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use Math::Clipper ':all';
use Config;
use Test::More tests=>15;
use Test::Deep;

my $diagnostics=0;

my $maxint_64 =4611686018427387902; # Clipper-imposed max (minus 1) when using 64 bit integer math
my $maxint_53 =   9007199254740992; # for integers stored in double precision floats with 53 bit mantissa
my $maxint;

my $extraexp = 0;
my $is64safe = 0;
if (
    ((defined($Config{use64bitint})   && $Config{use64bitint}   eq 'define') || $Config{longsize}   >= 8 )
    ((defined($Config{uselongdouble}) && $Config{uselongdouble} eq 'define') || $Config{doublesize} >= 10)
) {
    $maxint = $maxint_64;
    $extraexp = 3;
    $is64safe = 1;
else {
    $maxint = $maxint_53;

note('Using ' . ($maxint==$maxint_53 ? '53' : '64') . ' bit integers max');

    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_; };
    eval { integerize_coordinate_sets([ [0,0,0] ]); };
    is $@, '', 'no warnings from integerize_coordinate_sets()';

# huge diamond, points at limits, as
# subject, do dummy bool op, then 
# is_deeply on first-and-only of result

my $big_diamond = [
    [-$maxint, 1],
    [1, -$maxint],
    [$maxint, -1],
    [1, $maxint]

my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
my $result = $clipper->execute(CT_UNION);

is(scalar(@{$result}),1,'round-tripped polygon preserved. a');

if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\npoints at limits:\ngot\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{$result->[0]})."\nexpected\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{$big_diamond})."\n\n");}
    'round-tripped coords at integer limits preserved'

# set up some test data and expected
# results

my $A = [
    [-0.00000000000002               , -5.67999999999999],
    [ 0.00000000000000000000000001234,-56.78888888888888],
    [ 0.00000000000000000000000001234, 56.77777777777777]
my $Aexpect = [ # in 32 bit environment, we get 53 bit integers back from Clipper, in floats, which may be in sci. notation, or not
    [ -0.00000000000002 * 10**(14+$extraexp),  -5.67999999999999 * 10**(14+$extraexp)],
    [ 0, -56.78888888888888  * 10**(14+$extraexp)],
    [ 0,  56.77777777777777 * 10**(14+$extraexp)]
my $A2expect = [
    [ -0.00000000000002 * 10**(29+$extraexp),  -5.67999999999999 * 10**(14+$extraexp)],
    [ 1234, -56.78888888888888  * 10**(14+$extraexp)],
    [ 1234,  56.77777777777777 * 10**(14+$extraexp)]
my $Aexpect_string = [ # in 64 bit environment, we get real integers back from Clipper, expect always in integer form, no exponents
    [ '-2'.('0' x $extraexp),        '-567'.('9' x 12).('0' x $extraexp)],
    [ 0,                            '-5678'.('8' x 11).('0' x $extraexp)],
    [ 0,                             '5677'.('7' x 11).('0' x $extraexp)]
my $A2expect_string = [
    [ '-2'.('0' x (15+$extraexp)),   '-567'.('9' x 12).('0' x $extraexp)],
    [ 1234,                         '-5678'.('8' x 11).('0' x $extraexp)],
    [ 1234,                          '5677'.('7' x 11).('0' x $extraexp)]
my $AexpectUnscaled = [
    [ -0.00000000000002,  -5.67999999999999],
    [ 0, -56.78888888888888],
    [ 0,  56.77777777777777]
my $B = [
    [ 1000000000000001,  -1000000000000001],
    [ 0.5, 0.4],
my $Bexpect = [
    [ 1000000000000001,  -1000000000000001],
    [ 1,  0],
    [-1, 0]

if ($is64safe) {
    $Aexpect  = $Aexpect_string;
    $A2expect = $A2expect_string;

# not enough sig figs, even with int64,
# to hold original coords in integers
# so some coords become plain zero
my $Ac = clone($A);
my $scalevec = integerize_coordinate_sets({constrain=>1},$Ac);
if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\nintegerized constrained:\ngot\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($Ac)})."\nexpected\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($Aexpect)})."\n\n");}
    bag( @{f1($Aexpect)} ),
    'lose smallest digits when integerized constrained'
$result = $clipper->execute(CT_UNION);
is(scalar(@{$result}), 1, 'round-tripped polygon preserved. b');

if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\nintegerized constrained roundtripped:\ngot\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($result->[0])})."\nexpected\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($Aexpect)})."\n\n");}

    bag( @{f1($Aexpect)} ),
    'lose smallest digits when integerized constrained - roundtripped'
unscale_coordinate_sets($scalevec, $result);

if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\nintegerized constrained - unscaled:\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{$result->[0]})."\nand\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{$AexpectUnscaled})."\n\n");}

    bag( @{$AexpectUnscaled} ),
    'lose smallest digits when integerized constrained - unscaled'

# use non-constrained scaling to
# preserve digits that wouldn't be
# preserved with constrained

$Ac = clone($A);
$scalevec = integerize_coordinate_sets({constrain=>0}, $Ac);

if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\nintegerized not constrained:\ngot\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($Ac)})."\nexpected\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($A2expect)})."\n\n");}

    bag( @{f1($A2expect)} ),
    'keep smallest digits when integerized not constrained'
$result = $clipper->execute(CT_UNION);

is(scalar(@{$result}), 1, 'round-tripped polygon preserved. c');

if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\nintegerized not constrained roundtripped:\ngot\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($result->[0])})."\nexpected\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($A2expect)})."\n\n");}

    bag( @{f1($A2expect)} ),
    'keep smallest digits when integerized not constrained - roundtripped'

if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\nintegerized not constrained - unscaled:\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{$result->[0]})."\nand\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{$A})."\n\n");}
    bag( @{$A} ),
    'keep smallest digits when integerized not constrained - unscaled'

# two coordinate sets (polygons)
# scale-to-integer factors determined
# to handle all coords in both sets
is_deeply($scalevec,[10**14,10**13,10**12],'scaling vector accommodates all polygon coordinates');

# rounding of ones place for n < 1

my $Bc = clone($B);
$scalevec = integerize_coordinate_sets({constrain=>0, bits=>53}, $Bc);

if ($diagnostics) {diag("\n\nrounding:\ngot\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($Bc)})."\nexpected\n".join("\n",map {"[$_->[0],$_->[1]]"} @{f1($Bexpect)})."\n\n");}

    bag( @{f1($Bexpect)} ),

# unscaling coordinate sets
my $S = [
my $Sexpect = [
my $S2expect = [
    [10,10, -6,400],

unscale_coordinate_sets(1/10, [$S]);
is_deeply( $S, $Sexpect, 'uniform scale');
unscale_coordinate_sets([1, 2, -5, 0.1], [$S]);
is_deeply( $S, $S2expect, 'scale with vector');

sub clone {return [(map {[(@{$_})]} @{$_[0]})]}
sub f1 {
    return [
        map {
            [ sprintf("%.0f", $_->[0]), sprintf("%.0f", $_->[1]) ]