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package Badger::Workspace;

use Badger::Class
    version     => 0.01,
    debug       => 0,
    base        => 'Badger::Workplace',
    import      => 'class',
    utils       => 'params self_params Filter',
    accessors   => 'config_dir',
    constant    => {
        # configuration directory and file
        CONFIG_MODULE  => 'Badger::Config::Filesystem',
        CONFIG_DIR     => 'config',
        CONFIG_FILE    => 'workspace',
        DIRS           => 'dirs',
        SHARE          => 'share',      # parent to child
        INHERIT        => 'inherit',    # child from parent
        MERGE          => 'merge',      # child from parent with merging

# Initialisation methods

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    return $self;

sub init_workspace {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;

    # Initialise any parent connection and bootstrap the configuration manager

    # Everything after this point reads configuration values from the config
    # object which includes $config above and also allows local configuration
    # files to provide further configuration data.

    return $self;

sub init_parent {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    $self->{ parent } = delete $config->{ parent };
    #$self->attach(delete $config->{ parent });
    return $self;

sub init_config {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    my $conf_mod  = (
            delete $config->{ config_module }
        ||  $self->CONFIG_MODULE
    my $conf_dir  = $self->dir(
            delete $config->{ config_dir       }
        ||  delete $config->{ config_directory }
        ||  $self->CONFIG_DIR
    my $conf_file = (
            delete $config->{ config_file }
        ||  $self->CONFIG_FILE
    my $parent  = $self->parent;
    my $pconfig = $parent && $parent->config;
    my $schemas = $self->class->hash_vars(
        SCHEMAS => $config->{ schemas }

    #$self->debug("parent config: ", $self->dump_data($pconfig));

    # load the configuration module

    # config directory
    $self->{ config_dir } = $conf_dir;

    # config directory manager
    $self->{ config } = $conf_mod->new(
        uri       => $self->config_uri,
        parent    => $pconfig,
        data      => $config,
        directory => $conf_dir,
        file      => $conf_file,
        quiet     => $config->{ quiet },
        schemas   => $schemas,

    return $self;

sub init_inheritance_NOT_USED {
    my $self = shift;
    # Nope, I'm going to keep this simple for now.
    return $self;

sub init_filter_NOT_USED {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    my $config = $self->config($name);

    if (! ref $config) {
        # $config can be a single word like 'all' or 'none', or a shorthand
        # specification string, e.g. foo +bar -baz
        $config = {
            accept => $config
    elsif (ref $config ne HASH) {
        # $config can be a reference to a list of items to include
        $config = {
            include => $config
    # otherwise $config must be a HASH ref

        "$self->{ uri } $name filter spec: ",
    ) if DEBUG;

    $self->{ $name } = Filter($config);

    $self->debug("$self $name filter: ", $self->{ $name }) if DEBUG;

    return $self;

sub init_dirs {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dirs = $self->config(DIRS) || return;
    return $self;

# Delegate method to fetch config data from the config object

sub config {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $config = $self->{ config };
    return $config unless @_;
    return $config->get(@_)
        // $self->parent_config(@_);

sub parent_config {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $parent = $self->{ parent } || return;
    return $parent->config(@_);

sub config_uri {

sub share_config_NOT_USED {
    my $self   = shift;

    if ($self->can_share(@_)) {
        $self->debug("$self->{ uri } can share $_[0]") if DEBUG;
        return $self->config(@_);
    elsif (DEBUG) {
        $self->debug("$self->{ uri } cannot share $_[0]");
    return undef;

sub inherit_config_NOT_USED {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $parent = $self->{ parent } || return undef;

    if ($self->can_inherit(@_)) {
        $self->debug("$self->{ uri } can inherit $_[0]") if DEBUG;
        return $parent->share_config(@_);
    elsif (DEBUG) {
        $self->debug("$self->{ uri } cannot inherit $_[0]");
    return undef;

sub can_share_NOT_USED {
    shift->can_filter(SHARE, @_);

sub can_inherit_NOT_USED {
    shift->can_filter(INHERIT, @_);

sub can_filter_NOT_USED {
    my ($self, $type, $name) = @_;
    my $filter = $self->{ $type } || return;
    $self->debug("$self filter for [$type] is $filter") if DEBUG;
    return $filter->item_accepted($name);

sub write_config_file {

# A 'dirs' config file can provide mappings for local workspace directories in
# case that they're not 1:1, e.g. images => resource/images

sub dir {
    my $self = shift;

    return @_
        ? $self->resolve_dir(@_)
        : $self->root;

sub dirs {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dirs = $self->{ dirs } ||= { };

    if (@_) {
        # resolve all new directories relative to workspace directory
        my $root  = $self->root;
        my $addin = params(@_);

        while (my ($key, $value) = each %$addin) {
            my $subdir = $root->dir($value);
            # I think for now we're just going to store the directory...
            $dirs->{ $key } = $subdir;
            #'s becoming really difficult to work with inheritance because
            # child workspaces must always have all directories specifed by a
            # parent
            #if ($subdir->exists) {
            #    $dirs->{ $key } = $subdir;
            #else {
            #    return $self->error_msg(
            #        invalid => "directory for $key" => $value
            #    );
            "set dirs: ",
        ) if DEBUG;

    return $dirs;

sub resolve_dir {
    my ($self, @path) = @_;
    my $dirs = $self->dirs;
    my $path = join(SLASH, @path);
    my @pair = split(SLASH, $path, 2);
    my $head = $pair[0];
    my $tail = $pair[1];
    my $alias;

    $self->debug_data( dirs => $dirs ) if DEBUG;

        "[HEAD:$head] [TAIL:", $tail // BLANK, "]"
    ) if DEBUG;

    # the first element of a directory path can be an alias defined in dirs
    if ($alias = $dirs->{ $head }) {
            "resolve_dir($path) => [HEAD:$head=$alias] + [TAIL:",
            $tail // BLANK, "]"
        ) if DEBUG;
        return defined($tail)
            ? $alias->dir($tail)
            : $alias;

        "resolving: ", $self->dump_data(\@path)
    ) if DEBUG;

    return $self->root->dir(@path);

sub file {
    my ($self, @path) = @_;
    my $path = join(SLASH, @path);
    my @bits = split(SLASH, $path);
    my $file = pop(@bits);

    if (@bits) {
        return $self->dir(@bits)->file($file);
    else {
        return $self->dir->file($file);

# Workspaces can be attached to parent workspaces.

sub attach {
    my ($self, $parent) = @_;
    $self->{ parent } = $parent;

sub detach {
    my $self = shift;
    delete $self->{ parent };

sub parent {
    my $self = shift;
    my $n    = shift || 0;
    my $rent = $self->{ parent } || return;
    return $n
        ? $rent->parent(--$n)
        : $rent;

sub ancestors {
    my $self = shift;
    my $list = shift || [ ];
    push(@$list, $self);
    return $self->{ parent }
        ?  $self->{ parent }->ancestors($list)
        :  $list;

sub heritage {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ancs = $self->ancestors;
    return [ reverse @$ancs ];

# Methods to create a sub-workspace attached to the current one

sub subspace {
    my ($self, $params) = self_params(@_);
    my $class = $self->subspace_module($params);

    $params->{ parent } = $self;

    if ($DEBUG) {
        $self->debug("subspace() class: $class");
        $self->debug("subspace() params: ", $self->dump_data($params));


sub subspace_module {
    my ($self, $params) = self_params(@_);
    return ref $self || $self;

# Cleanup methods

sub destroy {
    my $self = shift;




=head1 NAME

Badger::Workspace - an object representing a project workspace


This module implements an object for representing a workspace, for example
the directory containing the source, configuration, resources and other files
for a web site or some other project.  It is a subclass of L<Badger::Workplace>
which implements the base functionality.

The root directory for a workspace is expected to contain a configuration
directory, called F<config> by default, containing configuration files for
the workspace.  This is managed by delegation to a L<Badger::Config::Filesystem>


=head2 new(\%config)

This is the constructor method to create a new C<Badger::Workspace> object.

    use Badger::Workspace;

    my $space = Badger::Workspace->new(
        directory => '/path/to/workspace',


=head4 root / dir / directory

This mandatory parameter must be provided to indicate the filesystem path
to the project directory.  It can be also specified using any of the names
C<root>, C<dir> or C<directory>, as per L<Badger::Workplace>

=head4 config_module

The name of the delegate module for managing the files in the configuration
directory.  This defaults to L<Badger::Config::Filesystem>.

=head4 config_dir / config_directory

This optional parameter can be used to specify the name of the configuration
direction under the L<root> project directory.  The default configuration
directory name is C<config>.

=head4 config_file

This optional parameter can be used to specify the name of the main
configuration file (without file extension) that should reside in the
L<config_dir> directory under the C<root> project directory.  The default
configuration file name is C<workspace>.


=head2 config($item)

When called without any arguments this returns a L<Badger::Config::Filesystem>
object which manages the configuration directory for the project.

    my $cfg = $workspace->config;

When called with a named item it returns the configuration data associated
with that item.  This will typically be defined in a master configuration
file, or in a file of the same name as the item, with an appropriate file
extension added.

    my $name = $workspace->config('name');

=head2 inherit_config($item)

Attempts to fetch an inherited configuration from a parent namespace.
The workspace must have a parent defined and must have the C<inherit>
option set to any true value.

=head2 parent_config($item)

Attempts to fetch the configuration for a named item from a parent workspace.
Obviously this requires the workspace to be attached to a parent.  Note that
this method is not bound by the C<inherit> flag and will delegate to any
parent regardless.

=head2 dir($name)

=head2 dirs(\%dirmap)

=head2 resolve_dir($name)

=head2 file($path)

=head2 attach($parent)

Attaches the workspace to a parent workspace.

=head2 detach()

Detaches the workspace from any parent workspace.

=head2 parent($n)

Returns the parent workspace if there is one.  If a numerical argument is
passed then it indicates a number of parents to skip.  e.g. if C<$n> is C<1>
then it bypasses the parent and returns the grandparent instead.  Thus, passing
an argument of C<0> is the same as passing no argument at all.

=head2 ancestors($list)

Returns a list of the parent, grandparent, great-grandparent and so on, all
the way up as far as it can go.  A target list reference can be passed as an

=head2 heritage()

This returns the same items in the C<ancestors()> list but in reverse order,
from most senior parent to most junior.


=head2 init(\%config)

This method redefines the default initialisation method.  It calls the
L<init_workplace()|Badger::Workplace/init_workplace()> method inherited
from L<Badger::Workplace> and then calls the L<init_workspace()> method
to perform any workspace-specific initialisation.

=head2 init_workspace(\%config)

This method performs workspace-specific initialisation.  In this module it
simply calls L<init_config()>.  Subclasses may redefine it to do something

=head2 init_config(\%config)

This initialised the L<Badger::Config::Filesystem> object which manages the
F<config> configuration directory.

=head2 init_dirs(\%config)

=head2 init_parent(\%config)

=head2 write_config_file($uri, $data)

Delegates to the method of the same name provided by the filesystem config
object - see L<Badger::Config::Filesystem>.

=head1 TODO

Inheritance of configuration data between parent and child workspaces.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt>.


Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
