
CatalystX::Usul::Model::Navigation - Navigation links and access control


Describes v0.17.$Rev: 1 $


   package YourApp;

   use Catalyst qw(ConfigComponents...);

     'Model::Navigation' => {
        parent_classes   => q(CatalystX::Usul::Model::Navigation) }, );


Provides methods for creating navigation links and access control

Configuration and Environment

Defines the following list of attributes


A non empty simple string which defaults to Config::Rooms, the name of the model used to manage defined actions


A non empty simple string which defaults to action, the stash key where action definitions are stored


A non empty simple string which defaults to redirect_to_default. Each controller implements this action. It redirects to the controllers default action

A non empty simple string which defaults to menu_link fade. The classes on the markup for a navigation link

A non empty simple string which defaults to menu_selected fade. The classes on the markup for the selected navigation link

A non empty simple string which defaults to menu_title fade. The classes on the markup of the not selected navigation links


A non empty simple string which defaults to namespace. The stash key where the namespace/controller definitions are stored


A non empty simple string which defaults to ..Level... A popup menu selection option used to selected namespace/controller operations


A required array ref. A list of the available skins/themes


A boolean which defaults to false. It true then access to actions can be set for individual users, not just groups of users. Slows things down a lot



   $navigation_model_object = $self->COMPONENT( $app, $attributes );

Called by Catalyst when the application starts it sets the default action from global config and sets up the list of available skins


   $state = $self->access_check( $source, $key );

Expects to be passed a key to search in the stash ($source) and a controller or action to search for ($key). It returns 0 if the ACL on the requested controller/action permits access to the current user. It returns 1 if no ACL was found. It returns 2 if the current user is unknown and the controller/action's ACL did not contain the value any which would permit anonymous access. It returns 3 if the current user is explicitly denied access to the selected controller/action

This method is called from "add_nav_menu" (via the "allowed" method which negates the result) to determine which controllers the current user has access to. It is also called by auto to determine if access to the requested action is permitted

It could also be used from an application controller method to allow the display logic to display content based on the users identity


   $self->form( $namespace, $name );

Stuffs the stash with the data for the form that controls access to controllers and actions


   $self->add_menu_back( { tip => $title_text } );

Adds a history back link to the main navigation menu



Adds some filler to the main navigation menu


   $self->add_menu_close( $args );

Adds a window close link to the main navigation menu



Calls parent method. Adds main and tools menu data. Adds quick link data

Calls "add_nav_menu". This is the main navigation menu

Calls "add_utils_menu"

Calls add_quick_links. Quick links appear in the header and are selected from the rooms config items if the quick_link element is set. It's numeric value determines the sort order of the links



Returns the data used to generate the main navigation menu. The menu uses a Cone Trees layout which has been flattened to produce a visual trail of breadcrumbs effect, i.e. Home > Reception > Tutorial


   $panel_number = $self->add_navigation_sidebar;

Adds a sidebar panel containing a tree widget that represents all the action available in the application (another sitemap)

   $links = $self->add_quick_links;

Returns the data used to display "quick" navigation links. Caches data on first use. These usually appear in the header and allow single click access to any endpoint. They are identified in the configuration by adding a quick_link attribute to the rooms element. The quick_link attribute value is an integer which determines the display order



Returns the stash data for the utilities menu. This contains a selection of utility options including: toggle runtime debugging, toggle footer, skin switching, context sensitive help, about popup, email feedback and logout option. Calls "_add_help_menu" and "_add_tools_menu"


   $state = $self->allowed( $source, $key );

Negates the result returned by "access_check". Called from "add_nav_menu" to determine if a page is accessible to a user. If the user does not have access then do not display a link to it



Allows administrators to authenticate and reopen the application



Calls Catalyst::Plugin::StatusMessage to load the stash with the status and error messages from the previous request (oops there goes HTTP's statelessness). Stuffs the messages back into the stash so that they appear in the results div


Calls "_get_tree_panel_data" and creates a tree widget using the data. Implements the navigation sidebar


   $self->room_manager_form( $namespace, $name );

Allows for editing of the controller and action definition elements in the configuration files


   $self->select_this( $menu_no, $order, $widget );

Make the widget the selected menu item



Displays a table of all the pages on the site

Private Methods


   $self->_add_help_menu( $name, $stack, $menu_no );

Stashes the data for the help menu options


   $self->_add_tools_menu( $name, $stack, $menu_no );

Utility menu options


   $data = $self->_get_tree_panel_data;

Called by "sitemap" this method generates the table data used by HTML::FormWidgets's Tree subclass


   $data = $self->_get_sitemap_data;

Called by "sitemap" this method generates an array of hash refs used by HTML::FormWidgets's TabSwapper subclass


   $data = $self->_get_sitemap_table( $ns );

Called by "_get_sitemap_data" this method generates the table data used by HTML::FormWidgets's Table subclass

   $self->_push_menu_link( $name, $order, $ref );

Pushes an anchor widget $ref onto a menu structure


   $self->_unshift_menu_item( $name, $order, $widget );

Unshift an anchor widget onto a menu structure






There are no known incompatibilities in this module

Bugs and Limitations

There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome


Peter Flanigan, <Support at>

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE