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<module name="XML::Schema::Base">

    This module implements a base class from which all other
    XML::Schema::* modules are subclassed.

package XML::Schema::MyModule;

use base qw( XML::Schema::Base );

@MANDATORY = qw( id );
%OPTIONAL  =   ( msg => 'Hello World' );

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;

    # search inheritance tree for mandatory/optional params
	|| return;

    return $self;

package main;

my $module = XML::Schema::MyModule->new( id => 12345 )
     || die $XML::Schema::MyModule::ERROR;

    This module implements a base class from which all other
    XML::Schema::* modules are subclassed.  Unless you're
    hacking on the internals of the XML::Schema::* modules
    then you probably don't need to worry too much about what's
    going on in here.

    It implements a <method>new()</method> constructor method for
    instantiating objects which works in conjunction with an
    <method>init()</method> which performs per-object initialisation.
    Splitting this object creation process into two methods makes
    subclassing much easier.

    It also implements a general purpose <method>error()</method>
    method which objects can use to report error conditions and
    callers can use to query those errors.

    Various other useful "private" methods are defined for the
    base class and in some cases, subclasses to use for debugging,
    examining package variables, and other miscellaneous tasks.

    <pkgvar id="$ETYPE">
	The <method>throw()</method> method, when called by an object
	without specifying an exception type, e.g.
$myobject->throw('attempt to fit round peg in square hole');
	will look for the <code>$ETYPE</code> package variable
	in the object's package and if defined, will use that
	value as the default error type.  

    <pkgvar id="$SNIPPET">
	Internal value used by the <method>_text_snippet()</method>
	method to define the default length to truncate text to.  Set
	to 16 by default.

    <pkgvar id="$INSPECT_LEVEL">
	Controls the depth to which the <method>_inspect()</method>
	debugging method recurses into the depths of nested data
	structures.  Set to 3 by default.



    <method id="new">
    <args>key => value, key => value, ...</args>
	General purpose constructor method which can be used to
	instantiate new objects of classes derived from

	The method expects a hash array of configuration items either
	passed directly by reference or as list of <code>key =>
	value</code> pairs which are automatically folded into a hash
	reference.  A new object is constructed from a blessed hash
	and the <method>init()</method> method is called, passing the
	configuration hash as an argument.

package XML::Schema::MyModule;

use base qw( XML::Schema::Base );
use vars qw( $ERROR );

package main;

my $obj1 = XML::Schema::MyModule->new({ pi => 3.14, e => 2.718 });
my $obj2 = XML::Schema::MyModule->new(  pi => 3.14, e => 2.718  );

    <method id="init" args="\%config">
	Called by the <method>new()</method> constructor to perform
	any per-object initialisation.  A reference to a hash array of
	configuration parameters is passed as an argument.  The method
	should return $self on success or undef on failure (e.g. by
	calling <code>$self->error()</code>).
sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    $self->{ _LIKES } = $config->{ likes }
        || return $self->error("no 'likes' parameter specified") 

    return $self;

    <method id="init_mandopt" args="\%config">
	Optional initialisation method utilised by some derived
        modules which examines the <perlcode>@MANDATOY</perlcode> and
        <perlcode>@OPTIONAL</perlcode> or
        <perlcode>%OPTIONAL</perlcode> package variables in all of the
        object's superclasses to construct a full list of mandatory
        and optional arguments for the object.
        The method then examines both lists copying corresponding 
        values from the <perlcode>$config</perlcode> into 
        <perlcode>$self</perlcode>.  Any variables named in the
	mandatory list must be defined or an error will be raised
        and undef returned.
sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;

    # search inheritance tree for mandatory/optional params
	|| return;

    return $self;

    <method id="error" args="$msg, $msg, ...">
	Can be called as a class or object method to get or set the
	relevant error variable.  Returns the current value of the
	error variables when called without arguments, or undef when
	called with argument(s) which are used to set the error
	variable (multiple arguments are concatenated).
# class method to set $XML::Schema::MyModule::ERROR
XML::Schema::MyModule->error('Failed to have cake and eat it');

# class method to retrieve $XML::Schema::MyModule::ERROR
warn XML::Schema::MyModule->error();

# object method to set $myobj->{ _ERROR }
$myobj->error('Stone throwing detected in glass house');

# object method to get $myobj->{ _ERROR }
warn $myobj->error();

    <method id="error_value" args="$item, $got, @legal">
	Generates a formatted error message and passes it to the
	<method>error()</method> method.  This method is used to
	report an illegal value specified for a parameter.  The first
	argument indicates the name of the item, the second specifies
	the illegal value received and the remaining arguments give
	legal alternatives.  A call such as:
$myobj->error_value('doodah', 'badval', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');
	is then equivalent to:
$myobj->error("doodah must be 'foo', 'bar' or 'baz' (not: 'badval')");

    <method id="throw">
      <args><module refid="XML::Schema::Exception">$exception</module></args>
      <args>$type, $info</args>
	Called to throw an error as an
	<module>XML::Schema::Exception</module> object using the error
	message passed as the first argument as the information field
	for the exception.  The error type is defined in the
	<pkgvar>$ETYPE</pkgvar> package variable in the derived class
	or defaults to the value of <pkgvar>$ETYPE</pkgvar> in this
	base class package (the string 'undef', by default). 

package XML::Schema::MyModule;

use base qw( XML::Schema::Base );
use vars qw( $ETYPE );
$ETYPE = 'MyModule';

package main;

$myobj = XML::Schema::MyModule->new();
$myobj->throw('An error');	    # throws "[MyModule] An error"

	Alternately, the method can be called with two explicit
	arguments to denote the type and info fields.

$myobj->throw('Cake', 'Let them eat it!');  # throws "[Cake] Let them eat it!"

    <method id="factory">
	Various objects need to create instances of other objects at
	various time.  To avoid hard-coding loads of package names
	across numerous different files, the objects instead delegate
	to a factory object to perform this task in a well-defined and
	extensible manner.  Objects can be passed a
	<code>factory</code> argument with their constructor which can
	contain the name of an object class or reference to an object
	which should be used as a factory by that object.  This method
	can also be called on a previously instantiated object to set
	or update the value for its factory.
	When called without arguments, the method returns the current
	internal _FACTORY value or if undefined, the class or
	object reference defined in the <pkgvar class="XML::Schema"

  <section id="private_methods" title="Private Methods">
      These methods are deemed "private" (or more accurately,
      "protected") and are intended for the use of classes derived
      from XML::Schema::Base.

    <methods notitle="1" subtitle="Private Methods:"> >
      <method id="_baseargs" args="$name, $name, ...">
	  This method walks up the inheritance tree collecting various
	  package variables along the way and collating them for the
	  derived object class.  Variable names in which the caller is
	  interested should be passed as arguments.  A reference to a
	  list is returned which contains further references to lists
	  and/or hash arrays, depending on the variable type.
sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;

    my $baseargs = $self->_baseargs(qw( @MANDATORY %OPTIONAL ));
    my ($mandatory, $optional) = @$baseargs;


    return $self;

	  For example, consider the following inheritance tree:
package XML::Schema::Test::Foo;
use base qw( XML::Schema::Base );
use vars qw( @MANDATORY %OPTIONAL );

@MANDATORY = qw( one two );
%OPTIONAL  = ( foo => 'default foo' );

package XML::Schema::Test::Bar;
use base qw( XML::Schema::Base );
use vars qw( @MANDATORY %OPTIONAL );

@MANDATORY = qw( three four );
%OPTIONAL  = ( bar => 'default bar' );

package XML::Schema::Test::Baz;
use base qw( XML::Schema::Test::Foo
             XML::Schema::Test::Bar );
use vars qw( @MANDATORY %OPTIONAL );

@MANDATORY = qw( five six );
%OPTIONAL  = ( baz => 'default baz' );

	  Now let's call the _baseargs() method against these
	  different packages and see what they return.
my @names = qw( @MANDATORY %OPTIONAL );


# returns:
# [	
#     [ 'one', 'two' ] 
#     { foo => 'default foo' }
# ]


# returns:
# [	
#     [ 'three', 'four' ] 
#     { bar => 'default bar' }
# ]


# returns:
# [	
#     [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four' ] 
#     { foo => 'default foo'
#       bar => 'default bar'
#       baz => 'default baz' 
#     }
# ]

	  Note that package variables specified as hash arrays can
	  also be specified as lists.  In this case, the list is
	  assumed to represent the hash keys which all have empty (but
	  defined) values.
@OPTIONAL = qw( foo bar );

# equivalent to:
%OPTIONAL = ( foo => '', bar => '' );

      <method id="_mandatory" args="\@names, \%config">
	  This method examines the $config hash array for values
	  specified by name in the $names list and copies them to the
	  $self object.  All items are deemed mandatory and the method
	  will raise an error and return undef if any item is not
sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;

    my $baseargs = $self->_baseargs(qw( @MANDATORY ));

    return $self->_mandatory($baseargs->[0], $config);

      <method id="_optional" args="\%names, \%config">
	  Like <method>_mandatory()</method>, this method examines the
	  $config hash array for values specified as keys in the
	  $names hash and copies them to the $self object.  The values
	  in the $names hash are used as defaults for items which are
	  not defined in $config.  If the default value contains a
	  CODE reference then the subroutine will be called.  The
	  $names item may also be specified as a reference to a list
	  in which case all default values are set to the empty
	  string, ''.
sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;

    my $baseargs = $self->_baseargs(qw( %OPTIONAL ));

    return $self->_optional($baseargs->[0], $config);

      <method id="_arguments" args="\@names, \@args">
	  Similar to <method>_mandatory()</method> and
	  <method>_optional()</method> above, this method sets named
	  values but in this case from positional arguments.  The
	  expected names of values are specified by reference to a
	  list as the first argument and the list of candidate values
	  is passed by reference as the second.  An error is raised
	  and undef returned if any value is undefined.
sub new {
    my ($class, @args) = @_;

    my $baseargs = $class->_baseargs('@ARGUMENTS');

    my $self = bless {
        _ERROR  => '',
    }, $class;

    return $self->_arguments($baseargs->[0], \@args)
        || $class->error($self->error());

    <methods notitle="1" subtitle="Debug Methods:"> >

      <method id="DEBUG" args="$msg, $msg, ...">
	Simple debugging method which prints all arguments to 
$myobj->DEBUG("The cat sat on the mat\n");

      <method id="TRACE" args="@args">
	More funky debugging method which generates a trace message
	showing various potentially useful items, depending on the
	value defined in the objects <code>_DEBUG</code> value or the
	<code>$DEBUG</code> package variables in the object's class.
	The higher the value (currently 0-4) the more detail is
$myobj->TRACE("The ", $cat, " sat on the ", $mat);

      <method id="ID">
	Returns a string representing an identifier for the object
	for debugging purposes.  By default, the value of the 
	<pkgvar>$ETYPE</pkgvar> variable in the object's package
	is return.   Subclasses will most likely redefine this 
	method to return some more meaningful value.

      <method id="_inspect">
        <args>$something, $level</args>

	Attempts to Do The Right Thing to print a meaningful
	representation of the <code>$something</code> passed as an
	argument.  Will recurse into <code>$something</code>'s
	structure while <code>$level</code> is less than 

      <method id="_text_snippet">
        <args>$text, $length</args>

	Returns <code>$text</code> truncated to (at most)
	<code>$length</code> characters, or the current value
	of <pkgvar>$SNIPPET</pkgvar> if <code>$length</code>
	is unspecified.  Strings that are truncated are returned
	with '...' appended.

