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# -*- perl -*-
# $Id: Perl.txt,v 1.77 2006/05/14 01:40:03 kstephens Exp $

[% MACRO other BLOCK %]
  [% FOREACH x = end.opposite %]
  [% NEXT UNLESS x.isNavigable %]

    $old->remove_[% x.name_ %]($self) if $old;
    $val->add_[% x.name_ %]($self)    if $val;

  [% END %]
[% END %]

[% MACRO container_type BLOCK %]
  [%# Set default container types %]
  [% DEFAULT attr.container_type_ordered = 'ARRAY' %]
  [%# Set::Object 1.03 does not work with Storable %]
  [%# Set::Object 1.04 appears to have Storable support %]
  [% DEFAULT attr.container_type_unordered = 'Set::Object' %]

  [% IF attr.ordering == 'ordered' %]
  [% DEFAULT attr.container_type = attr.container_type_ordered %]
  [% ELSE %]
  [% DEFAULT attr.container_type = attr.container_type_unordered %]
  [% END %]
[% END %]

[% MACRO tangram_type BLOCK %]
  [%# If end is * and end.opposite is 1,
    # Use Tangram intrusive sets and arrays, "iset", "iarray"
    # For intrusive collections, set the column name (coll) in the
    # intruded table (attr) to be the name of the holder
    # of the coll(ection) object (cls_end).
    # Note: cls_end is undef if attr is an Attribute,
    #       thus cls_end.multi_single should be assumed to be 1. %]
  [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_col = attr.storage_name %]

  [% IF (! cls_end || cls_end.multi_single) && ! attr.multi_single %]
    [% SET attr.tangram_intrusive = 1 %]
  [% END %]

  [%# If the cls_end has composite aggregation of the attr, make it so. %]
  [% IF attr.storage_aggregation == 'composite' || (cls_end && cls_end.aggregation == 'composite') %]
    [% SET attr.tangram_aggreg = 1 %]
  [% END %]

  [% IF attr.multi_single %]
    [% IF attr.type_info.isaEnumeration %]
      [%# Enumerations always use strings %]
      [% DEFAULT attr.storage_type = 'string' %]
    [% ELSE %]
      [%# Default to a "ref" %]
      [% DEFAULT attr.storage_type = attr.type_info.storage_type %]
      [% DEFAULT attr.storage_type = 'ref' %]
    [% END %]

    # TAttr [% %] [% attr.storage_type %]

    [% SWITCH attr.storage_type %]
      [% CASE 'ref' %]
        [% IF attr.multi_lower == '0' %]
          [% SET attr.tangram_null = '1' %]
        [% END %]
        [% IF attr.storage_type_impl %]
          [% SET attr.storage_type = attr.storage_type_impl %]
        [% END %]
        [% IF attr.type_info.storage_type_impl %]
          [% SET attr.storage_type = attr.type_info.storage_type_impl %]
        [% END %]
        [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_class = attr.type %]

      [% CASE [ 'flat_array', 'array' ] %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_array = 1 %]

        [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_subtype = attr.type_info.storage_subtype %]
        [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_subtype = attr.type_info.storage_type %]

        [% SET attr.tangram_coll = cls.nAME_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_item = attr.name_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_slot = "${attr.tangram_item}_i" %]

        [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]

      [% CASE [ 'flat_hash', 'hash' ] %]
        # HASH [% %] [% attr.storage_type %]
        [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_subtype = attr.storage_value_type %]
        [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_subtype = attr.storage_subtype %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_key_type = attr.storage_key_type %]

        [% SET attr.tangram_coll = cls.nAME_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_item = attr.name_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_slot = "${attr.tangram_item}_i" %]

        [% SET attr.tangram_key_sql = attr.storage_key_sql %]
       [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]

    [% END %]

    [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_col = attr.name_ %]
    [% SET attr.tangram_type  = attr.storage_type %]
    [% SET attr.tangram_sql   = attr.storage_type_sql %]

  [% ELSE %]
    [%# Multi attr %]
    [% SWITCH attr.storage_type %]

      [% CASE [ 'string', 'int' ] %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_array = 1 %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_type = 'flat_array' %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_subtype = attr.storage_type %]

        [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_coll = cls.nAME_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_item = attr.name_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_slot = "${attr.tangram_item}_i" %]

      [% CASE [ 'real', 'float', 'double' ] %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_array = 1 %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_type = 'flat_array' %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_subtype = 'real' %]

        [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_coll = cls.nAME_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_item = attr.name_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_slot = "${attr.tangram_item}_i" %]

      [% CASE [ 'date', 'rawdatetime' ] %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_array = 1 %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_type = 'flat_array' %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_subtype = 'rawdatetime' %]

        [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_coll = cls.nAME_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_item = attr.name_ %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_slot = "${attr.tangram_item}_i" %]

      [% CASE [ 'flat_array', 'array' ] %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_array = 1 %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_subtype = attr.type_info.storage_subtype %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_subtype = attr.type_info.storage_type %]

        [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]

      [% CASE [ 'flat_hash', 'hash' ] %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_type = attr.storage_type %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_subtype = attr.storage_subtype %]

        [% SET attr.tangram_key_type = attr.storage_key_type %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_key_sql = attr.storage_key_sql %]

        [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]

      [% CASE %]
        [% # Most likely a collection of 'ref's %]
        [% IF attr.ordering == 'ordered' %]
          [% SET attr.tangram_type = 'array' %]
	  [% SET attr.tangram_array = 1 %]
        [% ELSE %]
          [% SET attr.tangram_type = 'set' %]
        [% END %]

	[% # Use the intrusive collection variant %]
        [% IF attr.tangram_intrusive %]
          [% SET attr.tangram_type = "i${attr.tangram_type}" %]
        [% END %]

	[% # Set the referent type to be the type_impl %]
        [% SET attr.tangram_class = attr.type_impl %]
    [% END %]

    [%# If the cls_end has composite aggregation of the attr, make it so. %]
    [% IF cls_end.aggregation == 'composite' %]
      [% SET attr.tangram_aggreg = 1 %]
    [% END %]

    [% IF attr.tangram_intrusive %]
      [%# Since an intrusive collections (iset,iarray) is going to be used,
        # the coll(ection) name should be the
        # Because this attr is going to intrude on cls_end's table.
       [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_coll = cls_end.storage_name || cls_end.name_ || cls.nAME_ %] 
       [% IF attr.tangram_array %]
         [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_slot = "${attr.tangram_coll}_i" %]
       [% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
      [%# Since this is a non-intrusive collection,
        # (probably a *-* Association),
        # An association table is going to be used:
        # The item is the "outward" end (attr),
        # The coll(ection) is the "inward" end (cls_end). %]
      [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_coll = cls_end.storage_name || cls_end.name_ || cls.nAME_ %]   
      [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_item = attr.name_ %]
      [% # If the attribute is from an Association
         # Default the table name to be
         # the Associations qualified name w/_.
      [% IF end.isaAssociationEnd %]
        [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = end.assoc.storage_table %]
      [% END %]

    [% END %]

    [% DEFAULT attr.storage_table = "${cls.tangram_table}__${attr.name_}" %]

    [% IF attr.tangram_array %]
      [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_type = 'array' %]
      [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_slot = "${attr.tangram_item}_i" %]
    [% END %]

  [% END %]

  [% IF attr.storage_table %]
    [% # Normalize the storage_table name %]
    [% SET attr.storage_table = attr.storage_table_filter(attr.storage_table) %]

    [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_table = attr.storage_table %]
  [% END %]

  [% DEFAULT attr.tangram_index = attr.storage_index %]

  [% PERL %]
  if ( 0 ) {
     my $cls = $stash->get('cls');
     my $cls_end = $stash->get('cls_end') || { };
     my $attr = $stash->get('attr');
     if ( grep($cls->{'name'} eq $_, 'Blah') ) {
     print STDERR join("\n", 
		       "Class=$cls->{name} ==========================",
		       "cls_end.multi_single\t=\t" . ($cls_end && $cls_end->{'multi_single'}),
		       map("$_\t=\t" . $attr->{$_},
   [% END %]

[% END %]

[% MACRO tangram_field BLOCK %]
[% IF attr.instance && && attr.tangram_type && %]
    '[% attr.name_ %]'
       => {
	 'type_impl' => '[% attr.tangram_type %]',
         [% IF attr.tangram_class %]'class' => '[% attr.tangram_class %]',

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_null %]'null' => '1', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_table %]'table' => '[% attr.tangram_table %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_subtype %]'type' => '[% attr.tangram_subtype %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_col %]'col' => '[% attr.tangram_col %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_key_type %]'key_type' => '[% attr.tangram_key_type %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_key_sql %]'key_sql' => '[% attr.tangram_key_sql %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_item %]'item' => '[% attr.tangram_item %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_coll %]'coll' => '[% attr.tangram_coll %]',

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_slot %]'slot' => '[% attr.tangram_slot %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_back %]'back' => '[% attr.tangram_back %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_index %]'index' => '[% attr.tangram_index %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_aggreg %]'aggreg' => '[% attr.tangram_aggreg %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_deep_update %]'deep_update' => '[% attr.tangram_deep_update %]',

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.tangram_sql %]'sql' => '[% attr.tangram_sql %]', 

         [% END %]
         [% IF attr.storage_field_class == 'false' %]'no_type_col' => 1,

         [% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]

[%# Initialize Classifiers %]

[% # Initialize Classifier Tangram attributes %]
[% FOREACH cls = classifier %]

[% # Initialize class' Tangram table name %]
[% DEFAULT cls.storage_table = cls.name_q_ %]
[% SET cls.storage_table = cls.storage_table_filter(cls.storage_table) %]
[% DEFAULT cls.tangram_table = cls.storage_table %]

[% END %]

[%# Initialize Associations %]

[% # Initialize Association Tangram attributes %]
[% FOREACH assoc = association %]

[% # Initialize class' Tangram table name %]
[% DEFAULT assoc.storage_table = assoc.name_q_ %]
[% SET     assoc.storage_table = assoc.storage_table_filter(assoc.storage_table) %]
[% DEFAULT assoc.tangram_table = assoc.storage_table %]

[% END %]

[% FOREACH cls = classifier %]

[% # Initialize Attributes %]
[% FOREACH attr = cls.attribute %]

# Initialize Attribute [% %] [% %]

[% # Initialize container type %]
[% container_type(attr=attr,cls=cls) %]

[% # Class or instance storage, depends on attr %]
[% IF attr.instance %]
  [% SET attr.loc = "\$self->{'${attr.name_}'}" %]
[% ELSE %]
  [% SET attr.loc = "\$${attr.name_}" %]
[% END %]

[% IF attr.type_info.primitive %]
  [% SET attr.typecheck = "" %]
[% ELSE %]
  [% SET attr.typecheck = "\$self->__use('${attr.type}')->__typecheck(\$val, \"${cls.package}.${attr.name_}\")" %]
[% END %]

[% # No storage for class Attributes %]
[% NEXT UNLESS attr.instance %]
[% tangram_type(attr=attr,cls=cls) %]

[% END %]

[% # Initialize AssociationEnds %]

[% # See cls_end.multi_single in tangram_type() %]
[% SET cls.multi_single = 1 %]

[% FOREACH cls_end = cls.association %]
[% # ASSOC: [% cls_end.name_ %] %]

[% # Initialize container type %]
[% container_type(attr=end,cls=cls) %]
[% # Make the link towards the composite aggregator weak
   # since the objects are "owned" by the aggregator. %]
[% IF cls_end.aggregation == "composite" %]
  [% SET cls_end.weak_ref = cls_end.weak_ref_enabled %]
[% END %]

[% FOREACH end = cls_end.opposite %]

[% NEXT UNLESS end.isNavigable %]

[% # Initialize container type %]
[% container_type(attr=end,cls=cls) %]
[% IF end.aggregation == "composite" %]
  [% SET end.weak_ref = end.weak_ref_enabled %]
[% END %]

[% # Class or instance storage, depends on cls_end %]
[% IF cls_end.instance %]
  [% SET end.loc = "\$self->{'${end.name_}'}" %]
[% ELSE %]
  [% SET end.loc = "\$${end.name_}" %]
[% END %]

[% SET end.typecheck = "\$self->__use('${end.type}')->__typecheck(\$val, \"${cls.package}.${end.name_}\")" %]

[% # No storage for class AssociationEnds %]
[% NEXT UNLESS cls_end.instance %]
[% tangram_type(attr=end,cls=cls,cls_end=cls_end) %]

[% END %]
[% END %]

[% END %]

#//-// FILE BEGIN [%model_package_file%]

# -*- perl -*-
# DO NOT EDIT - This file is generated by UMMF; 
# From template: $Id: Perl.txt,v 1.77 2006/05/14 01:40:03 kstephens Exp $

package [%model_package%];

# use 5.6.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Version

our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.77 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d." . "%03d" x $#r, @r };

=head1 NAME

[% model_package %] - Model package for Model [% %];


  use [% model_package %];
  my $model = [% model_package %]->model;


This package

=head1 USAGE

=head1 EXPORT

None exported.

=head1 AUTHOR

Kurt Stephens, 2003/04/15


The following is a list of all the Classifiers and their respective Perl modules defined in this Model.

[% FOREACH cls = classifier %]

=head2 C<[% cls.name_q %]>

See L<[% cls.package %]|[% cls.package %]>.

[% END %]

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 VERSION

$Revision: 1.77 $

=head1 METHODS


# Supers

# Dependencies

use Carp qw(croak confess);

# Import them all!!!
# [ % model_package_use % ];

# Methods

my $factory_map = 
  [% FOREACH x = factory_map %]
    '[% x %]',
  [% END %]

=head2 C<factory_map>

Returns an array ref that maps all UML Model names to Perl package names for this package.
Also includes short name to fully-qualified name mappings. 

sub factory_map { $factory_map; }
my $model;

    use UMMF;

    my $model = $stash->get('model');
    my $tmpfile = UMMF->make_tempfile('Model', 'xmi');
    my $outfile = $stash->get('model_package_file') . '.Model.xmi';

    print STDERR "UMMF: Export UML Model: to $tmpfile\n";

    # Create empty file
    use IO::File;
    my $fh = IO::File->new;
    $fh->open("> $tmpfile") || die("Cannot write '$tmpfile': $!");

    eval {
      use UMMF::Export::XMI;
      my $exporter = UMMF::Export::XMI->new('output' => $fh);

    # The above fails when bootstrapping UMMF.
    if ( my $exc = $@ ) {
      if ( $fh ) {
	$fh->seek(0, 0);
      use UMMF;
      UMMF->bootstrapping ? warn($exc) : die($exc);

    $output .= "#//-// FILE MOVE $tmpfile $outfile\n";
    print STDERR "UMMF: Export UML Model: DONE\n";
[% END %]

=head2 C<model>

Returns the UML meta-model Model object for this Model.

sub model 
  unless ( $model ) {
    my $module = __PACKAGE__;
    $module =~ s@::@/@sg;
    my $file = $INC{$module . '.pm'};
    $file .= '.Model.xmi';
    if ( -s $file ) {
      print STDERR "UMMF: Reading UML Model: from $file\n";
      eval {
	use UMMF::Import::XMI;
	my $importer = UMMF::Import::XMI->new();
	my $results = $importer->import_input_file($file);
	($model) = grep($_->isaModel, @$results);
      if ( my $exc = $@ ) {
	use UMMF;
	print STDERR "UMMF: Reading UML Model: from $file: FAILED\n";
	UMMF->bootstrapping ? warn($exc) : die($exc);
    if ( UMMF->bootstrapping && ! $model ) {
      print STDERR "UMMF: Reading UML Model: from UMMF::Boot::MetaModel\n";
      use UMMF::Boot::MetaModel;
      $model = UMMF::Boot::MetaModel->model('pure' => 1);

    print STDERR "UMMF: Reading UML Model: DONE\n";

=head2 C<__rebless_tree>

Work around for errors like:

    Can't locate object method "parent" via package "UMMF::UML_1_5::Foundation::Core::Generalization" at /c/wct/ummf/1.0/bin/../lib/perl/UML/MetaMetaModel/ line 712.

# 'emacs
my %__rebless_tree_primitive =
map(($_ => 1),

sub __rebless_tree
  no warnings;

  my ($x, $visited, $used) = @_;

  if ( my $ref = ref($x) ) {
    return if $visited->{$x} ++;

    # print STDERR "x = $x\n";

    # Rebless object.
    unless ( __rebless_tree_primitive{$ref} ) {
      # Does Storable::retrieve do this?
      unless ( $used->{$ref} ) {
	$used->{$ref} = 1;
	print STDERR "  use $ref\n";
	eval qq{ package main; use $ref; }; die $@ if $@;

      # print STDERR "rebless $x, $ref\n";
      # REBLESS!!!
      bless($x, $ref);

    # Traverse primitive
    if ( $ref eq 'Set::Object') {
      for my $y ( $x->members ) {
	__rebless_tree($y, $visited, $used);
    elsif ( $x =~ /HASH\(/ ) {
      for my $y ( values %$x ) {
	__rebless_tree($y, $visited, $used);
    elsif ( $x =~ /ARRAY\(/ ) {
      for my $y ( @$x ) {
	__rebless_tree($y, $visited, $used);
    elsif ( $x =~ /SCALAR\(/ ) {
      __rebless_tree($$x, $visited, $used);

my $factory;

=head2 C<factory>

Returns a factory for this Model.

sub factory 
  # $DB::single = 1;

  my $self = shift;
  unless ( $factory ) {
    eval q{use UMMF::Core::Factory;}; die $@ if $@;
    $factory = UMMF::Core::Factory->new('classMap' => $self->factory_map);


1; # Is true!!!


### Keep these comments at end of file: 2003/04/06 ###
### Local Variables: ###
### mode:perl ###
### perl-indent-level:2 ###
### perl-continued-statement-offset:0 ###
### perl-brace-offset:0 ###
### perl-label-offset:0 ###
### End: ###

#//-// FILE END [% model_package_file %] 

#//-// FILE BEGIN [% base_package_file %]

# -*- perl -*-
# DO NOT EDIT - This file is generated by UMMF; 
# From template: $Id: Perl.txt,v 1.77 2006/05/14 01:40:03 kstephens Exp $

package [% base_package %];

# This package provides base class support for generated Classifiers.

#use 5.6.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Version

our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.77 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d." . "%03d" x $#r, @r };

=head1 NAME

[% base_package %] - base class package for Model [% %];


  use base qw([% base_package %]);


This package provides a base class for Perl modules generated by UMMF.

=head1 USAGE

=head1 EXPORT

  use [% base_package %] qw(:__ummf_array);


=head1 AUTHOR

Kurt Stephens, 2003/04/15

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 VERSION

$Revision: 1.77 $

=head1 METHODS


# Supers

use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = 
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
		   '__ummf_array' => \@EXPORT_OK,

# Dependencies

use Carp qw(croak confess);
use Set::Object;

# Dynamic loading

my %__use;

=head2 C<__use>

  my $pkg = $self->__use('Some::Package');
  my $new_obj = $pkg->new(...);

Dynamically "use" a package.

sub __use
  my ($self, $cls) = @_;

  $cls ||= $self;

  unless ( $__use{$cls} ) {
    # $DB::single = 1;
    no strict 'refs';
    unless ( ${"${cls}::VERSION"} ) {
      use Carp qw(confess);
      # $DB::single = 1;
      eval "use $cls"; confess "Attempting use '$cls':\n$@" if $@;
      ${"${cls}::VERSION"} ||= -1;
    $__use{$cls} = 1;


# Introspection

=head2 C<__factory>

Returns the factory object for this Classifier's Model.

# 'emacs
sub __factory 
  __use('[% model_package %]')->factory;

=head2 C<__metamodel>

Returns the Model for this Classifier.

sub __metamodel 
  __use('[% model_package %]')->model;

my %__classifier;
=head2 C<__classifier>

  my $classifier = $obj_or_package->__classifier;

Returns the UML meta-model Classifier for an object or package.

sub __classifier 
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $name = ref($self) || $self;

  my $cls;
  unless ( $cls = $__classifier{$name} ) {
    use UMMF::Core::Util qw(Namespace_ownedElement_name_);
    $cls = $__classifier{$name} = 
    Namespace_ownedElement_name_($self->__metamodel, $self->__model_name);

=head2 C<__isAbstract>


Returns true if C<<$package>> is an abstract Classifer.

Abstract Classifiers are not instantiable via C<new>.

sub __isAbstract { 1 }

# Validation.

=head2 C<__validate_type>


Returns true if C<$value> is a valid representation of this Classifier.

sub __validate_type { 1 }

=head2 C<__typecheck>

  $value = Some::Package->__typecheck($value, $msg);

Generates an exception with C<$msg> if C<$value> is not a valid representaion of this Classifier.

Returns C<$value>.

sub __typecheck { $_[1] }

# Initialization.

=head2 C<__initialize>

Initialize all slots in an instance with initial values.

Called by C<new> and C<new_>.

sub __initialize { shift }

=head2 C<___initialize>

Initialize all slots of a particular Classifier's Attributes and AssociationEnds.

Called by C<__initialize>.

sub ___initialize { shift }

=head2 C<__create>

Calls all Generalizations' C<__create> methods.

Called by C<new>.

sub __create { shift }

=head2 C<___create>

Placeholder for user-specified <<create>> methods.

Called by C<__create>.

sub ___create { shift }

=head2 C<____create>

Hand-coded subclasses can override this method, but they must return C<$self>.

Called by C<new>.

sub ____create { shift }

# Extent.

=head2 C<$_id>

Variable incremented for each new instance created by C<__new_instance>.  The new ID is stored in the object's C<<$self->{_id}>> slot.

our $_id = 0;

=head2 C<$__new_instance_event>

Defines a subroutine that is called with each new instance created by C<__new_instance>.
Deprecated: See C<add___extent>.

our $__new_instance_event;

my @__extent;

=head2 C<add___extent>

  my $extent = UMMF::Object::Extent->new();
  [% base_package %]->add___extent($extent);

Register a new Extent observer object to this base class.

See also: L<UMMF::Object::Extent|UMMF::Object::Extent>.

sub add___extent
  my ($self, $extent) = @_;

  push(@__extent, $extent);

=head2 C<remove___extent>

  my $extent = ...;
  [% base_package %]->remove__extent($extent);

Deregister an Extent observer object from this base class.

sub remove___extent
  my ($self, $extent) = @_;

  @__extent = grep($_ ne $extent, @__extent);

=head2 C<__extent_add_object>

  $obj = $package->__extent_add_object($obj, @args)

Cause all registered Extent objects to be messaged as C<<$extent->add_object($obj, @args)>>.

Extent observer implementors should note that C<$obj> may not be a fully initialized instance.

Called by C<__new_instance> and C<__clone>.

Overides of C<__new_instance> or C<__clone> should call C<<self->__extent_add_object($obj, ...)>>.

Returns C<$obj>.

sub __extent_add_object
  my ($self, $obj, @args) = @_;

  # Deprecated: use add___extent.
  $__new_instance_event->($self, @args) if $__new_instance_event;

  for my $extent ( @__extent ) {
    $extent->add_object($self, @args);


# Instantiation.

=head2 C<__new_instance>

  my $obj = $package->__new_instance(%attrs);

Returns a new instance, without initializing.

New instances get a unique id stored in C<<$obj->{'_id'}>>.

sub __new_instance
  my ($self, %attrs) = @_;

  $attrs{'_id'} ||= ++ $_id;
  $self->__extent_add_object(bless(\%attrs, ref($self) || $self), '__new_instance');

=head2 C<new>

  my $obj = $package->new(%attrs);

Returns a new, initialized instance using keyword values.

Throws exception if C<<$package->__isAbstract>>.

Calls C<<$package->__new_instance(%attrs)>> to create instance, 
then calls C<<$obj->__initialize()->__create()>> to complete initialization.

sub new
  my ($self, @opts) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  # Abstract Classifiers are not instantitable.
  confess("$self isAbstract") if $self->__isAbstract;

  # Allow __initialize method to delegate instantation.

=head2 C<new_>

  my $obj = $package->new_(@opts);

Returns a new, initialized instance using a matching <<create>> Method.

Throws exception if C<<$package->__isAbstract>>.

Calls C<<$package->__new_instance()>> to create instance without any initialization keyword values
then calls C<<$obj->__initialize()->__create(@opts)>> to complete initialization.

sub new_
  my ($self, @opts) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  # Abstract Classifiers are not instantitable.
  confess("$self isAbstract") if $self->__isAbstract;

  # Allow __initialize method to delegate instantation.

=head2 C<__clone>

  my $clone = $obj->__clone();

Returns a new cloned instance.

Clones get a unique id stored in C<<$clone->{'_id'}>>.

sub __clone
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self = bless({ %$self }, ref($self));

  $self->{'_id'} .= '.' . ++ $_id; # Fix me!!!

  # Clone all attributes.
  for my $key ( keys %$self ) {
    my $v = \$self->{$key};
    if ( ref($$v) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
      $$v = [ @$$v ];
    } elsif ( ref($$v) eq 'HASH' ) {
      $$v = { %$$v };
    } elsif ( ref($v) eq 'Set::Object') {
      $$v = Set::Object->new(($$v)->members);


  $self->__extent_add_object($self, '__clone');

=head2 C<__clone_deepen>

Further deepens any composed objects in a instance.
Subclasses may override and call SUPER.

sub __clone_deepen
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Clone all the aggegrated Associations.


=head2 C<__ummf_disassemble>


Dissassembles an object graph, recursively, by traversing any Attributes or AssoicationEnds.

Only objects that respond to C<__ummf_disassemble> are affected.


sub __ummf_disassemble ($)
  no warnings;

  my ($self) = @_;

  # untie(%$self); # Dont allow Tangram OnDemand start pulling things in.

  # print STDERR "__ummf_disassemble $self\n";

  # Get list of objects to traverse.
  my @x;
  for my $k ( keys %$self ) {
    untie $self->{$k}; # Dont allow Tangram::*OnDemand start pulling things in.
    my $v = $self->{$k};

    if ( my $ref = ref($v) ) {
      if ( $ref eq 'Set::Object' ) {
	push(@x, $v->members);
      elsif ( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	push(@x, @$v);
      elsif ( $ref eq 'HASH' ) {
	push(@x, values %$v);
      else {
	push(@x, $v);

  # Only objects that can disassemble.
  @x = grep(UNIVERSAL::can($_, '__ummf_disassemble'), @x);

  # Empty $self; avoids recursion.
  %$self = ();

  # Process.
  for $self ( @x ) {

# Exported Helpers

=head2 __ummf_array_index

  my $i = __ummf_array_index(\@a, $elem);

Returns the first index of C<$elem> in C<@a> or undef.

sub __ummf_array_index
  my ($a, $e) = @_;

  my $i = 0;
  for my $ae ( @$a ) {
    return $i if $ae eq $e;
    ++ $i;
  undef; # Not found.

=head2 __ummf_array_delete

  __ummf_array_delete(\@a, $elem);

Deletes all C<$elem> in C<@a>.

sub __ummf_array_delete
  my ($a, $e) = @_;

  my $i = 0;
  while ( $i < @$a ) {
    if ( $a->[$i] eq $e ) {
      splice(@$a, $i, 1);
    ++ $i;

=head2 __ummf_array_delete_once

  __ummf_array_delete_once(\@a, $elem);

Deletes the first C<$elem> in C<@a>.

sub __ummf_array_delete_once
  my ($a, $e) = @_;

  my $i = 0;
  while ( $i < @$a ) {
    if ( $a->[$i] eq $e ) {
      splice(@$a, $i, 1);
    ++ $i;

=head2 __ummf_array_delete_each

  __ummf_array_delete_each(\@a, \@elem);

Deletes each element in C<@elem> in C<@a>.

sub __ummf_array_delete_each
  my ($a, $es) = @_;
  for my $e ( @$es ) {
    __ummf_array_delete($a, $e);

=head2 __ummf_array_delete_each

  __ummf_array_delete_each(\@a, \@elem);

Deletes each first element in C<@elem> in C<@a>.

sub __ummf_array_delete_each_once
  my ($a, $es) = @_;
  for my $e ( @$es ) {
    __ummf_array_delete_once($a, $e);


use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);

our $AUTOLOAD_verbose = 0;

sub __true { 1 };
sub __false { 1 };

my %__isa;

=head2 C<AUTOLOAD>

Autoloader to simplify isa<Classifier>() handling of disjoint types.
This also prints a verbose stack trace for an unimplemented method.

  no strict 'refs';
  my ($self, @args) = @_;
  local ($1, $2);
  my ($package, $operation) = $AUTOLOAD =~ m/^(?:(.+)::)([^:]+)$/;
  return if $operation eq 'DESTROY';
  my ($method); # The autogenerated method.
  #$DB::single = 1;
  # warn __PACKAGE__ . ": package='$package' operation='$operation'";
  # Handle isa<Classifier> automagically.
  # better check your spelling!!
  if ( $self && $operation =~ /^isa[A-Z]/ ) {
    my $ref = ref($self) || $self;

    # Install true method in $self class, not any superclass.
    $AUTOLOAD = "${ref}::${operation}";

    # Check a false cache.
    my $method = $__isa{$AUTOLOAD};
    unless ( defined $method ) {
      my @x = @{"${ref}::ISA"};
      while ( @x ) {
	my $x = pop @x;
	if ( UNIVERSAL::can($x, $operation) && $x->$operation ) {
	  $method = \&__true;
	push(@x, @{"${x}::ISA"});
      $__isa{"$ref\t$operation"} = 0;

    # Do not install false method, so multiple-inheritance will work.
    # print STDERR "$ref \t $operation \t = $method->()\n";
    return undef unless $method;
  # Install the generated method and invoke it.
  if ( $method ) {
    *{$AUTOLOAD} = $method;
    # Tail call.
    goto &$method;
  } else {
    use Carp qw(confess);
    use Data::Dumper;

    # Nice feature:
    # Print a stack trace if an undefined method is called.
    # Why doesn't Perl always do this?
    my $e = 
      'type'      => 'UndefinedMethod',
      'package'   => $package,
      'operation' => $operation,
      'receiver'  => "$self",
      'arguments' => [ map("$_", @args) ],


1; # Is true!!!

#//-// FILE END [% base_package_file %]

[% FOREACH cls = classifier %]
[% NEXT UNLESS cls.generate %]

#//-// FILE BEGIN [% cls.package_file %]

# -*- perl -*-
# DO NOT EDIT - This file is generated by UMMF; 
# From template: $Id: Perl.txt,v 1.77 2006/05/14 01:40:03 kstephens Exp $

package [% cls.package %];

#use 5.6.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Version

our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q{[% cls.version %]} =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d." . "%03d" x $#r, @r };

# Documentation

=head1 NAME

[% cls.package %] -- [% cls.documentation %]

=head1 VERSION

[% cls.version %]



=head1 USAGE

=head1 EXPORT


L<[% cls.metatype %]|[% cls.metatype %]>


[% FOREACH super = cls.supers %]
L<[% super %]|[% super %]>

[% END %]
[% FOREACH super = cls.abstraction %]
L<[% super.package %]|[% super.package %]>

[% END %]
[% FOREACH super = cls.supers_default %]
L<[% super %]|[% super %]>

[% END %]

[% IF cls.isaEnumeration %]


[% FOREACH attr = cls.literal %]

=head2 C<[% attr.name_ %]>

[% attr.documentation %]

[% END %]

[% ELSE %]


[% UNLESS cls.attributes %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH attr = cls.attribute %]

=head2 C<[% attr.name_ %]> : [% attr.type %] [% UNLESS attr.multi_single %][C<[% attr.multi %]>][% END %]

[% attr.documentation %]

=over 4

=item metatype = L<[% attr.metatype %]|[% attr.metatype %]>

=item type = L<[% attr.type %]|[% attr.type %]>

=item visibility = C<[% attr.visibility %]>

=item multiplicity = C<[% attr.multi %]>

=item changeability = C<[% attr.changeability %]>

=item targetScope = C<[% attr.targetScope %]>

=item ordering = C<[% attr.ordering %]>

=item initialValue = [% IF attr.initialValue_defined %]C<<[% attr.initialValue %]>>[% ELSE %]I<UNSPECIFIED>[% END %]

=item container_type = C<[% attr.container_type %]>


[% END %]


[% UNLESS cls.associations %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH clsend = cls.association %]
[% FOREACH end = clsend.opposite %]

=head2 C<[% clsend.name_ %]> : I<THIS> C<[% clsend.multi %]> [% IF clsend.isNavigable %]E<lt>[% ELSE %]-[% END %]---[% IF end.isNavigable %]E<gt>[% ELSE %]-[% END %]  C<[% end.name_ %]> : [% end.type %] C<[% end.multi %]>

[% end.documentation %]

=over 4

=item metatype = L<[% end.metatype %]|[% end.metatype %]>

=item type = L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>

=item multiplicity = C<[% end.multi %]>

=item changeability = C<[% end.changeability %]>

=item targetScope = C<[% end.targetScope %]>

=item ordering = C<[% end.ordering %]>

=item isNavigable = C<[% end.isNavigable %]>

=item aggregation = C<[% end.aggregation %]>

=item visibility = C<[% end.visibility %]>

=item container_type = C<[% end.container_type %]>


[% END %]
[% END %]

[% END %]

=head1 METHODS


[% cls.header %]

# Dependencies

[% FOREACH dep = cls.dependency %]
use [% dep.package %];
[% END %]

[% FOREACH dep = cls.usage %]
use [% dep %];
[% END %]

[% IF cls.imports %]
use use_alias qw(
[% FOREACH dep = cls.import %]
  [% dep %]

[% END %]
[% END %]

use Carp qw(croak confess);
use Set::Object 1.05;
use Class::Multimethods 1.70;
use Data::Dumper;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use [% base_package %] qw(:__ummf_array);

# Generalizations

use base qw(
[% FOREACH super = cls.supers %]
  [% super %]
[% END %]

[% FOREACH super = cls.abstraction %]
  [% super.package %]
[% END %]

[% FOREACH super = cls.supers_default %]
  [% super %]
[% END %]

[% IF cls.isaEnumeration %]
[% END %]


# Exports

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
[% IF cls.isaEnumeration %]
  [% FOREACH literal = cls.literal %]
    [% literal.NAME_ %]
  [% END %]
[% END %]
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => \@EXPORT_OK );

[% IF cls.primitive || cls.construct %]

# Instantiation

=head2 C<new>

Constructs new [% cls.package %] value.

sub new
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

  my $x = pop(@args);

  [% IF cls.construct %]
  $x = [% cls.construct %]
  [% END %]

  __typecheck($self, $x, '[% cls.package %]::new');


[% ELSIF cls.isaEnumeration %]
=head2 C<new>

  my $x = [% cls.package %]->new($literal);

Constructs new [% cls.package %] literal value.
C<$literal> must be one of the following:

=over 4

[% FOREACH literal = cls.literal %]

=item * '[% literal.name_ %]'

[% END %]


sub new
  my ($self, @args) = @_;
  my $x = pop(@args);
  __typecheck($self, $x, '[% cls.package %]::new');

[% END %]

[% IF cls.isaEnumeration %]

# EnumerationLiterals

[% FOREACH literal = cls.literal %]

=head2 C<[% literal.NAME_ %]>

Returns '[% literal.name_ %]'.

sub [% literal.NAME_ %]
  '[% literal.name_ %]';

[% END %]

[% END %]

# Validation

[% IF cls.isaEnumeration %]
[% DEFAULT cls.validate_type = '$__literal{$x}' %]
my %__literal = 
 [% FOREACH literal = cls.literal %]
   '[% literal.name_ %]' => '[% literal.name_ %]',
 [% END %]
[% END %]
[% DEFAULT cls.validate_type = "UNIVERSAL::isa(\$x, '${cls.package}')" %]

=head2 C<__validate_type>


Returns true if C<$value> is a valid representation of L<[%cls.package%]|[%cls.package%]>.

sub __validate_type($$)
  my ($self, $x) = @_;

  no warnings;

  [% cls.validate_type %]

=head2 C<__typecheck>

  [%cls.package%]->__typecheck($value, $msg);

Calls C<confess()> with C<$msg> if C<<[%cls.package%]->__validate_type($value)>> is false.

sub __typecheck
  my ($self, $x, $msg) = @_;

  confess("typecheck: $msg: type '" . '[%cls.package%]' . ": value '$x'")
    unless __validate_type($self, $x);

=head2 C<isa[% cls.name_ %]>

Returns true if receiver is a L<[% cls.package %]|[% cls.package %]>.
Other receivers will return false.

sub isa[% cls.name_ %] { 1 }

[% IF cls.name_q_ != cls.name_ %]
=head2 C<isa[% cls.name_q_ %]>

Returns true if receiver is a L<[% cls.package %]|[% cls.package %]>.
Other receivers will return false.
This is the fully qualified version of the C<isa[% cls.name_ %]> method.

sub isa[% cls.name_q_ %] { 1 }
[% END %]

# Introspection

=head2 C<__model_name> 

  my $name = $obj_or_package->__model_name;

Returns the UML Model name (C<'[% cls.name_q %]'>) for an object or package of
this Classifier.

sub __model_name { '[% cls.name_q %]' }

=head2 C<__isAbstract>


Returns C<[% IF cls.isAbstract %]1[% ELSE %]0[% END %]>.

sub __isAbstract { [% IF cls.isAbstract %]1[% ELSE %]0[% END %]; }

my $__tangram_schema;
=head2 C<__tangram_schema>

  my $tangram_schema $obj_or_package->__tangram_schema

Returns a HASH ref that describes this Classifier for Tangram.

See L<UMMF::Export::Perl::Tangram|UMMF::Export::Perl::Tangram>

sub __tangram_schema
  my ($self) = @_;

  $__tangram_schema ||=
[% IF && ! cls.isaEnumeration %]
   'classes' =>
     '[% cls.package %]' =>
[% IF cls.storage_type_impl %]
       'type_impl' => '[% cls.storage_type_impl %]',
[% ELSE %]
       'table' => '[% cls.tangram_table %]',
       'abstract' => [% IF cls.isAbstract || cls.isaInterface %]1[% ELSE %]0[% END %],
       'slots' => 
	 # Attributes
	 [% FOREACH attr = cls.attribute %]
	   [% tangram_field(cls=cls,attr=attr) %]
         [% END %]

	 # Associations
	 [% FOREACH clsend = cls.association %]
	 [% FOREACH end = clsend.opposite %]
	   [% tangram_field(cls=cls,attr=end) %]
         [% END %]
         [% END %]
       'bases' => [ [% FOREACH x = cls.supers %] '[% x %]', [% END %] ],
       'sql' => {
[% IF cls.storage_field_id %]
         'id_col' => '[% cls.storage_field_id %]', 
[% END %]
[% IF cls.storage_field_class %]
[% IF cls.storage_field_class == 'false' %]
          'no_class_col' => 1,
[% ELSE %]
         'class_col' => '[% cls.storage_field_class %]', 
[% END %]
[% END %]

[% UNLESS cls.storage_deploy_table %]
         'no_deploy_table' => 1, 
[% END %]
[% END %]

   'sql' =>
    # Note Tangram::Ref::get_exporter() has
    # "UPDATE $table SET $self->{col} = $refid WHERE id = $id",
    # The id_col is hard-coded, 
    # Thus id_col will not work.
    #'id_col' => '__sid',
    #'class_col' => '__stype',
     # 'set_id' => sub { }
     # 'get_id' => sub { }
[% END %]

   [% IF cls.storage_deploy %]
   'deploy' => { '[% cls.package %]' => '[% cls.storage_deploy %]', },
   [% END %]
   [% IF cls.storage_retreat %]
   'retreat' =>{ '[% cls.package %]' => '[% cls.storage_retreat %]', },
   [% END %]


# Class Attributes

[% FOREACH attr = cls.attribute %]
  [% UNLESS attr.instance %]
my [% attr.loc %][% IF attr.initialValue_defined %] = [% attr.initialValue %][% END %];
  [% END %]
[% END %]

# Class Associations

[% FOREACH cls_end = cls.association %]
[% FOREACH end = cls_end.opposite %]
[% NEXT UNLESS end.isNavigable %]
[% UNLESS cls_end.instance %]
my [% end.loc %][% IF end.initialValue_defined %] = [% end.initialValue %][% END %];
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]

# Initialization

=head2 C<___initialize>

Initialize all Attributes and AssociationEnds in a instance of this Classifier.
Does B<not> initalize slots in its Generalizations.

See also: C<__initialize>.

sub ___initialize
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Attributes

[% FOREACH attr = cls.attribute %]
  [% IF attr.instance %]
  # Attribute [% attr.name_ %]

  if ( exists [% attr.loc %] ) {
    my $x = [% attr.loc %];
    [% attr.loc %] = undef;
    [% IF attr.multi_single %]
    $self->set_[% attr.name_ %]($x);
    [% ELSE %]
    $self->set_[% attr.name_ %](ref($x) ? @$x : $x);
    [% END %]
  } else {
    [% IF attr.initialValue_defined %]
    [% attr.loc %] = [% attr.initialValue %];
    [% END %]
  [% END %]

[% END %]

  # Associations

[% FOREACH cls_end = cls.association %]
[% FOREACH end = cls_end.opposite %]
[% NEXT UNLESS end.isNavigable %]
[% NEXT UNLESS cls_end.instance %]
  # AssociationEnd 
  #  [% %] [% cls_end.multi %] 

  #  <--> 
  #  [% %] [% end.multi %] [% end.type %].
  [% IF end.multi_single %]
  if ( defined [% end.loc %] ) {
    my $x = [% end.loc %];
    [% end.loc %] = undef;
    $self->set_[% end.name_ %]($x);
  [% ELSE %]
  if ( defined [% end.loc %] ) {
    my $x = [% end.loc %];
    [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
    [% end.loc %] = [ ];
    [% ELSE %]
    [% end.loc %] = Set::Object->new();
    [% END %]
    $self->set_[% end.name_ %](@$x);
  [% END %]

[% END %]
[% END %]


my $__initialize_use;

=head2 C<__initialize>

Initialize all slots in this Classifier and all its Generalizations.

See also: C<___initialize>.

sub __initialize
  my ($self) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;

  unless ( ! $__initialize_use ) {
    $__initialize_use = 1;
[% FOREACH super = cls.generalization_all %]
    $self->__use('[% super.package %]');
[% END %]

  $self->[% cls.package %]::___initialize;
[% FOREACH super = cls.generalization_all %]
  $self->[% super.package %]::___initialize;
[% END %]


=head2 C<__create>

Calls all <<create>> Methods for this Classifier and all Generalizations.

See also: C<___create>.

sub __create
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

  # $DB::single = 1;
  $self->[% cls.package %]::___create(@args);
[% FOREACH super = cls.generalization_all %]
  $self->[% super.package %]::___create();
[% END %]


# Attributes

[% FOREACH attr = cls.attribute %]

=for html <hr/>


# Attribute [% attr.name_ %]

# type = [% attr.type %] 

# multiplicity = [% attr.multi %] 

# ordering = [% attr.ordering %]

# ownerScope = [% attr.ownerScope %]

# initialValue = [% attr.initialValue %]

[% IF attr.multi_single %]
=head2 C<[% attr.name_ %]>

  my $val = $obj->[% attr.name_ %];

Returns the L<[% attr.type %]|[% attr.type %]> value of Attribute C<[% %]>.

sub [% attr.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  [% attr.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% attr.loc %];

  [% attr.getter_after %];


[% UNLESS attr.changeability == 'frozen' AND ! attr.instance %]
=head2 C<set_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->set_[% attr.name_ %]($val);

Sets the value of Attribute C<[% %]>.
C<$val> must be of type L<[% attr.type %]|[% attr.type %]> or C<undef>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub set_[% attr.name_ %] ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  if ( defined $val ) {
    [% attr.typecheck %];

  [% IF attr.weak_ref %]weaken([% END %]
  [% attr.loc %] = $val
  [% IF attr.weak_ref %])[% END %];

  [% attr.setter_after %];


=head2 C<count_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->count_[% attr.name_ %];

Returns the number of elements (0 or 1) in C<[% attr.name_ %]>.

sub count_[% attr.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  [% attr.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% attr.loc %];

  [% attr.getter_after %];

  defined $val ? 1 : 0;

[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
=head2 C<[% attr.name_ %]>

  my $array_ref = $obj->[% attr.name_ %];
  my @val = $obj->[% attr.name_ %];

Returns the L<[% attr.type %]|[% attr.type %]> values of Attribute C<[% %]>.
In list context it returns the list of values.
In scalar context it returns a reference to the list of values.

sub [% attr.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  [% attr.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ];

  [% attr.getter_after %];

  wantarray ? @$val : $val;

[% IF attr.ordering == 'ordered' %]
=head2 C<index_[% attr.name_ %]>

  my $x = $obj->index_[% attr.name_ %]($i);
  my @x = $obj->index_[% attr.name_ %]($i, $count);

In scalar context, returns the value of Attribute C<[% %]> at index C<$i>.
In array context, returns the values between index C<$i> and C<$i + $count - 1>, inclusive.

sub index_[% attr.name_ %] ($$@)
  my ($self, $i, $count) = @_;

  [% attr.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ];

  [% attr.getter_after %];

  wantarray ? $val->[$i .. (defined $count ? $i + $count - 1 : $i)]
            : $val->[$i];

=head2 C<index_of_[% attr.name_ %]>

  my $index = $obj->index_of_[% attr.name_ %]($x);

Returns the index of C<$x> in Attribute C<[% %]>.
Return C<undef> if C<$x> is not in C<[% %]>.

sub index_of_[% attr.name_ %] ($$)
  my ($self, $x) = @_;

  [% attr.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ];

  [% attr.getter_after %];

  __ummf_array_index($val, $x);
[% END %]

=head2 C<set_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->set_[% attr.name_ %](@val);

Sets the values of Attribute C<[% %]>.
The elements of C<@val> must be of type L<[% attr.type %]|[% attr.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub set_[% attr.name_ %] ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  for my $val ( @val ) { 
    [% attr.typecheck %];
  [% attr.loc %] = \@val;
  [% IF attr.weak_ref %]for my $x ( @val ) { weaken($x); }[% END %]

  [% attr.setter_after %];


[% IF attr.ordering == 'ordered' %]
=head2 C<set_index_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->set_index_[% attr.name_ %]($i, $val);

Sets the value of Attribute C<[% %]> at index C<$i>.
Returns self.

sub set_index_[% attr.name_ %] ($$$)
  my ($self, $i, $val) = @_;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  my $x = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ];

  [% IF attr.weak_ref %]weaken([% END %]
  $x->[$i] = $val
  [% IF attr.weak_ref %])[% END %];

  [% attr.setter_after %];


[% END %]
=head2 C<add_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->add_[% attr.name_ %](@val);

Adds the values of Attribute C<[% %]>.
The elements of C<@val> must be of type L<[% attr.type %]|[% attr.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub add_[% attr.name_ %] ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  for my $val ( @val ) { 
    [% attr.typecheck %];

  my $x = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ]; 
  push(@$x, @val);
  [% IF attr.weak_ref %]weaken($x->[-1]);[% END %]

  [% attr.setter_after %];

[% IF attr.ordering == 'ordered' %]

=head2 C<add_index_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->add_index_[% attr.name_ %]($i, @val);

Add values of Attribute C<[% %]> at index C<$i>.
Returns self.

sub add_index_[% attr.name_ %] ($$@)
  my ($self, $i, @val) = @_;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  my $x = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ];

  splice(@$x, $i, 0, @val);
  [% IF attr.weak_ref %]grep(weaken($_), @{$x}[$i .. ($i + $#val)]) if @val;[% END %]

  [% attr.setter_after %];

[% END %]

=head2 C<remove_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->remove_[% attr.name_ %](@val);

Removes values from Attribute C<[% %]>.
The elements of C<@val> must be of type L<[% attr.type %]|[% attr.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub remove_[% attr.name_ %] ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  for my $val ( @val ) { 
    [% attr.typecheck %];

  my $x = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ];
  __ummf_array_delete_each($x, \@val);

  [% attr.setter_after %];

[% IF attr.ordering == 'ordered' %]

=head2 C<remove_index_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->remove_index_[% attr.name_ %]($i, $count);
  $obj->remove_index_[% attr.name_ %]($i);

Remove the values of Attribute C<[% %]> at index C<$i> (or between index C<$i> and C<$i + $count - 1>, inclusive).
Returns self.

sub remove_index_[% attr.name_ %] ($$@)
  my ($self, $i, $count) = @_;

  $count ||= 1;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  my $x = [% attr.loc %] ||= [ ];

  splice(@$x, $i, $count);

  [% attr.setter_after %];

[% END %]

=head2 C<clear_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->clear_[% attr.name_ %];

Removes all values from Attribute C<[% %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub clear_[% attr.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  [% attr.setter_before %];

  [% attr.loc %] = [ ];

  [% attr.setter_after %];

=head2 C<count_[% attr.name_ %]>

  $obj->count_[% attr.name_ %];

Returns the number of elements in C<[% %]>.

sub count_[% attr.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  [% attr.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% attr.loc %];

  [% attr.getter_after %];

  $val ? scalar @$val : 0;

[% END %]
[% END %]

# Association

[% FOREACH cls_end = cls.association %]
[% FOREACH end = cls_end.opposite %]
[% NEXT UNLESS end.isNavigable %]

=for html <hr/>


# AssociationEnd [% %] <---> [% %]

# type = [% end.type %]

# multiplicity = [% end.multi %]

# ordering = [% end.ordering %]

[% IF end.multi_single %]

=head2 C<[% end.name_ %]>

  my $val = $obj->[% end.name_ %];

Returns the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> value of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.

sub [% end.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;
  [% end.loc %];

=head2 C<set_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->set_[% end.name_ %]($val);

Sets the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> value.
C<$val> must of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub set_[% end.name_ %] ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;
  no warnings; # Use of uninitialized value in string ne at ...
  my $old;
  if ( ($old = [% end.loc %]) ne $val ) { # Recursion lock

    if ( defined $val ) { [% end.typecheck %] }

    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.weak_ref %]weaken([% END %]
    [% end.loc %] = $val
    [% IF end.weak_ref %])[% END %];

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    [% other(end=end) %]

=head2 C<add_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->add_[% end.name_ %]($val);

Adds the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> value.
C<$val> must of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Throws exception if a value already exists.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub add_[% end.name_ %] ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  no warnings; # Use of uninitialized value in string ne at ...

  my $old;
  if ( ($old = [% end.loc %]) ne $val ) { # Recursion lock
    [% end.typecheck %];
    # confess("[% cls.package %]::[% end.name_ %]: too many")
    # if defined [% end.loc %];

    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.weak_ref %]weaken([% END %]
    [% end.loc %] = $val
    [% IF end.weak_ref %])[% END %];

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    [% other(end=end) %]



=head2 C<remove_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->remove_[% end.name_ %]($val);

Removes the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> value C<$val>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub remove_[% end.name_ %] ($$)
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  no warnings; # Use of uninitialized value in string ne at ...

  my $old;
  if ( ($old = [% end.loc %]) eq $val ) { # Recursion lock
    $val = [% end.loc %] = undef;         # Recursion lock

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    [% other(end=end) %]


=head2 C<clear_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->clear_[% end.name_ %];

Clears the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> links to L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub clear_[% end.name_ %] ($@)
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $old;
  if ( defined ($old = [% end.loc %]) ) { # Recursion lock
    my $val = [% end.loc %] = undef;      # Recursion lock

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    [% other(end=end) %]


=head2 C<count_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->count_[% end.name_ %];

Returns the number of elements of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]> associated with C<[% %]>.

sub count_[% end.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $x = [% end.loc %];

  defined $x ? 1 : 0;

[% ELSE %]

=head2 C<[% end.name_ %]>

  my @val = $obj->[% end.name_ %];
  my $ary_val = $obj->[% end.name_ %];

Returns the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> values of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
In array context, returns all the objects in the Association.
In scalar context, returns an array ref of all the objects in the Association.

sub [% end.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];

  wantarray ? @{$x} : $x;
  [% ELSE %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %];

  # confess("Container for [% end.name_ %] $x is not a blessed ref: " . Data::Dumper->new([ $self ], [qw($self)])->Maxdepth(2)->Dump()) if $x && ref($x) !~ /::/;
  wantarray ? ($x ? $x->members() : ()) : [ $x ? $x->members() : () ];
  [% END %]

[% IF end.ordering == 'ordered' %]
[% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]

=head2 C<index_[% end.name_ %]>

  my $x = $obj->index_[% end.name_ %]($i);
  my @x = $obj->index_[% end.name_ %]($i, $count);

In scalar context, returns the value of AssociationEnd C<[% %]> at index C<$i>.
In array context, returns the values between index C<$i> and C<$i + $count - 1>, inclusive.

sub index_[% end.name_ %] ($$@)
  my ($self, $i, $count) = @_;

  [% end.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];

  [% end.getter_after %];

  wantarray ? $val->[$i .. (defined $count ? $i + $count - 1 : $i)]
            : $val->[$i];

=head2 C<index_of_[% end.name_ %]>

  my $index = $obj->index_of_[% end.name_ %]($val);

Returns the index of C<$val> in AssociationEnd C<[% %]>.
Return C<undef> if C<$val> is not in C<[% %]>.

sub index_of_[% end.name_ %] ($$)
  my ($self, $x) = @_;

  [% end.getter_before %];

  my $val = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];

  [% end.getter_after %];

  __ummf_array_index($val, $x);
[% END %]
[% END %]

=head2 C<set_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->set_[% end.name_ %](@val);

Sets the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> value.
Elements of C<@val> must of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub set_[% end.name_ %] ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;
  $self->clear_[% end.name_ %];
  $self->add_[% end.name_ %](@val);

[% IF end.ordering == 'ordered' %]
[% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
=head2 C<set_index_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->set_index_[% end.name_ %]($i, $val);

Sets the value of AssociationEnd C<[% %]> at index C<$i>.
Returns self.

sub set_index_[% end.name_ %] ($$$)
  my ($self, $i, $val) = @_;

  [% end.setter_before %];

  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];

  no warnings;
  my $old;
  if ( ($old = $x->[$i]) ne $val) {
    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.weak_ref %]weaken([% END %]
    $x->[$i] = $val
    [% IF end.weak_ref %])[% END %];

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    [% other(end=end) %]

    [% end.setter_after %];


[% END %]
[% END %]
=head2 C<add_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->add_[% end.name_ %](@val);

Adds AssociationEnd C<[% %]> values.
Elements of C<@val> must of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub add_[% end.name_ %] ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;
  [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];
  [% ELSE %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= Set::Object->new();
  [% END %]
  my $old; # Place holder for other MACRO.
  for my $val ( @val ) {
    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
    next if grep($_ eq $val, @$x);
    [% ELSE %]
    next if $x->includes($val);
    [% END %]
    [% end.typecheck %];

    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
    push(@{$x}, $val);
    [% IF end.weak_ref %]weaken($x->[-1]);[% END %]
    [% ELSE %]
    # weaken?
    [% END %]

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    [% other(end=end) %]

[% IF end.ordering == 'ordered' %]
=head2 C<add_index_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->add_index_[% end.name_ %]($i, @val);

Adds AssociationEnd C<[% %]> values at index C<$i>.
Elements of C<@val> must of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub add_index_[% end.name_ %] ($$@)
  my ($self, $i, @val) = @_;

  [% end.setter_before %]

  [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];
  [% ELSE %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= Set::Object->new();
  [% END %]
  my $old; # Place holder for other MACRO.
  for my $val ( @val ) {
    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
    next if grep($_ eq $val, @$x);
    [% ELSE %]
    next if $x->includes($val);
    [% END %]
    [% end.typecheck %];

    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
    splice(@{$x}, $i, 0, $val); # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.weak_ref %]weaken($x->[$i]);[% END %]
    ++ $i;
    [% ELSE %]
    $x->insert($val);            # Recursion lock
    # weaken?
    [% END %]

    # Remove and add associations with other ends.
    [% other(end=end) %]
  [% end.setter_after %]


[% END %]
=head2 C<remove_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->remove_[% end.name_ %](@val);

Removes the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> values C<@val>.
Elements of C<@val> must of type L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub remove_[% end.name_ %] ($@)
  my ($self, @val) = @_;
  [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];
  [% ELSE %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= Set::Object->new();
  [% END %]

  for my $old ( @val ) {
    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
    my $i; # index of $old in @$x.
    next unless defined($i = __ummf_array_index($x, $old));
    [% ELSE %]
    next unless $x->includes($old);
    [% END %]

    my $val = $old;
    [% end.typecheck %];

    # Recursion lock
    [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
    splice(@$x, $i, 1); [% # splice() preserves weaken() upon delete. %]
    [% ELSE %]
    [% END %]

    $val = undef;

    # Remove associations with other ends.

    [% other(end=end) %];


=head2 C<clear_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->clear_[% end.name_ %];

Clears the AssociationEnd C<[% %]> links to L<[% end.type %]|[% end.type %]>.
Returns C<$obj>.

sub clear_[% end.name_ %] ($) 
  my ($self) = @_;
  [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= [ ];
  [% ELSE %]
  my $x = [% end.loc %] ||= Set::Object->new();
  [% END %]

  my $val; # Place holder for other MACRO.
  [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
  [% end.loc %] = [ ];  # Recursion lock
  for my $old ( @$x ) { # Recursion lock
  [% ELSE %]
  [% end.loc %] = Set::Object->new(); # Recursion lock
  for my $old ( $x->members() ) {     # Recursion lock
  [% END %]

    # Remove associations with other ends.

    [% other(end=end) %];


=head2 C<count_[% end.name_ %]>

  $obj->count_[% end.name_ %];

Returns the number of elements associated with C<[% %]>.

sub count_[% end.name_ %] ($)
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $x = [% end.loc %];

  [% IF end.container_type == 'ARRAY' %]
  defined $x ? scalar @$x : 0;
  [% ELSE %]
  defined $x ? $x->size : 0;
  [% END %]

[% END %]

[% END %]
[% END %]

[% IF cls.methods %]
## Methods

[% FOREACH meth = cls.method %]
[% IF meth.op.has_stereotype.create || meth.has_stereotype.create %]
[% SET meth.op.name_impl = '___create' %]
[% SET meth.multimethod = 1 %]
[% SET cls.found_create = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% DEFAULT meth.op.name_impl = meth.op.name_ %]

=head2 C<[% meth.op.name_impl %]>

  $obj->[% meth.op.name_impl %]([% FOREACH param = meth.op.parameter %]$[% %][%- ", " UNLESS loop.last %][% END %]);

[% meth.op.documentation %]



[% FOREACH param = meth.op.parameter %]

=item C<$[% param.name_ %]> : L<[% param.type %]|[% param.type %]> [% IF param.defaultValue_defined %] = [% param.defaultValue %][% END %]

[% END %]



  id = [% %]; = [% %];

[% IF meth.multimethod %]
multimethod '[% meth.op.name_impl %]' => 
(__PACKAGE__ [% FOREACH param = meth.op.parameter %][% IF param.defaultValue_defined %], '$'[% ELSE %], [% IF param.type_primitive == 'SCALAR' %]'$'[% ELSE %]'[% param.type_primitive %]'[% END %][% END %][% END %] ) => 
[% ELSE %]
sub [% meth.op.name_impl %] ($[% FOREACH param = meth.op.parameter %][% UNLESS param.defaultValue_defined %]$[% END %][% END %])
[% END %]
  [% IF meth.op.debug_break %]
  $DB::single = 1;
  [% END %]
[% IF cls.isaInterface %]
  confess("Method [% meth.op.name_ %] from Interface [% cls.package %] not implemented");
[% ELSE %]
  my ($self[% FOREACH param = meth.op.parameter %][%- ", " %]$[% param.name_ %][% END %]) = @_;
  [% FOREACH param = meth.op.parameter %]
  [% IF param.defaultValue_defined %]
  $[% param.name_ %] = [% param.defaultValue %] unless defined $[% param.name_ %]; # defaultValue
  [% END %]
  [% END %]
  [% IF meth.body_defined %]
  [% meth.body %]
  [% ELSE %]
  confess('Method ' . '[% cls.package %]' . '::' . '[% meth.op.name_ %]' .' not defined; try using tagged value "ummf.Perl.body" on the UML Method; or use "# UMMF-LANG: Perl" comments in default Expression language to delimit Perl code.');
  [% END %]
[% END %]

# End of Class [% %] Method [% %] 

[% END %]

[% UNLESS cls.found_create %]

=head2 C<___create>

Placeholder for undefined <<create>> Method.

See also: C<__create>.

multimethod '___create'
=> (__PACKAGE__)
=> sub { shift; };

[% END %]

# End of Class [% %] Methods

[% END %]

# End of Class [% %]

[% cls.footer %]


=for html <hr/>




1; # is true!


### Keep these comments at end of file: 2003/04/06 ###
### Local Variables: ###
### mode:perl ###
### perl-indent-level:2 ###
### perl-continued-statement-offset:0 ###
### perl-brace-offset:0 ###
### perl-label-offset:0 ###
### End: ###

#//-// FILE END [% cls.package_file %]
[% END %]


### Keep these comments at end of file: 2003/04/06 ###
### Local Variables: ###
### mode:perl ###
### perl-indent-level:2 ###
### perl-continued-statement-offset:0 ###
### perl-brace-offset:0 ###
### perl-label-offset:0 ###
### End: ###