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#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# t/core/class.t
# Test the Badger::Class module.
# Written by Andy Wardley <>
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use lib qw( t/core/lib ../t/core/lib ./lib ../lib ../../lib );
BEGIN { $Badger::Class::DEBUG = 1 if grep /-d/, @ARGV }
use Badger::Class;
use Badger::Test
    tests => 133,
    debug => 'Badger::Class Badger::Exporter',
    args  => \@ARGV;

# test simple inheritance

package Alice;
use Badger::Class 
    version => 2.718,
    import  => qw( class classes CLASS );

main::is( $VERSION, 2.718, 'Alice defines $VERSION as 2.718' );
our $NAME = 'Alice';
our $GIRLS_NAME = 'Alice';
our $ALIASES = ['Ally', 'Ali'];
our $FRIENDS = {
    sue => 'Susan',
our $TWO = '22 Acacia Avenue';

sub new {
    my ($class, %self) = @_;
    bless \%self, $class;

sub my_class { CLASS }

package Bob;
use Badger::Class
    base    => 'Alice',
    version => 3.142;

our $NAME = 'Bob';
our $BOYS_NAME = 'Bob';
our $ALIASES = ['Robert', 'Rob'];
our $FRIENDS = {
    jim => 'Jim',
our $ONE = '2 Minutes to Midnight';

package main;

# base methods
my $alice = Alice->new();
ok( $alice, 'Alice is alive' );
is( $alice->class, 'Alice', "Alice's class is Alice" );
is( $alice->VERSION, 2.718, "Alice's version is 2.718" );
is( $Alice::VERSION, 2.718, "Alice's VERSION is 2.718" );

# derived methods
my $bob = Bob->new();
ok( $bob, 'Bob is alive' );
is( $bob->class, 'Bob', "Bob's class is Bob" );
is( $bob->class->parents->[0], 'Alice', "Bob's parent is Alice" );
is( join(', ', $bob->class->heritage), 'Bob, Alice', "Bob's heritage is Bob, Alice" );
is( join(', ', $bob->classes), 'Bob, Alice', "Bob's classes are Bob, Alice" );
is( $bob->VERSION, 3.142, "Bob has version of 3.142" );

# base vars
is( $alice->class->var('NAME'), 'Alice', 'Alice var $NAME' );
is( $alice->class->var('GIRLS_NAME'), 'Alice', 'Alice var $GIRLS_NAME' );

# derived vars
is( $bob->class->var('NAME'), 'Bob', 'Bob var $NAME' );
is( $bob->class->var('BOYS_NAME'), 'Bob', 'Bob var $BOYS_NAME' );

is( join(', ', $alice->class->any_var('NAME')), 'Alice', 'Alice any_var $NAME' );
is( join(', ', $bob->class->any_var('NAME')), 'Bob', 'Bob any_var $NAME' );

is( join(', ', $alice->class->any_var_in('ONE', 'TWO')), '22 Acacia Avenue', 'Alice is Charlotte' );
is( join(', ', $alice->class->any_var_in('ONE TWO')), '22 Acacia Avenue', 'She lives at 22 Acacia Avenue' );
is( join(', ', $alice->class->any_var_in(['ONE', 'TWO'])), '22 Acacia Avenue', "That's the place where we all go" );
is( join(', ', $bob->class->any_var_in('ONE', 'TWO')), '2 Minutes to Midnight', "Bob says it's 2 minutes to midnight" );
is( join(', ', $bob->class->any_var_in('ONE TWO')), '2 Minutes to Midnight', "The hand that threatens doom" );
is( join(', ', $bob->class->any_var_in(['ONE', 'TWO'])), '2 Minutes to Midnight', "Kill the unborn in the womb" );

is( join(', ', $alice->class->all_vars('NAME')), 'Alice', 'Alice all_vars $NAME' );
is( join(', ', $bob->class->all_vars('NAME')), 'Bob, Alice', 'Bob all_vars $NAME' );

# merged list var
is( join(', ', @{ $alice->class->list_vars('ALIASES') }), 'Ally, Ali', 'Alice ALIASES' );
is( join(', ', @{ $bob->class->list_vars('ALIASES') }), 'Robert, Rob, Ally, Ali', 'Bob ALIASES' );

# merged hash var
my $friends = $alice->class->hash_vars('FRIENDS');
is( join(', ', keys %$friends), 'sue', 'Alice FRIENDS with sue' );
is( join(', ', values %$friends), 'Susan', 'Alice FRIENDS with Susan' );

$friends = $bob->class->hash_vars('FRIENDS');
is( join(', ', sort keys %$friends), 'jim, sue', 'Bob FRIENDS with jim and sue' );
is( join(', ', sort values %$friends), 'Jim, Susan', 'Bob FRIENDS with Jim and Susan' );

# check that CLASS works
is( $alice->my_class, 'Alice', 'Alice has my_class set to Alice' );
is( $bob->my_class, 'Alice', "Bob also has my_class set to Alice, but that's OK" );

# test inheritance via the base() method

package Charlie;
use Badger::Class 
    import  => 'class';


package main;
my $chas = Charlie->new();
ok( $chas, 'Created Charlie' );
is( $chas->VERSION, 2.718, 'Charlie inherits version from Alice' );

package David;
use Badger::Class 'class', base => 'Charlie';
class->constant( volume => 11 );

package main;
my $dave = David->new();
ok( $dave, 'Created David' );
is( $dave->VERSION, 42, "David's version is at level 42" );
is( $dave->volume, 11, "David's volume goes up to 11" );  # should be Nigel!

# test a crazy inheritance model

package Ten;   use Badger::Class version => 1;
package Nine;  use Badger::Class version => 1;
package Eight; use Badger::Class version => 1, base => 'Nine';
package Seven; use Badger::Class version => 1, base => 'Eight Ten';
package Six;   use Badger::Class version => 1, base => 'Seven';
package Five;  use Badger::Class version => 1, base => 'Eight';
package Four;  use Badger::Class version => 1;
package Three; use Badger::Class version => 1, base => 'Four';
package Two;   use Badger::Class version => 1, base => 'Three Five';
package One;   use Badger::Class version => 1, base => 'Two Six', import => 'classes';

sub new {
    my ($class, %self) = @_;
    bless \%self, $class;

package main;

my $one = One->new();
ok( $one, 'Created One object' );
is( join(', ', $one->classes), 
    'One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten',
    'Got heritage classes for One' );

# test regular class/classes import

package Frank;
use Badger::Class qw( class classes );

main::is( class, 'Frank', 'class is Frank' );

package main;
ok( 1, 'Created Frank' );
is ( Frank->class, 'Frank', "Frank's class is Frank" );

# test loading constants from T::Constants

package Constantine;
use Badger::Class constants => 'HASH';
*is = \&main::is;
is( HASH, HASH, 'HASH is defined' );

# test constant generation

package Harry;
use Badger::Class 
    base     => 'Alice',
    constant => {
        pi => 3.14,
        e  => 2.718,
    import => 'class';
class->constant( phi => 1.618 );

*is = \&main::is;
is( pi, 3.14, 'In Harry, pi is a constant' );
is( e, 2.718, 'In Harry, e is a constant' );
is( phi(), 1.618, 'In Harry, phi is a constant' );

package main;
my $haz = Harry->new;
ok( $haz, 'Created Harry' );
is( $haz->pi, 3.14, "Harry's pi is a constant" );
is( $haz->e, 2.718, "Harry's e is a constant" );
is( $haz->phi, 1.618, "Harry's phi is a constant" );

# test debug option

package Danny;
use Badger::Class
    base    => 'Alice',
    debug   => 0;

main::is( $DEBUG, 0, 'Danny debugging is off' );

package main;
is( Danny->debugging,    0,  'Danny is not debugging' );
is( $Danny::DEBUG,       0,  'Danny $DEBUG is 0' );
is( Danny->debugging(1), 1,  'Danny is now debugging' );
is( $Danny::DEBUG,       1,  'Danny $DEBUG is 1' );
is( Danny->debugging,    1,  'Danny is still debugging' );

# debug => $n should not overwrite an existing $DEBUG value;

package Donny;
use Badger::Class
    base    => 'Alice',
    debug   => 0;

main::is( $DEBUG, 0, 'Donny debugging is off' );

package main;
is( Donny->debugging(1), 1, 'Donny is now debugging' );
is( Donny->debugging,    1, 'Donny is debugging' );
is( $Donny::DEBUG,       1, 'Donny $DEBUG is 1' );
is( Donny->debugging(0), 0, 'Donny is not debugging' );
is( $Donny::DEBUG,       0, 'Donny $DEBUG is 0' );
is( Donny->debugging,    0, 'Donny is still not debugging' );

# test throws option

package Chucker;
use Badger::Class
    base    => 'Alice Badger::Base',
    debug   => 0,
    throws  => 'food';

my $test = $THROWS;    # should be defined

package main;

is( $Chucker::THROWS,      'food',  "Initially food" );
is( Chucker->throws,       'food',  'Chucker throws food' );
is( $Chucker::THROWS,      'food',  "It's very bad behaviour" );
is( Chucker->throws('egg'), 'egg',  'Chucky Egg' );
is( $Chucker::THROWS,       'egg',  'Now that was a great game' );
is( Chucker->throws,        'egg',  'So was Manic Miner' );

# test messages option

package Nigel;
use Badger::Class
    base     => 'Alice Badger::Base',
    debug    => 0,
    import   => 'class',
    messages => {
        one_louder  => "Well, it's %s louder",
        do_you_wear => "Do you wear %0?",

class->messages( goes_up_to => 'This <1> goes up to <2>' );

package main;
my $nigel = Nigel->new;
is( $nigel->message( one_louder => 'one' ), 
    "Well, it's one louder", "It's One louder"
is( $nigel->message( goes_up_to => amp => 'eleven' ), 
    "This amp goes up to eleven", 'Goes up to eleven' 

# test classes get autoloaded

use Class::Top;
my $top = Class::Top->new;
my $mid = Class::Middle->new;
my $bot = Class::Bottom->new;

if ($DEBUG) {
    print "HERITAGE: ", join(', ', $top->class->heritage), "\n";
    print "Top ISA: ", join(', ', @Class::Top::ISA), "\n";
    print "Middle ISA: ", join(', ', @Class::Middle::ISA), "\n";
    print "Bottom ISA: ", join(', ', @Class::Bottom::ISA), "\n";

is( $bot->bottom, 'on the bottom', 'bot is on the bottom' );
is( $mid->bottom, 'on the bottom', 'mid is on the bottom' );
is( $top->bottom, 'on the bottom', 'top is on the bottom' );
is( $mid->middle, 'in the middle', 'mid is in the middle' );
is( $top->middle, 'in the middle', 'top is in the middle' );
is( $top->top, 'on the top', 'op on the top' );

is( $bot->class->id, 'class.bottom', 'bot id' );
is( $mid->class->id, 'class.middle', 'mid id' );
is( $top->class->id, '', 'top id' );

# test codec/codecs

package Test::Codec1;
use Badger::Test;
use Badger::Class codec => 'base64';

my $enc = encode('Hello World');
is( $enc, "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=\n", 'encoded base64' );

my $dec = decode($enc);
is( $dec, 'Hello World', 'decoded base64' );

# test method() method

package Test::Method1;
use Badger::Class 
    base   => 'Badger::Base',
    import => 'class';

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    $self->{ foo } = $config->{ foo };
    $self->{ bar } = $config->{ bar };
    return $self;

class->method( hello => sub { 'hello world' } );
class->methods( goodbye => sub { "see ya!" } );
class->get_methods('foo bar');

package main;

is( Test::Method1->hello, 'hello world', 'method() test' );
is( Test::Method1->goodbye, 'see ya!', 'methods() test' );
my $t1 = Test::Method1->new( foo => 'Hello', bar => 'World' );
is( $t1->foo, 'Hello', 'generated foo get method' );
is( $t1->bar, 'World', 'generated bar get method' );

is( $t1->wiz('waz'), 'waz', 'set wiz' );
is( $t1->wiz, 'waz', 'get wiz' );

# and again via Badger::Class import hooks

package Test::Method2;
use Badger::Class 
    base   => 'Badger::Base',
    import => 'class',
    get_methods => 'ding dong',
    set_methods => 'dang',
    methods     => {
        welcome  => sub { 'Hello World' },
        farewell => 'Goodbye cruel world',

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    $self->{ ding } = $config->{ ding };
    $self->{ dong } = $config->{ dong };
    return $self;

package main;

is( Test::Method2->welcome, 'Hello World', 'welcome method' );
is( Test::Method2->farewell, 'Goodbye cruel world', 'farewell method' );
my $t2 = Test::Method2->new( ding => 'Wrong', dong => 'Number' );
is( $t2->ding, 'Wrong', 'generated ding get method' );
is( $t2->dong, 'Number', 'generated dong get method' );
is( $t2->dang('Ding-A-Ling'), 'Ding-A-Ling', 'set dang' );
is( $t2->dang, 'Ding-A-Ling', 'get dang' );

# test generation of slot methods for list based objects

package Badger::Test::Slots;
use Badger::Class 
    slots => 'size colour object';

sub new {
    my ($class, @stuff) = @_;
    bless \@stuff, $class;

package main;
my $bus = Badger::Test::Slots->new(qw(big red bus));
ok( $bus, 'Created slot test object' );
is( $bus->size,   'big', 'big slot' );
is( $bus->colour, 'red', 'red slot' );
is( $bus->object, 'bus', 'bus slot' );

# test words

package Test::Words1;
use Badger::Class words => 'Hubbins Tufnel Smalls';
use Badger::Test;

is( Hubbins, 'Hubbins', 'David St Hubbins' );
is( Tufnel, 'Tufnel', 'Nigel Tufnel' );
is( Smalls, 'Smalls', 'Derek Smalls' );

# test class construction

package Test::Amp::Construction;
use Badger::Class 'class';
use Badger::Test;

my $amp1 = class('Guitar::Amplifier')
    ->constant( max_volume => 10 )
    ->method( about => sub { "This amp goes up to " . shift->max_volume } )

is( $amp1->about, 'This amp goes up to 10', $amp1->about );

my $amp2 = class('Nigels::Guitar::Amplifier')
    ->constant( max_volume => 11 )

is( $amp2->about, 'This amp goes up to 11', $amp2->about );
my $method = $amp2->class->method('about');
ok( $method, 'got about() method' );
is( $method->($amp2), 'This amp goes up to 11', 'method reference call' );

# test loaded()
# Like a river we will flow, on towards the sea we go, when all you do
# can only bring you sadness, out on the sea of madneeeeeeeessssss...

# define this before
package Wasted::Years;
use base 'Badger::Base';

package main;
use Badger::Class 'class';

# both Wasted::Years and Heaven::Can::Wait should be deemed loaded by
# virtue of the fact that they define base classes which affects @ISA
ok( class('Wasted::Years')->loaded, 'Wasted Years is loaded' );
ok( ! class('Sea::Of::Madness')->loaded, 'Sea of Madness is not loaded' );
ok( class('Heaven::Can::Wait')->loaded, 'Heaven Can Wait is loaded' );

# define this after
package Heaven::Can::Wait;
use base 'Badger::Base';

# subclass Badger::Class

package Test::My::Class;

use My::Class
    version   => 11,
    import    => 'class',
    constants => 'black none',
    wibble    => 'This is mic number one',
    wobble    => "Isn't this a lot of fun?";
sub colour {

main::is( $VERSION, 11, 'inside version 11' );
main::is( ref class(), 'My::Class', 'class returns My::Class object' );

package main;
is( $Test::My::Class::VERSION, 11, 'outside version 11' );
is( Test::My::Class->colour, 'black', 'How much more black could this be?' );
is( Test::My::Class->none, 'none', 'None, none more black' );
is( Test::My::Class->wibble, 'wibble: This is mic number one', 'wibble hook worked' );
is( Test::My::Class->wobble, "wobble: Isn't this a lot of fun?", 'wobble hook worked' );

# test filesystem hooks

package Test::My::Filesystem;

use Badger::Class
    version    => 1,
    filesystem => 'FS VFS';

package main;

is( Test::My::Filesystem->FS, 'Badger::Filesystem', 'FS loaded' );
is( Test::My::Filesystem->VFS, 'Badger::Filesystem::Virtual', 'VFS loaded' );

# test load() and maybe_load()

is( class('No::Such::Module')->maybe_load, 0, 'cannot load No::Such::Module' );

#$Badger::Class::DEBUG = 1;
ok( ! eval { class('My::BadModule')->maybe_load }, 'maybe_load threw error' );
like( $@, qr/^Can't locate object method/, "Can't locate object method error" );

# test overload

package Badger::Test::Overload;

use Badger::Class
    base      => 'Badger::Base',
    constants => 'TRUE',
    accessors => 'text',
    overload  => {
        '""'     => \&text,
        bool     => sub { 1 },
        fallback => 1,

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    $self->{ text } = $config->{ text };
    return $self;

package main;

my $text = Badger::Test::Overload->new( text => 'Hello World' );
is( $text, 'Hello World', 'overloaded text method' );
$text = Badger::Test::Overload->new( text => '' );
ok( $text, 'boolean overload true' );

# test as_text

package Badger::Test::AsText;

use Badger::Class
    base      => 'Badger::Base',
    constants => 'TRUE',
    accessors => 'text',
    as_text   => 'text';

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    $self->{ text } = $config->{ text };
    return $self;

package main;

$text = Badger::Test::AsText->new( text => 'Hello Badger' );
is( $text, 'Hello Badger', 'as_text method' );
$text = Badger::Test::AsText->new( text => '0' );
ok( ! $text, 'no boolean overload' );

# test is_true

package Badger::Test::AsBool;

use Badger::Class
    base      => 'Badger::Base',
    accessors => 'text',
    as_text   => 'text',
    is_true   => 1;

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    $self->{ text } = $config->{ text };
    return $self;

package main;

$text = Badger::Test::AsBool->new( text => 'Hello Moose' );
is( $text, 'Hello Moose', 'is true as_text method' );
$text = Badger::Test::AsBool->new( text => '0' );
ok( $text, 'is true boolean overload' );

# should be able to export bclass() as an alias for class()

package Badger::Test::BClass;

use Badger::Class
    import => 'bclass';

our $THINGY = 'frusset pouch';

sub thingy {

package main;

is( Badger::Test::BClass->thingy, 'frusset pouch', 
    'you have pleasantly wibbled my frusset pouch' );

# test alias method

package Badger::Test::Alias;
use Badger::Class
    base    => 'Badger::Base',
    debug   => 0,
    import  => 'class';

sub foo {
    'this is foo';

class->alias( bar => 'foo' );

package main;

my $alias = Badger::Test::Alias->new;
is( $alias->foo, 'this is foo', 'alias foo' );
is( $alias->bar, 'this is foo', 'alias bar' );

package Badger::Test::SubAlias;
use Badger::Class
    base    => 'Badger::Test::Alias',
    alias   => {
        wiz => 'foo',

package main;

$alias = Badger::Test::SubAlias->new;
is( $alias->foo, 'this is foo', 'sub alias foo' );
is( $alias->bar, 'this is foo', 'sub alias bar' );
is( $alias->wiz, 'this is foo', 'sub alias wiz' );

# test CLASS

package Test::Badger::Amp;
use Badger::Class 
    constant => { max_volume => 10 };

sub volume { shift->max_volume }

package Test::Badger::Amp::Louder;
use Badger::Class 
    base     => 'Test::Badger::Amp',
    constant => { max_volume => 11 };

package main;
is( Test::Badger::Amp->volume,         10, 'This amp goes up to 10' );
is( Test::Badger::Amp::Louder->volume, 11, 'This amp goes up to 11' );



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