
 view release on metacpan or  search on metacpan

Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

                + territory_code_is_known(T)
        + get_loadable_language_codes()
            + Locale::DB::Loadable (for this function and the soft locale related functions)
        + supports_special_zeroth(), plural_category_count()
        + 'Supported Locale Criteria' to POD, 
        + non_locale_list(), is_non_locale(), 
        + typical_en_alias_list(), is_typical_en_alias()

0.26 2012-02-27 12:18:39
    - rt 75166: POD: change DataTime::Locale to DateTime::Locale
    - rt 73892: Undeclared dependency on File::Slurp – add most of the proposed patch Makefile.PL part
    - rt 75167: add normalize_tag_for_ietf()

0.25 2012-01-03 23:38:40
    - rt 73571 (copy/paste leftover)
    - rt 73572 (comment typo)
    - Added 90 more plural rule tests (i.e. @plural_tests in t/04.…, only 2 of which failed in 0.24 due to rt 73678)
    - rt 73678 (do Java style modulus in plural rules per CLDR)
    - javascript functions (initial get_plural_form() w/ perl/js tests in t/06.…)

0.24 2011-12-28 22:34:09

META.json  view on Meta::CPAN

   "name" : "Locales",
   "no_index" : {
      "directory" : [
   "prereqs" : {
      "build" : {
         "requires" : {
            "File::Slurp" : "0",
            "Module::Want" : "0.6",
            "Test::Carp" : "0",
            "Test::More" : "0"
      "configure" : {
         "requires" : {
            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.56"
      "runtime" : {
         "requires" : {
            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.56",
            "File::Slurp" : "0",
            "Module::Want" : "0.6",
            "String::UnicodeUTF8" : "0",
            "Test::Carp" : "0",
            "Test::More" : "0"
   "release_status" : "stable",
   "version" : "0.34"

META.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

abstract: 'Methods for getting localized CLDR language/territory names (and a subset of other data)'
  - 'Daniel Muey <http://drmuey.com/cpan_contact.pl>'
  File::Slurp: '0'
  Module::Want: '0.6'
  Test::Carp: '0'
  Test::More: '0'
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '6.56'
dynamic_config: 1
generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.98, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150001'
license: unknown
  url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
  version: '1.4'
name: Locales
    - t
    - inc
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '6.56'
  File::Slurp: '0'
  Module::Want: '0.6'
  String::UnicodeUTF8: '0'
  Test::Carp: '0'
  Test::More: '0'
version: '0.34'

Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

    NAME          => 'Locales',
    AUTHOR        => 'Daniel Muey <http://drmuey.com/cpan_contact.pl>',
    VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/Locales.pm',
    ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Locales.pm',
    PL_FILES      => {},
    PREREQ_PM     => {
        'Test::More'          => 0,
        'Test::Carp'          => 0,
        'File::Slurp'         => 0,
        'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.56',
        'Module::Want'        => '0.6',
        'String::UnicodeUTF8' => 0,
        'Test::More'   => 0,
        'Test::Carp'   => 0,
        'File::Slurp'  => 0,
        'Module::Want' => '0.6',
        'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.56,
    dist  => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
    clean => { FILES    => 'Locales-*' },

_build/_locales_build_utils.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

package _locales_build_utils;

use Cwd;
use XML::Simple;
use XML::Twig;
use File::Path::Tiny;
use lib Cwd::realpath('lib');
use Locales;
use File::Slurp;
use Encode ();    # to be stringified properly from hash value bug: s{\|\|\s*(\$fallback_lang_misc_info\-\>\S*)\,}{|| Encode::decode_utf8($1),}
use String::Unquotemeta;
use JSON::Syck;
use JavaScript::Minifier::XS;

#### this ugliness will be spruced up when we go to CLDR-via-JSON in rt 69340 (no XML voo doo and we can move to TT for mod building) ##

# datetime.json
our $tripped;
use Test::Carp sub { $tripped = 1 if $_[0]; };

t/06.af.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('af') || die "Could not create object for af: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.agq.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('agq') || die "Could not create object for agq: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.ak.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('ak') || die "Could not create object for ak: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 2 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.am.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('am') || die "Could not create object for am: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 2 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.ar.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('ar') || die "Could not create object for ar: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 2 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.as.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('as') || die "Could not create object for as: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.asa.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('asa') || die "Could not create object for asa: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.az.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('az') || die "Could not create object for az: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bas.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bas') || die "Could not create object for bas: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.be.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('be') || die "Could not create object for be: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 2 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bem.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bem') || die "Could not create object for bem: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bez.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bez') || die "Could not create object for bez: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bg.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bg') || die "Could not create object for bg: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bm.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bm') || die "Could not create object for bm: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bn.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bn') || die "Could not create object for bn: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bo.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bo') || die "Could not create object for bo: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.br.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('br') || die "Could not create object for br: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 2 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.brx.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('brx') || die "Could not create object for brx: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.bs.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('bs') || die "Could not create object for bs: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 2 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.byn.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('byn') || die "Could not create object for byn: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.ca.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('ca') || die "Could not create object for ca: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.cch.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('cch') || die "Could not create object for cch: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.cgg.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('cgg') || die "Could not create object for cgg: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

t/06.chr.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $obj = Locales->new('chr') || die "Could not create object for chr: $@";

my @nums = ( 0, 1.6, 2.2, 3.14159, 42.78, 0 .. 256 );

eval 'use JE ()';
plan $@ ? ( 'skip_all' => 'JE.pm required for testing JS/Perl plural behavior tests' ) : ( 'tests' => ( scalar(@nums) * ( 4 + 4 ) ) );
my $js = JE->new();

use File::Slurp;
my $root = '.';    # TODO: make me portable
if ( -d '../share/' ) {
    $root = '..';
if ( !-d "$root/share/" ) {
    die "Can not determine share directory.";

my @cats = map { "args_$_" } $obj->get_plural_form_categories();
my $cats_args = join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @cats );

my $jsfile = File::Slurp::read_file("$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js") or die "Could not read '$root/share/functions/$obj->{'locale'}.js': $!";

for my $n (@nums) {
    my $res = $js->eval("var X = $jsfile;return X.get_plural_form($n)");
        [ $res->[0], $res->[1] ],    # have to do this to stringify JE object properly
        [ $obj->get_plural_form($n) ],
        "perl and js get_plural_form() behave the same. Tag: $obj->{'locale'} Number: $n"
    is( $res->[1], 0, "using special is 0 for $n (no args)" );

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