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<TITLE>Package Win32::GUI::Label</TITLE>
<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:">


<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->



		<LI><A HREF="#Package_Win32_GUI_Label">Package Win32::GUI::Label</A>

			<LI><A HREF="#Constructor">Constructor</A>
			<LI><A HREF="#Methods">Methods</A>
			<LI><A HREF="#Events">Events</A>


<!-- INDEX END -->

<H2><A NAME="Package_Win32_GUI_Label">Package Win32::GUI::Label</A></H2>
<A HREF="././guipacks.html#">Back to the Packages</A>

<A HREF="#Constructor">Constructor</A>

<A HREF="#new_Win32_GUI_Label_PARENT_O">new Win32::GUI::Label(PARENT, %OPTIONS)</A>

<A HREF="#Methods">Methods</A>

<A HREF="#SetImage_BITMAP_">SetImage(BITMAP)</A>

<A HREF="#Events">Events</A>

<A HREF="#Click_">Click()</A>

<A HREF="#DblClick_">DblClick()</A>

<H3><A NAME="Constructor">Constructor</A></H3>
<A NAME="new_Win32_GUI_Label_PARENT_O">

<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_new">new Win32::GUI::Label(PARENT, %OPTIONS)</A></STRONG><DD>
Creates a new Label object; can also be called as
PARENT-&gt;AddLabel(%OPTIONS). Class specific <CODE>%OPTIONS</CODE> are:

<PRE>   -align    =&gt; left/center/right (default left)
   -bitmap   =&gt; Win32::GUI::Bitmap object
   -fill     =&gt; black/gray/white/none (default none)
       fills the control rectangle (&quot;black&quot;, &quot;gray&quot; and &quot;white&quot; are
       the window frame color, the desktop color and the window
       background color respectively).
   -frame    =&gt; black/gray/white/etched/none (default none)
       draws a border around the control. colors are the same
       of -fill, with the addition of &quot;etched&quot; (a raised border).
   -icon     =&gt; Win32::GUI::Icon object
   -noprefix =&gt; 0/1 (default 0)
       disables the interpretation of &quot;&amp;&quot; as accelerator prefix.
   -notify   =&gt; 0/1 (default 0)
       enables the Click(), DblClick, etc. events.
   -picture  =&gt; see -bitmap
   -sunken   =&gt; 0/1 (default 0)
       draws a half-sunken border around the control.
   -truncate =&gt; 0/1/word/path (default 0)
       specifies how the text is to be truncated:
           0 the text is not truncated
           1 the text is truncated at the end
        path the text is truncated before the last &quot;\&quot;
             (used to shorten paths).
   -wrap     =&gt; 0/1 (default 1)
       the text wraps automatically to a new line.

<H3><A NAME="Methods">Methods</A></H3>
<A NAME="SetImage_BITMAP_">

<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_SetImage">SetImage(BITMAP)</A></STRONG><DD>
Draws the specified BITMAP, a Win32::GUI::Bitmap object, in the Label.


<H3><A NAME="Events">Events</A></H3>
<A NAME="Click_">

<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Click">Click()</A></STRONG><DD>


<A NAME="DblClick_">

<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_DblClick">DblClick()</A></STRONG><DD>

