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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

    - Retire script/format-sql - the utility needs more work to be truly
      end-user convenient

revision 1.77  2014-01-17
    - Reintroduce { -not => undef } column operator (regression from 1.75)

revision 1.75  2013-12-27
    - *UPCOMING INCOMPATIBLE BUGFIX*: SQLA used to generate incorrect SQL
      on undef-containing lists fed to -in and -not_in. An exception will
      be raised for a while before properly fixing this, to avoid quiet
      but subtle changes to query results in production
    - Deprecate and warn when supplying an empty arrayref to like/not_like
      operators (likely to be removed before 2.0)

    - Warn when using an inequality operator with a multi-value array to
      arrive at what amounts to a 1=1 condition (no pre-2.0 plans to fix
      this behavior due to backwards comp concerns)
    - Fix false negative comparison of ORDER BY <function> ASC
    - More improvements of incorrect parsing (placeholder at end of list
    - Fix typos in POD and comments (RT#87776)
    - Augment -not_bool example with nesting (RT#89601)

revision 1.74  2013-06-04
    - Fix insufficient parenthesis unroll during operator comparison
    - 'ORDER BY foo' and 'ORDER BY foo ASC' are now considered equal
      by default (with a switch to reenable old behavior when necessary)
    - Change parser to not eagerly slurp RHS expressions it doesn't recognize

revision 1.73  2012-07-10

lib/SQL/Abstract.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

  expand => {
    bool => '_expand_bool',
    row => '_expand_row',
    op => '_expand_op',
    func => '_expand_func',
    values => '_expand_values',
    list => '_expand_list',
  expand_op => {
    (map +($_ => __PACKAGE__->make_binop_expander('_expand_between')),
      qw(between not_between)),
    (map +($_ => __PACKAGE__->make_binop_expander('_expand_in')),
      qw(in not_in)),
    (map +($_ => '_expand_op_andor'), ('and', 'or')),
    (map +($_ => '_expand_op_is'), ('is', 'is_not')),
    (map +($_ => __PACKAGE__->make_unop_expander("_expand_${_}")),
      qw(ident value nest)),
    bind => __PACKAGE__->make_unop_expander(sub { +{ -bind => $_[2] } }),
  render => {
    (map +($_, "_render_$_"),
      qw(op func bind ident literal row values keyword)),
  render_op => {
    (map +($_ => '_render_op_between'), 'between', 'not_between'),
    (map +($_ => '_render_op_in'), 'in', 'not_in'),
    (map +($_ => '_render_unop_postfix'),
      'is_null', 'is_not_null', 'asc', 'desc',
    (not => '_render_unop_paren'),
    (map +($_ => '_render_op_andor'), qw(and or)),
    ',' => '_render_op_multop',
  clauses_of => {
    delete => [ qw(target where returning) ],
    update => [ qw(target set where returning) ],
    insert => [ qw(target fields from returning) ],
    select => [ qw(select from where order_by) ],

lib/SQL/Abstract/Reference.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

Not as special case parenthesised unop:

  # expr
  { -op => [ 'not', { -ident => 'explosive' } ] }

  # query
  (NOT explosive)

Postfix unop: (is_null, is_not_null, asc, desc)

  # expr
  { -op => [ 'is_null', { -ident => [ 'bobby' ] } ] }

  # query
  bobby IS NULL

AND and OR:

t/01generate.t  view on Meta::CPAN

                                          {Beer => 'is', Yummy => '%YES%', IT => ['IS','REALLY','GOOD']}],
              stmt   => 'UPDATE testin.table2 SET FIVE = ?, One = ?, Three = ? WHERE '
                       . '( Beer LIKE ? AND ( ( IT LIKE ? ) OR ( IT LIKE ? ) OR ( IT LIKE ? ) ) AND Yummy LIKE ? )',
              stmt_q => 'UPDATE `testin`.`table2` SET `FIVE` = ?, `One` = ?, `Three` = ? WHERE '
                       . '( `Beer` LIKE ? AND ( ( `IT` LIKE ? ) OR ( `IT` LIKE ? ) OR ( `IT` LIKE ? ) ) AND `Yummy` LIKE ? )',
              bind   => [['FIVE', 66], ['One', 22], ['Three', 44], ['Beer','is'],
                         ['IT','IS'], ['IT','REALLY'], ['IT','GOOD'], ['Yummy','%YES%']],
              func   => 'select',
              args   => ['test', '*', {priority => [ -and => {'!=', 2}, { -not_like => '3%'} ]}],
              stmt   => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( ( priority != ? ) AND ( priority NOT LIKE ? ) ) )',
              stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( ( `priority` != ? ) AND ( `priority` NOT LIKE ? ) ) )',
              bind   => [qw(2 3%)],
              func   => 'select',
              args   => ['Yo Momma', '*', { user => 'nwiger',
                                       -nest => [ workhrs => {'>', 20}, geo => 'ASIA' ] }],
              stmt   => 'SELECT * FROM Yo Momma WHERE ( ( ( workhrs > ? ) OR ( geo = ? ) ) AND user = ? )',
              stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `Yo Momma` WHERE ( ( ( `workhrs` > ? ) OR ( `geo` = ? ) ) AND `user` = ? )',

t/02where.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Warn;
use Test::Exception;
use SQL::Abstract::Test import => [qw(is_same_sql_bind diag_where dumper) ];

use SQL::Abstract;

my $not_stringifiable = bless {}, 'SQLA::NotStringifiable';

my @handle_tests = (
        where => 'foo',
        order => [],
        stmt => ' WHERE foo',
        bind => [],
        where => {

t/05in_between.t  view on Meta::CPAN

      \Q!!!AUDIT YOUR CODE AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based \E
      \Qversion of SQL::Abstract will emit the logically correct SQL \E
      \Qinstead of raising this exception)\E
    where => { x => { -in => [ 1, undef, 2, 3, undef ] } },
    stmt => " WHERE ( x IN ( ?, ?, ? ) OR x IS NULL )",
    bind => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
    test => '-in with multiple undef elements',
    where => { a => { -in => 42 }, b => { -not_in => 42 } },
    stmt => ' WHERE a IN ( ? ) AND b NOT IN ( ? )',
    bind => [ 42, 42 ],
    test => '-in, -not_in with scalar',
    where => { a => { -in => [] }, b => { -not_in => [] } },
    stmt => ' WHERE ( 0=1 AND 1=1 )',
    bind => [],
    test => '-in, -not_in with empty arrays',
    throws => qr/
      \QSQL::Abstract before v1.75 used to generate incorrect SQL \E
      \Qwhen the -IN operator was given an undef-containing list: \E
      \Q!!!AUDIT YOUR CODE AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based \E
      \Qversion of SQL::Abstract will emit the logically correct SQL \E
      \Qinstead of raising this exception)\E
    where => { a => { -in => [42, undef] }, b => { -not_in => [42, undef] } },
    stmt => ' WHERE ( ( a IN ( ? ) OR a IS NULL ) AND b NOT IN ( ? ) AND b IS NOT NULL )',
    bind => [ 42, 42 ],
    test => '-in, -not_in with undef among elements',
    throws => qr/
      \QSQL::Abstract before v1.75 used to generate incorrect SQL \E
      \Qwhen the -IN operator was given an undef-containing list: \E
      \Q!!!AUDIT YOUR CODE AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based \E
      \Qversion of SQL::Abstract will emit the logically correct SQL \E
      \Qinstead of raising this exception)\E
    where => { a => { -in => [undef] }, b => { -not_in => [undef] } },
    stmt => ' WHERE ( a IS NULL AND b IS NOT NULL )',
    bind => [],
    test => '-in, -not_in with just undef element',
    where => { a => { -in => undef } },
    throws => qr/Argument passed to the 'IN' operator can not be undefined/,
    test => '-in with undef argument',

    where => { -in => [ 'bob', 4, 2 ] },
    stmt => ' WHERE (bob IN (?, ?))',

t/22op_value.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /Supplying an undefined argument to '(?:NOT )?LIKE'/ };

    ($sql, @bind) = $sql_maker->where({
      c1 => undef,
      c2 => { -value => undef },
      c3 => { '=' => { -value => undef } },
      c4 => { '!=' => { -value => undef } },
      c5 => { '<>' => { -value => undef } },
      c6 => { '-like' => { -value => undef } },
      c7 => { '-not_like' => { -value => undef } },
      c8 => { 'is' => { -value => undef } },
      c9 => { 'is not' => { -value => undef } },

    is_same_sql_bind (
      "WHERE  ${q}c1${q} IS NULL
          AND ${q}c2${q} IS NULL
          AND ${q}c3${q} IS NULL

t/80extra_clauses.t  view on Meta::CPAN

  $sql, \@bind,
  q{INSERT INTO eh VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?)},
  [ 1..6 ],

    select => '*',
    from => 'foo',
    where => { -not_exists => {
      -select => {
        select => \1,
        from => 'bar',
        where => { 'foo.id' => { -ident => 'bar.foo_id' } }
    } },
  q{SELECT * FROM foo
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM bar WHERE foo.id = bar.foo_id)},

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