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Search results for "dist:Catalyst-Plugin-CRUD Catalyst::Helper"

Catalyst::Helper::Model::CRUD - generate sqls, controllers and templates from DBDesigner 4 file River stage zero No dependents

Helper for Catalyst::Plugin::CRUD. This helper generates sqls, default controllers and default templates....

BAYSIDE/Catalyst-Plugin-CRUD-0.21 - 02 Oct 2007 19:30:25 UTC - Create a new Catalyst Component River stage zero No dependents

Create a new Catalyst Component. Existing component files are not overwritten. If any of the component files to be created already exist the file will be written with a '.new' suffix. This behavior can be suppressed with the "-force" option....

BAYSIDE/Catalyst-Plugin-CRUD-0.21 - 02 Oct 2007 19:30:25 UTC
2 results (0.034 seconds)