Search results for "module:File::Temp"
File::Temp - return name and handle of a temporary file safely
"File::Temp" can be used to create and open temporary files in a safe way. There is both a function interface and an object-oriented interface. The File::Temp constructor or the tempfile() function can be used to return the name and the open filehand...
ETHER/File-Temp-0.2311 - Oct 03, 2020
SPVM::File::Temp - Temporary Files and Directories
File::Temp class in SPVM has methods to create temporary files and directories....
KIMOTO/SPVM-File-Temp-0.026 - Mar 12, 2025
File::Temp::Trace - Trace the creation of temporary files
This module allows you to trace the creation of temporary files. By default, these files are all created in the same directory, and their names are prefixed by the name of the function or method that created them. You can optionally log the creation ...
RRWO/File-Temp-Trace-0.02 - Jun 19, 2011
File::Temp::Rename - Create a temporary file object for output, and rename it when done.
May 29, 2013
File::Slurper::Temp - File::Slurper + File::Temp
This module is a simple combination of File::Slurper and File::Temp. It provides its version of "write_text" and "write_binary", as well as a couple of functions of its own. This module's version of "write_text" and "write_binary" write to temporary ...
PERLANCAR/File-Slurper-Temp-0.010 - Jun 21, 2024
File::Temp::MoreUtils - Provide more routines related to creating temporary files/dirs
Jul 20, 2021
SPVM::File::Temp::Dir - Temporary Directories
The File::Temp::Dir class in SPVM has methods to manipulate temporary directories. Usage use File::Temp; my $tmp_dir = File::Temp::Dir->new; my $tmp_dirname = $tmp_dir->dirname; # With options my $tmp_dir = File::Temp::Dir->new({CLEANUP => 0});...
KIMOTO/SPVM-File-Temp-0.026 - Mar 12, 2025
File::Temp::VarOptions - Like File::Temp, but allowing to set options with variables
Nov 07, 2021
File::Temp::Patch::NoCleanup - Disable File::Temp::tempdir's automatic cleanup (CLEANUP => 1)
This module patches File::Temp to disable automatic cleanup of temporary directories. In addition, it prints the created temporary directory to stdout. Useful for debugging....
PERLANCAR/File-Temp-Patch-NoCleanup-0.001 - Aug 04, 2020
File::Temp::Patch::VarOptions - Allow File::Temp's tempfile() and tempdir() to receive options via package variables
This patch allows File::Temp's "tempfile()" to get options from package variables: $File::Temp::TEMPLATE $File::Temp::DIR $File::Temp::SUFFIX $File::Temp::UNLINK $File::Temp::OPEN $File::Temp::TMPDIR $File::Temp::EXLOCK and File::Temp's "tempdir()" t...
PERLANCAR/File-Temp-Patch-VarOptions-0.001 - Oct 31, 2021
Dec 10, 2015
File::MkTempO - Make temporary filename from template
The MkTempO module provides the following functions: new() - for creation of the object. mktemp() - for creation of a unique string based on the template mkstemp() - for creation of a unique file handle opened in the directory specified during creati...
TGUMMELS/File-MkTemp-1.0.6 - Feb 23, 2000
File::MkTemp - Make temporary filename from template
The MkTemp module provides three functions mktemp() mkstemp() and mkstempt(). The function mktemp() returns a unique string based upon the template. The template must contain at least six trailing Xs. The Xs are replaced by a unique string and the te...
TGUMMELS/File-MkTemp-1.0.6 - Feb 23, 2000
File::MultiTemp - manage a hash of temporary files
This class maintains a hash reference of objects and opened filehandles. This is useful for maintaining several separate files, for example, several reports based on codes where grouping the data may require a lot of work for the database....
RRWO/File-MultiTemp-v0.1.5 - Apr 17, 2023
File::Append::TempFile - Perl extension for appending data to files
The "File::Append::TempFile" module provides an OOP interface to appending data to files using a temporary file, in order to ensure the atomicity of the updates. An append session is initiated by invoking the "begin_work()" method and passing it the ...
ROAM/File-Append-TempFile-0.07 - Nov 16, 2015
An Iterator::File state class based on using a temporary file as the persistant store. Iterator::File::Source::TempFile is a subclass of Iterator::File::Source::Interface. new(%config) Constructor options: marker_file (optional) Name of temporary fil...
WREARDON/Iterator-File-1.01 - Jun 19, 2008