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Search results for "module:Tie::OneOff"

Tie::OneOff - create tied variables without defining a separate package River stage zero No dependents

The Perl tie mechanism ties a Perl variable to a Perl object. This means that, conventionally, for each distinct set of tied variable semantics one needs to create a new package. The package symbol table then acts as a dispatch table for the intrinsi...

NOBULL/Tie-OneOff-1.03 - 02 Feb 2008 10:21:05 UTC

Tie::Function - wrap functions in tied hash sugar River stage two • 1 direct dependent • 17 total dependents

Tie::Function simplifies wrapping functions in tied hash syntax so they can be interpolated in double-quoted literals without messy intermediate variables. Here's how I use it the most: use HTML::Entities; use Tie::Function; tie my %Entitize => 'Tie:...

DAVIDNICO/Tie-Function-0.02 - 13 May 2005 20:40:21 UTC
2 results (0.031 seconds)