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package main::dohosts;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Proc::Parallel;
use Tie::Function::Examples qw(%q_shell);

our @more_places_to_look = ();

run(@ARGV) unless caller();

sub usage
	my ($msg) = @_;
	require Pod::Usage;
	if ($msg =~ /^\d+/) {
		Pod::Usage::pod2usage('-verbose' => $msg);
	} else {
		Pod::Usage::pod2usage('-verbose' => 99, '-msg' => "\nError: $msg\n", 
			'-sections' => "USAGE|OPTIONS");

sub run
	my (@argv) = @_;

	my $series;
	my $NNN = 0;
	my $zero;
	my $host_list;
	my $local;
	my $name;
	my $counter;
	my $raw;
	my $simultaneous = 0;

	while (@argv && (($argv[0] =~ /^-/) || ! $host_list)) {
		my $a = shift @argv;
		if ($a =~ /^(?:-s|--series|--single)$/) {
			$series = 1;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^(?:-N|--NNN)$/) {
			$NNN = shift @argv;
			usage("NNN requires an integer")
				unless $NNN =~ /^\d+$/;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^--?l(?:ocal)?$/) {
			$local = 1;
			$name = 1;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^--?r(?:aw)?$/) {
			$raw = 1;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^--?n(?:ame)?$/) {
			$name = 1;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^--?h(?:elp)?$/) {
		} elsif ($a =~ /^--?c(?:ounter)?$/) {
			$counter = 1;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^-?-0$/) {
			$zero = 1;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^-?-(\d+)$/) {
			$simultaneous = $1;
		} elsif ($a =~ /^-/) {
			usage("Unknown flag: $a");
		} elsif (! $host_list) {
			$host_list = $a;
		} else {
			usage("unexpected argument : $a");
	usage("need to specify a host list and a command") unless $host_list;
	usage("need to specify a command") unless @argv;

	for(;;) {
		last if $host_list =~ m{/} && -f $host_list;

		my @hlp = ("$ENV{HOME}/.hosts.", @more_places_to_look);
		unshift(@hlp, "$ENV{DO_DOT_HOSTS_LISTS}")

		for my $p (@hlp) {
			next unless -f "$p$host_list";
			$host_list = "$p$host_list";
			last PLACE;

		usage("need a hosts lists file");

	open my $hl, "<", $host_list
		or die "open $host_list: $!";

	my @hosts;

	while (<$hl>) {
		next if /^\s*$/;
		push(@hosts, grep { /\S/ } split(/\s+/, $_));


	my $n = $NNN || 1;

	my @todo_list;
	my $running = 0;

	my $total = $n * @hosts;
	my $count = $zero ? 0 : 1;
	for my $nnn (1..$n) {
		for my $host (@hosts) {
			my $command = join(' ', map { $q_shell{$_} } @argv);
			$command = $argv[0] if @argv == 1;
			my $sub = '';
			if ($NNN) {
				$sub = $nnn;
				$sub -= 1 if $zero;
				$command =~ s/NNN/$sub/g;
				$sub = "-$sub";
			if ($name) {
				$command =~ s/=HOSTNAME=/$host/g;
			if ($counter) {
				$command =~ s/=COUNTER=/$count/g;
				$command =~ s/=TOTAL=/$total/g;
			$command = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $host -n $q_shell{$command}"
				unless $local;

			my $header = "$host$sub:\t";
			$header = '' if $raw;

			my $per_line = sub {
				my ($handler, $ioe, $input_buffer_reference) = @_;
				while (<$ioe>) {
					print "$header$_";
			my $finished = sub {
				my ($handler, $ioe, $input_buffer_reference) = @_;
				print "$header$$input_buffer_reference\n"
				if length($$input_buffer_reference);
				if (@todo_list) {
					start_command( @{shift @todo_list} );

			if ($series) {
				print "+ $command\n";
			} elsif ($simultaneous && $running >= $simultaneous) {
				push(@todo_list, [ "$command 2>&1", $per_line, $finished ]);
			} else {
				start_command("$command 2>&1", $per_line, $finished );

	finish_commands() unless $series;



=head1 NAME

 do.hosts - run commands across a cluster of systems at once

=head1 USAGE

 do.hosts host-list-file [OPTIONS] command-to-run

=head1 OPTIONS

	--series 	Run commands in series rather than in parallel
	-N --NNN n	Run n commands per system, replace "NNN" in command with command number
	--counter	Replace =COUNTER= and =TOTAL= with a count and total command number
	-0 		For -NNN and --counter count from zero instead of one
	--local		Do not ssh to remote systems (implies --name)
	--name		In command, replace =HOSTNAME= with the remote system name 
	--raw		Do not tag command output with hostnames
	--help		Display this message
	--NUM		Run at most NUM simultaneous commands (start more as others finish)


do.hosts is a command to run a commmand on a bunch of systems at once.
It requires a file that lists the remote systems.  In that file,
multiple hosts can be put on the same line.

If the host-list-file isn't a valid filename, $0 will try
to find the host-list-file by looking in:


It will append host-list-file to those locations.  If host-list-file
is "cluster1", it will look for:


The options can come before or after the host-list-file. 

If the host-list-file does not contain any slashes (/) then it will not
look in the current directory for it.


 do.hosts cluster1 uptime
 do.hosts cluster1 -N 2 echo NNN
 do.hosts cluster1 --counter echo =COUNTER=
 do.hosts cluster1 --local scp access_log =HOSTNAME=:/data/david/dsl
 do.hosts cluster1 --raw cat /data/david/dsl | wc
 do.hosts cluster1 --local scp =HOSTNAME=:/data/david/dsl foo.=HOSTNAME=
 do.hosts cluster1 --local --counter scp =HOSTNAME=:/data/david/dsl foo.=COUNTER=

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2007-2008 SearchMe, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 David Sharnoff
Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc.
This package may be used and redistributed under the terms of either
the Artistic 2.0 or LGPL 2.1 license.