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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# $Id: syncer_ftp.t 920 2005-12-18 10:34:58Z abeltje $
##### syncer_ftp.t
# Here we try to test the actual syncing process from a snapshot
# This is done by overriding all the used Net::FTP handlers
# and provide a fake FTP mechanism through them
# For this there is the 't/ftppub' directory with:
#     't/ftppub/snap' contains two fake snapshots (with files)
#     't/ftppub/perl-current-diffs' contains a few fake diffs
# Now that we have controlable FTP (if you have Net::FTP), 
# we can concentrate on doing the untargz and patch stuff
my $findbin;
use File::Basename;
BEGIN { $findbin = dirname $0; }
use lib $findbin;
use TestLib;
use File::Spec;

use Test::More;

    eval { require Net::FTP; };
    $@ and plan( skip_all => "No 'Net::FTP' found!\n" . 
                             "!!!You will not be able to smoke from " .
                             "snapshots without it!!!" );
    plan tests => 7;

my $verbose = $ENV{SMOKE_VERBOSE} || 0;
$verbose and diag "SMOKE_VERBOSE = $verbose";

# Can we get away with redefining the Net::FTP stuff?

BEGIN { $^W = 0; } # no warnings 'redefine';
sub Net::FTP::new { bless {}, 'Net::FTP' }
sub Net::FTP::login { return 1 }
sub Net::FTP::binary { return 1 }
sub Net::FTP::quit {return 1 }
sub Net::FTP::cwd { 
    my $self = shift;
    ( my $dir = shift ) =~ s|^.*/||;
    $self->{cwd} = File::Spec->catdir( 't', 'ftppub', $dir );
sub Net::FTP::ls { 
    my $self = shift;
    local *DLDIR;
    opendir DLDIR, $self->{cwd} or return ( );
    return grep ! /\.{1,2}$/ => readdir DLDIR;
sub Net::FTP::size {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $self->{cwd}, shift );
    return -s $file;
sub Net::FTP::get {
    my $self = shift;
    my $source = shift;
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $self->{cwd}, $source );
    my $dest = shift || $source;
    local( *SRC, *DST );

    if ( open SRC, "< $file" ) {
        binmode SRC;
        if ( open DST, "> $dest" ) {
            binmode DST;
            print  DST do { local $/; <SRC> };
            close DST;
        } else {
            die "Can't write '$dest': $!";
    } else {
        die "Can't write '$dest': $!";
    return $dest;
sub Net::FTP::DESTROY { }
BEGIN { $^W = 1; }

require Test::Smoke::Patcher; # for testing only

# Now begin testing
use_ok( 'Test::Smoke::Syncer' );

my $patch = find_a_patch();
SKIP: { # Here we try for 'Archive::Tar'/'Compress::Zlib'

    eval { require Archive::Tar; };
    $@ and skip "Can't load 'Archive::Tar'", 3;

    eval { require Compress::Zlib; };
    $@ and skip "Can't load 'Compress::Zlib'", 3;

    my $syncer = Test::Smoke::Syncer->new( snapshot => { v => $verbose,
        ddir     => File::Spec->catdir( 't', 'perl-current' ),
        sdir     => '/t/snap',
        tar      => 'Archive::Tar',
        unzip    => 'Compress::Zlib',
        snapext  => 'tgz',
        cleanup  => 3,
        patchbin => $patch,
    } );

    isa_ok( $syncer, 'Test::Smoke::Syncer::Snapshot' );

    my $plevel  = $syncer->sync;

    is( $plevel, 20000, "Patchlevel $plevel by $syncer->{tar}" );

    skip "Cannot find a 'patch' program", 1 unless $patch;
    my $plevel2 = $syncer->patch_a_snapshot( $plevel );

    is( $plevel2, 20005, "A patched snapshot $plevel2 by $syncer->{unzip}" );


SKIP: { # Here we try for gzip/tar

    my $tar = whereis( 'tar' ) or skip "Can't find a 'tar'", 3;

    my $gzip = whereis( 'gzip' );
    # lets try something...

    my $unpack = $gzip ? qq[$gzip -dc "%s" | $tar -xf -] : qq[$tar -xzf "%s"];

    $gzip .= " -dc" if $gzip;
    $gzip = whereis( 'gunzip' ) unless $gzip;
    $gzip = whereis( 'zcat' ) unless $gzip;

    my $syncer = Test::Smoke::Syncer->new( snapshot => { v => $verbose,
        ddir     => File::Spec->catdir( 't', 'perl-current' ),
        sdir     => '/t/snap',
        tar      => $unpack,
        unzip    => $gzip,
        snapext  => 'tgz',
        cleanup  => 3,
        patchbin => $patch,
    } );

    isa_ok( $syncer, 'Test::Smoke::Syncer::Snapshot' );

    my $plevel  = $syncer->sync;

    is( $plevel, 20000, "Patchlevel $plevel by $syncer->{tar}" );

    skip "Can't seem to find 'gzip/gunzip/zcat'", 1 unless $gzip;
    skip "Cannot find a 'patch' program", 1 unless $patch;

    my $plevel2 = $syncer->patch_a_snapshot( $plevel );

    is( $plevel2, 20005, "A patched snapshot $plevel2 by $syncer->{unzip}" );


END { # Cleanup testfiles!
    my $snapshot = File::Spec->catfile( 't', "perl\@20000.tgz" );
    1 while unlink $snapshot;

    rmtree( File::Spec->catdir( 't', 'perl-current' ) );