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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

    ! #87935 skip all MIME-Parser tests if it is not installed
    ! #87787 Use of uninitialized value $ns in 

1.05 August 18, 2013
    ! #87848 Fix manifest, fix invalid http version from release blunder

1.04 August 9, 2013
    ! #87605 Skip XML::Parser::Lite tests if it is missing [] 

1.03 August 4, 2013
    ! #87195 Remove DIME::Tools dep until we can work around its issues

1.02 July 30, 2013
    ! #87421 1.01 release blew out xml versions. mea culpa.

1.01 July 29, 2013
    ! #84168 Test t/02-payload.t fails under Perl 5.17.10
    ! #87127 removed from MANIFEST
    ! revert #85713 - various reports of environment failures

1.0 July 16, 2013

META.json  view on Meta::CPAN

      "develop" : {
         "requires" : {
            "Test::Pod" : "1.41"
      "runtime" : {
         "recommends" : {
            "Apache" : "0",
            "DIME::Tools" : "0.03",
            "FCGI" : "0",
            "HTTP::Daemon" : "0",
            "IO::File" : "0",
            "MIME::Tools" : "0",
            "Net::POP3" : "0"
         "requires" : {
            "Class::Inspector" : "0",
            "Compress::Zlib" : "0",
            "IO::SessionData" : "1.03",

META.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

license: perl
  version: '1.4'
name: SOAP-Lite
    - URI::tcp
  Apache: '0'
  DIME::Tools: '0.03'
  FCGI: '0'
  HTTP::Daemon: '0'
  IO::File: '0'
  MIME::Tools: '0'
  Net::POP3: '0'
  Class::Inspector: '0'
  Compress::Zlib: '0'
  IO::SessionData: '1.03'
  IO::Socket::SSL: '0'

README  view on Meta::CPAN

        SOAP::Fault - Provides support for Faults on server side

        SOAP::Utils - A set of private and public utility subroutines

        SOAP::Packager - Provides an abstract class for implementing custom

        SOAP::Packager::MIME - Provides MIME support to SOAP::Lite

        SOAP::Packager::DIME - Provides DIME support to SOAP::Lite

        SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client - Client interface to HTTP transport

        SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Server - Server interface to HTTP transport

        SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI - CGI implementation of server interface

        SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon - Daemon implementation of server

dist.ini  view on Meta::CPAN

LWP::UserAgent       = 0
LWP::Protocol::https = 0

[Prereqs / RuntimeRecommends]
HTTP::Daemon = 0        ; for SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon
Apache = 0              ; for SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Apache
FCGI = 0                ; for SOAP::Transport::HTTP::FCGI
Net::POP3 = 0           ; for SOAP::Transport::POP3
IO::File = 0            ; for SOAP::Transport::IO
MIME::Tools = 0         ; for SOAP::Packager and SOAP::Lite::Packager
DIME::Tools = 0.03      ; "

[Prereqs / RuntimeSuggests]
SOAP::Transport::MQ = 0.712         ; for examples
SOAP::Transport::JABBER = 0.712     ; for examples

[Prereqs / TestRequires]
IO::File = 0
Test::More = 0
Test::Warn = 0
XML::Parser::Lite = 0.715

lib/SOAP/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $items = 'item';

    # If typing is disabled, just serialize each of the array items
    # with no type information, each using the specified name,
    # and do not create a wrapper array tag.
    if (!$self->autotype) {
        $name ||= gen_name;
        return map {$self->encode_object($_, $name)} @$array;

    # TODO: add support for multidimensional, partially transmitted and sparse arrays
    my @items = map {$self->encode_object($_, $items)} @$array;
    my $num = @items;
    my($arraytype, %types) = '-';
    for (@items) { $arraytype = $_->[1]->{'xsi:type'} || '-'; $types{$arraytype}++ }
    $arraytype = sprintf "%s\[$num]", keys %types > 1 || $arraytype eq '-' ? SOAP::Utils::qualify(xsd => $self->xmlschemaclass->anyTypeValue) : $arraytype;

    # $type = SOAP::Utils::qualify($self->encprefix => 'Array') if $self->autotype && !defined $type;
    $type = qualify($self->encprefix => 'Array') if !defined $type;
    return [$name || SOAP::Utils::qualify($self->encprefix => 'Array'),

lib/SOAP/  view on Meta::CPAN

#  die "Can't find 'start' parameter in multipart MIME message\n"
#    if @{$self->parts} > 1 && !$start;
  return $env;

# ======================================================================

package SOAP::Packager::DIME;

use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Packager);

sub BEGIN {
  no strict 'refs';
  for my $method ( qw(foo) ) {
    my $field = '_' . $method;
    *$method = sub {

lib/SOAP/Transport/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $self->options->{is_compress} ||=
      exists $self->options->{compress_threshold}
      && eval { require Compress::Zlib };

    # Initialize the basic about the HTTP Request object
    my $http_request = $self->http_request()->clone();

    # $self->http_request(HTTP::Request->new);
    $http_request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );

    # TODO - add application/dime
        Accept => ['text/xml', 'multipart/*', 'application/soap'] );

    no strict 'refs';
    if ($parts) {
        my $packager = $context->packager;
        $envelope = $packager->package( $envelope, $context );
        for my $hname ( keys %{$packager->headers_http} ) {
                $hname => $packager->headers_http->{$hname} );

        # TODO - DIME support

        my $compressed =
             !exists $nocompress{$endpoint}
          && $self->options->{is_compress}
          && ( $self->options->{compress_threshold} || 0 ) < length $envelope;

        my $original_encoding = $http_request->content_encoding;

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