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Changes 3743 576755
META.yml 1921
Makefile.PL 22
t/02basic.t 1020
t/03large.t 45
t/04base1000.t 818
t/05zero.t 38
t/06si.t 219
t/07unit.t 39
t/08base1M.t 78
t/10parse_args.t 415
t/20oo.t 23
t/98pod-coverage.t 00
15 files changed (This is a version diff) 691940
@@ -1,37 +1,43 @@
-Revision history for Perl extension Number::Bytes::Human.
-0.07 Thu Mar 5 2007
-         - nothing new here
-         - META.yml is automatically generated by EUMM
-         - minor edits of the docs
-         - added a test for POD coverage
-0.06 Thu Oct 26 2006
-         - Martin Ward pointed to me:
-           * [FIX] the SI prefix for bytes in base 1024 is still 'B', 
-             not 'iB'
-           * floppy disk manufacturers count in units of 1024000 (for
-             their "1.44 MB" disks) [NEW OPTION: bs => 1024000]
-         - in the OO code, indirect notation "new Number::Bytes::Human"
-           was replaced by "Number::Bytes::Human->new"
-0.05 Wed Oct 25 2006
-         - nothing new here
-         - added taint checking to tests "#!perl -T\n"
-0.04 Tue Oct  5 2005
-         - now default suffix for kilobytes (base 1000) is 'k', not 'K'
-         - now 'suffixes' option support 1024, 1000, si_1024, and si_1000
-0.03 Tue Oct  4 2005
-        - some idle changes, like fixing 'si' option behavior
-        - added new test "t/06si.t"
-        - the (yet) undocumented option 'unit'
-        - a test script "t/07unit.t"
-0.02 Tue Oct  4 2005
-        - 0.02 release follows, because META.yml and Changes
-          were forgotten
-0.01 Tue Oct  4 2005
-        - 0.01 release reaches CPAN
+Revision history for Perl extension Number::Bytes::Human.
+0.09 Fri Mar 01 2013
+         - Add parse_bytes
+0.08 Fri Feb 22 2013
+         - fix bug #81477 (precision support) with patch from Matthew Vale
+0.07 Thu Mar 5 2007
+         - nothing new here
+         - META.yml is automatically generated by EUMM
+         - minor edits of the docs
+         - added a test for POD coverage
+0.06 Thu Oct 26 2006
+         - Martin Ward pointed to me:
+           * [FIX] the SI prefix for bytes in base 1024 is still 'B', 
+             not 'iB'
+           * floppy disk manufacturers count in units of 1024000 (for
+             their "1.44 MB" disks) [NEW OPTION: bs => 1024000]
+         - in the OO code, indirect notation "new Number::Bytes::Human"
+           was replaced by "Number::Bytes::Human->new"
+0.05 Wed Oct 25 2006
+         - nothing new here
+         - added taint checking to tests "#!perl -T\n"
+0.04 Tue Oct  5 2005
+         - now default suffix for kilobytes (base 1000) is 'k', not 'K'
+         - now 'suffixes' option support 1024, 1000, si_1024, and si_1000
+0.03 Tue Oct  4 2005
+        - some idle changes, like fixing 'si' option behavior
+        - added new test "t/06si.t"
+        - the (yet) undocumented option 'unit'
+        - a test script "t/07unit.t"
+0.02 Tue Oct  4 2005
+        - 0.02 release follows, because META.yml and Changes
+          were forgotten
+0.01 Tue Oct  4 2005
+        - 0.01 release reaches CPAN
@@ -1,576 +1,755 @@
-package Number::Bytes::Human;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '0.07';
-require Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(format_bytes);
-require POSIX;
-use Carp qw(croak carp);
-#my $DEFAULT_BLOCK = 1024;
-#my $DEFAULT_ZERO = '0';
-#my $DEFAULT_ROUND_STYLE = 'ceil';
-  1024 => ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'],
-  1000 => ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'],
-  1024000 => ['', 'M', 'T', 'E', 'Y'],
-  si_1024 => ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'],
-  si_1000 => ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'],
-sub _default_suffixes {
-  my $set = shift || 1024;
-  if (exists $DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{$set}) {
-    return @{$DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{$set}} if wantarray;
-    return [ @{$DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{$set}} ];
-  }
-  croak "unknown suffix set '$set'";
-  ceil => \&POSIX::ceil,
-  floor => \&POSIX::floor,
-  #round => sub { shift }, # FIXME
-  #trunc => sub { int shift } # FIXME
-  # what about 'ceiling'?
-sub _round_function {
-  my $style = shift;
-  if (exists $ROUND_FUNCTIONS{$style}) {
-    return $ROUND_FUNCTIONS{$style}
-  }
-  croak "unknown round style '$style'";
-# options
-#   block | block_size | base | bs => 1024 | 1000
-#   base_1024 | block_1024 | 1024 => $true
-#   base_1000 | block_1000 | 1000 => $true
-#   round_function => \&
-#   round_style => 'ceiling', 'round', 'floor', 'trunc'
-#   suffixes => 1024 | 1000 | si_1024 | si_1000 | 1024000 | \@
-#   si => 1
-#   unit => string (eg., 'B' | 'bps' | 'b')
-#   zero => '0' (default) | '-' | '0%S' | undef
-#   supress_point_zero | no_point_zero =>
-#   b_to_i => 1
-#   to_s => \&
-#   allow_minus => 0 | 1
-#   too_large => string
-#   quiet => 1 (supresses "too large number" warning)
-#   precision =>
-# parsed options
-#   BLOCK => 1024 | 1020
-#   ROUND_STYLE => 'ceil', 'round', 'floor', 'trunc'
-#   SUFFIXES => \@
-#   ZERO =>
-=begin private 
-  $options = _parse_args($seed, $args)
-  $options = _parse_args($seed, arg1 => $val1, ...)
-$seed is undef or a hashref
-$args is a hashref
-=end private
-sub _parse_args {
-  my $seed = shift;
-  my %args;
-  my %options;
-  unless (defined $seed) { # use defaults
-    $options{BLOCK} = 1024;
-    $options{ROUND_STYLE} = 'ceil';
-    $options{ROUND_FUNCTION} = _round_function($options{ROUND_STYLE});
-    $options{ZERO} = '0';
-    #$options{SUFFIXES} = # deferred to the last minute when we know BLOCK, seek [**]
-  } 
-  # else { %options = %$seed } # this is set if @_!=0, down below
-  if (@_==0) { # quick return for default values (no customized args)
-    return (defined $seed) ? $seed : \%options;
-  } elsif (@_==1 && ref $_[0]) { # \%args
-    %args = %{$_[0]};
-  } else { # arg1 => $val1, arg2 => $val2
-    %args = @_;
-  }
-  # this is done here so this assignment/copy doesn't happen if @_==0
-  %options = %$seed unless %options; 
-# block | block_size | base | bs => 1024 | 1000
-# block_1024 | base_1024 | 1024 => $true
-# block_1000 | base_1000 | 1024 => $true
-  if ($args{block} ||
-      $args{block_size} ||
-      $args{base} ||
-      $args{bs}
-    ) {
-    my $block = $args{block} ||
-                $args{block_size} ||
-                $args{base} ||
-                $args{bs};
-    unless ($block==1000 || $block==1024 || $block==1_024_000) {
-      croak "invalid base: $block (should be 1024, 1000 or 1024000)";
-    }
-    $options{BLOCK} = $block;
-  } elsif ($args{block_1024} ||
-           $args{base_1024}  ||
-           $args{1024}) {
-    $options{BLOCK} = 1024;
-  } elsif ($args{block_1000} ||
-           $args{base_1000}  ||
-           $args{1000}) {
-    $options{BLOCK} = 1000;
-  }
-# round_function => \&
-# round_style => 'ceil' | 'floor' | 'round' | 'trunc'
-  if ($args{round_function}) {
-    unless (ref $args{round_function} eq 'CODE') {
-      croak "round function ($args{round_function}) should be a code ref";
-    }
-    $options{ROUND_FUNCTION} = $args{round_function};
-    $options{ROUND_STYLE} = $args{round_style} || 'unknown';
-  } elsif ($args{round_style}) {
-    $options{ROUND_FUNCTION} = _round_function($args{round_style});
-    $options{ROUND_STYLE} = $args{round_style};
-  }
-# suffixes => 1024 | 1000 | si_1024 | si_1000 | 1024000 | \@
-  if ($args{suffixes}) {
-    if (ref $args{suffixes} eq 'ARRAY') {
-      $options{SUFFIXES} = $args{suffixes};
-    } elsif ($args{suffixes} =~ /^(si_)?(1000|1024)$/) {
-      $options{SUFFIXES} = _default_suffixes($args{suffixes});
-    } else {
-      croak "suffixes ($args{suffixes}) should be 1024, 1000, si_1024, si_1000, 1024000 or an array ref";
-    }
-  } elsif ($args{si}) {
-    my $set = ($options{BLOCK}==1024) ? 'si_1024' : 'si_1000';
-    $options{SUFFIXES} = _default_suffixes($set);
-  } elsif (defined $args{unit}) {
-    my $suff = $args{unit};
-    $options{SUFFIXES} = [ map  { "$_$suff" } @DEFAULT_PREFIXES ];
-  }
-# zero => undef | string
-  if (exists $args{zero}) {
-    $options{ZERO} = $args{zero};
-    if (defined $options{ZERO}) {
-      $options{ZERO} =~ s/%S/$options{SUFFIXES}->[0]/g 
-    }
-  }
-# quiet => 1
-  if ($args{quiet}) {
-    $options{QUIET} = 1;
-  }
-  if (defined $seed) {
-    %$seed = %options;
-    return $seed;
-  }
-  return \%options
-# NOTE. _format_bytes() SHOULD not change $options - NEVER.
-sub _format_bytes {
-  my $bytes = shift;
-  return undef unless defined $bytes;
-  my $options = shift;
-  my %options = %$options;
-  local *human_round = $options{ROUND_FUNCTION};
-  return $options{ZERO} if ($bytes==0 && defined $options{ZERO});
-  my $block = $options{BLOCK};
-  # if a suffix set was not specified, pick a default [**]
-  my @suffixes = $options{SUFFIXES} ? @{$options{SUFFIXES}} : _default_suffixes($block);
-  my $sign = '';
-  if ($bytes<0) {
-     $bytes = -$bytes;
-     $sign = '-';
-  }
-  return $sign . human_round($bytes) . $suffixes[0] if $bytes<$block;
-#  return "$sign$bytes" if $bytes<$block;
-  my $x = $bytes;
-  my $suffix;
-  foreach (@suffixes) {
-    $suffix = $_, last if human_round($x) < $block;
-    $x /= $block;
-  }
-  unless (defined $suffix) { # number >= $block*($block**@suffixes) [>= 1E30, that's huge!]
-      unless ($options{QUIET}) {
-        my $pow = @suffixes+1; 
-        carp "number too large (>= $block**$pow)"
-      }
-      $suffix = $suffixes[-1];
-      $x *= $block;
-  }
-  # OPTION: return "Inf"
-  my $num;
-  if ($x < 10.0) {
-    $num = sprintf("%.1f", human_round($x*10)/10); 
-  } else {
-    $num = sprintf("%d", human_round($x));
-  }
-  "$sign$num$suffix"
-# convert byte count (file size) to human readable format
-sub format_bytes {
-  my $bytes = shift;
-  my $options = _parse_args(undef, @_);
-  #use YAML; print Dump $options;
-  return _format_bytes($bytes, $options);
-### the OO way
-# new()
-sub new {
-  my $proto = shift;
-  my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
-  my $opts = _parse_args(undef, @_);
-  return bless $opts, $class;
-# set_options()
-sub set_options {
-  my $self = shift;
-  return $self->_parse_args(@_);
-# format()
-sub format {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $bytes = shift;
-  return _format_bytes($bytes, $self);
-# the solution by COG in Filesys::DiskUsage 
-# convert size to human readable format
-#sub _convert {
-#  defined (my $size = shift) || return undef;
-#  my $config = {@_};
-#  $config->{human} || return $size;
-#  my $block = $config->{'Human-readable'} ? 1000 : 1024;
-#  my @args = qw/B K M G/;
-#  while (@args && $size > $block) {
-#    shift @args;
-#    $size /= $block;
-#  }
-#  if ($config->{'truncate-readable'} > 0) {
-#    $size = sprintf("%.$config->{'truncate-readable'}f",$size);
-#  }
-#  "$size$args[0]";
-# not exact: 1024 => 1024B instead of 1K
-# not nicely formatted => 1.00 instead of 1K
-=head1 NAME
-Number::Bytes::Human - Convert byte count to human readable format
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use Number::Bytes::Human qw(format_bytes);
-  $size = format_bytes(0); # '0'
-  $size = format_bytes(2*1024); # '2.0K'
-  $size = format_bytes(1_234_890, bs => 1000); # '1.3M'
-  $size = format_bytes(1E9, bs => 1000); # '1.0G'
-  # the OO way
-  $human = Number::Bytes::Human->new(bs => 1000, si => 1);
-  $size = $human->format(1E7); # '10MB'
-  $human->set_options(zero => '-');
-  $size = $human->format(0); # '-'
-This module provides a formatter which turns byte counts
-to usual readable format, like '2.0K', '3.1G', '100B'.
-It was inspired in the C<-h> option of Unix
-utilities like C<du>, C<df> and C<ls> for "human-readable" output.
-From the FreeBSD man page of C<df>:
-  "Human-readable" output.  Use unit suffixes: Byte, Kilobyte,
-  Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte in order to reduce the
-  number of digits to four or fewer using base 2 for sizes.
-  byte      B
-  kilobyte  K = 2**10 B = 1024 B
-  megabyte  M = 2**20 B = 1024 * 1024 B
-  gigabyte  G = 2**30 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
-  terabyte  T = 2**40 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
-  petabyte  P = 2**50 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
-  exabyte   E = 2**60 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
-  zettabyte Z = 2**70 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
-  yottabyte Y = 2**80 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
-I have found this link to be quite useful:
-If you feel like a hard-drive manufacturer, you can start
-counting bytes by powers of 1000 (instead of the generous 1024).
-Just use C<< bs => 1000 >>.
-But if you are a floppy disk manufacturer and want to start
-counting in units of 1024000 (for your "1.44 MB" disks)?
-Then use C<< bs => 1_024_000 >>.
-If you feel like a purist academic, you can force the use of
-metric prefixes
-according to the Dec 1998 standard by the IEC. Never mind the units for base 1000
-are C<('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB')> and,
-even worse, the ones for base 1024 are
-C<('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB')>
-with the horrible names: bytes, kibibytes, mebibytes, etc.
-All you have to do is to use C<< si => 1 >>. Ain't that beautiful
-the SI system? Read about it:
-You can try a pure Perl C<"ls -lh">-inspired command with the one-liner, er, two-liner:
-  $ perl -MNumber::Bytes::Human=format_bytes \
-         -e 'printf "%5s %s\n", format_bytes(-s), $_ for @ARGV' *
-Why to write such a module? Because if people can write such things
-in C, it can be written much easier in Perl and then reused,
-refactored, abused. And then, when it is much improved, some
-brave soul can port it back to C (if only for the warm feeling
-of painful programming).
-=head2 OBJECTS
-An alternative to the functional style of this module
-is the OO fashion. This is useful for avoiding the 
-unnecessary parsing of the arguments over and over
-if you have to format lots of numbers 
-  for (@sizes) {
-    my $fmt_size = format_bytes($_, @args);
-    ...
-  }
-  my $human = Number::Format::Bytes->new(@args);
-  for (@sizes) {
-    my $fmt_size = $human->format($_);
-    ...
-  }
-for TODO
-[TODO] MAKE IT JUST A MATTER OF STYLE: memoize _parse_args()
-$seed == undef
-=over 4
-=item B<format_bytes>
-  $h_size = format_bytes($size, @options);
-Turns a byte count (like 1230) to a readable format like '1.3K'.
-You have a bunch of options to play with. See the section
-L</"OPTIONS"> to know the details.
-=head2 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item B<new>
-  $h = Number::Bytes::Human->new(@options);
-The constructor. For details on the arguments, see the section
-=item B<format>
-  $h_size = $h->format($size);
-Turns a byte count (like 1230) to a readable format like '1.3K'.
-The statements 
-  $h = Number::Bytes::Human->new(@options);
-  $h_size = $h->format($size);
-are equivalent to C<$h_size = format_bytes($size, @options)>,
-with only one pass for the option arguments.
-=item B<set_options>
-  $h->set_options(@options);
-To alter the options of a C<Number::Bytes::Human> object.
-See L</"OPTIONS">.
-=head2 OPTIONS
-=over 4 
-=item BASE
-  block | base | block_size | bs => 1000 | 1024 | 1024000
-  base_1024 | block_1024 | 1024 => 1
-  base_1000 | block_1000 | 1000 => 1
-The base to be used: 1024 (default), 1000 or 1024000.
-Any other value throws an exception.
-  suffixes => 1000 | 1024 | 1024000 | si_1000 | si_1024 | $arrayref 
-By default, the used suffixes stand for '', 'K', 'M', ... 
-for base 1024 and '', 'k', 'M', ... for base 1000
-(which are indeed the usual metric prefixes with implied unit
-as bytes, 'B'). For the weird 1024000 base, suffixes are
-'', 'M', 'T', etc.
-=item ZERO
-  zero => string | undef
-The string C<0> maps to ('0' by default). If C<undef>, the general case is used.
-The string may contain '%S' in which case the suffix for byte is used.
-  format_bytes(0, zero => '-') => '-'
-  si => 1
-=item ROUND
-  round_function => $coderef
-  round_style => 'ceil' | 'floor'
-=item TO_S
-=item QUIET
-  quiet => 1
-Suppresses the warnings emitted. Currently, the only case is
-when the number is large than C<$base**(@suffixes+1)>.
-=head2 EXPORT
-It is alright to import C<format_bytes>, but nothing is exported by default.
-  "unknown round style '$style'";
-  "invalid base: $block (should be 1024, 1000 or 1024000)";
-  "round function ($args{round_function}) should be a code ref";
-  "suffixes ($args{suffixes}) should be 1000, 1024, 1024000 or an array ref";
-  "negative numbers are not allowed" (??)
-=head1 TO DO
-A function C<parse_bytes>
-  parse_bytes($str, $options)
-which transforms '1k' to 1000, '1K' to 1024, '1MB' to 1E6,
-'1M' to 1024*1024, etc. (like gnu du).
-  $str =~ /^\s*(\d*\.?\d*)\s*(\S+)/ # $num $suffix
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-F<lib/human.c> and F<lib/human.h> in GNU coreutils.
-The C<_convert()> solution by COG in Filesys::DiskUsage.
-=head1 BUGS
-Please report bugs via CPAN RT L<>
-or L<mailto://>. I will not be able to close the bug
-as BestPractical ignore my claims that I cannot log in, but I will answer anyway.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Adriano R. Ferreira, E<lt>ferreira@cpan.orgE<gt>
-Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Adriano R. Ferreira
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Number::Bytes::Human;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.09';
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(format_bytes parse_bytes);
+require POSIX;
+use Carp qw(croak carp);
+#my $DEFAULT_BLOCK = 1024;
+#my $DEFAULT_ZERO = '0';
+#my $DEFAULT_ROUND_STYLE = 'ceil';
+  1024 => ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'],
+  1000 => ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'],
+  1024000 => ['', 'M', 'T', 'E', 'Y'],
+  si_1024 => ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'],
+  si_1000 => ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'],
+sub _default_suffixes {
+  my $set = shift || 1024;
+  if (exists $DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{$set}) {
+    return @{$DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{$set}} if wantarray;
+    return [ @{$DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{$set}} ];
+  }
+  croak "unknown suffix set '$set'";
+  ceil => sub { return POSIX::ceil($_[0] * (10 ** $_[1])) / 10**$_[1]; },
+  floor => sub { return POSIX::floor($_[0] * (10 ** $_[1])) / 10**$_[1]; },
+  round => sub { return sprintf( "%." . ( $_[1] || 0 ) . "f", $_[0] ); },
+  trunc => sub { return sprintf( "%d", $_[0] * (10 ** $_[1])) / 10**$_[1]; },
+  # what about 'ceiling'?
+sub _round_function {
+  my $style = shift;
+  if (exists $ROUND_FUNCTIONS{$style}) {
+    return $ROUND_FUNCTIONS{$style}
+  }
+  croak "unknown round style '$style'";
+# options
+#   block | block_size | base | bs => 1024 | 1000
+#   base_1024 | block_1024 | 1024 => $true
+#   base_1000 | block_1000 | 1000 => $true
+#   round_function => \&
+#   round_style => 'ceiling', 'round', 'floor', 'trunc'
+#   suffixes => 1024 | 1000 | si_1024 | si_1000 | 1024000 | \@
+#   si => 1
+#   unit => string (eg., 'B' | 'bps' | 'b')
+#   zero => '0' (default) | '-' | '0%S' | undef
+#   supress_point_zero | no_point_zero =>
+#   b_to_i => 1
+#   to_s => \&
+#   allow_minus => 0 | 1
+#   too_large => string
+#   quiet => 1 (supresses "too large number" warning)
+#   precision => integer
+# parsed options
+#   BLOCK => 1024 | 1000
+#   ROUND_STYLE => 'ceil', 'round', 'floor', 'trunc'
+#   SUFFIXES => \@
+#   ZERO =>
+#   SI => undef | 1			Parse SI compatible
+=begin private
+  $options = _parse_args($seed, $args)
+  $options = _parse_args($seed, arg1 => $val1, ...)
+$seed is undef or a hashref
+$args is a hashref
+=end private
+sub _parse_args {
+  my $seed = shift;
+  my %args;
+  my %options;
+  unless (defined $seed) { # use defaults
+    $options{BLOCK} = 1024;
+    $options{ROUND_STYLE} = 'ceil';
+    $options{ROUND_FUNCTION} = _round_function($options{ROUND_STYLE});
+    $options{ZERO} = '0';
+    $options{SI} = undef;
+    $options{PRECISION} = 1;
+    $options{PRECISION_CUTOFF} = 1;
+    #$options{SUFFIXES} = # deferred to the last minute when we know BLOCK, seek [**]
+    $options{UNIT} = undef;
+  }
+  # else { %options = %$seed } # this is set if @_!=0, down below
+  if (@_==0) { # quick return for default values (no customized args)
+    return (defined $seed) ? $seed : \%options;
+  } elsif (@_==1 && ref $_[0]) { # \%args
+    %args = %{$_[0]};
+  } else { # arg1 => $val1, arg2 => $val2
+    %args = @_;
+  }
+  # this is done here so this assignment/copy doesn't happen if @_==0
+  %options = %$seed unless %options;
+# block | block_size | base | bs => 1024 | 1000
+# block_1024 | base_1024 | 1024 => $true
+# block_1000 | base_1000 | 1024 => $true
+  if ($args{block} ||
+      $args{block_size} ||
+      $args{base} ||
+      $args{bs}
+    ) {
+    my $block = $args{block} ||
+                $args{block_size} ||
+                $args{base} ||
+                $args{bs};
+    unless ($block==1000 || $block==1024 || $block==1_024_000) {
+      croak "invalid base: $block (should be 1024, 1000 or 1024000)";
+    }
+    $options{BLOCK} = $block;
+  } elsif ($args{block_1024} ||
+           $args{base_1024}  ||
+           $args{1024}) {
+    $options{BLOCK} = 1024;
+  } elsif ($args{block_1000} ||
+           $args{base_1000}  ||
+           $args{1000}) {
+    $options{BLOCK} = 1000;
+  }
+# round_function => \&
+# round_style => 'ceil' | 'floor' | 'round' | 'trunc'
+  if ($args{round_function}) {
+    unless (ref $args{round_function} eq 'CODE') {
+      croak "round function ($args{round_function}) should be a code ref";
+    }
+    $options{ROUND_FUNCTION} = $args{round_function};
+    $options{ROUND_STYLE} = $args{round_style} || 'unknown';
+  } elsif ($args{round_style}) {
+    $options{ROUND_FUNCTION} = _round_function($args{round_style});
+    $options{ROUND_STYLE} = $args{round_style};
+  }
+# SI compatibility (mostly for parsing)
+  if ($args{si}) {
+    $options{SI} = 1;
+  }
+# suffixes => 1024 | 1000 | si_1024 | si_1000 | 1024000 | \@
+  if ($args{suffixes}) {
+    if (ref $args{suffixes} eq 'ARRAY') {
+      $options{SUFFIXES} = $args{suffixes};
+    } elsif ($args{suffixes} =~ /^(si_)?(1000|1024)$/) {
+      $options{SUFFIXES} = _default_suffixes($args{suffixes});
+    } else {
+      croak "suffixes ($args{suffixes}) should be 1024, 1000, si_1024, si_1000, 1024000 or an array ref";
+    }
+  }
+  if (defined $args{unit}) {
+    $options{UNIT} = $args{unit};
+  }
+# zero => undef | string
+  if (exists $args{zero}) {
+    $options{ZERO} = $args{zero};
+    if (defined $options{ZERO}) {
+      $options{ZERO} =~ s/%S/$options{SUFFIXES}->[0]/g
+    }
+  }
+# precision => <integer>
+  if (exists $args{precision} and $args{precision} =~ /\A\d+\z/) {
+    $options{PRECISION} = $args{precision};
+  }
+# precision_cutoff => <intenger>
+  if (exists $args{precision_cutoff} and ($args{precision_cutoff} =~ /\A\d+\z/ or $args{precision_cutoff} = '-1')) {
+    $options{PRECISION_CUTOFF} = $args{precision_cutoff};
+  }
+# quiet => 1
+  if ($args{quiet}) {
+    $options{QUIET} = 1;
+  }
+  if (defined $seed) {
+    %$seed = %options;
+    return $seed;
+  }
+  return \%options
+# NOTE. _format_bytes() SHOULD not change $options - NEVER.
+sub _format_bytes {
+  my $bytes = shift;
+  return undef unless defined $bytes;
+  my $options = shift;
+  my %options = %$options;
+  local *human_round = $options{ROUND_FUNCTION};
+  return $options{ZERO} if ($bytes==0 && defined $options{ZERO});
+  my $block = $options{BLOCK};
+  # if a suffix set was not specified, pick a default [**]
+  my @suffixes = $options{SUFFIXES} ? @{$options{SUFFIXES}} : _default_suffixes( ($options{SI} ? 'si_' : '') . $block);
+  my $sign = '';
+  if ($bytes<0) {
+     $bytes = -$bytes;
+     $sign = '-';
+  }
+  my $suffix = $suffixes[0];
+  my $x = $bytes;
+  my $magnitude = 0;
+  if($bytes >= $block) {
+  #  return "$sign$bytes" if $bytes<$block;
+    do {
+      $x /= $block;
+      $magnitude++;
+    } while ( human_round($x, $options{PRECISION}) >= $block );
+    if($magnitude >= (0 + @suffixes)) {
+      carp "number too large (>= $block**$magnitude)" unless ($options{QUIET});
+    }
+    $suffix = $suffixes[$magnitude];
+  }
+  #$x = human_round( $x, $options{PRECISION} );
+  $x = _precision_cutoff($x, $options);
+  #reasses encase the precision_cutoff caused the value to cross the block size
+  if($x >= $block) {
+    $x /= $block;
+    $magnitude++;
+    if($magnitude >= (0 + @suffixes)) {
+      carp "number too large (>= $block**$magnitude)" unless ($options{QUIET});
+    }
+    $suffix = $suffixes[$magnitude];
+    $x = _precision_cutoff($x, $options);
+  }
+  my $unit = $options{UNIT} || '';
+  return $sign . $x . $suffix . $unit;
+sub _precision_cutoff {
+ my $bytes   = shift;
+ my $options = shift;
+ my %options = %$options;
+ if ( $options{PRECISION_CUTOFF} != -1 and ( length( sprintf( "%d", $bytes ) ) > $options{PRECISION_CUTOFF} ) ) {
+   $bytes = sprintf( "%d", human_round( $bytes, 0 ) );
+ } else {
+   $bytes = sprintf( "%." . $options{PRECISION} . "f", human_round( $bytes, $options{PRECISION} ) );
+ }
+ return $bytes;
+sub _parse_bytes {
+  my $human = shift;
+  my $options = shift;
+  my %options = %$options;
+  return 0 if( exists $options{ZERO} && ((!defined $options{ZERO} && !defined $human) || (defined $human && $human eq $options{ZERO})) );
+  return undef unless defined $human;
+  my %suffix_mult;
+  my %suffix_block;
+  my $m;
+  if( $options{SUFFIXES} ) {
+    $m = 1;
+    foreach my $s (@{$options{SUFFIXES}}) {
+      $suffix_mult{$s} = $m;
+      $suffix_block{$s} = $options{BLOCK};
+      $m *= $suffix_block{$s};
+    }
+  } else {
+    if( !defined $options{SI} || $options{SI} == 1 ) {
+      # If SI compatibility has been set BLOCK is ignored as it is infered from the unit
+      $m = 1;
+      foreach my $s (@{$DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{si_1000}}) {
+        $suffix_mult{$s} = $m;
+        $suffix_block{$s} = 1000;
+        $m *= $suffix_block{$s};
+      }
+      $m = 1;
+      foreach my $s (@{$DEFAULT_SUFFIXES{si_1024}}) {
+        $suffix_mult{$s} = $m;
+        $suffix_block{$s} = 1024;
+        $m *= $suffix_block{$s};
+      }
+    }
+    # The regular suffixes are only taken into account in default mode without specifically asking for SI compliance
+    if( !defined $options{SI} ) {
+      $m = 1;
+      foreach my $s (_default_suffixes( $options{BLOCK} )) {
+        $suffix_mult{$s} = $m;
+        $suffix_block{$s} = $options{BLOCK};
+        $m *= $suffix_block{$s};
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  my ($sign, $int, $frac, $unit) = ($human =~ /^\s*(-?)\s*(\d*)(?:\.(\d*))?\s*(\D*)$/);
+  $frac ||= 0;
+#  print STDERR "S: $sign I: $int F: $frac U: $unit\n";
+  my $mult;
+  my $block;
+  my $u = $options{UNIT} || '';
+  foreach my $s (keys %suffix_block) {
+    if( $unit =~ /^${s}${u}$/i ) {
+      $mult = ($sign eq '-' ? -1 : 1) * $suffix_mult{$s};
+      $block = $suffix_block{$s};
+      last;
+    }
+  }
+  if( !defined $mult ) {
+    carp "Could not parse human readable byte value '$human'";
+use Data::Dumper;
+print STDERR Dumper( %suffix_block );
+    return undef;
+  }
+  my $bytes = int( ($int + ($frac / $block)) * $mult );
+  return $bytes;
+# convert byte count (file size) to human readable format
+sub format_bytes {
+  my $bytes = shift;
+  my $options = _parse_args(undef, @_);
+  #use YAML; print Dump $options;
+  return _format_bytes($bytes, $options);
+# convert human readable format to byte count (file size)
+sub parse_bytes {
+  my $human = shift;
+  my $options = _parse_args(undef, @_);
+  #use YAML; print Dump $options;
+  return _parse_bytes($human, $options);
+### the OO way
+# new()
+sub new {
+  my $proto = shift;
+  my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+  my $opts = _parse_args(undef, @_);
+  return bless $opts, $class;
+# set_options()
+sub set_options {
+  my $self = shift;
+  return $self->_parse_args(@_);
+# format()
+sub format {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $bytes = shift;
+  return _format_bytes($bytes, $self);
+# parse()
+sub parse {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $human = shift;
+  return _parse_bytes($human, $self);
+# the solution by COG in Filesys::DiskUsage
+# convert size to human readable format
+#sub _convert {
+#  defined (my $size = shift) || return undef;
+#  my $config = {@_};
+#  $config->{human} || return $size;
+#  my $block = $config->{'Human-readable'} ? 1000 : 1024;
+#  my @args = qw/B K M G/;
+#  while (@args && $size > $block) {
+#    shift @args;
+#    $size /= $block;
+#  }
+#  if ($config->{'truncate-readable'} > 0) {
+#    $size = sprintf("%.$config->{'truncate-readable'}f",$size);
+#  }
+#  "$size$args[0]";
+# not exact: 1024 => 1024B instead of 1K
+# not nicely formatted => 1.00 instead of 1K
+=head1 NAME
+Number::Bytes::Human - Convert byte count to human readable format
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Number::Bytes::Human qw(format_bytes parse_bytes);
+  $size = format_bytes(0); # '0'
+  $size = format_bytes(2*1024); # '2.0K'
+  $size = format_bytes(1_234_890, bs => 1000); # '1.3M'
+  $size = format_bytes(1E9, bs => 1000); # '1.0G'
+  my $bytes = parse_bytes('1.0K');   # 1024
+  my $bytes = parse_bytes('1.0KB');  # 1000, SI unit
+  my $bytes = parse_bytes('1.0KiB'); # 1024, SI unit
+  # the OO way
+  $human = Number::Bytes::Human->new(bs => 1000, si => 1);
+  $size = $human->format(1E7); # '10MB'
+  $bytes = $human->parse('10MB');   # 10*1000*1000
+  $bytes = $human->parse('10MiB');  # 10*1024*1024
+  $bytes = $human->parse('10M');    # Error, no SI unit
+  $human->set_options(zero => '-');
+  $size = $human->format(0);    # '-'
+  $bytes = $human->parse('-');  # 0
+  $human = Number::Bytes::Human->new(bs => 1000, round_style => 'round', precision => 2);
+  $size = $human->format(10240000); # '10.24MB'
+This module provides a formatter which turns byte counts
+to usual readable format, like '2.0K', '3.1G', '100B'.
+It was inspired in the C<-h> option of Unix
+utilities like C<du>, C<df> and C<ls> for "human-readable" output.
+From the FreeBSD man page of C<df>:
+  "Human-readable" output.  Use unit suffixes: Byte, Kilobyte,
+  Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte in order to reduce the
+  number of digits to four or fewer using base 2 for sizes.
+  byte      B
+  kilobyte  K = 2**10 B = 1024 B
+  megabyte  M = 2**20 B = 1024 * 1024 B
+  gigabyte  G = 2**30 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
+  terabyte  T = 2**40 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
+  petabyte  P = 2**50 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
+  exabyte   E = 2**60 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
+  zettabyte Z = 2**70 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
+  yottabyte Y = 2**80 B = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 B
+I have found this link to be quite useful:
+If you feel like a hard-drive manufacturer, you can start
+counting bytes by powers of 1000 (instead of the generous 1024).
+Just use C<< bs => 1000 >>.
+But if you are a floppy disk manufacturer and want to start
+counting in units of 1024000 (for your "1.44 MB" disks)?
+Then use C<< bs => 1_024_000 >>.
+If you feel like a purist academic, you can force the use of
+metric prefixes
+according to the Dec 1998 standard by the IEC. Never mind the units for base 1000
+are C<('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB')> and,
+even worse, the ones for base 1024 are
+C<('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB')>
+with the horrible names: bytes, kibibytes, mebibytes, etc.
+All you have to do is to use C<< si => 1 >>. Ain't that beautiful
+the SI system? Read about it:
+You can try a pure Perl C<"ls -lh">-inspired command with the one-liner, er, two-liner:
+  $ perl -MNumber::Bytes::Human=format_bytes \
+         -e 'printf "%5s %s\n", format_bytes(-s), $_ for @ARGV' *
+Why to write such a module? Because if people can write such things
+in C, it can be written much easier in Perl and then reused,
+refactored, abused. And then, when it is much improved, some
+brave soul can port it back to C (if only for the warm feeling
+of painful programming).
+It is also possible to parse human readable formatted bytes. The 
+automatic format detection recognizes SI units with the blocksizes
+of 1000 and 1024 respectively and additionally the customary K / M / G etc. with
+blocksize 1024. When si => 1 is added to the options only SI units
+are recognized. Explicitly specifying a blocksize changes it
+for all detected units.
+=head2 OBJECTS
+An alternative to the functional style of this module
+is the OO fashion. This is useful for avoiding the
+unnecessary parsing of the arguments over and over
+if you have to format lots of numbers
+  for (@sizes) {
+    my $fmt_size = format_bytes($_, @args);
+    ...
+  }
+  my $human = Number::Format::Bytes->new(@args);
+  for (@sizes) {
+    my $fmt_size = $human->format($_);
+    ...
+  }
+for TODO
+[TODO] MAKE IT JUST A MATTER OF STYLE: memoize _parse_args()
+$seed == undef
+=over 4
+=item B<format_bytes>
+  $h_size = format_bytes($size, @options);
+Turns a byte count (like 1230) to a readable format like '1.3K'.
+You have a bunch of options to play with. See the section
+L</"OPTIONS"> to know the details.
+=item B<parse_bytes>
+  $size = parse_bytes($h_size, @options);
+Turns a human readable byte count into a number of the equivalent bytes.
+=head2 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item B<new>
+  $h = Number::Bytes::Human->new(@options);
+The constructor. For details on the arguments, see the section
+=item B<format>
+  $h_size = $h->format($size);
+Turns a byte count (like 1230) to a readable format like '1.3K'.
+The statements
+  $h = Number::Bytes::Human->new(@options);
+  $h_size = $h->format($size);
+are equivalent to C<$h_size = format_bytes($size, @options)>,
+with only one pass for the option arguments.
+=item B<parse>
+  $size = $h->parse($h_size)
+Turns a human readable byte count into the number of bytes.
+The statements
+  $h = Number::Bytes::Human->new(@options);
+  $size = $h->format($h_size);
+are equivalent to C<$size = parse_bytes($h_size, @options)>,
+with only one pass for the option arguments.
+=item B<set_options>
+  $h->set_options(@options);
+To alter the options of a C<Number::Bytes::Human> object.
+See L</"OPTIONS">.
+=head2 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item BASE
+  block | base | block_size | bs => 1000 | 1024 | 1024000
+  base_1024 | block_1024 | 1024 => 1
+  base_1000 | block_1000 | 1000 => 1
+The base to be used: 1024 (default), 1000 or 1024000.
+Any other value throws an exception.
+  suffixes => 1000 | 1024 | 1024000 | si_1000 | si_1024 | $arrayref
+By default, the used suffixes stand for '', 'K', 'M', ...
+for base 1024 and '', 'k', 'M', ... for base 1000
+(which are indeed the usual metric prefixes with implied unit
+as bytes, 'B'). For the weird 1024000 base, suffixes are
+'', 'M', 'T', etc.
+=item ZERO
+  zero => string | undef
+The string C<0> maps to ('0' by default). If C<undef>, the general case is used.
+The string may contain '%S' in which case the suffix for byte is used.
+  format_bytes(0, zero => '-') => '-'
+  si => 1
+=item ROUND
+  round_function => $coderef
+  round_style => 'ceil' | 'floor' | 'round' | 'trunc'
+=item TO_S
+=item QUIET
+  quiet => 1
+Suppresses the warnings emitted. Currently, the only case is
+when the number is large than C<$base**(@suffixes+1)>.
+  precision => <integer>
+default = 1
+sets the precicion of digits, only apropreacte for round_style 'round' or if you
+want to accept it in as the second parameter to your custome round_function.
+  precision_cutoff => <integer>
+default = 1
+when the number of digits exceeds this number causes the precision to be cutoff
+(was default behaviour in 0.07 and below)
+=head2 EXPORT
+It is alright to import C<format_bytes> and C<parse_bytes>, but nothing is exported by default.
+  "unknown round style '$style'";
+  "invalid base: $block (should be 1024, 1000 or 1024000)";
+  "round function ($args{round_function}) should be a code ref";
+  "suffixes ($args{suffixes}) should be 1000, 1024, 1024000 or an array ref";
+  "negative numbers are not allowed" (??)
+=head1 TO DO
+A function C<parse_bytes>
+  parse_bytes($str, $options)
+which transforms '1k' to 1000, '1K' to 1024, '1MB' to 1E6,
+'1M' to 1024*1024, etc. (like gnu du).
+  $str =~ /^\s*(\d*\.?\d*)\s*(\S+)/ # $num $suffix
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+F<lib/human.c> and F<lib/human.h> in GNU coreutils.
+The C<_convert()> solution by COG in Filesys::DiskUsage.
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report bugs via CPAN RT L<>
+or L<mailto://>. I will not be able to close the bug
+as BestPractical ignore my claims that I cannot log in, but I will answer anyway.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Adriano R. Ferreira, E<lt>ferreira@cpan.orgE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Adriano R. Ferreira
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
 --- #YAML:1.0
-name:                Number-Bytes-Human
-version:             0.07
-abstract:            Convert byte count to human readable format
-license:             perl
-generated_by:        ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.32
-distribution_type:   module
-    Carp:                          0
-    POSIX:                         0
-    Test::More:                    0
-    url:
-    version: 1.2
+name:               Number-Bytes-Human
+version:            0.09
+abstract:           Convert byte count to human readable format
     - A. R. Ferreira <>
-    Test::Pod:                     1.18
-    #bignum:                        0
-no_index: ~
-installdirs: site
+license:            perl
+distribution_type:  module
+    ExtUtils::MakeMaker:  0
+    ExtUtils::MakeMaker:  0
+    Carp:        0
+    POSIX:       0
+    Test::More:  0
+    directory:
+        - t
+        - inc
+generated_by:       ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.55_02
+    url:
+    version:  1.4
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 use 5.006;
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
         POSIX                    => 0,
         Carp                     => 0,
         Test::More               => 0,
-    }, 
+    },
     ($] >= 5.005 ?
       (ABSTRACT_FROM  => '', # retrieve abstract from module
        AUTHOR         => 'A. R. Ferreira <>',
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-Number::Bytes::Human 0.07
-* we need a real README
-* finish docs
-* write parse_bytes
-* include memoizing
-* write a benchmark: unmemoized vs. memoized vs. object
-What I update when releasing 
-* README first line
-* META.yml version
-* add new entries to Changes
+Number::Bytes::Human 0.09
+* we need a real README
+* finish docs
+* include memoizing
+* write a benchmark: unmemoized vs. memoized vs. object
+* add test cases for rounding
+What I update when releasing 
+* README first line
+* META.yml version
+* add new entries to Changes
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 #!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 27;
+use Test::More tests => 50;
-use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes');
+use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes', 'parse_bytes');
-our @TESTS = (
+our @TESTS_EXACT = (
   '0' => '0',
-  '1' => '1',
-  '-1' => '-1',
+  '1' => '1.0',   #'1', mafoo - with the default being precision 1 with cutoff digits 1
+  '-1' => '-1.0', #'-1', mafoo - with the default being precision 1 with cutoff digits 1
   '10' => '10',
   '100' => '100',
   '400' => '400',
@@ -19,13 +19,10 @@ our @TESTS = (
   '1<<10' => '1.0K',
   '1023' => '1023',
   '1024' => '1.0K',
-  '1025' => '1.1K',
   '2048' => '2.0K',
   '10*1024' => '10K',
-  '10*1024+1' => '11K',
   '500*1024' => '500K',
   '1023*1024' => '1023K',
-  '1023*1024+1' => '1.0M',
   '1024*1024' => '1.0M',
   '2**30' => '1.0G',
   '2**80' => '1.0Y',
@@ -33,10 +30,23 @@ our @TESTS = (
   #'1025*2**80' => '1025Y', # TODO
-is(format_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
+our @TESTS_ROUND = (
+  '1025' => '1.1K',
+  '10*1024+1' => '11K',
+  '1023*1024+1' => '1.0M',
-while (my ($exp, $expected) = splice @TESTS, 0, 2) {
+# Format tests
+is(format_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
+while (my ($exp, $expected) = splice @TESTS_ALL, 0, 2) {
   $num = eval $exp;
   is(format_bytes($num), $expected, "$exp is $expected");
+# Parse tests
+is(parse_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
+while (my ($exp, $expected) = splice @TESTS_EXACT, 0, 2) {
+  $num = eval $exp;
+  is(parse_bytes($expected), $num, "parsing $expected should result in $num");
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 use Test::More;
 if (eval 'require bignum') {
-  plan tests => 4;
+  plan tests => 5;
 } else {
   plan skip_all => 'bignum is not available';
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ if (eval 'require bignum') {
 # this script tests format_bytes() with large (very large) numbers
-use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes');
+use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes', 'parse_bytes');
 our @TESTS = (
   '2**80', 2**80, '1.0Y',
-  '1023*2**80', 1023*(2**80), '1023Y',
-  '1024*2**80', 1024*(2**80), '1024Y' # TODO
+  '1023*(2**80)', 1023*(2**80), '1023Y',
+  #'1024*(2**80)', 1024*(2**80), '1024Y' # should fail number is to large
@@ -24,4 +24,5 @@ our @TESTS = (
 while (my ($exp, $num, $expected) = splice @TESTS, 0, 3) {
   is(format_bytes($num), $expected, "$exp is $expected");
+  is(parse_bytes($expected), $num, "parsing $expected should result in $num");
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 #!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 17;
+use Test::More tests => 32;
-use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes');
+use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes', 'parse_bytes');
-our @TESTS = (
+our @TESTS_EXACT = (
   '0' => '0',
-  '1' => '1',
-  '-1' => '-1',
+  '1' => '1.0',   #'1', mafoo - with the default being precision 1 with cutoff digits 1
+  '-1' => '-1.0', #'-1', mafoo - with the default being precision 1 with cutoff digits 1
   '10' => '10',
   '100' => '100',
   '400' => '400',
@@ -15,17 +15,27 @@ our @TESTS = (
   '600' => '600',
   '900' => '900',
   '1000' => '1.0k',
-  '1001' => '1.1k',
   '2000' => '2.0k',
   '10*1000' => '10k',
   '500*1000' => '500k',
   '1000*1000' => '1.0M',
-is(format_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
+our @TESTS_ROUND = (
+  '1001' => '1.1k',
-while (my ($exp, $expected) = splice @TESTS, 0, 2) {
+# Format tests
+is(format_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
+while (my ($exp, $expected) = splice @TESTS_ALL, 0, 2) {
   $num = eval $exp;
   is(format_bytes($num, bs => 1000), $expected, "$exp is $expected");
+# Parse tests
+is(parse_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
+while (my ($exp, $expected) = splice @TESTS_EXACT, 0, 2) {
+  $num = eval $exp;
+  is(parse_bytes($expected, bs => 1000), $num, "parsing $expected should result in $num");
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More tests => 11;
-use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes');
+use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes', 'parse_bytes');
 is(format_bytes(0), '0', "0 turns to '0' by default");
 is(format_bytes(0, zero => '-'), '-', "0 turns to '-'");
@@ -10,5 +10,10 @@ is(format_bytes(0, zero => '*'), '*', "0 turns to '*'");
 is(format_bytes(0, zero => '0%S', suffixes => [ 'B' ]), '0B', "0 turns to '0B'");
 # zero => undef
-is(format_bytes(0, zero => undef, suffixes => [ ' B' ]), '0 B', "0 turns to '0 B'");
+is(format_bytes(0, zero => undef, suffixes => [ ' B' ]), '0.0 B', "0 turns to '0.0 B'");   #'0 B', wrong with the default being precision 1 with cutoff digits 1 and zero being undef
+is(parse_bytes(undef, zero => undef), 0, "undef maps to 0");   # undef maps to 0 if zero is to be recognized as undef
+is(parse_bytes('0'), 0, "0 turns to '0' by default");
+is(parse_bytes('-', zero => '-'), 0, "0 turns to '-'");
+is(parse_bytes('*', zero => '*'), 0, "0 turns to '*'");
+is(parse_bytes('0B', zero => '0%S', suffixes => [ 'B' ]), 0, "0 turns to '0B'");
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 #!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More tests => 20;
-use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes');
+use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes', 'parse_bytes');
+# Checks for format_bytes
 is(format_bytes(0, si => 1), '0', "0 still turns to '0' on SI with base 1024");
 is(format_bytes(0, si => 1, bs => 1000), '0', "0 still turns to '0' on SI with base 1000");
@@ -12,4 +13,20 @@ is(format_bytes(10E6, si => 1, bs => 1000), '10MB', "10E6 turns to '10MB' on SI
 is(format_bytes(1000, si => 1), '1000B', "1000 turns to '1000B' on SI with base 1024");
+# Checks for parse_bytes
+is(parse_bytes('0'), 0, "'0' still turns to 0");
+is(parse_bytes('0', si => 1), 0, "'0' still turns to 0 with SI only enabled");
+is(parse_bytes('0', si => 1, bs => 1000), 0, "'0' still turns to 0 with SI only enabled and base 1000");
+is(parse_bytes('1.0K'), 1024, "'1.0K' turns to 1024");
+is(parse_bytes('1.0K', bs => 1000), 1000, "'1.0K' turns to 1000 with base 1000");
+is(parse_bytes('1.0kB'), 1000, "'1.0kB' turns to 1000");
+is(parse_bytes('1.0kB', si => 1), 1000, "'1.0kB' turns to 1000 with SI only enabled");
+is(parse_bytes('1.0KiB'), 1024, "'1.0KiB' turns to 1024");
+is(parse_bytes('1.0KiB', si => 1), 1024, "'1.0kB' turns to 1024 with SI only enabled");
+is(parse_bytes('10MB'), 10E6, "10MB turns to 10E6 on SI with base 1000");
+is(parse_bytes('10MB', si => 1), 10E6, "10MB turns to 10E6 on SI");
+is(parse_bytes('10MiB', si => 1), 10*1024*1024, "10MB turns to 10*1024^2 on SI");
+is(parse_bytes('1000B'), 1000, "'1000B' turns to 1000");
+is(parse_bytes('1000B', si => 1), 1000, "'1000B' turns to 1000 even when accepting only SI units");
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 #!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
-use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes');
+use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes', 'parse_bytes');
+# Checks for format_bytes
 is(format_bytes(0, bs => 1000, unit => 'bps'), '0', "0 is still '0'");
 is(format_bytes(200, bs => 1000, unit => 'bps'), '200bps', "200 is '200bps'"); 
-is(format_bytes(2000, bs => 1000, unit => 'bps'), '2.0Kbps', "2000 is '2.0Kbps'"); 
+is(format_bytes(2000, bs => 1000, unit => 'bps'), '2.0kbps', "2000 is '2.0kbps'"); 
+# Checks for parse_bytes
+is(parse_bytes('0', bs => 1000, unit => 'bps'), 0, "'0' is still 0");
+is(parse_bytes('200bps', bs => 1000, unit => 'bps'), 200, "'200bps' is 200"); 
+is(parse_bytes('2.0Kbps', bs => 1000, unit => 'bps'), 2000, "'2.0Kbps' is 2000"); 
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 #!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 14;
+use Test::More tests => 27;
-use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes');
+use_ok('Number::Bytes::Human', 'format_bytes', 'parse_bytes');
 our @TESTS = (
   '0' => '0',
-  '1' => '1',
-  '-1' => '-1',
+  '1' => '1.0',   #'1', wrong with the default being precision 1 with cutoff digits 1
+  '-1' => '-1.0', #'-1', wrong with the default being precision 1 with cutoff digits 1
   '10' => '10',
   '100' => '100',
   '400' => '400',
@@ -16,14 +16,15 @@ our @TESTS = (
   '1_000_000' => '1000000',
   '1_024_000' => '1.0M',
   '1_024_001' => '1.1M',
-#  '1.44*1_024_001' => '1.44M', # TODO
+#  '1.44*1_024_001' => '1.44M', # TODO - Mafoo, only if you did format_bytes( 1.44 * 1_024_001, bs => 1_024_000, precision => 2, precision_cutoff => -1, round_style => 'round' )
   '1_024_000*1_024_000' => '1.0T',
 is(format_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
+is(parse_bytes(undef), undef, "undef is undef");
 while (my ($exp, $expected) = splice @TESTS, 0, 2) {
   $num = eval $exp;
-  is(format_bytes($num, bs => 1_024_000), $expected, "$exp is $expected");
+  is(format_bytes($num, bs => 1_024_000), $expected, "$exp is '$expected'");
+  is(parse_bytes($expected, bs => 1_024_000), $num, "'$expected' is $expected");
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 28;
+use Test::More tests => 30;
 # script for testing the internal sub &_parse_args()
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ is_deeply(
 ## OPTION si
   _parse_args({}, { si => 1, bs => 1000 }),
-  { BLOCK => 1000, SUFFIXES => [ qw(B kB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB) ] }, "si => 1, bs => 1000 works");
+  { SI => 1, BLOCK => 1000 }, "si => 1, bs => 1000 works");
   _parse_args({}, { si => 1, bs => 1024 }),
-  { BLOCK => 1024, SUFFIXES => [ qw(B KiB MiB GiB TiB PiB EiB ZiB YiB) ] }, "si => 1, bs => 1024 works");
+  { SI => 1, BLOCK => 1024 }, "si => 1, bs => 1024 works");
 ## option ZERO
@@ -132,6 +132,17 @@ is_deeply(
   _parse_args({ SUFFIXES => [ 'X' ]}, { zero => '0%S' }),
-  { ZERO => '0X', SUFFIXES => [ 'X' ] }, 
+  { ZERO => '0X', SUFFIXES => [ 'X' ] },
   "zero => '0%S' works");
+## option PRECISION
+  _parse_args({}, { precision => '2' }),
+  { PRECISION => '2' }, "precision => '2' works");
+  _parse_args({}, { precision_cutoff => '-1' }),
+  { PRECISION_CUTOFF => '-1' }, "precision_cutoff => '-1' works");
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ my $human = Number::Bytes::Human->new(bs => 1000, si => 1);
 isa_ok($human, 'Number::Bytes::Human');
 is($human->format(1E7), '10MB');
+is($human->parse('10MB'), 1E7);
 is($human->set_options(zero => '-'), $human);
 is($human->format(0), '-');
+is($human->parse('-'), 0);
diff --git a/var/tmp/source/FERREIRA/Number-Bytes-Human-0.07/Number-Bytes-Human-0.07/t/98pod-coverage.t b/var/tmp/source/DAGOBERT/Number-Bytes-Human-0.09/Number-Bytes-Human-0.09/t/98pod-coverage.t
old mode 100644
new mode 100755