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stored inside of your application either by using the PARAMS hash that
was passed in your call to new() or by a call to the param() method.
This is similar to the delete() method of It is useful if your
application makes decisions based on the existence of certain params that
may have been removed in previous sections of your app or simply to
clean-up your param()s.

=head3 dump()

    print STDERR $webapp->dump();

The dump() method is a debugging function which will return a
chunk of text which contains all the environment and web form
data of the request, formatted nicely for human readability.
Useful for outputting to STDERR.

=head3 dump_html()

    my $output = $webapp->dump_html();

The dump_html() method is a debugging function which will return
a chunk of text which contains all the environment and web form
data of the request, formatted nicely for human readability via
a web browser.  Useful for outputting to a browser. Please consider

t/callbacks.t  view on Meta::CPAN

	'teardown/CGI::Application::Plugin::Foo::foo_teardown',  # CAP::Foo
	'foo_hook/CGI::Application::Plugin::Foo::foo_custom',    # CAP::Foo
	'teardown/My::App::teardown',                            # My::App (but installed via CGI::Application)


is_deeply(\@Event_History, \@expected_events, 'My::App - callbacks executed correctly (first run)')
   or do {
		use	Data::Dumper;
		print STDERR "Actual Event History: \n";
		print STDERR Dumper	\@Event_History;

# Second run of	My::App	: the callback registered directly in self are
# no longer	installed

@Event_History = ();


@expected_events = (

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