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#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# t/exception.t
# Test the Badger::Exception module.
# Written by Andy Wardley <>
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib qw( ./lib ../lib ../../lib );
use Badger::Test 
    tests => 40,
    debug => 'Badger::Exception',
    args  => \@ARGV;

use Badger::Utils 'refaddr';
use Badger::Exception;
use constant 
    Exception => 'Badger::Exception';

my $format = \$Badger::Exception::FORMAT;
my $default = $Badger::Exception::TYPE;

# constructor without args for all defaults

my $ex1 = Exception->new();
ok( $ex1, 'created first exception' );
is( $ex1->type(), $default, 
    "default exception type is '$default'" );
is( $ex1->info(), 'no information', 'no info by default' );
is( $ex1->file(), 'unknown', 'unknown file' );
is( $ex1->line(), 'unknown', 'unknown line' );

# default type defined in subclass

package My::Exception;
use base 'Badger::Exception';

our $TYPE = 'wibble';

package main;

$ex1 = My::Exception->new();
is( $ex1->type(), 'wibble', 'wibble type' );

# passing contstructor arguments

$ex1 = Exception->new({
    type => 'wibble',
    info => 'failed to wibble',

is( $ex1->type(), 'wibble', 'wibble error type' );
is( $ex1->info(), 'failed to wibble', 'wibble error info' );
is( $ex1->file(), 'unknown', 'unknown wibble error file' );
is( $ex1->line(), 'unknown', 'unknown wibble error line' );

$ex1 = Exception->new({
    type => 'wobble',
    info => 'failed to wobble',
    file => 'wobbly/file',
    line => 42,

is( $ex1->type(), 'wobble', 'wobble error type' );
is( $ex1->info(), 'failed to wobble', 'wobble error info' );
is( $ex1->file(), 'wobbly/file', 'wobble error file' );
is( $ex1->line(), '42', 'wobble error line' );

# call type() and info() to set/get

my $ex2 = Exception->new();

is( $ex2->type('food'), 'food', "set type to 'food'" );
is( $ex2->info('cheese roll'), 'cheese roll', "set info to 'cheese roll'" );
is( $ex2->type(), 'food', "got type 'food'" );
is( $ex2->info(), 'cheese roll', "got info 'cheese roll'" );

$Badger::Exception::FORMAT = '<type>/<info>';

is( $ex2->text(), 'food/cheese roll', 
    "text is '" . $ex2->text() . "'");

is( $ex2->text('<info>/<type>'), 'cheese roll/food', 
    "text is 'cheese roll/food'");

# structured exception types

my $ex4 = Exception->new( type => '', 
                          info => 'information about ex4' );

ok( $ex4, 'created exception' );
is( $ex4->type(), '', 'ex4.type' );
is( $ex4->info(), 'information about ex4', '' );

is( $ex4->match_type('foo', 'ex4', '', ''),
    '', 'hander matched' );
is( $ex4->match_type('bar', 'ex4', '', ''),
    '', 'hander matched' );
is( $ex4->match_type('bar', 'ex4', '', ''),
    'ex4', 'hander matched ex4' );
ok( ! defined $ex4->match_type('bar', 'baz', '', ''),
    'no handler matched' );

is( $ex4->match_type(['bar', 'ex4', '', '']),
    '', 'hander matched via list ref' );

is( $ex4->match_type('bar ex4'),
    '', 'hander matched via string' );

is( $ex4->match_type({ bar => 10, ex4 => 20 }),
    20, 'hander matched via hash ref' );

# test throw()

$Badger::Exception::FORMAT = '<type> error: <info>';

sub bar {

sub foo {

my $throw = Exception->new( 
    type  => 'food', 
    info  => 'bread is not fresh',
    trace => 1

eval { foo($throw) };
my $catch = $@;

is( refaddr $throw, refaddr $catch, 'caught that which was thrown' );

like( $catch, qr/called from/, 'stack trace in text' );
my $stack = $catch->stack;
ok( $stack, 'got stack' );
is( scalar(@$stack), 3, 'stack has three frames' );
like( $stack->[0]->[1], qr/exception\.t/, 'called from exception.t' );
is( $stack->[0]->[2], 148, 'called from line 139' );
is( $stack->[0]->[3], 'main::bar', 'called from bar' );
is( $stack->[1]->[2], 157, 'called from line 148' );
is( $stack->[1]->[3], 'main::foo', 'called from foo' );
is( $stack->[2]->[3], '(eval)', 'called from eval' );


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