The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Changes 02
META.json 22
META.yml 22
Makefile.PL 22
examples/consumer.cgi.~1~ 2930
lib/Net/OpenID/ 33
lib/Net/OpenID/ 22
lib/Net/OpenID/ 3520
lib/Net/OpenID/ 55
lib/Net/OpenID/ 20280
lib/Net/OpenID/ 22
12 files changed (This is a version diff) 269420
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+1.16      Sep 15 2014
 1.15      Sep 06 2013
     * Require Net-OpenID-Common 1.18
@@ -7,12 +7,9 @@ META.yml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
             "JSON" : "0",
             "LWP::UserAgent" : "0",
             "MIME::Base64" : "0",
-            "Net::OpenID::Common" : "1.18",
+            "Net::OpenID::Common" : "1.19",
             "Storable" : "0",
             "Time::Local" : "0",
             "URI" : "0"
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@
          "web" : ""
-   "version" : "1.15"
+   "version" : "1.16"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ requires:
   JSON: 0
   LWP::UserAgent: 0
   MIME::Base64: 0
-  Net::OpenID::Common: 1.18
+  Net::OpenID::Common: 1.19
   Storable: 0
   Time::Local: 0
   URI: 0
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ resources:
   repository: git://
-version: 1.15
+version: 1.16
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
     "JSON" => 0,
     "LWP::UserAgent" => 0,
     "MIME::Base64" => 0,
-    "Net::OpenID::Common" => "1.18",
+    "Net::OpenID::Common" => "1.19",
     "Storable" => 0,
     "Time::Local" => 0,
     "URI" => 0
-  "VERSION" => "1.15",
+  "VERSION" => "1.16",
   "test" => {
     "TESTS" => "t/*.t"
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# Simple OpenID consumer/relying party
-# Robert Norris, November 2010
-# Public domain
-# This program demonstrates the use of Net::OpenID::Consumer to build an
-# OpenID consumer/relying party (RP). It is not intended to be production
-# quality, but just show the basics needed to get an RP up and running. It
-# uses since everyone understands that :)
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use CGI ();
-use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
-use Net::OpenID::Consumer 1.030099;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-my $cgi = CGI->new;
-# determine our location and the auth realm based on the enviroment
-my $realm = 'http://'.$ENV{HTTP_HOST};
-my $base  = $realm.$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
-# get the parameters from the browser into something useable
-my $params = {$cgi->Vars};
-# figure out what the caller is trying to do. there are three options:
-# root: present a form where the user can enter their openid. this function
-#       would be part of your normal login page
-# login: the target for the login form. this too is probably already a part of
-#        your application/framework
-# callback: the place the OpenID Provider (OP) redirects the browser to once
-# it has completed the authentication process (pass or failure)
-my $action = delete $params->{action} || 'root';
-if ($action !~ m{\A root | login | callback \z}x) {
-    print $cgi->header(-status => 404);
-    exit;
-# arrange for the handler method to be called
-my $method = "handle_$action";
-my $ret = do { no strict 'refs'; $method->($realm, $base, $params) };
-# handle the return. these handlers return PSGI three-part arrays, so you
-# could easily port them to your PSGI-based application. here we convert that
-# into something to send back through
-my ($status, $headers, $content) = @$ret;
-push @$headers, ( Pragma => 'no-cache' );
-my %headers;
-while (my ($k, $v) = splice @$headers, 0, 2) {
-    $headers{"-$k"} = $v;
-print $cgi->header(-status => $status, %headers);
-print join '', @$content;
-# root action handler. all this does is serve a simple login page. you would
-# probably want to add openid as an option to your login page instead
-sub handle_root {
-    my ($realm, $base, $params) = @_;
-    my $html = <<HTML
-<form method='post' action='$base'>
-<input type='hidden' name='action' value='login'>
-OpenID: <input type='text' name='openid'>
-<input type='submit'>
-    return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' ], [ $html ] ];
-# login action handler. takes an openid received from the login page and
-# begins the auth process
-sub handle_login {
-    my ($realm, $base, $params) = @_;
-    # get an Net::OpenID::Consumer object configured the way we want it
-    my $consumer = _get_openid_context($params);
-    # create a Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity object based on the entered
-    # openid. this method will lookup the openid url (HTML or XRDS) to get the
-    # openid server endpoint
-    my $claimed_identity = $consumer->claimed_identity($params->{openid});
-    # if we fail to get the claimed identity it means either the identity is
-    # invalid (eg malformed) or the endpoint could not be determined. the
-    # Consumer object provides more detail about what happened via its error
-    # methods
-    if (! $claimed_identity) {
-        return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ],
-                 [ 'Invalid identity: '.$consumer->err ] ];
-    }
-    # the claimed identity is valid, so now we need to build a url on the OP
-    # to redirect the browser to
-    my $check_url = $claimed_identity->check_url(
-        # this is the url the OP should redirect the browser to when its
-        # authentication process is completed
-        return_to      => $base.'?action=callback',
-        # this tells the OP what uri this login will be applied to. the OP is
-        # being asked to verify if the identifier is valid for every uri
-        # "under" this one. this is typically presented to the user by the OP
-        # in a "do you trust this?" type of dialog
-        trust_root     => $realm,
-        # enabling delayed_return tells the OP that it now has full control of
-        # the browser and can do whatever it likes (eg several screens worth
-        # of authentication flow) before returning the browser back to us (ie
-        # openid.mode = checkid_setup)
-        #
-        # if you want to do the login in the background via javascript, you'd set
-        # this to 0 (ie checkid_immediate) so that the javascript code can
-        # fail directly and cause the display to either prompt the user to
-        # login manually with their provider or launch another openID login
-        # from a visible window (where you *can* set delayed_return to 1)
-        delayed_return => 1,
-    );
-    # redirect the browser to the OP
-    return [ 301, [ Location => $check_url ], [] ];
-# callback action handler. the OP redirects the browser here in response to
-# the process begun in handle_login. usually thats after the auth process has
-# completed successfully, but failures (eg user denying access) will also come
-# here and need to be handled
-sub handle_callback {
-    my ($realm, $base, $params) = @_;
-    # get the Net::OpenID::Consumer object
-    my $consumer = _get_openid_context($params);
-    # call the response handler. it takes a few coderefs to handle the various
-    # things that might be received from the OP. the data returned by the
-    # coderef is what will be returned by the handler
-    return $consumer->handle_server_response(
-        # not_openid is called when the parameters passed to the callback url
-        # don't represent a valid openid message. this means either the OP is
-        # broken or (more likely) a user is trying to access the callback url
-        # directly. there's not much you can do here other than fail
-        # gracefully.
-        not_openid => sub {
-            return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ], [ 'Not an OpenID message.' ] ];
-        },
-        # since we have delayed_return == 1 above
-        # covering the setup_needed case is not actually necessary
-        setup_needed => sub {
-<<<<<<< Updated upstream
-            # this might be version 1.1 and setup_url may have been
-            # been provided, in which case we could redirect
-            if ($consumer->message->protocol_version < 2) {
-                my $setup_url = $consumer->user_setup_url;
-                return [ 301, [ Location =>  $setup_url ], [] ]
-                  if ($setup_url);
-            }
-            return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ],
-                     [ 'You must login with your provider first.' ] ];
-            return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ], 
-                     [ 'You must login with your provider first.' ] ];
-            # return [ 301, [ Location => $self->user_setup_url ], [] ];
->>>>>>> Stashed changes
-        },
-        # cancelled is called when the OP informs us that the user cancelled
-        # the login process in some way. this is typically a result of the
-        # user answering "no" or "deny" to a "do you trust this site" type of
-        # message
-        cancelled => sub {
-            return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ], [ 'User cancelled login process.' ] ];
-        },
-        # verified is called when the OP informs us that it believes that the
-        # user owns the claimed identity. that usually means the user
-        # successfully authenticated with the OP and agreed to trust your
-        # application. the user's identity uri is passed to the sub. this is
-        # not necessarily the same as the claimed identifier used to begin the
-        # login process, but it will be unique and specific to this user.
-        # typically at this point you will use the identity as the primary key
-        # to load or create a user account in your application
-        verified => sub {
-            my ($verified_identity) = @_;
-            return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ], [ 'Verified identity: '.$verified_identity->url ] ];
-        },
-        # any other error will be reported here. the Consumer object will make
-        # more information about the error available via its error methods
-        error => sub {
-            my ($error) = @_;
-            return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ], [ 'Error: '.$consumer->err ] ];
-        },
-    );
-# helper function to prepare a Consumer object
-sub _get_openid_context {
-    my ($params) = @_;
-    my $consumer = Net::OpenID::Consumer->new(
-        # ua takes a LWP::UserAgent object that will be used fetch the
-        # identity url provided by the user.  Since this can be an
-        # arbitrary URL it's possible for a user to make your
-        # application to a fetch on some other url on its behalf,
-        # possibly something inside your firewall.
-        # If that's a problem for you, consider vetting the identifer
-        # provided by the user or subclassing LWP::UserAgent to
-        # protect against such things (see LWPx::ParanoidAgent for an
-        # example of this)
-        ua              => LWP::UserAgent->new,
-<<<<<<< Updated upstream
-        # args can take a number of different objects that may contain
-        # the request parameters from the browser, eg a CGI,
-        # Apache::Request, Apache2::Request or similar (see the
-        # documentation for more). if a coderef is provided (as is the
-        # case here), it will either be passed a single argument
-        # containing the wanted parameter, in which case it should
-        # return the value of that parameter (or undef if not
-        # available), or it will be passed no arguments and the full
-        # list of parameter names should be returned
-        args            => sub { @_ ? $params->{+shift} : keys %$params },
-        # args can take a number of different objects that may contain the
-        # request parameters from the browser, eg a CGI, Apache::Request,
-        # Apache2::Request or similar (see the documentation for more). if a
-        # coderef is provided (as is the case here), it will be passed a
-        # single argument containing the wanted parameter (and should return
-        # the value of that parameter or undef if its not available) or no
-        # arguments indicating a list of all parameters should be returned
-        args => sub { if (@_) { $params->{+shift}} else keys %{$params} },
->>>>>>> Stashed changes
-        # consumer_secret takes a coderef that is called to generate the
-        # "nonce" value for the return_to uri. it is passed a single argument
-        # containing a unix timestamp and should produce a unique,
-        # reproducable and non-guessable value based on that time. if this
-        # value does not meet those criteria your RP is vulnerable to replay
-        # attacks
-        #
-        # for the sake of this demo we return a static string here. you MUST
-        # NOT do this in a production environment
-        consumer_secret => sub { return 'xyz789' },
-    );
-    return $consumer;
-=head1 NAME
-consumer.cgi - demo OpenID consumer/relying party using Net::OpenID::Consumer
-This program demonstrates the use of Net::OpenID::Consumer to build an OpenID
-consumer/relying party (RP). It is not intended to be production quality, but
-just show the basics needed to get an RP up and running.
-It should work under pretty much any web server that can run CGI programs. Its
-been tested under lighttpd on Linux.
-Read the code to find out how it all works!
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Robert Norris E<lt>rob@eatenbyagrue.orgE<gt>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is in the public domain.
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use Carp ();
 package Net::OpenID::Association;
-  $Net::OpenID::Association::VERSION = '1.15';
+  $Net::OpenID::Association::VERSION = '1.16';
 use fields (
             'server',    # author-identity identity provider endpoint
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
 # session type hash
 #    name  - by which session type appears in URI parameters (required)
-#    len   - number of bytes in digest (undef => accomodates any length)
+#    len   - number of bytes in digest (undef => accommodates any length)
 #    fn    - DH hash function (undef => secret passed in the clear)
 #    https - must use encrypted connection (boolean)
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ Net::OpenID::Association - A relationship with an identity provider
 =head1 VERSION
-version 1.15
+version 1.16
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use Carp ();
 package Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity;
-  $Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity::VERSION = '1.15';
+  $Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity::VERSION = '1.16';
 use fields (
     'identity',         # the canonical URL that was found, following redirects
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity - A not-yet-verified OpenID identity
 =head1 VERSION
-version 1.15
+version 1.16
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-package Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity;
-use fields (
-    'identity',         # the canonical URL that was found, following redirects
-    'server',           # author-identity identity provider endpoint
-    'consumer',         # ref up to the Net::OpenID::Consumer which generated us
-    'delegate',         # the delegated URL actually asserted by the provider
-    'protocol_version', # The version of the OpenID Authentication Protocol that is used
-    'semantic_info',    # Stuff that we've discovered in the identifier page's metadata
-    'extension_args',   # Extension arguments that the caller wants to add to the request
-use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha1_hex);
-sub new {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    $self = fields::new( $self ) unless ref $self;
-    my %opts = @_;
-    for my $f (qw( identity server consumer delegate protocol_version semantic_info )) {
-        $self->{$f} = delete $opts{$f};
-    }
-    $self->{protocol_version} ||= 1;
-    unless ($self->{protocol_version} == 1 || $self->{protocol_version} == 2) {
-        Carp::croak("Unsupported protocol version");
-    }
-    # lowercase the scheme and hostname
-    $self->{'identity'} =~ s!^(https?://.+?)(/(?:.*))?$!lc($1) . $2!ie;
-    $self->{extension_args} = {};
-    Carp::croak("unknown options: " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts;
-    return $self;
-sub claimed_url {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    return $self->{'identity'};
-sub delegated_url {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    return $self->{'delegate'};
-sub identity_server {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    return $self->{server};
-sub protocol_version {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    return $self->{protocol_version};
-sub semantic_info {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    return $self->{semantic_info} if $self->{semantic_info};
-    my $final_url = '';
-    my $info = $self->{consumer}->_find_semantic_info($self->claimed_url, \$final_url);
-    # Don't return anything if the URL has changed. Something bad may be happening.
-    $info = {} if $final_url ne $self->claimed_url;
-    return $self->{semantic_info} = $info;
-sub set_extension_args {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    my $ext_uri = shift;
-    my $args = shift;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    Carp::croak("No extension URI given") unless $ext_uri;
-    Carp::croak("Expecting hashref of args") if defined($args) && ref $args ne 'HASH';
-    $self->{extension_args}{$ext_uri} = $args;
-sub check_url {
-    my Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity $self = shift;
-    my (%opts) = @_;
-    my $return_to   = delete $opts{'return_to'};
-    my $trust_root  = delete $opts{'trust_root'};
-    my $delayed_ret = delete $opts{'delayed_return'};
-    my $force_reassociate = delete $opts{'force_reassociate'};
-    my $use_assoc_handle = delete $opts{'use_assoc_handle'};
-    my $actually_return_association = delete $opts{'actually_return_association'};
-    Carp::croak("Unknown options: " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts;
-    Carp::croak("Invalid/missing return_to") unless $return_to =~ m!^https?://!;
-    my $csr = $self->{consumer};
-    my $ident_server = $self->{server} or
-        Carp::croak("No identity server");
-    # get an assoc (or undef for dumb mode)
-    my $assoc;
-    if ($use_assoc_handle) {
-        $assoc = Net::OpenID::Association::handle_assoc($csr, $ident_server, $use_assoc_handle);
-    } else {
-        $assoc = Net::OpenID::Association::server_assoc($csr, $ident_server, $force_reassociate, (
-            %{$csr->assoc_options},
-            protocol_version => $self->protocol_version,
-        ));
-    }
-    # for the openid-test project: (doing interop testing)
-    if ($actually_return_association) {
-        return $assoc;
-    }
-    my $identity_arg = $self->{'delegate'} || $self->{'identity'};
-    # make a note back to ourselves that we're using a delegate
-    # but only in the 1.1 case because 2.0 has a core field for this
-    if ($self->{'delegate'} && $self->protocol_version == 1) {
-        OpenID::util::push_url_arg(\$return_to,
-                                   "oic.identity",  $self->{identity});
-    }
-    # add a HMAC-signed time so we can verify the return_to URL wasn't spoofed
-    my $sig_time = time();
-    my $c_secret = $csr->_get_consumer_secret($sig_time);
-    my $sig = substr(hmac_sha1_hex($sig_time, $c_secret), 0, 20);
-    OpenID::util::push_url_arg(\$return_to,
-                               "oic.time", "${sig_time}-$sig");
-    my $curl = $ident_server;
-    if ($self->protocol_version == 1) {
-        OpenID::util::push_url_arg(\$curl,
-            "openid.mode"              => ($delayed_ret ? "checkid_setup" : "checkid_immediate"),
-            "openid.identity"          => $identity_arg,
-            "openid.return_to"         => $return_to,
-            ($trust_root ? (
-                "openid.trust_root"    => $trust_root
-            ) : ()),
-            ($assoc ? (
-                "openid.assoc_handle"  => $assoc->handle
-            ) : ()),
-        );
-    }
-    elsif ($self->protocol_version == 2) {
-        # NOTE: OpenID Auth 2.0 uses different terminology for a bunch
-        # of things than 1.1 did. This library still uses the 1.1 terminology
-        # in its API.
-        OpenID::util::push_openid2_url_arg(\$curl,
-            "mode"                     => ($delayed_ret ? "checkid_setup" : "checkid_immediate"),
-            "claimed_id"               => $self->claimed_url,
-            "identity"                 => $identity_arg,
-            "return_to"                => $return_to,
-            ($trust_root ? (
-                "realm"                => $trust_root
-            ) : ()),
-            ($assoc ? (
-                "assoc_handle"         => $assoc->handle
-            ) : ()),
-        );
-    }
-    # Finally we add in the extension arguments, if any
-    my %ext_url_args = ();
-    my $ext_idx = 1;
-    foreach my $ext_uri (keys %{$self->{extension_args}}) {
-        my $ext_alias;
-        if ($ext_uri eq "") {
-            # For OpenID 1.1 only the "SREG" extension is allowed,
-            # and it must use the "openid.sreg." prefix.
-            $ext_alias = "sreg";
-        }
-        elsif ($self->protocol_version < 2) {
-            next;
-        }
-        else {
-            $ext_alias = 'e'.($ext_idx++);
-        }
-        $ext_url_args{'openid.ns.'.$ext_alias} = $ext_uri;
-        foreach my $k (keys %{$self->{extension_args}{$ext_uri}}) {
-            $ext_url_args{'openid.'.$ext_alias.'.'.$k} = $self->{extension_args}{$ext_uri}{$k};
-        }
-    }
-    OpenID::util::push_url_arg(\$curl, %ext_url_args) if %ext_url_args;
-    $self->{consumer}->_debug("check_url for (del=$self->{delegate}, id=$self->{identity}) = $curl");
-    return $curl;
-=head1 NAME
-Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity - A not-yet-verified OpenID identity
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use Net::OpenID::Consumer;
-  my $csr = Net::OpenID::Consumer->new;
-  ....
-  my $cident = $csr->claimed_identity("")
-    or die $csr->err;
-  if ($AJAX_mode) {
-    my $url = $cident->claimed_url;
-    my $openid_server = $cident->identity_server;
-    # ... return JSON with those to user agent (whose request was
-    # XMLHttpRequest, probably)
-  }
-  if ($CLASSIC_mode) {
-    my $check_url = $cident->check_url(
-      delayed_return => 1,
-      return_to      => "",
-      trust_root     => "http://*",
-    );
-    WebApp::redirect($check_url);
-  }
-After L<Net::OpenID::Consumer> crawls a user's declared identity URL
-and finds openid.server link tags in the HTML head, you get this
-object.  It represents an identity that can be verified with OpenID
-(the link tags are present), but hasn't been actually verified yet.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item $url = $cident->B<claimed_url>
-The URL, now canonicalized, that the user claims to own.  You can't
-know whether or not they do own it yet until you send them off to the
-check_url, though.
-=item $id_server = $cident->B<identity_server>
-Returns the identity provider that will assert whether or not this
-claimed identity is valid, and sign a message saying so.
-=item $url = $cident->B<delegated_url>
-If the claimed URL is using delegation, this returns the delegated identity that will
-actually be sent to the identity provider.
-=item $version = $cident->B<protocol_version>
-Determines whether this identifier is to be verified by OpenID 1.1
-or by OpenID 2.0. Returns C<1> or C<2> respectively. This will
-affect the way the C<check_url> is constructed.
-=item $cident->B<set_extension_args>($ns_uri, $args)
-If called before you access C<check_url>, the arguments given in the hashref
-$args will be added to the request in the given extension namespace.
-For example, to use the Simple Registration (SREG) extension:
-    $cident->set_extension_args(
-        '',
-        {
-            required => 'email',
-            optional => 'fullname,nickname',
-            policy_url => '',
-        },
-    );
-Note that when making an OpenID 1.1 request, only the Simple Registration
-extension is supported. There was no general extension mechanism defined
-in OpenID 1.1, so SREG (with the namespace URI as in the example above)
-is supported as a special case. All other extension namespaces will
-be silently ignored when making a 1.1 request.
-=item $url = $cident->B<check_url>( %opts )
-Makes the URL that you have to somehow send the user to in order to
-validate their identity.  The options to put in %opts are:
-=item C<return_to>
-The URL that the identity provider should redirect the user with
-either a verified identity signature -or- a setup_needed message
-(indicating actual interaction with the user is required before an
-assertion can be made).  This URL may contain query parameters, and
-the identity provider must preserve them.
-=item C<trust_root>
-The URL that you want the user to actually see and declare trust for.
-Your C<return_to> URL must be at or below your trust_root.  Sending
-the trust_root is optional, and defaults to your C<return_to> value,
-but it's highly recommended (and prettier for users) to see a simple
-trust_root.  Note that the trust root may contain a wildcard at the
-beginning of the host, like C<http://*>
-=item C<delayed_return>
-If set to a true value, the check_url returned will indicate to the
-user's identity provider that it has permission to control the user's
-user-agent for awhile, giving them real pages (not just redirects) and
-lets them bounce around the identity provider site for awhile until
-the requested assertion can be made, and they can finally be redirected
-back to your return_to URL above.
-The default value, false, means that the identity provider will
-immediately return to your return_to URL with either a "yes" or "no"
-answer.  In the "no" case, you'll instead have control of what to do,
-whether to retry the request with C<delayed_return> set true 
-(the only way to proceed in version 2.0) or to somehow send 
-(be it link, redirect, or pop-up window) the user the provider's
-user_setup_url (which is made available in version 1.0/1.1).
-When writing a dynamic "AJAX"-style application, you can't use
-delayed_return because the remote site can't usefully take control of
-a 1x1 pixel hidden IFRAME, so you'll need to get the user_setup_url
-and present it to the user somehow.
-See L<Net::OpenID::Consumer> for author, copyright and licensing information.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Website:  L<>
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Carp ();
 package Net::OpenID::Consumer;
-  $Net::OpenID::Consumer::VERSION = '1.15';
+  $Net::OpenID::Consumer::VERSION = '1.16';
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ Net::OpenID::Consumer - Library for consumers of OpenID identities
 =head1 VERSION
-version 1.15
+version 1.16
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ This overrides C<max_encrypt> if both are set.
 =item C<allow_eavesdropping>
-Because it is generally a bad idea, we abort assocations where an
+Because it is generally a bad idea, we abort associations where an
 unencrypted session over a non-SSL connection is called for.
 However the OpenID 1.1 specification technically allows this,
 so if that is what you really want, set this flag true.
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ A L<Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity|Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity> object is passe
 =item C<error ($errcode, $errmsg)>
-an error has occured. An error code and message are provided.
+an error has occurred. An error code and message are provided.
 See L<Error Codes|/ERROR CODES> below for the meanings of the codes.
@@ -1842,7 +1842,7 @@ This is the complete list of error codes that can be set.  Errors marked with (C
 =item C<provider_error>
-(A) The protocol message is a (2.0) error mode (i.e., C<openid.mode = 'error'>) message, typically used for provider-specific error reponses.  Use $csr->B<message> to get at the C<contact> and C<reference> fields.
+(A) The protocol message is a (2.0) error mode (i.e., C<openid.mode = 'error'>) message, typically used for provider-specific error responses.  Use $csr->B<message> to get at the C<contact> and C<reference> fields.
 =item C<empty_url>
@@ -1,2028 +0,0 @@
-# LICENSE: You're free to distribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.
-use strict;
-use Carp ();
-package Net::OpenID::Consumer;
-use fields (
-    'cache',           # Cache object to store HTTP responses,
-                       #   associations, and nonces
-    'ua',              # LWP::UserAgent instance to use
-    'args',            # how to get at your args
-    'message',         # args interpreted as an IndirectMessage, if possible
-    'consumer_secret', # scalar/subref
-    'required_root',   # the default required_root value, or undef
-    'last_errcode',    # last error code we got
-    'last_errtext',    # last error code we got
-    'debug',           # debug flag or codeblock
-    'minimum_version', # The minimum protocol version to support
-    'assoc_options',   # options for establishing ID provider associations
-    'nonce_options',   # options for dealing with nonces
-use Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity;
-use Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity;
-use Net::OpenID::Association;
-use Net::OpenID::Yadis;
-use Net::OpenID::IndirectMessage;
-use Net::OpenID::URIFetch;
-use Net::OpenID::Common; # To get the OpenID::util package
-use MIME::Base64 ();
-use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha1_hex);
-use Time::Local;
-use HTTP::Request;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use Storable;
-use JSON qw(encode_json);
-use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
-use HTML::Parser;
-sub new {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    $self = fields::new( $self ) unless ref $self;
-    my %opts = @_;
-    $self->{ua}            = delete $opts{ua};
-    $self->args            ( delete $opts{args}            );
-    $self->cache           ( delete $opts{cache}           );
-    $self->consumer_secret ( delete $opts{consumer_secret} );
-    $self->required_root   ( delete $opts{required_root}   );
-    $self->minimum_version ( delete $opts{minimum_version} );
-    $self->assoc_options   ( delete $opts{assoc_options}   );
-    $self->nonce_options   ( delete $opts{nonce_options}   );
-    $self->{debug} = delete $opts{debug};
-    Carp::croak("Unknown options: " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts;
-    return $self;
-# NOTE: This method is here only to support the openid-test library.
-# Don't call it from anywhere else, or you'll break when it gets
-# removed. Instead, call minimum_version(2).
-# FIXME: Can we just make openid-test do that and get rid of this?
-sub disable_version_1 {
-    $_[0]->minimum_version(2);
-sub cache           { &_getset; }
-sub consumer_secret { &_getset; }
-sub required_root   { &_getset; }
-sub assoc_options   { &_hashgetset }
-sub nonce_options   { &_hashgetset }
-sub _getset {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $param = (caller(1))[3];
-    $param =~ s/.+:://;
-    if (@_) {
-        my $val = shift;
-        Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-        $self->{$param} = $val;
-    }
-    return $self->{$param};
-sub _hashgetset {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $param = (caller(1))[3];
-    $param =~ s/.+:://;
-    my $check_param = "_canonicalize_$param";
-    my $v;
-    if (scalar(@_) == 1) {
-        $v = shift;
-        unless ($v) {
-            $v = {};
-        }
-        elsif (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') {
-            $v = {@$v};
-        }
-        elsif (ref $v) {
-            # assume it's a hash and hope for the best
-            $v = {%$v};
-        }
-        else {
-            Carp::croak("single argument must be HASH or ARRAY reference");
-        }
-        $self->{$param} = $self->$check_param($v);
-    }
-    elsif (@_) {
-        Carp::croak("odd number of parameters?")
-            if scalar(@_)%2;
-        $self->{$param} = $self->$check_param({@_});
-    }
-    return $self->{$param};
-sub minimum_version {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    if (@_) {
-        my $minv = shift;
-        Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-        $minv = 1 unless $minv && $minv > 1;
-        $self->{minimum_version} = $minv;
-    }
-    return $self->{minimum_version};
-sub _canonicalize_assoc_options { return $_[1]; }
-sub _debug {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    return unless $self->{debug};
-    if (ref $self->{debug} eq "CODE") {
-        $self->{debug}->($_[0]);
-    } else {
-        print STDERR "[DEBUG Net::OpenID::Consumer] $_[0]\n";
-    }
-# given something that can have GET arguments, returns a subref to get them:
-#   Apache
-#   Apache::Request
-#   CGI
-#   HASH of get args
-#   CODE returning get arg, given key
-#   ...
-sub args {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    if (my $what = shift) {
-        unless (ref $what) {
-            return $self->{args} ? $self->{args}->($what) : Carp::croak("No args defined");
-        }
-        Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-        # since we do not require field setters to be called in any particular order,
-        # we cannot pass minimum_version here as it might change later.
-        my $message = Net::OpenID::IndirectMessage->new($what);
-        $self->{message} = $message;
-        if ($message) {
-            $self->{args} = $message->getter;
-            # handle OpenID 2.0 'error' mode
-            # (may as well do this here; we may not get another chance
-            # since handle_server_response is not a required part of the API)
-            if ($message->protocol_version >= 2 && $message->mode eq 'error') {
-                $self->_fail('provider_error',$message->get('error'));
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->{args} = sub { undef };
-        }
-    }
-    $self->{args};
-sub message {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $message = $self->{message};
-    return undef
-      unless $message &&
-        ($self->{minimum_version} <= $message->protocol_version);
-    if (@_) {
-        return $message->get($_[0]);
-    }
-    else {
-        return $message;
-    }
-sub _message_mode_is {
-    return (($_[0]->message('mode')||' ') eq $_[1]);
-sub _message_version {
-    my $message = $_[0]->message;
-    return $message ? $message->protocol_version : 0;
-sub ua {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    $self->{ua} = shift if @_;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    # make default one on first access
-    unless ($self->{ua}) {
-        my $ua = $self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-        $ua->timeout(10);
-    }
-    $self->{ua};
-our %Error_text =
-   (
-    'bad_mode'                    => "The openid.mode argument is not correct",
-    'bogus_delegation'            => "Asserted identity does not match claimed_id or local_id.",
-    'bogus_return_to'             => "Return URL does not match required_root.",
-    'bogus_url'                   => "URL scheme must be http: or https:",
-    'empty_url'                   => "No URL entered.",
-    'expired_association'         => "Association between ID provider and relying party has expired.",
-    'naive_verify_failed_network' => "Could not contact ID provider to verify response.",
-    'naive_verify_failed_return'  => "Direct contact invalidated ID provider response.",
-    'no_identity'                 => "Identity is missing from ID provider response.",
-    'no_identity_server'          => "Could not determine ID provider from URL.",
-    'no_return_to'                => "Return URL is missing from ID provider response.",
-    'no_sig'                      => "Signature is missing from ID provider response.",
-    'protocol_version_incorrect'  => "ID provider does not support minimum protocol version",
-    'provider_error'              => "ID provider-specific error",
-    'server_not_allowed'          => "None of the discovered endpoints matches op_endpoint.",
-    'signature_mismatch'          => "Prior association invalidated ID provider response.",
-    'time_bad_sig'                => "Return_to signature is not valid.",
-    'time_expired'                => "Return_to signature is stale.",
-    'time_in_future'              => "Return_to signature is from the future.",
-    'unexpected_url_redirect'     => "Discovery for the given ID ended up at the wrong place",
-    'unsigned_field'              => sub { "Field(s) must be signed: " . join(", ", @_) },
-    'nonce_missing'               => "Response_nonce is missing from ID provider response.",
-    'nonce_reused'                => 'Re-used response_nonce; possible replay attempt.',
-    'nonce_stale'                 => 'Stale response_nonce; could have been used before.',
-    'nonce_format'                => 'Bad timestamp format in response_nonce.',
-    'nonce_future'                => 'Provider clock is too far forward.',
-# no longer used as of 1.11
-#   'no_head_tag'   => "Could not determine ID provider; URL document has no <head>.",
-#   'url_fetch_err' => "Error fetching the provided URL.",
-   );
-sub _fail {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my ($code, $text, @params) = @_;
-    # 'bad_mode' is only an error if we survive to the end of
-    # .mode dispatch without having figured out what to do;
-    # it should not overwrite other errors.
-    unless ($self->{last_errcode} && $code eq 'bad_mode') {
-        $text ||= $Error_text{$code};
-        $text = $text->(@params) if ref($text) && ref($text) eq 'CODE';
-        $self->{last_errcode} = $code;
-        $self->{last_errtext} = $text;
-        $self->_debug("fail($code) $text");
-    }
-    wantarray ? () : undef;
-sub json_err {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    return encode_json({
-        err_code => $self->{last_errcode},
-        err_text => $self->{last_errtext},
-    });
-sub err {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    $self->{last_errcode} . ": " . $self->{last_errtext};
-sub errcode {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    $self->{last_errcode};
-sub errtext {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    $self->{last_errtext};
-# make sure you change the $prefix every time you change the $hook format
-# so that when user installs a new version and the old cache server is
-# still running the old cache entries won't confuse things.
-sub _get_url_contents {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my ($url, $final_url_ref, $hook, $prefix) = @_;
-    $final_url_ref ||= do { my $dummy; \$dummy; };
-    my $res = Net::OpenID::URIFetch->fetch($url, $self, $hook, $prefix);
-    $$final_url_ref = $res->final_uri;
-    return $res ? $res->content : undef;
-# List of head elements that matter for HTTP discovery.
-# Each entry defines a key+value that will appear in the
-# _find_semantic_info hash if the specified element exists
-#  [
-#    FSI_KEY    -- key name
-#    TAG_NAME   -- must be 'link' or 'meta'
-#    ELT_VALUES -- string (default = FSI_KEY)
-#            what join(';',values of ELT_KEYS) has to match
-#            in order for a given html element to provide
-#            the value for FSI_KEY
-#    ELT_KEYS   -- list-ref of html attribute names
-#            default = ['rel']  for <link...>
-#            default = ['name'] for <meta...>
-#    FSI_VALUE  -- name of html attribute where value lives
-#            default = 'href'    for <link...>
-#            default = 'content' for <meta...>
-#  ]
-our @HTTP_discovery_link_meta_tags =
-  map {
-      my ($fsi_key, $tag, $elt_value, $elt_keys, $fsi_value) = @{$_};
-      [$fsi_key, $tag,
-       $elt_value || $fsi_key,
-       $elt_keys  || [$tag eq 'link' ? 'rel'  : 'name'],
-       $fsi_value || ($tag eq 'link' ? 'href' : 'content'),
-      ]
-  }
-   # OpenID providers / delegated identities
-   # <link rel="openid.server"
-   #       href="" />
-   # <link rel="openid.delegate"
-   #       href="whatever" />
-   #
-   [qw(openid.server    link)], # 'openid.server' => ['rel'], 'href'
-   [qw(openid.delegate  link)],
-   # OpenID2 providers / local identifiers
-   # <link rel="openid2.provider"
-   #       href="" />
-   # <link rel="openid2.local_id" href="whatever" />
-   #
-   [qw(openid2.provider  link)],
-   [qw(openid2.local_id  link)],
-   # FOAF maker info
-   # <meta name="foaf:maker"
-   #  content="foaf:mbox_sha1sum '4caa1d6f6203d21705a00a7aca86203e82a9cf7a'"/>
-   #
-   [qw(foaf.maker  meta  foaf:maker)], # == .name
-   # FOAF documents
-   # <link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF"
-   #       href="" />
-   #
-   [qw(foaf link), 'meta;foaf;application/rdf+xml' => [qw(rel title type)]],
-   # RSS
-   # <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS"
-   #       href="" />
-   #
-   [qw(rss link), 'alternate;application/rss+xml' => [qw(rel type)]],
-   # Atom
-   # <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom"
-   #       href="" />
-   #
-   [qw(atom link), 'alternate;application/atom+xml' => [qw(rel type)]],
-  ;
-sub _document_to_semantic_info {
-    my $doc = shift;
-    my $info = {};
-    my $elts = OpenID::util::html_extract_linkmetas($doc);
-    for (@HTTP_discovery_link_meta_tags) {
-        my ($key, $tag, $elt_value, $elt_keys, $vattrib) = @$_;
-        for my $lm (@{$elts->{$tag}}) {
-            $info->{$key} = $lm->{$vattrib}
-              if $elt_value eq join ';', map {lc($lm->{$_}||'')} @$elt_keys;
-        }
-    }
-    return $info;
-sub _find_semantic_info {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $url = shift;
-    my $final_url_ref = shift;
-    my $doc = $self->_get_url_contents($url, $final_url_ref);
-    my $info = _document_to_semantic_info($doc);
-    $self->_debug("semantic info ($url) = " . join(", ", map { $_.' => '.$info->{$_} } keys %$info)) if $self->{debug};
-    return $info;
-sub _find_openid_server {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $url = shift;
-    my $final_url_ref = shift;
-    my $sem_info = $self->_find_semantic_info($url, $final_url_ref) or
-        return;
-    return $self->_fail("no_identity_server") unless $sem_info->{"openid.server"};
-    $sem_info->{"openid.server"};
-sub is_server_response {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    return $self->message ? 1 : 0;
-my $_warned_about_setup_required = 0;
-sub handle_server_response {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my %callbacks_in = @_;
-    my %callbacks = ();
-    foreach my $cb (qw(not_openid cancelled verified error)) {
-        $callbacks{$cb} = delete($callbacks_in{$cb}) || sub { Carp::croak("No ".$cb." callback") };
-    }
-    # backwards compatibility:
-    #   'setup_needed' is expected as of 1.04
-    #   'setup_required' is deprecated but allowed in its place,
-    my $found_setup_callback = 0;
-    foreach my $cb (qw(setup_needed setup_required)) {
-        $callbacks{$cb} = delete($callbacks_in{$cb}) and $found_setup_callback++;
-    }
-    Carp::croak($found_setup_callback > 1
-                ? "Cannot have both setup_needed and setup_required"
-                : "No setup_needed callback")
-        unless $found_setup_callback == 1;
-    if (warnings::enabled('deprecated') &&
-        $callbacks{setup_required} &&
-        !$_warned_about_setup_required++
-       ) {
-        warnings::warn
-            ("deprecated",
-             "'setup_required' callback is deprecated, use 'setup_needed'");
-    }
-    Carp::croak("Unknown callbacks:  ".join(',', keys %callbacks_in))
-        if %callbacks_in;
-    unless ($self->is_server_response) {
-        return $callbacks{not_openid}->();
-    }
-    if ($self->setup_needed) {
-        return $callbacks{setup_needed}->()
-          unless ($callbacks{setup_required});
-        my $setup_url = $self->user_setup_url;
-        return $callbacks{setup_required}->($setup_url)
-          if $setup_url;
-        # otherwise FALL THROUGH to preserve prior behavior,
-        # Even though this is broken, old clients could have
-        # put a workaround into the 'error' callback to handle
-        # the setup_needed+(setup_url=undef) case
-    }
-    if ($self->user_cancel) {
-        return $callbacks{cancelled}->();
-    }
-    elsif (my $vident = $self->verified_identity) {
-        return $callbacks{verified}->($vident);
-    }
-    else {
-        return $callbacks{error}->($self->errcode, $self->errtext);
-    }
-sub _canonicalize_id_url {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $url = shift;
-    # trim whitespace
-    $url =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $url =~ s/\s+$//;
-    return $self->_fail("empty_url") unless $url;
-    # add scheme
-    $url = "http://$url" if $url && $url !~ m!^\w+://!;
-    return $self->_fail("bogus_url") unless $url =~ m!^https?://!i;
-    # make sure there is a slash after the hostname
-    $url .= "/" unless $url =~ m!^https?://.+/!i;
-    return $url;
-# always returns a listref; might be empty, though
-sub _discover_acceptable_endpoints {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $url = shift;  #already canonicalized ID url
-    my %opts = @_;
-    # if return_early is set, we'll return as soon as we have enough
-    # information to determine the "primary" endpoint, and return
-    # that as the first (and possibly only) item in our response.
-    my $primary_only = delete $opts{primary_only} ? 1 : 0;
-    # if force_version is set, we only return endpoints that have
-    # that have {version} == $force_version
-    my $force_version = delete $opts{force_version};
-    Carp::croak("Unknown option(s) ".join(', ', keys(%opts))) if %opts;
-    my @discovered_endpoints = ();
-    my $result = sub {
-        # We always prefer 2.0 endpoints to 1.1 ones, regardless of
-        # the priority chosen by the identifier.
-        return [
-            (grep { $_->{version} == 2 } @discovered_endpoints),
-            (grep { $_->{version} == 1 } @discovered_endpoints),
-        ];
-    };
-    # TODO: Support XRI too?
-    # First we Yadis service discovery
-    my $yadis = Net::OpenID::Yadis->new(consumer => $self);
-    if ($yadis->discover($url)) {
-        # FIXME: Currently we don't ever do _find_semantic_info in the Yadis
-        # code path, so an extra redundant HTTP request is done later
-        # when the semantic info is accessed.
-        my $final_url = $yadis->identity_url;
-        my @services = $yadis->services(
-            OpenID::util::version_2_xrds_service_url(),
-            OpenID::util::version_2_xrds_directed_service_url(),
-            OpenID::util::version_1_xrds_service_url(),
-        );
-        my $version2 = OpenID::util::version_2_xrds_service_url();
-        my $version1 = OpenID::util::version_1_xrds_service_url();
-        my $version2_directed = OpenID::util::version_2_xrds_directed_service_url();
-        foreach my $service (@services) {
-            my $service_uris = $service->URI;
-            # Service->URI seems to return all sorts of bizarre things, so let's
-            # normalize it to always be an arrayref.
-            if (ref($service_uris) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                my @sorted_id_servers = sort {
-                    my $pa = $a->{priority};
-                    my $pb = $b->{priority};
-                    defined($pb) <=> defined($pa)
-                      || (defined($pa) ? ($pa <=> $pb) : 0)
-                } @$service_uris;
-                $service_uris = \@sorted_id_servers;
-            }
-            if (ref($service_uris) eq 'HASH') {
-                $service_uris = [ $service_uris->{content} ];
-            }
-            unless (ref($service_uris)) {
-                $service_uris = [ $service_uris ];
-            }
-            my $delegate = undef;
-            my @versions = ();
-            if (grep(/^${version2}$/, $service->Type)) {
-                # We have an OpenID 2.0 end-user identifier
-                $delegate = $service->extra_field("LocalID");
-                push @versions, 2;
-            }
-            if (grep(/^${version1}$/, $service->Type)) {
-                # We have an OpenID 1.1 end-user identifier
-                $delegate = $service->extra_field("Delegate", "");
-                push @versions, 1;
-            }
-            if (@versions) {
-                foreach my $version (@versions) {
-                    next if defined($force_version) && $force_version != $version;
-                    foreach my $uri (@$service_uris) {
-                        push @discovered_endpoints, {
-                            uri => $uri,
-                            version => $version,
-                            final_url => $final_url,
-                            delegate => $delegate,
-                            sem_info => undef,
-                            mechanism => "Yadis",
-                        };
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (((!defined($force_version)) || $force_version == 2)
-                && grep(/^${version2_directed}$/, $service->Type)) {
-                # We have an OpenID 2.0 OP identifier (i.e. we're doing directed identity)
-                my $version = 2;
-                # In this case, the user's claimed identifier is a magic value
-                # and the actual identifier will be determined by the provider.
-                my $final_url = OpenID::util::version_2_identifier_select_url();
-                my $delegate = OpenID::util::version_2_identifier_select_url();
-                foreach my $uri (@$service_uris) {
-                    push @discovered_endpoints, {
-                        uri => $uri,
-                        version => $version,
-                        final_url => $final_url,
-                        delegate => $delegate,
-                        sem_info => undef,
-                        mechanism => "Yadis",
-                    };
-                }
-            }
-            if ($primary_only && scalar(@discovered_endpoints)) {
-                # We've got at least one endpoint now, so return early
-                return $result->();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    # Now HTML-based discovery, both 2.0- and 1.1-style.
-    {
-        my $final_url = undef;
-        my $sem_info = $self->_find_semantic_info($url, \$final_url);
-        if ($sem_info) {
-            if ($sem_info->{"openid2.provider"}) {
-                unless (defined($force_version) && $force_version != 2) {
-                    push @discovered_endpoints, {
-                        uri => $sem_info->{"openid2.provider"},
-                        version => 2,
-                        final_url => $final_url,
-                        delegate => $sem_info->{"openid2.local_id"},
-                        sem_info => $sem_info,
-                        mechanism => "HTML",
-                    };
-                }
-            }
-            if ($sem_info->{"openid.server"}) {
-                unless (defined($force_version) && $force_version != 1) {
-                    push @discovered_endpoints, {
-                        uri => $sem_info->{"openid.server"},
-                        version => 1,
-                        final_url => $final_url,
-                        delegate => $sem_info->{"openid.delegate"},
-                        sem_info => $sem_info,
-                        mechanism => "HTML",
-                    };
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return $result->();
-# returns Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity
-sub claimed_identity {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $url = shift;
-    Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
-    return unless $url = $self->_canonicalize_id_url($url);
-    my $endpoints = $self->_discover_acceptable_endpoints($url, primary_only => 1);
-    if (@$endpoints) {
-        foreach my $endpoint (@$endpoints) {
-            next unless $endpoint->{version} >= $self->minimum_version;
-            $self->_debug("Discovered version $endpoint->{version} endpoint at $endpoint->{uri} via $endpoint->{mechanism}");
-            $self->_debug("Delegate is $endpoint->{delegate}") if $endpoint->{delegate};
-            return Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity->new(
-                identity         => $endpoint->{final_url},
-                server           => $endpoint->{uri},
-                consumer         => $self,
-                delegate         => $endpoint->{delegate},
-                protocol_version => $endpoint->{version},
-                semantic_info    => $endpoint->{sem_info},
-            );
-        }
-        # If we've fallen out here, then none of the available services are of the required version.
-        return $self->_fail("protocol_version_incorrect");
-    }
-    else {
-        return $self->_fail("no_identity_server");
-    }
-sub user_cancel {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    return $self->_message_mode_is("cancel");
-sub setup_needed {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    if ($self->_message_version == 1) {
-        return $self->_message_mode_is("id_res") && $self->message("user_setup_url");
-    }
-    else {
-        return $self->_message_mode_is('setup_needed');
-    }
-sub user_setup_url {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my %opts = @_;
-    my $post_grant = delete $opts{'post_grant'};
-    Carp::croak("Unknown options: " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts;
-    if ($self->_message_version == 1) {
-        return $self->_fail("bad_mode") unless $self->_message_mode_is("id_res");
-    }
-    else {
-        return undef unless $self->_message_mode_is('setup_needed');
-    }
-    my $setup_url = $self->message("user_setup_url");
-    OpenID::util::push_url_arg(\$setup_url, "openid.post_grant", $post_grant)
-        if $setup_url && $post_grant;
-    return $setup_url;
-sub verified_identity {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my %opts = @_;
-    my $rr = delete $opts{'required_root'} || $self->{required_root};
-    Carp::croak("Unknown options: " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts;
-    return $self->_fail("bad_mode") unless $self->_message_mode_is("id_res");
-    # the asserted identity (the delegated one, if there is one, since the protocol
-    # knows nothing of the original URL)
-    my $a_ident  = $self->message("identity")     or return $self->_fail("no_identity");
-    my $sig64    = $self->message("sig")          or return $self->_fail("no_sig");
-    # fix sig if the OpenID provider failed to properly escape pluses (+) in the sig
-    $sig64 =~ s/ /+/g;
-    my $returnto = $self->message("return_to")    or return $self->_fail("no_return_to");
-    my $signed   = $self->message("signed");
-    my $possible_endpoints;
-    my $server;
-    my $claimed_identity;
-    my $real_ident =
-      ($self->_message_version == 1
-       ? $self->args("oic.identity")
-       : $self->message("claimed_id")
-      ) || $a_ident;
-    my $real_canon = $self->_canonicalize_id_url($real_ident);
-    return $self->_fail("no_identity_server")
-      unless ($real_canon
-              && @{
-                  $possible_endpoints =
-                    $self->_discover_acceptable_endpoints
-                      ($real_canon, force_version => $self->_message_version)
-                  });
-    # FIXME: It kinda sucks that the above will always do both Yadis and HTML discovery, even though
-    # in most cases only one will be in use.
-    if ($self->_message_version == 1) {
-        # In version 1, we have to assume that the primary server
-        # found during discovery is the one sending us this message.
-        splice(@$possible_endpoints,1);
-        $server = $possible_endpoints->[0]->{uri};
-        $self->_debug("Server is $server");
-    }
-    else {
-        # In version 2, the OpenID provider tells us its URL.
-        $server = $self->message("op_endpoint");
-        $self->_debug("Server is $server");
-        # but make sure that URL matches one of the discovered ones.
-        @$possible_endpoints =
-          grep {$_->{uri} eq $server} @$possible_endpoints
-            or return $self->_fail("server_not_allowed");
-    }
-    # check that returnto is for the right host
-    return $self->_fail("bogus_return_to") if $rr && $returnto !~ /^\Q$rr\E/;
-    my $now = time();
-    # check that we have not seen response_nonce before
-    my $response_nonce = $self->message("response_nonce");
-    unless ($response_nonce) {
-        # 1.0/1.1 does not require nonces
-        return $self->_fail("nonce_missing")
-          if $self->_message_version >= 2;
-    }
-    else {
-        return unless $self->_nonce_check_succeeds($now, $server, $response_nonce);
-    }
-    # check age/signature of return_to
-    {
-        my ($sig_time, $sig) = split(/\-/, $self->args("oic.time") || "");
-        # complain if more than an hour since we sent them off
-        return $self->_fail("time_expired")   if $sig_time < $now - 3600;
-        # also complain if the signature is from the future by more than 30 seconds,
-        # which compensates for potential clock drift between nodes in a web farm.
-        return $self->_fail("time_in_future") if $sig_time - 30 > $now;
-        # and check that the time isn't faked
-        my $c_secret = $self->_get_consumer_secret($sig_time);
-        my $good_sig = substr(hmac_sha1_hex($sig_time, $c_secret), 0, 20);
-        return $self->_fail("time_bad_sig") unless OpenID::util::timing_indep_eq($sig, $good_sig);
-    }
-    my $last_error = undef;
-    my $error = sub {
-        $self->_debug("$server not acceptable: ".$_[0]);
-        $last_error = $_[0];
-    };
-    foreach my $endpoint (@$possible_endpoints) {
-        # Known:
-        #  $endpoint->{version} == $self->_message_version
-        #  $endpoint->{uri} == $server
-        my $final_url = $endpoint->{final_url};
-        my $delegate = $endpoint->{delegate};
-        # OpenID 2.0 wants us to exclude the fragment part of the URL when doing equality checks
-        my $a_ident_nofragment = $a_ident;
-        my $real_ident_nofragment = $real_ident;
-        my $final_url_nofragment = $final_url;
-        if ($self->_message_version >= 2) {
-            $a_ident_nofragment =~ s/\#.*$//x;
-            $real_ident_nofragment =~ s/\#.*$//x;
-            $final_url_nofragment =~ s/\#.*$//x;
-        }
-        unless ($final_url_nofragment eq $real_ident_nofragment) {
-            $error->("unexpected_url_redirect");
-            next;
-        }
-        # if openid.delegate was used, check that it was done correctly
-        if ($a_ident_nofragment ne $real_ident_nofragment) {
-            unless ($delegate eq $a_ident_nofragment) {
-                $error->("bogus_delegation");
-                next;
-            }
-        }
-        # If we've got this far then we've found the right endpoint.
-        $claimed_identity =  Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity->new(
-            identity         => $endpoint->{final_url},
-            server           => $endpoint->{uri},
-            consumer         => $self,
-            delegate         => $endpoint->{delegate},
-            protocol_version => $endpoint->{version},
-            semantic_info    => $endpoint->{sem_info},
-        );
-        last;
-    }
-    unless ($claimed_identity) {
-        # We failed to find a good endpoint in the above loop, so
-        # lets bail out.
-        return $self->_fail($last_error);
-    }
-    my $assoc_handle = $self->message("assoc_handle");
-    $self->_debug("verified_identity: assoc_handle: $assoc_handle");
-    my $assoc = Net::OpenID::Association::handle_assoc($self, $server, $assoc_handle);
-    my @signed_fields = grep {m/^[\w\.]+$/} split(/,/, $signed);
-    my %signed_value = map {$_,$self->args("openid.$_")} @signed_fields;
-    # Auth 2.0 requires certain keys to be signed.
-    if ($self->_message_version >= 2) {
-        my %unsigned;
-        # these fields must be signed unconditionally
-        foreach my $f (qw/op_endpoint return_to response_nonce assoc_handle/) {
-            $unsigned{$f}++ unless exists $signed_value{$f};
-        }
-        # these fields must be signed if present
-        foreach my $f (qw/claimed_id identity/) {
-            $unsigned{$f}++
-              if $self->args("openid.$f") && !exists $signed_value{$f};
-        }
-        if (%unsigned) {
-            return $self->_fail("unsigned_field", undef, keys %unsigned);
-        }
-    }
-    if ($assoc) {
-        $self->_debug("verified_identity: verifying with found association");
-        return $self->_fail("expired_association")
-            if $assoc->expired;
-        # verify the token
-        my $token = join '',map {"$_:$signed_value{$_}\n"} @signed_fields;
-        utf8::encode($token);
-        my $good_sig = $assoc->generate_signature($token);
-        return $self->_fail("signature_mismatch") unless OpenID::util::timing_indep_eq($sig64, $good_sig);
-    } else {
-        $self->_debug("verified_identity: verifying using HTTP (dumb mode)");
-        # didn't find an association.  have to do dumb consumer mode
-        # and check it with a POST
-        my %post;
-        my @mkeys;
-        if ($self->_message_version >= 2
-            && (@mkeys = $self->message->all_parameters)) {
-            # OpenID 2.0: copy *EVERYTHING*, not just signed parameters.
-            # (XXX:  Do we need to copy non "openid." parameters as well?
-            #  For now, assume if provider is sending them, there is a reason)
-            %post = map {$_ eq 'openid.mode' ? () : ($_, $self->args($_)) } @mkeys;
-        }
-        else {
-            # OpenID 1.1 *OR* legacy client did not provide a proper
-            # enumerator; in the latter case under 2.0 we have no
-            # choice but to send a partial (1.1-style)
-            # check_authentication request and hope for the best.
-            %post = (
-                     "openid.assoc_handle" => $assoc_handle,
-                     "openid.signed"       => $signed,
-                     "openid.sig"          => $sig64,
-                    );
-            if ($self->_message_version >= 2) {
-                $post{'openid.ns'} = OpenID::util::VERSION_2_NAMESPACE();
-            }
-            # and copy in all signed parameters that we don't already have into %post
-            $post{"openid.$_"} = $signed_value{$_}
-              foreach grep {!exists $post{"openid.$_"}} @signed_fields;
-            # if the provider told us our handle as bogus, let's ask in our
-            # check_authentication mode whether that's true
-            if (my $ih = $self->message("invalidate_handle")) {
-                $post{"openid.invalidate_handle"} = $ih;
-            }
-        }
-        $post{"openid.mode"} = "check_authentication";
-        my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $server);
-        $req->header("Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
-        $req->content(join("&", map { "$_=" . uri_escape($post{$_}) } keys %post));
-        my $ua  = $self->ua;
-        my $res = $ua->request($req);
-        return $self->_fail("naive_verify_failed_network")
-          unless $res && $res->is_success;
-        my $content = $res->content;
-        my %args = OpenID::util::parse_keyvalue($content);
-        # delete the handle from our cache
-        if (my $ih = $args{'invalidate_handle'}) {
-            Net::OpenID::Association::invalidate_handle($self, $server, $ih);
-        }
-        return $self->_fail("naive_verify_failed_return") unless
-            $args{'is_valid'} eq "true" ||  # protocol 1.1
-            $args{'lifetime'} > 0;          # DEPRECATED protocol 1.0
-    }
-    $self->_debug("verified identity! = $real_ident");
-    # verified!
-    return Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->new(
-        claimed_identity => $claimed_identity,
-        consumer  => $self,
-        signed_fields => \%signed_value,
-    );
-sub supports_consumer_secret { 1; }
-sub _get_consumer_secret {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $time = shift;
-    my $ss;
-    if (ref $self->{consumer_secret} eq "CODE") {
-        $ss = $self->{consumer_secret};
-    } elsif ($self->{consumer_secret}) {
-        $ss = sub { return $self->{consumer_secret}; };
-    } else {
-        Carp::croak("You haven't defined a consumer_secret value or subref.\n");
-    }
-    my $sec = $ss->($time);
-    Carp::croak("Consumer secret too long") if length($sec) > 255;
-    return $sec;
-our $nonce_default_delay = 1200;
-our $nonce_default_skew = 300;
-sub _canonicalize_nonce_options {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my $o = shift;
-    my ($no_check,$ignore_time,$lifetime,$window,$start,$skew,$timecop) =
-      delete @{$o}{qw(no_check ignore_time lifetime window start skew timecop)};
-    Carp::croak("Unrecognized nonce_options: ".join(',',keys %$o))
-        if keys %$o;
-    return +{ no_check => 1 }
-      if ($no_check);
-    return +{ window => 0,
-              lifetime => ($lifetime && $lifetime > 0 ? $lifetime : 0),
-            }
-      if ($ignore_time);
-    $window =
-      defined($lifetime) ? $lifetime :
-        $nonce_default_delay + 2*(defined($skew) && $skew > $nonce_default_skew
-                                  ? $skew : $nonce_default_skew)
-      unless (defined($window));
-    $lifetime = $window
-      unless (defined($lifetime));
-    $lifetime = 0 if $lifetime < 0;
-    $window = 0 if $window < 0;
-    $skew = $window < 2*$nonce_default_skew ? $window/2 : $nonce_default_skew
-      unless (defined($skew));
-    Carp::croak("Unrecognized nonce_options: ".join(',',keys %$o))
-        if keys %$o;
-    return
-      +{
-        window => $window,
-        lifetime => $lifetime,
-        skew => $skew,
-        defined($start)  ? (start => $start) : (),
-       };
-# The contract:
-#     IF the provider adheres to protocol and is properly configured
-#     which, for our purposes here means
-#       (1) it sends properly formatted nonces
-#           that reflect provider clock time and
-#       (2) provider clock is not skewed from our own by more than
-#           <skew> (the maximum acceptable)
-#     AND
-#       we have a cache that can reliably hold onto entries
-#       for at least <lifetime> seconds
-#     THEN we must not accept a duplicate nonce.
-# Preconditions imply that no message with this nonce will be received
-# prior to <nonce_time>-<skew> (i.e., provider clock is running
-# maximally fast and there is no transmission delay).  If our cache
-# start time is prior to this and the lifetime of cache entries is
-# long enough, then we can know for certain that it's not a duplicate,
-# otherwise we do not and therefore must reject it.
-# If we detect an instance where preconditions do not hold, there is
-# not much we can do: rejecting nonces in this case will not make the
-# protocol more secure.  As long as the provider's clock is skewed too
-# far forward, an attacker will be able to take advantage of it.  Best
-# we can do is issue warnings, which is the point of 'timecop', but if
-# there's no place to send the warnings, then it's a waste of time.
-sub _nonce_check_succeeds {
-    my Net::OpenID::Consumer $self = shift;
-    my ($now, $uri, $nonce) = @_;
-    my $o = $self->nonce_options;
-    my $cache = $self->cache;
-    return 1
-      if $o->{no_check} || !$cache;
-    my $cache_key = "nonce:$uri:$nonce";
-    return $self->_fail('nonce_reused') if ($cache->get($cache_key));
-    $cache->set($cache_key, 1,
-                ($o->{lifetime} ? ($now + $o->{lifetime}) : ()));
-    return 1
-      unless $o->{window} || $o->{start};
-    # parse RFC3336 timestamp restricted as per 10.1
-    my ($year,$mon,$day,$hour,$min,$sec) =
-      $nonce =~ m/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})Z/
-      or return $self->_fail('nonce_format');
-    # $nonce_time is a lower bound on when the nonce could have been
-    # received according to our clock
-    my $nonce_time = eval { timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon-1,$year) - $o->{skew} };
-    return $self->_fail('nonce_format') if $@;
-    # nonces from the future indicate misconfigured providers
-    # that we can do nothing about except give warnings
-    return !$o->{timecop} || $self->_fail('nonce_future')
-        if ($now < $nonce_time);
-    # the check that matters
-    return $self->_fail('nonce_stale')
-      if   ($o->{window} && $nonce_time < $now - $o->{window})
-        || ($o->{start} && $nonce_time < $o->{start});
-    # win
-    return 1;
-=head1 NAME
-Net::OpenID::Consumer - Library for consumers of OpenID identities
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use Net::OpenID::Consumer;
-  my $csr = Net::OpenID::Consumer->new(
-    ua    => LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new,
-    cache => Cache::File->new( cache_root => '/tmp/mycache' ),
-    args  => $cgi,
-    consumer_secret => ...,
-    required_root => "",
-    assoc_options => [
-      max_encrypt => 1,
-      session_no_encrypt_https => 1,
-    ],
-  );
-  # Say a user enters "" as his/her identity.  The first
-  # step is to perform discovery, i.e., fetch that page, parse it,
-  # find out the actual identity provider and other useful information,
-  # which gets encapsulated in a Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity object:
-  my $claimed_identity = $csr->claimed_identity("");
-  unless ($claimed_identity) {
-    die "not actually an openid?  " . $csr->err;
-  }
-  # We can then launch the actual authentication of this identity.
-  # The first step is to redirect the user to the appropriate URL at
-  # the identity provider.  This URL is constructed as follows:
-  #
-  my $check_url = $claimed_identity->check_url(
-    return_to  => "",
-    trust_root => "",
-    # to do a "checkid_setup mode" request, in which the user can
-    # interact with the provider, e.g., so that the user can sign in
-    # there if s/he has not done so already, you will need this,
-    delayed_return => 1
-    # otherwise, this will be a "check_immediate mode" request, the
-    # provider will have to immediately return some kind of answer
-    # without interaction
-  );
-  # Once you redirect the user to $check_url, the provider should
-  # eventually redirect back, at which point you need some kind of
-  # handler at to deal with that response.
-  # You can either use the callback-based API (recommended)...
-  #
-  $csr->handle_server_response(
-      not_openid => sub {
-          die "Not an OpenID message";
-      },
-      setup_needed => sub {
-          # (OpenID 2) retry request in checkid_setup mode
-          # (OpenID 1) redirect user to $csr->user_setup_url
-      },
-      cancelled => sub {
-          # User hit cancel; restore application state prior to check_url
-      },
-      verified => sub {
-          my ($vident) = @_;
-          my $verified_url = $vident->url;
-          print "You are $verified_url !";
-      },
-      error => sub {
-          my ($errcode,$errtext) = @_;
-          die("Error validating identity: $errcode: $errcode");
-      },
-  );
-  # ... or handle the various cases yourself
-  #
-  unless ($csr->is_server_response) {
-      die "Not an OpenID message";
-  } elsif ($csr->setup_needed) {
-       # (OpenID 2) retry request in checkid_setup mode
-       # (OpenID 1) redirect/link/popup user to $csr->user_setup_url
-  } elsif ($csr->user_cancel) {
-       # User hit cancel; restore application state prior to check_url
-  } elsif (my $vident = $csr->verified_identity) {
-       my $verified_url = $vident->url;
-       print "You are $verified_url !";
-  } else {
-       die "Error validating identity: " . $csr->err;
-  }
-This is the Perl API for (the consumer half of) OpenID, a distributed
-identity system based on proving you own a URL, which is then your
-identity.  More information is available at:
-=over 4
-=item B<new>
- my $csr = Net::OpenID::Consumer->new( %options );
-The following option names are recognized:
-C<assoc_options>, and
-in the constructor.
-In each case the option value is treated exactly as the argument
-to the corresponding method described below under L<Configuration|/Configuration>.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 State
-=over 4
-=item $csr->B<message>($key)
-Returns the value for the given key/field from the OpenID protocol
-message contained in the request URL parameters (i.e., the value for
-the URL parameter C<openid.$key>).
-This can only be used to obtain core OpenID fields not extension fields.
-Calling this method without a C<$key> argument returns a
-object representing the protocol message.
-Returns undef in either case if no URL parameters have been supplied
-(i.e., because B<args>() has not been initialized) or if the request
-is not an actual OpenID message.
-=item $csr->B<err>
-Returns the last error, in form "errcode: errtext",
-as set by the various handlers below.
-=item $csr->B<errcode>
-Returns the last error code.
-See L<Error Codes|/ERROR CODES> below.
-=item $csr->B<errtext>
-Returns the last error text.
-=item $csr->B<json_err>
-Returns the last error code/text in JSON format.
-=head2 Configuration
-=over 4
-=item $csr->B<ua>($user_agent)
-=item $csr->B<ua>
-Getter/setter for the L<LWP::UserAgent|LWP::UserAgent> (or subclass)
-instance which will be used when direct HTTP requests to a provider are needed.
-It's highly recommended that you use
-L<LWPx::ParanoidAgent|LWPx::ParanoidAgent>, or at least read its
-documentation so you're aware of why you should care.
-=item $csr->B<cache>($cache)
-=item $csr->B<cache>
-Getter/setter for the cache instance which is used for storing fetched
-HTML or XRDS pages, keys for associations with identity providers, and
-received response_nonce values from positive provider assertions.
-The $cache object can be anything that has a -E<gt>get($key) and
--E<gt>set($key,$value[,$expire]) methods.  See L<URI::Fetch> for more
-information.  This cache object is passed to L<URI::Fetch|URI::Fetch> directly.
-Setting a cache instance is not absolutely required,
-But without it, provider associations will not be possible and
-the same pages may be fetched multiple times during discovery.
-B<It will also not be possible to check for repetition of the
-response_nonce, which may then leave you open to replay attacks.>
-=item $csr->B<consumer_secret>($scalar)
-=item $csr->B<consumer_secret>($code)
- $code = $csr->B<consumer_secret>; ($secret) = $code->($time);
-The consumer secret is used to generate self-signed nonces for the
-return_to URL, to prevent spoofing.
-In the simplest (and least secure) form, you configure a static secret
-value with a scalar.  If you use this method and change the scalar
-value, any outstanding requests from the last 30 seconds or so will fail.
-You may also supply a subref that takes one argument, I<$time>,
-a unix timestamp and returns a secret.
-Your secret may not exceed 255 characters.
-For the best protection against replays and login cross-site request
-forgery, consumer_secret should additionally depend on something known
-to be specific to the client browser instance and not visible to an
-attacker.  If C<SSH_SESSION_ID> is available, you should use that.
-Otherwise you'll need to set a (Secure) cookie on the (HTTPS) page
-where the signin form appears in order to establish a pre-login
-session, then make sure to change this cookie upon successful login.
-=item $csr->B<minimum_version>(2)
-=item $csr->B<minimum_version>
-Get or set the minimum OpenID protocol version supported. Currently
-the only useful value you can set here is 2, which will cause
-1.1 identifiers to fail discovery with the error C<protocol_version_incorrect>
-and responses from version 1 providers to not be recognized.
-In most cases you'll want to allow both 1.1 and 2.0 identifiers,
-which is the default. If you want, you can set this property to 1
-to make this behavior explicit.
-=item $csr->B<args>($ref)
-=item $csr->B<args>($param)
-=item $csr->B<args>
-Can be used in 1 of 3 ways:
-=item 1.
-Set the object from which URL parameter names and values are to be retrieved:
- $csr->args( $reference )
-where C<$reference> is either
-an unblessed C<HASH> ref,
-a C<CODE> ref, or
-some kind of "request object" E<mdash> the latter being either a
-L<Apache2::Request|Apache2::Request>, or
-L<Plack::Request|Plack::Request> object.
-If you pass in a C<CODE> ref, it must,
-=item *
-given a single parameter name argument, return the corresponding parameter value, I<and>,
-=item *
-given no arguments at all, return the full list of parameter names from the request.
-If you pass in an L<Apache|..::Apache> (mod_perl 1.x interface) object
-and this is a POST request, you must I<not> have already called
-C<< $r->content >> as this routine will be making said call
-itself in order to extract the request parameters.
-=item 2.
-Get a parameter value:
- my $foo = $csr->args("foo");
-When given an unblessed scalar, it retrieves the value.  It croaks if
-you haven't defined a way to get at the parameters.
-Most callers should instead use the C<message> method above, which
-abstracts away the need to understand OpenID's message serialization.
-=item 3.
-Get the parameter getter:
- my $code = $csr->args;
-this being a subref that takes a parameter name and
-returns the corresponding value.
-Most callers should instead use the C<message> method above with no
-arguments, which returns an object from which extension attributes
-can be obtained by their documented namespace URI.
-=item $csr->B<required_root>($url_prefix)
-=item $csr->B<required_root>
-Gets or sets the string prefix that, if nonempty, all return_to URLs
-must start with.  Messages with return_to URLS that don't match will
-be considered invalid (spoofed from another site).
-=item $csr->B<assoc_options>(...)
-=item $csr->B<assoc_options>
-Get or sets the hash of parameters that determine how associations
-with identity providers will be made.  Available options include:
-=over 4
-=item C<assoc_type>
-Association type, (default 'HMAC-SHA1')
-=item C<session_type>
-Association session type, (default 'DH-SHA1')
-=item C<max_encrypt>
-Use best encryption available for protocol version
-for both session type and association type.
-This overrides C<session_type> and C<assoc_type>
-=item C<session_no_encrypt_https>
-Use an unencrypted session type if the ID provider URL scheme is C<https:>.
-This overrides C<max_encrypt> if both are set.
-=item C<allow_eavesdropping>
-Because it is generally a bad idea, we abort assocations where an
-unencrypted session over a non-SSL connection is called for.
-However the OpenID 1.1 specification technically allows this,
-so if that is what you really want, set this flag true.
-Ignored under protocol version 2.
-=item $csr->B<nonce_options>(...)
-=item $csr->B<nonce_options>
-Gets or sets the hash of options for how response_nonce should be checked.
-In OpenID 2.0, response_nonce is sent by the identity provider as part
-of a positive identity assertion in order to help prevent replay
-attacks.  In the check_authentication phase, the provider is also
-required to not authenticate the same response_nonce twice.
-The relying party is strongly encouraged but not required to reject
-multiple occurrences of a nonce (which can matter if associations are
-in use and there is no check_authentication phase).  Relying party may
-also choose to reject a nonce on the basis of the timestamp being out
-of an acceptable range.
-Available options include:
-=item C<nocheck>
-Skip response_nonce checking entirely.
-This overrides all other nonce_options.
-C<nocheck> is implied and is the only possibility if $csr->B<cache> is unset.
-=item C<lifetime>
-Cache entries for nonces will expire after this many seconds.
-Defaults to the value of C<window>, below.
-If C<lifetime> is zero or negative, expiration times will not be set
-at all; entries will expire as per the default behavior for your cache
-(or you will need to purge them via some separate process).
-If your cache implementation ignores the third argument on
-$entry->B<set>() calls (see L<Cache::Entry>), then this option
-has no effect beyond serving as a default for C<window>.
-=item C<ignoretime>
-Do not do any checking of timestamps, i.e., only test whether nonce is in
-the cache.  This overrides all other nonce options except for C<lifetime>
-and C<nocheck>
-=item C<skew>
-Number of seconds that a provider clock can be ahead of ours before we
-deem it to be misconfigured.
-Default skew is 300 (5 minutes) or C<window/2>, if C<window> is
-specified and C<window/2> is smaller.
-(C<skew> is treated as 0 if set negative, but don't do that).
-Misconfiguration of the provider clock means its timestamps are not
-reliable, which then means there is no way to know whether or not the
-nonce could have been sent before the start of the cache window, which
-nullifies any obligation to detect all multiply sent nonces.
-Conversely, if proper configuration can be assumed, then the timestamp
-value minus C<skew> will be the earliest possible time that we could
-have received a previous instance of this response_nonce, and if the
-cache is reliable about holding entries from that time forward, then
-(and only then) can one be certain that an uncached nonce instance is
-indeed the first.
-=item  C<start>
-Reject nonces where I<timestamp> minus C<skew> is earlier than C<start>
-(absolute seconds; default is zero a.k.a. midnight 1/1/1970 UTC)
-If you know the start time of your HTTP server (or your cache server,
-if that is separate E<mdash> or the maximum of the start times if you
-have multiple cache servers), you should use this option to declare that.
-=item  C<window>
-Reject nonces where I<timestamp> minus C<skew> is more than C<window>
-seconds ago.  Zero or negative values of C<window> are treated as
-infinite (i.e., allow everything).
-If C<lifetime> is specified, C<window> defaults to that.
-If C<lifetime> is not specified, C<window> defaults to 1800 (30 minutes),
-adjusted upwards if C<skew> is specified and larger than the default skew.
-On general principles, C<window> should be a maximal expected
-propagation delay plus twice the C<skew>.
-Values between 0 and C<skew> (causing all nonces to be rejected) and
-values greater than C<lifetime> (cache may fail to keep all nonces
-that are still within the window) are I<not> recommended.
-=item C<timecop>
-Reject nonces from The Future (i.e., timestamped more than
-C<skew> seconds from now).
-Note that rejecting future nonces is not required.  Nor does it
-protect from anything since an attacker can retry the message once it
-has expired from the cache but is still within the time interval where
-we would not yet I<expect> that it could expire E<mdash> this being
-the essential problem with future nonces.  It may, however, be useful
-to have warnings about misconfigured provider clocks E<mdash> and hence
-about this insecurity E<mdash> at the cost of impairing interoperability
-(since this rejects messages that are otherwise allowed by the
-protocol), hence this option.
-In most cases it will be enough to either set C<nocheck> to dispense
-with response_nonce checking entirely because some other (better)
-method of preventing replay attacks (see B<consumer_secret>) has been
-implemented, or use C<lifetime> to declare/set the lifetime of cache
-entries for nonces whether because the default lifetime is
-unsatisfactory or because the cache implementation is incapable of
-setting individual expiration times.  All other options should default
-reasonably in these cases.
-In order for the nonce check to be as reliable/secure as possible
-(i.e., that it block all instances of duplicate nonces from properly
-configured providers as defined by C<skew>, which is the best we can
-do), C<start> must be no earlier than the cache start time and the
-cache must be guaranteed to hold nonce entries for at least C<window>
-seconds (though, to be sure, if you can tolerate being vulnerable for
-the first C<window> seconds of a server run, then you do not need to
-set C<start>).
-=head2 Performing Discovery
-=item $csr->B<claimed_identity>($url)
-Given a user-entered $url
-(which could be missing http://, or have extra whitespace, etc),
-converts it to canonical form,
-performs partial discovery to confirm that at least one provider endpoint exists,
-and returns a L<Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity|Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity>
-object, or, on failure of any of the above,
-returns undef and sets last error ($csr->B<err>).
-Note that the identity returned is I<not> verified yet.
-It's only who the user claims they are, but they could be lying.
-If this method returns undef, an error code will be set.
-See L<Error Codes|/ERROR CODES> below.
-=head2 Handling Provider Responses
-The following routines are for handling a redirected provider response
-and assume that, among other things, $csr->B<args> has been properly
-populated with the URL parameters.
-=item $csr->B<handle_server_response>( %callbacks );
-When a request comes in that contains a response from an OpenID provider,
-figure out what it means and dispatch to an appropriate callback to handle
-the request. This is the callback-based alternative to explicitly calling
-the methods below in the correct sequence, and is recommended unless you
-need to do something strange.
-Anything you return from the selected callback function will be returned
-by this method verbatim. This is useful if the caller needs to return
-something different in each case.
-The available callbacks are:
-=item C<not_openid>
-the request isn't an OpenID response after all.
-=item C<setup_needed>
-a checkid_immediate mode request was rejected, indicating that the provider requires user interaction.
-=item C<cancelled>
-the user cancelled the authentication request from the provider's UI.
-=item C<verified ($verified_identity)>
-the user's identity has been successfully verified.
-A L<Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity|Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity> object is passed in.
-=item C<error ($errcode, $errmsg)>
-an error has occured. An error code and message are provided.
-See L<Error Codes|/ERROR CODES> below for the meanings of the codes.
-For the sake of legacy code we also allow
-=item C<setup_required ($setup_url)>
-B<[DEPRECATED]> a checkid_immediate mode request was rejected
-I<and> $setup_url was provided.
-Clients using this callback should be updated to use B<setup_needed>
-at the earliest opportunity.  Here $setup_url is the same as returned by
-=item $csr->B<is_server_response>
-Returns true if a set of URL parameters has been supplied (via $csr->B<args>)
-and constitutes an actual OpenID protocol message.
-=item $csr->B<setup_needed>
-Returns true if a checkid_immediate request failed because the provider
-requires user interaction.  The correct action to take at this point
-depends on the OpenID protocol version
-(Version 1) Redirect to or otherwise make available a link to
-(Version 2) Retry the request in checkid_setup mode; the provider will
-then issue redirects as needed.
-B<N.B.>: While some providers have been known to supply the C<user_setup_url>
-parameter in Version 2 C<setup_needed> responses, you I<cannot> rely on this,
-and, moreover, since the OpenID 2.0 specification has nothing to say about
-the meaning of such a parameter, you cannot rely on it meaning anything
-in particular even if it is supplied.
-=item $csr->B<user_setup_url>( [ %opts ] )
-(Version 1 only) Returns the URL the user must return to in order to
-login, setup trust, or do whatever the identity provider needs them to
-do in order to make the identity assertion which they previously
-initiated by entering their claimed identity URL.
-B<N.B.>: Checking whether C<user_setup_url> is set in order to determine
-whether a checkid_immediate request failed is DEPRECATED and will fail
-under OpenID 2.0.  Use C<setup_needed()> instead.
-The base URL that this function returns can be modified by using the
-following options in %opts:
-=item C<post_grant>
-What you're asking the identity provider to do with the user after they
-setup trust.  Can be either C<return> or C<close> to return the user
-back to the return_to URL, or close the browser window with
-JavaScript.  If you don't specify, the behavior is undefined (probably
-the user gets a dead-end page with a link back to the return_to URL).
-In any case, the identity provider can do whatever it wants, so don't
-depend on this.
-=item $csr->B<user_cancel>
-Returns true if the user declined to share their identity, false
-otherwise.  (This function is literally one line: returns true if
-"openid.mode" eq "cancel")
-It's then your job to restore your app to where it was prior to
-redirecting them off to the user_setup_url, using the other query
-parameters that you'd sent along in your return_to URL.
-=item $csr->B<verified_identity>( [ %opts ] )
-Returns a Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity object,
-or returns undef and sets last error ($csr->B<err>).
-Verification includes double-checking the reported identity URL
-declares the identity provider, verifying the signature, etc.
-The options in %opts may contain:
-=item C<required_root>
-Sets the required_root just for this request.  Values returns to its
-previous value afterwards.
-If this method returns undef, an error code will be set.
-See L<Error Codes|/ERROR CODES> below.
-This is the complete list of error codes that can be set.  Errors marked with (C) are set by B<claimed_identity>.  Other errors occur during handling of provider responses and can be set by B<args> (A), B<verified_identity> (V), and B<user_setup_url> (S), all of which can show up in the C<error> callback for B<handle_server_response>.
-=item C<provider_error>
-(A) The protocol message is a (2.0) error mode (i.e., C<openid.mode = 'error'>) message, typically used for provider-specific error reponses.  Use $csr->B<message> to get at the C<contact> and C<reference> fields.
-=item C<empty_url>
-(C) Tried to do discovery on an empty or all-whitespace string.
-=item C<bogus_url>
-(C) Tried to do discovery on a non-http:/https: URL.
-=item C<protocol_version_incorrect>
-(C) None of the ID providers found support even the minimum protocol version ($csr->B<minimum_version>)
-=item C<no_identity_server>
-(CV) Tried to do discovery on a URL that does not seem to have any providers at all.
-=item C<bad_mode>
-(SV) The C<openid.mode> was expected to be C<id_res> (positive assertion or, in version 1, checkid_immediate failed).
-=item C<no_identity>
-(V) The C<openid.identity> parameter is missing.
-=item C<no_sig>
-(V) The  C<openid.sig> parameter is missing.
-=item C<no_return_to>
-(V) The C<openid.return_to> parameter is missing
-=item C<bogus_return_to>
-(V) The C<return_to> URL does not match $csr->B<required_root>
-=item C<nonce_missing>
-(V) The C<openid.response_nonce> parameter is missing.
-=item C<nonce_reused>
-(V) A previous assertion from this provider used this response_nonce already.  Someone may be attempting a replay attack.
-=item C<nonce_format>
-(V) Either the response_nonce timestamp was not in the correct format (e.g., tried to have fractional seconds or not UTC) or one of the components was out of range (e.g., month = 13).
-=item C<nonce_future>
-(V) C<timecop> was set and we got a response_nonce that was more than C<skew> seconds into the future.
-=item C<nonce_stale>
-(V) We got a response_nonce that was either prior to the start time or more than window seconds ago.
-=item C<time_expired>
-(V) The return_to signature time (C<oic.time>) is from too long ago.
-=item C<time_in_future>
-(V) The return_to signature time (C<oic.time>) is too far into the future.
-=item C<time_bad_sig>
-(V) The HMAC of the return_to signature (C<oic.time>) is not what it should be.
-=item C<server_not_allowed>
-(V) None of the provider endpoints found for the given ID match the server specified by the C<openid.op_endpoint> parameter (OpenID 2 only).
-=item C<unexpected_url_redirect>
-(V) Discovery for the given ID ended up at the wrong place
-=item C<bogus_delegation>
-(V) Asserted identity (C<openid.identity>) does not match claimed_id or local_id/delegate.
-=item C<unsigned_field>
-(V) In OpenID 2.0, C<openid.op_endpoint>, C<openid.return_to>, C<openid.response_nonce>, and C<openid.assoc_handle> must always be signed, while C<openid.claimed_id> and C<openid.identity> must be signed if present.
-=item C<expired_association>
-(V) C<openid.assoc_handle> is for an association that has expired.
-=item C<signature_mismatch>
-(V) An attempt to confirm the positive assertion using the association given by C<openid.assoc_handle> failed; the signature is not what it should be.
-=item C<naive_verify_failed_network>
-(V) An attempt to confirm the positive assertion via direct contact (check_authentication) with the provider failed with no response or a bad status code (!= 200).
-=item C<naive_verify_failed_return>
-(V) An attempt to confirm a positive assertion via direct contact (check_authentication) received an explicitly negative response (C<openid.is_valid = FALSE>).
-XRI-based identities are not supported.
-Meanwhile, here are answers to the security profile questions from L<section 15.6 of the OpenID 2.0 specification|> that are relevant to the Consumer/Relying-Party:
-=item 1.
-I<Are wildcards allowed in realms?>
-=item 2.
-=item 3.
-I<Types of claimed identifiers accepted.>
-=item 4.
-I<Are self-issued certificates allowed for authentication?>
-B<Depends entirely on the user agent (C<ua>) supplied.  L<LWP::UserAgent|LWP::UserAgent>, as of version 6.0, can be configured to only accept connections to sites with certificates deriving from a set of trusted roots.>
-=item 5.
-I<Must the XRDS file be signed?>  B<No.>
-=item 6.
-I<Must the XRDS file be retrieved over secure channel?>  B<No.>
-=item 7.
-I<What types of session types can be used when creating associations?>  B<Any of C<no-encryption>,C<DH-SHA1>,C<DH-SHA256>>
-=item 8.
-=item 9.
-=item 10.
-I<Must the association request take place over a secure channel?>  B<If the session type is C<no-encryption>, then Yes for version 2.0 providers and likewise for version 1.1 providers if C<allow_eavesdropping> is not set, otherwise No.>
-This module is Copyright (c) 2005 Brad Fitzpatrick.
-All rights reserved.
-You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
-License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
-If you need more liberal licensing terms, please contact the
-=head1 WARRANTY
-The Net::OpenID family of modules has a mailing list powered
-by Google Groups. For more information, see
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-OpenID website: L<>
-L<Net::OpenID::ClaimedIdentity> -- part of this module
-L<Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity> -- part of this module
-L<Net::OpenID::Server> -- another module, for implementing an OpenID identity provider/server
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Brad Fitzpatrick <>
-Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>
-Martin Atkins <>
-Robert Norris <>
-Roger Crew <>
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use Carp ();
 package Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity;
-  $Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::VERSION = '1.15';
+  $Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity::VERSION = '1.16';
 use fields (
     'identity',  # the verified identity URL
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity - Object representing a verified OpenID identity
 =head1 VERSION
-version 1.15
+version 1.16
 =head1 SYNOPSIS