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lib/WWW/Shopify.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;

package WWW::Shopify;

our $VERSION = '1.04';

use WWW::Shopify::Exception;
use WWW::Shopify::Field;
use Module::Find;
use WWW::Shopify::URLHandler;
use WWW::Shopify::Query;
use WWW::Shopify::Login;
use WWW::Shopify::GraphQL;

# Make sure we include all our models so that when people call the model, we actually know what they're talking about.
BEGIN {	eval(join("\n", map { "require $_;" } findallmod WWW::Shopify::Model)); if (my $exp = $@) { die $exp; } }

package WWW::Shopify;

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