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HTML::EasyTable - a Module for easy printing of HTML Tables


 use HTML::EasyTable;
 my %options = (
            -style_3=>'font-weight:600;', # apply to column 3
            -title_4=>'Click here!'       # apply to column 4
    -style=>'width:800;',     #
    -id=>'table1',            #
    -border=>1,               #  Any standart
    -bordercolor=>'#000099',  #  <table> options
    -cellspacing=>'0'         #
 # Construct $table object with %options arguments:
 my $table = HTML::EasyTable->new(\%options);

 # print <table style="width:800;" id="table1" .... without mass_param :
 print $table->startTable;

 # print <tr> and table cells with
 # options below plus "mass_param":
 print $table->tr_TD(
         {-bgcolor_3=>'#339933',               # Cell 3 bgcolor
          -title_3=>'Click here',              # title of Cell 3
          align=>'center',                  # <tr align="center"
          style=>'font-weight:600;'         # <tr style="font-weight:600;"
         'Cell 1',$cell_2,'Cell 3',\@cell_4    # content of <td> cells
 print $table->tr_TH(....);                    # content of <th> cells
 print $table->endTable;                       # this just print </table>


This module print HTML tables very easy and simple.


  • new(-mass_param=>{\%mass_opts},\%opts);

     Create object HTML::EasyTable with various options :

    %opts arguments whos may be any standard <table> arguments in like style: -border=>'1',-bgcolor=>'#ffffff'...etc.        -mass_param set arguments on columns: -mass_param=>{-title_3=>'This is Cell 3 TITLE', -style_4=>'cursor:help;'} This will make all third cells with title "This is Cell 3 TITLE" and all fourth cells with argument: style="cursor:help;"

  • startTable

     This is complete <table> TAG with all arguments in B<new()>,
     but without  B<-mass_param> option:
     print $table->startTable;
     # This print <table border="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  • tr_TD({\%opts},LIST);

    Where LIST is list of cells. Contain one table line: <tr><td></td></tr> with specifed options.

  • tr_TH({\%opts},LIST);

    Where LIST is list of cells. Contain one table line with heading cells: <tr><th></th></tr>

    Option -mass_param has no influence in this method!

For more info see EXAMPLES below.


All arguments and options is given as hashref {key=>'value',key2=>value2} or {\%hashref}

All cell content is given thereby: tr_TD/TH({\%opts},'blabla','blabla') or tr_TD/TH({\%opts},@array)

Or use mixed list instead @array like: ('bla bla', # Cell-1 string $cell2, # Cell-2 scalar @cells_3_and_4, # Cell-3 & Cell-4 array ['cell', 5], # Cell-5 anonynous array \@cell_6 # Cell-6 arrayref );



-mass_param=>{} - argument for one column who take anonymous hash with arguments: -bgcolor_3,-style_2... where numbers 3 and 2 are columns (or every third and second cells).

Other arguments are for <table> tag in format new(key=>'value',key2=>value2);

tr_TD()/tr_TH() - these similar methods have two different type arguments:
 1) ARGUMENT  - refer to <tr> tag.Example align,style ..etc
 2) -ARGUMENT_CELL  - put into CELL argument ARGUMENT
 such as in "mass_param".Example -width_1=>"40",-width_2=>"20"
 what prints <td width="40"></td><td width="20"></td>

Note that ARGUMENT option NOT have prefix '-'(minus). This is important!!


None by default.


These examples should be seen in directory "examples" after "make test" create her # Very simple exaple with mixed type cells # See: examples/HTML-HTML::EasyTable-Sample1.htm use HTML::EasyTable; use CGI qw(:standard); my $table = HTML::EasyTable->new( -style=>'border: 2px black double;', -border=>1, -cellpadding=>2, -cellspacing=>0 ); print header,start_html,'<center>'; print $table->startTable; print $table->tr_TH({bgcolor=>'#996666'}, 'Col1','Col2','Col3','Col4','Col5','Col6');

 my @ary1 = ('Cell 1', 'Cell 2');
 my @ary2 = ('Cell 3', 'Cell 4');
 my @ary3 = ('Cell', 6);
 print $table->tr_TD({align=>'center'}, 
           @ary1, @ary2, ['Cell', 5],\@ary3);

 print $table->endTable,'</center>';

# Here is a simple Random Calculator: # See: examples/HTML-HTML::EasyTable-Sample2.htm use HTML::EasyTable; use CGI qw(:standard); my $table = HTML::EasyTable->new( -mass_param=>{-width_6=>75, -bgcolor_6=>'#6666FF', -style_6=>'font-weight:600;'}, -style=>'border: 2px black double;', -border=>1, -cellpadding=>2, -cellspacing=>0 ); sub digit { int(rand 400); } print header,start_html,'<center>'; print $table->startTable; print $table->tr_TH({bgcolor=>'#6699FF'}, 'Num 1','Num 2','Num 3','Num 4','Num 5','Total');

 my ($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5);
 for (my $i=10; $i>=0;$i--) {
     print $table->tr_TD({align=>'center'},
      $c1=digit(), $c2=digit(), $c3=digit(), 
      $c4=digit(), $c5=digit(),$c1+$c2+$c3+$c4+$c5);
 print $table->endTable,'</center>';

======================================================================= # Example 2 # See: examples/HTML-HTML::EasyTable-Sample2.htm use HTML::EasyTable; use CGI qw(:standard);

 my $table = HTML::EasyTable->new(
 my %tr_options = (
       style=>'background-color: #990000;
               font-family: verdana,arial;font-weight:600;'

print header,start_html; print $table->startTable; my $r = 255; my $x = "A"; my $y = 0; my $i = 1; while ($i <= 285) { my $letter = "A"; $tr_options{-style_1} = "background-color:rgb($i,$i,$i); color:rgb($r,$r,$r);"; $i+=30; $r-=24; my @text; $text[0..1] = $x++; $text[0] = $y++; $tr_options{"-style_".$y} = "background-color:rgb($i,$i,$i); color:rgb($r,$r,$r);"; for (1..$#text-1) { $text[$_]= ($y-1).$letter++; $tr_options{"-title_".($_+1)} = "Cell $text[$_]"; } print $table->tr_TD(\%tr_options, @text); } print $table->endTable;

 ======================================================================= # Print table 36 x 6 cells with colors in HEX format # See: examples/HTML-HTML::EasyTable-Sample3.htm use HTML::EasyTable; use CGI qw(:standard); my $table = HTML::EasyTable->new( -border=>'1', -width=>'100%', -cellcpasing=>'0' );

    my %tr_options = (
          style=>'font-family: verdana,arial;font-weight:600;'

    print header,start_html;
    print $table->startTable;
    my ($i,$j,$k);
    my @hex = ('00','33','66','99','CC','FF');
    for ($i = 5; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        for ($j = 5; $j >= 0; $j--) {
            my $cell=1;
            my @colors;
            for ($k= 5; $k >= 0; $k--) {
                $tr_options{"-style_$cell"} ="background: $hex[$i]$hex[$j]$hex[$k];";
                $tr_options{"-style_$cell"} .="color: $hex[$j-1]$hex[$k-1]$hex[$j-1];";
                $colors[$cell-1] = '#'.$hex[$i] . $hex[$j] . $hex[$k];
            print $table->tr_TD(\%tr_options,@colors);
    print $table->endTable;




When set: HTML::EasyTable->new(-mass_param=>{-title_3=>'This is cell 3'});

then set: print $table->tr_TD({-title_3=>'Another title'}, 'cell 1','cell 2','cell 3' );

This print:

<table> <tr> <td>cell 1</td> <td>cell 2</td> <td title="Another title" title="this is cell 3"> cell 3 </td> </tr> </table>

If You found other bugs Please report them.


Angel N. Kolev, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Angel N. Kolev

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.