The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

use lib 'Novel-Robot/lib';
use lib 'Novel-Robot-Browser/lib';
use lib 'Novel-Robot-Parser/lib';
use lib 'Novel-Robot-Packer/lib';

use Encode::Locale;
use Encode;
use Getopt::Std;
use Novel::Robot;
use POSIX qw/ceil/;

$| = 1;
binmode( STDIN,  ":encoding(console_in)" );
binmode( STDOUT, ":encoding(console_out)" );
binmode( STDERR, ":encoding(console_out)" );

my %opt;
getopt( 'wsqkmbfrtiCSoTcRAFNPIMnUpvuBDgG', \%opt );

my %opt_out = read_option(%opt);
our $xs = Novel::Robot->new( type => $opt_out{type}, site => $opt_out{site} );
$opt_out{chapter_ids} = $xs->split_id_list( $opt{i} )  if($opt{i});

my $info;
my $items_ref;

if ( $opt{f} ) {
    my @path = split ',', $opt{f};
    $xs->get_item( \@path, %opt_out );
elsif ( $opt{b} ) {    # writer/ board
    ( $info, $items_ref ) = $xs->{parser}->get_board_ref( $opt{b}, %opt_out );
elsif ( $opt{q} ) {    #query
    ( $info, $items_ref ) =
      $xs->{parser}->get_query_ref( $opt_out{query_keyword}, %opt_out );
elsif ( $opt{n} ) {
    get_novel_split( $xs, $opt{u}, %opt_out );
elsif ( $opt{u} ) {
    if($opt{D} and ($xs->{parser}->site_type() eq 'novel')){
        my $r = $xs->{parser}->get_index_ref($opt{u}, %opt_out);
        print "$r->{writer},$r->{book},$r->{url},$r->{chapter_num}\n";
        $xs->get_item( $opt{u}, %opt_out );

if ($items_ref) {
    my $select = $opt{E} ? $xs->select_item( $info, $items_ref ) : $items_ref;
    for my $r (@$select) {
        my $u = $r->{url};
            my $x = $r->{writer} || $info;
            print "$x,$r->{book},$r->{url}\n";
            print "\rselect : $u\n";
            $xs->get_item( $u, %opt_out );
    } ## end for my $r (@$select)

sub read_option {
    my (%opt) = @_;

    my %opt_out = (
        board    => $opt{B},
        book     => $opt{u} ? decode( locale => $opt{u} ) : undef,
        category => $opt{c}
        ? [ split ',', decode( locale => $opt{c} ) ]
        : undef,
        chapter_regex => $opt{r} ? decode( locale => $opt{r} ) : undef,
        max_process_num => $opt{p} // 3,
        only_poster     => $opt{A},
        output          => $opt{o},
        packer_url      => $opt{S},
        passwd          => $opt{P},
        query_keyword => $opt{k} ? decode( locale => $opt{k} ) : undef,
        query_type    => $opt{q} ? decode( locale => $opt{q} ) : undef,
        remark        => $opt{R} ? decode( locale => $opt{R} ) : undef,
        select_menu   => $opt{E},
        site => $opt{s} || $opt{u} || $opt{b},
        step_chapter_num => $opt{n},
        tag => $opt{T} ? [ split ',', decode( locale => $opt{T} ) ] : undef,
        type => $opt{t} || 'html',
        usr => $opt{U},
        verbose  => $opt{v} // 1,
        with_toc => $opt{C} // 1,
        writer => $opt{w} ? decode( locale => $opt{w} ) : undef,
        grep_content => $opt{g} ? decode( locale => $opt{g} ) : undef, 
        filter_content => $opt{G} ? decode( locale => $opt{G} ) : undef,  

    # board ->
    my ( $class, $item ) = $opt{b} ? qw/board item/ : qw/query item/;
    if ( $opt{I} ) {
        ( $opt_out{"min_${class}_page"}, $opt_out{"max_${class}_page"} ) =
          split '-', $opt{I};

    if ( $opt{M} ) {
        $opt_out{"max_${class}_${item}_num"} = $opt{M};

    # tiezi ->
    if ( $opt{i} ) {
        @opt_out{qw/min_tiezi_page max_tiezi_page/}   = split '-', $opt{i};
        @opt_out{qw/min_chapter_num max_chapter_num/} = split '-', $opt{i};

    $opt_out{max_tiezi_floor_num} = $opt{m};

    # floor ->
    $opt_out{min_floor_word_num} = $opt{N};

        $opt_out{site} = 'txt';
        my $tf = decode(locale => $opt{f});
        my ($tw, $tb) = $tf=~m#([^\/\\]+)-([^\/\\]+)\.[^.]+$#;
        $opt_out{book} = $opt{b} ? decode( locale => $opt{b} ) : $tb,
        $opt_out{writer} = $opt{w} ? decode( locale => $opt{w} ) : $tw,

    return %opt_out;

sub get_novel_split {
    my ( $self, $index_url, %opt ) = @_;

    my ( $m, $n ) = ( 1, undef );
    my $info = $self->{parser}->get_index_ref($index_url);
    my $num  = $info->{chapter_num};
    my $en   = ceil( log( $num + 1 ) / log(10) );

    for ( my $m = 1 ; $m <= $num ; $m += $opt{step_chapter_num} ) {
        my $n = $m + $opt{step_chapter_num} - 1;
        $n = $num if ( $n > $num );

        my @info_list = ( $info->{writer}, $info->{book}, $n );
        my $out =
          sprintf( "%s-%s-%0${en}d.%s", @info_list, $self->{packer}->suffix() );

            min_chapter_num => $m,
            max_chapter_num => $n,
            output          => encode( locale => $out ),
            title           => sprintf( "%s 《%s》 %0${en}d", @info_list ),