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lib/AnyEvent/  view on Meta::CPAN

		cb      => sub {
			my $res = shift;
			my @rv = $self->encoder->decode($self, $res);
			my @data;
				( my $status = $res->status_line )=~ s/:?\s*$//s;
				$res->code == 200 or #$args{cb}(undef);
				@data = 
					(rpcfault( $res->code, "Call to $req{uri} failed: $status" ))
					and last;
				my $text = $res->content;
				length($text) and $text =~ /^\s*<\?xml/s or @data = 
					({fault=>{ faultCode => 499,        faultString => "Call to $req{uri} failed: Response is not an XML: \"$text\"" }})
					and last;
				eval {
					@data = $self->encoder->decode( $text );
				} or @data = 
					({fault=>{ faultCode => 499,     faultString => "Call to $req{uri} failed: Bad Response: $@, \"$text\"" }})

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