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This document describes the porttracker API for third-party programs to use (it is also used internally to communicate with the tawnyd).


In this document, command names, paths and similar entities are formatted like this.

   Preformatted sections are indented like this. This is used for verbatim
   text. Portions of the section that need to be replaced by dynamic
   content are enclosed in <angle brackets>.

   < Lines starting with "< " are received from the server.
   > Lines starting with "> " are sent to the server. # and this is a comment

Both text refering to these variable sections and verbatim text inside other paragraphs is formatted like this.



The API uses a tcp connection to port 55 on the porttracker management machine. The TCP connection must be 8-bit-clean (as UTF-8 is used as character encoding) and can be driven either in binary or text mode.

Alternatively, the server also listens on the Unix socket /tmp/.tawny/.tawnyd for local connections (where "none" is one of the guaranteed auth methods).

There are currently no timeouts for the connection itself, but TCP keepalive might be enabled server-side.


The protocol is based on sending and receiving JSON arrays encoded as UTF-8. The server expects JSON arrays to be sent back-to-back, without any separators, but for testing purposes it is often convenient to end JSON arrays with ASCII LF (or ASCII CR LF) characters ("newline"), effectively treating it as a line-based protocol.

To support programming languages without incremental JSON parsers, the server will append an ASCII LF character to each JSON array and additionally will make sure that its replies will never contain any ASCII LF characters, so instead of directly parsing the JSON stream, the client may also read single lines and then decode the JSON array contained in each line.

Note 1: This means that one can use telnet or a similar program to test the protocol, as the server ignores ASCII CR and LF characters but sends its responses as single lines.

Note 2: There are two principal parsing strategies: the obvious one is to read a single (potentially very large) line and then decode it, and the less obvious one is to use a streaming parser and simply read JSON arrays one after each other.


Server and client can send messages to each other at any time (usually the client first has to wait and parse the initial server greeting, though, to see what kind of authentication is required).

All messages are JSON arrays in one of the following formats:

   [<id>, <type>, <args...>]        # client request
   [<id>, <status>, <args...>]      # server response
   [null, <type>, <args...>]        # server notification

The first member, id, identifies the request/response pair: Each request the client sends has to use a unique ID not currently in use by any request that is still ongoing. Any string or number can be used for the id value. The type member is a string indicating the type of request to the server. The remaining members (if any) are request-specific.

Each server response to a request will use the same id value as the request. The second member, status, is either 0 for failure, followed by an error message and optionally more information, or 1 for success and request-specific return values.

The protocol supports pipelining (sending multiple requests without processing any replies) and responses to a request can come in any order. Most requests will be handled in parallel, only some (like the login messages) are guaranteed to get processed in order.

If the first member is the JSON null value, then the message is a server notification and the type member identified the notification type. This mechanism is used for the initial server greeting and any fatal errors (such as wrongly formatted client requests).

Note: The type model used for JSON is "soft", that is, numbers might sometimes be returned as strings, and vice versa. The only values in the protocol where you can be sure of the type are the id and status return values, for other values you have to be liberal in what you accept.


When connecting, the server sends a server greeting notification ("hello"), informing the client of the protocol version, whether authentication is required and which kind of authentication is supported.

If the server indicated that authentication is required, the client will then have to send login requests until it successfully authenticated.

After that, the server will continue serving client requests.

To end a session, the client just should simply drop the connection.


   < [null,"hello",1,["login"]]
     Server sent the initial greeting and requests the
     use of a login request for authentication.

   > ["someid", "realm_poll", 5100005442]
   < ["someid",0,"you need to authenticate first"]
     Most requests are only valid once logged-in.

   > [100, "login", "username", "password"]
   < [100,1]
     The client sent a login request with credentials,
     and the server accepted them.

   > ["someid", "realm_poll", 5100005442]
     Starts a poll, which takes a long time.

   > [3, "ping"]
   < [3,1,1202674637.64799,17372]
     Ping simply returns a timestamp and the daemon pid as fast as possible.

   > ["someid",1,{"port_updates":"2","device_seens":"88","device_inserts":"9","switch_updates":"3","port_seens":"73"}]
     The result of the poll, with some statistical data.


Messages might contain more than the documented number of array members. If that is the case, the application must simply ignore them.


"hello" - initial server greeting
   < [null, "hello", <version>, [<auth-types...>], <nonce>]

The server usually sends this notification after the initial connect and never thereafter. The version argument specified the protocol version (always 1), the auth-types argument is an array of authentication types that the server accepts (there can be more than one). The nonce can be used to securely authenticate, and is base64-encoded.

Before a client is authenticated, all other requests will fail.

The defined authentication types are:


No additional authentication is required, the client can simply start sending other requests. This is available when the server detects a "secure" connection, e.g. from the local host, or when other authentication methods are used, such as an SSL certificate or IP-based authentication.


The client may use password authentication by sending a login request (described later).


The client may use a challenge response mechanism based on MD6 to authenticate.

"info" - an informational message
   < [null, "info", <informational-message>]

The server sends an informational message. These can be ignored by the client, or logged, depending on taste.

"error" - a fatal error has occured
   < [null, "error", <error-message>]

A fatal error has occurred. This should be logged, and the connection should probably be closed if the cause cannot be identified, as this signifies fatal events such as a non-decodable request or runtime errors in the server.

"start_tls" - TLS negotiation starts
   < [null, "start_tls"]

This notice is sent when the server wants to start TLS/SSL negotiation, either because the server requires TLS to proceed, or because the client requested it via a start_tls request.

TLS negotiation will start directly after the final ASCII LF ending the notice. The protocol will continue as normal after the TLS handshake.

"event" - subscribed system event
   < [null, "event", <type>, <args...>]

This notice is sent each time an event occurs that the session is subscribed to (see subscribe and unsubscribe commands).

Currently known events are:

realm_discover_start realm-gid

Called with the GID of the realm that has just started a discovery process.

realm_discover_stop realm-gid

Called with the GID of the realm that has just finished a discovery process.

realm_poll_start realm-gid

Called with the GID of the realm that has just started a poll process.

realm_poll_stop realm-gid

Called with the GID of the realm that has just finished a poll process.


"login" - username/password-based authentication
   > [<id>, "login", <username>, <password>]
   < [<id>, 1]

Tries to log-in with the given username and password. The username and password must belong to a valid admin user configured in the user interface.

"login_cram_md6" - secure username/password-based authentication
   > [<id>, "login_cram_md6", <username>, <cr>, <cc>]
   < [<id>, 1, <sr>]

Tries to securely login with a username and password. First, a shared key is calculated, by using (all MD6 invocations are with blocksize 64 and hashsize 256):

   key = hmac_md6 (password, username) # as defined by RFC 2104

Then, the client generates a a nonce of any length (empty nonces are ok), called cc. Then it calculates cr using the key, cc and the server nonce as follows ("+" means concatenation):

   cr = hmac_md6 (key, cc + nonce)

Then it sends both cr and cc in the login request, base64-encoded.

If authentication is successful, the server responds with a base64-encoded sr:

   sr = hmac_md6 (key, nonce + cc)

If the client used a non-empty cc, then it can use the sr value to shield against man-in-the-middle attacks by comparing it with its own calculation.

Test vectors:

   nonce/base64  = YWVlYWJkZjQzMWEzYWM2
   username/text = user
   password/text = pass
   key/base64    = C1JQ4jnjsrBzJtTZXt8Po+wA/iXtaM5r4BIIjl0lfMA
   cc/base64     = ZmZiOTczMjE=
   cr/base64     = 5UJKUqehqBKwXiSk6RzYjsPWqivMJcEgE2crTLVyw04
   sr/base64     = gGKEpOuv5WuuQ7ZbwDWNIdyJtAnCimVN/faM5qWtOZM
"ping" - ping the server, return some informational data
   > [<id>, "ping"]
   < [<id>, 1, <timestamp>, <server-pid>]
"start_tls" - request SSL/TLS handshake
   > [<id>, "start_tls"]
   < [null, "start_tls"]
   <--tls negotiation-->
   < [<id>, 1]

This request request TLS negotiation. If accepted, the server replies first with a start_tls notification, followed by the TLS handshake, followed by the request reply. If TLS is rejected, then there will be no notification and no handshake, just the reply.

The client must not send anything after sending this request until the server sends a start_tls notification (i.e. nothing must be written after the closing ] until either a reply or a notification is received).

The handshake must be started immediately after the final ASCII LF that ends the notification reply.

Note that it is quite possible to receive other responses and notifications before the TLS notification is received.

"product_id" - return the product id
   > [<id>, "product_id"]
   < [<id>, 1, <branding>, <product-id>]


   > [1,"product_id"]
   < [1,1,"n","00:1d:60:e8:6e:36"]

Returns the branding (e.g. "n" for Porttracker, "i" for PortIQ) and product ID for licencing purposes.

"subscribe" - subscribe to system events
   > [<id>, "subscribe", <events...>]
   < [<id>, <status>]

Tries to subscribe to the specified events (see the event notification earlier in this document for a list of supported events). As a special case, the event named * matches all events.

"unsubscribe" - unsubscribe from system events
   > [<id>, "unsubscribe", <events...>]
   < [<id>, <status>]

Unsubscribes from the specified events - no further events of the specified types will be received by this session.

"log" - log a message
   > [<id>, "log", <message>, <priority>]
   < [<id>, <status>]

Logs the given message as if tawnyd had logged it. The priority is a standard syslog priority, ranging from 0 (emerg) to 7 (debug). IF it is missing, then the message will be logged with priority info.

"set_license" - configure a new licence
   > [<id>, "set_license", <license-string>]
   < [<id>, <status>]

Configures the given licence string as new licence for the box. Returns successful if the licence is valid, fails otherwise.

Setting the license requires admin privileges.

"realm_info" - information about realms
   > [<id>, "realm_info", [<fields...>], [<realms...>]]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<fields...>]... ]]


   > [1,"realm_info",["gid","description","polling","name","seeds"]]
   < [1,1,["5000015442","","0","Realm Name",""]]

   > [1, "realm_info", ["gid", "discovery_result", "poll_result", "sync_result"]]
   < [1,1,["64424509927",{"infrastructure":13},{"poll":{"infrastructure":13,

Requests information about the given realms (or all realms if specified as null). The following fields can be requested, and their contents will be returned in the order specified in the fields array:

gid - the gid (id value) identifying the realm
name - the user-specified name of the realm
description - the user-specified description for this realm
last_discover - timestamp of last discover run
last_poll - timestamp of last poll run
last_sync - timestamp of last sync run
polling - 0 (not polling) or 1 (currently polling)
syncing - 0 (not syncing) or 1 (currently syncing)
seeds - the seed list (whitespace-separated list of seed devices)
pollers - a list of poller-gids of pollers attached to the realm
discovery_result - a hash with key as infrastructure and value as number of devices discovered
poll_result - a hash with keys infrastructure, ports and end and values as their counts
sync_result - a hash with keys qsync and bsync and values as their results
ageing_interval - ping sweep interval for this realm.
"realm_info_modify" - edits the given realm
   > [<id>, "realm_info_modify", <realm-gid>, {<prop>:<value>,...}]
   < [<id>, 1]

A property hash followed by a realm gid. Keys of the hash are name, description, discovery_poller and ageing_interval.


   > [1, "realm_info_modify", "38952865423", {"name":"default-1"}]
   < [1, 1]
"realm_modify" - adds and/or deletes realms
   > [<id>, "realm_modify", [delete-ids...], [[add-realm],...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

Two arrays expected as input. First array is a list of realm gids needs to be deleted. Second array is a list of realm needs to be added. An array per realm can contain realm name and description.


   > [1, "realm_modify", ["38456782341"], [["Test Realm", "for test"]]]
   < [1, 1]
"realm_discover" - run discovery on a given realm
   > [<id>, "realm_discover", <realm-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1]
"realm_poll" - run a poll on a given realm
   > [<id>, "realm_poll", <realm-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1, { <statistical data> } ]
"switch_poll" - run a poll on a given realm and switch ip
   > [<id>, "switch_poll", <realm-gid>, <switch ip>]
   < [<id>, 1, { <statistical data> } ]
"realm_sync" - run a sync on a given realm and plugin
   > [<id>, "realm_sync", <realm-gid>, <sync module>]
   < [<id>, 1]

The sync module can be either bsync or qsync.

"realm_query" - query the database

This request executes a database query with filtering, much like the device and switch views work in the user interface.

   > [<id>, "realm_query", <realm-gid>, <type>
      [<column-name>...], [<raw-column-name]>...],
      {<column-name> : <filter-expression>...},
      <history mask>, 
      {<port unused period> : <unused value>}
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<result-data>]... ]]

The realm-gid is the GID of the realm to query, as returned by real_info. The type is the string device, switch or switch_detail, which corresponds to the device view, switch view or switch detail view.

The first array of column-names specifies which columns should be returned. The second array of raw-column-names works likewise, but the values returned will be the "raw" (possibly octet-encoded) database contents. Specifying the same column name in both array causes undefined behaviour.

The hash of column-name => filter-expression pairs specifies additional filters. The syntax for the filter-expression is the same as the ones used by the GUI.

The history mask is the history selection option. Value 0 means current, value 1 means All and value 2 means All+Changes. Default value is 0.

The hash of port unused period => unused pairs specifies port unused time. The port unused period can be days, months or years.

The reply contains an array of result rows. Each row consists of data values using the same ordering as in the requested column-name arrays, raw columns last.

The (JSON) type of each column depends on the column itself, and can vary between rows.

valid columns for "device" query

vlanname, port_pktcount, linkduplex, port_mac, device_log_end, port_errorcount, vtpdomain, switch_ip, device_log_start, linkstatus, linkspeed, device_mac, history_device, linkadminduplex, ifname, device_comment, device_notes, vlan, device_dnsname, ifalias, switch_uid, ifdescr, linkadminstatus, port_error_percentage, device_ip

valid columns for "switch" query

number_ports, switch_action, switch_syslocation, free_ports_percentage, switch_sysservices, switch_dnsname, history_switch, switch_log_end, switch_pollduration, switch_model, available_ports_percentage, switch_comment, ports_lastchange, switch_ip, switch_sysdescr, switch_notes, available_ports, poe_ports, switch_log_start, switch_uid, switch, free_ports


   > [1, "realm_query", "5100005442", "device",
     ["switch_uid", "device_ip"],
     { "switch_uid" : "switch03%" }]
   < [1,1,[["","","\u00000B\u0006D^"],...
valid columns for "switch_detail" view

port_pktcount, history_port, linkduplex, port_mac, port_comment, port_log_start, port_errorcount, port_log_end, detected_devices_current, linkstatus, linkspeed, linkadminduplex, ifname, port_action, poe_power, ifalias, switch_uid, poe_status, switch, ifdescr, linkadminstatus, port_error_percentage


   > [5, "realm_query", "5100005442", "switch_detail",
     ["ifname"], [],
     { "switch" : 27 }]
   < [5,1,[["Fa0/11"],["Fa0/21"], ... ,["Fa0/5"]]]
"report_info" - returns the available report list

This request returns the report list for the logged-in user.

   > [<id>, "report_info"]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<gid>, <name>], ...]]

The reply will contains an array for each report. Each array will have gid and name of the report.


   > [1, "report_info"]
   < [1,1,[["3865500631171148","New Report 1"]]]
"user_view_info" - return the available views list

This request returns the report views list for the logged-in user.

   > [<id>, "user_view_info", [<field-list>], [<type-list>]]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<fields>, ...], ...]]

Valid fields are name and gid and valid types are switch, port and device. The reply will contains an array for each view.


   > [1, "user_view_info", ["gid", "name"]]
   < [1,1,[["107374182462","Ports:Default"],
           ["94489280669","Ports:Multiple Devices on Port"],
           ["107374182460","End Devices:Default"],
           ["3865500631171226","End Devices:test"],
           ["3865500631171236","End Devices:tns04"]]]
"realm_view" - query database with given view in a given realm

This request returns the database entries for the given view and the realm.

   > [<id>, "realm_view", <realm-gid>, <view-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1,[ [<result-data>]]]

Valid view gid should be given followed by a valid realm gid. The reply will contain the results from database query and one array per database row.


   > [1, "realm_view", "64424509927", "107374182461"]
   < [1,1,[["","S","26","15","15","58","0","2009-12-08 12:17:00",
            "2009-12-08 12:17:00",null],["","S","26","20","20"
            ,"77","0","2009-12-08 12:17:00","2009-12-08 12:17:00",null]]]
"realm_seed_list" - return the seed list

This request returns the seed list for the given realm.

   > [<id>, "realm_seed_list", <realm-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<ip>, <flags>]... ]]

The reply contains an array with all configured seed devices. Each device is represented by an array with the IP address in textual form and a flags bitset. The only defined bit value (not number) is 2, which indicates a manually-added seed entry.


   > [1, "realm_seed_list", "5100005442"]
   < [1,1,[["",0],["",2]]]
"realm_seed_list_modify" - add/remove seed list entries

This request modifies the seed list for a realm.

   > [<id>, "realm_seed_list_modify", <realm-gid>, [<delete-ip>...], [<add-ip>...>]]
   < [<id>, 1]

The two arrays after the realm-gid specify the IP addresses (in textual form) of seed entries to remove, followed by a list of IP addresses to be added afterwards. Newly added IP addresses will have the manual flag set on them.

Example: set the manually-added flag on, or add it if it didn't exist yet.

   > [1, "realm_seed_list_modify", "5100005442", [""], [""]]
   < [1,1]
"realm_snmp_credential_list" - list snmp credentials

This request returns the snmp credentials for the given realm.

   > [<id>, "realm_snmp_credential_list", <realm-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<subnet>, <bits>, [ 2, [<community>...], [3, <v3 settings>] ], <flags>]... ]]

The reply contains an array with all configured snmp credentials, one per subnet. Each snmp credential will contain the subnet address in textual form, the leading number of significant bits in the subnet (0..32 for IPv4, 0..128 for IPv6), an array per snmp v2 and v3 settings and a flags bitset (bit value 1 means it is an include, otherwise it is an exclude). v2 array starts with bit value 2 means it is version v2 and followed by an array of community strings. v3 array starts with bit value 3 means it is version v3 and followed by v3 user name, authentication password, privacy password, authentication algorithm and privacy algorithm.


   > [1, "realm_snmp_credential_list", "5100005442"]
   < [1,1,[ ["",16,[[2,["test"]], [3,"authPrivUser","authpass","privpass", null, "md5","aes"]],1] ]]
"realm_snmp_credential_list_modify" - modify snmp credentials

Removes and/or adds snmp credential entries.

   > [<id>, "realm_snmp_credential_list_modify", <realm-gid>, [<remove-subnet>], [<add-subnet>...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

The two arrays after the realm-gid specify a list of subnet addresses to remove (only exact matches wil be removed) and a list of subnet-entries to be added afterwards. Each entry in the <add-subnet> list follows the same format as returned by realm_snmp_credentials.

Example: > [1, "realm_snmp_credential_list_modify", "5100005442", [ ["", 8], ["", 24] ], [ ["", 24, [[2, ["w0rld", "peace"]], [3, "noAuthUser"]], 1] ]] < [1, 1]

"realm_device_assignment_list" - list all assignable devices for a realm

This request returns all assignable devices.

   > [<id>, "realm_device_assignment", <realm-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<ip>, <poller-gid>] ]]

The reply contains an array with all assignable devices in a realm. Each device entry will contain the device IP address in textual form, and the gid of the poller it is assigned to, or null if the device isn't currently assigned.


   > [1, "realm_device_assignment_list", "64424509927"]
   < [1,1,[ ["",null],["",null],["",64424509930],["",64424509930]] ]
"realm_device_assign" - assign a device to a poller

Assigns or unassigns a device, or all devices.

   > [<id>, "realm_device_assign", <realm-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1]

   > [<id>, "realm_device_assign", <realm-gid>, [<device-ip>, <poller-gid>]]
   < [<id>, 1]

If only a realm-gid is specified and device and poller-gid are missing, then all devices get auto-assigned to pollers, if possible.

Otherwise, the specified device will be assigned to the specified poller-gid, or unassigned if poller-gid is null.


   > [1, "realm_device_assign", "64424509927"]
   < [1, 1]

   > [1, "realm_device_assign", "64424509927", ["", null]]
   < [1, 1]

   > [1, "realm_device_assign", "64424509927", ["", "64424509930"]]
   < [1, 1]
"realm_advanced_settings" - list advanced settings of a given realm

This request returns all/specific properties and their values.

   > [<id>, "realm_advanced_settings", <realm-gid>, [<property>,...]]
   < [<id>, 1, [[<property>, <value>]...]]

If only the realm-gid is specified then all the properties and their values returned.

valid properties are

snmp_parallel_requests, snmp_retries, snmp_timeout, skip_access_points, smtp_user, autoassign, autoassign_manual, skip_cisco_phones, skip_mitel_phones, block_port_macs, stp_enabled, cdp_enabled, lldp_enabled, ndp_enabled, bdp_enabled, edp_enabled, fdp_enabled


   > [1, "realm_advanced_settings", "64424509927", ["cdp_enabled"]]
   < [1,1,[["cdp_enabled","1"]]]
"realm_advanced_settings_modify" - modify advanced settings of a given realm

This request modifies advanced settings of a given realm-gid.

   > [<id>, "realm_advanced_settings_modify", <realm-gid>, [[<property>, <value>]...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

   > [<id>, "realm_advanced_settings_modify", <realm-gid>, [[<property>, [<delete-list>], [<add-list>]]]]
   < [<id>, 1]

realm-gid followed by a array of property and value pairs. one array for each property and value pair.

block_port_macs property expects two arrays in place of value. First array is a list of macs needs to be deleted from port exclusion list and second array is a list of macs needs to be added into port exclusion list. MAC addresses should be in the following format "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF". When no array given for block_port_macs property all the macs from port exclusion list will get deleted.


   > [1, "realm_advanced_settings_modify", "64424509927", [["cdp_enabled", "0"]]]
   < [1, 1]

   > [1, "realm_advanced_settings_modify", "64424509927", [["block_port_macs", 
        ["11:00:0a:0b:11:22"], ["0a:11:22:44:0e:0b"]]]]
   < [1, 1]
"poller_info" - - information about pollers
   > [<id>, "poller_info", [<fields...>], [<pollers...>]]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<fields...>]... ]]


   > [1, "poller_info", ["gid", "name", "description", "hostname"]]
   < [1,1,[["64424509930","localhost","localhost",""]]]

Requests information about the given pollers (or all pollers if specified as null). The following fields can be requested, and their contents will be returned in the order specified in the fields array:

gid - the gid (id value) identifying the poller
name - the user-specified name of the poller
description - the user-specified description for this poller
hostname - hostname/ip of this poller
dns_max_outstanding - maximum number of dns queries for this poller
"poller_modify" - adds and/or deletes pollers

This request adds and/or deletes given pollers.

   > [<id>, "poller_modify", <realm-gid>, [<delete-gid>, ...], 
        [[<name>, <description>, <hostname>, <secret>], ...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

Two arrays followed by a realm gid. First array is a list of poller gids needs to be deleted. Second array is a list of pollers needs to be added. An array per poller should contain poller name, description, hostname and secret password.


   > [1, "poller_modify", "385611201213", ["98456723211"], [["test1", 
                  "Test poller", "", "test"]]]
   < [1, 1]
"poller_info_modify - edits the given poller

This request edits the given poller with new values.

   > [<id>, "poller_info_modify", <poller-gid>, {<prop>:<value>,...}]
   < [<id>, 1]

A property hash followed by a poller gid. Keys expected in the hash are name, description, hostname, secret and dns_max_outstanding.


   > [1, "poller_info_modify", "6789345621", {"name":"test1",
         "secret":"test123", "hostname":"localhost",
   < [1, 1]
"poller_subnet_list" - list subnets attached to a given poller

This request returns all subnets attached to a given poller.

   > [<id>, "poller_subnet_list", <poller-gid>]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<subnet>, <bits>, <ping-limit>, <flags>]... ]]

The reply contains an array with all configured subnets. Each subnet will contain the subnet address in textual form, the leading number of significant bits in the subnet (0..32 for IPv4, 0..128 for IPv6), a ping limit (in kbit/s) and a flags value (bit value 1 indicates whether the subnet is exclided (0) or included (1), bit value 2 indicates whether pings are enabled (2) or not).


   > [1, "poller_subnet_list", "64424509930"]
   < [1,1,[["",32,1000,1,2],["",32,1000,0,0]]]
"poller_subnet_list_modify" - modify subnets of a poller

Removes and/or adds subnet entries.

   > [<id>, "poller_subnet_list_modify", <poller-gid>, [<remove-subnet>], [<add-subnet>...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

The two arrays after the poller-gid specify a list of subnet addresses to remove (only exact matches wil be removed) and a list of subnet-entries to be added afterwards. Each entry in the <add-subnet> list follows the same format as returned by poller_subnet_list.


   > [ 1, "poller_subnet_list_modify", "64424509930",[["",32,1000,1,2],
         ["",32,1000,0,0]], [["", 16, 1200, 1,2]] ]
   < [1, 1]
"global_settings" - list global settings

This request returns all global settings or specific settings.

   > [<id>, "global_settings"]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<property>, <value>]... ]]

The reply contains an array with all configured properties and values. Each property and value will be in textual form.

valid properties are

session_timeout, domain, smtp_server, max_history_length, smtp_user, max_log_length


   > [1, "global_settings"]
   < [1,1,[["domain",""],["smtp_server",""],

   > [1, "global_settings", ["session_timeout"]]
   < [1,1,[["session_timeout","86400"]]]
"global_settings_modify" - modify global settings

This request modifies global settings. Each property modified with a new value given.

   > [<id>, "global_settings_modify", [ [<property>, <value>]... ]]
   < [<id>, 1]

one array for each property and value pair. Properties and values should be in textual format.

valid properties are

session_timeout, domain, smtp_server, max_history_length, smtp_user, max_log_length


   > [1, "global_settings_modify", [["snmp_parallel_requests", "15"]]]
   < [1, 1]
"advanced_settings" - list advanced settings

This request returns all advanced settings or specific settings.

   > [<id>, "advanced_settings"]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<property>, <value>]... ]]

The reply contains an array with all configured properties and values. Each property and value will be in textual form.

valid properties are

normalization_algorithm, max_parallel_jobs, max_debug_scans, debug_level


   > [1, "advanced_settings", ["max_parallel_jobs"]]
   < [1,1,[["max_parallel_jobs","1000"]]]
"advanced_settings_modify" - modify advanced settings

This request modifies advanced settings. Each property modified with a new value given.

   > [<id>, "advanced_settings_modify", [ [<property>, <value>]...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

one array for each property and value pair. Properties and values should be in textual format.


   > [1, "advanced_settings_modify", [ ["max_parallel_jobs", "900"]]]
   < [1, 1]
"security_misc_settings" - lists misellenous security settings

This request returns all misellenous settings or specific settings.

   > [<id>, "security_misc_settings", [<property, ... ]]
   < [<id>, 1, [<value>, ...] ]

valid properties are

login_banner enable_login_banner


   > [1, "security_misc_settings", ["login_banner"]]
   < [1,1,["This system is the property of ..."]]
"security_misc_settings_modify" - modifies given misellenous property

This request modifies given property with the given new value.

   > [<id>, "security_misc_settings_modify", {<property> : <value>, ... }]
   < [<id>, 1]


   > [1, "security_misc_settings_modify", {"login_banner" : "Its My Box."}]
   < [1, 1]
"security_certificate_list" - lists available certificates

This request returns all or given properties of all certificates.

   > [<id>, "security_certificate_list", [<property>, ...] ]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<value>, ...] , ... ] ]

Valid properties are

name certificate


   > [1, "security_certificate_list"]
   < [1, 1, [["System Default",""],["custom", ,"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY..."]]]
"security_certificate_list_modify" - adds/deletes given certificates

This request deletes and adds given certificates.

   > [<id>, "security_certificate_list_modify", [<delete-list>], [[<name>, <certificate>], ...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

delete-list contains list of certificate names. add-list should have a name and certificate one array per certificate.


   > [1, "security_certificate_list_modify", ["old_custom"], [["new_custom", "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY..."]
   < [1, 1]
"security_certificate_assignment_list" - lists all assignable certificates

This request returns all certificate name and their current status. one array per certicate will be used. current status shows whether it is assigned to apache or api or null for not in use.

   > [<id>, "security_certificate_assignment_list"]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<name>, <status>], ... ]]


   > [1, "security_certificate_assignment_list"]
   > [1,1,[["System Default","apache"],["System Default","api"],["custome",null]]]
"security_certificate_assign" - assigns given certificate to api or apache

This request assigns given certificate to apache or api.

   > [<id>, "security_certificate_assign", [ [<name>, <assign>], ...] ]
   < [<id>, 1]


   > [1, "security_certificate_assign", [["custom", "apache"], ["custom", "api"]]]
   < [1, 1]
"security_authentication_method_list" - lists authentication methods and settings

This request returns all or specified properties of all or specified authentication method. First array contains the list of properties and the second array contains the list of gids of methods. Result array will have one array per authentication method.

Valid properties are

name gid inuse settings

   > [<id>, "security_authentication_method_list", [<properties>, ...], [<method-gid>, ...]]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<value>, ...], ...]]


   > [1, "security_authentication_method_list", ["name"], ["90194313753", "90194313603"]]
   < [1,1,[["RADIUS"],["Active Directory (LDAPS)"]]]
"security_authentication_modify" - modifies given authentication methods

This request edits given authentication method. First argument is the authentication method gid. All new values should be mentioned in a hash.

Valid properties are

inuse server secret csecret domain ctrls certificate

bit value inuse will activate/inactivate the given authentication method. server is the RADIUS server for RADIUS authentication method. secret and csecret are secret password and confirm secret password for RADIUS server. domain is the domain name for LDAP and LDAPS authentication methods. ctrls is the array of delete and add lists of domain controls. certificate is the valid certificate name for LDAPS authentication method. timeout is the value in seconds to be used when communicating with Active Directory servers.

   > [<id>, "security_authentication_modify", <method-gid>, {<property> : <value>,... }]
   < [<id>, 1]


   > [1, "security_authentication_modify", "90194313753", {"inuse" : 1, "server" : "4test"}]
   < [1, 1]

   > [1, "security_authentication_modify", "90194313603", {"certificate" : "custom", "domain" : "new"
                                                   "ctrls" : [ [""], [""] ]}]
   < [1, 1]
"group_info" - lists group information

This request returns all groups or specific groups. The request returns all fields or specific fields.

   > [<id>, "group_info", [<field1>, <field2>, ...], [<group-gid>, ...]]
   < [<id>, 1, [ [<value>, <value>, ...] , ...]

The reply contains an array for each group with specified field values or all.


   > [1, "group_info", ["name"]]
   < [1,1,[["helpme"],["Network Administrator"],["Network Operator"],["Super Admin"]]]
"group_modify" - adds and/or deletes groups

This request adds and/or deletes given groups.

   > [<id>, "group_modify", [<delete-gid>, ...], [[<name>, <description>], ...]]
   < [<id>, 1]

Two arrays expected as input. First array is a list of group gids needs to be deleted. Second array is a list of groups needs to be added. An array per group should contain group name and description.


   > [1, "group_modify", ["9845672231"], [["test1", "Test group"]]]
   < [1, 1]
"group_settings" - lists permissions for a given group
   > [<id>, "group_settings", <group-gid>, [<role>, <role>, ...], [<realm-gid>, ...]]
   < [<id>, 1, [[[<system-role>, <permission>], ...], 
                 [[<realm-gid>, [[<realm-role>, <permission>], ...]], ...]]]

The input should have a valid group gid in textual format. Two arrays followed by group gid are list of roles and list of realm gids. These two arrays are optional. The result contains two arrays. First array is for system specific roles. One array per role. Second array is for realm specific roles. One array per realm. First element of the array is realm-gid in textual format followed by an array of realm specific roles and their permission. Permission will be referred in bit value. bit value 0 means NO Access, 1 means Read Access and 2 means Read/Write Access.


   > [1, "group_settings", "98784248728"]
   < [1,1,[[["API",2],["Add Realms",2],["Advanced Settings",1],["Global Settings",2]]
           ,[["3865500631171652",[["Advanced Realm Settings",0],["Assign Devices",0]]]]]]

   > [1, "group_settings", "98784248728", ["Add Realms", "Assign Devices"]]
   < [1,1,[[["Add Realms",2]],[["3865500631171652",[["Assign Devices",0]]],
           ["3865500631171517",[["Assign Devices",0]]]]]]
"group_settings_modify" - edits group properties and permissions
   > [<id>, "group_settings_modify", <group-gid>
             , {"name":<group-name>, "description":<group description>}
             , [[<system-role>, <permission>], ...], [[<realm-gid>, 
                                         [[<realm-role>, <permission>], ...]], ...] ]
   < [<id>, 1]

The input should have a valid group gid. A property hash followed by the group gid. The values of keys name and description are new group name and description. Two arrays followed by hash. First array is for system specific roles. Format of the array is same as output of group_settings query. Second array is for realm specific roles. One array per realm. Format of this array is same as output of group_settings query.

valid system specific roles are

"API", "Add Realms", "Advanced Settings", "Global Settings", "Group Management", "License", "Schedule Backup", "Security Settings", "System Utilities", "User Management", "View Log"

valid realm specific roles are

"Advanced Realm Settings", "Assign Devices", "Discovery Realm Settings", "Views", "Plugins", "Poller Settings", "Schedule Discovery","Schedule Poll","Schedule Report" ,"Schedule Sync"


   > [1, "group_settings_modify", "98784248723", {"name":"TEST"},
                            [["Add Realms",0]]], [["386550063117151",[["Poller Setting",1]]]]]
   < [1, 1]

   > [1, "group_settings_modify", "98784248723", {},
                            [["Add Realms",0],["Global Settings",1]]]
   < [1, 1]
"remote_backup" - runs the remote backup immediately
   > [<id>, "remote_backup", <protocol>, <host>, <user>, <password>,
                             <directory>, <email-recipient>]
   < [<id>, 1]

This request can be made without any arguments. When its requested without arguments make sure backup settings configured in GUI. The valid values for protocol are SCP and FTP. The email-recipient and directory arguments are optional.


   > [1, "remote_backup"]
   < [1, 1]

   > [1, "remote_backup", "SCP", "", "admin", "admin", "/tmp"]
   < [1, 1]


Marc Lehmann <>.