Device::ISDN::OCLM::LastStatistics - OCLM last call statistics


 $status = $lanmodem->getLastStatistics ();
 $info = $lanmodem->lastStatistics ();
 $reason = $info->downReason (1);


This class encapsulates 3com OCLM last call statistics, including call time, destination, etc.

This class is a subclass of Device::ISDN::OCLM::Statistics.


Extract instances of this class from Device::ISDN::OCLM::LanModem.


The following methods are provided: For most calls, a call number must be specified; this will be either 1 or 2.

$copy = $info->clone ()

This method returns a clone of this object.

$type = $info->callType ($index)

This method returns the call type of the specified call or undef.

$dir = $info->callDirection ($index)

This method returns the call direction of the specified call or undef.

$sp = $info->spName ($index)

This method returns the service provider name or dial-in user of the specified call or undef.

$opt = $info->callOptions ($index)

This method returns the call options of the specified call or undef.

$st = $info->startTime ($index)

This method returns the start time of the specified call or undef.

$ut = $info->upTime ($index)

This method returns the up time of the specified call or undef.

$oct = $info->octetsReceived ($index)

This method returns the octets received on the specified call or undef.

$oct = $info->octetsTransmitted ($index)

This method returns the octets transmitted on the specified call or undef.

$num = $info->callingNumber ($index)

This method returns the calling number of the specified call or undef.

$num = $info->calledNumber ($index)

This method returns the called number of the specified call or undef.

$reason = $info->upReason ($index)

This method returns the reason for the specified call going up or undef.

$reason = $info->downReason ($index)

This method returns the reason for the specified call going down or undef.

$str = $info->toString ()

This method returns a textual representation of this object.


Copyright 1999-2000 Merlin Hughes.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Merlin Hughes <>