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ChangeLog  view on Meta::CPAN

            dbdimp.ec and dbdattr.ec after bug report and proposed (but
            different) patch from Nick Osborn <nick@bibliotech.net>.  Pass
            $NTConfiguration as argument to find_informixdir_and_esql(), a
            problem afflicting NT builds first reported by Ti Lian Hwang
            <tilh@sin-co.sg.dhl.com>.  Add ix_ServerVersion, ix_BlobSupport
            and ix_StoredProcedure attributes to help with XPS support
            (Robert Wyrick <rob@wyrick.org> helped with XPS testing).
            Amend tests and documentation.
1999-11-16: Add Notes/environment.variables after a report from Claude
            Chartier <cbos@pophost.eunet.lu> that it would be helpful to
            have INFORMIXCONTIME etc documented.  Add Notes/web.servers for
            same reason; the notes need to be upgraded to discuss mod_perl
            for Apache.  Reinstate Bundle::DBD::Informix based on what is
            in the DBI 1.13 bundle, which seems to work (unlike the attempt
            at distributing Bundle::DBD::Informix 0.62 as a separate item,
            which fails).
1999-11-10: Add MD5 check sums for source code in MD5-DIGEST.  This will
            allow the DBD::Informix maintenance team to identify any
            changed source files.  Use the md5.verify script to ensure
            that the individual files are OK.  To check that MD5-DIGEST
            itself has not been modified, you run "perl md5.chksum

Notes/environment.variables  view on Meta::CPAN

    Controls format of date variables on output, and assumed format on

    Should control format of MONEY values (and, arguably, DECIMAL and FLOAT
    and SMALLFLOAT values) when converted to a string.  However,
    DBD::Informix leaves FLOAT and SMALLFLOAT values as C doubles, and
    ignores it for DECIMAL and MONEY types.

    You might need to have these set on some systems.  Such systems are
    most likely to be Windows 95/98/NT client machines connecting to a
    remote server.  I've never needed them on Unix; I'm not sure whether
    they work on Unix.


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