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Tk::Axis - Canvas with Axes


    use Tk::Axis;

    $widget = $parent->Axis(
                       -height   => $height,
                       -margin   => $margin,
                       -tick     => $tick,
                       -tickfont => $tickfont,
                       -tst      => $tst,
                       -width    => $width,
                       -xmin     => $xmin,
                       -xmax     => $xmax,
                       -ymin     => $ymin,
                       -ymax     => $ymax,

    #    $height  - height of the window
    #    $width   - width  ......
    #    $xmin    - lowest x value we will display
    #    $xmax    - highest .....
    #    $ymin    - lowest y value .....
    #    $ymax    - highest .....
    #    $margin  - the number of pixels used as a margin around the plot
    #    $tick    - the length (in pixels) of the tickmarks
    #    $tst     - the step size for the tick marks
    #    $tst[x|y]- step size for tick marks on the x (or y) axis
    #                (if not specified tst is used)
    #    $tickfont    - for for the lables


This is an improved version of the axis widget. Changes with respect to the previous version are :

  • the 'pack' has been moved out the widget. One has to do his own packing

  • it is now possible to work in the coordinates of the axis. The following piece of code draws a line between the points (2 , 3.1) (4 , 4).



 Kris Boulez            (
 Biomolecular NMR unit  <>
 University of Ghent, Belgium