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MANIFEST  view on Meta::CPAN

t/porting/copyright.t			Check that copyright years match
t/porting/corelist.t			Check that Module-CoreList has perl versions for the current perl
t/porting/customized.dat		Data file for porting/customized.t
t/porting/customized.t			Check all CUSTOMIZED files are as they should be
t/porting/deprecation.t			Test that deprecation warnings are handled right
t/porting/diag.t			Test completeness of perldiag.pod
t/porting/dual-life.t			Check that dual-life bins are in utils/
t/porting/exec-bit.t			Check that exec-bit bins are identified
t/porting/extrefs.t			Check perl headers don't make extern refs
t/porting/filenames.t			Check the MANIFEST for filename portability.
t/porting/FindExt.t			Test win32/
t/porting/globvar.t			Check that globvar.sym is sane
t/porting/header_parser.t		Check that regen/ works as expected
t/porting/known_pod_issues.dat		Data file for porting/podcheck.t
t/porting/libperl.t			Check libperl.a sanity
t/porting/maintainers.t			Test that Porting/ is up to date
t/porting/manifest.t			Test that this MANIFEST file is well formed
t/porting/perlfunc.t			Test that Functions_pm.PL can parse perlfunc.pod
t/porting/pod_rules.t			Check that various pod lists are consistent
t/porting/podcheck.t			Test the POD of shipped modules is well formed
t/porting/re_context.t			Check assumptions made by save_re_context()

Porting/  view on Meta::CPAN

    'cpan/podlators/t/lib/Test/',       # just a test module
    'cpan/podlators/t/lib/Test/',             # just a test module
    'cpan/podlators/t/lib/Test/RRA/',      # just a test module
    'cpan/version/t/', # just a test module
    'dist/Attribute-Handlers/demo/', # it's just demonstration code
    'lib/',		# no version number but contents will vary
} = ();

# Files to skip just for particular version(s),
# usually due to some # mix-up

my %skip_versions = (
    # 'some/sample/' => [ '1.23', '1.24' ],

my $skip_dirs = qr|^t/lib|;

Porting/sync-with-cpan  view on Meta::CPAN

# logic here. That's fine, because regen/ is idempotent if run
# repeatedly.
if (@commit || @gone) {
    say "Running regen/ to handle potential added/deleted dirs";
    my $exe_dir = WIN32 ? ".\\" : './';
    system "${exe_dir}perl$Config{_exe}", "-Ilib", "regen/"
        and die "regen/ failed\n";

# Must clean up, or else t/porting/FindExt.t will fail.
# Note that we can always retrieve the original directory with a git checkout.
print "About to clean up the old version, update and start tests\n";

remove_tree( "$type_dir/$old_dir" );
unlink "$type_dir/$new_file" unless $tarball;

open my $Maintainers_pl, '<', 'Porting/';

dist/Module-CoreList/t/corelist.t  view on Meta::CPAN

   "File::Spec reached 0.82 with 5.006_001");

   "Filespec was never a core module. It's called VMS::Filespec");

is_deeply([ sort keys %Module::CoreList::released ],
          [ sort keys %Module::CoreList::version ],
          "have a note of everythings release");

is_deeply( [ map {
    exists $Module::CoreList::version{ $_ }{FindExt} ? $_ : ()
} keys %Module::CoreList::version ],
           [], "FindExt shouldn't get included rt#6922" );

my $consistent = 1;
for my $family (values %Module::CoreList::families) {
    my $first = shift @$family;
    my $has = join " ", sort keys %{ $Module::CoreList::versions{ $first } };
    for my $member (@$family) {
        $has eq join " ", sort keys %{ $Module::CoreList::versions{ $member } }
          or do { diag "$first -> $member family"; $consistent = 0 };
    }  view on Meta::CPAN

if (!@extspec and !$static and !$dynamic and !$nonxs and !$dynaloader)  {
    die "$0: no extension specified\n";

my $perl;
my %extra_passthrough;

if (IS_WIN32) {
    require Cwd;
    require FindExt;
    my $build = Cwd::getcwd();
    $perl = $^X;
    if ($perl =~ m#^\.\.#) {
	my $here = $build;
	$here =~ s{/}{\\}g;
	$perl = "$here\\$perl";
    (my $topdir = $perl) =~ s/\\[^\\]+$//;
    # miniperl needs to find perlglob and pl2bat
    $ENV{PATH} = "$topdir;$topdir\\win32\\bin;$ENV{PATH}";

win32/  view on Meta::CPAN

package FindExt;

our $VERSION = '1.03';

use strict;
use warnings;

my $no = join('|',qw(Amiga.* GDBM_File ODBM_File NDBM_File DB_File
                     VMS.* Sys-Syslog IPC-SysV));
$no = qr/^(?:$no)$/i;

win32/GNUmakefile  view on Meta::CPAN

	$(CC) $(EXTRACFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) $(PDBOUT) -Fe$@ perlglob.c -link $(BLINK_FLAGS) \
	setargv$(o) $(LIBFILES)

..\git_version.h : $(HAVEMINIPERL) ..\
	$(MINIPERL) -I..\lib ..\

# make sure that we recompile perl.c if the git version changes
..\perl$(o) : ..\git_version.h

..\ : $(CFGSH_TMPL) config_sh.PL $(HAVEMINIPERL)
	$(MINIPERL) -I..\lib config_sh.PL $(CFG_VARS) $(CFGSH_TMPL) > ..\
	if exist ..\ del /f ..\
	rename ..\

# This target is for when changes to the main happen.
# Edit config.gc, then make perl using GCC in a minimal configuration (i.e.
# with MULTI, ITHREADS, IMP_SYS, LARGE_FILES and PERLIO off), then make
# this target to regenerate config_H.gc.
	$(MINIPERL) -I..\lib config_sh.PL --prebuilt $(CFG_VARS) $(CFGSH_TMPL) > ..\

win32/Makefile  view on Meta::CPAN

	    perlglob$(o) setargv$(o)

perlglob$(o)  : perlglob.c

..\git_version.h : $(MINIPERL) ..\
	cd .. && miniperl -Ilib && cd win32

# make sure that we recompile perl.c if the git version changes
..\perl$(o) : ..\git_version.h

..\ : $(CFGSH_TMPL) config_sh.PL $(MINIPERL)
	$(MINIPERL) -I..\lib config_sh.PL $(CFG_VARS) $(CFGSH_TMPL) > ..\
	if exist ..\ del /f ..\
	rename ..\

# This target is for when changes to the main happen.
# Edit, then make perl in a minimal configuration (i.e. with MULTI,
# ITHREADS, IMP_SYS and LARGE_FILES off), then make this target
# to regenerate
	$(MINIPERL) -I..\lib config_sh.PL --prebuilt $(CFG_VARS) $(CFGSH_TMPL) > ..\

win32/config_sh.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

#!perl -w
use strict;
use FindExt;

# take a semicolon separated path list and turn it into a quoted
# list of paths that Text::Parsewords will grok
sub mungepath {
    my $p = shift;
    # remove leading/trailing semis/spaces
    $p =~ s/^[ ;]+//;
    $p =~ s/[ ;]+$//;
    $p =~ s/'/"/g;
    my @p = map { $_ = "\"$_\"" if /\s/ and !/^".*"$/; $_ } split /;/, $p;

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