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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

0.9906 Tue Mar 27 2012
    - wrapped wxWebView ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.3 )
    - wrapped wxTimePickerCtrl ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.3 ) 
    - wrapped wxRichToolTip ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.3 )
    - wrapped wxBannerWindow ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.3 )
    - Allow RichTextPrinting without dialog ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.4 )
      (thanks to Steve Cookson )
    - wrapped some missing wxPrintData methods

0.9905 Fri Mar 16 2012
    - wrapped wxPropertyGrid ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.3 )
    - wrapped native wxTreeListCtrl ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.3 )
    - wrapped wxRibbonControl ( wxWidgets ge 2.9.3 )
    - ShowModal implementation for wxPrintDialog and wxPageSetupDialog
      ( thanks to Tomohiro Hosaka )
    - recent EUMM breaks EU_MY_Metafile

0.9904 Tue Feb 28 2012
    - Implemented TextCtrlIface for RichTextCtrl in >= 2.9.2
    - Implemented TextCtrlIface for SearchCtrl in >= 2.9.2
    - several 2.9.2 / 2.9.3 compatibility changes

ext/propgrid/Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

## Name:        ext/propgrid/Makefile.PL
## Purpose:     Makefile.PL for wxPropertyGrid
## Author:      Mark Dootson
## Modified by:
## Created:     01/03/2012
## SVN-ID:      $Id: Makefile.PL 3176 2012-03-08 03:26:08Z mdootson $
## Copyright:   (c) 2012 Mattia Barbon
## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself

use strict;

ext/propgrid/XS/PGCellRenderer.xsp  view on Meta::CPAN

    /* wxPGCellRenderer(); */
        %code%{ THIS->wxObjectRefData::DecRef(); %};

    virtual bool Render( wxDC& dc,
                         const wxRect& rect,
                         const wxPropertyGrid* propertyGrid,
                         wxPGProperty* property,
                         int column,
                         int item,
                         int flags ) const; /* = 0 %Virtual{pure}; */

    virtual wxSize GetImageSize( wxPGProperty* property,
                                 int column,
                                 int item ) const; /* %Virtual; */

    virtual void DrawCaptionSelectionRect( wxDC& dc,

ext/propgrid/XS/PropertyGrid.xsp  view on Meta::CPAN

## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself




%name{Wx::PropertyGridHitTestResult} class wxPropertyGridHitTestResult 
static void
    wxPli_thread_sv_clone( aTHX_ CLASS, (wxPliCloneSV)wxPli_detach_object );


    %code%{  wxPli_thread_sv_unregister( aTHX_ "Wx::PropertyGridHitTestResult", THIS, ST(0) );
             delete THIS;
    int GetColumn() const;

    wxPGProperty__parsed_nodelete* GetProperty();
    int GetSplitter() const;

    int GetSplitterHitOffset() const;

%name{Wx::PropertyGrid} class wxPropertyGrid : public %name{Wx::Control} wxControl


    %name{newDefault} wxPropertyGrid() %Overload
        %postcall{% wxPli_create_evthandler( aTHX_ RETVAL, CLASS ); %};

    %name{newFull} wxPropertyGrid( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                    const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                    const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                    long style = wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE,
                    const wxString& name = wxPropertyGridNameStr ) %Overload
        %postcall{% wxPli_create_evthandler( aTHX_ RETVAL, CLASS ); %};

    void AddActionTrigger( int action, int keycode, int modifiers = 0 );

    %name{AddToSelectionString} bool AddToSelection( wxString& id ) %Overload;
    %name{AddToSelectionProperty} bool AddToSelection( wxPGProperty* id ) %Overload;
    static void AutoGetTranslation( bool enable );

    void BeginLabelEdit( unsigned int colIndex = 0 );

ext/propgrid/XS/PropertyGridInterface.xsp  view on Meta::CPAN

## Name:        viface/PropertyGridInterface.xsp
## Purpose:     XS++ for wxPropertyGridInterface
## Author:      Mark Dootson
## Modified by:
## Created:     04/03/2012
## RCS-ID:      $Id:$
## Copyright:   (c) 2012 Mattia Barbon
## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself


ext/propgrid/XS/PropertyGridPage.xsp  view on Meta::CPAN

##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself




%name{Wx::PropertyGridPage} class wxPropertyGridPage : public %name{Wx::EvtHandler} wxEvtHandler


       %postcall{% wxPli_create_evthandler( aTHX_ RETVAL, CLASS ); %};

    /* Virtual wxPropertyGridInterface */
    virtual void Clear(); /* %Virtual; */
    virtual wxPGVIterator GetVIterator( int flags ) const; /* %Virtual; */
    virtual bool IsPropertySelected( wxString& id ) const; /* %Virtual; */
    /* Virtual wxPropertyGridInterface  End*/

    wxSize FitColumns();

    int GetIndex() const;

    wxPGProperty__parsed_nodelete* GetRoot() const;

    int GetSplitterPosition( int col = 0 ) const;

    int GetToolId() const;

ext/propgrid/cpp/propgrid_constants.cpp  view on Meta::CPAN

// Name:        propgrid_constants.cpp
// Purpose:     wxPropertyGrid constants
// Author:      Mark Dootson
// SVN ID:      $Id: tl_constants.cpp 3 2010-02-17 06:08:51Z mark.dootson $
// Copyright:   (c) 2012 Mattia barbon
// Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself

#include <cpp/constants.h>

ext/propgrid/cpp/propgrid_declares.h  view on Meta::CPAN


class wxPGDatePickerCtrlEditor : public wxPGEditor
    virtual ~wxPGDatePickerCtrlEditor();

    wxString GetName() const;
    virtual wxPGWindowList CreateControls(wxPropertyGrid* propgrid,
                                          wxPGProperty* property,
                                          const wxPoint& pos,
                                          const wxSize& size) const;
    virtual void UpdateControl( wxPGProperty* property, wxWindow* wnd ) const;
    virtual bool OnEvent( wxPropertyGrid* propgrid, wxPGProperty* property,
        wxWindow* wnd, wxEvent& event ) const;
    virtual bool GetValueFromControl( wxVariant& variant, wxPGProperty* property, wxWindow* wnd ) const;
    virtual void SetValueToUnspecified( wxPGProperty* WXUNUSED(property), wxWindow* wnd ) const;


ext/propgrid/typemap  view on Meta::CPAN

## Modified by:
## Created:     01/03/2012
## SVN-ID:      $Id:$
## Copyright:   (c) 2012 Mattia Barbon
## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself


wxPropertyGridPage *       O_WXEVTHANDLER
wxPropertyGridManager *    O_WXEVTHANDLER
wxPropertyGrid *           O_WXEVTHANDLER
const wxPropertyGrid *     O_WXEVTHANDLER
wxPropertyGridInterface *  O_WXEVTHANDLER
wxPGMultiButton *          O_WXEVTHANDLER

## Missing RTTI Info for Wx::Object
wxPGCell *                 O_NON_WXOBJECT_THR
wxPGChoiceEntry *          O_NON_WXOBJECT_THR

wxPGChoices *              O_NON_WXOBJECT_THR
wxPGValidationInfo *       O_NON_WXOBJECT_THR
wxPGChoicesData *          O_NON_WXOBJECT

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