The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
  Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation

  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
  Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <list>
//#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>


#include <boost/config.hpp>
typedef boost::long_long_type polygon_long_long_type;
typedef boost::ulong_long_type polygon_ulong_long_type;
//typedef long long polygon_long_long_type;
//typedef unsigned long long polygon_ulong_long_type;
#include <boost/mpl/size_t.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/protect.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>

#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef __ICC
typedef long long polygon_long_long_type;
typedef unsigned long long polygon_ulong_long_type;

  namespace boost {
    template <bool B, class T   = void>
    struct enable_if_c {
      typedef T type;

    template <class T>
    struct enable_if_c<false, T> {};

    template <class Cond, class T = void>
    struct enable_if : public enable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};

    template <bool B, class T>
    struct lazy_enable_if_c {
      typedef typename T::type type;

    template <class T>
    struct lazy_enable_if_c<false, T> {};

    template <class Cond, class T>
    struct lazy_enable_if : public lazy_enable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};

    template <bool B, class T = void>
    struct disable_if_c {
      typedef T type;

    template <class T>
    struct disable_if_c<true, T> {};

    template <class Cond, class T = void>
    struct disable_if : public disable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};

    template <bool B, class T>
    struct lazy_disable_if_c {
      typedef typename T::type type;

    template <class T>
    struct lazy_disable_if_c<true, T> {};

    template <class Cond, class T>
    struct lazy_disable_if : public lazy_disable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};


namespace boost { namespace polygon{


  struct undefined_concept {};

  template <typename T>
  struct geometry_concept { typedef undefined_concept type; };

  template <typename GCT, typename T>
  struct view_of {};

  template <typename T1, typename T2>
  view_of<T1, T2> view_as(const T2& obj) { return view_of<T1, T2>(obj); }

  template <typename T>
  struct coordinate_traits {};

  //used to override long double with an infinite precision datatype
  template <typename T>
  struct high_precision_type {
    typedef long double type;

  template <typename T>
  T convert_high_precision_type(const typename high_precision_type<T>::type& v) {
    return T(v);

  //used to override std::sort with an alternative (parallel) algorithm
  template <typename iter_type>
  void polygon_sort(iter_type _b_, iter_type _e_);

  template <typename iter_type, typename pred_type>
  void polygon_sort(iter_type _b_, iter_type _e_, const pred_type& _pred_);

  template <>
  struct coordinate_traits<int> {
    typedef int coordinate_type;
    typedef long double area_type;
    typedef polygon_long_long_type manhattan_area_type;
    typedef polygon_ulong_long_type unsigned_area_type;
    typedef polygon_long_long_type coordinate_difference;
    typedef long manhattan_area_type;
    typedef unsigned long unsigned_area_type;
    typedef long coordinate_difference;
    typedef long double coordinate_distance;

  template <>
  struct coordinate_traits<polygon_long_long_type> {
    typedef polygon_long_long_type coordinate_type;
    typedef long double area_type;
    typedef polygon_long_long_type manhattan_area_type;
    typedef polygon_ulong_long_type unsigned_area_type;
    typedef polygon_long_long_type coordinate_difference;
    typedef long double coordinate_distance;

  template <>
  struct coordinate_traits<float> {
    typedef float coordinate_type;
    typedef float area_type;
    typedef float manhattan_area_type;
    typedef float unsigned_area_type;
    typedef float coordinate_difference;
    typedef float coordinate_distance;

  template <>
  struct coordinate_traits<double> {
    typedef double coordinate_type;
    typedef double area_type;
    typedef double manhattan_area_type;
    typedef double unsigned_area_type;
    typedef double coordinate_difference;
    typedef double coordinate_distance;

  template <>
  struct coordinate_traits<long double> {
    typedef long double coordinate_type;
    typedef long double area_type;
    typedef long double manhattan_area_type;
    typedef long double unsigned_area_type;
    typedef long double coordinate_difference;
    typedef long double coordinate_distance;

  template <typename T>
  struct scaling_policy {
    template <typename T2>
    static inline T round(T2 t2) {
      return (T)std::floor(t2+0.5);

    static inline T round(T t2) {
      return t2;

  struct coordinate_concept {};

  template <>
  struct geometry_concept<int> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
  template <>
  struct geometry_concept<polygon_long_long_type> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
  template <>
  struct geometry_concept<float> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
  template <>
  struct geometry_concept<double> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
  template <>
  struct geometry_concept<long double> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };

  struct gtl_no : mpl::bool_<false> {};
  struct gtl_yes : mpl::bool_<true> {};
  template <typename T, typename T2>
  struct gtl_and : mpl::and_<T, T2> {};
  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
  struct gtl_and_3 : mpl::and_<T, T2, T3> {};
  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
  struct gtl_and_4 : mpl::and_<T, T2, T3, T4> {};
//  template <typename T, typename T2>
//  struct gtl_or : mpl::or_<T, T2> {};
//  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
//  struct gtl_or_3 : mpl::or_<T, T2, T3> {};
//  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
//  struct gtl_or_4 : mpl::or_<T, T2, T3, T4> {};
  struct gtl_no { static const bool value = false; };
  struct gtl_yes { typedef gtl_yes type;
    static const bool value = true; };

  template <bool T, bool T2>
  struct gtl_and_c { typedef gtl_no type; };
  template <>
  struct gtl_and_c<true, true> { typedef gtl_yes type; };

  template <typename T, typename T2>
  struct gtl_and : gtl_and_c<T::value, T2::value> {};
  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
  struct gtl_and_3 { typedef typename gtl_and<
                       T, typename gtl_and<T2, T3>::type>::type type; };

  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
  struct gtl_and_4 { typedef typename gtl_and_3<
                       T, T2, typename gtl_and<T3, T4>::type>::type type; };
  template <typename T, typename T2>
  struct gtl_or { typedef gtl_yes type; };
  template <typename T>
  struct gtl_or<T, T> { typedef T type; };

  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
  struct gtl_or_3 { typedef typename gtl_or<
                      T, typename gtl_or<T2, T3>::type>::type type; };

  template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
  struct gtl_or_4 { typedef typename gtl_or<
                      T, typename gtl_or_3<T2, T3, T4>::type>::type type; };

  template <typename T>
  struct gtl_not { typedef gtl_no type; };
  template <>
  struct gtl_not<gtl_no> { typedef gtl_yes type; };

  template <typename T>
  struct gtl_if {
    typedef gtl_no type;
  template <>
  struct gtl_if<gtl_yes> { typedef gtl_yes type; };

  template <typename T, typename T2>
  struct gtl_same_type { typedef gtl_no type; };
  template <typename T>
  struct gtl_same_type<T, T> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
  template <typename T, typename T2>
  struct gtl_different_type { typedef typename gtl_not<typename gtl_same_type<T, T2>::type>::type type; };

  struct manhattan_domain {};
  struct forty_five_domain {};
  struct general_domain {};

  template <typename T>
  struct geometry_domain { typedef general_domain type; };

  template <typename domain_type, typename coordinate_type>
  struct area_type_by_domain { typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::area_type type; };
  template <typename coordinate_type>
  struct area_type_by_domain<manhattan_domain, coordinate_type> {
    typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type type; };

  struct y_c_edist : gtl_yes {};

  template <typename coordinate_type_1, typename coordinate_type_2>
    typename enable_if<
    typename gtl_and_3<y_c_edist, typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type,
                       typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
    typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type_1>::coordinate_difference>::type
  euclidean_distance(const coordinate_type_1& lvalue, const coordinate_type_2& rvalue) {
    typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type_1>::coordinate_difference Unit;
    return (lvalue < rvalue) ? (Unit)rvalue - (Unit)lvalue : (Unit)lvalue - (Unit)rvalue;

  // predicated_swap swaps a and b if pred is true

  // predicated_swap is guarenteed to behave the same as
  // if(pred){
  //   T tmp = a;
  //   a = b;
  //   b = tmp;
  // }
  // but will not generate a branch instruction.
  // predicated_swap always creates a temp copy of a, but does not
  // create more than one temp copy of an input.
  // predicated_swap can be used to optimize away branch instructions in C++
  template <class T>
  inline bool predicated_swap(const bool& pred,
                              T& a,
                              T& b) {
    const T tmp = a;
    const T* input[2] = {&b, &tmp};
    a = *input[!pred];
    b = *input[pred];
    return pred;

  enum direction_1d_enum { LOW = 0, HIGH = 1,
                           LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1,
                           CLOCKWISE = 0, COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 1,
                           REVERSE = 0, FORWARD = 1,
                           NEGATIVE = 0, POSITIVE = 1 };
  enum orientation_2d_enum { HORIZONTAL = 0, VERTICAL = 1 };
  enum direction_2d_enum { WEST = 0, EAST = 1, SOUTH = 2, NORTH = 3 };
  enum orientation_3d_enum { PROXIMAL = 2 };
  enum direction_3d_enum { DOWN = 4, UP = 5 };
  enum winding_direction {
    clockwise_winding = 0,
    counterclockwise_winding = 1,
    unknown_winding = 2

  class direction_2d;
  class direction_3d;
  class orientation_2d;

  class direction_1d {
    unsigned int val_;
    explicit direction_1d(int d);
    inline direction_1d() : val_(LOW) {}
    inline direction_1d(const direction_1d& that) : val_(that.val_) {}
    inline direction_1d(const direction_1d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
    explicit inline direction_1d(const direction_2d& that);
    explicit inline direction_1d(const direction_3d& that);
    inline direction_1d& operator = (const direction_1d& d) {
      val_ = d.val_; return * this; }
    inline bool operator==(direction_1d d) const { return (val_ == d.val_); }
    inline bool operator!=(direction_1d d) const { return !((*this) == d); }
    inline unsigned int to_int(void) const { return val_; }
    inline direction_1d& backward() { val_ ^= 1; return *this; }
    inline int get_sign() const { return val_ * 2 - 1; }

  class direction_2d;

  class orientation_2d {
    unsigned int val_;
    explicit inline orientation_2d(int o);
    inline orientation_2d() : val_(HORIZONTAL) {}
    inline orientation_2d(const orientation_2d& ori) : val_(ori.val_) {}
    inline orientation_2d(const orientation_2d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
    explicit inline orientation_2d(const direction_2d& that);
    inline orientation_2d& operator=(const orientation_2d& ori) {
      val_ = ori.val_; return * this; }
    inline bool operator==(orientation_2d that) const { return (val_ == that.val_); }
    inline bool operator!=(orientation_2d that) const { return (val_ != that.val_); }
    inline unsigned int to_int() const { return (val_); }
    inline void turn_90() { val_ = val_^ 1; }
    inline orientation_2d get_perpendicular() const {
      orientation_2d retval = *this;
      return retval;
    inline direction_2d get_direction(direction_1d dir) const;

  class direction_2d {
    int val_;


    inline direction_2d() : val_(WEST) {}

    inline direction_2d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.val_) {}

    inline direction_2d(const direction_2d_enum val) : val_(val) {}

    inline direction_2d& operator=(const direction_2d& d) {
      val_ = d.val_;
      return * this;

    inline ~direction_2d() { }

    inline bool operator==(direction_2d d) const { return (val_ == d.val_); }
    inline bool operator!=(direction_2d d) const { return !((*this) == d); }
    inline bool operator< (direction_2d d) const { return (val_ < d.val_); }
    inline bool operator<=(direction_2d d) const { return (val_ <= d.val_); }
    inline bool operator> (direction_2d d) const { return (val_ > d.val_); }
    inline bool operator>=(direction_2d d) const { return (val_ >= d.val_); }

    // Casting to int
    inline unsigned int to_int(void) const { return val_; }

    inline direction_2d backward() const {
      // flip the LSB, toggles 0 - 1   and 2 - 3
      return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum(val_ ^ 1));

    // Returns a direction 90 degree left (LOW) or right(HIGH) to this one
    inline direction_2d turn(direction_1d t) const {
      return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum(val_ ^ 3 ^ (val_ >> 1) ^ t.to_int()));

    // Returns a direction 90 degree left to this one
    inline direction_2d left() const {return turn(HIGH);}

    // Returns a direction 90 degree right to this one
    inline direction_2d right() const {return turn(LOW);}

    // N, E are positive, S, W are negative
    inline bool is_positive() const {return (val_ & 1);}
    inline bool is_negative() const {return !is_positive();}
    inline int get_sign() const {return ((is_positive()) << 1) -1;}


  direction_1d::direction_1d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.to_int() & 1) {}

  orientation_2d::orientation_2d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.to_int() >> 1) {}

  direction_2d orientation_2d::get_direction(direction_1d dir) const {
    return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum((val_ << 1) + dir.to_int()));

  class orientation_3d {
    unsigned int val_;
    explicit inline orientation_3d(int o);
    inline orientation_3d() : val_((int)HORIZONTAL) {}
    inline orientation_3d(const orientation_3d& ori) : val_(ori.val_) {}
    inline orientation_3d(orientation_2d ori) : val_(ori.to_int()) {}
    inline orientation_3d(const orientation_3d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
    explicit inline orientation_3d(const direction_2d& that);
    explicit inline orientation_3d(const direction_3d& that);
    inline ~orientation_3d() {  }
    inline orientation_3d& operator=(const orientation_3d& ori) {
      val_ = ori.val_; return * this; }
    inline bool operator==(orientation_3d that) const { return (val_ == that.val_); }
    inline bool operator!=(orientation_3d that) const { return (val_ != that.val_); }
    inline unsigned int to_int() const { return (val_); }
    inline direction_3d get_direction(direction_1d dir) const;

  class direction_3d {
    int val_;


    inline direction_3d() : val_(WEST) {}

    inline direction_3d(direction_2d that) : val_(that.to_int()) {}
    inline direction_3d(const direction_3d& that) : val_(that.val_) {}

    inline direction_3d(const direction_2d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
    inline direction_3d(const direction_3d_enum val) : val_(val) {}

    inline direction_3d& operator=(direction_3d d) {
      val_ = d.val_;
      return * this;

    inline ~direction_3d() { }

    inline bool operator==(direction_3d d) const { return (val_ == d.val_); }
    inline bool operator!=(direction_3d d) const { return !((*this) == d); }
    inline bool operator< (direction_3d d) const { return (val_ < d.val_); }
    inline bool operator<=(direction_3d d) const { return (val_ <= d.val_); }
    inline bool operator> (direction_3d d) const { return (val_ > d.val_); }
    inline bool operator>=(direction_3d d) const { return (val_ >= d.val_); }

    // Casting to int
    inline unsigned int to_int(void) const { return val_; }

    inline direction_3d backward() const {
      // flip the LSB, toggles 0 - 1   and 2 - 3 and 4 - 5
      return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum(val_ ^ 1));

    // N, E, U are positive, S, W, D are negative
    inline bool is_positive() const {return (val_ & 1);}
    inline bool is_negative() const {return !is_positive();}
    inline int get_sign() const {return ((is_positive()) << 1) -1;}


  direction_1d::direction_1d(const direction_3d& that) : val_(that.to_int() & 1) {}
  orientation_3d::orientation_3d(const direction_3d& that) : val_(that.to_int() >> 1) {}
  orientation_3d::orientation_3d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.to_int() >> 1) {}

  direction_3d orientation_3d::get_direction(direction_1d dir) const {
    return direction_3d(direction_3d_enum((val_ << 1) + dir.to_int()));
