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22 files changed (This is a version diff) 50405144
@@ -19,3 +19,26 @@ Revision history for Perl extension Perl6::Form.
 0.04	Tue Mar  9 02:59:48 2004
     - Updated internals to mirror interface changes in Perl6::Export
+0.005  Tue Apr 29 19:48:41 2014
+    - Updated Makefile.PL to note Perl6::Export 0.07 dependency
+    - Added support for separated integers: {>>,>>>,>>}
+    - Misc. doc patches (thanks Jerrad)
+    - Fixed handling of declarative two-column fields (thanks David)
+    - Fixed infinite loop when page length too short for headers and 
+      at least one line of content
+    - Fixed doc examples so arrays are always obviously passed
+      by reference
@@ -1,4988 +0,0 @@
-package Perl6::Form;
-use 5.008;
-our $VERSION = '0.04';
-use Perl6::Export;
-use Scalar::Util qw( readonly );
-use List::Util   qw( max min first );
-use Carp;
-use charnames ':full';
-my %caller_opts;
-sub fatal {
-	croak @_, "\nin call to &form";
-sub defined_or_space {
-	return " " if !defined $_[0] || length $_[0] == 0; 
-	return $_[0];
-sub boolean {
-	return $_[0] ? 1 : 0;
-sub pattern {
-	return $_[0] if ref $_[0] eq 'Regexp';
-	return $_[0] ? qr/(?=)/ : qr/(?!)/;
-sub code {
-	my ($newval, $name ) = @_;
-	my $type = ref($newval) || "'$newval'";
-	fatal "Value for '$name' option must be code reference (not $type)"
-			unless $type eq 'CODE';
-	return $newval;
-my %std_one = (
-	'=' => '{=[{1}[=}',
-	'_' => '{_[{1}[_}',
-sub one_char {
-	my ($newval, undef, $opts ) = @_;
-	$newval = [ $newval ] unless ref $newval eq 'ARRAY';
-	for (@$newval) {
-		fatal "Value for 'single' option must be single character (not '$_')"
-			if length() != 1;
-		$opts->{field} =
-			user_def([qr/\Q$_\E/, $std_one{$_}||'{[{1}[}'], 'single', $opts);
-	}
-	return;
-sub layout_word {
-	fatal "Value for layout option must be 'across', 'down', 'balanced', ",
-		  "or 'tabular\n(not '$_[0]')"
-			unless $_[0] =~ /^(across|down|balanced|tabular)$/;
-	return $_[0];
-sub pos_integer {
-	fatal "Value for '$_[1]' option must be positive integer (not $_[0])"
-			unless int($_[0]) eq $_[0] && $_[0] > 0;
-	return $_[0];
-sub strings_or_undef {
-	my ($val, $name) = @_;
-	my $type = ref $val;
-	if (!defined $val) { $val = [] }
-	elsif (!$type)     { $val = [ "$val" ] }
-	fatal "Value for '$name' option must be string, array of strings, or undef (not \L$type\E)"
-			unless ref $val eq 'ARRAY';
-	return $val;
-my $unlimited = ~0>>1;			# Ersatz infinity
-sub height_vals {
-	my ($vals) = @_;
-	my $type = ref $vals;
-	if (!defined $vals)      { $vals = {min=>0,     max=>$unlimited} }
-	elsif (!$type && $vals eq 'minimal')
-						     { $vals = {min=>0, max=>$unlimited, minimal=>1} }
-	elsif (!$type) 		     { $vals = {min=>$vals, max=>$vals}     }
-	elsif ($type eq 'HASH')  { $vals->{min}||=0;
-							   defined $vals->{max} or $vals->{max}=$unlimited;
-							 }
-	fatal "Values for height option must be positive integers (not $_[0])"
-				unless ref $vals eq 'HASH'
-					&& !grep {int($vals->{$_}) ne $vals->{$_}} qw(min max);
-	return $vals;
-my %nothing = map {$_=>sub{""}} qw(first even odd other);
-sub std_body {
-	my ($rows, $fill, $opt) = @_;
-	join("", @$rows, @$fill);
-my %std_body = (other =>\&std_body);
-my %def_page = (
-	length => $unlimited,
-	width  => 78,
-	header => \%nothing,		# Args: ($opts)
-	footer => \%nothing,		# Args: ($opts)
-	body   => \%std_body,		# Args: ($body_rows, $body_len, $opts)
-	feed   => \%nothing,		# Args: ($opts)
-	number => undef,
-sub form_body {
-	my ($format) = @_;
-	$format = '{[{*}[}' unless defined $format;
-	return sub {
-		my ($rows, $fill, $opt) = @_;
-		my %form_opts = ( page=>{width => $opt->{page}{width}} );
-		@{$form_opts{height}}{qw(min max)} = (@$rows+@$fill) x 2
-			unless $opt->{page}{length} == $unlimited;
-		return form(\%form_opts, $format, $rows);
-	}
-sub hashify {
-	my ($what, $val, $default_undef, $default_val) = @_;
-	if (!defined $val) {
-		return { other => $default_undef};
-	}
-	if (!ref $val) {
-		return { other => $default_val->($val) };
-	}
-	if (ref $val eq 'CODE') {
-		return { other => $val };
-	}
-	if (ref $val eq 'HASH') {
-		fatal "Invalid key for $what: '$_'" 
-			for grep { !/^(first|last|even|odd|other)$/ } keys %$val;
-		my %hash;
-		for (keys %$val) {
-			if (!ref $val->{$_}) {
-				$hash{$_} = $default_val->($val->{$_})
-			}
-			elsif (ref $val->{$_} ne 'CODE') {
-				fatal "Value for $what '$_' must be string or subroutine";
-			}
-			else {
-				$hash{$_} = $val->{$_};
-			}
-		}
-		return \%hash;
-	}
-	fatal "Value for $what must be string, subroutine, or hash";
-sub page_hash {
-	my ($h, undef, $opts) = @_;
-	fatal "Value for 'page' option must be hash reference (not $_)"
-		for grep $_ ne 'HASH', ref $h;
-	$h = { %{$opts->{page}}, %$h };
-	fatal "Unknown page sub-option ('$_')"
-		for grep {!exists $def_page{$_}} keys %$h;
-	fatal "Page $_ must be greater than zero"
-		for grep $h->{$_} <= 0, qw(length width);
-	$h->{body} =
-		hashify("body preprocessor", $h->{body}, \&std_body, \&form_body);
-	for (qw( header footer feed )) {
-		$h->{$_} = hashify($_, $h->{$_}, sub{""}, sub{my($str)=@_; sub{$str}});
-	}
-	return $h;
-sub filehandle {
-	fatal "Value for 'out' option must be filehandle (not '$_')"
-			for grep {$_ ne 'GLOB' } ref $_[0];
-	return $_[0];
-sub user_def {
-	my ($spec, $name, $opts) = @_;
-	my $type = ref $spec;
-	fatal "Value of 'field' option must be an array of pairs or a hash (not ",
-		  $type||"'$spec'", ")"
-				unless $type =~ /^(ARRAY|HASH)$/;
-	if ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
-		fatal "Missing value for last user-defined field ('$spec->[-1]')"
-			if @$spec % 2;
-	}
-	else {
-		$spec = [%$spec];
-	}
-	my @from = @{$opts->{field}{from}||=[]};
-	my @to   = @{$opts->{field}{to}||=[]};
-	my $count = @from;
-	for (my $i=0; $i<@$spec; $i+=2, $count++) {
-		my ($pat, $fld) = @{$spec}[$i,$i+1];
-		push @from, "$pat(?{$count})";
-		push @to,   (ref $fld eq 'CODE' ? $fld : sub{$fld});
-	}
-	return {from=>\@from, to=>\@to};
-my %std_opt = (
-	out  	=> { set => \&filehandle,		def => \*STDOUT,			},
-	ws    	=> { set => \&pattern,			def => undef,				},
-	fill 	=> { set => \&defined_or_space,	def => " ",					},
-	lfill 	=> { set => \&defined_or_space,	def => undef,				},
-	rfill 	=> { set => \&defined_or_space,	def => undef,				},
-	hfill 	=> { set => \&defined_or_space,	def => undef,				},
-	tfill 	=> { set => \&defined_or_space,	def => undef,				},
-	bfill 	=> { set => \&defined_or_space,	def => undef,				},
-	vfill 	=> { set => \&defined_or_space,	def => undef,				},
-	single	=> { set => \&one_char,         def => undef,				},
-	field 	=> { set => \&user_def,	        def => {from=>[],to=>[]}	},
-	bullet 	=> { set => \&strings_or_undef, def => []					},
-	height	=> { set => \&height_vals,		def => {min=>0, max=>$unlimited} },
-	layout	=> { set => \&layout_word,		def => 'balanced',			},
-	break 	=> { set => \&code,				def => break_at('-'),		},
-	page	=> { set => \&page_hash,		def => {%def_page},			},
-	under	=> { set => sub {"$_[0]"},		def => undef				},
-	interleave	=> { set => \&boolean,		def => 0					},
-	untrimmed  	=> { set => \&boolean,		def => 0,					},
-	locale  	=> { set => \&boolean,		def => 0,					},
-my %def_opts = map {$_=>$std_opt{$_}{def}}  keys %std_opt;
-sub get_locale_vals {   # args: $dec_mark, $thou_sep, $thou_group
-    use POSIX;
-    $lconv = POSIX::localeconv();
-    $_[0] = exists $lconv->{decimal_point} ? $lconv->{decimal_point} : "?";
-    $_[1] = exists $lconv->{thousands_sep} ? $lconv->{thousands_sep} : "";
-    $_[2] = exists $lconv->{grouping} ? [unpack "c*", $lconv->{grouping}] : [0];
-my %std_literal = (
-	break	=> \&break_lit,
-	literal	=> 1,
-	vjust	=> \&jverlit,
-	hjust	=> \&jhorlit,
-sub update(\%\%;$) {
-	my ($old, $new, $croak) = @_;
-	my @bad;
-	for my $opt (keys %$new) {
-		my $std = $std_opt{$opt};
-		push @bad, "Unknown option: $opt=>'$new->{$opt}" and next unless $std;
-		$old->{$opt} = $std->{set}->($new->{$opt}, $opt, $old);
-	}
-	if (@bad && $croak) { croak join "\n", @bad }
-	elsif (@bad)        { fatal join "\n", @bad }
-# Horizontal justifiers
-sub fillpat {
-	my ($pos, $fill, $len) = @_;
-	return "" if $len < 0;
-	return substr($fill x (($pos+$len)/length($fill)+1), $pos, $len);
-sub jhorlit {}	# literals don't need any justification
-sub jverbatim {
-	jleft(@_, precropped=>1);
-sub jleft {
-	my (undef, %val) = @_;
-	$_[0] =~ s/^\s+// unless $val{precropped};
-	my $len = length $_[0];
-	$_[0] .= fillpat($val{pos}+$len, $val{post}, $val{width}-$len);
-	substr($_[0],$val{width}) = "" unless $val{stretch};
- }
- sub jright {
-	my (undef, %val) = @_;
-	$_[0] =~ s/\s+$// unless $val{precropped};
-	$_[0] = fillpat($val{pos}, $val{pre}, $val{width}-length($_[0])) . $_[0];
-	substr($_[0],0,-$val{width}) = "" unless $val{stretch};
- }
- sub jcentre {
-	my (undef, %val) = @_;
-	$_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
-	$val{precropped} = 1;
-	my $indent = int( ($val{width}-length $_[0])/2 );
-	jleft($_[0], %val, stretch=>0, pos=>$val{pos}+$indent, width=>$val{width}-$indent);
-	jright($_[0], %val);
- }
- sub jfull {
-	my ($str, %val) = @_;
-	my $rem = $val{width};
-	$str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
-	unless ($val{last}) {
-		my $rem = $val{width}-length($str);
-		$str = reverse $str;
-		1 while $rem>0 && $str =~ s/( +)/($rem-->0?" ":"").$1/ge;
-		$_[0] = reverse $str;
-	}
-	&jleft;
- }
- sub jsingle {
-	my (undef, %val) = @_;
-	$_[0] = length $_[0] ? substr($_[0],0,1) : fillpat($val{pos}, $val{pre},1);
- }
- sub jfatal {
-	die "Internal error in &form."
- }
- sub joverflow (\%\%) {
-	$_[0]{overflow} = 1;
-	%{$_[1]} = ();
-	return \&jfatal;
- }
- sub jbullet {
-	return ($_[0],1);
- }
- sub jnum {
-	my ($fld,$precurr,$incurr,$postcurr,$width,$opts,$setplaces,$checkplaces)
-		= @_;
-	my $orig = $fld;
-	$incurr ||= qr/(?!)/;
-	my $missing = $width-length($fld);
-	if ($missing>0) { $fld = substr($fld,0,1) x $missing . $fld }
-	my ($whole, $point, $places) =
-				($fld =~ /^([]{>,.' 0]*)([.,]|\Q$incurr\E)([[}<0]*)/g);
-	$opts->{lfill} = '0' if $whole  =~ m/^0+/; 
-	$opts->{rfill} = '0' if $places =~ m/0+$/; 
-	my $comma = $whole =~ /([,.' ])/ ? $1 : '';
-	my $grouping;
-	if ($comma) {
-		$grouping = $whole =~ /,(?:\]{2},\]{3}|>{2},>{3})\z/ ? [3,2] # Subcont
-				  : $whole =~ /[,.' ](\]+|>+)\z/             ? [length($1)]
-				  : 										   undef;
-	}
-	if (defined $setplaces) {
-		$places = $setplaces;
-		$whole = $width - length($point) - $setplaces;
-	}
-	else {
-		$_ = length for $whole, $places;
-	}
-	fatal "Inconsistent number of decimal places in numeric field.\n",
-		  "Specified as $checkplaces but found $places"
-				if $checkplaces && $places != $checkplaces;
-	my $huh = ('?'x$whole).$point.('?'x$places);
-	my $duh = ('#'x$whole).$point.('#'x$places);
-	$places -= length($postcurr);
-	get_locale_vals($point, $comma, $grouping) if $opts->{locale};
-	return sub {
-		my ($orig, %val) = @_;
-		$_[0] = " "x$val{width} and return if $orig =~ /^\s*$/;
-		$orig =~ s/,|\Q$incurr\E/./ if $point ne '.';
-		my ($pre,$post) = ($precurr,$postcurr);
-		if ($orig !~ /^\s*-/) {
-			$pre  =~ s/^[(-]|[(-]$/ /g;
-			$post =~ s/^[)-]|[)-]$/ /g;
-		}
-		else {
-			$pre = $pre =~ /[(-]/ || $post =~ /[)-]/ ? "-$pre" : " $pre"
-				unless $orig = -$orig;
-		}
-		my ($fail, $str);
-		{
-			local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $fail = 1 };
-			$str = sprintf('%*.*f',$val{width},$places,$orig);
-		}
-		if ($fail) {
-			$_[0] = $huh;
-		}
-		else {
-			my($w,$p) = ($str =~ /^\s*(.*)\.(.*)$/g);
-			if ($grouping) {
-				my @groups = @$grouping;
-				my $group = shift @groups;
-				if ($group) {
-					$w =~ s/(\d)(\d{$group})\z/$1$comma$2/;
-					do {
-						$group = shift @groups if @groups;
-					} while $group && $w =~ s/(?<!,)(\d)(\d{$group})(?!\d)/$1$comma$2/;
-				}
-			}
-			if (!$val{stretch} && ($w ? length($w) : 0)+length($pre) > $whole) {
-				$_[0] = $duh;
-			}
-			else {
-				$str = $w.q(.).$p;
-				$str =~ s/(\.\d+?)(0+)$/$1/
-					unless $orig =~ /\.\d{$places,}[1-9]/;
-				$str =~ s/^/$pre/;
-				if ($val{pre} =~ /^0+$/) {
-					$str =~ s{^((\D*)(\d.*))\.}
-						     {$2 . ("0"  x ($whole-length $1)) . "$3."}e;
-					$val{pre} = " ";
-				}
-				$str =~ s/^(.*)\./$1$point/;
-				my $width = $val{width}-$whole+length($1);
-				jleft($str, %val, width=>$width, precropped=>1);
-				jright($str, %val, precropped=>1);
-				my $postlen = length($post);
-				$str =~ s/(?:[ ]{$postlen}([ ]*)|.{$postlen}())$/$post$+/
-					if $postlen;
-				$_[0] = $str;
-			}
-		}
-	}
- }
-# Vertical justifiers
-sub jverlit {
-	my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
-	push @$column, ($column->[0]||"") while @$column < $height;
-sub jmiddle {
-	my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
-	my $add = int(($height-@$column)/2);
-	splice @$column, 0, 0, ($above)x$add;
-	$add = $height-@$column;
-	push @$column, ($below)x$add;
-sub jbottom {
-	my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
-	my $pre = $height-@$column;
-	splice @$column, 0, 0, ($above)x$pre;
-sub jtop {
-	my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
-	my $post = $height-@$column;
-	push @$column, ($below)x$post;
-my $precurrpat  = qr/^(\{)   ([^]0>[<,']+?)  ([]>,'0])/x;
-my $incurrpat   = qr/([]>0]) ([^]0>[<,'. ]+?) ([[<0])  /x;
-my $postcurrpat = qr/([[<0]) ([^]0>[<]+)     (\}$)     /x;
-sub perl6_match {
-	my ($str, $pat) = @_;
-	use re 'eval';
-	if (my @vals = $str =~ /$pat/) {
-		unshift @vals, $&;
-		bless \@vals, 'Perl6::Form::Rule::Okay';
-	}
-	else {
-		bless [], 'Perl6::Form::Rule::Fail';
-	}
-my $litval;
-sub litval {
-	($litval) = @_ if @_;
-	return $litval;
-my ($fld, $udnum);
-sub fldvals {
-	($fld, $udnum) = @_ if @_;
-	return ($fld, $udnum);
-our $nestedbraces = qr/ \{ (?: (?> ((?!\{|\}).)+ ) | (??{ $nestedbraces }) )* \} /sx;
-sub segment ($\@\%$\%) {
-	my ($format, $args, $opts, $fldcnt, $argcache) = @_;
-	my $width =
-		defined $opts->{page}{width} ? $opts->{page}{width} : length($format);
-	my $userdef = join("|", @{$opts->{field}{from}}) || qr/(?!)/;
-	my $bullet  = join("|", map quotemeta, @{$opts->{bullet}}) || qr/(?!)/;
-	use re 'eval';
-	my @format;
-	while ($format =~ /\G ((?>(?:\\.|(?!$userdef|$bullet|\{).)*))
-														 (?{litval($^N)})
-						  (?: ($userdef)                 (?{fldvals($^N,$^R)})
-						    | ($bullet)                  (?{fldvals($^N,-1)})
-						    | ($nestedbraces)			 (?{fldvals($^N,undef)})
-						  )
-					  /gcsx) {
-		push @format, litval(), fldvals();
-	}
-	push @format, substr ($format, pos($format)||0);
-	my $args_req = int(@format/3);
-	my (@formatters,@starred,@vstarred);
-	for my $i (0..$args_req) {
-		my ($literal,$field,$userdef) = @format[3*$i..3*$i+2];
-		$literal =~ s/\\\{/{/g;
-		push @formatters, { %std_literal,
-							width => length($literal),
-							src	  => \$literal,
-						  };
-		$width -= length($literal);
-		if (defined $field) {
-			my %form;
-			my %fldopts = %$opts;
-			$fldcnt++;
-			my ($setwidth, $setplaces, $checkwidth, $checkplaces);
-			if (defined $userdef) {
-				if ($userdef < 0) {
-					$form{isbullet} = \"$field";
-				}
-				else {
-					my ($from,$to) =
-						map $_->[$userdef], @{$opts->{field}}{'from','to'};
-					$field = $to->(perl6_match($field,$from),\%fldopts);
-				}
-			}
-			my $fld = $field;
-			my ($precurr, $incurr, $postcurr) = ("")x3;
-			$form{width} = length $field;
-			if ($form{isbullet}) {
-				$form{vjust} = \&jtop;
-				$form{hjust} = \&jbullet;
-				$form{break} = \&break_bullet;
-				$form{src}   = [];
-				($form{bullethole} = $field) =~ s/./ /gs;
-			}
-			else {
-				$form{stretch} = !$form{isbullet} && $fld =~ s/[+]//;
-				@form{qw(verbatim break hjust)}
-					= (1, \&break_verbatim, \&jverbatim)
-						if $fld =~ /["']/ && $fld !~ /[][><]/;
-						# was: if $fld =~ /["']/ && $fld !~ /[][]/;
-				$form{trackpos} = $fld =~ s/(\{):|:(\})/$+/g;
-				$form{vjust} = $fld =~ s/=//g ? \&jmiddle
-							 : $fld =~ s/_//g ? \&jbottom
-							 :                  \&jtop
-							 ;
-				$DB::single=1;
-                ($checkwidth, $extras) = $fld =~ m/\(\s*(\d+[.,]?\d*)\s*\)/g;
-				fatal "Too many width specifications in $field" if $extras;
-				if ($checkwidth) {
-					$checkplaces = $checkwidth =~ s/[.,](\d+)// && $1;
-					for ($fld) {
-						s{([][><I|Vv"']) (\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\))}
-						 { $1 . ($1 x length $2) }xe and last;
-						s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\)) ([][><I|V"'])}
-						 { ($2 x length $1) . $2 }xe and last;
-						s{(> [.,]) (\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\))}
-						 { $1 . ('<' x length $2) }xe and last;
-						s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\)) ([.,] <)}
-						 { ('>' x length $1) . $2 }xe and last;
-						s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\)) ([.,] \[)}
-						 { (']' x length $1) . $2 }xe and last;
-						s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\))}
-						 { '[' x length $1 }xe and last;
-					}
-				}
-                ($setwidth, $extras) = $fld =~ m/\{\s*(\d+[.,]?\d*|\*)\s*\}/g
-								   and $fld =~ s/\{\s*(\d+[.,]?\d*|\*)\s*\}//;
-				fatal "Too many width specifications in $field"
-					if $extras || $setwidth && $checkwidth;
-				if ($setwidth && $setwidth =~ s/[.,](\d+)//) {
-					$setplaces = $1 || 0;
-				}
-				for ([$checkwidth, $checkplaces], [$setwidth, $setplaces]) {
-					fatal "Can't fit $_->[1] decimal place",($_->[1]!=1?'s':''),
-						  " in a $_->[0]-character field" 
-							  if defined($_->[0]) && defined($_->[1])
-							  && $_->[0] ne '*'
-							  && $_->[0] <= $_->[1];
-				}
-				$precurr =
-					$fld =~ s/$precurrpat/$1.($3 x length $2).$3/e  ? "$2" : "";
-				$incurr =
-					$fld =~ m/$incurrpat/                           ? "$2" : "";
-				$postcurr =
-					$fld =~ s/$postcurrpat/$1.($1 x length $2).$3/e ? "$2" : "";
-				if ($form{width} == 2) {
-					$fld = '[[';
-				}
-				elsif ($form{width} == 3) {
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,]) \} $/].[/x;
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ (.)    \} $/$+$+$+/x;
-				}
-				elsif ($form{width} > 3)  {
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \[)   /]$1/x;
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \<)   />$1/x;
-					$fld =~ s/(\] .* [.,]) \} $/$1\[/x;
-					$fld =~ s/(\> .* [.,]) \} $/$1</x;
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ (.) | (.) \} $/$+$+/gx;
-				}
-				$form{width} = $setwidth
-					if defined $setwidth && $setwidth ne '*';
-				if ($form{width} == 2) {
-					$fld = '[[';
-				}
-				elsif ($form{width} == 3) {
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,]) \} $/].[/x;
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ (.)    \} $/$+$+$+/x;
-				}
-				elsif ($form{width} > 3)  {
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \[)   /]$1/x;
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \<)   />$1/x;
-					$fld =~ s/(\] .* [.,]) \} $/$1\[/x;
-					$fld =~ s/(\> .* [.,]) \} $/$1</x;
-					$fld =~ s/^ \{ (.) | (.) \} $/$+$+/gx;
-				}
-				$form{width} = $setwidth
-					if defined $setwidth && $setwidth ne '*';
-			}
-			if ($setwidth && $setwidth eq '*')	{
-				push @{$form{verbatim} ? \@vstarred : \@starred}, \%form;
-			}
-			else {
-				$width -= $form{width}
-			}
-			$form{line} = 1 unless $form{isbullet} || $fld =~ /[][IV"]/;
-			$form{hjust} ||= $form{width} == 1					 ? \&jsingle
-					 	   : ($fld =~ /^(?:<+|\[+)$/)			 ? \&jleft
-					 	   : ($fld =~ /^(?:>+|\]+)$/)			 ? \&jright
-			         	   : ($fld =~ /^(?:I+|\|+|>+<+|\]+\[+)$/)? \&jcentre
-			         	   : ($fld =~ /^(?:<+>+|\[+\]+)$/)		 ? \&jfull
-			         	   : ($fld =~ /^(?:V+)$/)				 ?
-													joverflow(%form, %fldopts)
-			         	   : ($fld =~ /^(?: [>,' 0]*  \.          [<0]*
-										  | [],' 0]*  \.          [[0]*
-			         	                  | [>.' 0]*  \,          [<0]*
-										  | [].' 0]*  \,          [[0]*
-										  | [>.,' 0]* \Q$incurr\E [<0]*
-										  | [].,' 0]* \Q$incurr\E [[0]*
-									    )$/x)                     	? do {
-									  $form{break}=\&break_nl;
-									  jnum($fld,$precurr,$incurr,$postcurr,
-										   $form{width},\%fldopts,
-										   $setplaces, $checkplaces)
-																		}
-					 	   : fatal "Field $fldcnt is of unknown type: $field"
-					 	   ;
-			$form{break}=\&break_nl if $form{stretch};
-			fatal "Inconsistent width for field $fldcnt.\n",
-				  "Specified as '$field' but actual width is $form{width}"
-				if defined $checkwidth && $form{width} != $checkwidth;
-			splice @$args, $i, 0, "" if $form{isbullet}; # BEFORE ANY OPTIONS
-			while (ref $args->[$i] eq 'HASH') {
-				update %fldopts, %{splice @$args, $i, 1}; 
-			}
-			$form{opts} = \%fldopts;
-			splice @$args, $i, 0, "" if $form{overflow}; # AFTER ANY OPTIONS
-			fatal "Missing data value for field ", $i, " ($field)"
-				unless defined $args->[$i];
-			for ($args->[$i]) {
-				next if $form{isbullet};
-				$form{src} ||=
-					ref eq 'ARRAY' ? do {
-							my $s = join "", map { s/\n(?!\z)/\r/g; $_ }
-											 map {!defined() ? "\n"
-												 : /\n\z/    ? $_
-												 :             "$_\n"}  @$_;
-							$form{trackpos} ? ($argcache->{$_} ||= \$s) : \$s;
-							}
-				  : (readonly $_ || !$form{trackpos}) ? \(my$s=$_)
-				  : \$_;
-			}
-			$form{break} ||= $fldopts{break} || $opts->{break};
-			push @formatters, \%form;
-		}
-	}
-	splice @$args, 0, $args_req;
-	$_[-1] = $fldcnt;	# remember field count
-	# Distribute {*} widths...
-	for my $f (@vstarred) {
-		$f->{maxwidth} = max 0, map {length} split "\n", ${$f->{src}};
-	}
-	if (@starred||@vstarred) {
-		my $fldwidth = int($width/(@starred+@vstarred));
-		for my $f (@vstarred) {
-			$f->{width} = @starred ? $f->{maxwidth} 
-								   : min $fldwidth, $f->{maxwidth};
-			$width += $fldwidth - $f->{width};
-		}
-		$fldwidth = int($width/(@starred+@vstarred)) if @starred;
-		$_->{width} = $fldwidth for @starred;
-	}
-	# Attach bullets to neighbouring fields,
-	# and compute offsets from left margin...
-	my $offset = 0;
-	my $lastbullet;
-	for my $f (@formatters) {
-		$f->{pos} = $offset;
-		$offset += $f->{width};
-		if ($lastbullet) {
-			if ($f->{literal}) {  # IGNORE IT
-			}
-			elsif ($f->{isbullet}) {
-				my $literal = ${$lastbullet->{isbullet}};
-				%$lastbullet = (%std_literal, width=>length($literal), src=>\$literal);
-				$lastbullet = undef;
-			}
-			else {
-				$f->{hasbullet} = $lastbullet;
-				$lastbullet = undef;
-			}
-		}
-		$lastbullet = $f if $f->{isbullet};
-	}
-	if ($lastbullet) {
-		my $literal = ${$lastbullet->{isbullet}};
-		%$lastbullet = (%std_literal, width=>length($literal), src=>\$literal);
-	}
-	return \@formatters;
-sub layout_groups {
-	my @groups;
-	my $i = 0;
-	FORMATTER: for my $f (@_) {
-		$f->{index} = $i++;
-		for my $group (@groups) {
-			if ($f->{src} == $group->[0]{src}) {
-				push @$group, $f;
-				next FORMATTER;
-			}
-		}
-		push @groups, [$f];
-	}
-	return @groups;
-sub make_col {
-	my ($f, $opts, $maxheight, $tabular) = @_;
-	$maxheight = min $unlimited,
-					 grep defined(), $maxheight, $f->{opts}{height}{max};
-	my ($str_ref, $width) = @{$f}{qw(src width)};
-	my @col;
-	my ($more, $text) = (1,"");
-	my $bullet = $f->{hasbullet};
-	$bullet->{bullets} = [] if $bullet;
-	my $bulleted = 1;
-	until ($f->{done}) {
-		my $skipped = 0;
-		unless ($f->{isbullet} || $f->{width} == 1 || $f->{verbatim}) {
-			($skipped) = ($$str_ref =~ /\G(\s*)/gc);
-			if ($skipped||=0) {
-				$bulleted = ($skipped =~ /\n/);
-				$skipped=~s/\r\Z//;
-				$skipped = ($skipped=~tr/\r//);
-				push @col, ("") x $skipped;
-				last if $tabular && $bulleted && @col;
-			}
-		}
-		($text,$more,$eol) = $f->{break}->($str_ref,$width,$f->{opts}{ws});
-		if ($f->{opts}{ws}) {
-			$text =~ s{($f->{opts}{ws})}
-					  { @caps = grep { defined $$_ } 2..$#+;
-						@caps = length($1) ? " " : "" unless @caps;
-						join "", @caps;
-					  }ge;
-		}
-		$text .= "\r" if $eol;
-		push @col, $text;
-		if ($bullet && $text =~ /\S/) {
-			push @{$bullet->{bullets}}, ($bullet->{bullethole}) x $skipped;
-			push @{$bullet->{bullets}}, $bulleted ? ${$bullet->{isbullet}}
-												  : $bullet->{bullethole};
-		}
-		$f->{done} = 1
-			if defined $f->{opts}{height}{max} && @col==$f->{opts}{height}{max};
-		last if !$more || @col==$maxheight;
-		$f->{done} = 1 if $f->{line};
-		$bulleted = 0;
-	}
-	@col = () if @col == 1 && $col[0] eq "";
-	$_[3] = $more && !$f->{done} if @_>3;
-	return \@col;
-my $count = 0;
-sub balance_cols {
-	my ($group, $opts, $maxheight) = @_;
-	my ($first, $src) = ($group->[0], $group->[0]{src});
-	if (@$group<=1) {
-		$first->{formcol} = make_col($first,$opts,$maxheight);
-		return;
-	}
-	my $pos = pos($$src) || 0;
-	my $minheight = 0;
-	while (1) {
-		my @cols;
-		pos($$src) = $pos;
-		my $medheight = int(($maxheight+$minheight+1)/2);
-		for my $f (@$group) {
-			$f->{done} = 0;
-			push @cols, make_col($f,$opts,$medheight)
-		}
-		if ($maxheight <= $minheight+1) {
-			for (0..$#cols) {
-				$group->[$_]{formcol} = $cols[$_];
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		(substr($$src,pos$$src) =~ /\S/) ? $minheight : $maxheight = $medheight;
-	}
-sub delineate_overflows {
-	for my $formats (@_) {
-		# Is there a block field on the line?
-		next if grep { !(  $_->{line}
-					    || $_->{literal}
-					    || $_->{notlastoverflow}
-					    )
-					 } @$formats;
-		for (@$formats) {
-			next unless $_->{overflow};
-			if ($_->{notlastoverflow}) {
-				$_->{line} = 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for my $formats (@_) {
-		for (@$formats) {
-			next if !$_->{overflow} || $_->{notlastoverflow};
-			$_->{opts}{height}{max} = $unlimited;
-			$_->{opts}{height}{minimal} = 0;
-		}
-	}
-sub resolve_overflows {
-	my ($formatters,$prevformatters) = @_;
-	FORMATTER: for my $fld (@$formatters) {
-		next unless $fld->{overflow};
-		my $left  = $fld->{pos};
-		my $right = $left + $fld->{width} - 1;
-		my $overflowed;
-		for my $prev (@$prevformatters) {
-			next if $prev->{literal};
-			my $prevleft  = $prev->{pos};
-			my $prevright = $prevleft + $prev->{width} - 1;
-			if ($right >= $prevleft && $left <= $prevright) { # overlap
-				if ($overflowed) {
-					$prev->{notlastoverflow} = 1
-						if $prev->{overflow} && $prev->{src} == $fld->{src};
-					next;
-				}
-				my %newfld = ( %$prev, opts=>{}, overflow=>1 );
-				my @keep = qw( width pos complete done line );
-				@newfld{@keep} = @{$fld}{@keep};
-				update %{$newfld{opts}}, %{$fld->{opts}};
-				$newfld{opts}{height} = {min=>0, max=>undef, minimal=>1};
-				$fld = \%newfld;
-				$prev->{notlastoverflow} = 1 if $prev->{overflow};
-				$overflowed = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		croak "Useless overflow field (no field above it)"
-			unless $overflowed;
-	}
-sub make_cols($$\@\%$) {
-	my ($formatters,$prevformatters,$parts, $opts, $maxheight) = @_;
-	my (@bullets, @max, @min);
-	for my $f (@$formatters) {
-		if    ($f->{isbullet}) 				{ push @bullets, $f }
-		elsif ($f->{opts}{height}{minimal}) { push @min, $f }
-		else                                { push @max, $f }
-	}
-	my @maxgroups = layout_groups(@max);
-	my @mingroups = layout_groups(@min);
-	my $has_nonminimal = grep {!$_->{literal} && !$_->{line}} @max;
-	if ($opts->{layout} eq 'balanced') { # balanced column-by-column
-		for my $g (@maxgroups) {
-			balance_cols($g,$opts, $maxheight);
-		}
-		$maxheight = max map 0+@{$_->{formcol}||[]}, @$formatters
-			if grep {!$_->{literal} && !$_->{opts}{height}{minimal}} @$formatters; 
-		for my $g (@mingroups) {
-			balance_cols($g, $opts, $maxheight);
-		}
-		for my $f (@$formatters) {
-			push @$parts, $f->{formcol}||$f->{bullets}||[];
-		}
-	}
-	elsif ($opts->{layout} eq 'down') { # column-by-column
-		for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-			my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-			next if $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
-			$parts->[$col] = make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight);
-		}
-		$maxheight = min $maxheight,
-						 max map { defined() ? scalar @$_ : 0 } @$parts
-			if $has_nonminimal;
-		for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-			my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-			next if $f->{isbullet} || !$f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
-			$parts->[$col] = make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight);
-		}
-		for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-			my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-			next unless $f->{isbullet};
-			$parts->[$col] = $f->{bullets}||[];
-		}
-	}
-	elsif ($opts->{layout} eq 'across') { # across row-by-row
-		my %incomplete = (first=>1);
-		for (my $row=0;$row<$maxheight && grep {$_} values %incomplete;$row++) {
-			%incomplete = ();
-			for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-				$parts->[$col] ||= [];
-			}
-			for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-				my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-				next if $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
-				next if $f->{line} && $row>0 || $f->{done};
-				my ($str_ref, $width) = @{$f}{qw(src width)};
-				$$str_ref =~ /\G\s+/gc unless $f->{verbatim};
-				($parts->[$col][$row], my $more) =
-						$f->{break}->($str_ref,$width,$f->{opts}{ws});
-				$parts->[$col][$row] =~ s/$f->{opts}{ws}/ /g if $f->{opts}{ws};
-				$f->{done} = 1 if !$f->{literal} 
-						   && $row+1 >= ($f->{opts}{height}{max}||$maxheight);
-				$incomplete{$str_ref} = $more
-					unless $f->{literal} || $f->{line} || $f->{done};
-			}
-			for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-				my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-				next if $f->{isbullet} || !$f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
-				next if $f->{line} && $row>0 || $f->{done};
-				my ($str_ref, $width) = @{$f}{qw(src width)};
-				$$str_ref =~ /\G\s+/gc unless $f->{verbatim};
-				($parts->[$col][$row], my $more) =
-						$f->{break}->($str_ref,$width,$f->{opts}{ws});
-				$parts->[$col][$row] =~ s/$f->{opts}{ws}/ /g if $f->{opts}{ws};
-				$f->{done} = 1 if !$f->{literal} 
-						   && $row+1 >= ($f->{opts}{height}{max}||$maxheight);
-				$incomplete{$str_ref} = $more
-					unless $has_nonminimal || $f->{done};
-			}
-			for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-				my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-				next unless $f->{isbullet};
-				$parts->[$col][$row] = shift @{$f->{bullets}};
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else { # tabular layout: down to the first \n, then across, then fill
-		my $finished = 0;
-		for my $col (0..$#$formatters) { $parts->[$col] = []; }
-		while (!$finished) {
-			$finished = 1;
-			for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-				my $tabular_more = 1;
-				my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-				next if $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
-				push @{$parts->[$col]},
-					 @{make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight, $tabular_more)};
-				$finished &&= !$tabular_more;
-			}
-			my $minimaxheight = min $maxheight,
-							 max map { defined() ? scalar @$_ : 0 } @$parts
-				if $has_nonminimal;
-			for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
-				my $tabular = 1;
-				my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-				next if $f->{isbullet} || !$f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
-				push @{$parts->[$col]},
-					 @{make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight, $tabular)};
-			}
-			for my $col (0..$#$formatters-1) {
-				my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-				if ($f->{isbullet}) {
-					push @{$parts->[$col]}, @{$f->{bullets}||[]};
-					push @{$parts->[$col]},
-						 ($f->{bullethole})x($minimaxheight-@{$parts->[$col]});
-				}
-				elsif ($f->{literal}) {
-					push @{$parts->[$col]},
-						 (${$f->{src}})x($minimaxheight-@{$parts->[$col]});
-				}
-				else {
-					push @{$parts->[$col]},
-						 ("")x($minimaxheight-@{$parts->[$col]});
-				}
-			}
-			$maxheight -= $minimaxheight||0;
-		}
-	}
-	for my $g (@maxgroups, @mingroups) {
-		my $text = $g->[-1]{src};
-		next if substr($$text,pos($$text)||0) =~ /\S/;
-		for (1..@$g) {
-			next unless @{$parts->[$g->[-$_]{index}]};
-			$g->[-$_]{final} = 1;
-			last;
-		}
-	}
-	for my $i (1..@$parts) {
-		$formatters->[-$i]{complete} = 0
-	}
-	for my $f (grep {!($_->{literal}||$_->{line})} @$formatters) {
-		next if $f->{done} || $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
-		return 1 if substr(${$f->{src}},pos(${$f->{src}})||0) =~ /\S/;
-	}
-	return 0;
-sub make_underline {
-	my ($under, $prevline, $nextline) = @_;
-	$under =~ s/(\n*)\z//;
-	my $trail = "$1"|"\n";
-	for my $l ($nextline, $prevline) {
-		$l = join "", map {$_->{literal} ? ${$_->{src}} : '*'x$_->{width} } @$l;
-		$l =~ s{(.)}{$1 =~ /\s/ ? "\0" : "\1"}ges;
-	}
-	$nextline |= $prevline;
-	$nextline =~ s{\0}{ }g;
-	$nextline =~ s{(\cA+)}{my $len=length($1); substr($under x $len,0,$len)}ge;
-	$nextline .= $trail;
-	return [{ %std_literal, width => length($nextline), src => \$nextline }];
-sub linecount($) {
-	return tr/\n// + (/[^\n]\z/?1:0) for @_;
-use warnings::register;
-sub form is export(:MANDATORY) {
-	croak "Useless call to &form in void context" unless defined wantarray;
-	# Handle formatting calls...
-	my ($package, $file, $line) = caller;
-    my $caller_opts = $caller_opts{$package,$file} ||= {};
-    if (keys %$caller_opts) {
-        $line = first { $_ < $line } sort {$b<=>$a} keys %$caller_opts;
-        $caller_opts = $caller_opts->{$line} || {}
-                if defined $line;
-    }
-    my %opts = (%def_opts, %$caller_opts);
-	my $fldcnt = 0;
-	my @section = {opts=>{%opts}, text=>[]};
-	my $formats = \@_;
-	my $first = 1;
-	my %argcache;
-	my ($prevformat,$currformat,@allformats);
-	while (@$formats) {
-		my $format = shift @$formats;
-		if (ref $format eq 'HASH') {
-			update %opts, %$format;
-			$opts{page}{number} = undef unless defined $format->{page}{number};
-			push @section, {opts=>{%opts}};
-			redo;
-		}
-		if ($first) { 	# Change format lists if data first or last
-			if ($opts{interleave}) {
-				$formats = [$format =~ /.*(?:\n|\z)/g];
-				$format = shift @$formats;
-			}
-			$first = 0;
-		}
-		$format =~ s/\n?\z/\n/;
-		$prevformat = $currformat;
-		$currformat = segment($format, @_, %opts, $fldcnt, %argcache);
-		resolve_overflows($currformat, $prevformat);
-		if (defined $opts{under}) {
-			push @{$section[-1]{formatters}}, 
-				make_underline($opts{under}, $prevformat, $currformat);
-			$opts{under} = undef;
-		}
-		push @{$section[-1]{formatters}}, $currformat;
-		push @allformats, $currformat;
-	}
-	croak scalar(@_), " too many data values after last format" if @_;
-	delineate_overflows(@allformats);
-	my $text = "";
-	my $pagetype = 'first';
-	my $pagenum = 1;
-	for my $section (@section) {
-		next unless $section->{formatters};
-		my $sect_opts = $section->{opts};
-		my $page = $sect_opts->{page};
-		$page->{number} = $pagenum unless defined $page->{number};
-		my $pagelen = $page->{length};
-		while (1) {
-			my $parity = $page->{number}%2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
-			my $header =
-			 $page->{header}{$pagetype} ? $page->{header}{$pagetype}($sect_opts)
-			 : $page->{header}{$parity} ? $page->{header}{$parity}($sect_opts)
-		     : $page->{header}{other}   ? $page->{header}{other}($sect_opts)
-			 : "";
-			my $footer = 
-			 $page->{footer}{$pagetype} ? $page->{footer}{$pagetype}($sect_opts)
-			 : $page->{footer}{$parity} ? $page->{footer}{$parity}($sect_opts)
-			 : $page->{footer}{other}   ? $page->{footer}{other}($sect_opts)
-			 : "";
-			my $feed = 
-			 $page->{feed}{$pagetype} ? $page->{feed}{$pagetype}($sect_opts)
-			 : $page->{feed}{$parity} ? $page->{feed}{$parity}($sect_opts)
-			 : $page->{feed}{other}   ? $page->{feed}{other}($sect_opts)
-			 : "";
-			length and s/\n?\z/\n/ for $header, $footer;  # NOT for $feed 
-			my $bodyfn = $page->{body}{$pagetype}
-					  || $page->{body}{$parity}
-					  || $page->{body}{other}
-					  || \&std_body;
-			my $bodylen = $pagelen - linecount($header) - linecount($footer);
-			my ($pagetext, $more) = make_page($section, $sect_opts, $bodylen);
-			if (!$more && $section == $section[-1]) {
-				my $lastheader =
-					$page->{header}{last} ? $page->{header}{last}($sect_opts)
-							              : $header;
-				my $lastfooter =
-					$page->{footer}{last} ? $page->{footer}{last}($sect_opts)
-							              : $footer;
-				length and s/\n?\z/\n/ for $lastheader, $lastfooter;
-				my $lastlen =
-						$pagelen-linecount($lastheader)-linecount($lastfooter);
-				if (@$pagetext <= $lastlen) {
-					$pagetype = 'last';
-					($header, $footer, $bodylen)
-						= ($lastheader, $lastfooter, $lastlen);
-				    $feed = $page->{feed}{last}($sect_opts)
-						if $page->{feed}{last};
-				    $bodyfn = $page->{body}{last}
-						if $page->{body}{last};
-				}
-			}
-			my $fill = $pagelen < $unlimited ? [("\n") x ($bodylen-@$pagetext)]
-											 : [];
-			my $body = $bodyfn->($pagetext, $fill, \%opts);
-			$text .= $header . $body . $footer . $feed;
-			$page->{number}++;
-			# Handle special case of empty last page...
-			last unless $more || $section == $section[-1] && $pagetype ne 'last';
-			$pagetype = $page->{number}%2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
-		}
-		$pagenum = $page->{number};
-	}
-    $text =~ s/[^\S\n]+\n/\n/g unless $opts{untrimmed};
-    return $text;
-sub make_page {
-		my ($section, $sect_opts, $bodylen) = @_;
-		my (@text, $more);
-		my ($prevformatters, $formatters);
-		while (@text < $bodylen && @{$section->{formatters}}) {
-			$prevformatters = $formatters;
-			$formatters = $section->{formatters}[0];
-			$more = make_cols($formatters,$prevformatters,my @parts, %$sect_opts, $bodylen-@text);
-			shift @{$section->{formatters}} unless $more;
-			my $maxheight = 0;
-			my $maxwidth = 0;
-			for my $col (0..$#parts) {
-				local $_ = $parts[$col];
-				pop @$_ while @$_ && ! length($_->[-1]);
-				$maxheight = max($maxheight, scalar(@$_), $formatters->[$col]{opts}{height}{min}||0);
-				# $formatters->[$col]{pos} = $maxwidth;
-				# $maxwidth += $formatters->[$col]{width};
-			}
-			for my $col (0..$#parts) {
-				my $f = $formatters->[$col];
-				push @{$parts[$col]}, ("") x (($f->{height}{min}||0)-@{$parts[$col]});
-				my $fopts = $f->{opts};
-				my $tfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(tfill vfill fill)}, " ";
-				my $bfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(bfill vfill fill)}, " ";
-				my $lfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(lfill hfill fill)}, " ";
-				my $rfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(rfill hfill fill)}, " ";
-				$f->{vjust}->($maxheight,$tfill,$bfill,$parts[$col]);
-				for my $row (0..$#{$parts[$col]}) {
-					my $last = $parts[$col][$row] =~ s/\r//;
-					$f->{hjust}->($parts[$col][$row], pre=>$lfill, post=>$rfill,
-								  last=>$last, pos=>$f->{pos},
-								  stretch=>$f->{stretch}, width=>$f->{width},
-								 );
-				}
-			}
-			for my $row (0..$maxheight-1) {
-				push @text, join "",map $parts[$_][$row],0..$#parts;
-			}
-		}
-		return (\@text, $more);
-# Extract perpendicular cross-sections from an AoA, AoH, HoA, HoH, AoHoA, etc.
-sub section {
-    my ($structure, @index) = @_;
-    $structure = [ values %$structure ] if ref $structure eq 'HASH';
-    my @section;
-    for my $row ( @$structure ) {
-		local $,=",";
-        my $type = ref $row or croak "Too many indices (starting with [@index])";
-        if ($type eq 'HASH') {
-			@index = keys %$row unless @index;
-            push @{$section[$_]}, $row->{$index[$_]} for 0..$#index;
-        }
-        elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
-			@index = (0..$#$row) unless @index;
-            push @{$section[$_]}, $row->[$index[$_]] for 0..$#index;
-        }
-        else {
-			my $what = ref $structure;
-            croak "Can't drill ", ($what ? lc $what : $structure) , " of $type";
-        }
-    }
-    return @section;
-sub slice {
-    my ($structure, @indices) = @_;
-	return ref eq 'HASH' ? @{$_}{@indices} : @{$_}[@indices] for $structure;
-sub vals { return ref eq 'HASH' ? values %$_ : @$_ for $_[0] }
-sub drill (\[@%];@) is export {
-    my ($structure, @indices) = @_;
-	return $structure unless @indices;
-	my $index = shift @indices;
-	my @section = [ @$index ? slice($structure,@$index) : vals($structure) ];
-	return @section unless @indices;
-	for my $index (@indices) {
-		@section = map {section $_, @$index} @section;
-	}
-	return @section;
-sub break_lit {
-    return (${$_[0]},0,0);
-sub break_bullet {
-	my ($src) = @_;
-	my $next = pop @$src || "";
-    return ($next,@$src>0,0);
-sub break_verbatim {
-    my ($str,$rem) = @_;
-    $$str =~ m/ \G ([^\n\r]*) (?:\r|\n|\z) /gcx or return ("",0);
-    return (substr("$1",0,$rem), $$str =~ m/ \G (?=.) /sgcx ? 1 : 0,0);
-sub break_nl {
-	my ($str) = @_;
-    if ($$str =~ m/\G [^\S\n\r]* ([^\n\r]*?) [^\S\r\n]* (?:\r|$)/gcxm)  {
-        return ("$1", $$str =~ /\G(?=.*\S)/sgc?1:0, 1);
-    }
-    else {
-        return ("",0,0);
-    }
-my $wsnzw = q{ (??{length($^N)?'(?=)':'(?!)'}) };
-sub break_at is export {
-    my ($hyphen) = @_;
-	my ($lit_hy) = qr/\Q$hyphen\E/;
-    my $hylen = length($hyphen);         
-    my @ret;
-	return sub {
-        my ($str,$rem,$ws) = @_;
-		my ($last_breakable, $res) = ($rem+1,"", 0);
-		for ($$str) {
-			use re 'eval';
-			while ($rem > 0 && (pos()||0) < length()) {
-				if ($ws && /\G ($ws) $wsnzw/gcx) {
-					my $captured;
-					if ($#+ > 1) { 		# may be extra captures...
-						for (2..$#+) {
-							next unless defined $$_;
-							$captured++;
-							$res .= $$_;
-							$rem -= length $$_;
-						}
-					}
-					unless ($captured) {
-						$res .= $1;
-						$rem--;
-					}
-					$last_breakable = length $res;
-				}
-				elsif ($rem>=$hylen && /\G $lit_hy /gcx) {
-					$res .= $hyphen;
-					$rem -= $hylen;
-					$last_breakable = length $res;
-				}
-				elsif (/\G ((?!$lit_hy)[^\n\r]) /gcx) {
-					$res .= $1;
-					$rem--;
-					$last_breakable = length $res if $res =~ /\s$/;
-				}
-				else { last }
-			}
-			my $reslen = length $res;
-			$ws ||= qr/\s/;
-			unless (/\G (?=$lit_hy|($ws)$wsnzw|\z|\n|\r) /gcx) {
-				if ($last_breakable <= $reslen) {
-					pos() -= $reslen-$last_breakable;
-					substr($res,$last_breakable) = "";
-				}
-				elsif ($reslen > $hylen) {
-					if ($res =~ /\S\S\S{$hylen}$/) {
-						pos() -= $hylen;
-						substr($res,-$hylen) = $hyphen;
-					}
-					elsif ($res =~ s/(\S+)$//) {
-						pos() -= length($1);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			my $rem = substr($$str, pos $$str);
-			return ($res, $rem=~/\S/?1:0, $rem =~ /^\s*(?:\z|\n|\r)/);
-		}
-	};
-sub import {
-	my $class = shift;
-	my ($package, $file, $line) = caller;
-	my %opts;
-	for (@_) {
-		croak "Options for $class must be specified in a hash"
-			unless ref eq 'HASH';
-		update(%opts, %$_, 'croak');
-	}
-	$caller_opts{$package,$file}{$line} = \%opts;
-package Perl6::Form::Rule::Fail;
-use overload
-	'""'   => sub{ undef },
-	'0+'   => sub{ undef },
-	'bool' => sub{ 0 },
-package Perl6::Form::Rule::Okay;
-use overload
-	'""'   => sub{ $_[0][0] },
-	'0+'   => sub{ $_[0][0] },
-	'bool' => sub{ 1 },
-=head1 NAME
-Perl6::Form - Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-    use Perl6::Form;
-    $text = form " =================================== ",
-                 "| NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |",
-                 "|----------+------------+-----------|",
-                 "| {<<<<<<} | {||||||||} | {>>>>>>>} |",
-                    $name,     $age,        $ID,
-                 "|===================================|",
-                 "| COMMENTS                          |",
-                 "|-----------------------------------|",
-                 "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
-                    $comments,
-                 " =================================== ";
-Formats are Perl 5's mechanism for creating text templates with
-fixed-width fields. Those fields are then filled in using values from
-prespecified package variables. 
-Unlike Perl 5, Perl 6 doesn't have a C<format> keyword. Or the
-associated built-in formatting mechanism. Instead it has a
-module. And a C<form> function.
-Like a Perl 5 C<format> statement, the C<form> function takes a series
-of format (or "picture") strings, each of which is immediately
-followed by a suitable set of replacement values. It interpolates
-those values into the placeholders specified within each picture string,
-and returns the result:
-    $text = form
-				 $format_f1,
-					 $datum1, $datum2, $datum3,
-				 $format_f2,
-					 $datum4,
-				 $format_f3,
-					 $datum5;
-So, whereas in Perl 5 we might write:
-    # Perl 5 code...
-    our ($name, $age, $ID, $comments); 
-    format STDOUT
-     =================================== 
-    | NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |
-    |----------+------------+-----------|
-    | @<<<<<<< | @||||||||| | @>>>>>>>> |
-      $name,     $age,        $ID,
-    |===================================|
-    | COMMENTS                          |
-    |-----------------------------------|
-    | ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |~~
-      $comments,
-     ===================================
-    .
-    write STDOUT;
-in Perl 6 we could write:
-	# Perl 6 code...
-    print form
-        " =================================== ",
-        "| NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |",
-        "|----------+------------+-----------|",
-        "| {<<<<<<} | {||||||||} | {>>>>>>>} |",
-           $name,     $age,        $ID,
-        "|===================================|",
-        "| COMMENTS                          |",
-        "|-----------------------------------|",
-        "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
-           $comments,
-        " =================================== ";
-And both of them would print something like:
-     ===================================
-    | NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |
-    |----------+------------+-----------|
-    | Richard  |     33     |    000003 |
-    |===================================|
-    | COMMENTS                          |
-    |-----------------------------------|
-    | Talks to self. Seems to be        |
-    | overcompensating for inferiority  |
-    | complex rooted in post-natal      |
-    | materal rejection due to physical |
-    | handicap (congenital or perhaps   |
-    | the result of premature birth).   |
-    | Shows numerous indications of     |
-    | psychotic (esp. nepocidal)        |
-    | tendencies. Naturally, subject    |
-    | gravitated to career in politics. |
-     ===================================
-This module implements virtually all of the functionality
-of the Perl 6 module. The only differences are:
-=item *
-Option pairs must be passed in a hash reference;
-=item *
-Array data sources must be passed as array references;
-=item *
-Options specified on the C<use Perl6::Form> line are 
-not (yet) lexically scoped;
-=item *
-User-defined line-breaking subroutines are passed their data source as a
-reference to a scalar;
-=head2 Formatting jargon
-=item Format
-A string that is used as a template for the creation of I<text>. It will
-contain zero or more I<fields>, usually with some literal characters and
-whitespace between them.
-=item Text
-A string that is created by replacing the fields of a format with specific
-I<data> values.  For example, the string that a call to C<form> returns.
-=item Field      
-A fixed-width slot within a format string, into which I<data> will be formatted.
-=item Data      
-A string or numeric value (or an array of such values) that is
-interpolated into a format, in order to fill in a particular field.
-=item Single-line field
-A field that interpolates only as much of its corresponding data value as
-will fit inside it within a single line of text.
-=item Block field
-A field that interpolates all of its corresponding data value, over a
-series of text lines E<ndash> as many as necessary E<ndash> producing a
-I<text block>.
-=item Text block
-The column of newline-separated text lines. A text block is produced
-when data is formatted into a block field that is too small to contain
-the data in a single line
-=item Column
-The amount of space on an output device required to display one single-width
-character. One character will occupy one column in most cases, the most
-obvious exceptions being CJK double-width characters.
-=head2 Return values
-When called in a scalar or list context, C<form> returns a string
-containing the complete formatted text:
-    my $formatted_text = form $format, *@data;
-    @texts = ( form($format, *@data1), form($format, *@data2) );  # 2 elems
-When called in a void context, C<form> dies, bitterly
-pointing out how useless that is to format something and then just 
-throw the result away.
-=head1 Field types
-The format strings passed to C<form> determine what the resulting
-formatted text looks like. Each format consists of a series
-of field specifiers, which are usually separated by literal characters.
-C<form> understands a far larger number of field specifiers than C<format> did,
-designed around a small number of conventions:
-=item *
-Each field is enclosed in a pair of braces.
-=item *
-Within the braces, left or right angle brackets (C<< < >> or C<< > >>), bars
-(C<|>), and single-quotes (C<'>) indicate various types of single-line fields. 
-=item *
-Left or right square brackets (C<[> or C<]>), I's (C<I>), and double-
-quotes (C<">) indicate block fields of various types.
-=item *
-The direction of the brackets within a field indicates the direction
-towards which text will be justified in that field. For example:
-    {<<<<<<<<<<<}   Justify the text to the left
-    {>>>>>>>>>>>}                  Justify the text to the right
-    {>>>>>><<<<<}                 Centre the text
-    {<<<<<<>>>>>}   Fully  justify  the  text  to  both  margins
-This is even true for numeric fields, which look like:
-C<<<<<<< {>>>>>.<<} >>>>>>>. The whole digits are right-justified before
-the dot and the decimals are left-justified after it.
-=item *
-An C<=> at either end of a field (or both ends) indicates the data
-interpolated into the field is to be vertically "middled" within the
-resulting block. That is, the text is to be centred vertically on the
-middle of all the lines produced by the complete format.
-=item *
-An C<_> at the start and/or end of a field indicates the interpolated data 
-is to be vertically "bottomed" within the resulting block. That is, the
-text is to be pushed to the bottom of the lines produced by the format.
-For example:
-                                      Field specifier
-    Field type                 One-line             Block
-    ==========                ==========          ==========
-    left justified            {<<<<<<<<}          {[[[[[[[[}
-    right justified           {>>>>>>>>}          {]]]]]]]]}
-    centred                   {>>>><<<<}          {]]]][[[[}
-    centred (alternative)     {||||||||}          {IIIIIIII}
-    fully justified           {<<<<>>>>}          {[[[[]]]]}
-    verbatim                  {''''''''}          {""""""""}
-    numeric                   {>>>>>.<<}          {]]]]].[[}
-    euronumeric               {>>>>>,<<}          {]]]]],[[}
-    comma'd                   {>,>>>,>>>.<<}      {],]]],]]].[[}
-    space'd                   {> >>> >>>.<<}      {] ]]] ]]].[[}
-    eurocomma'd               {>.>>>.>>>,<<}      {].]]].]]],[[}
-    Swiss Army comma'd        {>'>>>'>>>,<<}      {]']]]']]],[[}
-    subcontinental            {>>,>>,>>>.<<}      {]],]],]]].[[}
-    signed numeric            {->>>.<<<}          {-]]].[[[}
-    post-signed numeric       {>>>>.<<-}          {]]]].[[-}
-    paren-signed numeric      {(>>>.<<)}          {(]]].[[)}
-    prefix currency           {$>>>.<<<}          {$]]].[[[}
-    postfix currency          {>>>.<<<DM}         {]]].[[[DM}
-    infix currency            {>>>$<< Esc}        {]]]$[[ Esc}
-    left/middled              {=<<<<<<=}          {=[[[[[[=}
-    right/middled             {=>>>>>>=}          {=]]]]]]=}
-    infix currency/middled    {=>>$<< Esc}        {=]]$[[ Esc}
-    eurocomma'd/middled       {>.>>>.>>>,<<=}     {].]]].]]],[[=}
-    etc.
-    left/bottomed             {_<<<<<<_}          {_[[[[[[_}
-    right/bottomed            {_>>>>>>_}          {_]]]]]]_}
-    etc.
-=head1 How fields are filled
-When data is interpolated into a line field, the field grabs as much of the
-data as will fit on a single line, formats that data appropriately, and
-interpolates it into the format.
-That means that if we use a one-line field, it only shows as much of the data
-as will fit on one lime. For example:
-    my $data1 = 'By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes';
-    my $data2 = 'A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!';
-    print form
-        "...{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}...{>>>>>>>}...",
-            $data1,               $data2;
-    ...By the pricking of ... A horse!...
-On the other hand, if our format string used block fields instead, the
-fields would extract one line of data at a time, repeating that process as
-many times as necessary to display all the available data. So:
-    print form
-        "...{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}...{]]]]]]]}...",
-            $data1,               $data2;
-would produce:
-    ...By the pricking of ... A horse!...
- thumbs,         ... A horse!...
-    ...something wicked   ...       My...
-    ...this way comes     ...  kingdom...
-    ...                   ...    for a...
-    ...                   ...   horse!...
-We can mix line fields and block fields in the same format and C<form> will
-extract and interpolate only as much data as each field requires. For example:
-    print form
-        "...{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}...{]]]]]]]}...",
-            $data1,               $data2;
-which produces:
-    ...By the pricking of ... A horse!...
-    ...                   ... A horse!...
-    ...                   ...       My...
-    ...                   ...  kingdom...
-    ...                   ...    for a...
-    ...                   ...   horse!...
-Notice that, after the first line, the single-line
-C<<<<<<< {<<<<<<} >>>>>>> field is simply replaced by
-the appropriate number of space
-characters, to keep the columns correctly aligned.
-The usual reason for mixing line and block fields in this way is to
-allow numbered or bulleted points:
-    print "I couldn't do my English Lit homework because...\n\n";
-	my $index = 0;
-    for my $reason (@reasons) {
-        my $n = @reasons - $index . '.';
-        print form "   {>}  {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-                       $n,  $reason,
-                   "";
-    }
-which might produce:
-    I couldn't do my English Lit homework because...
-         10. Three witches told me I was going to be    
-             king.                                      
-          9. I was busy explaining wherefore am I Romeo.
-          8. I was busy scrubbing the blood off my      
-             hands.                                     
-          7. Some dear friends had to charge once more  
-             unto the breach.                           
-          6. My so-called best friend tricked me into   
-             killing my wife.                           
-          5. My so-called best friend tricked me into   
-             killing Caesar.                            
-          4. My so-called best friend tricked me into   
-             taming a shrew.                            
-          3. My uncle killed my father and married my   
-             mother.                                    
-          2. I fell in love with my manservant, who was
-             actually the disguised twin sister of the
-             man that my former love secretly married,
-             having mistaken him for my manservant who
-             was wooing her on my behalf whilst secretly
-             in love with me.
-          1. I was abducted by fairies.                 
-=head1 Keeping track of what's been formatted
-Obviously, as a call to C<form> builds up each line of its output
-E<ndash> extracting data from one or more data arguments and
-formatting it into the corresponding fields E<ndash> it needs to keep
-track of where it's up to in each datum. It does this by progressively
-updating the C<pos> of each datum, in exactly the same way as a
-pattern match does.
-And as with a pattern match, by default that updated C<pos> is only
-used internally and B<not> preserved after the call to C<form> is
-finished. So passing a string to C<form> doesn't interfere with any
-other pattern matching or text formatting that we might 
-subsequently do with that data.
-However, sometimes we I<do> want to know how much of our data a call to C<form>
-managed to extract and format. Or we may want to split a formatting task
-into several stages, with separate calls to C<form> for each stage.
-So we need a way of telling C<form> to preserve the C<pos> information
-in our data.
-But, if we want to apply a series of C<form> calls to the same data we also
-need to be able to tell C<form> to I<respect> the C<pos> information
-of that data E<ndash> to start extracting from the previously preserved
-C<.pos> position, rather than from the start of the string.
-To achieve both those goals, we use a I<follow-on field>. That is we use
-an ordinary field but mark it as C<pos>-sensitive with a special
-notation: ASCII colons at either end. So instead of
-C<<<<< {<<<<>>>>} >>>>>, we'd write C<<<<< {:<<<>>>:} >>>>>.
-Follow-on fields are most useful when we want to split a formatting task
-into distinct stages E<ndash> or iterations E<ndash> but still allow the
-contents of the follow-on field to flow uninterrupted from line to line.
-For example:
-    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
-    for my $role (@roles) {
-        print form "   * {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}   *{:<<<<<<<>>>>>>>:}*",
-                         $role,                            $disclaimer;
-    }
-which produces:
-    The best Shakespearean roles are:
-       * Macbeth                          *WARNING:          *
-       * King Lear                        *This list of roles*
-       * Juliet                           *constitutes      a*
-       * Othello                          *personal   opinion*
-       * Hippolyta                        *only and is in  no*
-       * Don John                         *way  endorsed   by*
-       * Katerina                         *Shakespeare'R'Us. *
-       * Richard                          *It   may   contain*
-       * Malvolio                         *nuts.             *
-       * Bottom                           *                  *
-The multiple calls to C<form> manage to produce a coherent disclaimer
-because the colons in the second field tell each call to start
-extracting data from C<$disclaimer> at the offset indicated by
-C<pos $disclaimer>, and then to update C<pos $disclaimer> with
-the final position at which the field extracted data. So the next time
-C<form> is called, the follow-on field starts extracting from
-where it left off in the previous call.
-Follow-on fields are similar to C<<<<<< ^<<<<< >>>>>> fields in a Perl 5 format,
-except they don't destroy the contents of a data source; they merely change that
-data source's C<pos> marker.
-=head1 Array data sources
-Data, especially numeric data, is often stored in arrays.
-So C<form> also accepts arrays as data arguments too. Or, more precisely, it
-accepts B<references> to arrays as arguments.
-Once inside C<form>, each array that was specified as the data source
-for a field is internally converted to a single string by joining it
-together with a newline between each element.
-The upshot is that, instead of:
-    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
-    for my $role (@roles) {
-        print form "   * {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}   *{:<<<<<<<>>>>>>>:}*",
-                         $role,                            $disclaimer;
-    }
-we could just write:
-    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
-    print form "   * {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   *{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]}*",
-                     \@roles,                          $disclaimer;
-And the array of roles would be internally converted to a single string, with
-one role per line. Note that we also changed the disclaimer field to a regular
-block field, so that the entire disclaimer would be formatted. And there was
-no longer any need for the disclaimer field to be a follow-on field, since the
-block field would extract and format the entire disclaimer anyway.
-Array data sources are particularly
-useful when formatting, especially if the data is known to fit within
-the specified width. For example:
-    print form
-        '-------------------------------------------',   
-        'Name             Score   Time  | Normalized',   
-        '-------------------------------------------',   
-        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[}   {III}   {II}  |  {]]].[[} ',
-         @name,           @score, @time,   [map {$score[$_]/$time[$_]} 0..$#score]
-is a very easy way to produce the table:
-    -------------------------------------------
-    Name             Score   Time  | Normalized
-    -------------------------------------------
-    Thomas Mowbray    88      15   |     5.867
-    Richard Scroop    54      13   |     4.154
-    Harry Percy       99      18   |     5.5  
-=head2 Justifying fields
-The most commonly used fields are those that justify their contents: to
-the left, to the right, to the left I<and> right, or towards the centre.
-Left-justified and right-justified fields extract from their data source
-the largest substring that will fit inside them, push that string to the
-left or right as appropriate, and then pad the string out to the
-required field width with spaces (or the L<nominated fill character|
-"He doth fill fields with harness...">).
-Centred fields (C<<<<< {>>>><<<<} >>>>> and C<{]]]][[[[}>) likewise
-extract as much data as possible, and then pad both sides of it with
-(near) equal numbers of spaces. If the amount of padding required is not
-evenly divisible by 2, the one extra space is added I<after> the data.
-There is a second syntax for centred fields E<ndash> a tip-o'-the-hat to
-Perl 5 formats: C<{|||||||||}> and C<{IIIIIIII}>. This variant also
-makes it easier to specify centering fields that are only three columns
-wide: C<{|}> and C<{I}>.
-Note, however, that the behaviour of centering fields specified this
-way is exactly the same in every respect as the bracket-based versions, so
-we're free to use whichever we prefer. 
-Fully justified fields (C<<<<< {<<<<>>>>} >>>>> and C<{[[[[]]]]}>)
-extract a maximal substring and then distribute any padding as evenly as
-possible into the existing whitespace gaps in that data. For example:
-    print form '({<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>})',
-               "A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy";
-would print:
-    (A fellow  of  infinite)
-A fully-justified block field (C<{[[[[]]]]}>) does the same across
-multiple lines, except that the very last line is always left-justified.
-Hence, this:
-    print form '({[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]})',
-               "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players."
-would print:
-    (All the world's a)
-    (stage,  And   all)
-    (the men and women)
-    (merely players.  )
-By the way, with both centred fields (C<<<<< {>>>><<<} >>>>>) and fully
-justified fields (C<<<<< {<<<>>>>} >>>>>), the actual number of
-left vs right arrows is irrelevant, so long as there is at least
-one of each.
-=head1 Short fields
-One special case we need to consider is an empty set of field delimiters:
-    form 'ID number: {}'
-This specification is treated as a two-column-wide, left-justified
-block field (since that seems to be the type of two-column-wide
-field most often required).
-Other kinds of two-column (and single-column) fields can also
-be created using L<imperative field widths|"Imperative fields widths"> and
-and L<user-defined fields|"User-defined fields">.
-=head1 Numerical fields
-A field specifier of the form C<<<<< {>>>>.<<} >>>>> or C<{]]]].[[}>
-represents a decimal-aligned numeric field. The decimal marker always
-appears in exactly the position indicated and the rest of the number is
-aligned around it. The decimal places are rounded to the specific number
-of places indicated, but only "significant" digits are shown. For example:
-    @nums = (1, 1.2, 1.23, 11.234, 111.235, 1.0001);
-    print form "Thy score be: {]]]].[[}",
-                              \@nums; 
-    Thy score be:     1.0
-    Thy score be:     1.2
-    Thy score be:     1.23
-    Thy score be:    11.234
-    Thy score be:   111.235
-    Thy score be:     1.000
-=head2 Non-numeric data
-You're probably wondering what happens if we try to format a number that's too
-large for the available places (as C<123456.78> would be in the above format).
-Whereas C<sprintf> would extend a numeric field to accommodate the number,
-C<form> insists on preserving the specified layout; in particular, the
-position of the decimal point. But it obviously can't just cut off the
-extra high-order digits; that would change the value:
-    Thy score be: 23456.78 
-So, instead, it indicates that the number doesn't fit by filling the
-field with octothorpes (the way many spreadsheets do):
-    Thy score be: #####.###
-It's also possible that someone (not you, of course!) might attempt to
-pass a numeric field some data that isn't numeric at all:
-    my @mixed_data = (1, 2, "three", {4=>5}, "6", "7-Up");
-    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[}', 
-                              \@mixed_data;
-Unlike Perl itself, C<form> doesn't autoconvert non-numeric values.
-Instead it marks them with another special string, by filling the field with
-    Thy score be:     1.0  
-    Thy score be:     2.0  
-    Thy score be: ?????.???
-    Thy score be: ?????.???
-    Thy score be:     6.0  
-    Thy score be: ?????.???
-Note that strings per se aren't a problem E<ndash> C<form> will happily
-convert strings that contain valid numbers, such as C<"6"> in the above
-example. But it does reject strings that contain anything else besides
-a number (even when Perl itself would successfully convert the number
-E<ndash> as it would for C<"7-Up"> above).
-Those who'd prefer Perl's usual, more laissez-faire attitude to
-numerical conversion can just pre-numerify the values
-    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[}',
-                              [map {$_+0} @mixed_data];
-This version would print something like:
-    Thy score be:     1.0  
-    Thy score be:     2.0  
-    Thy score be:     0.0  
-    Thy score be:     1.0  
-    Thy score be:     6.0  
-    Thy score be:     7.0  
-=head2 Decimal markers
-Of course, not everyone uses a dot for their decimal point. The other main
-contender is the comma, and naturally C<form> supports that as well. If
-we specify a numeric field with a comma between the brackets:
-    @les_nums = (1, 1.2, 1.23, 11.234, 111.235, 1.0001);
-    print form 'Votre score est: {]]]],[[}',
-                                 \@les_nums; 
-the call prints:
-    Votre score est:     1,0
-    Votre score est:     1,2
-    Votre score est:     1,23
-    Votre score est:    11,234
-    Votre score est:   111,235
-    Votre score est:     1,000
-In fact, C<form> is extremely flexible about the characters
-we're allowed to use as
-a decimal marker: anything except an angle- or square bracket or
-a plus sign is acceptable. 
-As a bonus, C<form> allows us to use the specified decimal marker in
-the I<data> as well as in the format. So this works too:
-    @les_nums = ("1", "1,2", "1,23", "11,234", "111,235", "1,0001");
-    print form 'Vos score est: {]]]],[[}',
-                               \@les_nums; 
-=head2 Negative numbers
-Negative numbers work as expected, with the minus sign taking
-up one column of the field's allotted span:
-    @nums = ( 1, -1.2,  1.23, -11.234,  111.235, -12345.67);
-    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[}',
-                              \@nums;
-This would print:
-    Thy score be:     1.0  
-    Thy score be:    -1.2  
-    Thy score be:     1.23 
-    Thy score be:   -11.234
-    Thy score be:   111.235
-    Thy score be: #####.###
-However, C<form> can also format numbers so that the minus sign I<trails> the
-number. To do that we simple put an explicit minus sign inside the field
-specification, at the end:
-    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[-}',
-                              \@nums;
-which would then print:
-    Thy score be:     1.0   
-    Thy score be:     1.2-  
-    Thy score be:     1.23  
-    Thy score be:    11.234-
-    Thy score be:   111.235 
-    Thy score be: 12345.67- 
-C<form> also understands the common financial usage where negative
-numbers are represented as positive numbers in parentheses. Once again,
-we draw an abstract picture of what we want (by putting parens at either
-end of the field specification):
-    print form 'Thy dividend be: {(]]]].[[)}',
-                                 \@nums;
-and C<form> obliges:
-    Thy dividend be:      1.0   
-    Thy dividend be:     (1.2)  
-    Thy dividend be:      1.23  
-    Thy dividend be:    (11.234)
-    Thy dividend be:    111.235 
-    Thy dividend be: (12345.67) 
-Note that the parens have to go I<inside> the field's braces. Otherwise,
-they're just literal parts of the format string.
-=head2 Thousands separators
-If we add so-called "thousands separators" inside a numeric field at the
-usual places, C<form> includes them appropriately in its output. It can
-handle the five major formatting conventions:
-    my @nums = (0, 1, 1.1, 1.23, 4567.89, 34567.89, 234567.89, 1234567.89);
-    print form
-        "Brittannic      Continental     Subcontinental   Tyrolean        Asiatic",
-        "_____________   _____________   ______________   _____________   _____________",
-        "{],]]],]]].[}   {].]]].]]],[}    {]],]],]]].[}   {]']]]']]],[}   {]]]],]]]].[}",
-         \@nums,         \@nums,          \@nums,         \@nums,         \@nums;
-to produce:
-    Brittannic      Continental     Subcontinental   Tyrolean        Asiatic
-    _____________   _____________   ______________   _____________   _____________
-             0.0             0,0              0.0             0,0             0.0 
-             1.0             1,0              1.0             1,0             1.0 
-             1.1             1,1              1.1             1,1             1.1 
-             1.23            1,23             1.23            1,23            1.23
-         4,567.89        4.567,89         4,567.89        4'567,89         4567.89
-        34,567.89       34.567,89        34,567.89       34'567,89       3,4567.89
-       234,567.89      234.567,89      2,34,567.89      234'567,89      23,4567.89
-     1,234,567.89    1.234.567,89     12,34,567.89    1'234'567,89     123,4567.89
-It also accepts a space character as a "thousands separator" (with, of
-course, any decimal marker we might like):
-    print form
-        "Hyperspatial",
-        "_____________",
-        "{] ]]] ]]]:[}",
-         \@nums;
-to produce:
-    Hyperspatial
-    _____________
-             0:0 
-             1:0 
-             1:1 
-             1:23
-         4 567:89
-        34 567:89
-       234 567:89
-     1 234 567:89
-=head1 Locale-specific numeric formatting
-Of course, sometimes we don't know ahead of time just where in the world our
-formatted numbers will be displayed. Locales were invented to address that
-very problem, and C<form> supports them.
-If we use the C<locale> option, C<form> detects the current locale and
-converts any numerical formats it finds to the appropriate layout. For
-example, if we wrote:
-    @nums = ( 1, -1.2,  1.23, -11.234,  111.235, -12345.67);
-    print form 
-            "{],]]],]]].[[}",
-            \@nums; 
-then we'd get:
-          1.0
-         -1.2
-          1.23
-        -11.234
-        111.235
-    -12,345.67
-wherever the program was run. But if we had written:
-    print form
-            {locale=>1},
-            "{],]]],]]].[[}",
-            \@nums; 
-then we'd get:
-          1.0
-         -1.2
-          1.23
-        -11.234
-        111.235
-    -12,345.67
-          1,0
-          1,2-
-          1,23
-         11,23-
-        111,235
-     12.345,67-
-          1,0
-         (1,2)
-          1,23
-        (11,23)
-        111,235
-    (12'345,67)
-or whatever else the current locale indicated was the correct local layout
-for numbers.
-That is, when the C<locale> option is specified, C<form> ignores the actual
-decimal point, thousands separator, and negation sign we specified in the call,
-and instead uses the values for these markers that are returned by the
-POSIX C<localeconv> function. That means that we can specify our numerical
-formatting in a style that seems natural to us, and at the same time
-allow the numbers to be formatted in a style that seems natural to the user.
-=head1 Currency fields
-Formatting numbers gets even trickier when those numbers represent money.
-But C<form> simply lets us specify how the local currency looks E<ndash>
-including leading, trailing, or infix currency markers; leading, trailing, or
-circumfix negation markers; thousands separators; etc. E<ndash> and then it
-formats it that way. For example:
-    my @amounts = (0, 1, 1.2345, 1234.56, -1234.56, 1234567.89);
-    my %format = (
-        "Canadian (English)"    => q/   {-$],]]],]]].[}/,
-        "Canadian (French)"     => q/    {-] ]]] ]]],[ $}/,
-        "Dutch"                 => q/     {],]]],]]].[-EUR}/,
-        "German (pre-euro)"     => q/    {-].]]].]]],[DM}/,
-        "Indian"                => q/    {-]],]],]]].[ Rs}/,
-        "Norwegian"             => q/ {kr -].]]].]]],[}/,
-        "Portuguese (pre-euro)" => q/    {-].]]].]]]$[ Esc}/,
-        "Swiss"                 => q/{Sfr -]']]]']]].[}/,
-    );
-    for my $nationality (keys %format) {
-		my $layout = $format{$nationality};
-        print form "$nationality:",
-                   "    $layout",
-                        \@amounts,
-                   "\n";
-    }
-    Swiss:
-                  Sfr 0.0 
-                  Sfr 1.0 
-                  Sfr 1.23
-              Sfr 1'234.56
-             Sfr -1'234.56
-          Sfr 1'234'567.89
-    Canadian (French):
-                      0,0 $ 
-                      1,0 $ 
-                      1,23 $
-                  1 234,56 $
-                 -1 234,56 $
-              1 234 567,89 $
-    Dutch:
-                      0.0EUR  
-                      1.0EUR  
-                      1.23EUR 
-                  1,234.56EUR 
-                  1,234.56-EUR
-              1,234,567.89EUR 
-    Norwegian:
-                   kr 0,0 
-                   kr 1,0 
-                   kr 1,23
-               kr 1.234,56
-              kr -1.234,56
-           kr 1.234.567,89
-    German (pre-euro):
-                      0,0DM 
-                      1,0DM 
-                      1,23DM
-                  1.234,56DM
-                 -1.234,56DM
-              1.234.567,89DM
-    Indian:
-                      0.0 Rs 
-                      1.0 Rs 
-                      1.23 Rs
-                  1,234.56 Rs
-                 -1,234.56 Rs
-              12,34,567.89 Rs
-    Portuguese (pre-euro):
-                      0$0 Esc 
-                      1$0 Esc 
-                      1$23 Esc
-                  1.234$56 Esc
-                 -1.234$56 Esc
-              1.234.567$89 Esc
-    Canadian (English):
-                     $0.0 
-                     $1.0 
-                     $1.23
-                 $1,234.56
-                -$1,234.56
-             $1,234,567.89
-=head1 Verbatim fields
-Sometimes all we want is an existing block
-of data laid out into columns E<ndash> without any fancy reformatting
-or rejustification. For example, suppose we have an interesting string
-like this:
-    $diagram = <<EODNA;
-       G==C
-         A==T
-           T=A
-           A=T
-         T==A
-       G===C
-      T==A
-     C=G
-    TA
-    AT
-     A=T
-      T==A
-        G===C
-          T==A
-    EODNA
-and we'd like to put beside some other text. Because it's already carefully
-formatted, we really don't want to interpolate it into a left-justified field:
-    print form
-        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}       {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
-         $diatribe,                                        $diagram;
-Because that would squash our lovely helix:
-    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their       G==C             
-    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in       A==T             
-    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are       T=A              
-    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what       A=T              
-    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should       T==A             
-    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /       G===C            
-    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a       T==A             
-    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become       C=G              
-    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       TA               
-    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a       AT               
-    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names       A=T              
-    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what       T==A             
-    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is       G===C            
-    grown so great?                                   T==A             
-Nor would right-, full-, centre- or numeric- justification help in this
-instance. What we really need is "leave-it-the-hell-alone"
-justification E<ndash> a field specifier that lays out the data exactly as it
-is, leading whitespace included.
-And that's the purpose of a I<verbatim field>. A verbatim single-line field
-(C<{'''''''''}>) grabs the next line of data it's offered and inserts as
-much of it as will fit in the field's width, preserving whitespace "as
-is". Likewise a verbatim block field (C<{"""""""""}>) grabs every line
-of the data it's offered and interpolates it into the text without any
-reformatting or justification.
-And that's precisely what we needed for our diagram:
-    print form
-        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}       {"""""""""""""""}',
-         $diatribe,                                        $diagram;
-to produce:
-    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their          G==C          
-    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in            A==T        
-    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are              T=A       
-    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what              A=T       
-    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should            T==A        
-    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /          G===C         
-    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a         T==A           
-    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become        C=G             
-    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       TA               
-    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a       AT               
-    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names        A=T             
-    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what         T==A           
-    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is           G===C        
-    grown so great?                                         T==A       
-Note that, unlike other types of fields, verbatim fields don't
-L<break and wrap their data|"A man may break a word with you, sir...">
-if that data doesn't fit on a single line. Instead, they truncate each line to
-the appropriate field width. So a too-short verbatim field:
-    print form
-        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}       {""""""}',
-         $diatribe,                                        $diagram;
-results in gene slicing:
-    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their          G==C 
-    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in            A==
-    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are              T
-    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what              A
-    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should            T==
-    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /          G===C
-    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a         T==A  
-    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become        C=G    
-    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       TA      
-    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a       AT      
-    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names        A=T    
-    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what         T==A  
-    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is           G===
-    grown so great?                                         T=
-rather than teratogenesis:
-    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their          G==C 
-    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in            A=-
-    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are       =T      
-    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what              -
-    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should       T=A     
-    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /              -
-    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a       A=T     
-    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become            T=-
-    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       =A      
-    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a          G===C
-    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names         T==A  
-    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what        C=G    
-    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is       TA      
-    grown so great?                                  AT      
-                                                   A=T    
-                                                    T==A  
-                                                      G==-
-                                                  =C      
-                                                        T-
-                                                  ==A     
-=head1 Overflow fields
-It's not uncommon for a report to need a series of data fields in one
-column and then a second column with only single field, perhaps
-containing a summary or discussion of the other data. For example,
-we might want to produce recipes of the form:
-    =================[  Hecate's Broth of Ambition  ]=================
-      Preparation time:             Method:                           
-         66.6 minutes                  Remove the legs from the       
-                                       lizard, the wings from the     
-      Serves:                          owlet, and the tongue of the   
-         2 doomed souls                adder. Set them aside.         
-                                       Refrigerate the remains (they  
-      Ingredients:                     can be used to make a lovely   
-         2 snakes (1 fenny, 1          white-meat stock). Drain the   
-         adder)                        newts' eyes if using pickled.  
-         2 lizards (1 legless,         Wrap the toad toes in the      
-         1 regular)                    bat's wool and immerse in half 
-         3 eyes of newt (fresh         a pint of vegan stock in       
-         or pickled)                   bottom of a preheated          
-         2 toad toes (canned           cauldron. (If you can't get a  
-         are fine)                     fresh vegan for the stock, a   
-         2 cups of bat's wool          cup of boiling water poured    
-         1 dog tongue                  over a vegetarian holding a    
-         1 common or spotted           sprouted onion will do). Toss  
-         owlet                         in the fenny snake, then the   
-                                       legless lizard. Puree the      
-                                       tongues together and fold      
-                                       gradually into the mixture,    
-                                       stirring widdershins at all   
-                                       times.  Allow to bubble for 45 
-                                       minutes then decant into two   
-                                       tarnished copper chalices.         
-                                       Garnish each with an owlet     
-                                       wing, and serve immediately.   
-There are several ways to achieve that effect. The most obvious is to
-format each column separately and then lay them out side-by-side
-with a pair of verbatim fields:
-    my $prep = form 'Preparation time:        ',
-                    '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $prep_time,
-                    '                         ',
-                    'Serves:                  ',
-                    '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $serves,
-                    '                         ',
-                    'Ingredients:             ',
-                    '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}', $ingredients;
-    my $make = form 'Method:                          ',
-                    '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
-                        $method;
-    print form 
-        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
-                                      $recipe,
-        '                                                                  ',
-        '  {"""""""""""""""""""""""}     {"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ',
-           $prep,                        $make;
-We could even chain the calls to C<form> to eliminate the interim variables:
-    print form 
-        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
-                                      $recipe,
-        '                                                                  ',
-        '  {"""""""""""""""""""""""}     {"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ',
-           form('Preparation time:        ',
-                '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $prep_time,
-                '                         ',
-                'Serves:                  ',
-                '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $serves
-                '                         ',
-                'Ingredients:             ',
-                '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}', $ingredients,
-               ),
-           form('Method:                          ',
-                '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
-                    $method,
-               );
-While it's impressive to be able to do that kind of nested formatting
-(and highly useful in extreme formatting scenarios), it's also far too
-ungainly for regular use. A cleaner, more maintainable solution is
-use a single format and just build the method column up
-piecemeal, like so:
-    print form 
-        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
-                                      $recipe,
-        '                                                                  ',
-        'Preparation time:               Method:                           ',
-        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
-            $prep_time,                     $method,
-        '                                   {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
-                                            $method,
-        'Serves:                            {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
-                                            $method,
-        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
-            $serves,                        $method,
-        '                                   {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
-                                            $method,
-        'Ingredients:                       {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
-                                            $method,
-        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}          {:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} ',
-            $ingredients,                   $method;
-That produces exactly the same result as the previous versions, because
-each follow-on C<<<< {:<<<<<<<:} >>>> field in the
-"Method" column grabs one extra line from C<$method>, and then the final
-follow-on C<{:[[[[[[}> field grabs as many more as are required
-to lay out the rest of the contents of the variable. The only down-side is
-that the resulting code is still downright ugly. With all those tedious
-repetitions of the same variable, there's far too much C<$method>
-in our madness.
-Having a series of follow-on fields like this E<ndash> vertically
-continuing a single column across subsequent format lines E<ndash> is so
-common that C<form> provides a special shortcut: the C<{VVVVVVVVV}>
-I<overflow field>.
-An overflow field automagically duplicates the field specification
-immediately above it. The important point being that, because that
-duplication includes copying the preceding field's data source, overflow
-fields don't require a separate data source of their own.
-Using overflow fields, we could rewrite our quotation generator
-like this:
-    print form 
-        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
-                                      $recipe,
-        '                                                                  ',
-        'Preparation time:               Method:                           ',
-        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<} ',
-            $prep_time,                     $method,
-        '                                   {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
-        'Serves:                            {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
-        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
-            $serves,                        
-        '                                   {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
-        'Ingredients:                       {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
-        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}          {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
-            $ingredients,
-        '                                   {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ';
-Which would once again produce the recipe shown earlier.
-Note that the overflow fields interact equally well in formats with
-single-line and block fields. That's because block overflow fields have
-one other special feature: they're non-greedy. Unless we L<specify
-otherwise|"Height control">, all types of block
-fields will consume their entire data source. For example, if we wrote:
-    print form {layout=>"across"},
-         '{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:}',
-                                  $speech,
-         '{:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:}',
-                                  $speech,
-         '{:[[[[[]]]]]:}   {="""""""""""""""""""=}   {:[[[[[]]]]]]:}',
-             $speech,             $advert,              $speech,
-         '{:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}',
-                                  $speech;
-we'd get:
-    Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer
-    by this sun of York; / And all the clouds that lour'd upon
-    our house / In                             the deep  bosom
-    of  the  ocean                             buried.  /  Now
-    are our  brows                             bound      with
-    victorious                                 wreaths; /  Our
-    bruised   arms                             hung   up   for
-    monuments;   /                             Our       stern
-    alarums          +---------------------+   changed      to
-    merry            |                     |   meetings, / Our
-    dreadful         | Eat at Mrs Miggins! |   marches      to
-    delightful       |                     |   measures. Grim-
-    visaged    war   +---------------------+   hath   smooth'd
-    his   wrinkled                             front;  /   And
-    now,   instead                             of     mounting
-    barded  steeds                             / To fright the
-    souls       of                             fearful        
-    adversaries, /                             He       capers
-    nimbly  in   a                             lady's chamber.
-That's because the two C<{:[[[[[]]]]]:}> block fields
-on either side of the verbatim advertisement field will eat all the
-data in C<$speech>, leaving nothing for the final format. Then
-the advertisement will be centred on the two resulting columns of text.
-But, block overflow fields are different.
-They only take as many lines as are required to 
-fill the lines generated by the non-overflow fields in their format.
-So, if we changed our code to use overflows:
-    print form {layout=>"across"},
-         '{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}', $speech,
-         '{VVVVVVVVVVVV}   {="""""""""""""""""""=}   {VVVVVVVVVVVVV}', $advert,
-we get both a cleaner specification and a more elegant result:
-    Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer
-    by this sun of York; / And all the clouds that lour'd upon
-    our house / In                             the deep  bosom
-    of  the  ocean   +---------------------+   buried.  /  Now
-    are our  brows   |                     |   bound      with
-    victorious       | Eat at Mrs Miggins! |   wreaths; /  Our
-    bruised   arms   |                     |   hung   up   for
-    monuments;   /   +---------------------+   Our       stern
-    alarums                                    changed      to
-    merry meetings,  /  Our  dreadful  marches  to  delightful
-    measures. Grim-visaged  war  hath  smooth'd  his  wrinkled
-    front; / And now, instead of mounting barded steeds  /  To
-    fright the souls  of  fearful  adversaries,  /  He  capers
-    nimbly in a lady's chamber.
-Notice that, in the third format line of the previous example, the two
-overflow fields on either side of the advertisement are each overflowing
-from the single field that's above both of them. This kind of multiple
-overflow is fine, but it does require that we specify I<how> the various
-fields overflow (i.e. as two separate columns of text, or E<ndash> as in
-this case E<ndash> as a single, broken column across the page). That's
-the purpose of the C<layout> option on the
-first line. This option is explained in detail L<below|"Layout control">.
-The C<{VVVVVVVV}> fields only consumed as much data from C<$speech> as
-was required to sandwich the output lines created by the verbatim
-advertisement. This feature is important, because it means we can lay
-out a series of block fields in one column and a single overflowed field
-in another column without introducing ugly gaps. For example, because
-the C<{VVVVVVVVV}> fields in:
-    print form
-        "Name:                                                  ",
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ", $name,
-        "                  Biography:                           ",
-        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}", $bio,
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $status,
-        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", 
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $comments;
-only consume as much of the overflowing C<$bio> field as necessary,
-the result is something like:
-    Name:                                                  
-      William                                             
-      Shakespeare                                         
-                      Biography:                          
-    Status:             William Shakespeare was born on    
-      Deceased (1564    April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon- 
-      -1616)            Avon, England; he was third of     
-                        eight children from Father John    
-    Comments:           Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden. 
-      Theories          Shakespeare began his education at 
-      abound as to      the age of seven when he probably  
-      the true          attended the Strathford grammar    
-      author of his     school. The school provided        
-      plays. The        Shakespeare with his formal        
-      prime             education. The students chiefly    
-      alternative       studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and 
-      candidates        literature. His knowledge and      
-      being Sir         imagination may have come from his 
-      Francis           reading of ancient authors and     
-      Bacon,            poetry. In November 1582,          
-      Christopher       Shakespeare received a license to  
-      Marlowe, or       marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
-      Edward de         their marriage, Shakespeare was 18 
-      Vere              years old and Anne was 26. They had
-                        three children, the oldest Susanna,
-                        and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a   
-                        girl, Judith. Before his death on    
-                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare 
-                        had written thirty-seven plays. He 
-                        is generally considered the        
-                        greatest playwright the world has  
-                        ever known and has always been the 
-                        world's most popular author.       
-If C<{VVVVVVVVVVV}> fields ate their entire data E<ndash> the way
-C<{[[[[[[[[[}> or C<{IIIIIIIIII}> fields do E<ndash> then the output would be
-much less satisfactory. The first block overflow field for C<$bio> would
-have to consume the entire biography, before the comments field was even
-reached. So our output would be something like:
-    Name:                                                                
-      William                                                
-      Shakespeare                                            
-                      Biography:                          
-    Status:             William Shakespeare was born on    
-      Deceased (1564    April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon- 
-      -1616)            Avon, England; he was third of     
-                        eight children from Father John    
-                        Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden. 
-                        Shakespeare began his education at 
-                        the age of seven when he probably  
-                        attended the Strathford grammar    
-                        school. The school provided        
-                        Shakespeare with his formal        
-                        education. The students chiefly    
-                        studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and 
-                        literature. His knowledge and      
-                        imagination may have come from his 
-                        reading of ancient authors and     
-                        poetry. In November 1582,          
-                        Shakespeare received a license to  
-                        marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
-                        their marriage, Shakespeare was 18 
-                        years old and Anne was 26. They had
-                        three children, the oldest Susanna,
-                        and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a   
-                        girl, Judith. Before his death on  
-                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare 
-                        had written thirty-seven plays. He 
-                        is generally considered the        
-                        greatest playwright the world has  
-                        ever known and has always been the 
-                        world's most popular author.       
-    Comments:                                               
-      Theories                                               
-      abound as to                                           
-      the true                                               
-      author of his                                          
-      plays. The                                             
-      prime                                                  
-      alternative                                            
-      candidates                                             
-      being Sir                                              
-      Francis                                                
-      Bacon,                                                 
-      Christopher                                            
-      Marlowe, or                                            
-      Edward de                                              
-      Vere                                                   
-Which is precisely why C<{VVVVVVVVVVV}> fields don't work that way.
-=head2 Line-breaking
-Whenever a field is passed more data than it can
-accommodate in a single line, C<form> is forced to "break" that data somewhere.
-If the field in question is I<W>
-columns wide, C<form> first squeezes any whitespace (as specified by
-the L<user's C<ws> option|"Whitespace squeezing">) and then looks at the next I<W> columns of the string.
-C<form>'s breaking algorithm then searches for a newline, a carriage
-return, any other whitespace character, or a hyphen. If it
-finds a newline or carriage return within the first I<W> columns, it
-immediately breaks the data string at that point. Otherwise it locates
-the I<last> whitespace or hyphen in the first I<W> columns and breaks
-the string immediately after that space or hyphen. If it can't find
-anywhere suitable to break the string, it breaks it at the (I<W>-1)th
-column and appends a hyphen.
-So, for example:
-    $data = "You can play no part but Pyramus;\nfor Pyramus is a sweet-faced man";
-    print form "|{[[[[[}|",
-                 $data;
-    |You can|
-    |play no|
-    |part   |
-    |but    |
-    |Pyramu-|
-    |s;     |
-    |for    |
-    |Pyramus|
-    |is a   |
-    |sweet- |
-    |faced  |
-    |man    |
-Note the line-breaks after I<can> (at a whitespace), I<part> (after a
-whitespace), I<sweet-> (after a hyphen), and I<s;> (at a newline). Note
-too that I<Pyramus;> doesn't fit in the field, so it has to be chopped in two
-and a hyphen inserted.
-Of course, this particular style of line-breaking may not be suitable to all
-applications, and we might prefer that C<form> use some other algorithm. For
-example, if C<form> used the TeX breaking algorithm it would have broken
-I<Pyramus;> less clumsily, yielding:
-    |You can|
-    |play no|
-    |part   |
-    |but    |
-    |Pyra-  |
-    |mus;   |
-    |for    |
-    |Pyramus|
-    |is a   |
-    |sweet- |
-    |faced  |
-    |man    |
-To support different line-breaking strategies C<form> provides
-the C<break> option.  The C<break> option's value must be
-a closure/subroutine, which will then be called whenever a data string
-needs to be broken to fit a particular field width.
-That subroutine is passed three arguments: a reference to the data
-string itself, an integer specifying how wide the field is, and a regex
-indicating which (if any) characters are to be
-L<squeezed|"Whitespace squeezing">.
-It is expected to return a list of two values: a string which is taken
-as the "broken" text for the field, and a boolean value indicating
-whether or not any data remains after the break (so C<form> knows when
-to stop breaking the data string). The subroutine is also expected to
-update the C<.pos> of the data string to point immediately after the
-break it has imposed.
-For example, if we always wanted to break at the exact width of the field
-(with no hyphens), we could do that with:
-    sub break_width {
-		my ($data_ref, $width, $ws) = @_;
-        for ($$data_ref) {
-            # Treat any squeezed or vertical whitespace as a single character
-            # (since they'll subsequently be squeezed to a single space)
-            my $single_char = qr{ $ws | [\n\r]+ | . }
-            # Give up if there are no more characters to grab...
-            return ("", 0) unless m/\G (single_char{1,$width}) /gcx;
-            # Squeeze the resultant substring...
-            (my $result = $1) =~ s/ $ws | [\n\r] / /gx;
-            # Check for any more data still to come...
-            my $more = m/\G (?= .* \S) /gcx;
-            # Return the squeezed substring and the "more" indicator...
-            return ($result, $more);
-        }
-    }
-    print form
-        {break=>\&break_width},
-        "|{[[[[[}|",
-          $data;
-    |You can|
-    |play no|
-    |part bu|
-    |t Pyram|
-    |us; for|
-    |Pyramus|
-    |is a sw|
-    |eet-fac|
-    |ed man |
-Or we might prefer to break on every single whitespace-separated word:
-    sub break_word {
-		my ($data_ref, $width, $ws) = @_;
-        for ($$data_ref) {
-            # Locate the next word (no longer than $width cols)
-            my $found = m/\G \s* (\S{1,$width}) /gcx;
-            # Fail if no more words...
-            return ("", 0) unless $found;
-			my $word = $1;
-            # Check for any more data still to come...
-            my bool $more = m/\G (?= .* \S) /gcx;
-            # Otherwise, return broken text and "more" flag... 
-            return ($word, $more);
-        }
-    }
-    print form
-        {break=>\&break_word},
-        "|{[[[[[}|",
-          $data;
-    |You    |
-    |can    |
-    |play   |
-    |no     |
-    |part   |
-    |but    |
-    |Pyramus|
-    |;      |
-    |for    |
-    |Pyramus|
-    |is     |
-    |a      |
-    |sweet-f|
-    |aced   |
-    |man    |
-We'll see yet another application of user-defined breaking when
-we discuss L<user-defined fields|"User-defined fields">.
-=head2 Interleaving data
-There are (at least) three schools of thought when it comes to setting
-out a call to C<form> that uses more than one format. The
-"traditional" way (i.e. the way Perl 5 formats do it) is to interleave
-each format string with a line containing the data it is to
-interpolate, with each datum aligned directly under the field into
-which it is to be fitted. Like so:
-    print form
-        "Name:                                                  ",
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ",
-           $name,
-        "                  Biography:                           ",
-        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}",
-                             $bio,
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
-           $status,
-        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", 
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
-           $comments;
-This approach has the advantage that it self-documents: to know what
-a particular field is supposed to contain, we merely need to look
-down one line.
-It does, however, break up the "abstract picture" that the formats
-portray, which can make it more difficult to envisage what the final
-formatted text will look like. So some people prefer to put all the data
-to the right of the formats:
-    print form
-        "Name:                                                  ",
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ", $name,
-        "                  Biography:                           ",
-        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}", $bio,
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $status,
-        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", 
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $comments;
-And that's perfectly acceptable too.
-Sometimes, however, the data to be interpolated doesn't come neatly
-pre-packaged in separate variables that are easy to intersperse between the
-formats. For example, the data might be a list returned by a
-subroutine call (C<get_info($next_person)>) or might be stored in a hash
-(S< C<@person{qw( name biog stat comm )}> >). In such
-cases it's a nuisance to have to tease that data out into separate
-variables (or hash accesses) and then sprinkle them through the formats:
-    print form
-        "Name:                                                  ",
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ",$person{name},
-        "                  Biography:                           ",
-        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}",$person{biog},
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",$person{stat},
-        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", 
-        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",$person{comm};
-So C<form> has an option that lets us put a single, multi-line format
-at the start of the argument list, place all the data together
-after it, and have that data automatically interleaved as necessary.
-Not surprisingly, that option is: C<interleave>. It's normally used in
-conjunction with a heredoc, since that's the easiest way to specify a
-multi-line string in Perl:
-    print form {interleave=>1}, <<'EOFORMAT',
-	Name:                                                 
-	  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                      
-	 				  Biography:                          
-	Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}
-         @person{qw( name biog stat comm )};
-When C<interleave> is in effect, C<form> grabs the first string
-argument it's passed and breaks that argument up into individual lines.
-It treats those individual lines as a series of distinct formats
-and grabs as many of the remaining arguments as are required to
-provide data for each format.
-=head2 Multi-line formats
-It's important to point out that, even when we're using C<form>'s
-default B<non>-interleaving behaviour, it's still okay to use a format
-that spans multiple lines. There I<is> however a significant (and useful)
-difference in behaviour between the two alternatives.
-The normal behaviour of C<form> is to take each format string,
-fill in each field in the format with a substring from the
-corresponding data source, and then repeat that process until all the
-data sources have been exhausted. Which means that a multi-line format
-like this:
-    print form
-         <<'EOFORMAT',
-	Name:    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   Role: {[[[[[[[[[[}
-	Address: {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
-	_______________________________________________
-         @names, @roles, @addresses;
-would normally produce this:
-    Name:    King Lear           Role: Protagonist 
-    Address: The Cliffs, Dover                     
-    _______________________________________________
-    Name:    The Three Witches   Role: Plot devices
-    Address: Dismal Forest, Scotland               
-    _______________________________________________
-    Name:    Iago                Role: Villain     
-    Address: Casa d'Otello, Venezia               
-    _______________________________________________
-because the entire three-line format is repeatedly filled in
-as a single unit, line-by-line and datum-by-datum.
-On the other hand, if we tell C<form> that it's supposed to automatically
-interleave the data coming after the format, like so:
-    print form {interleave=>1},
-         <<'EOFORMAT',
-	Name:    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   Role: {[[[[[[[[[[}
-	Address: {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
-	_______________________________________________
-         @names, @roles, @addresses;
-then the call produces:
-    Name:    King Lear           Role: Protagonist 
-    Name:    The Three Witches   Role: Plot devices
-    Name:    Iago                Role: Villain     
-    Address: The Cliffs, Dover                     
-    Address: Dismal Forest, Scotland               
-    Address: Casa d'Otello, Venezia               
-    _______________________________________________
-because that second version is really equivalent to:
-    print form
-         "Name:    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   Role: {[[[[[[[[[[}",
-                   @names,                   @roles,
-         "Address: {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-                   @addresses,
-         "_______________________________________________";
-That's not much use in this particular example, but it was exactly what
-was needed for the biography example earlier. It's just a matter of
-choosing the right type of data placement to achieve the particular
-effect we want.
-=head2 Layout control
-As we saw earlier, with follow-on fields and overflow fields, C<form>
-is perfectly happy to have several fields in a single format that 
-are all fed by the same data source. For example:
-    print form
-        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
-             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
-In fact, that kind of format is particularly useful for creating
-multi-column outputs (like newspaper columns, for example).
-But a small quandry arises. In what order should C<form> fill in these
-fields? Should the data be formatted down the page, filling each column
-completely before starting the next (and therefore potentially leaving
-the last column "short"):
-    Now is the winter  of   torious  wreaths;   /   front; / And now, in-
-    our discontent / Made   Our bruised arms hung   stead of mounting ba-
-    glorious  summer   by   up for  monuments;  /   rded steeds / To fri-
-    this sun of  York;  /   Our stern alarums ch-   ght the souls of fea-
-    And  all  the  clouds   anged to merry meeti-   rful  adversaries,  /
-    that lour'd upon  our   ngs, /  Our  dreadful   He capers nimbly in a
-    house / In  the  deep   marches to delightful   lady's chamber.
-    bosom  of  the  ocean   measures.   /   Grim-   
-    buried. / Now are our   visaged war hath smo-   
-    brows bound with vic-   oth'd  his   wrinkled   
-Or should the data be run line-by-line across all three columns (the
-way a Perl 5 C<format> does it), filling one line completely before
-starting the next:
-    Now is the winter  of   our discontent / Made   glorious  summer   by
-    this sun of  York;  /   And  all  the  clouds   that lour'd upon  our
-    house / In  the  deep   bosom  of  the  ocean   buried. / Now are our
-    brows bound with vic-   torious  wreaths;   /   Our bruised arms hung
-    up for  monuments;  /   Our stern alarums ch-   anged to merry meeti-
-    ngs, /  Our  dreadful   marches to delightful   measures.   /   Grim-
-    visaged war hath smo-   oth'd  his   wrinkled   front; / And now, in-
-    stead of mounting ba-   rded steeds / To fri-   ght the souls of fea-
-    rful  adversaries,  /   He capers nimbly in a   lady's chamber.
-Or should the text run down the columns, but in such a way as to leave
-those columns as evenly balanced in length as possible:
-    Now is the winter  of   brows bound with vic-   visaged war hath smo-
-    our discontent / Made   torious  wreaths;   /   oth'd  his   wrinkled
-    glorious  summer   by   Our bruised arms hung   front; / And now, in-
-    this sun of  York;  /   up for  monuments;  /   stead of mounting ba-
-    And  all  the  clouds   Our stern alarums ch-   rded steeds / To fri-
-    that lour'd upon  our   anged to merry meeti-   ght the souls of fea-
-    house / In  the  deep   ngs, /  Our  dreadful   rful  adversaries,  /
-    bosom  of  the  ocean   marches to delightful   He capers nimbly in a
-    buried. / Now are our   measures.   /   Grim-   lady's chamber.
-Well, of course, there's no "right" answer to that; it depends entirely
-on what kind of effect we're trying to achieve.
-The first approach (i.e. lay out the text down each column first) works
-well if we're formatting a news-column, or a report, or a description of
-some kind. The second (i.e. lay out the text across each line first), is
-excellent for putting diagrams or call-outs in the middle of a piece of
-text (as we did for L<Mrs Miggins|"Overflow fields">).
-The third approach (i.e. lay out the data downwards but
-balance the columns) is best for presenting a single list of data in
-multiple columns E<ndash> like C<ls> does.
-So we need an option with which to tell C<form> which of these useful
-alternatives we want for a particular format. That option is named
-C<layout> and can take one of three string values: C<"down">, C<"across">,
-or C<"balanced">. So, for example, to produce three versions of Richard III's
-famous monologue in the order shown above, we'd use:
-    print form {layout=>"down"},
-        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
-             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
-    print form {layout=>"across"},
-        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
-             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
-    print form {layout=>"balanced"},
-        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
-             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
-By the way, the default value for the C<layout> option is C<"balanced">
-since formatting regular columns of data is more common than formatting
-news or advertising inserts.
-=head2 Tabular layout
-The C<layout> option controls one other form of inter-column formatting:
-tabular layout.
-So far, all the examples of tables we've created (for example, our 
-L<normalized scores|"Array data sources">)
-lined up nicely. But that was only because each item in each row
-happened to take the same number of lines (typically just one).
-So, a table generator like this:
-    my @play = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Othello", "Richard III", "Hamlet"   );
-    my @name = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Iago",    "Henry",       "Claudius" );
-    print form 
-         "Character       Appears in  ",
-         "____________    ____________",
-         "{[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[}",
-          \@name,          \@play;
-correctly produces:
-    Character       Appears in
-    ____________    ____________
-    Iago            Othello     
-    Henry           Richard III
-    Claudius        Hamlet      
-Note that we appended C<"\r"> to each element to add an extra
-newline after each entry in the table. We can't use C<"\n"> to specify a
-line-break within an array element, because C<form> uses C<"\n"> as an
-L<"end-of-element" marker|"Therefore, put you in your best array...">.
-So, to allow line breaks within a single element of an array datum,
-C<form> treats C<"\r"> as "end-of-line-but-not-end-of-element"
-(somewhat like Perl 5's C<format> does).
-However, if we were to use the full titles for each character and each play:
-    my @play = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Othello, The Moor of Venice",
-                               "The Life and Death of King Richard III",
-                               "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark",
-                             );
-    my @name = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Iago",
-                               "Henry,\rEarl of Richmond",
-                               "Claudius,\rKing of Denmark",
-                             );
-the same formatter would produce:
-    Character       Appears in
-    ____________    ____________
-    Iago            Othello, The
-                    Moor of     
-    Henry,          Venice      
-    Earl of
-    Richmond        The Life and         
-                    Death of    
-    Claudius,       King Richard
-    King of         III         
-    Denmark         
-                    Hamlet,     
-                    Prince of   
-                    Denmark     
-The problem is that the two block fields we're using just grab all
-the data from each array and format it independently into each column.
-Usually that's fine because the columns I<are> independent (as we've
-L<previously seen|"Verbatim fields">).
-But in a table, the data in each column specifically relates to data
-in other columns, so corresponding elements from the column's data
-arrays ought to remain vertically aligned. To achieve this, we simply
-tell C<form> that the data in the various columns should be laid out
-like a table:
-    print form {layout=>"tabular"},
-         "Character       Appears in  ",
-         "____________    ____________",
-         "{[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[}",
-          \@name,         \@play;
-which then produces the desired result:
-    Character       Appears in
-    ____________    ____________
-    Iago            Othello, The
-                    Moor of     
-                    Venice      
-    Henry,          The Life and
-    Earl of         Death of    
-    Richmond        King Richard
-                    III         
-    Claudius,       Hamlet,     
-    King of         Prince of   
-    Denmark         Denmark     
-=head1 Give him line and scope...
-Sometimes we want to use a particular option or combination of options
-in every call we make to C<form>. Or, more likely, in every call we make
-within a specific scope.  For example, we might wish to default to
-a different line-breaking algorithm
-everywhere, or we might want to make repeated use of
-L<a new type of field specifier|"User-defined fields">,
-or we might want to L<reset the standard page length|"Page dimensions">
-from a printable 60 to a screenable 24.
-So the Perl6::Form module provides a mechanism by which options can be prebound.
-To use it, we (re-)load the module with an explicit argument list:
-    use Form { layout=>"down", locale=>1, interleave=>1 };
-This causes the module to export a modified version of C<form> in which the
-specified options are prebound.  That modified version of C<form> takes effect
-from the line following the C<use> statement, until the end of the current
-package (or another C<use Perl6::Form> statement). The effect is B<not>
-truly lexical (as it would be in Perl 6).
-These default options are handy if we have a series of calls
-to C<form> that all need some consistent non-standard behaviour.
-For example:
-    use Form { layout=>"across",
-               interleave=>1,
-               page => { header => "Draft $(localtime)\n\n" },
-			 };
-    print form $introduction_format, @introduction_data;
-    while ($format, @data = get_next) {
-        print form $format, @data;
-    }
-    print form $conclusion_format, @conclusion_data;
-=head2 Declarative field widths
-When specific field widths are required (perhaps by some design document
-or data formatting protocol) laying out wide fields can be error-prone.
-For example, most people can't visually distinguish between a
-52-column field and a 53-column field and are therefore forced to manually
-verify the width of the corresponding field specifier in some way.
-To catch mistakes of this kind, fields can be specified with an
-embedded integer in parentheses (with optional whitespace inside the
-parens). For example:
-    print form '{[[[( 15 )[[[[} {<<<<<(17)<<<<<<}  {]]](14)]]].[[}',
-               @data;
-The integer in the parentheses acts like a checksum. Its value
-must be identical to the actual width of the field (including the
-delimiting braces and the embedded integer itself). Otherwise an
-exception is thrown. For instance, running the above example produces
-the error message:
-    Inconsistent width for field 3.
-    Specified as '{]]](14)]]].[[}' but actual width is 15
-    in call to &form at line 1
-Numeric fields can be given a decimal checksum, which then also
-specifies their number of decimal places.
-    print form
-        '{[[[( 15 )[[[[} {<<<<<(17)<<<<<<}  {]](14.2)]].[}',
-         @data;
-Note that the digits before the decimal still indicate
-the total width of the field. So the C<{]](14.2)]].[}> field
-in the above example means I<must be 14 columns wide, including
-2 decimal places>, in exactly the same way as a C<"%14.2f">
-specifier would in a C<sprintf>.
-=head2 Imperative field widths
-Of course, in some instances it would be much more convenient if we
-could simply I<tell> C<form> that we want a particular field to be
-a particular width, instead of having to explicitly I<show> it.
-So there's another type of integer field annotation that, instead of
-acting like a checksum, acts like an...err..."tellsum". That is, we
-can tell C<form> to ignore a field's physical width and instead
-insist that it be magically expanded (or shrunk) to a nominated width. Such
-a field is said to have an I<imperative width>. The integer specifying
-the imperative width is placed in curly braces instead of parens.
-For example, the format in the previous example could be specified
-imperatively as:
-    print form
-        '{[{15}[} {<{17}<<}  {]]]]{14.2}]]]].[[}',
-         @data;
-Note that the actual width of any field becomes irrelevant if it
-contains an imperative width. The field will be condensed or expanded to
-the specified width, with subsequent fields pushed left or right
-=head2 Distributive field widths
-A special form of imperative width field is the I<starred field>.
-A starred field is one that contains an imperative width
-specification in which the number is replaced by a single asterisk.
-The width of a starred field is not fixed, but rather is I<computed>
-during formatting. That width is whatever is required to cause the
-entire format to fill the current page width of the format (by default,
-78 columns). Consider, for example:
-    print form
-        '{]]]]]]]]]]]]]]} {]]].[[}  {[[{*}[[}  ',
-         \@names,         \@scores, \@comments;
-The width of the starred comment field in this case is 49 columns E<ndash>
-the default page width of 78 columns minus the 29 columns
-consumed by the fixed-width portions of the format (including the other two
-If a format contains two or more starred fields, the available space
-is shared equally between them. So, for example, to create two equal columns
-(say, to compare the contents of two files), we might use:
-	use Perl6::Slurp;
-    print form 
-         "{[[[[{*}[[[[}   {[[[[{*}[[[[}",
-          slurp($file1),  slurp($file2);
-(And, yes, Perl 6 does have a built-in C<slurp> function that takes a filename,
-opens the file, reads in the entire contents, and returns them as a single
-string. For more details see the Perl6::Slurp module E<ndash> now on the CPAN.)
-There is one special case for starred fields: a starred verbatim field:
-    {""""{*}""""}
-It acts like any other starred field, growing according to the available
-space, except that it will never grow any wider than the widest line
-of the data it is formatting. For example, whereas a regular starred 
-    print form 
-         '| {[[{*}[[} |',
-            $monologue;
-expands to the full page width:
-    | Now is the winter of our discontent                           |
-    | Made glorious summer by this sun of York;                     |
-    | And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house                 |
-    | In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.                        |
-    | Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths               |  
-    | Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;                       |
-    | Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,                  |
-    | Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.                  |
-    | Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;            |
-    | And now, instead of mounting barded steeds                    |  
-    | To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,                   |  
-    | He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber.                         |  
-a starred verbatim field:
-    print form 
-         '| {""{*}""} |',
-            $monologue;
-only expands as much as is strictly necessary to accommodate the data:
-    | Now is the winter of our discontent                |
-    | Made glorious summer by this sun of York;          |
-    | And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house      |
-    | In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.             |
-    | Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;   |  
-    | Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;            |
-    | Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,       |
-    | Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.       |
-    | Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front; |
-    | And now, instead of mounting barded steeds         |  
-    | To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,        |  
-    | He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber.              |  
-=head2 Extensible fields
-By now you've probably noticed that there is quite a large overlap between the
-functionality of C<form> and that of C<(s)printf>. For example, the call:
-    for (@procs) {
-        print form
-            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(20)<<<<<<<}  {>>>>>>}  {>>.}%",
-            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},         $_->{time}, $_->{cpu};
-    }
-has approximately the same effect as the call:
-    for (@procs) {
-        printf "%5d  %-20s  %8s  %5.1f%%\n",
-               $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd}, $_->{time}, $_->{cpu};
-    }
-One is more WYSIWYG, the other more concise, but (placed in a suitable loop),
-they would both print out lines like these:
-     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
-     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
-     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
-     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
-There is, however, a crucial difference between these two formatting
-facilities; one that only shows up when one of our processes runs over 99
-hours. For example, suppose our browser has been running continuously
-for a few months (or, more precisely, for 1214:23.75 hours). Then the
-calls to C<printf> would print:
-     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
-     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
-    27384  lynx  1214:23.75    0.8%
-     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
-     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
-whilst the calls to C<form> would print:
-     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
-     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
-    27384  lynx  1214:23-    0.8%
-     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
-     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
-In other words, field widths in a C<printf> represent I<minimal> spacing
-(even if that throws off the overall layout), whereas field widths in a
-C<form> represent I<guaranteed> spacing (even if that truncates some of
-the data).
-Of course, in a situation like this E<ndash> where we knew that the data might
-not fit and we didn't want it truncated E<ndash> we could use a block field
-    for (@procs) {
-        print form
-            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(19)<<<<<<}  {]]]]]]}  {>>.%}",
-            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},        $_->{time},  $_->{cpu};
-    }
-in which case we'd get:
-     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
-     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
-    27384  lynx  1214:23-    0.8%
-                                      .75
-     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
-     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
-That preserves the data, but the results are still ugly, and it also
-requires some fancy footwork E<ndash> making the percentage sign part of
-the field specification, as if it were L<a currency marker|
-"Some tender money to me..."> E<ndash> to make the last field
-work correctly. In other words: it's a kludge. The sad truth is that
-sometimes variable-width fields are a better solution.
-So C<form> provides them too. Any field specification may include a
-plus sign (C<+>) anywhere between its braces, in which case it
-specifies an I<extensible field>: a field whose width is minimal,
-rather than absolute. So, in the above example, our call to C<form>
-should actually look like this:
-    for (@procs) {
-        print form
-            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(20)<<<<<<<}  {>>>>>+}  {>>.}%",
-            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},        $_->{time},  $_->{cpu};
-    }
-and would produce this:
-     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
-     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
-    27384  lynx  1214:23.75    0.8%
-     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
-     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
-just like C<printf> does.
-Likewise, if we thought the command names might exceed 20 columns we
-could let that field stretch too:
-    for (@procs) {
-        print form
-            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(20+)<<<<<<}  {>>>>>+}  {>>.}%",
-            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},        $_->{time},  $_->{cpu};
-    }
-Note that the field width specifier would still warn us if the field's
-"picture" was not exactly 20 columns wide, but the resulting field
-would nevertheless stretch as necessary to accommodate longer data.
-=head2 Whitespace squeezing
-When a field is being filled in, whitespace is normally left as-is
-(except for justification, and wrapping of lines in block fields).
-However, this behaviour can be altered by specifying a I<whitespace
-squeezing> strategy. Squeezing replaces those substrings of the data
-that match a specified pattern (for example: C</\s+/>), substituting
-a single space character.
-If we don't want the default (non-)squeezing strategy we can use
-the C<ws> option specify the particular pattern that is to be
-used for squeezing:
-    print form
-        {ws=>qr/\h+/},           # squeeze any horizontal whitespace
-        $format1, @data1,
-        {ws=>qr/$comment|\s+/},  # now squeeze comments or whitespace
-        $format2, @data2;
-For example, suppose we have a eulogy generator:
-    sub eulogize ($who, $to, $blaming) {...}
-that (rather poorly) drops the appropriate names into a pre-formatted template,
-to produce strings like:
-    Friends,   Romans  , countrymen, lend me your ears;
-    I come to bury    Caesar   , not to praise him.
-    The evil that men do lives after them;
-    The good is oft interred with their bones;
-    So let it be with    Caesar    . The noble    Brutus
-    Hath told you     Caesar     was ambitious:
-    If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
-    And grievously hath    Caesar    answer'd it.
-If we interpolate that string, with its extra spaces and its embedded
-newlines, into a C<form> field:
-    print form
-         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
-            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
-we'd get:
-    | Friends,   Romans  , countrymen, lend me   |
-    | your ears;                                 |
-    | I come to bury    Caesar   , not to praise |
-    | him.                                       |
-    | The evil that men do lives after them;     |
-    | The good is oft interred with their bones; |
-    | So let it be with    Caesar    . The noble |
-    | Brutus                                     |
-    | Hath told you     Caesar     was           |
-    | ambitious:                                 |
-    | If it were so, it was a grievous fault,    |
-    | And grievously hath    Caesar    answer'd  |
-    | it.                                        |
-Note that the extra spaces and the embedded newlines
-are preserved in the resulting text.
-But, if we told C<form> to squeeze all whitespaces:
-    print form {ws => qr/\s+/},
-         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
-            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
-we'd get:
-    | Friends, Romans , countrymen, lend me your |
-    | ears; I come to bury Caesar , not to       |
-    | praise him. The evil that men do lives     |
-    | after them; The good is oft interred with  |
-    | their bones; So let it be with Caesar .    |
-    | The noble Brutus Hath told you Caesar was  |
-    | ambitious: If it were so, it was a         |
-    | grievous fault, And grievously hath Caesar |
-    | answer'd it.                               |
-with each sequence of characters that match C</\s+/> being reduced
-to a single space.
-On the other hand, if we wanted to preserve the newlines and squeeze
-only horizontal whitespace, that would be:
-    print form {ws => qr/[ \t]+/},
-         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
-            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
-which produces:
-    | Friends, Romans , countrymen, lend me your |
-    | ears;                                      |
-    | I come to bury Caesar , not to praise him. |
-    | The evil that men do lives after them;     |
-    | The good is oft interred with their bones; |
-    | So let it be with Caesar . The noble       |
-    | Brutus                                     |
-    | Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:        |
-    | If it were so, it was a grievous fault,    |
-    | And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it.    |
-Of course, for this particular text, none of these solutions is entirely
-satisfactory since squeezing the whitespaces to a single space still leaves a
-single space in places like C<"Caesar ."> and C<"Romans ,">.
-To remove those blemishes we need to take advantage of a more
-sophisticated aspect of C<form>'s whitespace squeezing behaviour. Namely
-that, when squeezing whitespace using a particular pattern, C<form>
-detects if that pattern captures anything and I<doesn't> squeeze the 
-captured items.
-More precisely, if the squeeze pattern matches but doesn't capture,
-C<form> simply replaces the entire match with a single space character.
-But if the squeeze pattern I<does> capture, C<form> doesn't insert a
-space character, but instead replaces the entire match with the
-concatenation of the captured substrings.
-That means we can completely eliminate any whitespace before a punctuation
-character with:
-    print form {ws => qr/[ \t]+ ([.!?,:;])?/},
-         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
-            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
-which produces the desired:
-    | Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your  |
-    | ears;                                      |
-    | I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.  |
-    | The evil that men do lives after them;     |
-    | The good is oft interred with their bones; |
-    | So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus |
-    | Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:        |
-    | If it were so, it was a grievous fault,    |
-    | And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it.    |
-This works because, in those instances where the pattern
-matches some whitespace followed by one of the 
-punctuation characters, the punctuation character is captured,
-and the captured character is then used to replace the entire
-whitespace-plus-punctuator. On the other hand, if the
-pattern matches whitespace but no punctuator (and it's allowed to do that
-because the punctuator is optional), then nothing is captured, so
-C<form> falls back to replacing the whitespace with a single space.
-=head2 Field filling
-Fields are (almost) always of a fixed width. So, if there isn't
-enough data to fill a particular field, the unused portions of that
-field are filled in with spaces to preserve the vertical alignment of
-other columns of formatted data. However, spaces are only the
-default. The C<hfill> (horizontal fill) option can be used to change
-fillers. For example:
-    print form
-        {hfill=>"=-"},                  # Fill next fields with "=-"
-        "{|{*}|}\n",                    # Full width field for title
-        "[ Table of Contents ]",        # Title
-        {hfill=>" ."},                  # Fill next fields with spaced dots
-        '   {[[[[[{*}[[[[[}{]]]}   ',   # Two indented block fields
-            @contents,     @page;       # Data for those blocks
-This fills the empty space either side of the centred title with a repeated
-C<=-=-=-> sequence. It then fills the gaps to the right of the left-justified
-the contents field, and to left of the right-justified pages field,
-with spaced dots. Which, rather prettily, produces something like:
-    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ Table of Contents ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-       Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i   
-       Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii   
-       Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi   
-       Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1   
-       The Tempest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7   
-       Two Gentlemen of Verona . . . . . . . . . 17   
-       The Merry Wives of Winsor . . . . . . . . 27   
-       Twelfh Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39   
-       Measure for Measure . . . . . . . . . . . 50   
-       Much Ado About Nothing. . . . . . . . . . 62   
-       A Midsummer Night's Dream . . . . . . . . 73   
-       Love's Labour's Lost. . . . . . . . . . . 82   
-       The Merchant of Venice. . . . . . . . . . 94   
-       As You Like It. . . . . . . . . . . . . .105   
-Note that the fill sequence doesn't have to be a single character and
-that the fill pattern is consistent across multiple fields and between
-adjacent lines. That is, it's as if every field is first filled with the
-same fill pattern, then the actual data written over the top.
-That's particularly handy in the above example, because it ensures that
-the fill pattern seamlessly bridges the boundary between the adjacent
-contents and pages fields.
-It's also possible to specify separate fill sequences for the left-
-and right-hand gaps in a particular field, using the C<lfill> and C<rfill>
-options. This is particularly common for numerical fields. For example,
-this call to C<form>:
-    print form 
-      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
-      '=============     =====================',
-      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
-      \@names,               \@bribes;
-would print something like:
-    Name              Bribe (per dastardry)
-    =============     =====================
-    Crookback                  12.676
-    Iago                        1.62
-    Borachio               45,615.0
-    Shylock                    19.0003
-with the numeric field padded with whitespace and 
-only showing as many decimal places as there are in
-the data.
-However, in order to prevent subsequent..err...creative calligraphy
-(they I<are>, after all, villains and would presumably not hesitate
-to add a few digits to the front of each number), we might prefer to
-put stars before the numbers and show all decimal places.
-We could do that like so:
-    print form 
-      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
-      '=============     =====================',
-      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
-      \@names,               {lfill=>'*', rfill=>'0'},
-                             @bribes;
-which would then print:
-    Name              Bribe (per dastardry)
-    =============     =====================
-    Crookback             *****12.6760
-    Iago                  ******1.6200
-    Borachio              *45,615.0000
-    Shylock               *****19.0003
-Note that the C<lfill> and C<rfill> options are specified I<after> the
-format string and, more particularly, before the data for the second
-field. This means that those options only take effect for that
-particular field and the previous fill behaviour is then reasserted
-for subsequent fields. Many other C<form> options E<ndash> for example C<ws>,
-C<height>, or C<break> E<ndash> can be specified in this way, so as to
-apply them only to a particular field.
-There is also a general C<fill> option that sets the default
-sequence for any filling that isn't otherwise specified.
-=head2 Zero-filled numeric fields
-Filling numeric fields with zeros is so common that C<form> offers a
-shorthand notation for it. If the first character inside a numeric field specification is a zero, then the left-fill string for that field is set to C<"0">.
-Likewise if the last character in the field is a zero, it is right-filled
-with zeros. For example:
-    my @nums = (0, 1, -1.2345, 1234.56, -1234.56, 1234567.89);
-    print form
-        "{]]]].[[}     {]]]].[0}     {0]]].[[}     {0]]].[0}",
-         \@nums,       \@nums,       \@nums,       \@nums;
-        0.0           0.000     00000.0       00000.000
-        1.0           1.000     00001.0       00001.000
-       -1.234        -1.234     -0001.234     -0001.234
-     1234.56       1234.560     01234.56      01234.560
-    -1234.56      -1234.560     -1234.56      -1234.560
-    #####.###     #####.###     #####.###     #####.###
-=head2 Up and down, up and down, I will lead them up and down...
-Formatted text blocks are also filled vertically. Empty lines at the end
-of the block are normally filled with spaces (so as to preserve the
-alignment of any other fields on the same line). However, this too can
-be controlled, with the C<vfill> option. Alternatively E<ndash> as with
-horizontal filling E<ndash> separate fill sequences can be specified for
-above and below the text using the C<tfill> and C<bfill> ("top" and
-"bottom" fill) options.
-For example, if we had six elements in C<@task>, but only four processors:
-    print form
-        {bfill=>'[unallocated]'},
-        'Task                      Processor',
-        '====                      =========',
-        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}  {]]]]]][[[[[}',
-         \@task,                     [1..4];
-we'd get:
-    Task                      Processor
-    ====                      =========
-    Borrow story                  1      
-    Rename characters             2      
-    Subdivide into scenes         3      
-    Write dialogue                4      
-    Check rhythm and meter  [unallocated]
-    Insert puns and japes   [unallocated]
-=head2 Height control
-It is possible to constrain the minimum and maximum number of lines
-that a particular format or block field must cover, regardless of how much
-data it contains. We do that using the C<height> option. For example:
-    print form
-        {height=>3},
-        '{[[[[}{IIII}{]]]]}',
-         $l,   $c,   $r;
-This will cause the call to C<form> to generate exactly three output lines,
-even if the contents of the data variables would normally fit in fewer lines
-or would actually require more.
-To specify a range of heights we can use the C<min> and C<max> suboptions:
-    print form
-        {height=>{ min=>3, max=>20 }},
-        '{[[[[}{IIII}{]]]]}',
-         $l,   $c,   $r;
-This specifies that, no matter how much data is available, the output will be
-no less than three lines and no more than 20.
-Note, however, that the C<height> option refers to the height of individual
-fields, not of entire output pages. we'll see how to control the
-latter L<shortly|"Page dimensions">.
-=head2 Minimal height fields
-As we saw earlier, a block overflow field (C<{VVVVVVVVV}>)
-has the special property that it only overflows as much as necessary to
-fill the output lines generated by other block fields. That enabled us
-to create an overflowing column of text like so:
-    print form
-        {interleave=>1}, <<EOFORMAT,
-	Name:
-	  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}
-					  Biography:
-	Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}
-        $name,
-        $biography,
-        $status,
-        $comments;
-without the first C<{VVVVVVVVV}> field eating all the data out of C<$bio> and
-leaving a large gap between the Status and the Comments.
-That's a very handy feature, but restricting the "minimal height" feature
-to overflow fields turns out to be not good enough in the general case.
-For instance, suppose we had wanted the biography field to start at the
-first line of the output text:
-    Name:             Biography:                            
-      William           William Shakespeare was born on    
-      Shakespeare       April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon- 
-                        Avon, England; he was third of     
-    Status:             eight children from Father John    
-      Deceased (1564    Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden. 
-      -1616)            Shakespeare began his education at 
-                        the age of seven when he probably  
-    Comments:           attended the Strathford grammar    
-      Theories          school. The school provided        
-      abound as to      Shakespeare with his formal        
-      the true          education. The students chiefly    
-      author of his     studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and 
-      plays. The        literature. His knowledge and      
-      prime             imagination may have come from his 
-      alternative       reading of ancient authors and     
-      candidates        poetry. In November 1582,          
-      being Sir         Shakespeare received a license to  
-      Francis           marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
-      Bacon,            their marriage, Shakespeare was 18 
-      Christopher       years old and Anne was 26. They had
-      Marlowe, or       three children, the oldest Susanna,
-      Edward de         and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a   
-      Vere              girl, Judith. Before his death on
-                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare
-                        had written thirty-seven plays. He
-                        is generally considered the greatest
-                        playwright the world has ever known
-                        and has always been the world's most
-                        popular author.
-To do that, we would have required a call to C<form> like this:
-    print form
-        {interleave=>1}, <<EOFORMAT,
-	Name:             Biography:
-	  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
-        $name,
-        $biography,
-        $status,
-        $comments;
-Note that the first line of the Biography field now has to be a block field,
-not a single-line field (as in previous versions). It can't be a single-line,
-because the Name field is a block field and that would leave a gap in the 
-Biography column:
-    Name:             Biography:                            
-      William           William Shakespeare was born on    
-      Shakespeare       
-                        April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon- 
-    Status:             Avon, England; he was third of     
-                        etc.
-So it has to be a block field, to "keep up" with however much output the
-multi-line Name field produces. Unfortunately, starting the Biography column
-with a normal block field doesn't solve the problem either. In fact we get:
-    Name:             Biography:                            
-      William           William Shakespeare was born on    
-      Shakespeare       April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon- 
-                        Avon, England; he was third of     
-                        eight children from Father John    
-                        Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden. 
-                        Shakespeare began his education at 
-                        the age of seven when he probably  
-                        attended the Strathford grammar    
-                        school. The school provided        
-                        Shakespeare with his formal        
-                        education. The students chiefly    
-                        studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and 
-                        literature. His knowledge and      
-                        imagination may have come from his 
-                        reading of ancient authors and     
-                        poetry. In November 1582,          
-                        Shakespeare received a license to  
-                        marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
-                        their marriage, Shakespeare was 18 
-                        years old and Anne was 26. They had
-                        three children, the oldest Susanna,
-                        and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a   
-                        girl, Judith. Before his death on  
-                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare 
-                        had written thirty-seven plays. He 
-                        is generally considered the        
-                        greatest playwright the world has  
-                        ever known and has always been the 
-                        world's most popular author.       
-    Status:                                                
-      Deceased (1564                                       
-      -1616)                                               
-    Comments:                                              
-      Theories                                             
-      abound as to                                         
-      the true                                             
-      author of his                                        
-      plays. The                                           
-      prime                                                
-      alternative                                          
-      candidates                                           
-      being Sir                                            
-      Francis                                              
-      Bacon,                                               
-      Christopher                                          
-      Marlowe, or                                          
-      Edward de                                            
-      Vere                                                 
-Normal block fields are remorseless in consuming all of their data.
-So the first Biography field absolutely will not stop formatting, ever,
-until your entire C<$biography> string is gone.
-What we really need here, is a kinder, gentler block field; a 
-block field that formats minimally, like an overflow field.
-And we get that with yet another C<height> option:
-C<< height=>"minimal" >>. Like so:
-    print form
-        {interleave=>1}, <<EOFORMAT,
-	Name:             Biography:
-	  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
-         $name,
-         {height=>"minimal"}, $biography,
-         $status,
-         $comments;
-When this option is applied to a particular field (by placing it
-immediately before the field's data), that field only consumes
-as much of its data is is required to fill the output lines created by
-the other (non-minimal) fields in the same format. In this case, that means
-that the first Biography field only extracts as much data from C<$biography>
-as is needed to fill the text lines created by the Name field.
-Note that any kind of block field can be modified in this way:
-justified, numeric, currency, or verbatim.
-=head2 Underlining
-As some of the examples we've seen so far illustrate, formats frequently
-consist of a set of column titles, followed by the corresponding columns
-of data. And, typically, those column titles are underlined to make them
-stand out:
-    print form 
-      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
-      '=============     =====================',
-      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
-      @names,                @bribes;
-So C<form> has an option that automates that process. For
-example, the payments example above could also have been written:
-    print form 
-      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
-      {under=>"="},
-      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
-      @names,                @bribes;
-The C<under> option takes a string and uses it to underline the most
-recently formatted line. It does this by examining the formats
-immediately before and after the C<under>. It then generates a
-series of underlines by repeating the specified underlining string
-as many times as required. The underlines are generated such that
-every field and every other non-whitespace literal in the preceding
-format has a underline under it and every field/non-whitespace in
-the next format has an "overline" above it.
-For example, this call to C<form>:
-    print form
-        '      Rank Name         Serial Number',
-        {under=>"_"},
-        '{]]]]]]]]} {[[[[[[[[[}     {IIIII}',
-             @ranks,@names,          @nums;
-          Rank Name         Serial Number
-    __________ ___________  _____________
-      Corporal Nym              CMXVII
-    Lieutenant Bardolph          CCIV
-       Captain Spurio           MMMCDX
-       General Pompey             XI  
-The usual effect is that the auto-generated underlines always
-extend to the edges of both the preceding title and the following
-field, whichever is wider.
-Many people, of course, prefer to draw the underlines themselves, as
-the results are then much easier to visualize when looking at the code.
-The C<under> option is most useful when we're constructing tables 
-programmatically, with columns and column titles that are only known
-at run-time.
-=head2 Output trimming
-The default fill-with-spaces behaviour of fields is useful to preserve
-the vertical alignment of columns within a formatted text, but it could
-also potentially increase the size of C<form>'s output unnecessarily.
-For example, the following:
-    print form 
-        'To Do:',
-        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
-            @todo;
-might produce something like:
-    To Do:
-       Dissemble                                         
-       Deceive                                           
-       Dispute                                           
-       Defy                                              
-       Duel                                              
-       Defeat                                            
-       Dispatch                                         
-That looks fine but, because each line is produced by the large
-left-justified field that is automatically filled with whitespace, the
-output contains several hundred more space characters than are strictly
-necessary (you probably didn't notice them, but they're all there
-E<ndash> hanging off the right sides of the individual To-Do items).
-Fortunately, however, C<form> is smarter than that. Extraneous trailing
-whitespace on the right-hand side of any output line is automatically
-trimmed. So the above example actually produces:
-    To Do:
-       Dissemble
-       Deceive
-       Dispute
-       Defy
-       Duel
-       Defeat
-       Dispatch
-Of course, if you really do need those "invisible" trailing whitespaces
-for some reason, C<form> provides a way to keep them E<ndash> the
-C<untrimmed> option:
-    print form {untrimmed=>1},
-        'To Do:',
-        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
-            @todo;
-=head1 Page control
-Normally, C<form> assumes that whatever data it is formatting is supposed
-to produce a single, arbitrarily long, unbroken piece of text. But C<form>
-can also format data into multiple pages of fixed length and width,
-inserting customized, page-specific headers, footers, and pagefeeds
-for each page.
-All these features are controlled by the the C<page> option (or more
-precisely, by its various suboptions):
-    print form
-        { page => { length => $page_len,        # Default: 60 lines
-                    width  => $page_width,      # Default: 78 columns
-                    number => $first_page_num,  # Default: 1
-                    header => \&make_header,    # Default: no header
-                    footer => \&make_footer,    # Default: no footer
-                    feed   => \&make_pagefeed,  # Default: no pagefeed
-                    body   => \&adjust_body,    # Default: no chiropracty
-				  }
-		},
-        $format,
-        @args;
-=head2 Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine...
-The C<< page => { length => ... } >> suboption determines the number of output
-lines per page (including headers and footers). Normally,
-this suboption is set to infinity, which produces that single, arbitrarily
-long, unbroken page of text. But the suboption can be set to any
-positive integer value, to cause C<form> to generate distinct
-pages of that many lines each.
-The value of the C<< page => { width => ... } >> suboption is
-used to determine the width of distributive fields and
-in some L<page body postprocessors|"Page body postprocessing">.
-By default, this suboption is set to 78 (columns), but it may
-be set to any positive integer value.
-The C<< page => { number => ... } >> suboption specifies the current page number.
-By default it starts at 1, but may be set to any numeric value.
-This suboption is generally only of use in headers and footers (see below).
-=head2 Headers and footers
-The C<< page => { header => ... } >> suboption specifies a hash containing 
-a set of strings or subroutines that are to be used to create page headers.
-Each key of the hash indicates a particular kind of page that the
-corresponding value will provide the header for. For example:
-    header => { first => "           'The Tempest' by W. Shakespeare          ",
-                last  => "                   -- The End --                    ",
-                odd   => "Act $act, Scene $scene                              ",
-                even  => "                                                    ",
-                other => "          [Thys hedder intenshunally blanke]        ",
-              }
-Given the above specification, C<form> will:
-=item *
-use the full title and author as the header of the first page,
-=item *
-write C<"-- The End --"> across the top of the last page,
-=item * 
-prepend the act and scene information to the start of any odd page
-(except, of course, the first or the last), and
-=item * 
-provide an empty line as the header of any even page (except the last,
-if it happens to be even).
-Note that, in this case, since we've provided specific headers for every
-odd and even page, the C<"other"> header will never be used. On the other
-hand, if we'd specified:
-    header => { first => "           'The Tempest' by W. Shakespeare          ",
-                other => "                                       'The Tempest'",
-              }
-then every page except the first would have just a right-justified title at
-the top. 
-Of course, if we want every page to have the same header, we can just write:
-    header => { other => "                                       'The Tempest'"}
-But that's a little klunky, so C<form> also accepts a single string instead of
-a hash, to specify a header to be used for every page:
-    header  => "                                       'The Tempest'"
-Headers don't all have to be the same size either. For example, we might
-prefer a more imposing first header:
-    header => { first => "                  'The Tempest'                   \n"
-                       . "                        by                        \n"
-                       . "                  W. Shakespeare                  \n"
-                       . "____________________________________________________",
-                other => "                                       'The Tempest'",
-              }
-C<form> simply notes the number of lines each header requires and then
-reduces the available number of lines within the page accordingly,
-so as to preserve the exact overall page length.
-Often we'll need headers that aren't fixed strings. For example, we might
-want each page to include the appropriate page number. So instead of a string,
-we're allowed to specify a particular header as a subroutine. That subroutine
-is then called each time that particular header is required, and its return
-value is used as the required header.
-When the subroutine is called, the current set of active formatting
-options are passed to it as a list of pairs. Typically, then, the
-subroutine will specify one or more named-only parameters corresponding
-to the options it cares about, followed by a starred hash parameter to
-collect the rest. For example if every page should have its
-(left-justified) page number for a header:
-    header => sub { return $_[0]{page}{number}; }
-Footers work in exactly the same way in almost all respects; the obvious
-exception being that they're placed at the end of a page, rather than the
-Pagefeeds work the same way too. A pagefeed is a string that is placed
-between the footer of one page and the header of the next. They're like
-formfeeds, except they can be any string we choose.
-They're called "pagefeeds" instead of "formfeeds" because they're
-placed between pages, not between calls to C<form>. 
-=head2 Page body postprocessing
-Sometimes it's useful to be able to grab the entire body of a page
-(i.e. the contents of the page between the header and footer)
-I<after> it's been formatted together. For example, we might wish to
-centre those contents, or to crop them at a particular column.
-To this end, the C<< page => { body => ... } >> suboption allows us to specify
-a page body post-processor. That is, a subroutine or format that
-lays out the page's formatted text between the page's header and footer.
-Like the C<header>, C<footer>, and C<feed> suboptions, the
-C<body> suboption can take either a closure, a hash, or a string.
-If the value of the C<body> suboption is a string or a hash of
-pairs, the text of the body is (recursively) C<form>'ed using that
-string (or those string values) as its format. A very common usage is to
-arrange for the formatted text to be horizonally and vertically
-centred on each page:
-    body => '{=I{*}I=}'
-A more sophisticated variation on this is to use a hash to insert a
-left or right "gutter" for each page:
-    $gutter = " " x $gutter_width;
-    body => { odd   =>  $gutter ~ '{"""{*}"""}',
-              even  =>  '{"""{*}"""}' ~ $gutter,
-            }
-On the other hand, if the value of the C<body> suboption is a subroutine,
-the body text is passed to that sub as a reference to an array of lines. A
-second array reference is also passed in, containing as many newlines as would
-be needed to pad out the body text to the correct number of lines
-for the page. Finally, the current formatting options are passed as
-a hash reference. As with the C<header> etc. suboption, the closure
-is expected to return a single string (representing the final
-formatting of the page body).
-For example, to add line numbers to the text each page (but I<not>
-to the headers or footers or filler lines):
-	my $linenum = 1;
-    sub numerate {
-		my @lines = @{$_[0]};
-		my @fill  = @{$_[1]};
-		my $page  = ${$_[2]}{page};
-        # Compute range of line numbers
-        my @linenums = ($linenum .. $linenum+@lines-1);
-        # Reformat body lines verbatim,
-        # with a left-justified line number before each...
-        my $body = form '{[[[[} {"""{*}"""}',
-                         \@linenums, \@lines,
-                        @fill;
-        # Update the final line number and return the new body text...
-        $linenum += @lines;
-        return $body;
-    }
-    print form
-        page => { body   => \&numerate,
-                  header => "\n==========\n\n",
-                  length => 12,
-                },
-        # Left-justify the Briton...
-        "{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-        $soliloquy{RichardIII},
-                         # Right-justify the Dane...
-        "                 {]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}",
-                          $soliloquy{Hamlet};
-which produces:
-    ==========
-    1      Now is the winter of our discontent /  
-    2      Made glorious summer by this sun of    
-    3      York; / And all the clouds that lour'd 
-    4      upon our house / In the deep bosom of  
-    5      the ocean buried. / Now are our brows  
-    6      bound with victorious wreaths; / Our   
-    7      bruised arms hung up for monuments; /  
-    8      Our stern alarums changed to merry     
-    9      meetings, / Our dreadful marches to    
-    ==========
-    10     delightful measures. Grim-visaged war  
-    11     hath smooth'd his wrinkled front; / And
-    12     now, instead of mounting barded steeds 
-    13     / To fright the souls of fearful       
-    14     adversaries, / He capers nimbly in a   
-    15     lady's chamber.                        
-    ==========
-    16                      To be, or not to be -- that is the question: /
-    17                         Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer /
-    18                       The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune /
-    19                         Or to take arms against a sea of troubles /
-    20                       And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep --
-    21                         / No more -- and by a sleep to say we end /
-    22                      The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
-    23                      / That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation /
-    24                        Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep -- /
-    ==========
-    25                         To sleep -- perchance to dream: ay, there's
-    26                          the rub, / For in that sleep of death what
-    27                         dreams may come / When we have shuffled off
-    28                             this mortal coil, / Must give us pause.
-    29                        There's the respect / That makes calamity of
-    30                                                       so long life.
-                   E<nbsp>
-=head1 User-defined fields
-Perl6::Form provides a large variety of field types, but not every 
-possible type. For example, suppose we want a field that masks
-its data in some way.  Perhaps a field that blanks out certain
-words by replacing them with the corresponding number of X's.
-We could always do that by writing a subroutine that generates the
-appropriate filter:
-    sub expurgate {
-		my $hidewords = join "|", map quotemeta, @_;
-        return sub {
-            $_[0] =~ s/($hidewords)/ 'X' x length $1 /gixe;
-            return $data;
-        }
-    }
-We could then apply that subroutine to the data of any field that needed
-    my $censor = expurgate qw(villain plot libel treacherous murderer false deadly 'G');
-    print form
-        "[Ye following tranfcript hath been cenfored by Order of ye King]\n\n",
-        "         {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-                  $censor->($speech);
-to produce:
-    [Ye following tranfcript hath been cenfored by Order of ye King]
-             And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,  
-             To entertain these fair well-spoken days,     
-             I am determined to prove a XXXXXXX            
-             And hate the idle pleasures of these days.    
-             XXXXs have I laid, inductions dangerous,      
-             By drunken prophecies, XXXXXs and dreams,     
-             To set my brother Clarence and the king       
-             In XXXXXX hate the one against the other:     
-             And if King Edward be as true and just        
-             As I am subtle, XXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXX,        
-             This day should Clarence closely be mew'd up, 
-             About a prophecy, which says that XXX         
-             Of Edward's heirs the XXXXXXXX shall be.
-Of course, if this were Puritanism and not Perl, we might have a long
-list of proscribed words that we needed to excise from I<every> formatted text.
-In that case, rather that explicitly running every data
-source through the same censorious subroutine, it would be handy if C<form>
-had a built-in field that did that for us automatically.
-Naturally, C<form> doesn't have such a field built-in...but we
-can certainly give it one.
-User-defined field specifiers can be declared using the C<field> option,
-which takes as its value an array of pairs. The key of each pair
-is a string or a rule (i.e. regex) that specifies the syntax of the
-user-defined field. The value of each pair is a closure/subroutine that
-constructs a standard field specifier to replace the user-defined
-specifier. Alternatively, the value of a pair may be a string, which is
-taken as the (static) field specifier to be used instead of the
-user-defined field.
-In other words, each pair is a macro that maps a user-defined field
-(specified by the pair's key) onto a standard C<form> field (specified by
-the pair's value). For example:
-    field => [ qr/\{ X+ \}/x => \&censor_field ]
-This tells C<form> that whenever it finds a brace-delimited field consisting
-of one or more X's, it should call a subroutine named C<censor_field> and
-use the return value of that call instead of the all-X field.
-When the key of a C<field> pair matches some part of a format,
-its corresponding subroutine is called. That subroutine is passed
-the Perl6ish result (i.e. C<$0>) of the regex
-match, as well as a reference to the hash of active options for that field. Changes
-to the options hash will affect the subsequent formatting behaviour of
-that field.
-So C<censor_field> could be implemented like so:
-        # Constructor subroutine for user-defined censor fields...
-        sub censor_field {
-			my ($field_spec, $opts) = @_;
-            # Set up the field's 'break' option with a censorious break...
-            $opts->{break} = break_and_censor($->opts{break});
-            # Construct a left-justified field with the appropriate width
-            # specified imperatively...
-            return '{[[{' . length($field_spec) . '}[[}';
-        }
-The C<censor_field> subroutine has to change the field's C<break>
-option, creating a new line breaker that also expurgates unsuitable
-words. To do this it calls C<break_and_censor>, which returns a new line
-breaker subroutine:
-        # Create a new 'break' sub...
-        sub break_and_censor {
-			my $original_breaker = @_;
-            return sub {
-                # Call the field's original 'break' sub...
-                my ($nextline, $more) = $original_breaker->(@_);
-                # X out any doubleplus ungood words
-                $nextline =~ s/($proscribed_words)/ 'X' x length $1 /gixe;
-                # Return the "corrected" version...
-                return ($nextline, $more);
-            }
-        }
-Having created a subroutine to translate censor fields and another to
-break-and-expurgate the data placed in them, we are now in a position
-to create a module that encapsulates the new formatting functionality:
-    package Ministry::Of::Truth
-	use Perl6::Export;
-	# Internal mechanism (as above)...
-	my $proscribed = "...";
-	sub break_and_censor (&original_breaker) {...}
-	sub censor_field ($field_spec, %opts) {...}
-	# Make the new field type standard by default in this scope...
-	use Form { field => [ rx/\{ X+ \}/ => \&censor_field ] };
-	# Re-export the specialized &form that was imported above...  
-	sub form is export(:DEFAULT) {...}
-Okay, admittedly that's quite a lot of work. But the pay-off is huge: we can now
-trample on free speech I<much> more easily:
-    use Ministry::Of::Truth;
-    print form 
-        "[Ye following tranfcript hath been cenfored by Order of ye King]\n\n",
-                  $speech;
-And we'd get the same carefully XXXX'ed output as before.
-=head2 Single-column fields
-User-defined fields are also a handy way to create single-character
-markers for single-column fields (in order to preserve the
-one-to-one spacing of a format). For example:
-    print form
-        {field => { '^' => '{<III{1}III}',   # 1-char-wide, top-justified block
-                    '=' => '{<=II{1}II=}',   # 1-char-wide, middle-justified block
-                    '_' => '{<_II{1}II_}',   # 1-char-wide, bottom-justified block
-                  }
-		},
-        '~~~~~~~~~',
-        '^ _ = _ ^',   qw(like round and orient perls),
-        '~~~~~~~~~';
-    ~~~~~~~~~
-    l     o p
-    i r a r e
-    k o n i r
-    e u d e l
-      n   n s
-      d   t  
-    ~~~~~~~~~
-Single fields are particularly useful for labelling the vertical axes of a
-    use Form {field => [ '=' => '{<=II{1}II=}' ] };
-    @vert_label = qw(Villain's fortunes);
-    $hor_label  = "Time";
-    print form 
-       '     ^                                        ',
-       ' = = | {""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ', @vert_label, \@data,
-       '     +--------------------------------------->',
-       '      {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ', $hor_label;
-which produces:
-         ^                                        
-         |                                        
-     V   |       *                                
-     i f |     *   *                              
-     l o |    *     *                             
-     l r |                                        
-     a t |   *       *                            
-     i u |                                        
-     n n |  *         *                           
-     ' e |                                        
-     s s |                                        
-         |                                        
-         | *           *                          
-         +--------------------------------------->
-                           Time                   
-Specifying these kinds of single-character block markers is perhaps the
-commonest use of user-defined fields. But the:
-    field => [ '=' => '{<=II{1}II=}' ]
-syntax is uncomfortably verbose for that purpose. So calls to
-C<form> can also accept a short-hand notation to define a
-single-character field:
-    single => '='
-or to define several at once:
-    single => ['#', '*', '+']
-The C<single> option does exactly the same thing as the C<field> options
-shown above. It takes a single-character string, or a reference
-to an array of such strings, as its value. It then turns each of those
-strings into a single-column field marker. If the character is C<'='>
-then the field is vertically "middled" within its block. If the
-character is C<'_'> then the field is "bottomed" within its block. If
-the single character is anything else, the resulting block is top-justified.
-So our previous example could also have been written:
-    print form
-        {single => "="},
-        '     ^                                        ',
-        ' = = | {""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ', @vert_label, \@data,
-        '     +--------------------------------------->',
-        '      {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ', $hor_label;
-=head1 Bulleted lists
-Suppose we want a list of items bulleted by "diamonds":
-    <> A rubber sword (laminated with mylar to
-       look suitably shiny).                   
-    <> Cotton tights (summer performances).   
-    <> Woolen tights (winter performances or  
-       those actors who are willing to admit
-       to being over 65 years of age).                 
-    <> Talcum powder.                         
-    <> Codpieces (assorted sizes).            
-    <> Singlet.                               
-    <> Double.                                
-    <> Triplet (Kings and Emperors only).     
-    <> Supercilious attitude (optional).      
-Something like this works well enough:
-    for my $item (@items) {
-        print form
-            '<> {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $item;
-    }
-The first format produces the bullet plus the first line of text for the item,
-then the second format handles any overflow of the item data.
-Alternatively, we could achieve the same result with a single format string
-by interpolating the bullet as well:
-    my $bullet = "<>";
-    for my $item (@items) {
-        print form
-            "{''{*}''} {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-             $bullet,  $item;
-    }
-Here we use a single-line starred verbatim field (C<{''{*}''}>),
-so that the bullet is interpolated "as-is" and the field
-is only as wide as the bullet itself.
-Then for the item itself we use a block field, which will format the item
-data over as many lines as necessary. Meanwhile, because the bullet's
-field is single-line, after the first line the bullet field will be
-filled with spaces (instead of a "diamond"), leaving a bullet only on
-the first line.
-This second approach also has the advantage that we could change the bullet
-string at run-time and the format would adapt automatically.
-However, it's still a little irritating that we have to set up a loop and
-call C<form> separately for each element of C<@items>. After all, if we
-didn't need to bullet our list we could just write:
-    print form
-        "{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-        \@items;
-and C<form> would take care of iterating over the C<@items> for us. It
-seems that things ought to be that easy for bulleted lists as well.
-And, of course, things I<are> that easy. 
-All we need to do is tell C<form> that whenever the string C<< "<>" >>
-appears in a format, it should be treated as a bullet. That is, it should
-appear only beside the I<first> line of text produced when formatting each
-element of the adjacent field's data.
-To tell C<form> all that we use the C<bullet> option:
-    print form
-        {bullet => "<>"},
-        "<> {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-            \@items;
-The presence of this C<bullet> option causes C<form> to treat the sequence
-C<< "<>" >> as a special field. That special field interpolates the 
-string C<< "<>" >> when the field immediately to its right begins to
-format a new data element, but thereafter interpolates only spaces until
-the adjacent field finishes formatting that data element.
-Or, to put it more simply, if we tell C<form> that  C<< "<>" >> is a bullet,
-C<form> treats it like a bullet that's attached to the very next field.
-So we could allow our L<Shakespearean roles example|"Array data sources">
-to handle multi-line character names, like so:
-    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
-    print form
-        {bullet => "* "},
-        "   * {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   *{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]}*",
-              \@roles,                                \$disclaimer;
-This could then produce something like:
-   The best Shakespearean roles are:
-      * Either of the 'two foolish             *WARNING:          *
-        officers': Dogberry and Verges         *This list of roles*
-      * That dour Scot, the Laird              *constitutes      a*
-        Macbeth                                *personal   opinion*
-      * The tragic Moor of Venice,             *only and is in  no*
-        Othello                                *way  endorsed   by*
-      * Rosencrantz's good buddy               *Shakespeare'R'Us. *
-        Guildenstern                           *It   may   contain*
-      * The hideous and malevolent             *nuts.             *
-        Richard III                            *                  *
-Notice too that the asterisks on either side of the disclaimer I<aren't>
-treated as bullets. That's because we defined a bullet to be C<"* ">, and
-neither of the disclaimer asterisks has a space after it.
-Bullets can be any string we like, and there can be more than one of them
-in a single format. For example:
-    print form
-        {bullet => '+'},
-        "+ {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[:}       + {:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
-            \@items,                      \@items;
-would print:
-    + A rubber sword,                65 years of age).     
-      laminated with mylar         + Talcum powder.        
-      to look suitably             + Codpieces (assorted   
-      shiny.                         sizes).               
-    + Cotton tights (summer        + Singlet.              
-      performances).               + Double.               
-    + Woolen tights (winter        + Triplet (Kings and    
-      performances or those          Emperors only).       
-      actors who are willing       + Supercilious attitude 
-      to admit to being over         (optional).           
-=head1 WARNING
-The syntax and semantics of Perl 6 is still being finalized
-and consequently is at any time subject to change. That means the
-same caveat applies to this module.
-Requires: Perl 5.8.0, Perl6::Export, Scalar::Util, List::Util.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Damian Conway (
- Copyright (c) 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
- This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
-    and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -69,3 +69,4 @@ demo/
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- #YAML:1.0
+name:               Perl6-Form
+version:            0.005
+abstract:           Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in
+    - Damian Conway <>
+license:            unknown
+distribution_type:  module
+    ExtUtils::MakeMaker:  0
+    ExtUtils::MakeMaker:  0
+    perl:           5.008001
+    Perl6::Export:  0
+    directory:
+        - t
+        - inc
+generated_by:       ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.57_05
+    url:
+    version:  1.4
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-		NAME	=> q[Perl6::Form],
-		VERSION => q[0.04],
-        AUTHOR  => 'Damian Conway',
-		PREREQ_PM => { Perl6::Export=>0, Scalar::Util=>0, List::Util=>0 },
-	     );
+    NAME                => 'Perl6::Form',
+    AUTHOR              => 'Damian Conway <>',
+    VERSION_FROM        => 'lib/Perl6/',
+    ABSTRACT_FROM       => 'lib/Perl6/',
+    MIN_PERL_VERSION    => 5.008001,
+    PL_FILES            => {},
+    PREREQ_PM => {
+        'Perl6::Export' => 0,
+    },
+    dist                => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
+    clean               => { FILES => 'Perl6-Form-*' },
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
-                    Release of version 0.04 of Perl6::Form
-Perl6/Form version 0.01
+Perl6::Form version 0.005
 Implements the Perl 6 'form' formatting function
@@ -30,20 +25,3 @@ Damian Conway (
  Copyright (c) 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
  This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
     and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
-    - Updated internals to mirror interface changes in Perl6::Export
-Perl6::Form has been uploaded to the CPAN
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 $text = <<EOSOL;
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+#! /opt/local/bin/perl5.10.0
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 my $a = "a " x 100;
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 my $bullet = "<>";
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 my @data = split "\n", <<EODATA;
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 warn "\n";
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 my $proscribed = join '|', map quotemeta,
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 my @amounts = (0, 1, 1.2345, 1234.56, -1234.56, 1234567.89);
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form;
 @names = (
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form 'drill';
 my @AoA = (
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ print form
-      *                              
-    *   *                            
-   *     *                           
-  *       *                          
- *         *                         
-*           *                        
+      *
+    *   *
+   *     *
+  *       *
+ *         *
+*           *
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+use 5.010;
 use Perl6::Form;
 my @text = <DATA>;
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ my %page = (
 	footer => { other => sub{form "\n{>{70}>}", "../".($_[0]{page}{number}+1)},
 			    last  => sub{form "\n{||{70}||}", "END OF TEXT"},
-	length => 15,
+	length => 1,
 	width  => 72,
 	feed   => "^L\n",
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+our $name     = 'Damian';
+our $age      = 39;
+our $ID       = '000666';
+our $comments = <<'END_COMMENT';
+Do not feed after midnight.
+Do not expose to "stupid" ideas.
+Do not allow subject to talk for "as long as he likes".
 format STDOUT =
 | NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |       
@@ -12,12 +21,4 @@ format STDOUT =
-$name = 'Damian';
-$age = 39;
-$ID = '000666';
-$comments = <<EOC;
-Do not feed after midnight. Do not expose to strange ideas. Do not allow
-subject to talk for "as long as he likes".
 write STDOUT;
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+use 5.010;
+use warnings;
 use Perl6::Form qw(form drill);
@@ -0,0 +1,5023 @@
+package Perl6::Form;
+use 5.008;
+our $VERSION = '0.005';
+use Perl6::Export;
+use Scalar::Util qw( readonly );
+use List::Util   qw( max min first );
+use Carp;
+use charnames ':full';
+my %caller_opts;
+sub fatal {
+    croak @_, "\nin call to &form";
+sub defined_or_space {
+    return " " if !defined $_[0] || length $_[0] == 0;
+    return $_[0];
+sub boolean {
+    return $_[0] ? 1 : 0;
+sub pattern {
+    return $_[0] if ref $_[0] eq 'Regexp';
+    return $_[0] ? qr/(?=)/ : qr/(?!)/;
+sub code {
+    my ($newval, $name ) = @_;
+    my $type = ref($newval) || "'$newval'";
+    fatal "Value for '$name' option must be code reference (not $type)"
+            unless $type eq 'CODE';
+    return $newval;
+my %std_one = (
+    '=' => '{=[{1}[=}',
+    '_' => '{_[{1}[_}',
+sub one_char {
+    my ($newval, undef, $opts ) = @_;
+    $newval = [ $newval ] unless ref $newval eq 'ARRAY';
+    for (@$newval) {
+        fatal "Value for 'single' option must be single character (not '$_')"
+            if length() != 1;
+        $opts->{field} =
+            user_def([qr/\Q$_\E/, $std_one{$_}||'{[{1}[}'], 'single', $opts);
+    }
+    return;
+sub layout_word {
+    fatal "Value for layout option must be 'across', 'down', 'balanced', ",
+          "or 'tabular\n(not '$_[0]')"
+            unless $_[0] =~ /^(across|down|balanced|tabular)$/;
+    return $_[0];
+sub pos_integer {
+    fatal "Value for '$_[1]' option must be positive integer (not $_[0])"
+            unless int($_[0]) eq $_[0] && $_[0] > 0;
+    return $_[0];
+sub strings_or_undef {
+    my ($val, $name) = @_;
+    my $type = ref $val;
+    if (!defined $val) { $val = [] }
+    elsif (!$type)     { $val = [ "$val" ] }
+    fatal "Value for '$name' option must be string, array of strings, or undef (not \L$type\E)"
+            unless ref $val eq 'ARRAY';
+    return $val;
+my $unlimited = ~0>>1;          # Ersatz infinity
+sub height_vals {
+    my ($vals) = @_;
+    my $type = ref $vals;
+    if (!defined $vals)      { $vals = {min=>0,     max=>$unlimited} }
+    elsif (!$type && $vals eq 'minimal')
+                             { $vals = {min=>0, max=>$unlimited, minimal=>1} }
+    elsif (!$type)           { $vals = {min=>$vals, max=>$vals}     }
+    elsif ($type eq 'HASH')  { $vals->{min}||=0;
+                               defined $vals->{max} or $vals->{max}=$unlimited;
+                             }
+    fatal "Values for height option must be positive integers (not $_[0])"
+                unless ref $vals eq 'HASH'
+                    && !grep {int($vals->{$_}) ne $vals->{$_}} qw(min max);
+    return $vals;
+my %nothing = map {$_=>sub{""}} qw(first even odd other);
+sub std_body {
+    my ($rows, $fill, $opt) = @_;
+    join("", @$rows, @$fill);
+my %std_body = (other =>\&std_body);
+my %def_page = (
+    length => $unlimited,
+    width  => 78,
+    header => \%nothing,        # Args: ($opts)
+    footer => \%nothing,        # Args: ($opts)
+    body   => \%std_body,       # Args: ($body_rows, $body_len, $opts)
+    feed   => \%nothing,        # Args: ($opts)
+    number => undef,
+sub form_body {
+    my ($format) = @_;
+    $format = '{[{*}[}' unless defined $format;
+    return sub {
+        my ($rows, $fill, $opt) = @_;
+        my %form_opts = ( page=>{width => $opt->{page}{width}} );
+        @{$form_opts{height}}{qw(min max)} = (@$rows+@$fill) x 2
+            unless $opt->{page}{length} == $unlimited;
+        return form(\%form_opts, $format, $rows);
+    }
+sub hashify {
+    my ($what, $val, $default_undef, $default_val) = @_;
+    if (!defined $val) {
+        return { other => $default_undef};
+    }
+    if (!ref $val) {
+        return { other => $default_val->($val) };
+    }
+    if (ref $val eq 'CODE') {
+        return { other => $val };
+    }
+    if (ref $val eq 'HASH') {
+        fatal "Invalid key for $what: '$_'"
+            for grep { !/^(first|last|even|odd|other)$/ } keys %$val;
+        my %hash;
+        for (keys %$val) {
+            if (!ref $val->{$_}) {
+                $hash{$_} = $default_val->($val->{$_})
+            }
+            elsif (ref $val->{$_} ne 'CODE') {
+                fatal "Value for $what '$_' must be string or subroutine";
+            }
+            else {
+                $hash{$_} = $val->{$_};
+            }
+        }
+        return \%hash;
+    }
+    fatal "Value for $what must be string, subroutine, or hash";
+sub page_hash {
+    my ($h, undef, $opts) = @_;
+    fatal "Value for 'page' option must be hash reference (not $_)"
+        for grep $_ ne 'HASH', ref $h;
+    $h = { %{$opts->{page}}, %$h };
+    fatal "Unknown page sub-option ('$_')"
+        for grep {!exists $def_page{$_}} keys %$h;
+    fatal "Page $_ must be greater than zero"
+        for grep $h->{$_} <= 0, qw(length width);
+    $h->{body} =
+        hashify("body preprocessor", $h->{body}, \&std_body, \&form_body);
+    for (qw( header footer feed )) {
+        $h->{$_} = hashify($_, $h->{$_}, sub{""}, sub{my($str)=@_; sub{$str}});
+    }
+    return $h;
+sub filehandle {
+    fatal "Value for 'out' option must be filehandle (not '$_')"
+            for grep {$_ ne 'GLOB' } ref $_[0];
+    return $_[0];
+sub user_def {
+    my ($spec, $name, $opts) = @_;
+    my $type = ref $spec;
+    fatal "Value of 'field' option must be an array of pairs or a hash (not ",
+          $type||"'$spec'", ")"
+                unless $type =~ /^(ARRAY|HASH)$/;
+    if ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
+        fatal "Missing value for last user-defined field ('$spec->[-1]')"
+            if @$spec % 2;
+    }
+    else {
+        $spec = [%$spec];
+    }
+    my @from = @{$opts->{field}{from}||=[]};
+    my @to   = @{$opts->{field}{to}||=[]};
+    my $count = @from;
+    for (my $i=0; $i<@$spec; $i+=2, $count++) {
+        my ($pat, $fld) = @{$spec}[$i,$i+1];
+        push @from, "$pat(?{$count})";
+        push @to,   (ref $fld eq 'CODE' ? $fld : sub{$fld});
+    }
+    return {from=>\@from, to=>\@to};
+my %std_opt = (
+    out     => { set => \&filehandle,       def => \*STDOUT,            },
+    ws      => { set => \&pattern,          def => undef,               },
+    fill    => { set => \&defined_or_space, def => " ",                 },
+    lfill   => { set => \&defined_or_space, def => undef,               },
+    rfill   => { set => \&defined_or_space, def => undef,               },
+    hfill   => { set => \&defined_or_space, def => undef,               },
+    tfill   => { set => \&defined_or_space, def => undef,               },
+    bfill   => { set => \&defined_or_space, def => undef,               },
+    vfill   => { set => \&defined_or_space, def => undef,               },
+    single  => { set => \&one_char,         def => undef,               },
+    field   => { set => \&user_def,         def => {from=>[],to=>[]}    },
+    bullet  => { set => \&strings_or_undef, def => []                   },
+    height  => { set => \&height_vals,      def => {min=>0, max=>$unlimited} },
+    layout  => { set => \&layout_word,      def => 'balanced',          },
+    break   => { set => \&code,             def => break_at('-'),       },
+    page    => { set => \&page_hash,        def => {%def_page},         },
+    under   => { set => sub {"$_[0]"},      def => undef                },
+    interleave  => { set => \&boolean,      def => 0                    },
+    untrimmed   => { set => \&boolean,      def => 0,                   },
+    locale      => { set => \&boolean,      def => 0,                   },
+my %def_opts = map {$_=>$std_opt{$_}{def}}  keys %std_opt;
+sub get_locale_vals {   # args: $dec_mark, $thou_sep, $thou_group
+    use POSIX;
+    $lconv = POSIX::localeconv();
+    $_[0] = exists $lconv->{decimal_point} ? $lconv->{decimal_point} : "?";
+    $_[1] = exists $lconv->{thousands_sep} ? $lconv->{thousands_sep} : "";
+    $_[2] = exists $lconv->{grouping} ? [unpack "c*", $lconv->{grouping}] : [0];
+my %std_literal = (
+    break   => \&break_lit,
+    literal => 1,
+    vjust   => \&jverlit,
+    hjust   => \&jhorlit,
+sub update(\%\%;$) {
+    my ($old, $new, $croak) = @_;
+    my @bad;
+    for my $opt (keys %$new) {
+        my $std = $std_opt{$opt};
+        push @bad, "Unknown option: $opt=>'$new->{$opt}" and next unless $std;
+        $old->{$opt} = $std->{set}->($new->{$opt}, $opt, $old);
+    }
+    if (@bad && $croak) { croak join "\n", @bad }
+    elsif (@bad)        { fatal join "\n", @bad }
+# Horizontal justifiers
+sub fillpat {
+    my ($pos, $fill, $len) = @_;
+    return "" if $len < 0;
+    return substr($fill x (($pos+$len)/length($fill)+1), $pos, $len);
+sub jhorlit {}  # literals don't need any justification
+sub jverbatim {
+    jleft(@_, precropped=>1);
+sub jleft {
+    my (undef, %val) = @_;
+    $_[0] =~ s/^\s+// unless $val{precropped};
+    my $len = length $_[0];
+    $_[0] .= fillpat($val{pos}+$len, $val{post}, $val{width}-$len);
+    substr($_[0],$val{width}) = "" unless $val{stretch};
+ }
+ sub jright {
+    my (undef, %val) = @_;
+    $_[0] =~ s/\s+$// unless $val{precropped};
+    $_[0] = fillpat($val{pos}, $val{pre}, $val{width}-length($_[0])) . $_[0];
+    substr($_[0],0,-$val{width}) = "" unless $val{stretch};
+ }
+ sub jcentre {
+    my (undef, %val) = @_;
+    $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+    $val{precropped} = 1;
+    my $indent = int( ($val{width}-length $_[0])/2 );
+    jleft($_[0], %val, stretch=>0, pos=>$val{pos}+$indent, width=>$val{width}-$indent);
+    jright($_[0], %val);
+ }
+ sub jfull {
+    my ($str, %val) = @_;
+    my $rem = $val{width};
+    $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+    unless ($val{last}) {
+        my $rem = $val{width}-length($str);
+        $str = reverse $str;
+        1 while $rem>0 && $str =~ s/( +)/($rem-->0?" ":"").$1/ge;
+        $_[0] = reverse $str;
+    }
+    &jleft;
+ }
+ sub jsingle {
+    my (undef, %val) = @_;
+    $_[0] = length $_[0] ? substr($_[0],0,1) : fillpat($val{pos}, $val{pre},1);
+ }
+ sub jfatal {
+    die "Internal error in &form."
+ }
+ sub joverflow (\%\%) {
+    $_[0]{overflow} = 1;
+    %{$_[1]} = ();
+    return \&jfatal;
+ }
+ sub jbullet {
+    return ($_[0],1);
+ }
+ sub jnum {
+    my ($fld,$precurr,$incurr,$postcurr,$width,$opts,$setplaces,$checkplaces)
+        = @_;
+    my $orig = $fld;
+    $incurr ||= qr/(?!)/;
+    my $missing = $width-length($fld);
+    if ($missing>0) { $fld = substr($fld,0,1) x $missing . $fld }
+    my $comma_count  = $fld=~tr/,//;
+    my $period_count = $fld=~tr/.//;
+    my $apost_count  = $fld=~tr/ '//;
+    my $integral = $comma_count > 1  && !($period_count || $apost_count)
+                || $period_count > 1 && !($comma_count  || $apost_count)
+                || $apost_count > 1  && !($comma_count  || $period_count);
+    my ($whole, $point, $places) =
+        $integral ? ($fld, "", "")
+                  : ($fld =~ /^([]{>,.' 0]*)([.,]|\Q$incurr\E)([[}<0]*)/g);
+    $opts->{lfill} = '0' if $whole  =~ m/^0+/;
+    $opts->{rfill} = '0' if $places =~ m/0+$/;
+    my $comma = $whole =~ /([,.' ])/ ? $1 : '';
+    my $grouping;
+    if ($comma) {
+        $grouping = $whole =~ /,(?:\]{2},\]{3}|>{2},>{3})\z/ ? [3,2] # Subcont
+                  : $whole =~ /[,.' ](\]+|>+)\z/             ? [length($1)]
+                  :                                            undef;
+    }
+    if (defined $setplaces) {
+        $places = $setplaces;
+        $whole = $width - length($point) - $setplaces;
+    }
+    else {
+        $_ = length for $whole, $places;
+    }
+    fatal "Inconsistent number of decimal places in numeric field.\n",
+          "Specified as $checkplaces but found $places"
+                if $checkplaces && $places != $checkplaces;
+    my $huh = ('?'x$whole).$point.('?'x$places);
+    my $duh = ('#'x$whole).$point.('#'x$places);
+    $places -= length($postcurr);
+    get_locale_vals($point, $comma, $grouping) if $opts->{locale};
+    return sub {
+        my ($orig, %val) = @_;
+        $_[0] = " "x$val{width} and return if $orig =~ /^\s*$/;
+        $orig =~ s/,|\Q$incurr\E/./ if $point ne '.';
+        my ($pre,$post) = ($precurr,$postcurr);
+        if ($orig !~ /^\s*-/) {
+            $pre  =~ s/^[(-]|[(-]$/ /g;
+            $post =~ s/^[)-]|[)-]$/ /g;
+        }
+        else {
+            $pre = $pre =~ /[(-]/ || $post =~ /[)-]/ ? "-$pre" : " $pre"
+                unless $orig = -$orig;
+        }
+        my ($fail, $str);
+        {
+            local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $fail = 1 };
+            $str = sprintf('%*.*f',$val{width},$places,$orig);
+        }
+        if ($fail) {
+            $_[0] = $huh;
+        }
+        else {
+            my($w,$p) = ($str =~ /^\s*(.*)\.(.*)$/g);  # floating point
+            ($w,$p) = ($str=~/^\s*(.*)$/,"") if !$w;   # integer
+            if ($grouping) {
+                my @groups = @$grouping;
+                my $group = shift @groups;
+                if ($group) {
+                    $w =~ s/(\d)(\d{$group})\z/$1$comma$2/;
+                    do {
+                        $group = shift @groups if @groups;
+                    } while $group && $w =~ s/(?<!,)(\d)(\d{$group})(?!\d)/$1$comma$2/;
+                }
+            }
+            if (!$val{stretch} && ($w ? length($w) : 0)+length($pre) > $whole) {
+                $_[0] = $duh;
+            }
+            else {
+                $str = $w.q(.).$p;
+                $str =~ s/(\.\d+?)(0+)$/$1/
+                    unless $orig =~ /\.\d{$places,}[1-9]/;
+                $str =~ s/^/$pre/;
+                if ($val{pre} =~ /^0+$/) {
+                    $str =~ s{^((\D*)(\d.*))\.}
+                             {$2 . ("0"  x ($whole-length $1)) . "$3."}e;
+                    $val{pre} = " ";
+                }
+                $str =~ s/^(.*)\./$1$point/;
+                my $width = $val{width}-$whole+length($1);
+                jleft($str, %val, width=>$width, precropped=>1);
+                jright($str, %val, precropped=>1);
+                my $postlen = length($post);
+                $str =~ s/(?:[ ]{$postlen}([ ]*)|.{$postlen}())$/$post$+/
+                    if $postlen;
+                $_[0] = $str;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ }
+# Vertical justifiers
+sub jverlit {
+    my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
+    push @$column, ($column->[0]||"") while @$column < $height;
+sub jmiddle {
+    my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
+    my $add = int(($height-@$column)/2);
+    splice @$column, 0, 0, ($above)x$add;
+    $add = $height-@$column;
+    push @$column, ($below)x$add;
+sub jbottom {
+    my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
+    my $pre = $height-@$column;
+    splice @$column, 0, 0, ($above)x$pre;
+sub jtop {
+    my ($height, $above, $below, $column) = @_;
+    my $post = $height-@$column;
+    push @$column, ($below)x$post;
+my $precurrpat  = qr/^(\{)   ([^]0>[<,']+?)  ([]>,'0])/x;
+my $incurrpat   = qr/([]>0]) ([^]0>[<,'. ]+?) ([[<0])  /x;
+my $postcurrpat = qr/([[<0]) ([^]0>[<]+)     (\}$)     /x;
+sub perl6_match {
+    my ($str, $pat) = @_;
+    use re 'eval';
+    if (my @vals = $str =~ /$pat/) {
+        unshift @vals, $&;
+        bless \@vals, 'Perl6::Form::Rule::Okay';
+    }
+    else {
+        bless [], 'Perl6::Form::Rule::Fail';
+    }
+my $litval;
+sub litval {
+    ($litval) = @_ if @_;
+    return $litval;
+my ($fld, $udnum);
+sub fldvals {
+    ($fld, $udnum) = @_ if @_;
+    return ($fld, $udnum);
+our $nestedbraces = qr/ \{ (?: (?> ((?!\{|\}).)+ ) | (??{ $nestedbraces }) )* \} /sx;
+sub segment ($\@\%$\%) {
+    my ($format, $args, $opts, $fldcnt, $argcache) = @_;
+    my $width =
+        defined $opts->{page}{width} ? $opts->{page}{width} : length($format);
+    my $userdef = join("|", @{$opts->{field}{from}}) || qr/(?!)/;
+    my $bullet  = join("|", map quotemeta, @{$opts->{bullet}}) || qr/(?!)/;
+    use re 'eval';
+    my @format;
+    while ($format =~ /\G ((?>(?:\\.|(?!$userdef|$bullet|\{).)*))
+                                                         (?{litval($^N)})
+                          (?: ($userdef)                 (?{fldvals($^N,$^R)})
+                            | ($bullet)                  (?{fldvals($^N,-1)})
+                            | ($nestedbraces)            (?{fldvals($^N,undef)})
+                          )
+                      /gcsx) {
+        push @format, litval(), fldvals();
+    }
+    push @format, substr ($format, pos($format)||0);
+    my $args_req = int(@format/3);
+    my (@formatters,@starred,@vstarred);
+    for my $i (0..$args_req) {
+        my ($literal,$field,$userdef) = @format[3*$i..3*$i+2];
+        $literal =~ s/\\\{/{/g;
+        push @formatters, { %std_literal,
+                            width => length($literal),
+                            src   => \$literal,
+                          };
+        $width -= length($literal);
+        if (defined $field) {
+            my %form;
+            my %fldopts = %$opts;
+            $fldcnt++;
+            my ($setwidth, $setplaces, $checkwidth, $checkplaces);
+            if (defined $userdef) {
+                if ($userdef < 0) {
+                    $form{isbullet} = \"$field";
+                }
+                else {
+                    my ($from,$to) =
+                        map $_->[$userdef], @{$opts->{field}}{'from','to'};
+                    $field = $to->(perl6_match($field,$from),\%fldopts);
+                }
+            }
+            my $fld = $field;
+            my ($precurr, $incurr, $postcurr) = ("")x3;
+            $form{width} = length $field;
+            if ($form{isbullet}) {
+                $form{vjust} = \&jtop;
+                $form{hjust} = \&jbullet;
+                $form{break} = \&break_bullet;
+                $form{src}   = [];
+                ($form{bullethole} = $field) =~ s/./ /gs;
+            }
+            else {
+                $form{stretch} = !$form{isbullet} && $fld =~ s/[+]//;
+                @form{qw(verbatim break hjust)}
+                    = (1, \&break_verbatim, \&jverbatim)
+                        if $fld =~ /["']/ && $fld !~ /[][><]/;
+                        # was: if $fld =~ /["']/ && $fld !~ /[][]/;
+                $form{trackpos} = $fld =~ s/(\{):|:(\})/$+/g;
+                $form{vjust} = $fld =~ s/=//g ? \&jmiddle
+                             : $fld =~ s/_//g ? \&jbottom
+                             :                  \&jtop
+                             ;
+                ($checkwidth, $extras) = $fld =~ m/\(\s*(\d+[.,]?\d*)\s*\)/g;
+                fatal "Too many width specifications in $field" if $extras;
+                if ($checkwidth) {
+                    $checkplaces = $checkwidth =~ s/[.,](\d+)// && $1;
+                    for ($fld) {
+                        s{([][><I|Vv"']) (\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\))}
+                         { $1 . ($1 x length $2) }xe and last;
+                        s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\)) ([][><I|V"'])}
+                         { ($2 x length $1) . $2 }xe and last;
+                        s{(> [.,]) (\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\))}
+                         { $1 . ('<' x length $2) }xe and last;
+                        s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\)) ([.,] <)}
+                         { ('>' x length $1) . $2 }xe and last;
+                        s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\)) ([.,] \[)}
+                         { (']' x length $1) . $2 }xe and last;
+                        s{(\(\s*\d+[.,]?\d*\s*\))}
+                         { '[' x length $1 }xe and last;
+                    }
+                }
+                ($setwidth, $extras) = $fld =~ m/\{\s*(\d+[.,]?\d*|\*)\s*\}/g
+                                   and $fld =~ s/\{\s*(\d+[.,]?\d*|\*)\s*\}//;
+                fatal "Too many width specifications in $field"
+                    if $extras || $setwidth && $checkwidth;
+                if ($setwidth && $setwidth =~ s/[.,](\d+)//) {
+                    $setplaces = $1 || 0;
+                }
+                for ([$checkwidth, $checkplaces], [$setwidth, $setplaces]) {
+                    fatal "Can't fit $_->[1] decimal place",($_->[1]!=1?'s':''),
+                          " in a $_->[0]-character field"
+                              if defined($_->[0]) && defined($_->[1])
+                              && $_->[0] ne '*'
+                              && $_->[0] <= $_->[1];
+                }
+                $precurr =
+                    $fld =~ s/$precurrpat/$1.($3 x length $2).$3/e  ? "$2" : "";
+                $incurr =
+                    $fld =~ m/$incurrpat/                           ? "$2" : "";
+                $postcurr =
+                    $fld =~ s/$postcurrpat/$1.($1 x length $2).$3/e ? "$2" : "";
+                if ($form{width} == 2) {
+                    $fld = '[[';
+                }
+                elsif ($form{width} == 3) {
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,]) \} $/].[/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ (.)    \} $/$+$+$+/x;
+                }
+                elsif ($form{width} > 3)  {
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \[)   /]$1/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \<)   />$1/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/(\] .* [.,]) \} $/$1\[/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/(\> .* [.,]) \} $/$1</x;
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ (.) | (.) \} $/$+$+/gx;
+                }
+                $form{width} = $setwidth
+                    if defined $setwidth && $setwidth ne '*';
+                if ($form{width} == 2) {
+                    $fld = substr($fld,0,1) x 2;
+                }
+                elsif ($form{width} == 3) {
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,]) \} $/].[/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ (.)    \} $/$+$+$+/x;
+                }
+                elsif ($form{width} > 3)  {
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \[)   /]$1/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ ([.,] \<)   />$1/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/(\] .* [.,]) \} $/$1\[/x;
+                    $fld =~ s/(\> .* [.,]) \} $/$1</x;
+                    $fld =~ s/^ \{ (.) | (.) \} $/$+$+/gx;
+                }
+                $form{width} = $setwidth
+                    if defined $setwidth && $setwidth ne '*';
+            }
+            if ($setwidth && $setwidth eq '*')  {
+                push @{$form{verbatim} ? \@vstarred : \@starred}, \%form;
+            }
+            else {
+                $width -= $form{width}
+            }
+            $form{line} = 1 unless $form{isbullet} || $fld =~ /[][IV"]/;
+            $form{hjust} ||= $form{width} == 1                   ? \&jsingle
+                           : ($fld =~ /^(?:<+|\[+)$/)            ? \&jleft
+                           : ($fld =~ /^(?:>+|\]+)$/)            ? \&jright
+                           : ($fld =~ /^(?:I+|\|+|>+<+|\]+\[+)$/)? \&jcentre
+                           : ($fld =~ /^(?:<+>+|\[+\]+)$/)       ? \&jfull
+                           : ($fld =~ /^(?:V+)$/)                ?
+                                                    joverflow(%form, %fldopts)
+                           : ($fld =~ /^(?: [>,' 0]*  \.          [<0]*
+                                          | [],' 0]*  \.          [[0]*
+                                          | [>.' 0]*  \,          [<0]*
+                                          | [].' 0]*  \,          [[0]*
+                                          | [>.,' 0]* \Q$incurr\E [<0]*
+                                          | [].,' 0]* \Q$incurr\E [[0]*
+                                          | [].' 0]*  \,          [[0]*
+                                        )$/x)                       ? do {
+                                      $form{break}=\&break_nl;
+                                      jnum($fld,$precurr,$incurr,$postcurr,
+                                           $form{width},\%fldopts,
+                                           $setplaces, $checkplaces)
+                                                                        }
+                           : fatal "Field $fldcnt is of unknown type: $field"
+                           ;
+            $form{break}=\&break_nl if $form{stretch};
+            fatal "Inconsistent width for field $fldcnt.\n",
+                  "Specified as '$field' but actual width is $form{width}"
+                if defined $checkwidth && $form{width} != $checkwidth;
+            splice @$args, $i, 0, "" if $form{isbullet}; # BEFORE ANY OPTIONS
+            while (ref $args->[$i] eq 'HASH') {
+                update %fldopts, %{splice @$args, $i, 1};
+            }
+            $form{opts} = \%fldopts;
+            splice @$args, $i, 0, "" if $form{overflow}; # AFTER ANY OPTIONS
+            fatal "Missing data value for field ", $i, " ($field)"
+                unless defined $args->[$i];
+            for ($args->[$i]) {
+                next if $form{isbullet};
+                $form{src} ||=
+                    ref eq 'ARRAY' ? do {
+                            my $s = join "", map { my $val = $_; $val =~ s/\n(?!\z)/\r/g; $val }
+                                             map {!defined() ? "\n"
+                                                 : /\n\z/    ? $_
+                                                 :             "$_\n"}  @$_;
+                            $form{trackpos} ? ($argcache->{$_} ||= \$s) : \$s;
+                            }
+                  : (readonly $_ || !$form{trackpos}) ? \(my$s=$_)
+                  : \$_;
+            }
+            $form{break} ||= $fldopts{break} || $opts->{break};
+            push @formatters, \%form;
+        }
+    }
+    splice @$args, 0, $args_req;
+    $_[-1] = $fldcnt;   # remember field count
+    # Distribute {*} widths...
+    for my $f (@vstarred) {
+        $f->{maxwidth} = max 0, map {length} split "\n", ${$f->{src}};
+    }
+    if (@starred||@vstarred) {
+        my $fldwidth = int($width/(@starred+@vstarred));
+        for my $f (@vstarred) {
+            $f->{width} = @starred ? $f->{maxwidth}
+                                   : min $fldwidth, $f->{maxwidth};
+            $width += $fldwidth - $f->{width};
+        }
+        $fldwidth = int($width/(@starred+@vstarred)) if @starred;
+        $_->{width} = $fldwidth for @starred;
+    }
+    # Attach bullets to neighbouring fields,
+    # and compute offsets from left margin...
+    my $offset = 0;
+    my $lastbullet;
+    for my $f (@formatters) {
+        $f->{pos} = $offset;
+        $offset += $f->{width};
+        if ($lastbullet) {
+            if ($f->{literal}) {  # IGNORE IT
+            }
+            elsif ($f->{isbullet}) {
+                my $literal = ${$lastbullet->{isbullet}};
+                %$lastbullet = (%std_literal, width=>length($literal), src=>\$literal);
+                $lastbullet = undef;
+            }
+            else {
+                $f->{hasbullet} = $lastbullet;
+                $lastbullet = undef;
+            }
+        }
+        $lastbullet = $f if $f->{isbullet};
+    }
+    if ($lastbullet) {
+        my $literal = ${$lastbullet->{isbullet}};
+        %$lastbullet = (%std_literal, width=>length($literal), src=>\$literal);
+    }
+    return \@formatters;
+sub layout_groups {
+    my @groups;
+    my $i = 0;
+    FORMATTER: for my $f (@_) {
+        $f->{index} = $i++;
+        for my $group (@groups) {
+            if ($f->{src} == $group->[0]{src}) {
+                push @$group, $f;
+                next FORMATTER;
+            }
+        }
+        push @groups, [$f];
+    }
+    return @groups;
+sub make_col {
+    my ($f, $opts, $maxheight, $tabular) = @_;
+    $maxheight = min $unlimited,
+                     grep defined(), $maxheight, $f->{opts}{height}{max};
+    my ($str_ref, $width) = @{$f}{qw(src width)};
+    my @col;
+    my ($more, $text) = (1,"");
+    my $bullet = $f->{hasbullet};
+    $bullet->{bullets} = [] if $bullet;
+    my $bulleted = 1;
+    until ($f->{done}) {
+        my $skipped = 0;
+        unless ($f->{isbullet} || $f->{width} == 1 || $f->{verbatim}) {
+            ($skipped) = ($$str_ref =~ /\G(\s*)/gc);
+            if ($skipped||=0) {
+                $bulleted = ($skipped =~ /\n/);
+                $skipped=~s/\r\Z//;
+                $skipped = ($skipped=~tr/\r//);
+                push @col, ("") x $skipped;
+                last if $tabular && $bulleted && @col;
+            }
+        }
+        ($text,$more,$eol) = $f->{break}->($str_ref,$width,$f->{opts}{ws});
+        if ($f->{opts}{ws}) {
+            $text =~ s{($f->{opts}{ws})}
+                      { @caps = grep { defined $$_ } 2..$#+;
+                        @caps = length($1) ? " " : "" unless @caps;
+                        join "", @caps;
+                      }ge;
+        }
+        $text .= "\r" if $eol;
+        push @col, $text;
+        if ($bullet && $text =~ /\S/) {
+            push @{$bullet->{bullets}}, ($bullet->{bullethole}) x $skipped;
+            push @{$bullet->{bullets}}, $bulleted ? ${$bullet->{isbullet}}
+                                                  : $bullet->{bullethole};
+        }
+        $f->{done} = 1
+            if defined $f->{opts}{height}{max} && @col==$f->{opts}{height}{max};
+        last if !$more || @col==$maxheight;
+        $f->{done} = 1 if $f->{line};
+        $bulleted = 0;
+    }
+    @col = () if @col == 1 && $col[0] eq "";
+    $_[3] = $more && !$f->{done} if @_>3;
+    return \@col;
+my $count = 0;
+sub balance_cols {
+    my ($group, $opts, $maxheight) = @_;
+    my ($first, $src) = ($group->[0], $group->[0]{src});
+    if (@$group<=1) {
+        $first->{formcol} = make_col($first,$opts,$maxheight);
+        return;
+    }
+    my $pos = pos($$src) || 0;
+    my $minheight = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        my @cols;
+        pos($$src) = $pos;
+        my $medheight = int(($maxheight+$minheight+1)/2);
+        for my $f (@$group) {
+            $f->{done} = 0;
+            push @cols, make_col($f,$opts,$medheight)
+        }
+        if ($maxheight <= $minheight+1) {
+            for (0..$#cols) {
+                $group->[$_]{formcol} = $cols[$_];
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        (substr($$src,pos$$src) =~ /\S/) ? $minheight : $maxheight = $medheight;
+    }
+sub delineate_overflows {
+    for my $formats (@_) {
+        # Is there a block field on the line?
+        next if grep { !(  $_->{line}
+                        || $_->{literal}
+                        || $_->{notlastoverflow}
+                        )
+                     } @$formats;
+        for (@$formats) {
+            next unless $_->{overflow};
+            if ($_->{notlastoverflow}) {
+                $_->{line} = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for my $formats (@_) {
+        for (@$formats) {
+            next if !$_->{overflow} || $_->{notlastoverflow};
+            $_->{opts}{height}{max} = $unlimited;
+            $_->{opts}{height}{minimal} = 0;
+        }
+    }
+sub resolve_overflows {
+    my ($formatters,$prevformatters) = @_;
+    FORMATTER: for my $fld (@$formatters) {
+        next unless $fld->{overflow};
+        my $left  = $fld->{pos};
+        my $right = $left + $fld->{width} - 1;
+        my $overflowed;
+        for my $prev (@$prevformatters) {
+            next if $prev->{literal};
+            my $prevleft  = $prev->{pos};
+            my $prevright = $prevleft + $prev->{width} - 1;
+            if ($right >= $prevleft && $left <= $prevright) { # overlap
+                if ($overflowed) {
+                    $prev->{notlastoverflow} = 1
+                        if $prev->{overflow} && $prev->{src} == $fld->{src};
+                    next;
+                }
+                my %newfld = ( %$prev, opts=>{}, overflow=>1 );
+                my @keep = qw( width pos complete done line );
+                @newfld{@keep} = @{$fld}{@keep};
+                update %{$newfld{opts}}, %{$fld->{opts}};
+                $newfld{opts}{height} = {min=>0, max=>undef, minimal=>1};
+                $fld = \%newfld;
+                $prev->{notlastoverflow} = 1 if $prev->{overflow};
+                $overflowed = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        croak "Useless overflow field (no field above it)"
+            unless $overflowed;
+    }
+sub make_cols($$\@\%$) {
+    my ($formatters,$prevformatters,$parts, $opts, $maxheight) = @_;
+    my (@bullets, @max, @min);
+    for my $f (@$formatters) {
+        if    ($f->{isbullet})              { push @bullets, $f }
+        elsif ($f->{opts}{height}{minimal}) { push @min, $f }
+        else                                { push @max, $f }
+    }
+    my @maxgroups = layout_groups(@max);
+    my @mingroups = layout_groups(@min);
+    my $has_nonminimal = grep {!$_->{literal} && !$_->{line}} @max;
+    if ($opts->{layout} eq 'balanced') { # balanced column-by-column
+        for my $g (@maxgroups) {
+            balance_cols($g,$opts, $maxheight);
+        }
+        $maxheight = map 0+@{$_->{formcol}||[]}, @$formatters
+            if grep {!$_->{literal} && !$_->{opts}{height}{minimal}} @$formatters;
+        for my $g (@mingroups) {
+            balance_cols($g, $opts, $maxheight);
+        }
+        for my $f (@$formatters) {
+            push @$parts, $f->{formcol}||$f->{bullets}||[];
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ($opts->{layout} eq 'down') { # column-by-column
+        for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+            my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+            next if $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
+            $parts->[$col] = make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight);
+        }
+        $maxheight = min $maxheight,
+                         max map { defined() ? scalar @$_ : 0 } @$parts
+            if $has_nonminimal;
+        for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+            my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+            next if $f->{isbullet} || !$f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
+            $parts->[$col] = make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight);
+        }
+        for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+            my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+            next unless $f->{isbullet};
+            $parts->[$col] = $f->{bullets}||[];
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ($opts->{layout} eq 'across') { # across row-by-row
+        my %incomplete = (first=>1);
+        for (my $row=0;$row<$maxheight && grep {$_} values %incomplete;$row++) {
+            %incomplete = ();
+            for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+                $parts->[$col] ||= [];
+            }
+            for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+                my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+                next if $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
+                next if $f->{line} && $row>0 || $f->{done};
+                my ($str_ref, $width) = @{$f}{qw(src width)};
+                $$str_ref =~ /\G\s+/gc unless $f->{verbatim};
+                ($parts->[$col][$row], my $more) =
+                        $f->{break}->($str_ref,$width,$f->{opts}{ws});
+                $parts->[$col][$row] =~ s/$f->{opts}{ws}/ /g if $f->{opts}{ws};
+                $f->{done} = 1 if !$f->{literal}
+                           && $row+1 >= ($f->{opts}{height}{max}||$maxheight);
+                $incomplete{$str_ref} = $more
+                    unless $f->{literal} || $f->{line} || $f->{done};
+            }
+            for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+                my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+                next if $f->{isbullet} || !$f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
+                next if $f->{line} && $row>0 || $f->{done};
+                my ($str_ref, $width) = @{$f}{qw(src width)};
+                $$str_ref =~ /\G\s+/gc unless $f->{verbatim};
+                ($parts->[$col][$row], my $more) =
+                        $f->{break}->($str_ref,$width,$f->{opts}{ws});
+                $parts->[$col][$row] =~ s/$f->{opts}{ws}/ /g if $f->{opts}{ws};
+                $f->{done} = 1 if !$f->{literal}
+                           && $row+1 >= ($f->{opts}{height}{max}||$maxheight);
+                $incomplete{$str_ref} = $more
+                    unless $has_nonminimal || $f->{done};
+            }
+            for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+                my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+                next unless $f->{isbullet};
+                $parts->[$col][$row] = shift @{$f->{bullets}};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else { # tabular layout: down to the first \n, then across, then fill
+        my $finished = 0;
+        for my $col (0..$#$formatters) { $parts->[$col] = []; }
+        while (!$finished) {
+            $finished = 1;
+            for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+                my $tabular_more = 1;
+                my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+                next if $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
+                push @{$parts->[$col]},
+                     @{make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight, $tabular_more)};
+                $finished &&= !$tabular_more;
+            }
+            my $minimaxheight = min $maxheight,
+                             max map { defined() ? scalar @$_ : 0 } @$parts
+                if $has_nonminimal;
+            for my $col (0..$#$formatters) {
+                my $tabular = 1;
+                my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+                next if $f->{isbullet} || !$f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
+                push @{$parts->[$col]},
+                     @{make_col($f,$opts, $maxheight, $tabular)};
+            }
+            for my $col (0..$#$formatters-1) {
+                my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+                if ($f->{isbullet}) {
+                    push @{$parts->[$col]}, @{$f->{bullets}||[]};
+                    push @{$parts->[$col]},
+                         ($f->{bullethole})x($minimaxheight-@{$parts->[$col]});
+                }
+                elsif ($f->{literal}) {
+                    push @{$parts->[$col]},
+                         (${$f->{src}})x($minimaxheight-@{$parts->[$col]});
+                }
+                else {
+                    push @{$parts->[$col]},
+                         ("")x($minimaxheight-@{$parts->[$col]});
+                }
+            }
+            $maxheight -= $minimaxheight||0;
+        }
+    }
+    for my $g (@maxgroups, @mingroups) {
+        my $text = $g->[-1]{src};
+        next if substr($$text,pos($$text)||0) =~ /\S/;
+        for (1..@$g) {
+            next unless @{$parts->[$g->[-$_]{index}]};
+            $g->[-$_]{final} = 1;
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    for my $i (1..@$parts) {
+        $formatters->[-$i]{complete} = 0
+    }
+    for my $f (grep {!($_->{literal}||$_->{line})} @$formatters) {
+        next if $f->{done} || $f->{isbullet} || $f->{opts}{height}{minimal};
+        return 1 if substr(${$f->{src}},pos(${$f->{src}})||0) =~ /\S/;
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub make_underline {
+    my ($under, $prevline, $nextline) = @_;
+    $under =~ s/(\n*)\z//;
+    my $trail = "$1"|"\n";
+    for my $l ($nextline, $prevline) {
+        $l = join "", map {$_->{literal} ? ${$_->{src}} : '*'x$_->{width} } @$l;
+        $l =~ s{(.)}{$1 =~ /\s/ ? "\0" : "\1"}ges;
+    }
+    $nextline |= $prevline;
+    $nextline =~ s{\0}{ }g;
+    $nextline =~ s{(\cA+)}{my $len=length($1); substr($under x $len,0,$len)}ge;
+    $nextline .= $trail;
+    return [{ %std_literal, width => length($nextline), src => \$nextline }];
+sub linecount($) {
+    return tr/\n// + (/[^\n]\z/?1:0) for @_;
+use warnings::register;
+sub form is export(:MANDATORY) {
+    croak "Useless call to &form in void context" unless defined wantarray;
+    # Handle formatting calls...
+    my ($package, $file, $line) = caller;
+    my $caller_opts = $caller_opts{$package,$file} ||= {};
+    if (keys %$caller_opts) {
+        $line = first { $_ < $line } sort {$b<=>$a} keys %$caller_opts;
+        $caller_opts = $caller_opts->{$line} || {}
+                if defined $line;
+    }
+    my %opts = (%def_opts, %$caller_opts);
+    my $fldcnt = 0;
+    my @section = {opts=>{%opts}, text=>[]};
+    my $formats = \@_;
+    my $first = 1;
+    my %argcache;
+    my ($prevformat,$currformat,@allformats);
+    while (@$formats) {
+        my $format = shift @$formats;
+        if (ref $format eq 'HASH') {
+            update %opts, %$format;
+            $opts{page}{number} = undef unless defined $format->{page}{number};
+            push @section, {opts=>{%opts}};
+            redo;
+        }
+        if ($first) {   # Change format lists if data first or last
+            if ($opts{interleave}) {
+                $formats = [$format =~ /.*(?:\n|\z)/g];
+                $format = shift @$formats;
+            }
+            $first = 0;
+        }
+        $format =~ s/\n?\z/\n/;
+        $prevformat = $currformat;
+        $currformat = segment($format, @_, %opts, $fldcnt, %argcache);
+        resolve_overflows($currformat, $prevformat);
+        if (defined $opts{under}) {
+            push @{$section[-1]{formatters}},
+                make_underline($opts{under}, $prevformat, $currformat);
+            $opts{under} = undef;
+        }
+        push @{$section[-1]{formatters}}, $currformat;
+        push @allformats, $currformat;
+    }
+    croak scalar(@_), " too many data values after last format" if @_;
+    delineate_overflows(@allformats);
+    my $text = "";
+    my $pagetype = 'first';
+    my $pagenum = 1;
+    for my $section (@section) {
+        next unless $section->{formatters};
+        my $sect_opts = $section->{opts};
+        my $page = $sect_opts->{page};
+        $page->{number} = $pagenum unless defined $page->{number};
+        my $pagelen = $page->{length};
+        while (1) {
+            my $parity = $page->{number}%2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
+            my $header =
+             $page->{header}{$pagetype} ? $page->{header}{$pagetype}($sect_opts)
+             : $page->{header}{$parity} ? $page->{header}{$parity}($sect_opts)
+             : $page->{header}{other}   ? $page->{header}{other}($sect_opts)
+             : "";
+            my $footer =
+             $page->{footer}{$pagetype} ? $page->{footer}{$pagetype}($sect_opts)
+             : $page->{footer}{$parity} ? $page->{footer}{$parity}($sect_opts)
+             : $page->{footer}{other}   ? $page->{footer}{other}($sect_opts)
+             : "";
+            my $feed =
+             $page->{feed}{$pagetype} ? $page->{feed}{$pagetype}($sect_opts)
+             : $page->{feed}{$parity} ? $page->{feed}{$parity}($sect_opts)
+             : $page->{feed}{other}   ? $page->{feed}{other}($sect_opts)
+             : "";
+            length and s/\n?\z/\n/ for $header, $footer;  # NOT for $feed
+            my $bodyfn = $page->{body}{$pagetype}
+                      || $page->{body}{$parity}
+                      || $page->{body}{other}
+                      || \&std_body;
+            my $bodylen = max 1, $pagelen - linecount($header) - linecount($footer);
+            my ($pagetext, $more) = make_page($section, $sect_opts, $bodylen);
+            if (!$more && $section == $section[-1]) {
+                my $lastheader =
+                    $page->{header}{last} ? $page->{header}{last}($sect_opts)
+                                          : $header;
+                my $lastfooter =
+                    $page->{footer}{last} ? $page->{footer}{last}($sect_opts)
+                                          : $footer;
+                length and s/\n?\z/\n/ for $lastheader, $lastfooter;
+                my $lastlen = max 1, $pagelen-linecount($lastheader)-linecount($lastfooter);
+                if (@$pagetext <= $lastlen) {
+                    $pagetype = 'last';
+                    ($header, $footer, $bodylen)
+                        = ($lastheader, $lastfooter, $lastlen);
+                    $feed = $page->{feed}{last}($sect_opts)
+                        if $page->{feed}{last};
+                    $bodyfn = $page->{body}{last}
+                        if $page->{body}{last};
+                }
+            }
+            my $fill = $pagelen < $unlimited ? [("\n") x ($bodylen-@$pagetext)]
+                                             : [];
+            my $body = $bodyfn->($pagetext, $fill, \%opts);
+            $text .= $header . $body . $footer . $feed;
+            $page->{number}++;
+            # Handle special case of empty last page...
+            last unless $more || $section == $section[-1] && $pagetype ne 'last';
+            $pagetype = $page->{number}%2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
+        }
+        $pagenum = $page->{number};
+    }
+    $text =~ s/[^\S\n]+\n/\n/g unless $opts{untrimmed};
+    return $text;
+sub make_page {
+        my ($section, $sect_opts, $bodylen) = @_;
+        my (@text, $more);
+        my ($prevformatters, $formatters);
+        while (@text < $bodylen && @{$section->{formatters}}) {
+            $prevformatters = $formatters;
+            $formatters = $section->{formatters}[0];
+            $more = make_cols($formatters,$prevformatters,my @parts, %$sect_opts, $bodylen-@text);
+            shift @{$section->{formatters}} unless $more;
+            my $maxheight = 0;
+            my $maxwidth = 0;
+            for my $col (0..$#parts) {
+                local $_ = $parts[$col];
+                pop @$_ while @$_ && ! length($_->[-1]);
+                $maxheight = max($maxheight, scalar(@$_), $formatters->[$col]{opts}{height}{min}||0);
+                # $formatters->[$col]{pos} = $maxwidth;
+                # $maxwidth += $formatters->[$col]{width};
+            }
+            for my $col (0..$#parts) {
+                my $f = $formatters->[$col];
+                push @{$parts[$col]}, ("") x (($f->{height}{min}||0)-@{$parts[$col]});
+                my $fopts = $f->{opts};
+                my $tfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(tfill vfill fill)}, " ";
+                my $bfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(bfill vfill fill)}, " ";
+                my $lfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(lfill hfill fill)}, " ";
+                my $rfill = first {defined $_} @{$fopts}{qw(rfill hfill fill)}, " ";
+                $f->{vjust}->($maxheight,$tfill,$bfill,$parts[$col]);
+                for my $row (0..$#{$parts[$col]}) {
+                    my $last = $parts[$col][$row] =~ s/\r//;
+                    $f->{hjust}->($parts[$col][$row], pre=>$lfill, post=>$rfill,
+                                  last=>$last, pos=>$f->{pos},
+                                  stretch=>$f->{stretch}, width=>$f->{width},
+                                 );
+                }
+            }
+            for my $row (0..$maxheight) {
+                push @text, join "",
+                    grep { defined } map $parts[$_][$row],0..$#parts;
+            }
+        }
+        return (\@text, $more);
+# Extract perpendicular cross-sections from an AoA, AoH, HoA, HoH, AoHoA, etc.
+sub section {
+    my ($structure, @index) = @_;
+    $structure = [ values %$structure ] if ref $structure eq 'HASH';
+    my @section;
+    for my $row ( @$structure ) {
+        local $,=",";
+        my $type = ref $row or croak "Too many indices (starting with [@index])";
+        if ($type eq 'HASH') {
+            @index = keys %$row unless @index;
+            push @{$section[$_]}, $row->{$index[$_]} for 0..$#index;
+        }
+        elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
+            @index = (0..$#$row) unless @index;
+            push @{$section[$_]}, $row->[$index[$_]] for 0..$#index;
+        }
+        else {
+            my $what = ref $structure;
+            croak "Can't drill ", ($what ? lc $what : $structure) , " of $type";
+        }
+    }
+    return @section;
+sub slice {
+    my ($structure, @indices) = @_;
+    return ref eq 'HASH' ? @{$_}{@indices} : @{$_}[@indices] for $structure;
+sub vals { return ref eq 'HASH' ? values %$_ : @$_ for $_[0] }
+sub drill (\[@%];@) is export {
+    my ($structure, @indices) = @_;
+    return $structure unless @indices;
+    my $index = shift @indices;
+    my @section = [ @$index ? slice($structure,@$index) : vals($structure) ];
+    return @section unless @indices;
+    for my $index (@indices) {
+        @section = map {section $_, @$index} @section;
+    }
+    return @section;
+sub break_lit {
+    return (${$_[0]},0,0);
+sub break_bullet {
+    my ($src) = @_;
+    my $next = pop @$src || "";
+    return ($next,@$src>0,0);
+sub break_verbatim {
+    my ($str,$rem) = @_;
+    $$str =~ m/ \G ([^\n\r]*) (?:\r|\n|\z) /gcx or return ("",0);
+    return (substr("$1",0,$rem), $$str =~ m/ \G (?=.) /sgcx ? 1 : 0,0);
+sub break_nl {
+    my ($str) = @_;
+    if ($$str =~ m/\G [^\S\n\r]* ([^\n\r]*?) [^\S\r\n]* (?:\r|$)/gcxm)  {
+        return ("$1", $$str =~ /\G(?=.*\S)/sgc?1:0, 1);
+    }
+    else {
+        return ("",0,0);
+    }
+my $wsnzw = q{ (??{length($^N)?'(?=)':'(?!)'}) };
+sub break_at is export {
+    my ($hyphen) = @_;
+    my ($lit_hy) = qr/\Q$hyphen\E/;
+    my $hylen = length($hyphen);
+    my @ret;
+    return sub {
+        my ($str,$rem,$ws) = @_;
+        my ($last_breakable, $res) = ($rem+1,"", 0);
+        for ($$str) {
+            use re 'eval';
+            while ($rem > 0 && (pos()||0) < length()) {
+                if ($ws && /\G ($ws) $wsnzw/gcx) {
+                    my $captured;
+                    if ($#+ > 1) {      # may be extra captures...
+                        for (2..$#+) {
+                            next unless defined $$_;
+                            $captured++;
+                            $res .= $$_;
+                            $rem -= length $$_;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    unless ($captured) {
+                        $res .= $1;
+                        $rem--;
+                    }
+                    $last_breakable = length $res;
+                }
+                elsif ($rem>=$hylen && /\G $lit_hy /gcx) {
+                    $res .= $hyphen;
+                    $rem -= $hylen;
+                    $last_breakable = length $res;
+                }
+                elsif (/\G ((?!$lit_hy)[^\n\r]) /gcx) {
+                    $res .= $1;
+                    $rem--;
+                    $last_breakable = length $res if $res =~ /\s$/;
+                }
+                else { last }
+            }
+            my $reslen = length $res;
+            $ws ||= qr/\s/;
+            unless (/\G (?=$lit_hy|($ws)$wsnzw|\z|\n|\r) /gcx) {
+                if ($last_breakable <= $reslen) {
+                    pos() -= $reslen-$last_breakable;
+                    substr($res,$last_breakable) = "";
+                }
+                elsif ($reslen > $hylen) {
+                    if ($res =~ /\S\S\S{$hylen}$/) {
+                        pos() -= $hylen;
+                        substr($res,-$hylen) = $hyphen;
+                    }
+                    elsif ($res =~ s/(\S+)$//) {
+                        pos() -= length($1);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            my $rem = substr($$str, pos $$str);
+            return ($res, $rem=~/\S/?1:0, $rem =~ /^\s*(?:\z|\n|\r)/);
+        }
+    };
+sub import {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my ($package, $file, $line) = caller;
+    my %opts;
+    for (@_) {
+        croak "Options for $class must be specified in a hash"
+            unless ref eq 'HASH';
+        update(%opts, %$_, 'croak');
+    }
+    $caller_opts{$package,$file}{$line} = \%opts;
+package Perl6::Form::Rule::Fail;
+use overload
+    '""'   => sub{ undef },
+    '0+'   => sub{ undef },
+    'bool' => sub{ 0 },
+package Perl6::Form::Rule::Okay;
+use overload
+    '""'   => sub{ $_[0][0] },
+    '0+'   => sub{ $_[0][0] },
+    'bool' => sub{ 1 },
+=head1 NAME
+Perl6::Form - Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Perl6::Form;
+    $text = form " =================================== ",
+                 "| NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |",
+                 "|----------+------------+-----------|",
+                 "| {<<<<<<} | {||||||||} | {>>>>>>>} |",
+                    $name,     $age,        $ID,
+                 "|===================================|",
+                 "| COMMENTS                          |",
+                 "|-----------------------------------|",
+                 "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
+                    $comments,
+                 " =================================== ";
+Formats are Perl 5's mechanism for creating text templates with
+fixed-width fields. Those fields are then filled in using values from
+prespecified package variables.
+Unlike Perl 5, Perl 6 doesn't have a C<format> keyword. Or the
+associated built-in formatting mechanism. Instead it has a
+module. And a C<form> function.
+Like a Perl 5 C<format> statement, the C<form> function takes a series
+of format (or "picture") strings, each of which is immediately
+followed by a suitable set of replacement values. It interpolates
+those values into the placeholders specified within each picture string,
+and returns the result:
+    $text = form
+                 $format_f1,
+                     $datum1, $datum2, $datum3,
+                 $format_f2,
+                     $datum4,
+                 $format_f3,
+                     $datum5;
+So, whereas in Perl 5 we might write:
+    # Perl 5 code...
+    our ($name, $age, $ID, $comments);
+    format STDOUT
+     ===================================
+    | NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |
+    |----------+------------+-----------|
+    | @<<<<<<< | @||||||||| | @>>>>>>>> |
+      $name,     $age,        $ID,
+    |===================================|
+    | COMMENTS                          |
+    |-----------------------------------|
+    | ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |~~
+      $comments,
+     ===================================
+    .
+    write STDOUT;
+in Perl 6 we could write:
+    # Perl 6 code...
+    print form
+        " =================================== ",
+        "| NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |",
+        "|----------+------------+-----------|",
+        "| {<<<<<<} | {||||||||} | {>>>>>>>} |",
+           $name,     $age,        $ID,
+        "|===================================|",
+        "| COMMENTS                          |",
+        "|-----------------------------------|",
+        "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
+           $comments,
+        " =================================== ";
+And both of them would print something like:
+     ===================================
+    | NAME     |    AGE     | ID NUMBER |
+    |----------+------------+-----------|
+    | Richard  |     33     |    000003 |
+    |===================================|
+    | COMMENTS                          |
+    |-----------------------------------|
+    | Talks to self. Seems to be        |
+    | overcompensating for inferiority  |
+    | complex rooted in post-natal      |
+    | maternal rejection due to         |
+    | handicap (congenital or perhaps   |
+    | the result of premature birth).   |
+    | Shows numerous indications of     |
+    | psychotic (esp. nepocidal)        |
+    | tendencies. Naturally, subject    |
+    | gravitated to career in politics. |
+     ===================================
+This module implements virtually all of the functionality
+of the Perl 6 module. The only differences are:
+=item *
+Option pairs must be passed in a hash reference;
+=item *
+Array data sources must be passed as array references;
+=item *
+Options specified on the C<use Perl6::Form> line are
+not (yet) lexically scoped;
+=item *
+User-defined line-breaking subroutines are passed their data source as a
+reference to a scalar;
+=head2 Formatting jargon
+=item Format
+A string that is used as a template for the creation of I<text>. It will
+contain zero or more I<fields>, usually with some literal characters and
+whitespace between them.
+=item Text
+A string that is created by replacing the fields of a format with specific
+I<data> values.  For example, the string that a call to C<form> returns.
+=item Field
+A fixed-width slot within a format string, into which I<data> will be formatted.
+=item Data
+A string or numeric value (or an array of such values) that is
+interpolated into a format, in order to fill in a particular field.
+=item Single-line field
+A field that interpolates only as much of its corresponding data value as
+will fit inside it within a single line of text.
+=item Block field
+A field that interpolates all of its corresponding data value, over a
+series of text lines E<ndash> as many as necessary E<ndash> producing a
+I<text block>.
+=item Text block
+The column of newline-separated text lines. A text block is produced
+when data is formatted into a block field that is too small to contain
+the data in a single line
+=item Column
+The amount of space on an output device required to display one single-width
+character. One character will occupy one column in most cases, the most
+obvious exceptions being CJK double-width characters.
+=head2 Return values
+When called in a scalar or list context, C<form> returns a string
+containing the complete formatted text:
+    my $formatted_text = form $format, *@data;
+    @texts = ( form($format, *@data1), form($format, *@data2) );  # 2 elems
+When called in a void context, C<form> dies, bitterly
+pointing out how useless that is to format something and then just
+throw the result away.
+=head1 Field types
+The format strings passed to C<form> determine what the resulting
+formatted text looks like. Each format consists of a series
+of field specifiers, which are usually separated by literal characters.
+C<form> understands a far larger number of field specifiers than C<format> did,
+designed around a small number of conventions:
+=item *
+Each field is enclosed in a pair of braces.
+=item *
+Within the braces, left or right angle brackets (C<< < >> or C<< > >>), bars
+(C<|>), and single-quotes (C<'>) indicate various types of single-line fields.
+=item *
+Left or right square brackets (C<[> or C<]>), I's (C<I>), and double-
+quotes (C<">) indicate block fields of various types.
+=item *
+The direction of the brackets within a field indicates the direction
+towards which text will be justified in that field. For example:
+    {<<<<<<<<<<<}   Justify the text to the left
+    {>>>>>>>>>>>}                  Justify the text to the right
+    {>>>>>><<<<<}                 Centre the text
+    {<<<<<<>>>>>}   Fully  justify  the  text  to  both  margins
+This is even true for numeric fields, which look like:
+C<<<<<<< {>>>>>.<<} >>>>>>>. The whole digits are right-justified before
+the dot and the decimals are left-justified after it.
+=item *
+An C<=> at either end of a field (or both ends) indicates the data
+interpolated into the field is to be vertically "middled" within the
+resulting block. That is, the text is to be centred vertically on the
+middle of all the lines produced by the complete format.
+=item *
+An C<_> at the start and/or end of a field indicates the interpolated data
+is to be vertically "bottomed" within the resulting block. That is, the
+text is to be pushed to the bottom of the lines produced by the format.
+For example:
+                                      Field specifier
+    Field type                 One-line             Block
+    ==========                ==========          ==========
+    left justified            {<<<<<<<<}          {[[[[[[[[}
+    right justified           {>>>>>>>>}          {]]]]]]]]}
+    centred                   {>>>><<<<}          {]]]][[[[}
+    centred (alternative)     {||||||||}          {IIIIIIII}
+    fully justified           {<<<<>>>>}          {[[[[]]]]}
+    verbatim                  {''''''''}          {""""""""}
+    numeric                   {>>>>>.<<}          {]]]]].[[}
+    euronumeric               {>>>>>,<<}          {]]]]],[[}
+    comma'd                   {>,>>>,>>>.<<}      {],]]],]]].[[}
+    space'd                   {> >>> >>>.<<}      {] ]]] ]]].[[}
+    eurocomma'd               {>.>>>.>>>,<<}      {].]]].]]],[[}
+    Swiss Army comma'd        {>'>>>'>>>,<<}      {]']]]']]],[[}
+    subcontinental            {>>,>>,>>>.<<}      {]],]],]]].[[}
+    signed numeric            {->>>.<<<}          {-]]].[[[}
+    post-signed numeric       {>>>>.<<-}          {]]]].[[-}
+    paren-signed numeric      {(>>>.<<)}          {(]]].[[)}
+    prefix currency           {$>>>.<<<}          {$]]].[[[}
+    postfix currency          {>>>.<<<DM}         {]]].[[[DM}
+    infix currency            {>>>$<< Esc}        {]]]$[[ Esc}
+    left/middled              {=<<<<<<=}          {=[[[[[[=}
+    right/middled             {=>>>>>>=}          {=]]]]]]=}
+    infix currency/middled    {=>>$<< Esc}        {=]]$[[ Esc}
+    eurocomma'd/middled       {>.>>>.>>>,<<=}     {].]]].]]],[[=}
+    etc.
+    left/bottomed             {_<<<<<<_}          {_[[[[[[_}
+    right/bottomed            {_>>>>>>_}          {_]]]]]]_}
+    etc.
+=head1 How fields are filled
+When data is interpolated into a line field, the field grabs as much of the
+data as will fit on a single line, formats that data appropriately, and
+interpolates it into the format.
+That means that if we use a one-line field, it only shows as much of the data
+as will fit on one lime. For example:
+    my $data1 = 'By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes';
+    my $data2 = 'A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!';
+    print form
+        "...{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}...{>>>>>>>}...",
+            $data1,               $data2;
+    ...By the pricking of ... A horse!...
+On the other hand, if our format string used block fields instead, the
+fields would extract one line of data at a time, repeating that process as
+many times as necessary to display all the available data. So:
+    print form
+        "...{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}...{]]]]]]]}...",
+            $data1,               $data2;
+would produce:
+    ...By the pricking of ... A horse!...
+ thumbs,         ... A horse!...
+    ...something wicked   ...       My...
+    ...this way comes     ...  kingdom...
+    ...                   ...    for a...
+    ...                   ...   horse!...
+We can mix line fields and block fields in the same format and C<form> will
+extract and interpolate only as much data as each field requires. For example:
+    print form
+        "...{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}...{]]]]]]]}...",
+            $data1,               $data2;
+which produces:
+    ...By the pricking of ... A horse!...
+    ...                   ... A horse!...
+    ...                   ...       My...
+    ...                   ...  kingdom...
+    ...                   ...    for a...
+    ...                   ...   horse!...
+Notice that, after the first line, the single-line
+C<<<<<<< {<<<<<<} >>>>>>> field is simply replaced by
+the appropriate number of space
+characters, to keep the columns correctly aligned.
+The usual reason for mixing line and block fields in this way is to
+allow numbered or bulleted points:
+    print "I couldn't do my English Lit homework because...\n\n";
+    my $index = 0;
+    for my $reason (@reasons) {
+        my $n = @reasons - $index . '.';
+        print form "   {>}  {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+                       $n,  $reason,
+                   "";
+    }
+which might produce:
+    I couldn't do my English Lit homework because...
+         10. Three witches told me I was going to be
+             king.
+          9. I was busy explaining wherefore am I Romeo.
+          8. I was busy scrubbing the blood off my
+             hands.
+          7. Some dear friends had to charge once more
+             unto the breach.
+          6. My so-called best friend tricked me into
+             killing my wife.
+          5. My so-called best friend tricked me into
+             killing Caesar.
+          4. My so-called best friend tricked me into
+             taming a shrew.
+          3. My uncle killed my father and married my
+             mother.
+          2. I fell in love with my manservant, who was
+             actually the disguised twin sister of the
+             man that my former love secretly married,
+             having mistaken him for my manservant who
+             was wooing her on my behalf whilst secretly
+             in love with me.
+          1. I was abducted by fairies.
+=head1 Keeping track of what's been formatted
+Obviously, as a call to C<form> builds up each line of its output
+E<ndash> extracting data from one or more data arguments and
+formatting it into the corresponding fields E<ndash> it needs to keep
+track of where it's up to in each datum. It does this by progressively
+updating the C<pos> of each datum, in exactly the same way as a
+pattern match does.
+And as with a pattern match, by default that updated C<pos> is only
+used internally and B<not> preserved after the call to C<form> is
+finished. So passing a string to C<form> doesn't interfere with any
+other pattern matching or text formatting that we might
+subsequently do with that data.
+However, sometimes we I<do> want to know how much of our data a call to C<form>
+managed to extract and format. Or we may want to split a formatting task
+into several stages, with separate calls to C<form> for each stage.
+So we need a way of telling C<form> to preserve the C<pos> information
+in our data.
+But, if we want to apply a series of C<form> calls to the same data we also
+need to be able to tell C<form> to I<respect> the C<pos> information
+of that data E<ndash> to start extracting from the previously preserved
+C<.pos> position, rather than from the start of the string.
+To achieve both those goals, we use a I<follow-on field>. That is we use
+an ordinary field but mark it as C<pos>-sensitive with a special
+notation: ASCII colons at either end. So instead of
+C<<<<< {<<<<>>>>} >>>>>, we'd write C<<<<< {:<<<>>>:} >>>>>.
+Follow-on fields are most useful when we want to split a formatting task
+into distinct stages E<ndash> or iterations E<ndash> but still allow the
+contents of the follow-on field to flow uninterrupted from line to line.
+For example:
+    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
+    for my $role (@roles) {
+        print form "   * {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}   *{:<<<<<<<>>>>>>>:}*",
+                         $role,                            $disclaimer;
+    }
+which produces:
+    The best Shakespearean roles are:
+       * Macbeth                          *WARNING:          *
+       * King Lear                        *This list of roles*
+       * Juliet                           *constitutes      a*
+       * Othello                          *personal   opinion*
+       * Hippolyta                        *only and is in  no*
+       * Don John                         *way  endorsed   by*
+       * Katerina                         *Shakespeare'R'Us. *
+       * Richard                          *It   may   contain*
+       * Malvolio                         *nuts.             *
+       * Bottom                           *                  *
+The multiple calls to C<form> manage to produce a coherent disclaimer
+because the colons in the second field tell each call to start
+extracting data from C<$disclaimer> at the offset indicated by
+C<pos $disclaimer>, and then to update C<pos $disclaimer> with
+the final position at which the field extracted data. So the next time
+C<form> is called, the follow-on field starts extracting from
+where it left off in the previous call.
+Follow-on fields are similar to C<<<<<< ^<<<<< >>>>>> fields in a Perl 5 format,
+except they don't destroy the contents of a data source; they merely change that
+data source's C<pos> marker.
+=head1 Array data sources
+Data, especially numeric data, is often stored in arrays.
+So C<form> also accepts arrays as data arguments too. Or, more precisely, it
+accepts B<references> to arrays as arguments.
+Once inside C<form>, each array that was specified as the data source
+for a field is internally converted to a single string by joining it
+together with a newline between each element.
+The upshot is that, instead of:
+    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
+    for my $role (@roles) {
+        print form "   * {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}   *{:<<<<<<<>>>>>>>:}*",
+                         $role,                            $disclaimer;
+    }
+we could just write:
+    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
+    print form "   * {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   *{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]}*",
+                     \@roles,                          $disclaimer;
+And the array of roles would be internally converted to a single string, with
+one role per line. Note that we also changed the disclaimer field to a regular
+block field, so that the entire disclaimer would be formatted. And there was
+no longer any need for the disclaimer field to be a follow-on field, since the
+block field would extract and format the entire disclaimer anyway.
+Array data sources are particularly
+useful when formatting, especially if the data is known to fit within
+the specified width. For example:
+    print form
+        '-------------------------------------------',
+        'Name             Score   Time  | Normalized',
+        '-------------------------------------------',
+        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[}   {III}   {II}  |  {]]].[[} ',
+         \@name,          \@score,\@time,  [map {$score[$_]/$time[$_]} 0..$#score]
+is a very easy way to produce the table:
+    -------------------------------------------
+    Name             Score   Time  | Normalized
+    -------------------------------------------
+    Thomas Mowbray    88      15   |     5.867
+    Richard Scroop    54      13   |     4.154
+    Harry Percy       99      18   |     5.5
+=head2 Justifying fields
+The most commonly used fields are those that justify their contents: to
+the left, to the right, to the left I<and> right, or towards the centre.
+Left-justified and right-justified fields extract from their data source
+the largest substring that will fit inside them, push that string to the
+left or right as appropriate, and then pad the string out to the
+required field width with spaces (or the L<nominated fill character|
+"He doth fill fields with harness...">).
+Centred fields (C<<<<< {>>>><<<<} >>>>> and C<{]]]][[[[}>) likewise
+extract as much data as possible, and then pad both sides of it with
+(near) equal numbers of spaces. If the amount of padding required is not
+evenly divisible by 2, the one extra space is added I<after> the data.
+There is a second syntax for centred fields E<ndash> a tip-o'-the-hat to
+Perl 5 formats: C<{|||||||||}> and C<{IIIIIIII}>. This variant also
+makes it easier to specify centering fields that are only three columns
+wide: C<{|}> and C<{I}>.
+Note, however, that the behaviour of centering fields specified this
+way is exactly the same in every respect as the bracket-based versions, so
+we're free to use whichever we prefer.
+Fully justified fields (C<<<<< {<<<<>>>>} >>>>> and C<{[[[[]]]]}>)
+extract a maximal substring and then distribute any padding as evenly as
+possible into the existing whitespace gaps in that data. For example:
+    print form '({<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>})',
+               "A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy";
+would print:
+    (A fellow  of  infinite)
+A fully-justified block field (C<{[[[[]]]]}>) does the same across
+multiple lines, except that the very last line is always left-justified.
+Hence, this:
+    print form '({[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]})',
+               "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players."
+would print:
+    (All the world's a)
+    (stage,  And   all)
+    (the men and women)
+    (merely players.  )
+By the way, with both centred fields (C<<<<< {>>>><<<} >>>>>) and fully
+justified fields (C<<<<< {<<<>>>>} >>>>>), the actual number of
+left vs right arrows is irrelevant, so long as there is at least
+one of each.
+=head1 Short fields
+One special case we need to consider is an empty set of field delimiters:
+    form 'ID number: {}'
+This specification is treated as a two-column-wide, left-justified
+block field (since that seems to be the type of two-column-wide
+field most often required).
+Other kinds of two-column (and single-column) fields can also
+be created using L<imperative field widths|"Imperative fields widths"> and
+and L<user-defined fields|"User-defined fields">.
+=head1 Numerical fields
+A field specifier of the form C<<<<< {>>>>.<<} >>>>> or C<{]]]].[[}>
+represents a decimal-aligned numeric field. The decimal marker always
+appears in exactly the position indicated and the rest of the number is
+aligned around it. The decimal places are rounded to the specific number
+of places indicated, but only "significant" digits are shown. For example:
+    @nums = (1, 1.2, 1.23, 11.234, 111.235, 1.0001);
+    print form "Thy score be: {]]]].[[}",
+                              \@nums;
+    Thy score be:     1.0
+    Thy score be:     1.2
+    Thy score be:     1.23
+    Thy score be:    11.234
+    Thy score be:   111.235
+    Thy score be:     1.000
+=head2 Non-numeric data
+You're probably wondering what happens if we try to format a number that's too
+large for the available places (as C<123456.78> would be in the above format).
+Whereas C<sprintf> would extend a numeric field to accommodate the number,
+C<form> insists on preserving the specified layout; in particular, the
+position of the decimal point. But it obviously can't just cut off the
+extra high-order digits; that would change the value:
+    Thy score be: 23456.78
+So, instead, it indicates that the number doesn't fit by filling the
+field with octothorpes (the way many spreadsheets do):
+    Thy score be: #####.###
+It's also possible that someone (not you, of course!) might attempt to
+pass a numeric field some data that isn't numeric at all:
+    my @mixed_data = (1, 2, "three", {4=>5}, "6", "7-Up");
+    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[}',
+                              \@mixed_data;
+Unlike Perl itself, C<form> doesn't autoconvert non-numeric values.
+Instead it marks them with another special string, by filling the field with
+    Thy score be:     1.0
+    Thy score be:     2.0
+    Thy score be: ?????.???
+    Thy score be: ?????.???
+    Thy score be:     6.0
+    Thy score be: ?????.???
+Note that strings per se aren't a problem E<ndash> C<form> will happily
+convert strings that contain valid numbers, such as C<"6"> in the above
+example. But it does reject strings that contain anything else besides
+a number (even when Perl itself would successfully convert the number
+E<ndash> as it would for C<"7-Up"> above).
+Those who'd prefer Perl's usual, more laissez-faire attitude to
+numerical conversion can just pre-numerify the values
+    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[}',
+                              [map {$_+0} @mixed_data];
+This version would print something like:
+    Thy score be:     1.0
+    Thy score be:     2.0
+    Thy score be:     0.0
+    Thy score be:     1.0
+    Thy score be:     6.0
+    Thy score be:     7.0
+=head2 Decimal markers
+Of course, not everyone uses a dot for their decimal point. The other main
+contender is the comma, and naturally C<form> supports that as well. If
+we specify a numeric field with a comma between the brackets:
+    @les_nums = (1, 1.2, 1.23, 11.234, 111.235, 1.0001);
+    print form 'Votre score est: {]]]],[[}',
+                                 \@les_nums;
+the call prints:
+    Votre score est:     1,0
+    Votre score est:     1,2
+    Votre score est:     1,23
+    Votre score est:    11,234
+    Votre score est:   111,235
+    Votre score est:     1,000
+In fact, C<form> is extremely flexible about the characters
+we're allowed to use as
+a decimal marker: anything except an angle- or square bracket or
+a plus sign is acceptable.
+As a bonus, C<form> allows us to use the specified decimal marker in
+the I<data> as well as in the format. So this works too:
+    @les_nums = ("1", "1,2", "1,23", "11,234", "111,235", "1,0001");
+    print form 'Vos score est: {]]]],[[}',
+                               \@les_nums;
+=head2 Negative numbers
+Negative numbers work as expected, with the minus sign taking
+up one column of the field's allotted span:
+    @nums = ( 1, -1.2,  1.23, -11.234,  111.235, -12345.67);
+    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[}',
+                              \@nums;
+This would print:
+    Thy score be:     1.0
+    Thy score be:    -1.2
+    Thy score be:     1.23
+    Thy score be:   -11.234
+    Thy score be:   111.235
+    Thy score be: #####.###
+However, C<form> can also format numbers so that the minus sign I<trails> the
+number. To do that we simple put an explicit minus sign inside the field
+specification, at the end:
+    print form 'Thy score be: {]]]].[[-}',
+                              \@nums;
+which would then print:
+    Thy score be:     1.0
+    Thy score be:     1.2-
+    Thy score be:     1.23
+    Thy score be:    11.234-
+    Thy score be:   111.235
+    Thy score be: 12345.67-
+C<form> also understands the common financial usage where negative
+numbers are represented as positive numbers in parentheses. Once again,
+we draw an abstract picture of what we want (by putting parens at either
+end of the field specification):
+    print form 'Thy dividend be: {(]]]].[[)}',
+                                 \@nums;
+and C<form> obliges:
+    Thy dividend be:      1.0
+    Thy dividend be:     (1.2)
+    Thy dividend be:      1.23
+    Thy dividend be:    (11.234)
+    Thy dividend be:    111.235
+    Thy dividend be: (12345.67)
+Note that the parens have to go I<inside> the field's braces. Otherwise,
+they're just literal parts of the format string.
+=head2 Thousands separators
+If we add so-called "thousands separators" inside a numeric field at the
+usual places, C<form> includes them appropriately in its output. It can
+handle the five major formatting conventions:
+    my @nums = (0, 1, 1.1, 1.23, 4567.89, 34567.89, 234567.89, 1234567.89);
+    print form
+        "Brittannic      Continental     Subcontinental   Tyrolean        Asiatic",
+        "_____________   _____________   ______________   _____________   _____________",
+        "{],]]],]]].[}   {].]]].]]],[}    {]],]],]]].[}   {]']]]']]],[}   {]]]],]]]].[}",
+         \@nums,         \@nums,          \@nums,         \@nums,         \@nums;
+to produce:
+    Brittannic      Continental     Subcontinental   Tyrolean        Asiatic
+    _____________   _____________   ______________   _____________   _____________
+             0.0             0,0              0.0             0,0             0.0
+             1.0             1,0              1.0             1,0             1.0
+             1.1             1,1              1.1             1,1             1.1
+             1.23            1,23             1.23            1,23            1.23
+         4,567.89        4.567,89         4,567.89        4'567,89         4567.89
+        34,567.89       34.567,89        34,567.89       34'567,89       3,4567.89
+       234,567.89      234.567,89      2,34,567.89      234'567,89      23,4567.89
+     1,234,567.89    1.234.567,89     12,34,567.89    1'234'567,89     123,4567.89
+It also accepts a space character as a "thousands separator" (with, of
+course, any decimal marker we might like):
+    print form
+        "Hyperspatial",
+        "_____________",
+        "{] ]]] ]]]:[}",
+         \@nums;
+to produce:
+    Hyperspatial
+    _____________
+             0:0
+             1:0
+             1:1
+             1:23
+         4 567:89
+        34 567:89
+       234 567:89
+     1 234 567:89
+You can also put separators in a regular C<{>>>>>>>}> or C<{]]]]]]]}> field,
+to print integers with (say) commas:
+    print form
+        "Integral",
+        "___________",
+        "{]],]]],]]}",
+         \@nums;
+which produces:
+    Integral
+    ___________
+              0
+              1
+              1
+              1
+          4,568
+         34,568
+        234,568
+      1,234,568
+Notice that the numbers are still rounded; in this case, to integers.
+=head1 Locale-specific numeric formatting
+Of course, sometimes we don't know ahead of time just where in the world our
+formatted numbers will be displayed. Locales were invented to address that
+very problem, and C<form> supports them.
+If we use the C<locale> option, C<form> detects the current locale and
+converts any numerical formats it finds to the appropriate layout. For
+example, if we wrote:
+    @nums = ( 1, -1.2,  1.23, -11.234,  111.235, -12345.67);
+    print form
+            "{],]]],]]].[[}",
+            \@nums;
+then we'd get:
+          1.0
+         -1.2
+          1.23
+        -11.234
+        111.235
+    -12,345.67
+wherever the program was run. But if we had written:
+    print form
+            {locale=>1},
+            "{],]]],]]].[[}",
+            \@nums;
+then we'd get:
+          1.0
+         -1.2
+          1.23
+        -11.234
+        111.235
+    -12,345.67
+          1,0
+          1,2-
+          1,23
+         11,23-
+        111,235
+     12.345,67-
+          1,0
+         (1,2)
+          1,23
+        (11,23)
+        111,235
+    (12'345,67)
+or whatever else the current locale indicated was the correct local layout
+for numbers.
+That is, when the C<locale> option is specified, C<form> ignores the actual
+decimal point, thousands separator, and negation sign we specified in the call,
+and instead uses the values for these markers that are returned by the
+POSIX C<localeconv> function. That means that we can specify our numerical
+formatting in a style that seems natural to us, and at the same time
+allow the numbers to be formatted in a style that seems natural to the user.
+=head1 Currency fields
+Formatting numbers gets even trickier when those numbers represent money.
+But C<form> simply lets us specify how the local currency looks E<ndash>
+including leading, trailing, or infix currency markers; leading, trailing, or
+circumfix negation markers; thousands separators; etc. E<ndash> and then it
+formats it that way. For example:
+    my @amounts = (0, 1, 1.2345, 1234.56, -1234.56, 1234567.89);
+    my %format = (
+        "Canadian (English)"    => q/   {-$],]]],]]].[}/,
+        "Canadian (French)"     => q/    {-] ]]] ]]],[ $}/,
+        "Dutch"                 => q/     {],]]],]]].[-EUR}/,
+        "German (pre-euro)"     => q/    {-].]]].]]],[DM}/,
+        "Indian"                => q/    {-]],]],]]].[ Rs}/,
+        "Norwegian"             => q/ {kr -].]]].]]],[}/,
+        "Portuguese (pre-euro)" => q/    {-].]]].]]]$[ Esc}/,
+        "Swiss"                 => q/{Sfr -]']]]']]].[}/,
+    );
+    for my $nationality (keys %format) {
+        my $layout = $format{$nationality};
+        print form "$nationality:",
+                   "    $layout",
+                        \@amounts,
+                   "\n";
+    }
+    Swiss:
+                  Sfr 0.0
+                  Sfr 1.0
+                  Sfr 1.23
+              Sfr 1'234.56
+             Sfr -1'234.56
+          Sfr 1'234'567.89
+    Canadian (French):
+                      0,0 $
+                      1,0 $
+                      1,23 $
+                  1 234,56 $
+                 -1 234,56 $
+              1 234 567,89 $
+    Dutch:
+                      0.0EUR
+                      1.0EUR
+                      1.23EUR
+                  1,234.56EUR
+                  1,234.56-EUR
+              1,234,567.89EUR
+    Norwegian:
+                   kr 0,0
+                   kr 1,0
+                   kr 1,23
+               kr 1.234,56
+              kr -1.234,56
+           kr 1.234.567,89
+    German (pre-euro):
+                      0,0DM
+                      1,0DM
+                      1,23DM
+                  1.234,56DM
+                 -1.234,56DM
+              1.234.567,89DM
+    Indian:
+                      0.0 Rs
+                      1.0 Rs
+                      1.23 Rs
+                  1,234.56 Rs
+                 -1,234.56 Rs
+              12,34,567.89 Rs
+    Portuguese (pre-euro):
+                      0$0 Esc
+                      1$0 Esc
+                      1$23 Esc
+                  1.234$56 Esc
+                 -1.234$56 Esc
+              1.234.567$89 Esc
+    Canadian (English):
+                     $0.0
+                     $1.0
+                     $1.23
+                 $1,234.56
+                -$1,234.56
+             $1,234,567.89
+=head1 Verbatim fields
+Sometimes all we want is an existing block
+of data laid out into columns E<ndash> without any fancy reformatting
+or rejustification. For example, suppose we have an interesting string
+like this:
+    $diagram = <<EODNA;
+       G==C
+         A==T
+           T=A
+           A=T
+         T==A
+       G===C
+      T==A
+     C=G
+    TA
+    AT
+     A=T
+      T==A
+        G===C
+          T==A
+    EODNA
+and we'd like to put beside some other text. Because it's already carefully
+formatted, we really don't want to interpolate it into a left-justified field:
+    print form
+        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}       {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
+         $diatribe,                                        $diagram;
+Because that would squash our lovely helix:
+    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their       G==C
+    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in       A==T
+    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are       T=A
+    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what       A=T
+    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should       T==A
+    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /       G===C
+    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a       T==A
+    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become       C=G
+    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       TA
+    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a       AT
+    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names       A=T
+    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what       T==A
+    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is       G===C
+    grown so great?                                   T==A
+Nor would right-, full-, centre- or numeric- justification help in this
+instance. What we really need is "leave-it-the-hell-alone"
+justification E<ndash> a field specifier that lays out the data exactly as it
+is, leading whitespace included.
+And that's the purpose of a I<verbatim field>. A verbatim single-line field
+(C<{'''''''''}>) grabs the next line of data it's offered and inserts as
+much of it as will fit in the field's width, preserving whitespace "as
+is". Likewise a verbatim block field (C<{"""""""""}>) grabs every line
+of the data it's offered and interpolates it into the text without any
+reformatting or justification.
+And that's precisely what we needed for our diagram:
+    print form
+        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}       {"""""""""""""""}',
+         $diatribe,                                        $diagram;
+to produce:
+    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their          G==C
+    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in            A==T
+    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are              T=A
+    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what              A=T
+    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should            T==A
+    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /          G===C
+    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a         T==A
+    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become        C=G
+    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       TA
+    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a       AT
+    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names        A=T
+    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what         T==A
+    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is           G===C
+    grown so great?                                         T==A
+Note that, unlike other types of fields, verbatim fields don't
+L<break and wrap their data|"A man may break a word with you, sir...">
+if that data doesn't fit on a single line. Instead, they truncate each line to
+the appropriate field width. So a too-short verbatim field:
+    print form
+        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}       {""""""}',
+         $diatribe,                                        $diagram;
+results in gene slicing:
+    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their          G==C
+    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in            A==
+    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are              T
+    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what              A
+    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should            T==
+    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /          G===C
+    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a         T==A
+    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become        C=G
+    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       TA
+    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a       AT
+    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names        A=T
+    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what         T==A
+    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is           G===
+    grown so great?                                         T=
+rather than teratogenesis:
+    Men at  some  time  are  masters  of  their          G==C
+    fates: / the fault, dear Brutus, is not  in            A=-
+    our genes, / but in ourselves, that we  are       =T
+    underlings.  /  Brutus  and  Caesar:   what              -
+    should be in that 'Caesar'?  /  Why  should       T=A
+    that DNA be sequenced more  than  yours?  /              -
+    Extract them together, yours is as  fair  a       A=T
+    genome; / transcribe them, it  doth  become            T=-
+    mRNA as well; / recombine them,  it  is  as       =A
+    long; clone with 'em, / Brutus will start a          G===C
+    twin as soon as Caesar. / Now, in the names         T==A
+    of all  the  gods  at  once,  /  upon  what        C=G
+    proteins doth our Caesar feed, / that he is       TA
+    grown so great?                                  AT
+                                                   A=T
+                                                    T==A
+                                                      G==-
+                                                  =C
+                                                        T-
+                                                  ==A
+=head1 Overflow fields
+It's not uncommon for a report to need a series of data fields in one
+column and then a second column with only single field, perhaps
+containing a summary or discussion of the other data. For example,
+we might want to produce recipes of the form:
+    =================[  Hecate's Broth of Ambition  ]=================
+      Preparation time:             Method:
+         66.6 minutes                  Remove the legs from the
+                                       lizard, the wings from the
+      Serves:                          owlet, and the tongue of the
+         2 doomed souls                adder. Set them aside.
+                                       Refrigerate the remains (they
+      Ingredients:                     can be used to make a lovely
+         2 snakes (1 fenny, 1          white-meat stock). Drain the
+         adder)                        newts' eyes if using pickled.
+         2 lizards (1 legless,         Wrap the toad toes in the
+         1 regular)                    bat's wool and immerse in half
+         3 eyes of newt (fresh         a pint of vegan stock in
+         or pickled)                   bottom of a preheated
+         2 toad toes (canned           cauldron. (If you can't get a
+         are fine)                     fresh vegan for the stock, a
+         2 cups of bat's wool          cup of boiling water poured
+         1 dog tongue                  over a vegetarian holding a
+         1 common or spotted           sprouted onion will do). Toss
+         owlet                         in the fenny snake, then the
+                                       legless lizard. Puree the
+                                       tongues together and fold
+                                       gradually into the mixture,
+                                       stirring widdershins at all
+                                       times.  Allow to bubble for 45
+                                       minutes then decant into two
+                                       tarnished copper chalices.
+                                       Garnish each with an owlet
+                                       wing, and serve immediately.
+There are several ways to achieve that effect. The most obvious is to
+format each column separately and then lay them out side-by-side
+with a pair of verbatim fields:
+    my $prep = form 'Preparation time:        ',
+                    '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $prep_time,
+                    '                         ',
+                    'Serves:                  ',
+                    '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $serves,
+                    '                         ',
+                    'Ingredients:             ',
+                    '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}', $ingredients;
+    my $make = form 'Method:                          ',
+                    '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
+                        $method;
+    print form
+        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
+                                      $recipe,
+        '                                                                  ',
+        '  {"""""""""""""""""""""""}     {"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ',
+           $prep,                        $make;
+We could even chain the calls to C<form> to eliminate the interim variables:
+    print form
+        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
+                                      $recipe,
+        '                                                                  ',
+        '  {"""""""""""""""""""""""}     {"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ',
+           form('Preparation time:        ',
+                '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $prep_time,
+                '                         ',
+                'Serves:                  ',
+                '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $serves
+                '                         ',
+                'Ingredients:             ',
+                '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}', $ingredients,
+               ),
+           form('Method:                          ',
+                '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
+                    $method,
+               );
+While it's impressive to be able to do that kind of nested formatting
+(and highly useful in extreme formatting scenarios), it's also far too
+ungainly for regular use. A cleaner, more maintainable solution is
+use a single format and just build the method column up
+piecemeal, like so:
+    print form
+        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
+                                      $recipe,
+        '                                                                  ',
+        'Preparation time:               Method:                           ',
+        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
+            $prep_time,                     $method,
+        '                                   {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
+                                            $method,
+        'Serves:                            {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
+                                            $method,
+        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
+            $serves,                        $method,
+        '                                   {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
+                                            $method,
+        'Ingredients:                       {:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:} ',
+                                            $method,
+        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}          {:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} ',
+            $ingredients,                   $method;
+That produces exactly the same result as the previous versions, because
+each follow-on C<<<< {:<<<<<<<:} >>>> field in the
+"Method" column grabs one extra line from C<$method>, and then the final
+follow-on C<{:[[[[[[}> field grabs as many more as are required
+to lay out the rest of the contents of the variable. The only down-side is
+that the resulting code is still downright ugly. With all those tedious
+repetitions of the same variable, there's far too much C<$method>
+in our madness.
+Having a series of follow-on fields like this E<ndash> vertically
+continuing a single column across subsequent format lines E<ndash> is so
+common that C<form> provides a special shortcut: the C<{VVVVVVVVV}>
+I<overflow field>.
+An overflow field automagically duplicates the field specification
+immediately above it. The important point being that, because that
+duplication includes copying the preceding field's data source, overflow
+fields don't require a separate data source of their own.
+Using overflow fields, we could rewrite our quotation generator
+like this:
+    print form
+        '=================[ {||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ]=================',
+                                      $recipe,
+        '                                                                  ',
+        'Preparation time:               Method:                           ',
+        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<} ',
+            $prep_time,                     $method,
+        '                                   {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
+        'Serves:                            {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
+        '   {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}          {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
+            $serves,
+        '                                   {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
+        'Ingredients:                       {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
+        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}          {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ',
+            $ingredients,
+        '                                   {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV} ';
+Which would once again produce the recipe shown earlier.
+Note that the overflow fields interact equally well in formats with
+single-line and block fields. That's because block overflow fields have
+one other special feature: they're non-greedy. Unless we L<specify
+otherwise|"Height control">, all types of block
+fields will consume their entire data source. For example, if we wrote:
+    print form {layout=>"across"},
+         '{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:}',
+                                  $speech,
+         '{:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:}',
+                                  $speech,
+         '{:[[[[[]]]]]:}   {="""""""""""""""""""=}   {:[[[[[]]]]]]:}',
+             $speech,             $advert,              $speech,
+         '{:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}',
+                                  $speech;
+we'd get:
+    Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer
+    by this sun of York; / And all the clouds that lour'd upon
+    our house / In                             the deep  bosom
+    of  the  ocean                             buried.  /  Now
+    are our  brows                             bound      with
+    victorious                                 wreaths; /  Our
+    bruised   arms                             hung   up   for
+    monuments;   /                             Our       stern
+    alarums          +---------------------+   changed      to
+    merry            |                     |   meetings, / Our
+    dreadful         | Eat at Mrs Miggins! |   marches      to
+    delightful       |                     |   measures. Grim-
+    visaged    war   +---------------------+   hath   smooth'd
+    his   wrinkled                             front;  /   And
+    now,   instead                             of     mounting
+    barded  steeds                             / To fright the
+    souls       of                             fearful
+    adversaries, /                             He       capers
+    nimbly  in   a                             lady's chamber.
+That's because the two C<{:[[[[[]]]]]:}> block fields
+on either side of the verbatim advertisement field will eat all the
+data in C<$speech>, leaving nothing for the final format. Then
+the advertisement will be centred on the two resulting columns of text.
+But, block overflow fields are different.
+They only take as many lines as are required to
+fill the lines generated by the non-overflow fields in their format.
+So, if we changed our code to use overflows:
+    print form {layout=>"across"},
+         '{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}', $speech,
+         '{VVVVVVVVVVVV}   {="""""""""""""""""""=}   {VVVVVVVVVVVVV}', $advert,
+we get both a cleaner specification and a more elegant result:
+    Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer
+    by this sun of York; / And all the clouds that lour'd upon
+    our house / In                             the deep  bosom
+    of  the  ocean   +---------------------+   buried.  /  Now
+    are our  brows   |                     |   bound      with
+    victorious       | Eat at Mrs Miggins! |   wreaths; /  Our
+    bruised   arms   |                     |   hung   up   for
+    monuments;   /   +---------------------+   Our       stern
+    alarums                                    changed      to
+    merry meetings,  /  Our  dreadful  marches  to  delightful
+    measures. Grim-visaged  war  hath  smooth'd  his  wrinkled
+    front; / And now, instead of mounting barded steeds  /  To
+    fright the souls  of  fearful  adversaries,  /  He  capers
+    nimbly in a lady's chamber.
+Notice that, in the third format line of the previous example, the two
+overflow fields on either side of the advertisement are each overflowing
+from the single field that's above both of them. This kind of multiple
+overflow is fine, but it does require that we specify I<how> the various
+fields overflow (i.e. as two separate columns of text, or E<ndash> as in
+this case E<ndash> as a single, broken column across the page). That's
+the purpose of the C<layout> option on the
+first line. This option is explained in detail L<below|"Layout control">.
+The C<{VVVVVVVV}> fields only consumed as much data from C<$speech> as
+was required to sandwich the output lines created by the verbatim
+advertisement. This feature is important, because it means we can lay
+out a series of block fields in one column and a single overflowed field
+in another column without introducing ugly gaps. For example, because
+the C<{VVVVVVVVV}> fields in:
+    print form
+        "Name:                                                  ",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ", $name,
+        "                  Biography:                           ",
+        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}", $bio,
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $status,
+        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $comments;
+only consume as much of the overflowing C<$bio> field as necessary,
+the result is something like:
+    Name:
+      William
+      Shakespeare
+                      Biography:
+    Status:             William Shakespeare was born on
+      Deceased (1564    April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon-
+      -1616)            Avon, England; he was third of
+                        eight children from Father John
+    Comments:           Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden.
+      Theories          Shakespeare began his education at
+      abound as to      the age of seven when he probably
+      the true          attended the Strathford grammar
+      author of his     school. The school provided
+      plays. The        Shakespeare with his formal
+      prime             education. The students chiefly
+      alternative       studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and
+      candidates        literature. His knowledge and
+      being Sir         imagination may have come from his
+      Francis           reading of ancient authors and
+      Bacon,            poetry. In November 1582,
+      Christopher       Shakespeare received a license to
+      Marlowe, or       marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
+      Edward de         their marriage, Shakespeare was 18
+      Vere              years old and Anne was 26. They had
+                        three children, the oldest Susanna,
+                        and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a
+                        girl, Judith. Before his death on
+                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare
+                        had written thirty-seven plays. He
+                        is generally considered the
+                        greatest playwright the world has
+                        ever known and has always been the
+                        world's most popular author.
+If C<{VVVVVVVVVVV}> fields ate their entire data E<ndash> the way
+C<{[[[[[[[[[}> or C<{IIIIIIIIII}> fields do E<ndash> then the output would be
+much less satisfactory. The first block overflow field for C<$bio> would
+have to consume the entire biography, before the comments field was even
+reached. So our output would be something like:
+    Name:
+      William
+      Shakespeare
+                      Biography:
+    Status:             William Shakespeare was born on
+      Deceased (1564    April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon-
+      -1616)            Avon, England; he was third of
+                        eight children from Father John
+                        Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden.
+                        Shakespeare began his education at
+                        the age of seven when he probably
+                        attended the Strathford grammar
+                        school. The school provided
+                        Shakespeare with his formal
+                        education. The students chiefly
+                        studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and
+                        literature. His knowledge and
+                        imagination may have come from his
+                        reading of ancient authors and
+                        poetry. In November 1582,
+                        Shakespeare received a license to
+                        marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
+                        their marriage, Shakespeare was 18
+                        years old and Anne was 26. They had
+                        three children, the oldest Susanna,
+                        and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a
+                        girl, Judith. Before his death on
+                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare
+                        had written thirty-seven plays. He
+                        is generally considered the
+                        greatest playwright the world has
+                        ever known and has always been the
+                        world's most popular author.
+    Comments:
+      Theories
+      abound as to
+      the true
+      author of his
+      plays. The
+      prime
+      alternative
+      candidates
+      being Sir
+      Francis
+      Bacon,
+      Christopher
+      Marlowe, or
+      Edward de
+      Vere
+Which is precisely why C<{VVVVVVVVVVV}> fields don't work that way.
+=head2 Line-breaking
+Whenever a field is passed more data than it can
+accommodate in a single line, C<form> is forced to "break" that data somewhere.
+If the field in question is I<W>
+columns wide, C<form> first squeezes any whitespace (as specified by
+the L<user's C<ws> option|"Whitespace squeezing">) and then looks at the next I<W> columns of the string.
+C<form>'s breaking algorithm then searches for a newline, a carriage
+return, any other whitespace character, or a hyphen. If it
+finds a newline or carriage return within the first I<W> columns, it
+immediately breaks the data string at that point. Otherwise it locates
+the I<last> whitespace or hyphen in the first I<W> columns and breaks
+the string immediately after that space or hyphen. If it can't find
+anywhere suitable to break the string, it breaks it at the (I<W>-1)th
+column and appends a hyphen.
+So, for example:
+    $data = "You can play no part but Pyramus;\nfor Pyramus is a sweet-faced man";
+    print form "|{[[[[[}|",
+                 $data;
+    |You can|
+    |play no|
+    |part   |
+    |but    |
+    |Pyramu-|
+    |s;     |
+    |for    |
+    |Pyramus|
+    |is a   |
+    |sweet- |
+    |faced  |
+    |man    |
+Note the line-breaks after I<can> (at a whitespace), I<part> (after a
+whitespace), I<sweet-> (after a hyphen), and I<s;> (at a newline). Note
+too that I<Pyramus;> doesn't fit in the field, so it has to be chopped in two
+and a hyphen inserted.
+Of course, this particular style of line-breaking may not be suitable to all
+applications, and we might prefer that C<form> use some other algorithm. For
+example, if C<form> used the TeX breaking algorithm it would have broken
+I<Pyramus;> less clumsily, yielding:
+    |You can|
+    |play no|
+    |part   |
+    |but    |
+    |Pyra-  |
+    |mus;   |
+    |for    |
+    |Pyramus|
+    |is a   |
+    |sweet- |
+    |faced  |
+    |man    |
+To support different line-breaking strategies C<form> provides
+the C<break> option.  The C<break> option's value must be
+a closure/subroutine, which will then be called whenever a data string
+needs to be broken to fit a particular field width.
+That subroutine is passed three arguments: a reference to the data
+string itself, an integer specifying how wide the field is, and a regex
+indicating which (if any) characters are to be
+L<squeezed|"Whitespace squeezing">.
+It is expected to return a list of two values: a string which is taken
+as the "broken" text for the field, and a boolean value indicating
+whether or not any data remains after the break (so C<form> knows when
+to stop breaking the data string). The subroutine is also expected to
+update the C<.pos> of the data string to point immediately after the
+break it has imposed.
+For example, if we always wanted to break at the exact width of the field
+(with no hyphens), we could do that with:
+    sub break_width {
+        my ($data_ref, $width, $ws) = @_;
+        for ($$data_ref) {
+            # Treat any squeezed or vertical whitespace as a single character
+            # (since they'll subsequently be squeezed to a single space)
+            my $single_char = qr{ $ws | [\n\r]+ | . }
+            # Give up if there are no more characters to grab...
+            return ("", 0) unless m/\G (single_char{1,$width}) /gcx;
+            # Squeeze the resultant substring...
+            (my $result = $1) =~ s/ $ws | [\n\r] / /gx;
+            # Check for any more data still to come...
+            my $more = m/\G (?= .* \S) /gcx;
+            # Return the squeezed substring and the "more" indicator...
+            return ($result, $more);
+        }
+    }
+    print form
+        {break=>\&break_width},
+        "|{[[[[[}|",
+          $data;
+    |You can|
+    |play no|
+    |part bu|
+    |t Pyram|
+    |us; for|
+    |Pyramus|
+    |is a sw|
+    |eet-fac|
+    |ed man |
+Or we might prefer to break on every single whitespace-separated word:
+    sub break_word {
+        my ($data_ref, $width, $ws) = @_;
+        for ($$data_ref) {
+            # Locate the next word (no longer than $width cols)
+            my $found = m/\G \s* (\S{1,$width}) /gcx;
+            # Fail if no more words...
+            return ("", 0) unless $found;
+            my $word = $1;
+            # Check for any more data still to come...
+            my bool $more = m/\G (?= .* \S) /gcx;
+            # Otherwise, return broken text and "more" flag...
+            return ($word, $more);
+        }
+    }
+    print form
+        {break=>\&break_word},
+        "|{[[[[[}|",
+          $data;
+    |You    |
+    |can    |
+    |play   |
+    |no     |
+    |part   |
+    |but    |
+    |Pyramus|
+    |;      |
+    |for    |
+    |Pyramus|
+    |is     |
+    |a      |
+    |sweet-f|
+    |aced   |
+    |man    |
+We'll see yet another application of user-defined breaking when
+we discuss L<user-defined fields|"User-defined fields">.
+=head2 Interleaving data
+There are (at least) three schools of thought when it comes to setting
+out a call to C<form> that uses more than one format. The
+"traditional" way (i.e. the way Perl 5 formats do it) is to interleave
+each format string with a line containing the data it is to
+interpolate, with each datum aligned directly under the field into
+which it is to be fitted. Like so:
+    print form
+        "Name:                                                  ",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ",
+           $name,
+        "                  Biography:                           ",
+        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}",
+                             $bio,
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
+           $status,
+        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
+           $comments;
+This approach has the advantage that it self-documents: to know what
+a particular field is supposed to contain, we merely need to look
+down one line.
+It does, however, break up the "abstract picture" that the formats
+portray, which can make it more difficult to envisage what the final
+formatted text will look like. So some people prefer to put all the data
+to the right of the formats:
+    print form
+        "Name:                                                  ",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ", $name,
+        "                  Biography:                           ",
+        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}", $bio,
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $status,
+        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}", $comments;
+And that's perfectly acceptable too.
+Sometimes, however, the data to be interpolated doesn't come neatly
+pre-packaged in separate variables that are easy to intersperse between the
+formats. For example, the data might be a list returned by a
+subroutine call (C<get_info($next_person)>) or might be stored in a hash
+(S< C<@person{qw( name biog stat comm )}> >). In such
+cases it's a nuisance to have to tease that data out into separate
+variables (or hash accesses) and then sprinkle them through the formats:
+    print form
+        "Name:                                                  ",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}                                       ",$person{name},
+        "                  Biography:                           ",
+        "Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}",$person{biog},
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",$person{stat},
+        "                    {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",
+        "  {[[[[[[[[[[[}     {VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV}",$person{comm};
+So C<form> has an option that lets us put a single, multi-line format
+at the start of the argument list, place all the data together
+after it, and have that data automatically interleaved as necessary.
+Not surprisingly, that option is: C<interleave>. It's normally used in
+conjunction with a heredoc, since that's the easiest way to specify a
+multi-line string in Perl:
+    print form {interleave=>1}, <<'EOFORMAT',
+    Name:
+      {[[[[[[[[[[[[}
+                      Biography:
+    Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}
+         @person{qw( name biog stat comm )};
+When C<interleave> is in effect, C<form> grabs the first string
+argument it's passed and breaks that argument up into individual lines.
+It treats those individual lines as a series of distinct formats
+and grabs as many of the remaining arguments as are required to
+provide data for each format.
+=head2 Multi-line formats
+It's important to point out that, even when we're using C<form>'s
+default B<non>-interleaving behaviour, it's still okay to use a format
+that spans multiple lines. There I<is> however a significant (and useful)
+difference in behaviour between the two alternatives.
+The normal behaviour of C<form> is to take each format string,
+fill in each field in the format with a substring from the
+corresponding data source, and then repeat that process until all the
+data sources have been exhausted. Which means that a multi-line format
+like this:
+    print form
+         <<'EOFORMAT',
+    Name:    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   Role: {[[[[[[[[[[}
+    Address: {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
+    _______________________________________________
+         \@names, \@roles, \@addresses;
+would normally produce this:
+    Name:    King Lear           Role: Protagonist
+    Address: The Cliffs, Dover
+    _______________________________________________
+    Name:    The Three Witches   Role: Plot devices
+    Address: Dismal Forest, Scotland
+    _______________________________________________
+    Name:    Iago                Role: Villain
+    Address: Casa d'Otello, Venezia
+    _______________________________________________
+because the entire three-line format is repeatedly filled in
+as a single unit, line-by-line and datum-by-datum.
+On the other hand, if we tell C<form> that it's supposed to automatically
+interleave the data coming after the format, like so:
+    print form {interleave=>1},
+         <<'EOFORMAT',
+    Name:    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   Role: {[[[[[[[[[[}
+    Address: {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
+    _______________________________________________
+         \@names, \@roles, \@addresses;
+then the call produces:
+    Name:    King Lear           Role: Protagonist
+    Name:    The Three Witches   Role: Plot devices
+    Name:    Iago                Role: Villain
+    Address: The Cliffs, Dover
+    Address: Dismal Forest, Scotland
+    Address: Casa d'Otello, Venezia
+    _______________________________________________
+because that second version is really equivalent to:
+    print form
+         "Name:    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   Role: {[[[[[[[[[[}",
+                   \@names,                  \@roles,
+         "Address: {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+                   \@addresses,
+         "_______________________________________________";
+That's not much use in this particular example, but it was exactly what
+was needed for the biography example earlier. It's just a matter of
+choosing the right type of data placement to achieve the particular
+effect we want.
+=head2 Layout control
+As we saw earlier, with follow-on fields and overflow fields, C<form>
+is perfectly happy to have several fields in a single format that
+are all fed by the same data source. For example:
+    print form
+        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
+             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
+In fact, that kind of format is particularly useful for creating
+multi-column outputs (like newspaper columns, for example).
+But a small quandry arises. In what order should C<form> fill in these
+fields? Should the data be formatted down the page, filling each column
+completely before starting the next (and therefore potentially leaving
+the last column "short"):
+    Now is the winter  of   torious  wreaths;   /   front; / And now, in-
+    our discontent / Made   Our bruised arms hung   stead of mounting ba-
+    glorious  summer   by   up for  monuments;  /   rded steeds / To fri-
+    this sun of  York;  /   Our stern alarums ch-   ght the souls of fea-
+    And  all  the  clouds   anged to merry meeti-   rful  adversaries,  /
+    that lour'd upon  our   ngs, /  Our  dreadful   He capers nimbly in a
+    house / In  the  deep   marches to delightful   lady's chamber.
+    bosom  of  the  ocean   measures.   /   Grim-
+    buried. / Now are our   visaged war hath smo-
+    brows bound with vic-   oth'd  his   wrinkled
+Or should the data be run line-by-line across all three columns (the
+way a Perl 5 C<format> does it), filling one line completely before
+starting the next:
+    Now is the winter  of   our discontent / Made   glorious  summer   by
+    this sun of  York;  /   And  all  the  clouds   that lour'd upon  our
+    house / In  the  deep   bosom  of  the  ocean   buried. / Now are our
+    brows bound with vic-   torious  wreaths;   /   Our bruised arms hung
+    up for  monuments;  /   Our stern alarums ch-   anged to merry meeti-
+    ngs, /  Our  dreadful   marches to delightful   measures.   /   Grim-
+    visaged war hath smo-   oth'd  his   wrinkled   front; / And now, in-
+    stead of mounting ba-   rded steeds / To fri-   ght the souls of fea-
+    rful  adversaries,  /   He capers nimbly in a   lady's chamber.
+Or should the text run down the columns, but in such a way as to leave
+those columns as evenly balanced in length as possible:
+    Now is the winter  of   brows bound with vic-   visaged war hath smo-
+    our discontent / Made   torious  wreaths;   /   oth'd  his   wrinkled
+    glorious  summer   by   Our bruised arms hung   front; / And now, in-
+    this sun of  York;  /   up for  monuments;  /   stead of mounting ba-
+    And  all  the  clouds   Our stern alarums ch-   rded steeds / To fri-
+    that lour'd upon  our   anged to merry meeti-   ght the souls of fea-
+    house / In  the  deep   ngs, /  Our  dreadful   rful  adversaries,  /
+    bosom  of  the  ocean   marches to delightful   He capers nimbly in a
+    buried. / Now are our   measures.   /   Grim-   lady's chamber.
+Well, of course, there's no "right" answer to that; it depends entirely
+on what kind of effect we're trying to achieve.
+The first approach (i.e. lay out the text down each column first) works
+well if we're formatting a news-column, or a report, or a description of
+some kind. The second (i.e. lay out the text across each line first), is
+excellent for putting diagrams or call-outs in the middle of a piece of
+text (as we did for L<Mrs Miggins|"Overflow fields">).
+The third approach (i.e. lay out the data downwards but
+balance the columns) is best for presenting a single list of data in
+multiple columns E<ndash> like C<ls> does.
+So we need an option with which to tell C<form> which of these useful
+alternatives we want for a particular format. That option is named
+C<layout> and can take one of three string values: C<"down">, C<"across">,
+or C<"balanced">. So, for example, to produce three versions of Richard III's
+famous monologue in the order shown above, we'd use:
+    print form {layout=>"down"},
+        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
+             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
+    print form {layout=>"across"},
+        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
+             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
+    print form {layout=>"balanced"},
+        "{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]:}   {:[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]}",
+             $soliloquy,             $soliloquy,              $soliloquy;
+By the way, the default value for the C<layout> option is C<"balanced">
+since formatting regular columns of data is more common than formatting
+news or advertising inserts.
+=head2 Tabular layout
+The C<layout> option controls one other form of inter-column formatting:
+tabular layout.
+So far, all the examples of tables we've created (for example, our
+L<normalized scores|"Array data sources">)
+lined up nicely. But that was only because each item in each row
+happened to take the same number of lines (typically just one).
+So, a table generator like this:
+    my @play = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Othello", "Richard III", "Hamlet"   );
+    my @name = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Iago",    "Henry",       "Claudius" );
+    print form
+         "Character       Appears in  ",
+         "____________    ____________",
+         "{[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[}",
+          \@name,         \@play;
+correctly produces:
+    Character       Appears in
+    ____________    ____________
+    Iago            Othello
+    Henry           Richard III
+    Claudius        Hamlet
+Note that we appended C<"\r"> to each element to add an extra
+newline after each entry in the table. We can't use C<"\n"> to specify a
+line-break within an array element, because C<form> uses C<"\n"> as an
+L<"end-of-element" marker|"Therefore, put you in your best array...">.
+So, to allow line breaks within a single element of an array datum,
+C<form> treats C<"\r"> as "end-of-line-but-not-end-of-element"
+(somewhat like Perl 5's C<format> does).
+However, if we were to use the full titles for each character and each play:
+    my @play = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Othello, The Moor of Venice",
+                               "The Life and Death of King Richard III",
+                               "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark",
+                             );
+    my @name = map {"$_\r"}  ( "Iago",
+                               "Henry,\rEarl of Richmond",
+                               "Claudius,\rKing of Denmark",
+                             );
+the same formatter would produce:
+    Character       Appears in
+    ____________    ____________
+    Iago            Othello, The
+                    Moor of
+    Henry,          Venice
+    Earl of
+    Richmond        The Life and
+                    Death of
+    Claudius,       King Richard
+    King of         III
+    Denmark
+                    Hamlet,
+                    Prince of
+                    Denmark
+The problem is that the two block fields we're using just grab all
+the data from each array and format it independently into each column.
+Usually that's fine because the columns I<are> independent (as we've
+L<previously seen|"Verbatim fields">).
+But in a table, the data in each column specifically relates to data
+in other columns, so corresponding elements from the column's data
+arrays ought to remain vertically aligned. To achieve this, we simply
+tell C<form> that the data in the various columns should be laid out
+like a table:
+    print form {layout=>"tabular"},
+         "Character       Appears in  ",
+         "____________    ____________",
+         "{[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[}",
+          \@name,         \@play;
+which then produces the desired result:
+    Character       Appears in
+    ____________    ____________
+    Iago            Othello, The
+                    Moor of
+                    Venice
+    Henry,          The Life and
+    Earl of         Death of
+    Richmond        King Richard
+                    III
+    Claudius,       Hamlet,
+    King of         Prince of
+    Denmark         Denmark
+=head1 Give him line and scope...
+Sometimes we want to use a particular option or combination of options
+in every call we make to C<form>. Or, more likely, in every call we make
+within a specific scope.  For example, we might wish to default to
+a different line-breaking algorithm
+everywhere, or we might want to make repeated use of
+L<a new type of field specifier|"User-defined fields">,
+or we might want to L<reset the standard page length|"Page dimensions">
+from a printable 60 to a screenable 24.
+So the Perl6::Form module provides a mechanism by which options can be prebound.
+To use it, we (re-)load the module with an explicit argument list:
+    use Form { layout=>"down", locale=>1, interleave=>1 };
+This causes the module to export a modified version of C<form> in which the
+specified options are prebound.  That modified version of C<form> takes effect
+from the line following the C<use> statement, until the end of the current
+package (or another C<use Perl6::Form> statement). The effect is B<not>
+truly lexical (as it would be in Perl 6).
+These default options are handy if we have a series of calls
+to C<form> that all need some consistent non-standard behaviour.
+For example:
+    use Form { layout=>"across",
+               interleave=>1,
+               page => { header => "Draft $(localtime)\n\n" },
+             };
+    print form $introduction_format, \@introduction_data;
+    while ($format, @data = get_next) {
+        print form $format, @data;
+    }
+    print form $conclusion_format, \@conclusion_data;
+=head2 Declarative field widths
+When specific field widths are required (perhaps by some design document
+or data formatting protocol) laying out wide fields can be error-prone.
+For example, most people can't visually distinguish between a
+52-column field and a 53-column field and are therefore forced to manually
+verify the width of the corresponding field specifier in some way.
+To catch mistakes of this kind, fields can be specified with an
+embedded integer in parentheses (with optional whitespace inside the
+parens). For example:
+    print form '{[[[( 15 )[[[[} {<<<<<(17)<<<<<<}  {]]](14)]]].[[}',
+               $problem,        $ID,               $description;
+The integer in the parentheses acts like a checksum. Its value
+must be identical to the actual width of the field (including the
+delimiting braces and the embedded integer itself). Otherwise an
+exception is thrown. For instance, running the above example produces
+the error message:
+    Inconsistent width for field 3.
+    Specified as '{]]](14)]]].[[}' but actual width is 15
+    in call to &form at line 1
+Numeric fields can be given a decimal checksum, which then also
+specifies their number of decimal places.
+    print form
+        '{[[[( 15 )[[[[} {<<<<<(17)<<<<<<}  {]](14.2)]].[}',
+        $problem,        $ID,               $description;
+Note that the digits before the decimal still indicate
+the total width of the field. So the C<{]](14.2)]].[}> field
+in the above example means I<must be 14 columns wide, including
+2 decimal places>, in exactly the same way as a C<"%14.2f">
+specifier would in a C<sprintf>.
+=head2 Imperative field widths
+Of course, in some instances it would be much more convenient if we
+could simply I<tell> C<form> that we want a particular field to be
+a particular width, instead of having to explicitly I<show> it.
+So there's another type of integer field annotation that, instead of
+acting like a checksum, acts like an...err..."tellsum". That is, we
+can tell C<form> to ignore a field's physical width and instead
+insist that it be magically expanded (or shrunk) to a nominated width. Such
+a field is said to have an I<imperative width>. The integer specifying
+the imperative width is placed in curly braces instead of parens.
+For example, the format in the previous example could be specified
+imperatively as:
+    print form
+        '{[{15}[} {<{17}<<}  {]]]]{14.2}]]]].[[}',
+        $problem, $ID,       $description;
+Note that the actual width of any field becomes irrelevant if it
+contains an imperative width. The field will be condensed or expanded to
+the specified width, with subsequent fields pushed left or right
+=head2 Distributive field widths
+A special form of imperative width field is the I<starred field>.
+A starred field is one that contains an imperative width
+specification in which the number is replaced by a single asterisk.
+The width of a starred field is not fixed, but rather is I<computed>
+during formatting. That width is whatever is required to cause the
+entire format to fill the current page width of the format (by default,
+78 columns). Consider, for example:
+    print form
+        '{]]]]]]]]]]]]]]} {]]].[[}  {[[{*}[[}  ',
+         \@names,         \@scores, \@comments;
+The width of the starred comment field in this case is 49 columns E<ndash>
+the default page width of 78 columns minus the 29 columns
+consumed by the fixed-width portions of the format (including the other two
+If a format contains two or more starred fields, the available space
+is shared equally between them. So, for example, to create two equal columns
+(say, to compare the contents of two files), we might use:
+    use Perl6::Slurp;
+    print form
+         "{[[[[{*}[[[[}   {[[[[{*}[[[[}",
+          slurp($file1),  slurp($file2);
+(And, yes, Perl 6 does have a built-in C<slurp> function that takes a filename,
+opens the file, reads in the entire contents, and returns them as a single
+string. For more details see the Perl6::Slurp module E<ndash> now on the CPAN.)
+There is one special case for starred fields: a starred verbatim field:
+    {""""{*}""""}
+It acts like any other starred field, growing according to the available
+space, except that it will never grow any wider than the widest line
+of the data it is formatting. For example, whereas a regular starred
+    print form
+         '| {[[{*}[[} |',
+            $monologue;
+expands to the full page width:
+    | Now is the winter of our discontent                           |
+    | Made glorious summer by this sun of York;                     |
+    | And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house                 |
+    | In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.                        |
+    | Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths               |
+    | Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;                       |
+    | Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,                  |
+    | Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.                  |
+    | Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;            |
+    | And now, instead of mounting barded steeds                    |
+    | To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,                   |
+    | He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber.                         |
+a starred verbatim field:
+    print form
+         '| {""{*}""} |',
+            $monologue;
+only expands as much as is strictly necessary to accommodate the data:
+    | Now is the winter of our discontent                |
+    | Made glorious summer by this sun of York;          |
+    | And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house      |
+    | In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.             |
+    | Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;   |
+    | Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;            |
+    | Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,       |
+    | Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.       |
+    | Grim-visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front; |
+    | And now, instead of mounting barded steeds         |
+    | To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,        |
+    | He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber.              |
+=head2 Extensible fields
+By now you've probably noticed that there is quite a large overlap between the
+functionality of C<form> and that of C<(s)printf>. For example, the call:
+    for (@procs) {
+        print form
+            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(20)<<<<<<<}  {>>>>>>}  {>>.}%",
+            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},         $_->{time}, $_->{cpu};
+    }
+has approximately the same effect as the call:
+    for (@procs) {
+        printf "%5d  %-20s  %8s  %5.1f%%\n",
+               $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd}, $_->{time}, $_->{cpu};
+    }
+One is more WYSIWYG, the other more concise, but (placed in a suitable loop),
+they would both print out lines like these:
+     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
+     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
+     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
+     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
+There is, however, a crucial difference between these two formatting
+facilities; one that only shows up when one of our processes runs over 99
+hours. For example, suppose our browser has been running continuously
+for a few months (or, more precisely, for 1214:23.75 hours). Then the
+calls to C<printf> would print:
+     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
+     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
+    27384  lynx  1214:23.75    0.8%
+     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
+     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
+whilst the calls to C<form> would print:
+     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
+     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
+    27384  lynx  1214:23-    0.8%
+     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
+     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
+In other words, field widths in a C<printf> represent I<minimal> spacing
+(even if that throws off the overall layout), whereas field widths in a
+C<form> represent I<guaranteed> spacing (even if that truncates some of
+the data).
+Of course, in a situation like this E<ndash> where we knew that the data might
+not fit and we didn't want it truncated E<ndash> we could use a block field
+    for (@procs) {
+        print form
+            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(19)<<<<<<}  {]]]]]]}  {>>.%}",
+            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},        $_->{time},  $_->{cpu};
+    }
+in which case we'd get:
+     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
+     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
+    27384  lynx  1214:23-    0.8%
+                                      .75
+     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
+     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
+That preserves the data, but the results are still ugly, and it also
+requires some fancy footwork E<ndash> making the percentage sign part of
+the field specification, as if it were L<a currency marker|
+"Some tender money to me..."> E<ndash> to make the last field
+work correctly. In other words: it's a kludge. The sad truth is that
+sometimes variable-width fields are a better solution.
+So C<form> provides them too. Any field specification may include a
+plus sign (C<+>) anywhere between its braces, in which case it
+specifies an I<extensible field>: a field whose width is minimal,
+rather than absolute. So, in the above example, our call to C<form>
+should actually look like this:
+    for (@procs) {
+        print form
+            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(20)<<<<<<<}  {>>>>>+}  {>>.}%",
+            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},        $_->{time},  $_->{cpu};
+    }
+and would produce this:
+     2461  vi -ii henry           0:55.83   11.6%
+     2395  ex cathedra            0:06.59    3.5%
+    27384  lynx  1214:23.75    0.8%
+     2439  head anne.boleyn       0:00.18    0.1%
+     2581  dig -short grave       0:01.04    0.0%
+just like C<printf> does.
+Likewise, if we thought the command names might exceed 20 columns we
+could let that field stretch too:
+    for (@procs) {
+        print form
+            "{>>>}  {<<<<<<<(20+)<<<<<<}  {>>>>>+}  {>>.}%",
+            $_->{pid}, $_->{cmd},        $_->{time},  $_->{cpu};
+    }
+Note that the field width specifier would still warn us if the field's
+"picture" was not exactly 20 columns wide, but the resulting field
+would nevertheless stretch as necessary to accommodate longer data.
+=head2 Whitespace squeezing
+When a field is being filled in, whitespace is normally left as-is
+(except for justification, and wrapping of lines in block fields).
+However, this behaviour can be altered by specifying a I<whitespace
+squeezing> strategy. Squeezing replaces those substrings of the data
+that match a specified pattern (for example: C</\s+/>), substituting
+a single space character.
+If we don't want the default (non-)squeezing strategy we can use
+the C<ws> option specify the particular pattern that is to be
+used for squeezing:
+    print form
+        {ws=>qr/\h+/},           # squeeze any horizontal whitespace
+        $format1, \@data1,
+        {ws=>qr/$comment|\s+/},  # now squeeze comments or whitespace
+        $format2, \@data2;
+For example, suppose we have a eulogy generator:
+    sub eulogize ($who, $to, $blaming) {...}
+that (rather poorly) drops the appropriate names into a pre-formatted template,
+to produce strings like:
+    Friends,   Romans  , countrymen, lend me your ears;
+    I come to bury    Caesar   , not to praise him.
+    The evil that men do lives after them;
+    The good is oft interred with their bones;
+    So let it be with    Caesar    . The noble    Brutus
+    Hath told you     Caesar     was ambitious:
+    If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
+    And grievously hath    Caesar    answer'd it.
+If we interpolate that string, with its extra spaces and its embedded
+newlines, into a C<form> field:
+    print form
+         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
+            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
+we'd get:
+    | Friends,   Romans  , countrymen, lend me   |
+    | your ears;                                 |
+    | I come to bury    Caesar   , not to praise |
+    | him.                                       |
+    | The evil that men do lives after them;     |
+    | The good is oft interred with their bones; |
+    | So let it be with    Caesar    . The noble |
+    | Brutus                                     |
+    | Hath told you     Caesar     was           |
+    | ambitious:                                 |
+    | If it were so, it was a grievous fault,    |
+    | And grievously hath    Caesar    answer'd  |
+    | it.                                        |
+Note that the extra spaces and the embedded newlines
+are preserved in the resulting text.
+But, if we told C<form> to squeeze all whitespaces:
+    print form {ws => qr/\s+/},
+         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
+            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
+we'd get:
+    | Friends, Romans , countrymen, lend me your |
+    | ears; I come to bury Caesar , not to       |
+    | praise him. The evil that men do lives     |
+    | after them; The good is oft interred with  |
+    | their bones; So let it be with Caesar .    |
+    | The noble Brutus Hath told you Caesar was  |
+    | ambitious: If it were so, it was a         |
+    | grievous fault, And grievously hath Caesar |
+    | answer'd it.                               |
+with each sequence of characters that match C</\s+/> being reduced
+to a single space.
+On the other hand, if we wanted to preserve the newlines and squeeze
+only horizontal whitespace, that would be:
+    print form {ws => qr/[ \t]+/},
+         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
+            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
+which produces:
+    | Friends, Romans , countrymen, lend me your |
+    | ears;                                      |
+    | I come to bury Caesar , not to praise him. |
+    | The evil that men do lives after them;     |
+    | The good is oft interred with their bones; |
+    | So let it be with Caesar . The noble       |
+    | Brutus                                     |
+    | Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:        |
+    | If it were so, it was a grievous fault,    |
+    | And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it.    |
+Of course, for this particular text, none of these solutions is entirely
+satisfactory since squeezing the whitespaces to a single space still leaves a
+single space in places like C<"Caesar ."> and C<"Romans ,">.
+To remove those blemishes we need to take advantage of a more
+sophisticated aspect of C<form>'s whitespace squeezing behaviour. Namely
+that, when squeezing whitespace using a particular pattern, C<form>
+detects if that pattern captures anything and I<doesn't> squeeze the
+captured items.
+More precisely, if the squeeze pattern matches but doesn't capture,
+C<form> simply replaces the entire match with a single space character.
+But if the squeeze pattern I<does> capture, C<form> doesn't insert a
+space character, but instead replaces the entire match with the
+concatenation of the captured substrings.
+That means we can completely eliminate any whitespace before a punctuation
+character with:
+    print form {ws => qr/[ \t]+ ([.!?,:;])?/},
+         "| {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[} |",
+            eulogize('Caesar', 'Romans', 'Brutus');
+which produces the desired:
+    | Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your  |
+    | ears;                                      |
+    | I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.  |
+    | The evil that men do lives after them;     |
+    | The good is oft interred with their bones; |
+    | So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus |
+    | Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:        |
+    | If it were so, it was a grievous fault,    |
+    | And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it.    |
+This works because, in those instances where the pattern
+matches some whitespace followed by one of the
+punctuation characters, the punctuation character is captured,
+and the captured character is then used to replace the entire
+whitespace-plus-punctuator. On the other hand, if the
+pattern matches whitespace but no punctuator (and it's allowed to do that
+because the punctuator is optional), then nothing is captured, so
+C<form> falls back to replacing the whitespace with a single space.
+=head2 Field filling
+Fields are (almost) always of a fixed width. So, if there isn't
+enough data to fill a particular field, the unused portions of that
+field are filled in with spaces to preserve the vertical alignment of
+other columns of formatted data. However, spaces are only the
+default. The C<hfill> (horizontal fill) option can be used to change
+fillers. For example:
+    print form
+        {hfill=>"=-"},                  # Fill next fields with "=-"
+        "{|{*}|}\n",                    # Full width field for title
+        "[ Table of Contents ]",        # Title
+        {hfill=>" ."},                  # Fill next fields with spaced dots
+        '   {[[[[[{*}[[[[[}{]]]}   ',   # Two indented block fields
+            \@contents,    \@page;      # Data for those blocks
+This fills the empty space either side of the centred title with a repeated
+C<=-=-=-> sequence. It then fills the gaps to the right of the left-justified
+the contents field, and to left of the right-justified pages field,
+with spaced dots. Which, rather prettily, produces something like:
+    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ Table of Contents ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+       Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i
+       Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii
+       Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
+       Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
+       The Tempest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
+       Two Gentlemen of Verona . . . . . . . . . 17
+       The Merry Wives of Winsor . . . . . . . . 27
+       Twelfh Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
+       Measure for Measure . . . . . . . . . . . 50
+       Much Ado About Nothing. . . . . . . . . . 62
+       A Midsummer Night's Dream . . . . . . . . 73
+       Love's Labour's Lost. . . . . . . . . . . 82
+       The Merchant of Venice. . . . . . . . . . 94
+       As You Like It. . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
+Note that the fill sequence doesn't have to be a single character and
+that the fill pattern is consistent across multiple fields and between
+adjacent lines. That is, it's as if every field is first filled with the
+same fill pattern, then the actual data written over the top.
+That's particularly handy in the above example, because it ensures that
+the fill pattern seamlessly bridges the boundary between the adjacent
+contents and pages fields.
+It's also possible to specify separate fill sequences for the left-
+and right-hand gaps in a particular field, using the C<lfill> and C<rfill>
+options. This is particularly common for numerical fields. For example,
+this call to C<form>:
+    print form
+      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
+      '=============     =====================',
+      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
+      \@names,               \@bribes;
+would print something like:
+    Name              Bribe (per dastardry)
+    =============     =====================
+    Crookback                  12.676
+    Iago                        1.62
+    Borachio               45,615.0
+    Shylock                    19.0003
+with the numeric field padded with whitespace and
+only showing as many decimal places as there are in
+the data.
+However, in order to prevent subsequent..err...creative calligraphy
+(they I<are>, after all, villains and would presumably not hesitate
+to add a few digits to the front of each number), we might prefer to
+put stars before the numbers and show all decimal places.
+We could do that like so:
+    print form
+      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
+      '=============     =====================',
+      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
+      \@names,               {lfill=>'*', rfill=>'0'},
+                             \@bribes;
+which would then print:
+    Name              Bribe (per dastardry)
+    =============     =====================
+    Crookback             *****12.6760
+    Iago                  ******1.6200
+    Borachio              *45,615.0000
+    Shylock               *****19.0003
+Note that the C<lfill> and C<rfill> options are specified I<after> the
+format string and, more particularly, before the data for the second
+field. This means that those options only take effect for that
+particular field and the previous fill behaviour is then reasserted
+for subsequent fields. Many other C<form> options E<ndash> for example C<ws>,
+C<height>, or C<break> E<ndash> can be specified in this way, so as to
+apply them only to a particular field.
+There is also a general C<fill> option that sets the default
+sequence for any filling that isn't otherwise specified.
+=head2 Zero-filled numeric fields
+Filling numeric fields with zeros is so common that C<form> offers a
+shorthand notation for it. If the first character inside a numeric field specification is a zero, then the left-fill string for that field is set to C<"0">.
+Likewise if the last character in the field is a zero, it is right-filled
+with zeros. For example:
+    my @nums = (0, 1, -1.2345, 1234.56, -1234.56, 1234567.89);
+    print form
+        "{]]]].[[}     {]]]].[0}     {0]]].[[}     {0]]].[0}",
+         \@nums,       \@nums,       \@nums,       \@nums;
+        0.0           0.000     00000.0       00000.000
+        1.0           1.000     00001.0       00001.000
+       -1.234        -1.234     -0001.234     -0001.234
+     1234.56       1234.560     01234.56      01234.560
+    -1234.56      -1234.560     -1234.56      -1234.560
+    #####.###     #####.###     #####.###     #####.###
+=head2 Up and down, up and down, I will lead them up and down...
+Formatted text blocks are also filled vertically. Empty lines at the end
+of the block are normally filled with spaces (so as to preserve the
+alignment of any other fields on the same line). However, this too can
+be controlled, with the C<vfill> option. Alternatively E<ndash> as with
+horizontal filling E<ndash> separate fill sequences can be specified for
+above and below the text using the C<tfill> and C<bfill> ("top" and
+"bottom" fill) options.
+For example, if we had six elements in C<@task>, but only four processors:
+    print form
+        {bfill=>'[unallocated]'},
+        'Task                      Processor',
+        '====                      =========',
+        '{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}  {]]]]]][[[[[}',
+         \@task,                     [1..4];
+we'd get:
+    Task                      Processor
+    ====                      =========
+    Borrow story                  1
+    Rename characters             2
+    Subdivide into scenes         3
+    Write dialogue                4
+    Check rhythm and meter  [unallocated]
+    Insert puns and japes   [unallocated]
+=head2 Height control
+It is possible to constrain the minimum and maximum number of lines
+that a particular format or block field must cover, regardless of how much
+data it contains. We do that using the C<height> option. For example:
+    print form
+        {height=>3},
+        '{[[[[}{IIII}{]]]]}',
+         $l,   $c,   $r;
+This will cause the call to C<form> to generate exactly three output lines,
+even if the contents of the data variables would normally fit in fewer lines
+or would actually require more.
+To specify a range of heights we can use the C<min> and C<max> suboptions:
+    print form
+        {height=>{ min=>3, max=>20 }},
+        '{[[[[}{IIII}{]]]]}',
+         $l,   $c,   $r;
+This specifies that, no matter how much data is available, the output will be
+no less than three lines and no more than 20.
+Note, however, that the C<height> option refers to the height of individual
+fields, not of entire output pages. we'll see how to control the
+latter L<shortly|"Page dimensions">.
+=head2 Minimal height fields
+As we saw earlier, a block overflow field (C<{VVVVVVVVV}>)
+has the special property that it only overflows as much as necessary to
+fill the output lines generated by other block fields. That enabled us
+to create an overflowing column of text like so:
+    print form
+        {interleave=>1}, <<EOFORMAT,
+    Name:
+      {[[[[[[[[[[[[}
+                      Biography:
+    Status:             {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}
+        $name,
+        $biography,
+        $status,
+        $comments;
+without the first C<{VVVVVVVVV}> field eating all the data out of C<$bio> and
+leaving a large gap between the Status and the Comments.
+That's a very handy feature, but restricting the "minimal height" feature
+to overflow fields turns out to be not good enough in the general case.
+For instance, suppose we had wanted the biography field to start at the
+first line of the output text:
+    Name:             Biography:
+      William           William Shakespeare was born on
+      Shakespeare       April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon-
+                        Avon, England; he was third of
+    Status:             eight children from Father John
+      Deceased (1564    Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden.
+      -1616)            Shakespeare began his education at
+                        the age of seven when he probably
+    Comments:           attended the Strathford grammar
+      Theories          school. The school provided
+      abound as to      Shakespeare with his formal
+      the true          education. The students chiefly
+      author of his     studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and
+      plays. The        literature. His knowledge and
+      prime             imagination may have come from his
+      alternative       reading of ancient authors and
+      candidates        poetry. In November 1582,
+      being Sir         Shakespeare received a license to
+      Francis           marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
+      Bacon,            their marriage, Shakespeare was 18
+      Christopher       years old and Anne was 26. They had
+      Marlowe, or       three children, the oldest Susanna,
+      Edward de         and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a
+      Vere              girl, Judith. Before his death on
+                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare
+                        had written thirty-seven plays. He
+                        is generally considered the greatest
+                        playwright the world has ever known
+                        and has always been the world's most
+                        popular author.
+To do that, we would have required a call to C<form> like this:
+    print form
+        {interleave=>1}, <<EOFORMAT,
+    Name:             Biography:
+      {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
+        $name,
+        $biography,
+        $status,
+        $comments;
+Note that the first line of the Biography field now has to be a block field,
+not a single-line field (as in previous versions). It can't be a single-line,
+because the Name field is a block field and that would leave a gap in the
+Biography column:
+    Name:             Biography:
+      William           William Shakespeare was born on
+      Shakespeare
+                        April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon-
+    Status:             Avon, England; he was third of
+                        etc.
+So it has to be a block field, to "keep up" with however much output the
+multi-line Name field produces. Unfortunately, starting the Biography column
+with a normal block field doesn't solve the problem either. In fact we get:
+    Name:             Biography:
+      William           William Shakespeare was born on
+      Shakespeare       April 23, 1564 in Strathford-upon-
+                        Avon, England; he was third of
+                        eight children from Father John
+                        Shakespeare and Mother Mary Arden.
+                        Shakespeare began his education at
+                        the age of seven when he probably
+                        attended the Strathford grammar
+                        school. The school provided
+                        Shakespeare with his formal
+                        education. The students chiefly
+                        studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and
+                        literature. His knowledge and
+                        imagination may have come from his
+                        reading of ancient authors and
+                        poetry. In November 1582,
+                        Shakespeare received a license to
+                        marry Anne Hathaway. At the time of
+                        their marriage, Shakespeare was 18
+                        years old and Anne was 26. They had
+                        three children, the oldest Susanna,
+                        and twins- a boy, Hamneth, and a
+                        girl, Judith. Before his death on
+                        April 23 1616, William Shakespeare
+                        had written thirty-seven plays. He
+                        is generally considered the
+                        greatest playwright the world has
+                        ever known and has always been the
+                        world's most popular author.
+    Status:
+      Deceased (1564
+      -1616)
+    Comments:
+      Theories
+      abound as to
+      the true
+      author of his
+      plays. The
+      prime
+      alternative
+      candidates
+      being Sir
+      Francis
+      Bacon,
+      Christopher
+      Marlowe, or
+      Edward de
+      Vere
+Normal block fields are remorseless in consuming all of their data.
+So the first Biography field absolutely will not stop formatting, ever,
+until your entire C<$biography> string is gone.
+What we really need here, is a kinder, gentler block field; a
+block field that formats minimally, like an overflow field.
+And we get that with yet another C<height> option:
+C<< height=>"minimal" >>. Like so:
+    print form
+        {interleave=>1}, <<EOFORMAT,
+    Name:             Biography:
+      {[[[[[[[[[[[[}    {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}
+         $name,
+         {height=>"minimal"}, $biography,
+         $status,
+         $comments;
+When this option is applied to a particular field (by placing it
+immediately before the field's data), that field only consumes
+as much of its data is is required to fill the output lines created by
+the other (non-minimal) fields in the same format. In this case, that means
+that the first Biography field only extracts as much data from C<$biography>
+as is needed to fill the text lines created by the Name field.
+Note that any kind of block field can be modified in this way:
+justified, numeric, currency, or verbatim.
+=head2 Underlining
+As some of the examples we've seen so far illustrate, formats frequently
+consist of a set of column titles, followed by the corresponding columns
+of data. And, typically, those column titles are underlined to make them
+stand out:
+    print form
+      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
+      '=============     =====================',
+      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
+      \@names,               \@bribes;
+So C<form> has an option that automates that process. For
+example, the payments example above could also have been written:
+    print form
+      'Name              Bribe (per dastardry)',
+      {under=>"="},
+      '{[[[[[[[[[[[}         {]],]]].[[[}     ',
+      \@names,               \@bribes;
+The C<under> option takes a string and uses it to underline the most
+recently formatted line. It does this by examining the formats
+immediately before and after the C<under>. It then generates a
+series of underlines by repeating the specified underlining string
+as many times as required. The underlines are generated such that
+every field and every other non-whitespace literal in the preceding
+format has a underline under it and every field/non-whitespace in
+the next format has an "overline" above it.
+For example, this call to C<form>:
+    print form
+        '      Rank Name         Serial Number',
+        {under=>"_"},
+        '{]]]]]]]]} {[[[[[[[[[}     {IIIII}',
+            \@ranks,\@names,        \@nums;
+          Rank Name         Serial Number
+    __________ ___________  _____________
+      Corporal Nym              CMXVII
+    Lieutenant Bardolph          CCIV
+       Captain Spurio           MMMCDX
+       General Pompey             XI
+The usual effect is that the auto-generated underlines always
+extend to the edges of both the preceding title and the following
+field, whichever is wider.
+Many people, of course, prefer to draw the underlines themselves, as
+the results are then much easier to visualize when looking at the code.
+The C<under> option is most useful when we're constructing tables
+programmatically, with columns and column titles that are only known
+at run-time.
+=head2 Output trimming
+The default fill-with-spaces behaviour of fields is useful to preserve
+the vertical alignment of columns within a formatted text, but it could
+also potentially increase the size of C<form>'s output unnecessarily.
+For example, the following:
+    print form
+        'To Do:',
+        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
+            \@todo;
+might produce something like:
+    To Do:
+       Dissemble
+       Deceive
+       Dispute
+       Defy
+       Duel
+       Defeat
+       Dispatch
+That looks fine but, because each line is produced by the large
+left-justified field that is automatically filled with whitespace, the
+output contains several hundred more space characters than are strictly
+necessary (you probably didn't notice them, but they're all there
+E<ndash> hanging off the right sides of the individual To-Do items).
+Fortunately, however, C<form> is smarter than that. Extraneous trailing
+whitespace on the right-hand side of any output line is automatically
+trimmed. So the above example actually produces:
+    To Do:
+       Dissemble
+       Deceive
+       Dispute
+       Defy
+       Duel
+       Defeat
+       Dispatch
+Of course, if you really do need those "invisible" trailing whitespaces
+for some reason, C<form> provides a way to keep them E<ndash> the
+C<untrimmed> option:
+    print form {untrimmed=>1},
+        'To Do:',
+        '   {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}',
+            \@todo;
+=head1 Page control
+Normally, C<form> assumes that whatever data it is formatting is supposed
+to produce a single, arbitrarily long, unbroken piece of text. But C<form>
+can also format data into multiple pages of fixed length and width,
+inserting customized, page-specific headers, footers, and pagefeeds
+for each page.
+All these features are controlled by the the C<page> option (or more
+precisely, by its various suboptions):
+    print form
+        { page => { length => $page_len,        # Default: 60 lines
+                    width  => $page_width,      # Default: 78 columns
+                    number => $first_page_num,  # Default: 1
+                    header => \&make_header,    # Default: no header
+                    footer => \&make_footer,    # Default: no footer
+                    feed   => \&make_pagefeed,  # Default: no pagefeed
+                    body   => \&adjust_body,    # Default: no chiropracty
+                  }
+        },
+        $format,
+        \@data;
+=head2 Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine...
+The C<< page => { length => ... } >> suboption determines the number of output
+lines per page (including headers and footers). Normally,
+this suboption is set to infinity, which produces that single, arbitrarily
+long, unbroken page of text. But the suboption can be set to any
+positive integer value, to cause C<form> to generate distinct
+pages of that many lines each.
+Note however, that if the value specified for the page length results in
+no formatted text appearing on a page (because the available length is
+entirely consumed by headers or footers), then the length will be (silently)
+increased so that a single line of content appears on each page.
+The value of the C<< page => { width => ... } >> suboption is
+used to determine the width of distributive fields and
+in some L<page body postprocessors|"Page body postprocessing">.
+By default, this suboption is set to 78 (columns), but it may
+be set to any positive integer value.
+The C<< page => { number => ... } >> suboption specifies the current page number.
+By default it starts at 1, but may be set to any numeric value.
+This suboption is generally only of use in headers and footers (see below).
+=head2 Headers and footers
+The C<< page => { header => ... } >> suboption specifies a hash containing
+a set of strings or subroutines that are to be used to create page headers.
+Each key of the hash indicates a particular kind of page that the
+corresponding value will provide the header for. For example:
+    header => { first => "           'The Tempest' by W. Shakespeare          ",
+                last  => "                   -- The End --                    ",
+                odd   => "Act $act, Scene $scene                              ",
+                even  => "                                                    ",
+                other => "          [Thys hedder intenshunally blanke]        ",
+              }
+Given the above specification, C<form> will:
+=item *
+use the full title and author as the header of the first page,
+=item *
+write C<"-- The End --"> across the top of the last page,
+=item *
+prepend the act and scene information to the start of any odd page
+(except, of course, the first or the last), and
+=item *
+provide an empty line as the header of any even page (except the last,
+if it happens to be even).
+Note that, in this case, since we've provided specific headers for every
+odd and even page, the C<"other"> header will never be used. On the other
+hand, if we'd specified:
+    header => { first => "           'The Tempest' by W. Shakespeare          ",
+                other => "                                       'The Tempest'",
+              }
+then every page except the first would have just a right-justified title at
+the top.
+Of course, if we want every page to have the same header, we can just write:
+    header => { other => "                                       'The Tempest'"}
+But that's a little klunky, so C<form> also accepts a single string instead of
+a hash, to specify a header to be used for every page:
+    header  => "                                       'The Tempest'"
+Headers don't all have to be the same size either. For example, we might
+prefer a more imposing first header:
+    header => { first => "                  'The Tempest'                   \n"
+                       . "                        by                        \n"
+                       . "                  W. Shakespeare                  \n"
+                       . "____________________________________________________",
+                other => "                                       'The Tempest'",
+              }
+C<form> simply notes the number of lines each header requires and then
+reduces the available number of lines within the page accordingly,
+so as to preserve the exact overall page length.
+Often we'll need headers that aren't fixed strings. For example, we might
+want each page to include the appropriate page number. So instead of a string,
+we're allowed to specify a particular header as a subroutine. That subroutine
+is then called each time that particular header is required, and its return
+value is used as the required header.
+When the subroutine is called, the current set of active formatting
+options are passed to it as a list of pairs. Typically, then, the
+subroutine will specify one or more named-only parameters corresponding
+to the options it cares about, followed by a starred hash parameter to
+collect the rest. For example if every page should have its
+(left-justified) page number for a header:
+    header => sub { return $_[0]{page}{number}; }
+Footers work in exactly the same way in almost all respects; the obvious
+exception being that they're placed at the end of a page, rather than the
+Pagefeeds work the same way too. A pagefeed is a string that is placed
+between the footer of one page and the header of the next. They're like
+formfeeds, except they can be any string we choose.
+They're called "pagefeeds" instead of "formfeeds" because they're
+placed between pages, not between calls to C<form>.
+=head2 Page body postprocessing
+Sometimes it's useful to be able to grab the entire body of a page
+(i.e. the contents of the page between the header and footer)
+I<after> it's been formatted together. For example, we might wish to
+centre those contents, or to crop them at a particular column.
+To this end, the C<< page => { body => ... } >> suboption allows us to specify
+a page body post-processor. That is, a subroutine or format that
+lays out the page's formatted text between the page's header and footer.
+Like the C<header>, C<footer>, and C<feed> suboptions, the
+C<body> suboption can take either a closure, a hash, or a string.
+If the value of the C<body> suboption is a string or a hash of
+pairs, the text of the body is (recursively) C<form>'ed using that
+string (or those string values) as its format. A very common usage is to
+arrange for the formatted text to be horizonally and vertically
+centred on each page:
+    body => '{=I{*}I=}'
+A more sophisticated variation on this is to use a hash to insert a
+left or right "gutter" for each page:
+    $gutter = " " x $gutter_width;
+    body => { odd   =>  $gutter ~ '{"""{*}"""}',
+              even  =>  '{"""{*}"""}' ~ $gutter,
+            }
+On the other hand, if the value of the C<body> suboption is a subroutine,
+the body text is passed to that sub as a reference to an array of lines. A
+second array reference is also passed in, containing as many newlines as would
+be needed to pad out the body text to the correct number of lines
+for the page. Finally, the current formatting options are passed as
+a hash reference. As with the C<header> etc. suboption, the closure
+is expected to return a single string (representing the final
+formatting of the page body).
+For example, to add line numbers to the text each page (but I<not>
+to the headers or footers or filler lines):
+    my $linenum = 1;
+    sub numerate {
+        my @lines = @{$_[0]};
+        my @fill  = @{$_[1]};
+        my $page  = ${$_[2]}{page};
+        # Compute range of line numbers
+        my @linenums = ($linenum .. $linenum+@lines-1);
+        # Reformat body lines verbatim,
+        # with a left-justified line number before each...
+        my $body = form '{[[[[} {"""{*}"""}',
+                         \@linenums, \@lines,
+                        @fill;
+        # Update the final line number and return the new body text...
+        $linenum += @lines;
+        return $body;
+    }
+    print form
+        page => { body   => \&numerate,
+                  header => "\n==========\n\n",
+                  length => 12,
+                },
+        # Left-justify the Briton...
+        "{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+        $soliloquy{RichardIII},
+                         # Right-justify the Dane...
+        "                 {]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]}",
+                          $soliloquy{Hamlet};
+which produces:
+    ==========
+    1      Now is the winter of our discontent /
+    2      Made glorious summer by this sun of
+    3      York; / And all the clouds that lour'd
+    4      upon our house / In the deep bosom of
+    5      the ocean buried. / Now are our brows
+    6      bound with victorious wreaths; / Our
+    7      bruised arms hung up for monuments; /
+    8      Our stern alarums changed to merry
+    9      meetings, / Our dreadful marches to
+    ==========
+    10     delightful measures. Grim-visaged war
+    11     hath smooth'd his wrinkled front; / And
+    12     now, instead of mounting barded steeds
+    13     / To fright the souls of fearful
+    14     adversaries, / He capers nimbly in a
+    15     lady's chamber.
+    ==========
+    16                      To be, or not to be -- that is the question: /
+    17                         Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer /
+    18                       The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune /
+    19                         Or to take arms against a sea of troubles /
+    20                       And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep --
+    21                         / No more -- and by a sleep to say we end /
+    22                      The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
+    23                      / That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation /
+    24                        Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep -- /
+    ==========
+    25                         To sleep -- perchance to dream: ay, there's
+    26                          the rub, / For in that sleep of death what
+    27                         dreams may come / When we have shuffled off
+    28                             this mortal coil, / Must give us pause.
+    29                        There's the respect / That makes calamity of
+    30                                                       so long life.
+                   E<nbsp>
+=head1 User-defined fields
+Perl6::Form provides a large variety of field types, but not every
+possible type. For example, suppose we want a field that masks
+its data in some way.  Perhaps a field that blanks out certain
+words by replacing them with the corresponding number of X's.
+We could always do that by writing a subroutine that generates the
+appropriate filter:
+    sub expurgate {
+        my $hidewords = join "|", map quotemeta, @_;
+        return sub {
+            $_[0] =~ s/($hidewords)/ 'X' x length $1 /gixe;
+            return $data;
+        }
+    }
+We could then apply that subroutine to the data of any field that needed
+    my $censor = expurgate qw(villain plot libel treacherous murderer false deadly 'G');
+    print form
+        "[Ye following tranfcript hath been cenfored by Order of ye King]\n\n",
+        "         {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+                  $censor->($speech);
+to produce:
+    [Ye following tranfcript hath been cenfored by Order of ye King]
+             And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
+             To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
+             I am determined to prove a XXXXXXX
+             And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
+             XXXXs have I laid, inductions dangerous,
+             By drunken prophecies, XXXXXs and dreams,
+             To set my brother Clarence and the king
+             In XXXXXX hate the one against the other:
+             And if King Edward be as true and just
+             As I am subtle, XXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXX,
+             This day should Clarence closely be mew'd up,
+             About a prophecy, which says that XXX
+             Of Edward's heirs the XXXXXXXX shall be.
+Of course, if this were Puritanism and not Perl, we might have a long
+list of proscribed words that we needed to excise from I<every> formatted text.
+In that case, rather that explicitly running every data
+source through the same censorious subroutine, it would be handy if C<form>
+had a built-in field that did that for us automatically.
+Naturally, C<form> doesn't have such a field built-in...but we
+can certainly give it one.
+User-defined field specifiers can be declared using the C<field> option,
+which takes as its value an array of pairs. The key of each pair
+is a string or a rule (i.e. regex) that specifies the syntax of the
+user-defined field. The value of each pair is a closure/subroutine that
+constructs a standard field specifier to replace the user-defined
+specifier. Alternatively, the value of a pair may be a string, which is
+taken as the (static) field specifier to be used instead of the
+user-defined field.
+In other words, each pair is a macro that maps a user-defined field
+(specified by the pair's key) onto a standard C<form> field (specified by
+the pair's value). For example:
+    field => [ qr/\{ X+ \}/x => \&censor_field ]
+This tells C<form> that whenever it finds a brace-delimited field consisting
+of one or more X's, it should call a subroutine named C<censor_field> and
+use the return value of that call instead of the all-X field.
+When the key of a C<field> pair matches some part of a format,
+its corresponding subroutine is called. That subroutine is passed
+the Perl6ish result (i.e. C<$0>) of the regex
+match, as well as a reference to the hash of active options for that field. Changes
+to the options hash will affect the subsequent formatting behaviour of
+that field.
+So C<censor_field> could be implemented like so:
+        # Constructor subroutine for user-defined censor fields...
+        sub censor_field {
+            my ($field_spec, $opts) = @_;
+            # Set up the field's 'break' option with a censorious break...
+            $opts->{break} = break_and_censor($->opts{break});
+            # Construct a left-justified field with the appropriate width
+            # specified imperatively...
+            return '{[[{' . length($field_spec) . '}[[}';
+        }
+The C<censor_field> subroutine has to change the field's C<break>
+option, creating a new line breaker that also expurgates unsuitable
+words. To do this it calls C<break_and_censor>, which returns a new line
+breaker subroutine:
+        # Create a new 'break' sub...
+        sub break_and_censor {
+            my $original_breaker = @_;
+            return sub {
+                # Call the field's original 'break' sub...
+                my ($nextline, $more) = $original_breaker->(@_);
+                # X out any doubleplus ungood words
+                $nextline =~ s/($proscribed_words)/ 'X' x length $1 /gixe;
+                # Return the "corrected" version...
+                return ($nextline, $more);
+            }
+        }
+Having created a subroutine to translate censor fields and another to
+break-and-expurgate the data placed in them, we are now in a position
+to create a module that encapsulates the new formatting functionality:
+    package Ministry::Of::Truth
+    use Perl6::Export;
+    # Internal mechanism (as above)...
+    my $proscribed = "...";
+    sub break_and_censor (&original_breaker) {...}
+    sub censor_field ($field_spec, %opts) {...}
+    # Make the new field type standard by default in this scope...
+    use Form { field => [ rx/\{ X+ \}/ => \&censor_field ] };
+    # Re-export the specialized &form that was imported above...
+    sub form is export(:DEFAULT) {...}
+Okay, admittedly that's quite a lot of work. But the pay-off is huge: we can now
+trample on free speech I<much> more easily:
+    use Ministry::Of::Truth;
+    print form
+        "[Ye following tranfcript hath been cenfored by Order of ye King]\n\n",
+                  $speech;
+And we'd get the same carefully XXXX'ed output as before.
+=head2 Single-column fields
+User-defined fields are also a handy way to create single-character
+markers for single-column fields (in order to preserve the
+one-to-one spacing of a format). For example:
+    print form
+        {field => { '^' => '{<III{1}III}',   # 1-char-wide, top-justified block
+                    '=' => '{<=II{1}II=}',   # 1-char-wide, middle-justified block
+                    '_' => '{<_II{1}II_}',   # 1-char-wide, bottom-justified block
+                  }
+        },
+        '~~~~~~~~~',
+        '^ _ = _ ^',   qw(like round and orient perls),
+        '~~~~~~~~~';
+    ~~~~~~~~~
+    l     o p
+    i r a r e
+    k o n i r
+    e u d e l
+      n   n s
+      d   t
+    ~~~~~~~~~
+Single fields are particularly useful for labelling the vertical axes of a
+    use Perl6::Form {field => [ '=' => '{<=II{1}II=}' ] };
+    $vert_label = "Success";
+    $hor_label  = "Time";
+    print form
+       '   ^                                        ',
+       ' = | {""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ', $vert_label, \@data,
+       '   +--------------------------------------->',
+       '    {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ', $hor_label;
+which produces:
+        ^
+        |
+        |       *
+        |     *   *
+      S |    *     *
+      u |
+      c |   *       *
+      c |
+      e |  *         *
+      s |
+      s |
+        |
+        | *           *
+        +--------------------------------------->
+                           Time
+Specifying these kinds of single-character block markers is perhaps the
+commonest use of user-defined fields. But the:
+    field => [ '=' => '{<=II{1}II=}' ]
+syntax is uncomfortably verbose for that purpose. So calls to
+C<form> can also accept a short-hand notation to define a
+single-character field:
+    single => '='
+or to define several at once:
+    single => ['#', '*', '+']
+The C<single> option does exactly the same thing as the C<field> options
+shown above. It takes a single-character string, or a reference
+to an array of such strings, as its value. It then turns each of those
+strings into a single-column field marker. If the character is C<'='>
+then the field is vertically "middled" within its block. If the
+character is C<'_'> then the field is "bottomed" within its block. If
+the single character is anything else, the resulting block is top-justified.
+So our previous example could also have been written:
+    print form
+        {single => "="},
+        '    ^                                        ',
+        ' =  | {""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""} ', $vert_label, \@data,
+        '    +--------------------------------------->',
+        '     {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||} ', $hor_label;
+=head1 Bulleted lists
+Suppose we want a list of items bulleted by "diamonds":
+    <> A rubber sword (laminated with mylar to
+       look suitably shiny).
+    <> Cotton tights (summer performances).
+    <> Woolen tights (winter performances or
+       those actors who are willing to admit
+       to being over 65 years of age).
+    <> Talcum powder.
+    <> Codpieces (assorted sizes).
+    <> Singlet.
+    <> Double.
+    <> Triplet (Kings and Emperors only).
+    <> Supercilious attitude (optional).
+Something like this works well enough:
+    for my $item (@items) {
+        print form
+            '<> {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<}', $item;
+    }
+The first format produces the bullet plus the first line of text for the item,
+then the second format handles any overflow of the item data.
+Alternatively, we could achieve the same result with a single format string
+by interpolating the bullet as well:
+    my $bullet = "<>";
+    for my $item (@items) {
+        print form
+            "{''{*}''} {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+             $bullet,  $item;
+    }
+Here we use a single-line starred verbatim field (C<{''{*}''}>),
+so that the bullet is interpolated "as-is" and the field
+is only as wide as the bullet itself.
+Then for the item itself we use a block field, which will format the item
+data over as many lines as necessary. Meanwhile, because the bullet's
+field is single-line, after the first line the bullet field will be
+filled with spaces (instead of a "diamond"), leaving a bullet only on
+the first line.
+This second approach also has the advantage that we could change the bullet
+string at run-time and the format would adapt automatically.
+However, it's still a little irritating that we have to set up a loop and
+call C<form> separately for each element of C<@items>. After all, if we
+didn't need to bullet our list we could just write:
+    print form
+        "{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+        \@items;
+and C<form> would take care of iterating over the C<@items> for us. It
+seems that things ought to be that easy for bulleted lists as well.
+And, of course, things I<are> that easy.
+All we need to do is tell C<form> that whenever the string C<< "<>" >>
+appears in a format, it should be treated as a bullet. That is, it should
+appear only beside the I<first> line of text produced when formatting each
+element of the adjacent field's data.
+To tell C<form> all that we use the C<bullet> option:
+    print form
+        {bullet => "<>"},
+        "<> {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+            \@items;
+The presence of this C<bullet> option causes C<form> to treat the sequence
+C<< "<>" >> as a special field. That special field interpolates the
+string C<< "<>" >> when the field immediately to its right begins to
+format a new data element, but thereafter interpolates only spaces until
+the adjacent field finishes formatting that data element.
+Or, to put it more simply, if we tell C<form> that  C<< "<>" >> is a bullet,
+C<form> treats it like a bullet that's attached to the very next field.
+So we could allow our L<Shakespearean roles example|"Array data sources">
+to handle multi-line character names, like so:
+    print "The best Shakespearean roles are:\n\n";
+    print form
+        {bullet => "* "},
+        "   * {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}   *{[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]}*",
+              \@roles,                                \$disclaimer;
+This could then produce something like:
+   The best Shakespearean roles are:
+      * Either of the 'two foolish             *WARNING:          *
+        officers': Dogberry and Verges         *This list of roles*
+      * That dour Scot, the Laird              *constitutes      a*
+        Macbeth                                *personal   opinion*
+      * The tragic Moor of Venice,             *only and is in  no*
+        Othello                                *way  endorsed   by*
+      * Rosencrantz's good buddy               *Shakespeare'R'Us. *
+        Guildenstern                           *It   may   contain*
+      * The hideous and malevolent             *nuts.             *
+        Richard III                            *                  *
+Notice too that the asterisks on either side of the disclaimer I<aren't>
+treated as bullets. That's because we defined a bullet to be C<"* ">, and
+neither of the disclaimer asterisks has a space after it.
+Bullets can be any string we like, and there can be more than one of them
+in a single format. For example:
+    print form
+        {bullet => '+'},
+        "+ {[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[:}       + {:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[}",
+            \@items,                      \@items;
+would print:
+    + A rubber sword,                65 years of age).
+      laminated with mylar         + Talcum powder.
+      to look suitably             + Codpieces (assorted
+      shiny.                         sizes).
+    + Cotton tights (summer        + Singlet.
+      performances).               + Double.
+    + Woolen tights (winter        + Triplet (Kings and
+      performances or those          Emperors only).
+      actors who are willing       + Supercilious attitude
+      to admit to being over         (optional).
+=head1 WARNING
+The syntax and semantics of Perl 6 is still being finalized
+and consequently is at any time subject to change. That means the
+same caveat applies to this module.
+Requires: Perl 5.8.0, Perl6::Export, Scalar::Util, List::Util.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (
+ Copyright (c) 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+ This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+    and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.