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package Mojolicious::Plugin::Leafletjs;

use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec::Functions 'catdir';
use File::ShareDir ':ALL';

our $VERSION = '0.004';

my %defaults = (
    name      => 'map',
    cssid     => 'map',
    longitude => undef,
    latitude  => undef,
    zoomLevel => 13,
    tileLayer =>
    maxZoom => 18,
    attribution =>
      'Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, '
      . '<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, '
      . 'Imagery &copy; <a href="">CloudMade</a>',
    markers => [

        # Example
        # {   name      => 'Stubby',
        #     longitude => undef,
        #     latitude  => undef,
        #     popup     => 'A new message here.',
        # }
    circles => [

        # Example:
        # {   name        => 'circly',
        #     longitude   => undef,
        #     latitude    => undef,
        #     color       => 'red',
        #     fillColor   => '#f03',
        #     fillOpacity => 0.5,
        #     radius      => 500,
        # }


sub register {
    my ($plugin, $app) = @_;
    my (%conf) = (%defaults, %{$_[2] || {}});
    push @{$app->static->paths},
      catdir(dist_dir('Mojolicious-Plugin-Leafletjs'), 'public');
    push @{$app->renderer->classes}, __PACKAGE__;
        leaflet => sub {
            my $self = shift;
            %conf = (%conf, %{shift()});
                template => 'leaflet_template',
                partial  => 1,
                attrs    => \%conf,

        leaflet_include => sub {
            my $self = shift;
                template => 'leaflet_include',
                partial  => 1,
        after_dispatch => sub {
            my $c    = shift;
            my $dom  = $c->res->dom;
            my $head = $dom->at('head') or return;

            my $append = $c->leaflet_include;



@@ leaflet_include.html.ep
%= stylesheet '/leaflet.css'
%= javascript '/leaflet.js'

@@ leaflet_template.html.ep
%= javascript begin
  var <%= $attrs->{name} %> ='<%= $attrs->{cssid} %>').setView([<%= $attrs->{latitude} %>, <%= $attrs->{longitude} %>], <%= $attrs->{zoomLevel} %>);
  L.tileLayer('<%= $attrs->{tileLayer} %>', {
      maxZoom: <%= $attrs->{maxZoom} %>,
      attribution: '<%== $attrs->{attribution} %>'
  }).addTo(<%= $attrs->{name} %>);

% if (scalar @{$attrs->{markers}} > 0) {
  % foreach my $marker (@{$attrs->{markers}}) {
    var <%= $marker->{name} %> = L.marker([<%= $marker->{latitude} %>, <%= $marker->{longitude} %>]).addTo(<%= $attrs->{name} %>);
    % if ($marker->{popup}) {
      <%= $marker->{name} %>.bindPopup("<%== $marker->{popup} %>");
    % }
  % }
% }

% if (scalar @{$attrs->{circles}} > 0) {
  % foreach my $circle (@{$attrs->{circles}}) {
    var <%= $circle->{name} %> =[<%= $circle->{latitude} %>, <%= $circle->{longitude} %>], <%= $circle->{radius} %>, {
      color: '<%= $circle->{color} %>',
      fillColor: '<%= $circle->{fillColor} %>',
      fillOpacity: <%= $circle->{fillOpacity} %>
    }).addTo(<%= $attrs->{name} %>);
  % }
% }
%= end


=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::Leafletjs - A Mojolicious Plugin


    # Mojolicious

    # Mojolicious::Lite
    plugin 'Leafletjs';

    # In your template
    <%= leaflet {
      name      => 'map1',
      latitude => '35.9239',
      longitude  => '-78.4611',
      zoomLevel => 18,
      markers   => [
        {   name      => 'marker1',
            latitude => '35.9239',
            longitude  => '-78.4611',
            popup     => 'A new message tada!',
        {   name      => 'marker2',
            latitude => '35.9235',
            longitude  => '-78.4610',
            popup     => 'A second popup here!',


Mojolicious::Plugin::Leafletjs is helpers for integrating simple maps via leafletjs

=head1 HELPERS

=head2 B<leaflet>

Accepts the following options:


=item name

Name of map variable

=item longitude


=item latitude


=item cssid

CSS id of map

=item zoomLevel

Map zoomlevel

=item tileLayer

URL of map tile layer, defaults to a tile

=item maxZoom

Max zoom into the map

=item attribution

Show some love for the leaflet team, openmap, and cloudmade map tiles

=item markers

Array of hashes containing the following key/value:


=item name

Marker name

=item longitude


=item latitude


=item popup

A popup message


=item circles

Array of hashes containing the following key/value


=item name

Name of circle variable

=item longitude


=item latitude


=item color

circle color

=item fillColor

circle fill color

=item fillOpacity

circle opacity

=item radius

radius of circle in meters



=head1 TODO


=item Add polygons



Always welcomed! L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

Adam Stokes E<lt>adamjs@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2013- Adam Stokes

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO
