkg";
+        local \$$ {module}::VERSION = '$version';
+        package $module;
+        push \@$ {module}::ISA, qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+        sub dl_load_flags { $global }
+        ${module}::->bootstrap;
+    croak M43_error_bootstrap($module, $@) if $@;
+# Create file that satisfies the Makefile dependency for this object
+sub satisfy_makefile_dep {
+    my $o = shift;
+       my $inline = $o->{API}{modinlname};
+       open INLINE, "> $inline"
+         or croak M24_open_for_output_failed($inline);
+       print INLINE "*** AUTOGENERATED by Inline.pm ***\n\n";
+       print INLINE "This file satisfies the make dependency for ";
+       print INLINE "$o->{API}{module}\n";
+       close INLINE;
+       return;
+# Process the config options that apply to all Inline sections
+sub handle_global_config {
+    my $pkg = shift;
+    while (@_) {
+        my ($key, $value) = (uc shift, shift);
+        croak M02_usage() if $key =~ /[\s\n]/;
+        if ($key =~ /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)$/) {
+            ($key, $value) = (uc $value, $key eq 'ENABLE' ? 1 : 0);
+        }
+        croak M47_invalid_config_option($key)
+          unless defined $default_config->{$key};
+        $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{$key} = $value;
+    }
+# Process the config options that apply to a particular language
+sub handle_language_config {
+    my @values;
+    while (@_) {
+        my ($key, $value) = (uc shift, shift);
+        croak M02_usage() if $key =~ /[\s\n]/;
+        if ($key eq 'ENABLE') {
+            push @values, uc $value, 1;
+        }
+        elsif ($key eq 'DISABLE') {
+            push @values, uc $value, 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            push @values, $key, $value;
+        }
+    }
+    return {@values};
+# Validate and store shortcut config options
+sub handle_shortcuts {
+    my $pkg = shift;
+    for my $option (@_) {
+        my $OPTION = uc($option);
+        if ($OPTION eq 'SITE_INSTALL') {
+            croak M58_site_install();
+        }
+        elsif ($shortcuts{$OPTION}) {
+            my ($method, $arg) = @{$shortcuts{$OPTION}};
+            $CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{$method} = $arg;
+        }
+        else {
+            croak M48_usage_shortcuts($option);
+        }
+    }
+# Process the with command
+sub handle_with {
+    my $pkg = shift;
+    croak M45_usage_with() unless @_;
+    for (@_) {
+        croak M02_usage() unless /^[\w:]+$/;
+        eval "require $_;";
+        croak M46_usage_with_bad($_) . $@ if $@;
+        push @{$CONFIG{$pkg}{template}{WITH}}, $_;
+    }
+# Perform cleanup duties
+sub DESTROY {
+    my $o = shift;
+    $o->clean_build if $o->{CONFIG}{CLEAN_BUILD_AREA};
+# Get the source code
+sub receive_code {
+    my $o = shift;
+    my $code = shift;
+    croak M02_usage() unless (defined $code and $code);
+    if (ref $code eq 'CODE') {
+        $o->{API}{code} = &$code;
+    }
+    elsif (ref $code eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $o->{API}{code} = join '', @$code;
+    }
+    elsif ($code =~ m|[/\\:]| and
+           $code =~ m|^[/\\:\w.\-\ \$\[\]<>]+$|) {
+        if (-f $code) {
+            local ($/, *CODE);
+            open CODE, "< $code" or croak M06_code_file_failed_open($code);
+            $o->{API}{code} = <CODE>;
+        }
+        else {
+            croak M07_code_file_does_not_exist($code);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $o->{API}{code} = $code;
+    }
+# Get the source code from an Inline::Files filehandle
+sub read_inline_file {
+    my $o = shift;
+    my ($lang, $pkg) = @{$o->{API}}{qw(language_id pkg)};
+    my $langfile = uc($lang);
+    croak M59_bad_inline_file($lang) unless $langfile =~ /^[A-Z]\w*$/;
+    croak M60_no_inline_files()
+      unless (defined $INC{File::Spec::Unix->catfile("Inline","Files.pm")} and
+             $Inline::Files::VERSION =~ /^\d\.\d\d$/ and
+             $Inline::Files::VERSION ge '0.51');
+    croak M61_not_parsed() unless $lang = Inline::Files::get_filename($pkg);
+    {
+        no strict 'refs';
+        local $/;
+        $Inline::FILE = \*{"${pkg}::$langfile"};
+#       open $Inline::FILE;
+        $o->{API}{code} = <$Inline::FILE>;
+#       close $Inline::FILE;
+    }
+# Read the cached config file from the Inline directory. This will indicate
+# whether the Language code is valid or not.
+sub check_config_file {
+    my ($DIRECTORY, %config);
+    my $o = shift;
+    croak M14_usage_Config() if $Inline::Config::VERSION;
+    croak M63_no_source($o->{API}{pkg})
+      if $o->{INLINE}{md5} eq $o->{API}{code};
+    # First make sure we have the DIRECTORY
+    if ($o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_}) {
+        croak M15_usage_install_directory()
+          if $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY};
+        my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+        $DIRECTORY =
+          $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY} = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did);
+        if (not -d $DIRECTORY) {
+            _mkdir($DIRECTORY, 0777)
+              or croak M16_DIRECTORY_mkdir_failed($DIRECTORY);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+          $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY} || $o->find_temp_dir;
+    }
+      if(-e File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file)) {
+        my $unlink = unlink(File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file));
+        if(!$unlink) {warn "REWRITE_CONFIG_FILE is set, but removal of config file failed"}
+        else {warn "config file removal successful\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING}}
+      }
+    }
+       my $load_cfg = sub {
+           $o->create_config_file($DIRECTORY)
+             if not -e File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file);
+           open CONFIG, "< ".File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY,$configuration_file)
+             or croak M17_config_open_failed($DIRECTORY);
+           flock(CONFIG, LOCK_EX) if $^O !~ /^VMS|riscos|VOS$/;
+           my $config = join '', <CONFIG>;
+           flock(CONFIG, LOCK_UN) if $^O !~ /^VMS|riscos|VOS$/;
+           close CONFIG;
+           unless($config =~ /^version :/) {
+             warn "\$load_cfg sub: \$config: *${config}*\n";
+             croak M62_invalid_config_file(File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY,$configuration_file));
+           }
+           if(UNTAINT) {
+             warn "In Inline::check_config_file(): Blindly untainting Inline configuration file information.\n"
+               unless $o->{CONFIG}{NO_UNTAINT_WARN};
+             ($config) = $config =~ /(.*)/s;
+           }
+           %config = Inline::denter->new()->undent($config);
+       } ;
+       $load_cfg->() ;
+       if (! defined $config{languages}->{$o->{API}{language_id}}){
+        my $unlink = unlink(File::Spec->catfile($DIRECTORY, $configuration_file));
+        if(!$unlink) {warn "Failed to remove config file"}
+        else {warn "config file removed\n" if $o->{CONFIG}{_TESTING}}
+               $load_cfg->() ;
+       }
+    $Inline::languages = $config{languages};
+    {
+    no warnings ('numeric'); # These warnings were a pain with devel releases.
+                             # If there's a problem with the version number, the
+                             # error message will output $config{version} anyway.
+    croak M18_error_old_version($config{version}, $DIRECTORY)
+        unless (defined $config{version} and
+                $config{version} =~ /TRIAL/ or
+                $config{version} >= 0.40);
+    } # numeric warnings re-enabled.
+    croak M19_usage_language($o->{API}{language_id}, $DIRECTORY)
+      unless defined $config{languages}->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
+    $o->{API}{language} = $config{languages}->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
+    if ($o->{API}{language} ne $o->{API}{language_id}) {
+        if (defined $o->{$o->{API}{language_id}}) {
+            $o->{$o->{API}{language}} = $o->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
+            delete $o->{$o->{API}{language_id}};
+        }
+    }
+    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_type} = $config{types}->{$o->{API}{language}};
+    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module} = $config{modules}->{$o->{API}{language}};
+    $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix} = $config{suffixes}->{$o->{API}{language}};
+# Auto-detect installed Inline language support modules
+sub create_config_file {
+    my ($o, $dir) = @_;
+    # This subroutine actually fires off another instance of perl.
+    # with arguments that make this routine get called again.
+    # That way the queried modules don't stay loaded.
+    if (defined $o) {
+        ($dir) = $dir =~ /(.*)/s if UNTAINT;
+        my $perl = $Config{perlpath};
+        $perl = $^X unless -f $perl;
+        ($perl) = $perl =~ /(.*)/s if UNTAINT;
+        local $ENV{PERL5LIB} if defined $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+        local $ENV{PERL5OPT} if defined $ENV{PERL5OPT};
+        my $inline = $INC{'Inline.pm'};
+        $inline ||= File::Spec->curdir();
+        my($v,$d,$f) = File::Spec->splitpath($inline);
+        $f = "" if $f eq 'Inline.pm';
+        $inline = File::Spec->catpath($v,$d,$f);
+        # P::RD may be in a different PERL5LIB dir to Inline (as happens with cpan smokers).
+        # Therefore we need to grep for it - otherwise, if P::RD *is* in a different PERL5LIB
+        # directory the ensuing rebuilt @INC will not include that directory and attempts to use
+        # Inline::CPP (and perhaps other Inline modules) will fail because P::RD isn't found.
+        my @_inc = map { "-I$_" }
+       ($inline,
+        grep {(-d File::Spec->catdir($_,"Inline") or -d File::Spec->catdir($_,"auto","Inline") or -e File::Spec->catdir($_,"Parse/RecDescent.pm"))} @INC);
+       system $perl, @_inc, "-MInline=_CONFIG_", "-e1", "$dir"
+          and croak M20_config_creation_failed($dir);
+        return;
+    }
+    my ($lib, $mod, $register, %checked,
+        %languages, %types, %modules, %suffixes);
+  LIB:
+    for my $lib (@INC) {
+        next unless -d File::Spec->catdir($lib,"Inline");
+        opendir LIB, File::Spec->catdir($lib,"Inline")
+          or warn(M21_opendir_failed(File::Spec->catdir($lib,"Inline"))), next;
+        while ($mod = readdir(LIB)) {
+            next unless $mod =~ /\.pm$/;
+            $mod =~ s/\.pm$//;
+            next LIB if ($checked{$mod}++);
+            if ($mod eq 'Config') {     # Skip Inline::Config
+                warn M14_usage_Config();
+                next;
+            }
+            next if $mod =~ /^(MakeMaker|denter|messages)$/;
+            # @INC is made safe by -T disallowing PERL5LIB et al
+            ($mod) = $mod =~ /(.*)/;
+            eval "require Inline::$mod;";
+            warn($@), next if $@;
+            eval "\$register=&Inline::${mod}::register";
+            next if $@;
+            my $language = ($register->{language})
+              or warn(M22_usage_register($mod)), next;
+            for (@{$register->{aliases}}) {
+                warn(M23_usage_alias_used($mod, $_, $languages{$_})), next
+                  if defined $languages{$_};
+                $languages{$_} = $language;
+            }
+            $languages{$language} = $language;
+            $types{$language} = $register->{type};
+            $modules{$language} = "Inline::$mod";
+            $suffixes{$language} = $register->{suffix};
+        }
+        closedir LIB;
+    }
+    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($ARGV[0], $configuration_file);
+    open CONFIG, "> $file" or croak M24_open_for_output_failed($file);
+    flock(CONFIG, LOCK_EX) if $^O !~ /^VMS|riscos|VOS$/;
+    print CONFIG Inline::denter->new()
+      ->indent(*version => $Inline::VERSION,
+               *languages => \%languages,
+               *types => \%types,
+               *modules => \%modules,
+               *suffixes => \%suffixes,
+              );
+    flock(CONFIG, LOCK_UN) if $^O !~ /^VMS|riscos|VOS$/;
+    close CONFIG;
+    exit 0;
+# Check to see if code has already been compiled
+sub check_module {
+    my ($module, $module2);
+    my $o = shift;
+    return $o->install if $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_};
+    if ($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}) {
+        $module = $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
+    }
+    elsif ($o->{API}{pkg} eq 'main') {
+        $module = $o->{API}{script};
+        my($v,$d,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($module);
+        $module = $file;
+        $module =~ s|\W|_|g;
+        $module =~ s|^_+||;
+        $module =~ s|_+$||;
+        $module = 'FOO' if $module =~ /^_*$/;
+        $module = "_$module" if $module =~ /^\d/;
+    }
+    else {
+        $module = $o->{API}{pkg};
+    }
+    $o->{API}{suffix} = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix};
+    $o->{API}{directory} = $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY};
+    my $auto_level = 2;
+    while ($auto_level <= 5) {
+        if ($o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME}) {
+            $module2 =
+              $module . '_' . substr($o->{INLINE}{md5}, 0, 2 + $auto_level);
+            $auto_level++;
+        } else {
+            $module2 = $module;
+            $auto_level = 6; # Don't loop on non-autoname objects
+        }
+        $o->{API}{module} = $module2;
+        my @modparts = split /::/, $module2;
+        $o->{API}{modfname} = $modparts[-1];
+        $o->{API}{modpname} = File::Spec->catdir(@modparts);
+        $o->{API}{build_dir} =
+          File::Spec->catdir($o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY},
+                             'build',$o->{API}{modpname});
+        $o->{API}{install_lib} =
+          File::Spec->catdir($o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY}, 'lib');
+        my $inl = File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",
+                          $o->{API}{modpname},"$o->{API}{modfname}.inl");
+        $o->{API}{location} =
+          File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",$o->{API}{modpname},
+                              "$o->{API}{modfname}.$o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix}");
+        last unless -f $inl;
+        my %inl;
+        {   local ($/, *INL);
+            open INL, $inl or croak M31_inline_open_failed($inl);
+            %inl = Inline::denter->new()->undent(<INL>);
+        }
+        next unless ($o->{INLINE}{md5} eq $inl{md5});
+        next unless ($inl{inline_version} ge '0.40');
+      next unless ($inl{Config}{version} eq $Config::Config{version});
+      next unless ($inl{Config}{archname} eq $Config::Config{archname});
+        unless (-f $o->{API}{location}) {
+            warn <<END if $^W;
+Missing object file: $o->{API}{location}
+For Inline file: $inl
+            next;
+        }
+        $o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 1 unless $o->{CONFIG}{FORCE_BUILD};
+        last;
+    }
+    unshift @::INC, $o->{API}{install_lib};
+# Set things up so that the extension gets installed into the blib/arch.
+# Then 'make install' will do the right thing.
+sub install {
+    my ($module, $DIRECTORY);
+    my $o = shift;
+    croak M64_install_not_c($o->{API}{language_id})
+      unless uc($o->{API}{language_id}) =~ /^(C|CPP|Java|Python|Ruby|Lisp|Pdlpp)$/ ;
+    croak M36_usage_install_main()
+      if ($o->{API}{pkg} eq 'main');
+    croak M37_usage_install_auto()
+      if $o->{CONFIG}{AUTONAME};
+    croak M38_usage_install_name()
+      unless $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
+    croak M39_usage_install_version()
+      unless $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
+    croak M40_usage_install_badname($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}, $o->{API}{pkg})
+      unless $o->{CONFIG}{NAME} eq $o->{API}{pkg};
+#             $o->{CONFIG}{NAME} =~ /^$o->{API}{pkg}::\w(\w|::)+$/
+#            );
+    my ($mod_name, $mod_ver, $ext_name, $ext_ver) =
+      ($o->{API}{pkg}, $ARGV[0], @{$o->{CONFIG}}{qw(NAME VERSION)});
+    croak M41_usage_install_version_mismatch($mod_name, $mod_ver,
+                                             $ext_name, $ext_ver)
+      unless ($mod_ver eq $ext_ver);
+    $o->{INLINE}{INST_ARCHLIB} = $ARGV[1];
+    $o->{API}{version} = $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION};
+    $o->{API}{module} = $o->{CONFIG}{NAME};
+    my @modparts = split(/::/,$o->{API}{module});
+    $o->{API}{modfname} = $modparts[-1];
+    $o->{API}{modpname} = File::Spec->catdir(@modparts);
+    $o->{API}{modinlname} = join('-',@modparts).'.inl';
+    $o->{API}{suffix} = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix};
+    $o->{API}{build_dir} = File::Spec->catdir($o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY},'build',
+                                              $o->{API}{modpname});
+    $o->{API}{directory} = $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY};
+    my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+    $o->{API}{install_lib} =
+      File::Spec->catdir($cwd,$o->{INLINE}{INST_ARCHLIB});
+    $o->{API}{location} =
+      File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",$o->{API}{modpname},
+                          "$o->{API}{modfname}.$o->{INLINE}{ILSM_suffix}");
+    unshift @::INC, $o->{API}{install_lib};
+    $o->{INLINE}{object_ready} = 0;
+# Create the .inl file for an object
+sub write_inl_file {
+    my $o = shift;
+    my $inl =
+      File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{install_lib},"auto",$o->{API}{modpname},
+                          "$o->{API}{modfname}.inl");
+    open INL, "> $inl"
+      or croak "Can't create Inline validation file $inl: $!";
+    my $apiversion = $Config{apiversion} || $Config{xs_apiversion};
+    print INL Inline::denter->new()
+      ->indent(*md5, $o->{INLINE}{md5},
+               *name, $o->{API}{module},
+               *version, $o->{CONFIG}{VERSION},
+               *language, $o->{API}{language},
+               *language_id, $o->{API}{language_id},
+               *installed, $o->{CONFIG}{_INSTALL_},
+               *date_compiled, scalar localtime,
+               *inline_version, $Inline::VERSION,
+               *ILSM, { map {($_, $o->{INLINE}{"ILSM_$_"})}
+                        (qw( module suffix type ))
+                      },
+               *Config, { (map {($_,$Config{$_})}
+                           (qw( archname osname osvers
+                                cc ccflags ld so version
+                              ))),
+                          (apiversion => $apiversion),
+                        },
+              );
+    close INL;
+# Get config hints
+sub with_configs {
+    my $o = shift;
+    my @configs;
+    for my $mod (@{$o->{CONFIG}{WITH}}) {
+        my $ref = eval { $mod->Inline($o->{API}{language}); };
+        croak M25_no_WITH_support($mod, $@) if $@;
+        croak M65_WITH_not_lang($mod, $o->{API}{language}) unless $ref;
+        push @configs, %$ref;
+    }
+    return @configs;
+# Blindly untaint tainted fields in %ENV.
+sub env_untaint {
+    my $o = shift;
+        warn "In Inline::env_untaint() : Blindly untainting tainted fields in %ENV.\n" unless $o->{CONFIG}{NO_UNTAINT_WARN};
+    {
+    no warnings ('uninitialized'); # In case $ENV{$_} is set to undef.
+      for (keys %ENV) {
+          ($ENV{$_}) = $ENV{$_} =~ /(.*)/;
+      }
+    }
+    # only accept dirs that are absolute and not world-writable
+    $ENV{PATH} = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ?
+                 join ';', grep {not /^\./ and -d $_
+                                  } split /;/, $ENV{PATH}
+                 :
+                 join ':', grep {/^\// and -d $_ and $< == $> ? 1 : not (-W $_ or -O $_)
+                                  } split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
+    map {($_) = /(.*)/} @INC;
+    # list cherry-picked from `perldoc perlrun`
+    $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if -x '/bin/sh';
+    $< = $> if $< != $>; # so child processes retain euid - ignore failure
+# Blindly untaint tainted fields in Inline object.
+sub obj_untaint {
+    my $o = shift;
+    warn "In Inline::obj_untaint() : Blindly untainting tainted fields in Inline object.\n" unless $o->{CONFIG}{NO_UNTAINT_WARN};
+    ($o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module}) = $o->{INLINE}{ILSM_module} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{directory}) = $o->{API}{directory} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{build_dir}) = $o->{API}{build_dir} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY}) = $o->{CONFIG}{DIRECTORY} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{install_lib}) = $o->{API}{install_lib} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{modpname}) = $o->{API}{modpname} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{modfname}) = $o->{API}{modfname} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{language}) = $o->{API}{language} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{pkg}) = $o->{API}{pkg} =~ /(.*)/;
+    ($o->{API}{module}) = $o->{API}{module} =~ /(.*)/;
+# Clean the build directory from previous builds
+sub clean_build {
+    use strict;
+    my ($prefix, $dir);
+    my $o = shift;
+    $prefix = $o->{INLINE}{DIRECTORY};
+    opendir(BUILD, $prefix)
+      or croak "Can't open build directory: $prefix for cleanup $!\n";
+    while ($dir = readdir(BUILD)) {
+        my $maybedir = File::Spec->catdir($prefix,$dir);
+        if (($maybedir and -d $maybedir) and ($dir =~ /\w{36,}/)) {
+            $o->rmpath($prefix,$dir);
+        }
+    }
+    close BUILD;
+# Apply a list of filters to the source code
+sub filter {
+    my $o = shift;
+    my $new_code = $o->{API}{code};
+    for (@_) {
+        croak M52_invalid_filter($_) unless ref;
+        if (ref eq 'CODE') {
+            $new_code = $_->($new_code);
+        }
+        else {
+            $new_code = $_->filter($o, $new_code);
+        }
+    }
+    return $new_code;
+# User wants to report a bug
+sub reportbug {
+    use strict;
+    my $o = shift;
+    return if $o->{INLINE}{reportbug_handled}++;
+    print STDERR <<END;
+<-----------------------REPORTBUG Section------------------------------------->
+REPORTBUG mode in effect.
+Your Inline $o->{API}{language_id} code will be processed in the build directory:
+  $o->{API}{build_dir}
+A perl-readable bug report including your perl configuration and run-time
+diagnostics will also be generated in the build directory.
+When the program finishes please bundle up the above build directory with:
+  tar czf Inline.REPORTBUG.tar.gz $o->{API}{build_dir}
+and send "Inline.REPORTBUG.tar.gz" as an email attachment to the author
+of the offending Inline::* module with the subject line:
+  REPORTBUG: Inline.pm
+Include in the email, a description of the problem and anything else that
+you think might be helpful. Patches are welcome! :-\)
+<-----------------------End of REPORTBUG Section------------------------------>
+    my %versions;
+    {
+        no strict 'refs';
+        %versions = map {eval "use $_();"; ($_, $ {$_ . '::VERSION'})}
+        qw (Digest::MD5 Parse::RecDescent
+            ExtUtils::MakeMaker File::Path FindBin
+            Inline
+           );
+    }
+    $o->mkpath($o->{API}{build_dir});
+    open REPORTBUG, "> ".File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{build_dir},"REPORTBUG")
+      or croak M24_open_for_output_failed
+               (File::Spec->catfile($o->{API}{build_dir},"REPORTBUG"));
+    %Inline::REPORTBUG_Inline_Object = ();
+    %Inline::REPORTBUG_Perl_Config = ();
+    %Inline::REPORTBUG_Module_Versions = ();
+    print REPORTBUG Inline::denter->new()
+      ->indent(*REPORTBUG_Inline_Object, $o,
+               *REPORTBUG_Perl_Config, \%Config::Config,
+               *REPORTBUG_Module_Versions, \%versions,
+              );
+    close REPORTBUG;
+# Print a small report if PRINT_INFO option is set.
+sub print_info {
+    use strict;
+    my $o = shift;
+    print STDERR <<END;
+<-----------------------Information Section----------------------------------->
+Information about the processing of your Inline $o->{API}{language_id} code:
+    print STDERR <<END if ($o->{INLINE}{object_ready});
+Your module is already compiled. It is located at:
+    print STDERR <<END if ($o->{INLINE}{object_ready} and $o->{CONFIG}{FORCE_BUILD});
+But the FORCE_BUILD option is set, so your code will be recompiled.
+I\'ll use this build directory:
+and I\'ll install the executable as:
+    print STDERR <<END if (not $o->{INLINE}{object_ready});
+Your source code needs to be compiled. I\'ll use this build directory:
+and I\'ll install the executable as:
+    eval {
+        print STDERR $o->info;
+    };
+    print $@ if $@;
+    print STDERR <<END;
+<-----------------------End of Information Section---------------------------->
+# Hand off this invocation to Inline::MakeMaker
+sub maker_utils {
+    require Inline::MakeMaker;
+    goto &Inline::MakeMaker::utils;
+# Utility subroutines
+# Make a path
+sub mkpath {
+    use strict;
+    my ($o, $mkpath) = @_;
+    my($volume,$dirs,$nofile) = File::Spec->splitpath($mkpath,1);
+    my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
+    my @done;
+    foreach (@parts){
+        push(@done,$_);
+        my $path = File::Spec->catpath($volume,File::Spec->catdir(@done),"");
+        -d $path || _mkdir($path, 0777);
+    }
+    croak M53_mkdir_failed($mkpath)
+      unless -d $mkpath;
+# Nuke a path (nicely)
+sub rmpath {
+    use strict;
+    my ($o, $prefix, $rmpath) = @_;
+# Nuke the target directory
+    _rmtree(File::Spec->catdir($prefix ? ($prefix,$rmpath) : ($rmpath)));
+# Remove any empty directories underneath the requested one
+    my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($rmpath);
+    while (@parts){
+        $rmpath = File::Spec->catdir($prefix ? ($prefix,@parts) : @parts);
+        ($rmpath) = $rmpath =~ /(.*)/ if UNTAINT;
+        rmdir $rmpath
+          or last; # rmdir failed because dir was not empty
+        pop @parts;
+    }
+sub _rmtree {
+    my($roots) = @_;
+    $roots = [$roots] unless ref $roots;
+    my($root);
+    foreach $root (@{$roots}) {
+        if ( -d $root ) {
+            my(@names,@paths);
+            if (opendir MYDIR, $root) {
+                @names = readdir MYDIR;
+                closedir MYDIR;
+            }
+            else {
+                croak M21_opendir_failed($root);
+            }
+            my $dot    = File::Spec->curdir();
+            my $dotdot = File::Spec->updir();
+            foreach my $name (@names) {
+                next if $name eq $dot or $name eq $dotdot;
+                my $maybefile = File::Spec->catfile($root,$name);
+                push(@paths,$maybefile),next if $maybefile and -f $maybefile;
+                push(@paths,File::Spec->catdir($root,$name));
+            }
+            _rmtree(\@paths);
+            ($root) = $root =~ /(.*)/ if UNTAINT;
+            rmdir($root) or croak M54_rmdir_failed($root);
+        }
+        else {
+            ($root) = $root =~ /(.*)/ if UNTAINT;
+            unlink($root) or croak M55_unlink_failed($root);
+        }
+    }
+# Find the 'Inline' directory to use.
+my $TEMP_DIR;
+sub find_temp_dir {
+    return $TEMP_DIR if $TEMP_DIR;
+    my ($temp_dir, $home, $bin, $cwd, $env);
+    $temp_dir = '';
+    $env = $ENV{PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY} || '';
+    $home = $ENV{HOME} ? abs_path($ENV{HOME}) : '';
+    if ($env and
+        -d $env and
+        -w $env) {
+        $temp_dir = $env;
+    }
+    elsif ($cwd = abs_path('.') and
+           $cwd ne $home and
+           -d File::Spec->catdir($cwd,".Inline") and
+           -w File::Spec->catdir($cwd,".Inline")) {
+        $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($cwd,".Inline");
+    }
+       else {
+               require FindBin ;
+        if ($bin = $FindBin::Bin and
+               -d File::Spec->catdir($bin,".Inline") and
+               -w File::Spec->catdir($bin,".Inline")) {
+            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($bin,".Inline");
+        }
+        elsif ($home and
+               -d File::Spec->catdir($home,".Inline") and
+               -w File::Spec->catdir($home,".Inline")) {
+            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($home,".Inline");
+        }
+        elsif (defined $cwd and $cwd and
+               -d File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did) and
+               -w File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did)) {
+            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did);
+        }
+        elsif (defined $bin and $bin and
+               -d File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did) and
+               -w File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did)) {
+            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did);
+        }
+        elsif (defined $cwd and $cwd and
+          -d $cwd and
+          -w $cwd and
+               _mkdir(File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did), 0777)) {
+            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $did);
+        }
+        elsif (defined $bin and $bin and
+          -d $bin and
+          -w $bin and
+               _mkdir(File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did), 0777)) {
+            $temp_dir = File::Spec->catdir($bin, $did);
+        }
+       }
+    croak M56_no_DIRECTORY_found()
+      unless $temp_dir;
+    return $TEMP_DIR = abs_path($temp_dir);
+sub _mkdir {
+    my $dir = shift;
+    my $mode = shift || 0777;
+    ($dir) = ($dir =~ /(.*)/) if UNTAINT;
+    $dir =~ s|[/\\:]$||;
+    return mkdir($dir, $mode);
+# Error messages
+sub M01_usage_use {
+    my ($module) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+It is invalid to use '$module' directly. Please consult the Inline
+documentation for more information.
+sub M02_usage {
+    my $usage = <<END;
+Invalid usage of Inline module. Valid usages are:
+    use Inline;
+    use Inline language => "source-string", config-pair-list;
+    use Inline language => "source-file", config-pair-list;
+    use Inline language => [source-line-list], config-pair-list;
+    use Inline language => 'DATA', config-pair-list;
+    use Inline language => 'Config', config-pair-list;
+    use Inline Config => config-pair-list;
+    use Inline with => module-list;
+    use Inline shortcut-list;
+# This is broken ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
+    $usage .= <<END if defined $Inline::languages;
+Supported languages:
+    ${\ join(', ', sort keys %$Inline::languages)}
+    return $usage;
+sub M03_usage_bind {
+    my $usage = <<END;
+Invalid usage of the Inline->bind() function. Valid usages are:
+    Inline->bind(language => "source-string", config-pair-list);
+    Inline->bind(language => "source-file", config-pair-list);
+    Inline->bind(language => [source-line-list], config-pair-list);
+    $usage .= <<END if defined $Inline::languages;
+Supported languages:
+    ${\ join(', ', sort keys %$Inline::languages)}
+    return $usage;
+sub M04_error_nocode {
+    my ($language) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+No $language source code found for Inline.
+sub M05_error_eval {
+    my ($subroutine, $msg) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+An eval() failed in Inline::$subroutine:
+sub M06_code_file_failed_open {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Couldn't open Inline code file '$file':
+sub M07_code_file_does_not_exist {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Inline assumes '$file' is a filename,
+and that file does not exist.
+sub M08_no_DATA_source_code {
+    my ($lang) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+No source code in DATA section for Inline '$lang' section.
+sub M09_marker_mismatch {
+    my ($marker, $lang) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Marker '$marker' does not match Inline '$lang' section.
+sub M10_usage_WITH_USING {
+    return <<END;
+Config option WITH or USING must be a module name or an array ref
+of module names.
+sub M11_usage_DIRECTORY {
+    my ($value) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Invalid value '$value' for config option DIRECTORY
+sub M12_usage_NAME {
+    my ($name) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Invalid value for NAME config option: '$name'
+sub M13_usage_VERSION {
+    my ($version) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Invalid value for VERSION config option: '$version'
+Must be of the form '#.##'.
+(Should also be specified as a string rather than a floating point number)
+sub M14_usage_Config {
+    return <<END;
+As of Inline v0.30, use of the Inline::Config module is no longer supported
+or allowed. If Inline::Config exists on your system, it can be removed. See
+the Inline documentation for information on how to configure Inline.
+sub M15_usage_install_directory {
+    return <<END;
+Can't use the DIRECTORY option when installing an Inline extension module.
+sub M16_DIRECTORY_mkdir_failed {
+    my ($dir) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't mkdir $dir to build Inline code.
+sub M17_config_open_failed {
+    my ($dir) = @_;
+    my $file = File::Spec->catfile(${dir}, $configuration_file);
+    return <<END;
+Can't open ${file} for input.
+sub M18_error_old_version {
+    my ($old_version, $directory) = @_;
+    $old_version ||= '???';
+    return <<END;
+You are using Inline version $Inline::VERSION with a directory that was
+configured by Inline version $old_version. This version is no longer supported.
+Please delete the following directory and try again:
+    $directory
+sub M19_usage_language {
+    my ($language, $directory) = @_;
+    require Config;
+    return <<END;
+Error. You have specified '$language' as an Inline programming language.
+I currently only know about the following languages:
+    ${ defined $Inline::languages ?
+       \ join(', ', sort keys %$Inline::languages) : \ ''
+     }
+If you have installed a support module for this language, try deleting the
+config-${Config::Config{'archname'}}-$] file from the following Inline DIRECTORY, and run again:
+    $directory
+(And if that works, please file a bug report.)
+sub M20_config_creation_failed {
+    my ($dir) = @_;
+    my $file = File::Spec->catfile(${dir}, $configuration_file);
+    return <<END;
+Failed to autogenerate ${file}.
+sub M21_opendir_failed {
+    my ($dir) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't open directory '$dir'.
+sub M22_usage_register {
+    my ($language, $error) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+The module Inline::$language does not support the Inline API, because it does
+properly support the register() method. This module will not work with Inline
+and should be uninstalled from your system. Please advise your sysadmin.
+The following error was generating from this module:
+sub M23_usage_alias_used {
+    my ($new_mod, $alias, $old_mod) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+The module Inline::$new_mod is attempting to define $alias as an alias.
+But $alias is also an alias for Inline::$old_mod.
+One of these modules needs to be corrected or removed.
+Please notify the system administrator.
+sub M24_open_for_output_failed {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't open $file for output.
+sub M25_no_WITH_support {
+    my ($mod, $err) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+You have requested "use Inline with => '$mod'"
+but '$mod' does not work with Inline.
+sub M26_error_version_without_name {
+    return <<END;
+Specifying VERSION option without NAME option is not permitted.
+sub M27_module_not_indexed {
+    my ($mod) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+You are attempting to load an extension for '$mod',
+but there is no entry for that module in %INC.
+sub M28_error_grokking_path {
+    my ($path) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't calculate a path from '$path' in %INC
+sub M29_error_relative_path {
+    my ($name, $path) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't load installed extension '$name'
+from relative path '$path'.
+sub M30_error_no_obj {
+    my ($name, $pkg, $path) = @_;
+    <<END;
+The extension '$name' is not properly installed in path:
+  '$path'
+If this is a CPAN/distributed module, you may need to reinstall it on your
+To allow Inline to compile the module in a temporary cache, simply remove the
+Inline config option 'VERSION=' from the $pkg module.
+sub M31_inline_open_failed {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't open Inline validate file:
+    $file
+sub M32_error_md5_validation {
+    my ($md5, $inl) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+The source code fingerprint:
+    $md5
+does not match the one in:
+    $inl
+This module needs to be reinstalled.
+sub M33_error_old_inline_version {
+    my ($inl) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+The following extension is not compatible with this version of Inline.pm.
+    $inl
+You need to reinstall this extension.
+sub M34_error_incorrect_version {
+    my ($inl) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+The version of your extension does not match the one indicated by your
+Inline source code, according to:
+    $inl
+This module should be reinstalled.
+sub M35_error_no_object_file {
+    my ($obj, $inl) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+There is no object file:
+    $obj
+For Inline validation file:
+    $inl
+This module should be reinstalled.
+sub M36_usage_install_main {
+    return <<END;
+Can't install an Inline extension module from package 'main'.
+sub M37_usage_install_auto {
+    return <<END;
+Can't install an Inline extension module with AUTONAME enabled.
+sub M38_usage_install_name {
+    return <<END;
+An Inline extension module requires an explicit NAME.
+sub M39_usage_install_version {
+    return <<END;
+An Inline extension module requires an explicit VERSION.
+sub M40_usage_install_badname {
+    my ($name, $pkg) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+The NAME '$name' is illegal for this Inline extension.
+The NAME must match the current package name:
+    $pkg
+sub M41_usage_install_version_mismatch {
+    my ($mod_name, $mod_ver, $ext_name, $ext_ver) = @_;
+    <<END;
+The version '$mod_ver' for module '$mod_name' doe not match
+the version '$ext_ver' for Inline section '$ext_name'.
+sub M42_usage_loader {
+    return <<END;
+ERROR. The loader that was invoked is for compiled languages only.
+sub M43_error_bootstrap {
+    my ($mod, $err) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Had problems bootstrapping Inline module '$mod'
+sub M45_usage_with {
+    return <<END;
+Syntax error detected using 'use Inline with ...'.
+Should be specified as:
+    use Inline with => 'module1', 'module2', ..., 'moduleN';
+sub M46_usage_with_bad {
+    my $mod = shift;
+    return <<END;
+Syntax error detected using 'use Inline with => "$mod";'.
+'$mod' could not be found.
+sub M47_invalid_config_option {
+    my ($option) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Invalid Config option '$option'
+sub M48_usage_shortcuts {
+    my ($shortcut) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Invalid shortcut '$shortcut' specified.
+Valid shortcuts are:
+sub M49_usage_unsafe {
+    my ($terminate) = @_;
+    return <<END .
+You are using the Inline.pm module with the UNTAINT and SAFEMODE options,
+but without specifying the DIRECTORY option. This is potentially unsafe.
+Either use the DIRECTORY option or turn off SAFEMODE.
+      ($terminate ? <<END : "");
+Since you are running as a privileged user, Inline.pm is terminating.
+sub M51_unused_DATA {
+    return <<END;
+One or more DATA sections were not processed by Inline.
+sub M52_invalid_filter {
+    my ($filter) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Invalid filter '$filter' is not a reference.
+sub M53_mkdir_failed {
+    my ($dir) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Couldn't make directory path '$dir'.
+sub M54_rmdir_failed {
+    my ($dir) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't remove directory '$dir':
+sub M55_unlink_failed {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Can't unlink file '$file':
+sub M56_no_DIRECTORY_found {
+    return <<END;
+Couldn't find an appropriate DIRECTORY for Inline to use.
+sub M57_wrong_architecture {
+    my ($ext, $arch, $thisarch) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+The extension '$ext'
+is built for perl on the '$arch' platform.
+This is the '$thisarch' platform.
+sub M58_site_install {
+    return <<END;
+You have specified the SITE_INSTALL command. Support for this option has
+been removed from Inline since version 0.40. It has been replaced by the
+use of Inline::MakeMaker in your Makefile.PL. Please see the Inline
+documentation for more help on creating and installing Inline based modules.
+sub M59_bad_inline_file {
+    my ($lang) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Could not find any Inline source code for the '$lang' language using
+the Inline::Files module.
+sub M60_no_inline_files {
+    return <<END;
+It appears that you have requested to use Inline with Inline::Files.
+You need to explicitly 'use Inline::Files;' before your 'use Inline'.
+sub M61_not_parsed {
+    return <<END;
+It does not appear that your program has been properly parsed by Inline::Files.
+sub M62_invalid_config_file {
+    my ($config) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+You are using a config file that was created by an older version of Inline:
+    $config
+This file and all the other components in its directory are no longer valid
+for this version of Inline. The best thing to do is simply delete all the
+contents of the directory and let Inline rebuild everything for you. Inline
+will do this automatically when you run your programs.
+sub M63_no_source {
+    my ($pkg) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+This module $pkg can not be loaded and has no source code.
+You may need to reinstall this module.
+sub M64_install_not_c {
+    my ($lang) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+Invalid attempt to install an Inline module using the '$lang' language.
+Only C and CPP (C++) based modules are currently supported.
+sub M65_WITH_not_lang {
+    my ($mod, $lang) = @_;
+    return <<END;
+$mod gave no 'with' hints for $lang.
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+=for comment
+DO NOT EDIT. This Pod was generated by Swim v0.1.28.
+See http://github.com/ingydotnet/swim-pm#readme
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Inline - Write Perl Subroutines in Other Programming Languages
+=for html
+<a href="https://travis-ci.org/ingydotnet/inline-pm"><img src="https://travis-ci.org/ingydotnet/inline-pm.png" alt="inline-pm"></a>
+<a href="https://coveralls.io/r/ingydotnet/inline-pm?branch=master"><img src="https://coveralls.io/repos/ingydotnet/inline-pm/badge.png" alt="inline-pm"></a>
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Inline C;
+    print "9 + 16 = ", add(9, 16), "\n";
+    print "9 - 16 = ", subtract(9, 16), "\n";
+    __END__
+    __C__
+    int add(int x, int y) {
+      return x + y;
+    }
+    int subtract(int x, int y) {
+      return x - y;
+    }
+The Inline module allows you to put source code from other programming
+languages directly "inline" in a Perl script or module. The code is
+automatically compiled as needed, and then loaded for immediate access
+from Perl.
+Inline saves you from the hassle of having to write and compile your own glue
+code using facilities like XS or SWIG. Simply type the code where you want it
+and run your Perl as normal. All the hairy details are handled for you. The
+compilation and installation of your code chunks all happen transparently; all
+you will notice is the delay of compilation on the first run.
+The Inline code only gets compiled the first time you run it (or whenever it
+is modified) so you only take the performance hit once. Code that is Inlined
+into distributed modules (like on the CPAN) will get compiled when the module
+is installed, so the end user will never notice the compilation time.
+Best of all, it works the same on both Unix and Microsoft Windows. See L<Inline-
+Support> for support information.
+=head2 Why Inline?
+Do you want to know "Why would I use other languages in Perl?" or "Why should
+I use Inline to do it?"? I'll try to answer both.
+=item Why would I use other languages in Perl?
+The most obvious reason is performance. For an interpreted language, Perl is
+very fast. Many people will say "Anything Perl can do, C can do faster". (They
+never mention the development time :-) Anyway, you may be able to remove a
+bottleneck in your Perl code by using another language, without having to
+write the entire program in that language. This keeps your overall development
+time down, because you're using Perl for all of the non-critical code.
+Another reason is to access functionality from existing API-s that use the
+language. Some of this code may only be available in binary form. But by
+creating small subroutines in the native language, you can "glue" existing
+libraries to your Perl. As a user of the CPAN, you know that code reuse is a
+good thing. So why throw away those Fortran libraries just yet?
+If you are using Inline with the C language, then you can access the full
+internals of Perl itself. This opens up the floodgates to both extreme power
+and peril.
+Maybe the best reason is "Because you want to!". Diversity keeps the world
+interesting. TMTOWTDI!
+=item Why should I use Inline to do it?
+There are already two major facilities for extending Perl with C. They are XS
+and SWIG. Both are similar in their capabilities, at least as far as Perl is
+concerned. And both of them are quite difficult to learn compared to Inline.
+There is a big fat learning curve involved with setting up and using the XS
+environment. You need to get quite intimate with the following docs:
+=item * perlxs
+=item * perlxstut
+=item * perlapi
+=item * perlguts
+=item * perlmod
+=item * h2xs
+=item * xsubpp
+=item * ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+With Inline you can be up and running in minutes. There is a C Cookbook with
+lots of short but complete programs that you can extend to your real-life
+problems. No need to learn about the complicated build process going on in the
+background. You don't even need to compile the code yourself. Inline takes
+care of every last detail except writing the C code.
+Perl programmers cannot be bothered with silly things like compiling. "Tweak,
+Run, Tweak, Run" is our way of life. Inline does all the dirty work for you.
+Another advantage of Inline is that you can use it directly in a script. You
+can even use it in a Perl one-liner. With XS and SWIG, you always set up an
+entirely separate module. Even if you only have one or two functions. Inline
+makes easy things easy, and hard things possible. Just like Perl.
+Finally, Inline supports several programming languages (not just C and
+C++). As of this writing, Inline has support for C, C++, Java, Python,
+Ruby, Tcl, Assembler, Basic, Guile, Befunge, Octave, Awk, BC, TT (Template
+Toolkit), WebChat and even PERL. New Inline Language Support Modules
+(ILSMs) are regularly being added. See L<Inline-API> for details on how to
+create your own ILSM.
+Inline is a little bit different than most of the Perl modules that you are
+used to. It doesn't import any functions into your namespace and it doesn't
+have any object oriented methods. Its entire interface (with two minor
+exceptions) is specified through the C<'use Inline ...'> command.
+This section will explain all of the different ways to C<use Inline>. If you
+want to begin using C with Inline immediately, see L<Inline::C-Cookbook>.
+=head2 The Basics
+The most basic form for using Inline is:
+    use Inline X => "X source code";
+where 'X' is one of the supported Inline programming languages. The second
+parameter identifies the source code that you want to bind to Perl. The source
+code can be specified using any of the following syntaxes:
+=item The DATA Keyword.
+    use Inline Java => 'DATA';
+    # Perl code goes here ...
+    __DATA__
+    __Java__
+    /* Java code goes here ... */
+The easiest and most visually clean way to specify your source code in an
+Inline Perl program is to use the special C<DATA> keyword. This tells Inline
+to look for a special marker in your C<DATA> filehandle's input stream. In
+this example the special marker is C<__Java__>, which is the programming
+language surrounded by double underscores.
+In case you've forgotten, the C<DATA> pseudo file is comprised of all the text
+after the C<__END__> or C<__DATA__> section of your program. If you're working
+outside the C<main> package, you'd best use the C<__DATA__> marker or else
+Inline will not find your code.
+Using this scheme keeps your Perl code at the top, and all the ugly Java stuff
+down below where it belongs. This is visually clean and makes for more
+maintainable code. An excellent side benefit is that you don't have to escape
+any characters like you might in a Perl string. The source code is verbatim.
+For these reasons, I prefer this method the most.
+The only problem with this style is that since Perl can't read the C<DATA>
+filehandle until runtime, it obviously can't bind your functions until
+runtime. The net effect of this is that you can't use your Inline functions as
+barewords (without predeclaring them) because Perl has no idea they exist
+during compile time.
+=item The FILE and BELOW keywords.
+    use Inline::Files;
+    use Inline Java => 'file';
+    # Perl code goes here ...
+    __JAVA__
+    /* Java code goes here ... */
+This is the newest method of specifying your source code. It makes use of the
+Perl module C<Inline::Files> written by Damian Conway. The basic style and
+meaning are the same as for the C<DATA> keyword, but there are a few syntactic
+and semantic twists.
+First, you must say 'use Inline::Files' before you 'use Inline' code that
+needs those files. The special 'C<DATA>' keyword is replaced by either
+'C<file>' or 'C<below>'. This allows for the bad pun idiom of:
+    use Inline C => 'below';
+You can omit the C<__DATA__> tag now. Inline::Files is a source filter that
+will remove these sections from your program before Perl compiles it. They are
+then available for Inline to make use of. And since this can all be done at
+compile time, you don't have to worry about the caveats of the 'DATA' keyword.
+This module has a couple small gotchas. Since Inline::Files only recognizes
+file markers with capital letters, you must specify the capital form of
+your language name. Also, there is a startup time penalty for using a
+source code filter.
+At this point Inline::Files is alpha software and use of it is experimental.
+Inline's integration of this module is also fledgling at the time being. One
+of things I plan to do with Inline::Files is to get line number info so when
+an extension doesn't compile, the error messages will point to the correct
+source file and line number.
+My best advice is to use Inline::Files for testing (especially as support for
+it improves), but use DATA for production and distributed/CPAN code.
+=item Strings
+    use Inline Java => <<'END';
+    /* Java code goes here ... */
+    END
+    # Perl code goes here ...
+You also just specify the source code as a single string. A handy way to write
+the string is to use Perl's "here document" style of quoting. This is ok for
+small functions but can get unwieldy in the large. On the other hand, the
+string variant probably has the least startup penalty and all functions are
+bound at compile time.
+If you wish to put the string into a scalar variable, please be aware that the
+C<use> statement is a compile time directive. As such, all the variables it
+uses must also be set at compile time, C<before> the 'use Inline' statement.
+Here is one way to do it:
+    my $code;
+    BEGIN {
+        $code = <<END;
+    /* Java code goes here ... */
+    END
+    }
+    use Inline Java => $code;
+    # Perl code goes here ...
+=item The bind() Function
+An alternative to using the BEGIN block method is to specify the source code
+at run time using the 'Inline->bind()' method. (This is one of the interface
+exceptions mentioned above) The C<bind()> method takes the same arguments as
+C<'use Inline ...'>.
+    my $code = <<END;
+    /* Java code goes here ... */
+    END
+    Inline->bind(Java => $code);
+You can think of C<bind()> as a way to C<eval()> code in other programming
+Although bind() is a powerful feature, it is not recommended for use in Inline
+based modules. In fact, it won't work at all for installable modules. See
+instructions below for creating modules with Inline.
+=item Other Methods
+The source code for Inline can also be specified as an external filename, a
+reference to a subroutine that returns source code, or a reference to an array
+that contains lines of source code. (Note that if the external source file is
+in the current directory it must be specified with a leading '.I<' - ie
+'.>file.ext' instead of simply 'file.ext'.) These methods are less frequently
+used but may be useful in some situations.
+=item Shorthand
+If you are using the 'DATA' or 'file' methods described above B<and> there are
+no extra parameters, you can omit the keyword altogether. For example:
+    use Inline 'Java';
+    # Perl code goes here ...
+    __DATA__
+    __Java__
+    /* Java code goes here ... */
+    use Inline::Files;
+    use Inline 'Java';
+    # Perl code goes here ...
+    __JAVA__
+    /* Java code goes here ... */
+=head2 More about the DATA Section
+If you are writing a module, you can also use the DATA section for POD and
+AutoLoader subroutines. Just be sure to put them before the first Inline
+marker. If you install the helper module C<Inline::Filters>, you can even
+use POD inside your Inline code. You just have to specify a filter to
+strip it out.
+You can also specify multiple Inline sections, possibly in different
+programming languages. Here is another example:
+    # The module Foo.pm
+    package Foo;
+    use AutoLoader;
+    use Inline C;
+    use Inline C => DATA => filters => 'Strip_POD';
+    use Inline Python;
+    1;
+    __DATA__
+    sub marine {
+        # This is an autoloaded subroutine
+    }
+    =head1 External subroutines
+    =cut
+    __C__
+    /* First C section */
+    __C__
+    /* Second C section */
+    =head1 My C Function
+    Some POD doc.
+    =cut
+    __Python__
+    """A Python Section"""
+An important thing to remember is that you need to have one "use Inline Foo =>
+'DATA'" for each "__Foo__" marker, and they must be in the same order. This
+allows you to apply different configuration options to each section.
+=head2 Configuration Options
+Inline tries to do the right thing as often as possible. But sometimes you may
+need to override the default actions. This is easy to do. Simply list the
+Inline configuration options after the regular Inline parameters. All
+configuration options are specified as (key, value) pairs.
+    use Inline (C => 'DATA',
+                directory => './inline_dir',
+                libs => '-lfoo',
+                inc => '-I/foo/include',
+                prefix => 'XXX_',
+                warnings => 0,
+               );
+You can also specify the configuration options on a separate Inline call
+like this:
+    use Inline (C => Config =>
+                directory => './inline_dir',
+                libs => '-lfoo',
+                inc => '-I/foo/include',
+                prefix => 'XXX_',
+                warnings => 0,
+               );
+    use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';
+The special keyword C<'Config'> tells Inline that this is a configuration-only
+call. No source code will be compiled or bound to Perl.
+If you want to specify global configuration options that don't apply to a
+particular language, just leave the language out of the call. Like this:
+    use Inline Config => warnings => 0;
+The Config options are inherited and additive. You can use as many Config
+calls as you want. And you can apply different options to different code
+sections. When a source code section is passed in, Inline will apply
+whichever options have been specified up to that point. Here is a complex
+configuration example:
+    use Inline (Config =>
+                directory => './inline_dir',
+               );
+    use Inline (C => Config =>
+                libs => '-lglobal',
+               );
+    use Inline (C => 'DATA',         # First C Section
+                libs => ['-llocal1', '-llocal2'],
+               );
+    use Inline (Config =>
+                warnings => 0,
+               );
+    use Inline (Python => 'DATA',    # First Python Section
+                libs => '-lmypython1',
+               );
+    use Inline (C => 'DATA',         # Second C Section
+                libs => [undef, '-llocal3'],
+               );
+The first C<Config> applies to all subsequent calls. The second C<Config>
+applies to all subsequent C<C> sections (but not C<Python> sections). In the
+first C<C> section, the external libraries C<global>, C<local1> and C<local2>
+are used. (Most options allow either string or array ref forms, and do the
+right thing.) The C<Python> section does not use the C<global> library, but
+does use the same C<DIRECTORY>, and has warnings turned off. The second C<C>
+section only uses the C<local3> library. That's because a value of C<undef>
+resets the additive behavior.
+The C<directory> and C<warnings> options are generic Inline options. All other
+options are language specific. To find out what the C<C> options do, see
+=head2 On and Off
+If a particular config option has value options of 1 and 0, you can use the
+'enable' and 'disable' modifiers. In other words, this:
+    use Inline Config =>
+               force_build => 1,
+               clean_after_build => 0;
+could be reworded as:
+    use Inline Config =>
+               enable => force_build =>
+               disable => clean_after_build;
+=head2 Playing 'with' Others
+Inline has a special configuration syntax that tells it to get more
+configuration options from other Perl modules. Here is an example:
+    use Inline with => 'Event';
+This tells Inline to load the module C<Event.pm> and ask it for configuration
+information. Since C<Event> has a C API of its own, it can pass Inline all of
+the information it needs to be able to use C<Event> C callbacks seamlessly.
+That means that you don't need to specify the typemaps, shared libraries,
+include files and other information required to get this to work.
+You can specify a single module or a list of them. Like:
+    use Inline with => qw(Event Foo Bar);
+Currently, C<Event> is the only module that works I<with> Inline.
+In order to make B<your> module work I<with> Inline in this way, your module
+needs to provide a class method called C<Inline> that takes an Inline language
+as a parameter (e.g. "C"), and returns a reference to a hash with
+configuration information that is acceptable to the relevant ILSM. For C, see
+L<C Configuration Options|Inline::C>. E.g.:
+    my $confighashref = Event->Inline('C'); # only supports C in 1.21
+    # hashref contains keys INC, TYPEMAPS, MYEXTLIB, AUTO_INCLUDE, BOOT
+If your module uses L<ExtUtils::Depends> version 0.400 or higher, your module
+only needs this:
+    package Module;
+    use autouse Module::Install::Files => qw(Inline);
+=head2 Inline Shortcuts
+Inline lets you set many configuration options from the command line. These
+options are called 'shortcuts'. They can be very handy, especially when you
+only want to set the options temporarily, for say, debugging.
+For instance, to get some general information about your Inline code in the
+script C<Foo.pl>, use the command:
+    perl -MInline=info Foo.pl
+If you want to force your code to compile, even if its already done, use:
+    perl -MInline=force Foo.pl
+If you want to do both, use:
+    perl -MInline=info -MInline=force Foo.pl
+or better yet:
+    perl -MInline=info,force Foo.pl
+=head2 The Inline 'directory'
+Inline needs a place to build your code and to install the results of the
+build. It uses a single directory named C<'.Inline/'> under normal
+circumstances. If you create this directory in your home directory, the
+current directory or in the directory where your program resides, Inline will
+find and use it. You can also specify it in the environment variable
+C<PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY> or directly in your program, by using the
+C<directory> keyword option. If Inline cannot find the directory in any of
+these places it will create a C<'_Inline/'> directory in either your current
+directory or the directory where your script resides.
+One of the key factors to using Inline successfully, is understanding this
+directory. When developing code it is usually best to create this directory
+(or let Inline do it) in your current directory. Remember that there is
+nothing sacred about this directory except that it holds your compiled code.
+Feel free to delete it at any time. Inline will simply start from scratch and
+recompile your code on the next run. If you have several programs that you
+want to force to recompile, just delete your C<'.Inline/'> directory.
+It is probably best to have a separate C<'.Inline/'> directory for each
+project that you are working on. You may want to keep stable code in the
+<.Inline/> in your home directory. On multi-user systems, each user should
+have their own C<'.Inline/'> directories. It could be a security risk to put
+the directory in a shared place like C</tmp/>.
+=head2 Debugging Inline Errors
+All programmers make mistakes. When you make a mistake with Inline, like
+writing bad C code, you'll get a big error report on your screen. This report
+tells you where to look to do the debugging. Some languages may also dump out
+the error messages generated from the build.
+When Inline needs to build something it creates a subdirectory under your
+C<DIRECTORY/build/> directory. This is where it writes all the components it
+needs to build your extension. Things like XS files, Makefiles and output
+log files.
+If everything goes OK, Inline will delete this subdirectory. If there is
+an error, Inline will leave the directory intact and print its location.
+The idea is that you are supposed to go into that directory and figure out
+what happened.
+Read the doc for your particular Inline Language Support Module for more
+=head2 The 'config' Registry File
+Inline keeps a cached file of all of the Inline Language Support Module's meta
+data in a file called C<config>. This file can be found in your C<directory>
+directory. If the file does not exist, Inline creates a new one. It will
+search your system for any module beginning with C<Inline::>. It will then
+call that module's C<register()> method to get useful information for future
+Whenever you add a new ILSM, you should delete this file so that Inline will
+auto-discover your newly installed language module. (This should no longer be
+necessary as of Inline-0.49.)
+This section lists all of the generic Inline configuration options. For
+language specific configuration, see the doc for that language.
+=item directory
+The C<directory> config option is the directory that Inline uses to both build
+and install an extension.
+Normally Inline will search in a bunch of known places for a directory called
+C<'.Inline/'>. Failing that, it will create a directory called C<'_Inline/'>
+If you want to specify your own directory, use this configuration option.
+Note that you must create the C<directory> directory yourself. Inline will not
+do it for you.
+=item name
+You can use this option to set the name of your Inline extension object
+module. For example:
+    use Inline C => 'DATA',
+               name => 'Foo::Bar';
+would cause your C code to be compiled in to the object:
+    lib/auto/Foo/Bar/Bar.so
+    lib/auto/Foo/Bar/Bar.inl
+(The .inl component contains dependency information to make sure the source
+code is in sync with the executable)
+If you don't use C<name>, Inline will pick a name for you based on your
+program name or package name. In this case, Inline will also enable the
+C<autoname> option which mangles in a small piece of the MD5 fingerprint into
+your object name, to make it unique.
+=item autoname
+This option is enabled whenever the C<name> parameter is not specified. To
+disable it say:
+    use Inline C => 'DATA',
+               disable => 'autoname';
+C<autoname> mangles in enough of the MD5 fingerprint to make your module name
+unique. Objects created with C<autoname> will never get replaced. That also
+means they will never get cleaned up automatically.
+C<autoname> is very useful for small throw away scripts. For more serious
+things, always use the C<name> option.
+=item version
+Specifies the version number of the Inline extension object. It is used
+B<only> for modules, and it must match the global variable $VERSION.
+Additionally, this option should used if (and only if) a module is being set
+up to be installed permanently into the Perl sitelib tree. Inline will croak
+if you use it otherwise.
+The presence of the C<version> parameter is the official way to let Inline
+know that your code is an installableI<installed module. Inline will never
+generate an object in the temporary cache (_Inline> directory) if C<version>
+is set. It will also never try to recompile a module that was installed into
+someone's Perl site tree.
+So the basic rule is develop without C<version>, and deliver with C<version>.
+=item with
+C<with> can also be used as a configuration option instead of using the
+special 'with' syntax. Do this if you want to use different sections of Inline
+code I<with> different modules. (Probably a very rare usage)
+    use Event;
+    use Inline C => DATA => with => 'Event';
+Modules specified using the config form of C<with> will B<not> be
+automatically required. You must C<use> them yourself.
+=item using
+You can override modules that get used by ILSMs with the C<using> option. This
+is typically used to override the default parser for L<Inline::C>, but might
+be used by any ILSM for any purpose.
+    use Inline config => using => '::Parser::RecDescent';
+    use Inline C => '...';
+This would tell L<Inline::C> to use L<Inline::C::Parser::RecDescent>.
+=item global_load
+This option is for compiled languages only. It tells Inline to tell DynaLoader
+to load an object file in such a way that its symbols can be dynamically
+resolved by other object files. May not work on all platforms. See the
+C<global> shortcut below.
+=item untaint
+You can use this option whenever you use Perl's C<-T> switch, for taint
+checking. This option tells Inline to blindly untaint all tainted variables.
+(This is generally considered to be an appallingly insecure thing to do, and
+not to be recommended - but the option is there for you to use if you want.
+Please consider using something other than Inline for scripts that need taint
+checking.) It also turns on C<safemode> by default. See the C<untaint>
+shortcut below. You will see warnings about blindly untainting fields in both
+%ENV and Inline objects. If you want to silence these warnings, set the Config
+option C<no_untaint_warn> => 1. There can be some problems untainting Inline
+scripts where older versions of Cwd, such as those that shipped with early
+versions of perl-5.8 (and earlier), are installed. Updating Cwd will probably
+solve these problems.
+=item safemode
+Perform extra safety checking, in an attempt to thwart malicious code. This
+option cannot guarantee security, but it does turn on all the currently
+implemented checks. (Currently, the only "currently implemented check" is to
+ensure that the C<directory> option has also been used.)
+There is a slight startup penalty by using C<safemode>. Also, using C<untaint>
+automatically turns this option on. If you need your code to start faster
+under C<-T> (taint) checking, you'll need to turn this option off manually.
+Only do this if you are not worried about security risks. See the C<unsafe>
+shortcut below.
+=item force_build
+Makes Inline build (compile) the source code every time the program is run.
+The default is 0. See the C<force> shortcut below.
+=item build_noisy
+Tells ILSMs that they should dump build messages to the terminal rather than
+be silent about all the build details.
+=item build_timers
+Tells ILSMs to print timing information about how long each build phase took.
+Usually requires C<Time::HiRes>.
+=item clean_after_build
+Tells Inline to clean up the current build area if the build was successful.
+Sometimes you want to C<disable> this for debugging. Default is 1. See the
+C<noclean> shortcut below.
+=item clean_build_area
+Tells Inline to clean up the old build areas within the entire Inline
+C<directory>. Default is 0. See the C<clean> shortcut below.
+=item print_info
+Tells Inline to print various information about the source code. Default is 0.
+See the C<info> shortcut below.
+=item print_version
+Tells Inline to print version info about itself. Default is 0. See the
+C<version> shortcut below.
+=item reportbug
+Puts Inline into 'reportbug' mode, which is what you want if you desire to
+report a bug.
+=item rewrite_config_file
+Default is 0, but setting 'rewrite_config_file => 1' will mean that the
+existing configuration file in the Inline C<directory> will be overwritten.
+(This is useful if the existing config file is not up to date as regards
+supported languages.)
+=item warnings
+This option tells Inline whether to print certain warnings. Default is 1.
+This is a list of all the shortcut configuration options currently available
+for Inline. Specify them from the command line when running Inline scripts.
+      perl -MInline=noclean inline_script.pl
+      perl -MInline=info,force,noclean inline_script.pl
+You can specify multiple shortcuts separated by commas. They are not case
+sensitive. You can also specify shortcuts inside the Inline program like this:
+      use Inline 'info', 'force', 'noclean';
+NOTE: If a C<'use Inline'> statement is used to set shortcuts, it can not be
+      used for additional purposes.
+=item clean
+Tells Inline to remove any build directories that may be lying around in your
+build area. Normally these directories get removed immediately after a
+successful build. Exceptions are when the build fails, or when you use the
+C<noclean> or C<reportbug> options.
+=item force
+Forces the code to be recompiled, even if everything is up to date.
+=item global
+Turns on the C<global_load> option.
+=item info
+This is a very useful option when you want to know what's going on under the
+hood. It tells Inline to print helpful information to C<STDERR>. Among the
+things that get printed is a list of which Inline functions were successfully
+bound to Perl.
+=item noclean
+Tells Inline to leave the build files after compiling.
+=item noisy
+Use the C<build_noisy> option to print messages during a build.
+=item reportbug
+Puts Inline into C<reportbug> mode, which does special processing when you
+want to report a bug. C<reportbug> also automatically forces a build, and
+doesn't clean up afterwards. This is so that you can tar and mail the build
+directory to me. C<reportbug> will print exact instructions on what to do.
+Please read and follow them carefully.
+NOTE: C<reportbug> informs you to use the tar command. If your system does not
+      have tar, please use the equivalent C<zip> command.
+=item safe
+Turns C<safemode> on. C<untaint> will turn this on automatically. While this
+mode performs extra security checking, it does not guarantee safety.
+=item site_install
+This parameter used to be used for creating installable Inline modules. It has
+been removed from Inline altogether and replaced with a much simpler and more
+powerful mechanism, C<Inline::MakeMaker>. See the section below on how to
+create modules with Inline.
+=item _testing
+Used internally by C/tI<09parser.t and C>tI<10callback.t(in the Inline::C
+test suite). Setting this option with Inline::C will mean that files named
+'parser_id' and 'void_test' are created in the .>Inline_test directory,
+creating that directory if it doesn't already exist. The files (but not the
+.I<Inline_test directory) are cleaned up by calling
+Inline::C::_testing_cleanup(). Also used by t>06rewrite_config.t to trigger
+a warning.
+=item timers
+Turn on C<build_timers> to get extra diagnostic info about builds.
+=item unsafe
+Turns C<safemode> off. Use this in combination with C<untaint> for slightly
+faster startup time under C<-T>. Only use this if you are sure the
+environment is safe.
+=item untaint
+Turn the C<untaint> option on. Used with C<-T> switch. In terms of secure
+practices, this is definitely B<not> a recommended way of dealing with taint
+checking, but it's the B<only> option currently available with Inline. Use it
+at your own risk.
+=item version
+Tells Inline to report its release version.
+Writing CPAN modules that use C code is easy with Inline. Let's say that you
+wanted to write a module called C<Math::Simple>. Start by using the
+following command:
+    h2xs -PAXn Math::Simple
+This will generate a bunch of files that form a skeleton of what you need for
+a distributable module. (Read the h2xs manpage to find out what the options
+do) Next, modify the C<Simple.pm> file to look like this:
+    package Math::Simple;
+    $VERSION = '1.23';
+    use base 'Exporter';
+    @EXPORT_OK = qw(add subtract);
+    use strict;
+    use Inline C => 'DATA',
+               version => '1.23',
+               name => 'Math::Simple';
+    # The following Inline->init() call is optional - see below for more info.
+    #Inline->init();
+    1;
+    __DATA__
+    =pod
+    =cut
+    __C__
+    int add(int x, int y) {
+      return x + y;
+    }
+    int subtract(int x, int y) {
+      return x - y;
+    }
+The important things to note here are that you B<must> specify a C<name> and
+C<version> parameter. The C<name> must match your module's package name. The
+C<version> parameter must match your module's C<$VERSION> variable and they
+must be of the form C</^\d\.\d\d$/>.
+NOTE: These are Inline's sanity checks to make sure you know what you're doing
+      before uploading your code to CPAN. They insure that once the module has
+      been installed on someone's system, the module would not get
+      automatically recompiled for any reason. This makes Inline based modules
+      work in exactly the same manner as XS based ones.
+Finally, you need to modify the Makefile.PL. Simply change:
+    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+    use Inline::MakeMaker;
+And, in order that the module build work correctly in the cpan shell, add the
+following directive to the Makefile.PL's WriteMakefile():
+        'Inline::MakeMaker'     => 0.45,
+        'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'   => 6.52,
+    },
+This "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" directive ensures that the cpan shell will install
+Inline on the user's machine (if it's not already present) before building
+your Inline-based module. Specifying of "ExtUtils::MakeMaker => 6.52," is
+optional, and can be omitted if you like. It ensures only that some harmless
+warnings relating to the "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" directive won't be emitted
+during the building of the module. It also means, of course, that
+ExtUtils::Makemaker will first be updated on the user's machine unless the
+user already has version 6.52 or later.
+If the "Inline->init();" is not done then, having installed Math::Simple, a
+warning that "One or more DATA sections were not processed by Inline" will
+appear when (and only when) Math::Simple is loaded by a "require call. It's a
+harmless warning - and if you're prepared to live with it, then there's no
+need to make the "Inline->init();" call.
+When the person installing C<Math::Simple> does a "C<make>", the generated
+Makefile will invoke Inline in such a way that the C code will be compiled and
+the executable code will be placed into the C<./blib> directory. Then when a
+"C<make install>" is done, the module will be copied into the appropriate Perl
+sitelib directory (which is where an installed module should go).
+Now all you need to do is:
+    perl Makefile.PL
+    make dist
+That will generate the file C<Math-Simple-0.20.tar.gz> which is a
+distributable package. (It will also generate some harmless warnings in
+relation to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" unless the version of your
+ExtUtils::MakeMaker is 6.52 or later.) That's all there is to it.
+B<IMPORTANT NOTE>: Although the above steps will produce a workable module,
+you still have a few more responsibilities as a budding new CPAN author. You
+need to write lots of documentation and write lots of tests. Take a look at
+some of the better CPAN modules for ideas on creating a killer test harness.
+Actually, don't listen to me, go read these:
+=item * perldoc perlnewmod
+=item * L<http://www.cpan.org/modules/04pause.html>
+=item * L<http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html>
+In reality, Inline just automates everything you would need to do if you were
+going to do it by hand (using XS, etc).
+Inline performs the following steps:
+=item * Receive the Source Code
+Inline gets the source code from your script or module with a statements like
+the following:
+    use Inline C => "Source-Code";
+    use Inline;
+    bind Inline C => "Source-Code";
+where C<C> is the programming language of the source code, and C<Source-
+Code> is a string, a file name, an array reference, or the special
+C<'DATA'> keyword.
+Since Inline is coded in a "C<use>" statement, everything is done during
+Perl's compile time. If anything needs to be done that will affect the C<Source-
+Code>, it needs to be done in a C<BEGIN> block that is I<before> the "C<use
+Inline ...>" statement. If you really need to specify code to Inline at
+runtime, you can use the C<bind()> method.
+Source code that is stowed in the C<'DATA'> section of your code, is read in
+by an C<INIT> subroutine in Inline. That's because the C<DATA> filehandle is
+not available at compile time.
+=item * Check if the Source Code has been Built
+Inline only needs to build the source code if it has not yet been built. It
+accomplishes this seemingly magical task in an extremely simple and
+straightforward manner. It runs the source text through the C<Digest::MD5>
+module to produce a 128-bit "fingerprint" which is virtually unique. The
+fingerprint along with a bunch of other contingency information is stored in a
+C<.inl> file that sits next to your executable object. For instance, the C<C>
+code from a script called C<example.pl> might create these files:
+    example_pl_3a9a.so
+    example_pl_3a9a.inl
+If all the contingency information matches the values stored in the C<.inl>
+file, then proceed to step 8. (No compilation is necessary)
+=item * Find a Place to Build and Install
+At this point Inline knows it needs to build the source code. The first thing
+to figure out is where to create the great big mess associated with
+compilation, and where to put the object when it's done.
+By default Inline will try to build and install under the first place that
+meets one of the following conditions:
+    A) The DIRECTORY= config option; if specified
+    B) The PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY environment variable; if set
+    C) .Inline/ (in current directory); if exists and $PWD != $HOME
+    D) bin/.Inline/ (in directory of your script); if exists
+    E) ~/.Inline/; if exists
+    F) ./_Inline/; if exists
+    G) bin/_Inline; if exists
+    H) Create ./_Inline/; if possible
+    I) Create bin/_Inline/; if possible
+Failing that, Inline will croak. This is rare and easily remedied by just
+making a directory that Inline will use.
+If the PERL_INSTALL_ROOT Environment Variable has been set, you will need to
+make special provision for that if the 'make install' phase of your Inline
+scripts are to succeed.
+If the module option is being compiled for permanent installation, then Inline
+will only use C<./_Inline/> to build in, and the C<$Config{installsitearch}>
+directory to install the executable in. This action is caused by
+Inline::MakeMaker, and is intended to be used in modules that are to be
+distributed on the CPAN, so that they get installed in the proper place.
+=item * Parse the Source for Semantic Cues
+Inline::C uses the module C<Parse::RecDescent> to parse through your chunks of
+C source code and look for things that it can create run-time bindings to. In
+C<C> it looks for all of the function definitions and breaks them down into
+names and data types. These elements are used to correctly bind the C<C>
+function to a C<Perl> subroutine. Other Inline languages like Python and Java
+actually use the C<python> and C<javac> modules to parse the Inline code.
+=item * Create the Build Environment
+Now Inline can take all of the gathered information and create an environment
+to build your source code into an executable. Without going into all the
+details, it just creates the appropriate directories, creates the appropriate
+source files including an XS file (for C) and a C<Makefile.PL>.
+=item * Build the Code and Install the Executable
+The planets are in alignment. Now for the easy part. Inline just does what you
+would do to install a module. "`perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make
+install>". If something goes awry, Inline will croak with a message indicating
+where to look for more info.
+=item * Tidy Up
+By default, Inline will remove all of the mess created by the build process,
+assuming that everything worked. If the build fails, Inline will leave
+everything intact, so that you can debug your errors. Setting the C<noclean>
+shortcut option will also stop Inline from cleaning up.
+=item * DynaLoad the Executable
+For C (and C++), Inline uses the C<DynaLoader::bootstrap> method to pull your
+external module into C<Perl> space. Now you can call all of your external
+functions like Perl subroutines.
+Other languages like Python and Java, provide their own loaders.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+For information about using Inline with C see L<Inline::C>.
+For sample programs using Inline with C see L<Inline::C-Cookbook>.
+For "Formerly Answered Questions" about Inline, see L<Inline-FAQ>.
+For information on supported languages and platforms see L<Inline-Support>.
+For information on writing your own Inline Language Support Module, see
+Inline's mailing list is inline@perl.org
+To subscribe, send email to inline-subscribe@perl.org
+When reporting a bug, please do the following:
+=item * Put "use Inline 'reportbug';" at the top of your code, or use the command line option "perl -MInline=reportbug ...".
+=item * Run your code.
+=item * Follow the printed directions.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>
+Sisyphus <sisyphus@cpan.org> fixed some bugs and is current co-maintainer.
+=item * Copyright 2000-2014. Ingy döt Net.
+=item * Copyright 2008, 2010-2014. Sisyphus.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Revision history for Perl extension Math::Simple.
-1.23  Sun May  6 22:07:57 2001
-	- Sample CPAN module using Inline
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-use Inline::MakeMaker;
-WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Math::Simple',
-               VERSION_FROM => 'Simple.pm',
-             );
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-$VERSION = '1.23';
-use base 'Exporter';
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(add subtract);
-use strict;
-use Inline C => 'DATA',
-           VERSION => '1.23',
-           NAME => 'Math::Simple';
-int add (int x, int y) {
-    return x + y;
-int subtract (int x, int y) {
-    return x - y;
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-    plan(tests => 2,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
-use Math::Simple qw(add subtract);
-ok(add(5, 7) == 12);
-ok(subtract(5, 7) == -2);
@@ -1,2073 +0,0 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This test does a basic `use` check on all the code.
+use Test::More;
+use File::Find;
+sub test {
+    s{^lib/(.*)\.pm$}{$1} or return;
+    s{/}{::}g;
+    ok eval("require $_; 1"), "require $_;$@";
+find {
+    wanted => \&test,
+    no_chdir => 1,
+}, 'lib';
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
-mkdir('_Inline_test', 0777) unless -e '_Inline_test';
-plan(tests => 1);
@@ -1,72 +1,50 @@
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->curdir());
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-    plan(tests => 7,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
+use strict; use warnings;
+my $t; use lib ($t = -e 't' ? 't' : 'test');
+use TestInlineSetup;
+use Test::More;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
+use Inline conFig => DiREcTOrY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR;
-# test 1
-# Make sure that the syntax for reading external files works.
-use Inline Foo => File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(),'t','file');
+use Inline Foo => File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir(),$t,'file');
+ok(test1('test1'), 'read external file');
-# test 2 & 3
-# Make sure that data files work
 use Inline Foo => 'DATA';
+ok(test2('test2'), 'DATA handle');
 use Inline 'Foo';
-ok(not test3('test3'));
-# test 4
-# Make sure string form works
-use Inline Foo => <<'END_OF_FOO';
-foo-sub test4 {
-    foo-return $_[0] foo-eq 'test4';
-# test 5
-# Make sure language name aliases work ('foo' instead of 'Foo')
-use Inline foo => <<'END_OF_FOO';
-foo-sub test5 {
-    foo-return $_[0] foo-eq 'test5';
+ok(!test3('test3'), 'unspecified = DATA handle');
+ok(test4('test4'), 'given as string');
+use Inline Foo => 'foo-sub test4 { foo-return $_[0] foo-eq "test4"; }';
+ok(test5('test5'), 'lang alias');
+use Inline foo => 'foo-sub test5 { foo-return $_[0] foo-eq "test5"; }';
-# test 6
-# Make sure Inline->init works
 eval <<'END';
 use Inline Foo => 'DATA';
-ok(add(3, 7) == 10);
+ok(add(3, 7) == 10, 'Inline->init actual');
+is($@, '', 'init');
-print "$@\nnot ok 1\n" if $@;
+Inline->bind(Foo => 'foo-sub subtract { foo-return $_[0] foo-- $_[1]; }');
+is(subtract(3, 7), -4, 'bind');
-# test 7
-# Make sure bind works
-eval <<'END';
-Inline->bind(Foo => <<'EOFOO');
-foo-sub subtract {
-    foo-return $_[0] foo-- $_[1];
+  package FakeMod;
+  $INC{__PACKAGE__.'.pm'} = 1;
+  sub Inline { return unless $_[1] eq 'Foo'; { PATTERN=>'qunx-' } }
-ok(subtract(3, 7) == -4);
+Inline->import(wiTh => 'FakeMod');
+Inline->bind(Foo => 'qunx-sub subtract2 { qunx-return $_[0] qunx-- $_[1]; }');
+is(subtract2(3, 7), -4, 'with works');
+{ package NoWith; $INC{__PACKAGE__.'.pm'} = 1; sub Inline { } }
+Inline->import(with => 'NoWith');
+eval { Inline->bind(NoWith => 'whatever'); };
+isnt($@, '', 'check "with" croaks if no info returned');
-print "$@\nnot ok 2\n" if $@;
@@ -1,34 +1,22 @@
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->curdir());
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
+use strict; use warnings;
+use lib -e 't' ? 't' : 'test';
+use TestInlineSetup;
-    plan(tests => 2,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Inline Config => DIrECTORY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR, DISABLE => 'WARNINGS';
-# test 1
-# Make sure ENABLE works
-use Inline Foo => <<'END_OF_FOO', ENABLE => 'BAR';
+ok(test1('test1'), 'ENABLE');
+use Inline Foo => <<'END_OF_FOO', ENaBLE => 'bAR';
 foo-sub test1 {
     bar-return $_[0] bar-eq 'test1';
-# test 2
-# Make sure PATTERN works
-use Inline Foo => Config => ENABLE => 'BAR';
-use Inline Foo => <<'END_OF_FOO', PATTERN => 'gogo-';
+ok(test2('test2'), 'PATTERN');
+use Inline Foo => ConFig => ENABLE => 'BaR';
+use Inline Foo => <<'END_OF_FOO', PAtTERN => 'gogo-';
 gogo-sub test2 {
     bar-return $_[0] gogo-eq 'test2';
@@ -1,43 +1,16 @@
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->curdir());
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
+use strict; use warnings;
+use lib -e 't' ? 't' : 'test';
+use TestInlineSetup;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR;
-    plan(tests => 3,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
+eval "use Inline Bogus => 'code';";
+like($@, qr/\QYou have specified 'Bogus' as an Inline programming language.
-# test 1
-# Bad first parameter
-    eval <<'END';
-    use Inline 'Bogus' => 'code';
-    ok($@ =~ /\QYou have specified 'Bogus' as an Inline programming language.
+I currently only know about the following languages:/, 'Bad first parameter');
-I currently only know about the following languages:/);
+eval "use Inline 'force', 'hocum';";
+like($@, qr/\Q${\ Inline::M48_usage_shortcuts('hocum')}/, 'Bad shortcut');
-# test 2
-# Bad shortcut
-    eval <<'END';
-    use Inline 'force', 'hocum';
-    ok($@ =~ /\Q${\ Inline::M48_usage_shortcuts('hocum')}/);
-# test 3
-# Bad config option
-    eval <<'END';
-    require Inline::Foo;
-    use Inline Foo => 'xxx' => ENABLE => 'BOGUM';
-    ok($@ =~ Inline::Foo::usage_config('BOGUM'));
+eval "use Inline Foo => 'xxx' => ENABLE => 'BOgUM';";
+like($@, qr/${\ Inline::Foo::usage_config('BOGUM') }/, 'Bad config option');
@@ -1,28 +1,21 @@
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->curdir());
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use lib -e 't' ? 't' : 'test';
+use TestInlineSetup;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
-    plan(tests => 1, 
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
     delete $ENV{HOME};
-# test 1
 # Make sure Inline can generate a new _Inline/ directory.
 # (But make sure it's in our own space.)
+use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR;
 use Inline 'Foo';
-ok(add(3, 7) == 10);
+ok(add(3, 7) == 10, 'in own DID');
-foo-sub add {
-    foo-return $_[0] + $_[1];
+foo-sub add { foo-return $_[0] + $_[1]; }
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-use File::Spec;
-use lib (File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(),'blib','lib'), File::Spec->curdir());
-use strict;
-use Test;
-use diagnostics;
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
+use strict; use warnings;
+use lib -e 't' ? 't' : 'test';
+use TestInlineSetup;
+use Test::More;
+use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR;
     eval "require Inline::Files";
-    if($@) {
-      warn "Skipping - couldn't load the Inline::Files module\n";
-      print "1..1\nok 1\n";
-      exit 0;
+    if ($@) {
+        warn "Skipping - couldn't load the Inline::Files module\n";
+        print "1..1\nok 1\n";
+        exit 0;
@@ -18,13 +19,11 @@ use Inline::Files;
     plan(tests => 1,
-	 todo => [],
-	 onfail => sub {},
-	);
+         todo => [],
+         onfail => sub {},
+    );
-use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';
 # test 1
 # Make sure that Inline::Files support works
 use Inline Foo => 'BELOW';
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Inline->init() ;
 use Inline Config =>
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
+    DIRECTORY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR,
     _TESTING => 1,
+    REWRiTE_COnFIG_FILE => 1;
 use Inline 'Foo';
 is(add(3, 7), 10, 'foo test');
@@ -7,12 +7,16 @@ BEGIN {
-use warnings;
-use strict;
+use warnings; use strict;
+use lib -e 't' ? 't' : 'test';
 use Test::More tests => 2;
 use Test::Warn;
+use TestInlineSetup;
+use Inline Config => DIRECTORY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR;
+eval q{use Inline 'Bogus' => 'code';};
 # Suppress "Set up gcc environment ..." warning.
 # (Affects ActivePerl only.)
@@ -22,5 +26,6 @@ my $w = 'config file removal successful';
 warnings_like {require_rewrite()} [qr/$w/], 'warn_test';
 sub require_rewrite {
-    require './t/06rewrite_config.p';
+    my $t = -d 't' ? 't' : 'test';
+    require "./$t/06rewrite_config.p";
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Inline->init() ;
 use Inline Config =>
-    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test',
-    _TESTING => 1;
+    DIRECTORY => $TestInlineSetup::DIR,
+    _TEsTING => 1;
 use Inline Bogus => <<'EOB';
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ BEGIN {
-use warnings;
-use strict;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use lib -e 't' ? 't' : 'test';
+use TestInlineSetup;
 use Test::More tests => 2;
 use Test::Warn;
@@ -24,5 +26,6 @@ warnings_like {require_rewrite()} [qr/$w/], 'warn_test';
 ok($@, '"Inline Bogus" test');
 sub require_rewrite {
-    eval {require './t/07rewrite2_config.p';};
+    my $t = -d 't' ? 't' : 'test';
+    eval {require "./$t/07rewrite2_config.p";};
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use strict; use warnings;
+package TestInlineSetup;
+use diagnostics;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Spec;
+sub import {
+    my ($package, $option) = @_;
+    $option ||= '';
+our $DIR;
+    ($_, $DIR) = caller(2);
+    $DIR =~ s/.*?(\w+)\.t$/$1/ or die;
+    $DIR = "_Inline_$DIR.$$";
+    rmtree($DIR) if -d $DIR;
+    mkdir($DIR) or die "$DIR: $!\n";
+my $absdir = File::Spec->rel2abs($DIR);
+($absdir) = $absdir =~ /(.*)/; # untaint
+my $startpid = $$;
+END {
+  if($$ == $startpid) { # only when original process exits
+    rmtree($absdir);
+  }
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  unless ($ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}) {
+    require Test::More;
+    Test::More::plan(skip_all => 'these tests are for release candidate testing');
+  }
+# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSyntaxTests.
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Pod 1.41;
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+export PERL5LIB=$PWD/lib
+  ingydotnet/inline-c-pm
+  daoswald/Inline-CPP
+main() {
+  for repo in ${ILSM[@]}; do
+    echo "Testing '$repo'"
+    check-repo || continue
+    (
+      set -x
+      cd "$repo_path"
+      if [ -e Meta ]; then
+        make test
+        make cpantest
+        make disttest
+      else
+        perl Makefile.PL < /dev/null
+        make test
+        make purge
+      fi
+    )
+  done
+  echo "All ILSM tests passed!"
+check-repo() {
+  repo_path="test/devel/repo/${repo#*/}"
+  if [ ! -e "$repo_path" ]; then
+    mkdir -p test/devel
+    git clone "git@github.com:$repo" "$repo_path"
+  else
+    (
+      set -x
+      cd "$repo_path"
+      branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+      if [ "$branch" != master ]; then
+        echo "Repo '$repo_path' is not on master"
+      fi
+      git reset --hard
+      git clean -fxd
+      if [ -n "$(git status -s)" ]; then
+        die "Repo '$repo_path' is not clean"
+      fi
+      git pull --rebase origin master
+    ) || return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+die() {
+  echo "$@"
+  exit 1
+[ "$BASH_SOURCE" == "$0" ] && main "$@"