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Build.PL 4120
META.yml 5546
Makefile.PL 731
lib/Net/XMPP/ 189117
lib/Net/XMPP/ 439
lib/Net/XMPP/ 12688
lib/Net/XMPP/ 105
lib/Net/XMPP/ 10051
lib/Net/XMPP/ 105
lib/Net/XMPP/ 9588
lib/Net/XMPP/ 239127
lib/Net/XMPP/ 113
lib/Net/XMPP/ 780483
lib/Net/XMPP/ 14273
lib/Net/XMPP/ 3424
lib/Net/ 163113
stderr 013
t/2_client_jabberd1.4.t 11
t/3_client_jabberd2.t 11
t/config/accounts.yml.copyme 130
t/gtalk.t 2320
t/iq.t 33
t/jid.t 22
t/lib/Net/XMPP/Test/ 640
t/lib/Test/ 01408
t/lib/Test/ 01248
t/lib/Test/ 0235
t/memory_cycle.t 350
t/memory_leak.t 710
t/message.t 33
t/packet_iqauth.t 33
t/packet_iqroster.t 22
t/presence.t 33
t/rawxml.t 22
t/roster.t 44
t/srv.t 730
42 files changed (This is a version diff) 32484761
@@ -1,41 +1,20 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Module::Build;
-my $build = Module::Build->new(
-	module_name   => 'Net::XMPP',
-	license       => 'lgpl',
-	dist_author   => 'Darian Anthony Patrick <>',
-	dist_abstract => 'XMPP Support Library',
-	configure_requires => {
-		'Module::Build' => '0.360300',
-	},
-	build_requires => {
-		'LWP::Online'   => '1.07',
-		'Test::More'    => '0.92',
-		'YAML::Tiny'    => '1.41',
-	},
-	requires => {
-		'perl'         => 'v5.8.0',
-		'Authen::SASL' => '2.12',
-		'Digest::SHA1' => '1.02',
-		'XML::Stream'  => '1.23_04',
-		'Scalar::Util' => '0',
-	},
-	sign               => 1,
-	create_license     => 1,
-	create_makefile_pl => 'small',
-	meta_merge => {
-		'resources' => {
-			'bugtracker' => '',
-			'repository' => '',
-		}
-	},
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Build;
+my $builder = Module::Build->new(
+    module_name         => 'Net::XMPP',
+    license             => 'lgpl',
+    dist_author         => 'xmpplar',
+    dist_abstract		=> 'XMPP Support Library',
+    dist_version_from   => 'lib/Net/',
+    requires => {
+        'XML::Stream' => 1.22,
+        'Digest::SHA1' => 1.02,
+    	},
+    create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
@@ -1,40 +1,3 @@
-1.02_04 2011-07-19
-  - Remove outdated Test::More/Test::Builder (szabgab)
-  - Address more memory leaks in Net::XMPP::Connection, Net::XMPP::Protocol and Net::XMPP::Roster (szabgab)
-  - Fix crash connecting to Google Talk (szabgab)
-  - Add Google Talk-specific test (szabgab)
-  - Add memory leak tests (szabgab)
-  - Correct behavior of Net::XMPP::Debug when level >= 0 (szabgab)
-  - Correct documentation with regard to debug settings (szabgab)
-  - Correct required version of Perl (szabgab)
-  - Removed specific XML::Stream version require (szabgab)
-1.02_03 2011-06-23
-  - RT#61611 Correct comparison operator
-  - Fixed memory leak in Net::XMPP::Connection (szabgab)
-  - RT#52549 unindented POD so that it reformats properly (szabgab)
-  - Replace indirect object notation with direct invocation notation (szabgab)
-1.02_02 2010-09-24
-  - Increase XML::Stream dependency to 1.23_04
-1.02_01 2010-09-22
-  - New maintainer: DAPATRICK
-  - RT#15736 Replace print statements to debug logging 
-  - RT#51156 Correct typo in documentation
-  - RT#54521 Note dependency on XML::Stream 1.23
-  - RT#37129, RT#18539 Support for virtual domains 
-  - RT#57887 Use each required module explicitly
-  - RT#61453 Pass ssl_verify and ssl_ca_path
-  - RT#61453 Improve undef/null ssl param handling 
-  - RT#61144 Appropriately handle non-object jid 
-  - RT#37030 Clarify license as LGPL 2.1 
-  - RT#58333 Check definedness of hash key before use 
 1.0.2 $Id: CHANGES 28 2007-03-29 12:39:48Z hacker $
   - Fix bug in Stanza::_xpath_defined causing defined to pass when it shouldn't
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Darian Anthony Patrick <>.
-This is free software, licensed under:
-  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
-The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-Version 2.1, February 1999
-  (The master copy of this license lives on the GNU website.)
-Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59
-Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also
-counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License,
-version 2, hence the version number 2.1.]
-The licenses for most software are designed to take away
-your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU
-General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your
-freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the
-software is free for all its users.
-This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to
-some specially designated software packages--typically
-libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors
-who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you
-first think carefully about whether this license or the ordinary
-General Public License is the better strategy to use in any
-particular case, based on the explanations below.
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom
-of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed
-to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies
-of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that
-you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you
-can change the software and use pieces of it in new free
-programs; and that you are informed that you can do these
-To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that
-forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to
-surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain
-responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library
-or if you modify it.
-For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights
-that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too,
-receive or can get the source code. If you link other code
-with the library, you must provide complete object files to the
-recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after
-making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you
-must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we
-copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which
-gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify
-the library.
-To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear
-that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the
-library is modified by someone else and passed on, the
-recipients should know that what they have is not the original
-version, so that the original author's reputation will not be
-affected by problems that might be introduced by others.
-Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the
-existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a
-company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free
-program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent
-holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained
-for a version of the library must be consistent with the full
-freedom of use specified in this license.
-Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by
-the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the
-GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain
-designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary
-General Public License. We use this license for certain
-libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free
-When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or
-using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally
-speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library.
-The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such
-linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of
-freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more
-lax criteria for linking other code with the library.
-We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License
-because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the
-ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free
-software developers Less of an advantage over competing
-non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we
-use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries.
-However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
-special circumstances.
-For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special
-need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain
-library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve
-this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A
-more frequent case is that a free library does the same job
-as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little
-to gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we
-use the Lesser General Public License.
-In other cases, permission to use a particular library in
-non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use
-a large body of free software. For example, permission to
-use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many
-more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as
-well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system.
-Although the Lesser General Public License is Less
-protective of the users' freedom, it does ensure that the user
-of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom
-and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified
-version of the Library.
-The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution
-and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference
-between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses
-the library". The former contains code derived from the
-library, whereas the latter must be combined with the library
-in order to run.
-0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or
-other program which contains a notice placed by the
-copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be
-distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public
-License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
-addressed as "you".
-A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or
-data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with
-application programs (which use some of those functions
-and data) to form executables.
-The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or
-work which has been distributed under these terms. A "work
-based on the Library" means either the Library or any
-derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work
-containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with
-modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without
-limitation in the term "modification".)
-"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the
-work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete
-source code means all the source code for all modules it
-contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus
-the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification
-are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope.
-The act of running a program using the Library is not
-restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if
-its contents constitute a work based on the Library
-(independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and
-what the program that uses the Library does.
-1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the
-Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any
-medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately
-publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
-disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer
-to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and
-distribute a copy of this License along with the Library.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
-copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
-exchange for a fee.
-2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any
-portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and
-copy and distribute such modifications or work under the
-terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of
-these conditions:
-     a) The modified work must itself be a software
-     library.
-     b) You must cause the files modified to carry
-     prominent notices stating that you changed the
-     files and the date of any change.
-     c) You must cause the whole of the work to be
-     licensed at no charge to all third parties under
-     the terms of this License.
-     d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a
-     function or a table of data to be supplied by an
-     application program that uses the facility, other
-     than as an argument passed when the facility
-     is invoked, then you must make a good faith
-     effort to ensure that, in the event an application
-     does not supply such function or table, the
-     facility still operates, and performs whatever
-     part of its purpose remains meaningful.
-     (For example, a function in a library to
-     compute square roots has a purpose that is
-     entirely well-defined independent of the
-     application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires
-     that any application-supplied function or table
-     used by this function must be optional: if the
-     application does not supply it, the square root
-     function must still compute square roots.)
-     These requirements apply to the modified work
-     as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work
-     are not derived from the Library, and can be
-     reasonably considered independent and
-     separate works in themselves, then this
-     License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-     sections when you distribute them as separate
-     works. But when you distribute the same
-     sections as part of a whole which is a work
-     based on the Library, the distribution of the
-     whole must be on the terms of this License,
-     whose permissions for other licensees extend
-     to the entire whole, and thus to each and every
-     part regardless of who wrote it.
-     Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim
-     rights or contest your rights to work written
-     entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise
-     the right to control the distribution of derivative
-     or collective works based on the Library.
-     In addition, mere aggregation of another work
-     not based on the Library with the Library (or
-     with a work based on the Library) on a volume
-     of a storage or distribution medium does not
-     bring the other work under the scope of this
-     License.
-3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU
-General Public License instead of this License to a given
-copy of the Library. To do this, you must alter all the notices
-that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary
-GNU General Public License, version 2, instead of to this
-License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary
-GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can
-specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any
-other change in these notices.
-Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible
-for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License
-applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made
-from that copy.
-This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code
-of the Library into a program that is not a library.
-4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable
-form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that
-you accompany it with the complete corresponding
-machine-readable source code, which must be distributed
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-customarily used for software interchange.
-If distribution of object code is made by offering access to
-copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place
-satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even
-though third parties are not compelled to copy the source
-along with the object code.
-5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being
-compiled or linked with it, is called a "work that uses the
-Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of
-the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this
-However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the
-Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the
-Library (because it contains portions of the Library), rather
-than a "work that uses the library". The executable is
-therefore covered by this License. Section 6 states terms for
-distribution of such executables.
-When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a
-header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the
-work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the
-source code is not. Whether this is true is especially
-significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if
-the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is
-not precisely defined by law.
-If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and
-small inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the
-use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it
-is legally a derivative work. (Executables containing this
-object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under
-Section 6.)
-Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of
-Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall
-under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with
-the Library itself.
-6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also
-combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the
-Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library,
-and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided
-that the terms permit modification of the work for the
-customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging
-such modifications.
-You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work
-that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use
-are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this
-License. If the work during execution displays copyright
-notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library
-among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the
-copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things:
-     a) Accompany the work with the complete
-     corresponding machine-readable source code
-     for the Library including whatever changes were
-     used in the work (which must be distributed
-     under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work
-     is an executable linked with the Library, with
-     the complete machine-readable "work that
-     uses the Library", as object code and/or
-     source code, so that the user can modify the
-     Library and then relink to produce a modified
-     executable containing the modified Library. (It
-     is understood that the user who changes the
-     contents of definitions files in the Library will
-     not necessarily be able to recompile the
-     application to use the modified definitions.)
-     b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for
-     linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism
-     is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the
-     library already present on the user's computer
-     system, rather than copying library functions
-     into the executable, and (2) will operate
-     properly with a modified version of the library, if
-     the user installs one, as long as the modified
-     version is interface-compatible with the version
-     that the work was made with.
-     c) Accompany the work with a written offer,
-     valid for at least three years, to give the same
-     user the materials specified in Subsection 6a,
-     above, for a charge no more than the cost of
-     performing this distribution.
-     d) If distribution of the work is made by offering
-     access to copy from a designated place, offer
-     equivalent access to copy the above specified
-     materials from the same place.
-     e) Verify that the user has already received a
-     copy of these materials or that you have
-     already sent this user a copy.
-For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses
-the Library" must include any data and utility programs
-needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a
-special exception, the materials to be distributed need not
-include anything that is normally distributed (in either source
-or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel,
-and so on) of the operating system on which the executable
-runs, unless that component itself accompanies the
-It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction
-means you cannot use both them and the Library together in
-an executable that you distribute.
-7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on
-the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other
-library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute
-such a combined library, provided that the separate
-distribution of the work based on the Library and of the other
-library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you
-do these two things:
-     a) Accompany the combined library with a
-     copy of the same work based on the Library,
-     uncombined with any other library facilities.
-     This must be distributed under the terms of the
-     Sections above.
-     b) Give prominent notice with the combined
-     library of the fact that part of it is a work based
-     on the Library, and explaining where to find the
-     accompanying uncombined form of the same
-     work.
-8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this
-License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense,
-link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will
-automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from
-you under this License will not have their licenses terminated
-so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-9. You are not required to accept this License, since you
-have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you
-permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative
-works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not
-accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing
-the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate
-your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms
-and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the
-Library or works based on it.
-10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work
-based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a
-license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with
-or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions.
-You may not impose any further restrictions on the
-recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not
-responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this
-11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of
-patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to
-patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by
-court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the
-conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the
-conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to
-satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License
-and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence
-you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a
-patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of
-the Library by all those who receive copies directly or
-indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy
-both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from
-distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable
-under any particular circumstance, the balance of the
-section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is
-intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe
-any patents or other property right claims or to contest
-validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose
-of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution
-system which is implemented by public license practices.
-Many people have made generous contributions to the wide
-range of software distributed through that system in reliance
-on consistent application of that system; it is up to the
-author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute
-software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is
-believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted
-interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the
-Library under this License may add an explicit geographical
-distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that
-distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the
-limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised
-and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License
-from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit
-to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new
-problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
-Library specifies a version number of this License which
-applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of
-following the terms and conditions either of that version or of
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
-If the Library does not specify a license version number, you
-may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other
-free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible
-with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For
-software which is copyrighted by the Free Software
-Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we
-sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be
-guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all
-derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+                       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the library GPL.  It is
+ numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
+                            Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
+other libraries whose authors decide to use it.  You can use it for
+your libraries, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
+you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link a program with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
+with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
+the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+library.  If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
+version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
+the original authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
+software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
+transforming the program into proprietary software.  To prevent this,
+we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
+free use or not licensed at all.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
+GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs.  This
+license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
+designated libraries.  This license is quite different from the ordinary
+one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
+the same as in the ordinary license.
+  The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
+they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
+program and simply using it.  Linking a program with a library, without
+changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
+analogous to running a utility program or application program.  However, in
+a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
+derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
+treats it as such.
+  Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
+Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
+sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries.  We
+concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
+  However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
+users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
+libraries themselves.  This Library General Public License is intended to
+permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
+preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
+libraries that are incorporated in them.  (We have not seen how to achieve
+this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
+changes in the actual functions of the Library.)  The hope is that this
+will lead to faster development of free libraries.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
+works together with the library.
+  Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
+General Public License rather than by this special one.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
+party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
+General Public License (also called "this License").  Each licensee is
+addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
+distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+                            NO WARRANTY
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
+ordinary General Public License).
+  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
+safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Library General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
@@ -1,45 +1,42 @@
-MANIFEST			This list of files
-SIGNATURE    Added here by Module::Build
+MANIFEST			This list of files
@@ -1,55 +1,46 @@
-abstract: 'XMPP Support Library'
-  - 'Darian Anthony Patrick <>'
-  LWP::Online: 1.07
-  Test::More: 0.92
-  YAML::Tiny: 1.41
-  Module::Build: 0.360300
-generated_by: 'Module::Build version 0.3607'
-license: lgpl
-  url:
-  version: 1.4
-name: Net-XMPP
-  Net::XMPP:
-    file: lib/Net/
-    version: 1.02_04
-  Net::XMPP::Client:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Connection:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Debug:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::IQ:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::JID:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Message:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Namespaces:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Presence:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::PrivacyLists:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Protocol:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Roster:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Net::XMPP::Stanza:
-    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
-  Authen::SASL: 2.12
-  Digest::SHA1: 1.02
-  Scalar::Util: 0
-  XML::Stream: 1.23_04
-  perl: v5.8.0
-  bugtracker:
-  license:
-  repository:
-version: 1.02_04
+--- #YAML:1.0
+name: Net-XMPP
+version: 1.02
+  - xmpplar
+abstract: XMPP Support Library
+license: lgpl
+  license: |-
+  Digest::SHA1: 1.02
+  XML::Stream: 1.22
+  Net::XMPP:
+    file: lib/Net/
+    version: 1.02
+  Net::XMPP::Client:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Connection:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Debug:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::IQ:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::JID:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Message:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Namespaces:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Presence:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::PrivacyLists:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Protocol:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Roster:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+  Net::XMPP::Stanza:
+    file: lib/Net/XMPP/
+generated_by: Module::Build version 0.2805
+  url: |-
+  version: 1.2
@@ -1,7 +1,31 @@
-# Note: this file was auto-generated by Module::Build::Compat version 0.3607
-require 5.008000;
-    use Module::Build::Compat 0.02;
-    Module::Build::Compat->run_build_pl(args => \@ARGV);
-    require Module::Build;
-    Module::Build::Compat->write_makefile(build_class => 'Module::Build');
+# Note: this file was auto-generated by Module::Build::Compat version 0.03
+    unless (eval "use Module::Build::Compat 0.02; 1" ) {
+      print "This module requires Module::Build to install itself.\n";
+      require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+      my $yn = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt
+	('  Install Module::Build now from CPAN?', 'y');
+      unless ($yn =~ /^y/i) {
+	die " *** Cannot install without Module::Build.  Exiting ...\n";
+      }
+      require Cwd;
+      require File::Spec;
+      require CPAN;
+      # Save this 'cause CPAN will chdir all over the place.
+      my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+      CPAN::Shell->install('Module::Build::Compat');
+      CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", "Module::Build::Compat")->uptodate
+	or die "Couldn't install Module::Build, giving up.\n";
+      chdir $cwd or die "Cannot chdir() back to $cwd: $!";
+    }
+    eval "use Module::Build::Compat 0.02; 1" or die $@;
+    Module::Build::Compat->run_build_pl(args => \@ARGV);
+    require Module::Build;
+    Module::Build::Compat->write_makefile(build_class => 'Module::Build');
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+Net::XMPP v1.0
 The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an IETF standard
 that provides a complete cross protocol messaging solution.  The problem
@@ -12,5 +12,29 @@ access to the XMPP protocol.  Using OOP modules we provide a clean
 interface to writing anything from a full client to a simple protocol
-Please report bugs at
+Ryan Eatmon
+  - XML::Stream     - Handles the connection between the Client and the Server.
+  - Digest::SHA1    - Encrypted authorization so that your password is not sent
+                      over unsecure XML.
+  perl Makefile.PL
+  make
+  make install
+  Beta.  There is some more testing and features to add before I'm ready to
+call this 1.0.  It should be usable, but I would not put any production code
+using this yet.  If you run into problems, downgrade to Net::Jabber 1.29.
+Please send any bug reports to
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-This file contains message digests of all files listed in MANIFEST,
-signed via the Module::Signature module, version 0.61.
-To verify the content in this distribution, first make sure you have
-Module::Signature installed, then type:
-    % cpansign -v
-It will check each file's integrity, as well as the signature's
-validity.  If "==> Signature verified OK! <==" is not displayed,
-the distribution may already have been compromised, and you should
-not run its Makefile.PL or Build.PL.
-Hash: SHA1
-SHA1 6d952bd3c0f1f7163ebf884001b53e704987fe07 Build.PL
-SHA1 391e0d983d512fd06b14547b42a52f8e9a97c159 CHANGES
-SHA1 03e6c1a092c3e4320194152ecf204f70887c1c22 LICENSE
-SHA1 b33fea4050f983e72b7bb6739574bddaae802270 MANIFEST
-SHA1 a6be4c06ec46f56ce567bac0a508ce3e580c5c69 META.yml
-SHA1 73962f6582eb684416f5c5e9ec4e4e84aa064463 Makefile.PL
-SHA1 8750c73e31da2ccc02eeaa8d1fcf422c6ad4a653 README
-SHA1 56395324555c66964ac300f097d53c7282d3f884 examples/
-SHA1 4b002e8a47b1bd44d23847d9a2d0e6b1c06b62de examples/
-SHA1 07341107488b07ca0c1e26af15072410615e1dfa lib/Net/
-SHA1 20768db079f852d6161481455e7ccda70f746b7c lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 8e7431d2eb112107a3dcd70a2cabf43f7b9e84c8 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 047479b19cbf74d2ffead46ebdff4ec2e3e35598 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 ac1c71245bc41fb700c06d49de1bd3358ad7fd55 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 98db8b388f3340e789abfa59fdf24d771ee60555 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 bdf3c970ef371d735d1271854bee99b12cb74320 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 273fa2cf47a17746b794fdc8addbb1cf2e656197 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 6f4bfbf898a3743cd64ac8db9ec13c368c3d4ef1 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 c794b060f0e30325c1b3794743078d416b2c5792 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 d8713172ab07c78c21097aae5babf7c1ebfe2d59 lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 347303c860125d6cd3044d6fa6ba93cf4b2f9f3f lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 91bb321744c1b53e7a371968ae732574dd7cfb8c lib/Net/XMPP/
-SHA1 dadd2326dfff4d22dfc4870c672fd31a40dd86a8 t/1_load.t
-SHA1 b73dea8a5cd1bfbf15e3e8dfc2ea72a6c00bfa70 t/2_client_jabberd1.4.t
-SHA1 272852577847d66285daf113464f8594acea747b t/3_client_jabberd2.t
-SHA1 4dc9cd2d74671e7e256e6b3f8fd29725e1231c10 t/config/accounts.yml.copyme
-SHA1 176c999052912127b3b36cf3ec5b29af4721cb79 t/get_time_stamp.test
-SHA1 89dfece07866a72994f3760755d0c7b40e72f42f t/gtalk.t
-SHA1 132f93f7d927f6d5528cdb36b10e91474e0a02ac t/iq.t
-SHA1 e006af61529ff08cb8056ab114de7714a7e4a2e5 t/jid.t
-SHA1 a2de64e34bcf7eff51de3ef7998ce9710e8464b3 t/lib/Net/XMPP/Test/
-SHA1 e0dc5181e62285604bffb1d927b1c236ec3c92b9 t/memory_cycle.t
-SHA1 c1409d356ef5676ce8a7b2bc07a11f93089d9492 t/memory_leak.t
-SHA1 98e773d39e9c37ac09405e3923c1a97e16ca4ebe t/message.t
-SHA1 98c5a88b61cc930673c10731ab593323a8f2c0bc t/
-SHA1 47132a054b2bfd16ee7ca7c06741993bbbaebc88 t/node1.xml
-SHA1 50688b8dbfd86affd8c51e039df302440a89c597 t/node2.xml
-SHA1 f2ce8c701b89f828a042359b1653afe8c36c752b t/packet_iqauth.t
-SHA1 ce91609b363af5b7bdcb7b283d1eec2a43c83e0c t/packet_iqroster.t
-SHA1 12072726e79263ce927989c778bf895b11344641 t/presence.t
-SHA1 697b31cb04c9cac8d2531b2349394fe9090ce9c8 t/query_xxxxx.test
-SHA1 e1c0f8a99820422f6447eae77520656640230083 t/rawxml.t
-SHA1 fa5ed330ecc053f017cc75fc648b51e139b03ff9 t/roster.t
-SHA1 21ab9a1fb1118bc7331bbae053fd479d47838cf2 t/srv.t
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
@@ -27,229 +27,157 @@ Net::XMPP::Client - XMPP Client Module
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::Client is a module that provides a developer easy access
-to the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
+  Net::XMPP::Client is a module that provides a developer easy access
+  to the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
 =head1 DESCRIPTION uses to provide enough high level APIs and
-automation of the low level APIs that writing an XMPP Client in
-Perl is trivial.  For those that wish to work with the low level
-you can do that too, but those functions are covered in the
-documentation for each module.
+ uses to provide enough high level APIs and
+  automation of the low level APIs that writing an XMPP Client in
+  Perl is trivial.  For those that wish to work with the low level
+  you can do that too, but those functions are covered in the
+  documentation for each module.
-Net::XMPP::Client provides functions to connect to an XMPP server,
-login, send and receive messages, set personal information, create
-a new user account, manage the roster, and disconnect.  You can use
-all or none of the functions, there is no requirement.
+  Net::XMPP::Client provides functions to connect to an XMPP server,
+  login, send and receive messages, set personal information, create
+  a new user account, manage the roster, and disconnect.  You can use
+  all or none of the functions, there is no requirement.
-For more information on how the details for how Net::XMPP is written
-please see the help for L<Net::XMPP> itself.
+  For more information on how the details for how Net::XMPP is written
+  please see the help for Net::XMPP itself.
-For a full list of high level functions available please see
+  For a full list of high level functions available please see
+  Net::XMPP::Protocol.
 =head2 Basic Functions
     use Net::XMPP;
-    $Con = Net::XMPP::Client->new();
+    $Con = new Net::XMPP::Client();
-                  resource=>"Work"
+                  resource=>"Work'
+    #
+    # For the list of available functions see Net::XMPP::Protocol.
+    #
-For the list of available functions see L<Net::XMPP::Protocol>.
-  $Con->Disconnect();
+    $Con->Disconnect();
 =head1 METHODS
-=head1 Basic Functions
-=head2 new
-    new(debuglevel=>0|1|2,
-        debugfile=>string,
-        debugtime=>0|1)
-creates the Client object.  debugfile
-should be set to the path for the debug
-log to be written.  If set to "stdout"
-then the debug will go there.  debuglevel
-controls the amount of debug.  For more
-information about the valid setting for
-debuglevel, debugfile, and debugtime see
-=head2 Connect
-    Connect(hostname=>string,
-            port=>integer,
-            timeout=>int,
-            connectiontype=>string,
-            tls=>0|1,
-            srv=>0|1,
-            componentname=>string)
-opens a connection to the server
-listed in the hostname (default
-localhost), on the port (default
-5222) listed, using the
-connectiontype listed (default
-tcpip).  The two connection types
-available are:
-  tcpip  standard TCP socket
-  http   TCP socket, but with the
-         headers needed to talk
-         through a web proxy
-If you specify tls, then it TLS
-will be used if it is available
-as a feature.
-If srv is specified AND Net::DNS is
-installed and can be loaded, then
-an SRV query is sent to srv.hostname
-and the results processed to replace
-the hostname and port.  If the lookup
-fails, or Net::DNS cannot be loaded,
-then hostname and port are left alone
-as the defaults.
-Alternatively, you may manually specify
-componentname as the domain portion of the
-jid and leave hostname set to the actual
-hostname of the XMPP server.
-=head2 Execute
-    Execute(hostname=>string,       
-            port=>int,              
-            tls=>0|1,               
-            username=>string,       
-            password=>string,       
-            resource=>string,       
-            register=>0|1,          
-            connectiontype=>string, 
-            connecttimeout=>string, 
-            connectattempts=>int,   
-            connectsleep=>int,      
-            processtimeout=>int)    
-Generic inner loop to handle
-connecting to the server, calling
-Process, and reconnecting if the
-connection is lost.  There are
-five callbacks available that are
-called at various places:
- onconnect - when the client has
-             made a connection.
- onauth - when the connection is
-          made and user has been
-          authed.  Essentially,
-          this is when you can
-        start doing things
-        as a Client.  Like
-        send presence, get your
-        roster, etc...
-  onprocess - this is the most
-              inner loop and so
-              gets called the most.
-              Be very very careful
-              what you put here
-              since it can
-              *DRASTICALLY* affect
-              performance.
-  ondisconnect - when the client
-                 disconnects from
-                 the server.
-  onexit - when the function gives
-           up trying to connect and
-           exits.
-The arguments are passed straight
-on to the Connect function, except
-for connectattempts and connectsleep.
-connectattempts is the number of
-times that the Component should try
-to connect before giving up.  -1
-means try forever.  The default is
--1. connectsleep is the number of
-seconds to sleep between each
-connection attempt.
-If you specify register=>1, then the
-Client will attempt to register the
-sepecified account for you, if it
-does not exist.
-=head2 Process
-    Process(integer)
-takes the timeout period as an argument.  If no
-timeout is listed then the function blocks until
-a packet is received.  Otherwise it waits that
-number of seconds and then exits so your program
-can continue doing useful things.  NOTE: This is
-important for GUIs.  You need to leave time to
-process GUI commands even if you are waiting for
-packets.  The following are the possible return
-values, and what they mean:
-    1   - Status ok, data received.
-    0   - Status ok, no data received.
-  undef - Status not ok, stop processing.
-IMPORTANT: You need to check the output of every
-Process.  If you get an undef then the connection
-died and you should behave accordingly.
-=head2 Disconnect
-    Disconnect()
-closes the connection to the server.
-=head2 Connected
-    Connected()
-returns 1 if the Transport is connected to the server,
-and 0 if not.
-=head1 AUTHOR
+=head2 Basic Functions
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
+    new(debuglevel=>0|1|2, - creates the Client object.  debugfile
+        debugfile=>string,   should be set to the path for the debug
+        debugtime=>0|1)      log to be written.  If set to "stdout"
+                             then the debug will go there.  debuglevel
+                             controls the amount of debug.  For more
+                             information about the valid setting for
+                             debuglevel, debugfile, and debugtime see
+                             Net::XMPP::Debug.
+    Connect(hostname=>string,      - opens a connection to the server
+            port=>integer,           listed in the hostname (default
+            timeout=>int             localhost), on the port (default
+            connectiontype=>string,  5222) listed, using the
+            tls=>0|1)                connectiontype listed (default
+                                     tcpip).  The two connection types
+                                     available are:
+                                       tcpip  standard TCP socket
+                                       http   TCP socket, but with the
+                                              headers needed to talk
+                                              through a web proxy
+                                     If you specify tls, then it TLS
+                                     will be used if it is available
+                                     as a feature.
+    Execute(hostname=>string,       - Generic inner loop to handle
+            port=>int,                connecting to the server, calling
+            tls=>0|1,                 Process, and reconnecting if the
+            username=>string,         connection is lost.  There are
+            password=>string,         five callbacks available that are
+            resource=>string,         called at various places:
+            register=>0|1,              onconnect - when the client has
+            connectiontype=>string,                 made a connection.
+            connecttimeout=>string,     onauth - when the connection is
+            connectattempts=>int,                made and user has been
+            connectsleep=>int,                   authed.  Essentially,
+            processtimeout=>int)                 this is when you can
+                                                 start doing things
+                                                 as a Client.  Like
+                                                 send presence, get your
+                                                 roster, etc...
+                                        onprocess - this is the most
+                                                    inner loop and so
+                                                    gets called the most.
+                                                    Be very very careful
+                                                    what you put here
+                                                    since it can
+                                                    *DRASTICALLY* affect
+                                                    performance.
+                                        ondisconnect - when the client
+                                                       disconnects from
+                                                       the server.
+                                        onexit - when the function gives
+                                                 up trying to connect and
+                                                 exits.
+                                      The arguments are passed straight
+                                      on to the Connect function, except
+                                      for connectattempts and connectsleep.
+                                      connectattempts is the number of
+                                      times that the Component should try
+                                      to connect before giving up.  -1
+                                      means try forever.  The default is
+                                      -1. connectsleep is the number of
+                                      seconds to sleep between each
+                                      connection attempt.
+                                      If you specify register=>1, then the
+                                      Client will attempt to register the
+                                      sepecified account for you, if it
+                                      does not exist.
+    Process(integer) - takes the timeout period as an argument.  If no
+                       timeout is listed then the function blocks until
+                       a packet is received.  Otherwise it waits that
+                       number of seconds and then exits so your program
+                       can continue doing useful things.  NOTE: This is
+                       important for GUIs.  You need to leave time to
+                       process GUI commands even if you are waiting for
+                       packets.  The following are the possible return
+                       values, and what they mean:
+                           1   - Status ok, data received.
+                           0   - Status ok, no data received.
+                         undef - Status not ok, stop processing.
+                       IMPORTANT: You need to check the output of every
+                       Process.  If you get an undef then the connection
+                       died and you should behave accordingly.
+    Disconnect() - closes the connection to the server.
+    Connected() - returns 1 if the Transport is connected to the server,
+                  and 0 if not.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
+=head1 AUTHOR
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use Net::XMPP::Connection;
 use base qw( Net::XMPP::Connection );
@@ -38,33 +38,20 @@ Net::XMPP::Connection - XMPP Connection Module
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
-use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
-use XML::Stream;
-use Net::XMPP::Debug;
-use Net::XMPP::Protocol;
 use base qw( Net::XMPP::Protocol );
 sub new
     my $proto = shift;
@@ -93,7 +80,7 @@ sub init
     while($#_ >= 0) { $self->{ARGS}->{ lc(pop(@_)) } = pop(@_); }
     $self->{DEBUG} =
-        Net::XMPP::Debug->new(level      => $self->_arg("debuglevel",-1),
+        new Net::XMPP::Debug(level      => $self->_arg("debuglevel",-1),
                              file       => $self->_arg("debugfile","stdout"),
                              time       => $self->_arg("debugtime",0),
                              setdefault => 1,
@@ -110,9 +97,8 @@ sub init
     $self->{DISCONNECTED} = 0;
     $self->{STREAM} =
-        XML::Stream->new(style      => "node",
+        new XML::Stream(style      => "node",
                         debugfh    => $self->{DEBUG}->GetHandle(),
-                        #debugfh    => weaken $self->{DEBUG}->GetHandle(),
                         debuglevel => $self->{DEBUG}->GetLevel(),
                         debugtime  => $self->{DEBUG}->GetTime(),
@@ -121,9 +107,6 @@ sub init
-#    weaken $self->{STREAM};
-    weaken $self->{CB} if $self->{CB};
     return $self;
@@ -157,25 +140,10 @@ sub Connect
                     namespace      => $self->{SERVER}->{namespace},
                     connectiontype => $self->{SERVER}->{connectiontype},
                     timeout        => $self->{SERVER}->{timeout},
-                    ( defined $self->{SERVER}->{ssl_ca_path}
-                        && '' ne $self->{SERVER}->{ssl_ca_path}
-                        ? (ssl_ca_path =>  $self->{SERVER}->{ssl_ca_path})
-                        : ()
-                    ),
-                    ( defined $self->{SERVER}->{ssl_verify}
-                        && '' ne $self->{SERVER}->{ssl_verify}
-                        ? (ssl_verify => $self->{SERVER}->{ssl_verify})
-                        : ()
-                    ),
                     ssl            => $self->{SERVER}->{ssl}, #LEGACY
-                    _tls           => $self->{SERVER}->{tls},
-                    ( defined $self->{SERVER}->{componentname}
-                        ? (to => $self->{SERVER}->{componentname})
-                        : ()
-                    ),
-                    ( defined $self->{SERVER}->{srv}
-                        ? (srv => '_xmpp-client._tcp')
-                        : ()
+                    (defined($self->{SERVER}->{componentname}) ?
+                     (to => $self->{SERVER}->{componentname}) :
+                     ()
@@ -183,9 +151,7 @@ sub Connect
         $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("Connect: connection made");
-        my $weak = $self;
-        weaken $weak;
-        $self->{STREAM}->SetCallBacks(node=>sub{ $weak->CallBack(@_) });
+        $self->{STREAM}->SetCallBacks(node=>sub{ $self->CallBack(@_) });
         $self->{CONNECTED} = 1;
         $self->{RECONNECTING} = 0;
@@ -27,23 +27,22 @@ Net::XMPP::Debug - XMPP Debug Module
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::Debug is a module that provides a developer easy access
-to logging debug information.
+  Net::XMPP::Debug is a module that provides a developer easy access
+  to logging debug information.
-Debug is a helper module for the Net::XMPP modules.  It provides
-the Net::XMPP modules with an object to control where, how, and
-what is logged.
+  Debug is a helper module for the Net::XMPP modules.  It provides
+  the Net::XMPP modules with an object to control where, how, and
+  what is logged.
 =head2 Basic Functions
-    $Debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new();
+    $Debug = new Net::XMPP::Debug();
-    $Debug->Init(
-           level  => 2,
-	   file   => "stdout",
-	   header =>"MyScript");
+    $Debug->Init(level=>2,
+	             file=>"stdout",
+  	             header=>"MyScript");
     $Debug->Log0("Connection established");
@@ -51,110 +50,77 @@ what is logged.
 =head2 Basic Functions
-=over 4
-=item new
-    new(hash)
-creates the Debug object.  The hash argument is passed
-to the Init function.  See that function description
-below for the valid settings.
-=item Init
-    Init(
-         level      => integer,
-         file       => string,
-         header     => string,
-         setdefault => 0|1,
-         usedefault => 0|1,
-         time       => 0|1)
-initializes the debug object.
-The B<level> determines the maximum level of debug
-messages to log:
-  0 - Base level Output (default)
-  1 - High level API calls
-  2 - Low level API calls
-  ...
-  N - Whatever you want....
-The B<file> determines where the debug log
-goes.  You can either specify a path to
-a file, or "stdout" (the default).  "stdout"
-tells Debug to send all of the debug info
-sent to this object to go to stdout.
-B<header> is a string that will preappended
-to the beginning of all log entries.  This
-makes it easier to see what generated the
-log entry (default is "Debug").
-B<setdefault> saves the current filehandle
-and makes it available for other Debug
-objects to use.  To use the default set
-B<usedefault> to 1.
-The B<time> parameter specifies whether or not to add a
-timestamp to the beginning of each logged line.
-=item LogN
-  LogN(array)
-Logs the elements of the array at the corresponding
-debug level N.  If you pass in a reference to an
-array or hash then they are printed in a readable
-way.  (ie... Log0, Log2, Log100, etc...)
+    new(hash) - creates the Debug object.  The hash argument is passed
+                to the Init function.  See that function description
+                below for the valid settings.
+    Init(level=>integer,  - initializes the debug object.  The level
+         file=>string,      determines the maximum level of debug
+         header=>string,    messages to log:
+         setdefault=>0|1,     0 - Base level Output (default)
+         usedefault=>0|1,     1 - High level API calls
+         time=>0|1)           2 - Low level API calls
+                              ...
+                              N - Whatever you want....
+                            The file determines where the debug log
+                            goes.  You can either specify a path to
+                            a file, or "stdout" (the default).  "stdout"
+                            tells Debug to send all of the debug info
+                            sent to this object to go to stdout.
+                            header is a string that will preappended
+                            to the beginning of all log entries.  This
+                            makes it easier to see what generated the
+                            log entry (default is "Debug").
+                            setdefault saves the current filehandle
+                            and makes it available for other Debug
+                            objects to use.  To use the default set
+                            usedefault to 1.  The time parameter
+                            specifies whether or not to add a timestamp
+                            to the beginning of each logged line.
+    LogN(array) - Logs the elements of the array at the corresponding
+                  debug level N.  If you pass in a reference to an
+                  array or hash then they are printed in a readable
+                  way.  (ie... Log0, Log2, Log100, etc...)
 =head1 EXAMPLE
-  $Debug = Net::XMPP:Debug->new(level=>2,
+  $Debug = new Net::XMPP:Debug(level=>2,
-  $Debug->Log0("test");
+    $Debug->Log0("test");
-  $Debug->Log2("level 2 test");
+    $Debug->Log2("level 2 test");
-  $hash{a} = "atest";
-  $hash{b} = "btest";
+    $hash{a} = "atest";
+    $hash{b} = "btest";
-  $Debug->Log1("hashtest", \%hash);
+    $Debug->Log1("hashtest",\%hash);
-You would get the following log:
+  You would get the following log:
     Example: test
     Example: level 2 test
     Example: hashtest { a=>"atest" b=>"btest" }
-If you had set the level to 1 instead of 2 you would get:
+  If you had set the level to 1 instead of 2 you would get:
     Example: test
     Example: hashtest { a=>"atest" b=>"btest" }
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
+require 5.003;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use FileHandle;
 use Carp;
@@ -185,7 +151,7 @@ sub Init
     my %args;
     while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc pop(@_) } = pop(@_); }
-    delete($args{file}) if (defined $args{file} && lc($args{file}) eq "stdout");
+    delete($args{file}) if (lc($args{file}) eq "stdout");
     $args{time} = 0 if !exists($args{time});
     $args{setdefault} = 0 if !exists($args{setdefault});
@@ -202,48 +168,23 @@ sub Init
         $self->{LEVEL} = 0;
         $self->{LEVEL} = $args{level} if exists($args{level});
-        if ($self->{LEVEL} >= 0)
-        {
-            $self->{HANDLE} = FileHandle->new(">&STDERR");
-            $self->{HANDLE}->autoflush(1);
-            if (exists($args{file}))
+        $self->{HANDLE} = new FileHandle(">&STDERR");
+        $self->{HANDLE}->autoflush(1);
+        if (exists($args{file}))
+        {
+            if (exists($Net::XMPP::Debug::HANDLES{$args{file}}))
-                if (exists($Net::XMPP::Debug::HANDLES{$args{file}}))
-                {
-                    $self->{HANDLE} = $Net::XMPP::Debug::HANDLES{$args{file}};
-                    $self->{HANDLE}->autoflush(1);
-                }
-                else
+                $self->{HANDLE} = $Net::XMPP::Debug::HANDLES{$args{file}};
+                $self->{HANDLE}->autoflush(1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (-e $args{file})
-                    if (-e $args{file})
-                    {
-                        if (-w $args{file})
-                        {
-                            $self->{HANDLE} = FileHandle->new(">$args{file}");
-                            if (defined($self->{HANDLE}))
-                            {
-                                $self->{HANDLE}->autoflush(1);
-                                $Net::XMPP::Debug::HANDLES{$args{file}} = $self->{HANDLE};
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                print STDERR "ERROR: Debug filehandle could not be opened.\n";
-                                print STDERR"        Debugging disabled.\n";
-                                print STDERR "       ($!)\n";
-                                $self->{LEVEL} = -1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            print STDERR "ERROR: You do not have permission to write to $args{file}.\n";
-                            print STDERR"        Debugging disabled.\n";
-                            $self->{LEVEL} = -1;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
+                    if (-w $args{file})
-                        $self->{HANDLE} = FileHandle->new(">$args{file}");
+                        $self->{HANDLE} = new FileHandle(">$args{file}");
                         if (defined($self->{HANDLE}))
@@ -257,6 +198,28 @@ sub Init
                             $self->{LEVEL} = -1;
+                    else
+                    {
+                        print STDERR "ERROR: You do not have permission to write to $args{file}.\n";
+                        print STDERR"        Debugging disabled.\n";
+                        $self->{LEVEL} = -1;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    $self->{HANDLE} = new FileHandle(">$args{file}");
+                    if (defined($self->{HANDLE}))
+                    {
+                        $self->{HANDLE}->autoflush(1);
+                        $Net::XMPP::Debug::HANDLES{$args{file}} = $self->{HANDLE};
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        print STDERR "ERROR: Debug filehandle could not be opened.\n";
+                        print STDERR"        Debugging disabled.\n";
+                        print STDERR "       ($!)\n";
+                        $self->{LEVEL} = -1;
+                    }
@@ -285,7 +248,6 @@ sub Log
     my $fh = $self->{HANDLE};
     $fh = $Net::XMPP::Debug::DEFAULT if exists($self->{USEDEFAULT});
-    return if not $fh;
     my $string = "";
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Net::XMPP::IQ - XMPP Info/Query Module
     use Net::XMPP;
-    $IQ = Net::XMPP::IQ->new();
+    $IQ = new Net::XMPP::IQ();
     $IQType = $IQ->NewChild( type );
@@ -256,22 +256,17 @@ Net::XMPP::IQ - XMPP Info/Query Module
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
+require 5.003;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use vars qw( %FUNCTIONS );
 use Net::XMPP::Stanza;
@@ -295,7 +290,7 @@ sub new
     return $self;
-sub _iq { my $self = shift; return Net::XMPP::IQ->new(); }
+sub _iq { my $self = shift; return new Net::XMPP::IQ(); }
 $FUNCTIONS{Error}->{path} = 'error/text()';
@@ -27,38 +27,38 @@ Net::XMPP::JID - XMPP JID Module
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::JID is a companion to the Net::XMPP module.
-It provides the user a simple interface to set and retrieve all
-parts of a Jabber ID (userid on a server).
+  Net::XMPP::JID is a companion to the Net::XMPP module.
+  It provides the user a simple interface to set and retrieve all
+  parts of a Jabber ID (userid on a server).
-To initialize the JID you must pass it the string that represents the
-jid from the XML packet.  Inside the XMPP modules this is done
-automatically and the JID object is returned instead of a string.
-For example, in the callback function for the XMPP object foo:
+  To initialize the JID you must pass it the string that represents the
+  jid from the XML packet.  Inside the XMPP modules this is done
+  automatically and the JID object is returned instead of a string.
+  For example, in the callback function for the XMPP object foo:
     use Net::XMPP;
     sub foo {
-      my $foo = Net::XMPP::Foo->new(@_);
+      my $foo = new Net::XMPP::Foo(@_);
       my $from = $foo->GetFrom();
-      my $JID = Net::XMPP::JID->new($from);
+      my $JID = new Net::XMPP::JID($from);
-You now have access to all of the retrieval functions available.
+  You now have access to all of the retrieval functions available.
-To create a new JID to send to the server:
+  To create a new JID to send to the server:
     use Net::XMPP;
-    $JID = Net::XMPP::JID->new();
+    $JID = new Net::XMPP::JID();
-Now you can call the creation functions below to populate the tag
-before sending it.
+  Now you can call the creation functions below to populate the tag
+  before sending it.
 =head2 Retrieval functions
@@ -86,109 +86,60 @@ before sending it.
 =head2 Retrieval functions
-=over 4
+  GetUserID() - returns a string with the userid of the JID.
+                If the string is an address ( then
+                the function will return it as an address
+                (
-=item GetUserID
+  GetServer() - returns a string with the server of the JID.
-  GetUserID()
+  GetResource() - returns a string with the resource of the JID.
-returns a string with the userid of the JID.
-If the string is an address ( then
-the function will return it as an address
-=item GetServer
-  GetServer()
-returns a string with the server of the JID.
-=item GerResource
-  GetResource()
-returns a string with the resource of the JID.
-=item GetJID
-  GetJID()      
-  GetJID("full")
-  GetJID("base")
-returns a string that represents the JID stored
-within.  If the "full" string is specified, then
-you get the full JID, including Resource, which
-should be used to send to the server.  If the "base",
-string is specified, then you will just get
-user@server, or the base JID.
+  GetJID()       - returns a string that represents the JID stored
+  GetJID("full")   within.  If the "full" string is specified, then
+  GetJID("base")   you get the full JID, including Resource, which
+                   should be used to send to the server.  If the "base",
+                   string is specified, then you will just get
+                   user@server, or the base JID.
 =head2 Creation functions
-=over 4
-=item SetJID
-  SetJID(userid=>string,  
-         server=>string,  
-         resource=>string)
-  SetJID(string)          
-set multiple fields in the jid at
-one time.  This is a cumulative
-and over writing action.  If you set
-the "userid" attribute twice, the second
-setting is what is used.  If you set
-the server, and then set the resource
-then both will be in the jid.  If all
-you pass is a string, then that string
-is used as the JID.  For valid settings
-read the specific Set functions below.
-=item SetUserID
-  SetUserID(string)
-sets the userid.  Must be a valid userid or the
-server will complain if you try to use this JID
-to talk to the server.  If the string is an
-address then it will be converted to the %
-form suitable for using as a User ID.
-=item SerServer
-  SetServer(string)
-sets the server.  Must be a valid host on the
-network or the server will not be able to talk
-to it.
-=item SetResource
-  SetResource(string)
-sets the resource of the userid to talk to.
+  SetJID(userid=>string,   - set multiple fields in the jid at
+         server=>string,     one time.  This is a cumulative
+         resource=>string)   and over writing action.  If you set
+  SetJID(string)             the "userid" attribute twice, the second
+                             setting is what is used.  If you set
+                             the server, and then set the resource
+                             then both will be in the jid.  If all
+                             you pass is a string, then that string
+                             is used as the JID.  For valid settings
+                             read the specific Set functions below.
+  SetUserID(string) - sets the userid.  Must be a valid userid or the
+                      server will complain if you try to use this JID
+                      to talk to the server.  If the string is an
+                      address then it will be converted to the %
+                      form suitable for using as a User ID.
+  SetServer(string) - sets the server.  Must be a valid host on the
+                      network or the server will not be able to talk
+                      to it.
+  SetResource(string) - sets the resource of the userid to talk to.
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
+require 5.003;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
 sub new
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Net::XMPP::Message - XMPP Message Module
     use Net::XMPP;
-    $Mess = Net::XMPP::Message->new();
+    $Mess = new Net::XMPP::Message();
   Now you can call the creation functions below to populate the tag
   before sending it.
@@ -279,22 +279,17 @@ Net::XMPP::Message - XMPP Message Module
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
+require 5.003;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use vars qw( %FUNCTIONS );
 use Net::XMPP::Stanza;
@@ -319,7 +314,7 @@ sub new
     return $self;
-sub _message { my $self = shift; return Net::XMPP::Message->new(); }
+sub _message { my $self = shift; return new Net::XMPP::Message(); }
 # Copied from Net::Jabber::Message because GetTimeStamp doesn't work without DefinedX
 sub GetX     { my $self = shift; $self->GetChild(@_);    }
@@ -27,66 +27,66 @@ Net::XMPP::Namespaces - In depth discussion on how namespaces are handled
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::Namespaces provides an depth look at how Net::XMPP handles
-namespacs, and how to add your own custom ones.  It also serves as the
-storage bin for all of the Namespace information Net::XMPP requires.
+  Net::XMPP::Namespaces provides an depth look at how Net::XMPP handles
+  namespacs, and how to add your own custom ones.  It also serves as the
+  storage bin for all of the Namespace information Net::XMPP requires.
-XMPP as a protocol is very well defined.  There are three main top
-level packets (message, iq, and presence).  There is also a way to
-extend the protocol in a very clear and strucutred way, via namespaces.
+  XMPP as a protocol is very well defined.  There are three main top
+  level packets (message, iq, and presence).  There is also a way to
+  extend the protocol in a very clear and strucutred way, via namespaces.
-Two major ways that namespaces are used in Jabber is for making the
-<iq/> a generic wrapper, and as a way for adding data to any packet via
-a child tag <x/>.  We will use <x/> to represent the packet, but in
-reality it could be any child tag: <foo/>, <data/>, <error/>, etc.
+  Two major ways that namespaces are used in Jabber is for making the
+  <iq/> a generic wrapper, and as a way for adding data to any packet via
+  a child tag <x/>.  We will use <x/> to represent the packet, but in
+  reality it could be any child tag: <foo/>, <data/>, <error/>, etc.
-The Info/Query <iq/> packet uses namespaces to determine the type of
-information to access.  Usually there is a <query/> tag in the <iq/>
-that represents the namespace, but in fact it can be any tag.  The
-definition of the Query portion, is the first tag that has a namespace.
+  The Info/Query <iq/> packet uses namespaces to determine the type of
+  information to access.  Usually there is a <query/> tag in the <iq/>
+  that represents the namespace, but in fact it can be any tag.  The
+  definition of the Query portion, is the first tag that has a namespace.
     <iq type="get"><query xmlns="..."/></iq>
+      or
     <iq type="get"><foo xmlns="..."/></iq>
-After that Query stanza can be any number of other stanzas (<x/> tags)
-you want to include.  The Query packet is represented and available by
-calling GetQuery() or GetChild(), and the other namespaces are
-available by calling GetChild().
+  After that Query stanza can be any number of other stanzas (<x/> tags)
+  you want to include.  The Query packet is represented and available by
+  calling GetQuery() or GetChild(), and the other namespaces are
+  available by calling GetChild().
-The X tag is just a way to piggy back data on other packets.  Like
-embedding the timestamp for a message using jabber:x:delay, or signing
-you presence for encryption using jabber:x:signed.
+  The X tag is just a way to piggy back data on other packets.  Like
+  embedding the timestamp for a message using jabber:x:delay, or signing
+  you presence for encryption using jabber:x:signed.
-To this end, Net::XMPP has sought to find a way to easily, and clearly
-define the functions needed to access the XML for a namespace.  We will
-go over the full docs, and then show two examples of real namespaces so
-that you can see what we are talking about.
+  To this end, Net::XMPP has sought to find a way to easily, and clearly
+  define the functions needed to access the XML for a namespace.  We will
+  go over the full docs, and then show two examples of real namespaces so
+  that you can see what we are talking about.
 =head2 Overview
-To avoid a lot of nasty modules populating memory that are not used,
-and to avoid having to change 15 modules when a minor change is
-introduced, the Net::XMPP modules have taken AUTOLOADing to the
-extreme. is nothing but a set of function calls that
-generates a big hash of hashes.  The hash is accessed by the
-AUTOLOAD function to do something.  (This will make sense, I promise.)
+  To avoid a lot of nasty modules populating memory that are not used,
+  and to avoid having to change 15 modules when a minor change is
+  introduced, the Net::XMPP modules have taken AUTOLOADing to the
+  extreme. is nothing but a set of function calls that
+  generates a big hash of hashes.  The hash is accessed by the
+  AUTOLOAD function to do something.  (This will make sense, I promise.)
-Before going on, I highly suggest you read a Perl book on AUTOLOAD and
-how it works.  From this point on I will assume that you understand it.
+  Before going on, I highly suggest you read a Perl book on AUTOLOAD and
+  how it works.  From this point on I will assume that you understand it.
-When you create a Net::XMPP::IQ object and add a Query to it (NewChild)
-several things are happening in the background.  The argument to
-NewChild is the namespace you want to add. (custom-namespace)
+  When you create a Net::XMPP::IQ object and add a Query to it (NewChild)
+  several things are happening in the background.  The argument to
+  NewChild is the namespace you want to add. (custom-namespace)
-Now that you have a Query object to work with you will call the GetXXX
-functions, and SetXXX functions to set the data.  There are no defined
-GetXXX and SetXXXX functions.  You cannot look in the
-file and find them.  Instead you will find something like this:
+  Now that you have a Query object to work with you will call the GetXXX
+  functions, and SetXXX functions to set the data.  There are no defined
+  GetXXX and SetXXXX functions.  You cannot look in the
+  file and find them.  Instead you will find something like this:
   &add_ns(ns    => "mynamespace",
           tag   => "mytag",
@@ -97,46 +97,46 @@ file and find them.  Instead you will find something like this:
-When the GetUsername() function is called, the AUTOLOAD function looks
-in the hash for a "Username" key.  Based on the "type" of
-the field (scalar being the default) it will use the "path" as an XPath
-to retrieve the data and call the XPathGet() method in
+  When the GetUsername() function is called, the AUTOLOAD function looks
+  in the hash for a "Username" key.  Based on the "type" of
+  the field (scalar being the default) it will use the "path" as an XPath
+  to retrieve the data and call the XPathGet() method in
-Confused yet?
+  Confused yet?
 =head2 Net::XMPP private namespaces
-Now this is where this starts to get a little sticky.  When you see a
-namespace with __netxmpp__, or __netjabber__ from Net::Jabber, at the
-beginning it is usually something custom to Net::XMPP and NOT part of
-the actual XMPP protocol.
-There are some places where the structure of the XML allows for
-multiple children with the same name.  The main places you will see
-this behavior is where you have multiple tags with the same name and
-those have children under them (jabber:iq:roster).
-In jabber:iq:roster, the <item/> tag can be repeated multiple times,
-and is sort of like a mini-namespace in itself.  To that end, we treat
-it like a seperate namespace and defined a __netxmpp__:iq:roster:item
-namespace to hold it.  What happens is this, in my code I define that
-the <item/>s tag is "item" and anything with that tag name is to create
-a new Net::XMPP::Stanza object with the namespace
-__netxmpp__:iq:roster:item which then becomes a child of the
-jabber:iq:roster Stanza object.  Also, when you want to add a new item
-to a jabber:iq:roster project you call NewQuery with the private
-I know this sounds complicated.  And if after reading this entire
-document it is still complicated, email me, ask questions, and I will
-monitor it and adjust these docs to answer the questions that people
+  Now this is where this starts to get a little sticky.  When you see a
+  namespace with __netxmpp__, or __netjabber__ from Net::Jabber, at the
+  beginning it is usually something custom to Net::XMPP and NOT part of
+  the actual XMPP protocol.
+  There are some places where the structure of the XML allows for
+  multiple children with the same name.  The main places you will see
+  this behavior is where you have multiple tags with the same name and
+  those have children under them (jabber:iq:roster).
+  In jabber:iq:roster, the <item/> tag can be repeated multiple times,
+  and is sort of like a mini-namespace in itself.  To that end, we treat
+  it like a seperate namespace and defined a __netxmpp__:iq:roster:item
+  namespace to hold it.  What happens is this, in my code I define that
+  the <item/>s tag is "item" and anything with that tag name is to create
+  a new Net::XMPP::Stanza object with the namespace
+  __netxmpp__:iq:roster:item which then becomes a child of the
+  jabber:iq:roster Stanza object.  Also, when you want to add a new item
+  to a jabber:iq:roster project you call NewQuery with the private
+  namespace.
+  I know this sounds complicated.  And if after reading this entire
+  document it is still complicated, email me, ask questions, and I will
+  monitor it and adjust these docs to answer the questions that people
+  ask.
 =head2 add_ns()
-To repeat, here is an example call to add_ns():
+  To repeat, here is an example call to add_ns():
-    add_ns(ns    => "mynamespace",
+    &add_ns(ns    => "mynamespace",
             tag   => "mytag",
             xpath => {
                       JID       => { type=>'jid', path => '@jid' },
@@ -145,16 +145,17 @@ To repeat, here is an example call to add_ns():
-ns - This is the new namespace that you are trying to add.
+  ns - This is the new namespace that you are trying to add.
-tag - This is the root tag to use for objects based on this namespace.
+  tag - This is the root tag to use for objects based on this namespace.
-xpath - The hash reference passed in the add_ns call to each name of
-entry tells Net::XMPP how to handle subsequent GetXXXX(), SetXXXX(),
-DefinedXXXX(), RemoveXXXX(), AddXXXX() calls.  The basic options you
-can pass in are:
+  xpath - The hash reference passed in the add_ns call to each name of
+  entry tells Net::XMPP how to handle subsequent GetXXXX(), SetXXXX(),
+  DefinedXXXX(), RemoveXXXX(), AddXXXX() calls.  The basic options you
+  can pass in are:
-type - This tells Stanza how to handle the call.  The possible values are:
+     type - This tells Stanza how to handle the call.  The possible
+            values are:
            array - The value to set and returned is an an array
                    reference.  For example, <group/> in jabber:iq:roster.
@@ -292,31 +293,23 @@ type - This tells Stanza how to handle the call.  The possible values are:
 =head2 Wrap Up
-Well.  I hope that I have not scared you off from writing a custom
-namespace for you application and use Net::XMPP.  Look in the
-Net::XMPP::Protocol manpage for an example on using the add_ns()
-function to register your custom namespace so that Net::XMPP can
-properly handle it.
+  Well.  I hope that I have not scared you off from writing a custom
+  namespace for you application and use Net::XMPP.  Look in the
+  Net::XMPP::Protocol manpage for an example on using the add_ns()
+  function to register your custom namespace so that Net::XMPP can
+  properly handle it.
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
 use vars qw ( %NS %SKIPNS );
 $SKIPNS{'__netxmpp__'} = 1;
@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ Net::XMPP::Presence - XMPP Presence Module
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::Presence is a companion to the Net::XMPP module.
-It provides the user a simple interface to set and retrieve all
-parts of an XMPP Presence.
+  Net::XMPP::Presence is a companion to the Net::XMPP module.
+  It provides the user a simple interface to set and retrieve all
+  parts of an XMPP Presence.
-A Net::XMPP::Presence object is passed to the callback function for
-the message.  Also, the first argument to the callback functions is
-the session ID from XML::Streams.  There are some cases where you
-might want this information, like if you created a Client that
-connects to two servers at once, or for writing a mini server.
+  A Net::XMPP::Presence object is passed to the callback function for
+  the message.  Also, the first argument to the callback functions is
+  the session ID from XML::Streams.  There are some cases where you
+  might want this information, like if you created a Client that
+  connects to two servers at once, or for writing a mini server.
     use Net::XMPP;
@@ -48,316 +48,204 @@ connects to two servers at once, or for writing a mini server.
-You now have access to all of the retrieval functions available.
+  You now have access to all of the retrieval functions available.
-To create a new presence to send to the server:
+  To create a new presence to send to the server:
     use Net::XMPP;
-    $Pres = Net::XMPP::Presence->new();
+    $Pres = new Net::XMPP::Presence();
-Now you can call the creation functions below to populate the tag
-before sending it.
+  Now you can call the creation functions below to populate the tag
+  before sending it.
 =head1 METHODS
 =head2 Retrieval functions
-=over 4
+  GetTo()      - returns the value in the to='' attribute for the
+  GetTo("jid")   <presence/>.  If you specify "jid" as an argument
+                 then a Net::XMPP::JID object is returned and
+                 you can easily parse the parts of the JID.
-=item GetTo
+                 $to    = $Pres->GetTo();
+                 $toJID = $Pres->GetTo("jid");
-  GetTo()
+  GetFrom()      - returns the value in the from='' attribute for the
+  GetFrom("jid")   <presence/>.  If you specify "jid" as an argument
+                   then a Net::XMPP::JID object is returned and
+                   you can easily parse the parts of the JID.
-returns the value in the to='' attribute for the <presence/>.  
+                   $from    = $Pres->GetFrom();
+                   $fromJID = $Pres->GetFrom("jid");
-  GetTo("jid")
+  GetType() - returns the type='' attribute of the <presence/>.  Each
+              presence is one of seven types:
+                available       available to receive messages; default
+                unavailable     unavailable to receive anything
+                subscribe       ask the recipient to subscribe you
+                subscribed      tell the sender they are subscribed
+                unsubscribe     ask the recipient to unsubscribe you
+                unsubscribed    tell the sender they are unsubscribed
+                probe           probe
-If you specify "jid" as an argument
-then a Net::XMPP::JID object is returned and
-you can easily parse the parts of the JID.
+              $type = $Pres->GetType();
-  $to    = $Pres->GetTo();
-  $toJID = $Pres->GetTo("jid");
+  GetStatus() - returns a string with the current status of the resource.
-=item GetFrom
+                $status = $Pres->GetStatus();
-  GetFrom()
+  GetPriority() - returns an integer with the priority of the resource
+                  The default is 0 if there is no priority in this
+                  presence.
-returns the value in the from='' attribute for the <presence/>.
+                  $priority = $Pres->GetPriority();
-  GetFrom("jid")
+  GetShow() - returns a string with the state the client should show.
-If you specify "jid" as an argument
-then a Net::XMPP::JID object is returned and
-you can easily parse the parts of the JID.
-  $from    = $Pres->GetFrom();
-  $fromJID = $Pres->GetFrom("jid");
-=item GetType
-  GetType()
-returns the type='' attribute of the <presence/>.  Each
-presence is one of seven types:
-  available       available to receive messages; default
-  unavailable     unavailable to receive anything
-  subscribe       ask the recipient to subscribe you
-  subscribed      tell the sender they are subscribed
-  unsubscribe     ask the recipient to unsubscribe you
-  unsubscribed    tell the sender they are unsubscribed
-  probe           probe
-  $type = $Pres->GetType();
-=item GetStatus
-  GetStatus()
-returns a string with the current status of the resource.
-  $status = $Pres->GetStatus();
-=item GetPriority
-  GetPriority()
-returns an integer with the priority of the resource
-The default is 0 if there is no priority in this
-  $priority = $Pres->GetPriority();
-=item GetShow
-  GetShow()
-Returns a string with the state the client should show.
-  $show = $Pres->GetShow();
+              $show = $Pres->GetShow();
 =head2 Creation functions
-=over 4
-=item SetPresence
-  SetPresence(to=>string|JID    
-              from=>string|JID, 
-              type=>string,     
-              status=>string,   
-              priority=>integer,
-              meta=>string,     
-              icon=>string,     
-              show=>string,     
-              loc=>string)      
-set multiple fields in the <presence/>
-at one time.  This is a cumulative
-and over writing action.  If you set
-the "to" attribute twice, the second
-setting is what is used.  If you set
-the status, and then set the priority
-then both will be in the <presence/>
-tag.  For valid settings read the
-specific Set functions below.
-  $Pres->SetPresence(TYPE=>"away", StatuS=>"Out for lunch");
-=item SetTo
-  SetTo(string)
-  SetTo(JID)
-sets the to attribute.  You can either pass a string
-or a JID object.  They must be valid JIDs or the
-server will return an error message.
-(ie. Bob, etc...)
-  $Pres->SetTo("bob\");
-=item SetFrom
-  SetFrom(string)
+  SetPresence(to=>string|JID     - set multiple fields in the <presence/>
+              from=>string|JID,    at one time.  This is a cumulative
+              type=>string,        and over writing action.  If you set
+              status=>string,      the "to" attribute twice, the second
+              priority=>integer,   setting is what is used.  If you set
+              meta=>string,        the status, and then set the priority
+              icon=>string,        then both will be in the <presence/>
+              show=>string,        tag.  For valid settings read the
+              loc=>string)         specific Set functions below.
-sets the from='' attribute.  You can either pass
+                        $Pres->SetPresence(TYPE=>"away",
+					   StatuS=>"Out for lunch");
-  SetFrom(JID)
+  SetTo(string) - sets the to attribute.  You can either pass a string
+  SetTo(JID)      or a JID object.  They must be valid JIDs or the
+                  server will return an error message.
+                  (ie. Bob, etc...)
-A string or a JID object.  They must be valid JIDs
-or the server will return an error message. (ie.  This field is not
-required if you are writing a Client since the
-server will put the JID of your connection in there
-to prevent spamming.
+                  $Pres->SetTo("bob\");
-  $Pres->SetFrom("jojo\");
+  SetFrom(string) - sets the from='' attribute.  You can either pass
+  SetFrom(JID)      a string or a JID object.  They must be valid JIDs
+                    or the server will return an error message. (ie.
+            This field is not
+                    required if you are writing a Client since the
+                    server will put the JID of your connection in there
+                    to prevent spamming.
-=item SetType
+                    $Pres->SetFrom("jojo\");
-  SetType(string)
+  SetType(string) - sets the type attribute.  Valid settings are:
-sets the type attribute.  Valid settings are:
+                    available      available to receive messages; default
+                    unavailable    unavailable to receive anything
+                    subscribe      ask the recipient to subscribe you
+                    subscribed     tell the sender they are subscribed
+                    unsubscribe    ask the recipient to unsubscribe you
+                    unsubscribed   tell the sender they are unsubscribed
+                    probe          probe
-  available      available to receive messages; default
-  unavailable    unavailable to receive anything
-  subscribe      ask the recipient to subscribe you
-  subscribed     tell the sender they are subscribed
-  unsubscribe    ask the recipient to unsubscribe you
-  unsubscribed   tell the sender they are unsubscribed
-  probe          probe
+                    $Pres->SetType("unavailable");
-  $Pres->SetType("unavailable");
+  SetStatus(string) - sets the status tag to be whatever string the user
+                      wants associated with that resource.
-=item SetStatus
+                      $Pres->SetStatus("Taking a nap");
-  SetStatus(string)
+  SetPriority(integer) - sets the priority of this resource.  The highest
+                         resource attached to the xmpp account is the
+                         one that receives the messages.
-sets the status tag to be whatever string the user
-wants associated with that resource.
+                         $Pres->SetPriority(10);
-  $Pres->SetStatus("Taking a nap");
+  SetShow(string) - sets the name of the icon or string to display for
+                    this resource.
-=item SetPriority
+                    $Pres->SetShow("away");
-  SetPriority(integer)
+  Reply(hash) - creates a new Presence object and populates the to/from
+                fields.  If you specify a hash the same as with
+                SetPresence then those values will override the Reply
+                values.
-sets the priority of this resource.  The highest
-resource attached to the xmpp account is the
-one that receives the messages.
-  $Pres->SetPriority(10);
-=item SetShow
-  SetShow(string)
-Sets the name of the icon or string to display for this resource.
-  $Pres->SetShow("away");
-=item Reply
-  Reply(hash)
-creates a new Presence object and populates the to/from
-fields.  If you specify a hash the same as with
-SetPresence then those values will override the Reply
-  $Reply = $Pres->Reply();
-  $Reply = $Pres->Reply(type=>"subscribed");
+                $Reply = $Pres->Reply();
+                $Reply = $Pres->Reply(type=>"subscribed");
 =head2 Removal functions
-=over 4
-=item RemoveTo
-removes the to attribute from the <presence/>.
-  $Pres->RemoveTo();
-=item RemoveFrom
-removes the from attribute from the <presence/>.
+  RemoveTo() -  removes the to attribute from the <presence/>.
- $Pres->RemoveFrom();
+                $Pres->RemoveTo();
-=item RemoveType
+  RemoveFrom() -  removes the from attribute from the <presence/>.
-removes the type attribute from the <presence/>.
+                  $Pres->RemoveFrom();
- $Pres->RemoveType();
+  RemoveType() -  removes the type attribute from the <presence/>.
-=item RemoveStatus
+                  $Pres->RemoveType();
-removes the <status/> element from the <presence/>.
+  RemoveStatus() -  removes the <status/> element from the <presence/>.
- $Pres->RemoveStatus();
+                    $Pres->RemoveStatus();
-=item RemovePriority
+  RemovePriority() -  removes the <priority/> element from the
+                      <presence/>.
-removes the <priority/> element from the <presence/>.
+                      $Pres->RemovePriority();
- $Pres->RemovePriority();
+  RemoveShow() -  removes the <show/> element from the <presence/>.
-=item RemoveShow
-removes the <show/> element from the <presence/>.
-  $Pres->RemoveShow();
+                  $Pres->RemoveShow();
 =head2 Test functions
-=over 4
-=item  DefinedTo
-returns 1 if the to attribute is defined in the <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
-  $test = $Pres->DefinedTo();
-=item DefinedFrom
+  DefinedTo() - returns 1 if the to attribute is defined in the
+                <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
-returns 1 if the from attribute is defined in the <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
+                $test = $Pres->DefinedTo();
- $test = $Pres->DefinedFrom();
+  DefinedFrom() - returns 1 if the from attribute is defined in the
+                  <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
-=item DefinedType
+                  $test = $Pres->DefinedFrom();
-returns 1 if the type attribute is defined in the <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
+  DefinedType() - returns 1 if the type attribute is defined in the
+                  <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
-  $test = $Pres->DefinedType();
+                   $test = $Pres->DefinedType();
-=item DefinedStatus
+  DefinedStatus() - returns 1 if <status/> is defined in the
+                    <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
-returns 1 if <status/> is defined in the <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
+                    $test = $Pres->DefinedStatus();
-  $test = $Pres->DefinedStatus();
+  DefinedPriority() - returns 1 if <priority/> is defined in the
+                      <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
-=item DefinedPriority
+                      $test = $Pres->DefinedPriority();
-returns 1 if <priority/> is defined in the <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
+  DefinedShow() - returns 1 if <show/> is defined in the <presence/>,
+                  0 otherwise.
-  $test = $Pres->DefinedPriority();
-=item DefinedShow
-returns 1 if <show/> is defined in the <presence/>, 0 otherwise.
-  $test = $Pres->DefinedShow();
+                  $test = $Pres->DefinedShow();
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
+require 5.003;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use vars qw( %FUNCTIONS );
 use Net::XMPP::Stanza;
@@ -381,7 +269,7 @@ sub new
     return $self;
-sub _presence { return Net::XMPP::Presence->new(); }
+sub _presence { my $self = shift; return new Net::XMPP::Presence(); }
 $FUNCTIONS{Error}->{path} = 'error/text()';
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Net::XMPP::PrivacyLists - XMPP Privacy Lists Object
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-This module is not yet complete.  Do not use.
+  This module is not yet complete.  Do not use.
@@ -43,25 +43,17 @@ This module is not yet complete.  Do not use.
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.003;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
-use XML::Stream;
 sub new
@@ -27,62 +27,53 @@ Net::XMPP::Protocol - XMPP Protocol Module
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::Protocol is a module that provides a developer easy
-access to the XMPP Instant Messaging protocol.  It provides high
-level functions to the Net::XMPP Client object.  These functions are
-inherited by that modules.
+  Net::XMPP::Protocol is a module that provides a developer easy
+  access to the XMPP Instant Messaging protocol.  It provides high
+  level functions to the Net::XMPP Client object.  These functions are
+  inherited by that modules.
 =head1 DESCRIPTION seeks to provide enough high level APIs and automation of
-the low level APIs that writing a XMPP Client in Perl is trivial.  For
-those that wish to work with the low level you can do that too, but
-those functions are covered in the documentation for each module.
+ seeks to provide enough high level APIs and automation of
+  the low level APIs that writing a XMPP Client in Perl is trivial.  For
+  those that wish to work with the low level you can do that too, but
+  those functions are covered in the documentation for each module.
-Net::XMPP::Protocol provides functions to login, send and receive
-messages, set personal information, create a new user account, manage
-the roster, and disconnect.  You can use all or none of the functions,
-there is no requirement.
+  Net::XMPP::Protocol provides functions to login, send and receive
+  messages, set personal information, create a new user account, manage
+  the roster, and disconnect.  You can use all or none of the functions,
+  there is no requirement.
-For more information on how the details for how L<Net::XMPP> is written
-please see the help for Net::XMPP itself.
+  For more information on how the details for how Net::XMPP is written
+  please see the help for Net::XMPP itself.
-For more information on writing a Client see L<Net::XMPP::Client>.
+  For more information on writing a Client see Net::XMPP::Client.
 =head2 Modes
-Several of the functions take a mode argument that let you specify how
-the function should behave:
+  Several of the functions take a mode argument that let you specify how
+  the function should behave:
-=over 4
+    block - send the packet with an ID, and then block until an answer
+            comes back.  You can optionally specify a timeout so that
+            you do not block forever.
-=item block
+    nonblock - send the packet with an ID, but then return that id and
+               control to the master program.  Net::XMPP is still
+               tracking this packet, so you must use the CheckID function
+               to tell when it comes in.  (This might not be very
+               useful...)
-send the packet with an ID, and then block until an answer
-comes back.  You can optionally specify a timeout so that
-you do not block forever.
+    passthru - send the packet with an ID, but do NOT register it with
+               Net::XMPP, then return the ID.  This is useful when
+               combined with the XPath function because you can register
+               a one shot function tied to the id you get back.
-=item nonblock
-send the packet with an ID, but then return that id and
-control to the master program.  Net::XMPP is still
-tracking this packet, so you must use the CheckID function
-to tell when it comes in.  (This might not be very
-=item passthru
-send the packet with an ID, but do NOT register it with
-Net::XMPP, then return the ID.  This is useful when
-combined with the XPath function because you can register
-a one shot function tied to the id you get back.
 =head2 Basic Functions
     use Net::XMPP qw( Client );
-    $Con = Net::XMPP::Client->new();                  # From
+    $Con = new Net::XMPP::Client();                  # From
     $status = $Con->Connect(hostname=>""); # Net::XMPP::Client
@@ -279,791 +270,505 @@ a one shot function tied to the id you get back.
 =head2 Basic Functions
-=over 4
-=item GetErrorCode()
-returns a string that will hopefully contain some
-useful information about why a function returned
-an undef to you.
-=item SetErrorCode
-  SetErrorCode(string)
-set a useful error message before you return
-an undef to the caller.
-=item SetCallBacks
-  SetCallBacks(message=>function, 
-                 presence=>function,
-                 iq=>function,      
-                 send=>function,    
-                 receive=>function, 
-                 update=>function)  
-sets the callback functions for
-the top level tags listed.  The
-available tags to look for are
-<message/>, <presence/>, and
-<iq/>.  If a packet is received
-with an ID which is found in the
-registerd ID list (see RegisterID
-below) then it is not sent to
-these functions, instead it
-is inserted into a LIST and can
-be retrieved by some functions
-we will mention later.
-send and receive are used to
-log what XML is sent and received.
-update is used as way to update
-your program while waiting for
-a packet with an ID to be
-returned (useful for GUI apps).
-A major change that came with
-the last release is that the
-session id is passed to the
-callback as the first argument.
-This was done to facilitate
-the Server module.
-The next argument depends on
-which callback you are talking
-about.  message, presence, and iq
-all get passed in Net::XMPP
-objects that match those types.
-send and receive get passed in
-strings.  update gets passed
-nothing, not even the session id.
-If you set the function to undef,
-then the callback is removed from
-the list.
-=item SetPresenceCallBacks
-  SetPresenceCallBacks(type=>function etc...)
-sets the callback functions for
-the specified presence type.
-The function takes types as the
-main key, and lets you specify
-a function for each type of
-packet you can get.
-  "available"
-  "unavailable"
-  "subscribe"
-  "unsubscribe"
-  "subscribed"
-  "unsubscribed"
-  "probe"
-  "error"
-When it gets a <presence/>
-packet it checks the type=''
-for a defined callback.  If
-there is one then it calls the
-function with two arguments:
-  the session ID, and the
-  Net::XMPP::Presence object.
-If you set the function to
-undef, then the callback is
-removed from the list.
-NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
-then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
-presence in the SetCallBacks function.
- Net::XMPP defines a few default
- callbacks for various types:
- "subscribe" -
-   replies with subscribed
- "unsubscribe" -
-   replies with unsubscribed
- "subscribed" -
-   replies with subscribed
- "unsubscribed" -
-   replies with unsubscribed
-=item SetMessageCallBacks
-    SetMessageCallBacks(type=>function, etc...)
-sets the callback functions for
-the specified message type. The
-function takes types as the
-main key, and lets you specify
-a function for each type of
-packet you can get.
- "normal"
- "chat"
- "groupchat"
- "headline"
- "error"
-When it gets a <message/> packet
-it checks the type='' for a
-defined callback. If there is
-one then it calls the function
-with two arguments:
-  the session ID, and the
-  Net::XMPP::Message object.
-If you set the function to
-undef, then the callback is
-removed from the list.
-NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
-then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
-message in the SetCallBacks function.
-=item SetIQCallBacks
-  SetIQCallBacks(namespace=>{      
-                     get=>function,  
-                     set=>function,  
-                     result=>function
-                   },                
-                   etc...)
-sets the callback functions for
-the specified namespace. The
-function takes namespaces as the
-main key, and lets you specify a
-function for each type of packet
-you can get.
-  "get"
-  "set"
-  "result"
-When it gets an <iq/> packet it
-checks the type='' and the
-xmlns='' for a defined callback.
-If there is one then it calls
-the function with two arguments:
-the session ID, and the
-Net::XMPP::xxxx object.
-If you set the function to undef,
-then the callback is removed from
-the list.
-NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
-then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
-iq in the SetCallBacks function.
-=item SetXPathCallBacks
-  SetXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, etc...)
-registers a callback function
-for each xpath specified.  If
-Net::XMPP matches the xpath,
-then it calls the function with
-two arguments:
-  the session ID, and the
-  Net::XMPP::Message object.
-Xpaths are rooted at each
-  /message[@type="chat"]
-  /iq/*[xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"][1]
-  ...
-=item RemoveXPathCallBacks
- RemoveXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, etc...)
-unregisters a callback
-function for each xpath
-=item SetDirectXPathCallBacks
- SetDirectXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, etc...)
-registers a callback function
-for each xpath specified.  If
-Net::XMPP matches the xpath,
-then it calls the function with
-two arguments:
-  the session ID, and the
-  XML::Stream::Node object.
-Xpaths are rooted at each
-  /anything
-  /anotherthing/foo/[1]
-  ...
-The big difference between this
-and regular XPathCallBacks is
-the fact that this passes in
-the XML directly and not a
-Net::XMPP based object.
-=item RemoveDirectXPathCallBacks
-  RemoveDirectXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, etc...)
-unregisters a callback
-function for each xpath
-=item Process
-    Process(integer)
-takes the timeout period as an argument.  If no
-timeout is listed then the function blocks until
-a packet is received.  Otherwise it waits that
-number of seconds and then exits so your program
-can continue doing useful things.  NOTE: This is
-important for GUIs.  You need to leave time to
-process GUI commands even if you are waiting for
-packets.  The following are the possible return
-values, and what they mean:
-    1   - Status ok, data received.
-    0   - Status ok, no data received.
-  undef - Status not ok, stop processing.
-IMPORTANT: You need to check the output of every
-Process.  If you get an undef then the connection
-died and you should behave accordingly.
-=item Send
-    Send(object, ignoreActivity) 
-    Send(string, ignoreActivity) 
-takes either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object or
-an XML string as an argument and sends it to
-the server.  If you set ignoreActivty to 1,
-then the XML::Stream module will not record
-this packet as couting towards user activity.
+    GetErrorCode() - returns a string that will hopefully contain some
+                     useful information about why a function returned
+                     an undef to you.
+    SetErrorCode(string) - set a useful error message before you return
+                           an undef to the caller.
+    SetCallBacks(message=>function,  - sets the callback functions for
+                 presence=>function,   the top level tags listed.  The
+                 iq=>function,         available tags to look for are
+                 send=>function,       <message/>, <presence/>, and
+                 receive=>function,    <iq/>.  If a packet is received
+                 update=>function)     with an ID which is found in the
+                                       registerd ID list (see RegisterID
+                                       below) then it is not sent to
+                                       these functions, instead it
+                                       is inserted into a LIST and can
+                                       be retrieved by some functions
+                                       we will mention later.
+                                       send and receive are used to
+                                       log what XML is sent and received.
+                                       update is used as way to update
+                                       your program while waiting for
+                                       a packet with an ID to be
+                                       returned (useful for GUI apps).
+                                       A major change that came with
+                                       the last release is that the
+                                       session id is passed to the
+                                       callback as the first argument.
+                                       This was done to facilitate
+                                       the Server module.
+                                       The next argument depends on
+                                       which callback you are talking
+                                       about.  message, presence, and iq
+                                       all get passed in Net::XMPP
+                                       objects that match those types.
+                                       send and receive get passed in
+                                       strings.  update gets passed
+                                       nothing, not even the session id.
+                                       If you set the function to undef,
+                                       then the callback is removed from
+                                       the list.
+    SetPresenceCallBacks(type=>function - sets the callback functions for
+                         etc...)          the specified presence type.
+                                          The function takes types as the
+                                          main key, and lets you specify
+                                          a function for each type of
+                                          packet you can get.
+                                            "available"
+                                            "unavailable"
+                                            "subscribe"
+                                            "unsubscribe"
+                                            "subscribed"
+                                            "unsubscribed"
+                                            "probe"
+                                            "error"
+                                          When it gets a <presence/>
+                                          packet it checks the type=''
+                                          for a defined callback.  If
+                                          there is one then it calls the
+                                          function with two arguments:
+                                            the session ID, and the
+                                            Net::XMPP::Presence object.
+                                          If you set the function to
+                                          undef, then the callback is
+                                          removed from the list.
+                        NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
+                              then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
+                              presence in the SetCallBacks function.
+                                          Net::XMPP defines a few default
+                                          callbacks for various types:
+                                          "subscribe" -
+                                            replies with subscribed
+                                          "unsubscribe" -
+                                            replies with unsubscribed
+                                          "subscribed" -
+                                            replies with subscribed
+                                          "unsubscribed" -
+                                            replies with unsubscribed
+    SetMessageCallBacks(type=>function, - sets the callback functions for
+                        etc...)           the specified message type. The
+                                          function takes types as the
+                                          main key, and lets you specify
+                                          a function for each type of
+                                          packet you can get.
+                                           "normal"
+                                           "chat"
+                                           "groupchat"
+                                           "headline"
+                                           "error"
+                                         When it gets a <message/> packet
+                                         it checks the type='' for a
+                                         defined callback. If there is
+                                         one then it calls the function
+                                         with two arguments:
+                                           the session ID, and the
+                                           Net::XMPP::Message object.
+                                         If you set the function to
+                                         undef, then the callback is
+                                         removed from the list.
+                       NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
+                             then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
+                             message in the SetCallBacks function.
+    SetIQCallBacks(namespace=>{      - sets the callback functions for
+                     get=>function,    the specified namespace. The
+                     set=>function,    function takes namespaces as the
+                     result=>function  main key, and lets you specify a
+                   },                  function for each type of packet
+                   etc...)             you can get.
+                                         "get"
+                                         "set"
+                                         "result"
+                                       When it gets an <iq/> packet it
+                                       checks the type='' and the
+                                       xmlns='' for a defined callback.
+                                       If there is one then it calls
+                                       the function with two arguments:
+                                       the session ID, and the
+                                       Net::XMPP::xxxx object.
+                                       If you set the function to undef,
+                                       then the callback is removed from
+                                       the list.
+                       NOTE: If you use this, which is a cleaner method,
+                             then you must *NOT* specify a callback for
+                             iq in the SetCallBacks function.
+    SetXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - registers a callback function
+                      etc...)            for each xpath specified.  If
+                                         Net::XMPP matches the xpath,
+                                         then it calls the function with
+                                         two arguments:
+                                           the session ID, and the
+                                           Net::XMPP::Message object.
+                                         Xpaths are rooted at each
+                                         packet:
+                                           /message[@type="chat"]
+                                           /iq/*[xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"][1]
+                                           ...
+    RemoveXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - unregisters a callback
+                         etc...)            function for each xpath
+                                            specified.
+    SetDirectXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - registers a callback function
+                            etc...)            for each xpath specified.  If
+                                               Net::XMPP matches the xpath,
+                                               then it calls the function with
+                                               two arguments:
+                                                 the session ID, and the
+                                                 XML::Stream::Node object.
+                                               Xpaths are rooted at each
+                                               packet:
+                                                 /anything
+                                                 /anotherthing/foo/[1]
+                                                 ...
+                                               The big difference between this
+                                               and regular XPathCallBacks is
+                                               the fact that this passes in
+                                               the XML directly and not a
+                                               Net::XMPP based object.
+    RemoveDirectXPathCallBacks(xpath=>function, - unregisters a callback
+                               etc...)            function for each xpath
+                                                  specified.
+    Process(integer) - takes the timeout period as an argument.  If no
+                       timeout is listed then the function blocks until
+                       a packet is received.  Otherwise it waits that
+                       number of seconds and then exits so your program
+                       can continue doing useful things.  NOTE: This is
+                       important for GUIs.  You need to leave time to
+                       process GUI commands even if you are waiting for
+                       packets.  The following are the possible return
+                       values, and what they mean:
+                           1   - Status ok, data received.
+                           0   - Status ok, no data received.
+                         undef - Status not ok, stop processing.
+                       IMPORTANT: You need to check the output of every
+                       Process.  If you get an undef then the connection
+                       died and you should behave accordingly.
+    Send(object,         - takes either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object or
+         ignoreActivity)   an XML string as an argument and sends it to
+    Send(string,           the server.  If you set ignoreActivty to 1,
+         ignoreActivity)   then the XML::Stream module will not record
+                           this packet as couting towards user activity.
 =head2 ID Functions
-=item SendWithID
-    SendWithID(object)
-    SendWithID(string)
-takes either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object or an
-XML string as an argument, adds the next
-available ID number and sends that packet to
-the server.  Returns the ID number assigned.
-=item SendAndReceiveWithID
-    SendAndReceiveWithID(object, timeout)
-    SendAndReceiveWithID(string, timeout)
-uses SendWithID and WaitForID to
-provide a complete way to send and
-receive packets with IDs.  Can take
-either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
-or an XML string.  Returns the
-proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
-based on the type of packet
-received.  The timeout is passed
-on to WaitForID, see that function
-for how the timeout works.
-=item ReceivedID
- ReceivedID(integer)
-returns 1 if a packet has been received with
-specified ID, 0 otherwise.
-=item GetID
-    GetID(integer)
-returns the proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object based
-on the type of packet received with the specified
-ID.  If the ID has been received the GetID returns 0.
-=item WaitForID
-  WaitForID(integer, timeout)
-blocks until a packet with the ID is received.
-Returns the proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
-based on the type of packet received.  If the
-timeout limit is reached then if the packet
-does come in, it will be discarded.
-NOTE:  Only <iq/> officially support ids, so sending a <message/>, or
-<presence/> with an id is a risk.  The server will ignore the
-id tag and pass it through, so both clients must support the
-id tag for these functions to be useful.
+    SendWithID(object) - takes either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object or an
+    SendWithID(string)   XML string as an argument, adds the next
+                         available ID number and sends that packet to
+                         the server.  Returns the ID number assigned.
+    SendAndReceiveWithID(object,  - uses SendWithID and WaitForID to
+                         timeout)   provide a complete way to send and
+    SendAndReceiveWithID(string,    receive packets with IDs.  Can take
+                         timeout)   either a Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
+                                    or an XML string.  Returns the
+                                    proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
+                                    based on the type of packet
+                                    received.  The timeout is passed
+                                    on to WaitForID, see that function
+                                    for how the timeout works.
+    ReceivedID(integer) - returns 1 if a packet has been received with
+                          specified ID, 0 otherwise.
+    GetID(integer) - returns the proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object based
+                     on the type of packet received with the specified
+                     ID.  If the ID has been received the GetID returns
+                     0.
+    WaitForID(integer, - blocks until a packet with the ID is received.
+              timeout)   Returns the proper Net::XMPP::xxxxx object
+                         based on the type of packet received.  If the
+                         timeout limit is reached then if the packet
+                         does come in, it will be discarded.
+    NOTE:  Only <iq/> officially support ids, so sending a <message/>, or
+           <presence/> with an id is a risk.  The server will ignore the
+           id tag and pass it through, so both clients must support the
+           id tag for these functions to be useful.
 =head2 Namespace Functions
-=over 4
-=item AddNamespace
-    AddNamespace(ns=>string, 
-                 tag=>string,
-                 xpath=>hash)
-This function is very complex.
-It is a little too complex to
-discuss within the confines of
-this small paragraph.  Please
-refer to the man page for
-Net::XMPP::Namespaces for the
-full documentation on this
+    AddNamespace(ns=>string,  - This function is very complex.
+                 tag=>string,   It is a little too complex to
+                 xpath=>hash)   discuss within the confines of
+                                this small paragraph.  Please
+                                refer to the man page for
+                                Net::XMPP::Namespaces for the
+                                full documentation on this
+                                subject.
 =head2 Message Functions
-=over 4
-=item MessageSend
-    MessageSend(hash)
-takes the hash and passes it to SetMessage in
-Net::XMPP::Message (refer there for valid
-settings).  Then it sends the message to the
+    MessageSend(hash) - takes the hash and passes it to SetMessage in
+                        Net::XMPP::Message (refer there for valid
+                        settings).  Then it sends the message to the
+                        server.
 =head2 Presence Functions
-=over 4
-=item  PresenceSend
-  PresenceSend()
-  PresenceSend(hash, signature=>string)
-No arguments will send an empty
-Presence to the server to tell it
-that you are available.  If you
-provide a hash, then it will pass
-that hash to the SetPresence()
-function as defined in the
-Net::XMPP::Presence module.
-Optionally, you can specify a
-signature and a jabber:x:signed
-will be placed in the <presence/>.
+    PresenceSend()                  - no arguments will send an empty
+    PresenceSend(hash,                Presence to the server to tell it
+                 signature=>string)   that you are available.  If you
+                                      provide a hash, then it will pass
+                                      that hash to the SetPresence()
+                                      function as defined in the
+                                      Net::XMPP::Presence module.
+                                      Optionally, you can specify a
+                                      signature and a jabber:x:signed
+                                      will be placed in the <presence/>.
 =head2 Subscription Functions
-=over 4
-=item Subscription
- Subscription(hash)
-taks the hash and passes it to SetPresence in
-Net::XMPP::Presence (refer there for valid
-settings).  Then it sends the subscription to
+    Subscription(hash) - taks the hash and passes it to SetPresence in
+                         Net::XMPP::Presence (refer there for valid
+                         settings).  Then it sends the subscription to
+                         server.
-The valid types of subscription are:
+                         The valid types of subscription are:
-  subscribe    - subscribe to JID's presence
-  unsubscribe  - unsubscribe from JID's presence
-  subscribed   - response to a subscribe
-  unsubscribed - response to an unsubscribe
+                           subscribe    - subscribe to JID's presence
+                           unsubscribe  - unsubscribe from JID's presence
+                           subscribed   - response to a subscribe
+                           unsubscribed - response to an unsubscribe
 =head2 Presence DB Functions
-=over 4
-=item PresenceDB
- PresenceDB()
-Tell the object to initialize the callbacks to
-automatically populate the Presence DB.
-=item PresenceDBParse
-  PresenceDBParse(Net::XMPP::Presence)
-for every presence that you
-receive pass the Presence
-object to the DB so that
-it can track the resources
-and priorities for you.
-Returns either the presence
-passed in, if it not able
-to parsed for the DB, or the
-current presence as found by
-the PresenceDBQuery
-=item PresenceDBDelete
-  PresenceDBDelete(string|Net::XMPP::JID)
-delete thes JID entry from the DB.
-=item PresenceDBClear
- PresenceDBClear()
-delete all entries in the database.
-=item PresenceDBQuery
-  PresenceDBQuery(string|Net::XMPP::JID)
-returns the NX::Presence
-that was last received for
-the highest priority of
-this JID.  You can pass
-it a string or a NX::JID
-=item PresenceDBResources
-  PresenceDBResources(string|Net::XMPP::JID)
-returns an array of
-resources in order
-from highest priority
-to lowest.
+    PresenceDB() - Tell the object to initialize the callbacks to
+                   automatically populate the Presence DB.
+    PresenceDBParse(Net::XMPP::Presence) - for every presence that you
+                                             receive pass the Presence
+                                             object to the DB so that
+                                             it can track the resources
+                                             and priorities for you.
+                                             Returns either the presence
+                                             passed in, if it not able
+                                             to parsed for the DB, or the
+                                             current presence as found by
+                                             the PresenceDBQuery
+                                             function.
+    PresenceDBDelete(string|Net::XMPP::JID) - delete thes JID entry
+                                                from the DB.
+    PresenceDBClear() - delete all entries in the database.
+    PresenceDBQuery(string|Net::XMPP::JID) - returns the NX::Presence
+                                               that was last received for
+                                               the highest priority of
+                                               this JID.  You can pass
+                                               it a string or a NX::JID
+                                               object.
+    PresenceDBResources(string|Net::XMPP::JID) - returns an array of
+                                                   resources in order
+                                                   from highest priority
+                                                   to lowest.
 =head2 IQ Functions
 =head2 Auth Functions
-=over 4
-=item AuthSend
-    AuthSend(username=>string,
-             password=>string,
-             resource=>string)
-takes all of the information and
-builds a L<Net::XMPP::IQ::Auth> packet.
-It then sends that packet to the
-server with an ID and waits for that
-ID to return.  Then it looks in
-resulting packet and determines if
-authentication was successful for not.
-The array returned from AuthSend looks
-like this:
-  [ type , message ]
-If type is "ok" then authentication
-was successful, otherwise message
-contains a little more detail about the
+    AuthSend(username=>string, - takes all of the information and
+             password=>string,   builds a Net::XMPP::IQ::Auth packet.
+             resource=>string)   It then sends that packet to the
+                                 server with an ID and waits for that
+                                 ID to return.  Then it looks in
+                                 resulting packet and determines if
+                                 authentication was successful for not.
+                                 The array returned from AuthSend looks
+                                 like this:
+                                   [ type , message ]
+                                 If type is "ok" then authentication
+                                 was successful, otherwise message
+                                 contains a little more detail about the
+                                 error.
 =head2 IQ::Register Functions
-=over 4
-=item RegisterRequest
- RegisterRequest(to=>string,  timeout=>int)
- RegisterRequest()
-send an <iq/> request to the specified
-server/transport, if not specified it
-sends to the current active server.
-The function returns a hash that
-contains the required fields.   Here
-is an example of the hash:
-$hash{fields}    - The raw fields from
-                   the iq:register.
-                   To be used if there
-                   is no x:data in the
-                   packet.
-$hash{instructions} - How to fill out
-                      the form.
-$hash{form}   - The new dynamic forms.
-In $hash{form}, the fields that are
-present are the required fields the
-server needs.
-=item RegisterSend
-  RegisterSend(hash)
-takes the contents of the hash and passes it
-to the SetRegister function in the module
-Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:register namespace.
-This function returns an array that looks like
-  [ type , message ]
-If type is "ok" then registration was
-successful, otherwise message contains a
-little more detail about the error.
+    RegisterRequest(to=>string,  - send an <iq/> request to the specified
+                    timeout=>int)  server/transport, if not specified it
+    RegisterRequest()              sends to the current active server.
+                                   The function returns a hash that
+                                   contains the required fields.   Here
+                                   is an example of the hash:
+                                   $hash{fields}    - The raw fields from
+                                                      the iq:register.
+                                                      To be used if there
+                                                      is no x:data in the
+                                                      packet.
+                                   $hash{instructions} - How to fill out
+                                                         the form.
+                                   $hash{form}   - The new dynamic forms.
+                                   In $hash{form}, the fields that are
+                                   present are the required fields the
+                                   server needs.
+    RegisterSend(hash) - takes the contents of the hash and passes it
+                         to the SetRegister function in the module
+                         Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:register namespace.
+                         This function returns an array that looks like
+                         this:
+                            [ type , message ]
+                         If type is "ok" then registration was
+                         successful, otherwise message contains a
+                         little more detail about the error.
 =head2 Roster Functions
-=over 4
-=item Roster
-    Roster()
-returns a L<Net::XMPP::Roster> object.  This will automatically
-intercept all of the roster and presence packets sent from
-the server and give you an accurate Roster.  For more
-information please read the man page for Net::XMPP::Roster.
-=item RosterParse
-    RosterParse(IQ object)
-returns a hash that contains the roster
-parsed into the following data structure:
+    Roster() - returns a Net::XMPP::Roster object.  This will automatically
+               intercept all of the roster and presence packets sent from
+               the server and give you an accurate Roster.  For more
+               information please read the man page for Net::XMPP::Roster.
-  $roster{''}->{name}
-                      - Name you stored in the roster
+    RosterParse(IQ object) - returns a hash that contains the roster
+                             parsed into the following data structure:
-  $roster{''}->{subscription}
-                      - Subscription status
-                        (to, from, both, none)
+                  $roster{''}->{name}
+                                      - Name you stored in the roster
-  $roster{''}->{ask}
-                      - The ask status from this user
-                        (subscribe, unsubscribe)
+                  $roster{''}->{subscription}
+                                      - Subscription status
+                                        (to, from, both, none)
-  $roster{''}->{groups}
-                      - Array of groups that
-               is in
+                  $roster{''}->{ask}
+                                      - The ask status from this user
+                                        (subscribe, unsubscribe)
-=item RosterGet
+                  $roster{''}->{groups}
+                                      - Array of groups that
+                               is in
-  RosterGet()
+    RosterGet() - sends an empty Net::XMPP::IQ::Roster tag to the
+                  server so the server will send the Roster to the
+                  client.  Returns the above hash from RosterParse.
-sends an empty Net::XMPP::IQ::Roster tag to the
-server so the server will send the Roster to the
-client.  Returns the above hash from RosterParse.
+    RosterRequest() - sends an empty Net::XMPP::IQ::Roster tag to the
+                      server so the server will send the Roster to the
+                      client.
-=item RosterRequest
+    RosterAdd(hash) - sends a packet asking that the jid be
+                      added to the roster.  The hash format
+                      is defined in the SetItem function
+                      in the Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:roster
+                      namespace.
-  RosterRequest()
-sends an empty Net::XMPP::IQ::Roster tag to the
-server so the server will send the Roster to the
-=item RosterAdd
-    RosterAdd(hash)
-sends a packet asking that the jid be
-added to the roster.  The hash format
-is defined in the SetItem function
-in the Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:roster
-=item RosterRemove
- RosterRemove(hash)
-sends a packet asking that the jid be
-removed from the roster.  The hash
-format is defined in the SetItem function
-in the Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:roster
+    RosterRemove(hash) - sends a packet asking that the jid be
+                         removed from the roster.  The hash
+                         format is defined in the SetItem function
+                         in the Net::XMPP::Query jabber:iq:roster
+                         namespace.
 =head2 Roster DB Functions
-=over 4
-=item RosterDB
-    RosterDB()
-Tell the object to initialize the callbacks to
-automatically populate the Roster DB.  If you do this,
-then make sure that you call RosterRequest() instead of
-RosterGet() so that the callbacks can catch it and
-parse it.
-=item RosterDBParse
-    RosterDBParse(IQ object)
-If you want to manually control the
-database, then you can pass in all iq
-packets with jabber:iq:roster queries to
-this function.
-=item RosterDBAdd
-  RosterDBAdd(jid,hash)
-Add a new JID into the roster DB.  The JID
-is either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID
-object.  The hash must be the same format as
-the has returned by RosterParse above, and
-is the actual hash, not a reference.
-=item RosterDBRemove
-  RosterDBRemove(jid)
-Remove a JID from the roster DB. The JID is
-either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-=item RosterDBClear
+    RosterDB() - Tell the object to initialize the callbacks to
+                 automatically populate the Roster DB.  If you do this,
+                 then make sure that you call RosterRequest() instead of
+                 RosterGet() so that the callbacks can catch it and
+                 parse it.
-Remove all JIDs from the roster DB.
+    RosterDBParse(IQ object) - If you want to manually control the
+                               database, then you can pass in all iq
+                               packets with jabber:iq:roster queries to
+                               this function.
-=item RosterDBExists
+    RosterDBAdd(jid,hash) - Add a new JID into the roster DB.  The JID
+                            is either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID
+                            object.  The hash must be the same format as
+                            the has returned by RosterParse above, and
+                            is the actual hash, not a reference.
- RosterDBExists(jid)
+    RosterDBRemove(jid) - Remove a JID from the roster DB. The JID is
+                          either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-return 1 if the JID exists in the roster DB,
-undef otherwise.  The JID is either a string,
-or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
+    RosterDBClear() - Remove all JIDs from the roster DB.
-=item RosterDBJIDs
+    RosterDBExists(jid) - return 1 if the JID exists in the roster DB,
+                          undef otherwise.  The JID is either a string,
+                          or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-  RosterDBJIDs()
+    RosterDBJIDs() - returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects that
+                     represents all of the JIDs in the DB.
-returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects that
-represents all of the JIDs in the DB.
+    RosterDBGroups() - returns the complete list of roster groups in the
+                       roster.
-=item RosterDBGroups
+    RosterDBGroupExists(group) - return 1 if the group is a group in the
+                                 roster DB, undef otherwise.
-returns the complete list of roster groups in the
+    RosterDBGroupJIDs(group) - returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects
+                               that represents all of the JIDs in the
+                               specified roster group.
-=item RosterDBGroupExists
+    RosterDBNonGroupJIDs() - returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects
+                             that represents all of the JIDs not in a
+                             roster group.
-    RosterDBGroupExists(group)
+    RosterDBQuery(jid) - returns a hash containing the data from the
+                         roster DB for the specified JID.  The JID is
+                         either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
+                         The hash format the same as in RosterParse
+                         above.
-return 1 if the group is a group in the
-roster DB, undef otherwise.
+    RosterDBQuery(jid,key) - returns the entry from the above hash for
+                             the given key.  The available keys are:
+                               name, ask, subsrcription and groups
+                             The JID is either a string, or a
+                             Net::XMPP::JID object.
-=item RosterDBGroupJIDs
-    RosterDBGroupJIDs(group)
-returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects
-that represents all of the JIDs in the
-specified roster group.
-=item RosterDBNonGroupJIDs
-returns a list of Net::XMPP::JID objects
-that represents all of the JIDs not in a
-roster group.
-=item RosterDBQuery
-  RosterDBQuery(jid)
-returns a hash containing the data from the
-roster DB for the specified JID.  The JID is
-either a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-The hash format the same as in RosterParse
-=item RosterDBQuery
-  RosterDBQuery(jid,key)
-returns the entry from the above hash for
-the given key.  The available keys are:
-  name, ask, subsrcription and groups
-The JID is either a string, or a
-L<Net::XMPP::JID> object.
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.003;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp;
-use Digest::SHA1;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use Authen::SASL;
-use XML::Stream;
-use Net::XMPP::IQ;
-use Net::XMPP::Message;
-use Net::XMPP::Presence;
-use Net::XMPP::JID;
 use Net::XMPP::Roster;
 use Net::XMPP::PrivacyLists;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
@@ -1088,10 +793,10 @@ $NEWOBJECT{'presence'} = "Net::XMPP::Presence";
 $NEWOBJECT{'jid'}      = "Net::XMPP::JID";
-sub _message  { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = $NEWOBJECT{'message'}->new(\@_);"; return $o;  }
-sub _presence { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = $NEWOBJECT{'presence'}->new(\@_);"; return $o; }
-sub _iq       { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = $NEWOBJECT{'iq'}->new(\@_);"; return $o;       }
-sub _jid      { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = $NEWOBJECT{'jid'}->new(\@_);"; return $o;      }
+sub _message  { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = new $NEWOBJECT{'message'}(\@_);"; return $o;  }
+sub _presence { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = new $NEWOBJECT{'presence'}(\@_);"; return $o; }
+sub _iq       { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = new $NEWOBJECT{'iq'}(\@_);"; return $o;       }
+sub _jid      { shift; my $o; eval "\$o = new $NEWOBJECT{'jid'}(\@_);"; return $o;      }
@@ -1299,7 +1004,7 @@ sub BuildObject
     if (exists($NEWOBJECT{$tag}))
         $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("BuildObject: tag($tag) package($NEWOBJECT{$tag})");
-        eval "\$obj = $NEWOBJECT{$tag}->new(\$tree);";
+        eval "\$obj = new $NEWOBJECT{$tag}(\$tree);";
     return $obj;
@@ -1943,7 +1648,7 @@ sub PresenceDBDelete
     my ($jid) = @_;
     my $indexJID = $jid;
-    $indexJID = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $indexJID = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return if !exists($self->{PRESENCEDB}->{$indexJID});
@@ -1982,7 +1687,7 @@ sub PresenceDBQuery
     my ($jid) = @_;
     my $indexJID = $jid;
-    $indexJID = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $indexJID = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return if !exists($self->{PRESENCEDB}->{$indexJID});
     return if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{PRESENCEDB}->{$indexJID}->{priorities}})) == 0);
@@ -2006,7 +1711,7 @@ sub PresenceDBResources
     my ($jid) = @_;
     my $indexJID = $jid;
-    $indexJID = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $indexJID = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     my @resources;
@@ -2375,7 +2080,7 @@ sub PrivacyLists
     my $self = shift;
-    return Net::XMPP::PrivacyLists->new(connection=>$self);
+    return new Net::XMPP::PrivacyLists(connection=>$self);
@@ -2698,7 +2403,7 @@ sub Roster
     my $self = shift;
-    return Net::XMPP::Roster->new(connection=>$self);
+    return new Net::XMPP::Roster(connection=>$self);
@@ -2763,7 +2468,7 @@ sub RosterDBExists
     my $self = shift;
     my ($jid) = @_;
-    if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'))
+    if ($jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID"))
         $jid = $jid->GetJID();
@@ -2931,7 +2636,7 @@ sub RosterDBQuery
     my $jid = shift;
     my $key = shift;
-    if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'))
+    if ($jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID"))
         $jid = $jid->GetJID();
@@ -3254,7 +2959,7 @@ sub SASLClient
     return unless defined($mechanisms);
-    my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(mechanism=>join(" ",@{$mechanisms}),
+    my $sasl = new Authen::SASL(mechanism=>join(" ",@{$mechanisms}),
                                 callback=>{ user => $username,
                                             pass => $password
@@ -3433,17 +3138,15 @@ sub xmppCallbackInit
     $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("xmppCallbackInit: start");
-    my $weak = $self;
-    weaken $weak;
-    $self->SetCallBacks(iq=>sub{ $weak->callbackIQ(@_) },
-                        presence=>sub{ $weak->callbackPresence(@_) },
-                        message=>sub{ $weak->callbackMessage(@_) },
+    $self->SetCallBacks(iq=>sub{ $self->callbackIQ(@_) },
+                        presence=>sub{ $self->callbackPresence(@_) },
+                        message=>sub{ $self->callbackMessage(@_) },
-    $self->SetPresenceCallBacks(subscribe=>sub{ $weak->callbackPresenceSubscribe(@_) },
-                                unsubscribe=>sub{ $weak->callbackPresenceUnsubscribe(@_) },
-                                subscribed=>sub{ $weak->callbackPresenceSubscribed(@_) },
-                                unsubscribed=>sub{ $weak->callbackPresenceUnsubscribed(@_) },
+    $self->SetPresenceCallBacks(subscribe=>sub{ $self->callbackPresenceSubscribe(@_) },
+                                unsubscribe=>sub{ $self->callbackPresenceUnsubscribe(@_) },
+                                subscribed=>sub{ $self->callbackPresenceSubscribed(@_) },
+                                unsubscribed=>sub{ $self->callbackPresenceUnsubscribed(@_) },
@@ -3530,7 +3233,7 @@ sub callbackIQ
     $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("callbackIQ: type($type) ns($ns)");
     if (exists($self->{CB}->{IQns}->{$ns})
-        && (ref($self->{CB}->{IQns}->{$ns}) eq 'HASH' )
+        && (ref($self->{CB}->{IQns}->{$ns}) != 'HASH' )
         $self->{DEBUG}->Log1("callbackIQ: goto user function( $self->{CB}->{IQns}->{$ns} )");
@@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ Net::XMPP::Roster - XMPP Roster Object
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::Roster is a module that provides a developer an easy
-interface to an XMPP roster.  It provides high level functions to
-query, update, and manage a user's roster.
+  Net::XMPP::Roster is a module that provides a developer an easy
+  interface to an XMPP roster.  It provides high level functions to
+  query, update, and manage a user's roster.
-The Roster object seeks to provide an easy to use API for interfacing
-with a user's roster.  When you instantiate it, it automatically
-registers with the connection to receivce the correct packets so
-that it can track all roster updates, and presence packets.
+  The Roster object seeks to provide an easy to use API for interfacing
+  with a user's roster.  When you instantiate it, it automatically
+  registers with the connection to receivce the correct packets so
+  that it can track all roster updates, and presence packets.
 =head2 Basic Functions
-  my $Client = Net::XMPP::Client->new(...);
+  my $Client = new Net::XMPP::Client(...);
-  my $Roster = Net::XMPP::Roster->new(connection=>$Client);
+  my $Roster = new Net::XMPP::Roster(connection=>$Client);
   my $Roster = $Client->Roster();
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ that it can track all roster updates, and presence packets.
 =head2 Advanced Functions
-These functions are only needed if you want to manually control
-the Roster.
+  These functions are only needed if you want to manually control
+  the Roster.
@@ -117,121 +117,65 @@ the Roster.
 =head2 Basic Functions
-=over 4
-=item new
+  new(connection=>object) - This creates and initializes the Roster
+                            object.  The connection object is required
+                            so that the Roster can interact with the
+                            main connection object.  It needs to be an
+                            object that inherits from
+                            Net::XMPP::Connection.
-  new(connection=>object)
+  clear() - removes everything from the database.
-This creates and initializes the Roster
-object.  The connection object is required
-so that the Roster can interact with the
-main connection object.  It needs to be an
-object that inherits from L<Net::XMPP::Connection>.
+  exists(jid) - return 1 if the JID exists in the database, undef
+                otherwise.  The jid can either be a string, or a
+                Net::XMPP::JID object.
-=item clear
+  groupExists(group) - return 1 if the group exists in the database,
+                       undef otherwise.
-  clear()
+  groups() - returns a list of all of the roster groups.
-removes everything from the database.
-=item exists
-  exists(jid)
-return 1 if the JID exists in the database, undef
-otherwise.  The jid can either be a string, or a L<Net::XMPP::JID> object.
-=item groupExists
-  groupExists(group)
-return 1 if the group exists in the database, undef otherwise.
-=item groups
-  groups()
-Returns a list of all of the roster groups.
-=item jids
-  jids([type, [group]])
-returns a list of all of the matching JIDs.  The valid
-types are:
+  jids([type,    - returns a list of all of the matching JIDs.  The valid
+       [group]])   types are:
                     all     - return all JIDs in the roster. (default)
                     nogroup - return all JIDs not in a roster group.
                     group   - return all of the JIDs in the specified
                               roster group.
-=item online
-  online(jid)
-return 1 if the JID is online, undef otherwise.  The
-jid can either be a string, or a L<Net::XMPP::JID> object.
-=item query
-  query(jid, [key])
+  online(jid) - return 1 if the JID is online, undef otherwise.  The
+                jid can either be a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-return a hash representing all of the data in the
-DB for this JID.  The jid can either be a string,
-or a Net::XMPP::JID object.  If you specify a key,
-then only the value for that key is returned.
+  query(jid,   - return a hash representing all of the data in the
+        [key])   DB for this JID.  The jid can either be a string,
+                 or a Net::XMPP::JID object.  If you specify a key,
+                 then only the value for that key is returned.
-=item resource
+  resource(jid) - return the string representing the resource with the
+                  highest priority for the JID.  The jid can either be
+                  a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-  resource(jid)
+  resourceQuery(jid,      - return a hash representing all of the data
+                resource,   the DB for the resource for this JID.  The
+                [key])      jid can either be a string, or a
+                            Net::XMPP::JID object.  If you specify a
+                            key, then only the value for that key is
+                            returned.
-return the string representing the resource with the
-highest priority for the JID.  The jid can either be
-a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
+  resources(jid) - returns the list of resources for the JID in order
+                   of highest priority to lowest priority.  The jid can
+                   either be a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-=item resourceQuery
+  resourceStore(jid,      - store the specified value in the DB under
+                resource,   the specified key for the resource for this
+                key,        JID.  The jid can either be a string, or a
+                value)      Net::XMPP::JID object.
-  resourceQuery(jid,     
-                resource,
-                [key])   
+  store(jid,      - store the specified value in the DB under the
+        key,        specified key for this JID.  The jid can either
+        value)      be a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-return a hash representing all of the data
-the DB for the resource for this JID.  The
-jid can either be a string, or a
-Net::XMPP::JID object.  If you specify a
-key, then only the value for that key is
-=item resources
-  resources(jid)
-returns the list of resources for the JID in order
-of highest priority to lowest priority.  The jid can
-either be a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
-=item resourceStore
-  resourceStore(jid,     
-                resource,
-                key,     
-                value)   
-store the specified value in the DB under
-the specified key for the resource for this
-JID.  The jid can either be a string, or a
-Net::XMPP::JID object.
-=item store
-  store(jid, key, value) 
-store the specified value in the DB under the
-specified key for this JID.  The jid can either
-be a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.
 =head2 Advanced Functions
@@ -264,29 +208,18 @@ handler(packet) - Take either a Net::XMPP::IQ or Net::XMPP::Presence
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-use 5.008;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
-use Net::XMPP::JID;
-use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
 sub new
     my $proto = shift;
@@ -320,10 +253,8 @@ sub init
     my $self = shift;
-    my $weak = $self;
-    weaken $weak;
-    $self->{CONNECTION}-> SetXPathCallBacks('/iq[@type="result" or @type="set"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"]'=>sub{ $weak->handler(@_) });
-    $self->{CONNECTION}-> SetXPathCallBacks('/presence'=>sub{ $weak->handler(@_) });
+    $self->{CONNECTION}-> SetXPathCallBacks('/iq[@type="result" or @type="set"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"]'=>sub{ $self->handler(@_) });
+    $self->{CONNECTION}-> SetXPathCallBacks('/presence'=>sub{ $self->handler(@_) });
@@ -337,7 +268,7 @@ sub add
     my $self = shift;
     my ($jid,%item) = @_;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     $self->{JIDS}->{$jid} = \%item;
@@ -364,7 +295,7 @@ sub addResource
     my $resource = shift;
     my (%item) = @_;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     my $priority = $item{priority};
     $priority = 0 unless defined($priority);
@@ -418,7 +349,7 @@ sub exists
     my $self = shift;
     my ($jid) = @_;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless exists($self->{JIDS});
     return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid});
@@ -495,7 +426,7 @@ sub handleIQ
     my $self = shift;
     my $iq = shift;
-    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3('handleIQ: iq(' . $iq->GetXML() . ')');
+    print "handleIQ: iq(",$iq->GetXML(),")\n";
     my $type = $iq->GetType();
     return unless (($type eq "set") || ($type eq "result"));
@@ -533,7 +464,7 @@ sub handlePresence
     my $self = shift;
     my $presence = shift;
-    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3('handlePresence: presence(' . $presence->GetXML() . ')');
+    print "handlePresence: presence(",$presence->GetXML(),")\n";
     my $type = $presence->GetType();
     $type = "" unless defined($type);
@@ -600,7 +531,7 @@ sub jids
                      exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{groups}) &&
                      ($#{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{groups}} > -1));
-            push(@jids, Net::XMPP::JID->new($jid));
+            push(@jids,new Net::XMPP::JID($jid));
@@ -611,7 +542,7 @@ sub jids
             foreach my $jid (keys(%{$self->{GROUPS}->{$group}}))
-                push(@jids, Net::XMPP::JID->new($jid));
+                push(@jids,new Net::XMPP::JID($jid));
@@ -630,7 +561,7 @@ sub online
     my $self = shift;
     my $jid = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless $self->exists($jid);
@@ -652,7 +583,7 @@ sub priority
     my $jid = shift;
     my $resource = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     if (defined($resource))
@@ -678,7 +609,7 @@ sub query
     my $jid = shift;
     my $key = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless $self->exists($jid);
     if (defined($key))
@@ -700,7 +631,7 @@ sub remove
     my $self = shift;
     my $jid = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     if ($self->exists($jid))
@@ -735,7 +666,7 @@ sub removeResource
     my $jid = shift;
     my $resource = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     if ($self->resourceExists($jid,$resource))
@@ -776,7 +707,7 @@ sub resource
     my $self = shift;
     my $jid = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless $self->exists($jid);
@@ -799,7 +730,7 @@ sub resourceExists
     my $jid = shift;
     my $resource = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless $self->exists($jid);
     return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources});
@@ -820,7 +751,7 @@ sub resourceQuery
     my $resource = shift;
     my $key = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless $self->resourceExists($jid,$resource);
     if (defined($key))
@@ -842,7 +773,7 @@ sub resources
     my $self = shift;
     my $jid = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return () unless $self->exists($jid);
@@ -875,7 +806,7 @@ sub resourceStore
     my $key = shift;
     my $value = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless defined($key);
     return unless defined($value);
@@ -899,7 +830,7 @@ sub store
     my $key = shift;
     my $value = shift;
-    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));
+    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if $jid->isa("Net::XMPP::JID");
     return unless defined($key);
     return unless defined($value);
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ Net::XMPP::Stanza - XMPP Stanza Module
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP::Stanza is a private package that serves as a basis for all
-XMPP stanzas generated by L<Net::XMPP>.
+  Net::XMPP::Stanza is a private package that serves as a basis for all
+  XMPP stanzas generated by Net::XMPP.
-This module is not meant to be used directly.  You should be using
-either L<Net::XMPP::IQ>, L<Net::XMPP::Message>, L<Net::XMPP::Presence>, or
-another package that inherits from Net::XMPP::Stanza.
+  This module is not meant to be used directly.  You should be using
+  either Net::XMPP::IQ, Net::XMPP::Message, Net::XMPP::Presence, or
+  another package that inherits from Net::XMPP::Stanza.
-That said, this is where all of the namespaced methods are documented.
+  That said, this is where all of the namespaced methods are documented.
-The current supported namespaces are:
+  The current supported namespaces are:
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ The current supported namespaces are:
-For more information on what these namespaces are for, visit
-L<> and browse the Jabber Programmers Guide.
+  For more information on what these namespaces are for, visit
+ and browse the Jabber Programmers Guide.
-The following tables can be read as follows:
+  The following tables can be read as follows:
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ The following tables can be read as follows:
   Bars                        child     X
   Test                        master    X    X
-Withing the my:private:ns namespace, there exists the functions:
+  Withing the my:private:ns namespace, there exists the functions:
     GetFoo(), SetFoo(), RemoveFoo(), DefinedFoo()
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ Withing the my:private:ns namespace, there exists the functions:
     GetTest(), SetMaster()
-Hopefully it should be obvious how this all works.  If not feel free to
-contact me and I'll work on adding more documentation.
+  Hopefully it should be obvious how this all works.  If not feel free to
+  contact me and I'll work on adding more documentation.
@@ -201,32 +201,22 @@ contact me and I'll work on adding more documentation.
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-use 5.008;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
 use Carp;
-use XML::Stream qw( Node );
-use Net::XMPP::JID;
-use Net::XMPP::Debug;
 use Net::XMPP::Namespaces;
 use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD %FUNCTIONS $DEBUG );
-$DEBUG = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(usedefault=>1,
-                          header=>"XMPP");
+$DEBUG = new Net::XMPP::Debug(usedefault=>1,
+                              header=>"XMPP");
 # XXX need to look at evals and $@
@@ -266,7 +256,7 @@ sub _init
         elsif (ref($_[0]) eq "")
             $self->{TAG} = shift;
-            $self->{TREE} = XML::Stream::Node->new($self->{TAG});
+            $self->{TREE} = new XML::Stream::Node($self->{TAG});
@@ -278,7 +268,7 @@ sub _init
-        $self->{TREE} = XML::Stream::Node->new($self->{TAG});
+        $self->{TREE} = new XML::Stream::Node($self->{TAG});
@@ -398,7 +388,7 @@ sub NewChild
             if exists($Net::XMPP::Namespaces::NS{$xmlns});
-    my $node = XML::Stream::Node->new($tag);
+    my $node = new XML::Stream::Node($tag);
     return $self->AddChild($node);
@@ -464,7 +454,7 @@ sub NewFirstChild
             if exists($Net::XMPP::Namespaces::NS{$xmlns});
-    my $node = XML::Stream::Node->new($tag);
+    my $node = new XML::Stream::Node($tag);
     return $self->AddFirstChild($node);
@@ -1223,7 +1213,7 @@ sub _xpath_add
-    my $node = XML::Stream::Node->new($tag);
+    my $node = new XML::Stream::Node($tag);
     my $obj = $self->AddChild($node);
@@ -1432,7 +1422,7 @@ sub _missing_function
 sub _new_jid
     my $self = shift;
-    return Net::XMPP::JID->new(@_);
+    return new Net::XMPP::JID(@_);
@@ -1444,7 +1434,7 @@ sub _new_jid
 sub _new_packet
     my $self = shift;
-    return Net::XMPP::Stanza->new(@_);
+    return new Net::XMPP::Stanza(@_);
@@ -27,256 +27,206 @@ Net::XMPP - XMPP Perl Library
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-Net::XMPP provides a Perl user with access to the Extensible
-Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
+  Net::XMPP provides a Perl user with access to the Extensible
+  Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
-For more information about XMPP visit:
+  For more information about XMPP visit:
-Net::XMPP is a convenient tool to use for any perl script that would
-like to utilize the XMPP Instant Messaging protocol.  While not a
-client in and of itself, it provides all of the necessary back-end
-functions to make a CGI client or command-line perl client feasible
-and easy to use.  Net::XMPP is a wrapper around the rest of the
-official Net::XMPP::xxxxxx packages.
+  Net::XMPP is a convenient tool to use for any perl script that would
+  like to utilize the XMPP Instant Messaging protocol.  While not a
+  client in and of itself, it provides all of the necessary back-end
+  functions to make a CGI client or command-line perl client feasible
+  and easy to use.  Net::XMPP is a wrapper around the rest of the
+  official Net::XMPP::xxxxxx packages.
-There is are example scripts in the example directory that provide you
-with examples of very simple XMPP programs.
+  There is are example scripts in the example directory that provide you
+  with examples of very simple XMPP programs.
-NOTE: The parser that L<XML::Stream::Parser> provides, as are most Perl
-parsers, is synchronous.  If you are in the middle of parsing a packet
-and call a user defined callback, the Parser is blocked until your
-callback finishes.  This means you cannot be operating on a packet,
-send out another packet and wait for a response to that packet.  It
-will never get to you.  Threading might solve this, but as of this
-writing threading in Perl is not quite up to par yet.  This issue will
-be revisted in the future.
+  NOTE: The parser that XML::Stream::Parser provides, as are most Perl
+  parsers, is synchronous.  If you are in the middle of parsing a packet
+  and call a user defined callback, the Parser is blocked until your
+  callback finishes.  This means you cannot be operating on a packet,
+  send out another packet and wait for a response to that packet.  It
+  will never get to you.  Threading might solve this, but as of this
+  writing threading in Perl is not quite up to par yet.  This issue will
+  be revisted in the future.
 =head1 EXAMPLES
-  use Net::XMPP;
-  my $client = Net::XMPP::Client->new();
+      use Net::XMPP;
+      my $client = new Net::XMPP::Client();
 =head1 METHODS
-The Net::XMPP module does not define any methods that you will call
-directly in your code.  Instead you will instantiate objects that call
-functions from this module to do work.  The three main objects that
-you will work with are the Message, Presence, and IQ modules. Each one
-corresponds to the Jabber equivilant and allows you get and set all
-parts of those packets.
+  The Net::XMPP module does not define any methods that you will call
+  directly in your code.  Instead you will instantiate objects that call
+  functions from this module to do work.  The three main objects that
+  you will work with are the Message, Presence, and IQ modules. Each one
+  corresponds to the Jabber equivilant and allows you get and set all
+  parts of those packets.
-There are a few functions that are the same across all of the objects:
+  There are a few functions that are the same across all of the objects:
 =head2 Retrieval functions
-=over 4
+  GetXML() - returns the XML string that represents the data contained
+             in the object.
-=item GetXML
+             $xml  = $obj->GetXML();
-Returns the XML string that represents the data contained
-in the object.
+  GetChild()          - returns an array of Net::XMPP::Stanza objects
+  GetChild(namespace)   that represent all of the stanzas in the object
+                        that are namespaced.  If you specify a namespace
+                        then only stanza objects with that XMLNS are
+                        returned.
-  $xml  = $obj->GetXML();
+                        @xObj = $obj->GetChild();
+                        @xObj = $obj->GetChild("my:namespace");
-=item GetChild
+  GetTag() - return the root tag name of the packet.
-Returns an array of L<Net::XMPP::Stanza> objects
-that represent all of the stanzas in the object
-that are namespaced.  If you specify a namespace
-then only stanza objects with that XMLNS are
-  @xObj = $obj->GetChild();
-  @xObj = $obj->GetChild("my:namespace");
-=item GetTag
-Return the root tag name of the packet.
-=item GetTree
-Return the L<XML::Stream::Node> object that contains the data.
-See XML::Stream::Node for methods you can call on this
+  GetTree() - return the XML::Stream::Node object that contains the data.
+              See XML::Stream::Node for methods you can call on this
+              object.
 =head2 Creation functions
-=over 4
-=item NewChild
-  NewChild(namespace)
-  NewChild(namespace,tag)
-Creates a new Net::XMPP::Stanza object with
-the specified namespace and root tag of
-whatever the namespace says its root tag
-should be.  Optionally you may specify
-another root tag if the default is not
-desired, or the namespace requres you to set
-  $xObj = $obj->NewChild("my:namespace");
-  $xObj = $obj->NewChild("my:namespace","foo");
-ie. <foo xmlns='my:namespace'...></foo>
-=item InsertRawXML
-  InsertRawXML(string)
+  NewChild(namespace)     - creates a new Net::XMPP::Stanza object with
+  NewChild(namespace,tag)   the specified namespace and root tag of
+                            whatever the namespace says its root tag
+                            should be.  Optionally you may specify
+                            another root tag if the default is not
+                            desired, or the namespace requres you to set
+                            one.
-puts the specified string raw into the XML
-packet that you call this on.
+                            $xObj = $obj->NewChild("my:namespace");
+                            $xObj = $obj->NewChild("my:namespace","foo");
+                              ie. <foo xmlns='my:namespace'...></foo>
-  $message->InsertRawXML("<foo></foo>")
-    <message...>...<foo></foo></message>
+  InsertRawXML(string) - puts the specified string raw into the XML
+                         packet that you call this on.
-  $x = $message->NewChild(..);
-  $x->InsertRawXML("test");
+                         $message->InsertRawXML("<foo></foo>")
+                           <message...>...<foo></foo></message>
-  $query = $iq->GetChild(..);
-  $query->InsertRawXML("test");
+                         $x = $message->NewChild(..);
+                         $x->InsertRawXML("test");
-=item ClearRawXML
+                         $query = $iq->GetChild(..);
+                         $query->InsertRawXML("test");
-  ClearRawXML()
-Removes the raw XML from the packet.
+  ClearRawXML() - removes the raw XML from the packet.
 =head2 Removal functions
-=over 4
-=item RemoveChild
-  RemoveChild()
-  RemoveChild(namespace)
-Removes all of the namespaces child elements
-from the object.  If a namespace is provided,
-then only the children with that namespace are
+  RemoveChild()          - removes all of the namespaces child elements
+  RemoveChild(namespace)   from the object.  If a namespace is provided,
+                           then only the children with that namespace are
+                           removed.
 =head2 Test functions
-=over 4
-=item DefinedChild
+  DefinedChild()          - returns 1 if there are any known namespaced
+  DefinedChild(namespace)   stanzas in the packet, 0 otherwise.
+                            Optionally you can specify a namespace and
+                            determine if there are any stanzas with that
+                            namespace.
-  DefinedChild()
-  DefinedChild(namespace)
-Returns 1 if there are any known namespaced
-stanzas in the packet, 0 otherwise.
-Optionally you can specify a namespace and
-determine if there are any stanzas with that
-  $test = $obj->DefinedChild();
-  $test = $obj->DefinedChild("my:namespace");
+                            $test = $obj->DefinedChild();
+                            $test = $obj->DefinedChild("my:namespace");
 =head1 PACKAGES
-For more information on each of these packages, please see the man page
-for each one.
+  For more information on each of these packages, please see the man page
+  for each one.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::Client
-This package contains the code needed to communicate with an XMPP
-server: login, wait for messages, send messages, and logout.  It uses
-XML::Stream to read the stream from the server and based on what kind
-of tag it encounters it calls a function to handle the tag.
+  This package contains the code needed to communicate with an XMPP
+  server: login, wait for messages, send messages, and logout.  It uses
+  XML::Stream to read the stream from the server and based on what kind
+  of tag it encounters it calls a function to handle the tag.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::Protocol
-A collection of high-level functions that Client uses to make their
-lives easier.  These methods are inherited by the Client.
+  A collection of high-level functions that Client uses to make their
+  lives easier.  These methods are inherited by the Client.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::JID
-The XMPP IDs consist of three parts: user id, server, and resource.
-This module gives you access to those components without having to
-parse the string yourself.
+  The XMPP IDs consist of three parts: user id, server, and resource.
+  This module gives you access to those components without having to
+  parse the string yourself.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::Message
-Everything needed to create and read a <message/> received from the
+  Everything needed to create and read a <message/> received from the
+  server.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::Presence
-Everything needed to create and read a <presence/> received from the
+  Everything needed to create and read a <presence/> received from the
+  server.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::IQ
-IQ is a wrapper around a number of modules that provide support for
-the various Info/Query namespaces that XMPP recognizes.
+  IQ is a wrapper around a number of modules that provide support for
+  the various Info/Query namespaces that XMPP recognizes.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::Stanza
-This module represents a namespaced stanza that is used to extend a
-<message/>, <presence/>, and <iq/>.
+  This module represents a namespaced stanza that is used to extend a
+  <message/>, <presence/>, and <iq/>.
-The man page for Net::XMPP::Stanza contains a listing of all supported
-namespaces, and the methods that are supported by the objects that
-represent those namespaces.
+  The man page for Net::XMPP::Stanza contains a listing of all supported
+  namespaces, and the methods that are supported by the objects that
+  represent those namespaces.
 =head2 Net::XMPP::Namespaces
-XMPP allows for any stanza to be extended by any bit of XML.  This
-module contains all of the internals for defining the XMPP based
-extensions defined by the IETF.  The documentation for this module
-explains more about how to add your own custom namespace and have it
-be supported.
+  XMPP allows for any stanza to be extended by any bit of XML.  This
+  module contains all of the internals for defining the XMPP based
+  extensions defined by the IETF.  The documentation for this module
+  explains more about how to add your own custom namespace and have it
+  be supported.
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.
-Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 
-Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.
+Ryan Eatmon
+Currently maintained by Eric Hacker.
 =head1 BUGS
-See unpatched issues at L<>.
-There is at least one issue with L<XML::Stream|XML::Stream> providing different
-node structures depending on how the node is created. Net::XMPP 
-should now be able to handle this, but who knows what else lurks.
+Probably. There is at least one issue with XLM::Stream providing different node
+structures depending on how the node is created. Net::XMPP should now be able to
+handle this, but who knows what else lurks.
 This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the LGPL 2.1.
+under the LGPL.
-require 5.008;
+require 5.005;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
+use XML::Stream 1.22 qw( Node );
 use Time::Local;
+use Carp;
+use Digest::SHA1;
+use Authen::SASL;
+use MIME::Base64;
 use POSIX;
 use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD $VERSION $PARSING );
-$VERSION = "1.02_04";
+$VERSION = "1.02";
-use XML::Stream;
 use Net::XMPP::Debug;
 use Net::XMPP::JID;
 use Net::XMPP::Namespaces;
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+XML::Stream: new: hostname = (
+XML::Stream: SetCallBacks: tag(node) func(CODE(0x354bcc8))
+XMPP::Conn: xmppCallbackInit: start
+XMPP::Conn: SetCallBacks: tag(message) func(CODE(0x354beb4))
+XMPP::Conn: SetCallBacks: tag(presence) func(CODE(0x354be54))
+XMPP::Conn: SetCallBacks: tag(iq) func(CODE(0x354bdf4))
+XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(subscribe) func(CODE(0x354be48))
+XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(subscribed) func(CODE(0x354c028))
+XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(unsubscribe) func(CODE(0x354bfc8))
+XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(unsubscribed) func(CODE(0x354c088))
+XMPP::Conn: SetDirectXPathCallBacks: xpath(/[@xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"]) func(CODE(0x354c148))
+XMPP::Conn: SetDirectXPathCallBacks: xpath(/[@xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"]) func(CODE(0x354c25c))
+XMPP::Conn: xmppCallbackInit: stop
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ SKIP:
     skip "Cannot open connection (maybe a firewall?)",4 unless defined($sock);
-    $Client = Net::XMPP::Client->new();
+    $Client = new Net::XMPP::Client();
     $Client->SetCallBacks(onconnect => \&onConnect,
                           onauth    => \&onAuth,
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ SKIP:
     skip "Cannot open connection (maybe a firewall?)",4 unless defined($sock);
-    $Client = Net::XMPP::Client->new();
+    $Client = new Net::XMPP::Client();
     $Client->SetCallBacks(onconnect => \&onConnect,
                           onauth    => \&onAuth,
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# An account on a server supporting
-# TLS and having an SRV record in DNS
-  bare_jid:
-  auth:
-    password: som3passw0rd
-    username: you
-  conn:
-    hostname:
-    port: 5222
-    srv: 1
-    ssl_ca_path: /path/to/ca/certificates
-    tls: 1
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-######################## XML::Stream mocking starts
-#   package XML::Stream;
-#   our $AUTOLOAD;
-#   use Data::Dumper;
-#   sub new {
-#       bless {}, shift;
-#   }
-#   sub Connect {
-#   }
-#   sub GetErrorCode {
-#   }
-#   sub GetStreamFeature {
-#   }
-#   sub SASLClient {
-#   }
-#   DESTROY {
-#   }
-#       print Dumper [$AUTOLOAD, \@_];
-#   }
-#$INC{'XML/'} = 1;
-######################## XML::Stream mocking ends
-my @users;
-foreach my $name (qw(GTALK0 GTALK1)) {
-    if ($ENV{$name}) {
-        my ($user, $pw) = split /:/, $ENV{$name};
-        push @users, {
-              username => $user,
-              password => $pw,
-        };
-    }
-eval "use Test::Memory::Cycle";
-my $memory_cycle = ! $@;
-my $leak_guard;
-    eval "use Devel::LeakGuard::Object qw(leakguard)";
-    $leak_guard = ! $@;
-my $repeat = 5;
-plan tests => 2 + 6 * $repeat;
-# TODO ask user if it is ok to do network tests!
-print_size('before loading Net::XMPP');
-require Net::XMPP;
-print_size('after loading Net::XMPP');
-# see
-  # monkey-patch XML::Stream to support the google-added JID
-  package XML::Stream;
-  no warnings 'redefine';
-  sub SASLAuth {
-    my $self         = shift;
-    my $sid          = shift;
-    my $first_step   = $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{client}->client_start();
-    my $first_step64 = MIME::Base64::encode_base64( $first_step, "" );
-    $self->Send(
-      $sid,
-      "<auth xmlns='"
-        . &ConstXMLNS('xmpp-sasl')
-        . "' mechanism='"
-        . $self->{SIDS}->{$sid}->{sasl}->{client}->mechanism() . "' "
-        . q{xmlns:ga=''
-            ga:client-uses-full-bind-result='true'} .    # JID
-        ">" . $first_step64 . "</auth>"
-    );
-  }
-my $mem1 = run();
-my $mem_last = $mem1;
-for (2..$repeat) {
-    $mem_last = run();
-# The leakage shown here happens even before Authentication is called
-#SKIP: {
-#    skip 'Devel::LeakGuard::Object is needed', 1 if not $leak_guard;
-#    my $warn;
-#    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift };
-#    leakguard {
-#         run();
-#    };
-#    ok(!$warn, 'leaking') or diag $warn;
-# as I can see setting up the connection leaks in the first 5 attempts 
-# and then it stops leaking. I tried it with repeate=25
-# When adding AuthSend to the mix the code keeps leaking even after 20 repeats.
-# Still the total leak is only 130 in 25 repeats
-# After duplicating the connections (having two users),
-# adding the CallBacks and handling the presence messages.
-# the leak after 25 repeats went up to 152.
-# This might need to be added to a test case.
-# For now we only check if it "does not leak too much"
-diag 'Memory change: ' . ($mem_last - $mem1);
-TODO: {
-   local $TODO = 'Memory leak or expectations being to high?';
-   is $mem_last, $mem1, 'expected 0 memory growth';
-cmp_ok $mem_last, '<', $mem1+160, 'does not leak much' or diag 'Leak: ' . ($mem_last-$mem1);
-# tools when XML::Stream mocking
-#use Data::Dumper;
-#die Dumper \%INC;
-#foreach my $k (keys %INC) {
-#    if ($k =~ m{XML}) {
-#       diag $k;
-#    }
-# end tools
-sub run {
-    my @conn;
-    for my $i (0,1) {
-        $conn[$i]   = Net::XMPP::Client->new;
-        isa_ok $conn[$i], 'Net::XMPP::Client';
-        my $status = $conn[$i]->Connect(
-            hostname       => '',
-            port           => 5222,
-            componentname  => '',
-            connectiontype => 'tcpip',
-            tls            => 1,
-            ssl_verify     => 0,
-        );
-        SKIP: {
-            skip 'Needs Test::Memory::Cycle', 1 if not $memory_cycle; 
-            memory_cycle_ok($conn[$i], 'after calling Connect');
-        }
-        SKIP: {
-            skip "need GTALK$i = username:password", 1 if not $users[$i];
-            my ( $res, $msg ) = $conn[$i]->AuthSend(
-                username => $users[$i]{username},
-                password => $users[$i]{password},
-                resource => 'notify v1.0',
-            );
-            is $res, 'ok', 'result is ok';
-            if (not defined $res or $res ne 'ok') {
-               diag $!;
-            }
-            $conn[$i]->SetCallBacks(
-                message => \&on_message,
-                presence => \&on_presence,
-                receive  => \&on_receive,
-            );
-            $conn[$i]->PresenceSend();
-        }
-    }
-    for my $i (0..5) {
-        my $status = $conn[$i % 2]->Process(1);
-        die if not defined $status;
-    }
-    # receive presence message
-    # send and receive messages
-    return print_size('after calling Run');
-sub print_size {
-    my ($msg) = @_;
-    return 0 if not -x '/bin/ps';
-    my @lines = grep { /^$$\s/ } qx{/bin/ps -e -o pid,rss,command};
-    chomp @lines;
-    my $RSS;
-    foreach my $line (@lines) {
-        my ($pid, $rss) = split /\s+/, $line;
-        diag "RSS: $rss   - $msg";
-        $RSS = $rss;
-    }
-    return $RSS;
-sub on_presence {
-    my ($sid, $presence) = @_;
-    my $to = $presence->GetTo;
-    my $from = $presence->GetFrom;
-    my $type = $presence->GetType || 'available';
-    my $status = $presence->GetStatus || '';
-    ($to)   = split m{/}, $to;
-    ($from) = split m{/}, $from;
-    diag "$to - $from - $type - $status";
-sub on_receive {
-    # called on every message received
-sub on_message {
-    my ($message) = @_;
-    my $type     = $message->GetType;
-    my $fromJID  = $message->fromJID('jid');
-    my $from     = $message->GetUserID;
-    my $resource = $message->GetResource;
-    my $subject  = $message->GetSubject;
-    my $body     = $message->GetBody;
-    my $xml      = $message->GetXML;
-    diag "$from - $body";
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
+my $debug = new Net::XMPP::Debug(setdefault=>1,
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
 # iq
-my $iq = Net::XMPP::IQ->new();
+my $iq = new Net::XMPP::IQ();
 ok( defined($iq), "new()");
 isa_ok( $iq, "Net::XMPP::IQ");
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ is($child, $xoob, "Is the query xoob?");
 # iq
-my $iq2 = Net::XMPP::IQ->new();
+my $iq2 = new Net::XMPP::IQ();
 ok( defined($iq2), "new()");
 isa_ok( $iq2, "Net::XMPP::IQ");
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $jid = Net::XMPP::JID->new('');
+my $jid = new Net::XMPP::JID('');
 ok( defined($jid), "new()" );
 isa_ok( $jid, "Net::XMPP::JID" );
 is( $jid->GetUserID(), '', "GetUserID()" );
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ is( $jid->GetResource(), '', "GetResource()" );
 is( $jid->GetJID("full"), '', "GetJID(\"full\")" );
 is( $jid->GetJID("base"), '', "GetJID(\"base\")" );
-my $jid2 = Net::XMPP::JID->new('');
+my $jid2 = new Net::XMPP::JID('');
 ok( defined($jid2), "new()" );
 isa_ok( $jid2, "Net::XMPP::JID" );
 is( $jid2->GetUserID(), 'user', "GetUserID()" );
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package Net::XMPP::Test::Utils;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use YAML::Tiny;
-use LWP::Online qw/online/;
-use Exporter 'import';
-our @EXPORT_OK = (qw/
-	can_run_tests
-	conn_is_available
-	accts_are_configured
-	bare_jid
-	get_conn_params
-	get_auth_params
-$Net::XMPP::Test::Utils::accounts_file = 't/config/accounts.yml';
-sub can_run_tests {
-	return conn_is_available() && accts_are_configured();
-sub conn_is_available {
-	return online();
-sub accts_are_configured {
-	return 1
-		if -e $Net::XMPP::Test::Utils::accounts_file
-			&& -r _ && -s _;
-	return 0;
-sub get_account {
-	my ($wanted_account) = @_;
-	$Net::XMPP::Test::Utils::accounts
-		= YAML::Tiny->read( $Net::XMPP::Test::Utils::accounts_file )
-			unless defined $Net::XMPP::Test::Utils::accounts;
-	return $Net::XMPP::Test::Utils::accounts->[0]->{$wanted_account};
-sub bare_jid {
-	return get_account( shift )->{'bare_jid'};
-sub get_conn_params {
-	return get_account( shift )->{'conn'};
-sub get_auth_params {
-	my $resource = time . int(rand(1000));
-	chomp($resource);
-	my $account = get_account( shift )->{'auth'};
-	$account->{'resource'} = $resource;
-	return $account;
@@ -0,0 +1,1408 @@
+package Test::Builder;
+use 5.004;
+# $^C was only introduced in 5.005-ish.  We do this to prevent
+# use of uninitialized value warnings in older perls.
+$^C ||= 0;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION $CLASS);
+$VERSION = '0.17';
+my $IsVMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+# Make Test::Builder thread-safe for ithreads.
+    use Config;
+    if( $] >= 5.008 && $Config{useithreads} ) {
+        require threads;
+        require threads::shared;
+        threads::shared->import;
+    }
+    else {
+        *share = sub { 0 };
+        *lock  = sub { 0 };
+    }
+use vars qw($Level);
+my($Test_Died) = 0;
+my($Have_Plan) = 0;
+my $Original_Pid = $$;
+my $Curr_Test = 0;      share($Curr_Test);
+my @Test_Results = ();  share(@Test_Results);
+my @Test_Details = ();  share(@Test_Details);
+=head1 NAME
+Test::Builder - Backend for building test libraries
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  package My::Test::Module;
+  use Test::Builder;
+  require Exporter;
+  @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+  @EXPORT = qw(ok);
+  my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+  $Test->output('my_logfile');
+  sub import {
+      my($self) = shift;
+      my $pack = caller;
+      $Test->exported_to($pack);
+      $Test->plan(@_);
+      $self->export_to_level(1, $self, 'ok');
+  }
+  sub ok {
+      my($test, $name) = @_;
+      $Test->ok($test, $name);
+  }
+Test::Simple and Test::More have proven to be popular testing modules,
+but they're not always flexible enough.  Test::Builder provides the a
+building block upon which to write your own test libraries I<which can
+work together>.
+=head2 Construction
+=over 4
+=item B<new>
+  my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+Returns a Test::Builder object representing the current state of the
+Since you only run one test per program, there is B<one and only one>
+Test::Builder object.  No matter how many times you call new(), you're
+getting the same object.  (This is called a singleton).
+my $Test;
+sub new {
+    my($class) = shift;
+    $Test ||= bless ['Move along, nothing to see here'], $class;
+    return $Test;
+=head2 Setting up tests
+These methods are for setting up tests and declaring how many there
+are.  You usually only want to call one of these methods.
+=over 4
+=item B<exported_to>
+  my $pack = $Test->exported_to;
+  $Test->exported_to($pack);
+Tells Test::Builder what package you exported your functions to.
+This is important for getting TODO tests right.
+my $Exported_To;
+sub exported_to {
+    my($self, $pack) = @_;
+    if( defined $pack ) {
+        $Exported_To = $pack;
+    }
+    return $Exported_To;
+=item B<plan>
+  $Test->plan('no_plan');
+  $Test->plan( skip_all => $reason );
+  $Test->plan( tests => $num_tests );
+A convenient way to set up your tests.  Call this and Test::Builder
+will print the appropriate headers and take the appropriate actions.
+If you call plan(), don't call any of the other methods below.
+sub plan {
+    my($self, $cmd, $arg) = @_;
+    return unless $cmd;
+    if( $Have_Plan ) {
+        die sprintf "You tried to plan twice!  Second plan at %s line %d\n",
+          ($self->caller)[1,2];
+    }
+    if( $cmd eq 'no_plan' ) {
+        $self->no_plan;
+    }
+    elsif( $cmd eq 'skip_all' ) {
+        return $self->skip_all($arg);
+    }
+    elsif( $cmd eq 'tests' ) {
+        if( $arg ) {
+            return $self->expected_tests($arg);
+        }
+        elsif( !defined $arg ) {
+            die "Got an undefined number of tests.  Looks like you tried to ".
+                "say how many tests you plan to run but made a mistake.\n";
+        }
+        elsif( !$arg ) {
+            die "You said to run 0 tests!  You've got to run something.\n";
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        require Carp;
+        my @args = grep { defined } ($cmd, $arg);
+        Carp::croak("plan() doesn't understand @args");
+    }
+    return 1;
+=item B<expected_tests>
+    my $max = $Test->expected_tests;
+    $Test->expected_tests($max);
+Gets/sets the # of tests we expect this test to run and prints out
+the appropriate headers.
+my $Expected_Tests = 0;
+sub expected_tests {
+    my($self, $max) = @_;
+    if( defined $max ) {
+        $Expected_Tests = $max;
+        $Have_Plan      = 1;
+        $self->_print("1..$max\n") unless $self->no_header;
+    }
+    return $Expected_Tests;
+=item B<no_plan>
+  $Test->no_plan;
+Declares that this test will run an indeterminate # of tests.
+my($No_Plan) = 0;
+sub no_plan {
+    $No_Plan    = 1;
+    $Have_Plan  = 1;
+=item B<has_plan>
+  $plan = $Test->has_plan
+Find out whether a plan has been defined. $plan is either C<undef> (no plan has been set), C<no_plan> (indeterminate # of tests) or an integer (the number of expected tests).
+sub has_plan {
+	return($Expected_Tests) if $Expected_Tests;
+	return('no_plan') if $No_Plan;
+	return(undef);
+=item B<skip_all>
+  $Test->skip_all;
+  $Test->skip_all($reason);
+Skips all the tests, using the given $reason.  Exits immediately with 0.
+my $Skip_All = 0;
+sub skip_all {
+    my($self, $reason) = @_;
+    my $out = "1..0";
+    $out .= " # Skip $reason" if $reason;
+    $out .= "\n";
+    $Skip_All = 1;
+    $self->_print($out) unless $self->no_header;
+    exit(0);
+=head2 Running tests
+These actually run the tests, analogous to the functions in
+$name is always optional.
+=over 4
+=item B<ok>
+  $Test->ok($test, $name);
+Your basic test.  Pass if $test is true, fail if $test is false.  Just
+like Test::Simple's ok().
+sub ok {
+    my($self, $test, $name) = @_;
+    # $test might contain an object which we don't want to accidentally
+    # store, so we turn it into a boolean.
+    $test = $test ? 1 : 0;
+    unless( $Have_Plan ) {
+        require Carp;
+        Carp::croak("You tried to run a test without a plan!  Gotta have a plan.");
+    }
+    lock $Curr_Test;
+    $Curr_Test++;
+    $self->diag(<<ERR) if defined $name and $name =~ /^[\d\s]+$/;
+    You named your test '$name'.  You shouldn't use numbers for your test names.
+    Very confusing.
+    my($pack, $file, $line) = $self->caller;
+    my $todo = $self->todo($pack);
+    my $out;
+    my $result = {};
+    share($result);
+    unless( $test ) {
+        $out .= "not ";
+        @$result{ 'ok', 'actual_ok' } = ( ( $todo ? 1 : 0 ), 0 );
+    }
+    else {
+        @$result{ 'ok', 'actual_ok' } = ( 1, $test );
+    }
+    $out .= "ok";
+    $out .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
+    if( defined $name ) {
+        $name =~ s|#|\\#|g;     # # in a name can confuse Test::Harness.
+        $out   .= " - $name";
+        $result->{name} = $name;
+    }
+    else {
+        $result->{name} = '';
+    }
+    if( $todo ) {
+        my $what_todo = $todo;
+        $out   .= " # TODO $what_todo";
+        $result->{reason} = $what_todo;
+        $result->{type}   = 'todo';
+    }
+    else {
+        $result->{reason} = '';
+        $result->{type}   = '';
+    }
+    $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = $result;
+    $out .= "\n";
+    $self->_print($out);
+    unless( $test ) {
+        my $msg = $todo ? "Failed (TODO)" : "Failed";
+        $self->diag("    $msg test ($file at line $line)\n");
+    } 
+    return $test ? 1 : 0;
+=item B<is_eq>
+  $Test->is_eq($got, $expected, $name);
+Like Test::More's is().  Checks if $got eq $expected.  This is the
+string version.
+=item B<is_num>
+  $Test->is_num($got, $expected, $name);
+Like Test::More's is().  Checks if $got == $expected.  This is the
+numeric version.
+sub is_eq {
+    my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
+        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+        my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;
+        $self->ok($test, $name);
+        $self->_is_diag($got, 'eq', $expect) unless $test;
+        return $test;
+    }
+    return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'eq', $expect, $name);
+sub is_num {
+    my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
+        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+        my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;
+        $self->ok($test, $name);
+        $self->_is_diag($got, '==', $expect) unless $test;
+        return $test;
+    }
+    return $self->cmp_ok($got, '==', $expect, $name);
+sub _is_diag {
+    my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;
+    foreach my $val (\$got, \$expect) {
+        if( defined $$val ) {
+            if( $type eq 'eq' ) {
+                # quote and force string context
+                $$val = "'$$val'"
+            }
+            else {
+                # force numeric context
+                $$val = $$val+0;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            $$val = 'undef';
+        }
+    }
+    return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $expect);
+         got: %s
+    expected: %s
+=item B<isnt_eq>
+  $Test->isnt_eq($got, $dont_expect, $name);
+Like Test::More's isnt().  Checks if $got ne $dont_expect.  This is
+the string version.
+=item B<isnt_num>
+  $Test->is_num($got, $dont_expect, $name);
+Like Test::More's isnt().  Checks if $got ne $dont_expect.  This is
+the numeric version.
+sub isnt_eq {
+    my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
+        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+        my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;
+        $self->ok($test, $name);
+        $self->_cmp_diag('ne', $got, $dont_expect) unless $test;
+        return $test;
+    }
+    return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'ne', $dont_expect, $name);
+sub isnt_num {
+    my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
+        # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+        my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;
+        $self->ok($test, $name);
+        $self->_cmp_diag('!=', $got, $dont_expect) unless $test;
+        return $test;
+    }
+    return $self->cmp_ok($got, '!=', $dont_expect, $name);
+=item B<like>
+  $Test->like($this, qr/$regex/, $name);
+  $Test->like($this, '/$regex/', $name);
+Like Test::More's like().  Checks if $this matches the given $regex.
+You'll want to avoid qr// if you want your tests to work before 5.005.
+=item B<unlike>
+  $Test->unlike($this, qr/$regex/, $name);
+  $Test->unlike($this, '/$regex/', $name);
+Like Test::More's unlike().  Checks if $this B<does not match> the
+given $regex.
+sub like {
+    my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '=~', $name);
+sub unlike {
+    my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '!~', $name);
+=item B<maybe_regex>
+  $Test->maybe_regex(qr/$regex/);
+  $Test->maybe_regex('/$regex/');
+Convenience method for building testing functions that take regular
+expressions as arguments, but need to work before perl 5.005.
+Takes a quoted regular expression produced by qr//, or a string
+representing a regular expression.
+Returns a Perl value which may be used instead of the corresponding
+regular expression, or undef if it's argument is not recognised.
+For example, a version of like(), sans the useful diagnostic messages,
+could be written as:
+  sub laconic_like {
+      my ($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
+      my $usable_regex = $self->maybe_regex($regex);
+      die "expecting regex, found '$regex'\n"
+          unless $usable_regex;
+      $self->ok($this =~ m/$usable_regex/, $name);
+  }
+sub maybe_regex {
+	my ($self, $regex) = @_;
+    my $usable_regex = undef;
+    if( ref $regex eq 'Regexp' ) {
+        $usable_regex = $regex;
+    }
+    # Check if it looks like '/foo/'
+    elsif( my($re, $opts) = $regex =~ m{^ /(.*)/ (\w*) $ }sx ) {
+        $usable_regex = length $opts ? "(?$opts)$re" : $re;
+    };
+    return($usable_regex)
+sub _regex_ok {
+    my($self, $this, $regex, $cmp, $name) = @_;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    my $ok = 0;
+    my $usable_regex = $self->maybe_regex($regex);
+    unless (defined $usable_regex) {
+        $ok = $self->ok( 0, $name );
+        $self->diag("    '$regex' doesn't look much like a regex to me.");
+        return $ok;
+    }
+    {
+        local $^W = 0;
+        my $test = $this =~ /$usable_regex/ ? 1 : 0;
+        $test = !$test if $cmp eq '!~';
+        $ok = $self->ok( $test, $name );
+    }
+    unless( $ok ) {
+        $this = defined $this ? "'$this'" : 'undef';
+        my $match = $cmp eq '=~' ? "doesn't match" : "matches";
+        $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $this, $match, $regex);
+                  %s
+    %13s '%s'
+    }
+    return $ok;
+=item B<cmp_ok>
+  $Test->cmp_ok($this, $type, $that, $name);
+Works just like Test::More's cmp_ok().
+    $Test->cmp_ok($big_num, '!=', $other_big_num);
+sub cmp_ok {
+    my($self, $got, $type, $expect, $name) = @_;
+    my $test;
+    {
+        local $^W = 0;
+        local($@,$!);   # don't interfere with $@
+                        # eval() sometimes resets $!
+        $test = eval "\$got $type \$expect";
+    }
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    my $ok = $self->ok($test, $name);
+    unless( $ok ) {
+        if( $type =~ /^(eq|==)$/ ) {
+            $self->_is_diag($got, $type, $expect);
+        }
+        else {
+            $self->_cmp_diag($got, $type, $expect);
+        }
+    }
+    return $ok;
+sub _cmp_diag {
+    my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;
+    $got    = defined $got    ? "'$got'"    : 'undef';
+    $expect = defined $expect ? "'$expect'" : 'undef';
+    return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $type, $expect);
+    %s
+        %s
+    %s
+=item B<BAILOUT>
+    $Test->BAILOUT($reason);
+Indicates to the Test::Harness that things are going so badly all
+testing should terminate.  This includes running any additional test
+It will exit with 255.
+sub BAILOUT {
+    my($self, $reason) = @_;
+    $self->_print("Bail out!  $reason");
+    exit 255;
+=item B<skip>
+    $Test->skip;
+    $Test->skip($why);
+Skips the current test, reporting $why.
+sub skip {
+    my($self, $why) = @_;
+    $why ||= '';
+    unless( $Have_Plan ) {
+        require Carp;
+        Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan!  Gotta have a plan.");
+    }
+    lock($Curr_Test);
+    $Curr_Test++;
+    my %result;
+    share(%result);
+    %result = (
+        'ok'      => 1,
+        actual_ok => 1,
+        name      => '',
+        type      => 'skip',
+        reason    => $why,
+    );
+    $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = \%result;
+    my $out = "ok";
+    $out   .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
+    $out   .= " # skip $why\n";
+    $Test->_print($out);
+    return 1;
+=item B<todo_skip>
+  $Test->todo_skip;
+  $Test->todo_skip($why);
+Like skip(), only it will declare the test as failing and TODO.  Similar
+    print "not ok $tnum # TODO $why\n";
+sub todo_skip {
+    my($self, $why) = @_;
+    $why ||= '';
+    unless( $Have_Plan ) {
+        require Carp;
+        Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan!  Gotta have a plan.");
+    }
+    lock($Curr_Test);
+    $Curr_Test++;
+    my %result;
+    share(%result);
+    %result = (
+        'ok'      => 1,
+        actual_ok => 0,
+        name      => '',
+        type      => 'todo_skip',
+        reason    => $why,
+    );
+    $Test_Results[$Curr_Test-1] = \%result;
+    my $out = "not ok";
+    $out   .= " $Curr_Test" if $self->use_numbers;
+    $out   .= " # TODO & SKIP $why\n";
+    $Test->_print($out);
+    return 1;
+=begin _unimplemented
+=item B<skip_rest>
+  $Test->skip_rest;
+  $Test->skip_rest($reason);
+Like skip(), only it skips all the rest of the tests you plan to run
+and terminates the test.
+If you're running under no_plan, it skips once and terminates the
+=end _unimplemented
+=head2 Test style
+=over 4
+=item B<level>
+    $Test->level($how_high);
+How far up the call stack should $Test look when reporting where the
+test failed.
+Defaults to 1.
+Setting $Test::Builder::Level overrides.  This is typically useful
+    {
+        local $Test::Builder::Level = 2;
+        $Test->ok($test);
+    }
+sub level {
+    my($self, $level) = @_;
+    if( defined $level ) {
+        $Level = $level;
+    }
+    return $Level;
+=item B<use_numbers>
+    $Test->use_numbers($on_or_off);
+Whether or not the test should output numbers.  That is, this if true:
+  ok 1
+  ok 2
+  ok 3
+or this if false
+  ok
+  ok
+  ok
+Most useful when you can't depend on the test output order, such as
+when threads or forking is involved.
+Test::Harness will accept either, but avoid mixing the two styles.
+Defaults to on.
+my $Use_Nums = 1;
+sub use_numbers {
+    my($self, $use_nums) = @_;
+    if( defined $use_nums ) {
+        $Use_Nums = $use_nums;
+    }
+    return $Use_Nums;
+=item B<no_header>
+    $Test->no_header($no_header);
+If set to true, no "1..N" header will be printed.
+=item B<no_ending>
+    $Test->no_ending($no_ending);
+Normally, Test::Builder does some extra diagnostics when the test
+ends.  It also changes the exit code as described in Test::Simple.
+If this is true, none of that will be done.
+my($No_Header, $No_Ending) = (0,0);
+sub no_header {
+    my($self, $no_header) = @_;
+    if( defined $no_header ) {
+        $No_Header = $no_header;
+    }
+    return $No_Header;
+sub no_ending {
+    my($self, $no_ending) = @_;
+    if( defined $no_ending ) {
+        $No_Ending = $no_ending;
+    }
+    return $No_Ending;
+=head2 Output
+Controlling where the test output goes.
+It's ok for your test to change where STDOUT and STDERR point to,
+Test::Builder's default output settings will not be affected.
+=over 4
+=item B<diag>
+    $Test->diag(@msgs);
+Prints out the given $message.  Normally, it uses the failure_output()
+handle, but if this is for a TODO test, the todo_output() handle is
+Output will be indented and marked with a # so as not to interfere
+with test output.  A newline will be put on the end if there isn't one
+We encourage using this rather than calling print directly.
+Returns false.  Why?  Because diag() is often used in conjunction with
+a failing test (C<ok() || diag()>) it "passes through" the failure.
+    return ok(...) || diag(...);
+=for blame transfer
+Mark Fowler <>
+sub diag {
+    my($self, @msgs) = @_;
+    return unless @msgs;
+    # Prevent printing headers when compiling (i.e. -c)
+    return if $^C;
+    # Escape each line with a #.
+    foreach (@msgs) {
+        $_ = 'undef' unless defined;
+        s/^/# /gms;
+    }
+    push @msgs, "\n" unless $msgs[-1] =~ /\n\Z/;
+    local $Level = $Level + 1;
+    my $fh = $self->todo ? $self->todo_output : $self->failure_output;
+    local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
+    print $fh @msgs;
+    return 0;
+=begin _private
+=item B<_print>
+    $Test->_print(@msgs);
+Prints to the output() filehandle.
+=end _private
+sub _print {
+    my($self, @msgs) = @_;
+    # Prevent printing headers when only compiling.  Mostly for when
+    # tests are deparsed with B::Deparse
+    return if $^C;
+    local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
+    my $fh = $self->output;
+    # Escape each line after the first with a # so we don't
+    # confuse Test::Harness.
+    foreach (@msgs) {
+        s/\n(.)/\n# $1/sg;
+    }
+    push @msgs, "\n" unless $msgs[-1] =~ /\n\Z/;
+    print $fh @msgs;
+=item B<output>
+    $Test->output($fh);
+    $Test->output($file);
+Where normal "ok/not ok" test output should go.
+Defaults to STDOUT.
+=item B<failure_output>
+    $Test->failure_output($fh);
+    $Test->failure_output($file);
+Where diagnostic output on test failures and diag() should go.
+Defaults to STDERR.
+=item B<todo_output>
+    $Test->todo_output($fh);
+    $Test->todo_output($file);
+Where diagnostics about todo test failures and diag() should go.
+Defaults to STDOUT.
+my($Out_FH, $Fail_FH, $Todo_FH);
+sub output {
+    my($self, $fh) = @_;
+    if( defined $fh ) {
+        $Out_FH = _new_fh($fh);
+    }
+    return $Out_FH;
+sub failure_output {
+    my($self, $fh) = @_;
+    if( defined $fh ) {
+        $Fail_FH = _new_fh($fh);
+    }
+    return $Fail_FH;
+sub todo_output {
+    my($self, $fh) = @_;
+    if( defined $fh ) {
+        $Todo_FH = _new_fh($fh);
+    }
+    return $Todo_FH;
+sub _new_fh {
+    my($file_or_fh) = shift;
+    my $fh;
+    unless( UNIVERSAL::isa($file_or_fh, 'GLOB') ) {
+        $fh = do { local *FH };
+        open $fh, ">$file_or_fh" or 
+            die "Can't open test output log $file_or_fh: $!";
+    }
+    else {
+        $fh = $file_or_fh;
+    }
+    return $fh;
+unless( $^C ) {
+    # We dup STDOUT and STDERR so people can change them in their
+    # test suites while still getting normal test output.
+    open(TESTOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT:  $!";
+    open(TESTERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR:  $!";
+    # Set everything to unbuffered else plain prints to STDOUT will
+    # come out in the wrong order from our own prints.
+    _autoflush(\*TESTOUT);
+    _autoflush(\*STDOUT);
+    _autoflush(\*TESTERR);
+    _autoflush(\*STDERR);
+    $CLASS->output(\*TESTOUT);
+    $CLASS->failure_output(\*TESTERR);
+    $CLASS->todo_output(\*TESTOUT);
+sub _autoflush {
+    my($fh) = shift;
+    my $old_fh = select $fh;
+    $| = 1;
+    select $old_fh;
+=head2 Test Status and Info
+=over 4
+=item B<current_test>
+    my $curr_test = $Test->current_test;
+    $Test->current_test($num);
+Gets/sets the current test # we're on.
+You usually shouldn't have to set this.
+sub current_test {
+    my($self, $num) = @_;
+    lock($Curr_Test);
+    if( defined $num ) {
+        unless( $Have_Plan ) {
+            require Carp;
+            Carp::croak("Can't change the current test number without a plan!");
+        }
+        $Curr_Test = $num;
+        if( $num > @Test_Results ) {
+            my $start = @Test_Results ? $#Test_Results + 1 : 0;
+            for ($start..$num-1) {
+                my %result;
+                share(%result);
+                %result = ( ok        => 1, 
+                            actual_ok => undef, 
+                            reason    => 'incrementing test number', 
+                            type      => 'unknown', 
+                            name      => undef 
+                          );
+                $Test_Results[$_] = \%result;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $Curr_Test;
+=item B<summary>
+    my @tests = $Test->summary;
+A simple summary of the tests so far.  True for pass, false for fail.
+This is a logical pass/fail, so todos are passes.
+Of course, test #1 is $tests[0], etc...
+sub summary {
+    my($self) = shift;
+    return map { $_->{'ok'} } @Test_Results;
+=item B<details>
+    my @tests = $Test->details;
+Like summary(), but with a lot more detail.
+    $tests[$test_num - 1] = 
+            { 'ok'       => is the test considered a pass?
+              actual_ok  => did it literally say 'ok'?
+              name       => name of the test (if any)
+              type       => type of test (if any, see below).
+              reason     => reason for the above (if any)
+            };
+'ok' is true if Test::Harness will consider the test to be a pass.
+'actual_ok' is a reflection of whether or not the test literally
+printed 'ok' or 'not ok'.  This is for examining the result of 'todo'
+'name' is the name of the test.
+'type' indicates if it was a special test.  Normal tests have a type
+of ''.  Type can be one of the following:
+    skip        see skip()
+    todo        see todo()
+    todo_skip   see todo_skip()
+    unknown     see below
+Sometimes the Test::Builder test counter is incremented without it
+printing any test output, for example, when current_test() is changed.
+In these cases, Test::Builder doesn't know the result of the test, so
+it's type is 'unkown'.  These details for these tests are filled in.
+They are considered ok, but the name and actual_ok is left undef.
+For example "not ok 23 - hole count # TODO insufficient donuts" would
+result in this structure:
+    $tests[22] =    # 23 - 1, since arrays start from 0.
+      { ok        => 1,   # logically, the test passed since it's todo
+        actual_ok => 0,   # in absolute terms, it failed
+        name      => 'hole count',
+        type      => 'todo',
+        reason    => 'insufficient donuts'
+      };
+sub details {
+    return @Test_Results;
+=item B<todo>
+    my $todo_reason = $Test->todo;
+    my $todo_reason = $Test->todo($pack);
+todo() looks for a $TODO variable in your tests.  If set, all tests
+will be considered 'todo' (see Test::More and Test::Harness for
+details).  Returns the reason (ie. the value of $TODO) if running as
+todo tests, false otherwise.
+todo() is pretty part about finding the right package to look for
+$TODO in.  It uses the exported_to() package to find it.  If that's
+not set, it's pretty good at guessing the right package to look at.
+Sometimes there is some confusion about where todo() should be looking
+for the $TODO variable.  If you want to be sure, tell it explicitly
+what $pack to use.
+sub todo {
+    my($self, $pack) = @_;
+    $pack = $pack || $self->exported_to || $self->caller(1);
+    no strict 'refs';
+    return defined ${$pack.'::TODO'} ? ${$pack.'::TODO'}
+                                     : 0;
+=item B<caller>
+    my $package = $Test->caller;
+    my($pack, $file, $line) = $Test->caller;
+    my($pack, $file, $line) = $Test->caller($height);
+Like the normal caller(), except it reports according to your level().
+sub caller {
+    my($self, $height) = @_;
+    $height ||= 0;
+    my @caller = CORE::caller($self->level + $height + 1);
+    return wantarray ? @caller : $caller[0];
+=begin _private
+=over 4
+=item B<_sanity_check>
+  _sanity_check();
+Runs a bunch of end of test sanity checks to make sure reality came
+through ok.  If anything is wrong it will die with a fairly friendly
+error message.
+sub _sanity_check {
+    _whoa($Curr_Test < 0,  'Says here you ran a negative number of tests!');
+    _whoa(!$Have_Plan and $Curr_Test, 
+          'Somehow your tests ran without a plan!');
+    _whoa($Curr_Test != @Test_Results,
+          'Somehow you got a different number of results than tests ran!');
+=item B<_whoa>
+  _whoa($check, $description);
+A sanity check, similar to assert().  If the $check is true, something
+has gone horribly wrong.  It will die with the given $description and
+a note to contact the author.
+sub _whoa {
+    my($check, $desc) = @_;
+    if( $check ) {
+        die <<WHOA;
+WHOA!  $desc
+This should never happen!  Please contact the author immediately!
+    }
+=item B<_my_exit>
+  _my_exit($exit_num);
+Perl seems to have some trouble with exiting inside an END block.  5.005_03
+and 5.6.1 both seem to do odd things.  Instead, this function edits $?
+directly.  It should ONLY be called from inside an END block.  It
+doesn't actually exit, that's your job.
+sub _my_exit {
+    $? = $_[0];
+    return 1;
+=end _private
+$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+    # We don't want to muck with death in an eval, but $^S isn't
+    # totally reliable.  5.005_03 and 5.6.1 both do the wrong thing
+    # with it.  Instead, we use caller.  This also means it runs under
+    # 5.004!
+    my $in_eval = 0;
+    for( my $stack = 1;  my $sub = (CORE::caller($stack))[3];  $stack++ ) {
+        $in_eval = 1 if $sub =~ /^\(eval\)/;
+    }
+    $Test_Died = 1 unless $in_eval;
+sub _ending {
+    my $self = shift;
+    _sanity_check();
+    # Don't bother with an ending if this is a forked copy.  Only the parent
+    # should do the ending.
+    do{ _my_exit($?) && return } if $Original_Pid != $$;
+    # Bailout if plan() was never called.  This is so
+    # "require Test::Simple" doesn't puke.
+    do{ _my_exit(0) && return } if !$Have_Plan && !$Test_Died;
+    # Figure out if we passed or failed and print helpful messages.
+    if( @Test_Results ) {
+        # The plan?  We have no plan.
+        if( $No_Plan ) {
+            $self->_print("1..$Curr_Test\n") unless $self->no_header;
+            $Expected_Tests = $Curr_Test;
+        }
+        # 5.8.0 threads bug.  Shared arrays will not be auto-extended 
+        # by a slice.  Worse, we have to fill in every entry else
+        # we'll get an "Invalid value for shared scalar" error
+        for my $idx ($#Test_Results..$Expected_Tests-1) {
+            my %empty_result = ();
+            share(%empty_result);
+            $Test_Results[$idx] = \%empty_result
+              unless defined $Test_Results[$idx];
+        }
+        my $num_failed = grep !$_->{'ok'}, @Test_Results[0..$Expected_Tests-1];
+        $num_failed += abs($Expected_Tests - @Test_Results);
+        if( $Curr_Test < $Expected_Tests ) {
+            $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like you planned $Expected_Tests tests but only ran $Curr_Test.
+        }
+        elsif( $Curr_Test > $Expected_Tests ) {
+            my $num_extra = $Curr_Test - $Expected_Tests;
+            $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like you planned $Expected_Tests tests but ran $num_extra extra.
+        }
+        elsif ( $num_failed ) {
+            $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like you failed $num_failed tests of $Expected_Tests.
+        }
+        if( $Test_Died ) {
+            $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like your test died just after $Curr_Test.
+            _my_exit( 255 ) && return;
+        }
+        _my_exit( $num_failed <= 254 ? $num_failed : 254  ) && return;
+    }
+    elsif ( $Skip_All ) {
+        _my_exit( 0 ) && return;
+    }
+    elsif ( $Test_Died ) {
+        $self->diag(<<'FAIL');
+Looks like your test died before it could output anything.
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->diag("No tests run!\n");
+        _my_exit( 255 ) && return;
+    }
+END {
+    $Test->_ending if defined $Test and !$Test->no_ending;
+=head1 THREADS
+In perl 5.8.0 and later, Test::Builder is thread-safe.  The test
+number is shared amongst all threads.  This means if one thread sets
+the test number using current_test() they will all be effected.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+CPAN can provide the best examples.  Test::Simple, Test::More,
+Test::Exception and Test::Differences all use Test::Builder.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Test::Simple, Test::More, Test::Harness
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Original code by chromatic, maintained by Michael G Schwern
+Copyright 2002 by chromatic E<lt>chromatic@wgz.orgE<gt>,
+                  Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>
@@ -0,0 +1,1248 @@
+package Test::More;
+use 5.004;
+use strict;
+use Test::Builder;
+# Can't use Carp because it might cause use_ok() to accidentally succeed
+# even though the module being used forgot to use Carp.  Yes, this
+# actually happened.
+sub _carp {
+    my($file, $line) = (caller(1))[1,2];
+    warn @_, " at $file line $line\n";
+require Exporter;
+$VERSION = '0.47';
+@ISA    = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(ok use_ok require_ok
+             is isnt like unlike is_deeply
+             cmp_ok
+             skip todo todo_skip
+             pass fail
+             eq_array eq_hash eq_set
+             $TODO
+             plan
+             can_ok  isa_ok
+             diag
+            );
+my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+# 5.004's Exporter doesn't have export_to_level.
+sub _export_to_level
+      my $pkg = shift;
+      my $level = shift;
+      (undef) = shift;                  # redundant arg
+      my $callpkg = caller($level);
+      $pkg->export($callpkg, @_);
+=head1 NAME
+Test::More - yet another framework for writing test scripts
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Test::More tests => $Num_Tests;
+  # or
+  use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+  # or
+  use Test::More skip_all => $reason;
+  BEGIN { use_ok( 'Some::Module' ); }
+  require_ok( 'Some::Module' );
+  # Various ways to say "ok"
+  ok($this eq $that, $test_name);
+  is  ($this, $that,    $test_name);
+  isnt($this, $that,    $test_name);
+  # Rather than print STDERR "# here's what went wrong\n"
+  diag("here's what went wrong");
+  like  ($this, qr/that/, $test_name);
+  unlike($this, qr/that/, $test_name);
+  cmp_ok($this, '==', $that, $test_name);
+  is_deeply($complex_structure1, $complex_structure2, $test_name);
+  SKIP: {
+      skip $why, $how_many unless $have_some_feature;
+      ok( foo(),       $test_name );
+      is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
+  };
+  TODO: {
+      local $TODO = $why;
+      ok( foo(),       $test_name );
+      is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
+  };
+  can_ok($module, @methods);
+  isa_ok($object, $class);
+  pass($test_name);
+  fail($test_name);
+  # Utility comparison functions.
+  eq_array(\@this, \@that);
+  eq_hash(\%this, \%that);
+  eq_set(\@this, \@that);
+  my @status = Test::More::status;
+  BAIL_OUT($why);
+B<STOP!> If you're just getting started writing tests, have a look at
+Test::Simple first.  This is a drop in replacement for Test::Simple
+which you can switch to once you get the hang of basic testing.
+The purpose of this module is to provide a wide range of testing
+utilities.  Various ways to say "ok" with better diagnostics,
+facilities to skip tests, test future features and compare complicated
+data structures.  While you can do almost anything with a simple
+C<ok()> function, it doesn't provide good diagnostic output.
+=head2 I love it when a plan comes together
+Before anything else, you need a testing plan.  This basically declares
+how many tests your script is going to run to protect against premature
+The preferred way to do this is to declare a plan when you C<use Test::More>.
+  use Test::More tests => $Num_Tests;
+There are rare cases when you will not know beforehand how many tests
+your script is going to run.  In this case, you can declare that you
+have no plan.  (Try to avoid using this as it weakens your test.)
+  use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+In some cases, you'll want to completely skip an entire testing script.
+  use Test::More skip_all => $skip_reason;
+Your script will declare a skip with the reason why you skipped and
+exit immediately with a zero (success).  See L<Test::Harness> for
+If you want to control what functions Test::More will export, you
+have to use the 'import' option.  For example, to import everything
+but 'fail', you'd do:
+  use Test::More tests => 23, import => ['!fail'];
+Alternatively, you can use the plan() function.  Useful for when you
+have to calculate the number of tests.
+  use Test::More;
+  plan tests => keys %Stuff * 3;
+or for deciding between running the tests at all:
+  use Test::More;
+  if( $^O eq 'MacOS' ) {
+      plan skip_all => 'Test irrelevant on MacOS';
+  }
+  else {
+      plan tests => 42;
+  }
+sub plan {
+    my(@plan) = @_;
+    my $caller = caller;
+    $Test->exported_to($caller);
+    my @imports = ();
+    foreach my $idx (0..$#plan) {
+        if( $plan[$idx] eq 'import' ) {
+            my($tag, $imports) = splice @plan, $idx, 2;
+            @imports = @$imports;
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    $Test->plan(@plan);
+    __PACKAGE__->_export_to_level(1, __PACKAGE__, @imports);
+sub import {
+    my($class) = shift;
+    goto &plan;
+=head2 Test names
+By convention, each test is assigned a number in order.  This is
+largely done automatically for you.  However, it's often very useful to
+assign a name to each test.  Which would you rather see:
+  ok 4
+  not ok 5
+  ok 6
+  ok 4 - basic multi-variable
+  not ok 5 - simple exponential
+  ok 6 - force == mass * acceleration
+The later gives you some idea of what failed.  It also makes it easier
+to find the test in your script, simply search for "simple
+All test functions take a name argument.  It's optional, but highly
+suggested that you use it.
+=head2 I'm ok, you're not ok.
+The basic purpose of this module is to print out either "ok #" or "not
+ok #" depending on if a given test succeeded or failed.  Everything
+else is just gravy.
+All of the following print "ok" or "not ok" depending on if the test
+succeeded or failed.  They all also return true or false,
+=over 4
+=item B<ok>
+  ok($this eq $that, $test_name);
+This simply evaluates any expression (C<$this eq $that> is just a
+simple example) and uses that to determine if the test succeeded or
+failed.  A true expression passes, a false one fails.  Very simple.
+For example:
+    ok( $exp{9} == 81,                   'simple exponential' );
+    ok( Film->can('db_Main'),            'set_db()' );
+    ok( $p->tests == 4,                  'saw tests' );
+    ok( !grep !defined $_, @items,       'items populated' );
+(Mnemonic:  "This is ok.")
+$test_name is a very short description of the test that will be printed
+out.  It makes it very easy to find a test in your script when it fails
+and gives others an idea of your intentions.  $test_name is optional,
+but we B<very> strongly encourage its use.
+Should an ok() fail, it will produce some diagnostics:
+    not ok 18 - sufficient mucus
+    #     Failed test 18 (foo.t at line 42)
+This is actually Test::Simple's ok() routine.
+sub ok ($;$) {
+    my($test, $name) = @_;
+    $Test->ok($test, $name);
+=item B<is>
+=item B<isnt>
+  is  ( $this, $that, $test_name );
+  isnt( $this, $that, $test_name );
+Similar to ok(), is() and isnt() compare their two arguments
+with C<eq> and C<ne> respectively and use the result of that to
+determine if the test succeeded or failed.  So these:
+    # Is the ultimate answer 42?
+    is( ultimate_answer(), 42,          "Meaning of Life" );
+    # $foo isn't empty
+    isnt( $foo, '',     "Got some foo" );
+are similar to these:
+    ok( ultimate_answer() eq 42,        "Meaning of Life" );
+    ok( $foo ne '',     "Got some foo" );
+(Mnemonic:  "This is that."  "This isn't that.")
+So why use these?  They produce better diagnostics on failure.  ok()
+cannot know what you are testing for (beyond the name), but is() and
+isnt() know what the test was and why it failed.  For example this
+    my $foo = 'waffle';  my $bar = 'yarblokos';
+    is( $foo, $bar,   'Is foo the same as bar?' );
+Will produce something like this:
+    not ok 17 - Is foo the same as bar?
+    #     Failed test (foo.t at line 139)
+    #          got: 'waffle'
+    #     expected: 'yarblokos'
+So you can figure out what went wrong without rerunning the test.
+You are encouraged to use is() and isnt() over ok() where possible,
+however do not be tempted to use them to find out if something is
+true or false!
+  # XXX BAD!  $pope->isa('Catholic') eq 1
+  is( $pope->isa('Catholic'), 1,        'Is the Pope Catholic?' );
+This does not check if C<$pope->isa('Catholic')> is true, it checks if
+it returns 1.  Very different.  Similar caveats exist for false and 0.
+In these cases, use ok().
+  ok( $pope->isa('Catholic') ),         'Is the Pope Catholic?' );
+For those grammatical pedants out there, there's an C<isn't()>
+function which is an alias of isnt().
+sub is ($$;$) {
+    $Test->is_eq(@_);
+sub isnt ($$;$) {
+    $Test->isnt_eq(@_);
+*isn't = \&isnt;
+=item B<like>
+  like( $this, qr/that/, $test_name );
+Similar to ok(), like() matches $this against the regex C<qr/that/>.
+So this:
+    like($this, qr/that/, 'this is like that');
+is similar to:
+    ok( $this =~ /that/, 'this is like that');
+(Mnemonic "This is like that".)
+The second argument is a regular expression.  It may be given as a
+regex reference (i.e. C<qr//>) or (for better compatibility with older
+perls) as a string that looks like a regex (alternative delimiters are
+currently not supported):
+    like( $this, '/that/', 'this is like that' );
+Regex options may be placed on the end (C<'/that/i'>).
+Its advantages over ok() are similar to that of is() and isnt().  Better
+diagnostics on failure.
+sub like ($$;$) {
+    $Test->like(@_);
+=item B<unlike>
+  unlike( $this, qr/that/, $test_name );
+Works exactly as like(), only it checks if $this B<does not> match the
+given pattern.
+sub unlike {
+    $Test->unlike(@_);
+=item B<cmp_ok>
+  cmp_ok( $this, $op, $that, $test_name );
+Halfway between ok() and is() lies cmp_ok().  This allows you to
+compare two arguments using any binary perl operator.
+    # ok( $this eq $that );
+    cmp_ok( $this, 'eq', $that, 'this eq that' );
+    # ok( $this == $that );
+    cmp_ok( $this, '==', $that, 'this == that' );
+    # ok( $this && $that );
+    cmp_ok( $this, '&&', $that, 'this || that' );
+    ...etc...
+Its advantage over ok() is when the test fails you'll know what $this
+and $that were:
+    not ok 1
+    #     Failed test (foo.t at line 12)
+    #     '23'
+    #         &&
+    #     undef
+It's also useful in those cases where you are comparing numbers and
+is()'s use of C<eq> will interfere:
+    cmp_ok( $big_hairy_number, '==', $another_big_hairy_number );
+sub cmp_ok($$$;$) {
+    $Test->cmp_ok(@_);
+=item B<can_ok>
+  can_ok($module, @methods);
+  can_ok($object, @methods);
+Checks to make sure the $module or $object can do these @methods
+(works with functions, too).
+    can_ok('Foo', qw(this that whatever));
+is almost exactly like saying:
+    ok( Foo->can('this') && 
+        Foo->can('that') && 
+        Foo->can('whatever') 
+      );
+only without all the typing and with a better interface.  Handy for
+quickly testing an interface.
+No matter how many @methods you check, a single can_ok() call counts
+as one test.  If you desire otherwise, use:
+    foreach my $meth (@methods) {
+        can_ok('Foo', $meth);
+    }
+sub can_ok ($@) {
+    my($proto, @methods) = @_;
+    my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+    unless( @methods ) {
+        my $ok = $Test->ok( 0, "$class->can(...)" );
+        $Test->diag('    can_ok() called with no methods');
+        return $ok;
+    }
+    my @nok = ();
+    foreach my $method (@methods) {
+        local($!, $@);  # don't interfere with caller's $@
+                        # eval sometimes resets $!
+        eval { $proto->can($method) } || push @nok, $method;
+    }
+    my $name;
+    $name = @methods == 1 ? "$class->can('$methods[0]')" 
+                          : "$class->can(...)";
+    my $ok = $Test->ok( !@nok, $name );
+    $Test->diag(map "    $class->can('$_') failed\n", @nok);
+    return $ok;
+=item B<isa_ok>
+  isa_ok($object, $class, $object_name);
+  isa_ok($ref,    $type,  $ref_name);
+Checks to see if the given $object->isa($class).  Also checks to make
+sure the object was defined in the first place.  Handy for this sort
+of thing:
+    my $obj = Some::Module->new;
+    isa_ok( $obj, 'Some::Module' );
+where you'd otherwise have to write
+    my $obj = Some::Module->new;
+    ok( defined $obj && $obj->isa('Some::Module') );
+to safeguard against your test script blowing up.
+It works on references, too:
+    isa_ok( $array_ref, 'ARRAY' );
+The diagnostics of this test normally just refer to 'the object'.  If
+you'd like them to be more specific, you can supply an $object_name
+(for example 'Test customer').
+sub isa_ok ($$;$) {
+    my($object, $class, $obj_name) = @_;
+    my $diag;
+    $obj_name = 'The object' unless defined $obj_name;
+    my $name = "$obj_name isa $class";
+    if( !defined $object ) {
+        $diag = "$obj_name isn't defined";
+    }
+    elsif( !ref $object ) {
+        $diag = "$obj_name isn't a reference";
+    }
+    else {
+        # We can't use UNIVERSAL::isa because we want to honor isa() overrides
+        local($@, $!);  # eval sometimes resets $!
+        my $rslt = eval { $object->isa($class) };
+        if( $@ ) {
+            if( $@ =~ /^Can't call method "isa" on unblessed reference/ ) {
+                if( !UNIVERSAL::isa($object, $class) ) {
+                    my $ref = ref $object;
+                    $diag = "$obj_name isn't a '$class' it's a '$ref'";
+                }
+            } else {
+                die <<WHOA;
+WHOA! I tried to call ->isa on your object and got some weird error.
+This should never happen.  Please contact the author immediately.
+Here's the error.
+            }
+        }
+        elsif( !$rslt ) {
+            my $ref = ref $object;
+            $diag = "$obj_name isn't a '$class' it's a '$ref'";
+        }
+    }
+    my $ok;
+    if( $diag ) {
+        $ok = $Test->ok( 0, $name );
+        $Test->diag("    $diag\n");
+    }
+    else {
+        $ok = $Test->ok( 1, $name );
+    }
+    return $ok;
+=item B<pass>
+=item B<fail>
+  pass($test_name);
+  fail($test_name);
+Sometimes you just want to say that the tests have passed.  Usually
+the case is you've got some complicated condition that is difficult to
+wedge into an ok().  In this case, you can simply use pass() (to
+declare the test ok) or fail (for not ok).  They are synonyms for
+ok(1) and ok(0).
+Use these very, very, very sparingly.
+sub pass (;$) {
+    $Test->ok(1, @_);
+sub fail (;$) {
+    $Test->ok(0, @_);
+=head2 Diagnostics
+If you pick the right test function, you'll usually get a good idea of
+what went wrong when it failed.  But sometimes it doesn't work out
+that way.  So here we have ways for you to write your own diagnostic
+messages which are safer than just C<print STDERR>.
+=over 4
+=item B<diag>
+  diag(@diagnostic_message);
+Prints a diagnostic message which is guaranteed not to interfere with
+test output.  Handy for this sort of thing:
+    ok( grep(/foo/, @users), "There's a foo user" ) or
+        diag("Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right");
+which would produce:
+    not ok 42 - There's a foo user
+    #     Failed test (foo.t at line 52)
+    # Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right.
+You might remember C<ok() or diag()> with the mnemonic C<open() or
+B<NOTE> The exact formatting of the diagnostic output is still
+changing, but it is guaranteed that whatever you throw at it it won't
+interfere with the test.
+sub diag {
+    $Test->diag(@_);
+=head2 Module tests
+You usually want to test if the module you're testing loads ok, rather
+than just vomiting if its load fails.  For such purposes we have
+C<use_ok> and C<require_ok>.
+=over 4
+=item B<use_ok>
+   BEGIN { use_ok($module); }
+   BEGIN { use_ok($module, @imports); }
+These simply use the given $module and test to make sure the load
+happened ok.  It's recommended that you run use_ok() inside a BEGIN
+block so its functions are exported at compile-time and prototypes are
+properly honored.
+If @imports are given, they are passed through to the use.  So this:
+   BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module', qw(foo bar)) }
+is like doing this:
+   use Some::Module qw(foo bar);
+don't try to do this:
+   BEGIN {
+       use_ok('Some::Module');
+       ...some code that depends on the use...
+       ...happening at compile time...
+   }
+instead, you want:
+  BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module') }
+  BEGIN { ...some code that depends on the use... }
+sub use_ok ($;@) {
+    my($module, @imports) = @_;
+    @imports = () unless @imports;
+    my $pack = caller;
+    local($@,$!);   # eval sometimes interferes with $!
+    eval <<USE;
+package $pack;
+require $module;
+    my $ok = $Test->ok( !$@, "use $module;" );
+    unless( $ok ) {
+        chomp $@;
+        $Test->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
+    Tried to use '$module'.
+    Error:  $@
+    }
+    return $ok;
+=item B<require_ok>
+   require_ok($module);
+Like use_ok(), except it requires the $module.
+sub require_ok ($) {
+    my($module) = shift;
+    my $pack = caller;
+    local($!, $@); # eval sometimes interferes with $!
+    eval <<REQUIRE;
+package $pack;
+require $module;
+    my $ok = $Test->ok( !$@, "require $module;" );
+    unless( $ok ) {
+        chomp $@;
+        $Test->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
+    Tried to require '$module'.
+    Error:  $@
+    }
+    return $ok;
+=head2 Conditional tests
+Sometimes running a test under certain conditions will cause the
+test script to die.  A certain function or method isn't implemented
+(such as fork() on MacOS), some resource isn't available (like a 
+net connection) or a module isn't available.  In these cases it's
+necessary to skip tests, or declare that they are supposed to fail
+but will work in the future (a todo test).
+For more details on the mechanics of skip and todo tests see
+The way Test::More handles this is with a named block.  Basically, a
+block of tests which can be skipped over or made todo.  It's best if I
+just show you...
+=over 4
+=item B<SKIP: BLOCK>
+  SKIP: {
+      skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
+      ...normal testing code goes here...
+  }
+This declares a block of tests that might be skipped, $how_many tests
+there are, $why and under what $condition to skip them.  An example is
+the easiest way to illustrate:
+    SKIP: {
+        eval { require HTML::Lint };
+        skip "HTML::Lint not installed", 2 if $@;
+        my $lint = new HTML::Lint;
+        isa_ok( $lint, "HTML::Lint" );
+        $lint->parse( $html );
+        is( $lint->errors, 0, "No errors found in HTML" );
+    }
+If the user does not have HTML::Lint installed, the whole block of
+code I<won't be run at all>.  Test::More will output special ok's
+which Test::Harness interprets as skipped, but passing, tests.
+It's important that $how_many accurately reflects the number of tests
+in the SKIP block so the # of tests run will match up with your plan.
+It's perfectly safe to nest SKIP blocks.  Each SKIP block must have
+the label C<SKIP>, or Test::More can't work its magic.
+You don't skip tests which are failing because there's a bug in your
+program, or for which you don't yet have code written.  For that you
+use TODO.  Read on.
+sub skip {
+    my($why, $how_many) = @_;
+    unless( defined $how_many ) {
+        # $how_many can only be avoided when no_plan is in use.
+        _carp "skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
+          unless $Test::Builder::No_Plan;
+        $how_many = 1;
+    }
+    for( 1..$how_many ) {
+        $Test->skip($why);
+    }
+    local $^W = 0;
+    last SKIP;
+=item B<TODO: BLOCK>
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = $why if $condition;
+        ...normal testing code goes here...
+    }
+Declares a block of tests you expect to fail and $why.  Perhaps it's
+because you haven't fixed a bug or haven't finished a new feature:
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = "URI::Geller not finished";
+        my $card = "Eight of clubs";
+        is( URI::Geller->your_card, $card, 'Is THIS your card?' );
+        my $spoon;
+        URI::Geller->bend_spoon;
+        is( $spoon, 'bent',    "Spoon bending, that's original" );
+    }
+With a todo block, the tests inside are expected to fail.  Test::More
+will run the tests normally, but print out special flags indicating
+they are "todo".  Test::Harness will interpret failures as being ok.
+Should anything succeed, it will report it as an unexpected success.
+You then know the thing you had todo is done and can remove the
+TODO flag.
+The nice part about todo tests, as opposed to simply commenting out a
+block of tests, is it's like having a programmatic todo list.  You know
+how much work is left to be done, you're aware of what bugs there are,
+and you'll know immediately when they're fixed.
+Once a todo test starts succeeding, simply move it outside the block.
+When the block is empty, delete it.
+=item B<todo_skip>
+    TODO: {
+        todo_skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
+        ...normal testing code...
+    }
+With todo tests, it's best to have the tests actually run.  That way
+you'll know when they start passing.  Sometimes this isn't possible.
+Often a failing test will cause the whole program to die or hang, even
+inside an C<eval BLOCK> with and using C<alarm>.  In these extreme
+cases you have no choice but to skip over the broken tests entirely.
+The syntax and behavior is similar to a C<SKIP: BLOCK> except the
+tests will be marked as failing but todo.  Test::Harness will
+interpret them as passing.
+sub todo_skip {
+    my($why, $how_many) = @_;
+    unless( defined $how_many ) {
+        # $how_many can only be avoided when no_plan is in use.
+        _carp "todo_skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
+          unless $Test::Builder::No_Plan;
+        $how_many = 1;
+    }
+    for( 1..$how_many ) {
+        $Test->todo_skip($why);
+    }
+    local $^W = 0;
+    last TODO;
+=item When do I use SKIP vs. TODO?
+B<If it's something the user might not be able to do>, use SKIP.
+This includes optional modules that aren't installed, running under
+an OS that doesn't have some feature (like fork() or symlinks), or maybe
+you need an Internet connection and one isn't available.
+B<If it's something the programmer hasn't done yet>, use TODO.  This
+is for any code you haven't written yet, or bugs you have yet to fix,
+but want to put tests in your testing script (always a good idea).
+=head2 Comparison functions
+Not everything is a simple eq check or regex.  There are times you
+need to see if two arrays are equivalent, for instance.  For these
+instances, Test::More provides a handful of useful functions.
+B<NOTE> These are NOT well-tested on circular references.  Nor am I
+quite sure what will happen with filehandles.
+=over 4
+=item B<is_deeply>
+  is_deeply( $this, $that, $test_name );
+Similar to is(), except that if $this and $that are hash or array
+references, it does a deep comparison walking each data structure to
+see if they are equivalent.  If the two structures are different, it
+will display the place where they start differing.
+Barrie Slaymaker's Test::Differences module provides more in-depth
+functionality along these lines, and it plays well with Test::More.
+B<NOTE> Display of scalar refs is not quite 100%
+use vars qw(@Data_Stack);
+my $DNE = bless [], 'Does::Not::Exist';
+sub is_deeply {
+    my($this, $that, $name) = @_;
+    my $ok;
+    if( !ref $this || !ref $that ) {
+        $ok = $Test->is_eq($this, $that, $name);
+    }
+    else {
+        local @Data_Stack = ();
+        if( _deep_check($this, $that) ) {
+            $ok = $Test->ok(1, $name);
+        }
+        else {
+            $ok = $Test->ok(0, $name);
+            $ok = $Test->diag(_format_stack(@Data_Stack));
+        }
+    }
+    return $ok;
+sub _format_stack {
+    my(@Stack) = @_;
+    my $var = '$FOO';
+    my $did_arrow = 0;
+    foreach my $entry (@Stack) {
+        my $type = $entry->{type} || '';
+        my $idx  = $entry->{'idx'};
+        if( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+            $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
+            $var .= "{$idx}";
+        }
+        elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+            $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
+            $var .= "[$idx]";
+        }
+        elsif( $type eq 'REF' ) {
+            $var = "\${$var}";
+        }
+    }
+    my @vals = @{$Stack[-1]{vals}}[0,1];
+    my @vars = ();
+    ($vars[0] = $var) =~ s/\$FOO/     \$got/;
+    ($vars[1] = $var) =~ s/\$FOO/\$expected/;
+    my $out = "Structures begin differing at:\n";
+    foreach my $idx (0..$#vals) {
+        my $val = $vals[$idx];
+        $vals[$idx] = !defined $val ? 'undef' : 
+                      $val eq $DNE  ? "Does not exist"
+                                    : "'$val'";
+    }
+    $out .= "$vars[0] = $vals[0]\n";
+    $out .= "$vars[1] = $vals[1]\n";
+    $out =~ s/^/    /msg;
+    return $out;
+=item B<eq_array>
+  eq_array(\@this, \@that);
+Checks if two arrays are equivalent.  This is a deep check, so
+multi-level structures are handled correctly.
+sub eq_array  {
+    my($a1, $a2) = @_;
+    return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
+    my $ok = 1;
+    my $max = $#$a1 > $#$a2 ? $#$a1 : $#$a2;
+    for (0..$max) {
+        my $e1 = $_ > $#$a1 ? $DNE : $a1->[$_];
+        my $e2 = $_ > $#$a2 ? $DNE : $a2->[$_];
+        push @Data_Stack, { type => 'ARRAY', idx => $_, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+        $ok = _deep_check($e1,$e2);
+        pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+        last unless $ok;
+    }
+    return $ok;
+sub _deep_check {
+    my($e1, $e2) = @_;
+    my $ok = 0;
+    my $eq;
+    {
+        # Quiet uninitialized value warnings when comparing undefs.
+        local $^W = 0; 
+        if( $e1 eq $e2 ) {
+            $ok = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            if( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'ARRAY') and
+                UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'ARRAY') )
+            {
+                $ok = eq_array($e1, $e2);
+            }
+            elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'HASH') and
+                   UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'HASH') )
+            {
+                $ok = eq_hash($e1, $e2);
+            }
+            elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'REF') and
+                   UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'REF') )
+            {
+                push @Data_Stack, { type => 'REF', vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+                $ok = _deep_check($$e1, $$e2);
+                pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+            }
+            elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($e1, 'SCALAR') and
+                   UNIVERSAL::isa($e2, 'SCALAR') )
+            {
+                push @Data_Stack, { type => 'REF', vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+                $ok = _deep_check($$e1, $$e2);
+            }
+            else {
+                push @Data_Stack, { vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+                $ok = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $ok;
+=item B<eq_hash>
+  eq_hash(\%this, \%that);
+Determines if the two hashes contain the same keys and values.  This
+is a deep check.
+sub eq_hash {
+    my($a1, $a2) = @_;
+    return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
+    my $ok = 1;
+    my $bigger = keys %$a1 > keys %$a2 ? $a1 : $a2;
+    foreach my $k (keys %$bigger) {
+        my $e1 = exists $a1->{$k} ? $a1->{$k} : $DNE;
+        my $e2 = exists $a2->{$k} ? $a2->{$k} : $DNE;
+        push @Data_Stack, { type => 'HASH', idx => $k, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+        $ok = _deep_check($e1, $e2);
+        pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+        last unless $ok;
+    }
+    return $ok;
+=item B<eq_set>
+  eq_set(\@this, \@that);
+Similar to eq_array(), except the order of the elements is B<not>
+important.  This is a deep check, but the irrelevancy of order only
+applies to the top level.
+B<NOTE> By historical accident, this is not a true set comparision.
+While the order of elements does not matter, duplicate elements do.
+# We must make sure that references are treated neutrally.  It really
+# doesn't matter how we sort them, as long as both arrays are sorted
+# with the same algorithm.
+sub _bogus_sort { local $^W = 0;  ref $a ? 0 : $a cmp $b }
+sub eq_set  {
+    my($a1, $a2) = @_;
+    return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
+    # There's faster ways to do this, but this is easiest.
+    return eq_array( [sort _bogus_sort @$a1], [sort _bogus_sort @$a2] );
+=head2 Extending and Embedding Test::More
+Sometimes the Test::More interface isn't quite enough.  Fortunately,
+Test::More is built on top of Test::Builder which provides a single,
+unified backend for any test library to use.  This means two test
+libraries which both use Test::Builder B<can be used together in the
+same program>.
+If you simply want to do a little tweaking of how the tests behave,
+you can access the underlying Test::Builder object like so:
+=over 4
+=item B<builder>
+    my $test_builder = Test::More->builder;
+Returns the Test::Builder object underlying Test::More for you to play
+sub builder {
+    return Test::Builder->new;
+=head1 NOTES
+Test::More is B<explicitly> tested all the way back to perl 5.004.
+Test::More is thread-safe for perl 5.8.0 and up.
+=head1 BUGS and CAVEATS
+=over 4
+=item Making your own ok()
+If you are trying to extend Test::More, don't.  Use Test::Builder
+=item The eq_* family has some caveats.
+=item Test::Harness upgrades
+no_plan and todo depend on new Test::Harness features and fixes.  If
+you're going to distribute tests that use no_plan or todo your
+end-users will have to upgrade Test::Harness to the latest one on
+CPAN.  If you avoid no_plan and TODO tests, the stock Test::Harness
+will work fine.
+If you simply depend on Test::More, it's own dependencies will cause a
+Test::Harness upgrade.
+=head1 HISTORY
+This is a case of convergent evolution with Joshua Pritikin's Test
+module.  I was largely unaware of its existence when I'd first
+written my own ok() routines.  This module exists because I can't
+figure out how to easily wedge test names into Test's interface (along
+with a few other problems).
+The goal here is to have a testing utility that's simple to learn,
+quick to use and difficult to trip yourself up with while still
+providing more flexibility than the existing  As such, the
+names of the most common routines are kept tiny, special cases and
+magic side-effects are kept to a minimum.  WYSIWYG.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Test::Simple> if all this confuses you and you just want to write
+some tests.  You can upgrade to Test::More later (it's forward
+L<Test::Differences> for more ways to test complex data structures.
+And it plays well with Test::More.
+L<Test> is the old testing module.  Its main benefit is that it has
+been distributed with Perl since 5.004_05.
+L<Test::Harness> for details on how your test results are interpreted
+by Perl.
+L<Test::Unit> describes a very featureful unit testing interface.
+L<Test::Inline> shows the idea of embedded testing.
+L<SelfTest> is another approach to embedded testing.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt> with much inspiration
+from Joshua Pritikin's Test module and lots of help from Barrie
+Slaymaker, Tony Bowden, chromatic and the perl-qa gang.
+Copyright 2001 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+package Test::Simple;
+use 5.004;
+use strict 'vars';
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.47';
+use Test::Builder;
+my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+sub import {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $caller = caller;
+    *{$caller.'::ok'} = \&ok;
+    $Test->exported_to($caller);
+    $Test->plan(@_);
+=head1 NAME
+Test::Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Test::Simple tests => 1;
+  ok( $foo eq $bar, 'foo is bar' );
+** If you are unfamiliar with testing B<read Test::Tutorial> first! **
+This is an extremely simple, extremely basic module for writing tests
+suitable for CPAN modules and other pursuits.  If you wish to do more
+complicated testing, use the Test::More module (a drop-in replacement
+for this one).
+The basic unit of Perl testing is the ok.  For each thing you want to
+test your program will print out an "ok" or "not ok" to indicate pass
+or fail.  You do this with the ok() function (see below).
+The only other constraint is you must pre-declare how many tests you
+plan to run.  This is in case something goes horribly wrong during the
+test and your test program aborts, or skips a test or whatever.  You
+do this like so:
+    use Test::Simple tests => 23;
+You must have a plan.
+=over 4
+=item B<ok>
+  ok( $foo eq $bar, $name );
+  ok( $foo eq $bar );
+ok() is given an expression (in this case C<$foo eq $bar>).  If it's
+true, the test passed.  If it's false, it didn't.  That's about it.
+ok() prints out either "ok" or "not ok" along with a test number (it
+keeps track of that for you).
+  # This produces "ok 1 - Hell not yet frozen over" (or not ok)
+  ok( get_temperature($hell) > 0, 'Hell not yet frozen over' );
+If you provide a $name, that will be printed along with the "ok/not
+ok" to make it easier to find your test when if fails (just search for
+the name).  It also makes it easier for the next guy to understand
+what your test is for.  It's highly recommended you use test names.
+All tests are run in scalar context.  So this:
+    ok( @stuff, 'I have some stuff' );
+will do what you mean (fail if stuff is empty)
+sub ok ($;$) {
+    $Test->ok(@_);
+Test::Simple will start by printing number of tests run in the form
+"1..M" (so "1..5" means you're going to run 5 tests).  This strange
+format lets Test::Harness know how many tests you plan on running in
+case something goes horribly wrong.
+If all your tests passed, Test::Simple will exit with zero (which is
+normal).  If anything failed it will exit with how many failed.  If
+you run less (or more) tests than you planned, the missing (or extras)
+will be considered failures.  If no tests were ever run Test::Simple
+will throw a warning and exit with 255.  If the test died, even after
+having successfully completed all its tests, it will still be
+considered a failure and will exit with 255.
+So the exit codes are...
+    0                   all tests successful
+    255                 test died
+    any other number    how many failed (including missing or extras)
+If you fail more than 254 tests, it will be reported as 254.
+This module is by no means trying to be a complete testing system.
+It's just to get you started.  Once you're off the ground its
+recommended you look at L<Test::More>.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+Here's an example of a simple .t file for the fictional Film module.
+    use Test::Simple tests => 5;
+    use Film;  # What you're testing.
+    my $btaste = Film->new({ Title    => 'Bad Taste',
+                             Director => 'Peter Jackson',
+                             Rating   => 'R',
+                             NumExplodingSheep => 1
+                           });
+    ok( defined($btaste) and ref $btaste eq 'Film',     'new() works' );
+    ok( $btaste->Title      eq 'Bad Taste',     'Title() get'    );
+    ok( $btaste->Director   eq 'Peter Jackson', 'Director() get' );
+    ok( $btaste->Rating     eq 'R',             'Rating() get'   );
+    ok( $btaste->NumExplodingSheep == 1,        'NumExplodingSheep() get' );
+It will produce output like this:
+    1..5
+    ok 1 - new() works
+    ok 2 - Title() get
+    ok 3 - Director() get
+    not ok 4 - Rating() get
+    #    Failed test (t/film.t at line 14)
+    ok 5 - NumExplodingSheep() get
+    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 5
+Indicating the Film::Rating() method is broken.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+Test::Simple will only report a maximum of 254 failures in its exit
+code.  If this is a problem, you probably have a huge test script.
+Split it into multiple files.  (Otherwise blame the Unix folks for
+using an unsigned short integer as the exit status).
+Because VMS's exit codes are much, much different than the rest of the
+universe, and perl does horrible mangling to them that gets in my way,
+it works like this on VMS.
+    0     SS$_NORMAL        all tests successful
+    4     SS$_ABORT         something went wrong
+Unfortunately, I can't differentiate any further.
+=head1 NOTES
+Test::Simple is B<explicitly> tested all the way back to perl 5.004.
+Test::Simple is thread-safe in perl 5.8.0 and up.
+=head1 HISTORY
+This module was conceived while talking with Tony Bowden in his
+kitchen one night about the problems I was having writing some really
+complicated feature into the new Testing module.  He observed that the
+main problem is not dealing with these edge cases but that people hate
+to write tests B<at all>.  What was needed was a dead simple module
+that took all the hard work out of testing and was really, really easy
+to learn.  Paul Johnson simultaneously had this idea (unfortunately,
+he wasn't in Tony's kitchen).  This is it.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item L<Test::More>
+More testing functions!  Once you outgrow Test::Simple, look at
+Test::More.  Test::Simple is 100% forward compatible with Test::More
+(i.e. you can just use Test::More instead of Test::Simple in your
+programs and things will still work).
+=item L<Test>
+The original Perl testing module.
+=item L<Test::Unit>
+Elaborate unit testing.
+=item L<Test::Inline>, L<SelfTest>
+Embed tests in your code!
+=item L<Test::Harness>
+Interprets the output of your test program.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Idea by Tony Bowden and Paul Johnson, code by Michael G Schwern
+E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>, wardrobe by Calvin Klein.
+Copyright 2001 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<>
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-my $fail;
-	eval "use Test::Memory::Cycle";
-	$fail = $@;
-plan skip_all => 'Need Test::Memory::Cycle' if $fail;
-plan tests => 2;
-use Net::XMPP;
-my $conn   = Net::XMPP::Client->new;
-memory_cycle_ok($conn, 'after creating object');
-# TODO the user should be asked if he want to run networking tests!
-SKIP: {
-    skip 'Needs AUTHORS_TEST', 1 if not $ENV{AUTHORS_TEST};
-    my $status = $conn->Connect(
-        hostname       => '',
-        port           => 5222,
-        componentname  => '',
-        connectiontype => 'tcpip',
-        tls            => 1,
-        ssl_verify     => 0,
-    );
-    memory_cycle_ok($conn, 'after calling Connect');
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-my $fail;
-	eval "use Devel::LeakGuard::Object qw(leakguard)";
-	$fail = $@;
-plan skip_all => 'Need Devel::LeakGuard::Object' if $fail;
-plan tests => 3;
-use Net::XMPP;
-    sub {
-        my $x = bless {}, 'abc';
-    },
-    'nothing',
-TODO: {
-   local $TODO = 'fix leak';
-    sub {
-        my $conn   = Net::XMPP::Client->new;
-        $conn = undef;
-    },
-    'new',
-    sub {
-        my $conn   = Net::XMPP::Client->new;
-        my $status = $conn->Connect(
-            hostname       => '',
-            port           => 5222,
-            componentname  => '',
-            connectiontype => 'tcpip',
-            tls            => 1,
-            ssl_verify     => 0,
-        );
-    },
-    'connect',
-sub check_leak{
-    my ($sub) = @_;
-    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
-    for my $c (1..10) {
-        $sub->();
-    }
-    my $warn;
-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift };
-    leakguard {
-        for my $c (1..10) {
-            $sub->();
-            #diag "Called $c";
-        }
-    };
-    ok(!$warn, 'leaking') or diag $warn;
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
+my $debug = new Net::XMPP::Debug(setdefault=>1,
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
 # message
-my $message = Net::XMPP::Message->new();
+my $message = new Net::XMPP::Message();
 ok( defined($message), "new()");
 isa_ok( $message, "Net::XMPP::Message");
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ ok( !$message->DefinedChild("foo:bar"), "DefinedChild - foo:bar - no");
 # message
-my $message2 = Net::XMPP::Message->new();
+my $message2 = new Net::XMPP::Message();
 ok( defined($message2), "new()");
 isa_ok( $message2, "Net::XMPP::Message");
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
+my $debug = new Net::XMPP::Debug(setdefault=>1,
-my $query = Net::XMPP::Stanza->new("query");
+my $query = new Net::XMPP::Stanza("query");
 ok( defined($query), "new()" );
 isa_ok( $query, "Net::XMPP::Stanza" );
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ testScalar($query,"Username","username");
 is( $query->GetXML(), "<query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'><digest>digest</digest><hash>hash</hash><password>password</password><resource>resource</resource><sequence>sequence</sequence><token>token</token><username>username</username></query>", "GetXML()" );
-my $query2 = Net::XMPP::Stanza->new("query");
+my $query2 = new Net::XMPP::Stanza("query");
 ok( defined($query2), "new()" );
 isa_ok( $query2, "Net::XMPP::Stanza" );
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
+my $debug = new Net::XMPP::Debug(setdefault=>1,
-my $query = Net::XMPP::Stanza->new("query");
+my $query = new Net::XMPP::Stanza("query");
 ok( defined($query), "new()" );
 isa_ok( $query, "Net::XMPP::Stanza" );
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
+my $debug = new Net::XMPP::Debug(setdefault=>1,
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
 # presence
-my $presence = Net::XMPP::Presence->new();
+my $presence = new Net::XMPP::Presence();
 ok( defined($presence), "new()");
 isa_ok( $presence, "Net::XMPP::Presence");
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ ok( !$presence->DefinedChild("foo:bar"), "DefinedChild - foo:bar - no");
 # presence
-my $presence2 = Net::XMPP::Presence->new();
+my $presence2 = new Net::XMPP::Presence();
 ok( defined($presence2), "new()");
 isa_ok( $presence2, "Net::XMPP::Presence");
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $message = Net::XMPP::Message->new();
+my $message = new Net::XMPP::Message();
 ok( defined($message), "new()");
 isa_ok( $message, "Net::XMPP::Message");
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $message->InsertRawXML("<bar>foo</bar>");
 is( $message->GetXML(), "<message from='user1\@server1/resource1' to='user2\@server2/resource2'><body>body</body><subject>subject</subject><bar>foo</bar></message>", "GetXML()" );
-my $iq = Net::XMPP::IQ->new();
+my $iq = new Net::XMPP::IQ();
 ok( defined($iq), "new()");
 isa_ok( $iq, "Net::XMPP::IQ");
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN{ use_ok( "Net::XMPP" ); }
 require "t/";
-my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
+my $debug = new Net::XMPP::Debug(setdefault=>1,
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ my $debug = Net::XMPP::Debug->new(setdefault=>1,
 # Client
-my $Client = Net::XMPP::Client->new();
+my $Client = new Net::XMPP::Client();
 ok( defined($Client), "new()");
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ isa_ok($Client,"Net::XMPP::Connection");
 # Roster
-my $Roster = Net::XMPP::Roster->new(connection=>$Client);
+my $Roster = new Net::XMPP::Roster(connection=>$Client);
 ok( defined($Roster), "new()");
-my $jid1 = '';
+my $jid1 = '';
 my $res1 = "Work";
 my $res2 = "Home";
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-use lib 't/lib';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => '7';
-use Net::XMPP::Test::Utils qw/
-	can_run_tests
-	get_conn_params
-	get_auth_params
-	bare_jid
-BEGIN { use_ok('Net::XMPP'); }
-SKIP: {
-	skip "No accounts configured in $Net::XMPP::Test::Utils::accounts_file", 6
-		unless can_run_tests();
-	my $test_account = 'srv_and_tls';
-	my $conn_params = get_conn_params( $test_account );
-	my $auth_params = get_auth_params( $test_account );
-	my $my_full_jid = bare_jid( $test_account ) . '/' . $auth_params->{'resource'};
-	my $client = Net::XMPP::Client->new(
-		debuglevel => 0,
-		debug      => 'stdout',
-	);
-	isa_ok( $client, 'Net::XMPP::Client');
-	$client->SetCallBacks(
-		onconnect => \&onConnect,
-		onauth    => \&onAuth,
-		message   => \&onMessage,
-	);
-	$client->Execute( %{$auth_params}, %{$conn_params} );
-	sub onConnect {
-		ok(1, 'Connected');
-	}
-	# After successful authentication, send a test message to our full JID
-	sub onAuth {
-		ok( 1, 'Authenticated');
-		isa_ok( $client->PresenceSend(), 'Net::XMPP::Presence');
-		$client->MessageSend(
-			to      => $my_full_jid,
-			subject => 'Test message',
-			body    => 'This is a test.'
-		);
-	}
-	# Check that the contents match what we sent above
-	sub onMessage {
-		my $sid = shift;
-		my $message = shift;
-		return unless $my_full_jid
-			eq $message->GetFrom('jid')->GetJID('full');
-		is( $message->GetSubject(), 'Test message',    'Subject' );
-		is( $message->GetBody(),    'This is a test.', 'Body'    );
-		$client->Disconnect();
-		exit(0);
-	}