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#!./perl -w
use strict;

use Test::More;

## unit test for RT 132008 -

if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' || !-e q{/dev/tty} ) {
    plan skip_all => "Not tested on windows or when /dev/tty does not exist";
else {
    plan tests => 9;

if ( -e q[&STDERR] ) {
    note q[Removing existing file &STDERR];
    unlink q[&STDERR] or die q{Cannot remove existing file &STDERR [probably created from a previous run]};

can_ok( 'Term::ReadLine::Stub', qw{new devtty findConsole} );
is( Term::ReadLine->devtty(), q{/dev/tty}, "check sub devtty" );
    open my $tty, "<",  Term::ReadLine->devtty()
      or skip "Cannot open tty", 1;
    -t $tty
      or skip "No tty found, so findConsole() won't return /dev/tty", 1;
    my @out = Term::ReadLine::Stub::findConsole();
    is_deeply \@out, [ q{/dev/tty}, q{/dev/tty} ], "findConsole is using /dev/tty";

    no warnings 'redefine';
    my $donotexist = q[/this/should/not/exist/hopefully];

    ok !-e $donotexist, "File $donotexist does not exist";
    # double mention to prevent warning
    local *Term::ReadLine::Stub::devtty =
      *Term::ReadLine::Stub::devtty = sub { $donotexist };
    is( Term::ReadLine->devtty(), $donotexist, "devtty mocked" );

    my @out = Term::ReadLine::Stub::findConsole();
    is_deeply \@out, [ q{&STDIN}, q{&STDERR} ], "findConsole isn't using /dev/tty" or diag explain \@out;

    ok !-e q[&STDERR], 'file &STDERR do not exist before Term::ReadLine call';
    my $tr = Term::ReadLine->new('whatever');
    ok !-e q[&STDERR], 'file &STDERR was not created by mistake';