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Search results for "Moose::Cookbook"

Moose::Cookbook - How to cook a Moose River stage four • 2930 direct dependents • 4024 total dependents

The Moose cookbook is a series of recipes showing various Moose features. Most recipes present some code demonstrating some feature, and then explain the details of the code. You should probably read the Moose::Manual first. The manual explains Moose...

ETHER/Moose-2.2207 - 21 Jan 2024 01:10:45 UTC - Search in distribution

Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Recipe6 - Renamed to Moose::Cookbook::Meta::PrivateOrPublic_MethodMetaclass River stage zero No dependents

Renamed to Moose::Cookbook::Meta::PrivateOrPublic_MethodMetaclass...

DROLSKY/Moose-OldDocs-0.04 - 27 May 2012 22:09:35 UTC - Search in distribution

Beagle::Manual::Cookbook - Cookbook River stage zero No dependents

Add a new entry type To add a new type "Foo" with an extra meta key "category", you just need to create a module Beagle::Model::Foo which inherits from Beagle::Model::Entry. package Beagle::Model::Foo; use Any::Moose; extends 'Beagle::Model::Entry'; ...

SUNNAVY/Beagle-0.01 - 13 Nov 2011 13:40:43 UTC - Search in distribution

Mouse - Moose minus the antlers River stage three • 230 direct dependents • 564 total dependents

Moose is a postmodern object system for Perl5. Moose is wonderful. Unfortunately, Moose has a compile-time penalty. Though significant progress has been made over the years, the compile time penalty is a non-starter for some very specific application...

SKAJI/Mouse-v2.5.10 - 28 Mar 2020 13:17:36 UTC - Search in distribution
  • Mouse::Spec - To what extent Mouse is compatible with Moose

PRANG - XML graph engine - XML to Moose objects and back! River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent

PRANG is an XML Graph engine, which provides post-schema validation objects (PSVO). It is designed for implementing XML languages for which a description of the valid sets of XML documents is available - for example, a DTD, W3C XML Schema or Relax sp...

EGILES/PRANG-0.21 - 30 Jan 2023 22:10:38 UTC - Search in distribution

Meerkat - Manage MongoDB documents as Moose objects River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent

Meerkat lets you manage MongoDB documents as Moose objects. Your objects represent projections of the document state maintained in the database. When you create an object, a corresponding document is inserted into the database. This lets you use fami...

DAGOLDEN/Meerkat-0.016 - 17 Dec 2020 03:09:52 UTC - Search in distribution

Test::Able - xUnit with Moose River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents

An xUnit style testing framework inspired by Test::Class and built using Moose. It can do all the important things Test::Class can do and more. The prime advantages of using this module instead of Test::Class are flexibility and power. Namely, Moose....

JDV/Test-Able-0.11 - 20 Nov 2011 17:41:18 UTC - Search in distribution

rig - import groups of favorite/related modules with a single expression River stage zero No dependents

This module allows you to organize and bundle your favorite modules, thus reducing the recurring task of "use"ing them in your programs, and implicitly requesting imports by default. You can rig your bundles in 2 places: * A file called ".perlrig" in...

RODRIGO/rig-0.04 - 07 Aug 2011 08:39:15 UTC - Search in distribution

Dancer - lightweight yet powerful web application framework River stage three • 211 direct dependents • 215 total dependents

Dancer is a web application framework designed to be as effortless as possible for the developer, taking care of the boring bits as easily as possible, yet staying out of your way and letting you get on with writing your code. Dancer aims to provide ...

YANICK/Dancer-1.3521 - 08 Feb 2023 20:58:09 UTC - Search in distribution

Mongoose - MongoDB document to Moose object mapper River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent

This is a MongoDB to Moose object mapper. This module allows you to use the full power of MongoDB within your Moose classes, without sacrificing MongoDB's power, flexibility and speed. It's loosely inspired by Ruby's MongoMapper, which is in turn loo...

DIEGOK/Mongoose-2.02 - 03 Feb 2020 14:46:44 UTC - Search in distribution

Template::Pure - Perlish Port of pure.js and more River stage zero No dependents

NOTE WARNING: Early access module. Although we have a lot of test cases and this is the third redo of the code I've not well tested certain features (such as using an object as a data context) and other parts such as the way we handle undefined value...

JJNAPIORK/Template-Pure-0.033 - 26 Jan 2017 17:46:07 UTC - Search in distribution

File::Util::Manual - File::Util Reference River stage two • 12 direct dependents • 13 total dependents

TOMMY/File-Util-4.201720 - 20 Jun 2020 01:38:34 UTC - Search in distribution

Tie::SecureHash - A tied hash that supports namespace-based encapsulation River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent

The problem In Perl objects are just variables that have been associated with a particular package. Typically they're blessed hashes, or arrays, or scalars; occasionally they're darker mysteries, like typeglobs or closures. And because they are usual...

ZARQUON/Tie-SecureHash-1.10 - 20 Aug 2015 01:30:12 UTC - Search in distribution

HTML::FormFu - HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework River stage two • 13 direct dependents • 25 total dependents

HTML::FormFu is a HTML form framework which aims to be as easy as possible to use for basic web forms, but with the power and flexibility to do anything else you might want to do (as long as it involves forms). You can configure almost any part of fo...

CFRANKS/HTML-FormFu-2.07 - 14 Dec 2018 16:07:11 UTC - Search in distribution

Dancer2::Cookbook - Example-driven quick-start to the Dancer2 web framework River stage three • 162 direct dependents • 183 total dependents

A quick-start guide with examples to get you up and running with the Dancer2 web framework. This document will be twice as useful if you finish reading the manual (Dancer2::Manual) first, but that is not required... :-)...

CROMEDOME/Dancer2-1.1.0 - 12 Dec 2023 01:29:05 UTC - Search in distribution

Test::Roo - Composable, reusable tests with roles and Moo River stage two • 27 direct dependents • 74 total dependents

This module allows you to compose Test::More tests from roles. It is inspired by the excellent Test::Routine module, but uses Moo instead of Moose. This gives most of the benefits without the need for Moose as a test dependency. Test files are Moo cl...

DAGOLDEN/Test-Roo-1.004 - 05 Aug 2014 23:24:42 UTC - Search in distribution

Class::Dot - Simple and fast properties for Perl 5. River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 4 total dependents

Simple and fast properties for Perl 5. "Class::Dot" also lets you define types for your properties, like Hash, String, Int, File, Code, Array and so on. All the types are populated with sane defaults, so you no longer have to write code like this: su...

ASKSH/Class-Dot-1.5.0 - 03 Nov 2007 21:50:34 UTC - Search in distribution

Kelp::Manual - Reference to web development with Kelp River stage two • 18 direct dependents • 20 total dependents

If you're going to be deploying a Perl based web application, chances are that you will be using Plack. Plack has almost all necessary tools to create and maintain a healthy web app. Tons of middleware is written for it, and there are several very we...

BRTASTIC/Kelp-1.06 - 09 May 2022 21:07:41 UTC - Search in distribution

Validation::Class - Powerful Data Validation Framework River stage zero No dependents

Validation::Class is a scalable data validation library with interfaces for applications of all sizes. The most common usage of Validation::Class is to transform class namespaces into data validation domains where consistency and reuse are primary co...

CKRAS/Validation-Class-7.900059 - 27 Mar 2023 21:17:21 UTC - Search in distribution

Devel::PerlySense - Perl IDE backend with Emacs frontend River stage zero No dependents

PerlySense is a Perl IDE backend that integrates with editor frontends, currently Emacs. (While no one has written a Vim frontend, PerlySense can emit Vim style data structures.) Conveniently navigate and browse the code and documentation of your pro...

JOHANL/Devel-PerlySense-0.0221 - 30 Aug 2019 08:12:04 UTC - Search in distribution
67 results (0.066 seconds)