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    temporarily increase Archive::Zip::ChunkSize around the call to

    Note this is prerequisite for the corresponding fix in PAR::Packer.

  - Fix: Archive::Unzip::Burst::unzip result is ignored and _extract_inc
    does always the slow way, too

    PR from Vit Spinka <>, thanks!

  - Show debug messages if $ENV{PERL_DL_DEBUG} is true

1.015  2017-04-13

  - Fix RT#120722 (Reason for Module::Signature dependency unclear since 2008)
    - "require" a non-broken version of Digest::SHA
    - remove other crypto related "recommends"

  - Switch from Module::Install to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
    - avoids the hassle with Module::Install for Perl without "." in @INC
    - add some resources cf META.json

lib/PAR/Environment.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 PAR_CLEAN

Users should set C<PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN> instead.

Recreated from C<PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN> and the value of C<-C> from the YAML file
by the PAR loader, and used within loader to control the initial behavior
of extraction, and the final behavior of cleanup.  The user can reference
C<PAR_CLEAN> in the application to determine which of these behaviors
is being used for this run of the application.

=head2 PAR_DEBUG

Users should set C<PAR_GLOBAL_DEBUG> instead.

If this variable is set to a true value and F<> is run,
verbose output is sent to STDOUT or the logging filehandle.
This is overridden by the C<-q> option to F<>,
for steps after argument parsing occurs.

This currently only influences F<>. Whether this is the intended
behaviour remains to be verified.


Setting C<PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN> alters the behavior of par applications
which see that environment variable at launch.
C<PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN> overrides the C<-C> option.
Settings of 0 and 1 are supported.  0 corresponds to not using C<-C> on the
pp command line; 1 corresponds to using C<-C> on the pp command line.
C<PAR_GLOBAL_CLEAN> is ignored if C<PAR_GLOBAL_TEMP> is set, yet it
controls the form of C<PAR_TEMP> when C<PAR_GLOBAL_TEMP> is not set.


The PAR loader becomes more verbose when C<PAR_DEBUG> is set.
Setting C<PAR_GLOBAL_DEBUG> guarantees that C<PAR_DEBUG> will be set
internally, initially.  See C<PAR_DEBUG> for more details.


Contributes to the calculation of C<PAR_TEMP>, and is further explained


Contributes to the calculation of C<PAR_TEMP>, and is further explained

lib/PAR/FAQ.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

  %define         __prelink_undo_cmd     %{nil}

After quite some time, it seems like the smart folks at Redhat found the culprit. I'm glad *they* did, because I wouldn't have:

  It appears that we found a solution that works. It like the pp
  executables are already stripped, so we don't want rpm stripping them
  again, which, of course, renders them useless.
  In this case, we added the following lines to the spec file to keep rpm
  from running the strip process and not produce debuginfo packages:
  %define __spec_install_post :
  %define debug_package %{nil}
  Don't forget to add the ":" character to __spec_install_post as above or
  this won't work.

Much praise to all who helped track this down! The discussion can be found in the following RT tickets:
L<|#18536> and L<|#19609>.

-- Steffen Mueller, 22 July 2006

=head2 How can I package Wx applications?

lib/PAR/  view on Meta::CPAN

No user-serviceable parts inside.


# Dynamic inclusion of XS modules

# NOTE: Don't "use" any module here, esp. one that is an XS module or 
# whose "use" could cause the loading of an XS module thru its dependencies.

# enable debug/trace messages from DynaLoader perl code
my $dl_debug = $ENV{PERL_DL_DEBUG} || 0;

our %FullCache;

my ($bootstrap, $dl_findfile);  # Caches for code references
my ($cache_key);                # The current file to find
my $is_insensitive_fs = (
    -s $0
        and (-s lc($0) || -1) == (-s uc($0) || -1)
        and (-s lc($0) || -1) == -s $0

# Adds pre-hooks to Dynaloader's key methods
sub _init_dynaloader {
    return if $bootstrap;
    return unless eval { require DynaLoader; DynaLoader::dl_findfile(); 1 };

    print STDERR "PAR::Heavy: pre-hooks to Dynaloader's key methods\n"
        if $dl_debug;

    $bootstrap   = \&DynaLoader::bootstrap;
    $dl_findfile = \&DynaLoader::dl_findfile;

        no strict 'refs';
        local $^W;
        no warnings 'redefine';
        *{'DynaLoader::dl_expandspec'}  = sub { return };
        *{'DynaLoader::bootstrap'}      = \&_bootstrap;
        *{'DynaLoader::dl_findfile'}    = \&_dl_findfile;

# Return the cached location of .dll inside PAR first, if possible.
sub _dl_findfile {
    print STDERR "PAR::Heavy::_dl_findfile($cache_key)\n" if $dl_debug;

    if (exists $FullCache{$cache_key}) {
        print STDERR " found in FullCache as $FullCache{$cache_key}\n"
            if $dl_debug;
        return $FullCache{$cache_key};
    if ($is_insensitive_fs) {
        # We have a case-insensitive filesystem...
        my ($key) = grep { lc($_) eq lc($cache_key) } keys %FullCache;
        if (defined $key) {
            print STDERR " found case-insensitively in FullCache as $FullCache{$key}\n"
                if $dl_debug;
            return $FullCache{$key};
    print STDERR " fall back to DynaLoader::dl_findfile\n" if $dl_debug;
    return $dl_findfile->(@_);

# Find and extract .dll from PAR files for a given dynamic module.
sub _bootstrap {
    my (@args) = @_;
    my ($module) = $args[0] or return;

    my @modparts = split(/::/, $module);
    my $modfname = $modparts[-1];

lib/PAR/Tutorial.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

=over 4

=item * Possibly overwriting existing modules; not cross-platform at all


=item * A3: Use the executable generated by C<perlcc>

=over 4

=item * Impossible to debug; C<perlcc> usually does not work anyway



=head2 PAR, the Perl Archive Toolkit

=over 4

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