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package App::MPDJ;

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

our $VERSION = '1.07';

use Getopt::Long;
use Net::MPD;
use Proc::Daemon;
use Log::Dispatch;

sub new {
  my ($class, @options) = @_;

  my $self = bless {
    action     => undef,
    after      => 2,
    before     => 2,
    calls_path => 'calls',
    calls_freq => 3600,
    daemon     => 1,
    last_call  => 0,
    mpd        => undef,
    mpd_conn   => 'localhost',
    music_path => 'music',
  }, $class;

sub mpd {
  my ($self) = @_;


sub parse_options {
  my ($self, @options) = @_;

  local @ARGV = @options;

    'D|daemon!'      => \$self->{daemon},
    'V|version'      => sub { $self->{action} = 'show_version' },
    'a|after=i'      => \$self->{after},
    'b|before=i'     => \$self->{before},
    'calls-path=s'   => \$self->{calls_path},
    'c|calls-freq=i' => \$self->{calls_freq},
    'h|help'         => sub { $self->{action} = 'show_help' },
    'mpd=s'          => \$self->{mpd_conn},
    'music-path=s'   => \$self->{music_path},
    's|syslog=s'     => \$self->{syslog},
    'l|conlog=s'     => \$self->{conlog},

sub connect {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->{mpd} = Net::MPD->connect($self->{mpd_conn});

sub execute {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if (my $action = $self->{action}) {
    $self->$action() and return 1;

  @SIG{qw( INT TERM HUP )} = sub { $self->safe_exit() };

  my @loggers;
  push @loggers, ([ 'Screen', min_level => $self->{conlog}, newline => 1 ])
    if $self->{conlog};
  push @loggers, ([ 'Syslog', min_level => $self->{syslog}, ident => 'mpdj' ])
    if $self->{syslog};

  $self->{log} = Log::Dispatch->new(outputs => \@loggers);

  if ($self->{daemon}) {
    $self->{log}->notice('Forking to background');




  while (1) {
    my @changes =
      $self->mpd->idle(qw(database player playlist message options));

    foreach my $subsystem (@changes) {
      my $function = $subsystem . '_changed';

sub configure {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->{log}->notice('Configuring MPD server');


  if ($self->{calls_freq}) {
    my $now = time;
    $self->{last_call} = $now - $now % $self->{calls_freq};
    $self->{log}->notice("Set last call to $self->{last_call}");

sub update_cache {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->{log}->notice('Updating music and calls cache...');

  foreach my $category (('music', 'calls')) {

    @{ $self->{$category} } = grep { $_->{type} eq 'file' }

    my $total = scalar(@{ $self->{$category} });
    if ($total) {
        ->notice(sprintf("Total %s available: %d", $category, $total));
    } else {
        ->warning("No $category available.  Path is mpd path not file system.");

sub remove_old_songs {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $song = $self->mpd->song || 0;
  my $count = $song - $self->{before};
  if ($count > 0) {
    $self->{log}->info("Deleting $count old songs");

sub add_new_songs {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $song = $self->mpd->song || 0;
  my $count = $self->{after} + $song - $self->mpd->playlist_length + 1;
  if ($count > 0) {
    $self->{log}->info("Adding $count new songs");
    $self->add_song for 1 .. $count;

sub add_song {
  my ($self) = @_;


sub add_call {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->{log}->info('Injecting call');

  $self->add_random_item_from_category('calls', 'immediate');

  my $now = time;
  $self->{last_call} = $now - $now % $self->{calls_freq};
  $self->{log}->info('Set last call to ' . $self->{last_call});

sub add_random_item_from_category {
  my ($self, $category, $next) = @_;

  my @items = @{ $self->{$category} };

  my $index = int(rand(scalar @items));
  my $item  = $items[$index];

  my $uri  = $item->{uri};
  my $song = $self->mpd->song || 0;
  my $pos  = $next ? $song + 1 : $self->mpd->playlist_length;
  $self->{log}->info('Adding ' . $uri . ' at position ' . $pos);

  $self->mpd->add_id($uri, $pos);

sub time_for_call {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return unless $self->{calls_freq};
  return time - $self->{last_call} > $self->{calls_freq};

sub show_version {
  my ($self) = @_;

  say "mpdj (App::MPDJ) version $VERSION";

sub safe_exit {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->{log}->log_and_die(level => 'notice', message => 'Ending');

sub show_help {
  my ($self) = @_;

  print <<HELP;
Usage: mpdj [options]

  --mpd             MPD connection string (password\@host:port)
  -s --syslog       Turns on syslog output (debug, info, notice, warn[ing], error, etc)
  -l,--conlog       Turns on console output (same choices as --syslog)
  --no-daemon       Turn off daemonizing
  -b,--before       Number of songs to keep in playlist before current song
  -a,--after        Number of songs to keep in playlist after current song
  -c,--calls-freq   Frequency to inject call signs in seconds
  --calls-path      Path to call sign files
  --music-path      Path to music files
  -V,--version      Show version information and exit
  -h,--help         Show this help and exit

sub database_changed {
  my ($self) = @_;


sub player_changed {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->add_call() if $self->time_for_call();

sub playlist_changed {
  my ($self) = @_;


sub message_changed {
  my $self = shift;

  my @messages = $self->mpd->read_messages();

  foreach my $message (@messages) {
    my $function = 'handle_message_' . $message->{channel};

sub options_changed {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{log}->notice('Resetting configuration');


sub handle_message_mpdj {
  my ($self, $message) = @_;

  my ($option, $value) = split /\s+/, $message, 2;

  if ($option =~ /^(?:before|after|calls_freq)$/) {
    return unless $value =~ /^\d+$/;
    $self->{log}->info('Setting ' . $option . ' to ' . $value);
    $self->{$option} = $value;



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME



  > mpdj
  > mpdj --before 2 --after 6
  > mpdj --no-daemon --verbose


C<App::MPDJ> is an automatic DJ for your C<MPD> server.  It will manage a queue
of random songs for you just like a real DJ.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item --mpd

Sets the MPD connection details.  Should be a string like password@host:port.
The password and port are both optional.

=item -s, --syslog

Turns on sending of log information to syslog at specified level.  Level is a
required parameter can be one of debug, info, notice, warn[ing], err[or],
crit[ical], alert or emerg[ency].

=item -l, --conlog

Turns on sending of log information to console at specified level.  Level is a
required parameter can be one of debug, info, notice, warn[ing], err[or],
crit[ical], alert or emerg[ency].

=item --no-daemon

Run in the foreground instead of trying to fork and exit.

=item -b, --before

Number of songs to keep in the playlist before the current song.  The default
is 2.

=item -a, --after

Number of songs to queue up in the playlist after the current song.  The
default is 2.

=item -c, --calls-freq

Frequency in seconds for call signs to be injected.  The default is 3600 (one
hour).  A value of 0 will disable call sign injection.

=item --calls-path

Path to call sign files.  The default is 'calls'.

=item --music-path

Path to music files.  The default is 'music'.

=item -V, --version

Show the current version of the script installed and exit.

=item -h, --help

Show this help and exit.


=head1 AUTHOR

Alan Berndt E<lt>alan@eatabrick.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2013- Alan Berndt

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

