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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
$| = 1;

# $Id: reporter.t 1354 2012-04-07 12:26:47Z abeltje $

use File::Spec::Functions;
my $findbin;
use File::Basename;
BEGIN { $findbin = dirname $0; }
use lib $findbin;
use TestLib;
use File::Copy;

my $verbose = exists $ENV{SMOKE_VERBOSE} ? $ENV{SMOKE_VERBOSE} : 0;
my $showcfg = 0;

use Test::More tests => 683;

use_ok 'Test::Smoke::Reporter';

my @patchlevels = (
#    [
#        patch level,
#        patch description,
#        string in report
#    ],
         "   20000   ",

my $config_sh = catfile( $findbin, '' );

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.6.1' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
-Dcc='ccache gcc'
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $timer = time - 300;
    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache gcc' -Uuseperlio
PERLIO = stdio  u=3.96  s=0.66  cu=298.11  cs=21.18  scripts=731  tests=75945
All tests successful.
Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache gcc' -Uuseperlio -DDEBUGGING
PERLIO = stdio  u=4.43  s=0.76  cu=324.65  cs=21.58  scripts=731  tests=75945
All tests successful.
Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{started}, $timer - 300, "Start time" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );
    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc='ccache gcc' -Uuseperlio";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports ok" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{D}{stdio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg -DDEBUGGING' reports ok" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc='ccache gcc'
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O         -Uuseperlio

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'PASS', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.8.3' );
    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir    => $findbin,
        v       => $verbose, 
        outfile => '',
        showcfg => $showcfg,
        cfg     => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
-Dcc='ccache gcc'
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $timer = time - 1000;
    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }
Smoking patch $patch

MANIFEST did not declare t/perl

Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache gcc'
TSTENV = stdio  u=3.93  s=0.60  cu=262.21  cs=27.41  scripts=764  tests=76593

    ../lib/Benchmark.t............FAILED 193

TSTENV = perlio u=3.66  s=0.50  cu=233.24  cs=24.79  scripts=764  tests=76593
All tests successful.
TSTENV = locale:nl_NL.utf8      u=3.90  s=0.54  cu=256.36  cs=26.99  scripts=763  tests=7658

    ../lib/Benchmark.t............FAILED 193

Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache gcc' -DDEBUGGING
TSTENV = stdio  u=3.98  s=0.60  cu=276.95  cs=27.43  scripts=764  tests=76593

    ../lib/Benchmark.t............FAILED 193

TSTENV = perlio u=3.66  s=0.57  cu=262.38  cs=25.93  scripts=764  tests=76593
All tests successful.
TSTENV = locale:nl_NL.utf8      u=4.15  s=0.62  cu=269.53  cs=27.02  scripts=763  tests=7658

    ../lib/Benchmark.t............FAILED 193

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0],
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc='ccache gcc'";
    {   local $" = "', '";
        my @bldenv = sort keys %{ $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{N} };
        is_deeply( \@bldenv, [qw( locale:nl_NL.utf8 perlio stdio )],
                   "Buildenvironments '@bldenv'" );

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, 'F',
        "'$cfgarg' (stdio) reports failure" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{D}{stdio}, 'F',
        "'$cfgarg -DDEBUGGING' (stdio) reports failure" );

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, 'O',
        "'$cfgarg' (perlio) reports OK" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{D}{perlio}, 'O',
        "'$cfgarg -DDEBUGGING' (perlio) reports OK" );

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{'locale:nl_NL.utf8'}, 'F',
        "'$cfgarg' (utf8) reports failure" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{D}{'locale:nl_NL.utf8'}, 'F',
        "'$cfgarg -DDEBUGGING' (utf8) reports Failure" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc='ccache gcc'
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F O F F O F 

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    if ( $showcfg ) {
         like $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
              "has the configurations";
    } else {
         unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
                "hasn't the configurations";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.9.0' );
    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir    => $findbin,
        v       => $verbose, 
        outfile => '',
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Smoking patch $patch
Stopped smoke at 1073290464
Started smoke at 1073290464

Configuration: -Dusedevel
PERLIO = stdio  u=0.05  s=0  cu=0.26  cs=0  scripts=4  tests=107
All tests successful.
PERLIO = perlio u=0.03  s=0.01  cu=0.24  cs=0.04  scripts=4  tests=107
All tests successful.
Stopped smoke at 1073290465
Started smoke at 1073290465

Configuration: -Dusedevel -DDEBUGGING
PERLIO = stdio  u=0.04  s=0.01  cu=0.26  cs=0.02  scripts=3  tests=106

    ../t/smoke/die.t........................FAILED ??
    ../t/smoke/many.t.......................FAILED 2-6 8-12 14-18 20-24 26-30 32
                                         36 38-42 44-48 50-54 56-60 62
                                         66 68-72 74-78 80-84 86-90 92
                                         96 98-100

PERLIO = perlio u=0.05  s=0.01  cu=0.25  cs=0.02  scripts=3  tests=106

    ../t/smoke/die.t........................FAILED ??
    ../t/smoke/many.t.......................FAILED 2-6 8-12 14-18 20-24 26-30 32
                                         36 38-42 44-48 50-54 56-60 62
                                         66 68-72 74-78 80-84 86-90 92
                                         96 98-100

Stopped smoke at 1073290467
Finished smoking $patch

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0],
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my $cfgarg = "";
    {   local $" = "', '";
        my @bldenv = sort keys %{ $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N} };
        is_deeply( \@bldenv, [qw( perlio stdio )],
                   "Buildenvironments '@bldenv'" );
        @bldenv = sort @{ $reporter->{_tstenv} };
        is_deeply( \@bldenv, [qw( perlio stdio )],
                   "Buildenvironments '@bldenv'" );

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, 'O',
        "'$cfgarg' (stdio) reports OK" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{D}{stdio}, 'F',
        "'$cfgarg -DDEBUGGING' (stdio) reports failure" );

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, 'O',
        "'$cfgarg' (perlio) reports OK" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{D}{perlio}, 'F',
        "'$cfgarg -DDEBUGGING' (perlio) reports Failure" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) none
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O F F     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    like $reporter->report, qq@/^
         Failures: \\s+ \\(common-args\\) \\s+ none \\n
         \\[stdio\\/perlio\\] \\s* -DDEBUGGING
    /xm@, "Failures:";

unlink $config_sh;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # This test is just to test 'PASS' (and not PASS-so-far)
    #    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.00504' );
    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new( 
        ddir    => $findbin,
        v       => $verbose, 
        outfile => '',
        is56x   => 1,
    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");

    isa_ok $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter';
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1073864611
Smoking patch $patch
Stopped smoke at 1073864615
Started smoke at 1073864615

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache egcc' -Uuseperlio

Compiler info: ccache egcc version 3.2
TSTENV = stdio  u=8.42  s=2.10  cu=476.05  cs=61.49  scripts=776  tests=78557
All tests successful.
Stopped smoke at 1073866466
Started smoke at 1073866466

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache egcc' -Uuseperlio -DDEBUGGING

Compiler info: ccache egcc version 3.2
TSTENV = stdio  u=9.84  s=2.03  cu=523.95  cs=61.85  scripts=776  tests=78557
All tests successful.
Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1073869001

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'PASS', $summary;
    is $reporter->ccinfo, "ccache egcc version 3.2", "ccinfo()";
    like $reporter->report, "/^Summary: PASS\n/m", "Summary from report";

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc='ccache egcc'
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O         -Uuseperlio


for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Test a bug reported by Merijn
    # the c's were reported for locale: only

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    my $ddir = catfile( $findbin, 'ftppub' );
    make_test_file($patch, $ddir, "bugtst01.out", "bugtst01.tmp");

    ok( my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $ddir,
        is56x      => 0,
        defaultenv => 0,
        locale     => 'EN_US.UTF-8',
        outfile    => 'bugtst01.tmp',
        v          => $verbose,
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),

    ), "new()" );
    isa_ok $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter';
    is $reporter->ccinfo, "? unknown cc version ", "ccinfo(bugstst01)";

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0],
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    ok( (defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke still running" );
    isnt( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke not finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    my $r = is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F F F F F 
c - - c - - -Duselongdouble
F F F - - - -Duse64bitint

    $r or diag $reporter->smoke_matrix, $reporter->bldenv_legend;

    if ( $showcfg ) {
         like $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
              "has the configurations";
    } else {
         unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
                "hasn't the configurations";

    unlink catfile( $ddir, "bugtst01.tmp" ) or die "Failed to unlink temp file: $!";

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # report from cygwin

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    my $ddir = catfile( $findbin, 'ftppub' );
    make_test_file($patch, $ddir, "bugtst02.out", "bugtst02.tmp");

    ok( my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $ddir,
        is56x      => 0,
        defaultenv => 0,
        outfile    => 'bugtst02.tmp',
        v          => $verbose,
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),


    ), "new reporter for bugtst02.out" );
    isa_ok $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter';
    is $reporter->ccinfo, "gcc version 3.3.1 (cygming special)", 

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0],
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    my $r = is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix 2";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) none
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F M -     
F F M -     -Duse64bitint
F F M -     -Duseithreads
F F M -     -Duseithreads -Duse64bitint

    $r or diag $reporter->smoke_matrix, $reporter->bldenv_legend;

    if ( $showcfg ) {
         like $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
              "has the configurations";
    } else {
         unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
                "hasn't the configurations";

    unlink catfile( $ddir, "bugtst02.tmp" ) or die "Failed to unlink temp file: $!";

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # report from Win32

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    my $ddir = catfile( $findbin, 'ftppub' );
    make_test_file($patch, $ddir, "bugtst03.out", "bugtst03.tmp");

    ok( my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => catdir( $findbin, 'ftppub' ),
        is56x      => 0,
        defaultenv => 1,
        is_win32   => 1,
        outfile    => 'bugtst03.tmp',
        v          => $verbose,
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<'__EOCFG__' ),





    ), "new reporter for bugtst03.out" );
    isa_ok $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter';
    is $reporter->ccinfo, "cl version 12.00.8804",

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0],
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    my $r = is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix 3";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -DINST_TOP=\$(INST_DRV)\\Smoke\\doesntexist
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O         
F F         -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
O O         -Dusemymalloc
F F         -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
O O         -Duselargefiles
F F         -Duselargefiles -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
O O         -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
F F         -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
X O         -Duseithreads
F F         -Duseithreads -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
O O         -Duseithreads -Dusemymalloc
F F         -Duseithreads -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
X O         -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles
F F         -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
X O         -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
F F         -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'

    $r or diag $reporter->smoke_matrix, $reporter->bldenv_legend;

    if ( $showcfg ) {
         like $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
              "has the configurations";
    } else {
         unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
                "hasn't the configurations";
    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures(bugtst03)";
[default] -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -Duselargefiles -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
    ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t......................FAILED 10 12 14 16-18
    op/magic.t..............................FAILED 37-53
    op/tie.t................................FAILED 22

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
    ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t......................FAILED 9-20
    op/magic.t..............................FAILED 37-53
    op/tie.t................................FAILED 22

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
    ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t......................FAILED 9-20
    ../lib/DBM_Filter/t/utf8.t..............FAILED 13 19
    op/magic.t..............................FAILED 37-53
    op/tie.t................................FAILED 22

[default] -Duseithreads
Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):
    ../ext/threads/t/thread.t...............FAILED test 25

[default] -Duseithreads -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -Duseithreads -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
    ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t......................FAILED 18-20

[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -DDEBUGGING -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
    ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t......................FAILED 9-20

[default] -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles
[default] -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc
Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):

[default] -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
[default] -Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Dusemymalloc -Accflags='-DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE'
    ../ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t......................FAILED 18-20
Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):

    unlink catfile( $ddir, "bugtst03.tmp" ) or die "Failed to unlink temp file: $!";

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Failed tests (bad plan) + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  
    Bad plan.  You planned 5 tests but ran 2.
    Bad plan.  You planned 5 tests but ran 2.

TSTENV = perlio 
    Bad plan.  You planned 5 tests but ran 2.
    Bad plan.  You planned 5 tests but ran 2.

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";
    Bad plan.  You planned 5 tests but ran 2.
    Bad plan.  You planned 5 tests but ran 2.

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  
All tests successful.

TSTENV = perlio 
All tests successful.

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'PASS', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    ok (! @f_lines, "No failures");

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Failed tests + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  

TSTENV = perlio 

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Failed + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  u=0.37  s=0.00  cu=3.34  cs=0.10  scripts=5  tests=13349


TSTENV = perlio u=0.15  s=0.02  cu=3.02  cs=0.11  scripts=5  tests=13349


Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Inconsistent result + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  u=0.32  s=0.02  cu=3.32  cs=0.14  scripts=5  tests=13349

Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):
    ../t/op/test1.t.........................FAILED at test 1

TSTENV = perlio u=0.10  s=0.00  cu=2.99  cs=0.12  scripts=5  tests=13349

Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):
    ../t/op/test1.t.........................FAILED at test 1

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "X",
        "'$cfgarg' reports inconsistent" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "X",
        "'$cfgarg' reports inconsistent" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
X X - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(X)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";
Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):
    ../t/op/test1.t.........................FAILED at test 1

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Inconsistent result + Failed test + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  u=0.26  s=0.00  cu=3.32  cs=0.12  scripts=5  tests=13349

Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):
    ../t/op/test1.t.........................FAILED at test 1

TSTENV = perlio u=0.09  s=0.00  cu=3.01  cs=0.12  scripts=5  tests=13349

Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):
    ../t/op/test1.t.........................FAILED at test 1

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";
Inconsistent test results (between TEST and harness):
    ../t/op/test1.t.........................FAILED at test 1

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Failed test + Bad Plan + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    Bad plan.  You planned 70 tests but ran 64.
    1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
    25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43
    45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
    25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43
    45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    Bad plan.  You planned 75 tests but ran 64.

TSTENV = perlio 
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    Bad plan.  You planned 70 tests but ran 64.
    1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
    25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43
    45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
    25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43
    45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    Bad plan.  You planned 75 tests but ran 64.

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";
    Bad plan.  You planned 70 tests but ran 64.
    1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
    25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43
    45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63
    1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
    25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43
    45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63
    Bad plan.  You planned 75 tests but ran 64.

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
    24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
    44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Passed TODO test (different configuration)
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  
All tests successful.

TSTENV = perlio 
All tests successful.

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc -Duseithreads
TSTENV = stdio  
All tests successful.

TSTENV = perlio 
All tests successful.

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    my $cfgarg2 = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc -Duseithreads";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg2}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg2}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );
    use Data::Dumper;

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O - -     
O O - -     -Duseithreads

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'PASS', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    ok (! @f_lines, "No failures");

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";
[stdio/perlio] -Duseithreads

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Passed TODO test (different configuration)
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  
All tests successful.

TSTENV = perlio 
All tests successful.

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc -Duseithreads
TSTENV = stdio  
All tests successful.

TSTENV = perlio 
All tests successful.

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    my $cfgarg2 = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc -Duseithreads";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg2}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg2}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "O",
        "'$cfgarg' reports pass" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );
    use Data::Dumper;

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
O O - -     
O O - -     -Duseithreads

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'PASS', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    ok (! @f_lines, "No failures");

    my @t_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->todo_passed;
    is_deeply \@t_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOTODO__'], "Passed Todo tests";

[stdio] -Duseithreads

[perlio] -Duseithreads

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Failed + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  u=0.37  s=0.00  cu=3.34  cs=0.10  scripts=5  tests=13349

        Non-zero exit status: 2
TSTENV = perlio u=0.15  s=0.02  cu=3.02  cs=0.11  scripts=5  tests=13349

        Non-zero exit status: 2

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";
        Non-zero exit status: 2

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Failed + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  u=0.37  s=0.00  cu=3.34  cs=0.10  scripts=5  tests=13349

        Non-zero exit status: 2
        No plan found in TAP output
TSTENV = perlio u=0.15  s=0.02  cu=3.02  cs=0.11  scripts=5  tests=13349

        Non-zero exit status: 2
        No plan found in TAP output

Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";
        Non-zero exit status: 2
        No plan found in TAP output

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

for my $p (@patchlevels) {
    # Failed + Passed TODO test
    create_config_sh( $config_sh, version => '5.11.2' );

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        v          => $verbose, 
        outfile    => '',
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
    isa_ok( $reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter' );

    my $patch = $p->[0] . ($p->[1] ? " $p->[1]" : "");
    $reporter->read_parse( \(my $result = <<EORESULTS) );
Started smoke at 1258883807
Smoking patch $patch

Stopped smoke at 1258883808
Started smoke at 1258883808

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
TSTENV = stdio  u=0.37  s=0.00  cu=3.34  cs=0.10  scripts=5  tests=13349

TSTENV = perlio u=0.15  s=0.02  cu=3.02  cs=0.11  scripts=5  tests=13349


Finished smoking $patch
Stopped smoke at 1258883821

    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}, $p->[0], 
        "Changenumber $reporter->{_rpt}{patch}" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}, $p->[1] || $p->[0],
        "Changedescr $reporter->{_rpt}{patchdescr}" );

    my $cfgarg = "-Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc";
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{stdio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{$cfgarg}{summary}{N}{perlio}, "F",
        "'$cfgarg' reports fail" );
    ok( (not defined $reporter->{_rpt}{running}),
        "Smoke not running" );
    is( $reporter->{_rpt}{finished}, "Finished",
        "Smoke finished" );

    my @r_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->smoke_matrix;
    is_deeply \@r_lines, [split /\n/, <<__EOM__], "Matrix";
$p->[2]  Configuration (common) -Dcc=/opt/perl/ccache/gcc
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
F F - -     

    chomp( my $summary = $reporter->summary );
    is $summary, 'FAIL(F)', $summary;
    unlike $reporter->report, "/Build configurations:\n$bcfg=/", 
            "hasn't the configurations";

    my @f_lines = split /\n/, $reporter->failures;
    is_deeply \@f_lines, [split /\n/, <<'__EOFAIL__'], "Failures";

#    diag Dumper $reporter->{_counters};
#    diag $reporter->report;

{ # Test the grepccmsg() feature
    my $testdir = catdir $findbin, 'perl-current';
    mkpath $testdir;
    copy( catfile( $findbin, 'gccmsg.out'), catfile( $testdir, 'mktest.out' ) );

    ok( my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $testdir,
        is56x      => 0,
        defaultenv => 0,
        lfile      => catfile( $findbin, 'gccmsg.log' ),
        v          => $verbose,
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<'__EOCFG__' )), "init for grepccmsg() ");

    my @ccmsg = split /\n/, <<'EOCCMSG';
Compiler messages(gcc):
regcomp.c: In function `S_make_trie':
regcomp.c:905: warning: `scan' might be used uninitialized in this function
regcomp.c: In function `S_study_chunk':
regcomp.c:1618: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type
pp_sys.c:311: warning: `S_emulate_eaccess' defined but not used
byterun.c: In function `byterun':
byterun.c:906: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type
DProf.xs:140: warning: `unused' attribute ignored
re_comp.c: In function `S_study_chunk':
re_comp.c:1618: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type

    # `stupid emacs
    ok my $ccmsg = $reporter->ccmessages, "Got compiler messages";
    for my $line ( @ccmsg ) {
        like $ccmsg, "/\Q$line\E/ms", "$line";
    rmtree $testdir, $verbose;

{ # Test the registered_patches() feature
    my $testdir = catdir $findbin, 'perl-current';
    mkpath $testdir;
    copy( catfile( $findbin, 'gccmsg.out'), catfile( $testdir, 'mktest.out' ) );
    my $plhsrc = catdir( $findbin, qw( ftppub perl-current ) );
    copy( catfile( $plhsrc, 'patchlevel.h' ),
          catfile( $testdir, 'patchlevel.h' ) );
    require Test::Smoke::Util;
    Test::Smoke::Util::set_local_patch( $testdir, "[PATCH] Just testing" );

    ok( my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $testdir,
        is56x      => 0,
        defaultenv => 0,
        lfile      => catfile( $findbin, 'gccmsg.log' ),
        v          => $verbose,
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<'__EOCFG__' )), "init for get_local_patches() ");

    my $lp_list = $reporter->registered_patches;
    like $lp_list, "/\Q[PATCH] Just testing\E/", "Found the patch";

    my $rpt = $reporter->report;
    like $rpt, "/\\nLocally\\ applied\\ patches:\\n
                 \\ \\ \\ \\ DEVEL19999\\n
                 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\[PATCH\\]\\ Just\\ testing/x",
         "Found patches section";

    unlike $rpt, "/^Tests skipped on user request:\n/m",
         "Report does not contain user_skipped_tests()";

    rmtree $testdir, $verbose;

{ # Test the user_skipped_tests() feature
    my $testdir = catdir $findbin, 'perl-current';
    mkpath $testdir;
    copy( catfile( $findbin, 'gccmsg.out'), catfile( $testdir, 'mktest.out' ) );
    my $plhsrc = catdir( $findbin, qw( ftppub perl-current ) );
    copy( catfile( $plhsrc, 'patchlevel.h' ),
          catfile( $testdir, 'patchlevel.h' ) );

    my $skip_tests = catfile $findbin, 'tests.skip';
    put_file( (my $no_tests = <<__EOSKIP__), $skip_tests );

    ok( my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $testdir,
        is56x      => 0,
        defaultenv => 0,
        lfile      => catfile( $findbin, 'gccmsg.log' ),
        skip_tests => $skip_tests,
        v          => $verbose,
        showcfg    => $showcfg,
        cfg        => \( my $bcfg = <<'__EOCFG__' )), "init for get_local_patches() ");

    $no_tests = join "\n", map "    $_" => split /\n/, $no_tests;
    my $st_list = $reporter->user_skipped_tests;
    is $st_list, "\nTests skipped on user request:\n$no_tests",

    my $rpt = $reporter->report;
    like $rpt, "/^Tests skipped on user request:\n$no_tests/m",
         "Report contains user_skipped_tests()";

    rmtree $testdir, $verbose;
    1 while unlink $skip_tests;

    my $bcfg = "";
    my $plhsrc = catdir( $findbin, qw( ftppub perl-current ) );
    copy( catfile( $plhsrc, 'patchlevel.h' ),
          catfile( $findbin, 'patchlevel.h' ) );
    my $report = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        outfile    => 'multilocale.out',
        verbose    => $verbose,
        defaultenv => 0,
        cfg        => \$bcfg,
    isa_ok $report, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter';

    is $report->bldenv_legend, <<__EOL__, "legend ok";
| | | | | | | +- LC_ALL = nl_NL.UTF-8 -DDEBUGGING
| | | | | | +--- LC_ALL = be_BY.UTF-8 -DDEBUGGING
| | | | | +----- PERLIO = perlio -DDEBUGGING
| | | | +------- PERLIO = stdio  -DDEBUGGING
| | | +--------- LC_ALL = nl_NL.UTF-8
| | +----------- LC_ALL = be_BY.UTF-8
| +------------- PERLIO = perlio
+--------------- PERLIO = stdio 

    1 while unlink catfile( $findbin, 'patchlevel.h' );

    my $bcfg = <<__EOC__;



    my $plhsrc = catdir($findbin, qw( ftppub perl-current ));
    copy(catfile($plhsrc, 'patchlevel.h'), catfile($findbin, 'patchlevel.h'));
    my $report = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir       => $findbin,
        outfile    => 'pc09.out',
        verbose    => $verbose,
        defaultenv => 0,
        cfg        => \$bcfg,
    isa_ok $report, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter';

    is $report->bldenv_legend, <<__EOL__, "legend ok";
| | | | | +- LC_ALL = en_US.utf8 -DDEBUGGING
| | | | +--- PERLIO = perlio -DDEBUGGING
| | | +----- PERLIO = stdio  -DDEBUGGING
| | +------- LC_ALL = en_US.utf8
| +--------- PERLIO = perlio
+----------- PERLIO = stdio 

    1 while unlink catfile($findbin, 'patchlevel.h');

{    # Test write to file
    create_config_sh($config_sh, version => '5.6.1');

    my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new(
        ddir      => $findbin,
        v         => $verbose,
        outfile   => '',
        showcfg   => $showcfg,
        user_note => 'This is user info',
        cfg       => \(my $bcfg = <<__EOCFG__ ),
-Dcc='ccache gcc'
    isa_ok($reporter, 'Test::Smoke::Reporter');

    my $timer = time - 300;
    $reporter->read_parse(\(my $result = <<EORESULTS));
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }
Smoking patch 22000

Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache gcc' -Uuseperlio
PERLIO = stdio  u=3.96  s=0.66  cu=298.11  cs=21.18  scripts=731  tests=75945
All tests successful.
Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }
Started smoke at @{ [$timer] }

Configuration: -Dusedevel -Dcc='ccache gcc' -Uuseperlio -DDEBUGGING
PERLIO = stdio  u=4.43  s=0.76  cu=324.65  cs=21.58  scripts=731  tests=75945
All tests successful.
Finished smoking 22000
Stopped smoke at @{ [$timer += 100] }

    my $report_string = $reporter->report;

    like($report_string, qr{\nThis is user info\n}, 'Has user info');
    my $file = catfile($findbin, "report.tmp");
    if (-e $file) {
        die "$file already exists?";

    if (-e $file) {
        ok(1, "file exists");

        open my $in, "<", $file or die "Can't read file: $!";
        my $in_string = "";
        while (<$in>) {
            $in_string .= $_;
        is($in_string, $report_string, "file is the same as the report");
        close $in;
        unlink $file or die "Can't unlink file: $!";
    else {
        ok(0, "file exists");
        ok(0, "file is the same as the report");
    unlink $config_sh;

sub create_config_sh {
    my ($file, %cfg) = @_;

    my $cfg_sh = "# This is a testfile\n";
    $cfg_sh .= "# created by $0\n";

    $cfg_sh .= join "", map "$_='$cfg{$_}'\n" => keys %cfg;

    put_file($cfg_sh, $file);

sub make_test_file {
    my ($patch, $ddir, $in_file, $out_file) = @_;

    open my $in, "<", catfile($ddir, $in_file)
        or die "Failed to open input file: $!";
    open my $out, ">", catfile($ddir, $out_file)
        or die "Failed to create temp file: $!";
    while (<$in>) {
        print $out $_;
    close $in;
    close $out;