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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

          - 'uniqueidentifier' support with auto newid()
          - Dynamic cursor support and other MARS options for ODBC
          - savepoints with auto_savepoint => 1
        - Support for MSSQL 'money' type
        - Support for 'smalldatetime' type used in MSSQL and Sybase for
        - Support for Postgres 'timestamp without timezone' type in
          InflateColumn::DateTime (RT#48389)
        - Added new MySQL specific on_connect_call macro 'set_strict_mode'
          (also known as make_mysql_not_suck_as_much)
        - Multiple prefetch-related fixes:
          - Adjust overly agressive subquery join-chain pruning
          - Always preserve the outer join-chain - fixes numerous
            problems with search_related chaining
          - Deal with the distinct => 1 attribute properly when using
        - An extension of the select-hashref syntax, allowing labeling
          SQL-side aliasing: select => [ { max => 'foo', -as => 'bar' } ]
        - Massive optimization of the DBI storage layer - reduce the
          amount of connected() ping-calls

examples/Benchmarks/benchmark_hashrefinflator.pl  view on Meta::CPAN

      . " ($min_freq). Alternatively skip this check with --no-cpufreq-checks.\n";

my %skip_commits = map { $_ => 1 } qw/
my (@to_bench, $not_latest);
for my $commit (`git log --format=%h HEAD ^8330454^ $hri_fn `) {
  chomp $commit;
  next if $skip_commits{$commit};
  my $diff = `git show -w -U0 --format=%ar%n%b $commit $hri_fn`;
  if ($diff =~ /^ (?: \@\@ \s .+? | [+-] sub \s) \$? mk_hash /xm ) {
    my ($age) = $diff =~ /\A(.+?)\n/;

    push @to_bench, {
      commit => $commit,
      title => $not_latest ? $commit : 'LATEST',
      desc => sprintf ("commit %s (%smade %s)...\t\t",
        $not_latest ? '' : 'LATEST, ',
      code => scalar `git show $commit:lib/DBIx/Class/ResultClass/HashRefInflator.pm`,

    last if @to_bench == $args->{'bench-commits'};
    $not_latest = 1;
die "Can't find any commits... something is wrong\n" unless @to_bench;

unshift @to_bench, {
  desc => "the current uncommitted HRI...\t\t\t\t",
  title => 'CURRENT',
  code => do { local (@ARGV, $/) = ($hri_fn); <> },
} if `git status --porcelain $hri_fn`;

lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

without even instantiating a cursor.

Before replacing all your calls to C<first()> with C<single()> please observe the
following CAVEATS:


=item *

While single() takes a search condition just like search() does, it does
_not_ accept search attributes. However one can always chain a single() to
a search():

  my $top_cd = $cd_rs->search({}, { order_by => 'rating' })->single;

=item *

Since single() is the engine behind find(), it is designed to fetch a
single row per database query. Thus a warning will be issued when the
underlying SELECT returns more than one row. Sometimes however this usage

lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/SQLite.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

  unless (defined $DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__) {
    $DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__ = modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.38_02');

  # fallback to travesty
  unless ($DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__) {
    # since we do not have access to sqlite3_get_autocommit(), do a trick
    # to attempt to *safely* determine what state are we *actually* in.
    # FIXME
    # also using T::T here leads to bizarre leaks - will figure it out later
    my $really_not_in_txn = do {
      local $@;

      # older versions of DBD::SQLite do not properly detect multiline BEGIN/COMMIT
      # statements to adjust their {AutoCommit} state. Hence use such a statement
      # pair here as well, in order to escape from poking {AutoCommit} needlessly
      # https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=80087
      eval {
        # will fail instantly if already in a txn
        $dbh->do("-- multiline\nBEGIN");
        $dbh->do("-- multiline\nCOMMIT");
      } or do {
        ($@ =~ /transaction within a transaction/)
          ? 0
          : undef

    # if we were unable to determine this - we may very well be dead
    if (not defined $really_not_in_txn) {
      $ping_fail = 1;
    # check the AC sync-state
    elsif ($really_not_in_txn xor $dbh->{AutoCommit}) {
      carp_unique (sprintf
        'Internal transaction state of handle %s (apparently %s a transaction) does not seem to '
      . 'match its AutoCommit attribute setting of %s - this is an indication of a '
      . 'potentially serious bug in your transaction handling logic',
        $really_not_in_txn ? 'NOT in' : 'in',
        $dbh->{AutoCommit} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE',

      # it is too dangerous to execute anything else in this state
      # assume everything works (safer - worst case scenario next statement throws)
      return 1;

  # do the actual test and return on no failure

lib/DBIx/Class/_Util.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

sub is_exception ($) {
  my $e = $_[0];

  # this is not strictly correct - an eval setting $@ to undef
  # is *not* the same as an eval setting $@ to ''
  # but for the sake of simplicity assume the following for
  # the time being
  return 0 unless defined $e;

  my ($not_blank, $suberror);
    local $@;
    eval {
      $not_blank = ($e ne '') ? 1 : 0;
    } or $suberror = $@;

  if (defined $suberror) {
    if (length (my $class = blessed($e) )) {
      carp_unique( sprintf(
        'External exception class %s implements partial (broken) overloading '
      . 'preventing its instances from being used in simple ($x eq $y) '
      . 'comparisons. Given Perl\'s "globally cooperative" exception '

t/86sqlt.t  view on Meta::CPAN

sub DBICTest::Schema::deployment_statements {
  $custom_deployment_statements_called = 1;
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->next::method(@_);

# Check deployment statements ctx sensitivity
  my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema (no_deploy => 1, quote_names => 1);
  my $not_first_table_creation_re = qr/CREATE TABLE "fourkeys_to_twokeys"/;

  my $statements = $schema->deployment_statements;
  like (
    'All create statements returned in 1 string in scalar ctx'

  my @statements = $schema->deployment_statements;
  cmp_ok (scalar @statements, '>', 1, 'Multiple statement lines in array ctx');

  my $i = 0;
  while ($i <= $#statements) {
    last if $statements[$i] =~ $not_first_table_creation_re;

  ok (
    ($i > 0) && ($i <= $#statements),
    "Creation statement was found somewherere within array ($i)"


t/cdbi/sweet/08pager.t  view on Meta::CPAN

is( $it->next, undef, "disable_sql_paging next past end of page ok" );

# based on a failing criteria submitted by waswas
( $pager, $it ) = DBICTest::CD->page(
    { title => [
        -and =>
                -like => '%bees'
                -not_like => 'Forkful%'
    { rows => 5 }
is( $it->count, 1, "complex abstract count ok" );


t/sqlmaker/limit_dialects/basic.t  view on Meta::CPAN

is( $cds[0]->title, "Spoonful of bees", "offset with no limit" );

$it = $schema->resultset("CD")->search(
    { title => [
        -and =>
                -like => '%bees'
                -not_like => 'Forkful%'
    { rows => 5 }
is( $it->count, 1, "complex abstract count ok" );


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