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package Message::Passing;
use Moo;
use Config::Any;
use Message::Passing::Role::CLIComponent;
use Message::Passing::DSL;
use Carp qw/ confess /;
use MooX::Options flavour => [qw( pass_through )], protect_argv => 0;
use namespace::clean -except => [qw/ meta new_with_options parse_options _options_data _options_config/];
use 5.008004;

our $VERSION = '0.115';

around 'parse_options' => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = $orig->($class, @_);

    if (my $conf = $args{configfile}) {
        my $cfg = $class->get_config_from_file($conf);
        foreach my $k (keys %$cfg) {
            if (!exists $args{$k}) {
                $args{$k} = $cfg->{$k};

    return %args;

    CLIComponent( name => 'input' ),
    CLIComponent( name => 'output' ),
    CLIComponent( name => 'filter', default => 'Null' ),
    CLIComponent( name => 'decoder', default => 'JSON' ),
    CLIComponent( name => 'encoder', default => 'JSON' ),
    CLIComponent( name => 'error', default => 'STDERR' ),
    CLIComponent( name => 'error_encoder', default => 'Message::Passing::Filter::Encoder::JSON' ),

option configfile => (
    is => 'ro',
    format => 's',

sub get_config_from_file {
    my ($class, $filename) = @_;
    my ($fn, $cfg) = %{ Config::Any->load_files({
        files => [$filename],
        use_ext => 1,
    })->[0] };
    return $cfg;

sub build_chain {
    my $self = shift;
    message_chain {
            %{ $self->error_encoder_options },
            class => $self->error_encoder,
            output_to => output error => (
                %{ $self->error_options },
                class => $self->error,
        output output => (
            %{ $self->output_options },
            class => $self->output,
            %{ $self->encoder_options },
            class => $self->encoder,
            output_to => 'output',
        filter filter => (
            %{ $self->filter_options },
            class => $self->filter,
            output_to => 'encoder',
            %{ $self->decoder_options },
            class => $self->decoder,
            output_to => 'filter',
        input input => (
            %{ $self->input_options },
            class => $self->input,
            output_to => 'decoder',


=head1 NAME

Message::Passing - a simple way of doing messaging.


    message-pass --input STDIN --output STDOUT
    {"foo": "bar"}


A library for building high performance, loosely coupled and reliable/resilient applications,
structured as small services which communicate over the network by passing messages.


You have data for discrete events, represented by a hash (and
serialized as JSON).

This could be a text log line, an audit record of an API
event, a metric emitted from your application that you wish
to aggregate and process - anything that can be a simple hash really..

You want to be able to shove these events over the network easily,
and aggregate them / filter and rewrite them / split them into worker queues.

This module is designed as a simple framework for writing components
that let you do all of these things, in a simple and easily extensible

For a practical example, You generate events from a source (e.g.
L<ZeroMQ> output of logs and performance metrics from your L<Catalyst> FCGI
or L<Starman> workers) and run one script that will give you a central
application log file, or push the logs into L<ElasticSearch>.

There are a growing set of components you can plug together
to make your solution.

Getting started is really easy - you can just use the C<message-passing>
command installed by the distribution. If you have a common config
that you want to repeat, or you want to write your own server
which does something more flexible than the normal script allows,
then see L<Message::Passing::DSL>.

To dive straight in, see the documentation for the command line utility
L<message-passing>, and see the examples in L<Message::Passing::Manual::Cookbook>.

For more about how the system works, see L<Message::Passing::Manual::Concepts>.


Below is a non-exhaustive list of components available.

=head2 INPUTS

Inputs receive data from a source (usually a network protocol).

They are responsible for decoding the data into a hash before passing
it onto the next stage.

Inputs include:


=item L<Message::Passing::Input::STDIN>

=item L<Message::Passing::Input::ZeroMQ>

=item L<Message::Passing::Input::STOMP>

=item L<Message::Passing::Input::AMQP>

=item L<Message::Passing::Input::Syslog>

=item L<Message::Passing::Input::Redis>

=item L<Message::Passing::Input::Test>


You can easily write your own input, just use L<AnyEvent>, and
consume L<Message::Passing::Role::Input>.

=head2 FILTER

Filters can transform a message in any way.

Examples include:


=item L<Message::Passing::Filter::Null> - Returns the input unchanged.

=item L<Message::Passing::Filter::All> - Stops any messages it receives from being passed to the output. I.e. literally filters all input out.

=item L<Message::Passing::Filter::T> - Splits the incoming message to multiple outputs.


You can easily write your own filter, just consume

Note that filters can be chained, and a filter can return undef to
stop a message being passed to the output.

=head2 OUTPUTS

Outputs send data to somewhere, i.e. they consume messages.


=item L<Message::Passing::Output::STDOUT>

=item L<Message::Passing::Output::AMQP>

=item L<Message::Passing::Output::STOMP>

=item L<Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ>

=item L<Message::Passing::Output::WebHooks>

=item L<Message::Passing::Output::ElasticSearch> - (L<>)

=item L<Message::Passing::Output::Redis>

=item L<Message::Passing::Output::Test>


=head1 SEE ALSO


=item L<Message::Passing::Manual> - The manual (contributions cherished)

=item L<> - Slide deck!

=item L<Log::Message::Structured> - For creating your log messages.

=item L<Log::Dispatch::Message::Passing> - use Message::Passing outputs from L<Log::Dispatch>.



This is a simple L<MooX::Options> script, with one input, one filter
and one output. To build your own similar scripts, see:


=item L<Message::Passing::DSL> - To declare your message chains

=item L<Message::Passing::Role::CLIComponent> - To provide C<foo> and C<foo_options> attribute pairs.

=item L<Message::Passing::Role::Script> - To provide daemonization features.


=head2 METHODS

=head3 build_chain

Builds and returns the configured chain of input => filter => output

=head3 start

Class method to call the run_message_server function with the results of
having constructed an instance of this class, parsed command line options
and constructed a chain.

This is the entry point for the script.

=head1 AUTHOR

Tomas (t0m) Doran <>

=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Bugs

Please log bugs at L<>. Each distribution has a bug tracker
link in it's L<> page.

=head2 Discussion

L<#message-passing> on L<>.

=head2 Source code

Source code for all modules is available at L<>
and forks / patches are very welcome.


This module exists due to the wonderful people at Suretec Systems Ltd.
<> who sponsored its development for its
VoIP division called SureVoIP <> for use with
the SureVoIP API -


Copyright Suretec Systems Ltd. 2012.

Logstash (upon which many ideas for this project is based, but
which we do not reuse any code from) is copyright 2010 Jorden Sissel.

=head1 LICENSE

GNU Library General Public License, Version 2.1
