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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

1.01 2014-01-06

    - don't "use" optional modules in tests

1.00 2013-12-16

    - tests updated for HTML-FormFu v1.00 changes

0.09010 2012-10-05

    - Support belongs_to rel with a ComboBox element.
    - localize_label works with non-column label accessors.
    - Add support to create required belongs_to rels (pshangov).
    - options_from_model() can populate from DBIx::Class ENUM values.
    - Constraint::DBIC::Unique - new id_field() and method_name() methods.
    - Constraint::DBIC::Unique - others() now supports nested_names values.

t/default_values/belongs_to_lookup_table_combobox.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

auto_fieldset: 1

  - type: Hidden
    name: id

  - type: Text
    name: text_col

  - type: ComboBox
    name: type
    # set this, so options_from_model() populates the menu,
    # so we can test the correct default is set
        resultset: Type
        select_column: id
        text_column: type

  - type: ComboBox
    name: type2_id

  - type: Submit
    name: submit

t/default_values/has_many_combobox.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 1;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib 't/lib';
use DBICTestLib 'new_schema';
use MySchema;

my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = new_schema();

my $master = $schema->resultset('Master')->create({ id => 1 });


    # insert some entries we'll ignore, so our rels don't have same ids
    # user 1
    my $u1 = $master->create_related( 'user', { name => 'foo' } );

t/default_values/has_many_combobox.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

auto_fieldset: 1

  - type: Hidden
    name: id

  - type: Text
    name: name

  - type: ComboBox
    name: addresses

  - type: Hidden
    name: count

  - type: Submit
    name: submit

t/lib/MySchema/  view on Meta::CPAN

        is_nullable => 0,
    text_col       => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1 },
    password_col   => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1 },
    checkbox_col   => {
        data_type => "BOOLEAN",
        default_value => 1,
        is_nullable   => 0,
    select_col     => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1 },
    combobox_col   => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1 },
    radio_col      => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1 },
    radiogroup_col => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1 },
    array_col      => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1, is_array => 1 },
    date_col       => { data_type => "DATETIME", is_nullable => 1 },
    type_id        => { data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 1 },
    type2_id       => { data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 1 },
    enum_col       => { data_type => "ENUM", is_nullable => 1, extra => { list => [qw( a b c )] } },
    not_in_form    => { data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1 },

t/options_from_model/belongs_to_combobox.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 2;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib 't/lib';
use DBICTestLib 'new_schema';
use MySchema;
my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = new_schema();

$form->stash->{schema} = $schema;

my $type_rs  = $schema->resultset('Type');
my $type2_rs = $schema->resultset('Type2');


t/options_from_model/belongs_to_combobox.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

auto_fieldset: 1

  - type: Hidden
    name: id

  - type: Text
    name: text_col

  - type: ComboBox
    name: type
      aaa : aaa

  - type: ComboBox
    name: type2_id
      resultset: Type2

  - type: Submit
    name: submit

t/options_from_model/belongs_to_config_zero_combobox.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 1;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib 't/lib';
use DBICTestLib 'new_schema';
use MySchema;
my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = new_schema();

$form->stash->{schema} = $schema;

my $type_rs  = $schema->resultset('Type');
my $type2_rs = $schema->resultset('Type2');


t/options_from_model/belongs_to_config_zero_combobox.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

auto_fieldset: 1

  - type: Hidden
    name: id

  - type: Text
    name: text_col

  - type: ComboBox
    name: type
      options_from_model: 0

  - type: Submit
    name: submit

t/options_from_model/condition_from_stash_combobox.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 11;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib 't/lib';
use DBICTestLib 'new_schema';
use MySchema;
my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = new_schema();

$form->stash->{schema} = $schema;

my $master_rs = $schema->resultset('Master');
my $user_rs   = $schema->resultset('User');

    my $m1 = $master_rs->create({ text_col => 'foo' });

t/options_from_model/condition_from_stash_combobox_complex.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 5;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib 't/lib';
use DBICTestLib 'new_schema';
use MySchema;
my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = new_schema();

$form->stash->{schema} = $schema;

my $master_rs = $schema->resultset('Master');
my $user_rs   = $schema->resultset('User');

    my $m1 = $master_rs->create({ text_col => 'foo' });

t/update/basic.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

    name: checkbox_col
    value: foo

  - type: Select
    name: select_col
      - [1, one]
      - [2, two]
      - [3, three]

  - type: ComboBox
    name: combobox_col
      - [1, one]
      - [2, two]
      - [3, three]

  - type: Radio
    name: radio_col
    value: yes

  - type: Radio

t/update/basic_create.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Master');

# Fake submitted form
$form->process( {
        id                  => 1,
        text_col            => 'a',
        password_col        => 'b',
        checkbox_col        => 'foo',
        select_col          => '2',
        combobox_col_select => 'sel',
        combobox_col_text   => '',
        radio_col           => 'yes',
        radiogroup_col      => '3',
        array_col           => [qw(one two)],
    } );

    my $row = $rs->new( {} );


    my $row = $rs->find(1);

    is( $row->text_col,       'a' );
    is( $row->password_col,   'b' );
    is( $row->checkbox_col,   'foo' );
    is( $row->select_col,     '2' );
    is( $row->combobox_col,   'sel' );
    is( $row->radio_col,      'yes' );
    is( $row->radiogroup_col, '3' );
    is( ($row->array_col)->[0], 'one' );
    is( ($row->array_col)->[1], 'two' );

$form->process( {
        id             => '',
        text_col       => 'a2',
        password_col   => 'b2',

t/update/basic_update.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $schema = new_schema();

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Master');

    my $row = $rs->new_result( {
            text_col       => 'xyza',
            password_col   => 'xyzb',
            checkbox_col   => 'xyzfoo',
            select_col     => 'xyz2',
            combobox_col   => 'combo',
            radio_col      => 'xyzyes',
            radiogroup_col => 'xyz3',
            array_col      => [qw(abc xyz)],
        } );


# Fake submitted form
$form->process( {
        id                  => 1,
        text_col            => 'a',
        password_col        => 'b',
        checkbox_col        => 'foo',
        select_col          => '2',
        combobox_col_select => '',
        combobox_col_text   => 'txt',
        radio_col           => 'yes',
        radiogroup_col      => '3',
        array_col           => [qw(one two)],
    } );

    my $row = $rs->find(1);


    my $row = $rs->find(1);

    is( $row->text_col,       'a' );
    is( $row->password_col,   'b' );
    is( $row->checkbox_col,   'foo' );
    is( $row->combobox_col,   'txt' );
    is( $row->select_col,     '2' );
    is( $row->radio_col,      'yes' );
    is( $row->radiogroup_col, '3' );
    is( ($row->array_col)->[0], 'one' );
    is( ($row->array_col)->[1], 'two' );

t/update/belongs_to_combobox.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 2;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib 't/lib';
use DBICTestLib 'new_schema';
use MySchema;

my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = new_schema();

$form->stash->{schema} = $schema;

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Master');

# filler rows
    # insert some entries we'll ignore, so our rels don't have same ids

t/update/belongs_to_lookup_table_combobox.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 6;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib 't/lib';
use DBICTestLib 'new_schema';
use MySchema;

my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = new_schema();

$form->stash->{schema} = $schema;

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Master');

# filler rows
    # insert some entries we'll ignore, so our rels don't have same ids

t/update/nested.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

    name: checkbox_col
    value: foo

  - type: Select
    name: select_col
      - [1, one]
      - [2, two]
      - [3, three]

  - type: ComboBox
    name: combobox_col
      - [1, one]
      - [2, two]
      - [3, three]

  - type: Radio
    name: radio_col
    value: yes

  - type: Radio

t/update/nested_create.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Master');

# Fake submitted form
$form->process( {
        ""                  => 1,
        "foo.text_col"            => 'a',
        "foo.password_col"        => 'b',
        "foo.checkbox_col"        => 'foo',
        "foo.select_col"          => '2',
        "foo.combobox_col_select" => "",
        "foo.combobox_col_text"   => "combo",
        "foo.radio_col"           => 'yes',
        "foo.radiogroup_col"      => '3',
    } );

    my $row = $rs->new( {} );

    $form->model->update( $row, { nested_base => 'foo' } );

    my $row = $rs->find(1);

    is( $row->text_col,       'a' );
    is( $row->password_col,   'b' );
    is( $row->checkbox_col,   'foo' );
    is( $row->select_col,     '2' );
    is( $row->combobox_col,   'combo' );
    is( $row->radio_col,      'yes' );
    is( $row->radiogroup_col, '3' )

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