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package Hubot::Adapter::Irc;
  $Hubot::Adapter::Irc::VERSION = '0.0.10';
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

extends 'Hubot::Adapter';

use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::IRC::Client;
use Time::HiRes 'time';
use Encode qw/encode_utf8 decode_utf8/;

use Hubot::Message;

has 'robot' => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => 'Hubot::Robot',

has 'cv' => (
    is         => 'ro',
    lazy_build => 1,

has 'irc' => (
    is         => 'ro',
    lazy_build => 1,

sub _build_cv  { AnyEvent->condvar }
sub _build_irc { AnyEvent::IRC::Client->new }

sub notice { }

sub join {
    my ( $self, $channel ) = @_;
    $self->irc->send_srv( JOIN => $channel );
sub part    { }
sub kick    { }
sub command { }
sub whois {
    my ($self, $nick) = @_;
    return $self->irc->nick_ident($nick);

sub parse_msg {
    my ( $self, $irc_msg ) = @_;

    my ($nickname) = $irc_msg->{prefix} =~ m/^([^!]+)/;
    my $message = decode_utf8( $irc_msg->{params}[1] );
    return ( $nickname, $message );

sub send {
    my ( $self, $user, @strings ) = @_;
    $self->irc->send_srv( 'PRIVMSG', $user->{room}, encode_utf8($_) )
      for @strings;

sub whisper {
    my ( $self, $user, $to, @strings ) = @_;
    $self->irc->send_srv( 'PRIVMSG', $to->{name}, encode_utf8($_) )
      for @strings;

sub reply {
    my ( $self, $user, @strings ) = @_;
    @strings = map { $user->{name} . ": $_" } @strings;
    $self->send( $user, @strings );

sub run {
    my $self = shift;


    my %options = (
        nick => $ENV{HUBOT_IRC_NICK} || $self->robot->name,
        port => $ENV{HUBOT_IRC_PORT} || 6667,
        rooms  => [ split( /,/, $ENV{HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS} ) ],
        server => $ENV{HUBOT_IRC_SERVER},
        password => $ENV{HUBOT_IRC_PASSWORD} || '',
        nickpass => $ENV{HUBOT_IRC_NICKSERV_PASSWORD},
        ## TODO: fakessl, unflood, debug, usessl

    my %clientOptions = (
        userName => $options{userName},
        password => $options{password},
        port     => $options{port},
        ## TODO: debug, stripColors, secure, selfSigned, floodProtection

    $clientOptions{channels} = $options{rooms} unless $options{nickpass};

    $self->robot->name( $options{nick} );

    ## TODO: research node irc.Client
        connect => sub {
            my ( $con, $err ) = @_;

            # join rooms
            $self->join($_) for @{ $options{rooms} };
        registered => sub {
        join => sub {
            my ( $cl, $nick, $channel, $is_myself ) = @_;
            print "joined $channel\n";
            my $user = $self->createUser( $channel, $nick );
            $self->receive( new Hubot::EnterMessage( user => $user ) );
        publicmsg => sub {
            my ( $cl, $channel, $ircmsg ) = @_;
            my ( $nick, $msg ) = $self->parse_msg($ircmsg);
            my $user = $self->createUser( $channel, $nick );
            $user->{room} = $channel if $channel =~ m/^#/;
                new Hubot::TextMessage(
                    user => $user,
                    text => $msg,
        privatemsg => sub {
            my ( $cl, $nick, $ircmsg ) = @_;
            my $msg = ( $self->parse_msg($ircmsg) )[1];
            my ($channel) = $msg =~ m/^\#/ ? split / /, $msg : split /,/,
            $msg =~ s/^$channel\s*//;
            my $user = $self->createUser( $channel, $nick );
                new Hubot::WhisperMessage(
                    user => $user,
                    text => $msg,
        part => sub {
            my ( $nick, $channel, $is_myself, $msg ) = @_;
        quit => sub {
            my ( $nick, $msg ) = @_;

            nick     => $options{nick},
            password => $options{password},


sub close {
    my $self = shift;

sub createUser {
    my ( $self, $channel, $from ) = @_;
    my $user = $self->userForName($from);
    unless ($user) {
        my $id = time;
        $id =~ s/\.//;
        $user = $self->userForId(
                name => $from,
                room => $channel,

    return $user;

sub checkCanStart {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( !$ENV{HUBOT_IRC_NICK} && !$self->robot->name ) {
        ## use die?
        print STDERR
          "HUBOT_IRC_NICK is not defined, try: export HUBOT_IRC_NICK='mybot'\n";
        exit(2);    # TODO: research standard exit value
    elsif ( !$ENV{HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS} ) {
        print STDERR
          "HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS is not defined, try: export HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS='#myroom'\n";
    elsif ( !$ENV{HUBOT_IRC_SERVER} ) {
        print STDERR
          "HUBOT_IRC_SERVER is not defined, try: export HUBOT_IRC_SERVER=''\n";




=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Hubot::Adapter::Irc - IRC adapter for L<Hubot>


    $ export HUBOT_IRC_SERVER=''
    $ export HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS='#mychannel'
    $ hubot -a irc


IRC is a fairly old protocol for Internet chat.





This is the full hostname or IP address of the IRC server you want your hubot to connect to. Make a note of it.


This is a comma separated list of the IRC channels you want your hubot to join. They must include the C<#>. Make a note of them.





This is the optional nick you want your hubot to join with. If omitted it will default to the name of your hubot.


This is the optional port of the IRC server you want your hubot to connect to. If omitted the default is C<6667>. Make a note of it if required.


This is the optional password of the IRC server you want your hubot to connect to. If the IRC server doesn't require a password, this can be omitted. Make a note of it if required.


This is the optional Nickserv password if your hubot is using a nick registered with Nickserv on the IRC server. Make a note of it if required.


This is the optional Nickserv username if your hubot is using a nick registered with Nickserv on the IRC server, e.g. C</msg NickServ identify E<lt>usernameE<gt> E<lt>passwordE<gt>>.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Hyungsuk Hong <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Hyungsuk Hong.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
