use strict;
use warnings;

use CPAN::Meta::Requirements;

use Test::More 0.88;

sub dies_ok (&@) {
  my ($code, $qr, $comment) = @_;

  my $lived = eval { $code->(); 1 };

  if ($lived) {
    fail("$comment: did not die");
  } else {
    like($@, $qr, $comment);

  my $req = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new;

  $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 10);
  $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 0);
  $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 2);

  $req->add_minimum('Foo::Baz' => version->declare('v1.2.3'));

  $req->add_minimum('Foo::Undef' => undef);

  my $want = {
    'Foo::Bar'   => 10,
    'Foo::Baz'   => 'v1.2.3',
    'Foo::Undef' => 0,

    "some basic minimums",


  $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar', 2);

  pass('we can add a Foo::Bar requirement with no effect post finalization');

  dies_ok { $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar', 12) }
    qr{finalized req},
    "can't add a higher Foo::Bar after finalization";

  dies_ok { $req->add_minimum('Foo::New', 0) }
    qr{finalized req},
    "can't add a new module prereq after finalization";

  dies_ok { $req->clear_requirement('Foo::Bar') }
    qr{finalized req},
    "can't clear an existing prereq after finalization";


  pass('we can clear a prereq that was not set to begin with');

    "none of our attempts to alter the object post-finalization worked",

  my $cloned = $req->clone;

  $cloned->add_minimum('Foo::Bar', 12);

      'Foo::Bar' => 12,
    "we can alter a cloned V:R (finalization does not survive cloning)",

    "...and original requirements are untouched",
