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package Eidolon::Driver::Router::Basic;
# ==============================================================================
#   Eidolon
#   Copyright (c) 2009, Atma 7
#   ---
#   Eidolon/Driver/Router/ - basic router
# ==============================================================================

use base qw/Eidolon::Driver::Router/;
use List::Util qw/first/;
use warnings;
use strict;

our $VERSION  = "0.02"; # 2009-04-06 01:41:56

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $ _find_controller($items)
# find controller
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _find_controller
    my ($self, $items, $r, $ctrl, $ctrl_path, $module);

    ($self, $items) = @_;

    $r         = Eidolon::Core::Registry->get_instance;
    $ctrl      = "";
    $ctrl_path = $r->config->{"app"}->{"lib"}  . "/" .
                 $r->config->{"app"}->{"name"} . "/Controller/";

    # compose controller's name
    while ($_ = shift(@$items)) 
        $module = ucfirst($_);
        $ctrl_path .= "/$module";
        if (-d $ctrl_path) 
            $ctrl .= "::$module";
        elsif (-f "$" && ($module ne "Default" || $ctrl)) 
            $ctrl .= "::$module";
            unshift(@$items, $_);

    $ctrl = "::Default" if (!$ctrl);
    $self->{"controller"} = $r->config->{"app"}->{"name"}."::Controller$ctrl";

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# _find_action($items)
# find action
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _find_action
    my ($self, $r, $items, $handler, $ctrl, $action, @params);

    ($self, $items) = @_;
    $action  = ($items && (@$items > 0)) ? join("/", @$items) : undef;
    $handler = undef;
    $ctrl    = $self->{"controller"};
    $r       = Eidolon::Core::Registry->get_instance;

        local $SIG{"__DIE__"} = sub {};
        eval "require $ctrl";

    throw CoreError::Compile($@) if ($@);

    # find action
    if ($action) 
        $handler = first 
            /^Action\(['|"]?(.+?)['|"]?\)$/o && 
            (@params = $action =~ /^$1$/) 
        } keys %{ $ctrl->code_cache };

        # if handler was found
        if ($handler)
            $handler = $ctrl->code_cache->{ $handler };

            # delete undefined parameters
            foreach (0 .. $#params)
                delete $params[$_] unless (defined $params[$_]);

            $self->{"params"} = \@params;
        $handler = $ctrl->code_cache->{"Default"};

    throw DriverError::Router::NotFound  if (!$handler);
    throw DriverError::Router::Forbidden if 
        $r->loader->get_object("Eidolon::Driver::User")             && 
       !$r->loader->get_object("Eidolon::Driver::User")->authorized && 

                $r->config->{"app"}->{"policy"} eq "private" &&
                !first { /^Public$/ } @{ $ctrl->attr_cache->{$handler} }
            ) ||

            first { /^Private$/ } @{ $ctrl->attr_cache->{$handler} }

    $self->{"handler"} = $handler;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# find_handler()
# find query handler
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub find_handler
    my ($self, $r, $query, @items);

    $self  = shift;
    $r     = Eidolon::Core::Registry->get_instance;

    $query = $r->cgi->get_query;
    @items = $query ? split /\//, $query : ();

    $self->_find_controller( \@items );
    $self->_find_action    ( \@items );



=head1 NAME

Eidolon::Driver::Router::Basic - basic request router for Eidolon.


Somewhere in application controllers:

    my $r = Eidolon::Core::Registry->get_instance;
    my $router = $r->loader->get_object("Eidolon::Driver::Router::Basic");

    print "Controller: " . $router->{"controller"}              . "\n";
    print "Handler: "    . $router->{"handler"}                 . "\n";
    print "Parameters: " . join(", ", @{ $router->{"params"} }) . "\n";


The I<Eidolon::Driver::Router::Basic> driver finds handler for each user request. 
Routing is based on controller names and method attributes.

=head2 Routing flow

=over 4

=item * Query parsing

First, this package parses I<query> GET-parameter value. This string is splitted
by I</> character and results are placed to so called I<query array>.

=item * Searching controller

Each part of I<query array> is sequentally checked if it has got a corresponding
directory or file in C<lib/Example/Controller/> directory (I<Example> here should
be substituted with your application name). For example, the query was 
I</it/is/full/of/stars/>. So, on this step router checks if 
C<lib/Example/Controller> has one of this files: C<>, C<It/>, 
C<It/Is/>, C<It/Is/Full/>, C<It/Is/Full/Of/>, sequentally.

While I<query array> correlates file system structure, router keeps
searching, but when I<query array> item mismatches directory structure, it stops
and makes final controller path. For example, if router stopped at 
C<It/Is/>, the final controller path will be 

If the router stopped after realising that C<> file doesn't exist - it
tries to use fallback (default) page instead 

The rest of I<query array> is used during the next step.

=item * Searching handler

Here router tries to load selected controller, and if any error occurs, 
throws an L<Eidolon::Core::Exceptions/CoreError::Compile> 
exception. Then, it makes an action string from the rest of I<query array> by 
joining it with I</> character as a glue. For example, if I<query array> 
contained I<"full", "of", "stars">, the action becomes I<full/of/stars>. Now 
router checks every method in selected controller if it has got the 
C<Action($re)> code attribute with C<$re> regular expression, that matches 
selected action. If regex matches, this method is what router needs. 

If a regular expression contains elements enclosed in round braces I<()>, these
elements assumed to be method parameters.

If action is empty (no elements in the I<query array>), router tries to use a
method with C<Default> code attribute.

After handler was found, router checks its security policy. If application
was defined as a I<private> in configuration (see L<Eidolon::Core::Config> for 
more information) and a handler doesn't have C<Public> code attribute - 
exception is thrown. Also, this exception is thrown if a handler has got 
a C<Private> code attribute, without application configuration dependencies.

If router doesn't find a matching method, 
exception is thrown.


=head2 Method attributes

Method attributes used to show router which method is responsible for which 
query. These attributes can combine, i.e. C<Default> attribute could be mixed
with C<Action> and access attributes to extend query coverage that is handled
by this method.

=over 4

=item * Default

Routing attribute. Specifies the default page of the controller. It will be 
called if no action is defined for the controller. Actually, only one C<Default>
attribute should exist in one controller, though no one controls this. You can
have multiple C<Default>-marked methods in single controller, but which one will
be called... only God (and, possibly, Larry) knows.

=item * Action("regex")

Routing attribute. Specifies regular expression that should be matched by query.
C<regex> is a usual perl regular expression without starting and ending 
delimiters. You can use round braces I<()> to specify which parameters you want
to be used in method. These parameters could be accessed later (see
L</params> below). 

=item * Public

Security attribute. Specifies that the page that is handled by method should be
viewed by anyone, even if application is defined as I<private>.

=item * Private

Security attribute. Specifies that the page that is handled by method should not
be viewed by unauthorized user, even if application is defined as I<public>. To
make this feature work you need to have at least one user driver installed and 
this driver should be loaded.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

Inherited from L<Eidolon::Driver::Router/new()>.

=head2 find_handler()

Implementation of abstract method from L<Eidolon::Driver::Router/find_handler()>.

=head2 get_handler()

Inherited from L<Eidolon::Driver::Router/get_handler()>.

=head2 get_params()

Inherited from L<Eidolon::Driver::Router/get_params()>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Eidolon>, L<Eidolon::Applicaton>, L<Eidolon::Driver::Router>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Anton Belousov, E<lt>abel@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2009, Atma 7, L<>
