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=head1 NAME 

PDL::IO::HDF::SD - An interface librairie for the SD interface of HDF file.

This librairy provide functions to manipulate
HDF files with SD interface (reading, writting, ...)

For more infomation on HDF, see


  use PDL;
  use PDL::IO::HDF::SD;
    ### Creating and writing to a HDF file

    #Create an HDF file
    my $HDFobj = PDL::IO::HDF::SD->new("-montest.HDF");

    #Define some data
    my $data = PDL::short( sequence(500,5) );

    #Put data in file as 'myData' dataset
    #with the names of dimensions ('dim1' and 'dim2')
    $HDFobj->SDput("myData", $data , ['dim1','dim2']);

    #Put some local attributs in 'myData'
    #Set the fill value as 0
    my $res = $HDFobj->SDsetfillvalue("myData", 0);
    #Set the valid range from 0 to 2000
    $res = $HDFobj->SDsetrange("myData", [0, 2000]);
    #Set the default calibration for 'myData' (scale factor = 1, other = 0)
    $res = $HDFobj->SDsetcal("myData");

    #Set a global text attribut
    $res = $HDFobj->SDsettextattr('This is a global text test!!', "myGText" );
    #Set a local text attribut for 'myData'
    $res = $HDFobj->SDsettextattr('This is a local text testl!!', "myLText", "myData" );

    #Set a global value attribut (you can put all values you want)
    $res = $HDFobj->SDsetvalueattr( PDL::short( 20 ), "myGValue");

    #Set a local value attribut (you can put all values you want)
    $res = $HDFobj->SDsetvalueattr( PDL::long( [20, 15, 36] ), "myLValues", "myData" );

    #Close the file

    ### Reading from a HDF file

    #Open an HDF file in read only mode
    my $HDFobj = PDL::IO::HDF::SD->new("montest.HDF");

    #Get a list of all datasets
    my @dataset_list = $HDFobj->SDgetvariablename();

    #Get a list of all global attributs name
    my @globattr_list = $HDFobj->SDgetattributname();

    #Get a list of local attributs name for a dataset
    my @locattr_list = $HDFobj->SDgetattributname("myData");

    #Get the value of local attribut for a dataset
    my $value = $HDFobj->SDgetattribut("myLText","myData");

    #Get the all dataset 'myData'
    my $data = $HDFobj->SDget("myData");

    #Apply the scale factor of 'myData'
    $data *= $HDFobj->SDgetscalefactor("myData");

    #Get the fill value
    #The fill value corresponding to the BAD value in pdl
    $data->inplace->setvaltobad( $HDFobj->SDgetfillvalue("myData") );

    #Get the valid range of datas
    my @range = $HDFobj->SDgetrange("myData");
    #Now you can do what you want with your data


This is the description of the PDL::IO::HDF::SD module.



#include <hdf.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PDLchar pdl
#define PDLuchar pdl
#define PDLshort pdl
#define PDLint pdl
#define PDLlong pdl
#define PDLfloat pdl
#define PDLdouble pdl
#define PDLvoid pdl
#define uchar unsigned char

#define COMP_CODE_NONE 0
#define COMP_CODE_RLE 1


#pp_bless ("PDL::IO::HDF");

#$VERSION = '0.2.beta';

use lib "../";
use buildfunc;

# Create low level interface from HDF SD header file.

create_low_level (<<'EODEF');
# SDS Interface
int SDstart(const char *filename, int access_mode);
int SDfileinfo(int sd_id, int *ndatasets, int *global_attr);
int SDattrinfo(int s_id, int attr_index, char *attr_name, int *number_type, int *count);
#int SDreadattr(int s_id, int attr_index, void *data);
int SDreadattr(int s_id, int attr_index, PDLvoid *data);
int SDgetinfo(int sds_id, char *sds_name, int *rank, int *dimsizes, int *number_type, int *nattrs);
int SDselect(int sd_id, int index);
int SDgetdimid(int sds_id, int dim_number);
int SDdiminfo(int dim_id, char *name, int *count, int *number_type, int *nattrs);
int SDnametoindex(int sd_id, const char *sds_name);
#int SDreaddata(int sds_id, int *start, int *stride, int *edge, void *buffer);
int SDreaddata(int sds_id, int *start, int *stride, int *edge, PDLvoid *buffer);
#int SDsetfillvalue(int sds_id, const void *fill_val);
int SDsetfillvalue(int sds_id, const PDLvoid *fill_val);
#int SDsetrange(int sds_id, const void *max, const void *min);
int SDsetrange(int sds_id, const PDLvoid *max, const PDLvoid *min);
#int SDwritedata(int sds_id, const int *start, const int *stride, const int *edge, const void *data);
int SDwritedata(int sds_id, const int *start, const int *stride, const int *edge, const PDLvoid *data);
int SDsetexternalfile(int sds_id, const char *filename, int offset);
int SDsetdimstrs(int dim_id, const char *label, const char *unit, const char *format);
int SDsetdimscale(int dim_id, int count, int number_type, const void *data);
int SDsetdimname(int dim_id, const char *dim_name);
int SDsetdatastrs(int sds_id, const char *label, const char *unit, const char *format, const char *coordsys);
int SDsetcal(int sds_id, double cal, double cal_err, double offset, double offset_err, int number_type);
#int SDsetcal(int sds_id, float cal, float cal_err, float offset, float offset_err, int number_type);
int SDsetattr(int s_id, const char *attr_name, int num_type, int count, const void *values);
int SDreftoindex(int sd_id, int sds_ref);
int SDiscoordvar(int sds_id);
int SDidtoref(int sds_id);
int SDgetdimstrs(int dim_id, char *label, char *unit, char *format, int len);
int SDgetdimscale(int dim_id, void *data);
int SDgetdatastrs(int sds_id, char *label, char *unit, char *format, char *coordsys, int len);
int SDgetcal(int sds_id, double cal, double cal_err, double offset, double offset_err, double number_type);
#int SDgetcal(int sds_id, float cal, float cal_err, float offset, float offset_err, int number_type);
int SDendaccess(int sds_id);
int SDend(int sd_id);
int SDcreate(int sd_id, const char *name, int number_type, int rank, const int *dimsizes);



UnpackSBigEndianPDL(size, buff, p)
		int		size
		unsigned char	* buff
		PDLint		* p
		int		i, INTtmp;
		unsigned char	bch1, bch2;
		int		* data;

		data = p->data;
		for(i=0; i<size; i++)
			bch1 = buff[i*2];
			bch2 = buff[i*2+1];

			INTtmp = (bch1 << 8) + bch2;

			if( INTtmp >= 32768 )
			{ INTtmp -= 65536; }

			data[i] = INTtmp;

_SDsetcompress(sd_id, ldef);
		int		sd_id
		int	 	ldef
		comp_info c_info;
		c_info.deflate.level = ldef;
		RETVAL = SDsetcompress(sd_id, COMP_CODE_DEFLATE, &c_info) + 1;

_SDgetunlimiteddim(sds_id, dim);
		int		sds_id
		int 		dim
		char sds_name[250];
		int rank;
		int dimsizes[32];
		int num_type;
		int nattrs;
		RETVAL = SDgetinfo(sds_id, sds_name, &rank, dimsizes, &num_type, &nattrs) + 1;
		if(RETVAL==1){RETVAL = dimsizes[dim];}

_SDsetattr_text(s_id, name, text, size);
		int		s_id
		char	 	* name
		char		* text
		int 		size
		RETVAL = SDsetattr(s_id, name, 4, size, text);

_SDsetattr_values(s_id, name, values, size, type);
		int		s_id
		char	 	* name
		pdl		* values
		int 		size
		int 		type
		RETVAL = SDsetattr(s_id, name, type, size, values->data);



use PDL::Primitive;
use PDL::Basic;

use PDL::IO::HDF;

#fonction de convertion d'une chaine de byte en chaine de char
sub Byte2Char
    my ($strB) = @_;
    my $strC;
#    print "n_elem : ".$strB->dim."\n";
    for(my $i=0; $i<$strB->nelem; $i++)
#	print "\t$i\n";
	$strC .= chr( $strB->at($i)) ;

#NEW: permet d'ouvrir un fichier HDF
sub new

    # general

    my $type = shift;
    my $filename = shift;

    my $self = {};
    if (substr($filename, 0, 1) eq '+') 
      { # open for writing
	$filename = substr ($filename, 1);      # chop off +
    if (substr($filename, 0, 1) eq '-') 
      { # Creating
	$filename = substr ($filename, 1);      # chop off -
	    $self->{SDID} = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDstart( $filename, $self->{ACCESS_MODE} );
	    my $res = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDend($self->{SDID});
	    die "_ERR::Create\n" if( ($self->{SDID} == -1) || ($res == -1));
    if( !exists $self->{ACCESS_MODE} ) { $self->{ACCESS_MODE} = $PDL::IO::HDF::DFACC_READ; } 

    $self->{FILE_NAME} = $filename;

    # SD interface
    $self->{SDID} = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDstart( $self->{FILE_NAME}, $self->{ACCESS_MODE} );
    die "_ERR::SDstart\n" if( $self->{SDID} == -1 );

    my ($ndatasets, $nglobattr);
    my $res = _SDfileinfo($self->{SDID}, $ndatasets=-999, $nglobattr=-999);
    if($res == -1){ die "** sdFileInfo **\n"; }
    my %globattr;

    for(my $i=0; $i<$nglobattr; $i++)
	my ($attrname, $type, $count);
	$res = _SDattrinfo($self->{SDID}, $i, $attrname=" "x250, $type=0, $count=0);
	if($res == -1){ die "** sdAttrInfo **\n"; }

##MODIF _SDreadattr()
#	my $buff = zeroes($count);
#        $res = &{$SDreadattrTMAP{$type}}($self->{SDID}, $i, $buff, $count);
#	if($res == -1){ die "** sdReadAttr **\n"; }
	my $buff = $PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$type}(zeroes($count));
        $res = _SDreadattr($self->{SDID}, $i, $buff);
	if($res == -1){ die "** sdReadAttr **\n"; }
        if( $type == 4 ) { $buff = &Byte2Char($buff); }

	$globattr{$attrname} = $buff;

    $self->{GLOBATTR} = \%globattr;

    my @dataname;
    for(my $i=0; $i<$ndatasets; $i++)
	my $sds_ID = _SDselect($self->{SDID},$i);
	if($sds_ID == -1){ die "** sdSelect **\n"; }
#	print "ok\n";	

	my ($name, $rank, $dimsize, $numtype, $nattrs);
	$res = _SDgetinfo($sds_ID, $name=" "x250, $rank=0, $dimsize=" "x128 , $numtype=0, $nattrs=0);
	if($res == -1){ die "** sdGetInfo **\n"; }

	$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type} = $numtype;
	$self->{DATASET}{$name}{nbdim} = $rank;
	$self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID} = $sds_ID;
	for(my $j=0; $j<$rank; $j++)
	    my $dim_ID = _SDgetdimid($sds_ID, $j);
	    if($dim_ID == -1){ die "** sdGetDimId **\n"; }
	    my ($dimname, $dimcount,$nattrdim);
	    $res = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDdiminfo($dim_ID, $dimname=" "x250, $dimcount=0, $numtype=0, $nattrdim=0);
	    if($res == -1){ die "** sdDimInfo **\n"; }
	    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$dimname}{number} = $j;
	    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$dimname}{size} = $dimcount;
	      {$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$dimname}{REALsize} = _SDgetunlimiteddim($sds_ID, $j);}
	    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$dimname}{id} = $dim_ID;
	for(my $j=0; $j<$nattrs; $j++)
	    my ($attrname, $type, $count);
	    $res = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDattrinfo($sds_ID, $j, $attrname=" "x100, $type=0, $count=0);
	    if($res == -1){ die "** sdAttrInfo **\n"; }
#	    my $buff = zeroes($count);
#	    $res = &{$SDreadattrTMAP{$type}}($sds_ID, $j, $buff, $count);
#	    if($res == -1){ die "** sdReadAttr **\n"; }
	    my $buff = $PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$type}(zeroes($count));
#	    print "type : $type / info : ".$buff->info."\n";
            $res = _SDreadattr($sds_ID, $j, $buff);
	    if($res == -1){ die "** sdReadAttr **\n"; }
	    if( $type == 4 ) { $buff = &Byte2Char($buff); }
	    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{$attrname} = $buff;

    bless $self, $type;

#SDGETVARIABLENAME: renvoie la liste des datasets
sub SDgetvariablename
    my($self) = @_;
    return keys %{$self->{DATASET}};

#SDGETATTRIBUTNAME: renvoie la liste des attr globaux ou une liste d'attr locaux
sub SDgetattributname
    my($self, $name) = @_;
    if(defined $name){
        if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return([]) };
	return keys %{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}} ;
    }else { return keys %{$self->{GLOBATTR}}; }

#SDGETATTRIBUT: return the attribut value
sub SDgetattribut
    my($self, $name, $dataset) = @_;
    if(defined $dataset){
        if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}){ return(undef) };
	return $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}{LOCATTR}{$name} ;
    }else { 
        if(!exists $self->{GLOBATTR}{$name}){ return(undef) };
	return $self->{GLOBATTR}{$name}; }

#SDGETFILLVALUE: renvoie la valeur de remplissage d'un dataset
sub SDgetfillvalue
    my($self, $name) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return(undef) }
    return ($self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{_FillValue})->at(0);

#SDGETRANGE: renvoie le range d'un dataset
sub SDgetrange
    my($self, $name) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return(undef) }
    return $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{valid_range};

#SDGETSCALEFACTOR: renvoie le facteur d'échelle d'un dataset
sub SDgetscalefactor
    my($self, $name) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return(undef) }
    return ($self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{scale_factor})->at(0);

sub SDgetdimsize
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return([]); }
    my @dim;
    foreach( keys %{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}} )
	$dim[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{size};

sub SDgetdimsizeunlimit
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return([]); }
    my @dim;
    foreach( keys %{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}} )
		$dim[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{REALsize};
		$dim[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{size};

sub SDgetdimname
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return([]); }
    my @dim;
    foreach( keys %{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}} )
	$dim[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = $_;

#SDGETCAL: permet de définir les valeurs de calibration d'un dataset
sub SDgetcal
    my ($self, $name ) = @_;
    my ($cal, $cal_err, $off, $off_err, $type);
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name} && !exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{scale_factor}){ return (undef) }
    $cal = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{scale_factor};
    $cal_err = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{scale_factor_err};
    $off = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{add_offset};
    $off_err = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{add_offset_err};
    $type = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{calibrated_nt};
    return( $cal, $cal_err, $off, $off_err, $type );
#    return( &PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetcal($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $cal, $cal_err, $off, $off_err, $type) + 1);

#SDGET: récupère des données d'un dataset
sub SDget
    my($self, $name, $start, $end) = @_;
    my $stride;
    my $buff;
    if( exists $self->{DATASET}{$name} )
	my $size = 1;
	if(!defined $end) 
	    ($start, $end) = [];
	    foreach( keys %{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}} )
			$size *= $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{REALsize}; 
			$$end[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{REALsize};
			$size *=  $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{size}; 
			$$end[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{size};
		$$start[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = 0;
		$$stride[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] = 1;
	      foreach( @$end )
		  $size *= $_;
	my $st = pack ("L*", @$start);
	my $en = pack ("L*", @$end);
	my $ju = pack ("L*", @$stride);
#	$buff = zeroes(@$end);
#	my $res = &{$SDreaddataTMAP{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type}}}($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $size, $st, $en, $buff);
    	$buff = $PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type}}(zeroes(@$end));
#	print "toto : ".$self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}.", @$start, @$end, $size, ".$buff->info."\n";
	my $res = _SDreaddata($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $st, $ju, $en, $buff);
#	print "res : $res ".$buff->info."\n";
	if($res == -1){ $buff = null; }
      }else{ $buff = null; }
    return $buff;

#SDSETFILLVALUE: définie une valeur de remplissage pour un dataset
sub SDsetfillvalue
    my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return 0 }
    $value = &{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type}}}($value);
    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{_FillValue} = $value;
#    return( &{$SDsetfillvalueTMAP{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDtypeTMAP{$value->get_datatype}}}($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $value) + 1);
    return( _SDsetfillvalue($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $value) + 1);

#SDSETRANGE: définie un range pour un dataset
sub SDsetrange
    my ($self, $name, $range) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return 0 }
#int SDsetrange(int sds_id, const void *max, const void *min);
#    $range = &{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type}}}($range);
#    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{valid_range} = $range;
#    return( &{$SDsetrangeTMAP{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDtypeTMAP{$range->get_datatype}}}($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $range) + 1);
    my $min = &{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type}}}($$range[0]);
    my $max = &{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type}}}($$range[1]);
    $range = &{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDinvtypeTMAP{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{type}}}($range);
    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{valid_range} = $range;
    return( _SDsetrange($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $max, $min) + 1);

#SDSETCAL: permet de définir les valeurs de calibration d'un dataset
sub SDsetcal
    my ($self, $name, $cal, $cal_err, $off, $off_err, $type) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return 0 }
    if(!defined($type)){ $type = 6 } # type double par default
    if(!defined($off_err)){ $off_err = 0 }
    if(!defined($off)){ $off = 0 }
    if(!defined($cal_err)){ $cal_err = 0 }
    if(!defined($cal)){ $cal = 1 } # pas de facteur par default
    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{scale_factor} = $cal;
    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{scale_factor_err} = $cal_err;
    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{add_offset} = $off;
    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{add_offset_err} = $off_err;
    $self->{DATASET}{$name}{LOCATTR}{calibrated_nt} = $type;
    return( &PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetcal($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $cal, $cal_err, $off, $off_err, $type) + 1);

#SDSETCOMPRESS: compression d'un dataset
sub SDsetcompress
    my ($self, $dataset, $deflate) = @_;
    if(exists $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}) {
      if(!defined $deflate || $deflate > 9){ $deflate = 5; }
      return( 1 + PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetcompress( $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}{ID}, $deflate ) ); }
    else {
      return( 0 ); }

#SDSETTEXTATTR: définie un attr de type texte (local ou global)
sub SDsettextattr
    my ($self, $text, $name, $dataset) = @_;
    if(defined $dataset) {
      if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}){return(0);}
      $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}{LOCALATTR}{$name} = $text;
      return( PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetattr_text( $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}{ID}, $name, $text, length($text) ) + 1); }
    else {
      $self->{GLOBATTR}{$name} = $text;
      return( PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetattr_text( $self->{SDID}, $name, $text, length($text) ) + 1); }

#SDSETVALUEATTR: définie un attr de type valeur (local ou global)
sub SDsetvalueattr
    my ($self, $values, $name, $dataset) = @_;
    if(defined $dataset) {
      if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}){return(0);}
      $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}{LOCALATTR}{$name} = $values;
      return( PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetattr_values( $self->{DATASET}{$dataset}{ID}, $name, $values, $values->nelem, $PDL::IO::HDF::SDtypeTMAP{$values->get_datatype} ) + 1); }
    else {
      $self->{GLOBATTR}{$name} = $values;
      return( PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetattr_values( $self->{SDID}, $name, $values, $values->nelem, $PDL::IO::HDF::SDtypeTMAP{$values->get_datatype} ) + 1); }

#SDSETDIMNAME: change the name of a dataset dimensions
sub SDsetdimname
    my ($self, $name, $dimname) = @_;
    if(!exists $self->{DATASET}{$name}){ return 0; }
    my $res = 0;
    foreach( keys %{$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}} )
	if( defined $$dimname[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ])
	    $res = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetdimname( $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{id}, $$dimname[ $self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$_}{number} ] ) + 1;
	  }else{ return 0; }

#SDPUT: définie un dataset
sub SDput
    my($self, $name, $data, $dimname_p, $from) = @_;

    my $rank = $data->getndims;
    my $dimsize = pack ("L*", $data->dims);

    if( !exists $self->{DATASET}{$name} ) {
        my $res = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDcreate($self->{SDID}, $name, $PDL::IO::HDF::SDtypeTMAP{$data->get_datatype}, $rank, $dimsize);
        if($res == -1){ return 0; }
        $self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID} = $res;
        $self->{DATASET}{$name}{type} = $PDL::IO::HDF::SDtypeTMAP{$data->get_datatype};
        $self->{DATASET}{$name}{nbdim} = $rank;
    }#else{return (0);}

    my $start = [];
    my $stride = [];
    if( !defined $from ) {
          { push(@$start, 0); push(@$stride, 1); }
    }else { $start = $from; }
    $start = pack ("L*", @$start);
    $stride = pack ("L*", @$stride);

#    $res = &{$SDwritedataTMAP{$PDL::IO::HDF::SDtypeTMAP{$data->get_datatype}}}($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $start, $dimsize, $data);
    $res = _SDwritedata($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $start, $stride, $dimsize, $data);
    if($res == -1){ return 0; }
    for(my $j=0; $j<$rank; $j++)
	my $dim_ID = _SDgetdimid($self->{DATASET}{$name}{ID}, $j);
	if($dim_ID == -1){ return(0); }
	my ($dimname, $dimcount,$nattrdim);
	if(defined( @$dimname_p[$j] ))
	{ (PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDsetdimname($dim_ID, @$dimname_p[$j]) == -1) && return(0); }
	$res = PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDdiminfo($dim_ID, $dimname=" "x250, $dimcount=0, $numtype=0, $nattrdim=0);
	if($res == -1){ return 0; }
	$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$dimname}{number} = $j;
	$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$dimname}{size} = $dimcount;
	$self->{DATASET}{$name}{DIMS}{$dimname}{id} = $dim_ID;

#SDCLOSE: ferme l'interface SD
sub close {
  my $self = shift;
  my $sdid = $self->{SDID};
  $self = undef;
  return( PDL::IO::HDF::SD::_SDend($sdid) + 1);

  my $self = shift;



=head2 new

=for ref

	Open or create a new HDF object.

=for usage

	1 : the name of the file.
		if you want to write to it, prepend the name with
		the '+' character : "+name.hdf"
		if you want to create it, prepend the name with
		the '-' character : "-name.hdf"
		else the file will be open in read only mode
	return : the hdf object (die on error)

=for example

	my $hdfobj = PDL::IO::HDF::SD->new("file.hdf");

=head2 SDgetvariablename

=for ref

	get the list of datasets.

=for usage

	No arguments
	return : the list of dataset or an empty list on error.

=for example

	my @DataList = $hdfobj->SDgetvariablename();

=head2 SDgetattributname

=for ref

	get a list of attributs'name, global or corresponding to a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to read attributs name.
		if the function is call without argument, it return
		the global attributs'name list
	return : a list of attributs'name or an empty list on error.

=for example

	# for global attributs :
	my @attrList = $hdfobj->SDgetattributname();

	# for local attributs :
	my @attrList = $hdfobj->SDgetattributname("dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetattribut

=for ref

	get an attribut value, global or corresponding to a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of the attribut.
	2 : the name of a dataset you want to get the attribut value.
		if the function is call without dataset name, it return
		the global attribut value
	return : an attribut value or undef if error.

=for example

	# for global attributs :
	my $attr = $hdfobj->SDgetattribut("attr_name");

	# for local attributs :
	my $attr = $hdfobj->SDgetattribut("attr_name", "dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetfillvalue

=for ref

	get the fill value of a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to get the fill value.
	return : the fill value or undef if error.

=for example

	my $fillvalue = $hdfobj->SDgetfillvalue("dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetrange

=for ref

	get the valid range of a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to get the valid range.
	return : a list of two elements [min, max] or an empty list if error.

=for example

	my @range = $hdfobj->SDgetrange("dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetscalefactor

=for ref

	get the scale factor of a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to get the scale factor.
	return : the scale factor or undef if error.

=for example

	my $scale = $hdfobj->SDgetscalefactor("dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetdimsize

=for ref

	get the dimensions of a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to get the dimensions.
	return : an array of n dimensions with their sizes or an empty list if error.

=for example

	my @dim = $hdfobj->SDgetdimsize("dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetdimsizeunlimit

=for ref

	get the real dimensions of a dataset (real size of unlimited dimensions).

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to get the dimensions.
	return : an array of n dimensions with their sizes or an empty list if error.

=for example

	my @dim = $hdfobj->SDgetdimsizeunlimit("dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetdimname

=for ref

	get the dimensions name of a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to get the dimensions'names .
	return : an array of n dimensions with their names or an empty list if error.

=for example

	my @dim = $hdfobj->SDgetdimname("dataset_name");

=head2 SDgetcal

=for ref

	Get all calibration factor of a dataset

=for usage

	1 : the name of the dataset
	return : (scale factor, scale factor error, offset, offset error, data type)if ok, undef if not ok.

=for example

	#get calibration
	my ($cal, $cal_err, $off, $off_err, $d_type) = $hdfobj->SDgetcal("dataset_name");

=head2 SDget

=for ref

	get a dataset or a slice of a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset with you want to get.
	2 : the start array of the slice.
	3 : the size array of the slice.
		the parameters 2 & 3 are optionnals.
	return : a PDL::double of data if ok, PDL::null if not.

=for example

	# simple use, get all the dataset
	my $pdldata = $hdfobj->SDget("dataset_name");

	# get a slice of the dataset
	my @start = [10,50,10]; # the start position of the slice is [10, 50, 10]
	my @lenght = [20,20,20]; # read 20 values on each dimension from @start
	my $pdldata = $hdfobj->SDget("dataset_name", @start, @lenght);

	#to get data in an other type than PDL::double
	my $pdldata = PDL::short( $hdfobj->SDget("dataset_name") );

	#another example: apply scale factor on data
	my $pdldata = $hdfobj->SDget("dataset_name") * $hdfobj->SDgetscalefactor("dataset_name");

=head2 SDsetfillvalue

=for ref

	set the fill value for a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to set the fill value.
	2 : the fill value.
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetfillvalue("dataset_name",$fillvalue);

=head2 SDsetcompress

=for ref

	Compress a dataset. (only gzip methode)

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to compress.
	2 : the deflate gzip option. (a value between 1 and 9)
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetfillvalue("dataset_name",$deflate_value);

=head2 SDsetrange

=for ref

	set the valid range of a dataset.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to set the range.
	2 : an array of two elements : @[min, max].
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetrange("dataset_name", [$min, $max]);

=head2 SDsetcal

=for ref

	calibrate a dataset.
	this mean define the scale factor, the scale factor error, the
	offset and the offset error.

=for usage

	1 : the name of a dataset you want to calibrate.
		other parameters are optionnels
	2 : the scale factor (default is 1)
	3 : the scale factor error (default is 0)
	4 : the offset (default is 0)
	5 : the offset error (default is 0)
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	#simple exemple: if the dataset have no scale factor or other calibration
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetcal("dataset_name");

	#to just set the scale factor
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetcal("dataset_name", $scalefactor);

	#to set all calibration parameters
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetcal("dataset_name", $scalefactor, $scale_err, $offset, $off_err);

=head2 SDsettextattr

=for ref

	add a global or local attribut of type text

=for usage

	1 : the text you want to add.
	2 : the name of the attribut
	3 : the name of the dataset (optionnel)
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	#set a global text attribut
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsettextattr("my_text", "attribut_name");

	#set a local text attribut
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsettextattr("my_text", "attribut_name", "dataset_name");

=head2 SDsetvalueattr

=for ref

	add a global or local attribut of any type

=for usage

	1 : a pdl of value(s) you want to store.
	2 : the name of the attribut
	3 : the name of the dataset (optionnel)
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	my $attribut = pdl ( ...... );

	#set a global attribut
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetvalueattr($attribut, "attribut_name");

	#set a local attribut
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetvalueattr($attribut, "attribut_name", "dataset_name");

=head2 SDsetdimname

=for ref

	rename the dimensions of a dataset

=for usage

	1 : the name of the dataset
	2 : an array with the dimensions names
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	#rename all dimensions
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetdimname("dataset_name", ['dim1','dim2','dim3']);

	#rename some dimensions
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDsetdimname("dataset_name", ['dim1', undef ,'dim3']);

=head2 SDput

=for ref

	put a new (or a slice of) dataset

=for usage

	1 : the name of the dataset.
	2 : a pdl of data (data are store white the type of the pdl)
	3 : the dimansions names (only for creating dataset)
	4 : the start of the slice to store (only for putting a slice)
	return : 1 if ok, 0 if not ok.

=for example

	my $data = pdl ( [ [x,x,x],[x,x,x],[x,x,x] ] ); #any value you want

	#simple use: create a new dataset with a $data pdl
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDput("dataset_name", $data);

	#the same with the name of the dimensions
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDput("dataset_name", $data, ['dim1','dim2','dim3']);

	#to just put a pdl (a slice) from @start in an existing dataset
	my @start = [x,y,z];
	my $result = $hdfobj->SDput("dataset_name", $SliceOfData, undef, @start);

=head2 close

=for ref

	close a HDF file.

=for usage

	no arguments

=for example

	my $result = $hdfobj->close();

=head1 AUTHOR

Patrick Leilde
contribs of Olivier Archer

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), PDL(1).

